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    这是一份2024年山东省济南市历城区中考一模英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了4), 听力测试 略, 42, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    选择题部分 共100 分
    1. 听力测试 (30 分) 略
    Ⅱ.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (40分)
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place ?
    A . On the street . B . In a htel . C . In a bank . D . In a classrm .
    Hlw many kinds f jbs are mentined ?
    A.4. B.6. C.7. D .10.
    What des Judy ' s father d ?
    A . A basketball cach . B . A scientist . C . A pilt . D . A cleaner .
    Why d Sally ' s parents have little time t be with her ?
    A . Because they have different jbs . B . Because they are very busy .
    C . Because Sally lves her parents . D . Because Sally ' s parents are nice peple .
    What des Mrs . Smith want t tell the students ?
    A . Different jbs have different values . B . We need t help ur parents .
    C . Different peple have different jbs . D . We can learn frm ur parents .
    Recently , my daughter reminded me f smene we saw at the train statin a few years ag .
    That day , my daughter and I were waiting fr ur train . We went t buy sme drinks , and then we saw the ld man . Dressed prly , he was standing in frnt f the cunter (柜台) while cunting cins slwly t buy just ne bttle f water . The businessman behind him said impatiently ," Hey ! Can ' t yu be quick ? Sme f us have a train t catch !" Hearing this , the ld man seemed t be very embarrassed , s he walked away quietly at nce .
    It was my tum . I bught ur tw drinks and the ld man ' s water as well . We walked up t him and gave him the water with a smile . After walking away , my daughter cmplained ," Dad , the ld man is s implite . He didn ' t even say ' thank yu ' t us !"1 tld her that we did this nt t get a " thank yu " frm ther peple . We just wanted t be nice .
    Nw , my daughter always reaches ut t help peple . She waves , makes eye cntact ( and says " hi " t peple n the street . She hlds drs fr peple . She scps up things that ther peple drp .
    When I mentined this recently , she seemed surprised . I asked her why she was s kind all the time . She said ," Because it is just right t be that way ." Then she added ," And because I see yu d that all the time ."
    Why did the writer buy a bttle f water fr the ld man ?
    A . Because the ld man was ne f his friends . B . Because he was a nice persn .
    C . Because his daughter asked him t d that . D . Because he wanted the ld man t say " thank yu ".
    What is the right rder f the events that happened at the train statin accrding t the passage ?① The writer ' s daughter cmplained .② The businessman felt impatient .③ The ld man cunted cins t buy water .④ The writer bught water fr the ld man .
    A .③②④① B .③④①② C .③②①④ D .②③④①
    What des the underlined wrd " scps " prbably mean in Paragraph 4?
    A . Breaks . B . Cllects . C . Puts . D . Picks .
    Frm the passage , we can knw that .
    A . the ld man said " thank yu " t the writer and his daughter
    B . the businessman bught a bttle f water fr the ld man
    C . the writer ' s daughter hardly reaches ut t help peple
    D . the writer sets a gd example t his daughter in her life
    What ' s the writer ' s purpse f writing this passage ?
    A . T tell us t learn t share with thers . B . T tell us nt t laugh at the pr .
    C . T tell us kindness in actin speaks luder than wrds . D . T share a funny experience with us .
    D yu yawn ? There are abut 20 reasns that scientists think are pssible fr yawning after research . They d nt knw exactly why yawning happens , but they d knw many facts abut yawning .
    We knw that everyne yawns in the same way . First yu pen yur muth slwly . Yur muth stays pen fr abut five secnds . Yu take in a lt f air and then push it ut . Then yu quickly clse yur muth . We als knw that yawning is cntagius . When yu see smene yawn , yu yawn , t .
    Many peple say they yawn because they are bred r tired . That might be true . Peple d ften yawn befre they sleep and after they wake up . Hwever , we knw that peple als yawn when they are excited r nervus . Olympic runners , fr example , ften yawn befre a race . Why is that ? In 2007, scientists fund that a yawn can help a warm brain cl dwn .
