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      浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末考试英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末考试英语试题Word版含答案docx、浙江省杭州市2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末考试英语试题听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写 在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A mvie directr B. A ppular mvie. C. A piece f music.
    2. What did the man d this mrning?
    A. He had a check-up. B. He did sme sprts C. He did sme shpping
    3. Why is the wman here?
    A. T see a dctr. B. T pick up her grandpa. C. T get sme medicine.
    4. What des the man say abut the wman?
    A. Kind. B. Helpful. C. Psitive.
    5. Wh is prbably Jane?
    A. The man's mther. B. The wman's daughter. C. The man's granddaughter.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a htel. C. In a clthes shp.
    7. When will the wman get her bluse?
    A. This Thursday. B. This Friday. C. This Saturday
    8. What des the wman think f the parents?
    A. Implite. B. Unkind. C. Irrespnsible.
    9. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Eat in the restaurant. B. G t anther restaurant. C. Chat with the by.
    10. Where did the wman get the infrmatin?
    A. On a website. B. Frm her frmer c-wrkers. C. On the Oxfrd jb bard.
    11. Why des the cmpany cnduct the interview?
    A. T carry ut mre prjects.
    B. T supprt the present team.
    C. T develp cmputer engineering.
    12. What can be knwn abut the wman?
    A. She has sme wrk experience.
    B. She is accepted by the cmpany.
    C. She gt a dctr's degree in Oxfrd.
    13. What des Kevin say abut the paintings?
    A. He finds them meaningful.
    B. He shws n interest in them.
    C. He nce cllected many paintings.
    14. When did the wman fall in lve with painting?
    A. After attending an art class. B. After listening t a presentatin. C. After visiting an exhibitin.
    15. What des Kevin plan t d this Saturday?
    A. Offer a training curse.B. See an art shw. C. Have a meeting.
    16. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Clleagues. C. Strangers.
    17. Wh is the speaker prbably talking t?
    A. Theatre wrkers. B. Students. C. Schl leaders.
    18. What will the speaker prepare fr the sixth-grade classes?
    A. Cstumes. B. Scripts. C. Makeup.
    19. Hw lng will it take fr all the plays t be ready?
    A. Three mnths. B. Seven mnths. C. Nine mnths.
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Drama schedule. B. Children's bks. C. Shrt plays
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Bking in advance fr the 2024 Festival pens by membership level:
    ·Gld Ambassadr -Thursday 14 March
    ·Silver Ambassadr &Ambassadr -Friday 15 March
    ·Gld Friend &Silver Friend -Mnday 18 March
    ·Friend-Tuesday 19 March
    Bking pens fr the general public n Thursday 21 March.
    Becme a member tday t access bking in advance.
    Hw t Bk
    Online Bking
    If yu have bked with us befre, yu shuld be able t lg in with the same email address and passwrd that yu previusly used. If yu've frgtten yur passwrd, yu can request a new passwrd by clicking the ‘Frgtten yur passwrd?’ link n the accunt page.
    Telephne Bking
    Frm 1st t 25th August ur phnelines are pen Mnday -Sunday, 10: 00am- 8: 00pm.
    Outside f these dates, ur phnelines are pen Mnday -Friday 12: 00-4: 00 pm, and clsed n Saturday and Sunday.
    Gift Vuchers (券)
    Gift vuchers can be used t bk Internatinal Festival tickets. Yu can buy gift vuchers fr any amunt yu wish and check yur balance nline at any time. Gift vuchers can't be used 24 mnths after yu buy them.
    Theatre Tkens
    If yu wuld like t redeem (兑换) Theatre Tkens when bking tickets, please phne the Bx Office n 131473200. Theatre Tkens cannt be redeemed nline.
    Access infrmatin
    Signing up fr the Access Pass allws yu t bk nline fr wheelchair spaces, essential cmpanin tickets, seats with the best view, tuch turs and relaxed perfrmances. Yu als can request t receive the Access Guide, which is prduced alngside ur brchure with detailed infrmatin abut venue access and ur accessible
    perfrmances prgramme.
    Please visit ur Access Page fr further infrmatin.
