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    The Oldest Ckbks frm Libraries Arund the Wrld
    Libr de arte cquinaria
    The Library f Cngress
    The 15th-century Libr de arte cquinaria, r The Art f Cking, is the wrk f Maestr Martin da Cm. Martin was knwn fr cking fr his emplyer. Alng the way, he achieved fame as "the prince f cks. "Martin's wrk is significant fr anther reasn t. In the 15th century, his recipes made up a majr part f the wrld's first printed ckbk, Platina's De hnesta vluptate et valetudine.
    Shanjia Qinggng
    The Harvard-Yenching Library
    Harvard-Yenching wns a 17th-century cpy f the Simple Offerings f Rural Husehlds (Shanjia Qinggng) . Cntaining ver 100 recipes, Simple Offerings is prbably the earliest surviving ckbk in Chinese. The authr, Lin Hng, was a man f letters wh lived in the Suthern Sng Dynasty. Lin evidently preferred vegetarian fds, as mst f his recipes were plant-based.
    Wushi Zhngkuilu
    The Harvard-Yenching Library
    Harvard-Yenching is als hme t a 17th-century cpy f the Cking Manual f Madame Wu (Wushi Zhngkui lu) , ne f tw surviving ckbks by a Chinese wman befre the 20th century. Unfrtunately, few f Madame Wu's persnal details are knwn. Schlars guess that she lived in the larger Shanghai regin during the Suthern Sng Dynasty. Madame Wu apparently had a weakness fr sweets, as she devted a ful chapter f her ckbk just t desserts.
    Cmplete Kitchen and Cellar Dictinary The Osl Public Library
    The Osl Public Library, knwn as the Deichman Library, has a 1716 cpy f the Cmplete Kitchen and Cellar Dictinary, wrilten by the German writer Paul Jacb Marperger. It belnged t a Nrwegian lawyer named Jhan Fredrik Barthlin, wh dnated it t the city f Christiania (the frmer name fr Osl) in 1784. The bk has been in the Deichman cllectin since it pened in 1785.
    1.Wh greatly cntributed t the wrld's first printed ckbk?
    A. Lin Hng. B. Paul Jacb Marperger.
    C. Maestr Martin da Cm. D. Madame Wu.
    2.What similarity d the tw Chinese ckbks share?
    A. Their authrs were a man f letters.B. They fcused n plant-based recipes.
    C. Their cpies first appeared in Shanghai. D. They were written in the Suthern Sng Dynasty.
    3.Which f the fllwing is in the Deichman cllectin?
    A. Shanjia Qinggng. B. Wushi Zhngkui lu.
    C. Libr de arte cquinaria. D. Cmplete Kitchen and Cellar Dictinary.
    Twenty years ag, I entered a cllege, but suddenly my wrld turned upside dwn n September 11, 2001. Cllege seemed less imprtant. Smewhere amng the images that flashed acrss the TV were sldiers, and I thught I shuld be ne f them.
    I had the impssible task f persuading my parents that this was a gd chice. It's nt that they weren't prud; they were cncerned and scared. Within weeks f 9/11, I jined the Army with the supprt f my family behind me.
    The lifestyle change f civilian t sldier wasn't a smth prcess. My biggest challenge was military bearing. I smiled t much. Obviusly, sldiers dn't smile, but I culdn't help but smile. I did pay fr it! My “pearly white teeth” earned me plenty f extra training. I had n chice but t dig deep and push my strength and endurance (耐力) t their limits.
    Befre the sun rse, we awke t begin anther day. It was painful, hrrible, tiring. and s much fun. That nn-military-bearing smile rarely left my face. I learned t lve the abslute craziness f the Army. I smiled thrugh it all.
    A few mnths after graduating frm bt camp, I crssed paths with ne f my fellw sldiers. He smiled and said, “Thanks fr shwing that smiling face every day. Yu really brightened my days during the difficult times.”
    What I learned frm that brief cnversatin was that even in the tughest, mst physically tiring, and sweaty situatins, a small symbl f human kindness and cnnectin ges a lng way. Smetimes, we dn't even knw the jy we bring t thers.
    I stayed in the military fr ten years. Challenges cntinued t get thrwn in my way, but I never lst my smile.
    4.Hw did the authr's parents feel abut his decisin?
    A. Puzzled. B. Wrried. C. Satisfied. D. Appreciative.
    5.What trubled the authr mst in the army?
