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    0 单元导航 Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant! Unit 2 Plant a Plant! 第 2单元本单元所需课时数7课时单元话题春天主要内容本单元主要围绕“种植物”这一话题展开,讲述了描述园艺活动及植物生长过程的内容,对学生有重要意义。Lesson 7内容上侧重表述植树,学习了植树的过程及注意事项。本部分教学结束时,要求学生能运用英语描述植树的过程,了解植树对保护环境的重要意义,从而热爱环境,保护环境,为改善环境尽自己的一份力;Lesson 8内容上谈论了植物的重要性,语法上讲解了派生法,将听、说能力综合,计划编写训练,由写促读,通过学习植物的重要性,增强环保意识,要求学生会运用句式表达或谈论植物的重要性; Lesson 9从电视节目入手,介绍了园艺活动,在Lesson 7和Lesson 8的基础上进一步拓展介绍种植植物的好方法,并学习了园艺活动的好处,使学生了解园艺并乐于做园艺活动,本部分教学结束后,要求学生会运用句式表达或谈论园艺活动,以加深印象。Lesson 10谈论了园艺活动的注意事项及意义,从园艺活动的影响因素入手,导入新课,内容上,巩固前面所学的同时,又学习了转化法,本部分教学结束时,学生应熟练运用所学内容描述园艺活动的注意事项。Lesson 11讨论了奇异植物,由问题引入本课时话题,学习了与奇异植物相关的词汇表达,还学习了如何在合适的场合正确使用英语谚语,本课时教学结束时,要求学生能进一步掌握描述植物的词汇、句型,能够感受植物的美,激发学生保护环境的意识。Lesson 12以日记的方式记录了种植植物的过程,总结了本单元学习的词汇及句型,让学生了解了从学生的角度种植的过程,体会种植的乐趣,本课时教学结束时,学生应当学会向别人介绍种植植物的过程。Unit Review 总结回顾本单元所学内容,从听、说、读、写四个方面入手,锻炼学生的综合能力。引导学生关注优秀学生的表达方式,借鉴并用于自身,鼓励学生用英语表达,积极运用所学,不断改进自己的表达能力、提高学习效率。教学目标通过对本单元的学习,学生应做到:1. 知识目标:(1)掌握与园艺及植物相关的词汇。(2)掌握构词法派生法和转换法。派生法:在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀,构成一个新词,这种构词法称为派生法。词缀分为前缀和后缀。转换法:一个单词从一种词类转换成另一种此类而词形不变的方法称为转换法。2. 能力目标:通过对描述园艺活动及植物句式的学习,学会介绍园艺活动及植物生长过程。3. 德育目标:教育学生学习如何用恰当的方法参与园艺活动,并能向别人介绍,同时能养成环保意识,爱护植物,热爱大自然。重点、难点重点:1. 学习并积累一些与园艺有关的词汇。2. 学会正确运用构词法。3. 能够联系实际,运用本单元所学介绍园艺活动,并能在课堂上进行简单的口语表达。难点:培养学生阅读和使用新单词的能力,能够学会如何谈论园艺活动及植物的生长过程。词汇和常用表达1. 能够正确使用下列词汇hole, large, fill, storm, dirty, northern, bottom, basic, consider, test, dry, purpose, eastern, shy, yard能正确使用下列常用表达fill…with…, by the way, dust storm, turn into, for sure, in the bottom of, take energy from…,in a word, It’s pleasant to do…, TV channel, have fun doing, log onto, make sure, keep…away from, best of all, eastern Asia, close up, open up, When it comes to…, along with, in the middle of, a living fossil, at the top of...,a flower bud,look after3. 能认读下列词汇root, seedling, dirt, pack, dust, pleasant, shade, fulfill, soil, channel, gardener, log, sunlight, compost, nearby, squirrel, fence, egret, tightly, fossil, southwest, living, agriculture, seed, pot, sprout, stem, bud, carefully学习策略制定详细的英语学习计划。对所学内容能主动练习和实践。对所学内容能主动复习。寻找适合自己的英语学习方法。文化知识更深刻地了解园艺活动及植物生长过程的表述方法,使同学们热爱大自然,保护大自然,进而养成环保意识。课时第7课时 Planting Trees课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:hole, large, cover, fill, storm, dirty, northern, bottom, root, seedling, dirt, pack, dust能掌握以下句型: It’s fun and important to plant plants.【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是植树,对学生养成良好的表达能力很有帮助,能引起学生的特别关注,极易于激发学生学习的欲望和兴趣,使他们乐于参与各种学习实践活动。要求学生能运用英语表达植树的过程,了解植树对保护环境的重要意义,从而热爱环境,保护环境,为改善环境尽自己一份力。正确的表述方法有助于学生提高学习效率,从而提高学生的学习成绩。教学重点学习并积累一些与植树有关的词汇、表达。教学难点能用英语表达植树的过程。教学准备教师:音频、课件。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:就植树节自由讨论,引入本课时话题“Planting Trees”For example: T: When is Tree Planting Day in China?S1: It’s March 12th.T: What are the basic steps for planting a tree?(Ask some students to answer it one by one.)Ss: ...Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,上面有各种各样的与植树相关的图片,然后根据图片教授新单词。这种方法既直观又生动,能极大调动学生的积极性。T: In this lesson we are going to learn some sentences about “planting trees”. Firstly, let’s learn the new words hole, large, cover, fill, storm, dirty, northern, bottom, root, seedling, dirt, pack, dust.dust /dʌst/ n.沙土;尘土;灰尘storm /stɔːm/ n. 暴风雨dust storm 沙尘暴dirty /ˈdɜːtɪ/ adj. 不干净的;肮脏的dirt /ˈdɜːt/ n. 泥土;污物dig a hole   /həʊl/ n. 洞The hole is large enough./lɑːdʒ/ adj. 大的;巨大的root /ruːt/ n.根seedling /ˈsiːdlɪŋ/ n.幼苗;秧苗Put the seedling inside. Cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt/ˈkʌvə/ v.覆盖 /fɪl/ v. 装满;充满 n. 盖子 fill… with… 用……填满……          Then pack the dirt around the new tree with your feet./pæk/ v. 堆积;压实;装(箱) Put a little water in the bottom of the hole. /ˈbɒtəm/ n. 底部;最下部 in/at the bottom of… 在……底部 Step 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: Free talk建议: 结合新学单词,让学生对植树过程进行讨论。两人一组,可以自由组合,同位讨论等多种形式进行讨论。Step 5: Reading建议: 读课文,判断正误。(Let’s Do It!)1. Li Ming and Wang Mei were having a picnic on a farm. ( )2. They asked a teacher for help. ( )3. Li Ming saw another group of people on the hillside. ( )4. Wang Mei really liked the project. ( ) Answers: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T Step 6: Practice建议: 让学生按要求进行练习。Ⅰ.选词填空,然后按照种树的步骤进行排序。bottom hole around cover roots Put the  1  of the seedling into the hole. Put a little water in the  2  of the hole.  3  the roots and fill the hole with dirt. Pack the dirt  4  the new tree with your feet. Dig a  5  big enough to hold the roots of the seedling.Answers: 1. roots 2. bottom 3. Cover 4. around 5. hole Order: 2 5 3 4 1 Ⅱ.短文填空。