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    “I don’t want to go, Miss White. I’m frightened(害怕的), very frightened,” Monica told her teacher.
    Monica was a very 1 girl. You may not notice her at school. She always sat at the back of the classroom, 2 or taking notes. Every Monday morning, there would be a special show in her class and one student would be 3 to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week. But she refused.
    “I know that it seems difficult for you, 4 it will help you build up your confidence,” said Miss White. Monica was lost in thought.
    The next day, Monica came to Miss White’s office. Miss White was 5 that she would take the chance. Miss White red-penciled her writing, corrected her 6 , and even helped with her body language. She advised Monica to practice, to 7 that she was speaking confidently in front of her class. For a whole 8 , Monica practiced speaking at home, imagining she was speaking in front of her friends and teacher. Behind the locked door of her bedroom, she told 9 about her dream.
    Finally, Monday arrived. When Monica was called upon to give her speech, she walked to the front of the class without any notes. She was truly 10 . Monica’s successful performance brought everyone a great 11 . The whole class clapped for a full minute when she completed her speech. Miss White 12 . She had known that Monica would make it when she 13 took her first step to overcome(克服) her fear of speaking in public. From that day, Monica’s life changed for the better. At the age of 23, she 14 a news reader.
    People who see her on television now will find it hard to 15 that she was once a shy girl who refused to speak up in class. What a great change it is!
    1.A.honest B.lazy C.quiet D.polite
    2.A.reading B.singing C.talking D.laughing
    3.A.warned B.left C.caught D.chosen
    4.A.and B.but C.or D.so
    5.A.mad B.bored C.glad D.afraid
    6.A.instruction B.conversation C.tradition D.pronunciation
    7.A.realize B.find C.imagine D.introduce
    8.A.week B.month C.year D.season
    9.A.you B.me C.her D.them
    10.A.nervous B.shy C.confident D.active
    11.A.secret B.thought C.decision D.surprise
    12.A.agreed B.smiled C.answered D.regretted
    13.A.bravely B.luckily C.quickly D.easily
    14.A.married B.became C.protected D.met
    15.A.expect B.believe C.discuss D.decide

    A nice day out for the whole family! Come and see our beautiful animals in our zoo! Scientists will give wonderful lessons about animals every Tuesday! Don’t miss it.
    Welcome to the zoo!
    Area A★Koalas live in the trees and like eating plants. Their lifespan(寿命)is about 14 years. You can learn about their habits and why they sleep for nearly 20 hours a day.
    Showtime: 1:30 pm-3:30 pm except Friday
    ★Kangaroos can jump at a speed of 13-15 miles per hour. They can live for at most 22 years.
    Showtime: 3:30 pm-5:30 pm except Friday
    Area B★Crocodiles have the strongest bite of all animals in the world. Their lifespan is 45-100 years. The crocodiles here are 76 years old!
    Showtime: 10:30 am-3:30 pm except weekends
    ★Tortoises can live for more than 100 years! They can grow to about one meter tall.
    Showtime: 9:00 am except weekends

    Area C★Tigers are the largest of the big cats weighing up to 300 kg! Watch our tigers swimming in the water. Showtime: 11:00 am-11:30 am except Friday
    ★Camels’ humps(驼峰)actually store fat, not water!
    Showtime: 12:30 pm-1:20 pm except Friday
    Area D★Parrots here have four toes on each foot, two facing the front and two facing the back.
    Showtime: 9:00 am-5:30 pm except weekends
    Ticket Prices
    Adult: $55    Child: $45    Family(2 adults+2 children): $172
    16.Where can visitors see tortoises and parrots?
    A.Area A and Area B B. Area B and Area C
    C.Area C and Area D D. Area B and Area D.
    17.On Sundays, which is the best order for visitors to see as many animals as possible?
    A.tigers-camels-koalas-kangaroos B.tigers-koalas-camels-kangaroos
    C.tigers-koalas-kangaroos-camels D.tigers-kangaroos-koalas-camels
    18.If 10-year-old Millie and her parents visit the zoo, how much should they pay?
    A.127. B.145. C.155 D.172.

