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    Award-winning Chinese she designer, Huang Qinqin, shares her transfrmative jurney, cmbining cultural heritage (遗产) and internatinal design t shape the art f practical wear.
    Believing that the value f her prducts desn't lie in business peratin, Huang always fcuses n hw t cnvey the stries behind her shes t custmers instead. “It is like strytelling, a natural ability I pssess,” she said with a smile.
    Hwever, Huang's jurney int design was unfreseen and it tk her several years t discver her true passin. Huang switched her majr frm physics t internatinal cmmunicatins studies at university. While she fund great enjyment in these curses, she still didn't knw what she culd d in the future.
    “One day, I grabbed a sheet f paper and began drawing sme she designs I saw nline. It was at that mment that the light suddenly dawned,” recalled Huang.
    T her astnishment, Huang discvered while internatinal luxury she brands like Jimmy Ch and Christian Lubutin are husehld names, Chinese brands are rarely seen. This finding fueled Huang's determinatin t pursue her career as a she designer, hping t fill the blank in the internatinal market.
    After returning t China frm the UK, Huang established her wn she brand. “I think Chinese students studying abrad tday all share a strng sense f missin—t shwcase what China truly has t ffer t the wrld,” Huang said.
    Lking back, Huang said that she tk a lng time t finally find her lifelng passin. “There is a saying that ne must achieve fame at a yung age, but I believe it is never t late t unlck ne's ptential, since everyne perates n their unique ‘time zne’,” she said.
    Befre her current career path, Huang never stpped trying new things, including garden design and dance. These diverse experiences have all becme precius treasures in her life, nurturing her self-directed learning abilities, which have turned ut t be essential skills fr her startup business tday.
    1.What des Huang value mst abut her prducts?
    A. Design cncept.B. Market share.
    C. Quality standard.D. Business peratin.
    2.What further mtivated Huang t be a she designer?
    A. Passin fr fashin and design.B. Lack f Chinese brands in the field.
    C. Desire t challenge cnventinal nrms.D. Lve fr internatinal luxury she brands.
    3.What might Huang agree with?
    A. Well begun is half dne.B. Think twice befre yu leap.
    C. Every step cunts in yur life.D. It matters much when yu succeed.
    Recent studies prpse that cld water therapy, which invlves practices such as cld baths and cld shwers, culd ptentially be an effective methd fr managing type 2 diabetes (2型糖尿病). In the UK alne, diabetes affects apprximately 3.8 millin individuals, with90% f these cases being type 2 diabetes. Managing type 2 diabetes can be challenging; hwever, cld water therapy presents a nvel apprach t this issue.
    Cld water therapy invlves the use f cld water, arund 15°C, as a ptential treatment fr varius health, cnditins. This can range frm taking cld swims in natural bdies f water t mre accessible methds like taking cld shwers r immersing neself in a bathtub filled with cl water. The underlying idea is t expse the bdy regularly t cld temperatures in a cntrlled manner.
    The mechanism behind the effectiveness f cld water therapy lies in its ability t stimulate the transfrmatin f stem cells int brwn fat. Unlike the mre cmmn white fat, brwn fat is active and burns calries t generate heat, helping t maintain bdy warmth. Mre imprtantly, fr individuals with type 2 diabetes, brwn fat can reduce insulin (胰岛素)resistance, which is a key factr in the management f diabetes.
    Research has prvided sme evidence supprting the benefits f cld water therapy. Studies have shwn that repeated cld expsure can enhance insulin sensitivity and lwer fasting glycemia (空腹血糖) levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. These results suggest that cld water therapy culd be an additinal tl fr cntrlling type 2 diabetes.
    Hwever, it is crucial t recgnize that despite the encuraging nature f these findings, mre cmprehensive research is necessary t thrughly understand the effectiveness and lng-term effects f cld water therapy as a treatment fr type 2 diabetes. Als, anyne cnsidering including cld water therapy int their treatment plan shuld first cnsult with their healthcare prvider t ensure it is safe and apprpriate fr their specific situatin.
    4.What is a reasn why cld water therapy is an effective methd fr type 2 diabetes?
    A. It increases the amunt f white fat.B. It can turn stem cells int brwn fat.
    C. It helps t decrease bdy temperature.D. It makes the bdy resistant t cld temperatures.
    5.What des the last paragraph cnvey abut cld water therapy?