The Green Great Wall was built across      of the country. What is the Green Great Wall? It is made up of strips of human-planted forest.Each year      blow a lot of soil off the land. Things are getting more and more serious. About 3 600 square kilometres of grassland are taken by the Gobi Desert every year.The Green Great Wall project started in 1978. By     , people hold back the expansion of the desert and raise northern China’s forest covered by 5% to 15%. By the year 2050,     will be about 2 800 miles long.A. the Green Great Wall B. planting more treesC. dust storms D. the northern partAnswers: DCBAStep 7: Work in Pairs建议: 让学生再读一遍课文和Step6中的文章,思考我们为什么要种树?两人一组进行讨论,至少要给出三条原因。1._____________________________________________________________2._____________________________________________________________3._____________________________________________________________Answers(for reference):1. Trees can stop the wind.2. Trees can change the environment around us.3. By planting trees, people hold back the expansion of the desert and raise northern China’s forest coverage by 5% to 15%.Step 8: Language Points1. cover ①覆盖 cover…with…. 用……盖住…… be covered with 被……覆盖着【例句】Please cover the vegetables with the cloth. 请用布把蔬菜盖起来。The ground is covered with fallen leaves. 地面被落叶覆盖着。②盖子a plastic cover 一个塑料盖2. fill 装满,充满fill…with sth. 用……装满……【例句】Please fill the pot with the water.请把壶里装满水。【拓展】be filled with=be full of装满……【例句】The bag is filled with dirt.=The bag is full of dirt. 袋子里装满了土。3. by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下常用作插入语,以引出新的话题或内容。【例句】Let’s go to the movies. By the way, where is Tom now?咱们去看电影吧。顺便问一下,汤姆在哪儿?【拓展】way的相关短语:on the way (to…)在(去……的)路上(get) in the way (…) 挡(……的)路,妨碍(……)in a…way 用……的方式(in) this/that way 这/那样4. northern北方的,北部的它是由north(n.北,北方)加形容词后缀-ern构成的。the northern part of China 中国北部【拓展】south (n. 南,南方)+ -ern → southern (adj. 南方的)east (n. 东,东方)+ -ern → eastern (adj. 东方的)west (n. 西,西方)+ -ern → western (adj. 西方的)5. It’s + adj. to do sth. 做某事……【例句】It’s very dangerous for me to do such things.我做这种事是非常危险的。It’s important to do what is comfortable for you. 适合自己的才是最重要的。 6. turn into 变成(=change into)【例句】The ice can turns into water.冰可以变成水。【拓展】turn…into… 把……变成……【例句】Heat can turn water into steam. 高温可使水变成水蒸气。7. for sure 肯定地;确定地【例句】—Will you be there? 你去那儿吗?—For sure.肯定去。8. bottom底部;最下部反义词为top(顶部)in/at the bottom of…在……底部,其反义短语为on the top of(在……顶部)。【例句】There are some fish in the bottom of the river. 在河水底部有一些鱼。 Step 9: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们主要学习了表示与种树相关的单词以及种树的步骤,用英语描述种树的过程是我们这一节课的重点, 也是整个单元的难点。我们会在以后的学习中继续学习和巩固。课堂作业1.口头作业: 朗读课文和练习材料3。2.书面作业: 写一个关于如何种树以及种树的意义的短文。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 7 Planting Trees?1. Words and Phrases: hole, large, cover, fill, storm, dirty, northern, bottom, root, seedling, dirt, pack, dust, dust storm, fill…with…, in the bottom of…2. Grammar: It’s fun and important to plant plants.教学反思这是单元的第一个课时。因此,让学生知道他们将在本单元学习什么以及他们的学习目标是很重要的。首先通过老师和学生对话,引入“Plating Trees”话题,接着学习围绕如何植树这一话题展开学习本课节的词汇,并巩固练习。然后,通过练习来步步深入地学习本课内容;并利用图片讲述植树的过程。整个课堂以听说为主,适当添加了写的训练。在教会学生如何植树的同时,老师要使学生明确植树对保护环境的重要意义。本节课从多个角度、多种形式上对本课的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。课时第8课时 Why Are Plants Important?课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:basic, pleasant, shade, fulfill, soil, 能掌握以下句型: It’s pleasant to walk in the forest.【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是植物的重要性,对学生养成良好的表达能力很有帮助,能引起学生的特别关注,极易于激发学生学习的欲望和兴趣,使他们乐于参与各种学习实践活动,通过学习植物的重要性,增强环保意识。要求学生会运用句式表达或谈论植物的重要性。正确的表述方法有助于学生提高学习效率,从而提高学生的学习成绩。教学重点掌握和运用谈论植物重要性的单词及句型教学难点运用英语谈论植物的重要性教学准备教师:音频、课件。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:回顾上节课植树的过程,教师向学生提出以下问题,进而引出本课时主题(Why Are Plants Important?):T: Can you tell me why we plant trees? S1: Trees help clean the air.S2: It’s pleasant to walk in the forest.S3: Trees and other plants cover the soil. The wind and water don’t carry the soil away. …Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,上面是本课时需要学习的单词,然后让同学们跟同伴一起读,之后在课堂中进行展示,其他同学仔细听,如果有错误及时校正。这种方法使每位同学参与其中,能极大调动学生的积极性。 shade n. 树阴;阴凉处It’s pleasant to sit in the shade.It’s pleasant to do…做……很愉快。pleasant adj. 使人愉快的The plants cover the soil.soil n. 土;土壤Trees and other plants can help us fulfill our basic needs.fulfill v. 达到;执行basic adj. 基本的;基础的The trees and plants take energy from the sun and turn it into food. take energy from从……获取能量In a word, we can’t live without plants!in a word总之;一句话Step 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: ReadingⅠ.建议: 读课文,选出课文中提到的内容。(Let’s do it!)People can eat plants or use them as medicine.Plants help make the air clean and fresh.Many animals live in the forest.Books, paper, pencils and erasers all come from plants.Animals eat the fruit from the trees.The plants cover the soil and can stop the dust.When the weather is sunny and hot, people can sit in the shade under a tree.The plants make everything look beautiful.People use wood from trees to build houses and furniture.Answers: 除去Books, paper, pencils and erasers all come from plants.