    Sme scientists believe that yawning makes yu ntice things mre quickly . When yu yawn , yu breathe deeply . Yu als stretch (强化) the muscles (肌肉) in yur face , muth , and neck . Yur eardrums stretch , t . Maybe this helps yu t be quicker t ntice things .
    In sme cuntries , peple think yawning is nt nice . Peple put their hands ver their muths t cver a yawn . In ther cuntries , peple think yawning is healthy . They think that pening the muth very big can let gd things in . When they breathe ut , they think that bad things g ut f the bdy with the air .
    Scientists d nt spend much time studying yawning . That is prbably because yawning des nt hurt . It is just smething we d .
    What des the underlined wrd " cntagius " in Paragraph 2 mean ?
    A . Able t spread quickly . B . Able t breathe easily . C . Able t change easily .D . Able t sleep quickly .
    Why d Olympic runners ften yawn befre a race ?
    A . Because they are t tired r t bred .
    B . Because a yawn can let gd things in .
    C . Because a yawn can help a warm brain cl dwn .
    D . Because a yawn can stretch the muscles in their faces .
    What is the main idea f Paragraph 5?
    A . Reasns fr yawning . B . Advantages f yawning .
    C . Disadvantages f yawning . D . Different ideas abut yawning .
    What can we prbably infer frm the passage ?
    A . Peple use different ways t yawn .
    B . Scientists will d further research n yawning .
    C . It ' s hard t ntice things quickly while yawning .
    D . Sme scientists think yawning may be gd fr peple .
    What wuld be the best structure f the passage ?
    Human activity is changing the surface and temperature f ur planet . But new research shws it is als changing the sund f ceans and seas . Scientists say these changes affect many sea animals - frm very small fish t huge whales .
    Sund travels very far underwater . Fr fish , sund is a better way t sense their envirnment than light . They use sunds t cmmunicate with each ther . Sunds als help sme cean animals find fd and avid their hunters . Sunds help fish and ther sea animals survive (生存).
    Hwever , increased nise frm humans is making it harder fr these animals t hear each ther . The nise cmes frm shipping traffic , underwater il and gas explratin , and ther nisy human activities . Fr many sea animals , their effrts t cmmunicate are being masked(被掩盖)by sunds that humans have intrduced . Experts explain the term masking , which happens when ne r mre nises in the water blck sund imprtant t an cean animal ' s life .
    The Red Sea is ne f the wrld ' s mst imprtant shipping passages . It is full f large ships traveling t Asia , Eurpe , and Africa . Sme fish and ther animals nw avid the nisiest areas . Als , the verall number f sea animals has gne dwn by abut half since 1970. In sme parts f the cean , scientists nw recrd fewer animals singing and calling than in the past .
    Experts say that effects (影响) f nise n sea animals are nt well understd . Hwever , sme
    studies suggest that nise may cause hearing lss . The stress frm human nise might als affect the
    immune system - an animal ' s natural defense system . Many sea animals are shwing higher levels f stress because f nise .
    When peple think f threats (威胁) facing the cean , we ften think f climate change , plastics ,
    and verfishing . But nise pllutin is anther necessary thing we need t be mnitring . When it cmes t smething humans can d fr the cean , we need t think abut hw t make it quieter . Sund pllutin
    may be easier t deal with than ther cean threats . Yu can reduce r turn ff sund immediately . It ' s nt like plastics r climate change , which are much harder t und .
    Accrding t the passage , sunds can help sea animals in many ways except .
    A . blcking the sunshine utside B . searching fr smething t eat
    C . getting away frm their hunters D . cmmunicating with each ther
    What can yu knw frm the passage ?
    A . Nise des mre harm t sea animals than humans realize .
    B . Plastic pllutin is the biggest threat facing ceans and seas .
    C . Fish sense their envirnment better thrugh light than sund .
    D . The Red Sea is ne f the mst ppular fishing areas in the wrld .
    What is the purpse f paragraph 4?
    A . T intrduce the Red Sea . B . T supprt the experts " idea abve .
