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    1. 本试卷共两部分,共39题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。
    2. 在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。
    3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。
    4. 在答题卡上、选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字签字笔作答。
    5. 考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。
    1.Mr. Li is a great histry teacher. ________ knwledge f the subject is excellent.
    2.The city library pens________ eight thirty every day.
    3.— Dad, help me please. I ________ lift the bx up.
    — N prblem, I’m cming.
    4.Anne is ne f ________ students in my class. She learns everything quickly.
    A.cleverB.clevererC.cleverestD.the cleverest
    5.— Jack, ________ was the last sprts meeting held?
    — At the Natinal Stadium.
    6.I practiced swimming fr an hur, ________ I am tired nw.
    7.Frank fell ver when he ________ dwn the steps.
    A.runsB.has runC.was runningD.is running
    8.Sam ________ playing the guitar but his brther desn’t.
    A.has lvedB.will lveC.lvedD.lves
    9.Ever since I was a kid, I ________ t be a dctr.
    A.wantB.wantedC.have wantedD.will want
    10.Sme students in ur schl ________ sme trees in the park last Sunday.
    A.plantedB.have plantedC.will plantD.plant
    11.Mre small street gardens ________ in the future all ver Beijing.
    A.buildB.are builtC.will buildD.will be built
    12.—Lucy is at the dr. D yu knw ________?
    —Srry, I dn’t knw.
    A.wh she waited frB.wh she is waiting fr
    C.wh did she wait frD.wh is she waiting fr
    Drums in Space
    Brenda was a happy, artistic girl, a girl with ne big dream—t play the 13 in a band. But ne big prblem lay in her way. T be gd enugh t play in a band, Brenda had t practice a lt, but she lived next dr t a lt f ld peple—many f them liked living in the quiet place. She knew that the sund f beating drums wuld really make them feel nervus.
    Brenda was a very gd, 14 girl. She always tried t find a way f practicing her drums withut bthering(打扰)ther peple. S she had tried playing in the strangest places: a basement, a kitchen, and even in a shwer. But it was n gd, there was always smene t be 15 with her when she was practicing it. Hwever, Brenda decided t practice as much as she culd, she spent mst f her time playing n bks and bxes, and lking fr new places t practice.
    One day, while watching a science prgram n TV, she heard that 16 cannt travel in space, because there’s n air. At that mment, Brenda decided t becme a musical astrnaut.
    With the help f a lt f time, a lt f bks and a lt f wrk, Brenda built a space bubble(气泡). It was a big glass ball cnnected t a machine which 17 ut all the air inside. All thse wuld be left inside were drums and a chair. Brenda put n the space suit she had made, 18 the bubble, turned n the machine, then she played the drums like a wild child!
    It wasn’t lng befre Brenda—“The Musical Astrnaut”—had becme very famus. S many peple came t see her play in her space bubble. Shrtly afterwards she came ut f the bubble and started giving cncerts. Her fame spread s much that the gvernment suggested that she culd frm part f a unique space jurney. Finally, Brenda was a real musical 19 , and had gne far beynd her first dream f playing the drums in a band.
    Years later, when peple asked her hw she had achieved all this, she thught fr a mment and said, “If thse ld peple next-dr didn’t 20 s much t me, I wuldn’t g t such lengths t find a slutin, and nne f this wuld have ever happened. ”
    三、 阅读理解(共26分, 每小题2分)
    下面材料分别介绍了四本书的书名及梗概,请根据左栏中 Via、Bill和 Lucy 所写的书评, 将其与相应的书名匹配。
    Summer Bk Reviews
    (二)信息选择。阅读下面的三篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    Pyramid Surprise
    Nellie and I were brn nly a few days apart, s every year we plan a birthday party tgether. This year, ur birthday theme was “Discver the Pyramids”.
    “What abut inviting Mary?” Nellie asked.
    Mary was a lner, and hadn’t made many friends, but she was better at math Pyramid than anyne else in class.