和People use wood from trees to build houses and furniture. 外,其他内容课文中均有提到。让同学们进行作答,然后与同伴进行答案的检查。Step 5: Practice建议:选词填空。(Let’s do it!)basic shade forest cover pleasantThere are many trees and plants. It’s      to walk in the forest. When the weather is sunny and hot, you can sit in the      under a tree. Trees and other plants are one of our      needs for life. Many things are made from trees and plants. Most animals live in the      and eat the fruit from the trees. And plants      the soil. That way, the wind and water don’t carry the soil away.Step 6: Discussion建议:教师让同学们讨论植物的重要性,然后在班级内分享。Example:For the environment:Plants help clean the air. Plants cover the soil. So the wind and water don’t carry the soil away. For human’s daily needs:The plants take energy from the sun and turn it into food.Medicine and clothing are made from plants.For animals:Many animals live in the forest and eat the fruit from the trees or other plants....Step 7: Language Points  1. It’s pleasant to do sth. 做某事很愉快It’s +adj.+to do sth.,句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式(短语)。【例句】It’s pleasant to play with friends.和朋友们一起玩耍是令人愉快的。It’s important to learn Chinese well.学好汉语很重要。2. pleasant使人愉快的【例句】It’s a pleasant evening.那是一个令人愉快的夜晚。Our school trip was pleasant.我们的学校旅行是令人愉快的。【拓展】①please 感叹词, “请”。【例句】Could you please clean up the living room? 请把起居室打扫一下好吗?②pleased 形容词, “高兴的,满意的”。【例句】He was pleased with the result.他对这个结果感到满意。③pleasure作不可数名词时,“愉悦,愉快”;作可数名词时,“乐事;快事”。 【例句】With pleasure.乐意效劳。It’s a pleasure to meet you.认识你很高兴。3. be made from由……制成,表示从成品上看不出原材料。【例句】The wine is made from grapes.这酒是由葡萄制成的。【拓展】①be made of由……制成,表示从成品上能看出原材料。【例句】The desk is made of wood.这张桌子是由木头制成的。②be made by被……制成,其后接制造者,表示成品是由谁制作的。【例句】The card is made by Lucy.这张卡片是由露西做的。③be made in在……制造,其后接地名,强调生产地点。【例句】This bag is made in China.这个包是中国制造的。④be made up of由……组成,强调组成部分。【例句】The team is made up of six workers.这支团队是由六个工人组成的。4. carry…away把……搬走,把……移走还可作carry away,是“动词+副词”结构的短语,当其宾语是名词时,名词可放在carry和away之间,也可放在away后,当其宾语是人称代词时,要将人称代词放在carry与 away之间。【例句】Can you carry away the book? =Can you carry the book away?你能把这本书带走吗?Here are your clothes. Please carry them away.这些是你的衣服。请把它们带走。5. in a word总之,一句话常放在句首表示归纳和总结。【例句】In a word, your speech cheered up many people and helped them work out a lot of problems. 总之,你的演讲让许多人振作起来了,并且帮助他们解决了很多问题。In a word, I have a bad day in the theme park. 总之,我在主题公园玩得很不开心。Step 8: Work in Pairs建议:两人一组,讨论一下我们为什么需要植物,然后填写思维导图。Food or medicine:1. People can eat plants or use them as medicine.2. Animals eat the fruit from the trees.Clothing and school things:1. People can make clothing from plants.2. Books, paper, pencils and erasers all come from plants.Example:Functions of trees (plants)Environment:1. Plants help make the air clean and fresh.2. The plants cover the soil and can stop the dust.Shelter:1. Many animals live in the forest.2. People use wood from trees to build houses and furniture.Step 9: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们主要学习了如何阐述植物的重要性,It’s +adj.+to do sth.也是我们这一节课的重点, 也是整个单元的难点,我们会在以后的学习中继续学习和巩固。课堂作业1.口头作业: 朗读课文。2.书面作业: 结合本课时所学写一篇植物重要性的短文。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 8 Why Are Plants Important?1. New words and phrases: pleasant, shade, fulfill, basic, soiltake energy from…, in a word2. Important sentences: (1) It’s pleasant to walk in the forest.(2) Medicine and clothing are also made from trees and plants.(3) That way, the wind and water don’t carry the soil away. (4) In a word, we can’t live without plants!教学反思这是单元的第二个课时。因此,让学生知道他们在本单元学习的重点很重要。首先通过问题导入新课。利用图片和句子,教授新单词和短语,为本课的学习扫清障碍。播放本课的录音文件,让学生了解对话的大体内容;阅读对话,回答问题,然后根据对话内容,完成练习,并复述短文。再进行语言点的讲解,帮助学生解决学习中的疑惑和重难点。最后,通过让学生总结本课学习内容,检查本课节的掌握情况。本课节从多方面对本课的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。课时第9课时 Gardening with Mary课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:channel, gardener, log 2. 能掌握以下句型: (1) Mary Green will show you the best way to grow all kinds of plants.(2) She has lots of good advice for every gardener! (3) First, you have fun working in your garden. (4) Roses smell so wonderful.【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是一档关于做园艺的电视节目,趣味性和现实性较强,能引起学生的特别关注,极易于激发学生学习的欲望和兴趣,使他们了解园艺,培养做园艺的乐趣。要求学生会运用句式谈论如何做园艺。正确的表述方法有助于学生提高学习效率,从而提高学生的学习成绩。教学重点学习并积累一些与园艺有关的词汇、短语及句型。教学难点能用英语谈论如何做园艺。教学准备1.教师:音频、课件。2.学生:喜欢的电视节目的介绍。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:教师展示几档电视节目的图片,向同学们提出问题。For example:T: Do you like watching TV?What’s your favourite TV program?Have you ever watched a program about gardening on TV?Ss: ... Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放本课时单词。Mary Green likes gardening. She is a good gardener.She is having fun working in the garden.gardening n. 园艺gardener n. 园艺家;花匠;园丁garden n. 花园have fun doing做……有趣Log onto the website and post your questions there. log onto 登录;登入log v. 登录;记录She will read and answer the question on TV channel. TV channel 电视频道channel n. 频道Step 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: Reading建议: 读课文,选择正确答案。1. “Gardening with Mary” is on     .A. Saturday afternoons B. Saturday evenings2. Mary Green will show us the best way to grow      on the show.A. roses B. all kinds of plants3. Mary Green thinks roses are      to grow.A. easy B. difficultAnswers: 1. A 2. B 3. A Step 5: Listening建议: 听录音,选出听到的书名。Step 6: Project 建议: 选词填空。answer  plant water garden show1. They especially like      flowers. They have a garden full of     .2. This flower needs lots of     .You should      it every day.3. Who can      this question?The      is very easy. 4. Mary likes      so much. She spends most of her time in the     .5. Yesterday,Mr. Cox      us the best way to make noodles on the TV     .Answers: 1. planting; plants 2. water; water 3. answer; answer 4. gardening; garden 5. showed; showLearn to learnThe words in the box play different roles in each sentence above. How are they different?Can you find more words like those?Step 7: Language Points1. the best way to do sth. 做某事的最佳方法不定式短语to do sth.作the best way的后置定语【例句】Reading English every day is the best way to improve your spoken English.每天读英语是提高你的英语口语水平的最佳方法。2. advice建议;意见;劝告;忠告表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice;表示“一些/许多建议”用some/a lot of advice【拓展】advice的常用搭配:give sb. some advice=give some advice to sb. 给某人一些建议advice常与介词on搭配,表示关于某方面的建议。【例句】Can you give me some advice on schoolwork?你能给我一些关于学业的建议吗?3. have fun doing sth. 做某事有趣fun前可以加一些修饰语,如:have a lot of /great fun doing sth.意思是“做某事很有趣”。【例句】We had great fun playing in the garden.我们在花园里玩得很愉快。【拓展】have fun doing sth.的同义短语:have a good time doing sth.。【例句】She has a good time listening to music.她在欣赏音乐,过得很愉悦。4. smell 有……的气味作系动词,其后常接形容词作表语。【例句】The dish smells delicious.这道菜闻起来很香。【拓展】smell也可以作名词,意思是“气味;嗅觉”。【例句】The air was filled with the smell of flowers.空气中弥漫着花香。Step8 : Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们主要学习了一档与园艺相关的电视栏目,还有如何描述做园艺,能用英语描述园艺活动是我们这一节课的重点, 也是这节课的难点。我们会在以后的学习中继续学习和巩固。课堂作业1.口头作业: 朗读课文和听力材料。2.书面作业: 写一篇描述园艺活动的短文,要求用到本课时学习的词汇短语。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 9 Gardening with Mary1. New words and phrases: channel, gardener, log TV channel, have fun doing, log onto2. Important sentences: (1) Mary Green will show you the best way to grow all kinds of plants.(2) She has lots of good advice for every gardener! (3) First, you have fun working in your garden. (4) Roses smell so wonderful.教学反思这是单元的第三个课时。因此,继续巩固前面学习的句型并结合新学内容进行整合十分重要。一开始,通过图片并结合问题谈论电视栏目导入新课。利用图片和句子,教授新单词和短语,为课文学习扫清障碍。学生先快速阅读课文,完成Let’s Do It! No.1;然后听录音回答问题,之后细读课文,通过此环节的训练,学生不但能熟悉课文内容,而且能抓住课文关键信息。讲解本课节的语言点,帮助学生解决课文中的疑惑和重难点。最后,学生通过完成Let’s Do It! No.4,达到学以致用的目的。整个课堂以电视节目为辅助,教学活动热烈活泼,能引起学生们的兴趣并激发他们的学习热情,以达到教学目的。课时第10课时 Make Your Garden Grow!课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:consider, test, dry, purpose make sure, keep…away from, best of all 2. 能掌握以下句型: (1) You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening. (2) And best of all, you have fun eating all the great food from it.【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是园艺。结合图片和句子,在情景中学习生词和短语。首先,老师与学生自由交谈有关花园的话题,导入新课,引发学生的学习兴趣,然后,让学生思考有关做园艺的问题,使其了解丰富精彩的园艺活动,热爱园艺或户外活动,丰富大家的生活。从多个角度、多种形式上对本课节的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。正确的表述方法有助于学生提高学习效率,从而提高学生的学习成绩。教学重点学习并积累一些与园艺有关的词汇、短语及句型。教学难点掌握描述园艺的词语、句式;能读懂关于园艺活动的文章。教学准备教师:音频、课件。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放一些关于花园的图片,并提出问题:For example:T: Do you have a garden?S1: Yes, I do. It’s beautiful.S2: No, I don’t. My grandpa has a big garden. He grows many flowers.…T: Do you like gardening?S3: Yes./No.T: What is fun about growing a garden?...Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放本课时单词。My uncle is considering changing his job. consider v. 仔细考虑;认为;觉得Be quiet! They are having a test. test v. & n. 测验;考查It’s sunny outside and the clothes are dry now. dry adj.干的v. 使干;变干Trees need a lot of sunlight to grow well. sunlight n. 阳光;日光 Make sure that you can put compost in your garden. make sure确保 compost n. 混合肥料squirrel n. 松鼠 fence n. 栅栏;篱笆;围墙 nearby adv. 在附近;不远Best of all, keep the old man away from sweet food. best of all更重要的是 keep…away from使……远离Step 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: Fast Reading建议: 快速浏览课文,选出培育一个好的花园所需要的因素。(Let’s do it!)