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    Wrld's Greatest Places
    Want t see the wrld?Each year,TIME magazine makes a list f the Wrld's Greatest Places.TIME fr Kids picks its favrites.Sme places are a windw n the past.Others lk ut n the future.Tgether,they represent the range f beauty and culture n ur planet,frm wildlife and ther natural wnders t incredible human-made structures.Get ready fr an adventure!
    I sland Living
    Dminica is called the Caribbean's nature island fr its waterfalls,ht springs,and vlcanes.Visitrs can hike trails and kayak alng the castline.And the island is ec-friendly.There's a new resrt that's fully pwered by sun and wind.
    Family Fun
    Phuket,Thailand,is knwn fr its beaches.But there's a new theme park called Carnival Magic,which re-creates traditinal festivals.Lk at the firewrks!At the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary,visitrs can feed the animals.Lcal shps ffer ice cream made with ccnut milk.
    City Central
    In 2022,Vienna was named the wrld's mst livable city.Austria's capital has mre than a thusand miles f bike paths,and green spaces cver half f its area.There's plenty t d indrs,t.The Belvedere Museum just celebrated its 300th birthday.
    Rain On
    This is the new visitr center at El Yunque,a rainfrest in Ri Grande,Puert Ric.El Yunque is the nly trpical rainfrest in the United States Natinal Frest Service,and is famus fr its bidiversity.Puert Ric is hme t mre than 240 plant species and 18 native bird species.Yu can spt many f them in the park.
    1.What d visitrs prbably d in Austria's capital? ______
    A. G cycling.B. Feed the animals.
    C. Hike trails.D. Enjy the firewrks.
    2.Which place is attractive t the trpical rainfrest lvers? ______
    A. Phuket.B. Dminica.C. El Yunque.D. Vienna.
    3.Wh are these mentined places intended fr? ______
    A. Adults.B. Kids.C. Elders.D. Editrs.
    The grwing ice cream franchise(特许经营权) is the brainchild f Tm Landis,a restauranteur(餐馆老板),wh wanted t create a safe space fr peple with special needs t wrk in the fd industry,plus the flavrs are great!
    At the Dallas-based restaurant,emplyees serve large scps f ice cream handed ver with lve.Tm Landis has hired peple with special needs fr many years.But he culdn't always prvide a jb fr everyne wh came t his fast-paced sandwich shps and pizza jints lking fr wrk.Determined t create a business where friendliness mattered and kitchens were safe,he landed n ice cream.
    In 2015,he pened the first ice cream shp;there are nw seven franchises in cities including Asheville,El Pas,Indianaplis and Denver.Each shp creates 15 jbs in a safe envirnment fr peple with special needs.He said tw mre franchises were pening sn. "Our relentless missin is t emply all," he said while interviewed by the lcal media.
    Emplyees are behind sme f the best ideas at the ice cream shps,which bast(有) fun flavrs like tp-selling Dr Pepper Chclate Chip,and ther favrites like Cld Brew &;Ckies and Strawberry Milkshake.In-stre sampling events are leading t deal with sme grcery stres in the cming mnths.
    When Landis talked abut the varieties f ice cream in his shps,he said, "It just wrks.We sell ut every time." In the sunny and brightly clred shps,emplyees spread kindness and happiness t their custmers as they dish ut extra ice cream and free sprinkles.
    "That's what ice cream is," said Landis with jy.His emplyees are heres. "They lead me," he added.
    4.What des Landis intend t prvide fr peple with special needs? ______
    A. A kind bss.B. Huge salaries.
    C. A rm t live.D. Safe wrking places.
    5.What d we knw abut Landis' sandwich shps? ______ ​
    A. They didn't suit all jb hunters.
    B. The custmers there had special needs.
    C. The fd there was made in factries.
    D. They had a nvel space fr custmers.
    6.What des the authr mainly want t cnvey in paragraph 4? ______ ​
    A. The diversity f ice cream.B. The emplyees' creativity.
    C. The ppularity f ice cream.D. The friendship between emplyees.
    7.Which f the fllwing can best describe Landis? ______ ​
    A. Mean but energetic.B. Successful and determined.
    C. Mdest and respnsible.D. Cnservative but practical.
    Mst peple hate msquites but scientists are abut t build a"msquit factry"t release mdified(改良的) msquites.
    The mdified msquites carry a bacterium called Wlbachia pipientis(沃尔巴克氏菌),which can be naturally fund in mst insect species.Hwever,it's rarely discvered in msquites."We actually grw these msquites that cntain the bacterium,"Sctt O'Neill,an Australian scientist invlved in the prject,tld CBC News.When the mdified msquites are released,they slwly spread the bacterium t the ppulatin.
    Several studies have demnstrated the insects' success.Fr example,a cntrlled experiment in Indnesia shwed that the mdified insect helped reduce the cases f the disease dengue(登革热) by 77 percent,accrding t a study paper published in 2021.
