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    1.What are the speakers ding prbably?
    A.Attending a a at pictures.
    2.What is the weather like nw?
    3.What are the speakers talking abut?
    4.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In a a shp.
    5.Hw many students passed the exam?
    6.When was the man brn?
    A.In 2000.
    7.Why did the man g t the Lndn Olympic Games?
    A.T watch an d vlunteer cmpete in an event.
    8.Why is the wman at the shp?
    A.T visit the shp manager.
    B.T have the CD exchanged.
    C.T cllect sme infrmatin.
    9.What is the man's attitude tward the wman?
    10. What is Jhn wrking n?
    11. Hw much dcs the app cst mnthly?
    12. Hw sn will Jhn finish his essay?
    A.In three weeksB.In ne ne year.
    13. What dcs the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Wash the up the the cker.
    14.What will the man d later?
    A.Wipe the the the table
    15. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and C.C-wrkers.
    16.Hw will the wman deal with the ld twel?
    A.Just thrw it away. B. Use it t clean the it t clean the flr.
    17. Where is Cpers?
    A. On the edge f the a the cllege.
    18. What is the advantage f Shpsmart?
    A. The priceB.The car park. C. The public transprt.
    19. What can peple buy in Mass?
    and pensC.Fruit and vegetables.
    20. What d we knw abut the museum in Newtwn?
    A.It has its wn suvenir shp.
    B.It has a bkstre.
    C.It has many suvenir shps.
    There are many pdcasts (播客) that teach English and yu can listen t them anytime. Here is a list f sme f the best pdcasts that yu must see.
    Learn English Pdcast
    This pdcast has three levels.The first is fr beginners, the secnd is fr intermediates (中级学生) and the third is fr upper intermediates. If a persn wants t learn Business English,then episdes are als made fr him.Every pdcast is shrt but very infrmative. Wrksheets and vcabulary tasks are als included.
    Speaking Bradly
    This pdcast is made fr advanced learners. Explained thrugh discussin and interviews, each episde has nn-native English speakers and every recrding als has expert feedback. Yu will see sme cmmn mistakes made by English learners and yu can imprve yur English by learning frm thse mistakes.
    The English We Speak
    This pdcast airs ne episde daily and every episde is nly three t fur minutes, which talks abut phrases and idims.There are tw peple in each episde wh cmmunicate with each ther. Whatever level yu are,yu will find it rewarding
    Elementary Pdcast
    This pdcast is mainly fr beginners and intermediate level learners. The length f a pdcast is arund 25 minutes but yu can pause it anytime and cntinue whenever yu want. The hsts f each episde are different.
    1. Which pdcast prvides exercises ging with it?
    ALearn English Pdcast.B. Speaking Bradly.
    C. The English We SpeakD. Elementary Pdcast.
    2. What d we knw abut Speaking Bradly?
    A. It recrds just expert speakers.B. It aims at beginners.
    C. It presents sme typical mistakes.D. It prvides feedback frm listeners.
    3. What d The English We Speak and Elementary Pdcast have in cmmn?
    A. They have the same length.B. They are bth interactive.
    C. They share the same cntents.D. They are suitable fr beginners.
    【答案】1. A2. C3. D
    细节理解题。根据Learn English Pdcast部分的“Every pdcast is shrt but very infrmative. Wrksheets and vcabulary tasks are als included.(每个播客都很短,但信息量很大。还包括活页练习题和词汇任务)”可知,Learn English Pdcast提供了活页练习题和词汇练习。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据Speaking Bradly部分的“Yu will see sme cmmn mistakes made by English learners and yu can imprve yur English by learning frm thse mistakes.(你会看到英语学习者犯的一些常见错误,你可以通过从这些错误中学习来提高你的英语水平。)”可知,该播客提供了英语学习者会常犯的错误。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据The English We Speak部分的“Whatever level yu are, yu will find it rewarding.(无论你是什么水平,你都会发现它是有益的)”和Elementary Pdcast中的“This pdcast is mainly fr beginners and intermediate level learners.(该播客主要面向初学者和中级学习者)”可知,The English We Speak和Elementary Pdcast这两个博客的共同之处在于两者都适合初学者。故选D项。
    I just flew frm Berlin, Germany, t Atlanta,Gcrgia, and it tk me 24 hurs due l the weather-related delay during my stpver in New Yrk. Like many ther passengers, I was s wrm ut, annyed, and helpless that I culd barely hld it tgether.