□heat    □light  □space  □a fence □temperature □climate □water □air □soil □sunlightAnswers: a fence, water, soil, sunlightStep 5: Reading 建议: 读课文,判断正误。1. Before we begin gardening, there are many things we need to consider. ( ) 2. Few plants need a lot of sunlight to grow well. ( ) 3. Sometimes there is not enough rain, and the garden gets dry. ( ) 4. A fence can help keep small animals away from your garden. ( ) 5. Getting exercises is the whole purpose of growing a garden. ( ) Answers: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. FStep 6: Practice建议: 选择合适的选项。(Let’s do it!)1. If you put one thing      another thing to hide it or keep it safe and warm, you cover it. □over      □under2. Before you plant a garden, you should consider or      carefully about something. □look       □think3. The purpose means the      for something. □reason □time4. The engineer tests the machine to      if it works well. □check □makeAnswers: 1. over 2. think 3. reason 4. check Step 7: Language Points1. consider 认为;仔细考虑 = 1 \* GB3 ①consider作“认为”讲时,常用于“consider sb./sth.+形容词/(as)+名词”结构及其被动语态be considered as。【例句】We should consider the environmental problems carefully. 我们应该认真考虑环境问题。We consider the boy kind. 我们认为这个男孩善良。Yuan Longping was considered as one of the greatest scientists in the world. 袁隆平被认为是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。 = 2 \* GB3 ②consider作“考虑”讲时,常用于“consider+名词/代词/动名词”或“consider+从句/‘疑问词+不定式’”。【例句】I’m considering climbing the mountains on Sunday. 我正在考虑周日去爬山。They have to consider what to do(=what they should do) next. 他们必须得考虑下一步做什么。2. decide 决定 常用短语:decide to do sth.(决定做某事),相当于make up one’s mind to do sth.。【例句】I decide to/make a decision to read English every day. 我决定每天读英语。3. make sure 确信,查明,弄清楚【例句】She looked around to make sure that she was safe.她环视四周,确保自己安全。【拓展】make/be sure of/that确信;有把握【例句】He is sure of his success. 他确信他会成功。He is sure that he will succeed. 他确信他会成功。4. dry adj. 干的 v. 使干;变干【例句】Is my shirt dry?我的衬衣干了吗?It’s cold outside. Dry your hair please. 外面很冷。请弄干头发。5. 辨析:try to do sth.与try doing sth. try to do sth.设法/尽力做某事强调付出一定的努力并设法做某事try doing sth.尝试着做某事强调试试看的态度,不一定付出很大的努力【例句】He tries to eat less meat. 他尽量少吃肉。I tried growing some flowers but didn’t succeed.我试着种些花,但未成功。6. keep...away from使……远离……【例句】We should keep the children away from dangerous places. 我们应该让孩子远离危险的地方。7. purpose 目的;目标;意图常用短语:the purpose of… ……的目的 on purpose 故意 【例句】What is the purpose of this party? 这个聚会的目的是什么?She opened my letter on purpose.她故意打开了我的信。Step8: Hands-on ActivityPlant your own seed in a pot. Just follow these steps:Dig a small hole. Put the seed in it. Cover your seed with soil. Water your seed every day. It can’t water itself!Put it in the sun. Plants need sunshine!Soon, your seed will grow roots and a stem. Then it will grow a leaf and then another leaf. Your seed will grow into a plant.Step9: Project建议:教师发布课题“假设你有一个小花园,你想种什么?”,让同学们就此写一篇文章并在班级内分享。Example:  I want to plant vegetables in my garden. I’d like to plant tomatoes and eggplants. I will water them on time. My grandpa is good at farming. I will ask him for advice. I will have fresh vegetables. Gardening is fun!Step10: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们学习了描述园艺活动的相关词汇,还有培育一个好的花园所需要的因素,同时回顾了园艺活动的流程,巩固了之前所学内容,在今后的学习中我们也会加以运用。课堂作业1.口头作业: 朗读课文。2.书面作业: 写一篇题为“My Dream Garden”的短文,要求用到本课时学习的词汇短语。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 10 Make Your Garden Grow!1. New words and phrases: consider, test, dry, purpose, sunlight, compost, nearby, squirrel, fencemake sure, keep…away from, best of all 2. Important sentences: (1) You must consider many things when you decide to begin gardening. (2) And best of all, you have fun eating all the great food from it. 教学反思这是单元的第四个课时。因此,继续巩固前面学习的句型并结合新学内容进行整合是非常重要的。首先,与学生自由交谈有关花园的话题,导入新课,引发学生的学习兴趣。结合图片和句子,让学生思考有关做园艺的问题。充分利用Let’s Do It!中的练习强化课文学习。接下来,设计活动让学生仿写短文,锻炼学生的写作能力、思维能力,并激发学生的想象力。然后设置实践活动,引导学生在种植植物的过程中,掌握种植的要领,享受做园艺的乐趣,最后,总结本课所学内容。通过听、说、读、写等各种活动,使学生全面掌握本课内容,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。课时第11课时 Amazing Plants课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:eastern, shy eastern Asia, close up, open up, When it comes to…, along with, in the middle of, a living fossil2. 能掌握以下句型: (1) When something touches this plant’s leaves, they close up tightly. (2) When it comes to laughing, this tree is really funny.(3) When people first hear it laughing, they are usually quite surprised and begin to laugh along with the tree. 【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是奇艺植物。首先,老师抛出问题并展示植物图片让学生了解一些植物,从而引入本课的话题。展示本课生词短语,可以借助图片、例句及之前学过的词等来学习,既能减轻学生的记忆负担,又能激发他们的学习兴趣。从多个角度、多种形式上对本课节的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。要求学生进一步掌握描述植物的词汇、句型,能够感受植物的美,激发学生保护环境的意识。