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      【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空)(原卷版).docx
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      【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空)(解析版).docx
    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip01
    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip02
    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip03
    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip01
    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip02
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    【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip

    这是一份【期中模拟】2023-2024学年(人教版2019)高二英语下册期中 预测卷 02 完形填空(15空).zip,文件包含期中模拟2023-2024学年人教版2019高二英语下册期中预测卷02完形填空15空原卷版docx、期中模拟2023-2024学年人教版2019高二英语下册期中预测卷02完形填空15空解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共56页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Passage 1
    (22-23高二下·广东深圳·期中)One mrning last summer, bus driver Tim Watsn was abut halfway thrugh his daily rute when a(n) 1 frm his cmpany flashed acrss his dashbard screen (仪表盘). A kid had been 2 miles away, the message read, and it asked that drivers shuld 3 fr the by.
    The victim was described as a three-year-ld child in plaid shrts and red shes; the 4 a yung man wearing a black sweatshirt and carrying a backpack. Tim’s heart 5 when he realized that a man with a kid had barded the bus just ten minutes earlier.
    Tim 6 in ne f his mirrrs and saw the pair sitting in the last seat at the back f the bus. He wanted t 7 their identities. Pulling int a parking lt, he annunced that he needed t lk fr a lst bag. He mved slwly dwn the aisle (走道), as if he was searching fr it carefully, until he 8 the last rw. “I saw the by’s red shes and plaid shrts,” says Tim. “But I knew I had t keep 9 .”
    T avid any pssible 10 , he went back behind the wheel and waited a few minutes, then radied the bus peratr. “I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus,” he said, keeping vice 11 .
    The peratr directed Tim t cntinue t his final stp, where plicemen wuld be waiting. “As I’m driving, all I can think abut is what I’m ging t d if I get there befre the plice,” he says. S he reduced the speed 12 .
    When Tim arrived at the final parking lt, he saw plice pulling up behind the bus silently. He stpped the bus and pened the drs. As the man gt ff the bus with the by, a pliceman grabbed the child ut f his arms, and anther 13 him t the grund and handcuffed him behind his back. Sn afterwards, Tim checked that the by was sitting 14 in the frnt seat f a plice car, withut a tear in sight. “I smiled at him,” Tim says. “I knew he was safe.”
    Several weeks later, Tim received a certificate f recgnitin frm the cmpany. Still, he is 15 abut his actins. “I just want t teach my kids t lk ut fr peple wh can’t defend themselves,” he says. “And that’s what I did.”
    3.A.back dwnB.watch utC.lk upD.tum arund
    1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B
    1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年夏天的一个早上,公共汽车司机蒂姆•沃森(Tim Watsn)正在他的日常路线上走一半的时候,他的公司的警报在他的仪表盘屏幕上闪现。A. call打电话,喊声;B. essay文章,短文;C. alert警惕;D. prtrait画像。根据下文中的“I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus”(我的车上有绑架嫌疑人)可知,此处指的应是“警报”,提醒司机注意一下。故选C项。
    2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:短信中写道,一个孩子在几英里外被绑架了,并要求司机注意这个男孩。A. verlked俯视,忽视;B. kidnapped绑架;C. regulated约束,控制;D. dminated支配。根据下文中的“I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus”可知,此处指的是有小孩被“绑架”符合语境。故选B项。
    3.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:短信中写道,一个孩子在几英里外被绑架了,并要求司机注意这个男孩。A. back dwn放弃,认输;B. watch ut当心,留意;C. lk up仰望,查阅;D. tum arund转向,好转。根据语境以及上文中的“A kid had been ____2____ miles away, the message read, and it asked that drivers”可知,有小孩被绑架,所以要求司机“留意”一下相关人员,watch ut fr意为“留意,当心”符合语境。故选B项。
    4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:受害者被描述为一名三岁的儿童,穿着格子短裤和红色鞋子;嫌疑人是一名身穿黑色运动衫、背着背包的年轻人。A. inspectr检查员;B. passenger乘客;C. invader入侵者;D. suspect嫌疑人。根据上文中的“The victim was described as a three-year-ld child in plaid shrts and red shes”对应此处的内容,以及下文中的“I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus”可知,此处指的是“嫌疑人”。故选D项。
    5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当蒂姆意识到一个带着孩子的男人十分钟前刚刚上车时,他的心沉了下去。A. sank下沉;B. beat击打;C. bmbed轰炸;D. wearied使疲劳。根据语境以及下文中的“when he realized that a man with a kid had barded the bus just ten minutes earlier.”可知,在司机知道嫌疑人特征,现在又意识到有这样的一个人上车后,应该是心“沉”了下去。故选A项。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:蒂姆向一面镜子里瞥了一眼,看见那两人坐在公共汽车最后一个座位上。A. reflected反映,认真思考;B. psed造成,引起;C. glanced扫视、瞥一眼;D. emerged出现。根据语境以及下文中的“in ne f his mirrrs and saw the pair sitting in the last seat at the back f the bus.”可知,透过一面镜子看到他们两人坐在最后一排,由此可推断,司机应该 “瞥一眼”符合语境。故选C项。
    7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他想确认他们的身份。A. ignre忽略;B. cnfirm证实、确认;C. evaluate评估;D. analyse分析。根据上文中的“Tim ____6____ in ne f his mirrrs and saw the pair sitting in the last seat at the back f the bus.”可知,司机这么做的目的是“确认”他们的身份。故选B项。
    8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他慢慢地沿着过道走,好像在仔细地寻找它,直到他走到最后一排。A. preserved保护;B. remved去除;C. apprached接近,靠近;D. recalled回忆。根据语境以及下文中的““I saw the by’s red shes and plaid shrts,” says Tim.”可知,司机看到男孩的穿着,由此可知,此处指的是“靠近”最后一排,进一步确认涉案人员的身份。故选C项。
    9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我知道我必须保持冷静。A. cl冷静的,凉爽的;B. busy忙的;C. hnest诚实的;D. puzzled迷茫的。根据上文中的““I saw the by’s red shes and plaid shrts,” says Tim.”可知,司机已经确认了这次绑架的嫌疑犯和受害者都在车上,结合空前的but可知,此处指的是司机提醒自己保持“冷静”。故选A项。
    10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了避免可能发生的冲突,他回到驾驶座上等了几分钟,然后用无线电通知了公共汽车接线员。A. depressin抑郁;B. defect缺点,毛病;C. cnflict矛盾,冲突;D. mtive动机。根据下文中的“he went back behind the wheel and waited a few minutes, then radied the bus peratr. “I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus,” he said”可知,司机坐回到座位上,致电公交车公司告知情况,由此可知,他是为了避免“冲突”发生。故选C项。
    11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“绑架嫌疑人在我的车上,”他说,声音很低。A. lw低的;B. lud大声的;C. gentle温柔的;D. clear清楚的。根据常识和语境以及上文中的““I have the kidnapping suspect n my bus,” he said, keeping vice…”可知,在发现嫌疑犯在车上,汇报情况应该是“压低”声音。故选A项。
    12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以他降低了速度。A. desperately拼命地;B. deliberately故意地;C. accidentally偶然地;D. barely刚刚。根据上文中的““As I’m driving, all I can think abut is what I’m ging t d if I get there befre the plice,” he says.”(他说:“当我开车的时候,我所能想到的就是,如果我在警察面前到达那里,我该怎么办。”)可知,司机在思考着警察到来前自己能做些什么,结合s可知,此处指的是司机“故意地”降低车速。故选B项。
    13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当这名男子带着男孩下车时,一名警察从他怀里夺过孩子,另一名警察把他推倒在地,用手铐把他铐在背后。A. landed着陆;B. hugged拥抱;C. adjusted调整;D. threw扔,抛,猛推。根据语境以及下文中的“him t the grund and handcuffed him behind his back.”可知,这是抓捕现场,所以此处表示将嫌疑犯“猛推”到地上,给他戴上手铐符合语境。故选D项。
    14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,蒂姆发现小男孩平静地坐在一辆警车的前座上,没有看到一滴眼泪。A. nervusly紧张地;B. anxiusly焦虑地;C. calmly冷静的;D. reluctantly勉强地。根据下文中的“withut a tear in sight.”可知,小男孩没有哭泣,由此可推断,此处指的是小男孩“平静地”坐在警车的座位上。故选C项。
    15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,他对自己的行为还是很谦逊。A. dubtful怀疑的;B. humble谦逊的;C. ptimistic乐观的;D. cnfident自信的。根据下文中的““I just want t teach my kids t lk ut fr peple wh can’t defend themselves,” he says.”可知,司机说自己只是想教孩子们留意一下那些不能保护自己的人们,由此可知,司机对自己的行为是很“谦逊的”。故选B项。
    Passage 2
    (22-23高二下·全国·单元测试)I have been afraid f heights since yung. In my middle schl there was a training prgram called “The Leap f Faith”. Students had t climb a ladder t a platfrm (平台) 11 meters abve the grund and then 16 the platfrm and grab a swing.
    I was 17 like a leaf befre I tk the first step. I climbed up and, when I gt t the tp, I was s 18 that I felt faint. I literally culdn’t 19 My teacher, wh was standing belw, suggested that 20 jumping ff the platfrm, I just sit n the edge and then slide dwn. I sat there fr 10 minutes and finally, with the 21 f my classmates, I slid dwn crying the whle way. I heard tw bys 22 me behind my back. I was s hurt.
    Over the next tw weeks, I jumped ff steps and swung n the rpe. I wanted s badly t 23 that I culd d it, and I wanted t 24 the guys wh had laughed at me. Tw weeks later in a PE class I 25 jumped ff the platfrm. I have never felt s 26 f myself.
    Smetimes situatins are 27 , but that desn’t mean it is impssible t deal with them. Peple will dubt yu, but 28 is the best revenge (报复) fr them. When yu attain yur gals, yu’ll feel a great sense f 29 . S, keep dreaming and dn’t let yur 30 get in the way.
    16.A.jump ffB.lift upC.lie nD.turn ver
    20.A.except frB.instead fC.as well asD.just like
    24.A.make fun fB.get back atC.get rid fD.catch up with
    16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.A
    16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:学生们必须爬上梯子,爬到离地面11米高的平台上,然后从平台上跳下来,抓住秋千。A. jump ff跳下;B. lift up抬高;C. lie n依赖;D. turn ver移交。根据后文“jumping ff the platfrm”可知,是从11米的平台上跳下。故选A。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我迈出第一步之前,我像一片叶子一样颤抖。A. dancing跳舞;B. falling落下;C. shaking颤抖;D. rlling翻滚。根据前文“I have been afraid f heights since yung.”可知,我恐高,所以颤抖。故选C。
    18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我爬了上去,当我到达山顶时,我害怕得昏过去了。A. thrilled兴奋的;B. frightened害怕的;C. cnfused困惑的;D. disappinted失望的。根据前文“I have been afraid f heights since yung.”可知,我恐高,所以很害怕。故选B。
    19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我真的不能动了。A. speak说;B. see看见;C. think思考;D. mve动。根据前文“I felt faint”可知,我昏了过去,所以几乎不能动了。故选D。
    20.考查介词词义辨析。句意:我的老师站在下面,他建议我不要从平台上跳下去,而是坐在边上,然后滑下去。A. except fr除了……之外;B. instead f而不是;C. as well as和;D. just like就像。根据本句“I just sit n the edge and then slide dwn”可知,我是坐着滑下来的,所以不是跳下来。故选B。
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在那里坐了10分钟,最后,在同学们的鼓励下,我一路哭着滑了下来。A. laughter大笑;B. cmfrt舒适;C. encuragement鼓励;D. scream尖叫。根据本句“I slid dwn crying the whle way”可知,我能滑下来,应是在同学们的鼓励下。故选C。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我听到两个男孩在背后取笑我。A. reminding提醒;B. blaming责备;C. calling打电话;D. teasing取笑。根据后文“the guys wh had laughed at me”可知,有人取笑我。故选D。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我非常想证明我能做到,我想报复那些嘲笑我的人。A. prve证明;B. respnd回应;C. claim声称;D. admit承认。根据前文“Over the next tw weeks, I jumped ff steps and swung n the rpe.”可知,我坚持练习,就是为了证明自己。故选A。
    24.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我非常想证明我能做到,我想报复那些嘲笑我的人。A. make fun f取笑;B. get back at报复;C. get rid f摆脱;D. catch up with赶上。根据下文“the best revenge (报复) fr them”以及空后“the guys wh had laughed at me”可知,我坚持练习是想报复嘲笑我的人。故选B。
    25.考查副词词义辨析。句意:两周后,在体育课上,我成功地跳下了跳台。A. suddenly突然;B. accidentally偶然;C. unwillingly不情愿地;D. successfully成功地。根据下文“I have never felt s 11 f myself.”可知,我对自己感到骄傲,应是成功地跳了下来。故选D。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从未为自己感到如此自豪。A. ashamed羞愧的;B. certain确定的;C. prud骄傲的;D. nervus紧张的。根据前文“Tw weeks later in a PE class I 10 jumped ff the platfrm.”可知,我成功地跳下,所以很自豪。故选C。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时情况是可怕的,但这并不意味着你无法处理它们。A. scary可怕的;B. cmplex复杂的;C. dangerus危险的;D. urgent紧急的。根据前文“I have been afraid f heights since yung.”可知,本文主题是克服恐惧。所以情况虽然可怕,但是还是可以处理的。故选A。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们会怀疑你,但对他们来说,行动是最好的报复。A. smile微笑;B. actin行动;C. argument争论;D. cnfidence自信。根据前文“Over the next tw weeks, I jumped ff steps and swung n the rpe.”可知,我坚持练习,用行动报复了嘲笑我的人,克服了恐惧。所以给出建议:对怀疑你的人来说,行动是最好的报复。故选B。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你达到目标时,你会有一种巨大的成就感。A. belnging所有物;B. respnsibility责任;C. achievement成就;D. safety安全。根据本句“yu attain yur gals”达到目标,会有成就感。故选C。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,继续梦想,不要让你的恐惧成为阻碍。A. fear恐惧;B. selfish自私的;C. laziness懒惰;D. regret遗憾。根据前文“I have been afraid f heights since yung.”可知,本文主题是克服恐惧。所以不要让恐惧成为阻碍。故选A。
    Passage 3
    (22-23高二下·陕西西安·期中)I’ ve been living in China fr 6 years. I am 31 t say that I have a talent in finding the cl 32 lcal spts. As a 33 , I am never fed up with eating varius Chinese fds and ther cultures. What’s mst imprtant is 34 the real cuntry and culture. S I always try t find smething representing 35 culture, and ffering an interactin with the lcals.