    The pilt, called Thiemy Beyeler, was different. He left the flight deck and walked t the dissatisfied passengers t aplgize and cmfrt them.The pilt's apprpriate behavir set the tne and ensured n ne gt angry. It reminded me f the beauty f “elegance(优雅)under pressure”. Thierry Beyeler was a pilt with Swiss Internatinal Air Lines, fr which he flew varius aircraft. During the delay, I had the chance t speak t Beyelr and learn abut his experience as a pilt.
    He said, “Flying is a bit like eating chclate. I lve every flight. Hwever, when yu have 16 flights in fur days, then that's t much chclate fr me..." As fr crisis(危机)situatins, he did have a few. “Once, I had an engine failure, but that's rare, and we handled it. Anther time, we had smke in the cabin,and we went t land quickly. In end, it was just the air cnditining having sme prblems…."He believes, "As Murphty's law puts it, 'What can be wrng will g wrng'. S think abut it and try t prepare mentally."
    Beyeler cntinued, "Cmpared with cars, a flight is a high-risk envirnment; it's nt like riding a bike. Even if there was a minr errr, it culd have fatal cnsequences. Every pilt is quite prfessinal in the field. But it is the strng mindset(观念模式)in the chas(混乱)that plays the key rle. Humans stp in technical systems t slve items cuntless times a day, and it wuld be dangerus if the pilt became nervus and frgt that."
    I’ve been tuched by Beycler's wrds. I understand that human factrs, including cnfidence, curage, sensibility, and emtinal intelligence are becming mre and mre imprtant in tday's wrld.
    4. Hw did Beyeler sund facing the lng delay accrding t the text?
    A. Discuraged and tired.B. Calm and psitive.
    C. Helpless and anxius.D. Annyed and cld-hearted.
    5. What des Beycler want t shw by mentining"eating chclate"?
    A. Flying brings him much fun.
    B. Flying invlves varius crisis situatins.
    C. T many flight tasks can be unacceptable fr him.
    D. T many crisis situatins have Happened t him.
    6. What des Beyeler cnsider imprtant fr pilts during crises?
    A. Gaining a gd sense f time.B. Having great strength f mind.
    C. Knwing all the technical systems well.D. Having a gd grasp f prfessinal knwledge.
    7. What did the authr think f his cmmunicatin with Beyeler?
    A. Bring. B. Frightening. C. RewardingD. Cnfusing
    【答案】4. B5. C6. B7. C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者通过和飞行员Thierry Beyeler交流了解到飞行员这一职业的特点以及高要求,作者也获益匪浅。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“The pilt, called Thierry Beyeler, was different. He left the flight deck and walked t the dissatisfied passengers t aplgize and cmfrt them. The pilt’s apprpriate behavir set the tne and ensured n ne gt angry.(飞行员Thierry Beyeler则不同。他离开驾驶舱,走向不满的乘客,向他们道歉并安慰他们。飞行员的得体行为奠定了基调,确保没有人生气)”可知,面对长时间的延误Beyeler既冷静又乐观。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“He said, ‘Flying is a bit like eating chclate. I lve every flight. Hwever, when yu have16 flights in fur days, then that’s t much chclate fr me...’(他说:‘飞行有点像吃巧克力。我喜欢每一次飞行。然而,当你在4天内要飞16次航班时,那对我来说巧克力太多了……’)”可推知,Beyeler提到“吃巧克力”是想说明太多的飞行任务对他来说是无法接受的。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“But it is the strng mindset(观念模式)in the chas(混乱)that plays the key rle. (但在混乱中发挥关键作用的是坚强的心态。)”可知,Beyeler认为,在危机中,对飞行员来说,有强大的意志力是至关重要的。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“I’ve been tuched by Beycler's wrds. I understand that human factrs, including cnfidence, curage, sensibility, and emtinal intelligence are becming mre and mre imprtant in tday's wrld. (我被Beyeler的话感动了。我明白,人的因素,包括自信、勇气、责任和情商,在当今世界变得越来越重要)”可推知,作者认为与Beyeler的交流是有益的。故选C。
    Mandy and Je have been married fr five years and they bth lve travelling t new cuntries. But while this hbby brings them tgether, it is als a surce f cntentin. “I d all the planning and bk.” says Mandy. Dn’t get me wrng. I enjy it, but if Je paid a bit mre attentin, he wuldn’t have turned up fr a flight t Grenada packed fr a winter city break. ‘Jumpers and bts?!’I cried.’ Yu’re suppsed t have packed shrts and T-s—it’s 30℃ in the Caribbean!!Then I realized he thught we were ging t Granada, in Spain.”