正确的表述方法有助于学生提高学习效率,从而提高学生的学习成绩。教学重点1. 学习并积累一些与植物有关的词汇、短语及句型。2. 能够听懂和读懂植物的奇异之处。教学难点在合适的场合正确使用英语谚语。教学准备教师:音频、课件。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:教师向学生们提问,引出相关内容:For example:T: How many plants can you name?Have you ever heard about any special plants?(show some plants’ pictures)…Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放本课时单词,让学生们读单词并记忆。east n. & adj. 东;东部(的)→eastern adj. 东方的;东部的eastern Asia东亚shy adj. 害羞的 The girl is too shy to speak in front of her class. egret n. 白鹭 Her eyes are tightly closed. tightly adv. 紧紧地;牢固地Her eyes close up tightly. close up合起来,收起来 →反义:open up张开,打开 dinosaur fossil fossil n. 化石south南+west西→southwest n. & adj. 西南(的)live v. 居住,生活→living adj.活着的 a living fossil 一个活化石Jack went to the library along with his sister. along with 和……一起middle 中间→in the middle of在……中间;在……中部Step 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: Listening 建议: 听录音,对下方句子进行排序。□ When you touch this kind of plant, it closes up tightly. □ This plant can live as long as 1 500 years. It really is a fossil.□ Look at these flowers! They look like flying egrets!□ This amazing tree laughs when the wind blows.Answers: 2 4 1 3Step 5: Reading and Filling Ⅰ.读课文,填写下列表格。Answers(from left to right, top to bottom): 1. Eastern Asia. 2. Its flowers look like flying egrets. 3. Middle of Africa. 4. If the wind blows, this amazing tree “laughs”. 5. Southwest of Africa. 6. Like most plants, it has roots. But it has only two leaves and a stem. Its two leaves continue to grow for its whole life.Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填空。1. Don’t t     the dish! It’s very hot!2. China is a country in e     Asia.3. He was too s     to talk to others.4. She cut her hair very short and everyone was s     by her new look.Answers: 1. touch 2. eastern 3. shy 4. surprisedStep 6: Language Points 1. close up合起来,收拢反义短语为open up,意为“张开,打开”。【例句】Before you come in, close up your umbrella.在进来之前收起你的雨伞。Did you see that these leaves opened up just now?刚才你看见这些叶子张开了吗?2. tightly紧紧地;牢固地【例句】The girl held her father’s hand tightly. 女孩紧紧地拉着她父亲的手。【拓展】tight紧的【例句】These trousers are a bit tight. 这条裤子有点儿紧。3. When it comes to… 当提到……时,就……而论其中to是介词,后面可接名词、代词、动名词,不可接动词原形。【例句】When it comes to music,I love soft music best.就音乐而言,我最喜欢轻音乐。4. 辨析: hear sb. doing sth.与 hear sb. do sth.hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事强调听到的动作正在进行hear sb. do sth.听到某人做某事强调听到动作发生的全过程或动作经常发生【例句】I heard her singing a song when I passed her room. 我经过她房间的时候,听见她正在唱歌。I heard him go downstairs.我听见他下了楼。5. along with和……一起【例句】He went out along with his teacher.他和老师一起出去了。【注意】当主语后跟along with, with或together with等时,谓语动词的数要与主语保持一致。【例句】The girl, along with her mother, goes to the movies on Sundays. 这个女孩和她妈妈周日去看电影。6. in the middle of在……中间;在……中部其后可接表示时间或地点的词in the middle of the road在路中央 in the middle of the night三更半夜7. living 活着的 强调健在,常作定语或表语。既可指人,又可指物。【例句】The old man is still living. And he often writes letters to me.那位老人仍然健在。他常常给我写信。【拓展】alive形容词,意为“活着的”,强调生与死之间的界限。多用于指人,也可指物。【例句】 “She is alive!” the doctor said excitedly.“她活着!”医生兴奋地说道。 Step 7: Discussion建议:让学生就奇艺植物进行讨论。Example:T: Look for more amazing plants and talk about one of them. You can talk about the following aspects. Task tips:1. What is it?2. Where does it live?3. What does it look like?4. Why do you think it is amazing?Step 8: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们学习了奇艺植物的相关词汇,还有在合适的场合正确使用英语谚语, 这是本节课的难点,在以后的学习生活中也会继续巩固。课堂作业1.口头作业:朗读课文。2.书面作业:总结本课时学习的词汇短语。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 11 Amazing Plants1. New words and phrases: eastern, shy, egret, tightly, fossil, southwest, livingeastern Asia, close up, open up, When it comes to…, along with, in the middle of, a living fossil 2. Important sentences: (1) When something touches this plant’s leaves, they close up tightly. (2) When it comes to laughing, this tree is really funny.(3) When people first hear it laughing, they are usually quite surprised and begin to laugh along with the tree.教学反思这是单元的第五个课时。因此,继续巩固前面学习的句型并结合新学内容进行整合是非常重要的。一开始,让学生说出一些植物的名称并思考特殊的植物,引入新课,借助图片讲解学习本课的生词后,通过听录音回答问题让学生对本课的对话内容有一个大体的了解;然后,通过Let’s Do It!等活动达到对课文的理解,并掌握描述奇异植物的词汇句型;最后,讲解本课的重要知识点并进行总结。本节课从多个角度、多种形式对本课的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。课时第12课时 Danny’s Plant!课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】能掌握下列词汇:yardat the top of..., a flower bud, look after 2. 能掌握以下句型:(1) Now, something new is growing at the top of the stem.(2) I’m going to look after my plant carefully. 【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是种植日记。首先,老师展示与课文相关的图片,吸引学生的注意力,并引出本课时的话题Danny’s Plant (丹尼的植物)。然后,教授新单词,并进行巩固练习,检查学生对词汇的掌握情况。通过阅读文章,初步了解短文内容;接着利用Let’s Do It!