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    过基础 必备知识新题精练题组1Passage 1话题:散步能培养创造性思维  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约260  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023江苏南通、如皋适应性考试(二)]Yur Brain Was Made fr WalkingIf a president, a legendary philspher, and ne f the bestselling authrs f all time credited their success t the same secret, wuld yu try t fllw it t? What if the secret was smething yu already knew hw t d?  1  Get walking! It's nt just sme peple wh made a case fr it as a prime creativity bster.  2  A Stanfrd University study fund that participants were mre creative when walking as ppsed t sitting. Accrding t the study, walking utside—versus n a treadmill(跑步机)—prduces the mst nvel and highest-quality analgies(类比) in participants wh walked and then sat dwn t d creative wrk. The mvement aspect f walking is bviusly key. Yu've prbably heard the phrase "Exercise yur creativity", which refers t the brain as muscle. Our creative mindset is stimulated by physical mvement. __3__But the scenery is almst as imprtant as the sweat. The Natinal Human Activity Pattern Survey reveals that Americans spend 87 percent f their time indrs. Being inside, yu're mre likely t stagnatin(停滞), the ppsite f energy.  4  Just by ging utside, yu are stepping ut f yur habitual surrundings and yur
    cmfrt zne, which is necessary if yu want t pen yur mind t new pssibilities.  5  Engage mre clsely with yur surrundings fr the next fur weeks. Turn ff yur phne and give yurself the chance t be present in the wrld, t hear cnversatins and natural sunds, t ntice the way peple mve. Walk nt just fr exercise. Walk fr wnder. A.In fact, yu prbably d it every mvement is energy, yu can't wnder r create why nt set a creativity gal that starts with walking?E.That is why walking with a friend, r alne feeds creative have traced cnnectins between walking and generating frm multimedia increases perfrmance n all prblem-slving tasks.
    【解析】 如果一位总统、一位著名哲学家和有史以来最畅销的作家之一把他们的成功归功于同一个秘诀——散步,你也会试图遵循它吗?文章主要说明了散步有助于创造性思维的培养。1.A 根据上文的"If a president, a legendary if the secret was smething yu already knew hw t d? "并结合下文"Get walking!"提到的散步可推测出,空处是在进一步解释上文中提到的秘诀,并引出下文散步的话题。A项"事实上,你可能每天都在做"与上下文内容一致,故选A项。2.F 根据上文的"Get walking! It's nt just sme peple wh made a case fr it as a prime creativity bster"可知,不仅仅是一些人认为散步是一种主要的创造力助推器;根据下文的"A Stanfrd University study fund that sat dwn t d creative wrk"可知,根据斯坦福大学的这项研究,在散步后坐下来做创造性工作的参与者创造力更强。由此可见,研究人员已经在研究散步和创造力之间的联系。F项"研究人员追踪了散步和产生想法之间的联系"与上下文内容一致,故选F项。3.E 根据上文"Our creative mindset is stimulated by physical mvement"可知,我们的创造性思维是由身体运动激发的,这就回答了为什么散步可以培养创造性思维。E项"这就是和朋友一起散步,或者独自一人散步能培养创造性思维的原因"与上文内容一致,故选E项。4.C 根据上文的"Being inside, yu're mre likely t stagnatin(停滞), the ppsite f energy"以及下文的"Just by ging yur mind t new pssibilities"可知,上文提到在室内你更有可能停滞不前,这与活力相反,即待在室内无法培养创造力,下文则建议走出去。由此可知,空处属于过渡句,且与走出去让自己充满活力有关,C项"没有活力,你就无法好奇或创造事物"与上下文内容一致,故选C。
    5.D 根据下文内容可知,本段主要提出了如何专注地散步,融入世界,且提到了"散步不只是为了锻炼,为好奇而散步",即为培养创造力而散步。D项"那么为什么不设定一个从散步开始的创造力目标呢?"与本段内容一致,故选D项。
    Passage 2话题:交不同年龄的朋友  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约250  难度:★★★☆☆  人际关系Wh are yur friends? Are they all similar in age t yu?  1  But yu can widen yur scial circle and gain life-enriching benefits by becming friends with smene yunger r lder than yu. Having friends f different ages can greatly imprve the quality f yur life.  Having lder friends can change yur attitude twards life because they have already gne thrugh the challenges yu are facing. They have been yung parents, have survived a jb lss, and can help yu get thrugh these changes in yur wn life.  2  Then yu'll feel mre ready fr what's cming in future stages. When lder peple make friends with yunger peple, they get t share their experiences which can be very rewarding.  3  Giving yur wisdm and attentin makes yu feel better. It gives yu meaning and is gd fr yur mental health. Having yunger friends can als make yu feel yunger by including new ideas and energy in yur life.  4  While making new friends may seem frightening, it's actually easier than yu think. Yu can first think abut yur acquaintances r cwrkers and see if any f them share yur values and interests and wuld make a gd friend. Then see if yu can make a cffee date. Besides, yu can cnsider jining in a class that yur cwrker r acquaintance participates in that yu think yu will enjy.  5   All in all making friends with peple nt yur age can pen yur eyes t new ideas and new experiences that can be life-changing.
    A.Fr human beings, giving is t find friends sharing a cmmn interest?C.Then hw can yu make intergeneratinal friends?D.Having friends at yur wn age is natural, f 's mre, yunger friends can give yu sme fresh 's believed that jining in activities like vlunteering is als an effective lder friend als helps yu "try n" certain life experiences befre yu get there.
    【解析】 交不同年龄的朋友对自己的生活会有哪些帮助?如何结交呢?本文告诉你答案。1.D 分析语境寻线索:空前提到他们都与你年龄相仿吗,空后提到但是你可以通过和比你年轻或年长的人成为朋友来扩大你的社交圈,并丰富生活。由此可知,空处是过渡句,应起到承上启下的作用→对比选项定答案:D项"有同龄朋友当然是很正常的"与空前相呼应,且与空后内容形成转折,符合语境。2.G 分析语境寻线索:空前提到年长的朋友能帮助你度过人生中的转变,空后提到这样你就会为接下来的阶段做更好的准备。由此可知,空处应引入有年长的朋友的另一个好处→对比选项定答案:G项"年长的朋友还可以帮助你提前体验某种生活经历"表明了有年长的朋友的另一个好处,符合语境。3.A 分析语境寻线索:该段的主题为结交更年轻的朋友的好处。空前和空后内容与分享和给予有关,因此空处内容也应与此相关→对比选项定答案:A项"对人类来说,给予是件好事"既与"share their experiences"相照应,又与"Giving yur wisdm and attentin makes yu feel better"相联系。4.C 分析语境寻线索:从空处所在位置可知,该空内容应是对段落内容的概括与总结。根据下文中的"Yu can see if yu enjy"可知,该段主要介绍了如何结交年长或更年轻的朋友→对比选项定答案:C项"那么你如何建立跨代友谊呢"准确概括了段落主旨。intergeneratinal"代与代之间的"。5.F 分析语境寻线索:根据本段主题和空前的内容可知,空处也应是结交年长或更年轻的朋友的一个方法→对比选项定答案:F项"参加志愿服务等活动也被认为是一个有效方法"符合语境。
    Passage 3话题:通过新闻学英语  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约235  难度:★★★☆☆  Learning English thrugh news is a great way t imprve yur vcabulary and listening skills and learn abut current events. Yu can chse frm written, audi, vide and live TV news.  1   Typically, English news is with clear English. Mst jurnalists and newsreaders write and speak in Standard English and express themselves well. Their jb is t give facts and summarize events fr the public. English news can be easier fr ESL(English as a secnd language) learners t understand.  2  It als prvides them with unlimited access t the mdern language used by English native speakers tday. Mdern news media als prvides a cnstant stream f real-life English cnversatins and fresh infrmatin!  3  When yu learn English thrugh news, yu have the chance t find ut what is happening in the wrld right nw, make cmments and interact with thers in the scial media.  4  This gives yu mre chices when learning the language. If yu prefer reading, there are nline newspapers and news websites fr ESL students. If yu want t imprve yur listening and vcabulary skills, there are als TV news channels, radi statins and pdcasts(播客). Ppular stries ften appear in all f these frmats. Finally, fresh news arrives daily n every imaginable tpic!  5  All yu have t d is lking nline! If yu are nt interested in plitics and "serius" news, why nt fcus n sprts news r the latest frm the music scene? 
