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    这是一份2024年山东省济南市槐荫区、莱芜区、南山区中考一模联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市槐荫区莱芜区南山区中考一模联考英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市槐荫区莱芜区南山区中考一模联考英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试题分选择题部分和非选择题部分, 共10页, 满分为150分, 考试用时120分钟
    答题前, 请考生务必将自己的姓名、班级和座号填写在答题卡上, 并同时将姓名、班级和号填写在试卷上。
    答题时, 选择题部分每小题选出答案后, 用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分, 用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔在题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。
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    选择题部分 共100分
    I. 听力测试(30分)
    听录音, 在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
    1. A. Have a gd day. B. Let's g fr a walk. C. Cme and buy the clthes.
    2. A. This is my umbrella. B. I like math best. C. She ften ges shpping.
    3. A. Is that yur pencil? B. Can yu milk a cw? C. Did he g t the dctr?
    4. A. Tm isn't late fr class. B. Bb didn't like the mvie. C. Tina can't play chess.
    5. A. Where is the pay phne? B. Hw did she get t schl? C. What was he playing?
    在录音中, 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。
    6. Where is Lucy's sister nw?
    A. In the living rm. B. In the bedrm. C. In the garden.
    7. Hw ften des Frank play sprts?
    A. Everyday B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
    8. What is the skirt made f?
    A. Silk. B. Cttn. C. Plastic.
    9. What are they talking abut?
    A. Plants. B. Vegetables. C. Animals.
    10. Wh are the tw speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Dctr and patient. C. Guide and visitr.
    在录音中, 你将听到一段对话, 对话后有五个小题, 从每小题A 、B 、C中选出能回答所给问题的答案。对话听两遍。(听对话前, 你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后, 你将有40秒钟的答题时间。
    11. What is the wman?
    A. A waitress. B. An interviewer(采访人) C. A restaurant wner.
    12. In which city d peple usually eat earlier accrding t Justin?
    A. Shanghai. B. New Yrk. C. Lndn.
    13. When d peple in New Yrk usually g t restaurants?
    A. Between 5 and 6 p. m. B. Between 7 and 8:30 p. m. C. Between 8 and 9 p. m.
    14. Which restaurants are getting ppular in Lndn?
    A. Indian restaurants B. Chinese restaurants. C. Italian restaurants.
    15. What fd d Americans prefer?
    A. Dumplings and ndles. B. Fish and beef. C. Pizza and beef.
    在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文, 短文后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。短文听两遍。(听短文前, 你将有40秒钟的读题时间;听完后, 你将有40秒判的答题时间)
    16. What des Yang expect the mst during the Spring Festival?
    A. Wearing new clthes. B. Taking family phts C. Having a big dinner.
    17. When did Yang start taking phts?
    A. In the 1940s. B. In the 1950s. C. In the 1960s.
    18. Hw was Yang's childhd?
    A. Painful. B. Happy. C. Clrful.
    19. Wh gave Yang the idea t recrd the family?
    A. His friend. B. His sn. C. His grandsn.
    20. What is the family like?
    A. Fair. B. Rich. C. Warm.
    Ⅱ. 阅读理解 阅读下列材料, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40分)
    Dear future Linda (r rather myself),
    I hpe when yu read this letter, yu dn’t find my writing t messy! At the mment, I’m 15 years ld and living at hme with my family. I lve schl and have lts f gd friends. We have a lt f fun tgether. My biggest wrry is nt ding well in my schl exams, but I’m wrking really hard s hpefully I have nthing t wrry abut.
    There’s s much I (yu!) want t d. I hpe yu’ve travelled all ver the wrld and seen lts f things and met lts f peple. I hpe yu’ve visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt, shpped in New Yrk City and in Paris, seen the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I’ve just remembered that yu always wanted t see elephants in India—I hpe yu’ve managed t d that, t.
    I prmise myself I’ll always try my best and have n regrets. I never want t frget where every step f my life has taken me. Already it seems as if s much has happened. I’ve mved frm primary t junir high (abut t graduate), been taught t swim and dance, learned t speak Chinese and French, and raised mney fr thse in need by selling ld tys and bks.