    Hw Je and Mandy each apprach their travel plans is just ne example f the many ways in which men and wmen differ. Yet, is what ges n inside ur minds and bdies really s different? Furthermre, are we brn that way?
    On this issue, scientists are divided. The majrity f scientists believed that patterns f behavir thught t be: male r female are learnt firstly frm ur parents, then frm ur peers(同伴)and, ultimately, frm the scieties in which we live. As Simne de Beauvir famusly said, “One is nt brn, but rather becmes, a wman.”
    On the ther side f the fence sat thse wh believed that male and female brains are actually wired (与生俱来的) differently. In ne study in which 34 mnkeys were required t interact with different types f tys, the males shwed s strng preference fr tys with wheels rather than sft tys, whereas the females were nticeably drawn t sft tys. These preferences were clearly nt the result f parental influence.
    Whatever the truth behind the differences between men and wmen, we can safely cnclude that althugh the scial impact n hw we think and behave is undubted, there exists a bilgical cntributin. The questin that nw needs answering is t what degree bilgy affects the chices we make and the way ther peple treat us.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “cntentin” in Paragraph 1 prbably mean?
    A. Satisfactin.B. DisagreementC. Influence.D. Infrmatin
    9. What tpic des the text fcus n?
    A. Whether men and wmen are differentB. Why minds and bdies are s different.
    C. Hw different males and females are.D. What causes the sex difference.
    10. What des the study abut mnkeys prve?
    A. Mnkeys have their wn preferences.B. Parents indeed have strng impacts.
    C. Men and wmen are brn different.D. Females and males behave differently.
    11. Which statement abut sex differences des the authr prbably agree with?
    A. Bilgy leads t the differences.B. Bilgy mstly affects ur chices.
    C. Scial influence can be ignred.D. Peers have mre impact than parents.
    【答案】8. B9. D10. C11. A
    词句猜测题。根据划线词前半句“But while this hbby brings them tgether,(但是,虽然这个爱好让他们走到了一起,)”可知,虽然共同的爱好让他们走到一起,但这也是争论的来源,因此划线词cntentin的意思是“争论”,即Disagreement。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“Hw Je and Mandy each apprach their travel plans is just ne example f the many ways in which men and wmen differ. Yet, is what ges n inside ur minds and bdies really s different? Furthermre, are we brn that way? (乔和曼迪如何处理他们的旅行计划只是男人和女人在许多方面不同的一个例子。然而,我们的大脑和身体内部发生的事情真的如此不同吗?此外,我们是天生如此吗?)”可知,本文主要论述的是男人和女人在行为模式上不同的原因,即“What causes the sex difference(性别差异的原因。)”。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“On the ther side f the fence sat thse wh believed that male and female brains are actually wired (与生俱来的) differently.(另一方面,那些反对此观点的人认为男性和女性的大脑实际上是不同的。)”和“These preferences were clearly nt the result f parental influence. (这些偏好显然不是父母影响的结果。)”可知,关于猴子的研究证明了男人和女人是天生不同的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Whatever the truth behind the differences between men and wmen, we can safely cnclude that althugh the scial impact n hw we think and behave is undubted, there exists a bilgical cntributin. The questin that nw needs answering is t what degree bilgy affects the chices we make and the way ther peple treat us. (无论男女差异背后的真相是什么,我们都可以有把握地得出这样的结论:尽管社会对我们的思维和行为方式的影响是毋庸置疑的,但也存在着生理上的影响。现在需要回答的问题是,生物学在多大程度上影响了我们做出的选择以及他人对待我们的方式。)”可知,作者可能同意的关于性别差异的观点是生物学造成了这种差异。故选A。
    Scientists in Switzerland have used lasers (激光) t change the path f a lightning strike. The experiment was carried ut n Santis muntain in Switzerland, near a radi and TV twer hit by lightning abut 100 times a year. Using a special laser, the researchers were able t guide the lightning strike.