    My reputatin fr ding this has 36 . I’m ften asked t give peple 37 . Since I am fluent in Chinese, I culd 38 peple fr this and becme smewhat f an fficial tur 39 . I chse nt t, 40 . Because t me, the mst imprtant thing is making sure that the turist has the mst 41 experience. It is als abut creating a lifelng 42 with that persn, and with the lcals we interact with during ur time tgether. These turists culd spend much mney n the guided tur that is 43 t the lcal culture. I chse t give them an experience that’s deeper and pens their 44 , all fr free.
    Yu can d the 45 . When yu have smene 46 yur hmetwn, dn’t just take them t the turist spts. Shw them the places with great 47 t yu. Shw them yur heart thrugh the places yu shw them and the experience yu give them. There’s always smething 48 in almst every twn there. If yu dn’t have any spts in yur hmetwn that yu like, 49 t find the gd where yu live. If yu d, yu will als find it in yur- self. It’s a time that bth yu and the turist will never frget. Dn’t 50 the experience, but thrughly enjy every mment with that persn. The turist and yur heart will thank yu fr it.
    31.C 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.D 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.D 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.C
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很自豪地说,我有一种天赋,能发现很酷的隐藏在当地的景点。A. srry抱歉的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. prud自豪的;D. puzzled困惑的。根据后文“t say that I have a talent”可知,作者自豪地认为自己有一种能发现隐藏的景点的天赋。故选C。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很自豪地说,我有一种天赋,能发现很酷的隐藏在当地的景点。A. beaten打败;B. hidden隐藏;C. frbidden禁止;D. develped发展。根据上文“I have a talent in finding the cl”指当地隐藏的景点可以被作者找到。故选B。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一个外国人,我永远不会厌倦吃各种各样的中国食物和其他文化。A. teacher老师;B. lawyer律师;C. dctr医生;D. freigner外国人。根据上文“I’ve been living in China fr 6 years.(我在中国生活了6年)”可知,作者是外国人。故选D。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最重要的是体验真实的国家和文化。A. inventing发明;B. experiencing体验;C. prtecting保护;D. designing设计。根据后文“the real cuntry and culture”指体验真实的国家和文化,故选B。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以我总是试图找到一些代表当地文化的东西,并提供与当地人的互动。A. lcal当地的;B. rich富有的;C. strange奇怪的;D. backward向后的。根据后文“ffering an interactin with the lcals”可知,作者总是试图找到一些代表当地文化的东西,故选A。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我这样做的名声越来越大了。A. existed存在;B. happened发生;C. disappeared消失;D. grwn生长;变大。根据后文作者去当导游,可知名声变大了,应用动词grw。故选D。
    37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我经常被要求带人参观。A. lectures演讲;B. space空间;C. turs观光;D. help帮助。呼应后文“f an fficial tur”指带人参观,故选C。
    38.考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于我的中文很流利,我可以向人们收取费用,并成为一名官方导游,但我选择不这样做。A. ask询问;B. pay支付;C. frgive原谅;D. charge收费。根据后文“peple fr this and becme smewhat f an fficial tur”可知,作者中文流利,可以当导游向人们收费,故选D。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于我的中文很流利,我可以向人们收取费用,并成为一名正式导游,但我选择不这样做。A. guide导游;B. directr导演;C. artist艺术家;D. musician音乐家。根据上文“an fficial tur”指成为正式导游。故选A。
    40.考查副词词义辨析。句意:由于我的中文很流利,我可以向人们收取费用,并成为一名正式导游,但我选择不这样做。A. therefre因此;B. thugh虽然,但是;C. mrever此外;D. therwise否则。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用thugh。故选B。
    41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为对我来说,最重要的是确保游客有最难忘的体验。A. passive被动的;B. aggressive侵略性的;C. impressive印象深刻的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据后文“give them an experience that’s deeper”可知,作者认为最重要的是确保游客有最难忘的体验。故选C。
    42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这也是关于与那个人以及我们在一起的时候与之互动的当地人建立终身联系。A. cnnectin连接;B. present礼物;C. ambitin野心;D. dream梦想。根据后文“with that persn”可知,指与当地人建立终身联系。故选A。
    43.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些游客可以花很多钱在导游上,这对当地文化有益。A. sympathetic同情的;B. addicted上瘾的;C. beneficial有益的;D. sensitive敏感的。根据上文“These turists culd spend much mney n the guided tur”可知,这些游客可以花很多钱在导游上,这对当地文化有益。故选C。
    44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我选择给他们一个更深入的体验,打开他们的思想,所有这些都是免费的。A. bxes盒子;B. minds思维;C. huses房子;D. markets市场。根据上文“give them an experience that’s deeper and pens their”可知,作者给了游客更深入的体验,打开了他们的思维。故选B。
    45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你也能做一样的事情。A. cl凉爽的;B. same同样的;C. rdinary普通的;D. unusual不寻常的。根据后文“Shw them yur heart thrugh the places yu shw them and the experience yu give them.(通过你展示给他们的地方和你给他们的经历,向他们展示你的心)”可知,作者认为读者也可以做一样的事情。故选B。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当有人来你的家乡时,不要只带他们去旅游景点。A. cver覆盖;B. clean清理;C. reach到达;D. visit参观,拜访。根据后文“dn’t just take them t the turist spts”指有人来参观家乡。故选D。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:向他们展示对你有重要意义的地方。A. challenges挑战;B. decratins装饰;C. meanings意义;D. clrs颜色。根据后文“Shw them yur heart thrugh the places yu shw them and the experience yu give them.(通过你展示给他们的地方和你给他们的经历,向他们展示你的心)”可知是向他们展示有重要意义的地方。故选C。
    48.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那里几乎每个城镇都有好东西。A. bring无聊的;B. useless无用的;C. standard标准的;D. gd好的。呼应后文“t find the gd where yu live”指每个城镇都有好东西。故选D。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你的家乡没有任何你喜欢的地方,学着去发现你住的地方的好的一面。A. stp停止;B. learn学习;C. pretend假装;D. refuse拒绝。根据上文“If yu dn’t have any spts in yur hmetwn that yu like”可知,家乡没有好的地方,就学着去发现你所居住地方的好的一面。故选B。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不要忘记这段经历,但要好好享受和那个人在一起的每一刻。A. rush急忙;B. describe描述;C. frget忘记;D. cancel取消。呼应上文“It’s a time that bth yu and the turist will never frget.(这是一个你和游客都永远不会忘记的时刻)”指不要忘记这段经历。故选C。
    Passage 4
    (22-23高二下·广东广州·期中)A ten-year-ld by saved his mther frm chking n a prk scratching (猪肉脆片) after 51 the Heimlich maneuvre at a schl demnstratin just days befre.
    Dm Hllinshead used the 52 he learned in schl after the snack gt 53 in his mther Lisa’s airway while she was watching TV alne. She was left gasping (喘气) fr air. 54 , Dm fund his mther in distress (痛苦) after leaving his bedrm at 10 pm t find his hat.
    Ms Hllinshead said: “I was in abslute 55 — I culdn’t make a nise r shut fr help. It was a 56 feeling. I culdn’t even get any air thrugh my nse. I tried disldging (取出) it by cughing, then I tried t get sme water but it didn’t 57 . I just culdn’t catch my 58 . But Dm ran dwn and gave me fur massive Heimlich maneuvres. When it came up, I started crying. I was lying n the flr laughing, crying and hugging him — he 59 my life.”
    And the yungster did s by using skills she had n idea he had. Vlunteers frm St Jhn’s Ambulance had been visiting the schl t give a(n) 60 t pupils. 61 , the lessn stuck with Dm. “I did the Heimlich maneuvre n her stmach and it 62 came ut,” said the by.
    Ms Hllinshead said: “He is my 63 . It just ges t shw what a(n) 64 jb St Jhn’s Ambulance des. Smene, smewhere, smeday will try and nip it in the bud (防患于未然) by saying first aid csts t much but it clearly saves 65 .”
    51.D 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.D 60.C 61.C 62.A 63.D 64.B 65.C
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天前,一名10岁的男孩在学校的一次示范活动中学习了海姆利克急救法,使他的母亲免于被猪肉脆片噎死。A. attempting尝试;B. cmpleting完成;C. perfrming表演;D. learning学习。根据下文“the Heimlich maneuvre at a schl demnstratin just days befre.”可知,此处指在学校的一次示范活动中学习了海姆利克急救法。故选D。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当妈妈丽莎独自看电视时,零食卡在了她的气管里,多姆·霍林斯黑德利用了他在学校学到的技能。A. tricks技巧;B. skills技能;C. experiences经历;D. principles原则。根据上文“the Heimlich maneuvre at a schl demnstratin just days befre.”和下文“And the yungster did s by using skills she had n idea he had.”及常识可知,海姆利克急救法是一种急救技能。故选B。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当妈妈丽莎独自看电视时,零食卡在了她的气管里,多姆·霍林斯黑德利用了他在学校学到的技能。A. stuck卡住;B. lst丢失;C. spread传播;D. divided分开。根据上文“A ten-year-ld by saved his mther frm chking n a prk scratching (猪肉脆片)”可知,多姆·霍林斯黑德的母亲被零食卡住了气管。故选A。
    54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在晚上10点离开卧室去找他的帽子后,反应敏捷的多姆发现他的母亲很痛苦。A. Sprts-lving热爱运动的;B. Hard-wrking勤奋的;C. Quick-thinking反应敏捷的;D. Self-supprting自立的。根据下文“But Dm ran dwn and gave me fur massive Heimlich maneuvres.”可知,多姆发现母亲被卡住,迅速跑下楼,进行了急救,说明他反应敏捷。故选C。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我当时非常恐慌——我不能发出声音,也不能大声呼救。A. pwer权力;B. panic恐慌;C. cntrl控制;D. shck震惊。根据上文“She was left gasping (喘气) fr air.”和下文“I culdn’t make a nise r shut fr help”及常识可知,在这种情景下,霍林斯黑德很恐慌。故选B。
    56.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一种可怕的感觉。A. hrrible可怕的;B. strange奇怪的;C. different不同的;D. general普遍的。根据上文“I was in abslute 5 — I culdn’t make a nise r shut fr help.”可知,这是一种可怕的感觉。故选A。
    57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试着通过咳嗽把它弄出来,然后我试着喝点水,但没有奏效。A. fail失败;B. stp停止;C. matter要紧;D. wrk奏效。根据上文“I tried disldging (取出) it by cughing, then I tried t get sme water but it didn’t”可知,霍林斯黑德尝试了一些办法,但是并没有奏效。故选D。
    58.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我简直喘不过气来。A. arm手臂;B. breath呼吸;C. sul灵魂;D. balance平衡。根据上文“I culdn’t even get any air thrugh my nse. I tried disldging (取出) it by cughing, then I tried t get sme water but it didn’t 7 .”可知,霍林斯黑德简直无法呼吸,喘不过气来。故选B。
    59.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我躺在地板上笑着,哭着,抱着他——他救了我的命。A. shaped塑造;B. risked冒险;C. changed改变;D. saved拯救。根据上文“But Dm ran dwn and gave me fur massive Heimlich maneuvres. When it came up, I started crying.”可知,卡在气管的里食物被弄出来了,多姆救了自己的母亲。故选D。
    60.考查名词词义辨析。句意:圣约翰救护车队的志愿者们一直在参观学校,为学生们做示范。A. suggestin建议;B. test试验;C. demnstratin示范;D. example示例。根据上文“the Heimlich maneuvre at a schl demnstratin just days befre.”可知,此处指为学生们做示范。故选C。
    61.考查副词词义辨析。句意:值得庆幸的是,这一课让多姆牢牢记住了。A. Regretfully遗憾地;B. Gradually逐渐地;C. Thankfully值得庆幸的是;D. Hpefully有希望地。根据下文““I did the Heimlich maneuvre n her stmach and it 12 came ut,” said the by.”可知,多姆牢牢记住了海姆利克急救法,并救了自己的母亲,这是值得庆幸的。故选C。
    62.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我在她的肚子上做了海姆利克氏操作法,它最终出来了,”男孩说。A. eventually最终;B. hardly几乎没有;C. nearly接近;D. pssibly可能。根据上文“But Dm ran dwn and gave me fur massive Heimlich maneuvres. When it came up, I started crying.”可知,此处指卡在母亲气管里的食物,最终出来了。故选A。
    63.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他是我的英雄。A. partner合伙人;B. assistant助理;C. witness证人;D. her英雄。根据上文“I was lying n the flr laughing, crying and hugging him — he 9 my life.”可知,多姆救了自己的母亲,他母亲认为他是一个英雄。故选D。
    64.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这只能说明圣约翰救护车队的工作多么了不起的。A. interesting有趣的;B. amazing了不起的;C. unique独特的;D. rutine常规的。根据上文“Vlunteers frm St Jhn’s Ambulance had been visiting the schl t give a(n) 10 t pupils. 11 , the lessn stuck with Dm.”可知,圣约翰救护车队的志愿者们一直为学生们做示范,而多姆利用学到的技能救了母亲,所以这是很了不起的工作。此处指。故选B。
    65.考查名词词义辨析。句意:某一天,某个地方的某个人会试图把它扼杀在萌芽状态,说急救费用太高,但它显然能挽救生命。A. effrts努力;B. space空间;C. lives生命;D. time时间。根据上文“by saying first aid csts t much but it clearly saves”及常识可知,急救然能挽救生命。故选C。
    Passage 5
    (22-23高二下·安徽池州·期中)When I was in my early teens, I read Ernest Hemingway’s “The Snws f Kilimanjar”. Reading it fr the first time gave me a strng 66 t see this ntewrthy muntain 67 .
