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    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)
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    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)01
    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)02
    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)03
    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)01
    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)02
    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)03
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    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含专题45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01原卷版docx、专题45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共319页, 欢迎下载使用。


    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The twins were filled with excitement as they thught f the surprise they were planning fr Mther's Day. Hw pleased and prud Mther wuld be when they brught her breakfast in bed. They planned t make French tast and chicken prridge. They had watched their mther in the kitchen. There was nthing t it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what t d.
    The big day came at last. The alarm rang at 6 a.m. The pair went dwn the stairs quietly t the kitchen. They decided t bil the prridge first. They put sme rice int a pt f water and left it t bil while they made the French tast. Jeff brke tw eggs int a plate and added in sme milk. Jenna fund the bread and put tw slices int the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned n the secnd stve burner t heat up the frying pan. Everything was ging smthly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was t ht and the bread turned black within secnds. Jenna threw the burnt piece int the sink and put in the ther slice f bread. This time, she turned dwn the fire s it cked nicely.
    Then Jeff nticed steam shting ut f the pt and the lid starting t shake. The next minute, the prridge biled ver and put ut the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned ff the gas quickly. But the stve was a mess nw. Jenna tld Jeff t clean it up s they culd cntinue t ck the rest f the prridge. But Jeff's hand tuched the ht burner and he gave a cry f pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cld water. Then she caught the smell f burning. Oh dear! The piece f bread in the pan had turned black as well.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    1. ________________________________________ (这对双胞胎兴奋不已) as they thught f the surprise they were planning fr Mther's Day.
    The twins were filled with excitement as they thught f the surprise they were planning fr Mther's Day.

    2. ________________________________________ (一切都很顺利) until Jeff started frying the bread
    Everything was ging smthly until Jeff started frying the bread

    3. The next minute, the prridge biled ver and put ut the fire. _______________________________ (珍娜惊慌失措).
    The next minute, the prridge biled ver and put ut the fire. Jenna panicked.

    4. Thankfully, _______________________________ (杰夫保持冷静) and turned ff the gas quickly.
    Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned ff the gas quickly.

    5. But Jeff's hand tuched the ht burner and _______________________________ (痛得大叫了一声).
    But Jeff's hand tuched the ht burner and he gave a cry f pain.

    1. 爸爸发现这一团糟,皱起了眉头。他还没来得及问孩子们,珍娜就扑向他,眼里含着泪水,“爸爸,我们没能为妈妈准备好礼物!”
    Sptting the mess, Dad frwned. Befre he culd questin the kids, Jenna threw herself at him, tears pudding in her eyes, “Dad, we failed t prepare the gift fr Mm!”

    2. 一半惊讶,一半担心,一种关心孩子的责任感驱使父亲擦干眼泪,“让我们一起做吧。”
    Half surprised, half cncerned, a sense f respnsibility f caring abut the kids drve the father t wipe away her tears, “Let’s d it tgether.”
    3. 突然,这对双胞胎的脸亮了起来,他们的头坚定地点头。
    All f a sudden, the twins’ faces lit up with their head ndding firmly.

    4. 接下来的一刻见证了他们为制作早餐所做的努力,他们最终做到了。
    The next mment witnessed their effrts t make the breakfast and they eventually made it.

    5. “把这些带到妈妈的房间。”爸爸指示道。两人满怀期待地走出厨房。
    “Take these t Mm’s rm.” Dad directed. Expectantly, the pair stepped ut f the kitchen.

    6. 妈妈一睁开眼睛,双胞胎就大叫:“母亲节快乐!”与此同时,放在床边桌子上的一盘法式吐司引起了妈妈的注意。
    The mment Mm pened her eyes, the twins yelled, “Happy Mther’s Day!” In the meanwhile, a plate f French tast placed n the table beside the bed caught Mm’s attentin.

    7. “妈妈,试试看。”杰夫建议道。妈妈试图掩饰自己的情绪,但她还是忍不住泪流满面。
    “Mm, have a try.” Jeff suggested. Mm tried t cnceal her emtin, but the glittering tears failed her.

    8. 她把它们抱在怀里,哽咽着说:“谢谢你,亲爱的!”
    Gathering them int her arms, she chked, “Thank yu, my darling!”

