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    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip
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      【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解+名校新题练)(解析版).docx
    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip01
    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip02
    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip03
    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip01
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    【寒假作业】人教版2019 高中英语 高二寒假巩固提升训练 专题09 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip

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    由于阅卷老师的阅卷时间十分有限,所以考生一定要在作文中使用清晰的逻辑衔接词,这样可以帮助老师快速抓住文章结构,促使老师更好地理解文章主旨,同时也可以显示出考生写作时严谨的逻辑。在读后续写当中,时间线索串联最为重要,例如upn ne's arrival、then、hwever、besides、while等衔接词,能够为文章提供明确的时间线索,很好地承接上下文,同学们在日常学习中应该多多积累。
    由近5年高考真题中所给的段落首句可知,续写的故事情节发展都是由原文的人物所推进, 增加人物有可能会偏离情节发展。
    2. 不增加旁支情节。
    在续写中展示对话,虽能丰富内容和语言, 增强语篇的连贯性, 但使用过多的对话,会显得篇幅累赘且很难在限定的词数里把整个后续的情节发展补充完整。
    结局设计绝对不能负能量。内容应该积极向上, 能增长知识或传播正能量。如样题的结尾, 我们可以有两种设定:这个年轻人就是银行抢劫者,而Arthur因此成为一个大英雄; 或者Arthur误会了这个年轻人是银行抢劫犯,但最终警察们还是表扬了他见义勇为的行为。
    题目要求是“使之构成一篇完整的短文”, 若在文末设置悬念, 就会给人一种还没结束的感觉,这样的故事是不完整的。
    续写的情节应时刻围绕着短文的主题去推进,如上面的样题, 由续写第二段首句提到的“警察局”可推测, 我们可以围绕勇气及正义的主题去进行续写。
    (2023·全国新课标高考真题) 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When I was in middle schl, my scial studies teacher asked me t enter a writing cntest. I said n withut thinking. I did nt lve writing. My family came frm Brazil, s English was nly my secnd language. Writing was s difficult and painful fr me that my teacher had allwed me t present my paper n the sinking f the Titanic by acting ut a play, where I played all the parts. N ne laughed harder than he did.
    S, why did he suddenly frce me t d smething at which I was sure t fail? His reply: “Because I lve yur stries. If yu’re willing t apply yurself, I think yu have a gd sht at this.” Encuraged by his wrds, I agreed t give it a try.
    I chse Paul Revere’s hrse as my subject. Paul Revere was a silversmith (银匠) in Bstn wh rde a hrse at night n April 18, 1775 t Lexingtn t warn peple that British sldiers were cming. My stry wuld cme straight frm the hrse’s muth. Nt a brilliant idea, but funny; and unlikely t be anyne else’s chice.
    What did the hrse think, as he sped thrugh the night? Did he get tired? Have dubts? Did he want t quit? I sympathized immediately. I gt tired. I had dubts. I wanted t quit. But, like Revere’s hrse, I kept ging. I wrked hard. I checked my spelling. I asked my lder sister t crrect my grammar. I checked ut a half dzen bks n Paul Revere frm the library. I even read a few f them.
    When I handed in the essay t my teacher, he read it, laughed ut lud, and said, “Great. Nw, write it again.” I wrte it again, and again and again. When I finally finished it, the thught f winning had given way t the enjyment f writing. If I didn’t win, I wuldn’t care.
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    A few weeks later, when I almst frgt the cntest, there came the news.
    I went t my teacher’s ffice after the award presentatin.
    Once in the summer hlidays, a brther and a sister, Sammy and Marie, visited their grandparents n their farm. Sammy tk his slingsht (弹弓) t play in the wds. He practiced hard fr many days but all his effrts were in vain. N matter hw much he tried, he culd never hit the target.
    At lunchtime, Grandma called ut, ”Sammy, it’s lunchtime!” Getting a little disappinted, he headed back fr the lunch. While walking back, Sammy nticed his grandma’s pet. It was a cute, little duck. Out f excitement he tk his slingsht and aimed at the duck. This time, his sht hit the target and it hit the pr duck n its head and killed it. He was shcked and frightened at the same time.