    Later in my early twenties, I 68 a man wh had been t Kenya. He saw and described Kilimanjar as a muntain standing by itself in the middle f the African plain, 69 by ice n its peak.This 70 my desire t see the muntain with my wn eyes, and perhaps even climb it.
    In my thirties, I travelled t Havana, Cuba and spent sme time 71 the hme f Ernest Hemingway. After this trip, I 72 I was ging t climb Kilimanjar.
    Vancuver t Africa is a great distance, s I decided t put sme add-ns t my planned 73 . The first wuld be an adventure acrss the Sahara Desert, 74 by travelling up the surce f the Nile. It wuld finish at my 75 gal f Kilimanjar. This wuld be a jurney t 76 : t crss the wrld’s greatest desert, 77 the river that mves thrugh ne f the rigin f civilizatin, and climb the tallest muntain in Africa.
    After ending the jurney, I wrte a nvel which 78 this trip, sharing hw much I enjyed each mment f it, and hw 79 each day became n its wn.
    This remarkable jurney will be 80 in my heart.
    67.A.in turnB.in publicC.in persnD.in ttal
    77.A.seek frB.figure utC.flat alngD.stare at
    66.D 67.C 68.A 69.C 70.B 71.C 72.B 73.D 74.A 75.D 76.B 77.C 78.D 79.B 80.A
    66.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第一次读这本书让我产生了一种强烈的愿望,想亲眼看看这座值得注意的山。A. platfrm平台;B. pprtunity机会;C. strength力量;D. desire愿望 。此处是下文“This ____5____ my desire t see the muntain”中desire的词汇复现,指作者第一次读这本书产生了一种强烈的愿望,故选D。
    67.考查介词短语辨析。句意同上。A. in turn依次;B. in public公开地;C. in persn亲自;D. in ttal总共。根据下文“This ____5____ my desire t see the muntain with my wn eyes”以及作者去乞力马扎罗山可知,作者想亲眼看看这座山,故选C。
    68.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来在我二十出头的时候,我遇到了一个去过肯尼亚的男人。A. met遇见;B. bserved观察;C. encuraged鼓励;D. recgnised辨认出。根据下文“He saw and described Kilimanjar as a muntain standing by itself in the middle f the African plain(他看到并描述乞力马扎罗山是非洲平原中部的一座山)”可知,作者遇见了一个去过肯尼亚的人,他向作者描述乞力马扎罗山,故选A。
    69.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他看到并描述乞力马扎罗山是非洲平原中部的一座山,山顶被冰覆盖。A. replaced替代;B. frmed形成;C. capped覆盖;D. affected影响。根据空后“by ice n its peak”可知,山顶应是被冰所覆盖,故选C。
    70.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这进一步加深了我亲眼看到这座山的愿望,甚至可能攀登它。A. used使用;B. furthered促进;C. limited限制;D. symblised象征。上文提到作者第一次读The Snws f Kilimanjar这本书时就想去乞力马扎罗山,故此处指那个人的描述进一步加深了作者去这座山看看的愿望,故选B。
    71.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我三十多岁的时候,我去了古巴的哈瓦那,并花了一些时间参观了欧内斯特·海明威的家。A. repairing修理;B. prtecting保护;C. visiting参观;D. displaying展览。根据“I travelled t Havana, Cuba”可知,作者去旅行,应是参观一些地方,故选C。
    72.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行之后,我决定去爬乞力马扎罗山。A. pretended假装;B. determined决定;C. reacted反应;D. recmmended推荐。下文提到作者去非洲参观乞力马扎罗山,故此处指决定去那里,故选B。
    73.考查名词词义辨析。句意:温哥华到非洲的距离很远,所以我决定在我的旅行计划中增加一些额外的东西。A. business生意;B. equipment设备;C. nvel小说;D. jurney旅行。根据上文“I was ging t climb Kilimanjar”可知,作者决定去乞力马扎罗山,故此处是在计划旅行的行程,故选D。
    74.考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先是穿越撒哈拉沙漠的冒险,然后沿着尼罗河的源头而上。A. fllwed在……后发生;B. prved证明;C. disturbed打扰;D. created创造。根据“The first…”及语境可知,此处是描绘行程,先是穿越撒哈拉沙漠的冒险,然后沿着尼罗河的源头而上,故选A。
    75.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它将在我的最终目标乞力马扎罗山结束。A. prfessinal专业的;B. immediate立即的;C. cmmn普通的;D. ultimate最终的。根据语境可知,作者最终是想去乞力马扎罗山,故选D。
    76.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这将是一次值得纪念的旅程:穿越世界上最大的沙漠,沿着流经文明发源地之一的河流漂流,攀登非洲最高的山峰。A. end结束;B. remember纪念;C. imagine想象;D. discuss讨论。根据“t crss the wrld’s greatest desert, ____12____ the river that mves thrugh ne f the rigin f civilizatin, and climb the tallest muntain in Africa”可知,这次旅行值得纪念,故选B。
    77.考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. seek fr寻找;B. figure ut解决;C. flat alng沿着……漂流;D. stare at凝视。根据空后“the river”可知,此处指沿着河流漂流,故选C。
    78.考查动词词义辨析。句意:旅行结束后,我写了一本小说来回忆这次旅行,分享我是多么享受它的每一刻,每一天都是多么独特。A. predicts预测;B. challenges挑战;C. starts开始;D. recalls回忆。根据“After ending the jurney”可知,旅行结束后应是写书回忆旅行,故选D。
    79.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. hard艰难的;B. unique独特的;C. lng长的;D. quiet安静的。根据“sharing hw much I enjyed each mment f it”可知,作者享受这次旅行的每一个时刻,故此处指每一天都很独特,故选B。
    80.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这段不平凡的旅程将永远留在我的心中。A. always永远;B. never从不;C. seldm很少;D. smetimes有时。根据上文作者写书及空前“This remarkable jurney”可知,这次旅程将永远留在作者的心中,故选A。
    Passage 6
    (22-23高二下·江苏南京·期中)Brne is hme t sme f the mst extrardinary wildlife. Several years ag, I decided t g there fr a visit. A lcal persn ffered t be my guide, which was a great 81 fr me.
    One day, my guide turned ff the smth rad and tk me acrss a 82 hillside instead. We picked ur way carefully when 83 , a Rafflesia (大王花) ppped int my view amng thse stnes. Oh, dear! Mre than 84 , I bent dwn and put my nse practically inside the flwer’s cre.
    Nevertheless, t my surprise, it was nly ne f the 85 during the trip.
    As I 86 the end f my trip, there was still smething I had yet t see. We planned t hunt fr mst feared creature there, the saltwater crcdile, which can grw t a length f 6 meters r mre. 87 we shne a flashlight twards the muddy shre, little sunds 88 in the darkness as if smething unseen underwater had brken the 89 . Taking a secnd lk, we sptted tw greedy eyes just 90 the water line. As we drew near, it mved and we saw clearly it was a crcdile. With great cautin, we neared it and finally culd 91 its true dimensins. It was a baby — n mre than 0.6 meter lng. Aha, whatever, I culd nw reprt t the 92 back hme, wh had never been t Brne, that I had 93 a hungry crcdile in the wild and lived t tell the tale.
    The wrld ut there is s 94 . Dn’t let wrk 95 yur life. Why nt step utdrs and enjy the wnders nature ffers t yu?
    91.A.wrk utB.let utC.set utD.make ut
    81.D 82.C 83.A 84.B 85.D 86.C 87.D 88.A 89.B 90.C 91.D 92.C 93.B 94.C 95.A
    81.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个当地人主动给我当向导,这对我来说是一个很大的额外令人高兴的事情。A. advantage优势;B. preference偏好;C. pririty优先;D. bnus额外令人高兴的事情。根据上文“A lcal persn ffered t be my guide”及常识可知,有当地人主动给我当向导,这对我来说是一个很大的额外令人高兴的事情。故选D。
    82.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一天,我的导游离开了平坦的道路,带我穿过了一个崎岖的山坡。A. winding蜿蜒的;B. splendid精彩的;C. rugh不平的;D. breathtaking令人叹为观止的。根据上文“One day, my guide turned ff the smth rad”和空格后的“hillside”可知,此处指的是高低不平的山坡。故选C。
    83.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们小心翼翼地走着,突然,一棵大王花出现在我的视野中。A. suddenly突然;B. precisely精确地;C. definitely肯定;D. eventually最终。根据下文“a Rafflesia (大王花) ppped int my view amng thse stnes”可知,pp int (突然进入),此处指的是“一棵大王花突然出现”。故选A。
    84.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我非常高兴,弯下腰,几乎把鼻子伸进了花心里。A. disappinted失望的;B. pleased高兴的;C. cncerned担心的;D. encuraged被鼓励的。根据下文“I bent dwn and put my nse practically inside the flwer’s cre.”可知,作者一定很高兴。故选B。
    85.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,令我惊讶的是,这只是这次旅行的亮点之一。A. desires欲望;B. mtivatins动机;C. destinatins目的地;D. highlights亮点。根据语境及所给句子可知,句中的ne指的是上文提到的“a Rafflesia (大王花)”,它是旅途中的一个亮点。故选D。
    86.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我接近旅行的终点时,我仍然有一些东西没有去看。A. suspended暂停;B. suspected怀疑;C. apprached接近;D. arrived到达。根据下文“the end f my trip”可知,此处指接近旅行的终点。故选C。
    87.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:当我们用手电筒照向泥泞的海岸时,黑暗中传来了微弱的声音,好像水下有什么看不见的东西冲破了水面。A. Since自从;B. Befre在……之前;C. After在……之后;D. When当……时。根据语境可知,此处指当我们用手电筒照向泥泞的海岸时,应用when引导时间状语从句。故选D。
    88.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们用手电筒照向泥泞的海岸时,黑暗中传来了微弱的声音,好像水下有什么看不见的东西冲破了水面。A. emerged出现;B. disappeared消失;C. cntinued继续;D. declined拒绝。根据句意和空格后的“in the darkness”可知,此处指黑暗中出现了微弱的声音。故选A。
    89.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们用手电筒照向泥泞的海岸时,黑暗中传来了微弱的声音,好像水下有什么看不见的东西冲破了水面。A. mud泥浆;B. surface表面;C. grund地面;D. shre海岸。根据上文“as if smething unseen underwater had brken”可知,此处指水下有什么看不见的东西冲破水面。故选B。
    90.考查介词词义辨析。句意:再看一看,我们发现水线上方有两只贪婪的眼睛。A. ver在……(的垂直)上方;B. belw在……下面;C. abve在……上面(一般强调物体间的上下关系,不一定存在垂直关系);D. acrss在……对面。根据下文“the water line. As we drew near, it mved and we saw clearly it was a crcdile.”可知,此处指水线上方有两只贪婪的眼睛,abve符合语境。故选C。
    91.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们非常小心地走近它,终于看出了它的真实尺寸。A. wrk ut锻炼;B. let ut放出;C. set ut出发;D. make ut看出。根据下文“its true dimensins. It was a baby — n mre than 0.6 meter lng.”可知,此处指看出了鳄鱼的真实尺寸——是只幼鳄。故选D。
    92.考查名词词义辨析。句意:啊哈,不管怎样,我现在可以向从未到过婆罗洲的家乡的人们报告,我在野外遇到了一只饥饿的鳄鱼,并活下来讲述了这个故事。A. victims受害者;B. ppnents;反对者;C. flks人们;D. guides导游。根据下文“back hme, wh had never been t Brne”可知,此处指家乡那些从未去过婆罗洲的人。故选C。
    93.考查动词词义辨析。句意:啊哈,不管怎样,我现在可以向从未到过婆罗洲的家乡的人们报告,我在野外遇到了一只饥饿的鳄鱼,并活下来讲述了这个故事。A. challenged质疑;B. encuntered遇到;C. terrified使恐惧;D. chased追逐。根据上文“Taking a secnd lk, we sptted tw greedy eyes just 10 the water line.”及下文“a hungry crcdile in the wild”可知,此处指我在野外遇到了一只饥饿的鳄鱼。故选B。
    94.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:外面的世界太好了。A. harmnius和谐的;B. extensive广泛的;C. fantastic极好的;D. primitive原始的。根据下文“Why nt step utdrs and enjy the wnders nature ffers t yu?”可知,作者建议读者到户外去欣赏大自然给你带来的奇观,说明外面的世界太好了。故选C。
    95.考查动词词义辨析。句意:不要让工作主宰你的生活。A. run管理;B. ruin毁灭;C. refrm改革;D. relieve缓解。根据上文“The wrld ut there is s 14 .”及下文“Why nt step utdrs and enjy the wnders nature ffers t yu?”可知,外面的世界太好了,所以不要让工作主宰你的生活,应该走到户外,享受大自然带给你的奇迹。故选A。
    Passage 7
    (22-23高二下·云南玉溪·期中)In many ways, Gitanjali Ra is an rdinary 11-year-ld, lively and chatty, yet her scientific spirit makes a huge difference. Last mnth, she 96 the tp prize at the Discvery Educatin 3M Yung Scientist Challenge fr her inventin.
