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    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)
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    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)01
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    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)03
    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)01
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    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)03
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    考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份考点45 读后续写10 高分开头技巧 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含考点45读后续写10高分开头技巧原卷版docx、考点45读后续写10高分开头技巧解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    一个好的故事开头就好比是一个带着香味十足的诱饵,诱使读者上钩并且饶有趣味地看完。而一个拙劣的故事开头,定会让读者大倒胃口,恹恹欲睡。俗话说:“well begun is half dne!”(好的开头就成功了一半)。可见,写好一个好故事的好开头是多么的重要。那么到底在时间紧迫的考场上如何写出靓丽的开头呢?
    Carefully, he stepped ver all the brken glass.他小心翼翼地踩过了所有的碎玻璃。
    Jyfully ,he skipped up the street.他很高兴地跳过了街道。
    我们来看 2016年高考真题。故事大致是这样的:夫妻旅游途中吵架,妻子独自离开,迷路在树林里,直升飞机来了几次救援但没有看见她,她感到很失望。
    第一段开头的提示句是:But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dark again.意思是:没有直升机来了,天又黑了。同学们,可以想一想,我们该怎么接下来写开头呢?(停顿3秒钟)我们来看看下面的写法:
    Immediately, an abslute darkness ruled the frest. 立刻,一片黑暗笼罩着森林。
    这里就用了:时间副词immediately衔接 + 环境描写,烘托了森林里迷路的紧张气氛。
    Curius t knw what was inside, he tipted int the dark cave.他好奇地想知道里面是什么,踮着脚尖走进了黑暗的洞穴。
    这里的“Curius t knw what was inside, 很想知道里面有什么东西”就是形容词短语,表明他进洞穴的原因。相当于:He was curius t knw what was inside, and he tipted int the dark cave.
    Unable t say a wrd, he was rted t the spt.一句话也说不出来,他就楞在了原地。
    这里的“unable t say a wrd”也是一个形容词短语,表现了“楞在原地”这个动作伴随动作:说不出一个字。
    我们来看2018年高考真题,讲的是爸爸带儿子去朋友家农场游玩而迷路的故事。第一段开头给的提示句是:Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut in frnt f my hrse. 突然,一只小兔子跳到了我的马前。
    Afraid that I might hurt the lvely small creature, I autmatically let ut a cry t stp my hrse. 意思是:我害怕我会伤害这个可爱的小生物,我自动发出一声喊叫来阻止我的马。这里用情绪形容词+从句的形式,很好体现了后一个动作“喊叫cry”的原因。
    我们来看这篇文章的 第二段开头:
    文章给的提示句是:We had n idea where we were and it gt dark.我们不知道自己在哪里,天变黑了。
    Exhausted and hungry, I wndered if we culd find ur way back. 我又累又饿,想知道我们能不能找到回去的路。
    Lking arund him cautiusly, he slipped int the rm and sftly clsed the dr.他小心翼翼地环顾四周,溜进了房间,轻轻地关上门。
    这里的“Lking arund him cautiusly”意思是:小心翼翼地环顾四周,是一个非谓语动词短语。
    我们来看 2016年高考真题第一段开头,刚才提到过,讲了妻子在森林里迷路的故事。
    文章给的提示句是:But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dark again.但是没有直升机来了,天又黑了。刚才我们用副词开头写了一个句子。现在我们用非谓语开头,怎么写呢?(停顿3秒钟)我们可以这么写:
    Feeling disappinted, Jane had t stay alne fr anther night. 简感到失望,不得不再呆一夜。本句中的开头,用了ding的形式,即feeling disappinted感到失望。
    我们再来看 2016年10月高考真题第二段开头:
    文章给的提示句是: It was daybreak when Jane wke up. 简醒来的时候天已经亮了。
    Feeling refreshed, she cntinued t walk alng the stream t find the way ut.她感到神清气爽,继续沿着小溪散步,寻找出去的路。
    这里用feeling refreshed的形式,很好体现了后一个动作“walk”的伴随状态。
    先看一个例句:“Let’s see wh gets there first!” Rachel shuted, as she pedaled fast and zmed past Jenny.“让我们看看谁先到那里去!”瑞秋一边叫着,一边飞快地蹬着车从珍妮身边冲过去。
    类似的写法,我们来看 2017年高考真题,文章主要讲的是作者和朋友一起骑车游玩,途中遇狼的故事。第一段开头文章给的提示句是:The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him. 汽车突然停在他面前。
    怎么接下来写开头呢?(停顿3秒钟)我们可以这么写:"Get int the car." Paul shuted at Mac. “上车!” 保罗对麦克喊道。
    我们来看 2017年高考真题,文章讲了作者与健忘的妈妈一块去旅游的故事。
    第二段开头的提示语是这样的:We drve thrugh several states and saw lts f great sights alng the way(我们开车穿过了几个州,沿途看到了很多好风景。)
    I lked ut f the car windw, winding rivers, lfty muntains, sunny beaches and deep valleys, hlding me entirely in their fascinatin.
