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    过创新 创新集训思维拓展Passage 1话题:阅读情况报告  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约240  难度:★★★☆☆  多模态语篇[2023山西晋中模考]
    1Hw lng d Indians spend reading in a day?A.Less than 70 minutes.B.Abut 80 100 minutes.D.Mre than 90 minutes.2Hw many Chinese peple were willing t spend mney n knwledge in 2021?A.Mre than 477 millin.B.Mre than 463.52 than 570 millin.D.Mre than 530 millin.3Wh is mst likely t be a digital reader in China?A.A male clerk aged 35.B.A middle schl student.C.A female retired engineer.D.A female prfessr aged 50.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了上海图书馆发布的一份关于阅读情况的报告的相关内容,包括中国和其他国家的读书情况对比、数字阅读在中国的发展情况等。1.D 理解具体信息(数字计算) 根据Reading time per week in different cuntries部分中的" hurs and 42 minutes"可知,印度人每周的读书时间为10小时42分钟,即642分钟,因此印度人每天的读书时间为90多分钟。故选D项。2.A 理解具体信息 根据表格左下方的"Accrding t a reprt, the number f paying users fr knwledge in China exceeded 477 millin in 2021"可知,2021年中国知识付费用户规模已超4.77亿。故选A项。3.A 理解具体信息 根据Digital readers in China部分中的"Mst f these readers are aged between 19 and 45"和"Males accunt fr 55.87 percent and females 44.13 percent"可知,在中国年龄在19到45之间的男性更可能成为数字阅读者。故选A项。
    Passage 2话题:人们不相信科学的原因  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约300  难度:★★★☆☆  思辨性强[2023辽宁大连双基测试]We live in an age when all scientific knwledge—frm the safety f vaccines t the reality f climate change—faces rganized and ften angry ppsitin. Dubters have declared war n the cnsensus(共识) f experts. It seems that peple have turned argumentative vernight.In a sense, all this is nt surprising. Our lives are affected by science and technlgy as never befre. The wrld seems full f real and imaginary dangers. Thugh scientists agree that the Ebla virus is spread nly by direct cntact with bld r bdy fluids(液体), if yu type "airbrne Ebla" int an Internet search engine, yu’ll find that sme peple believe that this virus has almst supernatural pwer.In this ften cnfusing wrld, we need t rely n science t decide whether what we chse t believe has a basis in the laws f nature r nt. But science desn’t cme naturally t mst f us. Science has ften led us t truths that are really mind-blwing. Fr example, althugh the rundness f the Earth has been knwn fr thusands f years, sme still feel it hard t accept.Even when peple becme scientifically educated, mst f them still try t make sense f the wrld by relying n persnal experience, stries r emtins rather than statistics. When they hear a number f cancer cases in a twn with a dangerus waste dump(垃圾场), they believe pllutin caused the cancers. Yet tw things happening tgether desn’t mean ne causes the ther. Even when they turn t the Internet, they let in nly the infrmatin they agree with t strengthen their belief that has already been shaped by their wrldview.Hw can scientists cnvince dubters? Thrwing mre facts t peple may nt be enugh.Mre effrts are
    suppsed t be made.1What’s the text mainly abut?A.Hw peple view the challenges science science is wrth peple shw disbelief in science.2What des the underlined wrd "mind-blwing" prbably mean?A.Unbelievable. d "peple" in paragraph 4 understand the wrld?A.They apply lgical stick t their wn frm the views n rely n the infrmatin n the Internet.4Hw des the authr prve his pinins?A.Thrugh cmparisn.B.Thrugh giving examples.D.By making definitins.
