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    PYOP: Pick Yur Own Prduce at These Lcal Farms
    Hllin Farms Delaplane, VA
    Hllin Farms’ strawberry picking seasn will begin in late May, and last several weeks.Hurs are 9:00 am-4:00 pm frm Wednesday t Sunday.If yu cme in summer, peaches, blackberries, red raspberries and sur cherries are available.Apples are ready in late summer, and fall brings green vegetables, ptates, and dig-yur-wn peanuts.And a special meat lvers: they pride themselves n their grass-fed beef.
    Great Cuntry Farms Bluemnt, VA
    Great Cuntry Farms is well-knwn fr its seasnal festivals and fun farm-themed attractins.Their U-pick strawberry fields will pen in May.The weekends f May 20-21 and May 27-28 are the yearly Strawberry Jubilee with live music, pie-eating cmpetitins, tasty fd, and mre.Admissin is $10/child and $12/adult, and it’s pen daily during 9:00 am-6:00 pm.
    Waters Orchard (果园) Gaithersburg, MD
    This is a great place fr apple picking.Just cme in late summer and fall.After parking, it’s a 5-10 minutes’ walk t the rchard.Hurs are 12:00-5:00 pm n Fridays, and 9:00 am-5:00 pm n weekends.Pick-yur-wn (PYO) pricing is by the peck (配克) —$15/half peck, $22/peck, and an entry fee fr tw is included.It’s $5/guest after that.
    Hmestead Farm Plesville, MD
    Hmestead Farm’s PYO seasn begins a little later than farms in ther areas.The first crp will be tart cherries in June, and ther berries will be ripe sn after.Peaches and apples cme later.There are als animals t visit (gats, pigs, and chickens), and watching gats climb alng the gat walk is always a trip fr kids.The farm perates seven days a week, and PYO hurs are 9:00 am-5:00 pm.
    1.When is suitable t visit Hllin Farms?
    A.9:00 am n Mnday.B.10:00 am n Thursday.
    C.4:30 pm n Saturday.D.5:00 pm n Sunday.
    2.What can visitrs d at Great Cuntry Farms n May 27?
    A.Play with gats and chickens.B.Pick strawberries and apples.
    C.Enjy grass-fed beef fr free.D.Participate in a pie-eating cmpetitin.
    3.Hw much shuld a family f three pay if they buy tw-peck apples?
    The student arrived early, sat frnt and center, and std ut in my classrm in mre ways than ne.I’d say that he was abut 40 years lder than his classmates in my undergraduate cmmunicatins class.He eagerly jumped int class discussins, with his humr and wisdm f experience.And he was always respectful f the ther students’ perspectives, as if each f them were a teacher.Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile — and he left with ne t.
    “These students gave me the cnfidence that I didn’t need t feel bad abut my age,” Valencia says.
    One day, I sptted Valencia n campus.He said he wuld have t stp taking classes that semester and reapply fr next year.By then, he hped t have earned enugh mney and have his student-lan papers in rder.He asked seriusly whether he culd still sit in n my cmmunicatins class.
    Sure, I said.But he wuldn’t get any credit.
    N prblem, he said.
    Sn there he was again, back at his ld desk, jumping int ur discussins n hw t find and tell stries in Ls Angeles — a 63-year-ld man with as much energy and curisity as any f the yungsters in class.
    A lt f Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he culdn’t affrd that semester’s tuitin but was still ding the hmewrk.“Here he is, willingly taking a class fr the delight f it and benefit f learning,” says Jessica Espinsa, a 25-year-ld junir.Afterward, I verheard Valencia wanted t stay in schl until he earned a master’s degree, but it had taken him 12 years t finish cmmunity cllege, s he had a lng way t g.
    There is smething splendidly unreasnable abut Valencia’s determinatin t get a fur-year degree and then a master’s.At his current pace, he’ll be 90 when he finally hangs all that paper n the wall.But that desn’t seem especially relevant.He’s fund all the yuthful energy and academic pprtunity stimulating.Valencia’s grade in my class this semester will nt shw up n his transcripts(成绩单).But I’m giving him an A — and in the mst imprtant ways, it cunts.
    4.What made Valencia different frm his classmates?
    A.He was respectful t the teacher.
    B.He activated the class atmsphere.