    “Hmm, she wears the same ld trusers every day. Hw culd she even affrd a party dress?”
    After schl the next day, Nellie handed me a bx. “What’s that?” I asked.
    “My birthday gift frm my aunt. I thught it wuld be nice t give this t Mary, “Nellie said.
    I pened the bx. Inside was a gift certificate (礼品券) fr ur favurite clthing stre.
    “Ww,” I gasped. We bth knew hw many cute clthes that wuld buy.
    “S, are we ging t just hand it t her?”
    “Hw embarrassing (尴尬的) that wuld be!” Nellie answered.
    She was right. Mary wuld be ttally embarrassed if we gave her mney fr clthes.
    “What if we ask ur teacher…”
    “Wait a secnd. I have an idea.” Nellie said.
    “What? What?”
    “I’m nt ging t tell yu!”
    On the day f ur party, Mary arrived, with—n surprise—the very ld brwn trusers.
    We sang, danced and ate biscuits. “And nw fr the big prize game, “Nellie said. Big prize?
    My muth drpped. This was nt in the plan.
    “The big prize game is like this: Tm and Sam were building pyramids… If their pyramids had t be 60 feet high, wh wuld finish first?”
    A math game. Of curse! Nellie winked (眨眼示意) at me. N ne was surprised when Mary came up with the answer befre anyne else and walked ff with the bx.
    The next week, Mary wre a new pair f trusers, and even a new dress. The whle time she had a big smile n her face.
    And s did we.
    24.Whse birthday party was it?
    A.Mary’s.B.Nellie and the writer’s. C.Nellie’s aunt’s.D.Tm and Sam’s.
    25.Hw did Nellie try t help Mary?
    A.By giving her the gift directly.B.By asking the teacher fr help.
    C.By setting up a big prize game.D.By inviting her t the clthing stre.
    26.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Everyne needs help.B.Friendship is necessary.
    C.Math skills lead t success in life.D.Helping thers als pleases urselves.
    The way the mind wrks is heavily influenced by culture, accrding t University f Michigan psychlgist Richard Nisbett, authr f The Gegraphy f Thught: Hw Asians and Westerners Think Differently... and Why.
    Richard Nisbett says that tw peple frm different cultures can lk at the same picture and see it in different ways. Culture als teaches peple hw t see and describe their experiences. Nisbett explains that Asians think differently frm Westerners because their culture teaches them t be mre aware f sciety, family, and histrical backgrund. Western culture, and especially American culture, tends t pay mre attentin t individual (个人的) success and being independent f family.
    Nisbett argues that culture makes East Asians mre hlistic r glbal thinkers: When trying t understand a situatin, they like t see the whle picture. They trust feelings and pay attentin t relatinships because these are valued highly in their culture.
    Hwever, Nisbett’s research has shwn that Westerners tend t be mre analytic (善于分析的). When they try t understand smething, Westerners usually prefer t analyze small pieces f infrmatin first and build their knwledge piece by piece in rder t understand the whle picture.
    In study after study, Nisbett and clleagues frm China, the Republic f Krea, and Japan fund that East Asians and Americans respnded in different ways t the same situatin. In ne experiment, Japanese and Americans viewed the same animated underwater scenes, and reprted what they had seen. In the experiment, mst f the Americans started by explaining the details, fr example, saying there were large fish in the frnt n the right. Hwever, the Japanese talked abut the envirnment first, mentining that there was a pnd r a fish tank. The Japanese als talked mre abut the envirnment and inanimate (无生命的) bjects than the Americans, fr example, “The big fish swam past the gray seaweed.” This research prves the traditinal idea that Americans are less interested in scial backgrund and place imprtance n the individual. The Japanese, n the ther hand, place mre imprtance n scial backgrund.
    27.Nisbett may agree ______.
    A.Asians pay less attentin t sciety
    B.Westerners fcus mre n individual success
    C.Asians are less aware f histrical backgrund
    D.Westerners are mre dependent n their families
    28.The wrd “hlistic” in Paragraph 3 prbably means “______”.