    I really hpe yu’re happy. I hpe yu have an interesting jb that yu enjy ding and lk frward t each mrning when yu wake up. I hpe yu get n well with gd friends and family and maybe als have a family f yur wn. Mre than anything else, I hpe yu’ve enjyed every single mment s far!
    1. Wh des Linda write the letter t?
    A. Her friend.B. Herself.C. Her parents.D. Her pen pal.
    2. Hw is paragraph 2 develped?
    A. By telling stries.B. By cmparing facts.
    C. By listing numbers.D. By giving examples.
    3. What des Linda prmise herself t d?
    A. Visit her friends mre.B. Stay with her family.
    C. Always try her best.D. Travel as much as she can.
    4. What can we knw abut Linda?
    A. She is gd at her schlwrk.B. She can speak fur freign languages.
    C. She wrks hard at her studies.D. She is abut t graduate frm senir high.
    5. Which wrd can best describe Linda’s feeling abut her life?
    A. Hpeful.B. Afraid.C. Thankful.D. Wrried.
    6 Which temperature is better fr planting sunflwers?
    A. B. C. D.
    7. Which f the fllwing can be put in ________?
    A. Planting Sunflwer SeedsB. Chsing Sunflwer Seeds
    C. Watering Sunflwer PlantsD. Checking the Temperature
    8. When will yu get new seeds if yu plant sunflwer seeds in April?
    A. January.B. May.C. July.D. Nvember.
    9. What tls can be used when the sunflwers are 95 cm tall?
    A. Nets.B. Sticks.C. Paper twels.D. Plastic bags.
    10. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A ntice bard.B. A travel guide.
    C. A planting diary.D. A gardening magazine.
    Many plants and animals arund the wrld are mving t cler places because f glbal warming.
    Scientists did a research abut mre than 4, 000 species (物种) frm arund the wrld. They fund that abut half f them are n the mve. T find cler places, they are ging up hills and muntains, and heading frm the equatr (赤道) t the ples (极地). Animals n land are mving mre than 16 kilmeters every 10 years, while sea animals are mving fur times faster.
    In Nrth America, fr example, pikas (鼠兔) used t climb 13 meters every 10 years. But since the late 1990s, they have climbed an average f 145 meters every 10 years. Als, mths (飞蛾) n the muntains in Bme, a large island in the Pacific Ocean, mved 67 meters up the muntain between 1965 and 2007 t get away frm rising temperatures.
    Mving species can cause prblems. As species mve t new areas, the lcal envirnment and ther animals may nt be able t deal with it. In Australia’s seas, trpical (热带的) fish are cming in and eating the kelp (海藻) frests. This is bad news fr the lcal rck lbster (岩石龙虾) as it als feeds n kelp frests.
    Scientists als warn that the mvement f species can make climate (气候) change mre serius. Take bark beetles as an example. They are harmful and can cause mre trees t die. As a result, these trees ffer mre fuel fr frest fires, giving ff mre planet-warming carbn dixide (二氧化碳), reprted The Guardian.
    “Climate change is still ging n. There is a risk that many species may die ut as a result f all these changes,” a prfessr f the University f Yrk, UK, tld The Independent.
    11. What did the research in paragraph 2 find ut?
    A. Abut 2, 000 species will live arund the ples.
    B. Abut 2, 000 species are mving t cler areas.
    C. Animals n land will mve int the sea in 10 years.
    D. Animals n land are mving faster than sea animals.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “heading” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Climbing upB. Swimming in.C. Leading tD. Mving tward
    13. What can we knw frm paragraph 3?
    A. Pikas used t live 13 meters up in the muntains.
    B. Pikas are speeding up their climb up the muntains.
    C. Mths are mving t live n an island in Brnc.
    D. Mths stpped their muntain mvement in 2007.
    14. Why des the writer mentin the rck lbster in paragraph 4?
    A. T tell us why the kelp frests are dying ut.
    B. T tell us the envirnment in Australia is getting wrse.
    C. T shw that nt all species will mve away frm their hmes.
    D. T shw that incming species may result in less fd fr lcal species.
    15. What might the species mvement mean fr us?
    A. It can make things wrse fr us.
    B. It is the main reasn fr frest fires.
    C. It will be a way t slw dwn climate change.
    D. It mainly influences the nrthern half f the wrld.
    A life filled with meaning is what mst f us want fr urselves. Then, what makes a meaningful life? Many researchers agree that a meaningful life cmes dwn t three factrs (因素): having lng-term gals, believing that ne’s life matters, and feeling that ne’s life fits tgether and “makes sense”.
