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    这是一份2024年山东省济南市钢城区中考一模英语试题,共35页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    本试题分选择题部分和非选择题部分, 共 12页, 满分为 150分, 考试用时120分钟。
    答题前, 请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号写在答题卡的规定位置, 并同时将考点、姓名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷规定的位置。
    答题时, 选择题部分每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分, 用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。
    考试结束后, 将本试题和答题卡一并交回。
    选择题部分 共 100分
    一、听力 (30分)
    A)听录音, 在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
    1. A. Have a gd dinner! B. Welcme t my class! C. Thanks fr yur help.
    2. A. She has a sre thrat. B. He made sme ygurt. C. They're Sam's parents.
    3. A. Is yur father at hme? B. D yu like ice-cream? C. Can yu play the drums?
    4. A. I didn't g t the beach. B. We never stp wrking. C. It isn't in the living rm.
    5. A. Why are they late again? B. What des she lk like? C. Where is the supermarket?
    B)录音中, 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。
    6. Where des the wman want t g?
    A. T the theatre. B. T the bank. C. T the cinema.
    7. What des Mary want?
    A. Sme water. B. Sme cakes. C. Sme fruit.
    8. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Grandma and grandsn. C. Mther and sn.
    9. Wh may knw Jane's date f birth?
    A. The man. B、Lisa. C. The wman.
    10. When will Mike cme back?
    A. On 2nd July. B. On 3rd July. C. On 5th July.
    C)在录音中, 你将听到一段对话, 对话后有五个小题, 从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 对话听两遍。
    11. What is the girl?
    A. A student. B. A cmputer seller. C. A shp wrker.
    12. What des the girl plan t d this summer vacatin?
    A. Lear n English. B. D a part-time jb. C. G t high schl.
    13. What kind f jb is the girl ging t d?
    A. Help her uncle sell clthes. B. Teach her cusin. C. Help her uncle sell cmputers.
    14. Why des the girl need mney?
    A. T travel t Canada. B. T help her uncle. C. T buy a present.
    15. What des the girl want t buy fr her friend?
    A. A watch. B. A cmputer. C. A bag.
    D) 在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文, 短文后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案. 题文听两遍、
    16. What did Jasn's mther d every night?
    A. She read him stries. B. She made him clthes. C. She taught him English.
    17. What happened t Jasn when he was 12?
    A. He gt hit by a truck. B. He drpped ut f schl. C. He lst his bks.
    18. Where did Jasn find sme bks ne night?
    A. In a rm. B. By the rad. C. In a library.
    19. Hw many bks has Jasn cllected?
    A. Abut 20, 000. B. Abut 2. 000. C. Abut 200.
    20. When is the small library pen?
    A. Every evening. B. Every afternn. C. Every weekend.
    二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (40分)
    Online teacher
    Great Online Teacher has many excellent teachers. Check them ut nw!
    1. Helen is interested in imprving her English reading skills. Which teacher shuld she chse?
    A. Jamie Clark.B. Tammy Brwn.C. Bruce Martinez.D. Michael Andersn.
    2. Which subject des Jamie Clark teach?
    A. English.B. Maths.C. Histry.D. Science.
    3. Hw much shuld Vicky pay if she signs up fr 15 science lessns?
    A. $270.B. $480.C. $540.D. S600.
    4. What d we knw frm the material?
    A. Bruce Martinez has the mst reviews.
    B. Peple can call Great Online Teacher any time at weekends.
    C. Peple can nly chse t study with ne teacher.
    D. There are tw ways fr peple t cntact Great Online Teacher.
    5. In which part f a website can we see the material?
    A. Travel.B. Peple.C. Culture.D. Educatin.
    Lily was a cheerful girl. She always had a big smile n her face. One day, she nticed an ld man named Grumble sifting beside a river. The ld man lked sad. Lily wanted t make him smile, s she walked up t him with a friendly greeting. “Gd mrning. Mr Grumble! Why the lng face?” she asked.
    Grumble said, “What’s there t be happy abut, yung ne? Life is full f trubles.” Lily laughed and replied. “Trubles are like big and scary thundercluds (雷雨云), Mr Grumble. But just like cluds, they pass, making way fr the sun t shine again. Yu shuld try lking n the bright side!”
    Lily made a bet (打赌) with Grumble, saying, “I bet I can make yu smile by the end f the day.” Grumble challenged her, “Yu’re welcme t try, but it wn’t be easy.”
    Fr the rest f the day. Lily did all kinds f funny and silly things t make Grumble laugh. She tld jkes, sang like nbdy was watching, and even made faces. Hwever, Grumble was still unhappy. As the sun began t set. Lily decided t give it ne last try. She tk a deep breath and brke int a jyus dance.
    Surprisingly. Grumble culdn’t help it. He let ut a chuckle (咯咯笑声), and then anther. Befre he knew it, he was laughing beautiful, his sadness giving way t happiness. Lily had w n the cntest, but mre imprtantly, she shwed Grumble that becming cheerful was nt difficult.
    Happiness is a chice, and we can find it when we chse t see the brighter side f life.
    6. What was Mr Grumble like as Lily came ver?
    A. He was as cheerful as a girl.
    B. He had a big smile n his face.
    C. He was friendly.
    D. He was nt happy.
    7. Why did Lily cmpare trubles t thundercluds?
    A. T say that life is full f trubles.
    B. T shw that trubles will g away.
    C. T tell the ld man t be careful.
    D. T shw that trubles are scary.
    8. Hw did Lily make Grumble becme happy?
    A. By telling jkes.B. By singing freely.
    C. By making faces.D. By dancing jyfully.
    9. What des the stry teach us?
    A. Life is always filled with trubles.
    B It’s nt a gd chice t bet.
    C. Happy r nt, it’s up t yu.
    D. Everyne has a chance t be happy.
    10. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Chsing t See The Bright Side
    B An Old Man Sitting Beside A River
    C. Happiness Giving Way t Sadness
    D. Lily Made A Bet with Grumble
    Grwing up, we’ve heard a lt f steretypes (刻板印象) f hw sex (性别) influences interests and jbs. Fr example, bys d math better than girls, while girls are better at learning languages. We usually think this is because f differences in hw bys’ and girls’ brains wrk. But is it true?
