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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)03
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)01
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)02
    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)03
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    十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份十年(2013-2024)高考英语3500单词分字母汇编(高考真句+检测)04 高考单词D (原卷版+解析版),文件包含04高考单词D原卷版docx、04高考单词D解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共131页, 欢迎下载使用。

    dentist [ˈdentɪst] n. 牙科医生
    【真句】She als apprached dentists t learn mre abut teeth cleaning. 【2019年北京】她还与牙医接触,了解更多关于牙齿清洁的知识。
    【真句】 He recmmended that she d sme research and talk t dentists abut what a healthier candy wuld cntain.【2019年北京】他建议她做一些研究,并和牙医谈谈一个更健康的糖果应该包含什么。
    disease [dɪˈziːz] n. 病,疾病
    【助记】disease (疾病)就源于“dis-(不)+ease(舒服)”,生病时你会感到不舒服。
    【真句】David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children,but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid.【2022新高考】大卫患有一种脑部疾病,这使他无法像其他孩子一样走路或跑步,但在学校里,他的同学们认为他是一个普通的孩子。
    【真句】 It is believed that tday’s children and teenagers are cnsuming three times the recmmended level f sugar, putting them at a higher risk f the disease.【2022全国乙卷】据认为,今天的儿童和青少年摄入的糖是推荐水平的三倍,这使他们患糖的风险更高。
    is saddened by the dust strms, diseases... 【2020新全国】他为沙尘暴、疾病而悲伤。
    easily [ˈiːzɪlɪ] ad. 容易地
    daily [ˈdeɪlɪ] adj. 每天的;一天的
    【真句】 We’re trying t generate a language that helps bring the human-nature interactins back int ur daily lives. 【2023新高考2卷】我们正在努力创造一种语言,帮助将人类与自然的互动带回我们的日常生活。
    【真句】Daily assignments nt cmpleted during class will get a zer. 【2022年6月新高考1卷】在课堂上未完成的每日作业将得零分。
    【真句】If yu have ther daily rutines, such as exercising r talking n the phne with family, wrk thse int yur day-t-day life befre classes start s that yu get a better idea f hw they fit in with yur schedule.【2021年6月天津卷】如果你有其他的日常活动,比如锻炼身体或者和家人打电话,那么在上课前把这些活动融入到你的日常生活中,这样你就能更好地了解它们是如何与你的日程安排相适应的。
    【真句】But Smewhere ver the daily walk mre abut my sn's day cmes ut. 【2021.1浙江卷】但是在日常散步的某个地方,更多关于我儿子的一天就出来了。
    dam [dæm] n. 水坝
    【真句】The tur departs frm Dam Square every hur n the hur, starting at 1:00 pm every day.【2023新高考1卷】每天下午1点开始,每小时整点从大坝广场出发。
    damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] v. n. 破坏;损伤
    【真句】The damage dne by verfishing ges beynd the sea envirnment. 【2023年四省联考】过度捕捞造成的破坏超出了海洋环境。
    【真句】 aplgize fr the damage I had indirectly caused and t ask yu t recnsider my lifetime ban frm the htel.【2021全国甲卷】为我间接造成的损失道歉,并请求您重新考虑我终身不得进入酒店的禁令
    【真句】Damage changes us befre we are ready. I see ur lizard, raw and nearly new.【2021.3天津卷】伤害在我们准备好之前改变了我们。我看到我们的蜥蜴,生的,几乎是新的。
    【真句】A rm inspectin will take place and yu will be respnsible fr payment fr any damage r missing items.【2019.3天津】房间检查即将进行,您将负责支付任何损坏或丢失的物品。
    短语:d damage t 对……造成伤害
    【真句】T much packaging is ding serius damage t the envirnment.【2015山东阅读】过度包装正在对环境造成严重的破坏。
    damage的形容词形式:damaged 被破坏的
    【真句】It is difficult fr dctrs t help a persn with a damaged brain.【2012全国二阅读】医生很难帮助大脑受到损伤的人。
    declare [dɪˈkleə(r)] vt. 声明;断言
    【真句】"It is t grand and wnderful fr wrds, " declared the Ladies' Repsitry that August...【2018上海】“它太伟大、太奇妙了,无法用语言来形容,”那年八月,妇女储藏室宣布...