    A.It has clear cntext and , English news cmes in many different is especially beneficial fr thse wanting t learn Standard 's lk at sme useful tips fr helping yu imprve yur English with the wrd "news" cmes frm the Latin term "nva", meaning "new things" English news is wrth being included in yur study plan fr the fllwing yu like, yu'll always be able t find news articles and stries relevant t it.
    【解析】 文章介绍了为什么要通过英语新闻来学习英语。1.F 空前提到利用新闻学习英语能有效提升你的词汇量和听力技能,同时可以了解时事。你可以选择书面、音频、视频和电视直播新闻。下文分别从英语新闻的表达特点、真实性与内容的新颖度、形式以及与你的适配度四个方面解释了为什么要利用英语新闻来学习英语。由此可知,空处应能够起到承上启下的作用,故F项"英语新闻值得被包括在你的学习计划中的原因如下"符合语境。2.A 分析语境寻线索:空前提到英语新闻对把英语作为第二语言的学习者来说更容易理解。空后提到它还提供了无限的机会让他们接触以英语为母语的人今天所使用的现代语言。由此可知,空处应涉及为什么英语新闻对把英语作为第二语言的学习者来说更容易理解或者英语新闻能为这些学习者提供什么便利等→对比选项定答案:A项"它有清晰的语境和表述"与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。3.E 分析语境寻线索:根据空处所在段的内容可知,本段陈述的运用英语新闻学习英语的原因之一是英语新闻能够提供最新的真实信息。空前提到现代新闻媒体同样源源不断地提供现实生活中的英语对话和新鲜信息。空后提到新闻提供机会让你了解世界正在发生什么。由此可知,空处应与新信息有关→对比选项定答案:E项"甚至‘news’这个词也出自一个拉丁语词语‘nva’,意思是‘新事物’"与新信息有关,符合语境。
    【易错点拨】  主观臆断——部分考生一看到文章开头提到利用新闻学习英语能有效提升你的词汇量和听力技能,同时可以了解时事,就主观地以为下文肯定是要介绍如何利用新闻来学习英语的,从而错选了D项。虽然D项能够承接上文,但不能引出下文四个方面的原因介绍,故可排除。
    4.B 分析语境寻线索:空处为段落的主旨句。空后提到这让你在学习语言时有更多的选择。如果你更喜欢阅读,可以选择在线报纸和新闻网站。如果你想提升听力和词汇技能,也可以选择电视新闻频道、广播电台和播客。热门的报道经常以这些形式出现。由此可知,本段主要说明的是英语新闻形式多样→对比选项定答案:B项"此外,英语新闻以很多不同的形式出现"能够很好地概括本段的主要内容,符合语境。空后的This指代的正是"English news cmes in many different frms"这一事实。5.G 分析语境寻线索:空前提到每一个可以想象到的话题每天都有新鲜事出现。空后提到你要做的就是上网看看!如果你对政治和"严肃的"新闻不感兴趣,为什么不关注体育新闻或者音乐圈的最新消息呢?由此可知,空处内容应该会涉及你的新闻偏好→对比选项定答案:G项"无论你喜欢什么,你总能找到与你的喜好相关的新闻文章和报道"符合语境。
    【二次精读】  核心单词:newsreader n.新闻播音员 summarize v.总结,概括,概述 access n.(使用或见到的)机会,权利 stream n.一连串,接二连三,源源不断(的事情) real-life adj.真实的,实际发生的,现实生活中的 frmat n.(电视节目、会议等的)安排,形式 relevant adj.紧密相关的,切题的;有价值的,有意义的
    Passage 4话题:培养适应力的方法  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约235  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023重庆市高调研抽测(一)] Ways t Build Resilience(适应力)Being resilient isn't abut aviding misfrtune, but rather hw we respnd t it. Resilience means ding well in the face f risk r difficulty.  1  Being resilient can help yu manage stress, lwer yur chances f depressin, and has even been prven t make peple live lnger.T build resilience, the experts suggest the fllwing: Start with reaching ut fr supprt. Lack f scial supprt can lead t decreased resilience. While it's easy t let g f imprtant relatinships in ur busy lives,  2  Gd relatinships are a pillar f rck fr resilience and are a surce f supprt when the times get tugh. And cultivating yur sense f humr is als a plus.  3  Humr helps yu t gain perspective during hard times. It als imprves yur sense f well-being thrugh an increase in dpamine(多巴胺) levels in yur brain, and can ultimately increase yur verall health.  4  Having gals and dreams increases resilience. A lack f purpse and gals reduces resilience and may leave yu pen t being taken advantage f, manipulatin(操纵), and pr life chices; it reduces yur sense f cntrl ver yur life, which can easily lead t depressin and anxiety. Be a persn f actin. Being idle can lead t less resilience, but being active and tackling yur prblems head-n can prmte yur ability t deal with tugh situatins.  5  Instead, d smething abut the situatin.  
