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      【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 06 读后续写常考(解析版).docx
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    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 06 读后续写.zip

    这是一份【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 06 读后续写.zip,文件包含期中模拟2023-2024学年人教版2019高二英语下册期中预测卷06读后续写常考原卷版docx、期中模拟2023-2024学年人教版2019高二英语下册期中预测卷06读后续写常考解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    My first year f high schl felt awkward. After I left junir high as a straight-A student, it felt strange starting ver as a freshman. And t make matters wrse, my clsest friend went t a different high schl. I felt very islated.
    I missed my ld teachers s much that I wuld g back and visit them. They wuld encurage me t get invlved in schl activities s that I culd meet new peple. They tld me that in time I wuld adjust and prbably end up lving my new schl mre than I had lved my ld ne.
    One Sunday afternn nt lng after I had started high schl. I was sitting at hme ding hmewrk. It was a cld and windy fall day, and we had a fire ging in ur fireplace. My mther kept stking the fire t keep the huse nice and warm. Suddenly. I smelled smething strange, and then I nticed smke puring in thrugh the seams (接缝处) f the ceiling. The smke began t fill the rm s quickly that we culd barely see anything. Feeling abut ur way t the frnt dr. we managed t get int the frnt yard. By the time we made ur way utside. the whle rf was engulfed (吞没) in flames and it was spreading quickly. I ran t the neighbrs t call the fire department.
    Five hurs later. the fire was finally ut. Our huse was almst cmpletely burned dwn. Everything was gne in the smke. The firemen wuldn’t let us g back int the huse that night. It was still t dangerus. We piled int the car with just the clthes n ur backs, and made ur way t my grandparents’ huse t spend the night.
    On Mnday. I went t schl. When the fire brke ut. I was wearing pajamas (睡衣), and I had n shes! I had kicked them ff when I was ding my hmewrk. “Why I have t be here!” I cried inside, head hung lw.
    I was ttally embarrassed by everything.
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The next day, when I entered the classrm, I was shcked.
    A 92-year-ld hunter getting lst in the wds
    Bill McDnnell was ging hunting. Deer seasn had begun, but it was clder than usual. Up until his late 80s, Bill hadn’t minded hunting in sub-zer temperatures, but he had slwed in the past few years. The snw-dusted muntains f the Shenandah Valley were n place fr a 92-year-ld. He knew it. But he had made up his mind t get utside. His wife, Janna McDnnell, knew what he was up t. But this particular day, Janna didn’t even try t talk sense int her husband.
    The next mrning, Bill wke up at fur, grabbed his gun, and drve his Jeep tward Shenandah Muntain, a place where he hadn’t hunted fr a lng time. At the end f the ld Laurel Run lgging rad, he hit the trail n ft.
    It was abut 7:30 a.m. when the sun peeked (微微露出) thrugh the trees. Bill had strict instructins frm Janna t be ut f the wds by 2 p.m. and hme by 3 p.m. — plenty f time befre sunset, in case he missed the deadline, which he ften did. Nt lng int the hike, he came upn a path he didn’t remember. Maybe this was a secret rute. He tk it.
    Then, arund 11 a.m., he emerged (出现) int a clearing alng a valley. It seemed that his path up the muntain had meandered( 蜿蜒) quite a bit. When thughts f shrt-cuts came t mind, Bill culdn’t help himself. “I’ll just be extra careful,” he reasned, and began cutting his wn path. Befre lng, the canyn (峡谷) narrwed t a dead end. The next thing he knew was that he was lst.
    He pulled ut his phne, nly t find it had died. He dug int his pants fr the GPS device he always brught in case f emergency and pushed the “n” buttn. Nthing. He had frgtten t charge it. He hadn’t brught a flashlight either. During this perid, he culd hear the sund f a helicpter flying ver his head. He yelled and waved, but in vain. He culdn’t make himself heard.
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    Paragraph 1:
    It was abut 9:45 p.m. and the sund f the helicpter gradually disappeared in the distance.