    Accrding t past studies, sme parts f ur brains can be different in size. Scientists used t think these differences might affect (影响) hw well men and wmen think and d things. They fund this by scanning (扫描) peple’s brains. Hwever, in mst f the studies, researchers nly scanned dzens f peple. As said in a 2022 study, fr such research t be believable, yu wuld need t scan the brains f a few thusand peple at least.
    In 2021, the UK Bibank, a big database used fr research, scanned the brains f 40, 000 peple in the UK, prviding new insights (了解). It shwed differences between men and wmen in the size f certain brain parts. Abut ne-third f these parts were fund t be larger in men, while anther third were larger in wmen.
    Hwever, these differences were very small, ften just a size difference in percentage. The differences are nt big enugh t frm a cnclusin (结论) frm them, Camille Williams frm the University f Texas at Austin, US, tld New Scientist.
    Als, ur brains might change in structure and size accrding t ur life experiences. Fr example, even if a part f a man’s brain, respnsible fr ding math, is larger than that f a wman, it is pssibly because he takes jbs that use math skills. S, any brain differences between men and wmen culd be a result, nt a cause, f different rles in life and sciety, nted New Scientist.
    11. What des the writer think f the past studies?
    A. Scanning peple’s brains is nt useful.
    B. They help peple better understand themselves.
    C. Their results are believable.
    D. Their sample sizes were t small.
    12. What des the study f the UK Bibank find?
    A. Only abut 13, 000 peple have different brains.
    B. One-third f the brain decides the wner’s strengths.
    C. One-third f men have larger brains than wmen.
    D. Sme brain parts are different between sexes.
    13. What can we learn frm New Scientist?
    A. Differences in the brain greatly influence ne’s life.
    B. Life experiences can shape a persn’s brain.
    C. Men and wmen usually have different interests.
    D. The study by UK Bibank will imprve sex guidance.
    14. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Larger brains mean sharper minds.
    B. Studies n brain differences by sex.
    C. The steretypes f men and wmen.
    D. The imprtance f big samples in a study.
    15. Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. A stry bk.B. A travel guide.C. A science magazine.D. A science fictin.
    I can’t remember the last time I used cash in China. Between WeChat and Alipay, we pay fr everything with ur mbile phnes. When I went back hme t the UK fr a hliday, I had sme culture shck in my wn cuntry.
    Suddenly, I culdn’t use my phne t pay fr things. I gt ut my wallet and went back t using ntes and cins.
    Of curse, we can pay fr things electrnically in the UK. Peple use their bank cards. Sme use Ggle Pay n their phnes r watches. But mst peple still use cash. And many are wary f putting t much trust in ging electrnic with payments.
    My parents are tw f these wary peple. They believe that using electrnic payments culd lead t their whle savings being stlen by nline criminals. The cncern is understandable. In 2022, mre than £4 billin was stlen by fraudsters (诈骗犯) and cybercriminals (网络罪犯) in the UK. In its 2022 fraud and cybercrime reprt, the nline financial (金融的) service cmparisn website mney. c. uk reprted a 63 percent increase in fraud and cybercrime frm 2021. Online buying was the biggest surce f the thefts, said Cmputer Weekly.
    S, the dangers are real. But still, it seems that mbile r at least digital payments will lead the way in the future in the UK, just as it is here nw in China. Accrding t the gv. uk website, the Bank f England is nw lking at using a digital pund.
    But the real questin is: Will the British public trust it?
    16 Why did the writer have culture shck after returning t the UK?
    A. Because mst peple still use cash t buy things.
    B. Because peple have t bring a bank card in their wallet.
    C. Because peple can’t pay fr things electrnically.
    D. Because mst peple like t use cins mre than ntes.
    17. What may the underlined wrd “wary” mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. Aware.B. Careful.C. Sure.D. Prud.
    18. What can we learn abut the writer’s parents?
    A. They use Ggle Pay n their phnes r watches.
    B. They nce lst all their savings t nline criminals.
    C. They used t wrk fr the website mney. c. uk.
    D. They dn’t trust the electrnic payment methd.
    19. What’s the main cncern f many British peple abut using electrnic payments?
    A. Frgetting their passwrds ften.
    B. Lsing their savings t nline thieves.
    C. Paying extra mney fr this service.
    D. Having t keep a netwrk cnnectin.
    20. What des the authr think f the Bank f England’s idea f “a digital pund”?
    A. It will sn becme ppular.
    B. It is what peple are hping fr.
    C. It is uncertain if peple will want t use it.
    D. It is risky and nt practical.
    ____21____ Many f them use chemicals t kill weeds (杂草). The truble is, these weed killers als kill wildlife, pllute rivers and are bad fr the fields. ____22____ This kind f rbt can cut weedkiller use by 90%. The rbt is really smart because it nly kills weeds but nt crps.
    Several cameras are built int the rbt The cameras facing the grund take phts t help the rbt “see” the plants it passes.
    The rbt cmpares each pht t a library f plant phts t decide n which plants are weeds.
    Rbt arms mve int psitin t give a small dse (剂量) f weedkiller n the weeds.
    The rbt is energy-friendly. ____24____
    Hw the rbt will develp
    The scientists d nt want t just stp at the achievement they have made. ____25____ The imprved mdel f rbts will exactly discver weeds and dig them ut instead f weedkillers.
    Rbts culd be prgrammed t leave sme harmless weeds in the fields t supprt wildlife living there.
    A. But scientists have created a farmyard rbt.
    B. It is pwered by the energy frm the sun.
    C Where the rbt is used?
    D. They’re wrking n the new designs t imprve the mdel.
    E. Hw the rbt wrks?
    F. Why d farmers chse the rbt t wrk in their field?
    G. Hw d farmers usually kill weeds in the fields?
    阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。
    A: Rick, here is a bk beside Linda’s desk. ___26___
    B: N. It’s mine. I bught it last week.