    Scientists have been trying t find a way t prtect buildings frm lightning fr a lng time. At present, the best way t prtect buildings frm lightning is by putting metal rds (杆) n the buildings. These rds are cnnected t the grund. The lightning is attracted t the rds, which safely guide the electricity int the grund. But lightning rds can nly prtect a small area. If a building is very large, it needs a lt f lightning rds. But sme buildings-such as airprts-are s large that it’s difficult t prtect the whle building using lightning rds.
    Anther idea is t use lasers t guide lightning. The idea f using lasers t guide lightning isn’1new. Scientists have been wrking n the idea fr ver 20 years. They’ve successfully guided lightning with lasers inside a labratry. But until 2021, scientists guided lightning with lasers utside. Using a pwerful laser that can fire abut 1, 000 times a secnd, scientists in Switzerland were able t guide lightning blts fr 164 feet (50 meters).
    The heat frm the laser creates a path f air that is less thick than the air arund it. The path als has a special charge. The lightning can fllw this path almst as if it were a lightning rd. In the past, experiments with lasers that fired mre slwly didn’t wrk.
    Managing t guide the lightning in an utdr envirnment is a very big step. But despite the prgress, the laser still isn’t a gd chice when it cmes t prtecting large buildings.
    12. T stp a building frm being stricken by lightning, it is best t.
    A. equip it with metal rdsB. psitin it away frm airprts
    C. build it n lw-lying pen grundD. keep it away frm any kind f metal
    13. What enables the laser t guide the lightning?
    A. Its clr.B. Its brightness.C. Its speed.D. Its cncentratin.
    14. What will the paragraph fllwing the text prbably talk abut
    A. Hw the laser shuld be imprved t prtect large buildings.
    B. When the laser will be widely used t prtect large buildings.
    C. Why it is unnecessary t use the laser t prtect large buildings.
    D. What prevents the laser frm being used t prtect large buildings.
    15. What is the best title fr the text
    A. Scientists Find a New Use f the Laser
    B. Scientists Guide Lightning with the Laser
    C. A New Idea Has Been Tested t Guide Lightning
    D. A New Way t Prtect Buildings Has Been Fund
    【答案】12. A13. C14. D15. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Scientists have been trying t find a way t prtect buildings frm lightning fr a lng time. At present, the best way t prtect buildings frm lightning is by putting metal rds (杆) n the buildings. (长期以来,科学家们一直在努力寻找一种保护建筑物免受雷击的方法。目前,保护建筑物免受雷击的最好方法是在建筑物上放置金属棒。)”可知,目前保护建筑物免受雷击的最好方法是在建筑物上放置金属棒。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“But until 2021, scientists guided lightning with lasers utside. Using a pwerful laser that can fire abut 1, 000 times a secnd, scientists in Switzerland were able t guide lightning blts fr 164 feet (50 meters). (但直到2021年,科学家们都在室外用激光引导闪电。瑞士的科学家们利用一种每秒发射约1000次的强大激光,能够引导164英尺(50米)的闪电。)”可知,激光之所以能够用来引导闪电是因为激光的速度。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“But despite the prgress, the laser still isn’t a gd chice when it cmes t prtecting large buildings.(但是,尽管取得了进展,激光在保护大型建筑物方面仍然不是一个好的选择。)”可推断,文章接下来会解释为什么激光不被用于保护大型建筑。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Scientists in Switzerland have used lasers (激光) t change the path f a lightning strike. The experiment was carried ut n Santis muntain in Switzerland, near a radi and TV twer hit by lightning abut 100 times a year. Using a special laser, the researchers were able t guide the lightning strike. (瑞士科学家利用激光改变了雷击的路径。这项实验是在瑞士的桑蒂斯山上进行的,那里靠近一座每年被闪电击中约100次的广播电视塔。使用一种特殊的激光,研究人员能够引导雷击。)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了瑞士科学家利用激光引导雷击。所以“Scientists Guide Lightning with the Laser (科学家用激光引导闪电)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选B。
    Reading a dg’s bdy language requires experience and expert guidance. Zazie Tdd, a dg trainer and funder f the blg Cmpanin Animal Psychlgy, thinks abut hw t understand dgs’ behaviur.