    Paragraph 2:
    The next mrning, Bill had wken befre dawn.
    “Gd mrning, everybdy,” Mrs. Harris greeted the students as she entered the music rm. The 65-year-ld music teacher had a reputatin fr being strict in class, despite music seeming like a light subject. But Mrs. Harris tk her jb seriusly, and teaching music was a massive passin fr her.
    She walked t the pian and started leading the students int a sng t get them warmed up. This semester, she was ging t teach them abut cmpsitin and sngwriting. Suddenly, ne student raised her hand.
    “Mrs. Harris, what d yu like t listen t in yur leisure time?” she asked curiusly.
    “I bet she listens t Beethven and Tchaikvsky at hme,” anther student said.
    “But I actually like a lt f pp music, and even sme f the things yu, yung peple, listen t nwadays. But I must admit that I listen t a lt f ld sngs, especially Paul McCartney,” Mrs. Harris answered, smiling at the kids.
    Sn enugh, the students gt used t her, and sme started taking her lessns mre seriusly. Others still liked t be playful, but she wasn’t truly mad at them.
    Hwever, the wrst was yet t happen. Her husband suddenly died in the middle f the schl year, and she didn’t have the heart t g t wrk. Frtunately, the schl was accmmdating. They gave her sme well-deserved time ff.
    At first, she was like a zmbie(迟钝无生气的人) at hme, lying in bed all day. She didn’t even listen t music anymre. But when her daughter encuraged her t start playing tunes nce again, she began t play again until she decided t return t schl.
    She called the headmaster, letting him knw she was ready t get back t nrmal, even if the lve f her life was gne.
    “Gd mrning, everyne,” she began upn entering the classrm fr the first time since her husband’s death. She placed her things n her desk and started t speak again. “Befre we begin, I want t aplgize…”
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    Paragraph 1:
    But befre she culd g n, the sund f ntes being played cut her ff.
    Paragraph 2:
    Her students apprached her ne by ne.
    One Friday afternn, sme f my classmates planned t take a hike in a jungle(丛林), including my friends Jake and Liam. They asked me if I wuld like t g with them. I lve utdr activities, s I immediately said yes.
    It was sunny the fllwing mrning. I was in a very gd md. I was s excited abut hiking since it was the first time that I had hiked with them. I ate a light breakfast. After that, I hurriedly ran ut f my huse t meet them in the schl playgrund.
    The jungle where we were ging was far frm ur schl. It tk abut three hurs t g there by bus, but it wasn’t a bring jurney as we were all eager t hike. After we gt ff the bus, we fund a lcal guide t ensure ur safety. The guide, whse name is Thmas, said that he had hiked there lts f times and that he was familiar with the rute. When we arrived, Thmas tld us never t leave the grup. He warned us that we wuld easily get lst in the jungle if we walked alne. Then we began t hike.
    There were varius plants which we had never seen befre. All f us were amazed at the beauty f the scenery and the sunds f the creatures. Sadly, after hiking fr abut an hur, I fund that my watch n my wrist was gne. I realized that my watch had fallen ff. It was a gift frm my grandma, and I lved it very much. Withut thinking, I turned back and tried t find my watch. Since I was the last ne walking in the grup, nbdy nticed it when I walked away.
    I wasn’t wrried abut getting lst because I thught I culd find my watch easily. Hwever, when I finally fund my watch and tried t catch up with my friends, they had gne far. I immediately realized that I was alne and lst.
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    The sky started t becme darker and I was very wrried.
    Actually, they were rescuers searching fr me.
    My dad gt a new jb. We had t pack up and mve away frm everything we were familiar with. There were s many changes. We came frm the nrth, and nw we were almst as far suth as pssible. We landed in Suth Flrida, and we were ttal strangers. We mved ver during the summer vacatin, s I didn’t have t deal with schl right away. Summer passed by while we unpacked, arranged furniture, fund stres we liked, and adapted t the Sunshine State.
