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    第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分50分)
    1. When can yu visit the Bayless-Selby Museum in any mnth?
    A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On Tuesday.D. On Mnday.
    2. Where can yu enjy artistic perfrmances?
    A. Bayless-Selby Museum.B. Campus Theatre.
    C. Ray Rberts Park.D. Clear Creek Center.
    3. What d Ray Rberts Park and Clear Creek Center have in cmmn?
    A. Wildlife hunting.B. Cycling by the water.
    C. Old huses in the frest.D. Outdr activities.
    Last July, my 12-year-ld car died n Califrnia’s Santa Ana Freeway. It was an hur befre sunset, and I was 25 miles frm hme. I culdn’t reach anyne t pick me up, s I decided t take a bus. Nt knwing the rutes, I figured I’d just head east. A bus pulled up, and I asked the driver hw far she was ging. “Fur mre lights,” she said. There was anther bus I culd take frm there befre it was ut f service at 8:30 p.m. This clearly was ging t be a lng night. She drpped me ff at the end f her rute and tld me which bus t lk fr.
    After waiting 30 minutes, I began t think abut a very expensive taxi ride hme. Then a bus pulled up. There was n lighted number abve its windshield (挡风玻璃). It was ut f service. But the dr pened, and I was surprised t find that it was the same driver. “I just can’t leave yu here,” she said. “ This isn’t the nicest place. I’ll give yu a ride hme.” “Yu’ll drive me in the bus?” I asked, perplexed (困惑的). “N, I’ll take yu in my car,” she said. “ It’s a lng way,” I prtested. “Cme n,” she said. “I have nthing else t d.” As we drve frm the statin in her car, she began telling me a stry. A few days earlier, her brther had run ut f gas. A gd Samaritan picked him up, tk him t a service statin and then back t his car.
    “I’m just passing the favr alng,” she said. When I ffered her mney as a thank-yu, she wuldn’t hear f it. “That wuldn’t make it a favr,” she said. “Just d smething nice fr smebdy. Pass it alng.”
    4. Judging frm its cntext, the time when the writer saw the secnd bus she waited fr was __________.
    A. an hur befre sunsetB. early at dawnC. in the eveningD. late at night
    5. Which f the fllwing statement is true?
    A. N bus wuld pssibly cme at the time when the writer decided t take a taxi hme.
    B. The bus driver decided t drive the writer hme in the bus thugh it was ut f service.
    C. The writer didn’t believe what the bus driver said and became a bit wrried.
    D. The bus driver felt srry because she didn’t tell the truth, s she came back.
    6. The bus driver drve the writer hme later because ________.
    A. she happened t g in the same directinB. she wanted t d smething gd fr ther peple
    C. she wanted t pass the favr alng as her brtherD. she wanted t earn mre mney fr her family
    7. The writer wrte this stry t ________.
    A. tell smething strange that happened t him
    B. warn peple nt t drive ld car n Califrnia’s Santa Ana Freeway
    C. pass a gd virtue alng frm ne t anther
    D. tell passengers that bus drivers were reliable in mst cases
    ‌“Red turism”, a new frm f turism in which peple visit lcatins and memrials f histrical significance t the Cmmunist Party f China, has given a much-needed sht in the arm f the dmestic(国内的)turism industry in summer. And red turism will be mre ppular during the Natinal Day Glden Week hliday.
    Ticket bkings fr red turism sites in June increased by five times with lcal and shrt trips t red turism sites being the chice f abut 88 percent f such turists. And the search fr the term ‌“red turism” n Mafengw, a Chinese travel service and scial-netwrking platfrm, increased by 300 percent during the summer hlidays.
    Red turism is nt nly abut the jy f visiting a new place and taking in the wnderful sights. It is als abut gaining knwledge abut histry and being inspired by the stries f the peple wh gave their lives t the funding f the Peple’s Republic in 1949 and wrked fr the wellbeing f the Chinese peple. By rediscvering histry and passing n the stries f the Chinese revlutin and its heres t the next generatins, peple can uplift their spirit.
    Red turism can als be used as an pprtunity t develp rural(农村的)areas because mst f the revlutinary bases and red turism sites are in the cuntryside. It can raise the incmes f lcal peple, Since red turism creates jbs and helps increase farmers’ incmes, it can develp lcal develpment.
    Data shw that in the first half f 2022, mre than 30 percent f all turists visited red turism sites in rural areas, which was 10 percent mre than the last year. Yet red turism faces certain develpmental prblems, mainly because sme lcal gvernment fficials have failed t make the best use f red turism resurces fr lcal develpment.
    8. What can we knw abut red turism?
    A. It is a new frm f travel in which peple visit red places.
    B. It was nt ppular during the last Natinal Day Glden Week hliday
    C. It has brught life t turism.
    D. It is abut visiting clrful scenery especially with red clr.
    9. Why des the authr list the numbers in paragraph 2?
    A. T prve his idea.B. T describe a bming scene.
    C. T illustrate the stry.D. T intrduce a platfrm.
    10. What is the benefit f red turism fr rural areas?
    A. It can help imprve farming facilities and efficiency.
    B. It can ffer jb pprtunities t bth farmers and visitrs.
    C. Lcal peple can develp lcal develpment.
    D. Lcal incme can literally decrease.
    11. What will be mentined in the fllwing paragraphs?
    A. Mre and mre peple will chse red turism.
    B. Many travel cmpanies will benefit frm red turism.
    C. Mre red turism sites shuld be pen t the public.
    D. Sme measures shuld be taken t slve prblems.
    In the U.S., peple eat mre prtein than they need t, which might nt be bad fr human health, but des pse a prblem fr the cuntry’s waterways. The natin’s wastewater is laded with the leftvers frm prtein digestin: nitrgen cmpunds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blms (藻华) and pllute the air and drinking water.
    Maya Almaraz a bigechemist at the University f Califrnia, Davis, and her team wanted t see hw much f this nitrgen entered int the U.S. wastewater system because f a prtein-heavy diet. The researchers fund that the majrity f nitrgen pllutin present in wastewater — sme 67 t 100 percent — is a by-prduct f what peple cnsume.
    Once it enters the envirnment, the nitrgen can have a series f eclgical impacts. It helps algae grw much faster than they wuld nrmally, which is harmful t humans, ther animals and plants. And when the algae eventually die, the prblem is nt ver. Micrrganisms (微生物) that feed n dead algae use up xygen in the water, leading t “dead znes”, where many species simply cannt survive, in rivers, lakes and ceans.
    Althugh it is pssible t treat algal blms, many f the current methds are nt always effective at getting rid f all f the harmful grwth. Sme f these methds can even lead t additinal pllutin. S the best strategy fr dealing with the effects f nitrgen pllutin is preventin, says Patricia Glibert, an cean scientist at the University f Maryland. Almaraz and her team state that cntrlling nitrgen pllutin culd be apprached mre quickly with a change in eating habits that culd save billins f dllars in the lng term.
    12. Which aspect f Americans’ diet des Almaraz’s research fcus n?
    A. Its nitrgen cmpunds.B. Its algal blms.
    C. Its amunt.D. Its effect.
    13. What causes “dead znes” in the water?
    A. N xygen fr many species.
    B. Death f lts f healthy algae.
    C Micrrganisms’ ver-cnsumptin f nutrients.
    D. Pisnus chemicals released by harmful algae.
    14. What can we learn abut the current treatments fr algal blms?
    A. They are cstly but inefficiently .B. They may cause secndary pllutin.
    C. They may kill all algae.D. They are slw t take effect.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Why the Algae Grw S Rapidly?
    B. Why Eating T Much Prtein Harms the Planet?
    C. Hw t Prevent the Air and Water Pllutin?
    D. Hw t Slve the Prblem f Wastewater?
    Cmmn Mistakes New Runners Make
    Running is a great way t get in shape and just abut everyne can d it. Hwever, ____16____, which can interfere (妨碍) with training r lead t injury. If yu’re just starting ut, keep these things in mind t help yu increase yur chances f running success.