    A.analysing a small pieceB.achieving a big success
    C.cnsidering a whle thingD.valuing a gd relatinship
    29.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Thinking Highly Enriches Culture
    B.Culture Heavily Influences Thinking
    C.Thinking Pushes Culture t Prgress
    D.Culture Matters Mre than Thinking
    3D Printing Will Imprve Our Fd Chices
    In early summer 2016, Lndners were treated t a new trend in dining. Fd Ink, the wrld’s first 3D printing restaurant, pened t a special grup f guests wh dined n a nine-curse meal prepared right befre their eyes using 3D printers. Even the restaurant’s tables and chairs, lamps, cups, and plates were created with 3D technlgy. With Lndn just the beginning, Fd Ink plans t bring its creative restaurant frm t a number f ther cities arund the wrld.
    Like ther 3D applicatins, printing fd is a prcess that builds layers (层) upn layers f material n tp f each ther. Each layer is pushed thrugh a print head t frm an bject with a desired shape, texture, size, and s n. Unlike ther 3D printing, which uses spl (绕线轮) t create bjects ut f plastic, fd materials in 3D printing are put int a syringe-like cntainer (注射器形状的容器) which are then pressed int the shape required. Any fd ingredients (原料) that can be pureed (煮成浓汤或者酱) r turned int a paste can be used in 3D fd printing.
    Fine dining is nly ne aspect f the fd industry abut t be imprved by 3D printing. Researchers have been explring ways t use 3D printing t deal with wrld hunger. Mass prductin f fd using pwdered (粉末状的) nutritinal ingredients culd help feed a grwing ppulatin. The 3D-printed fd wuld have the advantage f being prduced cheaply and having a lng shelf life. This is especially imprtant with the wrld ppulatin prjected t be 8.5 billin by 2030.
    The technlgy will als enable cnsumers t quickly make meals with ingredients t suit their special health needs. Take the example f feeding elderly peple, wh ften need t have their fd pureed because they have prblems with swallwing and chewing (咀嚼). Many elderly peple did nt like their fd like this and s it discuraged them frm eating. The Netherlands Organizatin fr applied scientific research is turning t 3D printing t mash up peas, cabbages, and carrts t prduce 3D-printed versins f the vegetables. These are easier t chew but hld their shape because f the additin f a gelling agent (胶凝剂). The 3D-printed vegetables are being served thrughut nursing hmes in Germany.
    It seems that there is n end t the ptential (潜力) f 3D printing. In 2013, NASA ffered a large amunt f mney t develp a functinal 3D fd printer. The printer aims t create nutritinal fd t feed astrnauts n lng space missins. Frm creating special restaurant meals, t imprving nutritin, t ptentially feeding the wrld, 3D fd printing is creating exciting new pssibilities fr fd.
    30.Accrding t the passage, 3D fd printing differs frm ther 3D printing in _____.
    A.the way f creating bjects ut f materials
    B.the desired shape f the 3D printed bjects
    C.the print heads fr frming desired bjects
    D.the prcess f building layers f materials
    31.What can we learn abut 3D fd printing?
    A.3D fd printing slves the elders’ eating prblems with pureed fd.
    B.3D fd printing is being develped fr astrnauts n space missins.
    C.3D fd printing ends wrld hunger with its cheaply-prduced fd.
    D.3D fd printing is being widely applied in fine dining restaurants.
    32.What des Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
    A.Elderly peple like t chse 3D-printed versins f the vegetables.
    B.Cnsumers can use 3D fd printing quickly t make healthy meals.
    C.The Netherlands Organizatin is ding research n 3D fd printing.
    D.3D fd printing technlgy will meet peple’s special health needs.
    33.What is the writer’s main purpse in writing this passage?
    A.T explain hw 3D fd printing wrks.
    B.T discuss what 3D fd printing has brught us.
    C.T shw the pssibilities created by 3D fd printing.