    A. The rules fr sldiers' behavir. B. The skills sldiers shuld master.
    C. The hard daily life in the army. D. The limited time fr relaxatin.
    6.What did smiles bring t the authr in bt camp?
    A. Friendship. B. Praise. C. Kindness. D. Punishment.
    7.What can be inferred frm the fellw sldier's wrds?
    A. He decided t fllw the authr's example.
    B. He felt encuraged by the authr's smile.
    C. Smiles help bridge the gap between peple.
    D. Smiles are the mst pwerful tl in cmmunicatin.
    There are tw kinds f peple: thse wh like t pack up leftvers (剩饭, 剩菜) as sn as dinner is ver, and thse wh let leftvers sit ut fr a few hurs s they can cl dwn.
    Hwever, bth leaving leftvers ut fr a lng perid f time and adding ht items t the fridge can cause prblems.
    Whether yu shuld immediately put fd in the fridge r let it sit ut t cl depends n its temperature. Dangerus bacterial (细菌的) grwth happens between 41 and 135 degrees F. Ptentially harmful bacteria grws mst rapidly at these temperatures.
    Placing lts f ht fd in the fridge can raise the temperature f the fridge int this danger zne. Fridge temperatures shuld always be set belw 40 degrees F. This may help the fd get ut f the danger zne as fast as pssible.
    Hwever, there's n harm in putting ht fd directly int the fridge if yu need t. If yu are a frgetful persn, r if yu wn't be arund t stre the fd after it has cled enugh, g ahead and put it in the fridge. Yur fridge can handle the heat and get the fd cled quickly.
    Fd shuld never stay ut at rm temperature fr mre than tw hurs. Leftvers can becme breeding grunds (滋生地) fr dangerus bacteria if they're left ut t lng and can make peple sick.
    “It is OK t leave the fd cling utside befre yu hit the tw-hur mark,” says Serena Pn, nutritinist f Le Crdn Bleu's Grand Diplma training prgram. “In fact, the sner yu can get yur leftvers in the fridge, the better.”
    8.Which temperature mst cntributes t the grwth f harmful bacteria?
    A. Belw 40 degrees F. B. Between 39~40 degrees F.
    C. Between 41~135 degrees F. D. Abve 135 degrees F.
    9.What is the authr's attitude twards putting ht fd directly int the fridge?
    A. Unclear. B. Neutral. C. Wrried. D. Uncncerned.
    10.What des Serena Pn suggest ding abut the leftvers?
    A. Dividing them int small parts.
    B. String them in the fridge right away.
    C. Waiting until they cl dwn cmpletely utside.
    D. Leaving them sitting at rm temperature fr tw hurs.
    11.What is the best title fr the text?
    A. When t Pack up Leftvers. B. Hw t Prevent Bacterial Grwth
    C. T Cl Fd Outside r in the Fridge D. A Gd Idea t Stre Fd in the Fridge
    Sleep, cnsidered a luxury (奢侈) by many, is essential fr a persn's well-being. Researchers have fund that insufficient sleep increases a persn's risk f develping severe medical cnditins, such as besity, diabetes (糖尿病) , and cardivascular (心血管的) discases. Nw, a new study by Bstn's Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT) has fund that getting sufficient sleep is als the key t imprving academic perfrmance.
    Jeffrey Grssman, wh led the research was nt trying t find the link between sleep and grades when he handed ut Fitbits t the 100 students in his intrductin t Slid-State Chemistry class. Instead, the prfessr f Cmputatinal Materials Science hped the ppular wrist-wrn device which tracks a persn's activity 24/7, wuld shw a cnnectin between physical exercise and academic achievement.
    Hwever, the study, published in the jurnal “Science Learning” n Octber 1, 2019, discvered a surprising insight. Then was a straight-line relatinship between the average amunt f sleep a student gt and his/her grade n the 11 quizzes, three midterms, and the final exam administered during the semester.
    Even mre interesting, it was als nt sufficient fr students t just head t bed early the night befre a test. Instead, it's the sleep yu get during the days when learning is happening that matters mst The time students went t bed each night was similarly imprtant. Thse wh went t bed in the early hurs f the mrning perfrmed prly, even if the ttal sleep time was the same as a higher-perfrming student. "When yu g t bed matters. Grssman says. If yu g t bed after 2, yur perfrmance starts t g dwn even if yu get the same seven hurs. S, quantity isn't everything. "
    12.What is the new finding abut sleep?