    But we believe there is mre t cnsider. Smetimes life enables us t experience small mments f beauty. When peple are pen t appreciating (欣赏) such experiences, these mments may imprve hw they see their wn life. We call this experiential appreciatin (EA). EA is abut the persn’s feeling cnnected t events and being able t appreciate the value within (在……内) that cnnectin. It shws the discvery f and admiratin fr life’s beauty.
    We recently set ut t better understand EA in studies. We were interested in whether EA was als tied t general judgment (判断) f meaning in life. If s, it culd be a factr fr meaningfulness.
    In the first study, we had peple rate (评估) their supprt fr different methds f reducing stress. We fund that peple wh managed stress by fcusing n (专注于) their appreciatin fr life’s beauty als reprted experiencing life as highly meaningful.
    In the next study, we asked peple t rate the degree t which they agreed with different kinds f statements, such as “I appreciate the beauty f life” and “I appreciate little things in life,” as well as ther statements that related t the three factrs and a general sense f meaning in life. Our results shwed that the mre peple reprted that they were “appreciating life” and its many experiences, the mre they felt their life was valuable.
    In the fllwing studies, we further lked at the cnnectin between EA and meaningfulness. Fr example, we fund that peple wh were asked t lk back n the mst meaningful event f the past week generally reprted high EA in thse mments.
    All the results prved ur thery (假设) true. But putting it int practice can be difficult. Our fast-paced lifestyles fill the day with gals. We try t get the highest utput bth at wrk and in spare time. This fcus n future results makes it all t easy t miss what is happening right nw. We shuld slw dwn and let life surprise us.
    16. What des the underlined wrd “it” refer t (所指) in paragraph 2?
    A. EA.B. The stress.C. The value.D. Life’s beauty.
    17. Which f the fllwing shw that yu were in the EA cnditin?
    A. Yu were busy making a travel plan.
    B. Yu stpped t admire the rses by the radside.
    C. Yu practiced hard t becme the best vilinist.
    D. Yu hurried t serve the custmers in the stre.
    18. What can we learn frm the studies in the text?
    A. Thinking back t the past weakens (减弱) ur sense f meaning.
    B. Having prper stress is the key t living a satisfying life.
    C. Enjying little things can influence ur attitude (态度) tward life.
    D. Gd judgment n beauty imprves cnnectins amng peple.
    19. What des the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    A Results-driven peple can achieve success easily.
    B. We ften turn a blind eye t the present mment.
    C. A fast-paced lifestyle helps us reach ur gals.
    D. Future life will bring us many mre surprises.
    20. Why des the writer write this text?
    A. T intrduce a new factr fr a meaningful life.
    B. T explain hw t discver beauty in life.
    C. T discuss why we need a meaningful life.
    D. T cmpare different factrs fr meaningfulness.
    III. 阅读理解七选五
    Winstn Churchill nce said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” These are certainly wrds that millins f vlunteers culd agree with.
    In the US, April is Natinal Vlunteer Mnth, t praise and thank vlunteers wh lend their time, talent, and supprt t what they care abut.
    ____21____ Peple wh vlunteer spend their time ding things they feel strngly abut. Fr example, animal lvers may vlunteer at an animal centre t help imprve the treatment f animals.
    Vlunteering allws vlunteers t meet new peple, try ut new skills and explre career chices. ____22____
    Take Andrew Makhul, a student at the University f Pennsylvania, as an example. Andrew didn’t spend his last spring break relaxing. Instead, the 19-ycar-ld by decided t d smething fr peple wh were less lucky than himself. He travelled t an rphanage (孤儿院) in Guatemala in Central America. ____23____ And it depends n vlunteers t stay pen.
