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    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    It seems every cuntry has ne majr event n the annual calendar. Here we’ve biled dwn the chices t the abslute tp events t add t yur bucket list.
    Mntreux Jazz Festival, Switzerland
    This ver 50-year-ld gd time held n the shres f Lake Geneva is the secnd-largest jazz festival in the wrld. It’s mre than jazz, thugh. Yu’ll find brad-ranging acts frm pp t rck and blues. And, best f all, a large prtin f the perfrmances are free, in keeping with the festival’s purpse t make music accessible t anyne.
    Pali di Siena, Italy
    Twice a year, the Tuscan twn f Siena recalls its past in the Middle Ages with a bareback hrse race. Each f the 17 hrses in the race and each f their curse riders, represent ne f the city’s districts, adding t the rar (咆哮) f the crwd. And t make things even mre entertaining, riders are allwed t d anything t their ppnents ther than pull their reins (缰绳), s expect as many falls as thrills.
    Saint Patrick’s Festival, Ireland
    Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated anywhere in the wrld where there is an Irish grup, but there’s n better place than Dublin, Ireland. This fur-day festival in March is packed with a prgram f music, perfrming arts, literature, turs and fd events. Centred arund the natinal hliday, this festival f Irish pride, achievements and talents will be well supplied with Irish cheer.
    Harbin Internatinal Snw and Ice Festival, China
    Harbin is transfrmed int a winter wnderland with huge ice sculptures acrss the city, decrated with lights and lasers, drawing thusands f artists and art enthusiasts alike. And if that’s nt enugh t satisfy yur fancy, there’s als the Ice Lantern Art Fair, sledding t watch and ur favurite, “winter swimming watching”.
    21. What features Mntreux Jazz Festival?
    A. Its prgrams are mstly charged.B. It aims t make jazz free t anyne.
    C. It includes varius styles f music.D. It is the ldest jazz festival glbally.
    22. Which festival will attract an adventurer mst?
    A. Mntreux Jazz Festival.B. Pali di Siena.
    C. Saint Patrick’s Festival.D. Harbin Internatinal Snw and Ice Festival.
    23. What d the last tw festivals have in cmmn?
    A. They last just as lng.B. They are held natinwide.
    C. They take place in cld days.D. They ffer artistic experience.
    I have begun every cnversatin with the usual pening line, “Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist nch nicht s gut” since I mved t Hermsdrf, a little village in east Germany in 2015. The purpse was t let the Germans knw that they shuldn’t expect me t express mre ideas r respnd quickly and accurately, s I escape t much cnversatin with them.
    Learning t speak German was nt funny fr me at all. Even if I culd technically write academic (学术的) articles in German, the thught f calling a dctr t make an appintment (约定) wuld still bring me anxiety. I wuld stammer (口吃) during small talk with a mther I had never met befre, while dressing my ne-year-ld at kindergarten.
    This went n fr almst ten years until a mnth ag. I was at hme, telling my husband abut a meeting I’d had. As usual, I started the meeting by aplgizing (道歉) fr my pr German. The lady behind the desk lked at me smewhat cnfused, “But yur German is great.” “She is right, yu knw,” my husband said. “I dn’t knw why yu still think yu speak pr German. OK, it is nt perfect, but wh cares?” After living in Germany fr nearly ten years, why did I still wrry s much? I finally saw the light. It was because I was trying t prtect my feelings.
    Lately, when I sat acrss frm a wman wh culd be my future bss, I felt anxius abut the interview, especially the unavidable questin, “Tell me abut yurself.” I really wanted t use my usual pening line, but I didn’t and thught I shuld trust myself and my German. That afternn, I was called back t meet the CEO wh tld me that I was hired, and when we shk hands, she didn’t mentin anything abut my German skills.
    24. Why did the authr begin cnversatins with the usual pening line?
    A. She pretended t be plite.
    B. She wanted t avid further cnversatin with Germans.
    C. She wished fr mre pprtunities t practice German.
    D. She hped t impress peple with her language skills.
    25. Hw did the authr feel when she learned t speak German?
    A. Anxius and bred.B. Excited and inspired.
    C. Cnfident and relaxed.D. Pleased and satisfied.
    26. What made the authr wrry abut her German?
    A. Small talks with her friends.
    B. The basic rules f German grammar.
    C. Writing academic articles in German.
    D. Nt having cnfidence in speaking German.
    27. Why was the interview mentined in the last paragraph?
    A. T stress the authr’s language skills were praised.
    B. T illustrate the mental challenges f jb interviews.
    C. T prve gd relatinship between the authr and the CEO.
    D. T shw the authr’s changes and grwth in speaking German.
    Can a rbt prvide helpful answers t yur health cncerns? That’s the gal f Reach Digital Health, an rganizatin that uses mbile technlgies, like text messages, t prvide helpful health-care infrmatin and guidance t peple acrss Africa wh can’t easily reach a health-care prvider. The cntinent has 17.89% f the wrld’s ppulatin, 23% f the diseases that disable and kill peple, and nly a small part f the wrld’s health wrkers.
