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    1.(20分)When you hear the word hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. But there are also "everyday" heroes一they may not be(1)   to the public, but they do what they can to help(2)   people's lives as well. Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place.(3)  them is Robert Lee.
    Lee grew up in New York City.(4)  his family was not rich,he learned from a young age the importance of(5)  the waste of food, When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover(剩余的)food to(6)  people.This experience made him realize how(7)   the problem of food wastage actually was.
    After he left university, Lee and a friend set up a(n)(8)   called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect(9)  food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters (收容所) and food kitchens.Volunteers(10)  the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to those in need.
    RIC operates(11)   using an app developed by Lee's team, restaurants(12)  how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The(13)   is usually short,so volunteers can just do their deliveries (递送) by(14)   from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is a quick way of delivery.
    So far, Lee and his team have successfully(15)  over 150,000 kilograms of food,serving almost 300,000(16)  to people who need them.Lee has shown that a(17)  action can help people around us greatly.(18)  may have a greater influence than we imagine. When Lee is asked(19)   his next plan is, he says there's still a lot to do."It's just the(20)  .With more restaurants, who knows how much more we can do.

    (1)A. safe
    B. close
    C. friendly
    D. well﹣known
    (2)A. record
    B. share
    C. improve
    D. manage
    (3)A. Under
    B. Beside
    C. Among
    D. Opposite
    (4)A. If
    C. When
    D. Though
    (5)A. storing
    B. avoiding
    C. burning
    D. recycling
    (6)A. sick
    B. blind
    C. lonely
    D. homeless
    (7)A. easy
    B. serious
    C. funny
    D. strange
    (8)A. club
    B. school
    C. business
    D. organization
    (9)A. cold
    B. cheap
    C. unsold
    D. uncooked
    (10)A. pick up
    B. go over
    C. pay for
    D. throw away
    (11)A. badly
    B. quietly
    C. simply
    D. slowly
    (12)A. report
    B. notice
    C. discuss
    D. consider
    (13)A. visit
    B. break
    C. meeting
    D. distance
    (14)A. flying
    B. walking
    C skating
    D. shipping
    (15)A. saved
    B. heated
    D. grown
    (16)A. jobs
    B. meals
    C. rooms
    D. seats
    (17)A. small
    B. secret
    C. direct
    D. social
    B. He
    C. You
    D. They
    (19)A. who
    B. when
    C. what
    D. where
    (20)A. need
    B. time
    C. promise
    D. beginning
    2.(6分)Future View
    I think it will be great if they invent something so that we only have to sleep for one or two, hours every day.Then we'd all have much more time to do.things and to enjoy ourselves. Life would be better, I think, and everyone would do a lot more with their lives.
    If I could choose anything, I'd go for a time machine so that I could go back and do some things differently. Of course,that's impossible一but wouldn't it be great if it was possible? I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and say some of the things in a different way!
    Well, of course, the best thing is medicine for really bad diseases(疾病).A lot of scientists are working very hard to stop diseases like Ebola,a terrible disease that has killed many thousand people in Africa.So if they, found a special treatment for Ebola, or a way of completely preventing it,life would be easier in so many places.

    It will be great if there is some kind of fuel(燃料) we can use in cars that won't produce any pollution.I guess there are scientists right now trying to do that, and I hope they'll succeed because the world would be a much cleaner place, wouldn't it?
    I wish there was a machine that did homework! Wouldn't that be fantastic? But I guess teachers wouldn't be very happy.
    (1)Why does Hannah want to go back in time?  
    A. To be young again.
    B. To live a better life.
    C. To do something for Africans.
    D. To say some words differently.
    (2)Who might be worried about the pollution of the world?  
    A. Miguel.
    B. Isabella.
    C. Charlie.
    D. Georgina.
    (3)In which part of a newspaper may this passage appear?  
    A. Health.
    B. Science.
    C. Travel.
    D. Education.
    3.(8分)Is there a connection between music and language?According to recent studies,the answer is yes:Music helps develop certain language abilities in the brain.
    A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability. As a part of the study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training.The musicians were found to be able to hear the talking person more clearly.
    Musicians hear better, says study leader Nina Kraus, because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. For example, when the violinists play in an orchestra (管弦乐队),they must listen closely to what they are playing and ignore (忽视) the other sounds. In this way, musicians can hear certain sounds better, even in a room with lots of noise.
    Gottfried Schlaug,a doctor at Harvard Medical School,works with stroke (中风) patients.Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names,addresses, or other information normally.However, they can still sing. Dr. Schlaug was surprised to find singing words helped his patients finally speak. Why does this work?Schlaug isn't sure. Music seems to be able to make different parts of the brain active, including the bad parts. In some way, this helps patients use those parts of the brain again.
    So music is not only enjoyable, but also good for us in many other ways. Playing an instrument or singing, says Nina Kraus, can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp as we get older.

    (1)What were the people in tbe first group asked to do in the study of Nothwestern University?  
    A.Listen to different kinds of music.
    B. Make some noise in an empty room.
    C. Give the second group musical training.
    D. Find out what the talking person was saying.
    (2)The writer uses the example of violinists in Paragraph 3 to explain  .
    A. how musicians play in an orchestra
    B. how musicians ignore certain sounds
    C. why musicians have better hearing ability
    D. why musicians are not afraid of loud noise
    (3)Gottfried Schlaug helps his stroke patients speak by  .
    A. playing music for them
    B.getting them to sing words
    C. teaching them to play instruments
    D. joining the bad parts of their brain
    (4)What is the main purpose of the passage?  
    A. To introduce different ways of playing music.
    B. To give some advice about making our brain active.
    C. To show the relationship between music and language abilities.
    D. To sbare the results of recent studies on treating stroke patients.
    4.(8分)It's late evening in the middle of the winter. The snow is deep, but off I go into the wild.Suddenly, I hear it: the howl (嚎叫) of wolves. Excitedly, I walk faster in the direction of the howling.
    I've been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year. It's my job to follow wolves to record information about them. Like wolves, however, I don't work alone. I'm one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park.
    Humans have always feared wolves. From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park.As a result,the number of elk(麋鹿)in the park increased. The elk started looking for food near river banks since they didn't have to worry about wolves.This, in turn, stopped trees from growing along the rivers, doing great harm to the environment there.
    The return of wolves has already made a big difference. To begin with, the elk soon learned to stay away from the rivers, so new trees have been able to grow there. The trees become home to new wildlife, such as birds, and provide food for more animals.
    The park is now becoming more and more popular with those who want to see wolves in their natural environment. It has also helped the local people make more money, Tourists visit the area,stay in the local hotels, and eat in the local restaurants.
    Looking at the wild animals and the beautiful sceneries around me, I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone. And happily, it is playing a good guy in this story.