    【解析】 我们生活在这样一个时代:从疫苗的安全到气候变化的实际情况,所有的科学知识面临有组织的且时常愤怒的反对。在某种意义上,所有这一切都不令人感到奇怪,我们的生活前所未有地受到科学和技术的影响。但是即便已经有科学证实的事实,人们还是会依赖个人经验。科学家该如何说服怀疑者?摆出更多的事实恐怕还不够。1.D 理解主旨要义(文章大意) 通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了人们不相信科学的原因:我们的生活前所未有地受到科学和技术的影响、某些人的迷信观念、依赖个人经验等。2.A 理解词汇 根据第三段的尾句"Fr example, hard t accept"可知,几千年来,尽管地球是圆的这一说法已经众所周知,但仍有人觉得难以接受。由此可知,科学发现的真理往往是让人难以置信的,故画线词的意思与A项最为接近,故A项正确。 3.B 推断 明题意:本题问"第四段中的‘人们’是如何理解世界的?"→寻线索:根据第四段第一句的内容可知,即使人们接受了科学教育,他们中的大多数人仍然试图依靠个人经验、故事或情感来理解世界,而不是统计数据→定答案:由此可以推知,他们坚持自己的看法,故B项正确。4.C 推断(写作手法) 通读第二段可知,该段通过举例说明埃博拉病毒的传播途径受到人们质疑,说明事实也会受到一些人的质疑;通读第四段可知,该段通过举例介绍小镇上有一些癌症病例时,人们会认为是垃圾场的污染导致了癌症,说明人们往往依赖个人经验或个人情感理解世界,而不是统计数据。由此可知,作者通过举例论证其观点。
    【二次精读】  核心单词:strengthen v. 加强;增强;巩固核心短语:in a sense 从某种意义上说 make sense f 理解;弄懂词缀变形:ppsitin n. 反对,反抗→ppse v. 反抗;抵制;阻挠 argumentative adj. 好争论的,爱辩论的→argument n. 争论,争吵;论据,理由→argue v. 争论,争吵;论证 imaginary adj. 想象中的,虚构的;幻想中的→imagine v. 想象,设想;料想 cnfusing adj. 难以理解的,不清楚的→cnfused adj. 迷惑的,糊涂的;难懂的→cnfuse v. 使糊涂,使迷惑难句分析:Thugh scientists agree {that the Ebla virus is spread nly by direct cntact with bld r bdy Thugh 引导的让步状语从句,其中包含一个that引导的宾语从句fluids(液体) }, if yu type "airbrne Ebla" int an Internet search engine, yu’ll find that sme peple believe       if引导的条件状语从句 that引导的宾语从句,其 (that this virus has almst supernatural  pwer).中包含一个that引导的宾语从句 译文:虽然科学家们认为埃博拉病毒只能通过直接接触血液或体液传播,但如果你在互联网搜索引擎中输入"通过空气传播的埃博拉",你会发现有些人相信这种病毒几乎具有超自然的力量。
    Passage 3话题:留学生逐梦中国  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约320  难度:★★★☆☆  传统文化传播[2023辽宁抚顺模考]Fr ne verseas student wh has been in China fr ver a decade, learning the mves and culture assciated with Chinese martial arts(武术) has been his mst valuable experience.Hima Oumaru Suleymane, a Nigerien student at Hebei University in Bading, Hebei Prvince, first came t the university in 2012 as an undergraduate, nt nly fr an educatin, but als t achieve his dream f learning the Chinese kung fu. He became a fan f kung fu after watching mvies starring famus martial artists such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li.During his studies in Bading, Hima jined the university’s martial arts assciatin and studied under Duan Shuxing, ne f the assciatin’s instructrs. Fllwing Duan’s instructins, Hima began t practice basic mves in 2015, including Eight Extremities Fist, r bajiquan, as well as the assciated art f tai chi."Learning martial arts has nt been easy because I was nt yung when I started," the 36-year-ld said, adding that he was frced t vercme difficulties and make mre f an effrt t learn mre advanced mves.As far as his instructr is cncerned, Hima is hardwrking and energetic. "He always trains hard and has made great prgress in the past seven years," Duan said.S far, Hima has mastered multiple bxing techniques and knwn hw t use many traditinal Chinese weapns.Apart frm the skills he’s learned, martial arts have brught him mre. He has made many Chinese friends
    thrugh learning kung fu and has been t many places arund China t participate in cmpetitins.Hima is nw a dctral student and is expected t graduate this year. In the future, he plans t pen a kung fu center in Niger after he graduates, and t becme an instructr and teach yungsters martial arts. He thinks that will als help him better understand the spirit f martial arts, and als becme a cultural cmmunicatr between China and Niger.1What can we learn abut Hima frm paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?A.He went abrad t realize his dream ver ten years came t China nly t learn Chinese martial had a terrible experience travelling arund had a passin fr kung fu after becming an actr.2Why is learning martial arts challenging t Hima?A.He didn’t set ut t practice martial arts at an early tk a negative attitude tward learning martial encuntered an extremely impatient had t deal with t much schlwrk every day.