    A: Oh, it lks cl. ___27___
    B: It was written by J. K. Rwling. I have read all f her bks.
    A: Sunds yu like reading. ____28____
    B: Hmm, I like bks abut science and histry.
    A: Well. I prefer t read bks that can give me smething t think abut.
    B: Yes. Reading is a lifelng habit. ____29____
    A: I d agree with yu. I heard yu set up a reading club in ur class. Can I jin it?
    B: Sure. ____30____
    A. Des it belng t Linda?B. Whse bk is it?
    C. Where did yu buy it?D. Culd it be at the park?
    A. Hw much is it?B. When was it written?
    C. Wh wrte it?D. Culd yu lend it t me?
    A. Is there a library near here?B. What kind f bks d yu like?
    C. Where did yu g last week?D. Hw far is it frm here?
    A. Let’s watch a mvie.B. I used t be shrt.
    C. My parents wrry abut my study.D. We are suppsed t read every day.
    A. I lve bks.B. Welcme t ur club.
    C. Yu need t wait.D. Yu shuld fllw the rules.
    五、 完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 (15分)
    One bright mrning, I was ut t run as usual when I met an elderly lady wh was waving her ____31____ in her hand at me and speaking in a language I culdn’t understand. It sunded like she was in a hurry t get smewhere. I suddenly realized that she was lst and culdn’t speak any English.
    She ____32____ me sme map screenshts (银幕截图) n her phne, but I didn’t knw ____33____ t read them. At first, I was a little wrried. I didn’t knw the wrds n the phne ____34____ I really wanted t help her. I thught fr a while, then I said t myself, “Perhaps sme apps may help.” S, I ____35____ dwnladed a translatin app and we used the app t cmmunicate. She spke int the micrphne in ____36____ language and it translated the wrds int ____37____ fr me t understand. I typed my respnses (应答) and we were able t cmmunicate! I sn understd that she needed t ____38____, which was a lng walk away. We als talked abut smething else n the phne. And I knew that she came here t visit her daughter and lived with her. But all the ther family members were nt with her in this new cuntry. I tld her that she culd take a taxi and walked with her t a ____39____ where bth buses and cars culd stp fr peple. But she didn’t agree and then called ____40____ t drive her hme. On the way, we laughed and jked, thugh we culdn’t understand each ther’s language, it was a pretty fun experience!
    The elderly lady was very grateful fr my help and kept ____41____ me fr my time. I had t remind her that it was n truble at all and that I was ____42____ t help. It was amazing hw just a small act f ____43____ made such a big difference t her.
    Finally, ____44____ reached the bus stp and her daughter was already waiting fr her there. We said gdbyes and she gave me a heart warming message that made me believe in the gdness f humanity (人性) Thugh we used technlgy t cmmunicate, it was lucky that we culd ____45____ each ther and nt be stpped by ur different languages.
    31. A. mapB. phneC. watchD. bk
    32. A. shwedB. gaveC. sentD. lent
    33. A. whatB. whenC. hwD. why
    34. A. andB. thenC. sD. but
    35. A. quicklyB. slwlyC. quietlyD. silently
    36. A. myB. herC. urD. its
    37. A. FrenchB. RussianC. EnglishD. Chinese
    38. A. g hmeB. g shppingC. g walkingD. g travelling
    39. A. hspitalB. plice statinC. shpD. bus stp
    40. A. her daughterB. her snC. her husbandD. her brther
    41. A. tuchingB. thankingC. likingD. kissing
    42. A. sadB. nervusC. wrriedD. happy
    43. A. kindnessB. sadnessC. safenessD. happiness
    44. A. SheB. IC. WeD. They
    45. A. findB. hurtC. saveD. help
    China has a lng histry f mre than five thusand years. Many traditinal arts have been created and develped here. Chinese peple are ____46____ (pride) f them all the time. Amng all the arts, paper-cutting is ne f the mst imprtant kinds.
    Paper-cutting is a kind f ppular art. Making paper-cutting nly needs simple tls. ____47____, it is nt easy at all. The main idea f the wrks usually ____48____ (include) everything in peple’s daily life. The bright clr red adds a cheerful atmsphere (气氛), s it is usually seen during the Spring Festival. Als, peple like t decrate their windws and drs ____49____ clrful wrks f different shapes, such as animals and flwers. Smetimes, paper-cutting ____50____ (print) n the stamps and even sent abrad. This can make peple all ver the wrld clearly understand the spirit f the art. Nw a large number f ____51____ (visit) frm freign cuntries als lve the art. Paper-cutting has becme a bridge between China and the West.
    ____52____ (luck), my grandma is a paper-cutting artist. When I was yung, she tried t teach me this special handwrk. But I ____53____ (prefer) playing cmputer games: I didn’t realize the ____54____ (imprtant) f the art at that time. As time went by, I felt regretful f ____55____ I had thught. S I began learning it again.
    Peple are nw paying mre and mre attentin t traditinal culture. We must develp and spread it t the whle wrld.
    七、书面表达(共两节, 满分35分)
    A: _____________________________________?
    B: She has shrt curly blnde hair and big eyes.
    A:What is Tm gd at?
    A: Hw did Jack g t schl?
    A: ______________________________________?
    B:Yes, I have.
    A: ______________________________________?
    B: Yes, he des. He shuld lie dwn and have a gd rest.
    第二节 写作(25 分)
    61. 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友Mike给你发了一封电子邮件,请认真阅读并用英语回复。
    1. 应回复所有问题,可适当发挥:
    2. 词数100 左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数:
    3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
    Dear Mike,
    It’s fantastic that yu will cme t China and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family.
    Enjy yur stay in China.
