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      浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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      浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx、浙江省杭州学军中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Best Alternatives f Tp Travel Bking Sites
    After lsing tw precius years t COVID everybdy is desperate t travel and explre the wrld. Hwever, planning a dream trip is nt easy as it demands carefully spending yur mney n flights and accmmdatin. Let’s see what best travel bking sites in the UK has t ffer and what alternatives we have:
    It has been dedicated t serving its imprtant clients fr mre than tw decades nw by using the expertise f travel agents. It is an element f human interactin with yur travel agent that allws yu t discuss yur requirements in depth fr persnalizatin and lk fr custmer supprt even after the bking is made.
    It is a user-friendly interface that cmpares flight prices frm all ver the glbe and brings ut the best deals n flights. Nt nly flights but yu can use this metasearch engine fr htels and car rentals t. It is a great tl fr everyne, but sme alternatives may help yu even better in finding the cheapest trip t yur destinatin.
    Cheap Flights
    When Skyscanner cnsiders knwn carriers t maintain the quality, Cheapflights takes the lead with the cheapest flight ptins wrldwide. The nline site serves up the cheapest time t fly, reasnable htel rates, lw-cst car rentals and vacatin packages. The aim is t prmte and simplify yur travel experience by ffering it all in ne place.
    Ggle Flights
    It is a renwned name that facilitates nline sales f air ticket thrugh third-party suppliers. The best feature f using Ggle Flights is based n n predetermined time limits. Yu can lk fr the cheapest flying dates within the next tw mnths f search dates.
    1. What makes Travelhuseuk special?
    A. Its price.B. Its cnvenience.
    C. Its bking time.D. Its persnalized service.
    2. Which travel agency can yu chse if yu want t drive?
    A. Travelhuseuk and Ggle Flights.B. Ggle Flights and Cheap Flights.
    C. Skyscanner and Cheap Flights.D. Cheap Flights and Travelhuseuk.
    3. In which part f the web can yu read this article?
    A. Travel.B. Culture.C. Lifestyle.D. Business.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Travelhuseuk中“It is an element f human interactin with yur travel agent that allws yu t discuss yur requirements in depth fr persnalizatin and lk fr custmer supprt even after the bking is made. (这是一种与旅行社互动的方式,可以让你深入讨论个性化需求,甚至在预订完成后寻求客户支持)”可知,该机构的特别之处在于提供个性化的服务。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Skyscanner中“Nt nly flights but yu can use this metasearch engine fr htels and car rentals t. (不仅是航班,你也可以用这个元搜索引擎搜索酒店和汽车租赁)”和Cheap Flights中“The nline site serves up the cheapest time t fly, reasnable htel rates, lw-cst car rentals and vacatin packages. (该网站提供最便宜的飞行时间、合理的酒店价格、廉价的汽车租赁和度假套餐)”可知,这两个旅游机构提供汽车租赁的搜索,因此适合想要驾车的游客。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“Let’s see what best travel bking sites in the UK has t ffer and what alternatives we have (让我们来看看英国最好的旅游预订网站有哪些,以及我们有哪些选择)”可知,文章是为读者介绍英国最好的旅游预订网站。文章内容主要属于旅游休闲,因此可能出自网页的旅游部分。故选A项。
    Several security guards f residential cmpunds in Beijing and wrkers were seen shveling snw and sme parked vehicles were cvered by thick vernight snw. The first snwfall f winter arrived in Beijing early Mnday, cvering the Chinese capital with a mantle (披风) f white vernight and plunging (使……下降) the city int freezing temperatures, with even clder weather cming this week in nrthern China.
    Snwfall reached 5.8 mm n average by early Mnday, with the highest snwfall f 10.2 mm recrded in Fangshan district, Beijing Meterlgical (气象的) Service data shwed. Beijing typically sees its first snw f the seasn between late Nvember and February, r even nne at all. Mre snwfall is expected this week, with temperatures seen further sliding t as lw as -20°Celsius. The Chinese capital last saw such similarly extremely cld weather n Jan. 7, 2021, when the temperature drpped t -19.6℃.
    The cld snap (寒潮) in Beijing this week, cmpared with the autumn-like cnditins a week ag, mirrred the sharp swings in temperatures recently. In Octber, Beijing experienced ne f its warmest Octbers in decades in a year f weather extremes.
    On Mnday, the gvernment warned f rad icing in large parts f the city f nearly 22 millin, with authrities shutting sme expressways r partially clsing sectins. By 10 a. m. lcal time, 62 ut f a few hundred flights had been cancelled at the Beijing Capital Airprt. Railway authrities enfrced speed limits n lines cnnecting Beijing and Guangzhu in suthern China, causing delays in sme passenger trains. By 7 a. m. Mnday, mre than 180 bus rutes in Beijing had been suspended.
    The fficial Beijing Daily reprted that vegetable stcks were enugh, hitting this year’s highest daily market vlume f 23,800 tns, as merchants stcked up (备货) ahead f time. Huang, a Beijing resident wrking in the internet sectr, said the snw in Beijing came early. “Nrmally, it desn’t snw until the Spring Festival,” Huang said, referring t the start f the Lunar New Year, which typically falls in January r February.
