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    1.Where was Mary last night?
    A. At a library.
    B. At a cncert.
    C. At hme.
    2.Which club is the man lking fr?
    A. The Music Club.
    B. The Sprts Club.
    C. The English Club.
    3.When will the wman need the prject?
    A. On Mnday.
    B. On Tuesday.
    C. On Wednesday.
    4.What is Gina ging t d?
    A. Play tennis.
    B. Eat ice cream.
    C. Study fr a test.
    5.What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A. Cathy's friend.
    B. Cathy's bag.
    C. Cathy's stre.
    6.Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Surprised.
    B. Excited.
    C. Bred.
    7.Why des Lucy think the man shuld have the car?
    A. Because he wrks utside twn.
    B. Because he has gt a rich father.
    C. Because he has studied really hard.
    8.Hw lng will Jenny stay in Mexic?
    A. Fr tw weeks.
    B. Fr six weeks.
    C. Fr eight weeks.
    9.What will Jenny d in Mexic?
    A. Learn art.
    B. Take the exams.
    C. Wrk at a hspital.
    10.Whm will Steve g n hliday with?
    A. His friend.
    B. His teacher.
    C. His family.
    第三节:听独白,从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题.独白读两遍.
    11.What is Linda?
    A. A guide.
    B. A cleaner.
    C. A dctr.
    12.What's the mst imprtant rule in the z?
    A. Nt t take phts.
    B. Nt t feed animals..
    C. Nt t climb ver walls.
    13.What clr is the z's main rad?
    A. Green.
    B. Yellw.
    C. Red.
    15.What will the kids d at nn?
    A. Clean the z.
    B. Run thrugh the z.
    C. Watch animals eat lunch.
    15.Hw many rules are mentined?
    A. Tw.
    B. Three.
    C. Fur.
    二、完形填空(共1小题,每小题15分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A. B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺.
    Amy did nt have any friends and felt sad.All the girls in her class were 16___with a best friend r in grups,and she always felt left ut.S,Amy just walked arund_17__instead f playing with anyne. She wanted t seesaw (跷跷板),__18 _ that is smething yu need t d with a friend.Als,she liked t swing(荡秋千)and__19_smene wuld push her t get her started.
    One day,the teacher,Mrs Gibbs,walked up and put__20_ arm arund Amy," What's the matter,Amy?Why dn't yu__21_with ther children?" She asked kindly.
    Amy replied, " Everyne has a _22__except me. I dn't have anyne. "Mrs Gibbs smiled and said," Amy, the_23__ t get a friend is t be a friend. "Amy asked," Hw d I d that?"
    Mrs Gibbs answered,"_24__ arund the playgrund.There are three classes f third- graders ut here during this break time._25__ smene wh is alne and then g t ask them t play. "Amy said she wuld think abut it, but she was _26__ she wuld be refused. She wasn't sure she culd d it.
    The next day, Amy nticed a dark-haired girl all alne n the playgrund. She wrked up her_27__ and walked t the girl." Hi! My name is Amy. D yu want t play with me?"
    "Okay," the girl said shyly. As they tk turns pushing each ther n the _28__ ,Amy fund ut that the girl's name was Ming.Her family had just mved frm Japan and she als_29__ a friend.
    "Want t seesaw?" Amy asked. Ming smiled and ndded. Paired up with each ther, they played s_30__.
    Amy finally had a friend!
    16.A. brken upB. cme upC. built upD. paired up
    17.A. alneB. againC. gladlyD. quickly
    18.A. andB. sC. butD. because
    19.A. decidedB. wishedC. explainedD. suggested
    20.A. myB. yurC. hisD. her
    21.A. writeB. studyC. agreeD. play
    22.A. friendB. classmateC. sisterD. parent
    23.A. planB. wayC. lessnD. reasn
    24.A.TurnB. LkC. JumpD. Sit
    25.A. StpB. HideC. FindD. Lead
    26.A. afraidB. prudC. pleasedD. surprised
    27.A. interestB. skillC. curageD. attentin
    28.A. seesawB. chairC. swingD. bike
    29.A. neededB. chseC. sharedD.trusted
    30.A. carefullyB. quietlyC. simplyD. happily
    31.The tpic f the frum(论坛) is___.
    A. Ding Sprts
    B. Keeping Healthy
    C. Making Friends
    D.Learning English
    32.Mike's prblem is hw t___.
    A. imprve handwriting
    B. use English prperly
    C. prnunce beautifully
    D. remember new wrds
    33.Whse reply is nt abut the tpic?___
    A. Helen's.
    B. Sam's.
    C. Mary's.
    D. Jack's.
    Tmates taste great. With a lt f vitamins, they are gd fr yu, t! Peple all ver the wrld enjy this amazing fruit.
    Nt all tmates are red. They can be yellw , range, pink, r white. All tmates are green befre they are ready t be picked. Then the tmates turn their true clr. That's when they 're ready t eat!
    Tmates first grew in the Americas. The Incas grew them ver 1 ,000 years ag. They were intrduced t Eurpe by the Spanish in the early 16th century. The Spanish and Italians seem t have been the first Eurpeans t accept them as fd, In France, peple grew. Tmates in the garden just t enjy their beauty. Many peple there thught tmates wuld make them sick. It was years befre sme f them wuld eat tmates.