    (1)According to the passage, one of a wolf tracker's jobs is to  .
    A. catch wolves in the park
    B. feed wolves in the wild
    C. stop wolves from killing elk
    D. collect information about wolves
    (2)Why did the organizers drive the wolves away from the park in the 1920s?  
    A. The wolves were always howling at night.
    B. The elk in the park were in danger of dying out.
    C. The wolves had done great harm to the environment.
    D. The park was thought to be unsafe with wolves around.
    (3)Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about the  that wolves have brought to Yellowstone.
    A. risks
    B. troubles
    C. changes
    D. competitions
    (4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?  
    A. Wolves are important to Yellowstone.
    B. Yellowstone has been home to wolves.
    C. The wolf and the elk live in peace now.
    D.The number of wolves is growing fast.
    5.(8分)Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection (反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.
    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional (职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.
    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.
    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange (排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on
    shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.
    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

    (1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to  .
    A. their prices
    B. their writers
    C. his personal interests
    D. the periods of his life
    (2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph4?  
    A. Every book is worth reading.
    B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.
    C. Book collections tell so much about a person.
    D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,
    (3)The writer seems to agree that  .
    A. we'd better not put our books on the floor
    B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes
    C. the books at our bedside are usually more important
    D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends
    (4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably  .
    A. a book lover
    B. a story teller
    C. a shelf collector
    D. a fashion designer
    6.(10分)It was last January, when I'd just finished a charity (慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank﹣you notes to people who had helped,
    When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day,I wrote more thank﹣yous and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?
    To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity.February would be neighbors, I decided, And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play,…
    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating (欣赏) other people's lives. Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.
    In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my"food"" month, I wrote to Julie,who used to cook at my favorite restaurant.It went like this:
    Dear Julie,
    I've been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary (周年纪念日)We talk about it every year.
    Thank you. We miss you.
    I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."
    On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids.And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.

    (1)The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 means  .
    A. writing thank﹣you notes
    B. putting the phone away
    C. taking the train back home
    D. raising money for charity
    (2)How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina?  
    A. Shy and surprised.
    B.Pleased and relaxed.
    C. Nervous and excited.
    D. Moved and encouraged.
    (3)The theme of the December notes might be  .
    A. photos
    B. family
    C. holidays
    D. community
    (4)What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage?  
    A. Many thanks from her neighbors.
    B. More time to appreciate her own life.
    C. More help from people around her.
    D. Happy moments to be with her friends.
    (5)The best title for the passage can be  .
    A. My Thank You Year
    B. An Amazing Trip
    C. Happiness inside Us
    D. Important People in Our Life
    bottle; repeat; silent; yourself; instead of
    (1)Sam, did you really fix the computer by  ?
    (2)This city recycles nearly 85% of its used plastic  .
    (3)I think you should ride your bike to work  going by car.
    (4)He spoke no English and was completely  during the visit.
    (5)My grandfather often   that he wants to go back and live in the countryside.
    8.(10分)Hello, everybody. I'm Olivia. I'm glad to be here this afternoon.Do you have a friend with an interesting background? Today, I'd like to tell you about a(1)  (活泼的) girl I'll tell you a bit about her, where she's from, and why we 're good friends.
    You know, I didn't use to do much exercise. A few years ago,I joined a (2)  (运动)club. On my first day there, I met Raquel. After the gym, we had coffee(3)  (一起) and soon became good friends. I think that's because we have a lot in common.We like to keep fit and love to(4)  (尝试)different food, especially spicy food. And we love the ocean. In summer, we like to hang out at the(5)  (海滩)and go surfing at least once a month. Raquel was born in Mexico, but has been here since she was(6)  (十) years' old. Her mother is Mexican and her father is American, so she can speak(7)  (两者都) Spanish and English. That's something different about us. Although I(8)  (上学,参加) a class last year, my Spanish is still terrible! Another thing that's different is her background. Raquel's from two countries and has experience and(9)  (知识) of two cultures. I think that's really(10)  (酷的).
    We might not live in the same city in the future, but I think we'll stay friends.Thanks for listening to me.
    9.(10分)My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most. He is wise and always helpful, taking care of me and(1)  (we) young sister, Sarah.The day when he left home to go to college,I(2)  (teach) the importance of being a man.
    It was a(3)  (rain) Saturday morning in August. We were woken up by the sound of Sarah playing the piano as usual. In the kitchen, there was(4)  surprise for Claudio一his favorite pancakes.Mom gave us a big smile and told us(5)  (sit) down for the breakfast. This was an important day for all of us!
    While we(6)  (eat) breakfast, Claudio went upstairs to collect his things.I suddenly heard him calling my name. When I walked(7)   the room we shared,I found Claudio sitting at my bedside."It's time, brother," he said. I thought he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house,(8)  in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family from then on. He said I should do(9)  (many) for Mom than before after he was gone.
    I thought about his words very(10)  (careful) and then understood everything. That day I learned about family, love and duty.
    五、任务型阅读与表达(本题有两小节;第一节有1小题,每小题10分,共计10分;第二节有1小题,共计5分)第一节下面是英国植物园Batsford Arboretum 的宣传页.阅读该页内容,然后从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出符合各段信息的标题,并完成下列小题.
    A world of trees, and so much more!
    Built in the late 18005, Batsford Arboretum is among the largest wild gardens in England, home to a collection of some of the world's most beautiful trees, bamboos, and shrubs. It s perfect fora peaceful walk beside the small rivers and pools.