    C . T explain the imprtance f the Red Sea . D . T shw the increase f sea animals .
    The underlined wrds " t und " in Paragraph 6 prbably mean " ”.
    A . t make a predictin B . t prmise the result
    C . t cancel the effects D . t frget the influences
    Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage ?
    A . Why Are Ocean Animals S Nisy ? B . Helpful Ways t Save Ocean Animals .
    C . Humans Are Making Oceans T Nisy . D . Which Threat t Oceans Is the Biggest ?
    Ⅲ.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(10分)
    Kids and teenagers wh vlunteer aren ' t just helping their cmmunity . They might als be helping themselves . 41 It fund that vlunteering thrugh schl r cmmunity grups is cnnected with better wellness amng children and teens .
    Kids wh tk part in cmmunity service were 34% mre likely t be in gd physical health than thse wh didn ' t , the study fund . And thse wh vlunteered were 66% mre likely t be cnsidered ding well in general . Kids aged 12 and lder wh vlunteered were 25% less likely t have anxiety (焦虑) than thse wh didn ' t . The findings cme frm survey data (数据) prvided by the parents f 50,000 kids in the United States ages 6 t 17. 42
    Studies like this have limitatins (局限性). Parents answered questins abut their kids ' health and cmmunity service activities . But a parent might nt knw if their children experience anxiety r cnsider themselves t be healthy . 43 It can nly uncver cnnectins . S it ' s impssible t say fr sure that vlunteering leads t better mental and physical health .
    44 In recent years , mre and mre yung peple are suffering frm anxicty . S there ' s a clear need fr cnvenient and useful mental health resurces . Giving back t the cmmunity may be ne such resurce. Previus research has als fund cnnectins between vlunteering and well - being amng adults . Serving the cmmunity seems t help peple feel a sense f purpse . 45 Genersity has als been shwn t bst happiness and imprve physical health . It might be a practice wrth develping .
    A . This type f data als can ' t prve cause and effect .
    B . Mst f the kids shwed great interest in the survey .
    C . And it makes them feel cnnected t thse arund them .
    D . But the data cmes at an imprtant time fr yuth mental health .
    E . Abut half f thse parents reprted that their kids did vlunteer wrk .
    F . That ' s accrding t a new research published in JAMA Netwrk Open , in May .
    G . Vlunteering means develping new skills , sharing lve , and making new friends .
    Ⅳ.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)
    Mark : Hell , Helen . Hw ' s it ging ?
    Helen : Hi , Mark . It ' s great !
    Mark : I haven ' t seen yu fr a lng time . Where did yu g during the Dragn Bat Festival ?
    Helen : I went t Milu city with my parents .
    Mark : Oh , surprising . 46
    Helen : Because I want t hnr Quyuan there .
    Mark : 47
    Helen : I watched the dragn bat races and ate sme delicius zngzi .
    Mark : Sunds gd . Hw was the zngzi there ?
    Helen : 48 We all liked it . What abut yur vacatin ?
    Mark : Well , 49
    Helen : Why didn ' t yu g ut ? Dn ' t yu like travelling a lt ?
    Mark : Yes ,1d. But 50 I will take it n the mrning f June 15th.
    Helen : Ww , gd luck t yu !
    Mark : Thank yu !
    A. When did yu g there ? B . Hw was the weather there ?
    C . Hw lng have yu been there ? D . Why did yu g there ?
    47.A. Hlw were the peple there ? B . Hw was the fd there ?
    C . What did yu d there ? D . Wh did yu g with ?
    48. A. It was delicius . B . Everything was great !
    C . It was terrible . D . It was unhealthy .
    A.1 went t Beijing . B . I went fishing .
    C . I stayed at hme . D . I flew a kite .
    A. I went t visit my grandparents . B . the weather was very ht .
    C .I studied fr an imprtant test . D .1didn' t like Milu city .
    V.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 (15 分)
    I learned the imprtance f creative thinking in a club activity many years ag .