    Since tea spread from China worldwide, it has become one of the most popular drinks in the world. Different countries have their own tea cultures, like afternoon tea in England.
    The tradition of afternoon tea is a very special part of English culture. The custom of drinking tea became popular in England during the 1660s, but the idea of “afternoon tea” didn’t appear until the 1840s.
    Afternoon tea is served in the mid-afternoon, between lunch and a late dinner. The idea came from Anna, the seventh Duchess(公爵夫人)of Bedford. At the time, many families would eat a late dinner at about 8 pm, which was one of only two main meals each day, and the other was a mid-morning meal.
    With a long time between breakfast and dinner, Anna would become hungry around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. So she asked some tea, bread, butter and cakes to be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her. Later, Anna continued it, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for “tea and a walking in the fields”. First, they were organized as private home parties. But, when Queen Victoria began to join them, it became a larger gathering. It became a popular tradition soon, and already in the 1880s, afternoon tea was organized all over England. Many ladies would be dressed beautifully to be served in the sitting room between 4 and 5 o’clock, talking about the latest news, their daily life and fashion.
    Today’s afternoon tea is simpler than traditional afternoon tea. It is just a biscuit or small cake and a cup of tea. However, there is one thing that has never changed—the meaning of afternoon tea. At half-past three, everything stops for tea.
    19.When did the idea of “afternoon tea” first appear in England?
    A.In the 1660s. B.In the 1840s. C.In the 1870s. D.In the 1880s.
    20.What does the “two main meals” refer to in Paragraph 3?
    A.A breakfast and an afternoon tea. B.An afternoon tea and a late dinner.
    C.A breakfast and a mid-morning meal. D.A mid-morning meal and a late dinner.
    21.What can we infer from Paragraph 4&5?
    A.Afternoon tea is just served for ladies.
    B.Afternoon tea has spread all over the world.
    C.People used to drink tea more often than now.
    D.Afternoon tea is a good time for communication.
    22.What is the best title of the passage?
    A.The Advantages of Afternoon Tea B.The Way to Have Afternoon Tea
    C.The Development of Afternoon Tea D.Different Afternoon Tea Cultures

    Shawn and Pat were brothers. Twelve-year-old Shawn liked to play jokes. He did not always do his homework on time. Sometimes he forgot to wash the dishes. His bedroom was a mess! Pat, on the other hand, had always behaved like an angel. “What a wonderful baby!” his mother would say. “He never cried!” His teachers always said, “What a joy it is to have Pat in class! He is so different from his brother.”
    Pat did not think much about how great he was until one day when he was watching Mostly Martin. In the show, a new boy had moved to town. “He is strange,” said Martin. “He never gets into trouble. He does everything he’s supposed to do. Everyone thinks he is perfect. He must be a robot!”
    He went to find Shawn. “Am I a robot?” he asked. “Of course not,” said Shawn as he went outside. Pat thought hard. Robots were machines. They looked like people, but they were not really alive. They always followed orders. How would you know that you were one?
    Pat decided to ask his parents. After all, they must know. He asked at dinner. His father laughed. “Sure!” he said, “and it’s time to change your batteries(电池)!” He jumped up and ran to the tool drawer. “Dad’s just kidding!” said Pat’s mother. “Of course you are not a robot, Pat. You are our son.” Pat felt better for a while. But that night he began to worry again. Of course his mother said he was real. Nice mothers would not tell their sons they are robots!
    Pat ran to Shawn’s room. Shawn was playing a computer game in the dark. “How can I know for sure that I am not a robot?” asked Pat. For once, Shawn did not play a joke on his little brother. He could tell that Pat was really worried. After all, Pat was only six.
    “What makes you think that you are one?” he said.
    “People always say I am perfect,” answered Pat. “But only robots are!” Shawn smiled to himself. He knew exactly what to do. “Listen! ______” he said to Pat.
    The next morning, his mother opened Pat’s bedroom door. “Time to get up!”
    “No,” said Pat. His mother was surprised. This had never happened before. “Get up.”
    “No!” shouted Pat. He kicked his feet and rolled around in bed.
    “Patrick” his mother said in a loud voice. “Get out of bed this minute!” Pat gave a few more kicks. He felt very silly. He was also happy. No robot would ever act this way. He was a real boy. Now he knew for sure.
    23.How did Pet’s problem begin?
    A.He played computer games one night. B.His brother called him a robot.
    C.He saw a TV show with a perfect boy. D.He got in trouble for making noise.
    24.Pat didn’t believe what his mother said because he thought ______.
    A.his mother might not know the truth B.his mother was too nice to tell him the truth
    C.his mother always made a joke on him D.his mother couldn’t understand his problem
    25.Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank “______”?
    A.Just try to break some rules! B.I don’t think I can help you!
    C.You are my perfect brother! D.There’s nothing impossible!
    26.What lesson did Pat learn in the story?
    A.He didn’t have to be perfect. B.His brother was very smart.
    C.Anybody perfect was a robot. D.Parents loved their kids most.

