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    这是一份2024年山东省济南市市中中考二模英语试题,共11页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,用0.5mm黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力 (共四节,满分30分)
    第一节 听句子,选句子 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. A. That's a gd way. B. It desn't matter. C. Yu are welcme.
    2. A. Je hurt his ft seriusly. B. Ben is cycling with Henry. C. I'll put it back in the bx.
    3. A. What's the weather like? B. Hw d yu g t wrk? C. Wh has read the bk?
    4. A. Please help clean the rm. B. Dn't run in the hallway. C. Enjy yur stay here.
    5. A. Culd yu shw me mre? B. Wuld yu mind pening it? C. Must I keep it a secret?
    第二节 听短对话,选答案 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    6. Wh will be a vlunteer during the summer hliday?
    A. Sam. B. Judy. C. Betty.
    7. When can Paul prbably attend the party?
    A. At7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
    8. What pet des the girl have?
    A. A dg. B. A cat. C. A rabbit.
    9. Where are the tw speakers nw?
    A. In France. B. In Britain. C. In Germany.
    10. Why did Tny cry?
    A. A huge dg ran after him. B. He had a terrible dream. C. His mm wke him up.
    第三节 听长对话,选答案 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    11. What is the wman's prblem?
    A. She has lst her watch.
    B. She has bught a brken watch.
    C. Smething is wrng with her watch.
    12. Where are the tw speakers prbably talking?试卷源自 每日更新,汇集全国各地来这里 全站资源一元不到!小初高最新试卷。A. On a street. B. In a bank. C. At a watch shp.
    13. Hw many flrs des the Hill Building have?
    A. One. B. Seven. C. Ten.
    14. When des the man think the shp clses?
    A. At 6:50p. m. B. At 7:00p. m. C. At 7:10p. m.
    15. Wh are the tw speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Neighbrs.
    第四节 听短文,选答案 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    16. When did Lucy and her classmates get t the ld peple's hme?
    A. In the mrning. B. At nn. C. In the afternn.
    17. What can we knw abut Grandma Jean?
    A. She had lng curly hair. B. She is still beautiful nw. C. She enjys dancing.
    18. Which was nt Lily's shw?
    19. Hw did Bill shw his talent?
    A. By telling jkes t the ld peple.
    B. By taking phts f the grandmas.
    C. By drawing a picture f Grandma Becky.
    20. What might Lucy d next?
    A. She will learn t make dumplings.
    B. She will visit the ld peple mre ften.
    C. She will g t a music club with her friends.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50 分)
    第一节 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
    D yu want t imprve yur health? Healthy Life can help! Each mnth, yu can get helpful advice frm this magazine t help yu live a healthier life.
    ★ Reasns fr subscribeing(订阅) the magazine:
    If yu subscribe, yu'll get 12 Healthy Life magazines fr n c year s that yu can get help every mnth and yu can enjy:
    ☑Clear and helpful advice frm the health prfessinals.☑ Healthier diets fr all the families.
    ☑ Plans fr living a healthier life every day.
    ☑Ways t make the best diet chice by yur bdy cnditin.
    ★ Time and price f subscribeing the magazine:
    Frm July 1st t August 20th ---- Bk yur health!
    Only ¥40 fr each!
    ★ Hw can yu subscribe the magazine?
    If yu are interested in this, yu can cme t the bkstre!
    21. Hw ften can yu get a Healthy Life magazine?
    A. Once a mnth. B. Twice a mnth. C. Once a year. D. Twice a year.
    22. What can yu enjy in Healthy Life?
    A. Plans fr having a healthier life. B. Advice n finding Internet-famus fd.
    C. Advice frm healthy families. D. Ways f making yu mre cmfrtable.
    23. When can yu bk Healthy Life?
    A. On June 10th. B. On June 20th. C. On July 25th. D. On August 25th.
    24. If Amy bks Healthy Life n July 9th, hw much shuld she pay fr each magazine?
    A.28yuan. B.32 yuan. C.36 yuan. D.40 yuan.
    25. What kind f writing is the text?
    A. A diary. B. A news reprt. C. A persnal email. D. A sale ntice.
    Lk at the wrks f art in the picture. Sha Lujie, a 29-year-ld craftsman(手艺人) frm Zhejiang, created them fr the 19th Asian Games,2023.
    Sha's craft is knwn as quilling (盘纸), which has a lng histry. It is a frm f art that uses lng thin strips (条) f paper that are rlled, shaped and glued tgether t create artwrks.