    【真句】In texts, yu dn't have t declare wh yu are r even say hell. 【2018浙江】在短信中,你不必声明你是谁,甚至不必打招呼。
    【拓展】clear [klɪə(r)] a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的
    clearly [ˈklɪəlɪ] ad. 清楚地,无疑地
    damp [dæmp] adj. 潮湿的
    【真句】He gathered handfuls f damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and lit the bunch t create a trch(火把). 【2023.01月浙江卷】他收集了一把潮湿的树叶,用绳子包裹起来,点燃了一个火把。
    【真句】Try t make the hle in a damp area t increase the water catcher's prductivity. 【2017全国1卷】试着在潮湿的地方打洞,以提高捕水器的生产效率。
    dance [dɑːns] v. n. 跳舞
    【真句】The New Theatre has been the hme f quality drama, musicals, dance and children’s shws fr mre than 100 years. 【2022全国甲卷】100多年来,这个新剧院一直是高质量的戏剧、音乐剧、舞蹈和儿童表演的场所。
    【真句】Befre there was the written wrd, there was the language f dance.【2018全国III卷】在文字出现之前,就有了舞蹈的语言。
    danger [ˈdeɪndʒə] n. 危险
    短语:be in dander f ding sth 有……的危险;in danger有危险
    【真句】The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerusly ht. 【2023新高考Ⅰ卷】饺子热气腾腾,热得很危险。
    【真句】The prmise and danger f true AGI are great. But all f tday's excited discussin abut these pssibilities presuppses the fact that we will be able t build these systems. 【2020北京】真正AGI的承诺和危险是巨大的。但是,今天关于这些可能性的所有激动人心的讨论都以我们能够建立这些系统为前提。
    【真句】Smetimes We decide that a little unnecessary danger is wrth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems wrth taking.【2016北京卷】有时我们认为有一点不必要的危险是值得的,因为当我们权衡风险和回报时,风险似乎值得承担。
    【真句】Farm animals will be in danger and have t be shipped away.【2015江苏阅读】农场上的动物将会有危险,并且不得不被运走。
    danger的形容词形式:dangerusadj. 危险的
    dark [dɑːk] adj. 黑的;黑暗的
    【真句】Her dark eyes meeting his.【2020.7天津】她的黑眼睛与他的相遇。
    【真句】When the children are walking r cycling t schl n dark mrnings, car drivers can easily see them.【2019年6月浙江卷】当孩子们在黑暗的早晨步行或骑自行车去学校时,汽车司机可以很容易地看到他们。
    【真句】I saw a dark future fr my nce sweet daughter.【2015重庆完形】对于曾今的可爱的女儿,我看到了她的黑暗的未来。
    dash [dæʃ] v. n. 急冲,猛冲
    【真句】I tk advantage f my brief freedm t dash acrss the lawn(草坪)—and hit a large maple tree!【2020年1月浙江卷】我利用我短暂的自由动作冲过草坪,撞到了一棵大枫树!
    【真句】I dashed t the frnt dr.【2013湖南完形】我猛冲到前门。
    dare [deə] v. 敢
    用法:dare (t) d sth 敢
    【真句】Hw dare d yu say that! Wh are yu t take us dwn, eh?【2021八省联考】你怎么敢这么说!你是谁来把我们打倒的,嗯?
    【真句】In the beginning, I dared myself t make a difference in the life f anther persn. 【2021.6北京】一开始,我敢于改变另一个人的生活。
    【真句】Many peple dn’t dare t apprach Nature any mre; t them the wrld they were brn t enjy is all threat.【2014天津阅读】许多人再也不敢接近大自然了;对于他们而言他们生儿享受的世界是一个威胁。
    dismiss [dɪsˈmɪs] v. 解雇,开除;拒绝考虑,否定
    【真句】The data als cast dubt n the idea that the LED lighting revlutin will lead t energy cst savings. 【】
    But the prblem shuld nt be dismissed ut f hand, as it has been by sme AI researchers.【2017北京】 但这个问题不应该被忽视,就像一些人工智能研究人员所做的那样。
    data [ˈdeɪtə] 数据
    【真句】Data abut the mn's cmpsitin, such as hw much ice and ther treasures it cntains...【2020全国1卷】关于月球组成的数据,比如它含有多少冰和其他宝藏...