    “Mom I want a cat,” or “Mom I want a dog,” or “Mom I want a…” are common words that parents may hear from their children more than once. However, there are many arguments(争论)for and against children owning pets.
    The first argument that supports pet ownership by children is that they help to keep children company. When children come home from school, pets are always there to greet them. They love children and always want to play. As a result, children will be less likely to experience loneliness. They will also help to keep children active as they will need to be walked and played with every day.
    Secondly, owning a pet encourages children to learn new responsibilities(责任). Pets need to be looked after and be taken care of every day. Children will learn different skills that they can use later in life. For example, washing and feeding pets are basic skills to learn. Learning these responsibilities will make sure that children will be able to look after themselves, and possibly their children one day.
    On the other hand, some pets can be dangerous. Some dogs, for example, are likely to bite, and children may become scared of animals as a result of this happening to them. Cats also look very soft and lovely, but they do have very sharp claws. If they are treated in the wrong way, cats can use their claws to hurt others.
    In addition, pets need a great deal of maintenance(维护). Many pets need to be often exercised and bathed. As a result of this, children may pay less attention to their studies because they are too busy worrying about their pets and its well being.
    A further argument against pet ownership is that pets are costly; buying food and maintaining their care is not cheap. Finally, the cost of owning one falls on parents, and as a result, children don’t fully understand the responsibility of having one.
    27.Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “company”?
    A.a business organization that makes or sells goods or services
    B.the fact of being with somebody else and not alone
    C.a group of people who work or perform together
    D.a social or business visitor
    28.According to the text, what may people who are against children owning a pet worry about?
    A.Children’s safety. B.Children’s life skills.
    C.Children’s health. D.Children’s responsibilities.
    29.What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
    A.To introduce how to take good care of a pet.
    B.To solve the problem of children owning a pet.
    C.To list the disadvantages of children owning a pet.
    D.To show different opinions on children owning a pet.
    30.Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?
    A. B. C. D.

    UMass Lowell’s Outdoor Adventure Program offers all kinds of outdoor trips to people. Below is the information about our trips.
    Biking trips. There are two forms of biking trips, day road biking trips and overnight biking trips. On day trips, we enjoy local green ways like the Nashua River Rail Trail or the Minuteman Trail. On overnight trips, we may travel to places like Cape Cod or Portland Maine. We also take breaks to enjoy the beaches, lighthouses, parks and small towns that we pass along the way.
    Hiking trips. Our hiking trips are full of fun and adventure. Some of the most beautiful mountains are only a few hours away from UMass Lowell. No matter what season, we enjoy these great places. We climb mountains to watch the bright fall colours or fresh green of spring. We experience the wonderland of winter on our winter day hikes.
    Snowboarding trips. New England winters are known for the snowfall. Our snowboarding trips take advantage of winter conditions to get members out on the white. We spend one weekend at a popular place like Killington, VT, which offers different paths. We spend an evening at Crotched Mountain, which offers campfires and live music to enjoy.
    Surfing trips. Our surfing trips travel to Hampton Beach, NH in fall and Narragansett, RI in spring. Beginners spend the first 1-1.5 hours with a surfing coach starting on land and then getting into the water. The rest of the time is used to catch waves.
    UMass Lowell’s OAP Trip all kinds of outdoor trips
    BikingEnjoy local green ways on day trips
    Travel to Cape Cod or Portland Maine on overnight trips.
    Enjoy the 1 , lighthouses, parks and small towns

    HikingEnjoy beautiful mountains in different seasons
    Watch the bright fall colours
    Enjoy fresh green of 2
    Experience the wonderland of winter

    SnowboardingGet members out on the white
    Spend one weekend at a 3 place
    Spend an evening with campfires and live music

    SurfingTravel to Hampton Beach, NH in fall
    Travel to Narragansett, RI in spring
    Start on land for 1-1.5 hours and then get into the water
    Spend the rest of the time 4 waves

    35.If you are going to take part in the surfing trip, what other things do you want to know about it? Please ask a question with no more than 15 words.


