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    这是一份2024年山东省济南市槐荫区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市槐荫区中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市槐荫区中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    选择题部分 共100分
    1. A. Cme and jin us. B. Hpe t see yu sn. C. Dn’t be late fr class.
    2. A. I g t the z. B. She has lng hair. C. They are s ppular.
    3. A. Is this yur dictinary? B. Will yu clean the rm? C. Can yur brther dance?
    4. A. Tny can’t find his keys. B. Lucy didn’t answer the phne. C. Gina isn’t afraid f the dark.
    5. A. What des he lk like? B. Why were they laughing? C. Where did yu g n vacatin?
    6. What time is it nw?
    A. 8:00. B. 9:00. C. 10:00.
    7. Wh bught the dress fr Tina?
    A. Herself. B. Her friend. C. Her mther.
    8. Hw did Bb imprve English?
    A. By watching mvies. B. By listening t tapes. C. By reading textbks.
    9. Why des Linda lk wrried?
    A. She lst her hat. B. She failed the exam. C. She had a fever.
    10. Where are the tw speakers?
    A. In the hspital. B. At the schl. C. At the restaurant.
    11. Hw did the wman get the news?
    A. Frm the newspaper. B. On TV. C. On the radi.
    12. What are they talking abut?
    A. A traffic accident. B. A fire accident. C. An earthquake.
    13. When did the accident happen?
    A. Last night. B. Yesterday mrning. C. Yesterday afternn.
    14. Hw many peple did the dg save?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    15. What will the wman d after the talk?
    A. Have a pet dg. B. Lk after the dg. C. Call the newspaper.
    16. Where did Eric make cakes?
    A. In a stre. B. In a restaurant. C. At a supermarket.
    17. What did peple say abut these cakes?
    A. Big and cheap. B. Delicius but expensive. C. Delicius and cheap.
    18. When was Eric’s birthday?
    A. Last Mnday. B. Next Sunday. C. Last Sunday.
    19. What presents did the custmers prepare fr Eric?
    A. Cakes. B. Hugs. C. Smiles.
    20. Hw did Eric feel in the end?
    A. Sad. B. Mved. C. Prud.
    1. What is the men’s T-shirt made f?
    A. Cttn.B. Silk.C. PU.D. Silver.
    2. Which f the fllwing cannt be cleaned by hand?
    A. The T-shirt.B. The dress.C. The jacket.D. The cat.
    3. Hw much d yu need t pay fr fur jackets?
    A. $200.B. $300.C. $400.D. $600.
    4. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. The dress has five sizes.
    B. The jacket is sft and cmfrtable.
    C. This is a big sale fr wmen’s clthes.
    D. The rder number fr the Sctland T-shirt is KQ8151.
    5. Where is this text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A life magazine.B. A nvel.C. A histry textbk.D. A strybk.
    When I was a girl grwing up, I culdn’t nce ever remember either my mum r my grandma wasting fd.
    Anything we didn’t eat at ne meal was leftvers (剩菜). I can remember my grandma making a huge pt f ptates. We wuld all eat until we were full enugh, but there were always abut half f the ptates leftver. A few days later, Grandma wuld take thse ptates ut f the fridge, bil sme ndles, add sme vegetables and mix them all tgether. And I als remember when I watched my mum fry bacn (煎培根) fr us in the mrnings, she wuld always take the il carefully and pur it int a bttle. Then she wuld use it later t add flavr (香味) t s many ther dishes. I was already an adult when I realized that ptates didn’t taste like bacn at all!
    I learned their lessns well, and after I grew up, I tried t never waste fd myself. But eating leftvers is bad fr the health after all. S I always planned the week’s meals ahead f time and nly bught what was n my shpping list s that nthing went t waste. And f curse, we didn’t have t eat any leftvers. Every meal went int ur stmachs. T me, thrwing fd int the bin was just wrng.
    Hwever, when it cmes t living, there are n leftvers. Life is just like a feast. Each mment that yu dn’t live is lst frever. Life cannt be saved r stred. Each day is a fresh beginning. Live each mment f yur life t the fullest, then.
    6. What did the writer’s grandma use the leftver ptates t d?
    A. Mix with ndles.B. Bil fish sup.
    C. Fry bacn.D. Thrw away.
    7. Why did the ptates cked by the mum taste like bacn?
    A. She pured the bacn il int ptates.B. She put ptates n the plate.
    C She was gd at cking.D. She mixed the bacn with ptates.
    8. Hw did the writer save fd in her way?
    A. By shpping ahead f time.B. By thrwing it int the litter bin.
    C. By fllwing her mther’s shpping list.D. By planning the next week’s fd.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “feast” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. A sweet dream.B. A large meal.