    ●Ding t much t sn
    One f the biggest mistakes new runners make is ding t much t sn. Slwly easing int a training prgram will help reduce the risk f injury, s yu can cntinue n with yur new running rutine. ____17____.
    Beginners might think they need t run every day (r nearly every day) t meet their fitness r weight-lss gals, but this culdn’t be further frm the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard n yur bdy. S it’s imprtant t give yur bdy a rest between wrkuts.
    ●Nt wearing the right equipment
    While it may be true that yu dn’t need expensive equipment t take up running, ____19____. The mst imprtant piece f equipment fr running is a gd pair f running shes, s be sure t d sme research befre yu purchase a pair. Visit a running specialty stre and ask an emplyee t fit yu fr a she.
    ●Running thrugh pain
    ____20____. If smething hurts when yu run, yu need t stp and treat the pain. Remember: It desn’t make yu less f a runner if yu listen t yur bdy t keep it healthy.
    A. many make a number f cmmn mistakes
    B. Running can be uncmfrtable at times
    C. Nt taking rest days
    D. nt everyne is fnd f running
    E. Experts suggest increasing yur running by less than 10% each week
    F. It’s imprtant nt t use the same muscles
    G. it’s imprtant that yu wear prperly fr yur wrkuts
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节;满分25分)
    Natalie and Callie, bth 13 years ld, started raising mnarch butterflies fr fun in 2020.
    But after realizing the mnarchs were an endangered species, their ____21____ sn turned int a serius missin.
    They learned that the ppulatin f mnarch butterflies had ____22____ since the early 1990s, due t habitat ____23____ and widespread use f chemicals, which made the milkweeds (马利筋草) that the mnarchs ____24____ fr their main diet dangerus t eat.
    S the girls teamed up with a natinal nnprfit grup t plant a native garden ____25____ fr the mnarchs. The garden grew rganic milkweeds that ____26____ and kept the butterflies. T help ____27____ the lcals t sustain the mnarch ppulatin, they created an exhibitin abut the mnarchs in the lcal library. They als wanted t put up an educatinal sign in twn, but it ____28____ a lt. T cver the expense, they set up a stand at the Farmers Market t sell their healthy milkweeds fr peple t ____29____ . Althugh the fund-raising days were ______30______, they finally succeeded in earning enugh mney with their hard wrk and peple’s supprt.
    The team has wn the Silver Award fr their ______31______ f taking care f butterflies, but they are nt ______32______ with their wrk. “Our next step is t cut dwn n the use f ______33______ t guarantee a safe envirnment fr the mnarchs,” said Natalie. In the award ceremny, their teacher Brian ______34______, “I am s prud f them fr their cnstant ______35______.”
    21. A. habitB. careerC. hbbyD. mtin
    22. A. dubledB. declinedC. restrictedD. restred
    23. A. destructinB. assessmentC. cnservatinD. bstructin
    24. A. fed tB. wed tC. relied nD. lived in
    25. A. frequentlyB. secretlyC. speciallyD. manually
    26. A. prtectedB. attractedC. tleratedD. trapped
    27. A. educateB. emplyC. drillD. justify
    28. A. spentB. cstC. criticizedD. underwent
    29. A. rewardB. dminateC. digestD. plant
    30. A. lngB. pleasingC. wrthD. chas
    31. A. eclgyB. implementC. prjectD. assignment
    32. A. submittedB. stressed utC. wrn utD. finished
    33. A. emissinB. chemicalsC. fssil fuelD. funds
    34. A. qutedB. repliedC. cmmentedD. recmmended
    35. A. effrtsB. ffersC. effectD. affect
    Many years ag, a dance between clay (陶土) ____36____ fire gave rise t a piece f art: ceramic. In the flames burning in kilns (窑) arund China in the Xia and Shang dynasties, ceramic _____37_____ (be) brn. Ceramic ____38____ (make) by heating raw materials, is ften a mix between China stne and kalin clay, in a kiln at a temperature as high as 1, 200 degrees Celsius. Temperature is the key t ____39____ (prduce) ceramic.
    Ceramic has als been ____40____ carrier fr cultural exchanges. Alng with China's silk and tea, ceramic was ne f the first gds ____41____ (receive) wrldwide trade.
    As it travelled arund the glbe thrugh the ancient Maritime Silk Rad, ceramic enjyed great ____42____ (ppular) amng ryal families and upper classes in Eurpe, ____43____ were attracted by these beautiful ____44____ (cntain) they named after China, a prduct that culd be prduced nly in the far East. As a memry that can be felt with bth hands, ceramic is _____45_____ (abslute) the tuchable histry.
    第三部分 课本基础知识检测(范围:EBII U4-5 & EBIII U1-3)
    46. Italy is very diverse and there are many beautiful cities. It has ________ architecture, culture and histry.
    A. awesmeB. anticipating
    C. habitableD. mderate
    47. Dctrs were fighting a ___________ battle t save the little girl's life.
    A. practicalB. spectacular
    C. desperateD. massive
    48. The prduct was develped in __________ t custmer demand.
    A. rderB. duratin
    C. highlightD. respnse
    49. Please allw me t thank yu fr yur ffer f help _________ my clleagues.
    A. stand frB. decide n
    C. n behalf fD. at place f
    50. _____________ travel by cmmercial airline all the way, they decided t fly t Vancuver and then take the train.
    A. Wuld ratherB. Rather than
    C. InsteadD. Prefer t
    51. Li Gu Qiang is the mst ____________ leader I’ve ever met, wh seems never tired.
    A. dynamicB. anticipating
    C. innvatinD. cmprehensive
    52. There is a famus saying “We are what we ___________ d.” by Aristtle.
    A. influentiallyB. cntemprary
    C. frequentlyD. repeatedly
    53. Yur skin acts as a barrier against diseases ... It als helps _______ yur bdy temperature prevents yur bdy frm ______ t much water, warns yu when things are t ht r cld, ___________ yu yur sense f tuch.
    A. t give
    B. cntrl... gives
    D. give
    54. Fr yung peple, there is plenty f time t change bad habits. _______, there is n “magic pill” _____ delete buttn _____ will help yu;yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide n sme changes.
    A Therefre ... and ... which
    B. Hwever ... r ... that
    C. Hence ... but ... what
    D. As a result ... t ... wh
    55. Gvernments need t cnsider _______ and taking apprpriate actins and measures t reduce greenhuse gas ______. We as individuals can als reduce ur “carbn ftprint” by ________ the amunt f carbn dixide ur lifestyle prduce.
    A. making plicies ... emissin ... restricting
    B. t make plans ... releasing ... sustainable
    C. underg refrm ... implement ... submitting
    D. taking regulatins ... inspectin ... dispsal f
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分30分)
    56. 假定你是李华,为了参加“阳光青少年”(Sunny Yuth)竞选活动,你要准备一份Presentatin。你可以设想你在使用Pwer Pint、投影、图片、音乐播放等媒体形式进行你的展示。 请写出你的Presentatin的文字稿,展示你在健康生活、成绩优秀与兴趣爱好等方面的阳光与突出表现。开头与结尾的格式语言内容已给出。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以有所侧重、适当增加细节,突出你的才华;
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Gd mrning/ afternn, ladies and gentlemen!
    It is really my hnr t have this pprtunity t intrduce myself here briefly.
    That’s all. Thank yu fr giving me the chance.
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One f my mst memrable trips tk place during the summer vacatin abut three years ag, when my sister, my aunt and I tk a trip t Spain because we were mving. On the day f the trip, I lay in bed thinking abut my friends whm I was ging t leave behind and thughts were flding in. I was nt cmfrtable and cried.