    Furry started wagging his tail and running arund in circles when he saw his master taking a leash ut frm the drawer. Furry was all ready fr his evening walk.
    当他看到他的主人从抽屉里拿出一条皮带时,Furry开始摇,绕着圈跑。 Furry准备好了晚上的散步。一连串有关Furry的动作链,像放电影一样,印刻在读者的大脑中。为后面情节发展做好了铺垫。
    我们来看 2017年高考真,仍然是作者与健忘妈妈一块去旅游的故事。
    文章的第一段的提示句是:The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brught with us.(第二天,我们想起了我们带来的那个全新的帐篷。)怎么接下来写开头呢?(停顿3秒钟)我们可以这么写:
    Dad exchanged a glance with me. Why nt camp t satisfy Mm? 爸爸和我相互看了一眼。 为什么不露营来满足妈妈?
    【模拟题 1】(2022·江苏南京·模拟预测)
    In 2000, when I was arund seven years ld, all my family were cming back frm a T-ball game, which was ur usual weekend adventure, but unlike every ther weekend, a surprise was waiting fr us in ur driveway—tw adult geese and a small gse. Obviusly startled by ur return, the adults flew away in panic, with their baby, t yung t fly, left in place, tiny and delicate.
    Hurs passed ne after anther, and night eventually fell. Hwever, with it als came a deep chill and a fear f watchful animals. It was apparent that the gsling needed prtectin, warmth, and fd t make it t the mrning, s we had t help it, and we brught him nt ur back yard.
    We all pretty much slept with ne eye pen till mrning came. And then anther mrning. And still anther. Each mrning, we wuld try t drive the gse away t his parents, wh kept cming back t ur yard. He wuldn’t g t them, thugh, and neither wuld they cme clse enugh t claim him. We kept this up fr five days, but n luck. Realizing the yung gse had clearly decided we were his family by then, we had t give him a name, calling the little guy Peeper, because he wuld ften fllw us arund the yard making a peeping(唧唧叫) nise, nnstp. Besides, we decided that Peeper was a by. I dn’t knw why; it just felt right.
    A year passed and we settled int a rutine. Peeper slept n ur back yard each night and, in typical gse fashin, used it as a latrine(公共厕所). My dad wuld spray ff all the gse drppings daily. Part f this ceremny included Dad thrwing Peeper up int the air s he culd flap its wings and flew a lp(圈) arund the huse, and then came back again nce the prch was clean.
    Days turned int weeks, and weeks turned int mnths.
    Paragraph 1:
    Befre we knew it, the little thing had grwn int a big bird with tw pwerful wings.
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:
    It came as a ttal surprise t me when, in 2020, an adult gse made his way back t my family hme.
    Befre we knew it, the little thing had grwn int a big bird with tw pwerful wings. One day, when Dad threw Peeper int the air, he just flew away and didn’t cme back. With night falling, all f us became increasingly wrried. We lked fr him, called his name and even peeped like him, anxiusly expecting his return. But the special buddy never appeared again. Suddenly lsing the special cmpanin, everyne was very, very sad. It tk a lng time befre we accepted the fact that he was missing. Meanwhile, we culd nly pray he fund his parents and went ff n his natural way. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fnd memry fr my family.