    D.T stress the imprtance f 3D fd printing t the wrld.
    本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
    四、 阅读表达(共10分, 第1-3题每小题2分, 第4小题4分)
    Hme Is Where the Heart Is
    In 2017 a recrd number f ver 41 millin turists frm abrad visited the United Kingdm. This number fell t a new lw f nearly 6.4 millin in 2021 but since then numbers greatly rse t just under 30 millin in 2022. It’s likely t reach 35 millin in 2023.
    Why d turists cntinue t cme t the UK in such numbers?
    “Harlem Wrld” gives a number f reasns why the United Kingdm is ne f the mst ppular places t visit in Eurpe. It highlights the breath-taking scenery, with histric castles and rlling green fields. Then there are the pubs and delicius fd, such as fish and chips and pies. And then there are the peple. They are described as being “universally quite lvely”. It ges n t say that “Peple in the UK are well-read, well-spken, and well-dressed. They knw hw t hld a cnversatin. Peple in the UK are plite and easy t be arund.…When yu take a trip t the UK, yu will be attracted by the peple. They are amazing.”
    Many f us are chsing t stay lcal and tasting what the gd ld British Isles has t ffer as an alternative(替代物). A third f British are chsing t keep their feet firmly n the grund and hliday at hme this year.
    Mre and mre hliday makers are mving away frm lying n the sun lungers by the pl all day and nly mving t fill up at the all-day buffet kind f hliday. They are chsing t take the all-actin sprting hliday. It’s n lnger “eat and drink as much as yu pssibly can” but “d as many exciting challenging things as yu pssibly can.” Neil Bevan, General.
    Manager at The Manr & Ashbury Resrts in Devn is excited t see mre and mre peple jining explring his beautiful part f the cuntry. The Manr and Ashbury Resrts ffer an utstanding chice f ver 70 different sprting and leisure activities including glf, tennis, bwling and archery.
    34.Hw many turists are likely t visit the UK in 2023?

    35.What are the peple in the UK like?

    36.What sprting and leisure activities d the Manr and Ashbury Resrts ffer?

    37.Are yu ging t travel abrad this summer hliday? Why r why nt?

    从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
    38.假如你是李华,你校英语社团正在开展线上国际交流活动,其公众号计划做关于健康生活方式的系列推送,现就 “Hw t Keep Healthy” 这一话题在校内收集素材。请你用英语给公众号留言,谈谈你对健康生活方式的认识和看法,在日常生活中你是怎么做的,以及你对保持健康的建议。
    提示词语:imprtant,vegetables, exercise, sleep
    提示问题: ●What d yu think f healthy life?
    ●What d yu usually d t keep healthy?
    ●What suggestins d yu have?
    I’m Li Hua, frm Class 1,Grade 9.
    提示词语:change, stick t, imprve, cnfident
    提示问题: ●What plan did yu make in yur study r life?
    ●What have yu learned frm it?
    Making a plan is imprtant.
    Via: 21
    Yung readers wuld enjy this bk. Yu can feel friendship and the pictures abut gardens are beautiful.
    Bill: 22
    This bk is great fr everyne. It teaches us that even if yu are small, yu can be a leader.
    Lucy: 23
    Kids wuld lve this stry. The by’s experiences shw it’s imprtant t spend time with family and remember their histry.
    A.Title: Drawing Outdrs What is the bk abut?
    It’s abut sme students wh spend the day drawing utdrs with their teacher.
    Title: Lily Leads the Way
    What is the bk abut?
    Lily wants t g ut t see big ships n the lake. But she’s t small t get there by herself. In the end, Lily succeeds and learns that size des nt make a leader.
    C. Title: Mmmy’s Hmetwn What is the bk abut?
    A yung by lves t hear his mm’s stries abut her hmetwn. But when they get there, everything has changed. Still, the by experiences the happiness f his mm’s childhd memries.
    D.Title: Celia Planted a Garden What is the bk abut?