    We had t bk a van (厢式送货车) t take ur luggage t the airprt, because it was t much fr a taxi. We waited fr a lng perid t find a perfect van that wuld fit ur luggage.
    The jurney was almst perfect at the beginning, but sn it began t rain. Because f the rain, the drivers culd nt see far away, which caused a huge traffic jam. I was sitting by the windw with a can f Cke. My aunt and sister fell asleep, and during this time, I felt bred and thught abut ther things that bthered me. My eyes turned t the muntain in frnt f us.
    A bus suddenly appeared in the picture. It was very clse t us. Cars sped past us withut any speed limit. Beside me was a very deep lake: I wndered t myself what if smething r smene fell inside it. Suddenly, a bus in frnt f ur van stpped, and because it was raining heavily and the van was ging fast, n ne culd see what was ging t happen. Then, bang, we bumped int each ther. Our van verturned, but luckily, it didn’t fall int the lake. Peple came t help us get ut f the van because we were blcked and the driver was half-dead.
    We struggled t get ut f the van and waited fr the emergency aid t cme.
    Trip advisr Best things t d in Dentn
    Bayless-Selby Museum
    Bayless-Selby Museum features all the splendr f the 19th century architecture, and its rms are furnished with rare antiques frm the time perid. It is pen Tuesday thrugh Saturday between April and Octber, and Wednesday thrugh Saturday frm Nvember t March.
    Campus Theatre
    Dentn’s Campus Theatre is a true part f the twn’s histry. It began as a magnificent mvie huse in 1949 shutdwn in 1985, but returned 10 years later as a perfrming arts center. Tday, the Campus Theatre, lcated in dwntwn Dentn, hsts film festivals, plays and musicals. Tickets fr these perfrmances can be bked n the theater’s website.
    Ray Rberts Park
    Bating dwn a scenic scream, swim n a beautiful beach, try yur luck at catching a fish, r pitch a tent and sleep under the stars. Yu name it, yu can d it at Ray Rberts Park. Twenty miles f multi-use paths, a marina that sells and rents bats, and a htel can be fund within the park, lcated just nrth f Dentn.
    Clear Creek Center
    The center ffers lvers f the great utdrs the chance t experience sme f the best birding and hiking in the Dentn area, Travel the nearly eight miles f nature paths that cver the Clear Creek and the Elm Frk f the Trinity River thrugh grasslands, wetlands and hard wd frests.
    第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分50分)
    1. When can yu visit the Bayless-Selby Museum in any mnth?
    A. On Sunday.B. On Saturday.C. On Tuesday.D. On Mnday.
    2. Where can yu enjy artistic perfrmances?
    A. Bayless-Selby Museum.B. Campus Theatre.
    C. Ray Rberts Park.D. Clear Creek Center.
    3. What d Ray Rberts Park and Clear Creek Center have in cmmn?
    A Wildlife hunting.B. Cycling by the water.
    C. Old huses in the frest.D. Outdr activities.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Bayless-Selby Museum部分中的“It is pen Tuesday thrugh Saturday between April and Octber, and Wednesday thrugh Saturday frm Nvember t March.(它在4月至10月的周二至周六开放,11月至3月的周三至周六开放。)”可知,在四月至十月的周六都开放,十一月至三月的每周六也开放,由此可知,每个月的周六都开放。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Campus Theatre部分中的“It began as a magnificent mvie huse in 1949, shutdwn in 1985, but returned 10 years later as a perfrming arts center. Tday, the Campus Theatre, lcated in dwntwn Dentn, hsts film festivals, plays and musicals. (1949年,它最初是一座宏伟的电影院,1985年关闭,但10年后又作为一个表演艺术中心回归。如今,位于丹顿市中心的校园剧院举办电影节、戏剧和音乐剧。)”可知,Campus Theatre在1985年关闭,但十年后,有座位表演艺术中心回归,由此可知,Campus Theatre是一个表演艺术中心。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Ray Rberts Park部分中的“Bating dwn a scenic creek,swim n a beautiful beach,try yur luck at catching a fish, r pitch a tent and sleep under the stars. Twenty miles f multiuse paths, a marina that sells and rents bats, and a htel can be fund within the park, lcated just nrth f Dentn.(沿着风景优美的小溪划船,在美丽的海滩上游泳,试试运气抓鱼,或者搭帐篷睡在星空下。20英里的多功能道路,一个出售和租赁船只的码头,以及位于丹顿北部的一家酒店,都可以在公园里找到。)”可知,在Ray Rberts可以在小溪划船,在海滩上游泳,或者搭帐篷睡在星空下,结合Clear Creek Center部分中的“The center ffers lvers f the great utdrs the chance t experience sme f the best birding and hiking in the Dentn area, Travel the nearly eight miles f nature paths that cver the Clear Creek and the Elm Frk f the Trinity River thrugh grasslands, wetlands and hard wd frests.(该中心为热爱户外活动的人提供了体验丹顿地区最好的观鸟和徒步旅行的机会,他们可以沿着近八英里长的自然小径旅行,穿过草原、湿地和硬木森林,穿越清澈的小溪和三一河的榆树叉。)”可知,Clear Creek中心为热爱户外运动的人提供了体验丹顿地区最好的观鸟和徒步旅行的机会,综合以上信息可知,这两个地方都是户外活动的好地方。故选D项。
    Last July, my 12-year-ld car died n Califrnia’s Santa Ana Freeway. It was an hur befre sunset, and I was 25 miles frm hme. I culdn’t reach anyne t pick me up, s I decided t take a bus. Nt knwing the rutes, I figured I’d just head east. A bus pulled up, and I asked the driver hw far she was ging. “Fur mre lights,” she said. There was anther bus I culd take frm there befre it was ut f service at 8:30 p.m. This clearly was ging t be a lng night. She drpped me ff at the end f her rute and tld me which bus t lk fr.
    After waiting 30 minutes, I began t think abut a very expensive taxi ride hme. Then a bus pulled up. There was n lighted number abve its windshield (挡风玻璃). It was ut f service. But the dr pened, and I was surprised t find that it was the same driver. “I just can’t leave yu here,” she said. “ This isn’t the nicest place. I’ll give yu a ride hme.” “Yu’ll drive me in the bus?” I asked, perplexed (困惑的). “N, I’ll take yu in my car,” she said. “ It’s a lng way,” I prtested. “Cme n,” she said. “I have nthing else t d.” As we drve frm the statin in her car, she began telling me a stry. A few days earlier, her brther had run ut f gas. A gd Samaritan picked him up, tk him t a service statin and then back t his car.
    “I’m just passing the favr alng,” she said. When I ffered her mney as a thank-yu, she wuldn’t hear f it. “That wuldn’t make it a favr,” she said. “Just d smething nice fr smebdy. Pass it alng.”