    The Wrld Msquit Prgram has annunced that it will release mdified msquites in many f Brazil's urban areas ver the next 10 years.The aim is t prtect up t 70 millin peple frm diseases such as dengue,an infectius disease mainly spread by msquites.
    Brazil has ne f the highest rates f dengue infectin in the wrld,accrding t the Nature website."Mre than 1,000 peple died f dengue in 2022 because f the spread f msquites.It's ging everywhere,"Lucian Mreira,a scientist in Ri de Janeir,Brazil,tld CBC News.
    Anther way t prevent msquites frm spreading diseases is by prducing genetically mdified msquites(GM).In 2022,the US Envirnmental Prtectin Agency apprved the release f 2.4 billin GM msquites in Califrnia and Flrida.
    Accrding t the agency,GM msquites carry tw types f genes:a self-limiting gene that prevents female ffspring(后代) frm surviving t adulthd;and a marker gene that allws researchers t identify GM nes in the wild.After being released,GM msquites lay eggs,s the genes are passed n t ffspring.In this way,the number f female msquites is reduced,therefre reducing the chance f spreading disease.
    8.What is the final purpse f building the"msquit factry"? ______
    A. T prevent the spread f msquit-brne diseases.
    B. T prduce massive msquites fr scientific research.
    C. T study the behavir f msquites in different envirnments.
    D. T replace the natural msquit ppulatin with a mdified ne.
    9.What is the functin f paragraph 5 in the text? ______
    A. It states challenges facing the prgram.
    B. It prvides the backgrund t the prgram.
    C. It shws the expected effect f the prgram.
    D. It indicates an pinin n the annuncement.
    10.Hw des the self-limiting gene in genetically mdified msquites wrk? ______
    A. By limiting their ability t lay eggs.
    B. By making them immune t disease.
    C. By reducing their ffspring's lifespans.
    D. By allwing them t be easily identified.
    11.What can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. A Msquit Factry
    B. Reducing Dengue in Brazil
    C. Experimenting n Mdified Insects
    D. Mdifying Infectius Msquites
    Imagine reading a stry titled "Pursuing Success." That wuld be an inspiring stry,wuldn't it?Maybe-but maybe nt.It might well be the stry f smene whse never - ending chase fr mre and mre success leaves them unsatisfied and incapable f happiness.
    Thugh it isn't a cnventinal medical addictin,fr many peple success has addictive prperties.Obviusly,success ges with praise.T a certain extent,praise stimulates the neurtransmitter dpamine (神经递质多巴胺),which cntributes t all addictive behavirs.
    The desire fr success may be brn t human nature,but specialness desn't cme cheap.Success is tugh wrk,and it requires bearing the cst f lsing.In the 1980s,the physician Rbert Gldman famusly fund that mre than half f ambitius athletes wuld be willing t take a drug that wuld kill them in five years in exchange fr winning every cmpetitin they entered.
    Unfrtunately,success is endless.The gal can't be satisfied;mst peple never feel "successful enugh".The high nly lasts a day r tw,and then it's n t the next gal.Psychlgists call this the hednic treadmill (快乐跑步机现象),in which satisfactin wears ff almst immediately and we must run n t the next reward t avid the feeling f falling behind.
    Peple shuld get ff the treadmill.But quitting isn't easy fr addicts.Fr peple hked n substances,withdrawal can be a painful experience,bth physically and psychlgically,research finds that depressin and anxiety are cmmn amng utstanding athletes after their careers end.Olympic athletes,in particular,suffer frm the "pst - Olympic blues."
    Just like wine,success in and f itself is nt a bad thing.Bth can bring fun and sweetness t life.But bth becme bssy when they are a substitute fr - instead f a cmplement(补充物)t - the relatinships and lve that shuld be at the center f ur lives.
    12.What des praise functin as when ging with success? ______
    A. It has nthing t d with success addictin.
    B. It may indirectly cause success addictin.
    C. It always brings psitive results f success.
    D. It results in all addictive behavirs except success.
    13.Why did the authr mentin the research findings f Rbert Gldman? ______
    A. T shw success is a tugh and cruel jb.
    B. T stress the key t success lies in effrts.
    C. T argue that athletes deserve mre rewards.
    D. T describe the rutine training f an rdinary athlete.
    14.What can success bring t a success addict accrding t psychlgists? ______
    A. Satisfactin and a sense f pride.
    B. Anxiety and shrt - lived happiness.
    C. Relaxatin and endless mtivatin.
    D. Cnfidence and permanent happiness.
    15.What des the authr suggest peple d abut pursuing success? ______
    A. Stp chasing success.B. Chase success at any cst.
    C. Reflect n what matters in life.D. Give up lve and relatinships.
    The Histry f the Autmbile
    The autmbile,mre cmmnly knwn as the car,certainly cunts as ne f the greatest inventins in human histry.(1) ______
    As t wh invented the autmbile,the answer is nt quite s clear-cut.While sme give credit t Karl Benz,wh patented the first gas-pwered vehicle in 1886,thers give the praise t Gttlieb Daimelr.Incidentally,the tw inventrs' cmpanies merge (合并) in 1926 t frm the famus Mercedes-Benz.