    4. Which f the fllwing is nt used t shw the seriusness f the snwfall in paragraph?
    A. By listing ut numbers.B. By illustrating a viewpint.
    C. By citing data frm the authrity.D. By making cmparisns.
    5. What cntrast in weather cnditins did Beijing experience as mentined in the article?
    A. Frm ht summers t mild winters.
    B. Frm dry cnditins t heavy rainfall.
    C. Frm autumn-like cnditins t a sudden cldness.
    D. Frm cnstant snw t unexpectedly warm temperatures.
    6. Which f the fllwing wrd is clse t the meaning f “enfrced” in paragraph 4?
    A. intrducedB. beyedC. happenedD. imprved
    7. What psitive measure did merchants in Beijing take in anticipatin f the snwfall?
    A. Organized cmmunity supprt grups.B. Increased strage f essential supplies.
    C. Created emergency shelters fr the hmeless.D. Offered discunts and sales t bst business.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Snwfall reached 5.8 mm n average by early Mnday, with the highest snwfall f 10.2 mm recrded in Fangshan district, Beijing Meterlgical (气象的) Service data shwed. Beijing typically sees its first snw f the seasn between late Nvember and February, r even nne at all. Mre snwfall is expected this week, with temperatures seen further sliding t as lw as -20°Celsius. The Chinese capital last saw such similarly extremely cld weather n Jan. 7, 2021, when the temperature drpped t -19.6℃.(据北京气象局数据显示,周一凌晨,平均降雪量达到5.8毫米,房山区降雪量最大,达到10.2毫米。北京通常在11月下旬至次年2月之间迎来冬季的第一场雪,甚至根本不下雪。预计本周将有更多降雪,气温将进一步下降至零下20摄氏度。中国首都北京上一次出现如此极端寒冷的天气是在2021年1月7日,当时气温降至零下19.6摄氏度)”可知,文章运用了列数字、引用权威的数据和比较,“说明观点”没有被用来表示降雪的严重性。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The cld snap (寒潮) in Beijing this week, cmpared with the autumn-like cnditins a week ag, mirrred the sharp swings in temperatures recently. In Octber, Beijing experienced ne f its warmest Octbers in decades in a year f weather extremes.(本周北京的寒流,与一周前类似秋天的天气相比,反映了最近气温的急剧波动。今年10月,北京经历了几十年来最温暖的10月之一)”可知,北京的天气条件不同之处在于从秋天般的天气到突然的寒冷。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“speed limits n lines cnnecting Beijing and Guangzhu in suthern China, causing delays in sme passenger trains”可知,客运列车延误是因为铁路部门对连接北京和广州的铁路实施了限速,故划线词意思是“实施”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The fficial Beijing Daily reprted that vegetable stcks were enugh, hitting this year’s highest daily market vlume f 23,800 tns, as merchants stcked up (备货) ahead f time.(官方的《北京日报》报道称,由于商家提前囤货,蔬菜库存充足,达到今年最高的每日市场成交量23800吨)”可知,面对降雪,北京的商家增加了必需品的储存。故选B。
    Fictinal, cmputer-generated human faces are s cnvincing they can fl even trained bservers. They can be easily dwnladed nline and used fr Internet scams(诈骗)and fake scial media prfiles.
    Al prgrams called generative adversarial netwrks (生成对抗网络), r GANs, can learn t create fake images that are less and less distinguishable frm real images, by cmpeting tw neural netwrks against each ther.
    Nightingale and her clleague Hany Farid at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley, asked 315 participants, recruited n a crwdsurcing website, t say whether they culd distinguish a selectin f 400 fake phts frm 400 phtgraphs f real peple. Each set cnsisted f 100 peple frm each f fur ethnic grups: white, Black, East Asian and Suth Asian.
    This grup had an accuracy rate f 48.2 percent—slightly wrse than chance. A secnd grup f 219 participants were given training t recgnize cmputer-generated faces. This grup had an accuracy rate f 59 percent, but this difference is negligible (可忽略的), says Nightingale.
    The researchers als asked a separate grup f 223 participants t rate a selectin f the same faces n their level f trustwrthiness, n a scale f 1 t 7. They rated the fake faces as 8 percent mre trustwrthy, n average, than the real faces—a small yet significant difference, accrding t Nightingale. That might be because artificial faces lk mre like “average” human faces, and peple are mre likely t trust typical-lking faces, she says.
    Lking at the extremes, the fur faces rated mst untrustwrthy were real, whereas the three mst trustwrthy faces were fake.
    “We need stricter ethical guidelines and mre legal framewrks in place because, inevitably, there are ging t be peple ut there wh want t use these images t d harm, and that’s wrrying,” says Nightingale.
    T reduce these risks, develpers culd add watermarks t their images t flag them as fake. she says. “In my pinin, this is bad enugh. It’s just ging t get wrse if we dn’t d smething t stp it.”