    Schl was cming, and I was afraid f it. I was nt an adventurus persn. Being shy and quiet, I read a lt and did nt make friends easily. My head was filled with fears and wrries. Wuld I make friends? Wuld If it in? Wuld I survive in this strange new wrld? Anyway, there I was, attending a new schl full f peple I didn’t knw.
    I had a difficult time adapting t the new schl. Hwever, I still lved learning and reading. I even lved hmewrk, and I was gd at ding my hmewrk. Lving bks and reading helped me t get gd grades. Teachers lved that abut me. Other kids, thugh, did nt. Althugh I always answered questins in class, I seldm talked with my classmates. I was unppular. I felt like a ttal failure and nbdy wuld like me.
    The nne day, at all by walked ver t me after an English class. He intrduced himself and tld me he was in the schl basketball team. I knew him—he was the star player! “Hey,” he said. “Yu d really well in English class. And yu knw, my teammates and I spend much time cmpeting and practicing. The subjects, especially English, really bther us. D yu think yu culd help us?” “Yes. Oh, definitely yes. I culd, and I wuld,” I replied with surprise. We made the deal with an exchange f smiles.
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    Smething gradually changed after that.
    Meanwhile, the basketball players taught me hw t play basketball.
    Rick was a yung by that was cnstantly angry at everything arund him. He always fught in schl with the ther kids. His teachers culdn’t say anything that wuld calm the kid. And the parents f his schlmates were getting cncerned. The by was earning quite the reputatin.
    After talking with schl fficials, Rick’s mm tried everything she can t calm Rick dwn. She tried different methds until ne day she came hme with a canvas and paint.
    “What’s this?”, Rick asked.
    Rick’s mm handed ver the painting equipment and said, “Whenever yu feel angry, paint whatever it is yu’re angry abut.”
    Rick wasn’t that happy abut it but he gave it a try anyway. Over the next few weeks, the yung by created several artwrks. They mstly shwed disturbing images thugh. S his mm tk all f the paintings and called Rick ver s that they culd talk abut them.
    “Tell me, Rick. What are these paintings abut?”
    “Well, the first painting is abut hw sme f the kids shw ff their new clthes and gadgets. The next painting is abut my teacher wh keeps n telling me abut hw I’m ding things wrng. And the last painting is abut hw ne f my schlmate’s father suggested that I change my attitude. All f them make me s angry.”
    Rick’s mm, in a calm vice, tk Rick by her side and tld him:
    “Dn’t yu see it, Rick?”
    “See what?”
    “Yu’re s angry at all f these things but nt nce did yu try t understand why yu’re getting s angry. What have all these peple dne t yu, really? Dn’t yu find that all they’re trying t d is help yu becme a better persn?
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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    Para.1: Rick thught abut what his mther said.
    Para 2: “I see it nw, mm, I was letting my bad temper cntrl me instead f the ther way arund.”
    Chasing a Dream
    I will never frget that Nvember day. It was htter than nrmal — t ht. My thrat felt like a field f cttn, cracked with the summer heat, as I waited fr the gun t fire. This was the day we had waited s lng fr. I lked ut at the crwd; dzens f familiar faces flashed acrss my view. They had cme fr me. They were cunting n me. I saw my dad set his watch, with wrry and excitement n his face. Adrenaline (肾上腺素) pumped thrugh my bdy, and the race began.
    Fr the first tw and a half miles, I felt great. I had never befre been s ready fr smething. The weeks leading up t the race were filled with strictly cntrlled practices and a strict diet. My friends hadn’t seen me in weeks, but they understd the sacrifice required t make my dream a reality.
    My dad and I had been wrking twards this race fr three years. It was everything t me, and it was everything t my dad. He was a runner and was excited by my success in running. He made it t every race, even flying hme early frm business trips t see me run. I always listened fr his vice — telling me t relax my arms, calling ut my time. He pushed me. He cheered fr me. He believed in me. We spent cuntless hurs n the sandy canals. Breathing in the dust f the desert, the blssms (花簇) f the range trees, we made ur way acrss the city. We punded miles and miles int ur running shes, marking with every step the path t greatness.