    A. It needs further research.B. It has been widely accepted.
    C. It is well established and prven.D. It has been widely used fr Type 2 Diabetes.
    6.What wuld be the best title fr this text?
    A. Cld Water Therapy: Its Benefits and Risks
    B. Cld Water Therapy: Its Increasing Ppularity in the UK
    C. Cld Water Therapy: A New Exercise Trend fr Weight Lss
    D. Cld Water Therapy: A Ptential Treatment fr Type 2 Diabetes
    Mst f us wuld like t be mre creative, but we assume there is little we can d abut it. Psychlgy prfessr K. Anders Ericssn claims that with enugh practice, any f us can becme experts. Hwever, he is quick t add that this requires a specific kind f practice that Ericssn calls “deliberate practice”, that is, pushing beynd ne's cmfrt zne and setting gals that are abve ne's current level f perfrmance. He says he has yet t find the limits n being successful and he desn't believe them t be real.
    Ericssn has lked primarily at artistic and athletic skills, but can these findings apply t creativity? Mst experts agree that even if mst peple cannt hpe t becme creative geniuses, they can learn t becme mre creative thrugh practice. Psychlgists claim that there are actually tw levels f creativity, which they refer t as “Big C” and “small c”. “Big C” creativity applies t breakthrugh ideas, nes that may change the curse f a field r even histry. “Small c” creativity refers t everyday creative prblem slving, like creating a new recipe r imprving a prcess, which psychlgists subdivide further int similar and different thinking. Similar thinking invlves examining all the facts and arriving at a single slutin. In cntrast, different thinking invlves cming up with many pssible slutins. What mst peple think f as creativity generally invlves different thinking and can be taught, practised and learnt.
    Even with practice, different thinking alne cannt make ne creative, hwever. Sctt Barry Kaufman, a cgnitive psychlgist, says that mst creative peple share ne persnality quality: penness t new experience. Since this quality and these prcesses have been identified, less creative peple can try t emulate them. Nrmally, we tend t reprduce what we already knw because creative ideas mve us int unfamiliar territry invlving risks and fllwing the usual behavirs is cmfrtable.
    Mving utside f ur cmfrt zne, engaging indeliberate practice and tlerating cntradictry ideas, risk and failure are all things we can learn t d better. It is unlikely that ding s will transfrm any f us int creative geniuses, but it des have the ptential t increase ur level f creativity.
    7.What des Ericssn think f the limits f success?
    A. Success is determined by talent.B. Success has little t d with gals.
    C. There exist n restrictins t success.D. Success is nly pssible in sme fields.
    8.Which f the fllwing is an example f “small c”?
    A. Settling in uter space.
    B. Building a plastic dghuse.
    C. Develping rbts fr medical treatment.
    D. Explaining the thery f evlutin in class.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “emulate” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Defend.B. Limit.C. Assess.D. Cpy.
    10.What message des the authr seem t cnvey in the text?
    A. We can learn t be mre creative.B. Life is full f varius challenges.
    C. It's better t take deliberate practice.D. Mst peple can becme creative geniuses.
    A. Actually, blue light is a type f high-energy visible light. T much expsure t blue light, especially frm artificial surces like screens, can damage yur retina (视网膜) and affect ·yur sleep patterns.
    B. These regular breaks will allw yur eyes t relax and refcus, reducing the risk f develping lng-term visin prblems. It's als imprtant t mnitr the ttal amunt f time yu spend n devices every day.
    C. In tday's digital age, we're spending increasingly mre time lking at screens. Statistics fund that peple arund the wrld use gadgets (小型电器) fr abut seven hurs a day—mre than the amunt f time recmmended by health experts.
    D. S it is necessary t reduce the time spent n digital devices t minimize expsure t blue light. Yu can fllw the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, lk at smething 20 feet away fr at least 20 secnds.
    E. This new habit can significantly affect yur eye health and verall wellness. That's due t ne simple fact: screens are a majr surce f blue light. If yu've heard a lt abut blue light in relatin t screen time, yu may be wndering what exactly it is.
    12.Fr individuals with hearing lss, listening t cnversatins in nisy envirnments can be particularly challenging. Unfrtunately, traditinal hearing aids adpt a “ne-size-fits-all” apprach t prcessing sunds, regardless f the listening needs f individual users. ①_______Users may als experience a lack f sund clarity (清楚) and d nt want t engage in cnversatins with thers.