    3What will Hima prbably d after graduatin?A.He will cmpete in mre cmpetitins in will becme an artist starring in actin will travel in China tgether with his will instruct children in martial arts in Niger.4Which wrds can best describe Hima?A.Energetic and humrus.B.Determined and and talented.D.Selfless and psitive.
    【解析】 本文主要讲述了河北大学尼日尔籍留学生Hima Oumaru Suleymane来中国追逐自己的武术梦想的故事。1.A 推断 根据第一段中的"Fr ne verseas student wh has been in China fr ver a martial arts(武术)"和第二段中的"Hima Oumaru Suleymane, a Nigerien 2012 as an undergraduate, nt nly fr an educatin, but als t achieve his dream f learning the Chinese kung fu"可知,2012年,尼日尔籍学生Hima Oumaru Suleymane作为一名本科生第一次来到河北大学,不仅是为了接受教育,也是为了实现他学习中国功夫的梦想。由此可知,十多年前,Hima为了实现自己的梦想出国了。故选A。2.A 理解具体信息 根据第四段中Hima所说的话"Learning martial arts has nt been easy because I was nt yung when I started"可知,对Hima来说,学习武术并不容易,因为他开始学习的时候已经不年轻了。也就是说,Hima并没有在很小的时候就开始练习武术,所以学习武术对他来说有挑战性。故选A。3.D 理解具体信息 根据最后一段中的"In the future, he plans t pen a kung fu center in Niger after he graduates, and t becme an instructr and teach yungsters martial arts"可知,未来,他计划毕业后在尼日尔开设一家功夫中心,并成为一名教练,教授年轻人武术。由此可知,Hima毕业后可能会在尼日尔教孩子们武术,故选D。4.B 推断(人物特征) 根据第二段中的"Hima Oumaru Suleymane, a Nigerien nly fr an educatin, but als t achieve his dream f learning the Chinese kung fu"和第五段中的"As far as his instructr is cncerned, Hima is hardwrking and energetic"可知,Hima到中国追逐自己的武术梦想,说明他很有决心,而且他很勤奋。故选B。
    Passage 4话题:斜杠青年  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约340  难度:★★★★☆  社会现象[2023浙江湖州、衢州、丽水三地质检]The tpic "slash yuth", referring t thse refusing t be defined r bund by just ne persnal identity and chsing t undertake multiple careers, has fueled heated debate n scial media. On Duban, a Chinese scial netwrking platfrm, the tpic has attracted abut 11,000 psts and has been viewed ver 400 millin times. China’s yung peple are keen t share their "slash yuth" stries nline, presenting themselves as multiple and smetimes distinct identities, such as a nurse and mdel, a teacher and stand-up cmedian, and an engineer and musician.Xing Eryang, a 31-year-ld female resident in Beijing, funded the Duban tpic in 2021. While staying diligent abut her daytime wrk, she is develping her hbbies, including stand-up cmedy and vlgging, int secndary careers during her spare time. And she is amazed t find her "slash life" philsphy fllwed by s many f her peers.Weiheng, a 26-year-ld wman in Guangzhu, and Tang Yuhan, a 27-year-ld man in Xuancheng City, Anhui Prvince, are bth participants in the tpic, with their stries earning thusands f likes s far. The tw are bth musicians in their spare time, even thugh they are thusands f miles apart and have different jbs in media and finance. Their passin fr music has grwn since cllege and they didn't abandn their enthusiasm, even after entering the wrkplace.Their reactin shwed the gap between the yung and frmer generatins. "My parents used t say,‘Music cannt earn yu mney’, s the band thing was regarded as a waste f time. Hwever, we want t pursue
    whatever we lve and are willing t pay fr it," says Weiheng."The ‘slash life’ mania(狂热) shws that, alng with China’s ecnmic develpment, ur sciety is becming mre and mre diversified and inclusive, and it welcmes everyne’s self-fulfillment," says Shi Yanrng, an assciate researcher frm Tianjin Academy f Scial Sciences. "Yung peple n lnger have t rely n wrk and mney fr their sense f self-wrth. They tend t practice a carpe diem(活在当下) philsphy and create their wn identities."1What are "slash yuth" mre likely t d?A.Create a tpic n Duban.B.Take diverse a stand-up cmedian.D.Share their wn stries nline.2Which f the fllwing amazes Xing Eryang?A.Other yung peple's psitive respnse.B.Hbbies develped while grwing scial netwrking platfrm.D.Thusands f likes earned n Duban.3What did Weiheng and Tang Yuhan d t pursue their musical career?A.They sent their stries nline t gain mre shared similar interests in bth their hbbies and never lst passin fr music even if they had t quit stuck with their dream despite the lder generatin’s pinin.