    Paragraph 2:
    It came as a ttal surprise t me when, in 2019, an adult gse made his way back t my family hme. He did all f the same things Peeper used t d in Peepers ld ways, and much t my surprise, he even respnded t the name Peeper. It became clear t me that my ld best friend had returned, 20 years later. This experience has been as meaningful t me as anything in my life. Lking beynd ur reach high in the sky, birds have feelings like human beings, s d many ther living things. We human beings shuld learn t get alng well with them. We need each ther’s care and prtectin.
    ①飞走:fly away/fly ff
    ③回来:return/cme back
    ④和睦相处:get alng well with/live in harmny with
    [高分句型1]It tk a lng time befre we accepted the fact that he was missing. (由连接词that引导的同位语从句)
    [高分句型2]It became clear t me that my ld best friend had returned, 20 years later.(由连接词that引导的主语从句)
    【模拟题 2】(2022·广东佛山·一模)
    Daniel gt a jb as a delivery man t wrk his way thrugh cllege. His parents culdn’t save up all the mney he needed t get int law schl, s since he was 15, he wuld take summer jbs and find sme ther jbs between studies t earn extra cash.
    The by was determined and every day he wuld wake up at 5 a.m., summer r winter, riding n his ld bike t deliver parcels. It wasn’t an easy jb, especially during winter. Besides that, his ld bike was slw, making things harder. But that wasn’t a prblem fr Daniel.
    Daniel’s schedule was always the same every day and peple in the neighbrhd already knew him.
    He called them by their names, and they wuld ften wave and greet him as he passed.
    It was a nrmal day and Daniel was delivering parcels as usual. “Mrning, Daniel! Check ut my brand-new muntain bike!” called ut a man whse hme Daniel visited frequently. “Mrning, Mr. Warren! That’s a really fancy bike!” Daniel screamed back at him as he rde twards his first delivery. He culdn’t help imagining what it wuld feel like t wn a bike like the ne Mr. Warren had just shwn him. “My deliveries wuld duble with that” he thught lngingly.
    Suddenly, Daniel lst balance and fell n the rad. He gt up and leaned the bike against the wall t see what had happened. He fund a nail stuck in the back tire (轮胎) and he unluckily had a flat tire.
    As he turned arund and tried t think f what t d, he saw smething unusual. A strange man Daniel had never seen befre furtively (鬼鬼祟祟地) lked arund and placed a package under his jacket. “Hey!” Daniel shuted at the man. “Hey there! What are yu ding? That’s nt yurs!” The man heard Daniel and started t run as fast as he culd.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右:
    After having a lk at his bike’s flat tire, Daniel quickly started t run after the man.
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mr. Warren arrived n his new bike, and then helped pin (按住) the thief dwn.
    Paragraph 1:
    After having a lk at his bike’s flat tire, Daniel quickly started t run after the man. “Stp! Thief!” Daniel cried ut as he ran. The man was fast, but Daniel was faster. Daniel was gaining n the thief with every step he tk. The desperate thief had t lk ver frequently t check the distance between them. Suddenly he tripped ver a stne and fell. Daniel immediately caught him by the arm. The thief struggled t his feet, waving his fist tward Daniel in an attempt t escape. Daniel was hlding the thief tight when he heard smene shuting “Here I cme!”
    Paragraph 2:
    Mr. Warren arrived n his new bike, and then helped pin (压住) the thief dwn. Daniel tld Mr. Warren what had happened and called the plice. Shrtly afterwards, a pliceman arrived and tk the thief away. When Daniel was abut t leave, Mr. Warren stpped him and ffered his new bike t Daniel and tld him it was a gift fr him. When Daniel tried t refuse such a generus gift, Mr. Warren insisted he take the bike, saying that it was actually a reward fr Daniel’s bravery. Tears in his eyes, Daniel said, “Thank yu s much! I’m glad t be f any help t yu guys!”
