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    山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案)
    山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案)01
    山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案)02
    山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案)03
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    山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案)

    这是一份山东省滨州市重点学校 2024 年中考四模英语试题(含答案),共13页。

    Ⅰ. 单项选择
    1、--- Did yu buy the bk A brief histry f time by Stephen William Hawking?
    --- Yes. I it since I entered the cllege. This is a best-seller.
    A .have bught B .have given C .have had D .have brrwed
    2、—Did Tm’s parents gt the meeting yesterday?
    --Yes, f them did, but spke.
    A .each; nne B .bth; nne C .neither; bth D .bth; neither
    3、Dia Yu Island is ——Japan. It belngs t ur China frever. Anyne can’t part with China.
    A .in B .t C .n D .at
    4、--- It’s getting dark. Culd yu please the light frme?
    --- All right. Just a minute.
    A .keep n B .turn n
    C .try n D .put n
    5、We went t Sanya last summer and many beautiful phts there.
    A .take B .tk C .were taking D .have taken
    6、The cuntry life he was used t — greatly since 2008.
    A .change B .has changed C .changing D .have changed
    7、– t the United States?
    –N, never. But I went t Canada a few years ag.
    A .Have yu been B .Have yu gne
    C .Did yu g D .Will yu g
    8、--- d yu g t visit yur grandma?
    ---Twice a mnth
    A .Hw ften B .Hw much
    C .Hw sn D .Hw lng
    9、While Derrick was in France, he develped a fr fine art.
    A .talent B .taste C .way D .habit
    10、Annie lst her wallet while shpping. , a senir highschl student fund it and returned it t her.
    A .Actually B .Luckily C .Finally
    Ⅱ. 完形填空
    11、Tm lived in a cuntry withut snw. One day he saw sme pictures 1 in big white fields in a bk. He was
    shcked 2 the beautiful scenery. His mther tld him it was snw. Althugh Tm 3 understand it, he has already fell in lve with snw.
    He dreamed abut snw all the time. 4 Tm was twelve years ld, anther thing happened. Tm’s uncle had a
    big new 5 which had many channels t watch. One day, when Tm was watching ne f the channels, he fund
    peple flying acrss the snw in a prgram. That was what he had dreamed f. He als fund 6 they had things that lked like strange shes n their feet.
    “What are thse?” he asked his uncle 7 .
    “Skis, and thse peple 8 skiers,” replied his uncle. He tld Tm it was a skiing cmpetitin that happened nce
    a year.
    At that mment, Tm decided t be a skier, g t the cmpetitin sme day and win the gld medal fr skiing. He made
    himself a pair f skis and began t practice skiing.
    Peple thught 9 crazy because there was n skiing team in their cuntry. But Tm didn’tcare abut it. Every night, Tm 10 skiing dwn frm sand. Several years later, Tm tk part in the cmpetitin and brught a gld
    medal hme.
    1 .A .flying B .t fly C .playing D .t play
    2 .A .at B .with C .abut D .by
    3 .A .shuldn’t B .culdn’t C .mustn’t D .needn’t
    4 .A .When B .After C .Befre D .If
    5 .A .radi B .radis C .televisin D .televisins
    6 .A .which B .that C .when D .where
    7 .A .great B .greatly C .excited D .excitedly
    8 .A .call B .called C .were called D .are called
    9 .A .them B .they C .him D .he
    10 .A .practices B .practiced C .will practice D .has practiced
    Ⅲ. 语法填空
    12、Dear editr,
    Last week I —1.(visit) ur z, and I was very surprised —2.(find) hardly anyne there. Zs are imprtant places .They
    are like living textbks fr yung peple. They prvide hmes fr many endangered animals and help t educate the
    public abut 3.(care) fr them. If we 4.(nt supprt) ur zs, they -5.(nt have) enugh mney t take care f s many
    fine animals. I urge all f yur readers t visit ur wnderful z sn.
    Animal Friend
    Ⅳ. 阅读理解
    13、Tp five universities in Asia-Pacific regin
    1.Natinal University f Singapre
    The Natinal University f Singapre is a highly internatinal university with mre than half the students made up f internatinal students. With 17 schls acrss three campuses in Singapre, it has verseas clleges in many different places including Israel, Germany, the US and Sweden. The university started as a medical schl in 1905 and has since
    develped t be ne f Asia’s best universities.