    C. A happy stry.D. A beautiful picture.
    10. What can we learn frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. It is never t ld t learn.B. Eat t live, but nt live t eat.
    C. Neither fd nr life shuld be wasted.D. There is n such thing as a free lunch.
    ① A tree has rts (根). Peple have rts, t. If yu get t the rt f a prblem, yu will slve it. It’s the same thing with wrds. Dig deeply int a big, unknwn wrd and yu will understand where it came frm.
    ② As readers, especially thse reading in a secnd language, we need t deal with the text as if we were detectives (侦探) wh are just lking fr infrmatin t unlck the unknwn. Like any gd detective arriving n the crime scene, the first thing t d when meeting a new and difficult wrd is t judge (判断) the situatin, t lk at everything that is knwn and see if it helps us t understand what it means.
    ③ As yu knw, prefixes (前缀) and suffixes (后缀) can be added t the beginning r end f wrds t change the meaning. Knw them, and yu will have the wrd building pwer. But rt wrds are the key. Take time t learn a few f these, put them in yur memry, and yu will becme a master wrd detective.
    ④ Let’s lk at ne cmmn rt wrd used in English. “Alter” frm the Latin wrd means “ther”. When yu meet this rt wrd, yu knw that the bigger wrd has smething t d with “ther”. Examine the wrd “alternate”. Can yu find the Latin rt in it?
    ⑤ Learn as many rt wrds as pssible in the language yu are studying. Then use yur “rting fr wrds” skills. Like any new skill, practice and hard wrk are always paid back.
    11. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 2 refer t (所指)?
    A. The situatin.B. The crime scene.
    C. A new and difficult wrd.D. Everything that is knwn.
    12. If Jim and Lily g t the mvies, which ne belw is “alternating paying”?
    A. They each pay half.B. Jim pays every time.
    C. Their parents pay fr them.D. They take turns t pay.
    13. Hw des the writer explain his ideas abut rt wrds?
    A. By giving a fact.B. By taking an example.
    C. By telling a stry.D. By having a discussin.
    14. “Sen” frm the Latin wrd means “ld”. Which wrd uses this Latin rt?
    A. My brther is my senir by tw years.B. He was ill s he was absent frm schl.
    C. A criminal was sentenced t death by law.D. 60 students were present at the sprts meeting.
    15. Which f the fllwing shws the structure (结构) f the text?
    A B. C. D.
    Human activity is changing the surface and temperature f ur planet. But new research shws that it is als changing the sund f the earth’s ceans and seas. Scientists say these changes influence many sea animals—frm very small fish t huge whales.
    Sund travels very far underwater. Fr fish, sund is prbably a better way t sense their envirnment than light. They use sunds t cmmunicate with each ther. Sunds als help sme cean animals t find fd and avid their hunters (猎人). Many cean animals use sunds t find gd places t give birth. Sunds help fish and ther sea animals survive (生存).
    Hwever, increased nise frm humans is making it harder fr these animals t hear each ther. The nise cmes frm shipping traffic, underwater il and gas explratin (爆炸), and ther nisy human activity. Fr many sea animals, their effrts t cmmunicate are being masked (被掩盖) by sunds that humans have intrduced. Experts explain the wrd “masking”, which happens when ne r mre nises in the water blck (阻截) sund imprtant t an cean animal’s life.
    The Red Sea is ne f the wrld’s mst imprtant shipping passages (航道). It is full f large ships traveling t Asia, Eurpe, and Africa. Sme fish and ther animals nw avid the nisiest areas. Als, the ttal number f sea animals has gne dwn by abut half since 1970. In sme parts f the cean, scientists nw recrd fewer animals singing and calling than in the past.
    Experts say that influence f nise n sea animals are nt well understd. Hwever, sme studies suggest that nise may cause hearing lss (丧失). The stress frm human nise might als influence the immune (免疫) system—an animal’s natural defense system. Many sea animals are shwing higher levels f stress because f nise.
    When peple think f threats (威胁) facing the cean, we ften think f climate (气候) change, plastics, and verfishing. But nise pllutin is anther necessary thing we need t be mnitring. When it cmes t smething humans can d fr the cean, we need t think abut hw t make it quieter. Sund pllutin may be easier t deal with than ther cean threats. Yu can reduce r turn ff sund right away. It’s nt like plastics r climate change, which are much harder t und.