    C.He was eager t learn despite his age.
    D.He ften put frward different pinins.
    5.Accrding t the authr, why did Valencia cntinue t attend classes?
    A.He treasured the chance f learning.
    B.He wished t shw his determinatin.
    C.He needed the credits t further his study.
    D.He desired t have an A n his transcripts.
    6.Which f the fllwing best describes Valencia?
    A.Mdest and independent.B.Energetic and generus.
    C.Enthusiastic and mtivated.D.Cnsiderate and intelligent.
    7.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.N pains, n gains.B.It is never t ld t learn.
    C.Strike the irn while it is ht.D.Where there is life, there is hpe.
    Frget abut “military-style travel” during which peple tend t visit as many places as pssible in the least amunt f time.A mre relaxed and leisurely alternative, such as “Citywalk”, is becming the nrm amng urban yungsters.
    Unlike military-style travel, Citywalk is abut wandering arund a city n ft, feeling the atmsphere and finding unusual things that even a resident f the city might nt have nticed befre.It can be a special event where peple start a jurney led by tur guides r simply explre the streets.
    Such walks generally avid famus scenic spts and shpping centers, and take yu t places where yu can have real interactins with the lcal peple, eat at small but authentic restaurants, and gain a deeper understanding f the histry and culture f the city.
    Citywalkers have shared their carefully planned rutes n scial media platfrms.Their psts usually include hw lng the walk is ging t take, and interesting places and restaurants alng the way.Sme psts are mre like a fd tur.
    Nan Xi, wh recently mved frm Beijing t Shanghai, said “I think Shanghai is a city perfect fr Citywalk.There are big trees alng the streets and shps selling different prducts, which is ideal fr cuples and friends t walk tgether and take phts.” After several Citywalk experiences, she signed up fr a tw-and-a-half-hur Citywalk priced at 88 yuan per persn.A tur guide narrated the histry f the buildings and streets alng the way.“If it were me walking alne, I wuld simply find the streets artistic, but the tur that day helped me gain a better understanding f hw Western culture blends in with the lcal culture in Shanghai,” she said.Anther surprising benefit f the walk was that she has made friends with tw f her fellw walkers.
    Lin Yi, a manager fr an nline platfrm fr self-guided turs, said Citywalk can help travelers learn abut lcal culture and live as lcal peple d, feeling the vibes f a city.Peple wh participate in Citywalks usually have similar tastes, and can have in-depth discussins with each ther, he said.
    8.What is the main difference between military-style travel and Citywalk?
    A.The transprt. B.The cst.
    C.The purpse. D.The destinatin.
    9.What can we cnclude abut Citywalk in Shanghai accrding t Nan Xi?
    A.It is a perfect place t run shps.
    B.There are great things t d at weekends.
    C.Ideal cuples and friends ften gather there.
    D.It prvides great experiences in many ways.
    10.What can be inferred frm Nan Xi’s tw-and-a-half-hur Citywalk?
    A.She thught it well wrth a try.
    B.She went n the tur withut cmpany.
    C.She wuldn't have fund the artistic streets by herself.
    D.She knew hw Western culture differed frm the lcal culture in Shanghai.
    11.Which f the fllwing is the best title f the passage?
    A.Citywalk Being a New Trend in Urban Turism.
    B.Citywalk Helping Travelers Make New Friends.
    C.Military-style Travel Becming Mre Ppular.
    D.Travelers Chsing Citywalk ver Military Style t Fllw Suit.
    In rder t survive trips t Mars, humans need xygen.Nw, a team f scientists has designed a rbt that culd extract (提取) xygen frm water n the Red Planet.
    The rbt, which is called “AI chemist”, used a machine learning mdel t find a cmpund that culd ignite an xygen-prducing chemical reactin n Mars.The cmpund, knwn as a catalyst (催化剂), is made entirely frm elements fund in Martian meterites (陨石) —which means, if such a system culd wrk reliably, space travelers wuld nt need t bring xygen r even the catalyst needed t prduce it.
    Mars’ atmsphere cntains nly trace amunts f xygen.But scientists have detected evidence f liquid water beneath the planet’s suthern ice cap.T create the breathable gas, researchers wanted t find a way t break dwn this water int its hydrgen and xygen mlecules using materials fund n Mars.
