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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Chinese fd is well-knwn fr its rich srts and distinct flavrs frm different areas. This article highlights fur classic dishes that represent the wide range f Chinese cking.
    Dngp prk
    Dngp prk is a delicius dish frm Zhejiang Prvince, China. It’s made by cking streaky prk(五花肉) slwly with ingredients like sy sauce, ginger, and sugar. This makes the meat very sft and full f flavr. The tasty sauce is great fr mixing with rice. The dish is named after a famus pet, Su Dngp.
    Ht candied milk tfu
    Ht candied milk tfu is a sweet specialty frm the Inner Mnglia Autnmus Regin. It is crisp (酥脆的) n the utside and sft n the inside. It tastes sweet and is suitable fr peple f all ages t eat. It’s als great fr getting mre calcium.
    Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme sup
    Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme sup is a famus Sichuan cuisine. It is made with the hearts f Chinese cabbage frm the nrth. It’s cked with chicken, duck, and prk bnes t make a clear flavurful sup, which is seasned with minced chicken r prk. Sme chicken il is drizzled n tp. The Chinese cabbage, cked in the sup, keeps its crisp freshness and saks up (吸收) the sup, ffering a tasty experience.
    Steamed fish head with chpped ht chilli peppers
    In Hunan Prvince, the lve fr spicy fd is bvius in a famus traditinal dish, steamed fish head with chpped ht chilli peppers. The fish head is marinated (腌) with a generus amunt f red chilli peppers and then steamed t perfectin. The cmbinatin f the fish’s natural freshness and the chilli peppers’ heat creates an unfrgettable taste experience.
    21. What is the first dish named after?
    A. A famus chef.B. A specific cking technique.
    C. A traditinal festival.D. A histrical figure.
    22. Which dish uses several kinds f meat as ingredients?
    A. Dngp prk.
    B. Ht candied milk tfu.
    C. Steamed Chinese cabbage in supreme sup.
    D. Steamed fish head with chpped ht chilli peppers.
    23. What are the key tastes f steamed fish head with chpped ht chilli peppers?
    A. Sweet and sur.B. Spicy and fresh.
    C. Salty and sweet.D. Sweet and fresh.
    Thmas was a well-knwn wise man. One day, he wandered in a beautiful small twn. Because f his fame, peple frm nearby twns wh heard f his arrival all came t visit and seek his advice.
    Many wh came sught help with difficulties in daily life, and Thmas, unable t bear turning them away, patiently ffered suggestins. Wrd spread quickly, and mre and mre peple came t see Thmas fr guidance.
    One day, dzens f peple crwded utside Thmas’s dr, all clamring(大声地要求) that their prblems were the mst serius and urgent, each insisting that Thmas address their cncerns first, with n ne willing t yield (让步).
    After a mment f thught, Thmas tk ut sme paper and a pen and said, “I can’t hear clearly with everyne talking at nce. Hw abut everyne write dwn yur prblem n a piece f paper and place it in this basket beside me?”
    Once everyne had placed their ntes in the basket, Thmas shk the basket and said, “Please each take a piece f paper frm the basket and read what it says.”
    As everyne read a nte frm smene else, they all realized that indeed, each persn has their wn trubles, and every husehld has its wn challenges. Then Thmas spke up, “Nw, whse prblem is the mst urgent t slve?” Hearing that questin, n ne spke again, because nw n ne dared t claim that their prblem was the mst severe.
    Often, we are bund by ur immediate feelings. When difficulties and prblems strike, it feels as thugh we are caught in a vrtex f pain. But if we shift ur fcus frm urselves and lk twards thers, we might discver that the prblems we face are nt s significant. Perhaps thers are the nes wh need help mre urgently, r maybe there is smething within ur pwer that we can d fr them.
    24. Why did peple visit Thmas?
    A. Fr a meeting.B. Fr advice.
    C. Fr a cmpetitin.D. Fr intrductins.
    25. Hw did Thmas handle the crwd?
    A. He asked them t write dwn their prblems.
    B. He listened t each ne individually.
    C. He priritized the prblems himself.
    D. He ignred them.
    26. What did reading thers’ prblems shw t the peple?
    A. The cmplexity f their difficulties.
    B. The similarity f their situatins.
    C. Their need fr mre advice.
    D. Their living cnditins.
    27. What did Thmas teach the peple?
    A. Self-cnfidence.B. Cmpetitin.C. Priritizatin.D. Sympathy.
    A study fllwing nearly 30,000 lder adults fr mre than 10 years has fund six key healthy lifestyle factrs can significantly reduce memry lss and thse adults engaging in between fur and six f the healthy lifestyle behavirs culd dramatically reduce their risks f develping dementia(痴呆), even when carrying genes that increase their risks f Alzheimer’s disease.
