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    过基础 必备知识新题精练Passage 1话题:大学申请指南  主题语境:人与自我 词数:约260  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023山东济南3月模考]Get ready t start yur jurney t the best public university system in the wrld—with just ne applicatin.Apply fr mre than ne UC campusThis will significantly increase yur chances f being admitted t the UC system. While yu may nt receive an ffer f admissin frm yur first-chice campus, all f ur campuses—withut exceptin—prvide utstanding pprtunities fr yu t learn and grw.Apply n timeYu can fill ut the applicatin in as many sessins as yu want. Just remember t submit it by Nvember 30 fr the fall term.Create an accuntAn email address and an email passwrd are required in rder t create an accunt. Yu shuld use the email accunt yu use fr all applicatins, s just make it easier t remember. We als recmmend yu use a nn-schl issued email accunt e.g. Gmail, Yah! Mail. Campuses send imprtant and time-sensitive crrespndence t applicants, s yu shuld check yur email regularly t fllw up n yur applicatin.Save infrmatinYu shuld click "Save & Cntinue" at the bttm f each page t save any entered infrmatin—there is
    a 20-minute inactivity perid after which the applicatin will autmatically sign yu ut. If yu’ve successfully answered all required questins, the page will be marked with a checkmark n the right-hand side.CnfirmatinOnce yu’ve submitted yur applicatin, yu’ll see a cnfirmatin page with imprtant reminders and yur UC applicatin ID number which is used t access the varius campus websites and, in many cases, t access yur admissin decisins.1What shuld students d t increase admissin chances?A.Submit applicatins n time.B.Apply fr multiple mre than ne accunt.D.Decide n ne ideal campus.2Hw can students learn abut the latest applicatin prcess?A.By checking the email.B.By visiting the making phne calls.D.By creating a new accunt.3What will students get after cmpleting the applicatin?A.A checkmark.B.A cnfirmatin call.C.A "Cntinue" buttn.D.A UC applicatin ID number.
    【解析】 本文是一篇大学申请指南。1.B 理解具体信息 根据Apply fr mre than ne UC campus部分中的第一句话"This will significantly increase yur chances f being admitted t the UC system"和语境可知,"This"指代的是"Apply fr mre than ne UC campus"。由此可知,多申请几所大学可以增加被录取的概率,故B项正确。2.A 理解具体信息 根据Create an accunt部分中的"Campuses send imprtant and time-sensitive crrespndence t applicants, s yu shuld check yur email regularly t fllw up n yur applicatin"可知,学生们应该经常查看邮件来了解申请的最新动态,故A项正确。3.D 理解具体信息 根据Cnfirmatin部分中的"Once yu've submitted yur UC applicatin ID number"可知,提交申请后,你会看见一个确认页面,上面有一些重要的提示和你的UC申请身份号,故D项正确。
    【二次精读】  核心单词:submit v. 提交,呈递(文件、建议等) time-sensitive adj. 时间敏感性的 crrespndence n. 通信;往来书信;相关 cnfirmatin n. 证实;确认;确定核心短语:withut exceptin 无一例外 fill ut 填写 sign sb. ut 替……签退
    Passage 2话题:充分利用空间  主题语境:人与自我 词数:约240  难度:★★★☆☆  贴近生活[2023山东聊城模考(二)]Whether we live in an urban studi, r a mdest-size hme filled with peple, space in ur hmes can be hard t cme by. Even withut a lt f stuff, keeping everything rganized presents a challenge. T make the mst f the space yu have, incrprate these clever ideas that may help.Duble up. Cnsider it multipurpse fr every piece f furniture. Buying a cffee table? Get ne with strage drawers beneath, r use a large basket tpped with a pretty serving tray instead. If yu need a bench, chse ne that includes under-seat strage fr, say, sme magazines. Get high. Always cnsider vertical(垂直的) space. Shelves high n walls can stre bks, pht albums r hliday decratins. Hanging hks fr pts and pans can give yu back whle kitchen cabinets, and hks n walls prvide a spt fr jackets, belts r keys. Shadw bxes n bathrm walls can huse pretty perfume bttles, ltins and tiletries.Sink a basket. Baskets can help rganize every area f yur hme. Yu can tss hardware tls, all the kids' tys r several pairs f sandals in large baskets. Stick small cntainers in kitchen drawers t keep pens, rubber bands, stickers and magnifying glasses rganized.Tp drawer. A set f drawers beneath stairs can make use f therwise-wasted flr space especially fr articles nt s ften used. DIY Life ffers instructins fr three ways f adding under-stair strage. Get them at naturalhmeandgarden.cm/smart-strage.