    They’re expecting punishment but dn’t necessarily knw their behavir is wrng. Alexandra Hrwitz, a prfessr at Barnard Cllege wh researches dgs’ cgnitin(认知), pints ut the “guilty” lk is linked t being sclded by the wner.
    If yur dg licks their muth
    They’re stressed. Recently, tw Eurpean studies have highlighted the meaning f this licking. One fund that it was a dg’s respnse t seeing an angry r aggressive human face n a cmputer screen.____17____ If yu spt this sign, try reducing yur dg’s stress levels. It culd be as simple as giving them mre physical space.
    If there are firewrks and yur dg is shaking
    ____18____This is a cmmn reactin, but a surprising number f peple dn’t realize thatshaking and trembling are signs f fear. Whereas nly a quarter f wners say their dg is afraidf lud nises, half reprt these behaviral signs.
    If yu are at the vet and yur dg’s tail is dwn
    They’re anxius. Obvius signs f an unhappy dg include hiding r trying t leave theexam rm, but cmmnly missed triggers range frm a tucked tail and lwered ears t trembling.____19____ Many vets nw use fd t make the experience mre fun.
    If yur dg leans int yu during a petting time
    They like it! If yu’re unsure that a dg is enjying being petted, stp, then watch their reactin. If they chse t wander ff, the petting time is ver. Other signs f discmfrt include sniffing the flr, lking away and breathing heavily. Hwever, if they lean n yu r paw at yu t get mre hugs, cntinue!____20____