    Since Sha was a child, he has lved painting and handicrafts. Having learned quilling
    in 2016 frm a master f the art, Sha has been devting himself cmpletely t the craft. Sha started his wn business after a tw-year apprenticeship (学徒期) when he was 23. He began by imitating the wrks f his teachers, but befre lng, he learned hw t create his wn wrks with new methds.“During this prcess, I fund that this paper art handicraft can shw the features f bth painting and different design elements (元素 ). I hpe t find new develpments in this handicraft,”Sha said. Sha's wrks mainly feature flwers and ther plants. In recent years, Sha has wrked hard t develp cultural and creative prducts with lcal characteristics, hping t make mre prgress in quilling.
    "Quilling is nt well-knwn natinwide, and it can nly be seen in a few places in Jiangsu and Zhjiang prvinces,”Sha said. T get mre yung peple interested in quilling, Sha has gne nline."Usually I like t write articles abut this art and pst pictures f my latest wrks n scial media,”he said. He hpes t pen an exhibitin(展览) hall in the future s that mre peple can learn abut the craft and pass it dwn t future generatins.
    26. What can we learn abut quilling frm the text?
    A. Quilling is learned by many yung peple. B. Quilling is famus arund the wrld.
    C. Quilling was invented when Sha was a child. D. Quilling needs many steps t cmplete.
    27. When did Sha start his wn business?
    A. In 2016. B. In 2018. C. In 2021. D. In 2023.
    28. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Hw ppular is quilling? B. Why did Sha lve painting and crafts?
    C. What did Sha d t develp quilling? D. Hw has Sha imprved quilling skills?
    29. Which wrds can best describe Sha?
    A. Strict and truthful. B. Smart and friendly.
    C. Serius and utging. D. Creative and hard-wrking.
    30. Which part f a magazine is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. Culture Windw. B. Travel Guide. C. Wrld Histry. D. Cking Tips.
    On September 5, 2023, several peple were watching live vides frm Dumpling Muntain inKatma i Natinal Park. They were prbably hping t see bears. Unexpectedly, arund 3:15 p. m. they saw a man wh lked cld and wet walk up t the camera and make a gesture.
    A few minutes later, the man returned and spke t the camera. Because it was windy, the sund was nt clear, but the man seemed t be saying the wrds“lst”and“help me”. The area has n cellphne signal, and the weather was bad that day, with wind, rain and fg.
    Peple watching the vide n a website psted wrds saying the man was in truble, and the staff(工作人员) at the website then gt in tuch with the Natinal Park Service. The park sent a team t lk fr the hiker, and by 6:48 p. m. they fund him—still near the camera——and they tk him safely ff the muntain.
    Katmai Natinal Park is famus in Alaska. There are seven cameras in the park. ▲ Peple ften watch the vides t see the park's bears, with ver 2,000 f the animals believed t live in the park.
    The park is als knwn fr its Fat Bear Week, an nline cmpetitin held every Octber, in which peple vte(投票) fr the fattest bear f the year. Bears need t get fat befre winter, and at this time f year peple enjy watching live vides f the bears catching fish t eat.
    Hwever, the day the hiker gt lst was in early September. He was very lucky because there were still a few peple watching when he spke t the camera.
    31. After asking fr help frm the camera, hw lng did the man wait befre being saved?
    A. Abut 3.5 hurs. B. Abut 3 hurs. C. Abut 2.5 hurs. D. Abut 2 hurs.
    32. What can we knw abut the hiker?
    A. He gt lst in fine weather. B. He made a call fr help at first.
    C. He was in a bad cnditin after getting lst. D. He went t study bears in the park.
    33. What is the best sentence fr the blank“ ▲ ”in Paragraph 4?
    A. They haven't been put int gd use yet.
    B. Animals in the park ften break them by accident.
    C. Wrkers use them t take phts frm time t time.D. They are used t shw live vides f the sights and wildlife.
    34. Which f the fllwing paragraphs tells why peple hpe t see bears find fd frm live vides?
    A. Paragraph3. B. Paragraph 4. C. Paragraph 5. D. Paragraph 6.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. An adventure in the natinal park B. A camera saved a lst hiker's life
    C. Peple use cameras t watch bears D. A surprising animal in the camera
    New research studying 20 years f cean infrmatin has fund that ur ceans have changed the clr. This als means a great change in the ecsystems(生态系统) f the ceans that is likely caused by human activities.
    Fr tens f years, satellites(卫星) have been watching the clr f Earth's ceans and cllecting infrmatin n the clr f light reflecting(反射) ff the water. Especially ne f the satellites, theAqua satellite has recently cmpleted 20 years f cllecting high-quality glbal cean-clr infrmatin. A new study has examined this infrmatin and fund changes in cean clr ver the past 20 years that cannt be explained by natural, year-t-year variability (可变性) alne.