    4. Judging frm its cntext, the time when the writer saw the secnd bus she waited fr was __________.
    A. an hur befre sunsetB. early at dawnC. in the eveningD. late at night
    5 Which f the fllwing statement is true?
    A. N bus wuld pssibly cme at the time when the writer decided t take a taxi hme.
    B. The bus driver decided t drive the writer hme in the bus thugh it was ut f service.
    C. The writer didn’t believe what the bus driver said and became a bit wrried.
    D. The bus driver felt srry because she didn’t tell the truth, s she came back.
    6. The bus driver drve the writer hme later because ________.
    A. she happened t g in the same directinB. she wanted t d smething gd fr ther peple
    C. she wanted t pass the favr alng as her brtherD. she wanted t earn mre mney fr her family
    7. The writer wrte this stry t ________.
    A. tell smething strange that happened t him
    B. warn peple nt t drive ld car n Califrnia’s Santa Ana Freeway
    C. pass a gd virtue alng frm ne t anther
    D. tell passengers that bus drivers were reliable in mst cases
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“There was anther bus I culd take frm there befre it was ut f service at 8:30 p.m. (在晚上8点半停止服务之前,我可以从那里乘坐另一辆公共汽车。)”及第二段“After waiting 30 minutes, I began t think abut a very expensive taxi ride hme. Then a bus pulled up. (等了30分钟后,我开始考虑坐一辆非常昂贵出租车回家。然后一辆公共汽车停了下来。)”可推知,当时是傍晚的时候,还不到深夜。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“After waiting 30 minutes, I began t think abut a very expensive taxi ride hme. Then a bus pulled up. There was n lighted number abve its windshield (挡风玻璃). It was ut f service. (等了30分钟后,我开始考虑坐一辆非常昂贵的出租车回家。然后一辆公交开过来。车上的挡风玻璃上没有光亮的数字。这辆车下班了。)”以及“I just can’t leave yu here (我不能把你留在这里)”和“This isn’t the nicest place. I’ll give yu a ride hme. (这不是最好的地方。我送你回家。)”可知,当时很有可能没有公交服务了,A选项“当作者决定乘出租车回家时,可能没有公共汽车来”正确。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“I’m just passing the favr alng (我只是将这种善举传递下去)”和“Just d smething nice fr smebdy. (只是要为某人做点好事)”可知,司机之所以送作者回家是因为想为别人做些好事。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Just d smething nice fr smebdy. Pass it alng. (只是要为某人做点好事。把它传递下去。)”可推知,作者写这个故事是为了把美德传给别人。故选C。
    ‌“Red turism”, a new frm f turism in which peple visit lcatins and memrials f histrical significance t the Cmmunist Party f China, has given a much-needed sht in the arm f the dmestic(国内的)turism industry in summer. And red turism will be mre ppular during the Natinal Day Glden Week hliday.
    Ticket bkings fr red turism sites in June increased by five times with lcal and shrt trips t red turism sites being the chice f abut 88 percent f such turists. And the search fr the term ‌“red turism” n Mafengw, a Chinese travel service and scial-netwrking platfrm, increased by 300 percent during the summer hlidays.
    Red turism is nt nly abut the jy f visiting a new place and taking in the wnderful sights. It is als abut gaining knwledge abut histry and being inspired by the stries f the peple wh gave their lives t the funding f the Peple’s Republic in 1949 and wrked fr the wellbeing f the Chinese peple. By rediscvering histry and passing n the stries f the Chinese revlutin and its heres t the next generatins, peple can uplift their spirit.
    Red turism can als be used as an pprtunity t develp rural(农村的)areas because mst f the revlutinary bases and red turism sites are in the cuntryside. It can raise the incmes f lcal peple, Since red turism creates jbs and helps increase farmers’ incmes, it can develp lcal develpment.
    Data shw that in the first half f 2022, mre than 30 percent f all turists visited red turism sites in rural areas, which was 10 percent mre than the last year. Yet red turism faces certain develpmental prblems, mainly because sme lcal gvernment fficials have failed t make the best use f red turism resurces fr lcal develpment.
    8. What can we knw abut red turism?
    A. It is a new frm f travel in which peple visit red places.
    B. It was nt ppular during the last Natinal Day Glden Week hliday
    C. It has brught life t turism.
    D. It is abut visiting clrful scenery especially with red clr.
    9. Why des the authr list the numbers in paragraph 2?
    A. T prve his idea.B. T describe a bming scene.
    C. T illustrate the stry.D. T intrduce a platfrm.
    10. What is the benefit f red turism fr rural areas?
    A. It can help imprve farming facilities and efficiency.
    B. It can ffer jb pprtunities t bth farmers and visitrs.
    C. Lcal peple can develp lcal develpment.
    D. Lcal incme can literally decrease.
    11. What will be mentined in the fllwing paragraphs?
    A. Mre and mre peple will chse red turism.
    B. Many travel cmpanies will benefit frm red turism.
    C. Mre red turism sites shuld be pen t the public.
    D. Sme measures shuld be taken t slve prblems.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. C 11. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段““Red turism”, a new frm f turism in which peple visit lcatins and memrials(纪念碑)f histrical significance t the Cmmunist Party f China, has given a much-needed sht in the arm f the dmestic(国内的)turism industry in summer.(“红色旅游”是一种新的旅游形式,人们参观对中国共产党有历史意义的地点和纪念馆,在夏季给国内旅游业注入了急需的一剂强气剂。)”可知,红色旅游给旅游业带来了新的生机。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Ticket bkings fr red turism sites in June increased by five times with lcal and shrt trips t red turism sites being the chice f abut 88 percent f such turists. And the search fr the term “red turism” n Mafengw, a Chinese travel service and scial-netwrking platfrm, increased by 300 percent during the summer hlidays.( 6月份,红色旅游景点的订票量增长了5倍,其中约88%的游客选择了当地和短途的红色旅游景点。在中国旅游服务和社交网络平台蚂蜂窝上,“红色旅游”一词的搜索量在暑假期间增加了300%。)”可知,暑假期间红色旅游景点的订票量飙升,而“红色旅游”一词也成为了网络高频搜索词,由此可以推断作者列举数字是为了进一步证明自己在第一段提出的观点——红色旅游给旅游业带来了新的生机。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Red turism can als be used as an pprtunity t develp rural(农村的)areas because mst f the revlutinary bases and red turism sites are in the cuntryside. It can raise the incmes f lcal peple, Since red turism creates jbs and helps increase farmers' incmes, it can develp lcal develpment.(红色旅游也可以作为发展农村的机会,因为大多数革命根据地和红色旅游景点都在农村。它可以提高当地人的收入,因为红色旅游创造就业机会,帮助增加农民的收入,它可以促进当地的发展。)”可知,因为大多数革命根据地和红色旅游景点都在农村,所以当地农民得以促进当地发展。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Yet red turism faces certain develpmental prblems, mainly because sme lcal gvernment fficials have failed t make the best use f red turism resurces fr lcal develpment.(然而,红色旅游面临着一定的发展问题,主要是因为一些地方政府官员没有充分利用红色旅游资源,促进地方发展。)”可知,虽然红色旅游会促进当地经济的发展,但是因为一些地方政府官员没有充分利用红色旅游资源,导致红色旅游发展存在一些问题,所以接下来要讲的应该是要采取一定的措施来解决这些问题,以促进红色旅游的进一步发展。故选D项。
    In the U.S., peple eat mre prtein than they need t, which might nt be bad fr human health, but des pse a prblem fr the cuntry’s waterways. The natin’s wastewater is laded with the leftvers frm prtein digestin: nitrgen cmpunds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blms (藻华) and pllute the air and drinking water.
    Maya Almaraz, a bigechemist at the University f Califrnia, Davis, and her team wanted t see hw much f this nitrgen entered int the U.S. wastewater system because f a prtein-heavy diet. The researchers fund that the majrity f nitrgen pllutin present in wastewater — sme 67 t 100 percent — is a by-prduct f what peple cnsume.
    Once it enters the envirnment, the nitrgen can have a series f eclgical impacts. It helps algae grw much faster than they wuld nrmally, which is harmful t humans, ther animals and plants. And when the algae eventually die, the prblem is nt ver. Micrrganisms (微生物) that feed n dead algae use up xygen in the water, leading t “dead znes”, where many species simply cannt survive, in rivers, lakes and ceans.
    Althugh it is pssible t treat algal blms, many f the current methds are nt always effective at getting rid f all f the harmful grwth. Sme f these methds can even lead t additinal pllutin. S the best strategy fr dealing with the effects f nitrgen pllutin is preventin, says Patricia Glibert, an cean scientist at the University f Maryland. Almaraz and her team state that cntrlling nitrgen pllutin culd be apprached mre quickly with a change in eating habits that culd save billins f dllars in the lng term.