    Their rbt analyzed five meterites that either came frm Mars r had a cmpsitin similar t that f the Martian surface.Using a laser, it identified significant amunts f irn, nickel, calcium, magnesium, aluminum and manganese in the samples.Frm these six elements, the rbt’s algrithm (算法) determined it culd prduce mre than 3.7 millin pssible mlecules t break dwn water and frm xygen n Mars.Accrding t the researchers, finding the best ne frm this extensive list wuld take rughly 2,000 years f human labr, but fr the AI chemist, it tk nly weeks.
    “On Earth, we dn’t use these six elements,” Yi Lu, a c-authr f the study says.“They are nt the best chices fr catalysts, but it’s nly what yu’ve gt n Mars.”
    With its chsen catalyst, the system culd prduce xygen frm the Martian materials at arund -37℃, demnstrating the chemical reactin culd be pssible n the cld Martian surface.
    Ntably, the rbt was able t carry ut the entire prcess—analyzing the rck samples, identifying the best pssible catalyst and prducing it withut human interventin.
    12.What des the underlined wrd “ignite” mean in paragraph 2?
    13.What is the basis f extracting xygen n Mars?
    A.The xygen that Mars’ atmsphere cntains.
    B.The scientists’ previus study n meterites.
    C.The existence f water and catalyst n Mars.
    D.The amazing learning ability f “AI chemist”
    14.What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A.The finding f six elements.
    B.The advantages f the rbts.
    C.The frmatin f the meterites.
    D.The prcess f prducing xygen.
    15.What is the writer’s attitude twards “AI chemist”?
    A.Dubtful. B.Favrable. C.Unclear. D.Indifferent.
    16.On hearing the wrd vacatin,mst peple react psitively.Experienced travelers will argue that mre imprtant than where they g n vacatin is wh they g with. ①
    Family travel is special and creates lasting memries,but it can als have sme challenges.Fr ne,the success f a trip ften depends n the relatinships that the family members have with ne anther.If tw brthers d nt get alng at hme,the chances are that they will fight during a vacatin. ② If a family is traveling by air, purchasing plane tickets fr everyne can be very expensive.
    ③ Clse friends ften have similar persnalities,s they generally get alng with each ther and fight less than family members might n a trip.Furthermre, if friends are clse, even a terrible trip will nt ruin the friendship. ④ All in all, traveling with friends can be a psitive experience that results in a great vacatin and, likely, a strnger friendship.
    Finally, peple can chse t travel alne.Sl travelers can be mre flexible with transprtatin than thse traveling in a large grup. ⑤ And they als have better chances f getting a seat n buses r planes since they nly need ne.In additin,sl travelers are mre likely t meet lcals r ther vacatiners because they are mre likely t want t talk with thers.
    A.They can change plans mre easily.
    B.Each persn tends t cver his r her individual expenses.
    C.Anther ptential prblem f family travel is transprtatin.
    D.Sightseeing and scheduling are nt a prblem fr sl travelers.
    E.In fact,friendships are ften strengthened with the travel memries.
    F.Traveling with friends can be an unfrgettable experience fr several reasns.
    G.Vacatins can be srted n the basis f wh vacatiners chse t travel with.
    Bryan was driving hme ne evening.It was starting t get dark and cld.Ever since the factry clsed,he'd been unemplyed.Suddenly,he saw an ld lady 1 standing beside a car n the side f the rad.S he 2 in frnt f her and said,“I'm here t help yu ma'am.Why dn't yu wait in the car where it's 3 ? By the way,my name is Bryan.”
    All she had was a 4 tire,but fr an ld lady,that was bad enugh.Bryan crawled under the car and sn he changed it.The lady asked him hw much she 5 him.Bryan never thught twice abut the 6 and tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back,the next time she saw smene wh needed help,she culd give the 7 ,and Bryan added“…and think f me”.She started her car and drve ff.
    A few miles dwn the rad,the lady saw a small cafe and went in.She 8 that the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant,but never let the strain and aches change her attitude.Then she remembered Bryan.As the waitress went t get the 9 fr her hundred-dllar bill,the lady slipped right ut the dr. 10 ,the waitress nticed smething written n the napkin under which were fur mre $100 bills.There were 11 in her eyes when she read what the lady wrte.It 12 :“Smebdy nce helped me ut the way I'm helping yu.If yu really want t pay me back,d nt let this chain f lve 13 with yu.”