    4Accrding t Shi Yanrng, what is ur sciety’s attitude t the "slash life"?A.Dubtful.D.Indifferent.
    【解析】 "斜杠青年"指的是那些拒绝被一种个人身份所定义或束缚,选择从事多种职业的人。本文主要介绍了中国"斜杠青年"的生活。1.B 理解具体信息 根据第一段中的"The tpic‘slash yuth’, referring t thse refusing t be defined r bund by just ne persnal identity and chsing t undertake multiple careers"和"presenting themselves as multiple and smetimes distinct identities, such as a engineer and musician"可知,"斜杠青年"指的是那些拒绝被一种个人身份所定义或束缚,选择从事多种职业的人。他们在网上展现自己的多重身份,有时甚至是截然不同的身份,比如护士兼模特,教师兼单口相声演员,工程师兼音乐家。由此可知,"斜杠青年"更可能从事多种职业,故选B。2.A 推断 根据第二段中的"And she is amazed t find her ‘slash life’ philsphy fllwed by s many f her peers"可知,Xing Eryang惊讶地发现,她的"斜杠生活"的生活信条被如此多的同龄人所遵循。由此可推知,其他年轻人对"斜杠生活"的反应是积极的。那么令Xing Eryang感到惊讶的就是其他年轻人对"斜杠生活"的积极反应。故选A。3.D 理解具体信息 根据第四段中的内容可知,他们的反应表明了年轻一代和上一代之间的差距。Weiheng的父母认为音乐赚不到钱,所以乐队活动被认为是浪费时间。然而,他们想追求他们所热爱的音乐,愿意为此付出代价。由此可知,他们不顾老一辈人的意见坚持自己的梦想。故选D。4.B 理解观点、态度 根据最后一段中天津社会科学院副研究员师艳荣所说的话"The ‘slash life’ mania(狂热) shws that, alng with China’s ecnmic develpment, ur sciety is becming mre and mre diversified and inclusive, and it welcmes everyne’s self-fulfillment"可知,她认为,"斜杠生活"热表明,随着中
    Passage 5话题:《我的家人和其他动物》  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约325  难度:★★★★☆  创新类型[2023广东深圳一调]Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family’s time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s. Cme fr the arresting descriptins f Crfu landscapes and stay fr Durrell’s laugh-ut-lud tales f his unusual family. This bk, Durrell wrte humrusly in the intrductin, "was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry, but in the first few pages, I made the mistake f intrducing my family." Durrell, later knwn fr his z keeping and the preservatin f wildlife, was just a child during his family’s five-year stay in Crfu. He is the 10-year-ld Gerry in the bk—curius, passinate abut animals and a detailed stryteller f his strange family: his imaginative elder brther Larry with his literary ambitins, lvestruck sister Marg, sprty brther Leslie and his ever-calm, lving mther. Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the bk s attractive, with every sight, sund and smell f the island brught t life. One minute yu’ll be laughing as Larry’s clever literary friends walk dwn t the daffdil-yellw cttage, and the next minute yu’ll be catching yur breath as Durrell describes swimming at night in the Inian Sea: "Lying n my back in the silky water, staring at the sky, nly mving my hands and feet slightly, I was lking at the Milky Way stretching like a silk scarf acrss the sky and wndering hw many stars it cntained."My Family and Other Animals is quite difficult t classify, being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy,
    ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language running thrughut that smetimes raises it nearly t petry. As a real delight t read, it's the perfect literary escapism fr any adult r lder teenager wh is currently walking dwn a tugh rad in life.1Which wrd best describes Durrell’s life in Crfu?A.Risky.B.Busy.C.Tugh. des the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 2?A.I intrduced my family by mistake.B.I shuldn’t have intrduced my family.C.I culdn’t help intrducing my family.D.I gave wrng infrmatin abut my family.3What are paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly abut?A.The bk’s writing feature.B.Durrell’s rich interesting plts f the bk.D.Sme vivid descriptins f the island.4What is the purpse f this text?A.T share an experience.B.T recmmend a intrduce a writing style.D.T describe an unusual place.
