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    这是一份广东省珠海市珠海市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含广东省珠海市珠海市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、广东省珠海市珠海市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    Museum Day
    Museum Day is here fr ne day and ne day nly — s yu’ll need t hurry if yu want t take advantage f the chance t get free Saturday admissin t ne f the hundreds f participating museums.
    This event is hsted annually by Smithsnian Magazine and invlves museums and cultural institutins cming tgether t ffer free admissin fr visitrs wh wuld therwise have t pay fr entry.
    Yu just need an email address t get a free ticket.
    T get a ticket yu’ll need t g t the Smithsnian Magazine website and pick which museum yu want t g t. Yu’ll be able t search t see which museums near yu are participating, and yu just have t put in yur email address and name. After that, yu can dwnlad yur ticket and head ut fr sme fun.
    A lt f museums are still feeling financial stress frm the pandemic.
    The event is happening as museums are still struggling frm the hits they tk during the first few years f the pandemic.
    The American Alliance f Museums estimated it will take years fr museums t fully recver. In February the grup released survey results that detailed thse financial lsses.
    But there’s hpe that a free day at the museums might cntribute t mre future visits.
    1. Hw ften is Museum Day held?
    A. Once a week.B. Once a day.C. Once a year.D. Once a mnth.
    2. Hw can yu get a free ticket?
    A. By writing an email.B. By signing up n the Internet.
    C. By visiting the nearest museum.D. By dwnlading Smithsnian Magazine.
    3. What is the significance f hsting Museum Day?
    A. It will help peple deal with stress.B. It will make museums mre famus.
    C. It can help museums t fully recver.D. It may attract mre visitrs t museums.
    One day, 12-year-ld Sean Redden surfed the Internet and went t a ppular chat rm. Just as he was abut t be ffline, he saw a name he’d never seen there befre, Susan. Her brief message was “Wuld smene help me?”
    Sean typed back, “What’s wrng?” A mment later he received this message, “I can’t breathe. Help me! I can’t get ut f my chair.”
    Oh, man, Sean thught. Pretending t be paralyzed (瘫痪) was a bad jke. Then he wndered what if she really is sick? “Hey. Mm.” he called. “There’s a kid here wh’s sick r smething.” Sharn lked at the cmputer screen. “It’s nt just sme game, is it?” she asked.
    The message was nt a jke. Susan was actually a 20-year-ld student, wrking late at night at a cllege library near Helsinki, Finland - almst 7,000 miles away frm Sean’s hme in Texas. While searching the Internet, she began t feel terrible pain all thrugh her bdy. The library was silent and empty. The nearest phne was utside in the hallway. She culdn’t mve that far. Any mvement caused the pain t get wrse. Then she realized she might get help n the Internet.
    “I dn’t think it’s a jke, Mm, “Sean said. And he typed, “Where are yu?” After a lng while, the letters appeared, “Finland.” Sean and Sharn culdn’t believe it. Nt knwing what else t d, Sharn called the lcal plice.
    Sharn explained the situatin t the fficer Amy Schmidt. Schmidt tld Sharn t try t get the sick girl’s phne number. Texas plice called the internatinal telephne peratr and asked t be cnnected t the prper agency (机构) in Finland. The call was put thrugh t a nearby rescue statin. The Texas plice gave Susan’s address t the Finnish peratr. When Sean heard that, he typed, “Help is n the way.”
    In a few minutes, Susan heard peple running dwn the hallway utside the dr. Suddenly, the dr pened. Emergency wrkers and three plicemen ran in. Susan turned nce mre t the cmputer, “They are here. Thanks. Bye-bye.”
    Fur days later, the plice in Texas received a message frm fficers in Finland: “Thanks t her Internet friend. Susan has received medical treatment she badly needed. She is ding well.”
    4. What happened when Sean was abut t get ffline?
    A. His cmputer brke dwn.
    B. A piece f nline news attracted him.
    C. He came acrss a friend in the chat rm.
    D. He nticed an unfamiliar name.
    5. What happened t Susan?
    A. She fell dwn n the grund.
    B. She was t sick t mve
    C. She lst her phne.
    D. She was lcked in the library.
    6. Hw did Sean and her mther Sharn help Susan?
    A. They reprted t the Texas plice.
    B. They called the rescue statin in Finland.
    C. They asked fr help nline
    D. They sent messages t Susan’s friend.
    7. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Making Friends Onlines
    B. Plice Officer’s Act f Kindnes
    C. Help n the Way
    D. Help n the Internet
    “I can’t live withut my mbile phne!” is what I ften hear peple say as they talk abut hw mbiles have becme an essential part f their lives.
    The all s cmmn sight f heads bent, eyes staring at mbile screens and fingers busy tapping away repeats itself acrss majr cities arund the wrld. Whenever there is a mment t spare while n the train, taxi r waiting in a queue, peple busy themselves with their mbile phnes.
    Sme peple believe ur unhealthy bsessin with mbile phnes is destrying hw we appreciate the little things in life r miss the mments that matter. The truth is that technlgy verall shuld be seen as a tl t imprve ur lives.
    Mbile phnes have certainly had a great influence n ur lives, but I truly believe it’s fr the better.