    A.it is vital t make rm fr find a sense f purpse in is exciting t embrace the times call fr lking at the lighter t avid thinking deeply abut negative thughts r is als the ability t bunce back frm tugh questins until yu feel like yu have a firm grasp f a situatin.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了一些培养适应力的方法。1.F 分析语境寻线索:根据空前的"Being resilient isn't abut ... ding well in the face f risk r difficulty"可知,此部分在解释resilience的含义→对比选项定答案:该空与前面内容在意义上连贯,故选F项"它也是一种从困境中恢复的能力"。2.A 分析语境寻线索:根据该空前面的部分可知,此部分讲的是寻求支持,因为缺乏社会支持会导致适应力下降→对比选项定答案:根据该空前的逗号可知,空处句子的首字母应为小写,故可从选项A和C中找答案;空处所在句为主从复合句的主句,从句指的是尽管在忙碌的生活中,我们很容易放弃重要的关系。由此可知,主句应选A项"为它们腾出空间很重要"。3.D 该题可用词汇复现法做出。根据该空前面提到的"the times get tugh"以及后面的"Humr helps yu t gain perspective during hard times"可知,该空前后都提到了艰难时期,由此可知,此处应选D项"艰难时期需要看到较光明的一面"。4.B 该空可用结构衔接和词汇衔接做题法做出。该空位于第三段的段首,纵览全文发现第二、三、四段的首句分别为该段的主题句。根据词汇衔接法并结合第三段后面的内容"Having gals and dreams increases resilience"可知,该空应选B项"然后找到生活的意义"。 5.E 根据该段首句可知,此部分讲的是做一个有行动的人。根据空后的"Instead, d smething abut the situatin"可知,该空应选E项"尽量避免深入思考消极的想法"。
    题组2Passage 1话题:极简生活  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约280  难度:★★★☆☆  健康生活[2023河北石家庄质检(一)]T much stuff, t much t d, t much are weighing peple dwn and breaking their spirit.  1  Here are several things t help yu get started. The first step is t srt ut yur pssessins. T live a simple life, yu need a simple living space. S take sme time t tidy yur living area. Fcus n keeping things that yu value deeply and thrw away things that yu dn't need any lnger.  2  Finally,yu will be shcked t see hw few pssessins yu actually use in yur daily life.  3  As humans we tend t think f what we are used t as being naturally right. Hwever, there culd be prblems in the millin little things that bther us as we g abut ur day. The best skill yu can develp in yur life is the ability t take a step back and lk at things bjectively by raising dubts abut what is seemingly the way it is suppsed t be. We shuld always stay mindful and live with intentin. If there is smething in yur life that yu dn't lve, change it! Cut ut the things that aren't serving yu. Yu can write dwn what an ideal day wuld lk like fr yu in five years' time. Then utline what things yu want mre in yur life and what things yu want less.  4  Managing yur time wisely cunts.  5  Instead, take sme time t think abut whether it's smething
    that yu are excited abut attending. Be clear hw yu spend yur time and take cntrl f what yu d. This is hw yu can guarantee yurself a flexible schedule and d everything in an unhurried way. A.Minimalists live the prcess in several 't reply "yes" t everything yu're invited that in hand, yu have a gal t wrk time t time yu need t questin yur 's why there is a grwing interest in the minimalist a flexible schedule depends n yu taking cntrl f things.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了做到极简生活的方法。1.F 分析语境寻线索:空前提到太多的事情和压力压得人们喘不过气,空后提到这里有几件事可以帮你开始,由此可知该空应该会讲到一种减轻人们压力的方式,起到承上启下的作用→对比选项定答案:F项"这就是为什么人们对极简主义生活方式越来越感兴趣"符合语境。后文的内容也都是关于如何做到极简生活。故选F。2.B 空前一句讲到专注于保留你非常珍视的东西,扔掉你不再需要的东西,空后一句提到最后你会惊讶地发现你在日常生活中实际使用的物品是如此之少。由此可知,该空的内容应与完成整理任务有关。对比各选项可知,B项"在几次打扫中完成此过程"符合语境,故选B。3.E 分析篇章结构可知,该篇为总分结构。第二段至第五段,每段的首句为该段的主题句。根据结构衔接做题法可知,该空也应为该段的主题句。根据该段内容尤其是"The best skill yu can develp... the way it is suppsed t be"可知,此段讲述的是要时常对自己的生活方式提出质疑,E项符合语境,故选E。4.D 分析语境寻线索:根据该段首句可知,该段讲述的是我们应该始终保持有意识、有目标的生活方式,由此可知,该空内容应与目标相关→对比选项定答案:D项"有了那个,你就有一个奋斗的目标"符合语境,故选D。D项中的"that"指代空前说的概述你在生活中更想要的东西和不太想要的东西这一行为。5.C 该空后面的"Instead"和"attending"是解题的关键,该空后一句提到相反,花点时间想想你是否有兴趣参加。分析各选项可知, C项符合语境,指的是不要对所有你受到的邀请都回答"是",故选C。该选项中的"invited"与空后一句中的"attending"呼应。
    Passage 2话题:如何保持专注  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约260  难度:★★★☆☆  Whether yu're in class r at wrk, yu might ever be tld t stp daydreaming and cncentrate. It's easy fr yur mind t wander if yu aren't interested in what yu're ding r have better things t think abut.  1  Understanding hw t d it can help. Scientists have lked at what puts peple ff and fund ways t help stay in the zne.  2  Research by BBC Science Fcus magazine revealed that silence is best fr cncentratin and that the sft backgrund music is great! It als fund turning ff ntificatins n yur phne, r switching it ff altgether, remves a majr distractin(使人分心的事物) and helps t fcus n the task at hand. Anther pssible cure fr a shrt attentin span(持续时间) is brain training. Psychlgists and scientists are increasingly interested in human ability t get dwn t wrk and have lked at what peple can change inside the head t becme cncentrated. They have prved making a task mre visually demanding takes up mre prcessing pwer.  3  S, keeping yur mind busy might be the answer. There are mre practical tips n keeping yur mind fcused.  4  Finding a wrkspace where yu're nt attracted t d ther things is als advisable, r chewing sme snacks. It's pssible that the mvement in yur muth ccupies parts f the brain that might therwise get distracted. But accrding t BBC Science Fcus magazine, distractin isn't all bad.  5  If yu are always s fcused that yu never get distracted, yu'd miss ptential changes, such as threats, in the envirnment. 
    A.It is vital fr peple struggle with rid f nise is ne f the mst bvius making a list r timetable f tasks yu have t d.E.A cmfrtable envirnment is useful fr fcused can be a challenge fr peple at any leaves the brain ccupied and unable t prcess irrelevant things.