    【解析】本文主要向读者推荐了英国作家Gerald Durrell的作品《我的家人和其他动物》,并介绍了其内容、写作风格等。1.D 推断 明题意:本题问"以下哪个词最好地描述了Durrell在科孚岛的生活?"→寻线索:根据第一段中的"Frm cttages surrunded with wildlife"可知,书中记录了被花园包围的小屋、沙滩、充满野生生物的树林深处→定答案:据此可以推断,Durrell在科孚岛的生活丰富多彩,故D项正确。2.C 理解句意 结合画线句前面的"was intended t be a nstalgic(怀旧的)accunt f natural histry"可知,Durrell的原计划是记录自然历史,实际情况却是写了家人;根据画线句前面的"Durrell wrte humrusly"可知,画线句的意思并非其字面意思。因此,Durrell在前面几页描写家人应是故意而为之,故C项与画线句的意义最为接近。
    【干扰项分析】  选项A中的"by mistake"、B中的"shuldn’t have intrduced"和D中的"wrng"都指向了描写家人是错误的举动,但这些内容均与原文中的"Durrell wrte humrusly"的精神相悖,故可全部排除。
    3.A 理解主旨要义(段落大意) 根据第四段中的"Durrell’s attentin t detail is what makes the minute yu’ll be laughing next describes swimming"和第五段中的"being ne part travel, ne part autbigraphy, ne part natural histry, and ne part cmedy, with a thread f descriptive language"可知,第四、五段主要讲的是这本书的写作特点,故A项正确。4.B 理解目的 根据本文内容,尤其是最后一段"As a real delight t rad in life"可知,本文的写作目的在于向读者推荐《我的家人和其他动物》这本书,故B项正确。
    【二次精读】   核心单词:arresting adj. 引人注意的;很有吸引力的 ambitin n. 追求的目标,夙愿,志向 sprty adj. 爱好(或擅长)体育运动的 thread n. 线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线 escapism n. 逃避现实;解脱方法难句分析:Frm cttages surrunded by impressive gardens t days spent explring sandy beaches and deep wds filled with wildlife, in My Family and Other Animals, English writer Gerald Durrell prvided a vivid accunt f his family's time n the Greek island f Crfu in the 1930s.分析:本句理解的关键在于第一个逗号前面是frm A(cttages)t B(days)结构,A、B后面均有过去分词短语作后置定语。in My Family and Other Animals是一个地点状语,English writer Gerald Durrell是主语,prvided是谓语,a vivid accunt是宾语,f和后面的内容修饰名词accunt。译文:从被令人印象深刻的花园包围的小屋,到探索沙滩和充满野生生物的树林深处的日子,在《我的家人和其他动物》中,英国作家Gerald Durrell生动地描述了他的家人在20世纪30年代在希腊科孚岛上度过的时光。
    Passage 6话题:分解PFAS的新方法  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约365  难度:★★★★★  跨学科背景[2023辽宁沈阳质量监测(一)]In a study in the jurnal Science, researchers at Nrthwestern University in Illinis reprted that they had develped an effective and inexpensive methd fr breaking dwn chemicals called per- and plyfluralkyl substances (PFAS).PFAS, first created in the 1930s, are chemical cmpunds(化合物). They are used t make a wide range f everyday prducts, including nnstick pans, carpeting, electrnics, and fast-fd wrappers. Once the chemicals are in the envirnment, they are almst impssible t eliminate because they are designed t avid breaking dwn. Researchers have linked regular levels f expsure t these chemicals with several health prblems, including liver damage, an increased risk f cancer, and reduced immunity.Scientists had previusly figured ut hw t remve PFAS frm plluted water r sil but there was n safe and effective way t destry them nce they were remved. The study reprted that when the team