    21. T bk befre March 18th, yu must be at least ________.
    A. a Friend B. a Gld FriendC. an Ambassadr D. a Gld Ambassadr
    22. What shuld yu knw abut bking?
    A. Theatre tkens can be redeemed by phne. B. Gift vuchers can be used fr ver tw years.
    C. Yu have t access with a new email address. D. Telephne bking is available anytime in August.
    23. What is an advantage f the Access Pass?
    A. It ffers a guided tur. B. It allws bking fr wheelchair spaces.
    C. It prvides the best seats fr free. D. It ffers discunted tickets fr perfrmances.
    Harishchandra has spent decades f his life caring fr the pr cmmunity. His sn Prashant Sude, wh has nw taken ver the peratins f NGO, is fllwing in his father's ftsteps, wrking t help peple with disabilities.
    “What we did at first was train them in recycling (回收) ld clthes int mats (垫子) . The thrwing away f ld clthes is a significant issue, causing envirnmental harm. At ur hand-me-dwn centre, we recycle these clthes int mats, prviding a lng-lasting slutin t this prblem. In ding s, they nt nly earn a living but als cntribute t addressing the envirnmental challenges related t nn-bidegradable waste,” he says.
    Hwever, with changing times, Prashant realized that this training might nt be a very smart jb with gd pay after a few years.
    “In 2010, we started giving massage (按摩) training t blind peple. Massage is an excellent jb pprtunity fr sight challenged individuals because they have sharp sensry abilities. The training methds are simple yet effective, allwing bth less- educated and well-educated individuals t learn massage scientifically. Thrugh ur curse, students learn varius massage techniques practically. As a result, they becme experts in the field. Once they are trained, they can return t their native village r stay at the centre and earn at least Rs 500 per massage.”
    In 2021, the NGO came up with anther branch f training. “We teach them varius digital skills such as graphic design, vide editing, and scial media management. These skills are particularly suitable fr thse with lcmtr disabilities. They use the labs at the NGO t practise their skill, d their wrk withut having t mve a lt and fcus their energy mre n creative thinking,” he adds.
    While Prashant and Harishchandra alng with many vlunteers have helped hundreds f peple, Prashant nw wishes t expand the mdel thrughut Maharashtra. “The blind in ur cuntry are treated as secnd-class citizens. With Swadhaar, we are aiming t reduce this gap by presenting them with the right pprtunities. We want t
    help them becme independent, and live the life they shuld have,” says Prashant.
    24. Cmpared t the recycling prject, the massage training prgram is ________.
    A. mre challenging B. mre rewarding
    C. less scientific D. less practical
    25. Hw did the NGO help the disabled?
    A. By ffering them different jbs. B. By develping their scial skills.
    C. By changing their wrking cnditins. D. By giving them training in different areas.
    26. What des the underlined phrase “lcmtr disabilities” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Inability t hear. B. Failure t fcus.
    C. Difficulty in mving. D. Lack f creativity.
    27. What des the stry mainly tell us?
    A. Every dg has its day. B. Many hands make light wrk.
    C. Tw heads are better than ne. D. Teach a man t fish, and yu feed him fr a lifetime.
    These days, the skies dn't seem s inviting: Airfares are climbing. Passengers are fighting. Cmputer systems, and entire airlines, are melting dwn. Any f thse might be reasn enugh fr sme t stay ff a plane. But fr a small, yet grwing, number f travelers, the prblem with air travel ges way further. They are giving up
    flying because f its effect n the climate.
    “I chse t stay grunded because it aligns (一致) with what is true,” said Dan Castrigan, 36, a frmer teacher wh in 2020 signed a prmise nt t travel by air. “The climate is breaking dwn.”
    One Being 747 carrying 416 passengers frm Heathrw Airprt in Lndn t Edinburgh prduces the same carbn dixide as 336 cars traveling the same distance, accrding t BBC Science Fcus, a peer-reviewed magazine. That huge carbn ftprint is leading many activists and scientists t issue cries t fly less, r nt at all.
    There is perhaps n cuntry with mre anti-flight activists than Sweden, where by 2020, 15, 000 peple had signed a natinwide prmise t travel withut flying fr at least ne year. The nnprfit behind that mvement, We Stay n the Grund, is nw raising funds and hpes t get 100, 000 signatries in the next few years.