    ●Early daffodils(水仙花) and a cherry collection in spring.
    ●The Handkerchief Tree and wildflower areas in summer.
    ●To smell the flowers of reds, yellows and golds in autumn.
    ●Ice and snow turn the Arboretum into a magical wonderland.

    Visitor Information
    ●Batsford Arboretum is just one mile west of Moreton﹣in﹣Marsh on the A44. There are road signs all the way.
    ●The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel﹣bus from Stratford﹣upon﹣Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile﹣long drive.
    We are open every day except Christmas Day. In bad weather we may close the Arboretum, so please call us on 01386701441 before setting out.

    Dogs are welcome throughout the Visitor Centre and the Arboretum but must be closely watched all times.
    Parking for cars and coaches is FREE. You'll find picnic areas near to the lower car parks. Sorry no picnics in the Arboretum.
    ●Sign up to receive our regular email newsletters if you love Batsford,
    ●Check for the latest admission charges (门票价格) before you come.
    Website: www.batsarb.couk
    Email: arboretum@batsfordfoundation.co.uk

    A. Opening times
    B.How to find us
    C. Parking and picnics
    D. Keep in touch
    E.A garden for all seasons
    11.(5分)假设你是David,打算今年夏天去Batsford Arboretum游玩.请给植物园写一封简短的邮件,询问你想了解的信息,如用餐、门票价格等.
    (2)词数: 30﹣50.邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    12.(20分)在你校"劳动教育月"期间,校英语报发起了"A Helper at Home"主题征文活动.请结合自身情况,用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你经常做的两项家务以及你的收获.内容要点提示如下:
    What you often do at home
    What you have learned
    ◆cook meals
    ◆water flowers
    ◆wash the dishes
    ◆look after pets
    ◆take out the rubbish
    ◆life skills
    ◆responsibility (责任)
    短文首句: I have always been a good helper at home.

    1.(20分)When you hear the word hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. But there are also "everyday" heroes一they may not be(1) D  to the public, but they do what they can to help(2) C  people's lives as well. Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place.(3) C them is Robert Lee.
    Lee grew up in New York City.(4) B his family was not rich,he learned from a young age the importance of(5) B the waste of food, When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover(剩余的)food to(6) D people.This experience made him realize how(7) B  the problem of food wastage actually was.
    After he left university, Lee and a friend set up a(n)(8) D  called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect(9) C food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters (收容所) and food kitchens.Volunteers(10) A the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to those in need.
    RIC operates(11) C  using an app developed by Lee's team, restaurants(12) A how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The(13) D  is usually short,so volunteers can just do their deliveries (递送) by(14) B  from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is a quick way of delivery.
    So far, Lee and his team have successfully(15) A over 150,000 kilograms of food,serving almost 300,000(16) B to people who need them.Lee has shown that a(17) A action can help people around us greatly.(18) A may have a greater influence than we imagine. When Lee is asked(19) C  his next plan is, he says there's still a lot to do."It's just the(20) D .With more restaurants, who knows how much more we can do.