    ( 2) ______ It was Henry Frd wh designed a system f mass prductin that allwed him t prduce cars far mre cheaply,which in turn meant he culd sell them at lwer prices.By 1927,15 millin f Frd's famus all-black Mdel Ts had been prduced.Mass car wnership had becme a reality.
    ( 3) ______ Inventrs were wrking n electric vehicles arund the same time that gas-pwered nes were being develped.The first electric car was designed in 1884 by Thmas Parker,the same man wh electrified the Lndn Undergrund.By 1900,electric vehicles were giving gas cars a run fr their mney.They were quiet,did nt give ff emissins,and were easier t drive,especially fr wmen.(4) ______ They were difficult t charge when mst peple's hmes didn't have electricity.They were als rather expensive.In the end,Henry Frd's cheap Mdel T put an end t interest in electric cars which didn't becme ppular until the gas shrtages and envirnmental cncerns f the late 20th century.
    Nw,early in the 21st century,we find urselves n the brink f yet anther age in autmbile histry.Electric cars are set t make the gas-guzzler (油老虎) ut f date.(5) ______ Benz,Daimler and Parker wuld surely be amazed by hw far their dreams have cme.
    A.But why were early electric cars nt ppular?
    B.Hwever,they weren't withut shrtcmings.
    C.They were als ppular in Eurpean cuntries.
    D.It allws peple t travel great distances quickly,safely and cheaply.
    E.And self-driving cars may sn make human drivers a thing f the past.
    F.At first,Eurpean mdels were far t expensive fr mst peple t buy.
    G.Many peple think f electric vehicles as a new inventin,but actually that's nt the case.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    On a cmmn mrning just inside the entryway t a subway statin,a yung man tk his vilin ut f its case.He seemed quite cmmn in (1) ______ .Then the man plucked(拨) the strings fr minutes t tune his (2) ______ .After that,he reached int his pcket and (3) ______ a few dllars,which he threw int the vilin case,hping that the passers by wuld (4) ______ .Then he began t play,and thusands f peple were hurrying t wrk,schl,r wherever they were (5) ______ as the mrning rush was (6) ______ .Thugh the incredible sund f this man's vilin filled the subway statin,it was apparently (7) ______ by all.
    If he were any ther street (8) ______ ,perhaps it wuld have been (9) ______ that he earned little attentin f peple.(10) ______ , he is Jshua Bell,ne f the wrld's mst celebrated (11) ______ ,and he was playing ne f the mst classical masterpieces n his $3,000,000 vilin.Actually,almst nbdy nticed his playing.Why?One reasn is that he didn't lk like a special man;the ther is that everyne was t busy t (12) ______ Jshua Bell's excellent music.
    "I'm busy!"is an everyday (13) ______ frm peple like thse wh walked past Jshua Bell's music withut (14) ______ a mment.All f this gt me thinking:smetimes we shuld say n t useless busyness and allw fr sme (15) ______ presence s as t perceive the beauty arund us.
    21.A. appearanceB. speechC. persnalityD. skill
    22.A. instrumentB. behavirC. pstureD. switch
    23.A. srted utB. made upC. used upD. pulled ut
    24.A. pay it frwardB. fllw suit
    C. set an exampleD. extend understanding
    25.A. sufferingB. attractingC. headingD. cntacting
    26.A. in cnsequenceB. in full swingC. by cincidenceD. by nature
    27.A. challengedB. criticizedC. disturbedD. ignred
    28.A. perfrmerB. beggarC. prmterD. defender
    29.A. strangeB. awkwardC. insignificantD. unreasnable
    30.A. FurthermreB. HweverC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    31.A. cmpsersB. rganizersC. vilinistsD. dnrs
    32.A. missB. acknwledgeC. createD. appreciate
    33.A. excuseB. lieC. practiceD. cnversatin
    34.A. recallingB. chsingC. sparingD. capturing
    35.A. permanentB. unplannedC. inaccessibleD. cnstant
    36.5 G is develping,but mst f us aren't really sure what it is r the reasn (1) we need it.A big part f the reasn is that 5 G means mre than ne thing.If yu ask different peple,yu (2) (prvide) with different answers.Experts believe that 4 G is n (3) way ut.In 2020,the expected t use 5 G.At present,it is unknwn exactly what influence 5 G will have n peple's life but it is widely thught that 5 G will (4) (definite) be faster than any generatin f netwrks we have used previusly.Wrk will likely becme much easier as 5 G will allw quicker dwnlads and a better ability t wrk nline even if there is n wi-fi cnnectin.With the (5) (develp) f 5 G,driverless cars will be able t cmmunicate (6) ther vehicles,which can reduce rad accidents by abut 10%.One f the mst (7) (impress) things will be that peple can see which seats n a train are accessible t (8) (they) when it arrives at the statin. (9) (get) arund the wrld will als be mre cnvenient.A number f (10) (cmpany)are nw wrking n bringing 5 G t the market.It remains t be seen hw much f the cuntry 5 G will cver and whether everyne will be able t benefit frm it.