    What 97 Gitanjali’s wrk was that her city faced a water emergency with t much lead (铅) in its water. “The idea didn’t 98 t me until I saw my parents try t d water tests. The test strips may shw inaccurate results, which weren’t very 99 . ” she recalled.
    She then searched fr suitable materials with cntinued effrts and 100 fund that carbn nantube (纳米管) sensrs can be used t sense chemicals. Gitanjali 101 t build a small blue husing using the 3-D printer at her schl with cmputer chips and a battery inside. A free app, which Gitanjali designed under 102 frm her cmputer science teacher, sends the data t a linked phne thrugh a(n) 103 device.
    The prcess f designing her prject wasn’t always 104 , thugh. Kathleen Shafer, a scientist paired with Gitanjali as her teacher in summer, 105 alng the way. In the award ceremny, Gitanjali als 106 her success t her parents’ cnstant supprt and 107 t try “crazy ideas”. Gitanjali received $25, 000 t further develp her prgram alng with the great 108 f winning the cntest. Accrding t Shafer, wh 109 Gitanjali, “she shws a lt f mtivatin t slve 110 issues thrugh science”.
    109.A.keeps up withB.gets alng withC.takes care fD.speaks highly f
    96.B 97.D 98.A 99.C 100.D 101.A 102.C 103.D 104.B 105.C 106.B 107.A 108.C 109.D 110.B
    96.考查动词词义辨析。句意:上个月,她的发明获得了探索教育3M青年科学家挑战赛的最高奖。A. designed设计;B. earned挣得、赢得;C. ffered提供;D. made制作。根据“the tp prize at the Discvery Educatin 3M Yung Scientist Challenge”可知,此处指获奖,eared符合语境。故选B项。
    97.考查动词词义辨析。句意:启发Gitanjali工作的是,她的城市面临着水中铅含量过高的紧急情况。A. expsed暴露;B. imprved提升;C. defined定义;D. inspired鼓舞、激励、启发。根据“What ____2____ Gitanjali’s wrk was that her city faced a water emergency with t much lead (铅) in its water.”可知,她的城市面临着水中铅含量过高的问题,这是她的发明的灵感来源,此处应是“启发”,inspired符合语境。故选D项。
    98.考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到我看到父母试着做水测试,我才有了这个想法。A. ccur出现、发生;B. belng属于;C. stick刺、坚持;D. apply申请、应用。根据“The idea didn’t ____3____ t me until I saw my parents try t d water tests.”可知,直到父母试着做水测试才有了这个想法,ccur t sb为固定搭配,表示“某人突然想到”。故选A项。
    99.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:试纸可能会显示不准确的结果,这不是很可靠。A. simple简单的;B. predictable可预测的;C. reliable可靠的;D. creative创新的、有创造力的。根据前面的“inaccurate results”可知,不准确的结果说明不可靠,reliable符合语境。故选C项。
    100.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后,她不断努力寻找合适的材料,最终发现碳纳米管传感器可以用来感知化学物质。A. initially开始、起初;B. immediately立即、马上;C. temprarily临时地、暂时地;D. eventually最终、最后。根据“She then searched fr suitable materials with cntinued effrts”可知,她不断努力寻找合适材料,最后发现了碳纳米管传稿器,eventually符合语境。故选D项。
    101.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Gitanjali在学校用3d打印机建造了一个蓝色的小房子,里面有电脑芯片和电池。A. managed管理、设法做成;B. prmised承诺;C. pretended假装;D. happened发生、碰巧。根据“Gitanjali ____6____ t build a small blue husing using the 3-D printer at her schl with cmputer chips and a battery inside.”可知,应该是“设法”在学校建造了一个蓝色的小房子,manage t d为固定短语,表示“设法做成某事”。故选A项。
    102.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Gitanjali在她的计算机科学老师的指导下设计了一个免费的应用程序,通过一个附加设备将数据发送到一个连接的手机上。A. bservatin观察;B. cmmand命令;C. instructin指示、指导;D. cntrl控制。根据“which Gitanjali designed under ____7____ frm her cmputer science teacher”可知,应该是在老师的“指导下”,instructin符合语境。故选C项。
    103.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Gitanjali在她的计算机科学老师的指导下设计了一个免费的应用程序,通过一个附加设备将数据发送到一个连接的手机上。A. sustainable可持续的;B. permanent永久的;C. blank空白的;D. attached附属的。根据“sends the data t a linked phne”可知,应该是通过一个“附加”设备发送数据,attached符合语境。故选D项。
    104.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不过,设计项目的过程并不总是一帆风顺。A. ptinal可选择的、选修的;B. smth平坦的、流畅的;C. cntinuus连续的;D. cmplete完全的、完整的。根据“The prcess f designing her prject wasn’t always ____9____ , thugh.”可知,此处与上文存在转折关系,应指过程并非总是很顺利,smth符合语境。故选B项。
    105.考查动词词义辨析。句意:科学家Kathleen Shafer是Gitanjali暑期的搭档老师,她一直在帮助她。A. seized抓住;B. risked冒险;C. helped帮助;D. fllwed跟随。根据“as her teacher”可知,既然是搭档老师,应该是“帮助”她,helped符合语境。故选C项。
    106.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在颁奖典礼上,Gitanjali还将自己的成功归功于父母不断的支持和鼓励,让她尝试“疯狂的想法”。A. stresses强调;B. wes亏欠、归功于;C. impresses使印象深刻;D. guarantees保证。根据“Gitanjali als ____11____ her success t her parents’ cnstant supprt and ____12____ t try “crazy ideas”可知,应该是将她的成功“归因于”父母的支持和鼓励,we t为固定短语,表示“归功于”。故选B项。
    107.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在颁奖典礼上,Gitanjali还将自己的成功归功于父母不断的支持和鼓励,让她尝试“疯狂的想法”。A. encuragement鼓励;B. request要求、请求;C. struggle奋斗、斗争;D. pressure压力。根据“her parents’ cnstant supprt and ____12____ t try “crazy ideas”可知,应该是父母的支持和鼓励,encuragement符合语境。故选A项。
    108.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Gitanjali获得了25,000美元,用于进一步发展她的项目,并获得了赢得比赛的巨大荣誉。A. frtune命运、财富;B. intentin意图、打算;C. hnr荣誉;D. ptential潜力。根据“Gitanjali received $25, 000 t further develp her prgram alng with the great ____13____ f winning the cntest.”可知,应该是赢得比赛的“荣誉”,hnr符合语境。故选C项。
    109.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Shafer高度评价了Gitanjali,他说:“她表现出了通过科学解决实际问题的极大动力。”A. keeps up with赶上、保持联系;B. gets alng with与……和睦相处;C. takes care f照顾、看护;D. speaks highly f高度赞扬。根据后面的话“she shws a lt f mtivatin t slve ____15____ issues thrugh science”可知,Shafer对Gitanjali的评价很高,speaks highly f表示“高度赞扬”。故选D项。
    110.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Shafer高度评价了Gitanjali,他说:“她表现出了通过科学解决实际问题的极大动力。”A. cmmercial商业的;B. practical实际的;C. symblic有象征意义的;D. dynamic充满活力的、精力充沛的。根据“she shws a lt f mtivatin t slve ____15____ issues thrugh science”和上文内容可知,Gitanjali研究的东西用于解决水中铅含量过高的问题,这属于“实际问题”,practical符合语境。故选B项。
    Passage 8
    (22-23高二下·河北衡水·期中)Just five mnths earlier, I wuld never have thught that I wuld act in a play in frnt f s many peple. Withut the encuragement f my 111 , Mrs Sather, I might never have fund that curage.
    I was an extremely 112 girl. It just wasn’t in my persnality t make a sund in public. I used t 113 myself in my writing. Mrs Sather als encuraged me t write mre. I think she was ne f the first peple t see my real 114 and knw hw t help me.
    One day, she tld us that we were ging t 115 a play — The Wizard f Oz. “I need smene t play the lead part f Drthy,” she said. A lt f hands sht up. 116 , f curse, was nt ne f them.
    After schl, Mrs Sather said t me, “Dallas, I was 117 yu didn’t raise yur hand. Yu’re great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet persnality. I’m sure yu are 118 fr Drthy! I have yu in mind fr Drthy and want yu t write the play t! If yu 119 dn’t want t, thugh, I wn’t make yu. It’s yur 120 . ”
    Encuraged by her 121 , I suddenly wanted t see what I really culd d. I 122 the rle. After five mnths f practicing, line memrizing, and cstume designing, we were 123 .
    At the end f the play, when my teacher and my classmates std up and 124 , I knew they were nt just cngratulating fr my perfrmance that night, but fr the success that they knew wuld cme in later years because f my newly fund 125 .
    115.A.make upB.put nC.put upD.fcus n
    111.C 112.B 113.A 114.D 115.B 116.A 117.D 118.C 119.B 120.C 121.B 122.A 123.C 124.D 125.B
    111.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果没有我的老师Mrs. Sather的鼓励,我不可能有那个勇气。A. mther母亲;B. friend朋友;C. teacher老师;D. classmate同学。根据第二段中的“I used t 3 myself in my writing. Mrs Sather als encuraged me t write mre.”和第四段中“After schl, Mrs Sather said t me”可推知, Mrs. Sather是作者的老师。故选C。
    112.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是一个极其害羞的女孩。A. strng强壮的;B. shy害羞的;C. talented有天资的;D. rdinary普通的。根据下一句“It just wasn’t in my persnality t make a sund in public.”可知,作者害怕在公共场合发声,说明是一个害羞的女孩。故选B。
    113.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我过去经常把自己隐藏在写作中。A. hide躲藏;B. take拿;C. put放;D. turn转向。根据前文可知,坐这儿是一个害羞的女孩,害怕在公共场合发声,由此推知,作者会把自己隐藏在写作中,在写作中表达个人想法。故选A。
    114.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为她是最早看到我真正优势并知道如何帮助我的人之一。A. prblem问题;B. gal目标;C. challenge挑战;D. advantage优点。根据前文可知,作者会把自己隐藏在写作中,在写作中表达个人想法,结合第四段中老师的话“Yu’re great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet persnality.”可推知,Sather老师了解作者的优势并知道如何帮助她。故选D。
    115.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一天,她说我们将演一个表演剧。A. make up弥补,编;B. put n上演;C. put up举起;D. fcus n集中于。根据句中的“a play”可知,她们将演一个剧本;put n“上演”。故选B。
    116.考查代词词义辨析。句意:当然,我的手不在那些举起的手当中。A. Mine我的;B. Hers她的;C. Ours我们的;D. Theirs他们的。根据下文老师说“Dallas, I was 7 yu didn’t raise yur hand.”可知,当时作者的手没有举起。故选A。
    117.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶你没有举手。A. excited兴奋的;B. happy开心的;C. afraid害怕的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据下文“Yu’re great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet persnality.”可知,老师觉得作者很优秀,所以她没举手使她感到很惊讶。故选D。
    118.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我确信你是演Drthy的完美人选。A. anxius焦虑的;B. sweet甜美的;C. perfect完美的;D. awkward尴尬的。根据下文“I have yu in mind fr Drthy”可知,老师认为作者是饰演这个角色的最佳人选。故选C。
    119.考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果你真的不想,我不会勉强你去做的。这是你的选择。A. fficially正式地;B. really真正地;C. finally最后地;D. bviusly明显地。根据后面“I wn’t make yu.”可知,老师在征求作者的个人意愿,如果我“真的”不想,她不会勉强作者。故选B。
    120.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你真的不想,我不会勉强你去做的。这是你的选择。A. turn转向;B. luck运气;C. chice选择;D. respnsibility责任。根据前一句“I wn’t make yu.”可知,老师尊重作者个人的选择,故选C。
    121.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她的话的鼓励下,我突然想看看我真的能做什么。A. stries故事;B. wrds话;C. adventures冒险;D. lectures演讲。根据上文“Yu’re great at memrizing things, and yu have such a sweet persnality. I’m sure yu are 8 fr Drthy! I have yu in mind fr Drthy and want yu t write the play t!”可知,作者受到她的话的鼓励。故选B。
    122.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我接受了这个角色。A. accepted接受;B. played表演;C. created创造;D. remembered记住。根据上文“I suddenly wanted t see what I really culd d.”可知,受到老师的鼓励,作者接受了这个角色。故选A。
    123.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:经过5个月的练习、背台词和表演服设计,我们已经准备好了。A. famus著名的;B. successful成功的;C. ready准备好的;D. careful细心的。根据句中“After five mnths f practicing, line memrizing, and cstume designing”和下文的成功可知,作者和同学已经准备好出。故选C。
    124.考查动词词义辨析。句意:演出结束时,当老师和同学们起立欢呼时,我知道他们不仅仅是在祝贺我那晚的表演,而是在祝贺我在以后的岁月里因为我重新找回自信而取得的成功。A. left留下;B. struggled奋斗;C. cried哭喊;D. cheered欢呼。根据下文“they were nt just cngratulating fr my perfrmance”可知,表演成功后,老师和同学们起立欢呼。故选D。
    125.考查名词词义辨析。句意:演出结束时,当老师和同学们起立欢呼时,我知道他们不仅仅是在祝贺我那晚的表演,而是在祝贺我在以后的岁月里因为我重新找回自信而取得的成功。A. skill技能;B. cnfidence自信;C. interest兴趣;D. hbby爱好。根据前文可知“我是一个害羞的女孩,害怕在公共场合发声”,但现在作者成功完成了表演,说明她找到了自信。故选B。
    Passage 9
    (22-23高二下·上海·期中)What can yu make with a 3D printer?