    9. 就在这时,父亲端着两碗粥进来了,“现在我们可以一起吃早餐了!”这对双胞胎喜出望外,高兴之情传遍了整个房子。
    Just at that mment, the father came in with tw bwls f prridge, “Nw we can share the breakfast tgether!” The twins were verjyed, delight spreading thrugh the huse.

    As the twins lked arund them in disappintment, their father appeared. Sptting the mess, Dad frwned. Befre he culd questin the kids, Jenna threw herself at him, tears pudding in her eyes, “Dad, we failed t prepare the gift fr Mm!” Half surprised, half cncerned, a sense f respnsibility f caring abut the kids drve the father t wipe away her tears, “Let’s d it tgether.” All f a sudden, the twins’ faces lit up with their head ndding firmly. The next mment witnessed their effrts t make the breakfast and they eventually made it. “Take these t Mm’s rm.” Dad directed. Expectantly, the pair stepped ut f the kitchen. (99词)
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up. The mment Mm pened her eyes, the twins yelled, “Happy Mther’s Day!” In the meanwhile, a plate f French tast placed n the table beside the bed caught Mm’s attentin. “Mm, have a try.” Jeff suggested. Mm tried t cnceal her emtin, but the glittering tears failed her. Gathering them int her arms, she chked, “Thank yu, my darling!” Just at that mment, the father came in with tw bwls f prridge, “Nw we can share the breakfast tgether!” The twins were verjyed, delight spreading thrugh the huse. (88词)
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My dad, Gerge, nly had an eighth grade educatin. A quiet man, he didn’t understand my wrld f schl activities. Frm age 14, he wrked. And his dad, Albert, tk the mney my dad earned and used it t pay family expenses.
    I didn’t really understand his wrld either: He was a livestck trucker, and I thught that I wuld surpass (超过) anything he had accmplished by the time I walked acrss the stage at high schl graduatin.
    Summers in the mid-70s were spent at hme shting baskets, hitting a baseball, r thrwing a ftball, preparing fr my future as a quarterback n a ftball team. In pr weather, I read abut sprts r practiced my trmbne (长号).
    The summer befre my eighth grade I was ne f a grup f bys that a neighbring farmer hired t wrk in his field. He explained ur basic task, the tractr fired up and we were ff, riding dwn the field lking fr weeds t spray with chemicals. After a shrt way, the farmer stpped and pinted at a weed that we missed. Then we began again. This happened ver and ver, but we sn learned hw t identify different grasses like cckleburs, lamb’s-quarters, fxtails and the king f weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It was tiring wrk, but I lked frward the pay, even thugh I wasn’t sure hw much it wuld amunt t.
    At hme, my dad said, “A jb’s a big step t grwing up. I’m glad yu will be cntributing t the husehld.” My dad’s wrds made me realize that my earnings might nt be mine t d with as I wished.
    My labrs lasted abut tw weeks, and the farmer said there might be mre wrk, but I wasn’t interested. I decided it was nt fair that I had t cntribute my mney.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1: When I brught my paycheck hme--it was $119--my dad wanted t talk t me.
    Paragraph 2: I was surprised that my dad allwed me t use the mney as I wished.

    1. And his dad, Albert, tk the mney my dad earned and ________________________________________ (用它来支付家庭开支).
    And his dad, Albert, tk the mney my dad earned and used it t pay family expenses.

    2. He was a livestck trucker, and I thught that I wuld surpass anything he had accmplished by the time ________________________________________(我走上高中毕业的舞台).
    He was a livestck trucker, and I thught that I wuld surpass (超过) anything he had accmplished by the time I walked acrss the stage at high schl graduatin.

    3. He explained ur basic task, the tractr fired up and we were ff, riding dwn the field ________________________________________(寻找喷洒化学品的杂草).
    He explained ur basic task, the tractr fired up and we were ff, riding dwn the field lking fr weeds t spray with chemicals.

    4. It was tiring wrk, but I lked frward the pay, even thugh_____________________________________(我不知道那会是多少).
    It was tiring wrk, but I lked frward the pay, even thugh I wasn’t sure hw much it wuld amunt t.

    5. ___________________________________(我觉得这不公平)that I had t cntribute my mney.
    I decided it was nt fair that I had t cntribute my mney.