    Swedes have cined a wrd, flygskam, t describe the shame assciated with flying. We Stay n the Grund inspired the Flight Free mvements in Britain and Australia, as well as Flight Free USA. There are ther grass-rts mvements, t: Stay Grunded, a glbal netwrk f ver 150 rganizatins prmting ther means t travel, was funded in 2016 and has its headquarters in Austria; Byway, a British travel planning cmpany funded during the Cvid-19 lckdwn, allws custmers t plan flight-free rutes acrss Eurpe.
    Airlines are taking effrts t make flying greener, with prmises t achieve “net zer” carbn emissins (排放) in the next three decades. Activists say that prgress isn't cming fast enugh and are pushing fr frequent fliers t at least cnsider small changes, which they say culd add up t big differences.
    28. Wh is the target audience f the passage?
    A. Airline wrkers. B. Gvernment emplyees.
    C. Frequent fliers. D. Tur guides.
    29. Why des the writer mentin Dan Castrigan in paragraph 2?
    A. T give an example. B. T share a stry.
    C. T present an issue. D. T express an pinin.
    30. What can be implied frm the passage?
    A. Flight shame ges glbal. B. Swedes are prud t travel by plane.
    C. Peple are trading wheels fr wings. D. British are leading in actin t fly less.
    31. What is the authr's attitude twards the idea f giving up flying?
    A. Dissatisfied. B. Supprtive. C. Wrried. D. Cnfident.
    Life is busy. We're always expected t be prductive and engaged, whether that's with parenting, husewrk, r wrk. While taking time fr small rewards can feel like a luxury (奢侈) , the truth is that it is necessary fr imprving ur mental health. A key psychlgical idea behind this is the Premack Principle, which explains why treating urselves is mre than a tendency; it's a way t imprve ur daily lives.
    In the 1960s, American psychlgist David Premack develped a thery nw knwn as Premack Principle. He explained that ding smething yu're mre likely t d can be a reward fr ding smething yu dn't actually want t d. Fr instance, if yu finish a task yu're nt interested in, like cleaning the bathrm, yu can treat yurself t smething yu like, such as watching an episde f yur favrite TV shw. This apprach takes advantage f ur natural need fr fun t help us get thrugh tasks we might nt enjy.
    Recent studies keep shwing that giving yurself rewards can help imprve yur wrk and happiness. Fr example, Wlley and Fishbach discvered that getting rewards right away can make yu mre mtivated because it links the reward directly with the task. What's interesting is that it's nt abut hw big the reward is but hw quickly yu get it that matters. Anther study by Landry and thers fund it's nt the reward itself but rather hw the reward makes peple feel that helps them d their best. This makes sense because rewards bst ur dpamine (多巴胺) levels, which plays a key rle in hw ur brains feel pleasure.
    The idea f giving urselves “little treats” is nt just abut enjying smething; it's prf f hw psitive reinfrcement can change ur behavir and make us feel better mentally. By carefully using the Premack Principle and rewarding urselves, we can find mre mtivatin (动机) t face challenges and lead a happier life. It's kay t
    recgnize and celebrate ur effrts, big r small.
    S, g ahead, give yurself that little treat. Yu've earned it.
    32. What is the Premack Principle?
    A. A tl t wrk ut a lng-term plan.
    B. Away t cmplete tasks effectively.
    C. A means t make bring tasks enjyable.
    D. A thery t explain hw rewards imprve happiness.
    33. Accrding t Wlley and Fishbach, what helps t imprve mtivatin?
    A. The type f tasks. B. The immediate reward.
    C. The size f the reward. D. The level f dpamine.
    34. What might be a “psitive reinfrcement” accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. A cleanup B. Physical training.
    C. Graduatin ceremny. D. A favurite snack.
    35. What is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Imprtance f Prductivity B. Mtivatin and Mental Health
    C. The Premack Principle fr Life D. Dpamine and the Brain's Pleasure
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Ging n a sl travel adventure is mre than just a hliday. 36 The decisin t explre the wrld alne pens the dr t a number f experiences that can reshape yur life attitudes, build yur cnfidence, and enrich yur life in ways yu may have never imagined! Here are sme ways that sl traveling can change yur life.