    The Chinese people have a long history of drinking tea. They are careful about picking out the tea leaves, water and the teapots. Among different kinds of teapots, the Zisha teapot has been the first 36 (选择)for hundreds of years.
    Yixing, a city in East China’s Jiangsu Province, is rich in the Zisha clay. Yixing has been the production and sale 37 (中心)of Zisha teapots for over 500 years since the Ming Dynasty. Yixing Zisha teapots are widely used because they have beautiful 38 (形状)and they can keep the tea’s color and taste for a long time. 39 (近来), the prices of Yixing Zisha teapots have reached record highs. You may wonder why such a small Zisha teapot is so 40 (昂贵).
    The first reason is its material, the Zisha clay. The Zisha clay can 41 (带来)the teapot a kind of ability. It 42 (允许)the air to move freely, so as to better keep the tea quality.
    The skills of making them makes the Yixing Zisha teapots more 43 (有价值). The steps of making a Yixing Zisha teapot 44 (包括)making the Zisha clay into layers, rolling the clay into a cylinder and shaping it into a pot. With the development of the Internet, Yixing people are able to sell their Zisha teapots online, so that more people around the world can use this work of 45 (艺术). You might as well try to enjoy a cup of tea with a Yixing Zisha teapot.

    Last week Rosie Bridge School had an English Week. Students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard 46 (make) their English Week very successful.
    There were a lot of 47 (activity) like an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt. Some students put on an English play. Other students took part in an English singing competition. A speaking competition 48 (hold) as well. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two minutes.
    Henry was the winner and we spoke to him. “It was 49 (happy) moment of my life,” he said “I advise people to speak slowly. If they want to be good public speakers, they’d better speak 50 (clear).” We also talked to several other students about English Week. One of 51 (they) was Amy “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me 52 chance to learn new words. In my opinion, every school should have an English Week 53 it’s really well worth doing,” she said.
    54 the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on 55 to improve their English. “You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. Above all, you should enjoy English!” he said.

    56.近段时间,不少学生因为感冒不能正常上课,影响了学习。为此某校学生会主席李华准备利用校园广播English Broadcast时间建议学生养成良好的生活习惯以提高身体素质。请你为他准备一篇英语发言稿。
    Boys and girls,
    Welcome to our English Broadcast! I’m Li Hua. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    That’s all! Thanks for your listening!


    1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.B

    honest诚实的;lazy懒惰的;quiet安静的;polite礼貌的。根据“She always sat at the back of the classroom,…or taking notes.”可知,莫妮卡是安静的。故选C。
    reading阅读;singing唱歌;talking谈话;laughing大笑。根据“She always sat at the back of the classroom”可知,一个安静的女孩会默默地做笔记或读书。故选A。
    warned警告;left离开;caught抓住;chosen选择。根据“...one student would be...to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week.”可知,是每周一早上会选择一个学生去做演讲。故选D。
    and和;but但是;or或者;so因此。根据“I know that it seems difficult for you,”以及“it will help you build up your confidence,”可知,前后表示转折,应该用but连接。故选B。
    mad疯狂的;bored无聊的;glad高兴的;afraid害怕的。根据“Miss White red-penciled her writing, corrected her…, and even helped with her body language.”可推测,怀特老师对于莫妮卡愿意参加演讲这件事感到很高兴。故选C。
    instruction说明,介绍;conversation对话;tradition传统;pronunciation发音。根据“Miss White red-penciled her writing, corrected her”可知怀特老师纠正她的发音。故选D。
    realize意识到;find发现;imagine想象;introduce介绍。根据“to…that she was speaking confidently in front of her class”可知,是想象在全班同学面前演讲。故选C。
    week星期;month月;year年;season季节。根据“Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week.”可推知,莫妮卡在家里练习了整整一个星期。故选A。
    you你;me我;her她;them他们。此空指代前文提到的her friends and teacher,应该用them。故选D。
    nervous紧张的;shy害羞的;confident自信的;active积极的。根据“she walked to the front of the class without any notes”以及“Monica’s successful performance”可知,她很自信。故选C。
    secret秘密;thought想法;decision决定;surprise吃惊,惊喜。根据“Monica’s successful performance brought everyone a great…”可知,莫妮卡的成功表现给大家带来了极大的惊喜。故选D。
    agreed同意;smiled微笑;answered回答;regretted遗憾,后悔。根据“The whole class clapped for a full minute when she completed her speech.”可知,怀特老师看到莫妮卡的成功,高兴地笑了。故选B。
    bravely勇敢地;luckily幸运地;quickly快地;easily容易地。根据“she…took her first step to overcome(克服) her fear of speaking in public”可知,莫妮卡勇敢地迈出了第一步。故选A。
    married结婚;became成为;protected保护;met遇见。根据“a news reader”可知,她成为了一名新闻播音员。故选B。
    expect期望;believe相信;discuss讨论;decide决定。根据“People who see her on television now will find it hard to…that she was once a shy girl who refused to speak up in class.”可知,现在的莫妮卡与之前相比变化很大,人们至今也难以相信她曾经是个害羞的女孩。故选B。
    16.D 17.A 18.C