    But withut warning, when I was 200 yards away frm the finish line, my legs stpped wrking. My lungs fught t take in enugh air, and my feet transfrmed int cement (水泥) bricks. I still dn’t knw what happened in thse last few mments. Nthing I culd d wuld make them hld my weight. They were as weak as jelly.
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    Even thugh I knew my dreams f victry were destryed, I had t finish the race.
    “I’m s srry I disappinted yu,” I whispered t Dad.
    That summer I turned 18. I was wild with excitement because I just tk my driving license and my parents bught me a new perfect car. I was reminded repeatedly by my parents t drive cautiusly. Alng with this new privilege (特权) came new respnsibilities. I wuld practice the same rutine-call my parents and tell them where I was ging, whm I was with and when I wuld be hme. It became a typical cycle.
    I had been wrking all day in the ht sun.I was exhausted and ready fr a nap. But my stmach tld me smething different. S I called my friend Mike and made ur way int twn. After ur meal, we never knew ur day wuld sn change fr the wrse.
    It takes nly a mment t turn yur life upside dwn. I recalled later that I was driving fast. Actually t fast. I reached the cnclusin tw years later that the mistake wuld be with me fr the rest f my life.
    Mike and I were driving dwn a dusty gravel (沙砾) rad. I was driving a shiny black Saturn,which was the car I had admired fr lng. I was verflwing with excitement and pride t be driving it.It was perfect in my eyes. I culd see the rlling hills in the distance. Tall pine trees traveled n bth sides f the rad.The music playing ludly, we bth were in high spirits. Smehw, withut realizing it, I sped up.
    Enjying urselves in my car,we came acrss a lse spt f gravel. My tires were stuck in it and desperate t escape. My car started fishtailing (摆尾行驶). Terrified,I pressed hard n the brakes and all f a sudden the car lst cntrl. I frze, my bdy was stiff, great panic hlding me entirely in its pwer. Lking int the right, I tk a glimpse f Mike, whse bdy had leaned twards me. His face went pale but he was trying t balance himself. The car was rushing left t right, casting (惯性滑行) alng the gravel as if it were ice. It was nly secnds later that my car crashed head n int a big pine tree.
    I heard a raring sund f my car hitting the trees.
    Frtunately enugh, Mike and I were nt seriusly injured.
    Becming a Real Runner
    I wuld never use the wrd “athletic” t describe myself. T me, athletes are peple wh really enjy wrking ut. I remember crying in middle schl when I had t run a mile during a gym class. As I grew up, I wuld g t the gym, but I never enjyed wrking ut. I was t shy t run utdrs. That, I thught, was fr “real runners”.
    In June 2017, my friend sent mean email that wuld frever change my attitude twards running. He was training fr a 200-mile relay and wanted me t be n his team. I wuld run three legs-between fur and six miles each-in tw days. Figuring that I wuld never again have the chance t wrk with sme tp runners, I immediately agreed, and started running utside t prepare.
    The first run was hard. I purpsefully avided Central Park in rder t stay away frm “real runners”. After a few blcks, I was already breathless, and walked the rest f the way hme. I called my mm; chking up and saying I had n hpe f running this relay at all. But she encuraged me t keep at it, s I didn’t quit. My running went frm fur miles a week t eight within ne mnth befre my advanced training began.
    I was fightened t g int the first training sessin with the team as everyne else was super “athletic”. We ran fr five miles, and I was significantly slwer. Hwever, my teammates were s supprtive that I felt the runner’s excitement, which I had never believed true.
    One day, abut tw weeks after the first training, my ankle gave ut while I was running in Central Park. I was diagnsed with a stress fracture (应力性骨折) in my left leg. The dctr put a cast (石膏) n my left leg and tld me t stp running fr tw mnths. It tk me awhile t face the fact that I was ut f the race. My dctr tld me that he had nce been struck dwn by a stress fracture, and the fllwing year, he be at his best running time in a half-marathn.