    A. This behavir means they like it.
    B. They are frightened by the nises.
    C. If yur dg gets stressed at appintments, ask what can be dne.
    D. If yur dg lks guilty when yu walk in the dr and see a mess.
    E. Start t pet them and remain nearby s that yur dg wuld be cmfrted.
    F. The ther determined that dgs lick their muths in respnse t a mild threat.
    G. Preferred parts n their bdies are t either side f the chest and under the chin.
    【答案】16. D17. F18. B19. C20. G
    根据本段内容“They’re expecting punishment but dn’t necessarily knw their behavir is wrng. Alexandra Hrwitz, a prfessr at Barnard Cllege wh researches dgs’ cgnitin(认知), pints ut the “guilty” lk is linked t being sclded by the wner.(他们知道会有惩罚,但不一定知道自己的行为是错误的。巴纳德学院研究狗的认知的教授Alexandra Hrwitz指出,“内疚”的表情与被主人责骂有关)”可知,本段主要是关于狗看起来内疚的情况,D选项中guilty对应后文guilty。故D选项“当你走进门看到乱七八糟的东西时,如果你的狗看起来很内疚”符合语境,故选D。
    根据标题“If yur dg licks their muth(如果你的狗舔他们的嘴)”以及前文“One fund that it was a dg’s respnse t seeing an angry r aggressive human face n a cmputer screen.(其中一项研究发现,这是狗在电脑屏幕上看到愤怒或咄咄逼人的人脸时的反应)”可知,本段主要是关于狗舔嘴的解释,F选项lick their muths对应标题lick their muths。故F选项“另一项研究认为,狗舔嘴是对轻微威胁的反应”符合语境,故选F。
    根据后文“This is a cmmn reactin, but a surprising number f peple dn’t realize that shaking and trembling are signs f fear. Whereas nly a quarter f wners say their dg is afraid f lud nises, half reprt these behaviral signs.(这是一种常见的反应,但令人惊讶的是,很多人没有意识到震动和颤抖是恐惧的迹象。虽然只有四分之一的主人说他们的狗害怕大的噪音,但有一半的人报告了这些行为迹象)”可知,本段主要说明了狗害怕大的噪音,B选项nises对应后文lud nises。故B选项“它们害怕噪音”符合语境,故选B。
    根据上文“They’re anxius. Obvius signs f an unhappy dg include hiding r trying t leave the exam rm, but cmmnly missed triggers range frm a tucked tail and lwered ears t trembling.(他们焦虑。狗不开心的明显迹象包括躲起来或试图离开检查室,但通常错过的触发因素包括夹起尾巴、垂下耳朵、颤抖)”以及后文“Many vets nw use fd t make the experience mre fun.(许多兽医现在用食物来增加体验的乐趣)”可知,后文提到了减轻狗压力的办法,可知本句主要是针对感到压力应该怎么办进行提问。故C选项“如果你的狗在检查时感到压力,问问能做些什么”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Hwever, if they lean n yu r paw at yu t get mre hugs, cntinue!(然而,如果它们靠在你身上或用爪子抓你来得到更多的拥抱,继续!)”可知,上文提到了继续抚摸自己的宠物,本句为本段最后一句,G选项“它们喜欢的(被抚摸的)身体部位是胸部两侧和下巴下面”符合语境,就抚摸的部位进行进一步说明。故选G。
    I argued with my sixteen-year-ld sn Anthny again. I rushed ut f the huse with___21___.Shaking my head in disappintment and seeking (寻求) ___22___, I walked tward Clara, my elderly neighbr. I tld her it was fr his ___23___this time. Anthny and I were always ___24___abut his clthes, his messy rm, r his lud music.
    Clara ___25___and said, “It’s nly a small thing.” Then the smile disappeared frm her face, and she became ___26___. During her hard life, she had ___27___t say, “But It’s nly smething, and tmrrw will be ___28___. Everybdy has enugh heartaches and ___29___in their lives, s we shuldn’t waste time and energy n the “it’s nly things” that cme their way.” she cntinued.
    I walked back with Clara’s wrds ging arund in my head and ____30____in my heart. I prepared a piece f cake Anthny’s favrite ____31____.He stared at the plate eagerly, but there was still a hit f ____32____in his eyes. He lked at me and ____33____asked why I had n ne wrd abut his hair.
    I said it was nly hair. He ____34____a smile as he tk the cake and said that was what he had been trying t tell me. Nw I realize that he actually didn’t want t fight with me but just wanted me t hear the ____35____he was making.