    A. It's essential fr a persn's health. B. Sleeping less may cause besity.
    C. Sleeping t much is dangerus. D. Enugh sleep leads t better grades.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “Fitbits” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Wearable devices. B. Questinnaires.
    C. Fitness equipment. D. Smartphnes.
    14.Which f the fllwing best describes the final result f the new study?
    A. Dubtful. B. Predictable.C. Disappinting. D. Unexpected.
    15.What will benefit students' study accrding t Grssman?
    A. Sleeping fr 5 hurs each day. B. Heading t bed at 3 a. m. every day.
    C. Getting enugh sleep while learning. D. Ging t bed early nly befre a test.
    16.What makes yu cry? Being mved by a sad mvie, waving a lved ne ff, r getting emtinal after splitting up with yur partner can all cause tears t rll dwn ur faces. We all have the pwer t cry, but is that a gd thing?
    When yu think abut it, shedding tears (流泪) frm yur eyes is an unusual thing t d. But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad, upset r even when we're very happy. ①______Hwever, the feeling is the same—yur cheeks puff up (肿胀) , yur eyes tighten and befre yu knw it, tears are streaming dwn yur face. ②______And it's suggested that it's wmen wh cry mre than men.
    A study in the UK in 2017 fund that wmen admitted that they cry 72 times a year. ③______Writing fr the BBC, Adam Rutherfrd says, “accrding t pretty much every study dne, wmen d cry mre than men.” But des this mean men dn't get as upset r emtinal as wmen, r are they just mre embarrassed abut shwing their true feelings?
    ④______This can be smewhere where emtins run high-smene might be stressed, their wrklad might be t much. As therapist (治疗师) , Jann a Crss tld the BBC, “crying is ften a build-up f frustratin and undealt with situatins and it's a bit f a final straw (稻草) mment”
    But crying in the ffice r elsewhere can be cathartic (情感宣泄的) , which can actually make yu feel better. ⑤______Bawling (放声大哭) yur eyes ut shws thers hw yu feel, s perhaps it's a crying shame that mre f us, particularly men, dn't cry mre ften.
    A. This was, n average, mre than men.
    B. Yu may burst int tears fr smething srrwful.
    C. What causes this reactin differs frm persn t persn.
    D. Mst adults think it embarrassing t cry ludly in public.
    E. Maybe it disslves r clears the negative r sad feelings yu've had.
    F. Sme f us may sniffle (抽鼻子) a little while thers may cry like a baby.
    G. One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts is in the wrkplace.
    This is the stry f My, a rescued elephant in Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery, a lcal nn-gvernmental rganizatin called Wild Is Life. She is prbably ne f the ①_________elephant cubs ever t be rescued. She came t the nursery when she was abut three t fur ②_________ld. She weighed 56 kils, and ③_________a just-brn African elephant cub weighs abut 90 kils. S she was a special icnic little elephant. Under gd care f the staff there, she managed t ④_________.
    Every year, hundreds f yung elephants are rphaned acrss the African cntinent and rarely have a chance f ⑤_________in the wild and are mre ften than nt, left t die. “We rescue babies, and we prvide ⑥_________fr them. We make sure they are in gd ⑦_________here, and help them regain their ⑧_________needed in the wild. We are trying t create a culture where peple⑨_________, ” said Rxy Danckwerts, the funder f Wild Is Life.
    My is abut fur and a half years ld nw. She is healthy, playful, and has becme sme kind f ambassadr t the nursery. Therefre, she's having t take n a lt f ⑩_________fr such a yung animal, almst becming a leader at the very yung age. She is gentle, calm, very very ⑪_________t the ther elephants that cme int the nursery. She is als very gd with peple.
    But unfrtunately, they're nt much mre than bjects f mney in the eyes f ivry (象牙) dealers. Zimbabwe has a ⑫_________elephant-hunting prblem. Sme regins are ⑬_________as much as 75 percent f the elephant ppulatin ver the past 10 years. That is why Danckwerts feels excited at China's decisin t ⑭_________illegal ivry sales, which he believes has becme a majr turning pint and a signal t the wrld that China has made a ⑮_________.