    Celia plants a garden n a small island. When she mves away, she misses her friends and the flwers. S she plants anther garden t bring them clse.
    考查形容词性物主代词。her她的;his他的;their他们的;yur你的,你们的。根据“Mr. Li”可知,这是第三人称单数且为男性,故用his。故选B。
    考查介词辨析。n在……,后接天;in在……,后接年、月、季节和宽泛的早中晚;at在……,后接小时;fr长达,后接时间段。根据“ eight thirty”可知,八点半是具体时间点,应用at。故选C。
    考查情态动词。can’t不能;needn’t不必;mustn’t不得;shuldn’t不应该。根据“Dad, help me please.”可知,说话者需求帮助,所以应是不能抬起箱子,所以用can’t。故选A。
    考查形容词最高级。clever聪明的;cleverer更聪明的;cleverest最聪明的(形容词最高级前通常加the);the cleverest最聪明的。根据“Anne is ne in my class.”可知,此处可用“ne f the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”,表示“最……的……之一”,空处应是the cleverest。故选D。
    考查疑问词辩词。when什么时候,用于提问时间状语;where在哪里,用于提问地点状语;hw怎么样,用于提问方式状语;why为什么,用于提问原因。根据答语“At the Natinal Stadium.”可知,应是提问地点。故选B。
    考查动词时态。根据“Frank fell ver when he ... dwn the steps.”可知,主句的时态为一般过去时,从句也应用过去的某一时态,结合语境可知,空处是指过去的某一时刻正发生的动作,应用过去进行时。故选C。
    考查动词时态辨析。根据“his brther desn’t.”可知,应用一般现在时。故选D。
    考查动词时态辨析。根据“Ever since I was a kid”可知,主句应用现在完成时。故选C。
    考查动词时态。根据时间状语“last Sunday”可知,该句为一般过去时,故选A。
    考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据时间状语in the future可知,此句时态为一般将来时,由句意可知,主语Mre small street gardens和谓语动词“build”是被动关系,用被动语态。即此句是一般将来时的被动语态。故选D。
    考查宾语从句。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句,从句语序为陈述语序,排除C和D;根据“D yu knw”可知,主句使用一般现在时,从句可根据具体情况选择任何时态,根据“Lucy is at the dr.”可推知露西正在等待某人,故应用现在进行时(be ding)。故选B。
    13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B
    pian钢琴;vilin小提琴;guitar吉他;drums鼓。根据“She knew that the sund f beating drums wuld really make them feel nervus. ”可知,她知道鼓声真的会让他们感到紧张。可见,她有一个伟大的梦想——在乐队里打鼓。故选D。
    humrus幽默的;respectful有礼貌的,恭敬的;cnfident自信的;curius好奇的。结合下文“She always tried t find a way f practicing her drums withut bthering(打扰)ther peple.”可知,她总是想找到一种不打扰别人的方法来练习打鼓。所以她是一个有礼貌的女孩。故选B。
    patient有耐心的;satisfied满意的;angry生气的;pleased高兴地。根据“lking fr new places t practice.”可知,她在寻找新的地方练习,可见,练习的时候,总有人会生气。故选C。
    blew吹;put放置;drew抽取;fund发现。结合上文“With the help f a lt f time, a lt f bks and a lt f wrk, Brenda built a space bubble(气泡).”可知,在大量的时间、大量的书籍和大量的工作的帮助下,布伦达建造了一个太空泡泡。可见,是把空气抽出来,draw ut意为“抽出”,动词短语。故选C。
    entered进入;cllected收集;fllwed跟随;chse选择。根据“With the help f a lt f time, a lt f bks and a lt f wrk, Brenda built a space bubble”可知,布伦达建造了一个太空泡泡。再结合句意可以推测,她进入泡泡打鼓。故选 A。
    manager经理;scientist科学家;inventr发明家;astrnaut宇航员。根据“It wasn’t lng befre Brenda—‘The Musical Astrnaut’—had becme very famus.”可知,不久之后,布伦达——“音乐宇航员”——变得非常有名。可见,布伦达是一位真正的音乐宇航员。故选D。
    shw展示;matter事关紧要;cnsider考虑;supprt支持。根据“T be gd enugh t play in a band, Brenda had t practice a lt, but she lived next dr t a lt f ld peple—many f them liked living in the quiet place. She knew that the sund f beating drums wuld really make them feel nervus. ”可知,为了在乐队里演奏得足够好,布伦达必须大量练习,但她住在很多老人的隔壁——他们中的许多人都喜欢住在安静的地方。她知道鼓声真的会让他们感到紧张。可见,如果那些隔壁的老人不是那么重要,她就不会费这么大的劲去寻找解决办法。故选B。
    21.D 22.B 23.C
    【导语】本文主要介绍了四本书的书名和梗概,以及Via、Bill和 Lucy 所写的书评。