    【真句】 is increasing, and nine lack enugh data. 【2019全国一卷】…一个在增加,九个缺乏足够的数据。
    【真句】Such a tag carries infrmatin specific t that bject, and the data can be updated.【2012湖北阅读】这样的标签带有特定产品的信息,并且数据可以被更新。
    database [ˈdeɪtbeɪs] n. 数据库
    【真句】Analyses f a language database als cnfirmed that there was a glbal change in the sund f wrld languages after the Nelithic age, with the use f “f” and “v” increasing remarkably during the last few thusand years.【2022.6新高考1卷】对语言数据库的分析也证实,在新石器时代之后,世界语言的声音发生了全球变化,“f”和“v”的使用在过去几千年里显著增加。
    depsit [dɪˈpɔzɪt] n. 定金,押金;存款
    【真句】Terri, wh nw rents abhuse with friends in Wandswrth, Suth West Lndn, says DIY als saves her frm lsing any depsit when a tenancy (租期) cmes t an end.【2023全国甲卷】特里现在和朋友一起在伦敦西南部的旺兹沃斯租房子,她说DIY还能让她在租约到期时避免损失任何押金
    【真句】Arund 100 peple have already put dwn a $10,000 depsit...【2017全国】大约有100人已经支付了1万美元的定金。
    date [ˈdeɪtə] n. 日子,日期;约会 v. 与……谈恋爱
    【真句】Students will wrk in grups t cmplete fur assignments (作业) during the curse. All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date thrugh Blackbard, ur nline learning and curse management system.【2022年6月新高考1卷】在课程中,学生们将组成小组完成四项作业。所有作业将在指定日期前通过我们的在线学习和课程管理系统黑板提交。
    【真句】An essay nt submitted in class n the due date will lse a letter grade fr each class perid it is late.【2022年6月新高考1卷】未在截止日期提交的论文将在每节课迟到时失去一个字母成绩。
    短语:date frm = date back t 追溯到,源于
    【真句】It’s a charming small French clck, made f brass and dating frm the nineteenth century.【2013上海阅读】
    ut f date 过时的(utdated 过时的)
    【真句】The typical example is cmputers, which are almst ut-f- date nce they are bught.【2013重庆阅读】
    【真句】Statin Street Hspital had ut- dated facilities befre 2004.【2006江西阅读】 Statin Street Hspita有2004之前的过时设施。
    up t date 最新的(updated更新的)
    【真句】G t the Science Museum website, and yu’ll find lts f up-t- date infrmatin.【2015陕西】
    【真句】Fr the biggest stadiums in the wrld, we have used data supplied by the Wrld Atlas list s far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated infrmatin frm fficial stadium websites.【2021年6月全国乙卷】对于世界上最大的体育场,我们使用了世界地图集列表提供的数据,该列表根据它们所述的永久容量对它们进行排名,以及来自官方体育场网站的更新信息。
    daughter [ˈdɔːtə] n. 女儿
    【真句】Pahlssn screamed s ludly that her daughter came running frm the huse.【2017年6月浙江卷】帕尔森尖叫得那么厉害,以致于她的女儿从屋里跑了出来。
    dawn [dɔːn] n.黎明
    短语: frm dawn t dusk 从早到晚
    【真句】Frm dawn t dusk, he wrks cuntless hurs t supprt ur family.【2013天津完形】从早到晚他不停地工作去养家糊口。
    at dawn 在黎明
    【真句】The day starts at dawn n my farm. 【2018浙江卷】在我的农场里,这一天从黎明时分就开始了。
    【真句】They start wrk at dawn.【高考真句】他们在黎明开始工作。
    die [daɪ] v. 死,死亡
    die的名词形式:death 死亡
    die的形容词形式:dead 死了的;deadly 致命的
    【真句】The man hadn’t cared abut ptentially deadly cnsequences.【2013 四川完形】那个人没有在意潜在的致命后果。
    【真句】Hlden returned hme frm his hliday upset and cnvinced his pet was dead.【2015陕西阅读】Hlden度假回来的时候感到很伤心,认为他的宠物已经死了。
    deadline [ˈdedlaɪn] n. 截止日期
    【真句】If yu are in need f a deadline extensin, simply explain the situatin t the prfessr. 【2019年全国3】如果你需要延长截止日期,只需向教授解释一下情况。
    【真句】The deadline fr my prject is next Mnday.【2015陕西】我的项目的截止日期是下个星期一。
    deaf [def] adj. 聋的
    【真句】Yung peple may risk ging deaf if they are expsed t very lud music every day.【2013上海】如果年青人每天都暴露于大声的音乐中他们会有失聪的风险。
    deal [diːl] v.