    (1)A. safe
    B. close
    C. friendly
    D. well﹣known
    (2)A. record
    B. share
    C. improve
    D. manage
    (3)A. Under
    B. Beside
    C. Among
    D. Opposite
    (4)A. If
    C. When
    D. Though
    (5)A. storing
    B. avoiding
    C. burning
    D. recycling
    (6)A. sick
    B. blind
    C. lonely
    D. homeless
    (7)A. easy
    B. serious
    C. funny
    D. strange
    (8)A. club
    B. school
    C. business
    D. organization
    (9)A. cold
    B. cheap
    C. unsold
    D. uncooked
    (10)A. pick up
    B. go over
    C. pay for
    D. throw away
    (11)A. badly
    B. quietly
    C. simply
    D. slowly
    (12)A. report
    B. notice
    C. discuss
    D. consider
    (13)A. visit
    B. break
    C. meeting
    D. distance
    (14)A. flying
    B. walking
    C skating
    D. shipping
    (15)A. saved
    B. heated
    D. grown
    (16)A. jobs
    B. meals
    C. rooms
    D. seats
    (17)A. small
    B. secret
    C. direct
    D. social
    B. He
    C. You
    D. They
    (19)A. who
    B. when
    C. what
    D. where
    (20)A. need
    B. time
    C. promise
    D. beginning
    (1)D.考查形容词辨析.safe 安全的;closed 关的;friendly 友好的;well﹣known 众所周知的.根据But there are also "everyday" heroes,可知,这些英雄对公众来说不是众所周知的.故选D.
    (2)C.考查动词辨析.record 记录;share 分享;improve 提高;manage 管理.根据people's lives ,可知,这些英雄所做的事情可以帮助提高人们的生活.故选C.
    (3)C.考查介词辨析.under 在下面;beside 在旁边;among 在…之间;opposite 在…对面.分析句子,可知,句中them指代前文的heroes,Lee就是在这些英雄之中其中一位,三者以上among,故C.
    (4)B.考查连词辨析.if 如果;as 由于;when 当…时;though 尽管.根据he learned from a young age the importance of avoiding the waste of food,可知,因为他家里不是很富裕,所以在小的时候就知道要避免浪费食物,前文表原因,所以空格处填as.故选B.
    (5)B.考查动词辨析.storing 储藏;avoiding 避免;buring 燃烧;recycling 回收.分析句子,可知,因为他家里不富裕,所以从小就知道避免浪费食物的重要性,所以空格处填avoiding.故选B.
    (6)D.考查形容词辨析.sick 病的;blind 盲的;lonely 孤单的;homeless 无家可归的.根据 gave out leftover(剩余的)food ,可知,是把剩余的食物给无家可归的人.故选D.
    (7)B.考查形容词辨析.easy 容易的;serious 严重的;funny 有趣的;strange 奇怪的.根据This experience made him realize及 the problem of food wastage actually was,可知,这个经历让他明白食物浪费实际上是多么严重.故选B.
    (8)D.考查名词辨析.club 俱乐部;school 学校;business 生意;organization 组织.根据called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine,可知,是创建了一个组织.故选D.
    (9)C.考查形容词辨析.cold 冷的;cheap 便宜的;unsold 卖剩的;uncooked未煮过的.根据下文how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it,可知,是将饭店中卖剩的食物,免费送给收容所.故选C.
    (10)A.考查动词词组辨析.pick up 收拾;go over 复习;pay for 支付;throw away 扔掉.根据the food from restaurants around the city ,可知,志愿者收拾城市周边餐厅的食物,故选A.
    (11)C.考查副词辨析.badly 差地;quietly 安静地;simply 简单地;slowly 缓慢地.分析句子,此句表示"简单地运用一个应用程序".故选C.
    (12)A.考查动词辨析.report 报告;notice 注意;discuss 讨论;condiser 考虑.根据how much leftover food they have each day,可知,用这个应用程序,餐厅会在里面报告每天有多少剩的食物,故选A.
    (13)D.考查名词辨析.visit 参观;break 打破;meeting 会议;distance 距离.根据so volunteers can just do their deliveries (递送) by walking from the restaurants to the shelters,可知,从餐厅到收容所的距离是很短的.故选D.
    (14)B.考查动词辨析.flying 飞;walking 步行;skating 滑冰;shipping 出海.根据The distance is usually short,可知,距离很短,所以志愿者可以步行去送这些剩的食物.故选B.
    (15)A.考查动词辨析.saved 节省;heated 加热;lent 借出;grown 生长.根据serving almost 300,000 meals to people who need them,可知,Lee和他的伙伴送了将近300000食物给需要的人们,这相对的就节省了很多不必要的浪费.故A.
    (16)B.考查名词辨析.jobs 工作;meals 餐食;rooms 房间;seats 座位.根据 Its purpose is to collect unsold food from restaurants and send it for ftee to shelters ,可知,是送了将近300000食物给需要的人们.故选B.
    (17)A.考查形容词辨析.small 小的;secret 秘密的;direct 直接的;social 社会的.分析句子,可知,Lee展现了一个小小的举动就能很大程度地帮到身边的人们.故选A.
    (18)A.考查代词辨析.it 它;he 他;you 你;they 他们.分析句子,可知,此空指代前文提到的"这个小小的举动",表事物,用代词it.故选A.
    (19)C.考查宾语从句的引导词辨析.who 谁;when 什么时候;what 什么;where 哪里.分析句子,可知,空格处作is的表语,表明"他的下一步计划是什么",所以空格处填what.故选C.
    (20)D.考查名词辨析.need 需要;time 时间;promise 承诺;beginning 开始.根据With more restaurants, who knows how much more we can do,可知,现在的情况只是开始,随着更多的餐厅知道这个事情,Lee和小伙伴会做的更多.故选D.
    2.(6分)Future View
    I think it will be great if they invent something so that we only have to sleep for one or two, hours every day.Then we'd all have much more time to do.things and to enjoy ourselves. Life would be better, I think, and everyone would do a lot more with their lives.
    If I could choose anything, I'd go for a time machine so that I could go back and do some things differently. Of course,that's impossible一but wouldn't it be great if it was possible? I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and say some of the things in a different way!
    Well, of course, the best thing is medicine for really bad diseases(疾病).A lot of scientists are working very hard to stop diseases like Ebola,a terrible disease that has killed many thousand people in Africa.So if they, found a special treatment for Ebola, or a way of completely preventing it,life would be easier in so many places.

    It will be great if there is some kind of fuel(燃料) we can use in cars that won't produce any pollution.I guess there are scientists right now trying to do that, and I hope they'll succeed because the world would be a much cleaner place, wouldn't it?
    I wish there was a machine that did homework! Wouldn't that be fantastic? But I guess teachers wouldn't be very happy.
    (1)Why does Hannah want to go back in time? D 
    A. To be young again.
    B. To live a better life.
    C. To do something for Africans.
    D. To say some words differently.
    (2)Who might be worried about the pollution of the world? C 
    A. Miguel.
    B. Isabella.
    C. Charlie.
    D. Georgina.
    (3)In which part of a newspaper may this passage appear? B 
    A. Health.
    B. Science.
    C. Travel.
    D. Education.
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题,根据文中的第2段 I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and say some of the things in a different way!Hannah,可知我希望我可以回到我小时候,用不同的方式说一些事情!故答案是D.
    (2)C.细节理解题,根据文中的第4段It will be great if there is some kind of fuel(燃料) we can use in cars that won't produce any pollution.I guess there are scientists right now trying to do that, and I hope they'll succeed because the world would be a much cleaner place, wouldn't it?Charlie如果我们能在汽车上使用某种不会产生任何污染的燃料,那就太好了.我想现在有科学家正在努力做到这一点,我希望他们能成功,因为世界将变得更加清洁,不是吗?可知Charlie关心污染,故答案是C.
    (3)B.文章出处题,根据文中的第1段Future View未来展望和下面描述的事情,可知出自科学杂志,故答案是B.
    3.(8分)Is there a connection between music and language?According to recent studies,the answer is yes:Music helps develop certain language abilities in the brain.
    A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a person's hearing ability. As a part of the study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training.The musicians were found to be able to hear the talking person more clearly.
    Musicians hear better, says study leader Nina Kraus, because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. For example, when the violinists play in an orchestra (管弦乐队),they must listen closely to what they are playing and ignore (忽视) the other sounds. In this way, musicians can hear certain sounds better, even in a room with lots of noise.
    Gottfried Schlaug,a doctor at Harvard Medical School,works with stroke (中风) patients.Because of their illness, these people cannot say their names,addresses, or other information normally.However, they can still sing. Dr. Schlaug was surprised to find singing words helped his patients finally speak. Why does this work?Schlaug isn't sure. Music seems to be able to make different parts of the brain active, including the bad parts. In some way, this helps patients use those parts of the brain again.
    So music is not only enjoyable, but also good for us in many other ways. Playing an instrument or singing, says Nina Kraus, can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp as we get older.