    Andrew desn’t speak much Spanish, but he fund cmmunicatin wasn’t a prblem, “Yu cmmunicated with lve,” accrding t an article n his university’s website. And what he gave ut, he gt back. “____24____” Andrew’s first time as a vlunteer nly lasted a week, but by the end f that week, he knew he’d be back sn—because he saw lve and hpe.
    US authr Sherry Andersn nce wrte, “____25____” And this is perhaps why vlunteers all arund the wrld keep ding what they d their wrk is “priceless”.
    A. It is in ne f the prest parts f the cuntry.
    B. Yu culd see lve when yu lked in their eyes.
    C. Vlunteering means chsing t wrk withut being paid.
    D. It’s a chance fr pr children t get better care and supprt.
    E. Fr yung adults, valuable lessns may als be learned thrugh vlunteering.
    F. Life will be difficult, but I have the cnfidence t live a clrful and full life.
    G. Vlunteers dn’t get paid, nt because they’re wrthless, but because they’re priceless.
    IV. 补全对话
    阅读对话,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。
    (Tw friends are talking abut the space museum.)
    A: Hey, Lin Ta. ____26____
    B: Great! I’ve learned a lt abut China’s space technlgy. Hw rapidly it develps!
    A: ____27____ It has gt a lt f success.
    B: Right! I was excited t see Shenzhu-17 rising int space n TV. ____28____
    A: Yes, f curse. I feel s prud f ur cuntry.
    B: S d I And Tang Hngb is my her. ____29____
    A: All the astrnauts are my heres. Their fighting spirit tuches me deeply. It encurages me t be a brave persn.
    B: Yeah! ____30____
    A: S d yu want t be an astrnaut when yu grw up?
    B: Yes. And I knw yur dream is t be an astrnaut, t.
    A: Let’s wrk harder tgether!
    A. Hw was the weather?B. When is yur schl trip?
    C. What did yu d last weekend?D. Hw was yur schl trip?
    A. I dn’t think s.B. Yu’re welcme.
    C. That’s true.D. N prblem.
    A. Did yu watch the news?B. Have yu visited the art museum?
    C. Did yu read sme science fictins?D. Hw lng have yu been there?
    A. What abut yurs?B. Wh d yu want t g with?
    C. Hw are yu ging t d that?D. Why d yu want t be an astrnaut?
    A. I have n idea.B. I want t be a persn like them.
    C. I am ging t read bks abut histry.D. I’m s wrried abut it.
    V. 完形填空
    阅读短文,从每题A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。
    N ne is brn a winner. Peple make themselves int winners by ____31____ wn effrts.
    I learned this ____32____ frm an experience many years ag. I tk the head caching jb at a schl in Baxley, Gergia. It was a small schl ____33____ a weak ftball prgram.
    It was a traditin fr the schl’s ld team t play against the new team at the end f spring practice. The ld team had n cach, and they didn’t even ____34____ fr the game. Being the cach f the new team, I was ____35____ because I knew we were sure t win. But unluckily, we were defeated (打败). I culdn’t believe I had gt int such a ____36____. Thinking hard abut it, I came t ____37____ that my team might nt be the number ne team in Gergia, but they were depending n me. I had t change my attitude (态度) abut their ____38____.
    I started ding anything I culd t help them build cnfidence. The mst ____39____ thing is that I began t treat them like winners. That summer, when the ther teams enjyed their vacatins, we met every day and ____40____ passing and kicking the ftball.
    Six mnths after suffering (遭受) ur defeat, we wn ur first game and ur secnd, and cntinued t imprve. ____41____, we faced the number ne team. I felt that we wuld be winners ____42____ we lst the game. But that wasn’t what happened. My bys beat the ____43____ team in Gergia, giving me the mst exciting mment f my life!
    Frm the experience, I learned a lt abut hw the attitude f the leader can make a ____44____ t a team. Instead f seeing my bys as lsers, I ____45____ and encuraged them. I helped them t see themselves differently and they built themselves int winners.
    Winners are made, nt brn.