    Li Ming
    本试题分选择题部分和非选择题部分, 共 12页, 满分为 150分, 考试用时120分钟。
    答题前, 请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号写在答题卡的规定位置, 并同时将考点、姓名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷规定的位置。
    答题时, 选择题部分每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分, 用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。
    考试结束后, 将本试题和答题卡一并交回。
    选择题部分 共 100分
    一、听力 (30分)
    A)听录音, 在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
    1. A. Have a gd dinner! B. Welcme t my class! C. Thanks fr yur help.
    2. A. She has a sre thrat. B. He made sme ygurt. C. They're Sam's parents.
    3. A. Is yur father at hme? B. D yu like ice-cream? C. Can yu play the drums?
    4. A. I didn't g t the beach. B. We never stp wrking. C. It isn't in the living rm.
    5. A. Why are they late again? B. What des she lk like? C. Where is the supermarket?
    B)录音中, 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。
    6. Where des the wman want t g?
    A. T the theatre. B. T the bank. C. T the cinema.
    7. What des Mary want?
    A. Sme water. B. Sme cakes. C. Sme fruit.
    8. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Grandma and grandsn. C. Mther and sn.
    9. Wh may knw Jane's date f birth?
    A. The man. B、Lisa. C. The wman.
    10. When will Mike cme back?
    A. On 2nd July. B. On 3rd July. C. On 5th July.
    C)在录音中, 你将听到一段对话, 对话后有五个小题, 从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 对话听两遍。
    11. What is the girl?
    A. A student. B. A cmputer seller. C. A shp wrker.
    12. What des the girl plan t d this summer vacatin?
    A. Lear n English. B. D a part-time jb. C. G t high schl.
    13. What kind f jb is the girl ging t d?
    A. Help her uncle sell clthes. B. Teach her cusin. C. Help her uncle sell cmputers.
    14. Why des the girl need mney?
    A. T travel t Canada. B. T help her uncle. C. T buy a present.
    15. What des the girl want t buy fr her friend?
    A. A watch. B. A cmputer. C. A bag.
    D) 在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文, 短文后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案. 题文听两遍、
    16. What did Jasn's mther d every night?
    A. She read him stries. B. She made him clthes. C. She taught him English.
    17. What happened t Jasn when he was 12?
    A. He gt hit by a truck. B. He drpped ut f schl. C. He lst his bks.
    18. Where did Jasn find sme bks ne night?
    A. In a rm. B. By the rad. C. In a library.
    19. Hw many bks has Jasn cllected?
    A. Abut 20, 000. B. Abut 2. 000. C. Abut 200.
    20. When is the small library pen?
    A. Every evening. B. Every afternn. C. Every weekend.
    二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (40分)
    Online teacher
    Great Online Teacher has many excellent teachers. Check them ut nw!
    1. Helen is interested in imprving her English reading skills. Which teacher shuld she chse?
    A. Jamie Clark.B. Tammy Brwn.C. Bruce Martinez.D. Michael Andersn.
    2. Which subject des Jamie Clark teach?
    A. English.B. Maths.C. Histry.D. Science.
    3. Hw much shuld Vicky pay if she signs up fr 15 science lessns?
    A. $270.B. $480.C. $540.D. S600.
    4. What d we knw frm the material?
    A. Bruce Martinez has the mst reviews.
    B. Peple can call Great Online Teacher any time at weekends.
    C. Peple can nly chse t study with ne teacher.
    D. There are tw ways fr peple t cntact Great Online Teacher.
    5. In which part f a website can we see the material?
    A. Travel.B. Peple.C. Culture.D. Educatin.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. D
    细节理解题。根据“Gd at teaching grammar, vcabulary, and reading skills.”可知,Tammy老师擅长阅读。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Help remember names, dates, and events quickly and accurately”可知,Jamie Clark教授历史课。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“$20 an hur—each lessn is tw hurs lng.”可知,15节课30小时,即总价600美元,结合“Get 10% ff when yu sign up fr 10 lessns at nce”可知,满10节课,减掉10%,最后得出540美元。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“●Email: greatnlineteacher@yah. cm ●Phne number:(626) 527-4836”可知,有两种联系方式可以联系老师。故选D。
    文章来源题。根据“Great Online Teacher has many excellent teachers. Check them ut nw!”可知,这篇文章可能来源于教育。故选D。
    Lily was a cheerful girl. She always had a big smile n her face. One day, she nticed an ld man named Grumble sifting beside a river. The ld man lked sad. Lily wanted t make him smile, s she walked up t him with a friendly greeting. “Gd mrning. Mr Grumble! Why the lng face?” she asked.
    Grumble said, “What’s there t be happy abut, yung ne? Life is full f trubles.” Lily laughed and replied. “Trubles are like big and scary thundercluds (雷雨云), Mr Grumble. But just like cluds, they pass, making way fr the sun t shine again. Yu shuld try lking n the bright side!”
    Lily made a bet (打赌) with Grumble, saying, “I bet I can make yu smile by the end f the day.” Grumble challenged her, “Yu’re welcme t try, but it wn’t be easy.”
    Fr the rest f the day. Lily did all kinds f funny and silly things t make Grumble laugh. She tld jkes, sang like nbdy was watching, and even made faces. Hwever, Grumble was still unhappy. As the sun began t set. Lily decided t give it ne last try. She tk a deep breath and brke int a jyus dance.
    Surprisingly. Grumble culdn’t help it. He let ut a chuckle (咯咯笑声), and then anther. Befre he knew it, he was laughing beautiful, his sadness giving way t happiness. Lily had w n the cntest, but mre imprtantly, she shwed Grumble that becming cheerful was nt difficult.
    Happiness is a chice, and we can find it when we chse t see the brighter side f life.
    6. What was Mr Grumble like as Lily came ver?
    A. He was as cheerful as a girl.
    B. He had a big smile n his face.
    C. He was friendly.
    D. He was nt happy.
    7. Why did Lily cmpare trubles t thundercluds?
    A. T say that life is full f trubles.
    B. T shw that trubles will g away.
    C. T tell the ld man t be careful.
    D. T shw that trubles are scary.
    8. Hw did Lily make Grumble becme happy?
    A. By telling jkes.B. By singing freely.
    C. By making faces.D. By dancing jyfully.
    9. What des the stry teach us?
    A. Life is always filled with trubles.
    B It’s nt a gd chice t bet.