    37.假定你是李华,你的好友Mary 在我校最近举办的英语单词大赛(English Vcabulary Cmpetitin)中获得了第一名的好成绩,给了你重要的人生启迪。请写信向她表示祝贺。
    Dear Mary,
    Li Hua
    A light rain was falling as my sister Jill and I ran ut f the shp,eager t get hme and play with the presents that ur parents had prepared fr us and ur baby sister,Sharn.Acrss the street frm the shp was a gas statin where the Greyhund bus stpped,which was clsed fr New Year,but I saw a family standing utside the lcked dr,gathering clsely tgether under the narrw verhang in an attempt t keep dry.I wndered briefly why they were there but then frgt abut them as I raced t keep up with Jill.
    Once we gt hme,there was barely time t enjy ut presents.We had t g ff t ut grandparents' huse fr ur annual family dinner.As we drve dwn the highway thrugh twn,I nticed that the family was still there,standing utside the clsed gas statin.
    My father was driving very slwly dwn the highway.The clser we gt t the turnff fr my grandparents' huse,the slwer the car went.Suddenly,my father made a U-turn in the middle f the rad and said that he culdn't stand it. "What?" asked my mther. "It's thse peple back there at the statin,standing in the rain.They've gt children.It's New Year.I can't stand it."
    When my father pulled int the service statin,I saw that there were five f them:the parents and three children--tw girls and a small by,wh were getting wet standing there.My father rlled dwn his windw. "Happy New Year," he said.
    "Thanks.Yu,t," the man replied.He was very tall and had t bend slightly t lk int the car.Jill,Sharn,and I lked at the children,and they lked back at us.
    "Yu are waiting fr the bus?" my father asked.The man said that they were.They were ging t Birmingham,where he had a brther and chances f a jb.Knwing the bus wuldn't cme alng fr several hurs,my father invited them t ur hme t shelter frm the rain.
    Paragraph 1:
    The man thught abut it fr a mment,but then refused._____
    Paragraph 2:
    When we gt ut f the car at ur huse,the three children ran thrugh the frnt dr happily._______
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据City Central部分的Austria's capital has mre than a thusand miles f bike paths(奥地利首都有一千多英里的自行车道)可知,游客在奥地利的首都可以去骑自行车。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Rain On部分的El Yunque is the nly trpical rainfrest in the United States Natinal Frest Service(El Yunque是美国国家林业局唯一的热带雨林)可知,El Yunque对于热带雨林爱好者是有吸引力的。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据Wrld's Greatest Places部分的TIME fr Kids picks its favrites(《儿童时代》挑选了它的最爱)可知,这些提到的地方是为孩子们准备的。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段The grwing ice cream franchise(特许经营权) is the brainchild f Tm Landis,a restauranteur(餐馆老板),wh wanted t create a safe space fr peple with special needs t wrk in the fd industry,plus the flavrs are great!(不断增长的冰淇淋特许经营权是餐馆老板汤姆•兰迪斯的创意,他想为有特殊需求的人在食品行业工作创造一个安全的空间,而且味道好极了!)可知,Tm Landis想为有特殊需求的人在食品行业中创造一个安全的环境。故选D项。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段But he culdn't always prvide a jb fr everyne wh came t his fast-paced sandwich shps and pizza jints lking fr wrk.(但他不能总是为每个来他快节奏的三明治店和披萨店找工作的人提供工作。)可知,Landis的三明治商店并不适合所有的求职者。故选A项。
    (3)段落大意题。根据第四段Emplyees are behind sme f the best ideas at the ice cream shps,which bast(有) fun flavrs like tp-selling Dr Pepper Chclate Chip,and ther favrites like Cld Brew &Ckies and Strawberry Milkshake.(员工们是冰淇淋店一些最佳创意的幕后推手,这些冰淇淋店以其有趣的口味而自豪,比如最畅销的Dr Pepper巧克力片,以及其他最受欢迎的口味,比如Cld Brew&Ckies和Strawberry Milkshake)可知,员工们很有创造力。故选B项。