    37 It might mean vercming language difficulties, finding yur way thrugh cnfusing public transprtatin systems, r making quick decisins. The decisins yu make, frm chsing destinatins t explring unfamiliar streets, are ttally yur wn. In this prcess, yu discver aspects f yurself that may have remained unknwn in yur daily life.
    One f the mst enriching aspects f sl travel is the pprtunity t experience different cultures. 38 Whether it's starting a cnversatin with a street vendr (摊贩 ) r sharing a meal with lcals, sl travel prvides a unique windw int the cultural makeup f each destinatin.
    Sl travel is a cnstant exercise in adaptability and prblem-slving. Frm understanding freign languages t managing unexpected changes in plans, yu are regularly faced with prblems that demand creative slutins. 39
    Sl travel is a jurney f self-reliance and independence. As yu g thrugh the headaches f planning and making a trip n yur wn, yu surely build a deep sense f self-cnfidence. 40 Yu have t rely n yurself t chse the next destinatin, manage yur mney and slve unexpected prblems.
    Sl travel is an explratin f the self, an pprtunity fr cultural immersin (浸润) , and a spark fr persnal grwth. The impact f sl travel extends beynd the length f yur trip, leaving yu with a set f skills, perspectives, and memries that will last a lifetime.
    A. Sl travel frces yu ut f yur cmfrt zne.
    B. Being alne makes yu mre apprachable t lcals.
    C. The challenges smetimes make yu feel frustrated.
    D. It's a jurney f self-discvery, grwth and transfrmatin.
    E. The decisins, bth big and small, are entirely yurs t make.
    F. The lessns learned n the rad translate int increased self-respect.
    G. These prblem-slving skills becme valuable wealth in yur everyday life.
    All I ever wanted was t belng, t wear that hat f belnging.
    In seventh and eighth grades I still 41 abut frty punds, which is t skinny. I was twelve years ld and had been getting laughed at fr my 42 lks fr mst f my life.
    But I was funny. S the ppular kids let me 43 with them, g t their parties and watch them have fun with each ther. This, as yu might imagine, did nt help my 44 a great deal. I thught I was a ttal 45 .
    But ne day I tk a ntebk and a pen when I went t Blinas Beach with my 46 . Like a writer, I wrte a (n) 47 f what I saw: “I walked t the lip f the water and let the tngue f the rushing water 48 my tes. A sand crab dug a hle a few inches frm my ft and then disappeared int the damp sand. . . With a sense f 49 , I began my walk back, leaving the beauty f the mment behind. ”
    It ges n fr quite a while. My father 50 me t shw it t a teacher, and it ended up being 51 in a real textbk. This deeply 52 my teachers and parents and a few kids, even sme f the 53 kids, wh invited me t their parties even mre ften. This changed my life, shwing me that true 54 cmes frm
    within, nt just 55 .·
    41. A. lst B. gained C. weighed D. spent
    42. A. cldB. strangeC. angryD. serius
    43. A. hang utB. wrk utC. speak upD. catch up
    44. A. self-pityB. self-cnfidenceC. self-educatinD. self-defence
    45. A. party-gerB. bserverC. beginnerD. lser
    46. A. teacherB. fatherC. cachD. classmate
    47. A. pemB. guidelineC. cmmentD. descriptin
    48. A. kissB. washC. biteD. attack
    49. A. anxietyB. sadnessC. peaceD. directin
    50. A. appintedB. inspiredC. enabledD. allwed
    51. A. includedB. praisedC. writtenD. texted
    52. A. impressedB. amusedC. disappintedD. cnfused
    53. A. well-knwnB. well-behavedC. well-likedD. well-spken
    54. A. appreciatin B. determinatin C. cngratulatin D. belnging
    55. A. making up B. sitting arund C. shwing ff D. fitting in
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Zheng Xiahui, a Chinese student in Milan, Italy, has perfrmed a lt f erhu perfrmances n the street, spreading 56 (traditin) Chinese culture t the wrld. She cmes frm Shandng Prvince and arrived in Italy in 2021. She has been playing erhu since she was 9, 57 (win) prizes in many natinal music cmpetitins.