    16. Accrding t the text, sunds can help sea animals in many ways except ________.
    A cmmunicating with each therB. searching fr smething t eat
    C. getting away frm their huntersD. blcking the sunshine utside
    17. Why is the Red Sea mentined in the text?
    A. T intrduce an imprtant shipping passages.
    B. T explain why there are s many large ships.
    C. T reprt the ttal number f sea animals alive.
    D. T give an example f the influence f human nise.
    18. What can yu knw frm the text?
    A. Nise may cause the hearing lss f humans.
    B. Nise des mre harm t sea animals than we realize.
    C. Plastic pllutin is the biggest threat facing ceans and seas.
    D. Fish sense their envirnment better thrugh light than sund.
    19. What des the underlined wrd “und” mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Put in the effrt.B. Prmise the result.
    C Frget the influence.D. Cancel the influence.
    20. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title (标题)?
    A. Why Are Ocean Animals S Nisy?B. Helpful Ways t Save Ocean Animals.
    C. Humans Are Making Oceans T Nisy.D. Which Threat t Oceans Is the Biggest?
    III. 阅读理解七选五
    Studies reprt that peple feel less stressed after just 45 minutes f making art. Making art is a gd way t help ur mind relax and reduce stress. Besides reducing stress, here are sme ther advantages f making art.
    Art is helpful t imprve ur self-knwledge and self-expressin. _____21_____ What clrs d we prefer? Which shapes are we drawn t? T make art is t make chices, and that makes paying attentin t ur inner (内在的) selves imprtant, as we decide what d and d nt make us happy.
    _____22_____ We express urselves by making a physical representatin (象征) f ur inner wrld. In ding s, we are acting a healthy belief that what’s inside f us deserves (值得) taking up space and being seen by thers.
    _____23_____ If we want t build a relatinship with thers, we can shw them ur art. They may share with us hw ur art makes them feel; they may ask hw we gt the idea f creating the wrk; they may tell us their understanding f making art. A cnversatin is then started. What’s mre, thse f us wh are interested in making art can be attracted t the creatin f thers. _____24_____
    Art can help us pay mre attentin t the prcess rather than the prduct. My painting skills are nt very gd. I make mistakes as sn as my brush hits the paper. _____25_____ I can see my wrk getting better and better with tireless practice, which has brught me great satisfactin. Such pleasure in prcess can influence hw we see urselves. There are dark days in ur lives frm time t time. But they are just pieces f ur life jurney. We are always learning, grwing, and surprised by life.
    A. Art helps us t cnnect us with thers.
    B. Making art turns ur attentin utward (向外).
    C. Hwever, there’s always smething t like.
    D. What’s mre, we are als expressing urselves.
    E. Creating art can change and braden (开阔) ur minds.
    F. When making art, we are making decisins abut what we like.
    G. We find urselves wanting t knw mre abut thers’ artwrks.
    IV. 补全对话
    阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。
    A: Guess what? I’m ging t the Internatinal Amusement Park in Beijing next weekend.
    B: Ww, great! _____26_____
    A: Maybe by high-speed railway.
    B: I went there during the Spring Festival. The Histry wrld is the mst exciting!
    A: Really? _____27_____
    B: Sure. Yu can bk the tickets frm their fficial websites (官方网站).
    A: Thanks. _____28_____
    B: Abut 5 t 6 hurs. Yu need t stp t have a rest.
    A: _____29_____ But I believe it must be a great day.
    B: I think s. Yu can als watch the traditinal Chinese art shw fr free.
    A: _____30_____ I can’t wait.
    B: Have a gd time!
    A: Thank yu!
    A. Hw will yu g there?B. Hw was yur schl trip?
    C. Why d yu want t g there?D. When will yu g there?
    A. Have yu decided yet?B. Culd yu give me sme advice?
    C. Hw was the weather there?D. Culd yu tell me when t get there?
    A. Wh visited it with yu?B. Hw many parks have yu visited?
    C. Hw lng d I need t visit it?D. Hw are yu ging t visit it?
    A. What a lng time!B. Never mind.
    C. That’s t bad.D. Hw time flies!
    A. Hurry up.B. N prblem.
    C. Let’s g nw.D. Sunds cl.
    V. 完形填空
    Imagine yu are at a new schl. It’s lunch time, but yu dn’t have ____31____ t sit with. Yu want t jin smene at their table, ____32____ yu are nt sure if they are friendly. This was the situatin that Natalie fund herself in when she started at a new schl. What shuld yu d if yu are in this situatin?
    Natalie’s ____33____ f slving the prblem was t create an app. She knws what it feels like t be alne at a new schl. She fund it difficult t make new friends and had t ____34____ a new table at lunch every day. If she sat by herself, she felt lnely. But if she asked t jin smene and was ____35____, she felt embarrassed. She created a lunch-planning app t help students like ____36____ find peple t have lunch with.