    Theretically speaking, yu can make anything with a 3D printer, thugh its main uses are in industries like manufacturing, prttyping, cnstructin and medicine. Hwever, nw hbbyists can create the 126 items at hme, and many are even selling their wares nline as a part time jb.
    3D printers were als a critical tl 127 f the COVID-19 pandemic, when PPE was in shrt supply. Hspitals 128 n 3D printers t supply their staff with gwns, masks and respiratrs, as well as t create parts fr ventilatrs. One Seattle high schl student even 129 a mask factry frm his hme using a 3D printer.
    Nw, with scientists able t create prsthetics (假肢) and implants via 3D printing, the 130 in medicine are arguably amng sme f the mst exciting. They can als create 131 bdy parts like ears frm stem cells, cllagen and structural prteins in the human bdy called fibrin; this prcess is knwn as biprinting, thugh much f it is still in the testing phases. 132 , researchers can test pharmaceuticals easily and ethically with tissue created frm 3D printers.
    In the future, designers and hbbyists may nt be asking the questin “Hw d 3D printers wrk?” because 3D printers will likely be s 133 in ur daily lives. Tday, kids are being taught abut 3D printing in elementary schl, and many lcal libraries currently have the machines available, as d stres like UPS and Staples.
    Hnestly, the pssibilities are 134 in the aerspace, electrnic, medical, energy and autmtive industries, where 3D printers will becme even mre vital tls. While this can be handy when it cmes t cars, which can be custmized fr buyers, it is even mre essential in the 135 field. Althugh we’re still prbably 10 t 15 years away frm 3D printed rgans like kidneys, this scientific advancement is mst definitely 136 .
    And 137 the pprtunities in space, where the defense and aerspace 3D printing market is expected t reach $ 5. 58 billin by 2026. In the future, 3D printing culd transfrm space explratin and space turism by allwing astrnauts t create bjects 138 while in space. Imagine a future in which buildings and fd are created in space!
    When will yu be able t print nearly anything at hme? We’re getting there. “We are at the 139 f a manufacturing age,” Burell says, “which I believe may have an impact 140 that f the Infrmatin Age.”
    127.A.by meansB.at the heightC.in termsD.regardless
    136.A.n the hriznB.in the mindC.in the curseD.at present
    138.A.in supplyB.in stckC.n demandD.under cntrl
    140.A.cmparable tB.based nC.absent frmD.prprtinal t
    126.D 127.B 128.C 129.A 130.D 131.D 132.C 133.B 134.B 135.D 136.A 137.B 138.C 139.C 140.A
    126.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,现在业余爱好者可以在家里制作非工业产品,许多人甚至在网上兼职销售他们的产品。A. appealing有吸引力的;B. delicate精美的;C. artificial人造的;D. nnindustrial非工业的。根据前文“thugh its main uses are in industries like manufacturing, prttyping, cnstructin and medicine. ”可知,3D打印机主要用途是在制造业、原型制造业、建筑业和医药业上,hwever表示前后句内容的转折,可推断出业余爱好者可以在家制造的是非工业产品。故选D项。
    127.考查介词短语辨析。句意:3D打印机在新冠肺炎疫情高峰期也是一个关键工具,当时个人保护装备供应不足。A. by means通过……的方式;B. at the height在高峰期;C. in terms根据;D. regardless不管。根据下文“when PPE was in shrt supply”可知,当时个人保护装备供应不足可推断出在疫情高峰期的时候才会产生这样的状况。故选B项。
    128.考查动词词义辨析。句意:医院依靠3D打印机为员工提供长袍、口罩和呼吸器,并为呼吸机制造零件。A. reflected反映;B. switched改变;C. relied依赖;D. intended打算。根据后文“3D printers t supply their staff with gwns, masks and respiratrs, as well as t create parts fr ventilatrs”可知,3D打印机在那时起到了很重要的作用,推断出医院是依靠3D打印机制造它们需要的产品。故选C项。
    129.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一名西雅图高中生甚至在家里用3D打印机经营口罩工厂。A. ran经营;B. attached附属于;C. rlled翻滚;D. spun快速旋转。根据后文“ a mask factry”根据常识可知,工厂是需要经营的。故选A项。
    130.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,随着科学家能够通过3D打印制造假肢和植入物,医学的进步可以说是最令人兴奋的。A. tendencies趋势;B. implicatins牵涉;C. situatins情况;D. advances进步。根据前文“Nw, with scientists able t create prsthetics (假肢) and implants via 3D printing,”可知,科学家可以用3D打印机制造假肢和植入物,推断出这是一种医学的进步。故选D项。
    131.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们还可以从人体中的干细胞、胶原蛋白和称为纤维蛋白的结构蛋白中制造遗传的身体部位,如耳朵;这一过程被称为生物打印,尽管其中大部分仍处于测试阶段。A. manned需人操纵的;B. actual实际的;C. sptless极清洁的;D. genetic遗传的。根据后文“bdy parts like ears”可知,3D打印技术还能打印人的身体的某个部分,根据常识,人身体的部分是遗传的。故选D项。
    132.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,研究人员可以用3D打印机制作的组织轻松、合乎道德地测试药物。A. Cntrarily反之;B. Precisely准确地;C. Additinally此外;D. Imaginably想象得出的是。根据后文“researchers can test pharmaceuticals easily and ethically with tissue created frm 3D printers. ”研究者用3D打印机制作的组织进行药物测试,继续阐述3D打印机的作用,additinally意为“此外”,表示话题的转换。故选C项。
    133.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在未来,设计师和爱好者可能不会问“3D打印机是如何工作的?”因为3D打印机很可能会在我们的日常生活中交织在一起。A. advanced先进的;B. interwven交织的;C. intermediate中间的;D. nvel新奇的。根据后文“Tday, kids are being taught abut 3D printing in elementary schl, and many lcal libraries currently have the machines available, as d stres like UPS and Staples.”可知,如今,孩子们在小学学习3D打印,许多当地图书馆目前都有这种机器,UPS和Staples等商店也有。推断出3D打印技术已经和我们的生活交织在一起。故选B项。
    134.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:老实说,这些可能性适用于航空航天、电子、医疗、能源和汽车行业,3D打印机将成为更重要的工具。A. endless无尽的;B. applicable可应用的;C. limited有限的;D. stuck卡住的。根据后文“where 3D printers will becme even mre vital tls”可知,3D打印机将成为更重要的工具在这些领域都能够成为重要的工具,推断出3D打印机有可能适用于航空航天、电子、医疗、能源和汽车行业。故选B项。
    135.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然这在汽车方面很方便,可以为买家定制,但在医疗领域更为重要。A. autmtive汽车的;B. industrial工业的;C. manufacturing制造业的;D. medical医药的。根据后文“Althugh we’re still prbably 10 t 15 years away frm 3D printed rgans like kidneys”可知,尽管我们离肾脏等3D打印器官可能还有10到15年的时间,说明前文所说的更重要的领域是医药领域。故选D项。
    136.考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管我们离肾脏等3D打印器官可能还有10到15年的时间,但这一科学进步肯定即将到来。A. n the hrizn将要发生;B. in the mind在头脑中;C. in the curse在……过程中;D. at present目前。Althugh表示前后句句意的转折,虽然3D打印器官可能还有10到15年的时间,但是这段时间过后这一科学进步就会到来。故选A项。
    137.考查动词词义辨析。句意:考虑一下太空的机会,国防和航空航天3D打印市场预计到2026年将达到580亿。A. transfer转移;B. cnsider考虑;C. illustrate说明;D. verlk忽视。根据后文“where the defense and aerspace 3D printing market is expected t reach $ 5. 58 billin by 2026.”可知,国防和航空航天3D打印市场预计到2026年将达到580亿,推断出这是一个值得考虑的在太空的发展机会。故选B项。
    138.考查介词短语辨析。句意:未来,3D打印可以让宇航员在太空中按需创作物体,从而改变太空探索和太空旅游。A. in supply供应中;B. in stck有货;C. n demand按要求;D. under cntrl得到控制。根据后文“Imagine a future in which buildings and fd are created in space!”可知,建筑和食物在未来可以在太空中被创造,推断出宇航员可以按照自己的需求创造所需的物品。故选C项。
    139.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们正处于制造业时代的十字路口,”波瑞尔说,“我相信这可能会产生与信息时代相当的影响。”A. center中心;B. drway门道;C. crssrads十字路口;D. destinatin目的地。根据前文“When will yu be able t print nearly anything at hme?”可知,说明我们由原来的批量生产转变为自己在家制造产品时,说明这是制造行业的制造方式的转变,crssrads意为“十字路口”也就是转折点,符合句意。故选C项。
    140.考查非谓语动词短语辨析。句意:我们正在到达那里。“我们正处于制造业时代的十字路口,”波瑞尔说,“我相信这可能会产生与信息时代相当的影响。”A. cmparable t可比拟的;B. based n以……为基础;C. absent frm缺席;D. prprtinal t与……成比例。根据常识可知,信息时代给人类的各个方面带来深远的影响,推断出3D打印技术也是具有同样可比拟的深远意义。故选A项。
    Passage 10
    (22-23高二下·上海·期中)I frgt t pay my prperty tax last year. Was it a sign f early nset dementia(痴呆)? Had I spent last September as an anti-gvernment tax resister and the entire mnth f September had 141 my mind? Then I realized the real prblem: I have ntificatin 142 .
    Since 2020, many f us have lived 143 nline, relying n a trillin apps t send helpful, pinging ntificatins. S many ntificatins that they’ve becme a waterfall f sund I n lnger hear. I’ve grwn 144 f every ntificatin. I live in a cntinuus state f “ps.”
    My bad decisins and my 145 are t blame. My first errr was inviting these pings and beeps int my life decades ag. As smene with a memry as reliable as an inattentive gldfish’s, I nce depended n a detailed paper calendar and t-d list system t keep me n 146 . My careful ntes wrked fr years. But I was eventually 147 transferring all the birthdays frm ne year’s calendar t the next. The cming f the PalmPilt (掌上电脑) thrilled me: I culd enter the inf nce and, five days befre each lved ne’s birthday, the device wuld autmatically infrm me f the cming date.
    That little PalmPilt was a gateway drug. I eventually 148 my brain t mre pwerful devices. And fr years, generally they were at a 149 level. Then the pandemic hit and my ntificatin stream became a series f alerts and even alerts fr ther unimaginable demands f alertness.
    Then the ther factr 150 kicked in. My actual hearing lss, a genetic gift frm my father’s side, started getting wrse, turning the wrld int a series f dull nises. Even with my hearing aids in, maybe I didn’t hear a ntificatin.
    Having becme deaf t alerts bth 151 and metaphrically, I reasned that enduring a little wrist vibratin with every ntificatin wuld bring me back int being a respnsible adult. 152 , I felt like I had severe nerve damage. After mnth 13 f the pandemic, my general stress level was peaking and I was t 153 t turn sme ff.
    “Yu’re nt the bss f me!” I yelled ne afternn when seven ntificatins ppped up 154 . I turned away like a bad-tempered teen. The slutin? I’m turning ff all ntificatins and mving my life back t 155 . Yes, it will be a tugh adjustment. But it will frce me t grab respnsibility fr my daily life back frm all the devices.
    The gd news: Paper desn’t chirp, buzz, flash r “pp up.” Paper just waits, quietly, nn-judgmentally and trust yu.