    17.A. cleverest B. wrst C. smallestD. eagerest
    18.A. years B. mnths C. weeks D. days
    19.A. nrmally B. fficially C. rigidly D. unusually
    20.A. set dwn B. pp up C. pull thrugh D. get away
    21.A. escape B. survival C. freedm D. extinctin
    22.A. shelter B. service C. advice D. wealth
    23.A. eyes B. legsC. arms D. hands
    24.A. habitats B. skills C. partners D. parents
    25.A. tur B. care C. wander D. study
    26.A. risk B. discussin C. wrk D. respnsibility
    27.A. friendly B. well-knwn C. superirD. strange
    28.A. simple B. tiny C. seriusD. randm
    29.A. gainingB. supprting C. lsing D. cntrlling
    30.A. allwB. prmte C. reduce D. ban
    31.A. mve B. deal C. livingD. Mistake
    32.Nwadays, ne f the cmmn ①_______(phenmenn) is t see rdinary peple listening t music with headphnes, ②_______ (absrb) themselves in their wn wrld. Mrever, peple ften share ③_______ (satisfy) recrds with their friends. In ④_______ (add) , we can gain relief frm pressure in the deepest part f ur being.
    ⑤_______is prved that music can be used as a cure ⑥_______discases. Listening t psitive and peaceful music will have ⑦_______psitive impact n peple, which enables many patients ⑧_______ (reduce) pain. Classical music has reached a stage ⑨_______it is ften used in cancer treatment ⑩_______the aim f relieving aches and side effects.
    33.假定你是高三(1)班的班长李华,你班打算在“阅读周”,期间邀请你校外教Linda女士为同学们做一次有关莎士比亚 (Shakespeare) 文学作品的讲座。请给她写一封邀请信,内容包括:
    1. 自我介绍,提出邀请;
    2. 阅读周时间(4月22日—4月28日);
    3. 建议讲座的内容;
    4. 表达感谢并期待回复。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头及结尾已给出。
    Dear Linda,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    34.It was my twelfth birthday, and what I really wanted mst was a new bicycle. But I knew that my family culdn't affrd ne, s I settled fr a bedside table with lckable drawers, a safe place t keep my private stuff.
    We went t the charity shp where we fund an ld dark ne. It didn't lk t cl, but I thught that I wuld paint it t make it lk better.
    After we tk it hme, I was getting ready t paint it. When I pulled the drawers ut. I felt smething stuck t the back. I reached in all the way, and guess what? A sealed bag with sme papers in it.
    When I pened the bag, I realized that the papers were fficial dcuments. And, wrapped in them were a bunch f ten and twenty dllar bills! Talk abut finding a treasure! And n my birthday!
    “Is this sme kind f jke?” I said alud. I went ahead and read the papers, and it turned ut t be a will (遗嘱) . Sme ld lady was leaving her savings fr her sn and grandchildren.
    My mind was ging crazy. Was I the luckiest twelve-year-ld ever? With this mney I culd buy the clest bicycle. Wh knws?
    I began cunting. When I reached a thusand dllars, my mther was kncking n my bedrm dr. I quickly clsed the drawer with the mney in it.
    “D yu want sme help? Is everything all right?” she asked.
    N, everything was nt right. Actually, my stmach was grwling (低吼) .
    “I'm kay,” I lied.
    When my mther left my rm, I lay n my bed, starting thinking. What a dilemma (境) ! I wished there were sme ne I culd talk with. Culd I keep it and get all kinds f stuff fr me and my family? It wuldn't be t bad fr me t keep it, if I shared it… right? Thughts ran thrugh my mind. But I really didn't need smene else t give me the answer.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I finally made a decisin and called my parents int my bedrm.