    C. Happy r nt, it’s up t yu.
    D. Everyne has a chance t be happy.
    10. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Chsing t See The Bright Side
    B. An Old Man Sitting Beside A River
    C. Happiness Giving Way t Sadness
    D. Lily Made A Bet with Grumble
    【答案】6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
    细节理解题。根据“One day, she nticed an ld man named Grumble sifting beside a river. The ld man lked sad.”可知在丽丽来的时候这个老先生看起来很伤心。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“But just like cluds, they pass, making way fr the sun t shine again.”可知小女孩是为了告诉老先生烦恼像乌云一样终将散去。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“She tk a deep breath and brke int a jyus dance.”以及“Surprisingly. Grumble culdn’t help it. He let ut a chuckle, and then anther.”可知在小女孩跳欢快舞蹈的时候逗笑了老先生。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据“Happiness is a chice, and we can find it when we chse t see the brighter side f life.”可知作者想要告诉大家快乐是一种选择,当我们选择看到生活中光亮的一面时就能得到它。故选C。
    最佳标题题。根据“Happiness is a chice, and we can find it when we chse t see the brighter side f life.”可知“选择去看光亮的一面”为合适的标题。故选A。
    Grwing up, we’ve heard a lt f steretypes (刻板印象) f hw sex (性别) influences interests and jbs. Fr example, bys d math better than girls, while girls are better at learning languages. We usually think this is because f differences in hw bys’ and girls’ brains wrk. But is it true?
    Accrding t past studies, sme parts f ur brains can be different in size. Scientists used t think these differences might affect (影响) hw well men and wmen think and d things. They fund this by scanning (扫描) peple’s brains. Hwever, in mst f the studies, researchers nly scanned dzens f peple. As said in a 2022 study, fr such research t be believable, yu wuld need t scan the brains f a few thusand peple at least.
    In 2021, the UK Bibank, a big database used fr research, scanned the brains f 40, 000 peple in the UK, prviding new insights (了解). It shwed differences between men and wmen in the size f certain brain parts. Abut ne-third f these parts were fund t be larger in men, while anther third were larger in wmen.
    Hwever, these differences were very small, ften just a size difference in percentage. The differences are nt big enugh t frm a cnclusin (结论) frm them, Camille Williams frm the University f Texas at Austin, US, tld New Scientist.
    Als, ur brains might change in structure and size accrding t ur life experiences. Fr example, even if a part f a man’s brain, respnsible fr ding math, is larger than that f a wman, it is pssibly because he takes jbs that use math skills. S, any brain differences between men and wmen culd be a result, nt a cause, f different rles in life and sciety, nted New Scientist.
    11. What des the writer think f the past studies?
    A. Scanning peple’s brains is nt useful.
    B. They help peple better understand themselves.
    C. Their results are believable.
    D. Their sample sizes were t small.
    12. What des the study f the UK Bibank find?
    A. Only abut 13, 000 peple have different brains.
    B. One-third f the brain decides the wner’s strengths.
    C. One-third f men have larger brains than wmen.
    D. Sme brain parts are different between sexes.
    13. What can we learn frm New Scientist?
    A. Differences in the brain greatly influence ne’s life.
    B. Life experiences can shape a persn’s brain.
    C. Men and wmen usually have different interests.
    D. The study by UK Bibank will imprve sex guidance.
    14. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Larger brains mean sharper minds.
    B. Studies n brain differences by sex.
    C. The steretypes f men and wmen.
    D. The imprtance f big samples in a study.
    15. Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. A stry bk.B. A travel guide.C. A science magazine.D. A science fictin.
    【答案】11. D 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“Hwever, in mst f the studies, researchers nly scanned dzens f peple. As said in a 2022 study, fr such research t be believable, yu wuld need t scan the brains f a few thusand peple at least.”可知,作者认为之前研究的样本量太小了。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“It shwed differences between men and wmen in the size f certain brain parts.”可知,研究显示,男性和女性在大脑某些部分的大小上存在差异。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Als, ur brains might change in structure and size accrding t ur life experiences.”可知,大脑可能会根据生活经历而改变结构和大小。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“We usually think this is because f differences in hw bys’ and girls’ brains wrk. But is it true?”,第二段中“Accrding t past studies, sme parts f ur brains can be different in size.”,第三段中“In 2021, the UK Bibank, a big database used fr research, scanned the brains f 40, 000 peple in the UK, prviding new insights (了解).”及最后一段“S, any brain differences between men and wmen culd be a result, nt a cause, f different rles in life and sciety, nted New Scientist.”可知,文章主要讲述了大脑性别差异的研究。故选B。
    I can’t remember the last time I used cash in China. Between WeChat and Alipay, we pay fr everything with ur mbile phnes. When I went back hme t the UK fr a hliday, I had sme culture shck in my wn cuntry.
    Suddenly, I culdn’t use my phne t pay fr things. I gt ut my wallet and went back t using ntes and cins.
    Of curse, we can pay fr things electrnically in the UK. Peple use their bank cards. Sme use Ggle Pay n their phnes r watches. But mst peple still use cash. And many are wary f putting t much trust in ging electrnic with payments.
    My parents are tw f these wary peple. They believe that using electrnic payments culd lead t their whle savings being stlen by nline criminals. The cncern is understandable. In 2022, mre than £4 billin was stlen by fraudsters (诈骗犯) and cybercriminals (网络罪犯) in the UK. In its 2022 fraud and cybercrime reprt, the nline financial (金融的) service cmparisn website mney. c. uk reprted a 63 percent increase in fraud and cybercrime frm 2021. Online buying was the biggest surce f the thefts, said Cmputer Weekly.
    S, the dangers are real. But still, it seems that mbile r at least digital payments will lead the way in the future in the UK, just as it is here nw in China. Accrding t the gv. uk website, the Bank f England is nw lking at using a digital pund.
    But the real questin is: Will the British public trust it?