    (1)What were the people in tbe first group asked to do in the study of Nothwestern University? D 
    A.Listen to different kinds of music.
    B. Make some noise in an empty room.
    C. Give the second group musical training.
    D. Find out what the talking person was saying.
    (2)The writer uses the example of violinists in Paragraph 3 to explain C .
    A. how musicians play in an orchestra
    B. how musicians ignore certain sounds
    C. why musicians have better hearing ability
    D. why musicians are not afraid of loud noise
    (3)Gottfried Schlaug helps his stroke patients speak by B .
    A. playing music for them
    B.getting them to sing words
    C. teaching them to play instruments
    D. joining the bad parts of their brain
    (4)What is the main purpose of the passage? C 
    A. To introduce different ways of playing music.
    B. To give some advice about making our brain active.
    C. To show the relationship between music and language abilities.
    D. To sbare the results of recent studies on treating stroke patients.
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题.根据第二段中 As a part of the study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a noisy room.The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training.The musicians were found to be able to hear the talking person more clearly.可知作为研究的一部分,两组人在嘈杂的房间里听一个人说话.第一组的人是音乐家,而第二组的人没有受过音乐训练.因此可知在西北大学的研究中,第一组的人被要求找出谈话的人在说什么.故选D.
    (2)C.细节理解题.根据第三段中 Musicians hear better, says study leader Nina Kraus, because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. For example, when the violinists play in an orchestra (管弦乐队),they must listen closely to what they are playing and ignore (忽视) the other sounds.可知研究负责人尼娜•克劳斯说,音乐家的听力更好,因为他们学会了注意某些声音.例如,当小提琴手在管弦乐队中演奏时,他们必须仔细倾听他们正在演奏的音乐,而忽略其他声音.因此可知作者用第三段中小提琴手的例子来解释为什么音乐家有更好的听力.故选C.
    (3)B.细节理解题.根据第四段中 Dr. Schlaug was surprised to find singing words helped his patients finally speak.可知Gottfried Schlaug让他们唱歌帮助他的中风患者说话.故选B.
    (4)C.主旨大意题.通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中Is there a connection between music and language?According to recent studies,the answer is yes:Music helps develop certain language abilities in the brain.可知音乐和语言之间有联系吗?根据最近的研究,答案是肯定的:音乐有助于培养大脑的某些语言能力.因此可知这篇文章的主要展示了音乐与语言能力的关系.故选C.
    4.(8分)It's late evening in the middle of the winter. The snow is deep, but off I go into the wild.Suddenly, I hear it: the howl (嚎叫) of wolves. Excitedly, I walk faster in the direction of the howling.
    I've been working as a volunteer wolf tracker in Yellowstone National Park for over a year. It's my job to follow wolves to record information about them. Like wolves, however, I don't work alone. I'm one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park.
    Humans have always feared wolves. From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park.As a result,the number of elk(麋鹿)in the park increased. The elk started looking for food near river banks since they didn't have to worry about wolves.This, in turn, stopped trees from growing along the rivers, doing great harm to the environment there.
    The return of wolves has already made a big difference. To begin with, the elk soon learned to stay away from the rivers, so new trees have been able to grow there. The trees become home to new wildlife, such as birds, and provide food for more animals.
    The park is now becoming more and more popular with those who want to see wolves in their natural environment. It has also helped the local people make more money, Tourists visit the area,stay in the local hotels, and eat in the local restaurants.
    Looking at the wild animals and the beautiful sceneries around me, I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone. And happily, it is playing a good guy in this story.

    (1)According to the passage, one of a wolf tracker's jobs is to D .
    A. catch wolves in the park
    B. feed wolves in the wild
    C. stop wolves from killing elk
    D. collect information about wolves
    (2)Why did the organizers drive the wolves away from the park in the 1920s? D 
    A. The wolves were always howling at night.
    B. The elk in the park were in danger of dying out.
    C. The wolves had done great harm to the environment.
    D. The park was thought to be unsafe with wolves around.
    (3)Paragraphs 4 and 5 are mainly about the C that wolves have brought to Yellowstone.
    A. risks
    B. troubles
    C. changes
    D. competitions
    (4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? A 
    A. Wolves are important to Yellowstone.
    B. Yellowstone has been home to wolves.
    C. The wolf and the elk live in peace now.
    D.The number of wolves is growing fast.
    【解答】(1)D.细节理解题.根据第二段第2句"It's my job to follow wolves to record information about them."可知我的工作是跟踪狼并且记录他们的信息.故选D.
    (2)D.细节理解题.根据第三段第2、3句"From fairy tales to movies, the wolf is always the bad guy a danger to humans and other animals. In the 1920s, the organizers of the park shared this view about wolves and made the decision to drive them away from the park."可知从童话故事到电影,狼总是对人类和其他动物构成威胁的坏人.在20世纪20年代,公园的组织者分享了对狼的这种看法,并决定将它们赶出公园.故选D.
    (3)C.归纳概括题.根据第四段第1句" The return of wolves has already made a big difference."可知狼群的回归已经带来了很大的改变.故选C.
    (4)A.推理判断题.由本句上文" I am amazed at the changes the wolf has made to Yellowstone"可知我很惊讶狼对黄石公园所做的改变.由此推断狼对维护黄石公园的的生态平衡起着重要作用.故选A.
    5.(8分)Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection (反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.
    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional (职业的)life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.
    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.
    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange (排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on
    shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.
    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