    “Six healthy lifestyle aspects were assessed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active scial cntact, active cgnitive(认知的) activity, never smking, and never drinking alchl,” the researchers explained in the new study. Participants were classified(分类) int the favrable grup if they had fur t six healthy lifestyle factrs, int the average grup fr tw t three factrs, and int the unfavrable grup fr zer t ne factr.
    The study fund that peple with fur t six healthy habits had a much slwer lss f memry than thse with fewer health y habits. Peple with these gd habits were als much less likely t get dementia than thse with ne r n healthy habits. Thse wh had tw r three gd habits were 30% less likely t get dementia.
    The study didn’t figure ut which f the six healthy habits is the best fr stpping dementia r which cmbinatin is the best. Hwever, the infrmatin did shw that eating healthy seemed t help prevent memry lss the mst, with brain exercise and regular physical exercise als very helpful.
    Abut 20% f the peple in the study had a gene that makes Alzheimer’s disease mre likely. Even s, having several gd health habits helped slw dwn memry lss. This shws that changing hw we live can really help.
    Even thugh each health habit helped in a different way, verall, the study fund that peple with mre gd health habits had much less memry lss than thse with fewer gd habits. This suggests that the chices we make in hw we live can help prtect ur memry. The study adds t the evidence that we might be able t change ur risk f memry lss.
    28. What were the grups categrized based n?
    A. The participants’ age.
    B. What hbbies the participants gt rid f.
    C. The healthy lifestyles the participants had.
    D. What the participants’ attitudes t factrs were.
    29. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. Healthy habits had little impact n memry r dementia.
    B. The favrable grup was happier than the ther tw.
    C. Mre healthy lifestyles were f mre benefit t health.
    D. Peple with a healthy diet wuldn’t suffer a lss f memry.
    30. Which plays the secnd greatest rle in reducing memry lss?
    A. Active cgnitive activities.B. Active scial cntact.
    C. A healthy diet.D. Never drinking alchl.
    31. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Study Making A Great Breakthrugh
    B. Healthy Lifestyles Slwing Memry Lss.
    C. A Healthy Diet Being The Best Lifestyle
    D. Old Adults Suffering Frm Health Prblems
    T prduce the classic clthing, blue jeans, prducers rely n indig dye(靛蓝染料), the nly mlecule knwn t prvide jeans’ unique, belved clr. While indig itself naturally cmes frm a plant, grwing demand fr blue jeans thrughut the 20th century gave rise t synthetic(合成的) indig, which is nw mre cmmnly used.
    Indig is the dye that makes jeans blue, but it desn’t mix with water. T dye clthes, usually, chemicals are needed t make the clr stick t the clth. But in Denmark, scientists have created a new way t dye clthes using an enzyme(酶), which is a kind f prtein that can cause chemical reactins, instead f harmful chemicals. This new methd is better fr the envirnment and desn’t use pisnus stuff.
    The chemical prcess fr dyeing blue jeans has persisted fr the last century. Wrkers are expsed t the pisnus chemicals, which als pllute the envirnment near factries. Waste water frm thse factries ften ends up in waterways, decimating lcal ecsystems and even dyeing rivers blue.
    Ditte Hededam Welner, the study’s lead researcher, says their new enzyme wrks really well and is strng enugh fr making lts f jeans withut breaking dwn. This enzyme makes dyeing with indican, which is like indig, much less harmful t the planet—abut 92% better than the ld way.
    Hwever, the new methd desn’t fix all the envirnmental prblems f making jeans. Making a single pair f jeans uses a lt f water—enugh t fill many bathtubs—frm grwing the cttn t putting the final tuches n the jeans.
    Even thugh the new dyeing prcess is better fr the envirnment, it’s nt always easy r cheap t change t it. Welner’s team isn’t sure if jeans cmpanies will find it easy r affrdable t switch t this methd. It csts a little bit mre—just seven cents extra per pair f jeans—t use the enzyme fr dyeing. But Welner believes it’s wrth it because it’s much better fr the envirnment.
    32. Why was synthetic indig created in the 20th century?
    A. It made jeans’ clr unique.
    B. It was easy t dye clth with it.
    C. Peple liked jeans made frm it.
    D. Peple were in greater need f jeans.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “decimating” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Defeating.B. Entering.C. Trubling.D. Destrying.