    2.Peking University
    The university was built in 1898 and was the first natinal university in Chinese mdern histry. The teaching
    language fr cllege students is English. As the leading university in China, it has 31 clleges and 14 departments. It has
    the largest university library in China cntaining mre than 4 millin vlumes. Many f the buildings n campus
    remain their riginal Chinese-style design and structure.
    3.University f Melburne
    The University f Melburne is a public research institutin and Australia’s secnd-ldest university. Fur
    Australian primeministers have graduated frm the institutin since it was set up in 1853. It is ne f the leading
    research universities in Australia and sme f the research develped there has been widely used thrughut the wrld.
    In the 1970s, research at the institutin led t the first successful cchlearimplant(人工电子耳).
    4.Tsinghua University
    Tsinghua University was built in 1911. It is ne f the best-knwn institutins in the wrld. Its 20 schls and 54 departments cver subjects in art, ecnmics, educatin, engineering, histry, management, medicine, law, literature,
    philsphy and the sciences.
    5.Nanyang Technlgical University, Singapre
    Nanyang Technlgical University, Singapre is a yung institutin and is cnsidered Singapre’s main science and
    technlgy university. It was set up in 1991 and three campuses: Yunnan Garden, NTU @ne-nrth, and Nvena.
    Yunnan Garden is the biggest in Singapre and has been ne f the tp 15 mst beautiful campuses in the wrld and has
    planned t be the greenest campus in the wrld by 2022. Lcated in Singapre, Nanyang Technlgical University,
    Singapre is ften vershadwed by Natinal University f Singapre. But it is still ne f students’ dream universities in
    Asia-Pacific regin.
    1 .Which f the fllwing statements is right abut University f Melburne?
    A .It cntains the largest number f bks in the wrld.
    B .It has gt the lngest histry amng the five universities.
    C .It’s cnsidered Singapre’s main science and Technlgy University.
    D .Five primeministers f Australia have graduated frm this university in the wrld.
    2 .The underlined wrd “vershadwed” in the last paragraph prbably means .
    A .cmpared B .related
    C .put int a higher place D .made less imprtant
    3 .We can knw frm the passage that .
    A .the majrity f students frm Natinal University f Singapre are verseas students.
    B .all the buildings in Pecking University are riginal Chinese-style.
    C .university f Melburne has 54 research teams t develp the first successful cchlearimplant.
    D .Nanyang Technlgical University, Singapre is the mst beautiful university in the wrld
    14、If yu travel arund the wrld, yu will be surprised t find that sme freign custms can be s different frm yur
    A visitr t India wuld remember that peple there think it implite t use the lefthand fr passing fd at table. The
    lefthand is used fr washing yurself. Als in India, 'when yu see a man shaking his head, yu may think he is
    disagreeing. But in many parts f India a shake f the head shws agreement r acceptance. Ndding yur head when yu are ffered a drink in Bulgaria is likely t leave yu thirsty. In that cuntry yu shake yur head t say "yes'--a nd means "n". The Arabs are famus fr their hspitality(好客). At a meal in the Arabic cuntries, yu will find that any drinking vessel(器皿) is filled again and again as sn as yu drain it. The way t shw that yu have had enugh is t
    take the cup r glass in yur hand and give it a little shake frm side t side r place yur hand ver the tp.
    In Eurpe it is quite usual t crss yur legs when sitting talking t smene, even at an imprtant meeting. Ding this when meeting an imprtant persn in Thailand, hwever, culd make him r her unhappy. It is cnsidered t infrmal an attitude fr such an ccasin. Als when in Thailand yu are nt suppsed t tuch the head f an adult-- it's just nt dne. In Japan, it is quite usual fr men t plan evening entertainment fr themselves and leave their wives at hme. In
    Eurpe such attitudes are disappearing.
    Custms differ frm cuntry t cuntry. Visitrs may beat a lss as t what t d in a freign envirnment. Remember
    the rule: when in Rme, d as the Rmans d.
    1 .In which cuntry a left-hand is nt welcmed?
    A .Thailand. B .India. C .Japan. D .Bulgaria.