    8. What can we knw abut GANs?
    A GANs can cheat trained bservers.
    B. GANs shuld be used under strict legal framewrks.
    C. GANs can generate artificial pictures clse t real nes.
    D. GANs-generated Images can nt be distinguished frm real nes.
    9. Why did Nightingale and Farid carry ut the research?
    A. T warn peple the risk f nline fraud.
    B. T train peple t discver fake phts nline.
    C T see if peple can distinguish fake faces frm real nes.
    D. T test whether GANs can create fake faces t fl peple.
    10. What des Nightingale mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Stricter laws and regulatins shuld be impsed.
    B. Effective ways are needed but nt fund yet.
    C. Watermarks are an effective way against fake images.
    D. Respnsibility shuld be taken by develpers t prevent misuse f fake images.
    11. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr this passage?
    A. Develpment f Internet scams.B. Develpment f AI technlgy
    C. Will fake faces lk mre trustwrthy?D. Legal framewrks fr GANs
    【答案】8. C 9. C 10. D 11. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Al prgrams called generative adversarial netwrks(生成对抗网络), r GANs, can learn t create fake images that are less and less distinguishable frm real images, by cmpeting tw neural netwrks against each ther.(被称为生成对抗网络或GANs的人工智能程序,可以通过让两个神经网络相互竞争,学会创建与真实图像越来越难以区分的假图像。)”可知,GANs是一种人工智能程序,可以通过让两个神经网络相互竞争,学会创建与真实图像越来越难以区分的假图像。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Nightingale and her clleague Hany Farid at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley, asked 315 participants, recruited n a crwdsurcing website, t say whether they culd distinguish a selectin f 400 fake phts frm 400 phtgraphs f real peple.( Nightingale和她在加州大学伯克利分校的同事Hany Farid在一个众包网站上招募了315名参与者,让他们回答是否能分辨出400张假照片和400张真人照片。)”可知,Nightingale和Farid进行这项研究的目的是看看人们是否能分辨出假脸和真脸。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段““We need stricter ethical guidelines and mre legal framewrks in place because, inevitably, there are ging t be peple ut there wh want t use these images t d harm, and that’s wrrying,” says Nightingale. (Nightingale说:“我们需要更严格的道德准则和更多的法律框架,因为不可避免地会有人想要使用这些图像来造成伤害,这令人担忧。”)”以及最后一段“T reduce these risks, develpers culd add watermarks t their images t flag them as fake. she says. “In my pinin, this is bad enugh. It’s just ging t get wrse if we dn’t d smething t stp it.”(为了降低这些风险,开发人员可以在图像上添加水印来标记它们是假的。她说。“在我看来,这已经够糟糕的了。如果我们不采取措施阻止它,情况只会变得更糟。”)”可知,Nightingale认为开发人员应该采取措施来标记假脸照片,以防止这些照片被用来对别人造成伤害。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Fictinal, cmputer-generated human faces are s cnvincing they can fl even trained bservers. They can be easily dwnladed nline and used fr Internet scams(诈骗)and fake scial media prfiles.(计算机生成的虚构人脸非常逼真,甚至可以骗过训练有素的观察者。它们可以很容易地在网上下载并用于网络诈骗和伪造社交媒体资料。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要聚焦于生成对抗网络(GANs)创建的假人脸图像如何逼真到足以欺骗观察者,以及这些图像可能如何被用于网络诈骗和创建虚假的社交媒体账号。文章还探讨了假人脸图像在信任度评价方面的影响,以及由此引发的对伦理和法律问题的关注。选项C“Will fake faces lk mre trustwrthy? (假脸会看起来更可信吗?)” 最能概括文章的核心内容,即探讨假人脸图像的逼真性和其对人们信任度评价的影响。这个标题既体现了文章的核心讨论点,也具有一定的吸引力,能够引起读者的兴趣。故选C。
    Obese peple experience discriminatin (歧视) in many parts f their lives, and the wrkplace is n exceptin. Studies have lng shwn that bese wrkers, defined as thse with a bdy-mass index (BMI) f 30 r mre, earn significantly less than their slimmer c-wrkers.
    Yet the csts f weight discriminatin may be even greater than previusly thught. “The verwhelming evidence,” wrte the Institute fr emplyment Studies, “is that it is nly wmen living with besity wh experience the besity wage penalty (薪资损失).” They were expressing a view that is widely aired in academic papers. T test it, The Ecnmist has analyzed data cncerning 23,000 wrkers frm the American Time Use Survey, cnducted by the Bureau f Labur Statistics. Our number-prcessing suggests that, in fact, being bese hurts the earnings f bth wmen and men.
    The data we analyzed cver men and wmen aged between 25 and 54 and in full-time emplyment. At a general level, it is true that men’s BMIs are unrelated t their wages. But that changes fr men with university degrees. Fr them, besity is assciated with a wage penalty f nearly 8%, even after accunting fr the separate effects f age, race, graduate educatin and marital status.