中的练习题对文章内容进行巩固,让学生了解如何用英语描述植物的生长过程,激发学生种植植物的热情,体会学习英语的乐趣。本节课从多个角度、多种形式上对本课的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。教学重点掌握本课时的单词、短语和句型。教学难点运用所学知识来描述植物的生长过程。。教学准备教师:音频、课件。教 学 过 程Step 1: Lead­in 建议:教师带领学生回顾上节课所学,并向学生提出以下问题,引出相关内容:For example:What is agriculture?What kind of plants do you want to grow?…Step 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放本课时单词,让学生们读单词并记忆。agricultureseedpot sprout bud yardStep 3: Drill建议1: 游戏比赛,通过一闪而过的图片,让学生说出英语单词,看谁说得又快又准。建议2: 同桌间互相提问单词,一个说汉语,一个说英语, 然后教师抽查。Step 4: Reading and Answering Ⅰ. 读课文,回答问题。1. What did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants?2. What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant?3. Why will Danny put the pot in the yard?4. What does Danny want to send to Li Ming?Answers:1. They planted some seeds.2. It sprouted a few days later.3. Because it can get some sunshine in the yard.4. He will send some seeds to Li Ming. Ⅱ.完成句子,然后标明植物各部分名称。A. A bud opens up and becomes a     . B. A      grows under the ground and gets water from the soil. C. A      is the long thin part of a plant. D.      are parts of a plant. They grow from a stem, from a branch or directly from the root. Answers:A. flower B. root C. stem D. LeavesStep 5: Language Points1. raise 饲养,养育,升起,举起,募集,筹集【例句】This farm raises about twenty sheep and five horses.这个农场上饲养大约20只绵羊和5匹马。 We have raised 3,000 dollars for the sick child.我们已经为那个生病的孩子筹集了3 000美元。 2. to learn more about plant 为了了解更多关于植物的知识 动词不定式短语,在句中作目的状语,放在句首表示强调。动词不定式短也可放在句尾。 【例句】To pass the exam, I study hard. = I study hard to pass the exam.为了通过考试,我努力学习。3. something new 新的东西当形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置。【例句】There is something important in today’s newspaper. 今天的报纸上有重要的内容。There is nothing serious. 没什么严重的。【拓展】动词不定式修饰不定代词时也要放在不定代词之后。【例句】Would you like something to drink? 你想要一些喝的吗?4. look after 照顾;照看【例句】My job is to look after these patients.我的工作就是照顾好这些病人。5. carefully 仔细地,认真地【例句】Mary often does her homework carefully. 玛丽常常写作业很仔细。As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe. 如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。6. plenty of 许多;大量相当于lots of/a lot of,其后可跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。【例句】There are plenty of activities in the club.俱乐部里中有许多活动。He had plenty of time to finish his work. 他有足够多的时间完成他的工作。Step 7: Group Work建议:让学生小组合作,完成分类。1. Ask the students to look at the pictures below and then say the Chinese meanings.2. Help the students correct the mistakes of their pronunciation.3. Give them an example: fruit—apple.4. Let them group the rest of words into the baskets.5. Let the students check their answers in groups. 6. Ask the students to have a discussion when necessary. 7. Choose some groups to give their answers. Answers: leaves: cabbage, lettuceroots: carrotfruits: apple, watermelon, eggplant, tomatoseeds: sunflower, pea, corn, peanutstems: sugarcane, celery, onion, potatoStep 8: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们学习了描述植物生长过程的词汇句型,还有形容词修饰不定代词的用法,这是本节课的难点,也是本节课的重点,我们也会在以后的学习中继续巩固。课堂作业1.口头作业: 朗读课文。2.书面作业: 复习整个单元,总结表述植物生长过程的词汇、句型。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Lesson 12 Danny’s Plant1. New words and phrases: low, yard, at the top of..., a flower bud, look after 2. Important sentences: (1) Now, something new is growing at the top of the stem.(2) I’m going to look after my plant carefully. 教学反思这是单元的第六个课时。因此,继续巩固前面学习的内容并总结单元重点是本课时的主要任务。首先,通过问题导入新课。利用图片和句子,教授新单词和短语,完成Let’s Do It!,为本课的学习扫清障碍。快速阅读课文,回答Let’s Do It!中的相关问题。再进行语言点的讲解,帮助学生解决学习中的疑惑和重难点。本课节从多个角度、多种形式上对本课的语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。课时Unit Review课型新授课教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握本单元新学的单词、短语和句型;2. 掌握本单元的语法:构词法——派生法和转换法。【情感、态度与价值观】 该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是种植植物。通过复习本单元所学,引导学生谈论植物和园艺活动,学习谈论植物的生长过程,培养同学们热爱大自然,保护大自然的意识,养成环境保护意识,进而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。教学重点复习本单元所学的单词、短语和句型;掌握本单元的语法:构词法——派生法和转换法。教学难点能够谈论植物和园艺活动。教学准备1. 教师:音频、课件。2. 学生:植物照片教 学 过 程Step 1: Revision 建议:教师带领学生回顾本单元所学词汇Example:Ⅰ. 1.     洞 2.     大的;巨大的3.     覆盖,盖子 4.    装满;充满5.     暴风雨 6.     不干净的;肮脏的 7.     北方的;北部的 8.     底部;最下部 9.     基本的;基础的 10.     仔细考虑;认为;觉得11.     测验;考查 12.     干的, 使干;变干13.     目的;目标;意图 14.     东方的;东部的15.      害羞的 16.     院子;场地Answers: 1. hole 2. huge 3. cover 4. fill 5. storm 6. dirty 7.northern 8. bottom9. basic 10. consider 11. test 12. dry 13. purpose 14.eastern 15. shy 16. yardⅡ. 1. 用……填满     2. 顺便说一下     3. 变成     4. 在……底部     →(反义短语)在……顶端     5. 总之;一句话     6. 做……有趣     7. 确信     8. 使……远离     9. 打开     →(反义短语)合起来;收起来     10. 和……一起     11. 在……中间;在……中部     12. 