    短语:deal with;处理; 涉及,讨论
    【真句】If yu are planning t start a career in the field f educatin, science, r culture, then an internship(实习)at UNESCO will be ideal fr yu.【2021.6北京卷】如果你打算开始教育、科学或文化领域的职业生涯,那么在联合国教科文组织实习将是你的理想选择。
    【真句】"Let's lk directly int the issue f cllapse, " they say, "and deal with the terrible pssibilities f what we see there t make the best f a trubling future."【2021年6月北京卷】“让我们直面崩溃的问题,”他们说,“并处理我们在那里看到的可怕的可能性,以最好地利用一个令人不安的未来。”
    短语:deal with sb 与某人相处
    【真句】Learning t reslve cnflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bsses, and cwrkers. 【2012浙江阅读】学习解决问题可以帮助学生与朋友、老师以及同事相处。
    a great deal (f) 大量(的)
    【真句】I spend a great deal f my time thinking abut the pwer f language.【2014天津阅读】我花大量的时间思考语言的力量。
    a big deal 大事,重要的事
    In fact, it is actually a very big deal!【2015安徽任务型读写】事实上这是一件大事。
    dear [dɪə] adj. 亲爱的
    debate [dɪˈbeɪt] n. v. 讨论,辩论
    【真句】We are having a debate abut this tpic.【2015湖南阅读】关于这个话题我们进行了讨论。
    【真句】Recently a survey cmparing prices f the same gds in tw different supermarkets has caused heated debate amng citizens.【2015江苏】最近,比较同一商品在不同超市的调查在市民中引起了激烈讨论
    debt [det] n. 债务,欠款
    【真句】Their debts will be paid ff within 25 years.【2015山东阅读】他们的债务在25年内将会被还清。
    短语:be in debt 欠债
    【真句】The teenagers expected t be in debt when they finished university r training.【2013上海阅读】
    decade [ˈdekeɪd] n. 十年
    【真句】Fr nearly a decade nw,Merebeth has been a self-emplyed pet transprt specialist. Her pet transprt jb was brn f the financial crisis(危机)in the late 2000s.【2022年1月浙江卷】近十年来,梅雷贝斯一直是一名自营宠物运输专家。她的宠物运输工作诞生于21世纪十年末的金融危机。
    decisin [dɪˈsɪʒn] n.决定
    【真句】Basing an imprtant decisin mre n emtin than n reasn, yu will regret it sner r later.【2012江苏】基于情感而非理智做决定,你迟早会后悔。
    短语:make a decisin 做决定
    【真句】My husband made the decisin fr me.【2013天津阅读】我的丈夫为我做了那个决定。
    decisin的形容词形式为decisive adj. 决定性的
    decide [dɪˈsaɪd] v. 决定;判断
    【真句】The pignancy(酸楚)f Jrdan retiring frm his belved basketball t play baseball and what had pushed him t make such a tugh decisin tk me by surprise. 【】乔丹的辛酸从他心爱的篮球中退役去打棒球,是什么促使他做出如此艰难的决定,让我大吃一惊。
    【真句】Eudra Welty decided t take a cuple f New Yrk friends ut t dinner.【2016全国三】Eudra Welty决定带两个纽约朋友去外面吃饭。
    【真句】She had just been adpted by a family in twn wh decided that the best way fr her t learn American ways f life was t be with American kids.【2014北京完形】她被镇上的一户美国家庭收养,他们判断让她了解美国生活方式的最好办法就是让他和美国孩子在一起。
    短语:decide n 选定
    【真句】The nly prblem arse in New Yrk, where lcal readers culd nt decide n ne bk t represent the huge and diverse ppulatin.【2015天津阅读】唯一的问题出现在纽约,在哪儿当地的读者很难选定一本书来代表巨大的、多种多样的人口。
    declare [dɪˈkleə] v.宣布;宣称,声称
    【真句】The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum f HK $25,000 and be sentenced t up t 3 years in prisn.【2015福建阅读】被宣布有罪的驾车人员也许会被罚款HK $25,000,并且入狱多达三年。
    【真句】Sme scientists declare that mst f ur fatigue cmes frm ur mental and emtinal attitudes.【2013辽宁阅读】 一些科学家声称大多数疲劳来自于精神和心灵的态度。
    近义词:annunce 宣布
    decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v. 拒绝;下降;逐渐变差 n. 下降