    The app called Sit With Us is ____37____. If a student is having lunch at nn, he r she can create an invitatin. Other students can pen the app and ____38____ that invitatin. They can then use the app t decide when and where t ____39____. This allws students t make ____40____ nline instead f face-t-face. It is the reasn why the app can wrk s ____41____: it lwers the risk f being refused and the embarrassment that ges alng with it.
    Natalie is happy t see that many peple like her app, ____42____ thse wh suffer frm bullying (遭受欺凌). Sn after she made her app ____43____ t the public, she wn a prize fr it. She als appeared in many news stries.
    Natalie’s jurney has nt nly led t the creatin f a successful app, but has als allwed her t share her stry and inspire thers. She was even invited t speak at a university. In her ____44____, Natalie wanted peple t knw that yu dn’t have t d smething ____45____ t change lives. Smetimes, a simple thing like having a friend t enjy lunch with can make a difference in creating a mre welcming schl envirnment.
    A. smethingB. everyneC. anyneD. nthing
    A. andB. butC. sD. because
    A. habitB. curseC. questinD. way
    A. search frB. fix upC. give utD. get away frm
    A. calledB. refusedC. discussedD. believed
    A. herB. himC. itD. them
    A. cheapB. nisyC. privateD. simple
    A. makeB. missC. acceptD. send
    A. stpB. studyC. meetD. exercise
    A. plansB. trubleC. reprtsD. dinner
    A. lateB. wellC. hardD. ludly
    A. prbablyB. exactlyC. nrmallyD. especially
    A. prudB. availableC. enjyableD. terrible
    A. turnB. yardC. talkD. vide
    A. bigB. newC. happyD. similar
    非选择题部分 共50分
    What shuld yu d if yu have a headache? In mdern times, peple ften take aspirin (阿司匹林). But is aspirin ____46____ (real) a mdern medicine?
    Mre than 4,000 years ag, ancient Egyptians used dried leaves t treat pain. And in the furth century B.C., a medicine made frm tree bark (树皮) ____47____ (use) t treat fevers. In the nineteenth century, Eurpean scientists discvered that bth medicines have the same chemical (化学物质). They used the chemical t make a mdern medicine-aspirin. Tday, it’s ne f the wrld’s ____48____ (cheap) and mst helpful medicines.
    Sme f the medicines we have tday cme ____49____ traditinal Chinese medicine. In the third century B.C., sme peple ____50____ (begin)studying the human bdy. They tried many different ways t treat the patients and recrded ____51____ (they) results. Fr mre than 2,000 years, dctrs recrded ____52____ they fund in bks. These ancient bks are still useful tday. Tu Yuyu, a Chinese medical researcher, fund that in ____53____ past, peple used a herb with yellw flwers t treat fevers. After studying it, she develped a medicine that saved millins f peple frm dying.
    Fr ____54____ (century), Western medicine paid little attentin t traditinal Chinese medicine. But tday, scientists are studying traditinal treatments ____55____ (develp) new medicines.
    第一节 情境运用
    56. A: ___________________________?
    B: It’s white.
    57. A: What des she want t be when she grws up?
    B: ___________________________.
    58. A: What size wuld yu like?
    B: ___________________________.
    59. A: ___________________________?
    B: Once a week.
    60. A: ___________________________?
    B: Fr three years.
    第二节 写作
    61. 随着科技的发展,智能化应用软件如“作业帮”、“小猿搜题”等正被应用于一些学生的课后学习中。上周五的主题班会同学们就此展开了激烈的讨论。请根据表格提示,描述正反两方观点;并表明你的观点, 且陈述理由。
    1. 词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
    Last Friday, we had a discussin n whether the apps like “Zuyebang” and “Xiayuansuti” can truly help us in study.
    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________● If yu and yur friend like t eat ut, first yu pay and the ther pays the next time. Yu are alternating paying.
    ● If yu g t the mvies n alternate Saturdays, yu g n ne Saturday, but nt the ther Saturday.
    ● If yu have n alternative, yu have n ther chice.
    Sme think
    Others think
    My pinin
    1. save much time
    2. act like patient teachers
    1. mre screen time
    2. be prer in prblem slving

    2024年山东省济南市天桥区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年山东省济南市天桥区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市天桥区中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市天桥区中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年山东省济南市槐荫区、莱芜区、南山区中考一模联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年山东省济南市槐荫区、莱芜区、南山区中考一模联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市槐荫区莱芜区南山区中考一模联考英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市槐荫区莱芜区南山区中考一模联考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。







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