    ①.检查:lk ver / check/ examine
    ②.坚持要:make a pint f / be intent n/ insist n
    ①.感谢:thank fr/shw ne’s appreciatin/shw ne’s gratitude/be grateful
    ②.绝望的:desperate / beynd hpe
    [高分句型1] Daniel tld Mr. Warren what had happened and called the plice.这句话运用了what引导的宾语从句。
    [高分句型2] When Daniel tried t refuse such a generus gift, Mr. Warren insisted he take the bike, saying that it was actually a reward fr Daniel’s bravery.这句话运用了动词现在分词作状语。
    【模拟题 3】(2022·江苏·南京市第一中学二模)
    At eleven years ld during my summer hliday, my main cncern was mney. I wanted t buy the new must-have thing my classmates had. I already had a “jb” as a sales representative with a kids-based sales cmpany, and I sld wrapping paper and greeting cards with the best f them. On my bedrm flr, I arranged the bills and change frm my purse t see what I had. I wished it wuld multiply befre my eyes, but f curse it didn't. I went t my mm. "Mm, I need mre mney,” I said, leaning against the kitchen cunter while she cked dinner.” What else can kids d fr a jb arund here?” Mm respnded with a smile, “Okay, let me ask arund.”
    The next day, she had an answer “Yur grandmther will pay yu t help her deliver lunch each day t the elderly.” Yes! I pumped my fist int the air. I culdn't wait t start my new jb n Mnday after schl dismissed fr the summer.
    When my grandmther picked me up, I thanked her fr the jb and started asking the jb. “It's simple. We pick up a large cntainer full f ht meals in a nearby twn and then we g n ur delivery rute,” she answered.
    We arrived at the pick-up kitchen and gt dzens f little shiny silver bxes with white lids that were ht. After ur lad was arranged in the backseat, my grandmther drve us t ur first stp: a small white huse. I tk a meal and a small bx f milk frm the back and walked beside my grandmther t the frnt gate. She pened it and ndded t me t g in. I walked alng the cracked walkway. Tall grass tickled (使发痒) my ankles.
    Did smene really live here? I culdn't imagine that. The huse didn't lk nice, but I kept ging. In frnt f the dr leading t the enclsed frnt drway, I paused, and my grandmther called ut, “Mrs. Hershel, we've brught yu sme lunch.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The reply in a lw vice came frm my left, “Cme n in.”
    On the rad hme, my grandmther said,” Fr sme f them, we're the nly persn they see and a kind wrd and a smile g a lng way.”
    The reply in a lw vice came frm my left, “Cme n in.” I turned arund and fund an ld lady in the crner lking at me. She was in her nineties with grey hair. She was sitting in a rck chair in a lse dress. When I drew near t her, she smiled at me. My grandmther intrduced me t her. She thanked me again. Hwever, I stared at her and just std there hlding the fd, unsure what t d. Under the guide f my grandmther, I placed the fd n her kitchen table. I was unwilling t stay there and withdrew at nce.
    On the rad hme, my grandmther said, “Fr sme f them, we're the nly persn they see and a kind wrd and a smile g a lng way.” And she asked if I wuld try it again the next day. With the lnely wman cming t my mind, I ndded. The next mrning, I saw each persn a little differently. I smiled at each ne and greeted them. With thse smiles I saw true happiness in their eyes. That summer I did smething incredible nt nly earning mney but making a difference t smene.
    1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:走近她——盯着她——退了出去——微笑——打招呼
    3. 词汇激活
    ①走近她:draw near t her/apprach her
    ②盯着她:stare at her/gaze at her
    ③退了出去:withdraw/back ut
    ④打招呼:greet/say hell
    ①感谢:thank/shw her gratitude
    [高分句型1]Hwever, I stared at her and just std there hlding the fd, unsure what t d.(用现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]That summer I did smething incredible nt nly earning mney but making a difference t smene.(用现在分词作状语)
    【模拟题 4】(2022·广东广东·一模)
    Prbably, mst f yu had the feeling befre, at least nce—yu had been waiting fr a lng time, yet being afraid f getting. It was exactly my state f mind befre the first day at cllege. I had been wrking hard t pass the necessary tests and have my applicatin t the undergraduate prgramme in management apprved. And when the time had cme fr me t visit the cllege fr the first day f the study,I culdn't sleep all night because f being anxius abut hw t lk gd physically in frnt f the whle new wrld I was abut t enter. Hwever,the psitive attitude and readiness t accept supprt frm thers helped a lt in a new envirnment.