    Thugh surprised, the shp wner helped find the family's telephne number. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    解析:根据题目中的the wrld's first printed ckbk可将信息定位到Libr de arte cquinaria部分中的Martin's wrk.-his recipes made up a majr part f the wrld's first printed ckbk,由此可知答案。
    解析:根据Shanjia Qinggng部分中的The authr,。L,in Hng.was a man f letters wh lived in the Suthern Sng Dynasty和Vushi Zhngkui lu部分中的ne f tw surviving ckbks by a Chinese wman,Schlars guess that she lived in the larger Shanghai regin during the Suthern Sng Dynasty u知,这两本中餐食谱都写于南宋时期。注:Shanjia Qinggng《山家清供》:Wushi Zhngkui lu《吴氏中馈录》。
    解析:根据题干中的the Deichman cllectin可将信息定位到Cmplete Kitchen and Cellar Dictinary部分中的The bk has been in the Deichman cllectin since it pened in I785,由此可知答案
    解析:根据文章第二段中的"It was nt that they weren't prud;they were cncerned and scared"
    解析:根据文章第三段中的"y biggest challenge was the military bearing(举上)。I smiled t much.Obviusly,sldiers dn't smile,but I culdn't help but smile"并结合常识可知,军人仪态属于士兵的行为准则之一,所以在军队里,最困扰作者的是士兵的行为准则。故选A项。
    解析:根据文章第三段中的"Idid pay fr it!My 'pearly white teeth'earned me plenty f extra training.I had n chice but t dig deep and push my strength and endurance(耐力)t their limits"并结合上文语境可推知,"我”的"珍珠般洁白的牙齿"表示作者的微笑,所以微笑给新兵训练营的作者带来的是额外的训练这一惩罚。故选D项。
    解析:根据文章第五段中的"He smiled and said,Thanks fr shwing that smiling face every day.Yu really brightened my days during the dif价cult times'"可知,作者的微笑使他受到鼓舞。故选B项。
    解析:根据第三段中Dangerus bacterial(细菌)grwth happens between41and135 degrees F.Ptentially harmful bacteria grws mst rapidly at these temperatures.(危险的细菌在华氏41度到135度之间生长,潜在的有害细菌在这个温度下生长得最快。)可知,在41~135华氏度之间温度最容易滋生有害细菌。故选C项。
    解析:根据第二段中的Hwever,。bt h leaving leftvers ut fr a lng perid f time an d adding ht items t the fridge can cause prbles.(然而,把剩菜长时间放在外面和把热的东西放进冰箱都会引起问题。)和第五段中Hwever, there's n harm in putting ht fd directly int the fridge if yu need t.(然而,如果你需要的话,把热的食物直接放进冰箱也没什么坏处。)可推断,作者对直接把热食放入冰箱冷却的做法的态度是中立的。故选B项。
    解析:根据最后一段"'It is OK t leave the fd cling utside befre yu hit the tw-hur mark,"says Serena Pn,nutritinist f Le C rdn Bleu's Grand Diplma training prgram."Infact ,the sner yu can get yur leftvers in the fridge ,the better."(蓝带厨艺学院高级文凭培训项目的营养学家瑟琳娜·潘说:“在两小时之前把食物放在外面冷却是可以的。"事实上,越早把剩菜放进冰箱越好。")可知,潘瑟琳建议尽快将剩菜放在冰箱冷却。故选B项。
    解析:通读全文内容以及第一段Ther e are tw kinds f peple:thse wh like t pack up leftvers as sn as dinner is ver,and thse wh let leftvers sit ut fr a few hurs s they ca n cl dwn,(有两种人:一种人喜欢一吃完饭就把剩菜打包,另一种人喜欢把剩菜放在外面放几个小时,让它们冷却下来。)可知,本文主要讨论了热食直接放入冰箱冷却保存还是先放在外面冷却后再放入冰箱保存的问题。作者提出了自己的看法:是否立即将热食放入冰箱可根据热食的温度进行决定,不过对于直接将热食放于冰箱,作者也支持,因此C项T Cl Fd Outside r in the Fridge.(把食物放在外面或冰箱里冷却)概括文意,适合作为本文的最佳标题。故选C项。
    解析:根据文章第一段Nw,ane w study by Bstn's Massachusetts Institute f Te chnlgy MIT)has fund that getting sufficien t sleep is als the key t imprving academic perf rmance.波士顿麻省理工学院的一项新研究发现,充足的睡眠也是提高学习成绩的关键。可知睡眠的新发现是充足的睡眠会使人成绩更好,故选D。