    The cnclusin — that well-educated wrkers in particular are penalized fr their weight — hlds fr bth sexes. Mrever, the higher yur level f educatin, the greater the penalty. We fund that bese men with a Bachelr’s degree (学士学位) earn 5% less than their thinner clleagues, while thse with a Master’s degree earn 14% less. Obese wmen, it is true, still have it wrse: fr them, the equivalent figures are 12% and 19%, respectively (分别地).
    Yur line f wrk makes a difference, t. When we dealt with the numbers fr individual ccupatins and industries, we fund the greatest differences in high-skilled jbs. Obese wrkers in health care, fr example, make 11% less than their slimmer clleagues; thse in management rles make rughly 9% less, n average. In sectrs such as cnstructin and agriculture, meanwhile, besity is actually assciated with higher wages.
    These results suggest that the ttal csts f wage discriminatin brne by verweight wrkers in America are greater than expected. Nw, it’s time fr ur gvernments t take it seriusly.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “it” refer t in paragraph 2?
    A. Obese men earn less salary.
    B. Only bese wmen earn less salary.
    C. Bth bese men and wmen earn less salary.
    D. Weight discriminatin may be greater than previusly thught.
    13. Wh may experience mre discriminatin cmpared t their clleagues accrding t the data?
    A. A fat wman ffice directr.
    B. An bese cnstructin wrker.
    C. An bese man with a bachelr’s degree.
    D. A heavier female dctr with a Dctr’s degree.
    14. What is the writer’s attitude f verweight discriminatin?
    A. SupprtiveB. ObjectiveC. SubjectiveD. indifferent
    15. What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A. Overweight discriminatin in ther cuntries.
    B. The reasn f discriminating bese peple in their lives.
    C. American peple’s attitude twards verweight discriminatin.
    D. Actins taken against verweight discriminatin in wrkplaces.
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. B 15. D
    词句猜测题。根据第三段““The verwhelming evidence,” wrte the Institute fr emplyment Studies, “is that it is nly wmen living with besity wh experience the besity wage penalty (薪资损失).” They were expressing a view that is widely aired in academic papers. T test it , The Ecnmist has analyzed data...(就业研究所写道:“压倒性的证据表明,只有肥胖女性才会遭受薪资损失。”他们所表达的观点在学术论文中广为传播。为了测试它,《经济学人》分析了……)”可知就业研究提出只有肥胖女性才会遭受薪资损失,《经济学人》对其进行了分析和研究。结合指代关系可知,it指代的就是就业研究提出的“只有肥胖女性的工资更低”这一观点。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“The cnclusin — that well-educated wrkers in particular are penalized fr their weight — hlds fr bth sexes. Mrever, the higher yur level f educatin, the greater the penalty.(结论是,受过良好教育的员工尤其会因为体重而受到不利影响,这对男女都适用。此外,你的教育水平越高,受到的损失就越大)”和第五段中“Obese wrkers in health care, fr example, make 11% less than their slimmer clleagues; thse in management rles make rughly 9% less, n average.(例如,在医疗保健行业,肥胖的员工比苗条的同事少赚11%;而那些担任管理职位的人的平均薪酬要低9%左右)”可推知,一个有博士学位的胖女医生比她的同事更容易受到歧视。故选D项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,结合第一段中“Obese peple experience discriminatin (歧视) in many parts f their lives, and the wrkplace is n exceptin. Studies have lng shwn that bese wrkers, defined as thse with a bdy-mass index (BMI) f 30 r mre, earn significantly less than their slimmer c-wrkers.(肥胖人群在生活的许多方面都受到歧视,工作场所也不例外。长期以来的研究表明,肥胖员工,即身体质量指数(BMI)为30或以上的员工,收入明显低于较苗条的同事)”和最后一段中“These results suggest that the ttal csts f wage discriminatin brne by verweight wrkers in America are greater than expected. Nw, it’s time fr ur gvernments t take it seriusly.(这些结果表明,美国超重工人承担的工资歧视的总成本比预期的要高。现在,是我们的政府认真对待这个问题的时候了)”可推知,作者以客观的方式提出了对肥胖人群的歧视问题,提供了数据和研究来支持肥胖员工(无论男女)比苗条同事挣得少的论点。作者没有表达个人对这个问题的支持或反对,而是提出事实,让读者得出自己的结论。因此,这种态度是客观的。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Nw, it’s time fr ur gvernments t take it seriusly.(现在,是我们的政府认真对待这个问题的时候了)”可知,作者在段尾呼吁政府认真对待对肥胖人群的歧视问题。由此推知,接下来可能会谈论针对工作场所肥胖歧视问题应该采取的行动。故选D项。
    Emtinal energy is a relatively new term t describe ur vitality (活力). ____16____ If we feel that sme situatins drain (耗尽) us, then it’s because they take away all ur vitality in matters that are insignificant, but nes that d require effrt. They’re situatins that nly distract us frm what’s truly imprtant, and frm the things that enrich us. Let’s learn t identify them and avid them.