    【真句】The decline is nt because we have all becme lazy, Families are pressed fr time, many with bth parents wrking t pay fr their huse, ften wrking hurs nt f their chsing, living in car-dependent neighbrhds with limited public transprt.【2021.1浙江卷】这种下降并不是因为我们都变得懒惰,家庭时间紧迫,许多家庭的父母都在工作来支付他们的房子,工作时间往往不是他们自己选择的,生活在依赖汽车的社区,公共交通有限。
    【真句】The prblem is that if we invest little time in a persn, ur engagement with that persn will decline.【2015福建阅读】问题是如果我们在某个人身上花的时间少了,我们与那个人的关系就会变差
    【真句】Jb efficiency declines while multitasking, as cmpared t when they perfrm nly ne task at a time.【2015浙江阅读】与一次只做一件事情相比,当人们同时处理多项任务的时候工作效率就会下降。
    【真句】Fd shrtages in the 1840s led t a decline in ppulatin.【2015安徽阅读】20世纪40年代的食物短缺导致人口下降。
    含有“下降,减少”之意的词有:drp; sink; cut; fall; decrease
    decrate [ˈdekəreɪt] v.装潢,装饰
    【真句】The next time yu are deciding n what t wear r what clr t decrate yur rm, think abut the clr carefully.【2012安徽阅读】下次决定穿什么或用什么颜色装潢房间的时候要仔细考虑颜色。
    用法:decrate A with B 用B装饰A
    【真句】It’s such a happy-lking library, painted yellw, decrated with palm-tree stickers and sheltered frm the Flrida sun by its wn rf.【2013湖南阅读】这是一个非常好看的图书馆,它被涂成黄色,并装饰有棕榈树的贴纸,此外其屋顶可以遮挡来自佛罗里达的阳光
    decrate的名词形式:decratin 装饰,装饰品
    decrease [dɪˈkri:s] v. n. 下降,减少
    【真句】If yu have any f these symptms, change yur life gals and decrease yur tlerance f stress.【2012浙江阅读】如果你有任何这些症状,改变你的生活目标并且减少承受的压力。
    【真句】The ppulatin is decreasing in lder American cities.【2015安徽阅读】在较老的美国城市中人口数量正在下降。
    deed [diːd] n. 行为
    【真句】Keeping n ding gd deeds brings us peace f mind, which is imprtant fr ur happiness.【2012广东阅读】持续做好事给我们带来平和的心态,这对于幸福是很重要的。
    易混词:indeed 的确,确实
    【真句】A small kindness can indeed make a difference.【2014浙江完形】一个小小的善举的确可以带来影响。
    deep [diːp] adj. 深的
    deep的名词形式:depth 深度;deep的动词形式:deepen v. 加深
    deer [dɪə] n. 鹿
    defeat [dɪˈfiːt] v. 打败 n. 失败;
    【真句】Frd wn the race and defeated the Wintn.【2015辽宁阅读】Frd赢得了比赛并且打败了 Wintn
    【真句】Enthusiasm becmes an irresistible frce which pverty and temprary defeat can never match.【2015江苏完形】热情变成了不可抗拒的力量,贫穷和暂时的失败是不能与之匹配的。
    同义词:beat v. 打败
    defend [dɪˈfend] v. 保护;为……辩护/辩解;防守
    【真句】The traveler may fire at a wild beast t defend himself in case he is attacked.【2014辽宁阅读】
    【真句】Dn’t defend him any mre.It’s bvius that he deliberately destryed the fence f the garden even withut aplgy.【2013湖北阅读】不要再为他辩解了!很明显他故意弄坏围墙甚至还不道歉。
    【真句】Sme players are better at defending. 有些运动员较擅长防守。
    【真句】The rbt can help yu defend yurself when yu g utside with him.【2014江西阅读】当你和这个机器人一起外出的时候,它可以保护你
    defend A frm/against B 保护A免受B伤害
    【真句】They help the bdy defend itself against sme kinds f infectins.【2016四川七选五】它们可以帮助保护身体免受感染的伤害。
    defend的形容词形式:defensive adj. 防御的
    define [dɪˈfaɪn] v. 界定,确定;给……下定义
    【真句】A child is defined as anyne frm the ages f 4 years t under 16 years.【2012上海阅读】四岁到16岁以下的人被界定为儿童。
    【真句】Oxfrd English Dictinary defined 414,825 wrds.【2012山东阅读】牛津英语字典给41482个单词下了定义
    definitin [ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn] n. 定义