    Gd news is that a hearing aid cmpany named Oticn is taking an imprtant step t slve this N. 1 challenge fr peple with hearing lss—hearing speech in nise. With new 4DSensr technlgy, Oticn Intent, a new device, is capable f understanding the users' listening intentins. ②_______In this way, it is able t deliver truly persnalised supprt. But the true her in sund prcessing is the brain, as it is cnstantly wrking t make sense f sund. Oticn's new technlgy prvides the brain with access t the full sund envirnment.
    ③_______In cnversatin, users tend t keep their heads still t engage with a single persn. Or they mve their heads in a grup cnversatin t engage with different peple. When struggling t hear what smene is saying, users are likely t lean (倾斜) in t listen. The technlgy in Oticn Intent understands and adapts t the user thrugh sensrs that mnitr head and bdy mvements. It helps users mve beynd just hearing and listening. ④_______.
    Thmas Behrens, Vice President f the cmpany, said, “This small device has up t 20hurs f battery life. ⑤_______ When the device requires a recharge, users can simply place it int the charger fr just 30 minutes t btain up t 8 hurs f battery life.”
    A. Thus, it is able t prevent memry lss.
    B. It can recgnise what peple want and need t listen t.
    C. Mrever, it helps them cmmunicate and fully engage in life.
    D. This may make listening and engaging with thers mre difficult.
    E. That means users will never have t wrry abut running ut f battery.
    F. Take a step twards better hearing by cntacting yur nearest hearing care prfessinal.
    G. Peple's cmmunicatin behaviur reflects their listening intentins via head and bdy mvements.
    If yu walk arund the Rahway Trail in the Suth Muntain Reservatin f Millburn, New Jersey, yu might spt mre than plants and creatures. Small fantastic ①_________are hidden in the tree trunks and branches—an amazingly lvely sight in this ②vnrmal-lking frest nwadays. The idea t ③_________small wden huses t the landscape came frm Therese Ojibway, wh 10 years ag wanted her sn, wh has autism (自闭症), t have a safe space t ④_________in the wilderness.
    “S she fund Rahway Trail and started cnstructing the huses and leaving ⑤_________decratins here and there fr her sn,” said Julie Guld, ne f the keepers f the trail.
    The Suth Muntain Cnservancy later nticed the sudden ⑥_________f little huses arund the frest. Learning Ojibway's stry, they ⑦_________her t cntinue building her magical kingdm t what is nw knwn as the Fairy Trail.
    “She thught this was a (n) ⑧_________way f getting little children like her sn int nature, ⑨_________them t use their imaginatins and creativity,” said Beth Kelly, anther trail keeper.
    Ojibway and her sn mved ut f the area a few years ag, but the Fairy Trail ⑩_________. Guld and Kelly were ⑪_________asked t becme the “Makers and Keepers” f the trail. The wmen, alng with vlunteers, cntinue t help build little wden hmes fr ⑫_________with special needs.
    “T give these kids ⑬_________huses t live in, mst f the hmes are made ut f ⑭_________ elements that can then break dwn back int the frest. We get ⑮_________when we see the children cme here and the kingdm make their day.”
    13.A. curtsB. husesC. wdsD. departments
    14.A. bviuslyB. willinglyC. therwiseD. indeed
    15.A. addB. deliverC. mveD. lift
    16.A. recmmendB. designC. harvestD. explre
    17.A. expensiveB. sweetC. strangeD. serius
    18.A. restratinB. cllapseC. appearanceD. grwth
    19.A. permittedB. preparedC. appintedD. preferred
    20.A. accurateB. visualC. traditinalD. creative
    21.A. frcingB. remindingC. stimulatingD. begging
    22.A. functinsB. remainsC. survivesD. varies
    23.A. fficiallyB. ccasinallyC. unluckilyD. illegally
    24.A. adultsB. makersC. keepersD. kids
    25.A. enrmusB. secureC. lastingD. firm
    26.A. naturalB. similarC. familiarD. beautiful
    27.A. defeatedB. cheatedC. rewardedD. supprted
    28.Near a wide stretch f crnfields in Xinjia Village is a museum fcusing n Mahu Opera, a traditinal art f the Manchu ethnic grup in Nrtheast China. Develped n a site ①_______ (previus) used as a primary schl, this museum has five exhibitin rms with nearly 2,000bjects n display, including masks, cstumes, instruments and bks, mst f ②_______were dnated by a lcal inheritr f intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产传承人).