    Tmates are fruits. They grw frm seeds. They wn't grw in cld weather. But with water, sunlight and warmth, tmates grw fast. They can grw in pts r in the grund. As the plant grws taller, peple may tie it t a stick. Next is the blming stage. Flwers appear. The flwers turn int fruit. Sme kinds f tmates can be picked in abut six mre weeks. Sme tmates are large. One kind f tmat can weigh as much as tw punds.
    Yu can eat raw tmates. First, wash them. Then, cut them up fr, salads r sandwiches. Tmates can be cked, t. They can be grilled, biled, r even fried. D yu use ketchup? It is made frm tmates. Tmates dn't have a smell. But they taste great in fds arund the wrld. Many dishes frm India use tmates. Spaghetti sauce and pizza frm Italy use them, t. Raw tmates are in Mexican salsa.
    34.Frm the passage, we knw that tmates___.
    A. cme in different clrs
    B. grew in Eurpe first
    C. can grw in all Weathers
    D. have a special smell
    35.The underlined phrase "sme f them" in Paragraph 3 refers t___.
    A. sme peple in Inca
    B. sme peple in Italy
    C. sme peple in France
    D. sme peple in Spain
    36.Which f the fllwing best shws the structure f the passage?___
    37.Which f the fllwing is the best title f the passage?___
    A. Value f Tmates
    B. All abut Tmates
    C. Incas and Tmates
    D. Grwing Great Tmates
    My father, wh was always drunk and angry, beat me mre and mre every day. He always lcked the dr when he went away and kept the key in this pcket. One day I fund an ld saw (锯子) that he hid in the rf. When I was alne in the huse. I started t make a hle n the flr under the big table.
    The next day my father said, "Huck, g t the river and catch sme fish fr breakfast. Quickly! And dn't try anything. Remember, I'm watching yu!"
    While I was fishing by the river, I saw an empty bat nearby.
    "A bat!" I thught happily, “This is my chance t escape. I'll hide the bat near sme trees and use it tnight!"
    When my father went t twn that afternn, I gt my saw and started t wrk n the hle. It was late afternn when I finished making the hle.
    "I did a gd jb,"I thught, lking at the hle. "Nw I'll get my father's gun.
    I lked utside the windw and there was nbdy there. I quickly escaped thrugh the hle. Then I ran int the wds t hunt a wild pig. Luckily, I fund ne. I sht it and tk it back t the huse and let the pig's bld fall n the wden flr f the huse. Then I pulled sme f my hair ut and put it n my father's axe(斧子) with sme f the pig's bld. I tk the pig's bdy utside and put it in a big bag with sme rcks, and threw it int the river.
    "This way peple will think__▲__ !"I thught. "They'll cme and lk fr my bdy in the river. “This idea made me smile.
    I waited until it was dark and gt int the bat and went t Jacksn's Island. I knew abut Jacksn's Island because Tm, Ben, Je and I had a lt f fun adventures there.
    (Adapted frm The Adventures f Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain)
    38.What's the crrect rder f the fllwing?___
    ①Huck hid a bat.
    ②Huck fund a saw.
    ③Huck went fishing.
    ④Huck killed a wild pig.
    39.Which f the fllwing is the best t fill in the blank"__▲__"?
    A. my father went away and I'm sad
    B. the pig's bld is mine and I'm dead
    C. I killed the wild pig and I'm brave
    D. my friends helped me and I'm lucky
    40.Huck went t Jacksn's Island because he wanted t___.
    A. meet his friends
    B. lk fr the treasure
    C. take an adventure
    D. escape frm his father
    41.Accrding t the passage, what is Huck like?___
    A. Brave and clever.
    B. Funny and helpful.
    C. Lazy and careless.
    D. Bring and stupid.
    On a June afternn in 1752, the sky began t get dark ver the city. As the strm brke, mst peple surely hurried inside, but nt Benjamin. Franklin. He decided it was the perfect time t fly a kite. Franklin had been waiting fr a chance like this. He wanted t shw the cnnectin between lightning( 闪电)and electricity,and t d s, he needed a strm.
    He walked int field, and flew a kite with a piece f rpe tied t it. A key was tied t the rpe. The lightning hit the kite, and electricity passed thrugh the rpe t the key. Franklin then tuched the key with his finger and gt an electric shck(电击). This, he said, prved (证明) the electrical nature f lightning.
    Fr many years, schls have taught the stry f Franklin's experiment. Millins f schlchildren have been amazed by his curage and his scientific spirit f lking fr the truth. Hwever, new research suggests that the stry may be fictin instead f fact. Althugh Franklin's experiment tk place, mre than ne scientist has questined what really happened.It's true that he did the experiment with the rpe and the key. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually tuched the key, he wuld certainly have died frm the electric shck.
    Scientists ften questin accepted ideas because they want t find ut the facts. Sme have even questined the stry abut the apple that fell n Newtn's head. Many reprts suggest that althugh the falling apple certainly prvided ideas,there is nthing t shw that the apple actually hit him n the head,
    In fact, fictin is ften mre interesting than the truth.Peple have been mre encuraged by Franklin's spirit than by the facts themselves. But in science, facts shuld be tested by experiments and research, and we shuld nt always believe everything we read r hear even if it is a great stry.
    42.Franklin did the experiment in rder t prve___.