    【解析】 无论是在课堂上还是在工作中,你可能曾被告知要停止做白日梦并集中注意力。保持专注对处于任何阶段的人来说都是一个挑战。了解如何保持专注会有所帮助。1.F 分析语境寻线索:空前提到无论是在课堂上还是在工作中,你可能曾被告知要集中注意力。如果你对自己正在做的事情不感兴趣,或者有更好的事情要考虑,你就很容易走神。空后提到了解如何做会有帮助。科学家们已经研究了是什么让人们分心,并找到了帮助人们集中注意力的方法。故空处应与集中注意力的困难有关→对比选项定答案:F项"保持专注对处于任何阶段的人来说都是一个挑战"呼应上文的"Whether yu're in class r at wrk",且能引出下文。2.C 分析语境寻线索:分析文章结构可知,空处应是对本段内容的总结。下文讲到,安静或者有轻柔的背景音乐的环境有助于使人们集中注意力。关闭手机上的通知或关掉手机可以帮助人们集中注意力于手头的工作→对比选项定答案:C项"消除噪声是最明显的方法之一"总结了本段内容。3.G 上文讲到心理学家和科学家研究了人们在大脑内部可以改变什么以变得能集中注意力。他们已经证明,使任务对视觉要求更高会占用更多的处理能力。G项"这使得大脑被占用而无法处理无关紧要的事情"是上文内容的结果,That指代"making a task mre visually demanding takes up mre prcessing pwer"。4.D 分析语境寻线索:根据段落首句可知,本段主要介绍一些实用的帮助人们集中注意力的技巧。空后讲找一个你不会被吸引去做其他事情的工作空间也是可行的,或者咀嚼一些零食。这是两条具体的技巧,故空处也应是一个技巧→对比选项定答案:D项"尝试为你必须完成的任务列一个清单或制作一个时间表"符合语境。5.A 空前提到分心并不全是坏事。空后说如果你总是如此专注,从不分心,你就会错过环境中的潜在变化,比如威胁。故空处内容应涉及分心的好处,A项"它对生存很重要"符合语境。
    【二次精读】  背景知识:BBC Science Fcus是英国的一本月刊,主要介绍科学技术各个领域的最新发展,也有定期的科学名人访谈,目标群众为大众性的读者以及掌握一定科学知识的人。从考古学到神经科学,从气候变化到粒子物理,BBC Science Fcus会让你跟上时代的改变。词汇积累:wander v.走神,神志恍惚,(思想)开小差;闲逛,漫游 put sb. ff搅扰,使分神 in the zne 集中精力的,处于良好状态的 ntificatin n.通知,通告,告示 get dwn t sth.开始做某事,开始认真注意(或对待)某事
    Passage 3话题:微锻炼  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约280  难度:★★★☆☆  "五育"并举[2023苏北四市一调]Many peple lead busy lives and think they barely have time t wrk ut every day.  1  They are shrt wrkuts that ften invlve high-intensity(高强度)exercises.Here we explre sme reasns fr ding micr wrkuts. Require Less f a Time CmmitmentCmmitting t exercising fr a certain amunt f time per week can be difficult, especially when yu d nt have the time r mtivatin t wrk ut fr an extended perid. Micr wrkuts are gd alternatives. They take up nly 10 t 30 minutes f yur day. Many peple spend much lnger scrlling thrugh scial media each day.  2  Make Scheduling Wrkuts EasierIt can be challenging t cmmit the time needed t exercise every day,but it can als be hard t fit a wrkut int a tight schedule. Hwever, a study suggests that it may be pssible.  3  Fr example, walking yur dg, using the stairs, parking farther away frm a destinatin, r walking during yur lunch break are all ways yu can try. Need N EquipmentInvesting in expensive hme gym equipment can be a real burden. When yu decide t d micr wrkuts, thugh, yu dn't need a bunch f equipment.  4  Fr example, yu may chse t d steps n yur stairs, run n the spt, r even d sme star jumps. Since yu can chse what type f wrkut yu'd prefer t d, it
    means that yu can exercise whenever yu please.  5  Nw that yu knw all abut micr wrkuts, yu can add them t yur day.Get as creative as yu please and think abut the types f mvements that suit yu. Yu never knw—it might just bst yur health and wellness. A.Ready t get mving?B.Yu just fit it int yur shuld be simple and they shuld be a relatively easy time yu feel this way, yu may be interested in micr micr wrkuts give the same benefits as lnger wrkut sessins?G.Instead,yu can use things arund yur hme t empwer yur wrkut.
    【解析】 本文主要介绍了进行微锻炼的几个原因。1.E 空前讲到人们很忙碌,认为自己每天几乎没时间锻炼,空后讲到短时间锻炼的相关信息,由此可知,E项"如果你这样感觉,你可能会对微锻炼感兴趣"承上启下,符合语境。2.D 分析语境寻线索:根据上文中的"Micr wrkuts are gd alternatives. They take up nly 10 t 30 minutes f yur day"可知,微锻炼是很好的选择,它们只占你一天的10到30分钟→对比选项定答案:D项"所以它们应该是一个相对容易的时间花费"符合语境。3.B 分析语境寻线索:根据上文内容可知,在紧张的日程中加入锻炼很难,但研究表明这是可能的,下文提到"Fr example, walking yur can try",故此处应整体说将锻炼融入日程中的方法→对比选项定答案:B项"你就将锻炼融入你的惯例中"符合语境。4.G 空前提到你不需要一堆设备;再结合空后提到的"Fr example, yu star jumps"可知,只需要家里的一些东西就可以进行锻炼,故G项符合语境。5.A 根据下文的"Nw that yu knw all abut micr wrkuts, yu can add them t yur day"可知,此处应号召大家动起来,开始把微锻炼加入生活中。故A项符合语境。
    Passage 4话题:午餐时间的利用  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约250  难度:★★★☆☆  Many peple dn't take much time fr lunch r if they d, they eat at their desks while checking emails. But lunch breaks are mre than just a time t eat a meal. Taking lunch breaks can make yu mre prductive and reduce stress.  1  Yu may cnsider spending time in nature. G utside! Even spending a shrt time in nature has a psitive effect n yur md.  2  Besides increasing yur vitamin D, spending time in nature culd help calm and relax yu as well as helping t imprve yur immunity(免疫力). S g utside and enjy yurself in the sun.  3  A shrt exercise sessin will help yu meet yur fitness gals and give yu an energy imprvement. If yur wrkplace has a gym r there is ne nearby, keep a gym bag in yur ffice s yu have n excuse nt t g. If nt, yu can take a walk. Just keep mving! Reading can als be a gd chice.  4  S read a chapter f a gd physical bk. Nt a reader? Listening t smething als helps. Yu can listen t audibks t refresh yurself and relax. In shrt, take time t recharge yur batteries fr the rest f the day. Eat mindfully. Gd nutritin plays an imprtant rle in yur physical and mental health. Make yur lunch cunt by eating nutritius fds. Make an everyday eating plan fr yurself.  5  But stay away frm sugar r caffeine because when the initial energy wears ff, it will leave yu tired and unprductive. 
    A.Yu can try a lunchtime wrkut. B.It makes yu learned and less can take effect better than t find mre benefits f lunch take time t d smething gd fr will keep yur bdy and brain cnscius f careful a park r ther green space nearby and eat yur lunch there.
    【解析】 文章介绍了如何利用午餐时间让自己保持精力、提高效率。1.E 分析语境寻线索:空处为第一段段尾句,根据上文描述的人们通常不花太多时间吃午餐和下文提到的几点做法可知,此处应承接上文并引出下文→对比选项定答案:E项"因此花时间做些对你自己有益的事吧"承上启下,符合语境。2.G 分析语境寻线索:本段主要讲的是"spending time in nature"。空前提到了"Even spending a shrt time in nature has a psitive effect n yur md",空后提到了这样做的好处,因此空处应该是具体做法→对比选项定答案:G项"找一个公园或者附近其他绿色的地方在那里吃午饭"承上启下,符合语境。3.A 空处是段落主题句。根据下文的"exercise""take a walk"可知,本段主要讲了利用午餐时间做运动。A项概括了本段内容,符合语境。4.B 空前提到"Reading can als be a gd chice",空后提到"S read a chapter f a gd physical bk",由此可推知空处内容应与读书的好处有关。故选B。5.F 分析语境寻线索:上文提到具体做法"Make an everyday eating plan fr yurself",空处应该是这样做的好处→对比选项定答案:F项"它能帮助你的身体和大脑都意识到谨慎进食"符合语境且与本段主题呼应。
    【二次精读】  词汇积累:prductive adj.有效益的;多产的 refresh v.使恢复精力,使凉爽;更新;提醒,使想起 in shrt简言之 cunt v.重要;数数 initial adj.最初的,开始的,第一的 n.首字母 wear ff逐渐消失,逐渐停止
    过能力 关键能力强化提升题组1Passage 1话题:培养解决问题的能力  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约225  难度:★★★★☆  Prblem-slving skills are crucial fr students as they help them find the best slutins t any situatin. And they als help in persnal develpment, jb prspects(前景), and scial cntributin. __1__ If yu're still uncnvinced, here are three mre upsides f develping prblem-slving skills in students. Prblem-slving skills can imprve students' perfrmance in schl. Prblem-slving skills can help in persnal develpment, teaching students abut discernment(洞察力).  2  With this, students can fcus n what they can wrk n t fix r imprve at schl.  Prblem-slving skills can build cnfidence in all students. Slving prblems invlves making tugh decisins. Usually, efficient prblem-slving skills result in mre cnfident students. 3  When students deal with issues alne, they'll naturally becme adaptive. With this, they'll learn t lk at challenges frm a fresher perspective. Thus, they make mre calculated and well-thught-f risks. Cnfidence is especially crucial in yunger students as it helps in their develpment. It turns them int mre capable adults, helping them slve and adapt t different issues. S, if students embrace prblem-slving mre, they'll be able t develp their situatinal and scial awareness skills.  4    5  Students wh develp their prblem-slving skills early make them appreciate lifelng learning
    mre. This trait makes them mre curius, creative, and innvative. And best f all, these yungsters can use these skills later in life, better preparing them at a later time. A.Prblem-slving skills help students prepare fr their future. B.After all, nthing is mre thrilling than slving a prblem alne. C.Mrever, they will learn hw t manage their time and patience better. D.S, they are nt nly imprtant in schl but als in the cmpetitive wrld. E.Knwing what questins t ask helps students deal with prblems a result, they can distinguish what prblems are slvable and thse that aren't. G.T develp prblem-slving skills, students have t imprve their critical thinking.