    (4)观点态度题。根据第一段The grwing ice cream franchise(特许经营权) is the brainchild f Tm Landis,a restauranteur(餐馆老板),wh wanted t create a safe space fr peple with special needs t wrk in the fd industry,plus the flavrs are great!(不断增长的冰淇淋特许经营权是餐馆老板汤姆•兰迪斯的创意,他想为有特殊需求的人在食品行业工作创造一个安全的空间,而且味道好极了!)可知,Tm Landis想为有特殊需求的人在食品行业中创造一个安全的环境。Landis是有责任心的人。根据最后一段His emplyees are heres. "They lead me," he added.(他的员工都是英雄。"他们引领着我,"他补充道。)可知,Landis是谦虚的。A.Mean but energetic.刻薄但精力充沛的;B.Successful and determined.成功且坚定的;C.Mdest and respnsible.谦虚负责的;D.Cnservative but practical.保守但实用的。故选C项。
    这是一篇记叙文。Tm Landis想为有特殊需求的人在食品行业中创造一个安全的环境。
    【解析】(1)目的意图题。根据第四段The Wrld Msquit Prgram has annunced that it will release mdified msquites in many f Brazil's urban areas ver the next 10 years.The aim is t prtect up t 70 millin peple frm diseases such as dengue,an infectius disease mainly spread by msquites. (世界蚊子项目宣布,未来10年将在巴西许多城市地区释放转基因蚊子。其目的是保护多达7000万人免受登革热等疾病的侵害。登革热是一种主要由蚊子传播的传染病。)和第六段第一句 Anther way t prevent msquites frm spreading diseases is by prducing genetically mdified msquites(GM).(另一种防止蚊子传播疾病的方法是培育转基因蚊子。)可知,建造"蚊子工厂"的最终目的是防止蚊媒疾病的传播。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段第一句The Wrld Msquit Prgram has annunced that it will release mdified msquites in many f Brazil's urban areas ver the next 10 years. (世界蚊子项目宣布,未来10年将在巴西许多城市地区释放转基因蚊子。)和第五段Brazil has ne f the highest rates f dengue infectin in the wrld,accrding t the Nature website."Mre than 1,000 peple died f dengue in 2022 because f the spread f msquites.It's ging everywhere,"Lucian Mreira,a scientist in Ri de Janeir,Brazil,tld CBC News.(据《自然》期刊网站报道,巴西是世界上登革热感染率最高的国家之一。"由于蚊子的传播,2022年有1000多人死于登革热。它无处不在,"巴西里约热内卢的科学家卢西亚诺莫雷拉告诉CBC新闻。)可知,第五段用数据介绍了登革热在巴西造成的危害,从而为第四段中"释放转基因蚊子"项目提供了背景知识。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句Accrding t the agency,GM msquites carry tw types f genes:a self-limiting gene that prevents female ffspring(后代) frm surviving t adulthd;and a marker gene that allws researchers t identify GM nes in the wild.(据该机构称,转基因蚊子携带两种类型的基因:一种是自我限制的基因,可以阻止雌性后代存活到成年;另一种是标记基因,可以让研究人员在野外识别转基因蚊子。)可知,转基因蚊子的自我限制基因通过缩短后代的寿命来发挥作用。故选C。
    (4)主旨大意题。通读全文,结合文章第一段Mst peple hate msquites but scientists are abut t build a"msquit factry"t release mdified(改良的) msquites.(大多数人都讨厌蚊子,但科学家们即将建立一个"蚊子工厂"来释放转基因蚊子。)和最后一段Accrding t the agency,GM msquites carry tw types f genes:a self-limiting gene that prevents female ffspring(后代) frm surviving t adulthd;and a marker gene that allws researchers t identify GM nes in the wild.After being released,GM msquites lay eggs,s the genes are passed n t ffspring.In this way,the number f female msquites is reduced,therefre reducing the chance f spreading disease.(据该机构称,转基因蚊子携带两种类型的基因:一种是自我限制的基因,可以阻止雌性后代存活到成年;另一种是标记基因,可以让研究人员在野外识别转基因蚊子。被释放后,转基因蚊子产卵,因此基因被传递给后代。这样一来,雌蚊的数量就减少了,从而减少了传播疾病的机会。)可知,文章报道了一项关于通过改良蚊子基因来防止蚊子传播疾病的研究。结合选项A.A Msquit Factry蚊子工厂;B.Reducing Dengue in Brazil在巴西减少登革热;C.Experimenting n Mdified Insects改良昆虫实验;D.Mdifying Infectius Msquitesa .改造传染性蚊子。分析可知,D项最能准确概括文章大意。故选D。
    【解析】(1)B.细节理解题。由第二段中的"Obviusly,success ges with praise.T a certain extent,praise stimulates the neurtransmitter dpamine (神经递质多巴胺),which cntributes t all addictive behavirs."(显然,成功与表扬相伴。在一定程度上,表扬刺激神经递质多巴胺,这有助于所有成瘾行为。)可知,表扬与成功相伴,会刺激神经递质多巴胺,它可能间接地导致成功成瘾。故选B项。