    In the extreme fear, he hid the dead duck in the pile f wds. Marie, his yunger sister, had seen it all frm the windw but she decided nt t cnfrnt him.
    The next day, Grandma said, “Marie, let’s wash the dishes.” Hearing this, Marie immediately said, “But Grandma, Sammy tld me he wanted t help yu d the husehld chres.” As sn as she said this, she turned t Sammy and whispered, “Remember the duck?” Sammy gt anxius, knwing that his sister knew his secret abut the duck. If he did nt bey her, she wuld tell their grandparents abut it. S withut uttering a single wrd, he did the dishes. Later, in the evening, Grandpa asked if the children wanted t g fr fishing. On hearing this, Grandma said, ”I am srry but I need Marie t stay with me and help make a supper.” Marie turned t Grandma and said, “Well, that’s all right. Sammy tld me he wanted t help yu." She again whispered t Sammy, “Remember the duck?” Hearing this, Sammy culdn’t say a wrd, just standing there angrily. S Marie went with her grandfather fr fishing and pr Sammy had t stay with his grandma.
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    After Marie tk advantage f Sammy several times, he finally culd nt stand it any lnger.
    Later that day, Marie went back frm fishing with her grandfather.
    When I was fur, my seven-year-ld brther received a baseball glve fr his birthday. Every night. as we went t sleep. I’d listen t him thrwing a ball int the glve ver and ver t sften the leather. I wanted a glve s much that I almst cried. But, back then, girls didn’t play sprts; they played with dlls (洋娃娃).
    Fast-frward twenty-six years. Nw a thirty-year-ld mther f tw bys and a girl, I happened t sec a ntice in my lcal paper: “Wmen’s Baseball League pens sn. Anyne interested, sign up at the cmmunity service center.” I cut it ut and set it n the kitchen table, Culd I? After all these years?
    I lked at that ntice n my table every day. l thught f a thusand reasns I culdn’t play. But the idea f playing baseball stuck in my head and wuldn’t g away. Finally, 1 gathered up my curage and signed up. Since I wasn’t a member f any team, they tld me I’d be assigned (分配) t ne. Tw weeks passed befre they gave me the name f the team t lk fr. Since my husband wrked Mnday nights, I arranged fr a babysitter. It was a luxury (奢侈) but, at that mment in my life, a necessity.
    On Mnday, heart punding, I walked thrugh the park filled with wmen f all ages practicing. It tk me a while t find my team. They were all high-schl girls, seventeen and eighteen years ld! I waited a cuple f minutes befre appraching the cach. He had put tgether tp athletes fr his team, and he didn’t want sme ld lady messing things up. He lked me ver. His girls had fine glves and metal cleats (棒球钉鞋). They lked like players. I had n glve and wre an ld T-shirt and gym shes. I didn’t care. I wanted t play. That first day, he had me run bases (跑垒). I never gt a chance t bat r play the field. I just ran bases all night. The next mrning, I culd hardly stand.
    When I shwed up the next Mnday, the cach was clearly surprised.
    “Impressive catch!” my teammates cheered fr my perfrmance after the training.
    A Girl Withut Left Arm
    Smetimes yur biggest weakness can becme yur biggest strength. A yung girl decided t learn jud (柔道), thugh she had lst her left arm in a car accident.
    This girl began lessns with an ld Japanese jud cach. She was ding well. But she culdn’t understand why, after three mnths f training, the cach had taught her nly ne mve.
    “Cach,” the girl finally asked, “shuldn’t I learn mre mves?”
    “This is the nly mve yu knw, and this is the nly mve yu’ll ever need t knw,” the cach replied.
    Nt quite understanding, but believing in her teacher, the girl kept training.
    Several mnths later, the cach tk the girl t her first turnament (锦标赛). She used the mve t win several matches and she was nw in the finals.
    This time, her ppnent (对手) was bigger, strnger and mre experienced. Cncerned that the girl might get hurt, the judge called a time-ut. She was abut t give up the match.
    “N,” the cach insisted, “let her cntinue.”