    【真句】Scilgists have a clear definitin f the middle class.【2013陕西阅读】社会学家对中产阶级有清楚的定义。
    definitely [ˈdefɪnətli] adv. 确切地,绝对地
    【真句】I am definitely the best in the wrld.【2015江西】我绝对是这个世界上最棒的。
    同义词:certainly adv. 绝对地;abslutely adv. 绝对地
    degree [dɪˈɡriː] n. 度数;学位;程度
    【真句】The wrries mst peple have abut a Humanities degree and finding a career afterwards are that the majrs are t abstract, and ne will nt btain any applicable skills.【2019.3天津卷】大多数人对人文学科学位和毕业后找工作的担忧是,专业太抽象,无法获得任何实用技能。
    【真句】The climate changes nly fr five degrees between seasns.【2014全国二阅读】季节之间的变换只有5度。
    【真句】Water freezes at zer degree.【高考真句】水在零度时结冰。
    短语:t a degree /t a certain degree/ t sme degree 在一定程度上
    【真句】Our feelings f well-being at any mment are determined t a certain degree by genes.【2012湖北阅读】
    同义词:extent n. 程度
    delay [dɪˈleɪ] v. n. 耽误,耽搁;推迟,
    【真句】When the delayed flight will take ff depends much n the weather.【2014陕西】延误的航班何时起飞很大程度上取决于天气
    用法:delay ding 推迟做某事
    【真句】He delayed running the necessary tests.【2015湖北阅读】他推迟进行这些重要的测试。
    同义词:pstpne v. 延期,推迟;put back 延期,推迟;put ff 推迟,延期
    delete [dɪˈli:t] v. 删除,删去 同义词:remve v. 移除;cancel v. 删除,取消
    deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərət] adj. 故意的;
    【真句】Thse wh are deliberately late t create impressin shuld nt be frgiven.【2015陕西阅读】那些故意迟到以使别人印象深刻的人不应该被原谅。
    delicate [ˈdelɪkət] adj. 微妙的;易碎的,脆弱的;优美的,优雅的
    【真句】Emtins have delicate influence n fellw humans.【2013湖南阅读】 情感对周围的人有微妙的影响。
    【真句】Mst transparent animals are extremely delicate and can be damaged by a simple tuch.【2014北京阅读】 大多数透明的动物都是脆弱的,轻轻一碰都会使他们受到伤害。
    【真句】But fine, delicate lines d nt cmmand attentin next t printed text.【2015安徽完形】 但是(笔书写出来的)好的、优美线条所博得的注意力并不次于打印出来的文章。
    delicius [dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的
    同义词:yummy adj. 好吃的;tasty adj. 美味的
    delight [dɪˈlaɪt] n. 高兴;令人高兴的事; v. 使高兴
    【真句】Their delight at winning a race r getting a new bike is unreserved.【2013天津阅读】他们赢得比赛或者得到自行车的高兴是毫不掩饰的
    【真句】What delighted the fans was that the yung player perfrmed extremely well in the table tennis.【2013湖北书面表达】令球迷高兴的是那位年轻的球员在乒乓球锦标赛中表现得极为出色。
    短语:take delight in 以(做)某事为乐;
    【真句】She takes delight in helping thers.【2014天津阅读】她以帮助别人为乐。
    t ne’s delight 令某人高兴
    【真句】Apparently, I had difficulty adapting myself t life in the city, let alne finding a jb t my delight.【2014上海】明显我很难适应城市生活,更不用说找一个令我高兴的工作。
    delighted [di'laitid] adj. 高兴的
    用法:be delighted t d高兴做某事; be delighted with/at/by 对……很高兴
    【真句】The huse was small, but at first we were all just delighted t be in a new place.【2014四川阅读】
    【真句】They were delighted at the news that their team had wn.【2014重庆】他们很高兴听到他们的队赢得了比赛。
    delightful [dɪˈlaɪtfl] adj. 令人高兴的
    【真句】It's delightful t see s many beautiful flwers.【2015卷二阅读】看到如此多的漂亮的花是令人高兴的。
    deliver [dɪˈlɪvə] v. 递送,传送;
    【真句】PASS desn’t re-teach r deliver new cntent.【2022年6月北京卷】PASS不会重新教授或交付新内容。
    【真句】Having been bitten twice, the pstman refused t deliver ur letters unless we chained ur dg.【2014北京】之前被狗咬了两次,邮递员拒绝给我们送信除非我们把狗锁起来。