    A. he was an excellent scientist
    B. flying a kite in the strm was safe
    C. he was nt afraid f lightning
    D. lightning was a frm f electricity
    43.The underlined wrd "fictin" prbably means smething___.
    A. nt true
    B. quite different
    C. nt safe
    D. quite necessary
    44.Sme scientists questined whether Franklin___ in the experiment.
    A. flew a kite
    B. tuched the key
    C. was present
    D. discvered electricity
    45.The purpse f the passage is t tell us___.
    A. Franklin's spirit is encuraging
    B. fictin is mre interesting than the truth
    C. Franklin's experiment is nt real
    D. we shuldn't always believe accepted ideas
    (David will g n a study tur t England. Wendy is frm Welcme Travel Agency. Nw she is calling Mr Chw, David's father, t check the infrmatin f David's study tur. )
    Wendy: Hell. May I speak t Mr Chw, please?
    Mr Chw: Speaking.
    Wendy: This is Wendy frm Welecme Travel Agency, I'd like t check the infrmatin with yu.
    Mr Chw: OK.
    Wendy: Is it a tur fr fifteen days?
    Mr Chw: Yes, that's right.
    Wendy: Where wuld he like t stay, in a htel r with an English family?
    Mr Chw: He'd like t stay with an English family.
    Wendy:Well,what wuld he like t d in the a afternns? He can have extra lessns r d activities.
    Mr Chw: He'd lve t play ftball r swim.
    Wendy: OK. I've nted that. Des David like Chinese fd r Western fd?
    Mr Chw: He prefers Western fd.
    Wendy: All right. Hmm…D yu have any questins abut the tur?
    Mr Chw: Yes._50__?
    Wendy: …
    Mr Chw: Thank yu, Wendy. Gdbye.
    Wendy: Gdbye.
    Healthy living t mst peple means having a healthy lifestyle. Here are sme tips that peple shuld fllw in their_51__ (日常的) life.
    Healthy eating plays an imprtant rle. Make sure yu have three_52__ (餐) a day n time. Gd breakfast, rich lunch and less dinner are suggested. Try t_53__ (避 免) fd high in sugar.
    Regular exercise als leads t a healthy lifestyle.It can help yu keep yur weight under cntrl and _54__ ( 赢)self cnfidence at the same time. It's a gd idea fr yu t exercise fr_55__ (三十)minutes each time, at least three days a week.Shall we d exercise every day?It_56__ (视..而定). Hwever, every time yu exercise, yu put_57__ (你自己) at risk f getting hurt, s remember t d it in a right way.
    _58__(足够的) sleep is the key t a healthy lifestyle.Fr mst peple it is necessary t keep eight hurs f sleep each day.If yu dn't fall asleep within twenty minutes, d smething _59__ (使人放松的).Reading and listening t light music are gd_60__ (选择). And then yu may fall asleep sn.
    Mr Happy always wke up with a sunny smile. He was ne f the mst cheerful_61__(man) in the wrld. His smile was even_62__ (bright) than the sun. Hwever, He had ne secret that made him sad, but nbdy knew abut it.
    Then ne day, while ging ut, _63__ a walk,Mr Happy met Miss Beautiful.Mr Happy smiled as usual and Miss Beautiful smiled back.But then she stpped and lked at Mr Happy_64__(angry).
    "Hw rude!" she shuted."Yung man, dn't yu knw that yu shuld raise yur hat _65__ yu meet a lady!"
    Fr_66__first time in his life, Mr Happy lst his smile."I'm srry, Miss Beautiful." replied Mr Happy,"But withut _67__(I)hat n, I'm nt very gd-lking and that makes me sad.
    "Really?" asked Miss Beautiful."Well, let me see. I prmise_68__(keep) the secret.
    Mr Happy_69__(lift) his hat. He had the ttal f nly three hairs n his head!
    "Is that all yu're wrried abut?" asked Miss Beautiful." Why?Yur bright sunny smile_70__(lve) by everybdy, nt hw many hairs yu have!" Miss Beautiful smiled.
    Ever since that day, Mr Happy hasn't stpped smiling. He is always quick t raise his hat t everyne he meets.
    Subject: Life with family
    Hi Daming,
    Lng time n see. I've never spent s much time staying at hme like this hliday, S I have mre chances t stay with my family,I have a deep feling f their lve.And I want t d smething fr them,but I have n idea abut it.
    What d yu ften d t shw yur lve t yur family? And what's the best way t spend yur time tgether? Hpe t get yur reply sn!
    3.词数:90 ~ 110.

    1.Where was Mary last night?
    A. At a library.
    B. At a cncert.
    C. At hme.
    2.Which club is the man lking fr?
    A. The Music Club.
    B. The Sprts Club.
    C. The English Club.
    3.When will the wman need the prject?
    A. On Mnday.
    B. On Tuesday.
    C. On Wednesday.
    4.What is Gina ging t d?
    A. Play tennis.
    B. Eat ice cream.
    C. Study fr a test.
    5.What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A. Cathy's friend.
    B. Cathy's bag.
    C. Cathy's stre.
    6.Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Surprised.
    B. Excited.
    C. Bred.
    7.Why des Lucy think the man shuld have the car?
    A. Because he wrks utside twn.
    B. Because he has gt a rich father.
    C. Because he has studied really hard.
    8.Hw lng will Jenny stay in Mexic?