    【解析】 本文主要说明了培养学生解决问题的能力的重要性。1.D 空前两句指出"解决问题的能力对学生来说是至关重要的,它们还有助于个人发展、就业前景和社会贡献"。空后说"如果你还不相信,下面是培养学生解决问题的能力的另外三个好处"。因此,空处应说明解决问题的能力的重要性。2.F 空前一句提到"解决问题的能力有助于个人发展,教会学生洞察力",空后一句说明"有了‘这个’,学生可以专注于他们可以在学校里解决或改进的问题"。F项与前一句构成因果关系,说明教会学生洞察力产生的结果:学生可以区分哪些问题是可以解决的,哪些是不能解决的。故F项符合语境。
    【名师点津】  段落第一句说明了解决问题能力对于学生的重要性,第二句说明了解决问题的能力有助于个人发展、工作前景和社会贡献,D项中的"they"指代前文的"Prblem-slving skills","in schl"与"in the cmpetitive wrld"分别与第一、二句内容对应,D项既与它们构成因果关系,也总结和重述了解决问题的能力的重要性。
    【名师点津】  上一句中的"discernment(洞察力)"与F项中的"distinguish what prblems are slvable and thse that aren't"相对应,有了洞察力才能区分哪些问题能解决,哪些问题不能解决。
    3.B 空前一句提到"高效解决问题的能力会让学生更加自信",空后一句指出"当学生独自处理问题时,他们会很自然地适应"。B项"毕竟,没有什么比独自解决问题更令人兴奋的了"是对"高效解决问题的能力会让学生更加自信"的原因说明,空后一句也是对"高效解决问题的能力会让学生更加自信"的具体说明,因此,B项符合语境。4.C 本段主要围绕解决问题的能力能让学生建立自信这一主旨展开,空前一句说"如果学生们更乐意解决问题,他们将能够发展情境和社交意识技能"。空处承接上文,进一步说明解决问题的能力给学生带来的好处。结合选项可知,C项"此外,他们将学习如何更好地管理自己的时间和耐心"符合语境。C项中的"they"指代空前一句中的"students","Mrever"体现了C项与前文的逻辑关系。5.A 由空后内容尤其是关键信息"lifelng learning""later in life"和"better preparing them at a later time"可知,本段主要介绍解决问题的能力对学生未来的帮助。空处位于段首,结合文章结构可知,空处应为段落主题句,说明解决问题的能力对学生的未来的帮助。
    【名师点津】  B项中的"slving a prblem alne"与空后的"deal with issues alne"是同义表达。
    Passage 2话题:保持爱好  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约255  难度:★★★★☆  One f the first things peple tend t lse when cutting persnal budgets is their hbbies. __1__ Actually, there are a bunch f suggestins fr hbbies that will help yu keep yur spirits up withut using up yur mney. There are a lt f puzzles(智力游戏) in this wrld. Yu can find tns f puzzle bks fr free at libraries, and yu can als turn t used bks. S yu can be addicted t this hbby fr a very small budget. 2   When yu think f phtgraphy as a hbby, yu might think yu need an expensive camera and lts f educatin.  3  And there are plenty f free nline tls yu can use t edit and imprve the phts. Withut spending a penny, yu can get sme impressive phts that yu can pst nline. If yu're lking fr a free hbby, why nt cmbine that restless energy with imprved health and fitness?  4  Yu can start hiking any time. Running is anther chice. Yu dn't necessarily need an expensive pair f shes t take it up. And yu can d yga in yur wn hme fr free using a variety f nline resurces.  5  That is reading. With a library card r an e-reader, yu can read tens f thusands f bks withut spending much. And best f all, yu can use bks t learn abut ther hbbies. Making reading yur hbby can have a scial aspect t it as well, as yu can jin r frm a bk club t read and discuss bks with thers.   A.That's because hbbies can be expensive.
    B.Finally, there is ne f the ldest hbbies up fr a gym class can actually be a gd 're ften activities fr all levels f fitness and difficulty. E.But a tn f hbbies that yu can take up dn't cst much at all. F.What yu get in return are hurs f fun that will keep yur mind the truth is that yu can g pretty far with just a smartphne and sme fundamentals.