    12. Which aspect f Americans’ diet des Almaraz’s research fcus n?
    A. Its nitrgen cmpunds.B. Its algal blms.
    C. Its amunt.D. Its effect.
    13. What causes “dead znes” in the water?
    A. N xygen fr many species.
    B. Death f lts f healthy algae.
    C. Micrrganisms’ ver-cnsumptin f nutrients.
    D. Pisnus chemicals released by harmful algae.
    14. What can we learn abut the current treatments fr algal blms?
    A. They are cstly but inefficiently .B. They may cause secndary pllutin.
    C. They may kill all algae.D. They are slw t take effect.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Why the Algae Grw S Rapidly?
    B. Why Eating T Much Prtein Harms the Planet?
    C. Hw t Prevent the Air and Water Pllutin?
    D. Hw t Slve the Prblem f Wastewater?
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“The natin’s wastewater is laded with the leftvers frm prtein digestin: nitrgen cmpunds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blms (藻华) and pllute the air and drinking water.(这个国家的废水中充满了蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物会滋生有害的藻类,污染空气和饮用水)”以及第二段中“Maya Almaraz, a bigechemist at the University f Califrnia, Davis, and her team wanted t see hw much f this nitrgen entered int the U.S. wastewater system because f a prtein-heavy diet.(加州大学戴维斯分校的生物地球化学家玛雅·阿尔马拉兹和她的团队想知道,由于蛋白质含量高的饮食,有多少氮进入了美国的废水系统)”可知,加州大学戴维斯分校的生物地球化学家玛雅·阿尔玛拉兹和她的团队研究关注的是美国人饮食由于蛋白质含量高,美国的水道中含有蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物,该物质对生物、空气和饮用水等造成了影响,故阿尔玛拉兹研究关注的是美国人饮食造成的影响。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Micrrganisms (微生物) that feed n dead algae use up xygen in the water, leading t “dead znes”, where many species simply cannt survive, in rivers, lakes and ceans.(以死藻为食的微生物耗尽了水中的氧气,导致河流、湖泊和海洋中的“死区”,许多物种根本无法在那里生存)”可知,以死藻为食的微生物耗尽了水中的氧气,许多物种没有了氧气,导致了“死区”的出现。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Althugh it is pssible t treat algal blms, many f the current methds are nt always effective at getting rid f all f the harmful grwth. Sme f these methds can even lead t additinal pllutin.(虽然有可能处理藻华,但目前的许多方法并不总是有效地消除所有有害的生长。其中一些方法甚至会导致额外的污染)”可知,当前对于藻华的一些处理方法容易造成额外污染即二次污染。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“The natin’s wastewater is laded with the leftvers frm prtein digestin: nitrgen cmpunds (氮化合物) that can feed harmful algal blms (藻华) and pllute the air and drinking water.(这个国家的废水中充满了蛋白质消化的残余物:氮化合物会滋生有害的藻类,污染空气和饮用水)”以及文章介绍了美国人吃过多蛋白质会导致氮污染,并且这种污染会促进有害藻类的生长,最终对环境造成负面影响。作者呼吁改变生活习惯来控制氮污染,从而在长期上节省资金。B选项“为什么摄入过多的蛋白质会危害地球?”概括文章主要内容,符合题意。故选B。
    Cmmn Mistakes New Runners Make
    Running is a great way t get in shape and just abut everyne can d it. Hwever, ____16____, which can interfere (妨碍) with training r lead t injury. If yu’re just starting ut, keep these things in mind t help yu increase yur chances f running success.
    ●Ding t much t sn
    One f the biggest mistakes new runners make is ding t much t sn. Slwly easing int a training prgram will help reduce the risk f injury, s yu can cntinue n with yur new running rutine. ____17____.
    Beginners might think they need t run every day (r nearly every day) t meet their fitness r weight-lss gals, but this culdn’t be further frm the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard n yur bdy. S it’s imprtant t give yur bdy a rest between wrkuts.
    ●Nt wearing the right equipment
    While it may be true that yu dn’t need expensive equipment t take up running, ____19____. The mst imprtant piece f equipment fr running is a gd pair f running shes, s be sure t d sme research befre yu purchase a pair. Visit a running specialty stre and ask an emplyee t fit yu fr a she.
    ●Running thrugh pain
    ____20____. If smething hurts when yu run, yu need t stp and treat the pain. Remember: It desn’t make yu less f a runner if yu listen t yur bdy t keep it healthy.
    A. many make a number f cmmn mistakes
    B. Running can be uncmfrtable at times
    C. Nt taking rest days
    D. nt everyne is fnd f running
    E. Experts suggest increasing yur running by less than 10% each week
    F. It’s imprtant nt t use the same muscles
    G. it’s imprtant that yu wear prperly fr yur wrkuts
    【答案】16. A 17. E 18. C 19. G 20. B
    上文“Running is a great way t get in shape and just abut everyne can d it. (跑步是保持体形的好方法,几乎每个人都可以做到。)”和下文“which can interfere (妨碍) with training r lead t injury.(这些错误可能会干扰训练或导致受伤。)”指出跑步时有些人会犯一些常见的错误,这些错误可能会干扰训练或导致受伤,由本段标题“Cmmn Mistakes New Runners Make(新跑步者常犯的错误)”可知,本文主要指出新跑步者会犯的错误。A项“许多人犯一些常见的错误”符合语境。故选A。
    上文“One f the biggest mistakes new runners make is ding t much t sn. Slwly easing int a training prgram will help reduce the risk f injury, s yu can cntinue n with yur new running rutine(新跑步者犯的最大错误之一就是跑得太多太快。慢慢地进入训练计划将有助于降低受伤风险,这样您就可以继续新的跑步习惯)”指出刚开始跑步的人会跑得太快,所以要慢慢进入训练,不要跑太多太快,E项“专家建议每周增加跑步距离不超过10%”指出运动量要循序渐进,符合语境。故选E。
    此处是本段小标题,即新手跑步者常犯的错误之一;根据下文“Beginners might think they need t run every day (r nearly every day) t meet their fitness r weight-lss gals, but this culdn’t be further frm the truth. Running is a high-impact activity which can be really hard n yur bdy. S it’s imprtant t give yur bdy a rest between wrkuts.(初学者可能认为他们需要每天(或几乎每天)跑步才能达到健身或减肥目标,但这与事实相差甚远。跑步是一项高影响力的活动,对您的身体来说确实很困难。因此,在锻炼之间让身体休息很重要。)”可知,新手跑步者会犯(几乎)每天都要运动的错误,C项“没有休息日”符合语境。故选C。
    根据本段标题“Nt wearing the right equipment(没有佩戴合适的装备)”可知,本段主要介绍了新手跑步者常犯的错误之一是没有佩戴合适的装备,下文G项“it’s imprtant that yu wear prperly fr yur wrkuts.(锻炼时正确穿着很重要)”强调跑步时正确穿着很重要。其中“wear prperly ”呼应标题中的“the right equipment”,虽然你可能确实不需要昂贵的设备来开始跑步,但是锻炼时正确穿着很重要,故选G。
    下文“If smething hurts when yu run, yu need t stp and treat the pain (如果跑步时感到疼痛,则需要停下来治疗疼痛)”指出跑步时如果感到疼痛,应该停下来,这说明有时候跑步会让人感到疼痛,B项“跑步有时会感到不舒服”符合语境,引起下文,下文介绍了感到疼痛时该如何做。故选B。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节;满分25分)
    Natalie and Callie, bth 13 years ld, started raising mnarch butterflies fr fun in 2020.
    But after realizing the mnarchs were an endangered species their ____21____ sn turned int a serius missin.
    They learned that the ppulatin f mnarch butterflies had ____22____ since the early 1990s, due t habitat ____23____ and widespread use f chemicals, which made the milkweeds (马利筋草) that the mnarchs ____24____ fr their main diet dangerus t eat.