    16.细节理解题。根据题干中的“tortoises and parrots”,可知,区域B和D谈到乌龟和鹦鹉。故选D。
    17.推理判断题。根据老虎这一栏时间“Showtime: 11:00 am-11:30 am except Friday”,接着是驼峰的时间“Showtime: 12:30 pm-1:20 pm except Friday”,考拉的观看时间“Showtime: 1:30 pm-3:30 pm except Friday”,最后是袋鼠的“Showtime: 3:30 pm-5:30 pm except Friday”。故选A。
    18.推理判断题。根据“Adult: $55 Child: $45”可知,米莉和她的父母应付$155(45+55+55=155)。故选C。
    19.B 20.D 21.D 22.C

    19.细节理解题。根据“The custom of drinking tea became popular in England during the 1660s, but the idea of ‘afternoon tea’ didn’t appear until the 1840s.”可知,直到19世纪40年代,“下午茶”的概念才第一次出现。故选B。
    20.推理判断题。根据“At the time, many families would eat a late dinner at about 8 pm, which was one of only two main meals each day, and the other was a mid-morning meal.”可知,许多家庭在晚上8点左右吃晚饭,这是每天仅有的两顿主餐之一,另一顿是上午的午餐。所以此处two main meals指的就是上午的午餐和晚一点的晚餐,故选D。
    21.推理判断题。根据“First, they were organized as private home parties.…it became a larger gathering.…Many ladies would be dressed beautifully to be served in the sitting room between 4 and 5 o’clock, talking about the latest news, their daily life and fashion.”可推知,下午茶是交流的好时机。故选D。
    23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A

    23.细节理解题。根据“Pat did not think much about how great he was until one day when he was watching Mostly Martin.”以及“He never gets into trouble. He does everything he’s supposed to do. Everyone thinks he is perfect. He must be a robot!”可知,帕特的问题始于他看了一个电视节目,里面有一个完美的男孩。故选C。
    24.细节理解题。根据“Of course his mother said he was real. Nice mothers would not tell their sons they are robots!”可知,帕特认为:好妈妈不会告诉她们的儿子他们是机器人。故选B。
    25.词句猜测题。根据下文“The next morning, his mother opened Pat’s bedroom door. ‘Time to get up!’‘No,’ said Pat. His mother was surprised. This had never happened before. ‘Get up.’”可推知,肖恩让帕特打破一些规则。故选A。
    26.推理判断题。根据“Pat gave a few more kicks. He felt very silly. He was also happy. No robot would ever act this way. He was a real boy. Now he knew for sure.”可推知,帕特学到了他不需要太过完美。故选A。
    27.B 28.A 29.D 30.A

    27.词句猜测题。根据下文“When children come home from school, pets are always there to greet them. They love children and always want to play. As a result, children will be less likely to experience loneliness.”可知,当孩子们放学回家时,宠物总是在那里迎接他们。他们爱孩子,总是想玩。结果,孩子们将不太可能经历孤独。所以company意为“与他人在一起而不是独自一人”。故选B。
    28.推理判断题。根据第四段“On the other hand, some pets can be dangerous. Some dogs, for example, are likely to bite. If they are treated in the wrong way, cats can use their claws to hurt others.”可知,另一方面,有些宠物可能很危险。例如,有些狗可能会咬人。如果猫受到错误的对待,它们可能会用爪子伤害其他的。以此为例说明一些宠物很危险。可见,反对孩子养宠物的人主要担心孩子的安全。故选A。
    29.主旨大意题。通过“there are many arguments(争论)for and against children owning pets.”可知,有许多支持和反对孩子养宠物的论点。通过文章可知,本文主要讲述了对于孩子养宠物,存在支持和反对两方面的争论点。所以本文表达了对孩子养宠物的不同意见。故选D。
    31.beaches 32.spring 33.popular 34.catching 35.What are the precautions?(答案不唯一,言之有理即可)