    Besides cultural artifacts related t Mahu Opera, ther ld bjects in the museum ③_______ (cllect) frm the lcal area, such as traditinal agricultural implements(农具), als reflect ④_______histry f this village in Shuangyang District in Changchun City.
    Shuangyang District, ⑤_______mre than 300 years f histry in the field f deer breeding (饲养), has a sika deer museum. ⑥_______ (wander) thrugh the 7,200-square-meter building, peple can learn in detail abut this lcal histry and traditin f raising deer, and the develpment f the industry. Peple here have gne thrugh hardships in develping the deer industry, and they need t pass n this spirit t ⑦_______ (they) future generatins thrugh the museum.
    The Mahu Opera and the sika deer museum are amng the ⑧_______ (achievement) f a prject f rural museum cnstructin in Jilin Prvince, which was initiated in 2016. S far,91museums ⑨_______ (build) in rural areas f the prvince.
    While mdernizing its rural regins, China is als seeking slutins ⑩_______ (preserve)the distinct histry and vibrant culture f different regins, with the building f rural museums being an imprtant part f this strategy.
    29.I firmly believe my view is based n facts that can be prved.
    A. my view is bjectiveB. my view is just persnal
    C. my view depends n evaluatinsD. my view depends n assumptins
    30.As a visitr frm the cld zne, I find it unbearable t accept the ht weather.
    A. I find the ht weather is unnticedB. I find the ht weather is acceptable
    C. I find the ht weather is unpleasantD. I find the ht weather is changeable
    31.It is difficult t prject what prfit we will get in the future, which after all, is uncertain.
    A. It is nt easy fr us t predict future earningsB. It is hard fr us t make a living in the future
    C. It is hard fr us t speak fr urselves in the futureD. It is nt easy fr us t plan a prgram fr the future
    32.It is believed that peple have the right and freedm t d smething in their cuntry.
    A. peple enjy a liberty in their cuntry
    B. peple have n chice but t leave their cuntry
    C. the cuntry has respnsibility fr peple's rights
    D. the cuntry prvides smething fr peple free f charge
    33.Jack is an intelligent by, wh has the capability t understand and interpret infrmatin fund in the cmplex articles.
    A. Jack is a well-runded student
    B. Jack likes reading all kinds f bks
    C. Jack has a gd reading cmprehensin
    D. Jack des well in translating the language in the articles
    34.Yu shuld cnsider what is virtually right, and lk fr lng-term gals, and nt be distracted by small chices fr the shrt term.
    A. yu shuldn't make any chices nw
    B. yu shuldn't rely n yur shrt-term memries
    C. yu shuld resist the distractin f shrt-term chices
    D. yu shuld cnsider small chices befre making decisins
    35.Many mre peple will wrk fr small, dynamic cmpanies t, such as start-ups, which can quickly respnd t changes in the market.
    A. they ffer mre jbs and higher paymentB. they meet the needs f emplyees f all ages
    C. they enable peple t change the jb marketD. they can adapt t the shifts in the marketplace
    36.She’d had eyesight prblems early in life as well, s she culd relate t Helen’s difficulties.
    A. she culd feel sympathy fr Helen's struggles
    B. she successfully helped slve Helen's difficulties
    C. she knew hw t cure Helen f her eyesight prblems
    D. she was trying t help Helen vercme her great difficulties
    37.Beauty and the Beast cnveys a message that shuld be clear t all f us—yu shuldn't judge a bk by its cver.
    A. yu shuldn't thrw things with beautiful cvers
    B. yu shuldn't pay any attentin t a bk's cver
    C. yu shuldn't judge anything by its' appearance nly
    D. yu shuldn't buy a bk which yu are nt interested in
    38.It's imprtant nt t becme t preccupied with rutines and schedules, because they can make us blind t what is in frnt f us.
    A. they help us skip what is nt imprtant in ur life
    B. they may make us miss ut things that are happening arund us
    C. they may cause eyesight prblems and make us see less clearly
    D. they have the ptential t make us ignre the imprtance f rutines
    39.A gd diet is b________ t health.