    S the girls teamed up with a natinal nnprfit grup t plant a native garden ____25____ fr the mnarchs. The garden grew rganic milkweeds that ____26____ and kept the butterflies. T help ____27____ the lcals t sustain the mnarch ppulatin, they created an exhibitin abut the mnarchs in the lcal library. They als wanted t put up an educatinal sign in twn, but it ____28____ a lt. T cver the expense, they set up a stand at the Farmers Market t sell their healthy milkweeds fr peple t ____29____ . Althugh the fund-raising days were ______30______, they finally succeeded in earning enugh mney with their hard wrk and peple’s supprt.
    The team has wn the Silver Award fr their ______31______ f taking care f butterflies, but they are nt ______32______ with their wrk. “Our next step is t cut dwn n the use f ______33______ t guarantee a safe envirnment fr the mnarchs,” said Natalie. In the award ceremny, their teacher Brian ______34______, “I am s prud f them fr their cnstant ______35______.”
    21. A. habitB. careerC. hbbyD. mtin
    22. A. dubledB. declinedC. restrictedD. restred
    23. A. destructinB. assessmentC. cnservatinD. bstructin
    24. A. fed tB. wed tC. relied nD. lived in
    25. A. frequentlyB. secretlyC. speciallyD. manually
    26. A. prtectedB. attractedC. tleratedD. trapped
    27. A. educateB. emplyC. drillD. justify
    28. A. spentB. cstC. criticizedD. underwent
    29. A. rewardB. dminateC. digestD. plant
    30. A. lngB. pleasingC. wrthD. chas
    31. A. eclgyB. implementC. prjectD. assignment
    32. A. submittedB. stressed utC. wrn utD. finished
    33. A. emissinB. chemicalsC. fssil fuelD. funds
    34. A. qutedB. repliedC. cmmentedD. recmmended
    35. A. effrtsB. ffersC. effectD. affect
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但在意识到帝王蝶是濒危物种后,她们的爱好很快变成了一项严肃的任务。A. habit习惯;B. career事业;C. hbby业余爱好;D. mtin行动。根据上文中的“Natalie and Callie, bth 13 years ld, started raising mnarch butterflies fr fun in 2020.” 可知,娜塔莉和卡莉开始养帝王蝶是一种爱好,结合“But after realizing the mnarchs were an endangered species”可知,在她们了解到帝王蝶濒危现状,她们的“爱好”很快就变成了一项严肃的保护任务。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们了解到,由于栖息地遭到破坏和化学品的广泛使用,使得帝王蝶赖以为生的主要食物马利筋草变得危险,自20世纪90年代初以来,帝王蝶的数量已经下降。A. dubled加倍;B. declined下降,减少;C. restricted限制;D. restred修复。根据下文中的“due t habitat ____3___ and widespread use f chemicals, which made the milkweeds (马利筋草) that the mnarchs____4___ fr their main diet dangerus t eat.”可知,栖息地遭到破坏以及化学品的广泛使用使得帝王蝶赖以为生的主要食物马利筋草变得危险,这使帝王蝶数量减少。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她们了解到,由于栖息地遭到破坏和化学品的广泛使用,使得帝王蝶赖以为生的主要食物马利筋草变得危险,自20世纪90年代初以来,帝王蝶的数量已经下降。A. destructin破坏;B. assessment估计;C. cnservatin保护;D. bstructin障碍。根据下文中的“and widespread use f chemicals”可知,此处应讲述的是对帝王蝶不利的因素,由此可推断,此处指的是栖息地的“破坏”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她们了解到,由于栖息地遭到破坏和化学品的广泛使用,使得帝王蝶赖以为生的主要食物马利筋草变得危险,自20世纪90年代初以来,帝王蝶的数量已经下降。A. fed t喂给;B. wed t归因于;C. relied n依赖,依靠;D. lived in居住。根据下文中的“fr their main diet dangerus t eat.”可知,帝王蝶的主要食物变得危险,由此可推断,此处指的是帝王蝶“依赖”的主食是马利筋草。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,女孩们与一个国家非营利组织合作,专门为帝王蝶种植了一个本土花园。A. frequently频繁地;B. secretly秘密地;C. specially特别地;D. manually手工地。根据下文的“The garden grew rganic milkweeds”可知,这个本土花园里种植的是帝王蝶的主要食物马利筋草,由此可推断,此处指的是“专门”为帝王蝶种植的本土花园。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:花园里种了有机马利筋草,吸引并留住了蝴蝶。A. prtected保护;B. attracted吸引;C. tlerated忍受;D. trapped围困。根据上文中的“which made the milkweeds (马利筋草) that the mnarchs ____4____ fr their main diet dangerus t eat.”可知,帝王蝶的主要食物是马利筋草,由此可知,本地花园里的有机马利筋草会“吸引”并留住帝王蝶。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了帮助教育当地人维持帝王蝶的数量,她们在当地图书馆举办了一个关于帝王蝶的展览。A. educate教育;B. emply雇佣;C. drill操练;D. justify使公正。根据下文中的“they created an exhibitin abut the mnarchs in the lcal library.”以及“They als wanted t put up an educatinal sign in twn”可知,她们在图书馆举行帝王蝶的展览,并且还想在镇上挂上有教育意义的标牌,由此可知,她们举办关于帝王蝶展览的目的是“教育”当地人保护帝王蝶。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她们还想在镇上挂一个教育标志,但花了很多钱。A. spent花费,度过;B. cst花费,需付费;C. criticized批评;D. underwent经历。根据下文中的“T cver the expense, they set up a stand at the Farmers Market t sell their healthy milkweeds fr peple t ____9____ .”可知,为了支付挂教有教育意义的标牌的费用,她们设立了一个摊位来挣钱,由此可知,此处指的是“花费”很大,spend的主语应是人,所以不能 spend。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了支付费用,她们在农贸市场设立了一个摊位,出售她们的健康马利筋草供人们种植。A. reward奖励;B. dminate支配;C. digest消化;D. plant种植。根据常识和上文中的“they set up a stand at the Farmers Market t sell their healthy milkweeds fr peple”可知,她们摆摊是为了卖健康的马利筋草供人们“种植”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词和名词词义辨析。句意:虽然筹款的日子很长,但在她们的努力和人们的支持下,她们终于成功地赚到了足够的钱。A. lng长的;B. pleasing令人愉悦的;C. wrth价值,值得的;D. chas混乱。根据上文中的“they finally succeeded in earning enugh mney with their hard wrk and peple’s supprt.”可知,她们最终努力赚到了足够的钱,由此可推断,她们筹款的日子应该是“漫长的”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该团队因照顾蝴蝶的项目获得了银奖,但她们的工作还没有完成。A. eclgy生态学;B. implement工具,器具;C. prject工程,项目;D. assignment任务。根据上文中的“S the girls teamed up with a natinal nnprfit grup t plant a native garden ____5____ fr the mnarchs.”可知,女孩们与一个国家非营利组织合作,专门为帝王蝶建立了一个本地花园,由此可推断,此处指的是该团队因照顾帝王蝶“项目”而获奖。故选C项。
    考查动词和动词短语词义辨析。句意:该团队因照顾蝴蝶的项目获得了银奖,但她们的工作还没有完成。A. submitted提交;B. stressed ut使心力交瘁;C. wrn ut使筋疲力尽;D. finished完成。根据下文中的“Our next step is t cut dwn n the use f ____13____ t guarantee a safe envirnment fr the mnarchs”可知,她们还有保护帝王蝶的下一步计划,说明她们保护帝王蝶的工作尚未“完成”。故选D项。
    考查名词及名词短语词义辨析。句意:娜塔莉说:“我们的下一步是减少化学物质的使用,以保证君主的安全环境。”A. emissin释放;B. chemicals化学物质;C. fssil fuel化石燃料;D. funds基金。根据上文中的“They learned that the ppulatin f mnarch butterflies had ____2____ since the early 1990s, due t habitat ____3____ and widespread use f chemicals”可知,由于滥用化学物质导致帝王蝶数量减少,由此可推断,此处指的是减少“化学物质”的使用。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在颁奖典礼上,她们的老师Brian评论道:“我为她们的不懈努力感到骄傲。”A. quted引用;B. replied回复;C. cmmented评论;D. recmmended推荐。根据下文中的“I am s prud f them fr their cnstant ____15____ .”可知,此处为Brian老师对她们保护帝王蝶而获奖这一事情的“评论”。故选C项。
    考查名词及动词词义辨析。句意:在颁奖典礼上,她们的老师Brian评论道:“我为她们的不懈努力感到骄傲。”A. effrts努力;B. ffers提供;C. effect影响;D. affect影响。根据上文中的“S the girls teamed up with a natinal nnprfit grup t plant a native garden ____5____ fr the mnarchs.”以及“T help ____7____ the lcals t sustain the mnarch ppulatin, they created an exhibitin abut the mnarchs in the lcal library. They als wanted t put up an educatinal sign in twn, but it ____8____ a lt.”可知,女孩们为了保护帝王蝶不仅给帝王蝶种食物,做保护帝王蝶的宣传活动等,她们在为保护帝王蝶做出很多努力,由此可推断,此处指的是老师为她们不断的“努力”感到骄傲。故选A项。
    Many years ag, a dance between clay (陶土) ____36____ fire gave rise t a piece f art: ceramic. In the flames burning in kilns (窑) arund China in the Xia and Shang dynasties, ceramic _____37_____ (be) brn. Ceramic ____38____ (make) by heating raw materials, is ften a mix between China stne and kalin clay, in a kiln at a temperature as high as 1, 200 degrees Celsius. Temperature is the key t ____39____ (prduce) ceramic.