    Arguments abut insignificant issues
    A debate is a great pprtunity t present yur wn pints f view and learn frm ther’s pinins. Hwever, smething very different happens when tw peple get int a pintless argument. ____17____
    ____18____. This srt f curisity is n mre than a sign f a lack f identity. Whever gssips abut thers lks fr themselves in ther peple. The thing is, they just can’t find themselves.
    Wrrying ver and ver again
    One f the situatins that drain ur emtinal energy is unstppable dubt. This is when we think and think but nly cme up with “ifs” and “buts”. We try t find the right answer r make the right decisin just by reflectin. ____19____
    Need fr apprval
    We’re cnstantly trying t get ther peple’s apprval. ____20____ Instead f investing time t explre wh we are, whether thers like us r nt, we just spend ur time ding things that ther peple want us t d. Generally, peple either accept yu r they dn’t, and smetimes fr reasns that are cmpletely beynd yur cntrl.
    A. We spend s much time wrrying abut things that it blurs ur visin f life.
    B. The nly purpse f it is t “beat the ther persn”, and express their wn pints f view.
    C. By ding this we’re just cheating urselves.
    D. Vitality is the strength that we have befre tiredness sets in.
    E. We g n and n abut the same prblem, withut actually ding anything t slve it.
    F. Sticking ur nses int ther’s private lives, instead f ur wn, drains ur emtinal energy.
    G. Hwever, we frget that many answers cme nly when we cmbine thught and actin.
    【答案】16. D 17. B 18. F 19. G 20. C
    空前“Emtinal energy is a relatively new term t describe ur vitality(活力).(情感能量是一个相对较新的术语,用来描述我们的活力)”提到情感能量和活力的关系,D选项“活力是我们在疲劳到来之前所拥有的力量”承接上文,进一步补充什么是“活力”,且与下文中的vitality呼应。故选D。
    上文“A debate is a great pprtunity t present yur wn pints f view and learn frm ther’s pinins. Hwever, smething very different happens when tw peple get int a pintless argument.(辩论是一个很好的机会来展示自己的观点,并从别人的观点中学习。然而,当两个人陷入一场毫无意义的争论时,事情就完全不同了)”表示当辩论变成争论,情况就不一样了,B选项“它的唯一目的是“击败对方”,并表达自己的观点”承接上文,说明争论只是为了获胜,不像辩论,还可以从别人的观点中学习,句中代词it指代上文a pintless argument。故选B。
    根据“Gssip(说闲话)”可知,本段说明闲话的影响,F选项“干涉别人的私人生活,而不是自己的,会耗尽我们的情感能量”表明说闲话会耗尽我们的情感能量,与本段主题一致,句中Sticking ur nses int ther’s private lives与标题Gssip照应。故选F。
    空前“We try t find the right answer r make the right decisin just by reflectin.(我们试图通过反思来找到正确的答案或做出正确的决定)”指出我们试图通过思考来找到答案,G选项“然而,我们忘记了许多答案只有当我们把思想和行动结合起来时才会出现”与上文构成转折关系,说明思考要与行动相结合才能找到答案,句中answers与上一句the right answer相照应。故选G。
    空前“We’re cnstantly trying t get ther peple’s apprval.(我们总是试图得到别人的认可)”表示试图得到别人的认可是我们一直在做的事情,C选项“这样做,我们只是在欺骗自己”指出这样做的问题,句中的this指代上文中t get ther peple’s apprval,且下文“Generally, peple either accept yu r they dn’t, and smetimes fr reasns that are cmpletely beynd yur cntrl.(一般来说,人们要么接受你,要么不接受你,有时是因为你完全无法控制的原因)”对C项做出解释,说明别人的认可是无法掌控的,因此,这种做法是自欺欺人。故选C。
    My fiancé (未婚夫) and I were excited abut shpping fr ur first hme. But ur funds were ___21___, and nne f the huses in ur price range seemed satisfactry.
    One agent recmmended a huse in particular. Althugh her descriptin sunded wnderful, the price was ___22___ ur range, s we declined. But she kept urging us t have a lk ___23___.
    We finally did and it was ___24___ at first sight. It was Our Hme, small and charming, verlking a quiet lake. Walking thrugh the rms and talking with the wners, a nice elderly cuple, we felt the warmth and ___25___ f the marriage within that hme. As perfect as it was, the price remained t high fr us. But every day, we wuld sit by the lake, lking at the huse and dreaming f what it wuld be like t live there.
    Days later, we made a(n) ___26___ far belw the asking price. Surprisingly, they didn’t ___27___ us. They renewed their ffer instead. It was als much mre than we culd affrd, but far ___28___ than the riginal asking price.
    The next day, we gt a ___29___ message that anther buyer had ffered a much higher price. Even s, we decided t talk with the ____30____ directly. We made ur final ffer, which ____31____ was thusands f dllars less than the ther buyer’s bid. We knew it, ____32____ we had t try.