    Reach Digital Health deals with millins f questins and sends millins f mstly autmatic (自动的) and cmputerized answers per day. That is, “We first try t respnd autmatically t any questin that they might have,” says Debbie Rgers, CEO f Reach Digital Health, “because we want t be able t give them an answer as quickly as pssible.” Besides, sme wrds r respnses can bring ther interventins (干预). If smene describes an emergency like “bleeding (流血)” in their message, fr example, the system will instruct them t visit their nearest hspital as sn as pssible. In additin, signs and diagnses (诊断) reprted thrugh Reach Digital Health can be sent t gvernments in real-time s that infrmed public health decisins can be made quickly and respnsibly.
    Reach Digital Health als uses the infrmatin they cllect t imprve the health fferings f equipment, district r even entire cuntry. It cllects infrmatin frm millins f wmen, which allws fr shrtcmings in training r medical supplies t be identified and crrected by prviders and gvernmental health agencies.
    The rganizatin isn’t just in Suth Africa. It’s wrking in eight ther cuntries in sub-Saharan Africa. In additin, thrugh teamwrk with the Wrld Health Organizatin starting in 2020, they’ve enlarged their services acrss the glbe and set up prgrams in Bangladesh and Indnesia.
    28. Reach Digital Health was funded t ________.
    A. prevent Africans frm hunger
    B. invent a pwerful medical rbt
    C. make medical investigatin in Africa
    D. ffer Africans useful healthcare infrmatin
    29. Hw des Reach Digital Health help a bleeding man?
    A. By giving him free medicine.B. By sending him t a hspital.
    C. By making diagnses fr him.D. By directing him t the nearest hspital.
    30. What is the authr’s attitude tward Reach Digital Health?
    A. Unclear.B. Supprtive.C. Dubtful.D. Negative.
    31. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. Debbie Rgers: a far-sighted leader
    B. Healthcare in Africa: a lng way t g
    C. Reach Digital Health: answering health cncerns
    D. Reach Digital Health: an incredibly prfitable rganizatin
    Tiny, black-capped chickadees (北美山雀) have big memries. They stre fd in hundreds t thusands f different lcatins in the wild—and then cme back t these places when ther fd surces are lw.
    Scientists have knwn that chickadees have incredible memry skills. That memry can be a matter f life r death fr these birds when there are n enugh fd resurces in clder mnths.
    Sme researchers thught that neurns called place cells (细胞) wuld explain these birds’ ability t remember where their fd is stred. These cells are knwn t include infrmatin abut where things are in space. But recently, Selmaan Chettih and his team fund that each time a chickadee hides a seed (种子) in a specific lcatin, a unique brain pattern appears—separate frm place cells.
    T bserve this, Chettih and his team created special areas with lts f feeders filled with sunflwer seeds. They put small flaps (片状下垂物) where birds culd hide seeds.
    The scientists tracked the activity in their brains. Each time a bird hid a seed under a flap, researchers saw a brief unique brain pattern appear—what they called the bar cde. Different patterns appeared even if the birds hid many seeds in the same lcatin. When the birds revisited these sites and retrieved the hidden seeds, the same bar cde-like pattern appeared again, as thugh all the infrmatin abut each lcatin and seed were related t a unique brain pattern.
    The researchers cmpared these memries t episdic memries in humans, which are memries f specific events r persnal experiences. They’re imprtant t hw humans cnnect time, peple, places and sensry infrmatin tgether.
    Chettih says that this seed-hiding behavir has a clear pattern f activity, which may help researchers build a structure fr hw the brain creates and stres memries.
    32. Why are memry skills necessary fr chickadees?
    A. Memry skills can help them survive in clder mnths.
    B. Memry skills shw their intelligence and learning abilities.
    C. They need memry skills t identify different types f fd.
    D. They use memry skills t avid being attacked by ther animals.
    33. What did Chettih and his team find?
    A. Unique brain patterns appeared when chickadees hid seeds.
    B. Chickadees ften hid many seeds in the same lcatin.
    C. Chickadees preferred hiding sunflwer seeds.
    D. Chickadees’ memries were cntrlled by place cells.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “retrieved” mean in paragraph 5?