    Ceramic has als been ____40____ carrier fr cultural exchanges. Alng with China's silk and tea, ceramic was ne f the first gds ____41____ (receive) wrldwide trade.
    As it travelled arund the glbe thrugh the ancient Maritime Silk Rad, ceramic enjyed great ____42____ (ppular) amng ryal families and upper classes in Eurpe, ____43____ were attracted by these beautiful ____44____ (cntain) they named after China, a prduct that culd be prduced nly in the far East. As a memry that can be felt with bth hands, ceramic is _____45_____ (abslute) the tuchable histry.
    【答案】36. and
    37. was 38. made
    39. prducing
    40. a 41. t receive
    42. ppularity
    43. wh 44. cntainers
    45. abslutely
    考查时态。句意:在夏商时期中国各地窑炉燃烧的火焰中,陶瓷诞生了。根据“arund China in the Xia and Shang dynasties”可知,为一般过去时。故填was。
    考查不定式。句意:与中国的丝绸和茶叶一样,陶瓷是首批接受世界贸易的商品之一。被序数词修饰的名词用动词不定式作后置定语。故填t receive。
    考查定语从句。句意:陶瓷沿着古代海上丝绸之路传遍全球,在欧洲皇室和上层阶级中非常受欢迎,他们被这些美丽的容器所吸引,他们以中国的名字命名,这种产品只有在远东才能生产。先行词为ryal families and upper classes,作非限制性定语从句的主语,表示人,用wh。故填wh。
    第三部分 课本基础知识检测(范围:EBII U4-5 & EBIII U1-3)
    46. Italy is very diverse and there are many beautiful cities. It has ________ architecture, culture and histry.
    A. awesmeB. anticipating
    C. habitableD. mderate
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。 句意:意大利非常多样化,有许多美丽的城市。它有令人惊叹的建筑、文化和历史。A. awesme 令人惊叹的;B. anticipating 预期的;C. habitable 宜居的;D. mderate 适度的;中等的;温和的。根据句意,空格所在要表达“意大利有令人惊叹的建筑、文化和历史”。 故答案是A。
    47. Dctrs were fighting a ___________ battle t save the little girl's life.
    A. practicalB. spectacular
    C. desperateD. massive
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:医生们在奋力抢救小女孩的性命。A.practical实际的、实用的;B. spectacular壮观的;壮丽的;令人惊叹的 ;C. desperate不顾一切的,拼命的;绝望的;D. massive大量的,巨大的,大规模的。根据句意“医生们在奋力抢救小女孩的性命。”,只有“C. desperate不顾一切的,拼命的;绝望的”符合。故答案是C。
    48. The prduct was develped in __________ t custmer demand.
    A. rderB. duratin
    C. highlightD. respnse
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:该产品是应顾客需求而开发的。A. rder 顺序、订单、命令;B. duratin持续时间;期间;C. highlight强光部分;最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;D. respnse 响应;反应。in respnse t回答; 响应。根据“custmer demand”可知,这个产品是应消费者的需求开发生产出来的。故选D。
    49. Please allw me t thank yu fr yur ffer f help _________ my clleagues.
    A. stand frB. decide n
    C. n behalf fD. at place f
    【详解】考查动词短语和介词短语。句意:请允许我代表我的同事对你提供的帮助表示感谢。A.stand fr 代表;B. decide n 决定;选定;C. n behalf f 代表;D. at place f在……的位置。根据句意可知,请允许我“代表”我的同事对你提供的帮助表示感谢。故选C。
    50. _____________ travel by cmmercial airline all the way, they decided t fly t Vancuver and then take the train.
    A. Wuld ratherB. Rather than
    C. InsteadD. Prefer t
    【详解】考查短语辨析和副词。句意:他们决定先坐飞机到温哥华,然后再坐火车,而不是一路坐商业航班。 A. wuld rather d...是固定搭配,表示“宁愿做...而不做...”;B. rather than 而不是/做...其搭配是“ than d...”C. instead 取而代之,是副词,用法是“”表示“取而代之的是做...”;instead f 为介词短语,表示“取代...” D. prefer t “更喜欢做...”。根据句意可知,表示而不是。故答案是B。
    51. Li Gu Qiang is the mst ____________ leader I’ve ever met, wh seems never tired.
    A. dynamicB. anticipating
    C. innvatinD. cmprehensive
    【详解】考查形容词和名词词义辨析。句意:李国强是我见过的最有活力的领导,他似乎从不疲倦。A. dynamic充满活力的;B. anticipating预期的;C. innvatin创新 ;D. cmprehensive综合的。结合句意以及下文中的“wh seems never tired”可知,此处应指的是“有活力的”符合语境。故选A项。
    52. There is a famus saying “We are what we ___________ d.” by Aristtle.
    A. influentiallyB. cntemprary
    C. frequentlyD. repeatedly
    【详解】考查副词和形容词词义辨析。句意:有一句名言:“我们反复做什么,我们就是什么。”——亚里士多德。 A.influentially有影响地;B. cntemprary当代的;C. frequently频繁地; D. repeatedly重复地。根据句意可知, 我们反复做什么,我们就是什么。故答案是D。
    53. Yur skin acts as a barrier against diseases ... It als helps _______ yur bdy temperature, prevents yur bdy frm ______ t much water, warns yu when things are t ht r cld, ___________ yu yur sense f tuch.
    A. t give
    B. cntrl... gives
    D. give
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:你的皮肤是抵御疾病的屏障。它还有助于控制你的体温,防止你的身体失去过多的水分,在天气太热或太冷时发出警告,并赋予你触觉。一空处,为固定搭配:help d sth.意为“帮助做某事”,所以空处用动词原形;二空处,空前是介词,空处应用动名词形式作宾语;三空处,和前文“helps _______ yur bdy temperature, prevents yur bdy frm ______ t much water, warns yu when things are t ht r cld”为并列关系,应该用and连接,且动词用三单形式。故选B项。
    54. Fr yung peple, there is plenty f time t change bad habits. _______, there is n “magic pill” _____ delete buttn _____ will help yu;yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide n sme changes.