    Sn after the match restarted, her ppnent thught little f her and drpped his guard. Instantly, the girl used her mve t defeat her ppnent. She became the champin.
    On the way hme, the girl and her teacher reviewed every mve in each match. Then the girl asked what was really n her mind.
    “Cach, hw did I win the turnament with nly ne mve?”
    “Tw reasns,” the cach answered. “First, yu’ve almst mastered ne f the mst difficult thrws in all f jud. Secnd, yur ppnent’s nly defense against that mve is t catch yur left arm.”
    Hearing what her cach said, the girl was in deep thught.
    With tears running dwn her face, she realized what she lacked was just “ne mve”.
    Jenny was a pretty little girl. One day when she and her mther were checking ut at the grcery stre, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace, in which she was really interested. Hw eagerly she wanted it! But when she saw the price, her heart sank. She gathered up her curage and asked her mther if she wuld buy it fr her. Her mther said, “Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it csts lt f mney. I can buy yu the necklace, but when we get hme, we shuld make up a list f husewrk yu can d t pay fr the necklace.” Jenny agreed immediately, feeling a burst f jy. S her mther bught the pearl necklace fr her. Jenny wrked n her husewrk every day. Sn Jenny paid ff the pearls. Jenny had a very lving daddy. When Jenny went t bed, he wuld read Jenny her favrite stry. One night when he finished the stry, he said, “Jenny, d yu lve me?” “Oh, yes, Daddy, yu knw I lve yu.” the little girl said delightedly, with a brad smile n her face. “Well, then, give me yur pearls.” Hearing that, Jenny frze there, an anxius expressin twisting her face. “Oh! Daddy, nt my pearls! But yu can have Rsy, my favrite dll.Remember her? Yu gave her t me last year fr my birthday. Okay?” “Oh n, darling,that’s kay.” Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss, gently and calmly. “Gd night!” A week later, her father nce again asked Jenny after her stry, “D yu lve me?” “Oh yes, Daddy, yu knw I lve yu.” the little girl murmured sftly, trying t escape frm her father’s eyes. “Well, then, give me yur pearls.” “Oh, Daddy, nt my pearls! But yu can have Ribbns, my ty hrse. D yu remember her? She is my favrite.” The little girl begged. “N, that’s kay,” her father said, smiling bradly and sweetly and brushed her cheek again with a kiss. “Gd bless yu. Sweet dreams.”
    A few days later, Jenny waited anxiusly fr her father t cme and read her stry.
    Seeing the plastic pearls in his hand, the father pulled ut a small bx.
    Ollie Simmns was gd at maths, but Ruby Riley wasn’t. Well, Ruby didn’t think she was. She sat next t Ollie and s she just cpied him. This was the best way she had fund t d maths and she didn’t have t think at all.
    One day the teacher said, “We will be having a maths test after lunch.” Ruby felt there were butterflies in the stmach. “Can I cpy ff yu?” she whispered t Ollie. Ollie thught fr a minute. “What will yu give me?” he whispered back. Ruby shwed Ollie a stne she had. It was rund and smth and the clur f the sea. “OK!” he said, “Give me the stne, and then yu can cpy my answers.” Ollie gt full marks in the maths test and s did Ruby. Their names went n the tp f the maths champin chart.
    Every week there was a maths test and every week Ollie and Ruby gt full marks tgether. Ollie had t share the tp place with Ruby, but it was wrth it. He had a trch, a key chain, a glf ball and a gift bx!
    One day, there was a maths test again. This time, Ruby picked a watch, thinking everything wuld g as usual—Ollie wuld let her cpy and they wuld be n the tp f the chart tgether again. But she was wrng. The headmaster came int Ruby’s class. “I want t see Ollie Simmns,” she said. Ollie was gne fr a lng time. Then the dr pened. It was the headmaster again. “Ruby Riley,” she said, “Cme with me, please.” Ruby felt like a bird in a cage—there was n way t escape. The headmaster tld Ruby that every lunchtime fr five weeks she had t d maths. “Yu have t learn t think fr yurself,” she said. “And Ollie has t learn a lessn, t. He’s ging t teach yu.”