    40.The new machine is f great s________ t the treatment f the rare disease.
    41.The curse, which is easy t understand, is s________ fr beginners.
    42.L________ in the suth f China, Fshan is knwn fr its rich culture.
    43.Hw did yu manage t p________ him int taking part in the ral English cntest?
    44.The event did nt live up t________ (期待).
    45.Because she wrked s hard, she________ (应得) the first prize.
    46.She was ________ (吸引) by the clr f the sitting rm and culdn't help entering it.
    47.When yu have filled in the questinnaire, cpy it and send the riginal t yur ________ (雇主) .
    48.We are lking fr smene wh is _________(可靠) and hard-wrking.
    52.假定你是李华,你校交换生Edward在校英文网站上发帖寻找寄宿家庭(hst family),希望能更好地融入中国的生活。在与家人商量后,你有意向申请。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1.词数 100左右;
    解析:根据第二段“Believing that the value f her prducts desn’t lie in business peratin, Huang always fcuses n hw t cnvey the stries behind her shes t custmers instead.(她认为产品的价值不在于商业运作,而在于如何将鞋子背后的故事传达给顾客。)”可知,她认为产品的价值不在于商业运营,而是如何向顾客传达鞋子背后的故事。因此,她最重视的是产品的设计理念,即如何通过设计来传达故事和情感。故选 A。
    解析:根据第五段“T her astnishment, Huang discvered while internatinal luxury she brands like Jimmy Ch and Christian Lubutin are husehld names, Chinese brands are rarely seen. This finding fueled Huang's determinatin t pursue her career as a she designer, hping t fill the blank in the internatinal market.(令她惊讶的是,黄沁沁发现,虽然像Jimmy Ch和Christian Lubutin 这样的国际奢侈鞋品牌家喻户晓,但中国品牌却很少见到。这一发现让她下定决心成为一名鞋子设计师,希望填补国际市场的空白。)”可知,当黄沁沁发现鞋子市场缺乏中国品牌时,她决定要成为一名鞋子设计师,希望填补国际市场上中国品牌鞋的空白。故选 B。
    解析:根据第七段 ‘Lking back, Huang said that she tk a lng time t finally find her lifelng passin. “There is a saying that ne must achieve fame at a yung age, but I believe it is never t late t unlck ne's ptential, since everyne perates n their unique ‘time zne’,” she said(回首往事,黄沁沁说她花了很长时间才最终找到自己毕生的爱好。她说:“俗话说,出名要趁早,但我相信释放一个人的潜力永远不会太晚,因为每个人都有自己独特的‘时区’。”) 以及最后一段“Befre her current career path, Huang never stpped trying new things, including garden design and dance. These diverse experiences have all becme precius treasures in her life, nurturing her self-directed learning abilities, which have turned ut t be essential skills fr her startup business tday. (在走上现在的职业道路之前,黄沁沁从未停止尝试新事物,包括花园设计和舞蹈。这些不同的经历都成为她人生中宝贵的财富,培养了她自主学习的能力,而这些能力也成为她今天创业的必备技能。)”可知,黄沁沁表示她花了很长时间才找到自己一生的热情所在,并指出“我相信,每个人都有自己独特的‘时区’,解锁潜力永远不会太晚。”这表明她重视人生的每一步,并认为每一步都是重要的。而她认为自己曾经做的每件事,尝试过的新事物,都培养了她的能力,而这些能力也成了她成功的必备技能。由此可知,她重视的不是成功的时刻,而是过程中的每一步。故选 C。
    解析:根据第三段“The mechanism behind the effectiveness f cld water therapy lies in its ability t stimulate the transfrmatin f stem cells int brwn fat.”(冷水疗法的有效性背后的机制在于它能够刺激干细胞转化为棕色脂肪。)“brwn fat can reduce insulin(胰岛素) resistance, which are key factrs in the management f diabetes”(棕色脂肪能够减少胰岛素抵抗,是糖尿病管理的主要因素。)可知,冷水疗法对2型糖尿病有效果的原因是它能将干细胞转化为棕色脂肪,故选 B。