    Since April 2023, she has been perfrming n the street during her free time, and nw she des three r fur shws a mnth. She 58 (plan) n street perfrmances at first, 59 her idea changed in the previus year after watching a vide f a vilinist perfrming n the street. 60 (dress) in hanfu and wearing careful makeup, she was nervus during her first street perfrmance, but 61 warm respnse frm the audience immediately cheered her up. Sme audience even attempted t play the erhu 62 (they) .
    After perfrming a few times, she began recrding and psting vides f her street perfrmances n the Internet, 63 sn becme ppular nline. All these effrts have been made 64 (shw) the charm f Chinese erhu t the wrld.
    Talking abut the future, she lks frward 65 it, and said that whatever she des and wherever she lives, she will bring her erhu with her.
    第三节:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 (每空限填一词) 。
    66. Li Bai is ne f the great rmantic p_______ after Qu Yuan.
    67. He aplgized t her fr being s rude and she f_______ him.
    68. He apprached her, w_______ smething in her ear and then burst int laughter.
    69. After a n_______ escape frm the burning building, Jack realized hw precius life is.
    70. Despite cming frm vastly different backgrunds, thse wh seem t have nthing in c_______ can frm deep relatinships.
    71. One b_______ f freign travel is experiencing different cultures.
    72. He g_______ all the guests warmly as they arrived.
    73. After a strng start, she was passed by several runners in the final l_______ and finished ninth.
    74. I have a fancy dress but I nly wear it n special _______, since I like sprtswear mst f time.
    75. In ur classrm, there is mdern e_______ like interactive whitebards, digital prjectrs, and cmputers with specialized sftware.
    假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友 Nah正在策划一项主题为“探寻中国文化”的课外实践 活动,写信征询你的建议。请你给他回一封信,内容包括:
    1. 活动建议及理由;
    2. 鼓励与祝愿。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Once upn a time, there was a girl named Sara. She had a passin fr sccer that burned brighter than any ther flame in her heart. Hwever, Sara faced a big challenge—her legs were nt as strng as her friends, requiring her t rely n crutches (拐杖) fr supprt.
    Saras friends gathered n the sccer field every day, their laughter and shuts f excitement filling the air. She watched them with envy, lnging t jin in their games. But whenever she tried t play, the reality f her limitatins wuld hit her hard, and she wuld feel a wave f disappintment. Despite this, Sara refused t let her dreams die. She lved sccer with all her heart, and she was determined nt t give up.
    One day, the schl annunced an imprtant sccer match. Sara's heart skipped a beat when she heard the news. She wanted t participate mre than anything, but she knew that many kids wuld dubt her abilities because f her legs. Instead f giving up t their dubts, Sara chse t accept them as a surce f strength.
    She began practising hard every day after schl. Using her crutches, she kicked the ball with all her strength, gradually mastering the art f balancing herself. Smetimes, she wuld fall dwn, but each time, she wuld pick herself up with determinatin. Her face wuld be sweaty and dirty, but her eyes wuld shine with determinatin.
    Finally, the day arrived. Sara's team had made it t the final match, and she had been given a chance t play. The crwd rared with excitement as she tk her psitin n the field. Everyne cheered her n, their vices a mix f encuragement and admiratin. Althugh Sara culdn't run like the thers, she used her skills and wisdm t pass the ball, her crutches becming her secret weapn (武器) n the field.
    1. 续写词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答.
    2023学年第二学期杭州市高 一年级教学质量检测
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1-5 CBCCA 6- 10 BACAA 11- 15 BABCB 16-20 BCABA
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    21-23 CAB 24-27 BDCD 28-31 CAAB 32-35 DBDC
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    36-40 DABGE
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41-45 CBABD 46- 50 BDACB 51-55 AACDD
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    56. traditinal 57. winning 58. planned /had planned 59. but/yet 60. Dressed
    61. the 62. themselves 63. which 64. t shw 65. t
    66. pets 67. frgave 68. whispered 69. narrw 70. cmmn
    71. benefit 72. greeted 73. lap 74. ccasins 75. equipment
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    略Dear Nah,
    Li Hua
    In the last mments, the ball came t Sara.

    浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考试题英语Word版含答案docx、2024浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高一下学期5月月考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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