照顾;照看     Answers: 1. fill…with… 2. by the way 3. turn into 4. in the bottom of…; at the top of… 5. in a word 6. have fun doing 7. make sure 8. keep…away from 9. open up; close up 10. along with 11. in the middle of 12. look afterStep 2: Presentation建议:教师展示多媒体课件,播放本单元学过的词汇及句型Step 3: Building Your Vocabulary建议:教师展示习题,让学生按要求完成。ACROSS1. This project is challenging, but it’s good for everyone. If you have time, you should c     it.5. You should never judge a book by its c    , but should you judge a story by its title?6. The stone is brown and round. It has a h     in the centre. DOWN2. The e     sky turned pink as the sun rose. 3. A g     is a place outside. You grow plants in it.4. She was supposed to be on a trip. So when I saw her here, I was s    .7. They have learned English in school. M     of them understand English well. Answers: ACROSS: 1. consider 5. cover 6. holeDOWN: 2. eastern 3. garden 4. surprised 7. MostStep 4: Grammar in UseⅠ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We had a     (please) journey to England this summer.2. It is      (amaze) that this tree laughs when the wind blows. 3. The children are drawing with their      (colour) markers.4. Be      (care) with your handwriting. 5. After the earthquake, they became      (home) people.6. They are      (happy) about the bad news.Answers: 1. pleasant 2. amazing 3. colourful 4. careful 5. homeless 6. unhappyⅡ. 按要求写单词1. hope     (adj.) 2. water     (v.) 3. useful     (adv.)4. dirt     (adj.)  5. warm     (v.) 6. book    (v.) 7. sun     (adj.)  8. danger     (adj.) 9. cover     (v.)10. lazy     (adv.)Answers: 1. hopeful 2. water 3. usefully 4. dirty 5. warm 6. book 7. sunny 8. dangerous 9. cover 10. lazily Step 5: Listening建议:教师播放录音,让学生按要求完成习题。Ⅰ. Listen and repeat.1. I drew a picture of my plants.2. Are they also coming to plant trees?3. What makes a tree laugh?4. When something touches this plant’s leaves, they close up tightly.Select some students to read in front of the class.Ⅱ. Listen to the sentences and circle the words or phrases you hear.1. A. dust storm B. TV channel C. a flower bud 2. A. dry B. shy C. cry 3. A. eastern B. northern C. southern 4. A. at the top of B. in the bottom of C. in the middle of 5. A. by the way B. in a word C. best of all Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. AStep 6: Speaking建议: 就学生带的植物照片与同伴进行讨论,回答以下问题,之后在班级进行展示:1. What kind of plant is it?2. What is it used for?3. Is it important to us?4. How can we protect this plant?Step 7: Putting It All Togehter建议: 让学生阅读课本P31的短文,回答问题。1. What are living things?2. Do plants and animals get their food in the same way?3. How does a plant make food for itself?4. What do animals eat?Answers: 1. Plants and animals are living things.2. No. They get their food in different ways.3. A plant uses the energy in sunlight to make food.4. They eat plants or other animals./Plants or other animals.Step 8: Work in pairs建议: 让学生两人一组,讨论如何种植物,写下答案。1.                        2.                        3.                        Step 9: Language Points一、构词法——派生法和转化法构词法有三种,即合成、派生和转化。第一单元已经讲过合成法,本单元学习派生法和转化法。1. 派生在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀,构成一个新词,这种构词法称为派生法。词缀分为前缀和后缀。 加前缀一般不会引起词类的转变,在前缀中有相当多的一部分是用来构成反义的。如:im-, un-, dis-等。而后缀往往使词类改变,如加-ly构成副词。常见前缀见下表:前缀例词un-happy adj.(幸福的)—unhappy adj. (不幸福的)important adj.(重要的)—unimportant adj.(不重要的)dis-appear v.(出现)—disappear v.(消失)like v.(喜欢)—dislike v.(不喜欢)order n.(秩序)—disorder n.(紊乱)en-courage adj.(勇气)—encourage v.(鼓励)rich adj.(丰富的)—enrich v.(使丰富)mis-understand v.(理解)—misunderstand v.(误解)常见后缀见下表:后缀例词-er/-orwrite v. (写作) —writer n. (作者)act v. (表演) —actor n. (男演员)-mentdevelop v. (发展) —development n. (发展)-ion/-tion/-ationdiscuss v. (讨论) —discussion n. (讨论)explain v. (解释) —explanation n. (解释)-fulcare n. (小心) —careful adj. (小心的)-lyclear adj.(清楚的) —clearly adv.(清楚地)-lesshelp n.(帮助) —helpless adj.(无助的)2. 转化一个单词从一种词类转化成另一种词类而词形不变的方法称为转化法。转化法使英语中形成了大量外形相同但词类不同的词,即同形异性词。词性的确定取决于该词在句子中的作用。【例句】We need some water.我们需要一些水。(water“水”为名词)Please water these plants for me.请帮我给这些植物浇浇水。(water“浇水”为动词)I’m reading a famous book.我正在阅读一本有名的书。(book“书”为名词)Book the tickets tomorrow. 明天订票。(book“预订”为动词)Step 10: Self-Evaluation建议:让学生依据自己掌握的内容进行自我评价。Step 11: Enjoyment建议:让学生阅读诗歌。Step 12: Summary建议:让学生自己总结本节课主要学习了什么,还有哪些疑惑?教师可作补充。For example: 本节课我们复习了1.派生法和转换法的用法2.本单元的生词及描述植物和园艺的表达方式。课堂作业1.口头作业: 阅读本单元的课文。2.书面作业: 复习派生法和转换法的用法,并用本单元所学写一篇关于植物生长过程的短文。板书设计Unit 2 Plant a Plant!Unit Review构词法——派生法和转化法1.派生前缀后缀2.转化教学反思这是单元的复习课。因此,复习本单元的所学内容是本节课的重点内容。首先,老师引领学生回顾本单元的重点词汇,为接下来的习题做好铺垫。在猜词环节中,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。讲解构词法这一语法,解答学生的语法疑难。然后做对应的语法训练题目,检查学生对语法知识的掌握情况。根据语言知识设计适当的交际活动,让学生用英语理解、表达和交流,从而体现“用英语做事情”的原则。最后学生进行自我评价,欣赏诗歌,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。
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