    解析:根据最后一段“it is crucial t recgnize that despite the encuraging nature f these findings, mre cmprehensive research is necessary t thrughly understand the effectiveness and lng-term effects f cld water therapy as a treatment fr type 2 diabetes.”(尽管这些发现鼓舞人心,但是还需要更加全面的研究去彻底明白冷水疗法对治疗2型糖尿病的有效性和其长期的效果,这是非常关键的。)可知,最后一段提到了冷水疗法还需要有更进一步的研究。故选 A。
    解析:根据第一段第一句“Recent studies prpse that cld water therapy, which invlves practices such as cld baths and cld shwers, culd ptentially be an effective methd fr managing type 2 diabetes(2型糖尿病).”(最近的研究提出冷水疗法,也就是冷水澡,可以成为管理2型糖尿病的潜在性有效方法。)第一段的最后一句“hwever,cld water therapy presents a nvel apprach t this issue.”(然而,冷水疗法是针对这个问题的新方法。)。此外,本文介绍了冷水疗法的实施方法,有效性背后的机制以及目前的研究局限性。由此可知,本文主要介绍冷水疗法可以治疗2型糖尿病。故选 D。
    解析:根据第一段最后一句“He says he has yet t find the limits n being successful and he desn't believe them t be real.(他说他还没有找到成功的限制,他不相信这些限制是真的。)”可知,埃里克森认为成功不存在任何限制。故选C。
    解析:根据第二段第五句“‘Small c’creativity refers t everyday creative prblem slving, like creating a new recipe r imprving a prcess, which psychlgists subdivide further int similar and different thinking.(小创造力指的是日常创造性地解决问题,比如创造一个新菜谱或改进一个过程,心理学家将其进一步细分为相似和不同的思维。)”可知,建造一个塑料狗窝是一个“small c”的例子。故选 B。
    解析:根据第三段最后一句“Nrmally, we tend t reprduce what we already knw because creative ideas mve us int unfamiliar territry invlving risks and fllwing the usual behavirs is cmfrtable.(通常情况下,我们倾向于复制我们已经知道的东西,因为创造性想法会把我们带入一个充满风险的陌生领域,而遵循通常的行为是舒适的。)”可知,此处指缺乏创造力的人会尝试模仿,所以emulate意为“模仿”。故选 D。
    解析:根据最后一段“Mving utside f ur cmfrt zne, engaging indeliberate practice and tlerating cntradictry ideas, risk and failure are all things we can learn t d better. It is unlikely that ding s will transfrm any f us int creative geniuses, but it des have the ptential t increase ur level f creativity.(走出我们的舒适区,进行不经意的练习,容忍矛盾的想法、风险和失败,这些都是我们可以学会做得更好的事情。这样做不太可能把我们中的任何一个人变成有创造力的天才,但它确实有可能提高我们的创造力水平。)”可知,作者在文章中想要表达我们可以通过学习提升创造力的观念。故选 A。
    ② 空格前面提到Oticn Intent借助新的4D 传感器技术,能够理解用户的倾听意图,因此选项B(它能识别人们想要和需要听到的内容。)直接阐述回应了这一点,表明了这种新技术如何实现个性化支持,符合上下文中提到的Oticn Intent 的能力。
    ④前文讲述了 Oticn Intent技术如何帮助用户通过监测头部和身体动作来更好地理解对话。选项C(此外,它帮助他们沟通并充分参与生活。)强调了这一技术带来的正面影响,不仅仅是改善听力,更是使用户能够更好地沟通和参与生活,符合上下文的逻辑。
    解析:从第一段的第四行可以得出,一位名叫 Therese Ojibway的母亲,给他患有自闭症的儿子在Rahway Trail旁的森林里建立了小木屋,因此答案选择 huses。A. curts庭院; B. huses房子; C. wds 森林; D. departments 部门。
    解析:这句话里面“nrmal-lking frest”与“amazingly lvely sight”进行对比,突出木屋的与众不同,因此答案选择C。A. bviusly 明显地; B. willingly 乐意地; C. therwise 相反地; 与之不同地; D. indeed确实。
    解析:原来森林是没有木屋的,因此这里需要选择“添加、增加、新增”这类意思的词语,来表达“增加小木屋的想法是来自于一位名叫 Therese Ojibway 的母亲。”A. add 增加;B. deliver递送; C. mve移动; D. lift 抬起。
    解析:她儿子有自闭症,因此在野外需要一个安全的地方进行“玩耍;探险;探索”之类符合小孩的动作,因此答案选择D。A. recmmend 推荐; B. design 设计; C. harvest 收获; D. explre探索。