    31.根据“We also take break s to enjoy the beaches, lighthouses, parks and small towns that we pass along the way.”可知,在骑自行车旅行中,也会欣赏沿途经过的海滩、灯塔、公园和小镇。故填beaches。
    32.根据“We climb mountains to watch the bright fall colours or fresh green of spring.”可知,爬山是为了观赏鲜艳的秋色或清新的春色。故填spring。
    33.根据“We spend one weekend at a popular place like Killington, VT, which offers different paths.”可知,滑雪旅行时会在像佛蒙特州的基灵顿这样的热门地方度过一个周末,那里有不同的路径。故填popular。
    34.根据“The rest of the time is used to catch waves.”可知,在冲浪旅行时剩下的时间用来捕捉海浪。spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。故填catching。
    35.要参加冲浪之旅,可以询问有哪些注意事项。故填What are the precautions?(答案不唯一,言之有理即可)

    36.choice 37.center 38.shapes 39.Recently 40.expensive 41.bring 42.allows 43.valuable 44.include 45.art

    44.句意:制作宜兴紫砂茶壶的步骤包括:将紫砂黏土分层,将其卷成圆柱形,然后将其塑形成壶。根据汉语提示“包括”可知,其对应的英文表达是include,此处是一般现在时,主语The steps是复数,动词用原形。故填include。
    45.句意:随着互联网的发展,宜兴人可以在网上出售他们的紫砂茶壶,让世界上更多的人可以使用这种艺术品。work of art“艺术品”。故填art。

    46.to make 47.activities 48.was held 49.the happiest 50.clearly 51.them 52.a 53.because 54.On 55.how

    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Rosie Bridge学校成功举行英语周的经过。
    46.句意:Rosie Bridge学校的学生们努力使他们的英语周非常成功。根据“Students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard”可知,此处应该用动词不定式表目的。故填to make。
    47.句意:有很多活动,比如图书馆的英语书展和寻宝活动。根据“a lot of”可知,其后接可数名词的复数。故填activities。
    48.句意:同时还举行了演讲比赛。主语A speaking competition与谓语hold之间是被动关系,故此处是被动语态be done。根据“The students had…”可知,句子是一般过去时,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was held。
    49.句意:那是我一生中最快乐的时刻。根据“…moment of my life”可知,此处应该用最高级,happy的最高级是happiest,最高级前一般加the。故填the happiest。
    52.句意:它给了我一个学习新单词的机会。根据“It gave me…chance”可知,此处泛指“一个机会”,chance以辅音音素开头,不定冠词a符合题意。故填a。
    53.句意:在我看来,每个学校都应该有一个英语周,因为它真的很值得做。根据“it’s really well worth doing,”可知,此处解释了英语周值得举办的原因,应该用because引导原因状语从句。故填because。
    54.句意:在英语课的最后一天,校长给全校做了一次演讲。根据“…the last day of English Week”可知,空后是具体的一天,时间介词应该用on,句首单词首字母要大写。故填On。
    55.句意:他就如何提高英语水平给学生提了一些建议。根据“…to improve their English”可知,此处表示“如何提高英语水平”,how“怎样,如何”符合题意。故填how。
    Boys and girls,
    Welcome to our English Broadcast! I’m Li Hua. Recently quite a few students in our school couldn’t have lessons as usual because they had a cold. This affected their studies. In order to make you stronger, I’ll give you some useful advice. Firstly, it’s important to have a healthy eating habit. You should eat more vegetables and fruit but less junk food. Secondly, you’d better sleep well. Don’t stay up late. Besides, do exercise every day. You can take a walk or run. Lastly, a good attitude towards life is also good for your health. I’m looking forward to seeing you happier and healthier!
    That’s all! Thanks for your listening!
    ① 题材:本文是一篇演讲稿;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ③ 提示:写作要点已给出,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
    ①quite a few相当多
    ②in order to为了
    ③had better do最好做
    ④look forward to期待
    ①Don’t stay up late.(祈使句)
    ②Recently quite a few students in our school couldn’t have lessons as usual because they had a cold.(because引导原因状语从句)


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