    【解析】 在削减个人预算时,人们往往首先放弃的东西之一就是他们的爱好。文章介绍了一些关于保持爱好的建议,它们可以帮助你在不花很多钱的情况下保持愉快心情。 1.A 上文讲到在削减个人预算时,人们往往首先放弃的东西之一就是他们的爱好。下文提出了一些关于保持爱好的建议,它们可以帮助你在不花很多钱的情况下保持愉快心情。A项"那是因为爱好可能会很花钱"与上文是因果关系,且与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选A项。2.F 分析语境寻线索:根据第二段可知,这个世界上有很多智力游戏。你可以在图书馆找到大量免费的智力游戏书,你也可以转向二手书,用非常少的预算沉浸在这个爱好中。因此空处应与玩智力游戏的好处有关→对比选项定答案:F项"你得到的回报是数小时的欢乐,这将使你保持思维敏捷"介绍了智力游戏的好处,承接上文,符合语境。3.G 分析语境寻线索:本段主要讲的是摄影爱好。空前提到当你把摄影视为爱好时,你可能会认为你需要一台昂贵的相机和大量的训练。空后提到还有很多免费的在线工具可以用来编辑和完善照片。 因此空处与上文应是语意上的转折关系,且内容与具体的做法有关→对比选项定答案:G项"但事实是,只需一部智能手机和一些基本知识,你就可以走得很远"与上文构成转折关系,且与下文是并列关系。故选G项。
    【易错点拨】  语义重复——E项干扰性很大,虽然E项中的"dn't cst much"与上文中的"cutting persnal budgets"和下文中的"withut using up yur mney"相呼应,但E项与空后一句信息重复,故可排除E项。
    4.D 分析语境寻线索:本段主要介绍的是一种免费的爱好——健身。空后提到你可以随时开始徒步旅行。跑步是另一个选择,且你不需要一双昂贵的鞋子。你也可以利用各种在线资源在自己家里免费做瑜伽。由此可知,空处内容与健身有关→对比选项定答案:D项"通常有适合各种健身水平和难度的活动"衔接上下文。故选D项。5.B 分析语境寻线索:空处位于段首,是本段的主题句,应能引出一个爱好→对比选项定答案:B项"最后,还有最古老的爱好之一"能概括本段内容。故选B项。
    Passage 3话题:站立式课桌  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约250  难度:★★★★☆  考查段内句间的因果衔接关系It is ften a cmplex and tiring task t live a healthy life, but that isn't always the case.  1  It's time t change the classrm envirnment fr the health f the children.   2  It's nt surprising that sitting fr lng as a child is assciated with health prblems as an adult. Frtunately, there's a simple, verlked slutin t these prblems—standing classrms.  Over the last few years, a number f studies have shwn that the benefits f the increased range f mvement students experience when using standing desks are surprisingly brad.  3  Besides, standing desks encurage higher levels f teamwrk and participatin amng students. Standing desks als help t reduce the risk f sme diseases. They can help t prevent fatness, heart disease and lw spirits. Sedentary(久坐的) lifestyles are a majr reasn why teenagers suffer frm pr mental health, while higher activity levels reduce the chances f a child experiencing such an illness. The benefits f bringing standing desks int classrms are bvius.  4  Otherwise they will likely hurt their muscles when standing fr a lng time. Standing desks usually ffer a full range f mtin, which includes the ptin t sit r lean(倾斜身体) withut lsing eye-level f the rest f the class, and that full range f mtin is imprtant.  Sitting isn't hrrible. It isn't a thing we shuld never d. The prblem is that we d it t much, and s d
    ur children, which makes children less likely t succeed and keep healthy.  5  A.It is time fr us t stand up t stay healthy. B.But it is imprtant fr children t use them spend mst f their schl day sitting at it's necessary t break up the sitting with standing as cheap as a desk culd be making a majr nw there is smething we can d easily t keep ur children example, they help students keep fit and avid putting n t much weight.
    【解析】 本文分析了久坐带来的健康隐患和采用站立式课桌对学生的健康的好处。1.F 分析语境寻线索:上句提到健康生活通常是一件复杂且累人的事情,但不总是如此;下句提到为了孩子的健康是时候改变课堂环境了。由此可知,空处应与不复杂、不累人的事情以及孩子的健康有关→对比选项定答案:F项"现在有件我们可以轻松做到的事情来保持孩子健康"承上启下,符合语境。2.C 下句讲到小时候久坐和成年后出现的健康问题有关,C项"孩子们在学校里的大部分时间都坐在课桌旁"与下句构成因果关系,符合语境。3.G 分析语境寻线索:上句讲到在过去的几年中,许多研究表明,学生使用站立式课桌时所体验到的运动范围扩大的好处出奇得多。下句讲的是好处之一。由下句中的"Besides"可知空处也是讲述学生使用站立式课桌时所体验到的好处之一→对比选项定答案:G项举例说明采用站立式课桌可以帮助学生保持健康,避免其增重过多的好处,符合语境。
    4.B 空前讲到站立式课桌进教室的好处很明显,空后提到否则站立时间长很可能会弄伤他们的肌肉。由此可知,空处应承上启下,且与站立式课桌的使用有关。故B项"但是对孩子来说循序渐进地使用这些课桌很重要"符合语境。5.D 前面讲到坐不可怕,它不是一件我们绝不能做的事, 问题在于我们坐得太多了,而且我们的孩子也是这样,这使得他们成功和健康的可能性变得更小。由此可知,空处应涉及具体的做法。故D项"因此有必要用站立式课桌把坐分散开来"符合语境。
    【技巧点拨】  逻辑关系助解题——七选五主要考查考生对上下文逻辑关系的理解。首先要观察设空位置。设空处在段首考虑段落主旨句(可通过综观全段做总结及找核心词解题)或引起下文句(看设空后一句并在该句或选项中寻找可能暗示两句逻辑关系的词语);设空处在段中考虑承上启下句(正确选项与上下文都有联系或有标志词可以对应)或细节支撑句(看本段主旨句或空前空后句,找选项中表达意思相近或同类型的句子);设空处在段尾考虑段落总结句(与主旨句含义相近或为概括整段主要内容的句子)或主旨升华句(一般为和上文有联系且能升华主题或有启示意义的句子)。
    Passage 4话题:职场多元化的好处  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约235  难度:★★★★☆  A diverse wrkfrce cnsists f peple frm all walks f life. These are emplyees wh will view the wrld differently, and wh will apply their persnal experience t cntribute unique viewpints which can benefit yur cmpany.  1  There are still mre real and immediate benefits f diversity in the wrkplace. When emplyees with different viewpints cme tgether, everyne shares a slightly different apprach t the jb and the prblem at hand. And that's a benefit, as far as yur success is cncerned.  2  They're diverse t, after all. Meanwhile, wrkplace diversity bsts creativity. Think abut it this way: sameness causes sameness. If yu nly hire emplyees cming frm similar cultures and sciecnmic circumstances, yu're limiting the creativity and innvatin f yur cmpany.  3   In general, peple like t fit in, s they are careful nt t stick their necks ut. When in a strng, hmgenus(同种类的) culture, they prevent the natural cgnitive(认知的) diversity in grups thrugh the pressure t fllw the majrity.  4  N matter wh they are r where they cme frm, this inclusiveness helps them break dwn barriers and reduce the fear f being rejected.  5  A diverse wrkfrce gives yu a diverse and glbal perspective—a pint f view rich in incredible slight differences in human experience and culture—and that means yu will have a greater chance f expanding int mre diverse markets, bth at hme and abrad. 
    A.And this just desn't end , different vices will cntribute t , diversity shuld be a majr gal fr every cmpany.D.A diverse wrkfrce als gives yu better insights int yur a wrkplace culture f diversity helps yur emplyees feel that, diversity can help yu successfully develp yur business the cntrary, emplyees frm diverse backgrunds will bring diverse slutins.