    That night when she gt hme frm wrk,she was thinking abut the lady.With the baby due next mnth,it was ging t be hard.She knew hw 14 her husband was,and as he lay sleeping next t her,she gave him a sft kiss and 15 ,“Everything's gnna be all right;I lve yu,Bryan.”
    17.A.cnfusedly B.anxiusly C.frightenedly D.crazily
    18.A.pulled up B.brke dwn C.dressed up D.calmed dwn
    19.A.crwded B.spacius C.warm D.cld
    20.A.flat B.spare C.new D.explsive
    21.A.charged B.admired C.appreciated D.wed
    22.A.price B.mney C.cst D.salary
    23.A.assistance B.guidance C.pprtunity D.reward
    24.A.discvered B.recalled C.hped D.nticed
    25.A.menu B.lunch C.change D.tip
    26.A.Unwillingly B.Unexpectedly C.Unfrtunately D.Unlikely
    27.A.srrws B.jys C.regrets D.tears
    28.A.wrte B.said C.printed D.shwed
    29.A.cntinue B.begin C.end D.develp
    30.A.terrified B.relieved C.excited D.wrried
    31.A.whispered B.screamed C.laughed D.shuted
    32.Austrian authr Peter Handke cllected the 2019 Nbel Prize in Literature while the 2018 award, which① (delay),went t Plish authr Olga Tkarczuk.
    Handke “has established himself as ne f the mst② (influence) writers in Eurpe after the Secnd Wrld War”.His wrks are filled with a strng desire③ (discver) and make his discveries cme t life by finding new literary expressins fr them,the Swedish Academy said.He④ ( write) many nvels in the past decades, like Shrt Letter, Lng Farewell, ⑤ a yung Austrian writer travels acrss the United States in search f his wife.This nvel is⑥ ( general) cnsidered as ne f Handke's typical cnfusing⑦ (wrk).
    Tkarczuk became⑧ winner f the 2018 award “fr a narrative(叙事的) imaginatin that with encyclpedic (博学的) passin represents the crssing f bundaries as a frm f life".Her first wrk came ut in 1993,and⑨ was believed that her third nvel Primevaland Other Times marked her majr breakthrugh.In 2018, she was awarded the Man Bker Internatinal Prize fr her nvel Flights, ⑩ (becme) the first Plish writer t d s.
    33.2024 年 8 月 15 日是第二个“全国生态日(Natinal Eclgy Day)”,你校目前正为此筹备各种活动。假如你是李华,你的好朋友 Alan 对此非常好奇。请你给他写一封回信,要点如下:
    1.介绍活动; 2.你的看法;3.欢迎他参加。
    注意:1.词数 80 词左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Alan,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    34.Beautiful Birthmarks: The Pwer f Acceptance
    Whenever yu hear the wrd “birthmark(胎记)”, yu prbably think f ne f thse black r brwn spts yu have smewhere n yur bdy.Hwever, fr me, it’s cmpletely different—I have them bth n my lips and inside my muth, which make them quite visible and, t me, ugly.When I was yung, these birthmarks kept making me feel extremely awkward and self-cnscius(难为情的).As these birthmarks always drew a lt f attentin, peple ften asked me, “What are thse black marks n yur lips?” When I tld peple that they were birthmarks, they usually said, “Hw strange!”
    In pictures, I used t hide my birthmarks by pursing(噘起) my lips, s I wuld nt have t deal with peple’s questins.As I was grwing up, the situatin didn’t get any better.In the schl, my classmates wuld always tease me, making me feel hurt and helpless.In sciety, I ften encuntered individuals wh wuld inquire abut my birthmarks even befre they knew my name.Such experiences left me feeling disheartened.I felt like peple judged me by my appearance withut cnsidering my persnality.
    My birthmarks are caused by a genetic cnditin frm my mm’s side f the family.My mm’s mm has birthmarks n her lips, and my mm’s uncle and my uncle have sme n their bdies.I used t try t cver them up with makeup, but it never lked gd.I even cnsulted a dctr, wanting t have surgery t remve them.But when imagining the prcess, I wuld get nervus and eventually give up.