    34. Which is an advantage f the new methd?
    A. The dye is mre envirnmentally friendly.
    B. The market can keep stable gds supplies.
    C. Enzyme facilitates the advance f science.
    D. The clur is mre beautiful than the synthetic indig.
    35. What makes Welner wrried abut the new methd?
    A. Water cnsumptin.B. Envirnmental benefits.
    C. Prductin csts.D. Labrer shrtage.
    Since the ld times, art has always been with us. Art has always been very imprtant t peple. It shws ur feelings, ideas, and what we see arund us. Frm the first simple cave drawings t the latest cmputer art, the way art has changed is a very interesting part f human histry.
    36 This was a time when art was really amazing. Artists like Lenard da Vinci and Michelangel made art that went beynd what was dne befre. They made beautiful things that als shwed a new way f lking at the human bdy, hw things lk frm different angles, and hw light wrks.
    But art is mre than just pretty. Art isn’t just abut lking nice. 37 In histry, artists have used their art t ask questins abut hw sciety wrks, and t shw they dn’t agree with things. Fr instance, in times f significant scial mvements, art n walls and psters became a way fr peple t shw they wanted changes.
    Art can make us think and inspire us t d different things. In the 1900s, artists started making abstract art. 38 Artists like Picass and Wassily Kandinsky used shapes and clrs in new ways t make us feel emtins and think abut ideas withut shwing real things.
    Hw art grws als shws hw technlgy gets better ver time. 39 Digital art can be anything made with a cmputer r shwn nline. It has changed what we think art is. It als lets mre peple see and make art because yu just need a cmputer t d it.
    Art serves as a universal medium fr the exchange f ideas, transcending(超越) language and cultural barriers. It allws fr a frm f cmmunicatin that is accessible t all. It is a way f sharing ideas with everyne. 40
    A. Take the ldest art as an example.
    B. Take the Renaissance as an example.
    C. Peple can understand it, n matter where they are frm.
    D. It means they tried t paint a lt f pictures t make a living.
    E. This means they didn’t try t paint pictures f things we knw.
    F. Nwadays, with cmputers and the Internet, art is changing again.
    G. It can als say imprtant things abut sciety and can help change things.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In 1980, Fley was a new nurse, wrking the night shift in a maternity ward(产房). One night, a baby girl was brn with a 41 cngenital(天生的) disrder that affected her brain. She was 42 t die sn.
    As Fley had seen in similar cases, babies in this 43 were ften placed in a bassinet (摇篮) and received little 44 until they died. But Fley said Nancy Allspach, a clleague f hers, had a 45 apprach.
    “She went int the nursery multiple times thrugh the shift and 46 that baby,” Fley recalled. “She put her 47 right dwn next t the baby, and she talked t the baby. And she even 48 the baby a bttle and rcked her in the big rcking chair. And she 49 the baby as thugh she were her wn.”
    Fley 50 remembers hw the baby was treated, and hw the mther was treated, t. Over her nearly 50-year 51 as a registered nurse, Fley has 52 many babies and children wh died later. And lking back, she said she always tried t treat bth the children and their parents with cmpassin(同情)—the way she 53 frm Nancy Allspach.
    “I never frgt the imprtance f tuching and being 54 t the baby r the child, and als the parents,” she said. “Because, at that mment, what they need is 55 . And Nancy taught me that.”
    41. A. fancyB. severeC. mildD. jyful
    42. A. encuragedB. frcedC. managedD. cnsidered
    43. A. atmsphereB. pintC. cnditinD. cncept
    44. A. attentinB. cmmitmentC. cntributinD. imprvement
    45. A. passiveB. differentC. fatalD. brad
    46. A. spiledB. rankedC. heldD. put
    47. A. backB. ftC. earD. face
    48. A. fedB. bughtC. drankD. shwed
    49. A. nticedB. treatedC. defeatedD. kept
    50. A. clearlyB. hardlyC. nrmallyD. carefully
    51. A. requestB. ambitinC. planD. career
    52. A. met withB. cared frC. lked atD. picked up
    53. A. heardB. receivedC. learnedD. brrwed
    54. A. pliteB. familiarC. similarD. clse
    55. A. cmpassinB. destinatinC. exampleD. cmpetitin
    A new study suggests Jupiter’s icy mn(卫星) Eurpa prduces much less xygen than previusly thught. The study was based n the data 56 (cllect) by NASA’s Jun spacecraft.
    The study invlved Jun’s instruments measuring levels f xygen 57 hydrgen mlecules(分子) cming frm Eurpa’s atmsphere. The data shwed the icy mn prduces abut 1,000 tns f xygen every 24 hurs. NASA said that wuld be enugh amunt 58 (keep) a millin humans breathing fr a day.