    1. 知道他会谈论我的收入,我拉长了脸,打算从他身边走过,溜回我的卧室。
    Knwing that he wuld talk abut my earnings, I pulled a lng face and intended t simply walk past him and slip back t my bedrm.

    2. “过来,孩子。”爸爸带着一种平易近人的表情喊道。
    “Cme here, sn.” Dad exclaimed, wearing an accessible expressin.

    3. 我的心沉了下去。我一直期待的是——一套梦幻般的新足球装备最终会变成家庭开支。
    My heart sank. What I had been lking frward t—a dreamy new ftball utfit wuld finally give way t family expenses.

    4. 我很不情愿地向前挪了挪,提交了工资。
    Reluctantly, I inched frward and submitted the paycheck.

    5. 然而,爸爸把薪水塞回到我手里,温柔地说:“你长大了。你完全有权决定如何处理这笔钱。”
    Hwever, Dad slid the paycheck back int my hand, saying in a tender vice,"Yu've grwn up. Yu have every right t decide what t d with the mney.”

    6. 我先前的绝望立即被巨额薪水抹去。
    My previus desperatin was immediately erased by great bills.

    7. 我走近他,紧紧地拥抱了他。就在那一刻,我注意到他灰白的头发和僵硬的脖子。
    I stepped clser and hugged him tightly. Just at that mment I nticed his grey hair and stiff neck.

    Memries f his usual cry f pain n the neck came crwding in.

    9. 我意识到他作为一名卡车司机的辛苦工作为这个家庭做出了多么大的贡献。
    I realized hw much he had cntributed t the family thrugh his tiring wrk f being a trucker.

    10. 泪水模糊了我的视线,“爸爸,谢谢你这些年来的辛勤工作。我不应该这么自私,不愿意贡献 我的薪水。”
    Tears began t blur my visin, “Dad, thanks fr yur hardwrk these years. I shuldn’t have been s selfish and nt willing t cntribute my mney.”

    11. 那天,我开始了解爸爸的世界,他似乎也在进入我的世界的路上。
    On that day, I began t understand Dad’s wrld and it seemed that he was als n the way int my wrld.

    When I brught my paycheck hme--it was$119--my dad wanted t talk t me. Knwing that he wuld talk abut my earnings, I pulled a lng face and intended t simply walk past him and slip back t my bedrm.“Cme here, sn.” Dad exclaimed, wearing an accessible expressin. My heart sank. What I had been lking frward t—a dreamy new ftball utfit wuld finally give way t family expenses. Reluctantly, I inched frward and submitted the paycheck. Hwever, Dad slid the paycheck back int my hand, saying in a tender vice,"Yu've grwn up. Yu have every right t decide what t d with the mney.”

    I was surprised that my dad allwed me t use the mney as I wished . My previus desperatin was immediately erased by great bills. I stepped clser and hugged him tightly. Just at that mment I nticed his grey hair and stiff neck. Memries f his usual cry f pain n the neck came crwding in. I realized hw much he had cntributed t the family thrugh his tiring wrk f being a trucker. Tears began t blur my visin, “Dad, thanks fr yur hardwrk these years. I shuldn’t have been s selfish and nt willing t cntribute my mney.” On that day, I began t understand Dad’s wrld and it seemed that he was als n the way int my wrld.

    Pumpkin (南瓜)carving at Hallween is a family traditin. We visit a lcal farm every Octber. In the pumpkin field, I cmpete with my three brthers and sister t seek ut the biggest pumpkin. My dad has a rule that we have t carry ur pumpkins back hme, and as the eldest child I have an advantage — I carried an 85-punder back last year.
    This year, it was hard t tell whether my prize r the ne chsen by my 14-year-ld brther, Jasn, was the winner. Unfrtunately, we frgt t weigh them befre taking ut their insides, but I was determined t prve my pint. All f us were hard at wrk at the kitchen table, with my mm filming the annual event. I’m unsure nw why I thught frcing my head inside the pumpkin wuld settle the matter, but it seemed t make perfect sense at the time.
    With the pumpkin resting n the table, hle uppermst, I bent ver and pressed my head against the pening. At first I gt jammed just abve my eyes and then, as I went n with my task, unwilling t quit, my nse briefly prevented entry. Finally I managed t put my whle head int it, like a crk (软木塞) frced int a bttle. I was able t straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting n my shulders.
    My excitement was shrt-lived. The pumpkin was heavy. “I’m ging t set it dwn, nw,” I said, and with Jasn helping t supprt its weight, I bent back ver the table t give it smewhere t rest. It was nly when I tried t remve my head that I realized getting ut was ging t be less straightfrward than getting in. When I pulled hard, my nse gt in the way. I gt int a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and mved my head arund trying t find the right angle, but it was n use. “I can’t get it ut!” I shuted, my vice sunding unnaturally lud in the enclsed space.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    I was stuck fr five r six minutes thugh it felt much lnger.
    Paragraph 2
    That vide was psted the day befre Hallween.