    A. Repaired.B. Decrated.C. Regained.D. Designed.
    35. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce a study n chickadees’ memry.
    B. T present a detailed descriptin f chickadees.
    C. T cmpare chickadees and human memry skills.
    D. T prvide readers with a way t imprve memry skills.
    Whether yu’re trying t get yur brain back int shape r yu just want t keep it as strng as it is nw, there are sme strategies yu can use t enhance yur thinking. 36 , but they can make a difference after a few mnths.
    Read as much as yu can. Try reading bks that teach yu smething new, such as bks abut histry r anther subject that interests yu. But just keep in mind that the mre challenging the text is, the mre f a wrkut yur brain will get. 37 .
    Learn a new language. Learning a language is like a hack (黑客) fr yur brain, pening up all srts f pathways. This exercises the part f yur brain that stres language infrmatin, even making yu better at speaking yur wn language. Languages are a great way t keep learning new things and challenging yur brain. 38 this can still exercise yur brain.
    39 . Mst shrt vides nline tell yu what t think and hw t think, basically putting yur brain n autpilt (机械性地做). That’s why it’s s relaxing. If yu really want t watch, use yur brain while yu watch. Chse the educatinal cntents and the nes with cmplex plt lines r character interactins. 40 .
    A. Chse varius prgrams
    B. Be mindful f screen cnsumptin
    C. Phnes make it hard fr yu t stay fcused
    D. Yu prbably wn’t see cnsequences vernight
    E. Even if yu nly learn a few new wrds r phrases
    F. Like any ther exercise, start small and wrk yur way up
    G. Reflect n these while yu watch and try t analyze them
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Calley Burnet shared her stry f being inspired t be a nurse nline, receiving millins f views. Burnett’s sn Spencer was brn with serius heart disease. The wman, wh 41 wrked fr a family business, is nw a nurse at Riley Hspital fr Children, the 42 hspital where Spencer was sent fr treatment days after his birth.
    Seeing the care that her sn received frm nurses and dctrs at the hspital 43 Burnett a lt. 44 , Burnett thught, with medical backgrund, she culd 45 her sn mre prfessinally. Then in 2019, the mm f tw was 46 t g t nursing schl t pursue her career as a nurse. It tk Burnett, wh had t take necessary 47 , abut tw years t make it. Althugh it was 48 , the effrts were very well wrth it.
    After 49 , Burnett first tk a jb at anther hspital but she wanted t return t Riley, where the 50 meant s much t her and Spencer. There’s just smething abut being at Riley and being with kids there. She knew that’s where her 51 was ging t be as sn as she hit nursing schl.
    Tday, Spencer has grwn int a secnd grader and is always 52 nw, active in playing basketball and ftball. And Burnett is wrking hard as a nurse at Riley, where she feels 53 as if she were at hme. She felt great t be able t help the 54 wh she used t be amng them. She can tell them, “I used t be where yu are and I 55 yu.” And she just lves the new jb.
    41. A. finallyB. frmallyC. previuslyD. gradually
    42. A. generalB. privateC. mdernD. same
    43. A. impressedB. frightenedC. cnfusedD. admired
    44. A. TherefreB. PlusC. HweverD. Instead
    45. A. search frB. belng tC. care frD. take in
    46. A. determinedB. surprisedC. awkwardD. puzzled
    47. A. snacksB. cursesC. risksD. suggestins
    48. A. legalB. creativeC. imprtantD. tugh
    49. A. graduatingB. apprachingC. researchingD. respnding
    50. A. clleaguesB. representativesC. staffD. cmmunity
    51. A. mistakeB. heartC. charmD. talent
    52. A. absentB. peacefulC. humrusD. energetic
    53. A. cntentB. cnfidentC. dwnD. upset
    54. A. childrenB. nursesC. parentsD. patients
    55. A. admitB. acceptC. recgnizeD. understand
    The Chinese seal (印章) is mst 56 (cmmn) made f stne, but can als be made f plastic, ivry, r metal.
    Seals 57 (be) a part f Chinese culture fr thusands f years. The earliest knwn seals date 58 the Shang Dynasty. Seals became widely used during the Warring States perid 59 they were used fr signing dcuments. By the time f the Han Dynasty, the seal was an essential part f Chinese culture.