    (1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to D .
    A. their prices
    B. their writers
    C. his personal interests
    D. the periods of his life
    (2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph4? C 
    A. Every book is worth reading.
    B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.
    C. Book collections tell so much about a person.
    D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,
    (3)The writer seems to agree that B .
    A. we'd better not put our books on the floor
    B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes
    C. the books at our bedside are usually more important
    D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends
    (4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably A .
    A. a book lover
    B. a story teller
    C. a shelf collector
    D. a fashion designer
    【解答】(1)D 细节推测题.根据第二段My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale.我自己的书架是我人生的一个路线图,讲述着一个按时间顺序排列的故事.可知,作者自己的书架都是按照他的一生来整理的.故选D.
    (2)C 句意猜测题.根据后句It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests.这是了解他的希望、梦想和兴趣的简单方法.这些关于一个人的事情.都是藏书能告诉我们.可以推测出,"藏书能告诉我们很多关于一个人的事情"符合题意.故选C.
    (3)B 细节理解题.根据第一段What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection (反映) of their personal tastes and interests.在我看来,他们放在书架上的东西是他们个人品味和兴趣的反映.可知,作者认为我们整理书籍的方式显示了我们的品味.故选B.
    (4)A 细节推断题.根据第三段If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.如果你指着我书架上的任何一本书,我可以说出我买这本书的年份,我在哪里工作,也许我当时住在哪里.结合文章可以推测出,作者是个爱读书的人.故选A.
    6.(10分)It was last January, when I'd just finished a charity (慈善) and was on the train back home, that I put down my phone and started writing thank﹣you notes to people who had helped,
    When I got off the train, I felt amazingly good. The next day,I wrote more thank﹣yous and the same feeling of happiness hit me again. I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?
    To keep on task, I decided to pick out a different theme for each month. January was charity.February would be neighbors, I decided, And I thought of a number of names right away: the owner of our local bookstore, who let me and my little son in before the store opened and offered to play his favorite songs; our babysitter, who dropped off a bag of old board games for our kids to play,…
    While writing the notes, I realized how often I had spent my time on the phone moving from app to app, appreciating (欣赏) other people's lives. Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.
    In the following months, I wrote to my friends, doctors, teachers and parenting role models. In July, my"food"" month, I wrote to Julie,who used to cook at my favorite restaurant.It went like this:
    Dear Julie,
    I've been finding myself missing you lately. Thank you for hosting and cooking beautiful and thoughtful food. Jake and I will never forget when you sent out biscuits shaped into the number VI for our sixth anniversary (周年纪念日)We talk about it every year.
    Thank you. We miss you.
    I was happy to receive a note back from her. Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."
    On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids.And I took a picture of us, so I could remember the feeling welling up inside me. Gratitude.