    16. Why did the writer have culture shck after returning t the UK?
    A. Because mst peple still use cash t buy things.
    B. Because peple have t bring a bank card in their wallet.
    C. Because peple can’t pay fr things electrnically.
    D. Because mst peple like t use cins mre than ntes.
    17. What may the underlined wrd “wary” mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. Aware.B. Careful.C. Sure.D. Prud.
    18. What can we learn abut the writer’s parents?
    A. They use Ggle Pay n their phnes r watches.
    B. They nce lst all their savings t nline criminals.
    C. They used t wrk fr the website mney. c. uk.
    D. They dn’t trust the electrnic payment methd.
    19. What’s the main cncern f many British peple abut using electrnic payments?
    A. Frgetting their passwrds ften.
    B. Lsing their savings t nline thieves.
    C. Paying extra mney fr this service.
    D. Having t keep a netwrk cnnectin.
    20. What des the authr think f the Bank f England’s idea f “a digital pund”?
    A. It will sn becme ppular.
    B. It is what peple are hping fr.
    C. It is uncertain if peple will want t use it.
    D. It is risky and nt practical.
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. D 19. B 20. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Suddenly, I culdn’t use my phne t pay fr things. I gt ut my wallet and went back t using ntes and cins.”可以推断出作者遭受的文化冲突是,回到英国后不能同在中国一样使用手机支付。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据前文“But mst peple still use cash”和后文“My parents are tw f these wary peple. They believe that using electrnic payments culd lead t their whle savings being stlen by nline criminals.”可知使用现金这类人认为电子支付会将使得他们的积蓄被骗光,所以他们对于电子支付方式非常谨慎,与careful同义。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“And many are wary f putting t much trust in ging electrnic with payments.”及第四段“My parents are tw f these wary peple. They believe that using electrnic payments culd lead t their whle savings being stlen by nline criminals.”可知作者的父母不信任电子支付方式。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“They believe that using electrnic payments culd lead t their whle savings being stlen by nline criminals. The cncern is understandable.”可知英国人对于使用电子支付方式最主要的担心是他们害怕网络诈骗犯骗走他们的积蓄。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“But still, it seems that mbile r at least digital payments will lead the way in the future in the UK, just as it is here nw in China.”可知作者用了it seems表示“似乎;有可能”,即一种不确定性,可以推断出作者也不确定人们在未来是否会接受英国银行推出的使用数字支付的想法,与C项表达的意思相吻合。故选C。
    ____21____ Many f them use chemicals t kill weeds (杂草). The truble is, these weed killers als kill wildlife, pllute rivers and are bad fr the fields. ____22____ This kind f rbt can cut weedkiller use by 90%. The rbt is really smart because it nly kills weeds but nt crps.
    Several cameras are built int the rbt. The cameras facing the grund take phts t help the rbt “see” the plants it passes.
    The rbt cmpares each pht t a library f plant phts t decide n which plants are weeds.
    Rbt arms mve int psitin t give a small dse (剂量) f weedkiller n the weeds.
    The rbt is energy-friendly. ____24____
    Hw the rbt will develp
    The scientists d nt want t just stp at the achievement they have made. ____25____ The imprved mdel f rbts will exactly discver weeds and dig them ut instead f weedkillers.
    Rbts culd be prgrammed t leave sme harmless weeds in the fields t supprt wildlife living there.
    A. But scientists have created a farmyard rbt.
    B. It is pwered by the energy frm the sun.
    C. Where the rbt is used?
    D. They’re wrking n the new designs t imprve the mdel.
    E. Hw the rbt wrks?
    F. Why d farmers chse the rbt t wrk in their field?
    G. Hw d farmers usually kill weeds in the fields?
    【答案】21. G 22. A 23. E 24. B 25. D
    根据“Many f them use chemicals t kill weeds (杂草)”可知,他们中的许多人使用化学物质来除草。选项G“农民通常怎样除田里的杂草”符合语境,故选G。
    根据“This kind f rbt can cut weedkiller use by 90%.”可知,介绍了一种可以除杂草的机器人。选项A“但是科学家们已经创造了一个农场机器人”符合语境,故选A。
    根据“The rbt is energy-friendly”可知,机器人很节能。选项B“它是由太阳能驱动的”符合语境,故选B。
    根据“The imprved mdel f rbts will exactly discver weeds and dig them ut instead f weedkillers.”可知,科学家正在对机器人进行改进。选项D“他们正在进行新设计以改进模型”符合语境,故选D。
    阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。
    A: Rick, here is a bk beside Linda’s desk. ___26___
    B: N. It’s mine. I bught it last week.
    A: Oh, it lks cl. ___27___
    B: It was written by J. K. Rwling. I have read all f her bks.
    A: Sunds yu like reading. ____28____
    B: Hmm, I like bks abut science and histry.
    A: Well. I prefer t read bks that can give me smething t think abut.
    B: Yes. Reading is a lifelng habit. ____29____
    A: I d agree with yu. I heard yu set up a reading club in ur class. Can I jin it?
    B: Sure. ____30____
    A. Des it belng t Linda?B. Whse bk is it?
    C. Where did yu buy it?D. Culd it be at the park?
    A. Hw much is it?B. When was it written?
    C. Wh wrte it?D. Culd yu lend it t me?
    A. Is there a library near here?B. What kind f bks d yu like?
    C. Where did yu g last week?D. Hw far is it frm here?
    A. Let’s watch a mvie.B. I used t be shrt.
    C. My parents wrry abut my study.D. We are suppsed t read every day.
    A. I lve bks.B. Welcme t ur club.
    C. Yu need t wait.D. Yu shuld fllw the rules.
    【答案】26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B
    根据“here is a bk beside Linda’s desk”和“N. It’s mine.”可知此处是问书是不是Linda的,A项“它是琳达的吗?”符合语境。故选A。
    根据“It was written by J. K. Rwling.”可知此处是询问那本书的作者,C项“谁写的它?”符合语境。故选C。
    根据“I like bks abut science and histry.”可知此处是询问对方喜欢什么种类的书,B项“你喜欢什么种类的书?”符合语境。故选B。
    根据“Reading is a lifelng habit.”和“I d agree with yu.”可知此处是针对阅读发表看法,D项“我们应该每天读书。”符合语境。故选D。
    根据“Can I jin it?”和“Sure.”可知此处应该是欢迎对方加入俱乐部,B项“欢迎加入我们的俱乐部。”符合语境。故选B。
    五、 完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 (15分)
    One bright mrning, I was ut t run as usual when I met an elderly lady wh was waving her ____31____ in her hand at me and speaking in a language I culdn’t understand. It sunded like she was in a hurry t get smewhere. I suddenly realized that she was lst and culdn’t speak any English.
