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    这是一份江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(满分30分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读一遍。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On Mnday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Friday.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man say abut the bss?
    A. He is tall.B. He is kind.C. He is childlike.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man ding?
    A. Drinking sme milk.B. Making sme tea.C. Ordering a drink.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C-wrkers.B. Friends.C. A cuple.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.B. Mther and sn.C. Clleagues.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. When des Gmez watch a ftball game n TV?
    A. When he fails t get a ticket.
    B. When the stadium is crwded.
    C. When his friends are t busy.
    7. Hw much did Gmez pay fr the ftball game last time?
    A. $20.B. $25.C. $50.
    8. Why wn’t the man buy an evening dress fr his wife?
    A. It’s t expensive.B. She has already gt a lt.C. He desn’t knw if she’ll like it.
    9. What des the man think f the jewelry?
    A. Unique.B. Beautiful.C. Fashinable.
    10. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He wants t buy his wife a birthday gift.
    B. He will g t Paris n Christmas.
    C. He will pay by cheque.
    11. What will the weather be like ver the weekend?
    A. Rainy.B. Windy.C. Sunny.
    12. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends.B. Classmates.C. Family members.
    13. What is the wman ging t d next Tuesday?
    A. Meet friends in a park.
    B. Stay at hme and watch TV.
    C. Help her father with sme husewrk.
    14. What’s Alva’s attitude twards Clin’s writing the bk?
    A. Dubtful.B. Uninterested.C. Admirable.
    15. What can we learn abut Alva?
    A. She dislikes taking pictures.
    B. She has just mved t New Yrk.
    C. She has adapted t New Yrk custms.
    16. What des Clin want Alva t d?
    A. Hide her right hand.B. Lk at a high building.C. Adpt a prper pse.
    17 When can the wman first read the bk?
    A. In August.B. In September.C. In Octber.
    18. What kind f fd did Anna chse?
    A. Italian fd.B. French fd.C. Japanese fd.
    19. What was the envirnment like at the restaurant?
    A. Relaxing.B. Terrible.C. Nisy.
    20. What des the speaker think f the meal?
    A. Unfresh.B. Expensive.C. Tasteless.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The Symblism f Chinese Fds
    China is a cuntry with a lng histry, and fd has played an imprtant rle in the develpment f Chinese culture. Every year many traditinal festivals and events are celebrated with special fds. Sme f these fds have particular meanings, such as gd luck, best wishes, unity and cmmemratin (纪念).
    Chinese New Year
    Spring Festival(Chinese New Year)is the mst imprtant traditinal festival in China. S New Year fds usually symblize gd luck and best wishes.
    ·Year cake (niángā) means “increasing prsperity (繁荣)” because the name sunds the same as “year high” r “yearly increase”.
    ·Dumplings mean “wealth”, due t their traditinal gld / silver ingt (锭) shape.
    Lantern Festival
    Lantern Festival is the first full mn night in the Chinese calendar year, and the full mn as well as the fd symblizes family reunin.
    ·Sweet rund sticky rice balls in sup (tāngyuán) mean “tgetherness and reunin”.
    Dragn Bat Festival
    Dragn Bat Festival is an imprtant celebratin in China t cmmemrate Qu Yuan, a famus patritic pet f China in ancient times.
    ·Glutinus rice dumplings (zòngzi) wrapped in bamb leaves symblize Qu Yuan cmmemratin.
    Mid-Autumn Festival
    Mid-Autumn Festival is the secnd mst imprtant traditinal Chinese festival. It is a time fr family members and lved nes t get tgether t celebrate family reunin. Therefre, peple celebrate it by preparing fds with family-reunin symblic meanings.
    ·Mncakes mean “family unity”, as they’re rund, like the harvest mn.
    ·Pmeles (yòuzi) mean “family unity” and “abundance”, as they’re rund, t, and the Chinese sunds like the wrd fr “t have”.
    21. What makes dumplings symblic?
    A. The size.B. The clr.C. The histry.D. The shape.
    22. Which festival is celebrated t hnr a pet accrding t the text?
    A. Chinese New Year.B. Lantern Festival.
    C. Dragn Bat Festival.D. Mid-Autumn Festival.
    23. Which f the fllwing is a traditinal fd fr Mid-Autumn Festival?
    A. Year cake.B. Sweet rund sticky rice balls in sup.
    C. Glutinus rice dumplings.D. Pmeles.
    Fur years ag, life rewarded me fr all the challenges I embraced in search f self-imprvement. My spirits rse when I was selected t be in the Yuth Exchange and Study (YES) prgramme and I realized that I was ging t spend a full year in the United States. Befre that mment, living n the ther side f the Atlantic had always equated—fr a yung Mrccan wman wh had never set ft abrad—t an anxiety-free atmsphere, welcming neighbrs, and cuntless pprtunities. Frtunately, my hst cmmunity checked all these bxes.