biled PFAS mlecules(分子) with tw cmmn substances, the PFAS quickly brke dwn and became harmless.In 2020, William Dichtel, a chemist and prfessr at Nrthwestern, read a study in which chemists at the University f Alberta, in Canada, fund an easy way t break dwn chains f mlecules. He asked a graduate student, Brittany Trang, t try the methd n PFAS mlecules.Trang had spent mnths in the lab unsuccessfully attempting t pull apart PFAS, and at first she thught Dichtel’s idea was t simple t wrk. But she tried it, biling PFAS with a cmmn slvent(溶剂) called dimethyl sulfxide (DMSO). Trang was shcked when the prcess destryed the PFAS. She later mixed
    DMSO with a chemical called sdium hydrxide and brke dwn PFAS even mre quickly.The scientists will wrk n ways t destry PFAS utside the lab s large amunts f frever chemicals can be brken dwn at nce. "It’s a huge challenge, but it’s in ur grasp," Dichtel tld The New Yrk Times. Scientists are als calling fr a decrease in the amunt f PFAS being released int the natural wrld. In June, the US gvernment annunced new plans t mnitr PFAS, decrease the amunt f PFAS released int the envirnment, and address the effects f PFAS n human health.1What des the underlined wrd "eliminate" prbably mean in paragraph 2?A.Identify.B.Destry.C.Appear. did William Dichtel find the way t break dwn chains f mlecules?A.He gt infrmatin frm a study f cnducted the experiments n his graduate student, Brittany Trang, tld at the University f Alberta tld him.3What can we learn abut Brittany Trang’s experiment?A.She tried the methd frm Dichtel but didn't succeed at pulled apart PFAS with her wn idea at her first develped a mre effective methd t break dwn thught Dichtel’s idea was t simple, s she didn't try it.
    4What d scientists advcate the public ding?A.Addressing the effects f PFAS n human health and the amunt f PFAS being released int the mre effective ways t destry PFAS in and utside the the use f PFAS in everyday life t avid health prblems.
    【解析】 伊利诺伊州西北大学的研究人员说他们已经开发出一种有效且廉价的方法来分解被称为PFAS的化学物质。本文重点介绍了这种分解方法。1.B 理解词汇 根据画线词后的句子"because they are designed t avid breaking dwn"可知,这是因为它们的设计是为了避免分解,据此可知,一旦这些化学物质进入环境,它们几乎不可能被消除。所以画线词的意思是"消除",与destry意思相近。2.A 理解具体信息 根据第四段中的"In f mlecules"可知,西北大学的化学家兼教授William Dichtel阅读了一项研究,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学的化学家发现了一种分解分子链的简单方法。据此可知,William Dichtel是从别人的研究中得到了信息以此找到分解分子链的方法的。3.C 理解具体信息 根据第五段中的"But she tried mre quickly"可知,她尝试用一种叫DMSO的普通溶剂煮沸PFAS,这个过程消除了PFAS;此后她将DMSO与一种叫氢氧化钠的化学物质混合,更快地分解了PFAS。据此可知,Brittany Trang发现了一种更有效的方法来分解PFAS。4.B 理解具体信息 根据尾段中的"Scientists are als natural wrld"可知,科学家倡导公众减少释放到环境中的PFAS的数量。

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