    She ____32____ me sme map screenshts (银幕截图) n her phne, but I didn’t knw ____33____ t read them. At first, I was a little wrried. I didn’t knw the wrds n the phne ____34____ I really wanted t help her. I thught fr a while, then I said t myself, “Perhaps sme apps may help.” S, I ____35____ dwnladed a translatin app and we used the app t cmmunicate. She spke int the micrphne in ____36____ language and it translated the wrds int ____37____ fr me t understand. I typed my respnses (应答) and we were able t cmmunicate! I sn understd that she needed t ____38____, which was a lng walk away. We als talked abut smething else n the phne. And I knew that she came here t visit her daughter and lived with her. But all the ther family members were nt with her in this new cuntry. I tld her that she culd take a taxi and walked with her t a ____39____ where bth buses and cars culd stp fr peple. But she didn’t agree and then called ____40____ t drive her hme. On the way, we laughed and jked, thugh we culdn’t understand each ther’s language, it was a pretty fun experience!
    The elderly lady was very grateful fr my help and kept ____41____ me fr my time. I had t remind her that it was n truble at all and that I was ____42____ t help. It was amazing hw just a small act f ____43____ made such a big difference t her.
    Finally, ____44____ reached the bus stp and her daughter was already waiting fr her there. We said gdbyes and she gave me a heart warming message that made me believe in the gdness f humanity (人性) Thugh we used technlgy t cmmunicate, it was lucky that we culd ____45____ each ther and nt be stpped by ur different languages.
    31. A. mapB. phneC. watchD. bk
    32. A. shwedB. gaveC. sentD. lent
    33. A. whatB. whenC. hwD. why
    34. A. andB. thenC. sD. but
    35. A. quicklyB. slwlyC. quietlyD. silently
    36. A. myB. herC. urD. its
    37. A. FrenchB. RussianC. EnglishD. Chinese
    38. A. g hmeB. g shppingC. g walkingD. g travelling
    39. A. hspitalB. plice statinC. shpD. bus stp
    40. A. her daughterB. her snC. her husbandD. her brther
    41. A. tuchingB. thankingC. likingD. kissing
    42. A. sadB. nervusC. wrriedD. happy
    43. A. kindnessB. sadnessC. safenessD. happiness
    44. A. SheB. IC. WeD. They
    45. A. findB. hurtC. saveD. help
    【答案】31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. A 41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. D
    map地图;phne手机;watch手表;bk书。根据后文“sme map screenshts (银幕截图) n her phne”可知,应是向作者挥舞手机。故选B。
    shwed展示;gave给;sent发送;lent借。根据后文“but I didn’t read them.”可知,老妇人看不懂手机上的东西,所以应是像作者展示手机截图。故选A。
    what什么;when何时;hw怎样;why为什么。根据后文的“I didn’t knw the wrds n the phne ”可知,作者不知如何读它们。故选C。
    my我的;her她的;ur我们的;its它的。根据“She spke int the micrphne ”可知,下载的翻译软件,应是把她的语言录进去进行翻译。故选B。
    French法语;Russian俄语;English英语;Chinese中文。根据“I suddenly realized that she was lst and culdn’t speak any English.”可知,应是翻译成作者懂的英语。故选C。
    g hme回家;g shpping购物;g walking散步;g travelling旅行。根据后文“t drive her hme”,所以应是回家。故选A。
    hspital医院;plice statin警局;shp商店;bus stp公交车站。根据后文的“where bth buses and cars culd stp fr peple.”可知,是去一个公交车站。故选D。
    her daughter她的女儿;her sn她的儿子;her husband她的丈夫;her brther她的兄弟。根据后文“her daughter was already waiting fr her there”可知,应是老妇人的女儿。故选A。
    sad悲伤的;nervus紧张的;wrried担心的;happy开心的。根据前文“I had t remind her that it was n truble at all”可知,作者不认为是麻烦,因此是很开心的帮助。故选D。
    kindness善良;sadness悲伤;safeness安全;happiness开心。根据“It was amazing hw just a small act such a big difference t her.”可知,指的是作者帮助她的这个善举,所以是kindness。故选A。
    She她;I我;We我们;They他们。根据后文“We said gdbyes”可知,是我们到达车站。故选C。
    China has a lng histry f mre than five thusand years. Many traditinal arts have been created and develped here. Chinese peple are ____46____ (pride) f them all the time. Amng all the arts, paper-cutting is ne f the mst imprtant kinds.
    Paper-cutting is a kind f ppular art. Making paper-cutting nly needs simple tls. ____47____, it is nt easy at all. The main idea f the wrks usually ____48____ (include) everything in peple’s daily life. The bright clr red adds a cheerful atmsphere (气氛), s it is usually seen during the Spring Festival. Als, peple like t decrate their windws and drs ____49____ clrful wrks f different shapes, such as animals and flwers. Smetimes, paper-cutting ____50____ (print) n the stamps and even sent abrad. This can make peple all ver the wrld clearly understand the spirit f the art. Nw a large number f ____51____ (visit) frm freign cuntries als lve the art. Paper-cutting has becme a bridge between China and the West.
    ____52____ (luck), my grandma is a paper-cutting artist. When I was yung, she tried t teach me this special handwrk. But I ____53____ (prefer) playing cmputer games: I didn’t realize the ____54____ (imprtant) f the art at that time. As time went by, I felt regretful f ____55____ I had thught. S I began learning it again.
    Peple are nw paying mre and mre attentin t traditinal culture We must develp and spread it t the whle wrld.