    A. Fr tw weeks.
    B. Fr six weeks.
    C. Fr eight weeks.
    9.What will Jenny d in Mexic?
    A. Learn art.
    B. Take the exams.
    C. Wrk at a hspital.
    10.Whm will Steve g n hliday with?
    A. His friend.
    B. His teacher.
    C. His family.
    第三节:听独白,从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题.独白读两遍.
    11.What is Linda?A. A guide.
    B. A cleaner.
    C. A dctr.
    12.What's the mst imprtant rule in the z?
    A. Nt t take phts.
    B. Nt t feed animals..
    C. Nt t climb ver walls.
    13.What clr is the z's main rad?
    A. Green.
    B. Yellw.
    C. Red.
    15.What will the kids d at nn?
    A. Clean the z.
    B. Run thrugh the z.
    C. Watch animals eat lunch.
    15.Hw many rules are mentined?
    A. Tw.
    B. Three.
    C. Fur.
    二、完形填空(共1小题,每小题15分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A. B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺.
    Amy did nt have any friends and felt sad.All the girls in her class were 16___with a best friend r in grups,and she always felt left ut.S,Amy just walked arund_17__instead f playing with anyne. She wanted t seesaw (跷跷板),__18 _ that is smething yu need t d with a friend.Als,she liked t swing(荡秋千)and__19_smene wuld push her t get her started.
    One day,the teacher,Mrs Gibbs,walked up and put__20_ arm arund Amy," What's the matter,Amy?Why dn't yu__21_with ther children?" She asked kindly.
    Amy replied, " Everyne has a _22__except me. I dn't have anyne. "Mrs Gibbs smiled and said," Amy, the_23__ t get a friend is t be a friend. "Amy asked," Hw d I d that?"
    Mrs Gibbs answered,"_24__ arund the playgrund.There are three classes f third- graders ut here during this break time._25__ smene wh is alne and then g t ask them t play. "Amy said she wuld think abut it, but she was _26__ she wuld be refused. She wasn't sure she culd d it.
    The next day, Amy nticed a dark-haired girl all alne n the playgrund. She wrked up her_27__ and walked t the girl." Hi! My name is Amy. D yu want t play with me?"
    "Okay," the girl said shyly. As they tk turns pushing each ther n the _28__ ,Amy fund ut that the girl's name was Ming.Her family had just mved frm Japan and she als_29__ a friend.
    "Want t seesaw?" Amy asked. Ming smiled and ndded. Paired up with each ther, they played s___.
    Amy finally had a friend!
    16.A. brken upB. cme upC. built upD. paired up
    17.A. alneB. againC. gladlyD. quickly
    18.A. andB. sC. butD. because
    19.A. decidedB. wishedC. explainedD. suggested
    20.A. myB. yurC. hisD. her
    21.A. writeB. studyC. agreeD. play
    22.A. friendB. classmateC. sisterD. parent
    23.A. planB. wayC. lessnD. reasn
    24.A.TurnB. LkC. JumpD. Sit
    25.A. StpB. HideC. FindD. Lead
    26.A. afraidB. prudC. pleasedD. surprised
    27.A. interestB. skillC. curageD. attentin
    28.A. seesawB. chairC. swingD. bike
    29.A. neededB. chseC. sharedD.trusted
    30.A. carefullyB. quietlyC. simplyD. happily
    【解答】16.D.动词辨析.A打破;B走近;C建立;D成对;根据All the girls in her class were(1)with a best friend r in grups她班的所有女孩应该是和好友成对或小组,故答案是D.
    17.A.副词辨析.A独自;B再次;C高兴地;D快速地;根据后面instead f playing with anyne没和任何人玩,应该是独自地走,故答案是A.
    19.B.词动辨析.A决定;B希望;C解释;D建议;根据Als,she liked t swing(荡秋千)and(4)smene wuld push her t get her started.而且,她喜欢荡秋千,有人会推她开始.应该是希望有人推她,故答案是B.
    20.D.代词辨析.A我的;B你的;C他的;D她的;根据前面Mrs Gibbs应该是用她的胳膊搂着Amy,故答案是D.
    22.A.名词辨析.A朋友;B同学;C姐妹;D父或母;根据上文Amy did nt have any friends and felt sad.可知没有朋友,故答案是A.
    24.B.动词辨析.A转;B看;C跳;D坐;根据下句There are three classes f third- graders ut here during this break time在这个休息时间有三个三年级的班,应该是看看操场四周,故答案是B.
    25.C.动词辨析.A停止;B隐藏;C发现;D引导;根据smene wh is alne and then g t ask them t play.应该找一个和你一样孤独的人,故答案是C.
    26.A.形容词辨析.A害怕;B骄傲;C高兴;D惊奇;根据后面she wuld be refused她会被拒绝,应该是害怕,故答案是A.
    27.C.名词辨析.A兴趣;B技巧;C勇气;D注意;根据She wrked up her(12)and walked t the girl.及上文害怕被拒绝,这里应该是鼓起勇气,故答案是C.
    28.C.名词辨析.A跷跷板;B椅子;C秋千;D自行车;根据As they tk turns pushing each ther n the 前面说轮流推对方,应该是玩秋千,故答案是C.
    29.A.动词辨析.A需要;B选择;C分享;D相信;根据前面Her family had just mved frm Japan 她的家人刚从日本搬来,所以应该是她也需要朋友,故答案是A.