    “Sld!” said the wner. Then he explained: He’d seen us sitting by the lake all thse times; he knew hw much we lved the place and that we’d ____33____ the years f wrk they had put int their hme; he realized he wuld take a lss by selling it t us, but it was wrthwhile; we were the peple they wanted t live there. He tld us t cnsider the ____34____ in the price “an early wedding present”.
    That’s hw we fund ur hme and hw I learned that when peple are ____35____, they are nt strangers, nly friends we haven’t yet met.
    21. A. neededB. limitedC. enughD. large
    22. A. belwB. withinC. beyndD. between
    23. A. at leastB. at mstC. at timesD. at hand
    24. A. reliefB. cncernC. lveD. curisity
    25. A. prideB. happinessC. challengeD. desire
    26. A. effrtB. fferC. prmiseD. prfit
    27. A. cme acrssB. lk afterC. depend nD. laugh at
    28. A. wrseB. betterC. lessD. higher
    29. A. relaxingB. disappintingC. pleasantD. regular
    30. A. agentsB. buyersC. managersD. wners
    31. A. alreadyB. stillC. generallyD. ever
    32. A. sB. rC. frD. but
    33. A. checkB. analyzeC. appreciateD. ignre
    34. A. increaseB. differenceC. interestD. average
    35. A. kindB. pliteC. smartD. energetic
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我们的资金有限,在我们的价格范围内的房子没有一套令人满意。A. needed需要的;B. limited有限的;C. enugh足够的;D. large大的。根据下文“and nne f the huses in ur price range seemed satisfactry”可知,在他们价格范围内的房子没有一套令人满意,由此推知,他们买房的资金比较有限,选择比较少。故选B。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:虽然她的描述听起来很好,但价格超出了我们的承受范围,所以我们拒绝了。A. belw在……下方;B. within在……之内;C. beynd超出;D. between在……之间。根据下文“s we declined”可知,他们拒绝了,由此推知,这套房子的价格超出了他们的承受范围。故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:但她一直劝我们至少去看一看。A. at least至少;B. at mst至多;C. at times有时候;D. at hand在手边。根据上文“s we declined”和“But she kept urging us t have a lk”可推知,代理人会在他们拒绝之后,劝他们至少去看一下房子,希望改变他们的想法。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们最终去看了,而且是一见钟情。A. relief安慰;B. cncern关注;C. lve爱;D. curisity好奇心。根据下文“It was Our Hme, small and charming, verlking a quiet lake.”可知,作者觉得这就是他们的家,对这套房子非常满意,因此是一见钟情,固定短语lve at first sight意为“一见钟情”。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在房间里走来走去,和主人——一对和蔼的老夫妇——交谈,我们在那所房子里感受到婚姻的温暖和幸福。A. pride自豪;B. happiness幸福;C. challenge挑战;D. desire渴望。根据上文“a nice elderly cuple”和“we felt the warmth”可推知,happiness“幸福”符合语境,可以和warmth并列,用于形容这对和蔼的老夫妇的房子洋溢着他们婚姻的温暖和幸福。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天后,我们给出了远低于要价的报价。A. effrt努力;B. ffer报价;C. prmise承诺;D. prfit利润。根据作者他们是想购买房子的情境,以及下文“far belw the asking price”可推知,作者他们是给出了报价,远低于房子主人的要价。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,他们没有嘲笑我们。A. cme acrss遭遇;B. lk after照顾;C. depend n依赖;D. laugh at嘲笑。根据上文“Days later, we made a(n) ___6___ far belw the asking price.”和下文“They renewed their ffer instead.”可知,作者他们给出的购房价格远低于要价,不过房子的主人考虑到作者他们的情况,更新了要价,因此此处指房子的主人没有嘲笑给出低价的作者他们。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这也远远超出了我们的承受能力,但远低于最初的要价。A. wrse更糟的;B. better更好的;C. less更少的;D. higher更高的。根据上文“It was als much mre than we culd affrd”和表示转折的“but”可推知,虽然房子的主人重新给出的价格仍让超出作者他们的承受能力,但已经低于最初的要价了。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天,我们得到了一个令人失望的消息,另一个买主出了更高的价格。A. relaxing放松的;B. disappinting令人失望的;C. pleasant愉快的;D. regular规则的。根据下文“anther buyer had ffered a much higher price”可知,另一个买主出了更高的价格,因此房子很可能会被卖给这位买主,这对于给出很低价格的作者他们来说是令人失望的消息。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我们还是决定直接和主人谈谈。A. agents代理人;B. buyers买家;C. managers经理;D. wners主人。根据下文““Sld!” said the wner.”可知,房子的主人决定把房子卖给作者他们了,由此推知,作者他们是决定直接和主人谈谈,争取买下这套房子。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们提出了最后的报价,但仍比另一位买家的出价低了数千美元。A. already已经;B. still仍然;C. generally一般地;D. ever曾经。根据上文“anther buyer had ffered a much higher price”可知,另一个买主出了更高的价格,作者他们最初的报价低于他的价格,再结合下文“was thusands f dllars less than the ther buyer’s bid”可推知,虽然作者他们上调了自己的报价,但仍然比那位买家的出价低。故选B。