    During the histry f the Chinese seal, Chinese characters have evlved (深化). Sme f the 60 (change) made t characters ver the centuries have been related t the practice f carving seals. Fr example, during the Qin Dynasty, Chinese characters had a rund shape. The need 61 (carve) them n a square seal led t the characters 62 (they) taking n a square and even shape.
    Chinese seals are used fr many kinds f 63 (ffice) dcuments. There are als seals fr less frmal uses. And seals are als created by the artists fr their artwrks, 64 (add) a further artistic dimensin (t their paintings r calligraphic scrlls. Artists in particular ften design and carve their wn seals which are used n their artwrks. Hwever, anyne having 65 passin fr art may enjy creating their wn seal.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你校英语口语社团正在举办主题为“A mral fable that enlightens (启发) me”的演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参加此次比赛,内容包括:
    1. 介绍这个寓言故事;
    2. 你从中得到的启发。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    At a nisy train statin, a yung cuple barded a train with their ne-year-ld sn. The child, already battling a fever at hme, was further unsettled by the mtin f the train and the unfamiliar envirnment. His discmfrt made him cry ludly. The nise filled the carriage (客车厢), breaking the quietness that mst travelers had fund in their bks r the peaceful landscape passing by the windws.
    Amng the passengers was a businessman, seated next t the family, wh had been lking frward t a peaceful rest t make up fr a sleepless night. The child’s cntinuus crying disrupted (打乱) his plans, and his annyance became bvius.
    The yung mther, with an aplgetic smile, tried t rck her sn back t calm, sftly whispering endearments int his tiny ear. The father, with a helpless lk at the surrunding passengers, turned t the visibly annyed man. “We aplgize fr the disturbance,” he said. “Our by has fallen ill, and the mtin f the train is nt helping matters.”
    Upn hearing this, the businessman’s annyance sftened. He had a nephew (外甥) arund the same age and understd the challenges f traveling with a sick child. His anger died away, replaced by a wave f understanding. “Dn’t wrry,” he replied, his vice gentle, “I can try t help.”
    He reached int his bag and tk ut a small wden rattle (拨浪鼓), a gift fr his wn nephew. Then he ffered a gentle hand t the little by. He tried t make sft sunds with the wden rattle, tgether with making funny faces, trying t distract (使分心) the child frm his discmfrt. T everyne’s surprise, the little by’s tears began t stp as the rattle’s gentle sund caught his attentin. Sn, he was attracted by the ty. The mther’s relief was evident as she ffered a silent, heartfelt “thank yu” t the man.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    21—23 CBD 24—27 BADD 28—31 DDBC 32—35 AACA 36—40 DFEBG
    41—45 CDABC 46—50 ABDAC 51—55 BDACD
    56. cmmnly 57. have been 58. frm 59. when 60. changes
    61. t carve 62. themselves 63. fficial 64. adding 65. a
    Hell, everyne! I feel hnred t be here t share with yu a mral fable that has prfundly enlightened me. The stry is abut “The By Wh Cried Wlf”.
    In this tale, a shepherd by, feeling bred, wants t play a trick n the villagers arund. He repeatedly lies that a wlf is attacking his sheep and cries ut fr help. Hwever, when a real wlf appears, nbdy cmes t his aid because they n lnger trust him.
    This stry has taught me the invaluable lessn f hnesty. It has inspired me t always be truthful and reliable, as these are the crnerstnes f integrity and respect in any cmmunity. Hpefully, all f yu can learn frm the wisdm f this fable.
    Thank yu!
    Then the atmsphere in the carriage began t change. Other passengers, wh had been quietly bserving the situatin, were inspired t lend a hand. A yung wman with a kind smile ffered t share her sketchbk, ffering t draw pictures t entertain the child. And a cnductr brught mre tys frm the children’s kit. A grup f students traveling tgether played a sft, cmfrting music with the guitar t calm the little by. The nce-annyed passengers had transfrmed int a caring cmmunity, and their cllective effrts made a difference t the yung family wh were struggling.
    With the shared care f the passengers, the little by eventually went int a peaceful sleep. The yung cuple, tuched by the unexpected kindness, felt a prfund sense f gratitude and warmth. They exchanged heartfelt smiles with these kind strangers. As the train pulled int its destinatin statin, they shared warm farewells. The passengers were getting ff the train with smiles and expressing gd wishes fr the yung family. The yung cuple, carrying their nw sleeping sn, stepped ff the train with a renewed hpe and a stry t tell abut the kindness f strangers.
    Hell, everyne!
    Thank yu!
    Then the atmsphere in the carriage began t change.
    With the shared care f the passengers, the little by eventually went int a peaceful sleep.

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