    30.D.副词辨析.A小心地;B安静地;C简单地;D开心地;根据Paired up with each ther, they played s他们是一对一对,应该是开心地玩,故答案是D.
    31.The tpic f the frum(论坛) is___.
    A. Ding Sprts
    B. Keeping Healthy
    C. Making Friends
    D.Learning English
    32.Mike's prblem is hw t___.
    A. imprve handwriting
    B. use English prperly
    C. prnunce beautifully
    D. remember new wrds
    33.Whse reply is nt abut the tpic?___
    A. Helen's.
    B. Sam's.
    C. Mary's.
    D. Jack's.
    【解答】(1)D 细节理解题.根据第一个表格Learning English:Yur nline space fr English study fr English study 学习英语:你的网上英语学习空间.可知主题是"学英语".故选D.
    (2)B 细节推测题.根据第五个表格When saying"Open the windw!", I have t think abut wh I' m talking t and then decide whether t say,"Open the windw,please!" r"Culd yu pen the windw,please?"当你说"打开窗户!",我得想一想我在和谁说话,然后决定是否说,"请打开窗户!"或者"你能把窗户打开吗?"可以推测出,迈克的问题是怎么正确使用英语.故选B.
    (3)C 细节判断题.根据第四个表格Mary :I am utging and like ut dr activities.But the virus has made this mre dangerus.玛丽:我性格开朗,喜欢户外活动.但是病毒使这变得更加危险.可知.玛丽在说没有办法出去活动,与主题无关.故选C.
    Tmates taste great. With a lt f vitamins, they are gd fr yu, t! Peple all ver the wrld enjy this amazing fruit.
    Nt all tmates are red. They can be yellw , range, pink, r white. All tmates are green befre they are ready t be picked. Then the tmates turn their true clr. That's when they 're ready t eat!
    Tmates first grew in the Americas. The Incas grew them ver 1 ,000 years ag. They were intrduced t Eurpe by the Spanish in the early 16th century. The Spanish and Italians seem t have been the first Eurpeans t accept them as fd, In France, peple grew. Tmates in the garden just t enjy their beauty. Many peple there thught tmates wuld make them sick. It was years befre sme f them wuld eat tmates.
    Tmates are fruits. They grw frm seeds. They wn't grw in cld weather. But with water, sunlight and warmth, tmates grw fast. They can grw in pts r in the grund. As the plant grws taller,peple may tie it t a stick. Next is the blming stage. Flwers appear. The flwers turn int fruit.Sme kinds f tmates can be picked in abut six mre weeks. Sme tmates are large.One kind f tmat can weigh as much as tw punds.
    Yu can eat raw tmates. First, wash them. Then,cut them up fr, salads r sandwiches. Tmates can be cked, t. They can be grilled, biled, r even fried. D yu use ketchup? It is made frm tmates.Tmates dn't have a smell. But they taste great in fds arund the wrld. Many dishes frm India use tmates. Spaghetti sauce and pizza frm Italy use them, t. Raw tmates are in Mexican salsa.
    34.Frm the passage, we knw that tmates___.
    A. cme in different clrs
    B. grew in Eurpe first
    C. can grw in all Weathers
    D. have a special smell
    35.The underlined phrase "sme f them" in Paragraph 3 refers t___.
    A. sme peple in Inca
    B. sme peple in Italy
    C. sme peple in France
    D. sme peple in Spain
    36.Which f the fllwing best shws the structure f the passage?___
    37.Which f the fllwing is the best title f the passage?___
    A. Value f Tmates
    B. All abut Tmates
    C. Incas and Tmates
    D. Grwing Great Tmates
    【解答】(1)B 细节理解题.根据Tmates first grew in the Americas西红柿最初生长在美洲.可知,西红柿最初生长在欧洲,故选B.
    (2)C 单词释义题.根据In France, peple grew. Tmates in the garden just t enjy their beauty. Many peple there thught tmates wuld make them sick. It was years befre sme f them wuld eat tmates.在法国,人们在种植.在花园里种番茄,只是为了欣赏它们的美丽.那里的许多人认为西红柿会使他们生病.过了好几年,他们中的一些人才开始吃西红柿.可知划线部分"其中一些人"是指法国人的一些人 ,故选C.
    (3)C 结构理解题.根据文章,可知第一段是点题段,引出文章表述的主体是西红柿.第2、3、4、5段分别讲述它的颜色、发源地、生长周期和吃法,故选C.
    (4)B 细节理解题.根据文章第一段Tmates taste great. With a lt f vitamins, they are gd fr yu, t! Peple all ver the wrld enjy this amazing fruit.可知文章主要讲述的是关于西红柿,故选B.
    My father, wh was always drunk and angry, beat me mre and mre every day. He always lcked the dr when he went away and kept the key in this pcket. One day I fund an ld saw (锯子) that he hid in the rf. When I was alne in the huse,I started t make a hle n the flr under the big table.
    The next day my father said,"Huck, g t the river and catch sme fish fr breakfast. Quickly! And dn't try anything. Remember, I'm watching yu!"
    While I was fishing by the river, I saw an empty bat nearby.
    "A bat!" I thught happily,"This is my chance t escape. I'll hide the bat near sme trees and use it tnight!"
    When my father went t twn that afternn, I gt my saw and started t wrk n the hle. It was late afternn when I finished making the hle.