    A. fearB. angerC. jyD. satisfactin
    A. respectB. curageC. cmfrtD. trust
    A. haircutB. clthesC. rmD. study
    A. cmplainingB. arguingC. thinkingD. jking
    A. agreedB. hesitatedC. smiledD. apprached
    A. nervusB. patientC. prudD. serius
    A. regrettedB. plannedC. refusedD. learned
    A. harderB. familiarC. betterD. similar
    A. pwerB. trubleC. peaceD. danger
    A. taking rtB. breaking upC. tuning verD. clearing away
    A. memryB. cllectinC. decratinD. treat
    A. reliefB. dubtC. interestD. excitement
    A. curiuslyB. fficiallyC. cnfidentlyD. wisely
    A. hidB. exchangedC. managedD. wn
    AwishB. prmiseC. dealD. pint
    【答案】21. B22. C23. A24. B25. C26. D27. D28. C29. B30. A31. D32. B33. A34. C35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我怒气冲冲地冲出房子。A. fear恐惧;B. anger生气;C. jy快乐;D. satisfactin满足。根据上文“I argued with my sixteen-year-ld sn Anthny again.(我又和16岁的儿子安东尼吵了起来)”可知,作者和儿子吵架,生气冲出家门。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我失望地摇着头,寻求安慰,向我年迈的邻居克拉拉走去。A. respect尊重;B. curage勇气;C. cmfrt安慰;D. trust信任。根据后文“I walked tward Clara, my elderly neighbr.”可知,作者去找邻居是因为和儿子吵架,去寻找安慰的。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我告诉她这次吵架是为了他的发型。A. haircut理发,发型;B. clthes衣服;C. rm房间;D. study书房。根据后文“why I had n ne wrd abut his hair”可知,这次吵架是因为儿子的发型。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:安东尼和我总是争吵他的衣服,他凌乱的房间,或者他吵闹的音乐。A. cmplaining投诉;B. arguing争吵;C. thinking思考;D. jking开玩笑。呼应上文“I argued with my sixteen-year-ld sn Anthny again.”指两人因为儿子的衣服、房间和音乐争吵。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:克拉拉微笑着说,“这只是一件小事。”A. agreed同意;B. hesitated犹豫;C. smiled微笑;D. apprached靠近。根据后文“It’s nly a small thing.”可知,克拉拉认为只是小事,所以微笑。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后她脸上的笑容消失了,她变得严肃起来。A. nervus紧张的;B. patient耐心的;C. prud骄傲的;D. serius严肃的。根据后文“During her hard life”可知,克拉拉生活艰苦,所以变得严肃起来。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她艰苦的生活中,她学会了说:“这只是一些事情,明天会更好的。”A. regretted后悔;B. planned计划;C. refused拒绝;D. learned学习。根据上文“During her hard life, she had”可知,艰苦的生活教会她学着说只是一些小事,明天会更好。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在她艰苦的生活中,她学会了说:“这只是一些事情,明天会更好的。”A. harder更努力的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. better更好的;D. similar相似的。根据上文“It’s nly smething, and tmrrw will be”可知,克拉拉坚信明天会更好。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“每个人在他们的生活中都有足够的心痛和麻烦,所以我们不应该浪费时间和精力在‘这只是小事’上。”她继续说道。A. pwer力量;B. truble麻烦;C. peace和平;D. danger危险。根据上文“Everybdy has enugh heartaches and”指每个人都有心痛和麻烦事,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我走回去,克拉拉的话在我的脑海里盘旋,在我的心里扎根。A. taking rt扎根;B. breaking up分手;C. tuning ver翻转;D. clearing away清除。根据上文“Clara’s wrds ging arund in my head”可知,克拉拉的话让作者印象深刻,所以克拉拉的话在作者的脑海里盘旋,在作者的心里扎根。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我准备了一块蛋糕,这是安东尼最爱吃的。A. memry记忆;B. cllectin收藏品;C. decratin装饰;D. treat甜食,款待。根据上文“I prepared a piece f cake, Anthny’s favrite”可知,作者准备了儿子爱吃的蛋糕,treat表示“甜食”符合语境。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他急切地盯着盘子,但眼里仍有一丝疑虑。A. relief安慰;B. dubt怀疑;C. interest兴趣;D. excitement激动。根据后文“asked why I had n ne wrd abut his hair”可知,儿子对作者的行为存有疑虑,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他看着我,好奇地问我为什么对他的头发只字不提。A. curiusly好奇地;B. fficially官方地;C. cnfidently自信地;D. wisely明智地。根据后文“asked why I had n ne wrd abut his hair”可知,儿子好奇地问作者为什么不再关心他的头发了。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他勉强挤出一丝微笑,接过蛋糕,说那正是他一直想告诉我的。A. hid隐藏;B. exchanged交换;C. managed勉强做到,设法;D. wn赢得。根据后文“a smile as he tk the cake”指儿子勉强挤出一丝微笑,接过蛋糕,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在我意识到他其实并不想和我吵架,只是想让我听听他的意思。A. wish愿望;B. prmise承诺;C. deal交易;D. pint意图,要点。根据后文“he was making”可知为短语make the pint表示“表达观点”。故选D。
    The vide series Escape frm the British Museum(《逃出大英博物馆》) released n Sunday has drawn nline attentin.