    (1)The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 means A .
    A. writing thank﹣you notes
    B. putting the phone away
    C. taking the train back home
    D. raising money for charity
    (2)How did Julie most probably feel after reading the note from Gina? D 
    A. Shy and surprised.
    B.Pleased and relaxed.
    C. Nervous and excited.
    D. Moved and encouraged.
    (3)The theme of the December notes might be B .
    A. photos
    B. family
    C. holidays
    D. community
    (4)What did Gina get by doing her task according to the passage? B 
    A. Many thanks from her neighbors.
    B. More time to appreciate her own life.
    C. More help from people around her.
    D. Happy moments to be with her friends.
    (5)The best title for the passage can be A .
    A. My Thank You Year
    B. An Amazing Trip
    C. Happiness inside Us
    D. Important People in Our Life
    【解答】(1)A.词义理解题.题目意为第二段划线单词"this" 的有意思是_____,根据第二段The next day,I wrote more thank﹣yous and the same feeling of happiness hit me again.可知作者从写感谢信中感到快乐,因此判断她的主意是每天写信.因此判断this代指写感谢信.故选A.
    (2)D.推理判断题.题目问Julie读到Gina的来信后最有可能感到怎么样,根据倒数第二段Julie replied,"I don't think I've ever received such a touching letter before, I' m going through a hard time right now, and this helps."可知Julie觉得自己从来没有收到这个感人的信,而她当时正在经历艰难,因此判断她很感动并受鼓舞.故选D.
    (3)B.推理判断题.题目意为十二月信的主题可能是_____,根据最后一段On December 31,I wrote my last card ﹣ to Jake, my husband,and our two kids可知12月份作者给丈夫、孩子写信,因此判断这个月信的主题是家人.故选B.
    (4)B.细节理解题.题目问根据文章Gina通过完成任务得到了什么,根据第四段Writing thank﹣you notes allowed me the time to do something different, paying more attention to my own life.可知写感谢信让作者更关注自己的生活.故选B.
    (5)A.文章标题题.题目意为这篇文章最好的标题可能是____,根据第二段I suddenly had the idea: Why not keep on doing this for every day of the year?可知本文主要讲了这一年作者写感谢信的经历,因此判断最好的标题是我的感谢的一年.故选A.
    bottle; repeat; silent; yourself; instead of
    (1)Sam, did you really fix the computer by yourself ?
    (2)This city recycles nearly 85% of its used plastic bottles .
    (3)I think you should ride your bike to work instead of going by car.
    (4)He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.
    (5)My grandfather often repeats  that he wants to go back and live in the countryside.
    【解答】(1)yourself.考查代词.根据语境"山姆,你真的_____修电脑了吗?",由空前的介词by考虑选择代词yourself,意为"你自己",故答案为 yourself.
    (2)bottles.考查名词.根据语境"这个城市回收利用了将近85%的废旧塑料_____",考虑选择名词bottle,意为"瓶子",由空前的"85% of"推断此处填其复数形式bottles,故答案为 bottles.
    (3)instead of.考查短语.根据语境"我认为你应该骑自行车去上班,_____开车去",由空后的动名词going考虑选择短语instead of,意为"而不是",故答案为 instead of.
    (4)silent.考查形容词.根据语境"他不会说英语,在访问期间完全保持_____",由空前的系动词was考虑选择形容词silent作表语,意为"沉默",故答案为 silent.
    (5)repeats.考查动词.根据语境"我祖父经常_____说他想回乡下生活",因本句缺谓语,考虑选择动词repeat,意为"重复",由一般现在时态且主语My grandfather 属于第三人称单数,推断此处动词填第三人称单数形式,故答案为 repeats.
    8.(10分)Hello, everybody. I'm Olivia. I'm glad to be here this afternoon.Do you have a friend with an interesting background? Today, I'd like to tell you about a(1) lively (活泼的) girl I'll tell you a bit about her, where she's from, and why we 're good friends.
    You know, I didn't use to do much exercise. A few years ago,I joined a (2) sports (运动)club. On my first day there, I met Raquel. After the gym, we had coffee(3) together (一起) and soon became good friends. I think that's because we have a lot in common.We like to keep fit and love to(4) try (尝试)different food, especially spicy food. And we love the ocean. In summer, we like to hang out at the(5) beach (海滩)and go surfing at least once a month. Raquel was born in Mexico, but has been here since she was(6) ten (十) years' old. Her mother is Mexican and her father is American, so she can speak(7) both (两者都) Spanish and English. That's something different about us. Although I(8) attended (上学,参加) a class last year, my Spanish is still terrible! Another thing that's different is her background. Raquel's from two countries and has experience and(9) knowledge (知识) of two cultures. I think that's really(10) cool (酷的).
    We might not live in the same city in the future, but I think we'll stay friends.Thanks for listening to me.
    【解答】(1)lively.考查形容词.根据语境"今天,我想告诉你一个活泼的女孩",由汉语提示考虑形容词lively,故答案为 lively.
    (2)sports.考查形容词.根据语境"几年前,我参加了一个运动俱乐部",由汉语提示考虑名词sport,由空后的名词club推断此处填其形容词形式sports,故答案为 sports.
    (3)together.考查副词.根据语境"健身后,我们一起喝咖啡,很快就成了好朋友",由汉语提示考虑副词together,故答案为 together.
    (4)try.考查动词.根据语境"我们喜欢保持健康,喜欢尝试不同的食物,尤其是辛辣的食物",由汉语提示考虑动词try,由动词不定式推断此处填原形,故答案为 try.
    (5)beach.考查名词.根据语境"夏天,我们喜欢在海滩上闲逛,每个月至少去冲浪一次",由汉语提示考虑名词beach,此处填单、复数均可,故答案为 beach.
    (6)ten.考查数词.根据语境"拉克尔出生在墨西哥,但从十岁起就一直在这里",由汉语提示考虑数词ten,故答案为 ten.
    (7)both.考查连词.根据语境"她母亲是墨西哥人,父亲是美国人,所以她既能说西班牙语又能说英语",由汉语提示考虑连词both,故答案为 both.
    (8)attended.考查动词.根据语境"虽然我去年上了一节课,但我的西班牙语仍然很差",由汉语提示考虑动词attend,由空后的last year推断此处填其过去式形式,故答案为 attended.
    (9)knowledge.考查名词.根据语境"拉克尔来自两个国家,有两种文化的经验和知识",由汉语提示考虑名词knowledge,为不可数名词,故答案为 knowledge.
    (10)cool.考查形容词.根据语境"我觉得那真的很酷",由汉语提示考虑形容词cool,故答案为 cool.
    9.(10分)My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most. He is wise and always helpful, taking care of me and(1) our (we) young sister, Sarah.The day when he left home to go to college,I(2) was taught (teach) the importance of being a man.
    It was a(3) rainy (rain) Saturday morning in August. We were woken up by the sound of Sarah playing the piano as usual. In the kitchen, there was(4) a surprise for Claudio一his favorite pancakes.Mom gave us a big smile and told us(5) to sit (sit) down for the breakfast. This was an important day for all of us!
    While we(6) were eating (eat) breakfast, Claudio went upstairs to collect his things.I suddenly heard him calling my name. When I walked(7) into  the room we shared,I found Claudio sitting at my bedside."It's time, brother," he said. I thought he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house,(8) but in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family from then on. He said I should do(9) more (many) for Mom than before after he was gone.
    I thought about his words very(10) carefully (careful) and then understood everything. That day I learned about family, love and duty.
    【分析】我的哥哥Claudio 为家庭付出比较多,后来有一天,哥哥对我说,我应该为家里多做点事了.
    【解答】(1)our.考查代词.根据"young sister"可知此处是指我们的小妹妹.在名词前面用形容词性物主代词表所属.故填our.
    (2)was taught.考查动词时态语态.根据下文的内容,可知此处是指叙述的是过去的事情.所以要用一般过去时的被动语态来填空.故填was taught.
    (3)rainy.考查形容词.根据空格后面的词语是"Saturday morning "所以要用形容词来填空,可知此处是指这是一个下雨的周六早上.故填rainy.
    (4)a.考查冠词.根据空格后面的词语是"surprise "可知此处是指有一个惊喜.故填a.
    (5)to sit.考查.根据" told us"可知此处是指告诉我们坐下.tell sb. to do sth.固定短语,告诉某人做某事,故填to sit.
    (6)were eating.考查.根据"While we"以及"Claudio went upstairs"可知此处是指当我们正在吃早餐的时候.所以要用过去进行时来填空.故填were eating.
    (7)into.考查介词.根据"I walked(7)____ the room"可知此处是指当我走进房间的时候.walk into固定短语,走进.故填into.
    (8)but.考查连词.根据"in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family "可知此处是指但是他告诉我,我应该在家庭中起更大的作用.but表示转折.故填but.
    (9)more.考查比较级.根据"than before "可知此处是指我应该比以前为妈妈做的更多一点.many 的比较级是more.故填more.
    (10)carefully.考查副词.根据"thought about his words very"可知此处是指我很仔细地考虑了他的话.用副词来修饰动词短语thought about.故填carefully.
    五、任务型阅读与表达(本题有两小节;第一节有1小题,每小题10分,共计10分;第二节有1小题,共计5分)第一节下面是英国植物园Batsford Arboretum 的宣传页.阅读该页内容,然后从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出符合各段信息的标题,并完成下列小题.
    A world of trees, and so much more!
    Built in the late 18005, Batsford Arboretum is among the largest wild gardens in England, home to a collection of some of the world's most beautiful trees, bamboos, and shrubs. It s perfect fora peaceful walk beside the small rivers and pools.