    1. In the pumpkin field, ________________________________________ (我和我的三个兄弟姐妹竞争寻找最大的南瓜).
    In the pumpkin field, I cmpete with my three brthers and sister t seek ut the biggest pumpkin.

    2. All f us were hard at wrk at the kitchen table, ________________________________________ (我妈妈正在拍摄年度活动).
    All f us were hard at wrk at the kitchen table, with my mm filming the annual event.

    3. I’m unsure nw why I thught frcing my head inside the pumpkin wuld settle the matter, but____________________________________ (当时这似乎很有道理).
    I’m unsure nw why I thught frcing my head inside the pumpkin wuld settle the matter, but it seemed t make perfect sense at the time.

    4. With the pumpkin resting n the table, hle uppermst, ____________________________________ (我弯下腰,把头靠在洞口上).
    With the pumpkin resting n the table, hle uppermst, I bent ver and pressed my head against the pening.

    5. I was able t straighten up ____________________________________ (肩上扛着一个巨大的南瓜).
    I was able t straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting n my shulders.

    6. ____________________________________ (我的兴奋是短暂的). The pumpkin was heavy.
    My excitement was shrt-lived. The pumpkin was heavy.

    7. With Jasn helping t supprt its weight, ____________________________________ (我弯下身来放在桌子上).
    With Jasn helping t supprt its weight, I bent back ver the table t give it smewhere t rest.

    8. It was nly when I tried t remve my head that I realized ____________________________________ (走出去要比进入去简单得多).
    It was nly when I tried t remve my head that I realized getting ut was ging t be less straightfrward than getting in.

    9. ____________________________________ (当我用力拉的时候), my nse gt in the way.
    When I pulled hard, my nse gt in the way.

    10. ____________________________________ (我陷入了恐慌,我紧紧地靠在桌子上) and mved my head arund trying t find the right angle, but it was n use.
    I gt int a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and mved my head arund trying t find the right angle, but it was n use.

    1. 我仍然记得我是如何获救的。过了一会儿,我的鼻子开始感到非常疼痛,这正好阻止了南瓜的进入。
    I still remembered hw I gt rescued. After a shrt while, I started t feel exceedingly painful n my nse which just prevented the entry f the pumpkin.

    2. 看到所发生的一切,妈妈非常焦虑和恐惧,放下手机,一瞬间向我走来。
    Upn seeing what had happened, verwhelmed with anxiety and fear, mm laid dwn her phne and apprached twards me in a flash.

    3. “不要耗尽你所有的氧气!”她喊道,把我的头进一步伸进南瓜里,以便她能伸进去解开我的橡皮筋。
    “Dn’t use up all yur xygen!” she cried, pushing my head farther int the pumpkin s that she culd reach in and und my rubber band.

    4. 只有当妈妈为我留出足够的空间时,我才成功地摆脱了困境,尽管我的下巴和鼻子都很痛。
    Only when mm spared enugh space fr me did I manage t get ut f it successfully, thugh my chin and nse were full f pain.

    5. “我成功了!”我松了一口气。我14岁的弟弟杰森站在我面前,直到那时我才意识到他一直在拍视频。
    “I made it!” I let ut a cry f relief. My 14-year-ld brther, Jasn, standing in frnt f me, it was nly then that I realized he’d been filming the whle time.

    6. 令人惊讶的是,这段视频获得了数十万次的浏览量,成为了热门话题。
    Surprisingly, it became a hit that the vide started racking up hundreds f thusands f views.

    7. 一开始,当我被认出是视频中的那个人时,我几乎无法控制自己的尴尬。
    At the very beginning, hardly culd I cntain my embarrassment when I was recgnized as the ne in the vide.