    It’s changed the way we cmmunicate, whether fr wrk r play. We are nw less cnstrained (限制) by time and gegraphical lcatin. With my mbile phne, I can dial int cnference calls while stuck in a traffic jam, r reply t urgent e-mails while n the g. I can send a text message r share phts and vides with friends wh aren’t living in the same cuntry. My phne calendar keeps my life rganized, and even Facebk. Twitter, and instant messaging are nw accessible frm mbile phnes!
    The mbile revlutin isn’t just changing the lives f urbanite like myself. I knw f a yung Bangladeshi wman named Shmpa Akhter wh is crazy abut fashin and design. She dreamt abut starting her wn business and she did just that, pening a shp in Kushtia featuring her wn creatins. Dealing with suppliers in different twns was a prblem fr Shmpa-purchase rders had t either be hand delivered r mailed ut t suppliers. Shmpa als fund it tugh publicizing (宣传) her business t ptential custmers utside her twn. But nce she learnt t perate the mbile phne, she was addicted. The 25-year-ld businesswman nw stays in tuch easily with her suppliers. Mbile e-mail is a blessing in her life. Wh wuld have thught that mbility culd bring abut such enrmus change? It shuldn’t really be a surprise thugh.
    8. In the first tw paragraphs, the authr wants t shw ________.
    A. mbile phnes make peple cmmunicate less
    B. mbile phnes make peple’s life mre enjyable
    C. peple becme addicted t mbile phnes in daily life
    D. peple’s health is greatly affected by mbile phnes
    9. What’s the authr’s attitude twards mbile phnes?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful.C. Critical.D. Uninterested.
    10. Paragraph 5 is mainly abut ________.
    A new functins f mbile phnesB. new changes in Infrmatin Age
    C. the authr’s persnal experiencesD. the advantages f mbile phnes
    11. What d we knw abut Shmpa frm the passage?
    A. She perates a fd stre.B. She is addicted t Internet surfing.
    C. Her mbile phne helped her business a lt.D. Mbile e-mail is still unavailable t her.
    A new study, led by Dr. Rebecca Stne, has shwn that children as yung as fur years ld eat 79% mre calries when they are bred, cmpared t when they are in a nrmal md (情绪) .
    The researchers have explred the behavirs that make children mre likely t eat when they experience negative emtins. Often when children experience bad emtins such as bredm r sadness, caring adults will use fd t sthe them. Hwever, this behavir, knwn as emtinal feeding, appears t increase the pssibility f children eating mre when they are in lw spirits. As time passes, t many calries intake will have a significant effect n children’s health bth mentally and physically.
    Dr. Stne stresses that the experience f bredm is imprtant in the develpment f children’s sense f self and creativity, s she des nt recmmend that children shuld avid being bred. Instead, she suggests children learn t experience bredm withut turning t fd. She als suggests that parents turn their children’s attentin away frm fd when they feel bred, r restructure the hme fd envirnment t make it less likely that children turn t fd in respnse t being bred.
    While there d appear t be individual differences between children in terms f their eating when bred, it is helpful t knw that the feeding practices that adults use arund fd might shape the likelihd f this happening. Althugh it is attractive t use fd as a tl t help children, emtinal feeding might lead t greater emtinal eating in the future. It is imprtant fr parents and caregivers t be aware that this shrt-term fix culd create future prblems.
    It is hped that, n the riginal basis f the study, the team will deeply explre ther negative md states in children and ffer advice and supprt fr families t find mre effective ways t manage challenges arund children eating behavir.
    12. What des the research fcus n?
    A. Hw children frm gd living habits.B. Hw children face challenges in life.
    C. Hw bredm impacts n children eating.D. Hw parents bring up their children.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “sthe” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Ignre.B. Cmfrt.C. Excuse.D. Cntrl.
    14 What can we knw abut emtinal feeding?
    A. It makes children lse weight quickly.
    B. It creates a new hme fd envirnment.
    C. It cannt keep children trusting their parents.
    D It may nt help handle bad mds in the lng run.
    15. What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Expectatins fr further studies.
    B. The imprtance f ging n a diet.
    C. The necessity f managing mds.
    D. Ways t strengthen family relatinship.
    Hw t imprve lng-term memry
    There are sme things that are easy fr us t remember and yu ntice that yu can still recall that infrmatin even when yu n lnger need it. Smetimes it is difficult t remember infrmatin. ____16____ Try the fllwing steps belw t remember infrmatin yu want t keep in yur lng-term memry.
    Organize infrmatin int grups. ____17____ It is like a supermarket; things f the same kind are put in the same place.
    Cnnect related infrmatin. Relate what yu have already knwn t what yu will remember. This is an excellent way fr yu t keep infrmatin in mind as it can make yur memry functin better when the related infrmatin is needed.
    ____18____ When yu need t remember a piece f infrmatin, try relating it t a picture that is easily remembered. This is hw many peple remember psitins. ____19____
    Repeat. The mre yu are expsed t smething, the easier it is t remember at a later time. ____20____ Try using his name at least three times when yu first talk t smene. That name will be easier t remember later.