    Whenever I cried t my mm abut them, she wuld always cmfrt me and say, “Learn t accept them and see them as beautiful birthmarks.” Hwever, it wasn’t easy fr me t accept my wn birthmarks.Every time I shwed my birthmarks, peple wuld lk at me with strange eyes.I began t regret why I had given up n the surgery and chsen t accept my birthmarks.
    注意:1.续写词数应为 150 词左右。 2.请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    One day, I met my cusin, wh als had a large birthmark n his arm.
    Frm then n, when I met peple, I began t change myself.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Hllin Farms Delaplane, VA中“Hurs are 9:00 am-4:00 pm frm Wednesday t Sunday.(营业时间为周三至周日上午9点至下午4点)”结合选项可知,星期四上午10点参观霍林农场比较合适。
    解析:细节理解题。根据GreatCuntry FarmsBluemnt, VA中“The weekends f May 20-21 and May 27-28 are the yearly Strawberry Jubilee with live music, pie-eating cmpetitins, tasty fd, and mre.(5月20日至21日和5月27日至28日的周末是一年一度的草莓禧年,有现场音乐,吃派比赛,美味的食物等等)”可知,5月27日,游客可以在大乡村农场参加吃派比赛。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Waters Orchard(果园Gaithersburg, MD中“Pick-yur-wn (PYO) pricing isby the peck(配克)-$15/half peck, $22/peck, and anentry fee fr tw is included. It's $5/guest after that.(选价格按配克出售--15美元/半配克,22美元/克,包括两人的入场费。之后是每位客人5美元)”可知,一个三口之家买两配克苹果要花22+22+5=49美元。
    解析:细节理解题,根据第一段中的“The student arrived early, sat frnt and center. and std ut irmy classrm in mre ways than ne. I'd say that he was abut 40 years lder than his classmatein my undergraduate cmmunicatins class,(这个学生很早就到了,坐在前排和中间,在我的教室里,他在很多方面都很突出。我得说,他比我本科传播学班上的同学大 40 岁左右。)”第三段“He said he wuld have t stp taki:and reapply fr next year. Bythen, he hped t have earned enugh mney and have his student-lan papers in rder. lle askecnicatins class,(他说他那学期将不得不停止seriusly whether he culd still sit in n my cmr上课,并重新申请明年的课程。到那时,他希望能赚到足够的钱,并把学生贷款文件办妥他严肃地问我是否还能旁听我的交际课。)”、第六段“Sn there he was agack at his lclesk, jumping int ur discuss1sinTns Ange esa 63-vear-ldrsters in class(很快,他又回来了,后nan with as much enerev and cu到他的旧桌子旁,加入到我们关于如何在洛杉矶寻找和讲述故事的讨论中一-一个 63 岁的男人,和班上任何一个年轻人一样充满活力和好奇心。)”、第七段“Alt f Valencia'sclassmates apparently knew he culdn't affrd that semester's tuitin but was still ding thehmewrk.(瓦伦西亚的很多同学显然知道他付不起那学期的学费,但他仍然在做作业。)f“Afterward, I verheard Valencia wanted t stay in schl until he earned a master's degree, buit had taken him 12 vears t finish cmmInity cllege. s he had a lng way t g.(后来,我无意中听到瓦伦西亚想留在学校直到获得硕士学位,但他花了12年时间才完成社区大学学业,所以他还有很长的路要走。)”可知,瓦伦西亚与他的同学的不同之处在于:尽管他年纪大了但他渴望学习。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“A lt f Valenapparenty knew 1uldn't aflrd that semester's tuuhn but as shill ding the hnewrk,“Here he is.willingliaking a class fr the delight f it and benefit f learning." says Jessica Espinsa. a 25-vear-liunir.(瓦伦西亚的许多同学显然知道他付不起那学期的学费,但他仍在做作业。25 岁的大三学生杰西卡·埃斯皮诺萨说:“他来了,为了学习的乐趣和益处,他很乐意去上课。”)”可知瓦伦西亚继续上课是因为他得到了学习的乐趣,珍惜学习的机会。故选B
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“He eagerly jumped int class discussins, with his humr andwisdm fexperience.(他以他的幽默和经验智慧,热情地参加了课堂讨论。)”可知,瓦伦西亚很热情:由倒数第二段中的“AltfValapparently knew he culdn't affrhat semester's tuitin huthe is. willingly taking a class fthe delight fit and benefit f learsa.a 25-vear-ld iunir(瓦伦西亚的许多同学显然知道他付不起那学期的学费,但他仍在做作业。25 岁的大三学生杰西卡·埃期皮诺萨说:“他来了,为了学习的乐趣和益处,他很乐意去上课。”)”可知,63 岁交不起学费的瓦伦西亚,为了学习的乐趣仍继续上课,说明他很上进:他是一个热情、上进的人。故选B
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,本文讲述了一个关于“活到老,学到老”的故事。杰里·瓦伦西亚是一个 63 岁的大三学生,尽管年龄很大,但他对学习仍然充满热情。在课堂上,他会积极参加讨论,尊重其他同学的观点,很多学生对他的精神充满了敬佩。他没有足够的钱去支付学费但他仍不放弃,通过工作赚钱,坚持继续完成学业,还要继续读研。可得出这篇文章主要告诉我们“t is never t ld t leamn.(活到老,学到老。)”的道理。故选 D.