    解析:根据文章第二段Jeffrey Grssman, wh led the research. was nt trying t fin d the link between sleep and grades when he han ded utFitbitst the 100 students in his intrducti n t Slid这项研究的负责人杰弗里·格罗斯曼,在向100名学生介绍《固体》时,并没有试图找出睡眠与成绩之间的联系。可知意为可穿戴设备,结合选项A.Wearable devices可穿戴设备;B.Questin naires调查问卷;C.Fitness equipment健身器材; D.Smartphnes智能手机。故选A。
    解析:根据文章第三段Hwever, the study,published in the jurnal Science Lear ning n Octber a surprising insight.然而,这项研究,于2019年10月1日发表在
    《科学》杂志上。可知新闻研究的最终结果是出乎意料的,A,Dubtful..怀疑的;B.Predictable.可预测的;C Disappinting.失望的;D.Unexpected出乎意料的。故选D。
    解析:根据文章最后一段Thse wh went t bed in the early hurs f the mrning perfrmed prly,even if the ttal sleep time was the same as a higher-perfrming student.那些在凌晨睡觉的人表现很差,即使总的睡眠时间和一个成绩较高的学生一样。可知格罗斯曼认为在学习的同时得到足够的睡眠对学生的学习有利,故选C。
    ①根据前文“But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad,upset r even when we're very happy..(但当我们悲伤、沮丧甚至非常高兴时,这似乎是一种自动反应。)可知,此处强调当我们悲伤、沮丧或者非常高兴时流泪这是一种自动反应。C选项“What causes this reactin differs frm persn t persn.(导致这种反应的原因因人而异。)”承接前文,指出导致人流泪的原因是因人而异的,C选项中的this reactin-与前文reactin为词汇复现。故选C。
    ②根据后文“And it's suggested that it's wmen wh cry mre than men.(有研究表明,女性比男性更爱哭。)可知,此处表示女性比男性更爱哭,因此设空处应该强调不同的人对于哭的不同表现。F选项“Sme f us may sniffle(抽鼻子)a little while thers may cry like a baby.(我们中的一些人可能会抽鼻子,而另一些人可能会哭得像个婴儿。)指出有些人哭泣的时候抽鼻子,有些人哭得像个婴儿,符合语境。故选F。
    ③根据前文的“A study in the UK in2017fund that wmen admitted that they cry 72 times a year.(2017年英国的一项研究发现,女性承认她们一年哭72次。)可知,此处描述的一项调查发现即女性承认她们一年哭72次。A选项This was,n average,mre than men.(这一比例平均高于男性。)中的his指带前文女性一年哭72次的事实,与男性形成比较,符合语境。故选A。
    ④根据后文“This can be smewhere where emtins run high-smene might be stressed,their wrklad might be t much.(这可能是情绪高张的地方一有些人可能压力很大,他们的工作量可能太多。)可知,本段强调的是情绪高涨的原因即有人压力很大或者有人工作量太多。G选项One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts is in the wrkplace..(工作场所是我们经历情感和眼泪爆发的一个地方。)引起下文,指出工作场所是情感和眼泪爆发的一个地方即有些人可能压力很大,他们的工作量可能太多则会在工作场所情感爆发,G选项概括本段段旨,符合语境。故选G。
    ⑤根据前文But crying in the ffice r elsewhere can be cathartic(情感宣泄的),which can actually make yu feel better..(但在办公室或其他地方哭泣可能是一种宣泄,实际上可以让你感觉更好。)可知,此处指出在办公室或者工作的地方哭泣会是一种情感宣泄,感觉更好。E选项“Maybe it disslves r clears the negative r sad feelings yu've had.(也许它会溶解或清除你的消极或悲伤的感觉。)中的it指代前文的crying,形成呼应,指出哭泣之所以成为情感宣泄让你感觉更好的方式是因为它会溶解或清除你的消极或悲伤的感觉,符合语境。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她可能是迄今为止获数的最小的象崽之一。A.cleveresti最聪明的;B.wst最坏的:C smallesti最小的;D.eageresti最热t切的。后文提到She came t the nursery when she was abut three t fur2_ld.She weighed
    56 kils,and_3_a just-bm African elephant cub weighs abut90 kils..”(她刚到救助中心的时候大概3.4周大。它重56公斤,而刚出生的非洲象幼患重约90公斤。)My在3、4天时的体重还没有刚出生的大象幼崽重,由此判断,My是获数时最小的象崽之一。故选C。
    解析:考察名词词义辨析。句意:她来育婴室的时候才三到四天大。A.yeas年:B.mnths/月;C.weeks周:D.days天。后文提到She weighed56 kils,,and3 a just--brn African elephant cub weighs abut90 kils.”(它重56公斤,而刚出生的非洲象幼崽重约90公斤,)说明My的体重还没有刚出生的大象幼崽重,由此判断,My在被送往数助中心时应是3天大。故选D.