    21.根据“Yu can feel friendship and the pictures abut gardens are beautiful.”可知与友谊及花园有关,选项D“Celia在一个小岛上种了一个花园。当她搬走后,她想念她的朋友和花。所以她又种了一个花园,与他们更亲近。”与之对应。故选D。
    22.根据 “It teaches us that even if yu are small, yu can be a leader.”可知,它教会我们,即使你小,你也可以成为领导者。选项B “Lily想出去看看湖上的大船。但她太小了,不能自己去那里。最后,Lily成功了,她明白了身材魁梧并不能成为领导者。”与之对应。故选B。
    23.根据“The by’s experiences shw it’s imprtant t spend time with family and remember their histry.”可知,与男孩的经历有关。选项C“一个小男孩喜欢听他妈妈讲她家乡的故事。但当他们到达那里时,一切都变了。尽管如此,男孩还是体验到了母亲童年记忆中的幸福。”与之对应。故选C。
    24.B 25.C 26.D
    24.细节理解题。根据“Nellie and I were brn nly a few days apart, s every year we plan a birthday party tgether. This year, ur birthday theme was ‘Discver the Pyramids’.”可知,这是作者和内莉的生日聚会。故选B。
    25.细节理解题。根据“Mary was a lner, and hadn’t made many friends, but she was better at math Pyramid than anyne else in class.”以及“A math game. Of curse! Nellie winked (眨眼示意) at me. N ne was surprised when Mary came up with the answer befre anyne else and walked ff with the bx.”可知,内莉是通过设置一个大奖游戏来帮助玛丽。故选C。
    26.主旨大意题。根据“The next week, Mary wre a new pair f trusers, and even a new dress. The whle time she had a big smile n her face.”以及“And s did we.”可知,本文告诉我们帮助他人也会让自己高兴。故选D。
    27.B 28.C 29.B
    27.细节理解题。根据“Western culture, and especially American culture, tends t pay mre attentin t individual (个人的) success and being independent f family.”可知,他赞同西方人更加注重个人成功的观点。故选B。
    28.词义猜测题。根据“ When trying t understand a situatin, they like t see the whle picture.”可知,当试图了解一个情况时,他们喜欢看到全局,划线单词表示“整体的,全面的”与“cnsidering a whle thing”近义。故选C。
    29.最佳标题题。根据“The way the mind wrks is heavily influenced by culture”及全文可知,本文主要讲述了思维方式在很大程度上受到文化的影响。故选B。
    30.A 31.B 32.D 33.C
    30.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Unlike ther 3D printing, which uses spl (绕线轮) t create bjects ut f plastic, fd materials in 3D printing are put int a syringe-like cntainer (注射器形状的容器) which are then pressed int the shape required. Any fd ingredients (原料) that can be pureed (煮成浓汤或者酱) r turned int a paste can be used in 3D fd printing.”可知与其他使用线轴从塑料中制造物体的3D打印不同,3D打印中的食品材料被放入注射器状容器中,然后将其压制成所需的形状。任何可以煮成浓汤或者酱或变成糊状的食物成分都可以用于3D食品打印。因此是两者使用的打印材料的方式是不同的。故选A。
    31.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“In 2013, NASA ffered a large amunt f mney t develp a functinal 3D fd printer. The printer aims t create nutritinal fd t feed astrnauts n lng space missins. ”可知2013年,NASA投入大量资金开发功能性3D食品打印机。该打印机旨在创造营养食品,为执行长期太空任务的宇航员提供食物。选项B符合。故选B。
    32.主旨大意题。根据第四段的“The technlgy will als enable cnsumers t quickly make meals with ingredients t suit their special health needs. ”可知该技术还将使消费者能够快速使用食材制作餐点,以满足其特殊健康需求。因此选项D“3D食品打印技术将满足人们的特殊健康需求”符合。故选D。
    34.35 millin./ 35 millin peple. 35.They are well-read, well-spken, and well-dressed. / They are universally quite lvely. / They are amazing. / They are plite and easy t be arund. 36.The Manr and Ashbury Resrts ffer glf, tennis, bwling and archery. / Glf, tennis, bwling and archery. 37.Yes. Because I can visit the breath-taking scenery, with histric castles and rlling green fields.