    My dctr’s wrds brught me hpe.
    I made it thrugh the next tw mnths by picturing myself running again.
    Abut six mnths ag, I jined a gym. Every mrning, there was ne persnal trainer wh wrked ut. He did his rutine with such a quiet determinatin that he made it all lk very easy. When I wanted t quit, I watched him push himself t his wn limits, and I fund myself mtivated t wrk hard.
    Several weeks ag, I was watching him d chin-ups (引体向上) effrtlessly. I asked him if I culd try a chin-up. I had never tried befre. He eagerly stepped aside and encuraged me t step up t the bar. I pulled myself up withut thinking... twice. I had n strength left. I tld him that was all I had, s he stepped up behind me and pushed me up fr a third and a furth pull. It felt s gd and I smiled frm ear t ear.
    The next day when I was dne with my wrkut, I asked him t spt me again. Again, I did tw. Again n day three and s n. I thught it was pitiful that I culd nly d tw, but he said he was impressed with my chin-ups, explaining that mst peple culdn’t d them at all. He further tld me that if I practiced every day, I wuld be ding five r six in n time.
    I just jumped in and gave it a try. A few mnths had passed since that memrable day at the gym. I cntinued t wrk n my chin-ups, slwly but steadily. With each passing week, I culd feel my strength increasing and my determinatin grwing.
    One day, as I apprached the chin-up bar, my trainer nticed the determinatin in my eyes. He smiled and said, “Yu knw, yu’ve cme a lng way in such a shrt time. I believe it’s time t set a new gal fr yurself.” I asked, “What d yu have in mind?” He replied, “Hw abut aiming fr ten cnsecutive (连续不断的) chin-ups? I have n dubt that yu can achieve it with yur insistence.”
    I was bth excited and nervus abut this new challenge.
    Finally, ne mrning, it happened.
    Sam was a junir high schl student. He lived in a cmmunity in Charltte and usually had little expsure t cuntry life. S much f what he knew abut plants came frm text-bks. Sam was a kind-hearted persn. He lnged fr a chance t explre nature and he wanted t d his part t beautify the wrld.
    Finally, the pprtunity came. On Arbr Day (植树节), his class rganized a trip t a lcal village t plant trees. Sam was excited abut it and culdn’t wait t tell his mm the gd news. S the next day, Sam and his mm went t buy sme tls fr planting trees, including a shvel(铲), a bucket, glves and s n.
    On the day f the event, Sam and his classmates arrived early at the starting pint. It was a beautiful day and everyne lked particularly happy. With the tls in hand, Sam gt int the bus with everyne else and headed ff t their destinatin.
    As sn as they reached the village, all the students were divided int three teams by their teacher. One team was respnsible fr planting the trees, ne team fr shvelling the sil and ne team fr watering the trees. At the teacher’s cmmand, everyne started t d their jb.
    Hwever, it was the first time that many f the students had taken part in planting trees, s they had n idea abut hw t start. Of curse, Sam was ne f them. Frtunately, their teacher was a middle-aged man frm the cuntryside wh had sme knwledge f planting trees. In rder t set an example t the students, the teacher started t plant trees himself. After watching the teacher plant the trees, everyne als became busy. Befre lng, they planted hundreds f trees. Sam watched very carefully, nt wanting t miss any f the details. Finally, Sam learned hw t plant trees by himself and felt happy.
    A few days later, a strm damaged sme yung trees in the cmmunity.
    The neighburs praised Sam fr what he had dne.
    Helen and her family mved t a new lcatin in the city. Helen was excited because mst f her friends lived in the same street.
    It was the first mrning in their new huse. She wke up early that day and went ut n her balcny (阳台). She was expecting wnderful, lvely birds and beautiful greenery with fresh air, but instead it was the cmplete ppsite. There was garbage right utside their frnt gate. There were n trees and instead f the sweet chirping (鸟叫声) f birds, there were annying g traffic nises. Helen was angry. “What is this? Why can’t smene d anything abut it?” she thught. She went inside the living rm. She sat at the dining table, thinking abut what she culd d abut the pllutin in her lcality.