    (2)A.推理判断题。由第三段中的"Success is tugh wrk,and it requires bearing the cst f lsing.In the 1980s,the physician Rbert Gldman famusly fund that mre than half f ambitius athletes wuld be willing t take a drug that wuld kill them in five years in exchange fr winning every cmpetitin they entered."(成功是一项艰巨的工作,它需要承担损失的代价。1980年代,医生Rbert Gldman发现了一个著名的发现,超过半数雄心勃勃的运动员愿意服用一种药物,这种药物将在五年内杀死他们,以换取他们参加的每一场比赛都能获胜。)可推知,本段列举Rbert Gldman的研究是为了说明成功是一项艰巨而残酷的工作。故选A项。
    (3)B.细节理解题。由第四段中的"The gal can't be satisfied;mst peple never feel "successful" enugh.The high nly lasts a day r tw,and then it's n t the next gal.Psychlgists call this the hednic treadmill (快乐跑步机现象),in which satisfactin wears ff almst immediately and we must run n t the next reward t avid the feeling f falling behind."(目标不能满足,大多数人从来没有感觉到"成功"足够过。兴奋的状态只持续一两天,然后又进入下一个目标。心理学家称之为快乐跑步机现象,在这种情况下,满足感几乎立即消失,我们必须继续下一个奖励,以避免落伍的感觉。)和倒数第二段中的"Fr peple hked n substances,withdrawal can be a painful experience,bth physically and psychlgically,research finds that depressin and anxiety are cmmn amng utstanding athletes after their careers end."(对于那些沉迷于物质的人来说,戒断可能是一种痛苦的经历,无论是身体还是心理上,研究发现,在优秀运动员职业生涯结束后,抑郁和焦虑是常见的。)可知,成功者永远感觉不到满足,他们的满足感/幸福感是短暂的,一些优秀运动员职业生涯结束后,会抑郁和焦虑,说明成功能给成功成瘾者带来短暂的幸福和焦虑。故选B项。
    (4)C.推理判断题。由最后一段"Just like wine,success in and f itself is nt a bad thing.Bth can bring fun and sweetness t life.But bth becme bssy when they are a substitute fr - instead f a cmplement (补充物)t - the relatinships and lve that shuld be at the center f ur lives."(就像葡萄酒一样,成功本身并不是坏事。两者都能给生活带来乐趣和甜蜜。但是,当它们取代了--而不是补充--我们生活本该是关系和爱的中心时,它们就会变得专横。)可知,作者认为成功本身并不是坏事,但当成功取代了我们生活中最核心的关系和爱时,成功就会变成坏事。由此推知,作者建议读者思考生活中最重要的事情。故选C项。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文The autmbile,mre cmmnly knwn as the car,certainly cunts as ne f the greatest inventins in human histry.(机动车,通常被称为汽车,无疑是人类历史上最伟大的发明之一。)可知,本空要说跟"为什么是最伟大的发明之一"有关的话题,简要介绍汽车的优点,即解释前一句为什么汽车是最伟大的发明之一,D选项"It allws peple t travel great distances quickly,safely and cheaply.它使人们能够快速、安全、廉价地长途旅行。"符合语境。故选D。
    (2)联系下文题。根据下文It was Henry Frd wh designed a system f mass prductin that allwed him t prduce cars far mre cheaply,which in turn meant he culd sell them at lwer prices. (正是亨利福特设计了一套大规模生产系统,使他能够以更低的成本生产汽车,这反过来意味着他可以以更低的价格销售汽车。)可知,本空要说跟"价格"有关的话题,F选项"At first,Eurpean mdels were far t expensive fr mst peple t buy.起初,欧洲车型太贵了,大多数人都买不起。"符合语境。故选F。
    (3)联系下文题。根据下文Inventrs were wrking n electric vehicles arund the same time that gas-pwered nes were being develped.The first electric car was designed in 1884 by Thmas Parker,the same man wh electrified the Lndn Undergrund. (在研发汽油动力汽车的同时,发明家们也在研发电动汽车。第一辆电动汽车是由托马斯帕克于1884年设计的,他也是伦敦地铁电气化的发明者。)可知,本空要说跟"电动汽车发明时间"有关的话题,G选项"Many peple think f electric vehicles as a new inventin,but actually that's nt the case.许多人认为电动汽车是一项新发明,但事实并非如此。"符合语境。故选G。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文They were difficult t charge when mst peple's hmes didn't have electricity.They were als rather expensive. (当大多数人的家里没有电的时候,它们很难充电,而且价格也相当昂贵。)可知,这是电动汽车的缺点,B选项"Hwever,they weren't withut shrtcmings.然而,它们并非没有缺点。"符合语境。故选B。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上文Nw,early in the 21st century,we find urselves n the brink f yet anther age in autmbile histry.Electric cars are set t make the gas-guzzler (油老虎) ut f date. (现在,在21世纪初,我们发现自己正处于汽车历史上另一个时代的边缘。电动汽车将使耗油量大的汽车过时。)可知,本空要说跟"汽车发展"有关的话题,自本题前一句说电动车将会使得燃油汽车退出历史舞台。本空继续展望未来,E选项"And self-driving cars may sn make human drivers a thing f the past.无人驾驶汽车可能很快就会让人类司机成为过去。"符合语境。故选E。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.appearance外貌;B.speech演讲;C.persnality个性;D.skill技巧。句意:他的外表似乎很普通。根据前文"He seemed quite cmmn"及后文"he didn't lk like a special man"可知,这个人相貌平平,并不出众。故选A项。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.instrument乐器;B.behavir行为;C.psture姿势;D.switch开关。句意:然后那人拨动琴弦几分钟,给他的乐器调音。根据前文"tk his vilin ut f its case"可知,他在给小提琴调音。故选A项。