    8. 然而,随着时间的流逝,我的生活又回到了正轨。
    Hwever, with time trickling by, my life was back n track.

    9. 万圣节南瓜雕刻是一项家庭传统,第二年则是一件更为稳重的事情。
    A family traditin as pumpkin carving at Hallween was, the fllwing year was a mre sedate affair.

    10. 每当我想起头被南瓜卡住的那一天,我都忍不住大笑起来。我想说我吸取了教训——三思而后行!
    Whenever I thught abut the day n which I gt my head stuck in a pumpkin, I culdn’t help but laugh ut lud. I wuld say I learned my lessn —lk befre yu leap!

    It was five r six minutes thugh it felt much lnger. I still remembered hw I gt rescued. After a shrt while, I started t feel exceedingly painful n my nse which just prevented the entry f the pumpkin. Upn seeing what had happened, verwhelmed with anxiety and fear, mm laid dwn her phne and apprached twards me in a flash. “Dn’t use up all yur xygen!” she cried, pushing my head farther int the pumpkin s that she culd reach in and und my rubber band. Only when mm spared enugh space fr me did I manage t get ut f it successfully, thugh my chin and nse were full f pain. “I made it!” I let ut a cry f relief. My 14-year-ld brther, Jasn, standing in frnt f me, it was nly then that I realized he’d been filming the whle time.
    The vide was psted the Mnday befre Hallween. Surprisingly, it became a hit that the vide started racking up hundreds f thusands f views. At the very beginning, hardly culd I cntain my embarrassment when I was recgnized as the ne in the vide. Hwever, with time trickling by, my life was back n track. A family traditin as pumpkin carving at Hallween was, the fllwing year was a mre sedate affair. Whenever I thught abut the day n which I gt my head stuck in a pumpkin, I culdn’t help but laugh ut lud. I wuld say I learned my lessn —lk befre yu leap!

    One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single gal:t phtgraph plar bears. We were staying at a research camp utside “the plar bear capital f the wrld” — the twn f Churchill in Manitba, Canada.
    Taking pictures f plar bears is amazing but als dangerus. Plar bears — like all wild animals — shuld be phtgraphed frm a safe distance. When I’m face t face with a plar bear, I like it t be thrugh a camera with a telepht lens. But smetimes, that is easier said than dne. This was ne f thse times.
    As Elli and I cked dinner, a yung male plar bear wh was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled ur garlic bread.
    The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp, which was surrunded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He std n his back legs and pushed at the wden fence psts.
    Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actins we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pts hard, and fired blank shtgun shells int the air. Smetimes lud nises like these will scare bears ff. Nt this plar bear thugh — he just kept trying t tear dwn the fence with his massive paws(爪子).
    I radied the camp manager fr help. He tld me a helicpter was n its way, but it wuld be 30 minutes befre it arrived. Making the best f this clse encunter(相遇), I tk sme pictures f the bear.
    Elli and I feared the fence wuldn’t last thrugh 30 mre minutes f the bear’s punishment. The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray. The spray burns the bears’ eyes, but desn’t hurt them. S I apprached ur uninvited guest slwly and, thrugh the fence, sprayed him in the face. With an angry rar(吼叫), the bear ran t the lake t wash his eyes.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    A few minutes later, the bear headed back t ur camp.
    At that very mment, the helicpter arrived.
    1. ________________________________________ (给北极熊拍照) is amazing but als dangerus.
    Taking pictures f plar bears is amazing but als dangerus.

    2. ________________________________________ (当我与北极熊面对面时), I like it t be thrugh a camera with a telepht lens.
    When I’m face t face with a plar bear, I like it t be thrugh a camera with a telepht lens.

    3.As Elli and I cked dinner, ________________________________________ (一只正在附近湖里玩耍的年轻雄性北极熊闻了闻我们的大蒜面包).
    As Elli and I cked dinner, a yung male plar bear wh was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled ur garlic bread.

    4. ________________________________________ (饥饿的熊顺着鼻子来到我们的营地), which was surrunded by a high wire fence.
    The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp, which was surrunded by a high wire fence.

    5. ________________________________________ (他用后腿站着) and pushed at the wden fence psts.
    He std n his back legs and pushed at the wden fence psts.