    The next day at schl, she went int her class and asked ludly, “Wh’s fed up with stinking garbage?” This caught many students’ attentin. “Wh’s fed up with air pllutin and the diseases spread by it?” This time many students answered, “Me!” Helen smiled and then said, “We must clean ur surrundings. S help me get rid f the garbage. Help me pick it up! That’s the best thing we can d. We will all g t ther classes and ask if they want t jin us. I am sure as lng as we wrk tgether, ur cmmunity will becme a better place!”
    In the break time, they all went t ther classes, and by the end f the schl day, Helen had gathered almst 25 students ready t help her. The day befre cleaning, the students tk ut their pcket mney and bught garbage bags, masks and glves.
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    The big day came and the students gathered at the schl gate.
    Sn the headmaster knew what the students did.
    In the little village f Meadwbrk, surrunded with rlling hills, lived tw curius and adventurus twins, Sarah and Sam. At the age f twelve, the inseparable twins were always seeking new adventures.
    One mrning, Miss Harper, their favrite cmmunity service teacher, was intrducing cmmunity vlunteer wrk. Sam suddenly caught sight f the hill behind the schlyard and was instantly inspired with the idea f climbing t the tp.
    “Sarah, ”whispered Sam, “Wuldn’t it be splendid if we climbed t the tp f that hill tday?It’s said t hld breathtaking views f ur belved village. ”
    Hearing that, Sarah’s face lit up with excitement, her heart filled with eagemess. “Oh, Sam, that sunds great!But we prmise Papa and Mama we will save ur pcket mney and nt spend a single penny unnecessarily. ”With determinatin in their hearts, the twins wrked ut a plan. They decided t bring hmemade snacks and refreshing drinks frm their wn kitchen, ensuring they wuldn’t spend a penny.
    The twins set ff n their jurney, their backpacks filled with sandwiches, ckies, and bttles filled with cl, clear water frm the village well. As they walked alng the path, they nticed clrful trash scattered (散落) abut, which ruined the natural beauty surrunding them.
    A brilliant idea flashed int Sarah’s mind. “Why dn’t we pick up the litter alng the way?We culd clean up ur belved cuntryside and maybe even earn a few cins by recycling the materials. ”
    Excited by the idea, the twins eagerly cllected the scattered items. As they reached the ft f the hill, their bags heavy with the cllected waste, they came acrss a recycling center. With excitement, they exchanged their findings fr shiny cins. With newfund treasures in their pckets, they climbed up the hill.
    When they reached the tp, they were greeted by a breathtaking view f their village. “It’s s beautiful!”Sam burst ut,” We must share ur adventure with Miss Harper and ur classmates!”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The next mrning, Sarah and Sam returned t schl, eager t meet Miss Harper.
    The fllwing weekend, the entire class started t clean up their belved village.
    Last September was my first mnth f middle schl, which was cmpletely verwhelming (不知所措的). Every day in the passages, I felt lst and nt very smart. Everyne at schl seemed t knw wh they were and what they were ding, but nt me. I was desperate t find my place at schl.
    And then there was the schl play. Hmm, cstumes might be kind f fun. I added my name t the sign-up sheet fr prps and cstumes. That’s the real beginning f this stry, I guess.
    I’d had an enjyable backstage making sure all the actrs had their shes and figuring ut hw t make a fake pcket watch ut f a bicycle chain fr the Train Cnductr. But then, n pening night, Mr. Bash, the directr, rushed up t me.
    “There yu are, Maisy,” he panted (气喘吁吁). “I need yu t step in fr Bailey tnight. He brke his leg during lunch.”
    I started sweating. “I…” I stammered (结结巴巴地说), shaking my head.
    “Listen, I knw this is shrt ntice,” Mr. Bash said. “But we can’t d the shw withut Lst Cw. Yu knw the cues because yu’re always waiting t take the halter rpe (缰绳) frm Bailey and give him the straw hat.”