    1What is the purpse f "duble up"?A.T make use f space n the wall.B.T leave mre space n the keep small articles in drawers.D.T generate mre functins f furniture.2Which can be a gd slutin t string rarely-used items?A.Duble up.B.Get a basket.D.Tp drawer.3Where is the text prbably frm?A.A magazine.B.An advertisement.C.A news reprt.D.A tur guidebk.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了一些充分利用家里的空间的建议。1.D 理解具体信息 根据第二段中的"Cnsider it multipurpse fr every piece f furniture. Buying a cffee table? Get ne with strage drawers beneath, r use a large basket tpped with a pretty serving tray instead. If yu need a bench, chse ne that includes under-seat strage fr, say, sme magazines"可知,考虑每一件家具的多用途。想买一个茶几?就买一个下面有储物抽屉的,或者用一个大篮子,上面放一个漂亮的托盘。如果你需要一个长凳,那就选一个座位下面有储物空间的,比如说,放一些杂志。由此可知,"duble up"的目的是让家具产生出更多功能。故选D。2.D 理解具体信息 根据最后一段中的"A set f drawers beneath stairs can make use f therwise-wasted flr space especially fr articles nt s ften used"可知,楼梯下面的一组抽屉可以利用原本浪费的地板空间,尤其是用来放不经常使用的物品。由此可知,"tp drawer"是储存很少使用的物品的好方法,故选D。3.A 理解文章结构、类型(文章出处) 根据第一段的内容以及最后一段中的"Get them at naturalhmeandgarden.cm/smart-strage"可知,本文就充分利用家里的空间给出了建议,并且推荐了相关的网站,再结合选项可推知,本文应选自一本杂志。故选A。
    Passage 3话题:学生的工作选择  主题语境:人与自我 词数:约270  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023浙江温州适应性考试(二)]It’s nt easy t find a jb. Many jbs have age r experience requirements that yu might nt meet. On tp f that, yu need t juggle(同时应付) schlwrk, extracurriculars, and yur scial life. Frtunately, there are still sme gd jbs fr yu t start gaining wrking experience.TutrStraight A student? Then a jb as a tutr(家庭教师) might be the best ptin fr yu. Helping yunger students with their hmewrk is a great way t put what yu’ve studied t gd use and make sme extra mney. One f the easiest ways t shw that yu’re qualified t teach ther students is by listing yur GPA(Grade Pint Average)n yur tutr resume.Dg WalkerLve dgs? Then a psitin as a dg walker is the perfect fit fr yu. Dg walking requires n wrk experience and has flexible hurs. Hwever, yu may need t d sme shadwing r an interview befre peple trust yu with their pets.Delivery DriverIf yu’re 16+ years ld and have a driver’s license, yu culd try wrking as a delivery driver. Driving is a great way t gain relevant experience and shw future emplyers that yu’re respnsible and wrk well under pressure.
    Call Center RepresentativeIf yu dn’t mind talking n the phne, then a jb as a call center wrker is a gd chice fr yu. Wrking as a call center representative can even teach yu sme useful custmer service skills that will help yur career later n. T land a jb at a call center, highlight yur custmer service and interpersnal skills n yur resume.1Wh is the passage intended fr?A.Parents. qualifies yu as a tutr?A.Relevant experience.B.Timely hmewrk time schedule.D.Impressive academic perfrmance.3Which jb requires gd scial skills?A.Tutr.B.Dg driver.D.Call center representative.
    【解析】 文章介绍了几种学生可以从事的工作。1.C 理解文章结构、类型(读者对象) 根据第一段中的"On tp f that, yu need t juggle(同时应付) schlwrk, extracurriculars, and yur scial life"可知,你还需要兼顾学业、课外活动和你的社交生活,由此可推知,本文针对的对象是学生。故选C项。2.D 理解具体信息 根据Tutr部分中的"One f the easiest ways t shw that yu’re qualified t teach ther students is by listing yur GPA(Grade Pint Average)n yur tutr resume"可知,表明你有资格教其他学生的最简单的方法之一就是在你的家教简历上列出你各科成绩的平均积分点。因此,令人印象深刻的学业表现是表明你有做家教资格的方式。故选D项。3.D 理解具体信息 根据Call Center Representative部分中的"T land a jb at a call center, highlight yur custmer service and interpersnal skills n yur resume"可知,如果你想在呼叫中心获得一份工作,在简历上要突出你的客户服务能力和人际交往能力,而客户服务能力和人际交往能力属于社交技能,因此需要良好社交技能的工作是呼叫中心代表。故选D项。
    Passage 4话题:杂志编者注  主题语境:人与社会 词数:约240  难度:★★★☆☆  创新类型[2023福建厦门二检]A Century in CirculatinTHIS YEAR’S ANNUAL CLASSICS COLLECTION is particularly special, given that it is the magazine’s 100th anniversary year. Peeling back the cvers f the thusands f editins, published in numerus cuntries, and dating back t the first issue in February 1922, is always a task we enjy ding.