    2 .In many parts f India, if smene shakes his head at anther, it shws that he
    A .agrees B .disagrees C .refuses D .shcks
    3 .Which f the fllwing is NOT plite in Eurpe?
    A .T crss yur legs.
    B .T tuch the head f an adult.
    C .T drain the glass in yur hand.
    D .Men planning evening entertainment, leaving their wives at hme.
    4 .If yu dn~t knw the custms in anther cuntry, the glden rule t fllw is
    A .t d in yur wn way B .t d nthing
    C .t visit hme nly D .t d as the natives d
    Oink! The Year f the Pig is cming. Many peple believe that pigs are naturally fat, lazy and dirty. But are any f thse
    things true?
    It is true that pigs are fat. They eat a lt. But they are useful t us. We get mre than just prk frm pigs. We can use their skin t make shes. We can use their hair t make brushes. Pigs als prvide us with ingredients fr drugs like
    insulin (胰岛素) . Insulin can treat diabetes (糖尿病).
    Peple smetimes say, “Yu are as stupid as a pig.” But pigs are nt stupid. In fact, pigs are ne f the 10 smartest
    animals. They have a gd memry and can tell different shapes apart. Many experts think pigs are easier t train than dgs r cats. In France, peple teach pigs t find smething. With their gd sense f smell, they can find it even faster
    than dgs.
    When yu see pigs, they are usually in dirty water r mud. That’s because pigs have n sweat glands (汗腺). On ht days,
    they have t cl themselves in water r mud. This keeps insects ff f them as well. Mud can als prtect their skin
    frm sunburns.
    These pinins f pigs ften make us have wrng ideas abut the animal. Fr example, if smene eats a lt, we say that
    they have “pigged ut”. If smene’s rm is very messy, we might say his r her rm lks like a pigsty.
    But peple in ancient China really liked pigs. Peple thught the pig’s big head and ears were a symbl f gdluck. If smene had a rund and full face, he r she was thught t be blessed (有福气的). Peple als believed the animal std
    fr wealth, as humans used every part f the pig. Piggy banks are a symbl f this. Mst children have a piggy bank that
    they can use t save mney.
    1 .Accrding t Paragraph 2, which f the fllwing is TRUE abut pigs?
    A .We can make shes with pig’shair.
    B .Pig’s skin can be used t make brushes.
    C .Pigs can nly prvide prk fr peple.
    D .Pigs are useful in helping treat diabetes.
    2 .Why d pigs usually stay in dirty water r mud?
    A .Because they like being dirty.
    B .Because they have n sweat glands.
    C .Because they want t clean their skin.
    D .Because they like t play with dirty water and mud.
    3 .What des the underlined phrase “pigged ut” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?
    A .出栏 B .节食 C .暴饮暴食 D .逃跑
    4 .Accrding t the last paragraph, we can knw the fllwing EXCEPT .
    A .pigs were thught t stand fr wealth
    B .peple in ancient China really liked pigs
    C .pig’s big head and ears were thught t be a symbl f gdluck
    D .peple wh had a rund and full face were thught t be unlucky
    5 .Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A .Pigs are fat, lazy, dirty and stupid.
    B .Pigs are neither useful nr smart.
    C .Pigs can nt tell different shapes apart.
    D .Pigs have a gd memry and a gd sense f smell.
    16、Many say their mst painful mments are saying gdbye t thse they lve. After watching Cheryl, my cusin,
    watch her mther suffer fr six mnths befre dying, I think the mst painful mments can be in waiting t say gdbye.
    Cheryl made the tw-hur trip ver and ver t be with her mther. They spent lng afternns hlding hands and
    sharing memries.
    Each time she kissed her mther befre leaving, her mther wuld feel sad and say, “I’m srry yu drve s far and
    sat fr s lng, and I didn’t stay up lng t talk with yu.”
    Cheryl wuld tell her nt t wrry. It didn’t matter. But still her mther felt she had let her dwn and said srry at
    each gdbye.
    “Mm, d yu remember when I made the high schl basketball team?” Cheryl’s mther ndded.
    “Yu’d drive s far and sit fr s lng, and I never even left the bench t play. Yu waited fr me
    after every game and each time I felt bad and said srry t yu fr wasting yur time.” Cheryl gently tk her
    mther’s hand.