    11.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“In rder t survive trips t Mars, htumans need xygen. Nw, eam f scientists has designed a rbt that culd extrac xygen frm water n the Red Planet.(为了在火星之于中生存下来,人类需要氧气。现在,一组科学家设计了一种机器人,可以从红色星球上的水中提取氧气)”可知,去火星旅行启发了科学家们设计出可以提取氧气的机器人。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The cmpunknw as a catalyst(催化剂), is made entirely firmlements fund in Martian meterites(石)-which neans, if such a system culd wrk reliably, space ravelers wuld nt need t bring xygen r even th>atalyst needed t prduce it.(这种化合物被称为催化剂,完全由火星陨石中的元素制成--这意味着,如果这样的系统能够可靠地工作,太空旅行者将不需要携带氧气,甚至不需要制造氧气所需的催化剂)”以及第三段“But scientists have detected evidence f liquid waed xygen. Nw,et's suthern ice cap. Tcreate the breathable gas, researchers wanted t find away t break dwn this water int its hydrgen and xygen mlecules using materials fund n Mars.(科学家们已经发现了火星南部冰盖下存在液态水的证据。为了创造可呼吸的气体,研究人员希望找到一种方法,利用火星上发现的材料将这些水分解成氢和氧分子)”可知,在火星上提取氧气的基础是火星上存在水和催化剂。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第四段“Their rbt analyzed five meterites that either came
    :frm Mars r had a cmpsitin similar t that f the Martian surface Using a laser, it identified significant amunts f irn, ickel, calcium, magnesium, aluminum and manganes in the samples. Frm these six elements, the rbt's ilgrithm (算法) deter-mined it culd prduce mre than 3.7 millin pssible mlecules t break dwn wate and frm xygen n Mars. Accrding t the researchers inding the best ne frm this extensive list wuld take ughly 2,000 years f human labr, but fr the Al ;hemist,it tk nly weeks.(他们的机器人分析了五颗陨石,这些陨石要么来自火星,要么与火星表面的成分相似。利用激光,它在样品中发现了大量的铁、镍、钙、镁、铝和锰。根据这六种元素,机器人的算法确定它可以产生超过370万个可能的分子在火星上分解水并形成氧气。根据研究人员的说明,从这个广泛的列表中找到最好的一个需要大乡2000年的人类劳动,但对于人工智能化学家来说,只花了几周的时间)”可知,第四段主要讲了产生氧气的过程。故选C.
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Ntably,thbt was able t carry ut the entire prcess-
    analyzing the rck samples, identifying the Jest pssibcatalyst and prducing it withut human interventin.值得注意的是,机器人能够完成整个过程--分析岩石样本,识别最可能的催化剂,并在没有人工干预的情况下生产)”可知,作者对“AI化学家”是支持态度。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.cnfusedly困惑地;B.anxiusly焦虑地;C.frightenedly可怕地:;D.crazily疯狂地。句意:突然,他看到一位老太太焦急地站在路边的一辆汽车旁边。根据下句S he (2)in frnt f her and said, "i'm here t help yu ma'am.Why dn't yu wait in the car where it's (3)? By the way, my name is Bryan."可知于是他把车停在她面前说:"我是来帮助你的,女士。你为什么不在车里等着,那里很暖和。对了,我叫布莱恩。"说明他看到一位老太太焦急地站在路边的一辆汽车旁边。故答案为B.