    147.A.used tB.tired fC.expsed tD.invlved in
    150.A.at lengthB.at playC.at ddsD.at intervals
    141.B 142.D 143.A 144.C 145.A 146.D 147.B 148.A 149.B 150.B 151.C 152.D 153.A 154.D 155.C
    141.考查动词词义辨析。句意:去年9月,我是不是作为一名反政府的税收抵抗者度过了整个9月,而整个9月都忘记了?A. failed失败;B. slipped滑动;C. lst丢失;D. bent弯曲。根据上文“I frgt t pay my prperty tax last year. Was it a sign f early nset dementia(痴呆)?”可知,去年9月,我是不是作为一名反政府的税收抵抗者度过了整个9月,而整个9月都忘记了。短语slip ne’s mind表示“忘记;忘掉”。故选B。
    142.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我意识到真正的问题:我有通知性耳聋。A. attentiveness注意力;B. alertness机敏;C. unwillingness不情愿;D. deafness聋。根据后文“Having becme deaf t alerts”可知,作者有通知性耳聋。故选D。
    143.考查副词词义辨析。句意:自2020年以来,我们中的许多人主要生活在网上,依靠一万亿应用程序发送有用的、叮叮当当的通知。A. largely主要地;B. barely仅仅;C. clsely亲密地;D. specially格外。根据后文“relying n a trillin apps t send helpful, pinging ntificatins”以及常识,2020年以来,因为疫情我们中的许多人主要生活在网上,故选A。
    144.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我已经意识不到每一个通知了。A. guilty内疚的;B. ignrant无知的;C. unaware意识不到的;D. incapable不能的。根据上文“S many ntificatins that they’ve becme a waterfall f sund I n lnger hear.(如此多的通知已经变成了瀑布般的声音,我再也听不见了)”可知,作者开始意识不到通知。故选C。
    145.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这都怪我的错误决定和我的基因。A. gene基因;B. age年纪;C. jb工作;D. lifestyle生活方式。根据后文“My actual hearing lss, a genetic gift frm my father’s side”可知,作者天生记性不好,所以这里指怪自己基因。故选A。
    146.考查名词词义辨析。句意:作为一个记忆力像粗心的金鱼一样可靠的人,我曾经依靠详细的纸质日历和待办事项系统来保持自己的进度。A. feet脚;B. tes脚趾;C. trick诡计;D. track轨道。结合上文“As smene with a memry as reliable as an inattentive gldfish’s, I nce depended n a detailed paper calendar and t-d list system t keep me n”可知,作者天生记性不好,要依靠详细的纸质日历和待办事项系统来保持自己的进度。短语keep sb. n the track表示“使某人走上正轨”。故选D。
    147.考查固定短语辨析。句意:但我最终厌倦了把所有的生日从一年的日历上转移到下一年。A. used t过去常常;B. tired f厌倦;C. expsed t暴露;D. invlved in涉及。根据后文“The cming f the PalmPilt thrilled me: I culd enter the inf nce and, five days befre each lved ne’s birthday, the device wuld autmatically infrm me f the cming date.(PalmPilt的问世让我兴奋不已:我只需输入一次信息,在每个亲人生日的前五天,它就会自动通知我即将到来的日期)”可知,作者对方便的PalmPilt程序感到兴奋,结合but表示转折,说明作者最终厌倦了把所有的生日从一年的日历上转移到下一年,开始使用应用程序来通知亲人的生日。故选B。
    148.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我最终把我的大脑外包给了更强大的设备。A. utsurced转包;B. psitined放置;C. swayed摇摆;D. split分裂。根据上一段“The cming f the PalmPilt thrilled me: I culd enter the inf nce and, five days befre each lved ne’s birthday, the device wuld autmatically infrm me f the cming date.( PalmPilt的问世让我兴奋不已:我只需输入一次信息,在每个亲人生日的前五天,它就会自动通知我即将到来的日期)”可知,作者开始依赖设备记住亲人的生日,即把大脑外包给了更强大的设备。故选A。
    149.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多年来,它们总体上处于可控水平。A. tangible明确的;B. manageable易管理的;C. apprachable可接近的;D. measurable显著的。根据后文“Then the pandemic hit and my ntificatin stream became a series f alerts and even alerts fr ther unimaginable demands f alertness.(然后大流行来了,我的通知流变成了一系列警报,甚至是其他难以想象的警惕性要求的警报)”可知,疫情让通知流变成了灾难,说明在此之前一切正常可控。故选B。
    150.考查介词短语辨析。句意:然后另一个因素开始发挥作用。A. at length详细地;B. at play起作用;C. at dds争执;D. at intervals不时。根据后文“My actual hearing lss, a genetic gift frm my father’s side, started getting wrse, turning the wrld int a series f dull nises. Even with my hearing aids in, maybe I didn’t hear a ntificatin.(我的听力损失是父亲遗传给我的,它开始变得越来越严重,把世界变成了一系列沉闷的噪音。即使我戴着助听器,也许我也没听到通知)”可知,导致作者通知性耳聋的另一个因素是天生的听力损失在起作用。故选B。
    151.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我已经对字面上和比喻上的提醒充耳不闻了,我认为忍受每次提醒时手腕的轻微震动会让我重新成为一个负责任的成年人。A. frantically紧张地;B. accidentally偶然;C. literally按照字面意思地;D. excessively过分地。根据后文“and metaphrically”可知,与比喻性相对应的是字面上的,即literally。故选C。
    152.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我觉得我有严重的神经损伤。A. Furthermre此外;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Thereby因此;D. Hwever然而。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用hwever。故选D。
    153.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在大流行的第13个月之后,我的总体压力水平达到了顶峰,我不堪重负,无法停止一些压力。A. verwhelmed被压倒的;B. verblwn吹散;C. verflwn飞越;D. vertaken赶上。根据上文“After mnth 13 f the pandemic, my general stress level was peaking”可知,在大流行的第13个月之后,作者的总体压力水平达到了顶峰,即作者不堪重负,无法停止一些压力。故选A。
    154.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“你不是我的老板!”一天下午,同时弹出7条通知时,我大喊大叫。A. cntemprarily当下;B. instinctively本能地;C. spntaneusly自发地;D. simultaneusly同时地。根据上文““Yu’re nt the bss f me!” I yelled ne afternn when seven ntificatins ppped up”可推测,让作者情绪激动的应该是7条通知同时弹出,故选D。
    155.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我要关掉所有的通知,让我的生活回到纸上。A. ease轻松;B. wrk工作;C. paper纸;D. ptimism乐观。根据后文“The gd news: Paper desn’t chirp, buzz, flash r “pp up.” Paper just waits, quietly, nn-judgmentally and trust yu.(好消息是:纸不会发出唧唧声、嗡嗡声、闪光或“弹出”。纸只是静静地等待,不带评判,信任你)”可知,作者关掉所有的通知,让生活回到了纸上。故选C。
    Passage 11
    (22-23高二下·河南新乡·期中)Mst f us might nt be familiar with the name Jcelyn Bell Burnell. She is a(n) 156 astrphysicist(天体物理学家) wh made a grundbreaking discvery in astrnmy.
    Jcelyn Bell Burnell was 157 n 15th July,1943 in Nrthern Ireland. She 158 frm the University f Glasgw with a Bachelr f Science degree in Natural Philsphy(physics),with hnrs, in 1965 and 159 a PhD degree frm the University f Cambridge in 1969. She was the nly girl in her class in the University f Glasgw, and was frequently laughed at by the bys in the same class. But that did nt 160 her frm carrying n with her aspiratins.
    In 1967, she 161 a signal, n the chart papers she had used t recrd radi signals frm uter space. Her supervisr(导师), Hewish tk these recrds t Martin Ryle, under whm they were wrking, and they discussed these develpments withut Bell’s knwledge. Later it 162 that these signals were frm pulsating radi surces, r in shrt, pulsars(脉冲星). It was a 163 breakthrugh and made news all arund the wrld. But befre lng, she heard news that her clleagues were 164 awarded the 1974 Nbel Prize in Physics fr the discvery f pulsars.
    “I think the fact that I was a 165 that reduced my standing in terms f receiving a Nbel Prize. It didn’t 166 me. I was actually pleased that pulsars were 167 imprtant enugh t rate a Nbel Prize, ”Jcelyn Bell Burnell had said in a dcumentary abut her life. Jcelyn Bell Burnell is a(n) 168 fr many peple, yung and ld alike. When wmen weren’t supprted t 169 a career in the STEM (science, technlgy, engineering and mathematics) field, she was smene wh had inspired a change in at least a few yung wmen. Her 170 has inspired mre peple t wrk hard and achieve their gals.
    158.A.cameB.brke awayC.graduatedD.set apart
    156.B 157.D 158.C 159.A 160.A 161.D 162.C 163.B 164.B 165.C 166.B 167.A 168.A 169.B 170.D
    【导语】本文是记叙文。天体物理学家Jcelyn Bell Burnell的人生经历及其不懈努力激励了许多人努力工作,实现自己的目标。
    156.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她是一位著名的天体物理学家,在天文学上有了突破性的发现。A. rude粗鲁的;B. famus著名的;C. impatient没有耐心的;D. lazy懒惰的。根据后文“made a grundbreaking discvery in astrnmy”可知,她在天文学上有了突破性的发现,结合选项应是著名的符和句意。故选B项。
    157.考查动词词义辨析。句意:1943年7月15日,乔斯林·贝尔·伯内尔出生于北爱尔兰。A. brught带来;B. wed欠;C. sld出售;D. brn出生。根据后文“She 3 frm the University f Glasgw with a Bachelr f Science degree in Natural Philsphy(physics),with hnrs, in 1965”可知,1965年她大学毕业,可推知,此处在讲述乔斯林·贝尔·伯内尔的生平,所以1943年应是出生。故选D项。
    158.考查动词和动词短语辨析。句意:她于1965年毕业于格拉斯哥大学,获得自然哲学(物理学)学士学位,并于1969年获得剑桥大学博士学位。A. came来;B. brke away脱离;C. graduated毕业;D. set apart使与众不同。根据后文“She was the nly girl in her class in the University f Glasgw, and was frequently laughed at by the bys in the same class.”可知,她是班上唯一的女孩,所以她是这个学校的学生,此处应该是表达“毕业于格拉斯哥大学”之意。故选C项。
    159.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她于1965年毕业于格拉斯哥大学,获得自然哲学(物理学)学士学位,并于1969年获得剑桥大学博士学位。A. btained获得;B. anticipated预期;C. seized抓住;D. chse选择。根据前文“She 3 frm the University f Glasgw with a Bachelr f Science degree in Natural Philsphy(physics),with hnrs, in 1965”可知,此处和空处并列,应是表达“获得博士学位”之意。故选A项。
    160.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这并不妨碍她继续追求自己的理想。A. prevent阻碍;B. preserve保护;C. separate分离;D. release释放。根据前文“She was the nly girl in her class in the University f Glasgw, and was frequently laughed at by the bys in the same class.”可知,她被班上男同学嘲笑,根据本句转折可知,表达“不妨碍她继续追求自己的理想”之意。故选A项。
    161.考查动词词义辨析。句意:1967年,她在用来记录外太空无线电信号的海图纸上捕捉到了一个信号。A. imagined想象;B. cmpleted完成;C. ranked把…分等级;D. captured捕获。根据后文“Hewish tk these recrds t Martin Ryle, under whm they were wrking, and they discussed these develpments withut Bell’s knwledge.”可知,她的导师讨论了这份记录,所以应该是捕捉到了一个信号。故选D项。
    162.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来证明,这些信号来自脉冲射电源,或简而言之,脉冲星。A. felt感觉;B. seemed似乎;C. prved证明;D. happened发生。根据后文“It was a 8 breakthrugh and made news all arund the wrld.”可知,她的发现轰动了全世界,所以是证明了这些信号来自脉冲射电源。故选C项。
    163.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一项科学突破,轰动了全世界。A. identical相同的;B. scientific科学的;C. visual视力的;D. shallw浅的。根据前文“Later it 7 that these signals were frm pulsating radi surces, r in shrt, pulsars(脉冲星).”可知,发现脉冲星的信号,应是科学的发现。故选B项。
    164.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但不久之后,她听到消息说,她的同事们因发现脉冲星而共同获得了1974年诺贝尔物理学奖。A. secretly秘密地;B. jintly共同地;C. casually随意地;D. barely仅仅。根据前句的“But befre lng, she heard news that her clleagues”和后文的“awarded the 1974 Nbel Prize in Physics fr the discvery f pulsars”结合选项她的同事们因发现脉冲星而共同获得了1974年诺贝尔物理学奖。故选B项。
    165.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认为,我是一名女性的事实降低了我获得诺贝尔奖的地位。A. freigner外国人;B. dctr医生;C. wman女人;D. prfessr教授。根据前文“She was the nly girl in her class in the University f Glasgw, and was frequently laughed at by the bys in the same class.”可知,乔斯林·贝尔·伯内尔受到性别歧视,所以此处是指她是个女人。故选C项。
    166.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这并没有使我气馁。A. abuse滥用;B. discurage使泄气;C. praise赞扬;D. miss错过。根据后文“I was actually pleased that pulsars were 12 imprtant enugh t rate a Nbel Prize”可知,乔斯林很高兴她的发现是这么重要,所以降低了她获得诺贝尔奖的地位并不使她沮丧。故选B项。
    167.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我很高兴脉冲星被认为重要到足以获得诺贝尔奖。A. cnsidered认为;B. appinted任命;C. recmmended推荐;D. designed设计。根据前文“I was actually pleased”可知,乔斯林很高兴,因为脉冲星被认为重要到足以获得诺贝尔奖。故选A项。
    168.考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔瑟琳·贝尔·伯内尔鼓舞了许多人,无论老少。A. inspiratin鼓舞人心的人;B. hnesty诚实;C. kindness仁慈;D. patience耐心。根据后文“she was smene wh had inspired a change in at least a few yung wmen.”可知,她是个鼓舞人心的人。故选A项。
    169.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当女性不被支持从事STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域的职业生涯时,她是一个激励了至少一些年轻女性做出改变的人。A. discuss讨论;B. pursue从事;C. ignre忽视;D. interview采访。根据本文内容可知,乔瑟琳受到性别歧视,但是她一只坚持自己的科学事业,所以此处应是不被支持从事STEM领域。故选B项。
    170.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的故事激励了更多人努力工作,实现自己的目标。A. future未来;B. stress强调;C. plan计划;D. stry故事。纵观全文,本文讲述的是乔瑟琳受到性别歧视,但是她一只坚持自己的科学事业的故事,所以应该是她的故事激励了更多人努力工作,实现自己的目标。故选D项。
    Passage 12
    (22-23高二下·山东临沂·期中)A curtain-making cuple, Lia Peisheng, 41, and Liu Xiahui, 39, frm Linyi, Shandng prvince recently caught many viewers’ attentin. They 171 in a TV prgram n Chinese pems bradcast by China Central Televisin, inspiring many t 172 their dreams. 173 busy with their business, they still enjy their lives, which is all thanks t a cmmn 174 in petry.