    "I did a gd jb,"I thught, lking at the hle. "Nw I'll get my father's gun.
    I lked utside the windw and there was nbdy there. I quickly escaped thrugh the hle. Then I ran int the wds t hunt a wild pig. Luckily, I fund ne. I sht it and tk it back t the huse and let the pig's bld fall n the wden flr f the huse. Then I pulled sme f my hair ut and put it n my father's axe(斧子) with sme f the pig's bld. I tk the pig's bdy utside and put it in a big bag with sme rcks, and threw it int the river.
    "This way peple will think__▲__ !"I thught. "They'll cme and lk fr my bdy in the river."This idea made me smile.
    I waited until it was dark and gt int the bat and went t Jacksn's Island. I knew abut Jacksn's Island because Tm, Ben, Je and I had a lt f fun adventures there.
    (Adapted frm The Adventures f Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain)
    38.What's the crrect rder f the fllwing?___
    ①Huck hid a bat.
    ②Huck fund a saw.
    ③Huck went fishing.
    ④Huck killed a wild pig.
    39.Which f the fllwing is the best t fill in the blank"__▲__"?
    A. my father went away and I'm sad
    B. the pig's bld is mine and I'm dead
    C. I killed the wild pig and I'm brave
    D. my friends helped me and I'm lucky
    40.Huck went t Jacksn's Island because he wanted t___.
    A. meet his friends
    B. lk fr the treasure
    C. take an adventure
    D. escape frm his father
    41.Accrding t the passage, what is Huck like?___
    A. Brave and clever.
    B. Funny and helpful.
    C. Lazy and careless.
    D. Bring and stupid.
    【解答】(1)D.阅读排序题.根据第一段One day I fund an ld saw 一天我发现一把旧锯子.可知,②"Huck发现一把锯子"是第一位.根据第三段While I was fishing by the river当我在河边钓鱼的时候.可知,③"Huck去钓鱼"是第二位.根据第四段I'll hide the bat near sme trees and use it tnight我要把船藏在树旁,今晚用它.可知,①"Huck藏起了船"是第三位.根据第七段Then I ran int the wds t hunt a wild pig然后我跑到树林里去猎一头野猪.可知,④"Huck杀死了一头野猪"是第四位.正确顺序是②③①④.故选:D.
    (2)B.选句填空题.根据空前一句Then I pulled sme f my hair ut and put it n my father's axe(斧子) with sme f the pig's bld.I tk the pig's bdy utside and put it in a big bag with sme rcks, and threw it int the river.然后我拔了一些头发,用猪血放在我父亲的斧子上.我把猪的尸体拿出来,放进一个装有石头的大袋子里,扔到河里.及下一句"They'll cme and lk fr my bdy in the river."This idea made me smile."他们会来找我的尸体的."这个想法让我笑了.可知,这样人们就会认为"猪血是我的,我死了".故选:B.
    (3)D.细节理解题.根据第一段My father, wh was always drunk and angry, beat me mre and mre every day我父亲总是酗酒和生气,每天都在不断地殴打我.及第四段This is my chance t escape这是我逃跑的机会.可知,Huck去杰克逊岛是因为他想逃离父亲.故选:D.
    (4)A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段This way peple will think the pig's bld is mine and I'm dead!"I thught. "They'll cme and lk fr my bdy in the river."This idea made me smile.这样人们就会以为猪血是我的,我死了!"我想,"他们会来找我的尸体的."这个想法让我笑了.及最后一句had a lt f fun adventures there在那里有很多有趣的冒险经历.可知,Huck是勇敢的和聪明的.故选:A.
    On a June afternn in 1752, the sky began t get dark ver the city. As the strm brke, mst peple surely hurried inside, but nt Benjamin. Franklin. He decided it was the perfect time t fly a kite. Franklin had been waiting fr a chance like this. He wanted t shw the cnnectin between lightning( 闪电)and electricity,and t d s, he needed a strm.
    He walked int field, and flew a kite with a piece f rpe tied t it. A key was tied t the rpe. The lightning hit the kite, and electricity passed thrugh the rpe t the key. Franklin then tuched the key with his finger and gt an electric shck(电击). This, he said, prved (证明) the electrical nature f lightning.
    Fr many years, schls have taught the stry f Franklin's experiment. Millins f schlchildren have been amazed by his curage and his scientific spirit f lking fr the truth. Hwever, new research suggests that the stry may be fictin instead f fact. Althugh Franklin's experiment tk place, mre than ne scientist has questined what really happened.It's true that he did the experiment with the rpe and the key. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually tuched the key, he wuld certainly have died frm the electric shck.
    Scientists ften questin accepted ideas because they want t find ut the facts. Sme have even questined the stry abut the apple that fell n Newtn's head. Many reprts suggest that althugh the falling apple certainly prvided ideas,there is nthing t shw that the apple actually hit him n the head,
    In fact, fictin is ften mre interesting than the truth.Peple have been mre encuraged by Franklin's spirit than by the facts themselves. But in science, facts shuld be tested by experiments and research, and we shuld nt always believe everything we read r hear even if it is a great stry.
    42.Franklin did the experiment in rder t prve___.
    A. he was an excellent scientist
    B. flying a kite in the strm was safe
    C. he was nt afraid f lightning
    D. lightning was a frm f electricity
    43.The underlined wrd "fictin" prbably means smething___.