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.pulledup停车;B.brkedwn坏了;C.dressedup打扮;D.0almeddwn冷静下来。句意:于是他把车停在面前说:"我是来帮助你的,女士。你为什么不在车里等着,那里很暖和。对了,我叫布莱恩。"根据常识和上句Bryan was driving hme ne evening.lt was starting t get dark and cld可知一天晚上,布莱恩开车回家。天开始变得又黑又冷。说明他把车停下来去问有没有需要帮助的地方。故答案为A。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.crwded拥挤的;B.spacius宽敞的;C.warm暖和的;D.cd冷的。句意:于是他把车停在她面前说:"我是来帮助你的,女士。你为什么不在车里等着,那里很暖和。对了,我叫布莱恩。"根据空前Why dn't yu wait in the car可知为什么不在车里等着,那里很暖和。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.fat瘪的;B.spare空闲的;C.new新的;D.swllen肿胀的。句意:她只有一个轮胎瘪了,但对一个老太太来说,这已经够糟的了。根据下句Bryan crawledunder the car and sn he changed it.可知布赖恩爬到车底下,很快就换了一个轮胎。说明她的一个车胎瘪了。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.charged索要;Badmired崇拜;C.appreciated感激;D.wed欠钱。句意:这位女士问他她欠他多少钱。根据空前The lady asked him hw much可知这位女士问他她欠他多少钱。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.price价格;B.mney钱;C.cst花费;D.salary工资。意:布赖恩从来没有想过要钱,并告诉她,如果她真的想报答他,下次她看到有人需要帮助时,她可以提供帮助...想想我"。根据空后and tld her thatif she really wanted t pay him back可知并告诉她,如果她真的想报答他,说明布赖恩从来没有想过要钱,
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.assistance帮助;B.guidance指导;C.pprtunity机会;D.reward奖励。句意:布赖恩从来没有想过要钱,并告诉她,如果她真的想报答他,下次她看到有人需要帮助时,她可以提供帮助..想想我"。根据上句the next time she saw smene wh needed hep可知如果她真的想报答他,下次她看到有人需要帮助时,她可以提供帮助。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.discvered发现:B.recalled回忆;C.hped希望;D.nticed注到。句意:她注意到这位女服务员已经怀孕近8个月了,但从未让紧张和疼痛改变她的态度。根据空后the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant可知她注意到这位女服务员已经怀孕近8个月了
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.menu菜单;B.lunch午饭;C.change零钱;D.tip小费。句意:当女服务员去拿一百美元的零钱时,这位女士直接溜出了门。根据常识和空后fr her hundred-dllarbil可知女服务员去拿一百美元的零钱。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.Unwilingly不乐意地;B.Unexpectedly难以预料地;C.Unfrtunately不幸地;D.Unlikely不可能地。句意:出乎意料的是,女服务员注意到餐巾纸上写着一些东西,下面还有四张100美元的钞票。根据下句the waitress nticed smething written n the rapkin under which were fur mre S 100 bills可知女服务员注意到餐巾纸上写着一些东西,下面还有四张100美元的钞票。说明这是出乎意料的。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.srrws痛苦;B.jys高兴;C.regrets后悔;D.tears眼泪。意:当她读这位女士写的东西时,眼里噙着泪水。根据常识和空后in her eyes可知眼里噙着泪水。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.wrte写:B.sad说;C.printed印刷;D.shwed展示。句意:上面写道:"有人曾经像我现在帮助你一样帮助过我。如果你真的想报答我,就不要让这条爱情之链随着你而终结。"根据空后"Smebdy nce helped me ut the way i'm helping yu.lf yu realywant t pay me back, d nt let this chainflve(13)with yu."可知上面写道:"有人曾经像我现在帮助你一样帮助过我。如果你真的想报答我,就不要让这条爱之链随着你而终结。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.cntinue继续:B.begin开始;C.end结束;D.develp发展。句意:上面写道:"有人曾经像我现在帮助你一样帮助过我。如果你真的想报答我,就不要让这条爱情之链随着你而终结。"根据前文the next time she saw smene wh needed help, she cud give the (7), and Bry an added" thinkf me".可知下次她看到有人需要帮助时,她可以提供帮助...想想我"。说果你真的想报答我,就不要让这条爱情之链随着你而终结。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.terrifed受惊吓的;B.relieved放心的;C.excited兴奋的;D.Wrried担心的。句意:她知道丈夫有多担心,当他躺在她身边睡觉时,她给了他一个温柔的吻,轻声说道:"一切都会好起来的;我爱你,布莱恩。"根据上句With the baby due next mnth,t was ging t be hard可知孩子下个月就要出生了,这将会很困难。说明她知道丈夫有多担心
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.whispered低声说;B.screamed尖m;C.aughed笑;D.shuted喊叫。句意:她知道丈夫有多担心,当他躺在她身边睡觉时,她给了他一个温柔的吻,轻声说道:"一切都会好起来的;我爱你,布莱恩。"根据下句"Everything's gnna be all right; llve yu,Bryan.“可知她轻声说道:"一切都会好起来的;我爱你,布莱恩。"