    解析:考查副词词义辩析。句意:它重56公斤,正常情况下,出生的非洲象幼患重约90公斤。A.rmally正常地:B.fficially官方地;C.rigidly严格地:D.unusually不寻常地。前文提到“She is prbably ne f the smallest elephant cubs ever t be rescued..”(可能是迄今为止获救的最小的象崽之一。)和She weighed56 kils”(她重56公斤.)她比刚出生的小象都还要轻,由此判断,在通常情况下刚出生的大象幼崽约0公斤。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词组辨析。句意:在工作人员的精心照顾下,她终于恢复了健康。A.set dwni记下;B.pp up突然出现:C pull thrugh恢复健康;D.get away离开。前文提到This is the stry f My,a rescued elephant in Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery”(这是一只在津巴布韦大象保育中心获教的大象My的故事)由此判断,My经过数助,最终获得了健康。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:非洲大陆每年都有数百头小象成为孤儿,它们在野外很少有生存的机会,更多的是被遗弃而死。A.escapei逃脱;B.survival存活;C,freedm自由:D.extinctin灭绝,后文提到mre ften than nt,。left t die..”(更多的是被遗弃而死。)由此判断,小象在野外生存的机会很小。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们拯数幼崽并且给它们提供庇护。A.shelter庇护;B.service服务;C.advices建议;D, wealth财富。前文提到This is the stry f My,。a rescued elephant in Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery,a lcal nn-gvernmental rganizatin called Wild Is Life.”(这是一只在津巴布韦大象保育中心获救的大象My的故事)由此判断,这是一个动物保护救助组织,该组织在救助了大象幼崽后会给它们提供庇护所。故选A,
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们确保他们在这里得到很好的照顾,并帮助他们重新获得野外所需的技能。A.ys眼睛;B.legs腿:C,arms手臂:D.hands手。分析句子可知,此处是因固定短语in gd hands,意为照顾的很好”。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们确保他们在这里得到很好的照顾,并帮助他们重新获得野外所需的技能。A.habitats栖息地;B.skills技能:C,partners伴侣;D.parents:父母。后文提到needed in the wild”(在野外需要的),由此判断,这些被救助的动物孤儿需要的是在野外生存的技能。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们正在努力创造一种人们关心的文化。A.tur旅行;B.care关心;C.wander漫步;D.study学习。前文提到We rescue babies,and we prvide shelter fr them.We make sure they are in gd hands here'"(我们拯数幼崽并且给它们提供庇护。我们确保他们在这里得到很好的照顾,并帮助他们重新获得野外所需的技能。)由此判断,该动物保护组织致力于帮助动物,并且希望能创造一个大家都能关心动物的文化。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,她为很多这么小的动物承担很多责任,几乎在很小的时候就成为了领导者。A risk风险;B.discussin讨i论:C.wrk工作;D.respnsibility责任。后文提到almst becming a leader at the very yung age.”(几乎在很小的时候就成为了领导者)成为领导者就要承担相应的责任。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她温柔、平静,对进入保育室的其他大象非常友好。A.friendly友好的:B.wcl-knwn著名的:C.superir更强的;D.strange奇怪的。前文提到She is gentle,calm”(她温柔、平静)后文提到She is als very gd with peple..”(她也很善于与人相处。)由此判断,经过救助后,My现在是一头非常友好的大象,故选A.