    When I was in high schl , ur instructr , a physics teacher , tld us t make a paper plane f any 51. The gal was t get it t fly as far as pssible . I had many 52 f making paper planes , s I made the best plane I culd and it flew pretty 53
    One guy made the greatest , yet the 54 paper plane . He std there at the starting line with a nrmal piece f paper . Sme classmates stretched their necks while 55 at him . Mments later , he tk that piece f paper , made it int a 56 , and threw it dwn the hallway . We were s 57 by what he had dne . We never 58 things t happen like this . All f us were 59 easily by him . Sme f the students gt mad and said that it was unfair .
    The physics teacher said ," Hw s ? He didn ' t d anything wrng 60 a paper ball is different . It is indeed (确实) a shape ."
    Yes , the by didn ' t cheat . He just 61 the task in a creative way . In ur life , what we are taught 62 ur experience . We d everything accrding t it . Hwever , what we learmed gets in the way f ur develpment at sme pint . It really keeps us frm 63 new ideas and destrys ur creativity . S it is truly 64 fr us t leam t think utside the bx . Then we may discver much easier methds which prduce a better 65 .Just like the by in the stry , we are suppsed t think
    51. A. kind B. shape C. weight D. clr
    52. A. difficulties B. questins C. jbs D. skills
    53. A. well B. high C. fast D. far
    54. A. newest B. prettiest C. simplest D. smallest
    55. A. thrwing B. laughing C. kncking D. calling
    56. A. plane B. card C. bx D. ball
    57. A. wrried B. surprised C. encuraged D. relaxed
    58. A. believed B. expected C. needed D. invited
    59. A. shcked B. warned C. mved D. beaten
    60. A. thugh B. unless C. because D. after
    B. changed C. made D. created
    62. A. turns up B. turns int C. turns dwn D. turns n
    63. A. sharing B. cming C. frming D. asking
    64. A. easy B. lucky C. impssible D. necessary
    65. A. result B. chance C. intrductin D. reasn

    非选择题部分 共 50 分
    Ⅵ. 阅读填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Last Sunday , I had a perfect day ! My aunt came t my hme 66 her six - year - ld daughter Alice in the mrning . While my aunt was talking with my mm at hme , my cusin felt a bit 67
    ( bring ). S I tk Alice t the park near my hme . There we bught tw kites and started flying 68
    ( they ). While we were ding that , Alice jumped up and dwn and I knew she was truly having great fun . Later ,we 69 ( sit ) dwn n a bench and lked at the gardens . As we were sitting there , Alice lked up at me and said ," What 70 great day tday !" I smiled at her and agreed . We did smething quite cmmn , yet we were very happy .
    Many peple wait fr their " best days ". But I think tday is ur perfect day . As adults , we ften make plans 71 ( careful ) in rder t have a great day . Sme peple think that making a lt f mney 72 ( make ) them have a nice day . I think we shuld be mre like 73 ( child ). They dn ' t think abut mney 74 what will happen tmrrw . They really live in the mment and enjy the mment !
    We ften hear the expressin that we shuld live in the present . Yesterday is a histry . Tmrrw is a mystery . Tday is a gift . That ' s why it 75 ( call ) present . S seize the day !
    Ⅶ. 书面表达 (35分)
    情境运用 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。 (10分)
    A:What ' s that in English ??
    B: .
    A: What ' s the matter with Tm ??
    B: .
    A:What is Amy ding at the mment ? ?
    B: .
    A: ?
    B:It was invented in 1946.
    A: ?
    B:Fr tw years . My friend bught me as a gift .
    第二部分 写作 (25分)


    七选五: FEADC
    补全对话: DCACC
    66. with 67.bred 68.them 69sat 70.a 71, carefully
    72.will make 73.children 74.r 75.is called
    It' s an apple .
    Tm/ He has a headache .
    She is playing the drums .
    When was the cmputer invented ?
    Hw lng have yu had / kept / wned the scarf ?

    2023年济南市历城区中考三模英语试卷: 这是一份2023年济南市历城区中考三模英语试卷,共10页。

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