    A. nt true
    B. quite different
    C. nt safe
    D. quite necessary
    44.Sme scientists questined whether Franklin___ in the experiment.
    A. flew a kite
    B. tuched the key
    C. was present
    D. discvered electricity
    45.The purpse f the passage is t tell us___.
    A. Franklin's spirit is encuraging
    B. fictin is mre interesting than the truth
    C. Franklin's experiment is nt real
    D. we shuldn't always believe accepted ideas
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题.根据This, he said, prved (证明) the electrical nature f lightning.可知,Franklin做这个实验想证明闪电是电的一种形式.故选D.
    (2)A.词义猜测题.根据instead f fact"而不是事实",可知,这个实验是虚构的,所以fictin表示"不是真实的".故选A.
    (3)B.推理判断题.根据It's true that he did the experiment with the rpe and the key. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually tuched the key, he wuld certainly have died frm the electric shck,可知,一些科学家质疑他是否触碰那个钥匙.故选B.
    (4)D.主旨大意题.根据But in science, facts shuld be tested by experiments and research, and we shuld nt always believe everything we read r hear even if it is a great stry,可知,这篇文章想告诉我们,事实应该通过实验和研究来测试,我们不应该总相信我们看过或听过的一切事物,尽管它是一个很棒的故事.故选D.
    (David will g n a study tur t England. Wendy is frm Welcme Travel Agency. Nw she is calling Mr Chw, David's father, t check the infrmatin f David's study tur. )
    Wendy: Hell. May I speak t Mr Chw, please?
    Mr Chw: Speaking.
    Wendy: This is Wendy frm Welecme Travel Agency, I'd like t check the infrmatin with yu.
    Mr Chw: OK.
    Wendy: Is it a tur fr fifteen days?
    Mr Chw: Yes, that's right.
    Wendy: Where wuld he like t stay, in a htel r with an English family?
    Mr Chw: He'd like t stay with an English family.
    Wendy:Well,what wuld he like t d in the a afternns? He can have extra lessns r d activities.
    Mr Chw: He'd lve t play ftball r swim.
    Wendy: OK. I've nted that. Des David like Chinese fd r Western fd?
    Mr Chw: He prefers Western fd.
    Wendy: All right. Hmm…D yu have any questins abut the tur?
    Mr Chw: Yes._50__?
    Wendy: …
    Mr Chw: Thank yu, Wendy. Gdbye.
    Wendy: Gdbye.
    【解答】(1)fifteen/15.考查数词.根据上文"Is it a tur fr fifteen days?"可知此处是指15天.故填fifteen/15.
    (2)English.考查形容词.根据"He'd like t stay with an English family."可知此处是指和一个英国家庭待在一起.故填English.
    (3)swim.考查动词.根据"He'd lve t play ftball r swim."可知此处是指下午的时候踢足球或游泳.故填swim.
    (4)Western.考查形容词.根据"He prefers Western fd."可知此处是指吃的是西餐.故填Western.
    (5)What's the weather like there?考查情景交际.根据上文问了时间,地点,活动,食物,可知此处有可能问天气或其他合情合理的问题.故填What's the weather like there?
    Healthy living t mst peple means having a healthy lifestyle. Here are sme tips that peple shuld fllw in their_51__ (日常的) life.
    Healthy eating plays an imprtant rle. Make sure yu have three_52__ (餐) a day n time. Gd breakfast, rich lunch and less dinner are suggested. Try t_53__ (避 免) fd high in sugar.
    Regular exercise als leads t a healthy lifestyle.It can help yu keep yur weight under cntrl and _54__ ( 赢)self cnfidence at the same time. It's a gd idea fr yu t exercise fr_55__ (三十)minutes each time, at least three days a week.Shall we d exercise every day?It_56__ (视..而定). Hwever, every time yu exercise, yu put_57__ (你自己) at risk f getting hurt, s remember t d it in a right way.
    _58__(足够的) sleep is the key t a healthy lifestyle.Fr mst peple it is necessary t keep eight hurs f sleep each day.If yu dn't fall asleep within twenty minutes, d smething _59__ (使人放松的).Reading and listening t light music are gd_60__ (选择). And then yu may fall asleep sn.
    【解答】(1)daily/ everyday.考查形容词.根据汉语提示"日常的"所以要用形容词来填空.故填daily/ everyday.
    (3)avid.考查动词.根据汉语提示"避免"以及空格前面的词语是Try t,所以要用动词原形来填空.故填avid.
    (4)win.考查.根据汉语提示"赢"以及空格前面的词语是"keep yur weight under cntrl "可知此处是并列连词and连接两个动宾结构,前面是动词原形,后面也要用动词原形来填空.故填win.
    (10)chices.考查名词.根据汉语提示"选择"以及"Reading and listening t light music "所以要用复数名词来填空,可知此处是指阅读和听轻音乐是很好的选择.故填chices.
    Mr Happy always wke up with a sunny smile. He was ne f the mst cheerful_61__(man) in the wrld. His smile was even_62__ (bright) than the sun. Hwever, He had ne secret that made him sad, but nbdy knew abut it.
    Then ne day, while ging ut, _63__ a walk,Mr Happy met Miss Beautiful.Mr Happy smiled as usual and Miss Beautiful smiled back.But then she stpped and lked at Mr Happy_64__(angry).