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:津巴布韦有严重的大象狩猎问题。A.simple简单的:B.tiy极小的;C.serius严重的:D.randm随机的。前文提到But unfrtunately,。they're nt much mre than bjects f mney in the eyes f ivry dealers..”(但不幸的是,在象牙商人眼中,它们不过是金钱的对象。)由此判断,由于利益的驱使,为了获取象牙,在津巴布韦被猎杀的大象数量很多,有着非常严重的大象狩猎问题。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:在过去10年里,一些地区的大象数量减少了75%,A.gaining获得:B.supprting支持;C.lsing减少;D,cntrlling控制。前文提到Zimbabwe has a serius elephant--hunting prblem."(津巴布韦有严重的大象狩猎问题。)由此判断,因为这个严重的大象狩猎问题,一些地区大象的数量减少。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么Danckw©rts对中国禁止非法象牙销售的决定感到兴奋,他认为这已成为一个重大转折点,并向世界发出了中国已经采取行动的信号。A.allw允许;B.prmte提升:C,reduce减少:D.ban禁止,前文提到Danckwerts feels excited"(Danckwerts感到非常兴奋)由此判断,应该是中国禁止非法象牙销售的决定让Danckwerts感到非常兴奋。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么Danckwerts对中国禁止非法象牙销售的决定感到兴奋,他认为这已成为一个重大转折点,并向世界发出了中国已经采取行动的信号。A.mve行动:B.deal交易;C.livings生计;D.mistake错误。根据上文“That is why Danckwerts feels excited at China'sdecisin t_illegal ivry sales"可知,中国已经采取行动。此处为固定短语make a mve,意为开始行动”。故选A。
    答案:phenmena;absrbing;satisfying;additin;It;fr;a;t reduce;where;With
    ①考查名词复数。句意:如今,一个常见的现象是看到普通人戴着耳机听音乐,沉浸在自己的世界里。ne f+复数名词意为“..…之一,。中的一个”,是固定结构,phenmenn的复数形式为phenmena。故填phenmena。
    ④考查名词。句意:此外,我们可以从我们生命最深处的压力中获得解脱。in additin此外”是固定短语,名词作介词宾语。故填additin。
    ⑥考查介词。句意:同上。a cure fr'“...的疗法”是固定搭配,符合句意。故填fr。
    ⑦考查冠词。句意:听积极平和的音乐会对人产生积极的影响,使许多病人减轻疼痛。单数可数名词impact是泛指概念,应用不定冠词限定,have an impact n'“对。有影响是固定搭配;空后单词psitive?发音以辅音开头,故填a。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。enable sb t d sth“使某人做某事'是固定句式,动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填t reduce。
    ⑩考查介词。句意:同上。with the aim f旨在,目的是”是固定搭配。故填with。
    Dear Linda,
    I am Li Hua frm Class 1, Senir 3. I’m mnitr f the class. We’d like t invite yu t give us a lecture abut English writer Shakespeare during the Reading Week.
    T help students appreciate and write English stries well, ur class is ging t hld a Reading Week frm April 22nd t April 28th. We hpe yur lecture will cver the creatin and appreciatin f Shakespeare’s wrks and sme English writing skills.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu can accept ur invitatin. We are lking frward t yur reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    1.词汇积累举行:hst-hld f欣赏:admire→appreciate演讲:speech→lecture写作:cmpse→write
    2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:T help students appreciate and write Engli sh stries well,ur class is ging t hld a Readin g Week frm April 22nd t April 28th.
    拓展句:Our class is ging t hld a Reading We ek frm April 22nd t April 28th,whse aim is t h elp students appreciate and write English stries well.
    【高分句型1】T help students appreciate and write English stries well,ur class is ging t hld a R eading Week frm April22 nd t April28th.(运用了不定式作目的状语)
    【高分句型2】We hpe yur lecture will cver the cr eatin and appreciatin f Shakespeare's wrks a nd sme English writing skills.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)
    I finally made a decisin and called my parents int my bedrm. When my parents saw what I had fund in the drawer they were wide-eyed and speechless! Then, they read the papers carefully and were mved t tears. When they asked, “What shuld we d? ” I said, “Let’s take it back t the stre and find her family. ” My father ndded with a smile n his face and my mther hugged me warmly, saying “Yu are my pride, dear. ” I felt very happy because I already knew right frm wrng. We cllected all the mney and papers at nce, putting them in the drawer. We rushed t the charity shp with the drawer in the hpe t find the wner as sn as pssible.
    Thugh surprised, the shp wner helped find the family’s telephne number. Within a few minutes, the family all came ver. When I shwed them what I had fund in the drawer, they culdn’t believe their eyes. The parents had tears in their eyes. They were still sad abut the lady’s death and the father had just lst his jb. It was easy t see that my act f hnesty gave them hpe. They shwed me sincere gratitude frm the bttm f their hearts. In fact, I had never felt better befre. N new bicycle culd have made me felt as gd abut myself as I felt that day because I passed a very imprtant test—a lst and fund test f my wn character.
    ①着急去:rush t/hurry t
    ②归还:take sth,back/retum sth.
    ③拥抱:embrace/hld in ne's arms情绪类
    ①感动落泪:be mved t tears/be tuched t tears
    ②感谢:shw sincere gratitude/be grateful
    【点睛】【高分句型)When my parents saw what I had fund in the drawer they were wide-eyed and speechless!(由when引导的时间状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】We cllected all the mney and papers at nce,。putting them in the drawer.(使用现在分词作伴随状语)
    【高分句型3】It was easy t see that my act f hnesty gave them hpe.(由that引导的主语从句)

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