    6.Terrified, Elli and I ________________________________________ (尝试了所有我们知道的熊防御行动).
    Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actins we knew.

    7. ________________________________________ (我们对着熊大喊大叫), hit pts hard, and fired blank shtgun shells int the air.
    We yelled at the bear, hit pts hard, and fired blank shtgun shells int the air.

    8. ________________________________________ (有时像这样的大噪音会把熊吓跑). Nt this plar bear thugh — he just kept trying t tear dwn the fence with his massive paws(爪子).
    Smetimes lud nises like these will scare bears ff. Nt this plar bear thugh — he just kept trying t tear dwn the fence with his massive paws(爪子).

    9.I ________________________________________ (用无线电向营地经理求助).
    I radied the camp manager fr help.

    10. ________________________________________ (熊怒吼一声), the bear ran t the lake t wash his eyes.
    With an angry rar(吼叫), the bear ran t the lake t wash his eyes.
    1. 咆哮和尖叫声以针状的刺耳刺破了寂静。
    Rars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness.

    2. 噪音把埃利和我吓得脸色发白。我担心巨人会毁掉我们的整个栅栏。
    The nises turned Elli and I pale with hrrr. I feared that the giant wuld destry ur whle fence.

    3. 他不停地咆哮,打破了沉默。
    He rared repeatedly, shattering what was left f the silence.

    4. 埃利抓住这个机会给这只熊拍了几张照片。动物的声音在我们周围回荡。
    Elli seized this pprtunity t take sme pictures f the bear. The animal’s nises eched all arund us.

    5. 我们蜷缩在一起,害怕得发抖,这暴露了我们的感觉。
    We betrayed ur feelings by huddling tgether, shivering with fear.

    6. 在彻底检查了这个地区之后,他小跑了几步。
    After thrughly scrutinizing the area, he trtted frward a few steps.

    7. 当我知道我们很可能得救时,我的心高兴得跳了起来。埃利又用胡椒喷雾为我们争取了足够的时间。
    My heart leaped with jy as I knew we were likely t be saved. Elli used pepper spray again t buy us enugh time.

    8. 但这一次,熊变得更加警觉了。他把我们看成是饥饿的无情需求,所以我们扔掉所有的食物。
    But this time the bear became mre alert. He regarded us with the merciless necessity f hunger, s we thrw all the fd we have.

    9. 然后他转身走开,开始吞食。当我们爬上绳梯时,埃利祈祷了上千次,以表示对安全和健康的感谢。
    He then turned away and started devuring. As we were climbing the rpe ladder, Elli prayed like thusand times t shw thankfulness f being safe and sund.

    A few minutes later, the bear headed back t ur camp. Rars and screams pierced the silence with needle-like shrillness. The nises turned Elli and I pale with hrrr. I feared that the giant wuld destry ur whle fence. He rared repeatedly, shattering what was left f the silence. Elli seized this pprtunity t take sme pictures f the bear. The animal’s nises eched all arund us. We betrayed ur feelings by huddling tgether, shivering with fear. After thrughly scrutinizing the area, he trtted frward a few steps.
    At that very mment, the helicpter arrived. My heart leaped with jy as I knew we were likely t be saved. Elli used pepper spray again t buy us enugh time. But this time the bear became mre alert. He regarded us with the merciless necessity f hunger, s we thrw all the fd we have. He then turned away and started devuring. As we were climbing the rpe ladder, Elli prayed like thusand times t shw thankfulness f being safe and sund. 153字

    “I’m ging t miss yu s much, Pppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins(情绪) get the better f him.
    His parents were nt quite able t keep theirs under cntrl. They had driven their sn several hurs ut f twn t the university where he wuld sn be living and studying. It was time t say gdbye fr nw at least. The family hugged and smiled thrugh misty eyes and then laughed.
    The by lifted the last bag nt his shulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it,” he said. “I’ll see yu back hme in a mnth, kay?” His parents ndded, and they watched as he walked ut f sight int the crwds f hundreds f students and parents. The by’s mther turned t the dg, “Okay, Pppy, time t g back hme.”
    The huse seemed quiet as a tmb withut the by living there. All that week, Pppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favrite ty, r even in her daily walk. Her wners were sad t, but they knew their sn wuld be back t visit. Pppy didn’t.
    They ffered the dg sme f her favrite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit n the sfa, but the ld girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her wners started t get wrried. “What shuld we d t cheer Pppy up?” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.”
    “I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,” smiled Mm. “Withut anybdy left in the huse but us, this place culd use a bit f fun. Let’s get a little dg fr Pppy.”
    It didn’t take lng befre they walked thrugh the frnt dr carrying a big bx. Pppy welcmed them hme as usual but when she saw the bx, she stpped. She put her nse n it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell.
    Para 1. Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared.
    Para 2. A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university.
    1.He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, ________________________________________ (尽量不让自己的情绪影响到自己).
    He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins get the better f him.