    (1) E 
    ●Early daffodils(水仙花) and a cherry collection in spring.
    ●The Handkerchief Tree and wildflower areas in summer.
    ●To smell the flowers of reds, yellows and golds in autumn.
    ●Ice and snow turn the Arboretum into a magical wonderland.

    Visitor Information
    (2) B 
    ●Batsford Arboretum is just one mile west of Moreton﹣in﹣Marsh on the A44. There are road signs all the way.
    ●The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel﹣bus from Stratford﹣upon﹣Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile﹣long drive.
    (3) A 
    We are open every day except Christmas Day. In bad weather we may close the Arboretum, so please call us on 01386701441 before setting out.

    Dogs are welcome throughout the Visitor Centre and the Arboretum but must be closely watched all times.
    (4) C 
    Parking for cars and coaches is FREE. You'll find picnic areas near to the lower car parks. Sorry no picnics in the Arboretum.
    (5) D 
    ●Sign up to receive our regular email newsletters if you love Batsford,
    ●Check for the latest admission charges (门票价格) before you come.
    Website: www.batsarb.couk
    Email: arboretum@batsfordfoundation.co.uk

    A. Opening times
    B.How to find us
    C. Parking and picnics
    D. Keep in touch
    E.A garden for all seasons
    (1)E.根据后句"●Early daffodils(水仙花) and a cherry collection in spring.●The Handkerchief Tree and wildflower areas in summer.●To smell the flowers of reds, yellows and golds in autumn.●Ice and snow turn the Arboretum into a magical wonderland."可知说的是四季的花园,结合选项,应说四季皆宜的花园.故选E.
    (2)B.根据后句"Batsford Arboretum is just one mile west of Moreton﹣in﹣Marsh on the A44. There are road signs all the way."可知说的是如何找我们,结合选项,应说如何找到我们.故选B.
    (3)A.根据后句"We are open every day except Christmas Day."可知说的是营业时间,结合选项,应说故选A.
    (4)C.根据后句"Parking for cars and coaches is FREE. "可知说的是停车,结合选项,应说停车和野餐,故选C.
    (5)D.根据后句"Sign up to receive our regular email newsletters if you love Batsford,"可知说的是联系方式,结合选项,应说保持联系,故选D.
    11.(5分)假设你是David,打算今年夏天去Batsford Arboretum游玩.请给植物园写一封简短的邮件,询问你想了解的信息,如用餐、门票价格等.
    (2)词数: 30﹣50.邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    How much is the entrance ticket?入场券多少钱?
    How much提问价钱.
    I am looking forward to your reply.期待您的回复.
    look forward to期待……
    【解答】Dear Sir or Madam,
    I'm going to visit the Batsford Arboretum.I'm writing to you to get some information about it.(写信目的)How much is the entrance ticket?【高分句型一】Is there a restaurant there?What kind of food does it have?By the way, are there any other rules?Please give me some advice.(想了解的事情)
    I am looking forward to your reply.【高分句型二】(期待)
    12.(20分)在你校"劳动教育月"期间,校英语报发起了"A Helper at Home"主题征文活动.请结合自身情况,用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你经常做的两项家务以及你的收获.内容要点提示如下:
    What you often do at home
    What you have learned
    ◆cook meals
    ◆water flowers
    ◆wash the dishes
    ◆look after pets
    ◆take out the rubbish
    ◆life skills
    ◆responsibility (责任)
    短文首句: I have always been a good helper at home.
    I think life is as beautiful as flowers.我认为生命就像花儿一样美丽.
    I think+宾语从句.
    By doing housework, we not only improve our life skills, but also improve our sense of responsibility.通过做家务,我们不仅提高了我们的生活技能,也提高了我们的责任感.
    not only…but also…不仅……而且……
    【解答】I have always been a good helper at home.(点题)
    I can do a lot of housework at home, such as ,cooking meals,watering flowers,washing the dishes,looking after pets,taking out the rubbish and so on.However, I like watering flowers and looking after pets best.(最喜欢的家务)
    I think watering the flowers makes me feel relaxed.When all kinds of flowers are around me, I feel the beauty of nature.I think life is as beautiful as flowers.【高分句型一】I also like to look after pets.Because animals are our friends.Sometimes they seem to understand what we say.They will bring a lot of fun to our life.(介绍原因)
    By doing housework, we not only improve our life skills, but also improve our sense of responsibility.【高分句型二】It also helps us understand the idea of fairness.(做家务让我们学到什么)







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