    【答案】46. prud
    47. Hwever
    48. includes
    49. with 50. is printed
    51. visitrs
    52. Luckily
    53. preferred
    54. imprtance
    55. what
    句意:中国人一直为它们感到骄傲。be prud f“为……自豪”,为固定短语,故填prud。
    句意:然而,这一点也不容易。根据“Making paper-cutting nly needs simple is nt easy at all”可知前后是转折关系,空后有逗号,应用hwever表示“然而”,故填Hwever。
    句意:此外,人们喜欢用不同形状的彩色作品装饰他们的门窗,比如动物和花朵。根据“decrate their windws and wrks f different shapes”可知是指用不同形状的彩色作品装饰他们的门窗,应用介词with表示“用”,故填with。
    句意:有时,剪纸被印在邮票上,甚至寄到国外。print“印刷”,动词,和主语之间是被动关系,句子是一般现在时,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词用is,故填is printed。
    句意:现在很多外国游客也喜欢这种艺术。visit“参观”,动词,此处是指很多游客,visitr“游客”,可数名词,a number f后加可数名词复数,故填visitrs。
    七、书面表达(共两节, 满分35分)
    A: _____________________________________?
    B: She has shrt curly blnde hair and big eyes
    A:What is Tm gd at?
    A: Hw did Jack g t schl?
    A: ______________________________________?
    B:Yes, I have.
    A: ______________________________________?
    B: Yes, he des. He shuld lie dwn and have a gd rest.
    【答案】56. What des the girl lk like
    57. He is gd at playing ftball
    58. By bike
    59. Have yu ever read The Little Prince
    60. Des the by feel tired after running
    根据图片、句末标点和答语可知,句子应表达为 “这个女孩长什么样?”,时态用一般现在时,询问长相用What;这个女孩the girl;长什么样lk like;主语为第三人称单数,所以助动词用des,故答案为What des the girl lk like。
    根据图片、句末标点和问句可知,句子应表达为“他擅长于踢足球”,时态用一般现在时。主语“他”He;擅长于be gd at;踢足球play ftball。主语为三单,谓语动词用三单形式is,at是介词,后跟动名词形式,故答案为He is gd at playing ftball。
    根据图片、句末标点和问句可知,句子应表达为 “骑自行车”,故答案为By bike。
    根据图片、句末标点和答语可知,句子应表达为“你读过《小王子》吗?”,句子时态为现在完成时,一般疑问句have提前,读read;《小王子》The Little Prince,故答案为Have yu ever read The Little Prince。
    根据图片、句末标点和答语可知,句子应表达为“这个男孩在跑步后感到疲惫吗”,时态为一般现在时,主语“这个男孩”the by为第三人称单数,疑问助词用des提前到句首;感到疲惫feel tired;之后after;跑步run,介词之后跟动名词形式,用running,故答案为Des the by feel tired after running。
    第二节 写作(25 分)
    61. 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友Mike给你发了一封电子邮件,请认真阅读并用英语回复。
    1. 应回复所有问题,可适当发挥:
    2. 词数100 左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数:
    3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
    Dear Mike,
    It’s fantastic that yu will cme t China and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family.
    Enjy yur stay in China.
    Li Ming
    Dear Mike,
    It’s fantastic that yu will cme t China and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is n August 15 f the lunar calendar. It is in the middle f the fall f the year, s it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    On that day, all ur families get tgether and have a big dinner. We als eat mncakes and admire the full mn.
    As a guest, yu must pay enugh attentin and give prper praise t the hst and the hstess when they’re intrducing the dishes. Dn’t use yur chpsticks t pick a dish n the plate everywhere. Yu’d better keep quiet when having sup.
    Enjy yur stay in China.
    Li Ming
    ① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为电子邮件;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ③ 提示:考生应结合迈克的电子邮件梳理出写作要点,注意不要遗漏信息,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
    ① get tgether 聚在一起
    ② have a big dinner 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐
    ③ admire the full mn 赏月
    ④ pay enugh attentin t 足够重视……
    ⑤ give prper praise t 给予适当的表扬
    ⑥ had better 最好
    ① It is in the middle f the fall f the year, s it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival.(s引导结果状语从句)
    ② As a guest, yu must pay enugh attentin and give prper praise t the hst and the hstess when they’re intrducing the dishes.(when引导时间状语从句)
    ③ Dn’t use yur chpsticks t pick a dish n the plate everywhere.(祈使句)
    Tammy Brwn English
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    Dear Li Ming,
    I’m ging t China as an exchange student this September. I will spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family. Culd yu tell me: What is the Mid-Autumn Festival? Hw d yu celebrate it? What table manners shuld I pay attentin t when I have dinner with them?
    Write sn.
    Tammy Brwn English
    4. 8, 120 reviews
    ●Gd at teaching grammar, vcabulary, and reading skills.
    ●Cnnect learning with life.
    Bruce Martinez Maths
    4. 6, 248 reviews
    ●Make cncepts(概念) easy t understand.
    ●Intrduce different skills in slving prblems.
    Jamic Clark Histry
    4. 7, 392 reviews
    ●Help remember names, dates, and events(大事) quickly and accurately (准确地)
    ●Intrduce ways t write better answers.
    Michael Andersn Science
    4. 9, 196 reviews
    ●Explain cncepts with fun and prper examples.
    ●Help imprve understanding in all areas f science.
    ●$20 an hur—each lessn is tw hurs lng.
    ●Get 10% ff when yu sign up fr 10 lessns at nce; 20% ff fr 20 lessns.
    Cntact(联系) Infrmatin
    ●Email: greatnlineteacher@yah. cm
    ●Phne number:(626) 527-4836
    Business hurs: Mnday—Friday. 9:00—18:00;
    Saturday, 10:00—17:00
    Dear Li Ming,
    I’m ging t China as an exchange student this September. I will spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family. Culd yu tell me: What is the Mid-Autumn Festival? Hw d yu celebrate it? What table manners shuld I pay attentin t when I have dinner with them?
    Write sn.

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