    My hst mther went abve and beynd t take care f my needs, my teachers were very accmmdating with regards t my schlwrk, and I culd use my status as an exchange student as an excuse when I needed a favr r an exceptin. As a YES student, peers frm s many diverse backgrunds at schl were interested in getting t knw me better. With all this unique treatment, I thught t myself, “Hld n a secnd! Is this what yu came fr?” Even thugh my hst cmmunity was s helpful and welcming, I realized that I was grwing t cntent with my life. I remembered that I came t the United States fr a challenge and that I was determined t strengthen my capacities.
    T develp greater perseverance, I jined my hst schl’s swim team, even thugh I had n prir experience in this sprt. Fr ver five mnths, I walked myself—smetimes reluctantly—t swim practices. During thse practices, I did the best I culd fr three hurs each day.
    One f my best achievements that year was cmpeting in ne f the biggest swim meets f the year. Frm an utsider’s perspective, it might nt seem like much, especially since I didn’t even win. Hwever, I was never the athletic type, nr have I ever been particularly utstanding in terms f discipline and cmmitment. Yet that was exactly what I achieved. I gained discipline and I came t the realizatin that I d nt need t be perfect at everything that I try fr the first time.
    Grwth can take many frms. In my case, it tk the frm f a humid ceiling and an verly tight plyester cap. Grwth can nly be achieved by defying persnal limits and breaking free frm cmfrt znes. This is nt always a glamrus prcess, but it always brings yu clser t a new and imprved versin f yurself!
    24. Hw did the authr feel abut her life in her hst family?
    A. She felt smehw uneasy t be taken gd care f.
    B. She felt free and culd d whatever she liked.
    C. She felt gd abut her high family status.
    D. She felt stressed like living in a bx.
    25. What made the authr jin the schl’s swim team?
    A. Her experience in swimming.B. Her desire t challenge herself.
    C. Her spirit f perseverance.D. Her interest in water sprts.
    26. The authr thught that her achievement in swimming ________.
    A. made her utstandingB. made her see her limits
    C was nt a big dealD. was her curage t cmpete
    27. What can we cnclude frm this passage?
    A. Change is a brilliant pprtunity t grw.
    B. Self-assurance is tw-thirds f success.
    C. Frm failure t success is a lng rad.
    D. We learn things by ding them.
    A new study says that n matter hw much the wrld cuts back n greenhuse gases, a large and imprtant part f ice f Antarctica (南极洲) is expected t disappear.
    Researchers used cmputer mdels t expect the future melting (融化) f prtective ice arund Antarctica’s Amundsen Sea in western Antarctica. They said the melting will take hundreds f years. It will slwly add nearly 1.8 meters t sea levels. And it will be enugh t change where and hw peple live in the future.
    The study fund that even if future warming was limited t just a few tenths f a degree mre, it wuld have limited pwer t prevent cean warming that culd lead t the breakdwn f the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
    Study lead writer Kaitlin Naughten is an expert n ceans at the British Antarctic Survey. She said their research suggests that Earth is set n the path t a quickly increasing speed f cean warming and ice shelf melting ver the rest f the century.
    While past studies have talked abut hw serius the situatin is, Naughten was the first t use cmputer mdeling t study hw warm water frm belw will melt the ice. The study lked at fur different cases in hw much greenhuse gases the wrld prduces. In each case, cean warming was just t much fr this area f the ice t survive.
    Naughten lked at flating areas f ice that hld back glaciers (冰川). Once these areas f ice melt, there is nthing t stp the glaciers behind them frm flwing (流) int the sea.
    The study als lked at what wuld happen if future warming was limited t 1.5 degrees Celsius ver mid-19th century levels: the internatinal gal. They fund the rapid melting prcess in this case as well.
    The wrld has already warmed abut 1.2 degrees Celsius since pre-industrial times and much f this summer went past the 1.5 degrees mark.