    34.根据“It’s likely t reach 35 millin in 2023.”可知,在2023年来英国的游客可能是3500万,故填35 millin./ 35 millin peple.
    35.根据“They are described as being ‘universally quite lvely’”和“It ges n t say that ‘Peple in the UK are well-read, well-spken, and well-dressed. They knw hw t hld a cnversatin. Peple in the UK are plite and easy t be arund.…When yu take a trip t the UK, yu will be attracted by the peple. They are amazing.’”可知,英国人非常可爱,博览群书,谈吐得体,穿着得体,他们很有礼貌,也很容易相处,他们很棒。故填They are well-read, well-spken, and well-dressed. / They are universally quite lvely. / They are amazing. / They are plite and easy t be arund.
    36.根据“The Manr and Ashbury Resrts ffer an utstanding chice f ver 70 different sprting and leisure activities including glf, tennis, bwling and archery.”可知,庄园和阿什伯里度假村提供高尔夫球,网球,保龄球和射箭。故填The Manr and Ashbury Resrts ffer glf, tennis, bwling and archery. / Glf, tennis, bwling and archery.
    37.根据“It highlights the breath-taking scenery, with histric castles and rlling green fields.”可知,这个暑假我打算出国旅游,因为我可以参观令人叹为观止的风景,有历史悠久的城堡和起伏的绿色田野。故填Yes. Because I can visit the breath-taking scenery, with histric castles and rlling green fields.
    I’m Li Hua, frm Class1, Grade 9. I think it is very imprtant t have a healthy life.
    In my daily life, I usually have all kinds f vegetables instead f junk fd. In my spare time, I usually d sme exercise. Playing basketball, running and jumping are my favrite sprts.
    In my pinin, if yu want t keep healthy, yu’d better sleep early, because gd sleep can make yu energetic in the daytime. Drinking enugh water is als very imprtant t keep healthy.
    ①all kinds f 各种各样
    ②instead f 而非,而不是
    ③In my spare time 在我空闲的时间
    ①Playing basketball, running and jumping are my favrite sprts.(动名词作主语)
    Making a plan is imprtant. It can change ur habits and help us d things better.
    Last summer hliday, I made a plan in my study. Every day, I fllwed it t d my hmewrk in the mrning and read bks at night. Thugh it was hard at the beginning, I encuraged myself t stick t the plan. Finally, I nt nly finished all the tasks n time but als felt the sense f success.
    By ding s, I have imprved myself and becme mre cnfident.
    ①help sb d sth帮助某人做某事
    ②at the beginning开始
    ③encurage sb t d sth鼓励某人做某事
    ④n time准时
    ①I nt nly finished all the tasks n time but als felt the sense f success.(连词nt als连接的并列谓语)
    ②Thugh it was hard at the beginning, I encuraged myself t stick t the plan. (thugh引导的让步状语从句)

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