    Liu likes the wrks f Su Shi. Lia, 175 , lves pems by Du Fu, believing that it is the truest 176 f his life. Finding jy in reading and recitatin, the tw 177 petry int their daily rutines. Petry permeates(渗透)every 178 f the cuple’s lives.
    One f the cuple’s lngtime dreams was taking part in the Chinese Petry Cmpetitin, a(n) 179 televisin prgram bradcast natinwide, and 180 it t the final. The tw have signed up 181 fr 6 years. In 2021, bth made it t the Tp-100 182 . This year, they finally made it t the semi-finals.
    On stage, Liu intrduced herself t the 183 . Lia, sitting aside, watched frm the side as camera fcused n him. Off the stage, ther participants wndered what wuld happen if the cuple cmpete against each ther in the cming runds, but the cuple wasn’t 184 .
    After earning herself a participatin medal, they returned t their 185 lives. “Our life is plain and rdinary, but there’s nthing wrng with such a life, right?” asked Lia.
    171.C 172.B 173.A 174.D 175.C 176.A 177.A 178.B 179.C 180.C 181.A 182.B 183.B 184.C 185.B
    171.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们参加了中央电视台的中国诗歌节目,激励了许多人去追求自己的梦想。A. entered 进入;B. cmpeted竞争;C. participated参与;D. presented呈现。根据“in a TV prgram n Chinese pems bradcast by China Central Televisin”可知,他们二人参加了中央电视台的中国诗歌节目。故选C。
    172.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. lve爱;B. pursue追求;C. stimulate刺激;D. seize抓住。根据“their dreams”可知,他们二人参加了中央电视台的中国诗歌节目,激励了许多人去追求自己的梦想。故选B。
    173.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然他们忙于工作,但他们仍然享受生活,这都要归功于对诗歌的共同兴趣。A. Althugh虽然;B. When当;C. Whether是否;D. Because因为。根据“busy with their business, they still enjy their lives”可知,前后构成让步关系即虽然忙于工作,但是仍然享受生活。故选A。
    174.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. awareness意识;B. prblem问题;C. sense感觉;D. interest兴趣。根据“they still enjy their lives”可知,归功于对诗歌的共同兴趣,他们在忙碌的生活中仍然享受生活。故选D。
    175.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,廖喜欢杜甫的诗,认为这是他生活的最真实的反映。A. thus因此;B. therwise否则;C. hwever然而;D. therefre因此。根据“Liu likes the wrks f Su Shi.”可知,夫妻二人有着各自不同喜欢的诗人,构成转折关系。故选C。
    176.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. reflectin反映;B. reslutin决心;C. recgnitin认可;D. reputatin声誉。根据“Finding jy in reading and recitatin, the tw ____7____ petry int their daily rutines.”可知,二人在阅读和背诵中找到乐趣,两人将诗歌融入了日常生活,这是二人最真实的生活反映(写照)。故选A。
    177.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在阅读和背诵中找到乐趣,两人将诗歌融入了日常生活。A. weaved编织,融入;B. absrbed吸收;C. cmpsed组成;D. revlved旋转。根据“Petry permeates(渗透)every ____8____ f the cuple’s lives.”可知,诗歌渗透在这对夫妇生活的每一个细节中,因此诗歌与生活编织(融入)与一起。故选A。
    178.考查名词词义辨析。句意:诗歌渗透在这对夫妇生活的每一个细节中。A. assignment任务;B. detail细节;C. campaign活动;D. enterprise企业。根据“Finding jy in reading and recitatin, the tw ____7____ petry int their daily rutines.”可知,两人将诗歌融入了日常生活即诗歌渗透在这对夫妇生活的每一个细节中。故选B。
    179.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对夫妇长期以来的梦想之一是参加中国诗歌比赛,并进入决赛,这是一个在全国播出的有影响力的电视节目。A. realistic现实的;B. visual视觉的;C. influential有影响力的;D. annual每年的。根据前文“a TV prgram n Chinese pems bradcast by China Central Televisin”以及“televisin prgram bradcast natinwide”可知,夫妻二人参加的“中国诗词大会”节目是全国播出的有影响力的电视节目。故选C。
    180.考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. turning转变;B. guaranteeing保证;C. making成功,做成某事;D. sustaining维持。根据“it t the final”可知,二人最终成功地进入决赛。故选C。
    181.考查副词词义辨析。句意:两人已经连续报名6年。A. cntinuusly持续地;B. frequently频繁地;C. particularly特别地;D. precisely精确地。根据“fr 6 years”可知,两人连续6年报名该活动。故选A。
    182.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2021年,这两人都进入了前100名。A. amateur业余者;B. level级别,层次;C. cntest比赛;D. rund回合。根据“bth made it t the Tp-100”可知,二人都进入了前100名。故选B。
    183.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在舞台上,刘向与会者介绍了自己。A. candidates候选人;B. participants参与者;C. representatives代表;D. listeners听众。根据后文“Off the stage, ther participants wndered…”可知, 台下的其他参与者想知道,如果这对夫妇在接下来的几轮比赛中相互竞争会发生什么,但这对夫妇并不担心,因此说明刘向节目的参与者介绍自己。故选B。
    184.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:台下的其他参与者想知道,如果这对夫妇在接下来的几轮比赛中相互竞争会发生什么,但这对夫妇并不担心。A. careful小心的;B. sad悲伤的;C. cncerned担心的;D. clear清晰的。根据“Off the stage, ther participants wndered what wuld happen”以及“but”可知,台下的其他参与者想知道接下来会发生什么,但是二人却不担心。故选C。
    185.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在为自己赢得参赛奖牌后,他们恢复了正常的生活。A. frmal正式的;B. nrmal正常的;C. primitive原始的;D. real真实的。根据“Our life is plain and rdinary”可知,夫妻二人认为他们的生活是平淡而平凡的,因此比赛之后他们恢复到正常的生活。故选B。
    Passage 13
    (22-23高二下·福建厦门·期中)It’s 6:15 a. m. n a schl day, and Jcelyn Murzycki has tw kids and she needs t ġet ut the dr in an hur. As the sky begins t 186 , Murzycki desn’t manage a few mre minutes f sleep. 187 , she’s heading ut in the freezing cld n her daily plg — a run t 188 litter.
    First, the 189 are: a litter grabber (垃圾夹具) and a reusable shpping bag, ne side fr landfill (废物填埋) and the ther fr 190 . Cvering herself up, Murzycki jgs 191 dwn Main Street, stpping briefly t pick up a plastic cup. She usually needs t stp halfway thrugh her 20-minute run t 192 her bag. Within a few hurs the street will lk littered again. But she isn’t 193 — it just adds fuel t her plgging fire.
    The wrd “plgging” cmes frm plgga, a 194 f tw Swedish wrds that mean t pick up and t jg. The activity was 195 by Erik Ahlstrm. When he mved t Stckhlm, he felt 196 at the amunt f litter in the streets and began gathering friends t clean up the neighbrhd while ut fr runs. Nw Mr. Ahlstrm is traveling the wrld, making the 197 f plgging knwn t the public. In the U. S. , scial media and running grups are 198 peple t get ut and plg: the “plgging” tag (标签) alne has mre than 40, 000 psts.
    Murzycki has been ding this fr a few years even befre the trend hit the U. S. “It really is super 199 if yu g ut every single day and just pick up litter,” she says. But she’s figured ut hw t make it fun by jgging with friends and adding the 200 , and she adds ne push-up (俯卧撑), finding a tiny glass bttle.
    188.A.pay frB.seek frC.accunt frD.fight fr
    186.A 187.D 188.B 189.D 190.A 191.B 192.C 193.C 194.D 195.C 196.B 197.A 198.B 199.C 200.A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述Jcelyn Murzycki通过plgging一边慢跑一边捡垃圾的故事,在享受乐趣的同时,还为保护环境尽一份力。
    186.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着天开始变亮,Murzycki没有多睡几分钟。A. lighten(使)变明亮;B. snw下雪;C. clear清理,清除;D. darken(使)变暗。根据上文“It’s 6:15 a. m.”可知,早上的时候天会逐渐变亮。故选A。
    187.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,她冒着严寒出去进行每天一次的plg——跑步寻找垃圾。A. Thus因此;B. Otherwise否则;C. Nevertheless不过;D. Instead相反。根据下文“she’s heading ut in the freezing cld n her daily plg”可知,她没有多睡几分钟,相反,她出去跑步捡垃圾。故选D。
    188.考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. pay fr支付;B. seek fr寻找;C. accunt fr解释;D. fight fr为……战斗。根据下文“First, the ___4___ are: a litter grabber (垃圾夹具) and a reusable shpping bag”可推知,她去街上寻找垃圾、捡垃圾。故选B。
    189.考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,必需品是:一个垃圾夹具和一个可重复使用的购物袋,一面用于废物填埋,另一面用于回收。A. samples样品;B. types类型;C. pssessins个人财产;D. necessities必需品。根据下文“a litter grabber (垃圾夹具) and a reusable shpping bag”可知,一个垃圾夹具和一个可重复利用的购物袋是去街上捡垃圾需要一些必要工具。故选D。
    190.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. recycling回收利用;B. updating更新;C. srting分类;D. dnating捐赠。根据“ne side fr landfill (废物填埋)”可知,此处是指口袋的另一边装可回收的垃圾。故选A。
    191.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Murzycki把自己裹得严严实实,有目的地沿着主街慢跑,中途停下来拿起一个塑料杯。A. apprpriately适当地;B. purpsefully有目的地;C. persnally亲自;D. flexibly灵活地。根据上文“___2___, she’s heading ut in the freezing cld n her daily plg — a run t___3___ litter.”可推知,Murzycki有目的地慢跑主要是为了捡垃圾。故选B。
    192.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她通常需要在20分钟的跑步中途停下来清空包。A. pack打包,包装;B. drp落下,掉下;C. empty倒空,腾空;D. search搜索。根据上文“a reusable shpping bag”可知,Murzycki只带了一个购物袋,跑步过程中不断回收垃圾,那么袋子自然而然会满,需要清空。故选C。
    193.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是这并没有阻碍她——这只是给她的活动增加了助力。A. discvered发现;B. accepted接受;C. prevented阻止;D. persuaded说服。根据下文“it just adds fuel t her plgging fire.”可知,街上又出现的垃圾并没有给她带来阻力,而是动力。故选C。
    194.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“plgging”这个词来自plgga,是两个瑞典词的组合,意思是“捡起来”和“慢跑”。A. cllectin收集;B. cmparisn比较;C. cnnectin连接;D. cmbinatin组合,结合。根据下文“…tw Swedish wrds that mean t pick up and t jg”可知,“Plgging”是两个单词组合形成的一个单词。故选D。
    195.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个活动是由Erik Ahlstrm发起的。A. cntrlled控制;B. challenged挑战;C. launched发起;D. jined加入。根据下文“When he mved t Stckhlm, he felt___11___ at the amunt f litter in the streets and began gathering friends t clean up the neighbrhd while ut fr runs.”可知,当Erik Ahlstrm搬到斯德哥尔摩时,他对街上垃圾的数量感到震惊,并开始召集朋友在外出跑步时清理社区。由此推知,这项活动是由Erik Ahlstrm发起的。故选C。
    196.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他搬到斯德哥尔摩后,他对街道上的垃圾数量感到惊讶,并开始召集朋友在外出跑步时清理社区。A. cnfused困惑的;B. astnished震惊的;C. amused觉得好笑的;D. hpeless没有希望的。根据下文“…began gathering friends t clean up the neighbrhd while ut fr runs”可知,Erik Ahlstrm召集朋友在外出跑步时清理社区,由此可推知,他对街上的垃圾数量感到震惊。故选B。
    197.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,Ahlstrm先生正在世界各地旅行,向公众宣传plgging的好处。A. benefits好处;B. features特色;C. rules规则;D. cnsequences结果。根据上文内容及下文“scial media and running grups are ___13___ peple t get ut and plg”可知,plgging可以一边锻炼一边捡垃圾,有利于健康也保护了环境,故此处指他向公众宣传plgging的好处。故选A。
    198.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在美国,社交媒体和跑步小组正在鼓励人们走出去plg:仅“plgging”这个标签就有超过4万个帖子。A. requiring要求;B. inspiring鼓舞;C. reminding提醒;D. warning警告。根据 “…peple t get ut and plg”可推知,在美国,人们被鼓励走出去参与这项活动。故选B。
    199.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她说:“如果你每天都出去捡垃圾,那真是太令人沮丧了。”A. shameful可耻的;B. relaxing令人轻松的;C. depressing令人沮丧的;D. false错误的。根据下文“But she’s figured ut hw t make it fun..”可知,下文句意发生了转折,本空格应填入与fun相反意义的词,depressing“令人沮丧的”符合题意。故选C。
    200.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她已经想出了如何通过和朋友慢跑并增加锻炼来让它变得有趣的方法,她还增加了一个俯卧撑,找到了一个小玻璃瓶。A. exercise锻炼;B. value价值;C. weight重量;D. training训练。根据该句中“jgging”和“push-up”可知,慢跑和俯卧撑都是一种锻炼,故选A。
    Passage 14
    (22-23高二下·山东临沂·期中)The first time ever I realized that plastic was a serius matter fr ur planet was during a rad trip in Western Australia, almst 12 years ag.