    A. Develp pictures in yur mind.
    B. Deal with infrmatin effectively.
    C. But there are ways t make it easier.
    D. This is especially gd fr meeting new peple.
    E. They can simply recall that the stre is near the bridge.
    F. Write dwn the infrmatin in rder, read it and say it alud at nce.
    G. This will help yu remember things better and lnger if they are gruped.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My daughter verbught ver the last tw mnths s her fd pantry (储存室) was full. She asked me t ___21___ tw full bxes f dry gds t the lcal fd pantry. I was happy t d s and ___22___. At the fd pantry, I was ___23___ by the enthusiasm, the jy, and the lve with which her fd was received. We were ___24___ ver and ver and as I drve hme smiling my mind went back t anther time when we were the nes in need.
    Mney was ___25___ then. My salary barely paid the rent and extra bills that mnth had cut back n the mney we had saved fr the grceries. My next check was a week ___26___ and we didn’t have enugh ___27___ t get us there. We went t a fd pantry. I watched ur little kids playing utside while my ___28___ picked up a bx full f fd t feed us. I was ___29___ and scared. I had never had t seek ____30____ like this befre and I just hped it wuld be enugh s ur children wuldn’t g ____31____ that week. My heart is filled with ____32____ when my wife finally walked ut with a(n)____33____ n her face and the bx in her arms. And as we drve hme I silently thanked and ____34____ fr all the gd peple wh had given.
    The wrld we live n is ne huge circle f lve. Take yur place in the circle. Never ____35____ t give a gift f lve.
    21. A. shwB. dnateC. lendD. sell
    22. A. cut them upB. hld them backC. left them utD. tk them ver
    23. A. cnfusedB. freedC. impressedD. dubted
    24. A. crrectedB. cnvincedC. testedD. thanked
    25. A. usefulB. magicalC. tightD. abstract
    26. A. awayB. lngC. dwnD. past
    27. A. energyB. fdC. patienceD. time
    28. A. wifeB. husbandC. mtherD. father
    29. A. bredB. prudC. nervusD. respnsible
    30. A. adviceB. helpC. utcmeD. prtectin
    31. A. cldB. hungryC. tiredD. thirsty
    32. A. gratitudeB. leisureC. mtivatinD. recgnitin
    33. A. angerB. regretC. disappintmentD. smile
    34. A. cmmentedB. investigatedC. prayedD. requested
    35. A. hesitateB. negtiateC. pretendD. threaten
    Learning t play an instrument is smething that can give yu a lt f pleasure. It is als ____36____ achievement and a skill ____37____ stays with yur life. Music has a part t play in everyne’s life, and has been described as “a primary language.”
    Learning t play an instrument isn’t easy at the beginning and ____38____ (take) effrt and determinatin. While it is OK t aim fr the tp, music is ____39____ (certain) nt smething t take up because yu think yu ught t d it.
    A lt f adults regret nt having learnt t play an instrument when they ____40____ (be) yunger. But it is never t late t learn! And the ____41____ (advantage) f learning an instrument are far ____42____ (great) than just the pleasure f prducing an enjyable sund. When yu’ve prgressed far enugh, there are lts f amateur (业余的) grups that yu can jin ____43____ yu want t be part f a larger grup. Once yu’ve reached a gd enugh standard ____44____ (jin) a band r rchestra, yu add the team skills like thse yu get frm playing sprt. There’s als a great scial side t playing ____45____ thers, as well as the chance t travel thrugh turing.
    第三部分 选词填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    46. She realised that ne f the greatest ________ f the Internet was its ability t remve the distance that usually exists between peple.
    47. She was s ________ by the peple she met nline that she decided t start an IT club t teach lder peple hw t use cmputers and the Internet.
    48. She believes that it is highly imprtant t bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyne has ________ t the Internet and knws hw t use new technlgy.
    49. The fur cuntries that ________ the United Kingdm wrk tgether in sme areas.
    50. England, Wales, Sctland, and Nrthern Ireland all have sme different educatin systems and ________ systems.
    51. They use the same flag, knwn as the Unin Jack, as well as share the same currency and ________ defence.
    52. Imagine having the ________ t sing tgether with hundreds f ther peple while yu are at hme alne.
    53. A virtual chir helps cnnect ________ peple tgether.
    54. A virtual chir ________ them t add their vices t thse f ther individuals and becme part f the glbal cmmunity.
    55. Inspired, he asked his fans t make vides, which he then jined tgether int ne ________.
    第四部分 写作(满分30分)
    56. 假定你是李华,你校外教Mike对中国传统文化很感兴趣,请你写一封邮件,邀请他参加下周五的“品中国茶”的主题日活动。内容包括:
    1. 发出邀请;
    2. 介绍活动安排(时间,地点和具体安排等)。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 为使行文连贯,可适当增加细节。
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    enables falls in lve with pprtunity update
    inspired belng t cnvenient rdinary
    riginal perfrmance access military
    legal benefits prved

    广东省珠海市六校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份广东省珠海市六校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中联考英语试卷(Word版附解析),共34页。

    河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    广东省深圳市7校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份广东省深圳市7校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含广东省深圳市7校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、广东省深圳市7校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。






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