    【解析】 文章讲述了职场多元化的诸多好处。1.A 分析语境寻线索:空前提到这些员工将以不同的方式看待世界,他们将运用自己的个人经验,为公司贡献独特的观点。空后提到在工作场所,多元化还有更多实实在在的、直接的好处。由此可知,空处内容应与多元化的好处有关,且应点明好处不止于此→对比选项定答案:A项"这远不止于此"承上启下,很好地衔接了上下文内容,符合语境。2.D 空前提到当持有不同观点的员工聚在一起时,每个人对工作和手头问题的看法都略有不同,这有助于你的成功。空后提到毕竟,他们也是各有不同的。由此可知,空处内容应点明空后"They"的指代对象,故D项"多元化的员工队伍也能让你更好地了解你的客户"符合语境,"custmers"对应"They"。3.G 分析语境寻线索:根据第三段首句中的"wrkplace diversity bsts creativity"可知,本段主要讲的是职场多元性能够激发创造力。空前的"sameness causes sameness... yu're limiting the creativity and innvatin f yur cmpany"陈述的是职场缺少多元化的情况,如果你只雇用同类文化背景和社会经济状况下的员工,你会限制自己公司的创造力和创新能力。因此空处讲的应是与之相反的内容,应能体现职场多元化在提高创造力方面的作用→对比选项定答案:G项"相反,来自不同背景的员工会带来不同的解决方案"呼应段落主题,且与上文构成逻辑上的转折关系,符合语境。
    【技巧点拨】  代词线索法——英语文章中代词出现的频率极高,而代词一定有其指代对象。因此,考生可巧妙地利用代词的指代关系来解题。
    4.E 分析语境寻线索:空前提到一般来说,人们喜欢被接纳,所以他们很谨慎,不敢说冒险的话。在一个强大的、同质的文化中,从众的压力抑制了群体中自然的认知多样性。空后提到无论他们是谁,或来自哪里,这种包容有助于他们打破障碍,减少对被拒绝的恐惧。由此可知,空处内容应与职场多元化有助于减少恐惧及其包容性有关,且与上文内容形成对比→对比选项定答案:E项"但是,多元化的职场文化有助于让你的员工有归属感"符合语境。E项中的"included"与下文中的"inclusiveness"的对应关系亦是提示。5.F 分析语境寻线索:空处为段落主题句。根据空后内容可知,一个多元化的员工队伍会给你一个多元化和全球化的视角,这意味着你将有更大的机会把业务拓展到国内外更多样化的市场。由此可知,本段主要阐述的是职场多元化有助于全球性的业务拓展→对比选项定答案:F项"除此之外,多元化还可以帮助你在全球范围内成功发展业务"能够概括本段的主要内容,符合语境。
    【二次精读】  词汇积累:frm all walks f life来自各行各业的,来自各界的 bst v.加强,增加,提高 break dwn破坏,消除(尤指某种感情或态度) barrier n.屏障,障碍物;障碍,阻力,关卡
    题组2Passage 1话题:有意识的生活  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约310  难度:★★★★☆  [2023苏北七市二模]Cnscius(有意识的) living is nt just a trend.  1  It is abut being intentinal with everything yu d—yur wrds, actins, beliefs, habits, and chices. Accepting cnscius living takes sme effrt, but it is wrthwhile. Here are sme ways yu can achieve this gal. ●Be cnscius abut yur time.Time is the mst precius thing because there is n way t live a mment again.  2  If yu waste yur precius hurs ding negative things, yu will regret it later. The first step fr living cnsciusly is t be wise abut yur time. Be selective abut things yu spend it n, and allcate(分配) it fr psitive activities. ● 3  Yu cannt achieve them unless yu understand yur needs and intentins. It is easier said than dne because mst peple fail t make an effrt t knw themselves. Spend time thinking ver and knwing yur strengths and weaknesses. Once yu knw yurself better, yu can create a plan t wrk twards becming mre patient, hnest, and frgiving.●Learn t be grateful.Gratitude takes yu a lng way twards cnscius living. It pens up a happier and a fulfilled mindset fr yu. Mst peple are unhappy because they see nly the negatives in life. Hwever, everyne has smething t be grateful fr. Writing a gratitude jurnal is a gd start fr cunting yur blessings.  4  
    ●Believe in yurself.It is the key t making the right chices, yet nt regretting the wrng nes.  5  Spending time alne and thinking deeply are effective measures that enable yu t identify the inner vice. Care fr it and fllw it t make it strnger dwn the line. Cnscius living is a skill yu need t learn as yu g, s be willing t make the effrt and master it. Yu will absrb it sn and be a happier persn in the lng yurself yurself fr wh yu can be a lt better with the right is a healthy chice that enables yu t be it as a daily habit, and yu will ntice the way yu spend yur time determines the curse f yur best way t build self-belief is by reflecting n yur wn thughts.
    【解析】 有意识的生活是关于有意识地对待你所做的每一件事——你的言语、行为、信仰、习惯和选择。接受有意识的生活需要一些努力,但这是值得的。文章介绍了一些方法可以帮助你实现这个目标。1.D 根据上文的"Cnscius(有意识的) living is nt just a trend"中的"nt just"可知,有意识的生活不仅仅是一种时尚,因此下文会进一步定义有意识的生活,D项"它是一种健康的选择,能让你快乐"指出有意识的生活还是一种能让人快乐的健康选择,与上文构成递进关系,选项中的代词It指代上文的"Cnscius(有意识的) living",故选D项。2.F 上文的"Time is the mst precius thing because there is n way t live a mment again"分析了时间宝贵的原因;下文的"If yu it later"说明了不合理利用时间的后果。F项"你利用时间的方式决定了你的人生轨迹"承上启下,说明利用好时间对人生的重要意义,照应本段主题"Be cnscius abut yur time",故选F项。3.A 分析文章结构可知,空处是本段小标题。根据本段内容可知,除非你了解自己的需求和意图,否则你无法实现这些目标。这说起来容易做起来难,因为大多数人都没有努力去了解自己。花时间认真思考并了解自己的优点和缺点。一旦你更了解自己,你就可以制订一个朝着让自己变得更有耐心、更诚实和更宽容的方向努力的计划。由此可知,本段主要讲要去了解自己,所以A项"更好地了解自己"适合作为本段的小标题,故选A项。4.E 上文的"Writing a gratitude jurnal is a gd start fr cunting yur blessings"指出写感恩日记是知足的一个很好的开始,E项"把它作为一种日常习惯,你会发现其中的不同"承接上文,建议把写感恩日记变成
    一种习惯,上下文语意连贯,且照应本段主题,选项中的it指代上文中的"Writing a gratitude jurnal",故选E项。5.G 根据小标题"Believe in yurself"可知,本段主要讲相信自己,即建立自信,G项"建立自信的最好方法是反思自己的想法"提出方法,与下文的"Spending time inner vice"语意连贯,且照应本段主题,故选G项。
    Passage 2话题:如何提高批判性思维能力  主题语境:人与自我  词数:约225  难度:★★★★☆  [2023河北邯郸质检] Hw t imprve critical thinkingCritical thinking is the prcess f analyzing infrmatin t get the best answer t a questin r prblem. By drawing upn yur wn experience, reasning, bservatin and cmmunicatin with thers, yu can make infrmed decisins that bring psitive slutins.  1  Becme mre self-aware. Becming mre self-aware means cnsidering yur thught prcess,values,mrals,and ther beliefs.What d yu believe in? Hw d yur thughts reflect these values? __2__ Knwing what yur persnal preferences,strengths/weaknesses and prejudices(偏见) are can help yu better understand why yu apprach specific situatins frm a certain pint f view.  3  Identify and evaluate hw yu receive and prcess infrmatin. Understanding hw yu listen t, then interpret, and finally react t infrmatin is vital t becming mre mentally efficient in the wrkplace. Taking time t analyze yur mental prcess befre making a wrk decisin can help yu act mre bjectively. Develp fresight. Cnsider hw thers might feel abut a situatin r decisin yu make.  4  Having the fresight t predict hw yur actins at wrk will prduce reactins will help yu make the right chice. Practice active listening. Active listening is a fundatinal element f effective critical thinking.  5  Be cnsiderate and fcus n understanding their pint f view. Gaining a full understanding f what they want, need r expect can help yu react psitively and have a subsequent prductive cnversatin. 
    A.Evaluate existing yur mental are several tips yu can take t becme a critical 's vital t think bjectively abut yur likes and attentively while cwrkers and supervisrs are the pssible utcmes f a situatin and what might up by asking yurself if smething is a fact, an pinin r an idea.