    A. Therefre ... and ... which
    B. Hwever ... r ... that
    C. Hence ... but ... what
    D. As a result ... t ... wh
    【详解】考查副词、连词和定语从句。句意:对于年轻人来说,有足够的时间来改变坏习惯。然而,没有“神奇药丸”或删除按钮可以帮助你;你必须考虑你的坏习惯,并决定做出一些改变。根据句意可知,第一个空表示转折,第二个空表示没有“神奇药丸”或删除按钮可以帮助,连词为r。第三个空的先行词为delete buttn,作定语从句的主语,关系代词为that或者which。结合选项。故答案是B项。
    55. Gvernments need t cnsider _______ and taking apprpriate actins and measures t reduce greenhuse gas ______. We as individuals can als reduce ur “carbn ftprint” by ________ the amunt f carbn dixide ur lifestyle prduce.
    A. making plicies ... emissin ... restricting
    B. t make plans ... releasing ... sustainable
    C. underg refrm ... implement ... submitting
    D. taking regulatins ... inspectin ... dispsal f
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:政府需要考虑制定政策,采取适当的行动和措施来减少温室气体排放。作为个人,我们也可以通过限制我们的生活方式产生的二氧化碳量来减少我们的“碳足迹”。第一空用动名词做cnsider的宾语,表示“考虑做某事”;第二空表示“温室气体排放”,所以用名词emissin做reduce的宾语;第三空, 介词by后用动名词做宾语,by ding意为“通过做……”。故选A项。
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分30分)
    56. 假定你是李华,为了参加“阳光青少年”(Sunny Yuth)竞选活动,你要准备一份Presentatin。你可以设想你在使用Pwer Pint、投影、图片、音乐播放等媒体形式进行你的展示。 请写出你的Presentatin的文字稿,展示你在健康生活、成绩优秀与兴趣爱好等方面的阳光与突出表现。开头与结尾的格式语言内容已给出。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以有所侧重、适当增加细节,突出你的才华;
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Gd mrning/ afternn, ladies and gentlemen!
    It is really my hnr t have this pprtunity t intrduce myself here briefly.
    That’s all. Thank yu fr giving me the chance.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Gd mrning/ afternn, ladies and gentlemen!
    It is really my hnr t have this pprtunity t intrduce myself here briefly.
    I am Lihua, and as a candidate fr “Sunny Yuth”, I stand ut academically with a passin fr knwledge. T be the tp student in English in my class inspires me t have taken part in several English cmpetitins, rewarding a lt f reputatins amng my fellw schlmates. I enjy reading, which has been a surce f hard wrking in study. Beynd studies, I am fnd f music and arts, especially western painting, which enrich my life. My healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and balanced diet, fuels my energy. My hbbies and interests cntribute significantly t my sunny character. Vte fr me, let’s shine tgether!
    That’s all. Thank yu fr giving me the chance.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生准备一份Presentatin文稿来参加“阳光青少年”(Sunny Yuth)竞选活动,内容是展示在健康生活、成绩优秀与兴趣爱好等方面的阳光与突出表现。
    激励:inspire →encurage
    参加:take part in →participate in
    比赛:cmpetitin →match/cntest
    喜欢:enjy →have an appetite fr/be fnd f
    原句:My healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and balanced diet, fuels my energy.
    拓展句:My healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise and balanced diet, fuels my energy.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】T be the tp student in English in my class inspires me t have taken part in several English cmpetitins, rewarding a lt f reputatins amng my fellw schlmates.(运用了不定式作主语和现在分词短语作状语)
    【高分句型2】I enjy reading, which has been a surce f hard wrking in study.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One f my mst memrable trips tk place during the summer vacatin abut three years ag, when my sister, my aunt and I tk a trip t Spain because we were mving. On the day f the trip, I lay in bed thinking abut my friends whm I was ging t leave behind and thughts were flding in. I was nt cmfrtable and cried.
    We had t bk a van (厢式送货车) t take ur luggage t the airprt, because it was t much fr a taxi. We waited fr a lng perid t find a perfect van that wuld fit ur luggage.
    The jurney was almst perfect at the beginning, but sn it began t rain. Because f the rain, the drivers culd nt see far away, which caused a huge traffic jam. I was sitting by the windw with a can f Cke. My aunt and sister fell asleep, and during this time, I felt bred and thught abut ther things that bthered me. My eyes turned t the muntain in frnt f us.
    A bus suddenly appeared in the picture. It was very clse t us. Cars sped past us withut any speed limit. Beside me was a very deep lake: I wndered t myself what if smething r smene fell inside it. Suddenly, a bus in frnt f ur van stpped, and because it was raining heavily and the van was ging fast, n ne culd see what was ging t happen. Then, bang, we bumped int each ther. Our van verturned, but luckily, it didn’t fall int the lake. Peple came t help us get ut f the van because we were blcked and the driver was half-dead.
    We struggled t get ut f the van and waited fr the emergency aid t cme.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    We struggled t get ut f the van and waited fr the emergency aid t cme.. Everything was very strange. I had never had that kind f experience befre. It was like watching a hrrr mvie. Sme peple wh were als in the accident started crying, lking fr their children, tears beginning t increase. My leg was badly injured and I was lsing a lt f bld. And my sister was full f injury. My aunt was calling t seek sme help, and then the emergency aid came. They tk us t hspital where we were treated. We had t pay fr sme fees, but we had n mney. The dctrs and nurses wh were present learned f ur cnditin and paid fr us. Althugh we had experienced a bad accident, we were all lucky t have received help frm thse warm-hearted peple. After that we went n with ur jurney and reached ur destinatin successfully at last.
    ①寻找:lk fr/search fr
    ②求助:seek sme help/turn help
    ③继续:g n/cntinue
    ①哭泣:start crying/burst ut crying
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Sme peple wh were als in the accident started crying, lking fr their children, tears beginning t increase. (运用了wh引导的定语从句以及现在分词短语作状语和独立主格结构)
    [高分句型2]. They tk us t hspital where we were treated. (运用了where引导的定语从句)
    Trip advisr Best things t d in Dentn
    Bayless-Selby Museum
    Bayless-Selby Museum features all the splendr f the 19th century architecture, and its rms are furnished with rare antiques frm the time perid. It is pen Tuesday thrugh Saturday between April and Octber, and Wednesday thrugh Saturday frm Nvember t March.
    Campus Theatre
    Dentn’s Campus Theatre is a true part f the twn’s histry. It began as a magnificent mvie huse in 1949, shutdwn in 1985, but returned 10 years later as a perfrming arts center. Tday, the Campus Theatre, lcated in dwntwn Dentn, hsts film festivals, plays and musicals. Tickets fr these perfrmances can be bked n the theater’s website.
    Ray Rberts Park
    Bating dwn a scenic scream, swim n a beautiful beach, try yur luck at catching a fish, r pitch a tent and sleep under the stars. Yu name it, yu can d it at Ray Rberts Park. Twenty miles f multi-use paths, a marina that sells and rents bats, and a htel can be fund within the park, lcated just nrth f Dentn.
    Clear Creek Center
    The center ffers lvers f the great utdrs the chance t experience sme f the best birding and hiking in the Dentn area, Travel the nearly eight miles f nature paths that cver the Clear Creek and the Elm Frk f the Trinity River thrugh grasslands, wetlands and hard wd frests.

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    2024东莞三校高二下学期4月期中联考试题英语含解析: 这是一份2024东莞三校高二下学期4月期中联考试题英语含解析,共13页。试卷主要包含了5分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    辽宁省六校协作体2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中联考试题含解析: 这是一份辽宁省六校协作体2023_2024学年高二英语上学期期中联考试题含解析,共35页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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