    “I’ve been running mdels t study the cean clr. The mdels have been telling me fr years that these changes in cean clr are ging t happen,”said Stephani e Dutkiewicz, ne f the study's writers.“T actually see it happening fr real is nt surprising. But I am scared that these changes are prbably caused by human's activities.”
    The cean's clr shws the life that lives in the water. Deep blue water usually has very little life. Hwever, greener water means the presence f ecsystems, mainly planktn(浮游生物). Withut planktn, many ceanic fd web s wuld break dwn. This will greatly impact the sea life and humans wh depend n fish fr fd.
    “The clr f ur ceans has changed,”said Dutkiewicz.“And we can't say hw. But we can say that changes in clr shw changes in planktn cmmunities. Planktn cmmunities are the fundatin(基础) f everything that feeds n planktn. S, we hpe peple take this seriusly.”
    Next up, Dutkiewicz will try t better understand the clr changes in different cean areas, as well as lking int what might be causing them.
    36. What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. The purpse f the study. B. The writers f the study.
    C. The prcess f the study. D. The advantages f the study.
    37. Hw did Dutkiewicz feel abut the changes in the clr f ceans?
    A. Disappinted. B. Wrried. C. Surprised. D. Interested.
    38. What des the underlined wrd“impact”prbably mean?
    A. Raise. B. Influence. C. Pllute. D. Imprve.
    39. Accrding t Paragraph 5, what is Dutkiewicz trying t d?
    A. T call n peple t care abut ceans.
    B. T pint ut the imprtance f ceanic fd webs.
    C. T tell that planktn is the fundatin f everything.
    D. T explain hw the clr f ur ceans has changed.
    40. What may Dutkiewicz cntinue t study? A. The ecsystems in different cean areas. B. The results f changes in cean clr.
    C. The planktn cmmunities f different ceans. D. The reasns fr changes in cean clr.
    第二节 阅读七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Dear readers,
    Last week,I received many letters frm yung readers. 41 Here are sme tips.
    Create a successful checklist
    T make sure yu dn't frget anything imprtant, create a list f things that yu'd like t include in yur writing. 42
    G with the flw(流), then g back
    When yu have lts f ideas t write dwn, yu can just let them flw quickly nt the paper. 43 This is when yu can decide which bits need t be cut ut, added, crrected, changed r imprved. Yu can mark yur bright ideas n the page with a clred pen.
    Get anther pinin
    When we read smething written by urselves, it's hard t find smething wrng r parts that dn't make sense. A great way t reflect n yur written wrk is t get a friend r an adult t read it. 44 Yu can share yur list with them s that they understand what yu are trying t achieve.
    Redraft and prfread
    Dn't stp yurself frm rewriting again if yu think yu need t, but remember t be kind t yurself. Then yu can prfread it by yurself. 45 Only in this way can yu make further prgress and write gd wrks.
    Hlly King
    A. Having a list can help yu achieve yur wrk better.
    B. Then yu can get different thughts abut yur wrk.
    C. Then yu can read ver yur wrk carefully and review it.
    D. This means reading yur wrk carefully t lk fr mistakes.
    E. This can make yur writing mre imaginative and interesting.
    F. In the letter, they asked me hw t write and becme an excellent writer.
    G. A little surprise will make yur characters shine and mre like the rest f us.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共三节,满分 35分)
    第一节 补全对话 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    A: Ww, Amy! What a nice Chinese painting! 46
    B: N, nt me. My brther painted it.
    A: 47
    B: N, he hasn't. He learns it n his wn.
    A: Really? He's s talented in painting. 48
    B: Yu d have. Yu are gd at making speeches.
    A:Thanks. Actually I have signed up a speech cmpetitin next week.B: Sunds great! 49
    A: It's abut animal prtectin. I want t call n peple t prtect animals.
    B: Animals are ur friends. We shuld d smething nice fr them.
    A: 50 I think we shuld get n well with them.
    B:I can't agree mre.
    46. A. D yu like painting? B. Was it painted by yu?
    C. Did yur brther paint it? D. Was it painted by yur brther?
    47. A. Has he had any painting curses? B. Has anyne taught him painting?
    C. Des he have any painting curses? D. Did he prefer painting in his free time?
    48. A. I'm t surprised t believe it. B. I hpe t learn frm him.
    C. I expect t d the same as he des. D. I wish I had a gift like him.
    49. A. Why are yu s caring? B. Where d yu give the speech?
    C. What's yur speech abut? D. Hw d yu prtect animals?
    50. A. Each cin has tw sides. B. Great minds think alike.
    C. Think twice befre yu act. D. Well begun is half dne.
    第二节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Yang Jun'a,a 16-year-ld student frm N. 1 High Schl in Nanxian Cunty, Hunan Prvince,invented a“ltus rt harvesting rbt(采藕机器人)”.