    "Hw rude!" she shuted."Yung man, dn't yu knw that yu shuld raise yur hat _65__ yu meet a lady!"
    Fr_66__first time in his life, Mr Happy lst his smile."I'm srry, Miss Beautiful." replied Mr Happy,"But withut _67__(I)hat n, I'm nt very gd-lking and that makes me sad.
    "Really?" asked Miss Beautiful."Well, let me see. I prmise_68__(keep) the secret.
    Mr Happy_69__(lift) his hat. He had the ttal f nly three hairs n his head!
    "Is that all yu're wrried abut?" asked Miss Beautiful." Why?Yur bright sunny smile_70__(lve) by everybdy, nt hw many hairs yu have!" Miss Beautiful smiled.
    Ever since that day, Mr Happy hasn't stpped smiling. He is always quick t raise his hat t everyne he meets.
    【分析】Mr Happy 是一个整天带着笑的人,他受得了每个人喜欢.
    【解答】(1)men.考查名词.根据"ne f the mst cheerful"ne f+复数名词,固定搭配,…当中的一个,结合给出的单词提示,可知此处是指他是世界上最快乐的人当中的一个.故填men.
    (2)brighter.考查.根据" than the sun"所以要用形容词比较级来填空,结合给出的单词提示,可知此处是指他的笑甚至比太阳还要灿烂.故填brighter.
    (3)fr.考查介词.根据"while ging ut, (3)____ a walk,"可知此处是指当我们出去散步的时候.fr a walk散步,固定搭配.故填fr.
    (4)angrily.考查副词.根据"lked at Mr Happy"结合给出的单词提示,所以要用副词来修饰动词短语.可知此处是指生气地看着Mr Happy.故填angrily.
    (5)when/as/if.考查连词.根据"dn't yu knw that yu shuld raise yur hat (5)____ yu meet a lady"可知此处是指当你遇到一个女士的时候,你难道不知道应该举起你的帽子吗?故填when/as/if.
    (6)the.考查冠词.根据"first time "在序数词前面要用定冠词,可知此处是指在他一生中的第一次.故填the.
    (8)t keep.考查动词不定式.根据"prmise"prmise t d sth.固定短语,许诺做某事.结合给出的单词提示,可知此处是指我许诺保守秘密.故填t keep.
    (9)lifted.考查动词时态.根据总体时态是一般过去时,所以要用一般过去时来填空.结合给出的单词提示,可知此处是指 Mr Happy举起了他的帽子.故填lifted.
    (10)is lved.考查动词时态语态.根据"by everybdy"可知要用被动语态,又因为是在直接引语中,直接引语中的时态是一般现在时,所以要用一般现在时的被动语态来填空.结合给出的单词提示,可知此处是指你灿烂的微笑受到了每个人的喜欢.故填is lved.
    Subject: Life with family
    Hi Daming,
    Lng time n see. I've never spent s much time staying at hme like this hliday, S I have mre chances t stay with my family,I have a deep feling f their lve.And I want t d smething fr them,but I have n idea abut it.
    What d yu ften d t shw yur lve t yur family? And what's the best way t spend yur time tgether? Hpe t get yur reply sn!
    3.词数:90 ~ 110.

    Hey, everybdy. I'm Lily, yur nline English learning adviser. D yu have any questins with learning English? What are yur biggest prblems?
    English is my favurite subject. I'm gd at reading and writing, but I dn't d well in speaking and I'm having a lt f truble with my listening. Any advice?
    My English is better nw. But my handwriting sill isn't very gd. I've still gt sme wrk t d n that.
    I am utging and like utdr activities. But the virus has made this mre dangerus. I have t stay at hme all day lng. It's bring.
    When saying “Open the windw!", I have t think abut wh I' m talking t and then decide whether t say, “Open the windw, please!" r “Culd yu pen the windw, please?" r even lnger "Wuld yu mind pening the windw, please?" That’s really hard.
    Fr me, vcabulary is my biggest prblem- there are just s MANY new wrds! I can't keep all the new vcabulary in my head. HELP!
    Welcme Travel Agency
    Name: David Chw
    Tur: study tur t England (Lndn)
    Duratin: fr_46__days
    Accmmdatin: stay with an_47__ family
    Activities: play ftball r_48__in the afternns
    Hey, everybdy. I'm Lily, yur nline English learning adviser. D yu have any questins with learning English? What are yur biggest prblems?
    English is my favurite subject. I'm gd at reading and writing, but I dn't d well in speaking and I'm having a lt f truble with my listening. Any advice?
    My English is better nw. But my handwriting sill isn't very gd. I've still gt sme wrk t d n that.
    I am utging and like ut dr activities.But the virus has made this mre dangerus.I have t stay at hme all day lng. It's bring.
    When saying"Open the windw!", I have t think abut wh I' m talking t and then decide whether t say,"Open the windw,please!" r"Culd yu pen the windw,please?" r even lnger "Wuld yu mind pening the windw,please?" That 's really hard.
    Fr me, vcabulary is my biggest prblem- there are just s MANY new wrds! I can't keep all the new vcabulary in my head. HELP!
    Welcme Travel Agency
    Name: David Chw
    Tur: study tur t England (Lndn)
    Duratin: fr_46__days
    Accmmdatin: stay with an_47__ family
    Activities: play ftball r_48__in the afternns

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