    A. myB. yurC. urD. their
    A. gameB. lessnC. visitD. shw
    A. fB. frC. withD. abut
    A. prepareB. waitC. askD. lk
    A. mvedB. excitedC. wrriedD. surprised
    A. hleB. viewC. situatinD. training
    A. realizeB. careC. frgetD. slve
    A. rulesB. plansC. abilitiesD. habits
    A. angryB. imprtantC. pssibleD. difficult
    A. mindedB. suggestedC. avidedD. practiced
    A. FinallyB. SuddenlyC. LuckilyD. Seriusly
    A. as sn asB. as lng asC. even ifD. s that
    A. wrstB. bestC. biggestD. smallest
    A. mistakeB. chiceC. decisinD. difference
    A. pushedB. invitedC. leftD. fund
    非选择题部分 共50分
    VI. 阅读填空
    I was twenty mnths ld, a happy kid until the day I fell. I landed n a piece f glass that cut my eye ____46____ (bad). In the hspital, my parents ____47____ (tell) that my injured, sightless and cludy eye wuld live n with me.
    Smetimes peple asked me ____48____ (embarrass) questins. Whenever the kids played games I was the “mnster (怪物)”. I was always imagining that everyne lked dwn n me.
    Yet mum wuld say t me, “Hld yur head up high and face ____49____ wrld.” I began t think abut that saying.
    As a child, I thught mum meant, “Be careful, r yu will fall dwn r bump (撞上) int smething because yu are nt lking.” As a teenager, I usually lked dwn ____50____ (hide) my shame. But I fund that when I held ____51____ (me) head up high, peple liked me.
    In high schl I even became the class president, but n the inside I still felt like a mnster. All I really wanted was t lk like everyne else. When things gt really bad, I wuld cry t my mum and she wuld lk at me ____52____ lving eyes and say, “Hld yur head up high. Let them see the ____53____ (beautiful) that is inside instead f yur appearance.”
    Mum’s lve was the sunshine that made me bright. I ____54____ (hear) “hld yur head up high” many times in my hme. I hpe t say it t my children in the future and mum’s lve ____55____ (live) n. I have faced hard times and learned nt nly t be cnfident but als t have deep cmpassin (同情) fr thers.
    VII. 书面表达(35分)
    A: What’s this in English?
    B: ________________.
    A: What is Jhn ding?
    B: _______________.
    A: ________________?
    B: Frty dllars.
    A: When is yur schl trip t Batu Spring?
    B: _______________.
    A: ________________?
    B: In Weifang, Shandng.
    61. 世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会将生活技能(life skills)作为全球青少年儿童发展重要主题之一。请根据图中提示或自行补充其他生活技能,选择2~4条,写一篇英语短文,描述作为青少年应提高哪些及如何提高自己的生活技能。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________D yu lve sunflwers? This text will walk yu thrugh hw t plant yur sunflwer seeds (种子) and care fr them. Start it with the best temperatures:18~33℃.
    Part1 Germinating (使发芽) Sunflwer Seeds
    1. Chse ne kind yu like.
    2. Put the seeds in a plastic bag. Cver the seeds with wet paper twels (纸巾). Put them in plastic bags.
    Once the seeds germinate, plant them.
    Part 2 ▲
    1. Chse a sunny place. Sunflwers grw best with six t eight hurs f sunlight a day.
    2. Plant the seeds in hles. Plant seeds 2. 5 cm deep and 15 cm apart. Cver the seeds with sil (土壤) after planting.
    Part 3 Caring fr Sunflwer Plants
    1. Water plants weekly. Water plants nce a week.
    2. Fertilize (施肥) a little r nt at all. If yu are grwing sunflwers fr fun, there is n need t fertilize.
    3. Harvest (收获) the seeds. Sunflwers usually take 2. 5 mnths t 4 mnths t mature (成熟) and new seeds can be harvested later.
    Prtect the yung plants frm pests (害虫). Cver the grund with nets (网).
    Supprt plants ver 90 cm with sticks.

    2024年山东省济南市东南片区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年山东省济南市东南片区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年山东省济南市东南片区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年山东省济南市东南片区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023年山东省济南市莱芜区中考二模英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年山东省济南市槐荫区中考一模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023年山东省济南市槐荫区中考一模英语试题(含答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了4), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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