    “I gt the idea when I saw my grandmther, in her seventies, wrking hard t harvest ltus rts 51 the ht sun,”Yang said. Smetimes, his grandmther wuld 52 hurt her fingers while using her harvesting tls. S Yang decided t d smething fr her.
    T make things 53 fr his grandmther, Yang thught f creating a machine that culd harvest ltus rts withut peple ding 54 in the field. He tld his physics teacher abut his idea, and the teacher 55 him t have a try. With the help f his teacher, Yang spent nearly a year building a 56 f the machine. The rbt mves n its wn thrugh the field. It uses image recgnitin(识别) t find rts that are ripe(成熟的) by lking at the 57 f the ltus leaves.The rbt's arm then 58 the ltus rts grwing with yellw leaves withut hurting 59 .
    During the inventin prcess, Yang faced 60 like cllecting parts fr the mdel, putting them tgether and using a ht glue gun fr bnding (焊接).“The first time I used a ht glue gun, my hands were shaking,”Yang laughed. 61 , he planned t use rtating blades (旋转叶片) fr harvesting ltus rts, but it was hard t find them, s he used mre cmmn blades 62 .
    When Yang shwed the machine t his grandmther, she was 63 and gave helpful advice fr imprvement. She suggested using the audi player t shw the machine's lcatin in ltus leaves.“My grandmther's advice 64 me that any technlgical inventin must be practical t have true value,”said Yang.
    65 Yang still needs t make imprvement, like finding cheaper ways t make the machines,his creative thinking and behavir f helping his hmetwn were praised by peple arund.
    51. A. at B. ver C. under D. in
    52. A. hardly B. luckily C. carefully D. badly
    53. A. easier B. busier C. fresher D. slwer54. A. smething B. anything C. everything D. nthing
    55. A. rdered B. chse C. encuraged D. allwed
    56. A. cver B. surface C. design D. mdel
    57. A. size B. clr C. shape D. height
    58. A. cuts B. pushes C. sends D. passes
    59. A. it B. them C. him D. her
    60. A. chances B. cmpetitins C. challenges D. changes
    61. A. At first B. Right nw C. In the end D. All in all
    62. A. ahead B. anyway C. either D. instead
    63. A. bred B. happy C. sad D. great
    64. A. remembered B. recrded C. reminded D. regarded
    65. A. Althugh B. Since C. Unless D. Befre
    第三节 阅读填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    “Prfessr, will yu be away n business fr five mnths?”
    “Yes. But I'll be watching yu frm high abve, making sure yu turn in these(66) (paper) n time!”
    This cnversatin was frm a real event, nt a jke. As China made public names f its three astrnauts, ne f them, a man wearing glasses, drew (67) (everyne) attentin. His name isGui Haicha. He wrked as a cllege prfessr.
    Gui shwed a strng interest in science (68) an early age, One f his favrite bks was The Encyclpedia fr Children and Teenagers. He learned a lt abut space frm it. In 2003,Yang Liwei became the first Chinese man(69) (travel) int space. Gui was excited abut the news. And he dreamed f ging int space (70) (he) ne day.
    With this dream in mind, Gui (71) (study) harder. Tw years later, he entered BeihangUniversity t study space science (72) (success). His strng wish t explre the unknwn pushed him t keep mving frward. In 2017, at the age f 31, he became ne f the(73) (yung) space science prfessrs.
    Gui never frgt his dream f ging int space. When China pened its astrnaut recruitment(招募) t cllege researchers in 2018, Gui signed up withut thinking t much. The training was hard,(74) nthing culd stp him frm fllwing his lifelng dream.
    Are yu interested in the unknwn? Maybe ne day, yu (75) (be) watching yur friends frm high abve!
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 情境运用 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    76. A: What d Susan and her friend have in cmmn?
    B: ·
    77 . A: ?
    B: Yes, it is. It's nly $75.
    78. A: ?
    B: It's 50kg.79. A: What was Mr Lee ding when yu met him?
    80. A: .
    B: Oh, I'm srry. I wn't d that again.
    第二节 作文 (满分25分)
    沟通是建立良好人际关系的重要桥梁。近日,学校英文校刊“Heart t Heart”栏目发出举办征文活动的通知。要求参与者结合图示信息,以“A talk with ”为题,用英语简要概述自己与他人 (如:家人、老师、同学等)或自己内心发生过的一次有意义的对话内容,并谈谈这次对话对个人成长的影响及意义。请你按照要求写一篇100词左右的文章投稿。
    写作要求: 1.文中须包含以上提示的所有信息,可适当发挥;
    2. 请补全标题, 如: my friend, my mther或 myself 等;
    5. 词数 100左右。
    A talk with

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