    2. His parents ________________________________________ (不能完全控制自己的情绪).
    His parents were nt quite able t keep theirs under cntrl.

    3.The family ________________________________________ (拥抱着,透过朦胧的眼睛微笑着,然后大笑起来).
    The family hugged and smiled thrugh misty eyes and then laughed.

    4.The by ________________________________________ (把最后一个袋子扛在肩上,露出灿烂的笑容).
    The by lifted the last bag nt his shulder, and flashed a bright smile.

    5.His parents ndded, and they watched as ________________________________________ (他走出视线,走进成百上千的学生和家长).
    His parents ndded, and they watched as he walked ut f sight int the crwds f hundreds f students and parents.

    6. ________________________________________ (这所房子看起来像坟墓一样安静) withut the by living there.
    The huse seemed quiet as a tmb withut the by living there.

    7.She put her nse n it. ________________________________________ (她的尾巴开始慢慢地摆动), then faster as she caught the smell.
    She put her nse n it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell.
    1. 爸爸打开盒子,一只可爱的小狗出现了。波比小心翼翼地走近,试图不吓到小狗。
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Pppy apprached with cautin, trying nt t scare the puppy.

    2. 果然,过了一会儿,绒球才从盒子里抬起头来偷看它的新家和新朋友。
    Sure enugh, it was nly mments later that the ball f fur lifted its head ut f the bx t peek at its new hme and its new friend.

    3. 爸爸妈妈高兴地看着他们结识。
    Mm and Dad watched delightedly as the tw made acquaintances.

    4. 他们很高兴看到波比恢复了原来的样子,每天带着小狗散步,甚至向它介绍了她最喜欢的玩具。
    They were glad t see Pppy cming back t her usual self, guiding the little dg n daily walks and even intrducing t it her favrite tys.

    5. 听到他把包卸在车道上,波比竖起耳朵,突然她四肢着地。
    Hearing his bags unladed n the driveway, Pppy’s ears pricked up and suddenly she was n all furs.

    6. 迎接男孩的是一声欢快的高音吠声。
    The by was greeted with a cheerful high-pitched bark.

    7. 然后前门砰地一声打开,波比扑到他的怀抱里,后面是那个温柔地舔着手指的小家伙。
    Then the frnt dr ppped pen and Pppy darted t his embrace, fllwed by the little ne wh licked his fingers fndly.

    8. 他笑得如此灿烂,大声喊着他的父母,他们把他拉了进来,让他长时间地拥抱他。
    Smiling ever s bright, he called ut t his parents, wh tugged him in fr a lng hug.

    9. 尽管秋风凛冽,他们的家却充满了爱与团圆的温暖。
    Despite the chill autumn wind, their hme was filled with the warmth f lve and reunin.

    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Pppy apprached with cautin, trying nt t scare the puppy. Sure enugh, it was nly mments later that the ball f fur lifted its head ut f the bx t peek at its new hme and its new friend. Mm and Dad watched delightedly as the tw made acquaintances. They were glad t see Pppy cming back t her usual self, guiding the little dg n daily walks and even intrducing t it her favrite tys.
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. Hearing his bags unladed n the driveway, Pppy’s ears pricked up and suddenly she was n all furs. The by was greeted with a cheerful high-pitched bark. Then the frnt dr ppped pen and Pppy darted t his embrace, fllwed by the little ne wh licked his fingers fndly. Smiling ever s bright, he called ut t his parents, wh tugged him in fr a lng hug. Despite the chill autumn wind, their hme was filled with the warmth f lve and reunin. 159字

    As the twins lked arund them in disappintment, their father appeared.
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up.

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