    This cllectin ffers a wide range f different subjects. Each ne we hpe will infrm, delight, amuse and perhaps even cnfund(使惊讶) ur readers: frm stepping inside the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renir’s inner circle f friends (Renir’s Invitatin t a Party, page 94), t finding peace frm depressin in a slitary walk n the beach(The Day at the Beach, page 110)and meeting a cat wh held a family tgether as they began t fall apart(A Pretty Gd Teacher, fr a Cat, page 22).My favurite article, Explits f Charles(page 104), is written by a mther abut the increasingly dd behaviur f a little by in her yung sn’s kindergarten class. "What a handful this yung Charles prves t be. His pr mther!" She thinks t herself. I’m certain yu’ll enjy this amusing and relatable accunt f a small by adjusting t his new classmates and teacher.
    With an endless supply f wnderful stries, surprising insights and experiences t share, Reader’s Digest remains a place t find fresh perspectives—and a great read.Happy reading!4 JANUARY, 20231Where can we read abut a cat?A.On page 94.B.On page page 22.D.On page 104.2Which article attracts Luise mst?A.Renir’s Invitatin t a Party.B.The Day at the Beach.C.A Pretty Gd Teacher, fr a Cat.D.Explits f Charles.3What is this text?A.A reader’s review.B.An editr’s authr’s reflectin.D.A publisher’s acknwledgement.
    【解析】本文是一本杂志的编者注。1.C 理解具体信息 根据第二段中的"meeting a cat wh held a family tgether as they began t fall apart(A Pretty Gd Teacher, fr a Cat, page 22)"可知,我们在第22页可以读到猫的故事。故选C项。2.D 理解具体信息 根据第三段中的"My favurite article, Explits f Charles(page 104), is written by a mther abut the increasingly dd behaviur f a little by in her yung sn’s kindergarten class"可知,Luise最喜欢的一篇文章是《查尔斯的事迹》,故选D项。3.B 理解文章结构、类型(文章类型) 根据第一段中的"THIS YEAR’S ANNUAL CLASSICS COLLECTION is particularly special, given that it is the magazine’s 100th anniversary year"、第二段中的"This cllectin ffers a wide range f different subjects. Each readers"和第四段的内容,以及文章结尾落款"Editr-in-Chief"可知,本文是一本杂志的编者注。故选B项。
    过能力 关键能力强化提升Passage 1话题:在现代废墟中寻宝  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约330  难度:★★★★☆  [2023浙江宁波十校联考]Treasure Hunt Thrugh Mdern-Day RuinsUrban explratin f abandned man-made structures became ppular in the 1990s when mdern sciety was fast-frwarding int the next century. Left behind were relics f human civilizatin. Far away frm mdernizatin, rusted in air, tangled in weeds and vines, ruins tell frgtten tales and smetimes becme histry in and f themselves.Punch Buggy ScrapyardMOAB, UTAHVintage car lvers wn’t want t miss this huge car dispsal yard, the impressive pen-air Tm Tm’s Vlkswagen graveyard—a father-and-sn cperatin begun in 1961 with eight cars. Frm buses t Beetles t Karmann Ghias t Squarebacks, hundreds f cars, car windws, drs and tires frm a rainbw-clred fleet cntrasting with the dry yellw grund.Game f Thrnes’EndKUPARI, CROATIASix miles east f Dubrvnik, ne f the main filming lcatins f the hit series Game f Thrnes’ King’s Landing, is a bay f abandned htels that witnessed Cratia’s real pwer play. It was nce a seaside resrt fr the military elite(精英) befre the Yugslav army destryed it during the Cratian War in the 1990s. What
    exists tday at the cmplex f frmer glry is vergrwn weeds, graffiti and rusty remains.Once Upn a GldATHENSStadiums that nce hused tears and sweat, cheers and bs during the 2004 Olympic Games are nw left fr weeds. The beach vlleyball arena, aquatics(水上项目) center and ther venues were abandned because f little lcal interest and lack f planning when the $15 billin grand building was being erected.Twining RmanceQUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIANearly a century ag, Spanish sugarcane cutter Jsé Parnella wanted t build a castle in the rainfrest fr his wife. The resulting wnderland—Parnella Park—with vines twining n stne pillars and mss peeping ut frm cracks has been pen t the public since 1935. Its current wners are dedicated t "maintaining and preserving" the primitive beauty f this renwned carbn neutral turist attractin with 7,500 flra and fauna(动植物).1Which place might interest a fan f TV series?A.MOAB.B.KUPARI.C.ATHENS. caused the Olympic stadiums t be abandned?A.Lack f public awareness.B.Overgrwn cnstructin cst.D.Insufficient planning.