    ____36____(direct) by tw Chinese vlggers, the vide series tells the stry f a Chinese cultural relic escaping frm the British Museum ____37____lking fr a way t return t its hmeland. Viewers were ____38____(extreme) mved by a scene where the little teapt exclaims “Such a big cabinet is shared nly by tw peple” n ____39____(arrive) at the place f the jurnalist and bis friend.
    The vides ____40____(encurage) by a netizen, wh suggested making____41____vide shwing Chinese cultural relics returning hme frm verseas.
    Accrding t the tw vlggers, they had cnsulted(查阅) a lt f infrmatin and went t the UK____42____(sht).They said the plts(情节) were based n histric facts and tried t fcus attentin____43____verseas Chinese cultural relics held abrad.
    Data published by the UNSCEO shws that abut 1.6 millin Chinese cultural relics were stlen frm China and cllected by 47 museums arund the wrld, amng____44____the British Museum has the _____45_____(large) cllectin, at abut 23,000 pieces. Many were stlen frm the curt f the Qing Dynasty during the Siege f Beijing by the Eight-Natin Alliance in 1900.
    【答案】36. Directed
    37. and38. extremely
    39. arriving
    40. were encuraged
    41. a42. t sht
    43. n44. which
    45. largest
    考查非谓语动词。句意:该系列视频由两位中国博主执导,讲述了一件中国文物从大英博物馆逃离并寻找回归故土的故事。该句的谓语是tells,且无连词,空处应用非谓语动词,direct与其逻辑主语the vide series之间是被动关系,应用过去分词作状语。位于句首,单词首字母应大写,故填Directed。
    考查并列连词。句意:该系列视频由两位中国博主执导,讲述了一件中国文物从大英博物馆逃离并寻找回归故土的故事。根据句意,空前escaping frm the British Museum与空后lking fr a way存在并列关系,应用并列连词连接,故填and。
    考查被动语态。句意:这些视频受到了一位网友的鼓励,他建议制作一个展示中国文物从海外回归的视频。根据句意可知,此处陈述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,动词encurage与主语之间是被动关系,用被动语态。主谓一致,故填were encuraged。
    考查动词不定式。句意:据两位博主说,他们咨询了很多信息,然后前往英国拍摄。根据句意可知,空处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填t sht。
    考查介词。句意:他们表示,这些情节是基于历史事实,并试图将注意力集中在海外的中国文物上。fcus attentin n 意为“把注意力集中在……上”为固定搭配。故填n。
    考查定语从句。句意:联合国教科文组织公布的数据显示,约有160万件中国文物被盗,被全球47家博物馆收藏,其中大英博物馆收藏最多,约2.3万件。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是47 museums,指代事物,用关系代词which引导从句,在从句中作宾语。故填which。
    46. 假定你是李华,是某国际学校的学生,你在英文校报看到一则招聘校运动会记者的广告,你对该职位很感兴趣,请你写一封信申请该职位,内容包括:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Li Hua. I am writing t apply fr the psitin f schl sprts meet jurnalist.
    I am passinate abut sprts and pssess excellent writing and cmmunicatin skills. As a respnsible and reliable individual, I can accurately reprt n sprts events and capture the essence f the actin. I als have experience in multitasking and wrking under pressure, which wuld enable me t handle the jb effectively. Please cnsider my applicatin and I wuld be delighted t discuss my qualificatins further.
    Thank yu fr yur time and cnsideratin. I am lking frward t yur psitive respnse.
    Best Regards,
    Li Hua
    职位:psitin → pst/jb
    记者:jurnalist → reprter
    可靠的:reliable → dependable/credible
    处理:handle → deal with
    原句:As a respnsible and reliable individual, I can accurately reprt n sprts events and capture the essence f the actin.
    拓展句:Because I’m a respnsible and reliable individual, I can accurately reprt n sprts events and capture the essence f the actin,.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I als have experience in multitasking and wrking under pressure, which wuld enable me t handle the jb effectively. (运用了关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句)

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