    “Just g nstage, get the rpe frm Train Cnductr, d the shrug (耸肩), and walk ff. After all, n ne will even knw that it’s yu.”
    That stpped me shrt. If I had t g ut there and recite a bunch f lines, I might faint. Or else thrw up. But what if I were wearing the cw head, and my name wasn’t in the prgram, and n ne culd really even see me?
    Right then, I decided I’d try. Maybe it wuld be fun?
    S fifteen minutes later, I was waiting behind the curtain. “Ready, Lst Cw?” said a vice beside me. It was Mr. Bash.
    “N ne knws it’s me, right?” I asked.
    “N ne,” Mr. Bash said.
    1. 写作词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I tk a deep breath and stepped nt the stage.
    “Awesme jb, Maisy.” Mr. Bash said, grinning (咧嘴笑).
    15.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “What will we be singing fr cntest this year?” a student frm my high schl chir asked eagerly.
    I dreaded (害怕) this mment. “I was thinking,” I said, “maybe we’ll skip the cntest and just wrk hard n the cncerts this year.”
    “NO!” the kids prtested.
    “We’ve gt t g t cntest!”
    “In Class A.”
    “It’s traditin!”
    This was true. Medals lined the frnt wall f the music rm frm the past successes f large, talented classes. But a swing in educatinal plicies, with an emphasis n academics, had reduced my chir t a me re thirty-tw students. My sectin leaders had graduated r been frced t drp music classes, leaving me with yung, inexperienced kids wh culdn’t read music, culdn’t hld their parts, and culd sing nly a simple meldy.
    “Maybe we culd enter Class B this year,” I suggested, knwing even that wuld be a near-impssible missin.
    “N!” the kids screamed. “Class A!”
    I shk my head, hping their enthusiasm wuld die ff in a cuple f weeks.
    Finally ne mrning I entered the classrm. “Lk at the clck!” I demanded. “We’ve wasted tw full minutes because sme f yu dn’t have yur music ready. If we are entering the cntest in Class A…” The rest f my sentence was lst in screams f delight and applause.
    “Frm nw n,” I cntinued when the nise faded away, “yu will find the day’s lessn plan n the bard. Be in yur seats with yur music flders n the desk when the bell rings and sit at attentin, ready fr warm-ups the instant I’m ready t begin. When I’m wrking with ne sectin, there will be n talking frm the thers. Yu will listen, and yu will learn. Yu will wrk harder than yu’ve ever wrked in any class befre. And if ne f these rules is brken, we will nt g t the cntest. Des everyne agree t this?”
    I was certain they wuld fail t keep this cntract.
    When the day finally arrived, the kids felt ready t win the cntest.

    2024年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练 专题06 读后续写:微场景描写(2)(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练 专题06 读后续写:微场景描写(2)(原卷版+解析版),文件包含专题06读后续写微场景描写2原卷版doc、专题06读后续写微场景描写2解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip: 这是一份【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip,文件包含寒假作业人教版2019高中英语高二寒假巩固提升训练专题09读后续写知识讲解+名校新题练原卷版docx、寒假作业人教版2019高中英语高二寒假巩固提升训练专题09读后续写知识讲解+名校新题练解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【期中模拟】(外研版2019)2023-2024学年高二上册英语 选修2 Unit 1 【单元测试 · 提升卷】.zip: 这是一份【期中模拟】(外研版2019)2023-2024学年高二上册英语 选修2 Unit 1 【单元测试 · 提升卷】.zip,文件包含期中模拟外研版20192023-2024学年高二上册英语选修2选择性必修1选择性必修二Unit1单元提升测试卷原卷版docx、期中模拟外研版20192023-2024学年高二上册英语选修2选择性必修1选择性必修二Unit1单元提升测试卷解析版docx、期中模拟外研版20192023-2024学年高二上册英语选修2选择性必修1选择性必修二Unit1单元提升测试卷mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

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