    【解析】 文章主要介绍了如何提高批判性思维能力进而成为一个批判性思考者。1.C 上文的"Critical thinking is the bring psitive slutins"介绍了什么是批判性思维,又结合下文的内容和文章结构可知,第二段到第五段讲了几个帮助你提高批判性思维能力的方法。C项"这里有几个小贴士可以帮助你成为一个批判性思考者"起到了承上启下的作用,故选C。2.D 根据下文的"Knwing what yur persnal a certain pint f view"可知,空处讲的内容应和了解自己的一些方面有关,D项"客观地思考自己的好恶是至关重要的"符合语境,故选D。3.B 分析文章结构可知,空处是对本段内容的概括,是本段的主旨句。根据本段内容,尤其是"Taking time t analyze yur mental prcess befre making a wrk decisin can help yu act mre bjectively"可知,本段在讲与分析心理过程相关的内容。B项中的"mental prcess"与本段中的"becming mre mentally efficient""mental prcess"内容一致,都是讲述心理过程方面的内容,故选B。4.F 根据本段主旨句"Develp fresight"和空前的"Cnsider hw thers might feel abut a situatin r decisin yu make"可知,我们要有预见性。F项"查明一种情况的可能结果和可能发生的变化"与上文语意衔接,并且符合本段主旨,故选F。5.E 根据本段主旨句"Practice active listening"以及空前的"Active listening is a fundatinal element f effective critical thinking"可知,本段建议练习积极的倾听,又根据下文中的"fcus n understanding their pint f view"可知,空处应是提到倾听一些人说话,E项"当同事和主管谈话时,专心倾听"符合语境,故选E。
    Passage 3话题:保护深海鱼  主题语境:人与自然  词数:约240  难度:★★★★☆  [2023四省高考适应性测试]There has been a very serius decline in the numbers f shallw-water fish as a result f verfishing. Peple still want t eat fish, s the fishing industry must lk at ther surces, especially the deep waters f the Atlantic.  1  Cnservatin measures will have t be put in place if these deep-sea fish are t survive. Research n five such species shws that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent.  2  Many species culd well disappear cmpletely if the present trend cntinues. These are species that have been swimming in ur ceans fr hundreds f millins f years.  The prblem is emphasised by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years. Deep-sea fish take a lng time t reprduce and nrmally live fr many years.  3  The average size f such fish als declined, with ne species shwing a 57 percent decline in average size. This is f particular cncern, as large fish tend t prduce mre ffspring than small nes.   4  The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding(快速繁殖) fish like sardines and herring. It is like killing elephants as if they reprduced at the same rate as rabbits.  The damages dne by verfishing ges beynd the sea envirnment. Millins f peple make a living in the fishing industry.  5  Measures must be taken t nt nly cnserve ecsystems, but als sustain livelihds and ensure fd security.  
    A.Billins f peple rely n fish fr prtein. B.Many peple nw chse nt t eat deep-sea fish. C.Unfrtunately, their reprductin rate is very lw. D.This puts them in the categry f "critically endangered". E.Nne f these facts has been taken int accunt by the fishing industry. F.Overfishing is a majr cause f the decline in ppulatins f cean wildlife. G.This has resulted in a sharp decline in the numbers f many f the species caught.
    【解析】 因为过度捕捞,深海鱼类的数量急剧下降,有些种类已经到了"极度濒危"的程度。因此必须要采取措施,不仅要保护生态系统,还要维持生计和确保食品安全。1.G 分析语境寻线索:根据空前内容尤其是"Peple still want t eat waters f the Atlantic"可知,由于过度捕捞,浅水鱼类的数量急剧减少,但人们依然想吃鱼,渔业只能寻找其他来源,尤其是大西洋的深水域。由此可知,人们不但没有停止,还不断扩大捕捞区域→对比选项定答案:G项 "这已经导致被捕的很多鱼类的数量急剧减少"与上文衔接紧密,同时通过后文内容也可知道文章主要讲了深海鱼类数量急剧减少,有些种类甚至濒临灭绝,故G项符合语境。2.D 根据空前的"Research n five percent and 98 percent"可知,五种鱼类的数量减少了87%—98%。根据空后的"Many species culd well disappear cmpletely if the present trend cntinues"可知,如果按照目前的趋势继续下去,很多种类可能会消失。D项"这将它们列入极度濒危类别"与上下文衔接紧密。D项中的"them"指代上文中提到的"five such species"。故选D项。3.C 根据空后的"The average size f such fish als declined, with ne species shwing a 57 percent decline in average size"可知,鱼也变小了,说明空处应该会讲到有关深海鱼不利的一面。再根据空前的" Deep-sea fish take a lng time t reprduce and nrmally live fr many years"可知,深海鱼类需要很长时间才能繁殖。C项提到了繁殖率不高,承上启下,故C项符合语境。4.E 分析语境寻线索:根据空后的"The deep-sea species... as if they reprduced at the same rate as rabbits"可知,人们将深海鱼当成快速繁殖的鱼类去捕捞,这就像杀死大象,好像它们的繁殖率与兔子一样。所以空处应该讲的是渔业根本没有意识到问题的严重性→对比选项定答案:E项"这些事实都没有被渔业考虑在内"引出下文,符合语境。
    5.A 根据空前两句和空后的"Measures must be taken fd security"可知,空后一句中的保护生态系统与维持生计和空前两句呼应。空处的内容应与空后一句中的食品安全相关。A项 "数十亿人依赖鱼类获取蛋白质"符合语境。故选A项。
    Passage 4话题:维特鲁威式图书馆  主题语境:人与社会  词数:约250  难度:★★★★★  [2023广东广州综合测试(二)]What makes a wrk f architecture great? Mst peple wuld argue that aesthetics are the mst imprtant.  1  Hwever, Rman architect Marcus Vitruvius Plli believed that we shuld als cnsider durability and functin when assessing a structure. The Rstnville Library in my city is a great example f Vitruvius's principles. Cnstructed entirely f granite—a hard and tugh stne, the library is durable. It can withstand envirnmental pllutin. Fr example, it is resistant t acid rain. Mrever, its granite structure is stable s it's mre likely t survive an earthquake.  2  It uses slar energy fr heating and a rftp garden fr cling.  3  Prviding free access t printed and digital infrmatin, it cnveys a feeling f penness and accessibility. Furthermre, the entire library is n ne level, and it has an pen design—there are n inner walls r dividers. In additin, large windws let in plenty f natural light, s it's easy t see and get t each department within the library. Finally, the library is beautiful, with aesthetically pleasing details bth inside and ut. The large windws are cpper-framed(铜框的). The cpper clr prvides an interesting cntrast against the clr f the granite structure and it will remain as the cpper ages. Grwth frm the rftp garden, which reaches dwn the sides f the building, adds t the aesthetics f the building.  4  Durability, functinality and beauty make the Rstnville Library a great structure. Architects wh fllw
    Vitruvius's principles help t make the city mre pleasant t live in.  5  A.The library is als is true that beauty is is nt the nly cncern f the library was designed with functinality in sftens the lines f the structure and helps it t fit int its natural , the library was built n the edge f the city park, surrunded by native that fulfill these criteria ffer bth peace f mind and beauty fr their users.

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