    (3)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.srted ut分类;B.made up编造,化妆;C.used up用完;D.pulled ut拔出,拿出。句意:然后,他把手伸进口袋,掏出几块钱,扔进小提琴盒里,希望路人也照做。根据前文"he reached int his pcket"及后文"a few dllars"可知,他从口袋掏出几美元钱。故选D项。
    (4)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.pay it frward提出;B.fllw suit跟着做;C.set an example树立榜样;D.extend understanding表示理解。句意:然后,他把手伸进口袋,掏出几块钱,扔进小提琴盒里,希望路人也照做。根据前文"After that,he reached int his pcket and 3 a few dllars,which he threw int the vilin case,hping that the passers-by"可知,他希望自己的举动能吸引路人跟着做,往小提琴盒里放一些钱。故选B项。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.suffering遭受;B.attracting吸引;C.heading朝……行进;D.cntacting联系。句意:然后他开始演奏,成千上万的人匆匆忙忙地去上班、上学或去任何他们要去的地方,因为早高峰正如火如荼地进行着。根据前文"thusands f peple were hurrying t wrk,schl,r wherever"可知,大家都忙着去自己要去的地方。故选C项。
    (6)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.in cnsequence结果是;B.in full swing处于活跃阶段,全面展开;C.by cincidence巧合地;D.by nature天生地。句意:然后他开始演奏,成千上万的人匆匆忙忙地去上班、上学或去任何他们要去的地方,因为早高峰正如火如荼地进行着。根据前文"thusands f peple were hurrying t wrk,schl,r wherever"及"the mrning rush"可知,早高峰正在火热进行中。故选B项。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.challenged挑战;B.criticized批评;C.disturbed打扰;D.ignred忽视。句意:尽管这个人的小提琴令人难以置信的声音充满了地铁站,但显然所有人都忽略了它。根据前文"as the mrning rush was(6)"及"Thugh"可知,尽管他演奏的很好,但大家忙于去自己要去的地方,所以他的演奏被忽视了。故选D项。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.perfrmer表演者;B.beggar乞丐;C.prmter促进者;D.defender捍卫者。句意:如果他是任何一个街头艺人,也许他未能赢得人们的关注是微不足道的。根据前文"he began t play"可知,他是一个艺人,但不是普通的街头艺人。故选A项。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.strange奇怪的;B.awkward尴尬的;C.insignificant微不足道的;D.unreasnable不合理的。句意:如果他是任何一个街头艺人,也许他未能赢得人们的关注是微不足道的。根据前文"If he were any ther street(8)"及后文"(10),he is Jshua Bell,ne f the wrld's mst renwned(11)"可知,如果他是一名普通的街头艺人,被大家忽视是情有可原的,是微不足道的,但他是世界上最著名的小提琴家之一,却也被忽视。故选C项。
    (10)考查副词及语境理解。A.Furthermre而且;B.Hwever然而;C.Therefre因此;D.Otherwise否则。句意:然而,他是约书亚•贝尔,世界上最著名的小提琴家之一,他用他那把价值300万美元的小提琴演奏着最经典的杰作之一。根据前文"If he were any ther street(8)"及后文"he is Jshua Bell,ne f the wrld's mst renwned (11)"可知,前后构成转折,他并不是普通的街头艺人,而是小提琴大师。故选B项。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.cmpsers作曲者;B.rganizers组织者;C.vilinists小提琴家;D.dnrs捐赠者。句意:然而,他是约书亚•贝尔,世界上最著名的小提琴家之一,他用他那把价值300万美元的小提琴演奏着最经典的杰作之一。根据后文"he was playing ne f the mst classical masterpieces n his $3,000,000 vilin"可知,他是世界上最著名的小提琴家之一。故选C项。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.miss错过;B.acknwledge承认;C.create创造;D.appreciate欣赏。句意:另一个原因是大家都太忙了,没时间欣赏约书亚•贝尔的美妙音乐。根据前文"everyne was t busy"可知,大家都很忙碌,没有时间欣赏他的音乐。故选D项。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.excuse理由,借口;B.lie谎言;C.practice练习;D.cnversatin交流。句意:"我很忙!"这是一些人的日常借口,比如那些走过约书亚•贝尔身边的人,没有抽出一点时间稍作停留。根据前文"I'm busy!"可知,这是大家常用的理由和借口。故选A项。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.recalling记起;B.chsing选择;C.sparing抽出(时间);D.capturing捕获。句意:"我很忙!"这是一些人的日常借口,比如那些走过约书亚•贝尔身边的人,没有抽出一点时间稍作停留。根据前文"thse wh walked past Jshua Bell's music withut"可知,一些人走过约书亚•贝尔身边,没有抽出一点时间稍作停留。故选C项。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.permanent永恒的;B.unplanned计划外的;C.inaccessible无法接近的;D.cnstant持续的。句意:有时候我们应该对无用的忙碌说不,允许一些计划外的存在,这样才能感知我们周围的美。根据前文"we shuld say n t useless busyness"及前文大家都忙忙碌碌,却忽视了身边小提琴大师精彩演奏的故事可知,适当放慢脚步,允许计划之外的事情存在,才能感知周围的美好。故选B项。