    We 201 at a supermarket alng the Cral Bay cast t buy sme grceries and the lady at the cunter tld us they didn’t sell any shpping bags in rder t prevent plastic in the 202 and t help preserving the endangered turtles living in that area. After a first reactin f surprise, we 203 all ur shpping in ur arms and left.
    This was just ne f the many experiences I’ve lived that made me mre 204 abut my impact and pushed me t adpt different habits t live and 205 mre sustainably.
    Our trip t Brne was anther life-changing 206 that has strengthened my reslutin t a zer-waste lifestyle. While traveling in sme cuntries, we came t knw that 207 drinking water was always a challenge. S we had t travel with ur water bttle, and we 208 t avid using plastic during ur trip.
    Besides, we were als 209 impressed by ur stay n Libaran Island. A sustainable turtle cnservatin 210 and the cmmunity had made big effrts t 211 the beaches and creatively reuse plastic fr ten years. Despite that, the shre is 212 daily with tns f plastic cming frm the tides.
    Facing this glbal issue 213 , raised in me a feeling f sadness and anger that sn turned int 214 : t d as much as pssible t reduce plastic in ur life. Small changes can 215 a difference!
    211.A.dry upB.give ffC.clean upD.shave ff
    213.A.n purpseB.n behalfC.in particularD.in persn
    201.D 202.B 203.D 204.C 205.A 206.C 207.D 208.B 209.C 210.B 211.C 212.A 213.D 214.B 215.A
    201.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们在珊瑚湾沿岸的一家超市停下来买一些杂货,柜台的女士告诉我们他们不卖任何购物袋,以防止塑料被扔进海里,并帮助保护生活在该地区的濒危海龟。A. stayed停留;B. visited参观;C. wrked工作;D. stpped停下。根据后文“at a supermarket alng the Cral Bay cast t buy sme grceries”指在超市停下买杂货。故选D。
    202.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们在珊瑚湾沿岸的一家超市停下来买一些杂货,柜台的女士告诉我们他们不卖任何购物袋,以防止塑料被扔进海里,并帮助保护生活在该地区的濒危海龟。A. land陆地;B. cean海洋;C. district区域;D. supermarket超市。根据后文“endangered turtles living in that area”可知,女士不卖塑料袋是为了防止塑料被扔进海里,并帮助保护生活在该地区的濒危海龟。上文“alng the Cral Bay cast”也是提示。故选B。
    203.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在第一反应是惊讶之后,我们把买的东西都抱在怀里离开了。A. threw扔;B. picked捡起;C. drpped落下;D. carried搬运、携带。根据后文“all ur shpping in ur arms”可知没有塑料袋,他们只能用手拿着这些东西。故选D。
    204.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这只是我经历过的许多经历之一,这些经历让我更加意识到自己的影响,并促使我养成不同的习惯,以更可持续的方式生活和旅行。A. sure确定的;B. prud骄傲的;C. cnscius意识到的;D. cmfrtable舒服的。根据后文“abut my impact”可知,经历得多了,作者从这些经历中开始认识到自己行为的影响。故选C。
    205.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这只是我经历过的许多经历之一,这些经历让我更加意识到自己的影响,并促使我养成不同的习惯,以更可持续的方式生活和旅行。A. travel旅行;B. deliver递送;C. remve去除;D. play玩耍。根据后文“Our trip t Brne”可知,后文主要列举的都是作者在旅行时的经历。故选A。
    206.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的婆罗洲之旅是另一次改变生活的经历,它坚定了我对零浪费生活方式的决心。A. adversity厄运;B. campaign运动;C. experience经历;D. expeditin远征。呼应上文“This was just ne f the many experiences”指另一次改变生活的经历。故选C。
    207.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一些国家旅行时,我们意识到安全饮用水一直是一个挑战。A. free免费的;B. cheap便宜的;C. valuable宝贵的;D. safe安全的。根据后文“we had t travel with ur water bttle”可知,作者他们带着水瓶旅行,说明是意识到安全饮用水一直是一个挑战。故选D。
    208.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我们不得不带着我们的水瓶旅行,我们设法避免在旅行中使用塑料。A. failed失败、未能;B. managed设法做成;C. hesitated犹豫;D. happened发生、碰巧。根据后文“t avid using plastic during ur trip”指他们设法避免在旅行中使用塑料,manage t d sth.表示“设法做成某事”。故选B。
    209.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,我们在利巴兰岛的逗留也给我们留下了深刻的印象。A. frequently频繁地;B. precisely精确地;C. deeply深刻地;D. firmly坚固地。根据后文“impressed by ur stay n Libaran Island”可知,在利巴兰岛的逗留也给他们留下了深刻的印象。故选C。
    210.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个可持续的海龟保护项目和社区在清理海滩和创造性地重复使用塑料方面做出了巨大的努力。A. actin行动;B. prject项目;C. discipline纪律;D. prtectin保护。根据上文“A sustainable turtle cnservatin”指海龟保护项目。故选B。
    211.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一个可持续的海龟保护项目和社区在清理海滩和创造性地重复使用塑料方面做出了巨大的努力。A. dry up干涸;B. give ff发出;C. clean up清理;D. shave ff剃去。根据后文“the beaches and creatively reuse plastic fr ten years”可知,社区保护环境,清理海滩,故选C。
    212.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,海岸每天都被潮汐带来的成吨塑料冲刷着。A. washed洗涤;B. prved证明;C. rushed急忙;D. injured受伤。根据后文“daily with tns f plastic cming frm the tides”指海岸每天都被潮汐带来的成吨塑料冲刷着。故选A。
    213.考查介词短语辨析。句意:亲身面对这个全球性的问题,我内心的悲伤和愤怒很快变成了决心:尽我们所能减少生活中的塑料。A. n purpse故意地;B. n behalf代表;C. in particular特别;D. in persn亲自。根据后文“raised in me a feeling f sadness and anger”以及上文作者的亲身经历,可知此处指亲身面对这个全球性的问题,故选D。
    214.考查名词词义辨析。句意:亲身面对这个全球性的问题,我内心的悲伤和愤怒很快变成了决心:尽我们所能减少生活中的塑料。A. cnfusin困惑;B. determinatin决心;C. frustratin沮丧;D. satisfactin满意。根据后文“t d as much as pssible t reduce plastic in ur life”可知,作者决心尽自己所能减少生活中的塑料。故选B。
    215.考查动词词义辨析。句意:小的改变可以产生大影响!A. make制作、产生;B. have有;C. achieve实现;D. find找到。结合上文可知,作者呼吁大家减少生活中的塑料,结合后文“a difference”可知为短语make a difference表示“有影响”。故选A。
    Passage 15
    (22-23高二下·山东烟台·期中)One winter mrning, Bauer was ging running as usual alng Rute 90 Bridge. Suddenly he saw a truck ahead turn sharply and knck n t the guardrail, 216 a five-vehicle crash.
    Bauer sprung int 217 . He ran ver t the truck leaning(斜倚) ver the edge f the verpass abve Assawman Bay. A man wh dragged himself ut f the truck pinted 218 dwn t the water.
    Bauer lked ver and saw a car seat, abut 6 feet away frm which was a little girl. She was n her back 219 t stay aflat(漂浮的), arms mving, legs kicking, and was sinking int the deep water. She had been 220 ut f the truck with her car seat, landing in the bay belw. Every secnd cunted in such a(n) 221
    Withut hesitatin, Bauer jumped int the 222 water 25 feet belw and swam t the child like crazy. He cmfrted the 223 girl, patting her n the back until she cughed and 224 up water.
    A nearby bat picked Bauer and the girl up. Handed ver t first respnders nce they 225 land, the girl was rushed t hspital and, t everyne’s 226 , fund in stable cnditin after a series f physical tests.
    Nbdy knew at first wh had 227 the girl because Bauer initially didn’t want t be 228 and left secretly.
    Bauer’s heric deed quickly spread. He was 229 by the Air Frce Thunderbirds with a flight in Maryland fr his 230 and bravery.
    216.A.getting verB.resulting inC.benefiting frmD.hlding back
    216.B 217.A 218.C 219.D 220.B 221.A 222.C 223.D 224.B 225.C 226.A 227.B 228.C 229.D 230.D
    216.考查动词短语辨析。句意:突然,他看到前面一辆卡车急转弯,撞上了护栏,造成了五车相撞事故。A. getting ver克服;B. resulting in导致;C. benefiting frm受益于;D. hlding back阻止。根据前文“Suddenly he saw a truck ahead turn sharply and knck n t the guardrail”可知此处是发生事故导致的结果。故选B项。
    217.考查名词词义辨析。句意:鲍尔立刻行动了起来。A. actin行动;B. truble麻烦;C. pwer力量;D. tuch触摸。根据后文“He ran ver t the truck leaning(斜倚) ver the edge f the verpass abve Assawman Bay”可知鲍尔立刻行动起来,即开始救援事故中的人。故选A项。
    218.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一名男子从卡车里爬了出来,拼命地指向水里。A. absently缺席地;B. angrily愤怒地;C. desperately拼命地;D. curiusly好奇地。根据后文“Bauer lked ver and saw a car seat, abut 6 feet away frm which was a little girl.”可知水里有个小女孩,所以这位男子示意鲍尔救小女孩,心情当然是急切的,拼命的。故选C项。
    219.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她仰面挣扎着保持漂浮,胳膊在动,腿在踢,然后沉入了深水中。A. demanding要求;B. managing管理;C. pretending假装;D. struggling挣扎。根据后文的“arms mving, legs kicking”可知小女孩在拼命挣扎不让自己沉下去。故选D项。
    220.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和汽车座椅一起被抛出卡车,降落在下面的海湾。A. kicked踢;B. thrwn扔掉;抛;C. drawn绘制;D. blwn吹。根据常识可知汽车发生剧烈撞击时人会被抛出车外。故选B项。
    221.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在如此紧急的情况下每一秒都至关重要。A. emergency紧急情况;B. race种族;C. prgram程序;D. prcedure过程,步骤。根据前文的“She was n her back___5__t stay aflat , arms mving, legs kicking, and was sinking int the deep water.”可知这是紧急情况。故选A项。
    222.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:鲍尔毫不犹豫地跳进25英尺下的冰冷的水里,像疯了一样游向孩子。A. warm温暖的;B. shallw浅的;C. icy冰冷的;D. clean清洁的。根据前文的“One winter mrning, Bauer was ging running as usual alng Rute 90 Bridge.”可知这时的水是冰冷的。故选C项。
    223.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他安慰了那个脸色苍白的女孩,拍了拍她的背,直到她咳嗽,然后把吐出来。A. ppular受欢迎的;B. dangerus危险的;C. weather-beaten饱经风霜的;D. pale-faced面色苍白的。根据后文“patting her n the back until she cughed and ____9___ up water.”可知小女孩在冰水里冻得脸色发白。故选D项。
    224.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. drank喝;B. brught带来;C. used使用;D. breathed呼吸。根据前文“patting her n the back”可知拍小女孩的背的目的是把喝进去得水吐出来,bring sth up“呕出,吐出”。故选B项。
    225.考查动词词义辨析。句意:女孩一到达陆地后被移交给急救人员,被紧急送往医院,让人欣慰的是,经过一系列身体测试,女孩的情况稳定。A. departed离开;B. sighted看到,发现;C. reached达到;D. marked标记。根据前文“A nearby bat picked Bauer and the girl up.”可知这艘船把鲍尔和女孩一起送达陆地。故选C项。
    226.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. relief救济,宽慰;B. depressin抑郁;C. surprise惊喜;D. cnfusin混乱。根据后文“fund in stable cnditin”可知,女孩得救,这是令人安慰的事情。故选A项。
    227.考查动词词义辨析。句意:起初没有人知道是谁救下了这个女孩,因为鲍尔一开始不想透露姓名,所以偷偷离开了。A. rewarded奖励;B. rescued拯救;C. rejected拒绝;D. reminded提醒。根据前文“Withut hesitatin, Bauer jumped int the ____7____ water 25 feet belw and swam t the childlike crazy.”可知,此处指刚开始没有人知道谁救了女孩。故选B项。
    228.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. prmted提拔;B. ignred忽略;C. named命名,叫出…的名字;D. aided辅助。根据后文“left secretly”可知鲍尔不想透漏姓名。故选C项。
    229.考查动词词义辨析。句意:空军雷鸟队为他在马里兰州进行了一次飞行,以表彰他的无私和勇敢。A. charged指控;B. assciated联系;C. replaced取代;D. hnred尊敬;表彰,给与…的光荣。根据前文“with a flight”可知空军雷鸟队的飞行表演是为了表彰鲍尔的无私和勇敢。故选D项。
    230.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. independence独立性;B. cmpany公司;C. ptimism乐观主义;D. selflessness无私。根据前文“Withut hesitatin, Bauer jumped int the ____7____ water 25 feet belw and swam t the childlike crazy.”以及“left secretly”可知鲍尔救人的行为表明他是无私的。故选D项。

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    专题15 完形填空(全国卷20空)-2023年高考真题及模拟题英语分类汇编(含答案解析): 这是一份专题15 完形填空(全国卷20空)-2023年高考真题及模拟题英语分类汇编(含答案解析),文件包含专题15完形填空全国卷20空解析版-2023年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编全国通用docx、专题15完形填空全国卷20空原卷版-2023年高考真题和模拟题英语分项汇编全国通用docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

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