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    Hanging her head dwn, Ruby felt s regretful fr getting Ollie int truble.
    Ollie prved t be a gd teacher fr Ruby.
    Jim stared at the grund and sighed in disappintment. Players frm the ppsing team raced past Jim, celebrating their shcking victry. They’d scred the game-winning gal just secnds befre the end f the game.
    “Just ne wrd t describe a lss like that,” Jim mumbled t his teammate Devin.
    “Terrible!” Devin sighed. “It was a tugh ne.” He trtted (小步快跑) tward the middle f the field t shake hands with the winning team. Jim walked slwly behind Devin. He unhappily slapped hands with the winners, then stpped t shut his eyes as the autumn air cled his sweaty face.
    “Terrible,” he repeated t himself as he sat n the bench and pulled his jacket n. “Let’s get sme ht chclate and watch the next game,” Devin said. There were eight teams in the YMCA league, s games wuld g n all mrning. “Srry. I’m heading hme,” Jim said, “I’ve had enugh sccer fr tday.”
    As he reached the gate, Jim glanced back t see the next tw teams take the field. They were jumping and shuting, excited t play. “That was us a little while ag, befre we were discuraged.” Jim thught.
    S why we lst the game at last? Jim asked himself. Hw did such a well-played game end up with such a terrible result? It was still clear in his head: Jim had the ball deep n the Jets’ side f the field, lking fr Devin r anther teammate t pass t. His team had utplayed the Jets fr mst f the game, but failed within the last secnds.
    Jim let ut a deep breath. The mrning was grwing warmer. Perfect fr sccer. Jim lked back tward the field. He culdn’t see it, but he culd hear the excited vices as the game cntinued.
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    With a car’s hrn beeping, Jim’s friends Tara and Bryan jumped ut f the car.
    There came the turn fr Tara and Bryan’s team t play the game.
    “An everyday miracle,” the radi cmmentatr began, “is a wnderful r amazing event that ccurs.” That attracted my attentin. Althugh I was anxius t hear mre, I had t turn ff the car radi as I was next in line t pick up fast fd.
    Because I stpped at the drive-thrugh (免下车餐馆) every mrning n my way t wrk, I knew the elderly clerk, Mary. S it wasn’t a surprise when she stuck her head ut f the windw while handing me my Diet Cke and began talking. “The traditinal hliday is cming. But my family wn’t have the traditinal hliday dinner this year,” she said sadly. “We canceled it this year. I can’t affrd it anymre.”
    I tried t say smething cmfrting, but my mind was blank. Embarrassed, I said gdbye and began my frty-five-minute drive t wrk. On the way, I culdn’t get Mary’s depressed expressin ut f my mind. Then I thught abut the lcal annual auctin that I tk part in every year. The activity was yearly held t raise mney fr the lcal fd bank, a place where pr peple culd g t get free fd.
    I hpe the fd bank culd help Mary. But because f the COVID-19, the fd bank was struggling this year. I hped the upcming auctin wuld raise much mney fr the fd bank. When the day f the auctin came, the rganizers sent an e-mail t its usual participants, “Guys, take yur secnd-hand things t be auctined ff and cme!”
    Tw days later, I arrives at the auctin site, the lcal park, with my “treasures”. Just seeing each ther was exciting. The sun came ut. Everyne was laughing and talking. But when I lked arund, there were nly 22 peple. “We wn’t make any mney tday,” I whispered t my lngtime friend Sandy. Always ptimistic, she quickly reminded me, “Every little bit will help this year.”
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    After we tk ut the secnd-hand bjects, the auctin began.
    Upn seeing me, Mary nearly jumped ut the windw, saying excitedly, “Yu wn’t believe it!”

    【寒假作业】译林版2020 高中英语 高一寒假巩固提升训练 第10讲 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip: 这是一份【寒假作业】译林版2020 高中英语 高一寒假巩固提升训练 第10讲 读后续写(知识讲解 名校新题练)-练习.zip,文件包含第10讲读后续写知识讲解+名校新题练原卷版docx、第10讲读后续写知识讲解+名校新题练解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共23页, 欢迎下载使用。

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