    用法:deliver/give a speech/lecture/address 发言/授课/讲话
    【真句】Ten students will deliver their speeches n the given tpic “Man and Nature”.【2015全国一写作】
    delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri]n. 递送,传递
    【真句】Merebeth's pet delivery service satisfies her wanderlust.【2022年1月浙江卷】梅里贝丝的宠物运送服务满足了她的旅游欲望。
    Why des hme milk delivery n lnger exist? 【2015全国一阅读】为什么牛奶递送服务不存在了。
    demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] n. 需要,需求;要求 v. 需要;要求
    【真句】Yet the demand is there, with UneeQ seeing high adptin f its digital emplyees acrss the financial, health care, and cmmercial sectrs.【2021年6月天津卷】 然而,需求是存在的,随着UneeQ的数字员工在金融、医疗和商业部门的大量采用。
    【真句】In 1973, kidnappers tk his 16-year-ld grandsn, and demanded a large amunt f mney fr his safe return.【2013山东阅读】在1973年,绑架者带走了他16岁的孙子并要求大量的赎金才让其孙子安全回来。
    近义词:require v. 要求,需要;request n. v. 要求,请求;rder n. v. 要求;insist v. 坚持要求
    dentist [ˈdentɪst] n. 牙医
    department [dɪˈpɑːtmənt] n. 部门,(机关的)处,(大学的)系
    【真句】A French medical-imaging technlgist—als a hypntist—was invited t train a few members in the medical-imaging department f the children's hspital.【2021.3天津卷】一位法国医学影像技术专家和一位催眠师应邀在儿童医院的医学影像部门培训一些成员。
    【真句】Sam has been appinted manager f the engineering department t take the place f Gerge.【2012重庆】萨姆被任命为工程部的经理以代替乔治。
    department stre n. 百货商场
    departure [dɪˈpɑːtʃə] n. 离开;(航班,火车等的)出发
    【真句】10% OFF ALL BOOKINGS fr departures frm 5 t 11 September【2015福建阅读】 预定日期在2015年5到11号离开的可以享受百分之十的减免。
    【真句】Departure date【2015福建阅读】出发时间
    depend [dɪˈpend] vi. 依靠,依赖
    depend n 依靠,依赖;取决于;
    【真句】The deadlines and what yu need t apply depend n the prgram.
    【真句】If ur parents d everything fr us children, we wn't learn t depend n urselves.【2015上海】如果父母为我们小孩作所有的事情,那么我们就不能依靠我们自己。
    【真句】This shws hw much we depend n water t live.【2013安徽阅读】这显示出我们是多么地依赖水去生存
    【真句】The diet f these animals will be different depending n the seasn.【2012全国一阅读】这些动物的饮食是不一样的,这取决于季节
    用法:It / That depends. 视情况而定。
    同义词组:cunt n 依靠;rely n 依靠
    depend的形容词形式:dependent; independent; dependable
    depend的名词形式:dependence independence
    dependence [dɪˈpendəns] n. 依靠
    Starting yur wn business culd be a way t achieve financial in dependence.【2014辽宁】创业是获得经济独立的一个方式。
    dependence的反义词:independence [ˌɪndɪˈpendəns] n. 独立
    Independence is the key t ne’s success.【2016天津】独立是成功的关键。
    dependent [dɪˈpendənt] adj. 依靠的,依赖的
    The fact that cllege students are financially dependent n their parents is nthing new.【2015北京阅读】 大学生在经济上依靠父母的这一事实并不是什么新鲜的。
    dependent的反义词:independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt] adj. 独立的
    The prfessr was delighted t find that tw thirds f the prject had been finished by the students independently.【2015湖北完成句子】教授高兴地发现学生们已独立完成了该项目三分之二的工作。
    dependable [dɪˈpendəbl] adj. 可靠的,可依赖的
    He shuld he cheerful, dependable, and easy-ging.【2013安徽阅读】他应该是快乐的,可靠的并且随和的。
    depsit [dɪˈpɔzɪt] n. 定金,押金;存款
    describe [dɪˈskraɪb] v. 叙述,描述