    28. Which can best describe the findings f the study?
    A. Cheerful.B. Encuraging.C. Misleading.D. Disappinting.
    29. What makes Naughten’s wrk n Antarctic ice special?
    A. Her research area.B. Her research time.
    C. Her research methd.D. Her research purpse.
    30. What d we knw abut flating areas f ice?
    A. They will flw int the sea.B. They prtect the Antarctic ice.
    C. They have warmed abut 1.2℃.D. They disappear faster than ther ice.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Ice in Parts f Antaretica Will DisappearB. Climate Change Will Harm Humans
    C. Sea Level Will Rise Suddenly in the FutureD. Limiting Greenhuse Gases Makes N Sense
    Animals can adapt quickly t survive unfavrable envirnmental cnditins. Evidence is munting t shw that plants can, t. A paper published in the jurnal Trends in Plant Science details hw plants are rapidly adapting t the effects f climate change, and hw they are passing dwn these adaptatins t their ffspring(后代).
    Plants are facing mre envirnmental stresses than ever. Fr example, climate change is making winters shrter in many lcatins, and plants are respnding. “Many plants require a minimum perid f cld in rder t set up their envirnmental clck t define their flwering time,” says Martinelli, a plant geneticist at the University f Flrence. “As cld seasns shrten, plants have adapted t require shrter perids f cld t delay flwering. These mechanisms allw plants t avid flwering in perids when they have fewer pprtunities t reprduce.”
    Because plants dn’t have neural(神经的) netwrks, their memry is based entirely n cellular(细胞的),mlecular(分子的),and bichemical netwrks. These netwrks make up what the researchers call smatic memry(体细胞记忆). “It allws plants t recgnize the ccurrence f a previus envirnmental cnditin and t react accrdingly,” says Martinelli.
    These smatic memries can then be passed t the plants’ ffspring via epigenetics(表现遗传). “Several examples demnstrate the existence f mlecular mechanisms mdulating plant memry t envirnmental stresses and affecting the adaptatin f ffspring t these stresses,” says Martinelli.
    Ging frward, Martinelli hpes t understand even mre abut the genes that are being passed dwn. “We are particularly interested in decding the epigenetic alphabet withut changes in DNA sequence(序列),”he says. “This is especially imprtant when we cnsider the rapid climate change, we bserve tday that every living rganism, including plants, needs t quickly adapt t survive.”
    32. What adaptatins have plants made t shrtened cld seasns?
    A. They have shrtened their flwering time.
    B. They have gt mre chances t reprduce.
    C. They have avided flwering in cld seasns.
    D. They have adjusted their envirnmental clck.
    33. What can we learn abut smatic memry?
    A. It is entirely based n neural netwrks.
    B. It can help the plants’ ffspring t survive.
    C. It can help relieve envirnmental stresses.
    D. It disturbs the plants’ bichemical netwrks.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “mdulating” mean in paragraph 4?
    A Adjusting.B. Treasuring.
    C. Recrding.D. Sharing.
    35. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Plants are smart abut flwering time
    B. Plants can als adapt t climate change
    C. Envirnmental stresses challenge plants
    D. Mysteries f plant genes are t be unflded
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    “If yu buy things yu d nt need, sn yu will have t sell things yu need.” This is a piece f wise advice frm Warren Buffet, arguably ne f the greatest financial minds f the 21th century. ____36____ This is true especially in the present ecnmic climate.
    While the idea f being frugal(节俭) has lng been a part f Eastern culture, the relatively recent grwth f wealth in China as well as the ease f purchasing has led t increased cnsumerism fr many acrss the cuntry. Yet this increased cnsumptin f gds has been pushing up the prices f certain bare essentials such as husing, transprtatin and fd, which is frcing peple t reevaluate their pririties while spending mney. ____37____
    The internet is flded with advice n where ne can save mney as well as gd pinins abut hw they shuld spend their mney. Fr example, clthes can be bught secnd-hand, but yu shuld never skip a visit t the dentist. ____38____ In the meanwhile, yu shuld limit thse that are fancy but nt entirely necessary. Of curse, it is still fine t ccasinally spend mney n a nice vacatin, but buying thirty pairs f shes yu will nly wear a few times is neither respnsible nr sustainable.
    Hpefully, we all fully understand at this pint that the resurces n the earth are indeed limited. ____39____ As a result, the chice (frced r nt) t be frugal is nt nly gd fr ne’s wallet, but als beneficial t the planet in the lng run. Have yu ever chsen t starve yurself t get a pair f limited-editin sneakers? ____40____
    A A cntinuus grwth mdel n this planet is by n means sustainable.
    B. These wrds have always nt been taken seriusly by yung peple.
    C. They are meant t encurage peple t buy mre stuff than they need.
    D. It makes sense t priritize gds and services that directly affect yur health.
    E. It is n wnder then that being frugal is nce again becming a dminant trend.
    F. Many yung peple tday appear t be taking these wrds very much t heart.
    G. If s, it is high time yu started making changes fr yurself and fr all humanity.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My chance came at last. Our schl was ging t hld a sprts meeting. I knew what it ____41____ t me s I gt up very early t prepare fr it. I ____42____ running and jumping. When I was tired, I ____43____ my prmise and went n.