    “D yu remember what yu’d say t me?”
    “I wuld say I didn’t cme t see yu play. I came t see yu.” “And yu meant thse wrds, didn’tyu?”
    “Yes, I really did.”
    “Well, nw I say the same wrds t yu. I didn’t cme t see yu talk. I came t see yu.” Her mther understd
    and smiled as she fell asleep.
    Their afternns tgether passed quietly int days, weeks, and mnths. T the last day they cared each ther in
    silence, lve given and received just by seeing each ther.
    1 .Accrding t the writer, the mst painful mment is.
    A .saying gdbye t thse they lve B .watching ne’smther leave and say gdbye
    C .waiting t speak t thse they lve D .waiting t say gdbye t thse they lve
    2 .Why did the mther say she had let Cheryl dwn?
    A .Her disease had cst Cheryl much mney. B .Cheryl had cried t many times fr her.
    C .Cheryl hadn’t stayed with her everyday. D .She felt srry fr being unable t talk much.
    3 .Cheryl tld her mther abut the schl basketball game in rder t—_.
    A .say srry t her mther B .test her mther’s memry
    C .make her mther feel better D .ask her mther t frget it
    4 .Which f the fllwing best describe the main idea f the passage?
    A .Visiting yur sick parents is meaningful. B .Saying srry is necessary between lved nes.
    C .Lve means being there with lved nes. D .Children and parents need understanding.
    17、A .Chse the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)
    Sir Steven Redgrave—Winner f 5 Olympic Gld Medals
    “In 1997 I was fund t have develped diabetes (糖尿病), believing the prfessin trained fr the whle f my life ended,
    I felt very srry. Then ne f my friends said there was n reasn why I shuld stp training and cmpeting. That was
    it—the encuragement I needed. I culd still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am nt saying that it isn’t difficult
    smetimes. But I wanted t prve t myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nthing is t stand in my way.”
    Karen Pickering—Swimming Wrld Champin (冠军)
    “I swim 4 hurs a day, 6 days a week. I manage that amunt f wrk by putting it n tp f my diary. This is the key t
    success—yu can’t fllw a prfessin in any field withut being well-rganized. Make a list f what yu believe yu can
    achieve. Trust yurself, write dwn yur gals fr the day, hwever small they are, and yu’ll be a step clser t
    achieving them.”
    Kristen Stewart—Actress
    “When things are getting hard, a vice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve anything. Then, there are
    therdistractins, such as family r hbbies. The key is t give mst f yur attentin t ne thing. When I feel nervus,
    it helps a lt t repeat wrds such as ‘fcus’ , ‘calm’, ‘peace’, either ut lud r silently in my mind. It makes me feel
    mre in cntrl and increases my cnfidence. This is a habit and is a pwerful psychlgical(心理学的) tl.”
    1 .Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talks abut .
    A .difficulties stpped his prfessin B .dctrs ffered him help
    C .illness culdn’t stp him trying t win D .he didn’t believe in himself
    2 .Karen Pickering trained in swimming .
    A .6 hurs a day B .6 hurs a week
    C .6 days a week D .4 hurs a week
    3 .Karen Pickering puts n tp f her diary.
    A .the amunt f wrk B .her activities
    C .her gals D .her sprts news
    4 .The underlined wrd “distractins”prbably means .
    A .things that turn ne’s attentin away
    B .things that make ne tired
    C .wrds t enjy
    D .gd habits
    5 .The same character f the three peple is .
    A .self-cnfidence B .happiness C .humur D .wisdm
    6 .The best title fr the passage is .
    A .Hw t Be a Winner B .Health and Fd
    C .Difficulties and Habits D .Be a Sprtsman
    18、Yu may have heard the saying, "When life gives yu lemns, make lemnade." Since lemns are thught t be
    bitter(苦的)and lemnade sweet, the saying tells yu t make the best ut f a bad situatin.
    Unluckily, when smething bad happens, it's nt uncmmn fr mst peple t talk abut it t anyne wh'll listen, and cmplain abut life, "Why me?" That's like getting a bag f lemns, putting them dwn, and thinking, "Lemns taste
    bad! I'd rather have chclate!'' If yu dn't make anything with the lemns, they will g bad. But what if yu did
    smething with them? What if yu made lemnade? Isn't it pssible t d smething similar with a bad situatin?