    【小题2】will be prvided
    【解析】(1)why.考查定语从句。句意:5 G正在开发中,但我们大多数人都不确定它是什么或我们需要它的原因。此处引导定语从句,先行词为reasn,在从句中作原因状语,故填why。
    (2)will be prvided.考查动词时态及语态。句意:如果你问不同的人,你会得到不同的答案。结合句意可知,此处在讲述将来发生的事情,故用一般将来时,主语yu与prvide之间是被动关系。故填will be prvided。
    (3)the.考查冠词。句意:专家们认为,4 G即将问世。n the way表示"在路上",符合句意,故填the。
    (4)definitely.考查副词。句意:目前,尚不清楚5 G对人们的生活会产生什么样的影响,但人们普遍认为5 G肯定会比我们以前使用的任何一代网络都快。此处用副词作状语修饰be faster,故填definitely。
    (5)develpment.考查不可数名词。句意:随着5 G的发展,无人驾驶汽车将能够与其他车辆进行通信,这可以减少大约10%的交通事故。结合句意和the可知,此处用不可数名词表示"发展"作介词with的宾语,故填develpment。
    (6)with.考查介词。句意:随着5 G的发展,无人驾驶汽车将能够与其他车辆进行通信,这可以减少大约10%的交通事故。cmmunicate with表示"与...沟通",符合句意,故填with。
    (10)cmpanies.考查可数名词的复数。句意:许多公司正在努力将5 G推向市场。cmpany为可数名词,空前有a number f修饰,故用名词的复数形式,故填cmpanies。
    本文为说明文,主要讲述了5 G的发展意义。
    37.【答案】【小题1】Dear Mary,
    Cngratulatins n yur winning first place in the English Vcabulary Cmpetitin held by ur schl recently.【高分句型一】Yu deserve the hnr.The past years have seen yur rapid prgress in English learning thrugh yur great effrts.(表示祝贺)
    T be hnest,what I admire mst is yur diligence and determinatin.【高分句型二】It's frm yu that I have learned smething valuable,that is," N pains,n gains." Therefre,I wuld like t express my sincere thanks t yu fr what yu have taught me.(给作者的启示)
    Wish yu greater achievements in yur studies!(希望)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Cngratulatins n yur winning first place in the English Vcabulary Cmpetitin held by ur schl recently.
    分析:这句话使用了过去分词短语held by ur schl recently作定语。
    高分句型二:T be hnest,what I admire mst is yur diligence and determinatin.
    The man thught abut it fr a mment,but then refused.He said he didn't want t put us t any bther.My father explained that the rain wuld last lng and ur huse was near the statin.【高分句型一】After my parents strng persuasin,he finally agreed and thanked us all the time.They climbed int the car.They had n luggage,nly the clthes they were wearing.Once they settled in,my father lked back ver his shulder handing them sme tissues t wipe the rainwater frm their faces.(这个人拒绝的原因以及父亲再次真诚的邀请)
    When we gt ut f the car at ur huse,the three children ran thrugh the frnt dr happily.My mther nticed all their clthes were wet,s she fund sme f urs fr them t change.Jill and I decided t share ur New Year presents with the children.One f the girls chse Jill's dll and immediately hugged it t her breast.When the rain stpped,my father drve them t the statin.As they drve away,I watched ut the windw as lng as I culd lking back at their happy faces.【高分句型二】That was the day when Jill and I learned the jy f making thers happy.(我们与孩子在家里发生的事情,为孩子换上干净的衣服,分享新年礼物等)
    高分句型一:My father explained that the rain wuld last lng and ur huse was near the statin.
    高分句型二:As they drve away,I watched ut the windw as lng as I culd lking back at their happy faces.

    2023-2024学年黑龙江省绥化市肇东四中高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年黑龙江省绥化市肇东四中高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年黑龙江省绥化市肇东重点中学高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年黑龙江省绥化市肇东重点中学高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年云南省迪庆州高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年云南省迪庆州高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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