    As the sprts meeting came near, I felt quite ____44____. On the first day I wn furth place in the 1,500m race, but it was far frm ____45____ because what I wanted mst was the highlight f the sprts meeting—the 8 × 250m relay race. I wuld run the last leg fr my team.
    With a sht, the race began. All the students were ____46____ fr their wn team. The cmpetitin was s ____47____ that I began t feel nervus. Befre my turn came, my team was ____48____ the thers. Even wrse, I almst drpped the stick when I was trying t ____49____ it.
    But after that, there was nthing in my mind except t run as fast as pssible. Just when I was cming clse t the finish line, my legs _____50_____.Then my prmise came t mind again and encuraged me t g n. T my _____51_____, I was the first t crss the finish line!
    _____52_____, I prved t myself and thse wh had ften laughed at me that I am nt _____53_____ at all! My classmates greeted me warmly and I hugged them tightly. I wn the prize as well as their _____54_____.
    Frm the sprts meeting, I learnt things are nt s difficult as they seem t be. Just try yur best withut fear and yu might be surprised at the _____55_____.
    41. A. matteredB. heldC. meantD. brught
    42. A. exercisedB. practicedC. chseD. tried
    43. A. bravedB. tldC. brkeD. remembered
    44. A. cnfidentB. wrriedC. relaxedD. puzzled
    45. A. happinessB. prideC. excitementD. satisfactin
    46. A. headingB. runningC. cheeringD. crying
    47. A. difficultB. clseC. hardD. near
    48. A. failing behindB. leading upC. falling behindD. catching up
    49. A. bringB. fetchC. passD. take
    50. A. gave inB. gave utC. gave upD. gave ff
    51. A. wishB. expectatinC. surpriseD. sadness
    52. A. At lastB. At mstC. Abve allD. At all
    53. A. badB. weakC. usualD. slw
    54. A. hnrB. respectC. supprtD. help
    55. A. thingB. finalC. resultD. effect
    It is a special crss-cuntry race. The cmpetitrs’ vehicles are made ____56____ fruits and vegetables like carrts, eggplants, grapefruits, pumpkins and ranges. They are the creatins f pupils frm the Shanghai Wrld Freign Language Primary Schl.
    Accrding t Chen Yu, the science class teacher, ____57____ (base) knwledge had been taught within 6 classes t students befre they drew sketches and ____58____ (chse) vegetables t make a fd car.
    Althugh students were encuraged ____59____ (design) their cars tgether with parents, all the cars shuld be made in the class. After ____60____ (bring) piles f ingredients as well as tls the children began their innvatin. Sme cut the carrt slices t make them rund, and sme thers assembled (组装) their car cmpnents tgether.
    In additin t the ____61____ (cmpete), students are required t reflect n the ____62____ (difficulty) they encuntered making their vehicles, ____63____ things they have learned frm the activity and the imprvements they think the curse can make.
    ____64____ tuched the teachers mst was the unity and friendship amng the children. Fr example, althugh the cntest was fierce (激烈的), students felt _____65_____ (excite) fr the champin car as if they themselves had std ut, and when a girl’s car fell apart their friends cmfrted her and helped reassemble the car.
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假定你是校英语报编辑李华,在4月22日“世界地球日”(Earth Day )来临之际,请写一封英文倡议书,呼吁同学们低碳生活,关爱地球。内容包括:
    Dear schlmates,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Alice! We need t get ging befre it rains,” my father shuted as he gt int the car, I rushed ut f the huse with my teddy bear. Once inside the car, I rested my head n my mther’s shulder, feeling sad t leave the huse I had grwn up in. I hugged my teddy bear clse t me as my father drve us t ur new huse.
    All afternn, I was a gd daughter wh helped my parents unpack all the bxes that we had brught with us. I was s tired and went t bed early. That night it started puring, I was awken by a whining (呜咽) sund utside the huse. I gt up my curage and lked ut thrugh my bedrm windw. I was shcked when 1 saw smething mving at the frnt dr!
    Nt knwing what was happening, I rushed dwnstairs. I pened the dr and saw a tiny white furry(毛茸茸的) ball with black spts trying t get under ur dr mat (垫子) . It was wet cmpletely and shivering (颤抖的) frm the rain. I’m t pity n it and carried it inside quickly.
    Once in my bedrm, it lked s weak that it culdn’t pen its eyes.
    The next mrning, my parents came t knw abut the unexpected guest.

    江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

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