    It was Mnday mrning. Being t excited t sleep the night befre, I came t the cllege half an hur earlier fr the first lecture and was walking nervusly thrugh the hallway. Abut 15 minutes after I came, the hallway started t be full f students. Prfessrs wh walked n their business prbably didn't pay attentin t me. I knew which hall t g t and had already checked that it was pen. Hwever,I was hesitant t enter the hall and sit there alne. Peple were mving arund me as if they hadn't seen me. I felt disappinted with the fact that I had nbdy t talk t in the new and seemingly unfriendly place.
    Suddenly,a well-dressed man wh seemed t be in his late twenties apprached me. He intrduced himself as Mathews and asked whether I was lst and whether he culd help me with anything.In that situatin,I realized it was very kind f him and that he was exactly the persn I wanted t ask in my thughts a minute befre, but then I was t nervus fr a friendly chat. As a result, instead f welcming the pprtunity t make the first acquaintance (相识), I tld the man t mind his business and leave me alne since I was an adult capable f finding my class withut anybdy's assistance.
    1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    Luckily,the man didn't seem t be angry.
    Prfessr Mathews turned ut t be an excellent speaker and the lecture went really well.
    Luckily, the man didn't seem t be angry. He just shrugged, smiled a bit and went t the rm where my first lecture was abut t take place. Quite a lt f peple had entered the rm, s I didn't care abut having an unhappy experience with ne f my future peers. I was embarrassed, hwever, when I finally learned that the man t whm I had been rude minutes befre was ur prfessr f the first lecture.
    Prfessr Mathews turned ut t be an excellent speaker and the lecture went really well. After the class was dismissed, I came t him t aplgize fr my bad manners earlier in the day. Prfessr Mathews said that he was nt unhappy and n his first day as the student f ur cllege, he was afraid and nervus, t. The incident helped me realize that I shuld nt let emtinal strain and anxiety prevent me frm cmmunicating with peple penly and pleasantly.
    ①.进入:enter/get int
    ③.证明:turn ut/prve
    ①.生气:angry/filled with anger
    [高分句型1]. He just shrugged, smiled a bit and went t the rm where my first lecture was abut t take place.(由where引导的限制性定语从句 )
    [高分句型2]. Prfessr Mathews said that he was nt unhappy and n his first day as the student f ur cllege, he was afraid and nervus, t. (由that引导的宾语从句)
    【模拟题 5】(2022·辽宁·东北育才学校一模)
    Tw fast friends were Willie and his little dg Bunce. Willie culd never think f taking a walk withut Bunce. Cake and play were equally shared between them. Willie taught his dg many cunning tricks, and ften said that Bunce culd d almst anything in the wrld but talk. Then n a bright summer afternn, Willie had strlled with Bunce dwn t the river, which was nt mre than tw blcks frm his father’s stre—Mr. Brwn’s stre.
    Willie began t thrw stnes int the water, and t watch ripples as they made ne circle after anther. Bunce lay n the grass, watching the flies buzzing arund his nse, and catching any that came t near.
    There were sme lgs flating in the river near the bank. Willie jumped upn ne f them t see if he culd thrw a stne acrss the river. He drew back, sent the stne with all strength, just as it left his hand, the lg turned and he fell int the water. He was frightened, fr he did nt knw hw t swim, and there was n ne t hear, thugh he called as lud as he culd fr help.
    If he had been a big water dg, he culd have jumped in and brught his master ut.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    He ran up and dwn the bank tw r three times, barking, lking first at Willie and then arund.
    Finally, the father came t the river.
    Para 1:
    He ran up and dwn the bank tw r three times, barking, lking first at Willie and then arund. Then he started, as fast as he culd run up the street t the stre. When he gt there the dr was shut, but he scratched against it and barked ludly, until sme ne came and pened it. He caught hld f Mr. Brwn’s clthes, then ran t the dr, then back again, catching at him, barking and jumping. Nticing the dg’s abnrmal behavir, Mr. Brwn realized smething must have been wrng. He put n his hat and went with the dg. Bunce, seeing Mr. Brwn take his hat, started fr the river.