    解析:这位母亲找到Rahway Trail这个地方,并建立了木屋和给她儿子在到处留下了有爱的、温馨的装饰,因此答案选择B。A. expensive昂贵的; B. sweet 甜蜜的; C. strange 奇怪的; D. serius严重的。
    解析:南方森林保护局注意到了木屋的突然出现,因此答案选择C。A. restratin 恢复;B. cllapse 倒塌; C. appearance 出现; D. grwth 增长。
    解析:保护局的管理人员在了解到Ojibway的故事之后,允许她继续建立她的奇幻王国,因此答案选择A。A. permitted 允许; B. prepared 准备; C. appinted 任命; D. preferred 偏爱。
    解析:她认为建立木屋是一种非常有创造性的方式,让像她儿子一样的小孩进入大自然,并激发孩子们运用他们的想象力和创造力,因此答案选择D。A. accurate 精确的; B. visual 视觉的; C. traditinal 传统的; D. creative 有创造力的。
    解析:解释同38题,激发孩子们运用他们的想象力和创造力,因此答案选择 C。A. frcing 强迫; B. reminding 提醒; C. stimulating 激发; D. begging祈求。
    解析:即使 Ojibway 和她的小孩搬出去了, Fairy trail木屋王国依然在那里。因此答案选 B。
    解析:Guld 和 Kelly 被正式叫去成为这个地方的制造者和看守者。因此答案选择A。
    解析:人们继续帮助建立木屋,给那些有特殊需要的孩子们(例如像Ojibway 儿子一样有自闭症的小孩)。从文章可以看出,木屋是为了小孩子建立的,因此答案选择D。
    解析:为了让孩子们有安全的房子可以居住,很多房子是用自然成分的材料做成,这些成分可以分解到大自然中。从上文34题处可看出,“Ojibway 是为了让孩子们在野外有一个安全的地方进行探索而建立的木屋”,因此答案选择B。
    解析:同 43 题的解析。A. natural 自然的; B. similar 相似的; C. familiar 熟悉的; D. beautiful漂亮的。
    解析:当我们看到孩子们在木屋王国里度过他们的一天时,我们感到自己也得到了回报。因此答案选择 C。A. defeated 被打败; B. cheated 被欺骗; C. rewarded 得到回报; D. supprted 被支持。
    答案:previusly;which;cllected;the;with;Wandering;their;achievements;have been built;t preserve
    ⑤考查介词。“with”表示有着超过 300年的历史。
    ⑨.考查谓语动词。“have been built”是现在完成时的被动语态,表示到目前为止已经建造了91 座博物馆。
    ⑩考查非谓语动词。“t preserve”是不定式作目的状语。
    解析:​考查形容词。根据所给的汉语提示"可靠的"和空后and后的hard-wrking是形容词可知, 此处也应用形容词形式, "可靠的"的英语是reliable, 例如:She was efficient and reliable.她办事很有效率, 也很可靠。故填reliable。
    49.答案:As Helen's knwledge and vcabulary expanded/enlarged, she asked/raised mre and mre questins.
    解析: (考查 as从句)
    50.答案: Sme bks are t difficult t be adapted fr technical reasns.
    解析:(考查 t... t...结构)
    51.答案: There are many public advertisements in the street, encuraging peple t prtect the envirnment.
    解析:(考查 there be 句型)
    Dear Edward,
    I am writing t express my family's interest in hsting yu during yur exchange prgram in ur schl.
    In the first place, ur family is deeply rted in Chinese culture, and we are eager t share ur custms, traditins and cuisines with yu. Additinally, staying with us will prvide yu with a supprtive envirnment where yu can practice speaking Chinese utside f the classrm and gain insights int everyday life in China. Lastly, ur hme is clse t ur schl, ensuring yur easy access t classes.
    We are cnvinced that living with a lcal family like urs will greatly enhance yur experience in China. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua

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    广东省佛山市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷: 这是一份广东省佛山市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷,共16页。试卷主要包含了 Questin 4, Questin 5, Questin 6, Questin 7, Questin 8, Questin 9, Questin 10等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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