    Here's an example: Let's say yu're abut t g t the mvie, but yu discver yu have a flattire(瘪胎).Yu think it a terrible thin. After all, yu are really lking frward t spending sme time with Ryan Gsling and Emma Stne. Nw
    yu're all stressed ut. hating the tire, the car, and yur life. But what if yu called AAA, gt yur tire fixed r gt
    caught up n things that yu'd been meaning t d? What if yu did sme reading. r had cffee with a friend instead? As awful experience can be turned int smething better. Yu can't change what has happened, right? S make the best
    f it. I'm nt saying it will be easy. The easy thing t d is cmplain abut yur bad situatin and nt think abut what
    it culd be turned int.
    Next time when sme bad things happen, stp and think, "Hw can I turn this arund? Hw can I make it a nice
    experience?" Yu needn't fear difficulties. As lng as yu keep n changing it, yu will see the gd at last.
    1 .What d we knw abut the saying in Paragraph 1?
    A .It is encuraging. B .It is humrus. C .It is amazing. D .It is interesting.
    2 .What des mst peple usually d when smething bad happens?
    A .Accept it. B .Ask fr help.
    C .Cmplain abut it. D .Find ut the reasns.
    3 .The writer uses the example f seeing a mvie t tell us .
    A .a flattire happens smetimes B .it is all right t make mistakes
    C .it is a very wnderful thing t meet film stars D .bad things can be turned int gd things
    81. 目前,很多高中都开设了特色课程,涵盖烘焙、舞蹈、钢琴、跆拳道、足球等内容,很大程度上增加了校园生活 的趣味性, 但也有人持不同的看法。 作为即将升入高中的你, 对于特色文化课程有何看法?请根据下表的提示完成一
    Views n Special Curses
    1. 有助于增加我们的技能;
    2. 有利于培养我们不轻易放弃的精神;
    3. ……
    1. 过多占用学生时间,耽误学习;
    2. 需要投入更多的钱,增加家庭压力;
    3. ……
    1. ……
    2. ……
    1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;
    2. 必须包括表格中所有相关信息,并适当发挥;
    3. 词数:100 左右(文章开头已给出,不计入)
    4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。
    Views n Special Curses
    Nwadays, many senir schl carry n sme special curses in their nrmal subjects. But different peple have
    different ideas.
    Ⅰ. 单项选择
    Ⅱ. 完形填空
    11、1 .A
    2 .A
    3 .B
    4 .A
    5 .C
    6 .B
    7 .D
    8 .D
    9 .C
    10 .B
    Ⅲ. 语法填空
    12、1 .visited
    2 .t find
    3 .caring
    4 .dn’t supprt
    5 .wn't have
    Ⅳ. 阅读理解
    13、1 .B
    2 .D
    3 .A
    14、1 .B
    2 .A
    3 .D
    4 .D
    15、1 .D
    2 .B
    3 .C
    4 .D
    5 .D
    16、1 .D
    2 .D
    3 .C
    4 .C
    17、1 .C
    2 .C
    3 .A
    4 .A
    5 .A
    6 .A
    18、1 .A
    2 .C
    3 .D
    19、Views n Special Curses
    Nwadays, many schl carry n sme special curses in their nrmal subjects. But different peple have different
    Sme students like t attend these classes. First f all, this kind f curses can help us develp ur life abilities. What’s
    mre, these curses can help us build the spirit that we shuldn’t give up easily. Als, with the help f these curses,
    students can braden their views n the wrld.
    Hwever, we can’t reach an agreement. Sme students think it takes s much time t have these lessns that they can’t
    pay attentin t their grades. Mrever, we need t pay much mney fr these classes, and it will surely increase the cst.
    At last, we dn’t have s many teachers n these curses. We can’t get mre knwledge withut the guide f specific
    Every cin has tw sides. I think it’s gd t have special curses. It’s nt nly impve ur abilities but als give us much fun.

    2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2024年山东省滨州市邹平市魏桥实验学校中考三模英语试题(含解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 答卷前, 考生务必用0, 第二卷必须用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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