    32.答案:① extremely② called③ is cnsidered④ destinatins⑤ n⑥ when⑦ sleeping⑧ amazing⑨ t prtect⑩ the
    解析:① extremely无
    ② called无
    ③ is cnsidered无
    ④ destinatins无
    ⑤ n无
    ⑥ when无
    ⑦ sleeping无
    ⑧ amazing无
    ⑨ t prtect无
    ⑩ the无
    Dear Harry,
    Hw’s everything ging? Learning that yu’re curius abut my favrite sprt, I’m writing t share with yu my enthusiasm fr table tennis.
    Of all the sprts, Table tennis is what I like best. In my pinin, playing table tennis is beneficial t bth physical and mental health. Nt nly des it help t build up my strength and cnfidence but als brings pleasure t my life. What’s mre, it makes me mre energetic and effective in my study. I began t shw great interest in it at the age f seven. Nw I’m n the schl table tennis team. T imprve my skills, I practice playing table tennis with my teammates and friends every weekend after finishing ur hmewrk.
    By the way, Wuld yu please tell me yur favrite sprt as well ? Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    参加:participate in-take part in
    相信:believe-hld the belief that
    原:Iwuld lve t have yu jin me in this celebratin. Yur presence wuld be greatly
    拓展句:I wuld lve t have yu jin me in this celebratin, whse presence wuld be greatly
    【高分句型1】By participating in these activities, we can make a real difference twards a mre sustainable future.(运用了动名词作宾语)
    【高分句型2】I firmly believe that these activities are nt nly educatinal but als fun and engaging.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
    One day, I met my cusin, wh als had a large birthmark n his arm. Depressed and upset, I pured
    ut all my recent experiences t him.“Yu shuld be cnfident and prud f yur birthmarks!’, he exclaimed 'it's a tugh pill t swallw, but it's necessary medicine." Lking at me straight in the eyes, He tld me that he had als struggled t accept his birthmark. but nw he saw it as a unique part f himself that made him stand ut. “Just remember, what thers see is what yu want them t see.” His wrds struck a chrd with me, and I realized that I had been t fcused n the negative aspects f my birthmarks.
    Frm then n, when I met peple, I began tchange myself. Instead f feeling embarrassed, l began t embrace my birthmarks and see them as a part f my
    identity. When peple asked me abut my birthmarks, 1 answered them with cnfidence, explaining that they were beautiful birthmarks passed dwn frm my mther's family. Gradually, I learned t accept and lve myself and I nticed that peple arund me began t appreciate and accept me as well. I n lnger felt self cnscius abut them. Instead, I felt empwered by them. My birthmarks were n lnger a surce f shame, but a symbl f beauty and cnfidence.
    [高分句型1l He tld me that he had als struggled t accept his birthmark, but nw he saw it as a unique part f himself that made him stand ut.(运用了that号与的宾语从句)
    [高分旬型2]When peple asked me abut my birthmarks, I answered them with cnfidence explaining that they were beautiful birthmarks passed

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