    3Which f the fllwing statement is TRUE accrding t the passage?A.Punch Buggy Scrapyard started with eighty different are still held in the venues f the 2004 Olympic f Thrnes’ End is a glrius theatre where plays were Park is preserved t present its riginal and natural beauty.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了几个现代废墟,人们可以探索这些废弃的人造建筑,了解一些被遗忘的故事。1.B 理解具体信息 根据Game f Thrnes’ End KUPARI, CROATIA部分中的"Six miles east f Dubrvnik, ne f the main filming lcatins f the hit series Game f Thrnes’ King’s Landing, is a bay f abandned htels that witnessed Cratia’s real pwer play"可知,KUPARI是热门剧《权力的游戏》中的君临城的主要拍摄地之一,由此可知,电视剧迷们可能会喜欢这个地方。故选B。2.D 理解具体信息 根据Once Upn a Gld ATHENS部分中的"The beach vlleyball abandned because f little lcal interest and lack f planning being erected"可知,这些曾经的奥林匹克体育场因为缺乏规划而被废弃了。故选D。3.D 理解具体信息 根据Twining Rmance QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA部分中的"Its current wners are dedicated t ‘maintaining and preserving’ the primitive beauty f this renwned carbn neutral turist attractin with 7,500 flra and fauna(动植物)"可知,Parnella公园现在的主人致力于"维护和保护"这个著名的碳中和旅游景点的原始之美,这里有7 500种动植物。由此可知,Parnella公园保留了其原始的自然之美,故选D。
    Passage 2话题:FFN奖  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约340  难度:★★★★☆  环境保护[2023北京东城区综合练习(一)]Every year, yung, talented, and ambitius nature cnservatinists frm all ver the wrld sht their sht fr the Future Fr Nature(FFN)Award, an hnurable internatinal award.The Future Fr Nature aims t:·Reward and fund individuals fr their utstanding effrts in the prtectin f species f wild animals and plants.·Stimulate winners t sustain their dedicated wrk.·Help winners t raise their prfile, extend their prfessinal netwrk and strengthen their funding basis.Benefits·The winners each receive 50,000 eurs and may make their wn decisin t spend the mney in the service f nature cnservatin.·FFN ffers the winners a platfrm and brings their stries t the attentin f cnservatinists, financiers and a wide audience, allwing them t increase their impact and gain mre access t funds.·FFN is building a grwing family f winners, dedicated peple wh frm a cmmunity f peple with the same interest. FFN ffers them the pprtunity t meet each ther and cntinue t learn with each ther in rder t cntinue their fight fr nature as efficiently and effectively as pssible.Qualificatins
    The candidate:·Must be brn n r after the 31st May 1988 and befre the 28th f August 2005.·Is able t explain his/her cnservatin wrk in fluent English(written and spken).·Has achieved substantial and lng-term benefits t the cnservatin status f ne r mre animal r plant species.·Must be determined t cntinue his/her cnservatin wrk, as the Award aims t stimulate the winner’s future wrk. It is nt an "end f career" prize.Additinal RemarksFr the 2024 Future Fr Nature Awards, we are again searching fr natural leaders, wh have prven that they can make a difference in species' survival.Frm all applicatins, 6 t 10 nminees(被提名者) will be selected. These applicants will be asked t prvide additinal infrmatin, which will be used t select the final Awardees. Ultimately, three inspiring wildlife heres are selected as the winners.Applicatin Prcess: Apply nline thrugh the Apply Nw link.Applicatin Deadline: 28th August, 2023.1Which is ne f the aims f the Future Fr Nature?A.T aid mre green grups.B.T fund academic inspire cnservatin effrts.D.T raise envirnmental awareness.
    2The winners will get the chance t     . A.cnsult tp specialistsB.meet like-minded pepleC.benefit the lcal cmmunityD.prmte self-created platfrms3T apply fr the 2024 Future Fr Nature Awards, candidates must     . A.meet the age requirementB.apply via mail by the deadlineC.turn in the applicatin in EnglishD.prvide additinal persnal infrmatin

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