    Para 2:
    Finally, the father came t the river. He saw Willie’s hat flating n the water, and his small arm thrw up. Withut thinking twice, he sprang in and caught him just as he was ging dwn fr the last time, and quickly carried him t the bank. On the bank, Willie was given first aid and came t life after a while. When he gt ver his fright, n ne seemed t be mre delighted than Bunce, his true friends.
    关闭:shut /clse
    苏醒:cme t life/cme t neself
    高兴:delighted /glad
    [高分句型1] When he gt there the dr was shut, but he scratched against it and barked ludly, until sme ne came and pened it. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Bunce, seeing Mr. Brwn take his hat, started fr the river. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    【模拟题 6】(2022·江苏盐城·一模)
    December 5, 2012, was a very special day fr Jsephine and Sctt Lansing, as it marked the furth adptin fr the Lansings.
    When they began the jurney t adpt their first daughter, Cle, years ag, Jsephine and Sctt Lansing never imagined they wuld eventually have a huse full f girls. The cuple later adpted Jsie in 2011 and Annabelle in 2012. Fr the Lansing family, adptin is abut giving every child the pprtunity t grw healthily in a lving hme. Sctt and Jsephine are great advcates fr each f their daughters, and they make sure each child knws hw special and lved they are.
    In February f 2009, Bethany entered int the care f Child Prtective Services due t her mther's inability t care fr her and her brthers and sisters. Her experiences made it very difficult fr her t trust adults, since she learned frm an early age that she culd nly cunt n herself. She lived in a shelter fr several mnths befre mving int a fster hme (寄养家庭). Still, Bethany struggled t understand why she had been taken away frm the nly family she had knwn. In May f 2010, Bethany was placed at Helping Hand Hme fr Children's Residential Treatment Center, where her jurney t returning t nrmal finally began. With the patience, supprt, and guidance f the Helping Hand Hme staff, Bethany develped healthy, apprpriate ways t express her emtins. She was taught t respect herself, and she learned that it was kay t trust thers.
    When Bethany was intrduced t the Lansing family in June f 2012, the meeting did nt g as smthly as everyne hped. Bethany's insecurities resurfaced due t the suffering she experienced at such a yung age, and she refused t talk r even lk at the Lansings at their first meeting.
    But the Lansing family had n intentin t give up.
    Later, Bethany experienced a lt f exciting things.
    But the Lansing family had n intentin t give up. They were patient with Bethany and explained that they wanted t get t knw her better and hped she wuld ne day be part f their family. The ther girls shared their stries f cming frm the fster care system, and they tld her hw scared they had been abut meeting a new family t and hw happy they were nw. Sn Bethany’s anxiety eased, and she agreed t g and see her new hme. (77 wrds)
    Later, Bethany experienced a lt f exciting things. Frm many hurs spent at the neighbrhd pl t her first trip t the beach, Bethany nw lived the life every child deserves. The Lansings celebrated Bethany’s 11th birthday with a superb cruise. When Bethany returns t Helping Hand Hme t visit, the first thing everyne cmments n is her self-cnfidence. The little girl wh was nce afraid t make eye cntact is nw a secure, funny yung lady wh wuld talk yur ear ff. (77 wrds)
    这是一篇记叙文。Jsephine和Sctt Lansing几年来相继收养了Cle,Jsie,Annabelle三位女孩,并给她们提供了健康幸福的成长环境。因为家庭原因,Bethany不得不接受寄养家庭,但是她的童年经历使得她不信任任何人,在Helping Hand Hme工作人员的帮助下,她的性格有了些许好转,但是在与Lansing一家会面时,还是有些抵触。
    ①.想做某事:want t d/wuld like t d
    ②.看看:see/have a lk at
    ③.返回:return t/g back t
    ②.幸福的: happy/blissful
    [高分句型1]They were patient with Bethany and explained that they wanted t get t knw her better and hped she wuld ne day be part f their family.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]When Bethany returns t Helping Hand Hme t visit, the first thing everyne cmments n is her self-cnfidence. (运用了when引导的状语从句)

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