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们知道,但我们必须尝试。A. s因此;B. r或者;C. fr因为;D. but但是。根据上文“We knew it”和下文“we had t try”可知,作者他们知道自己的报价低于另一个买主,在购房中处于不利地位,但还是想尝试争取一下,上下文之间是转折关系。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他知道我们有多爱这个地方,也知道我们会感激他们多年来为这个房子所倾注的努力。A. check检查;B. analyze分析;C. appreciate感激;D. ignre忽视。根据上文“He’d seen us sitting by the lake all thse times; he knew hw much we lved the place”可知,房子的主人看到作者他们坐在湖边,知道他们很爱这个地方,因此也明白他们会感激自己过去这些年为这个房子倾注的努力。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他让我们把差价当作“提前的结婚礼物”。A. increase增加;B. difference差价;C. interest兴趣;D. average平均值。根据上文“We made ur final ffer, which ___11___ was thusands f dllars less than the ther buyer’s bid.”可知,作者他们的最终报价仍然低于另一个买主,因此此处指两个报价之间的差价。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们就是这样找到了家,我也由此明白,当人们给予善意的时候,他们不是陌生人,只是我们还没见过的朋友。A. kind友善的;B. plite有礼貌的;C. smart聪明的;D. energetic精力充沛的。根据上文叙述的房子的主人在作者他们第一次给出很低的报价时,没有嘲笑,而是调低了房子的售价,以及在另一位买家报价更高的情况下,依然因为作者他们对这个房子的热爱,把房子卖给了作者他们可推知,此处指房子的主人给予善意,友善对待作者他们。故选A。
    On 22nd December 2023, the 78th sessin f the United Natins General Assembly (联合国大会) witnessed a ___36___ (histry) milestne. Unanimusly (一致地), the assembly agreed t declare the Spring Festival a United Natin’s hliday. This decisin has been welcmed as a significant recgnitin f the festival ___37___ (celebrate) by millins wrldwide, particularly within Chinese cmmunities.
    The reslutin ___38___ (hnr) Chinese New Year as a UN hliday is a mirrr ___39___ (reflect) the cultural diversity and the spirit f the glbal rganizatin. The UN, thrugh this agreement, has made a strng statement f its cmmitment t cultures and the acknwledgment f imprtant cultural celebratins ___40___ (glbe). The mve is ___41___ prf f the UN General Assembly’s ability in emphasizing their rle in strengthening glbal unity and respect fr all cultures.
    Chinese New Year is nt nly a celebratin marked ___42___ feasts, firewrks, and family reunins but als a rich cultural traditin ___43___ includes varius elements f Chinese philsphy, flklre, and symblism. By declaring it a UN hliday, the United Natins ___44___ (prmte) its status s far, giving it a glbal platfrm and encuraging a deeper appreciatin f Chinese culture.
    In cnclusin, the decisin prvides an pprtunity fr the wrld t learn and understand mre abut Chinese culture. Mrever, it ____45____ (far) prmtes the principles f peace, respect, and mutual understanding that highlight the missin and visin f the United Natins.
    【答案】36. histric
    37. celebrated
    38. t hnr
    39. reflecting
    40. glbally
    41. a 42. by
    43. that##which
    44. has prmted
    45. further
    考查形容词。句意:2023年12月22日,第78届联合国大会见证了一个历史性的里程碑。分析句子可知,空处是修饰milestne的定语,histry的形容词形式histric符合题意,意为“历史上重要的,历史性的”,侧重事物或人在历史上的重要性或对历史的影响,histric milestne意为“历史性的里程碑”。故填histric。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:将中国新年定为联合国节日的决议反映了这个全球性组织的文化多样性和精神。名词reslutin后常跟动词不定式作后置定语,表示“做某事的决议,决心做某事”。故填t hnr。
    考查副词。句意:联合国通过这一决议,对其对文化的承诺和对全球重要文化庆祝活动的认可做出了强有力的声明。分析句子可知,空处修饰名词短语imprtant cultural celebratins,glbe的副词形式glbally符合题意,意为“全球地”,为地点副词,作后置定语,表示全球重要文化庆祝活动。故填glbally。
    考查介词。句意:中国新年不仅是一个以盛宴、烟花和家庭团聚为标志的庆祝活动,而且是一个丰富的文化传统,包括中国哲学、民间传说和象征主义的各种元素。空前的marked是过去分词,作修饰celebratin的后置定语,结合“feasts, firewrks, and family reunins”可推知,此处用固定短语be marked by表示“以……为特征,以……为标志”。故填by。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:通过将其定为联合国节日,联合国提升了其地位,为其提供了一个全球平台,并鼓励人们更深入地欣赏中国文化。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,时间状语为s far,句子应用现在完成时,主语the United Natins应视作一个完整的个体,助动词用has。故填has prmted。
    46. 假定你是校戏剧社成员李华,戏剧社本周面向全校师生举办了一次英语戏剧节活动。请你写一封邮件给校戏剧社外教 Jack,内容包括:
    1. 你对该活动的评价;
    2. 提出新建议以改进活动;
    3. 表达你的期望。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已写出,不计入总词数;参考词汇:英语戏剧节(the Thespian Festival)
    【答案】Dear Jack,
    I’m writing t share my feedback n the Thespian Festival rganized by ur drama club this week.