    Hwever, the space agency nted thse estimates f xygen were much less than thse measured in earlier studies abut the mn. Eurpa is a little 59 (small) than the Earth’s mn. But it is still ne f the largest mns in 60 (we) slar system. NASA bservatins have suggested 61 cean exists beneath the thick layer f ice n Eurpa’s surface. Scientists estimate the mn’s cean may cntain a large amunt f water, 62 is twice as the Earth’s ceans.
    Since Eurpa was believed t have a large cean under its surface, 63 (researcher) in the past identified it as a gd candidate t hld the right cnditins t supprt sme frm f life. That data came 64 (main) frm telescpe bservatins f xygen levels existing in the mn’s icy surface. The new lwer estimates f xygen d nt supprt the earlier bservatins. The team invlved in the study said, in the future, mre research 65 (need) t cnfirm the latest findings.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    In 2018, 17-year-ld Hemesh spent a life-changing summer with his grandmther Anne, wh had been diagnsed with Alzheimer’s disease. Witnessing the impact f the disease firsthand, Hemesh was awakened t the seriusness f the situatin.
    One night, Hemesh walked int the kitchen nly t discver that his grandmther had left the gas stve (炉) n after making tea. Shcked by the dangerus cnsequences Alzheimer’s disease culd bring abut, he culdn’t help but wnder what might have happened if he hadn’t been there.
    Hemesh’s wrries increased as he bserved his grandmther’s behavir. She wuld wake up in the early hurs f the mrning, believing she was n a train, and wan der utside aimlessly. This wandering tendency culd ptentially lead her t get lst r put herself in risky situatins.
    Determined t make a difference, Hemesh engaged himself in extensive research abut Alzheimer’s disease and its symptmatic(症状的) prgressin. Thrugh his studies, he discvered that wandering was a cmmn prblem amng dementia patients, especially thse with Alzheimer’s disease.
    Inspired by his newfund knwledge and fueled by his desire t help, Hemesh tld his family, “I can’t just stand by and watch this happen. I need t d smething t keep Grandma safe. I think I have an idea that might help nt just her, but thers in similar situatins.”
    With firm determinatin, he develped an inventive answer t the wandering dilemma, a device he called the Guardian Cmpanin. It was a wearable device, similar t a smartwatch, specifically designed fr Alzheimer’s patients. It integrated advanced GPS technlgy and a panic buttn t assist thse wh tended t wander, ensuring their safety and well-being. After the device gt its fficial apprval, Hemesh happily went t try it n fr his grandmther.
    21—23 DCB 24—27 BABD 28—31 CCAB 32—35 DDAC 36—40 BGEFC
    41—45 BDCAB 46—50 CDABA 51—55 DBCDA
    56. cllected 57. and 58. t keep 59. smaller 60. ur
    61. an 62. which 63. researchers 64. mainly 65. wuld be needed
    Dear Je,
    I hpe yu’re ding great. I’m writing t share abut the amazing class trip we had last week, which was a nice break frm ur usual rutine.
    We hiked thrugh a frest filled with greenery, played varius games, and enjyed a picnic by a peaceful lake. This experience was nt nly enjyable but als helped us bnd mre as a grup. I realized hw team wrk matters and hw friendships grw strnger during such activities.
    The trip left a lasting impressin n me, making me appreciate the great utdrs and the friendships amng classmates even mre. I’m lking frward t mre trips like this in the future.
    Li Hua
    As Anne put n the Guardian Cmpanin, Hemesh explained hw it wrked. He reassured her that it wuld help keep her safe. With a mixture f curisity and skepticism, Anne agreed t give it a try. The device fit cmfrtably n her wrist. Hemesh walked his grandmther thrugh the features, shwing her hw t use the panic buttn. Anne’s eyes lit up with a glimmer f hpe, and fr the first time since her diagnsis, she felt a sense f regained independence.
    In the next few weeks, the device made a difference t Anne and her family. Nt nly did it prvide a sense f security fr Anne, but it als relieved the cnstant wrry fr her lved nes. The device brught peace f mind t the entire family, knwing that Anne was prtected even when they culdn’t be by her side. Hemesh’s creatin had truly transfrmed dementia care, and he fund himself n a new missin t make the device accessible t as many peple as pssible, ensuring that n ne had t face the challenges f Alzheimer’s disease alne.Dear Je,
    Li Hua
    As Anne put n the Guardian Cmpanin, Hemesh explained hw it wrked.
    In the next few weeks, the device made a difference t Anne and her family.

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