    First f all, I wuld like t express my sincere appreciatin fr the effrts f the club in rganizing this event.
    Hwever, I als have sme suggestins fr imprvement. Fr example, it wuld be great if we culd have mre interactive activities during the festival, such as wrkshps r Q&A sessins with the actrs and directrs. This wuld help t engage the audience mre deeply and enhance their understanding and appreciatin f English drama.
    I hpe that ur drama club will cntinue t rganize mre events like this in the future, and I lk frward t participating in them.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文写作中的信件。要求考生给校戏剧社外教 Jack写信,就学校戏剧社面向全校师生举办的一次英语戏剧节活动给出自己的评价,提出新的建议并表达期望。
    真诚的:sincere→ genuine
    建议:suggestin → advice
    提高:enhance → imprve
    参加:participate in→ take part in
    原句:I’m writing t share my feedback n the Thespian Festival rganized by ur drama club this week.
    拓展句:I’m writing t share my feedback n the Thespian Festival which was rganized by ur drama club this week.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Fr example, it wuld be great if we culd have mre interactive activities during the festival, such as wrkshps r Q&A sessins with the actrs and directrs.(运用了if引导的状语从句)
    【高分句型2】I hpe that ur drama club will cntinue t rganize mre events like this in the future, and I lk frward t participating in them.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    ALICE IN WONDERLAND is my favrite stry f all time. And acting is my number ne passin. S when my sixth-grade teacher annunced during my first week at Newland Elementary that we’d be perfrming it fr the schl play, I practically screamed ut lud with excitement. I’d always wanted t play the rle f Alice!
    Luckily, I stpped the scream befre it really escaped. In Pulsb, I’d starred in every play frm third grade n. I played my first rle as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. And after that, backflips (后空翻) just culdn’t cmpare. All my friends were in the plays, t, and we’d had s much fun tgether! And I just knew that if I culd star as Alice, life at Newland Elementary wuld be a lt mre fun.
    Mrs. Peasn, ur teacher, annunced, “The rle f Alice ges t Taylr! ” My head buzzed. My stmach erupted like a vlcan. But I clapped alng with everyne else and put a fake smile n my face. It tk Mrs. Pearsn frever t get t my name. When she finally did, she read, “Hazel, Tyler, and Ella-hedgehgs (刺猬)!” She annunced this as if we’d just wn a millin dllars. But the hedgehgs had n lines. Mrs. Pearsn lked at us expectantly. I cast an eye n the ther tw. Ella lked as if she were abut t cry. Tyler lked as if he’d just eaten a piece f bad cheese.
    The next day we had ur first rehearsal. “I really wanted t be Alice,” I said, knwing that they were bth wnderful dancers and wanted t d smething different instead f being a hedgehg. “Since yu just mved here, yu prbably didn’t knw that Taylr has gtten all the starring rles since kindergarten. The rest f us just have t take what’s left.” Ella said. “Oh,” I said, startled. In Pulsb, I’d been the ne wh’d gtten every starring rle. I’d never even wndered if maybe the ther kids had felt bad abut that.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Para. 1: Suddenly I had an idea.
    Para. 2: Everyne erupted int applause.
    【答案】Suddenly I had an idea. Maybe I culd make the rle f a hedgehg special. After all, I’d been a star in Pulsb, but this was a new schl, a new pprtunity. I culd turn this minr rle int smething memrable. I started brainstrming ideas fr hw t make the hedgehgs stand ut, even withut any lines. I wuld use my acting skills and creativity t make the audience laugh and remember us, even if we weren’t the lead characters.
    Everyne erupted int applause. At the next rehearsal, I presented my ideas t Mrs. Pearsn and the ther hedgehgs. Ella and Tyler’s faces lit up as they saw the ptential in my plan. We rehearsed with newfund enthusiasm, and when the big day came, ur perfrmance stle the shw. The audience rared with laughter as we spun and tumbled, ur spines quivering like real hedgehgs. It was a hit, and I realized that even withut the starring rle, every culd still shine.
    ②突然爆发出:erupt int/burst int
    ②放声大笑:rar with laughter/scream with laughter
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I wuld use my acting skills and creativity t make the audience laugh and remember us, even if we weren’t the lead characters.(运用了even if引导让步状语从句)
    [高分句型2] We rehearsed with newfund enthusiasm, and when the big day came, ur perfrmance stle the shw.(运用了从属连词when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型3] It was a hit, and I realized that even withut the starring rle, every culd still shine.(运用了连词that引导宾语从句)

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