    【真句】We prefer t describe emtinal intelligence as a specific set f skills that can be used fr either gd r bad purpses. 【2021年6月新高考Ⅰ卷】我们更愿意将情商描述为一套特定的技能,可以用于好的或坏的目的。
    【真句】Smetimes students wuld ask me t describe all the things I had in it. 【2020海南】有时学生们会让我描述我所有的东西。
    The surprising experiment I am abut t describe prves that air is all arund yu.【2014江西阅读】
    describe的名词形式:descriptin [dɪˈskrɪpʃən] 叙述,描述(注意其拼写)
    desert [dɪˈzɜːt] v. 抛弃,遗弃 n. 沙漠
    A natinal law was passed t give prisn sentences t peple wh desert cats r dgs.【2012天津阅读】国家通过了对于抛弃动物的人以监禁的法律。
    N matter hw dry a desert may be, it is nt necessarily lifeless.【2015辽宁】不管沙漠是多么的干旱,它未必没有生命。
    易混词:dessert n. 甜点
    deserted [dɪˈzɜ:tɪd] adj. 被抛弃的;空无一人的
    Humans will find it hard t deal with the deserted bee hives.【2013全国一阅读】人们发现处理被抛弃的蜜蜂箱比较困难。
    The plice fund his wallet n a deserted beach but the bdy was never fund.【2014上海阅读】警察在空无一人的沙滩上找到了他的钱包,但是并没有找到他的尸体。
    deserve [dɪˈzɜːv] v. 值得,应得
    E-waste deserves t be made gd use f.【2015江苏阅读】电子垃圾值得被好好利用。
    design [dɪˈzaɪn] v.设计; n. 设计
    Their website is designed mainly fr students.【2015浙江阅读】网站主要是为学生设计的
    The system has been designed t give students quick and easy t the digital resurces f the library. 【2014浙江】系统被设计来给学生更快更容易获得图书馆的数字资源。
    短语:by design 故意地
    We dn't knw if it was dne by accident r by design.【高考真句】我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的.
    同意词:n purpse; deliberately; intentinally 故意地
    desire [dɪˈzaɪə]n. v. 欲望,渴望(注意:desire作动词时为及物动词)
    When it cmes t friends, I desire thse wh will share my happiness.【2013北京阅读】在朋友方面,我渴望那些可以和我分享快乐的朋友。
    用法:desire t d渴望做某事
    The findings indicate that many peple multitask nt ut f a desire t increase prductivity, but because they are easily distracted and can’t fcus n ne activity.【2013北京阅读】研究发现许多做多任务处理的人不是出于他们渴望增加生产效率而是因为他们很容易分心并且不能集中于一个活动。
    desire fr渴 望某事
    Keynes was surely crrect that nly a small part f ttal spending is decided by the desire fr superirity. 【2012重庆阅读】凯恩斯当然是正确的:总支出当中只有一小部分是由渴望优越决定的
    desk [desk] n. 书桌
    dessert [dɪˈzɜ:t] n. 甜点
    desperate [ˈdespərət] adj. 绝望的;渴望的;极其需要的;不顾一切的
    A birdwatcher, armed with a telescpe, fund the pet sitting desperately n a rck.【2015陕西阅读】
    It was just enugh fr her t have the peratin she s desperately needed.【2014陕西阅读】这仅仅足够支付他极其需要的手术。
    They struggled in their desperate attempts t escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrng directin.【2015湖北阅读】他们不顾一切的尝试逃跑但是却错过了出口,并开始朝反方向走去。
    用法:be desperate t d 渴望做某事;
    She is desperate t influence thers with their knwledge.【2015天津阅读】他渴望用知识影响其他人。
    be desperate fr sth 渴望某事
    The nly reasn a man wuld sell salt at a lwer price wuld be because he was desperate fr mney. 【2013广东阅读】一个人低价卖烟的原因是因为他渴望钱。
    destinatin [destɪˈneɪʃən] n. 目的的
    Yangshu is fast becming a ppular weekend destinatin fr peple in Asia.【2015全国一语法填空】阳朔很快成为亚洲人周末的度假目的地。
    destry [dɪˈstrɔɪ] v. 破坏,毁掉 (严重毁坏,程度为不可使用或不能恢复)
    Ninety percent f their island was destryed and they had nthing.【2012山东阅读】90%的岛屿都被毁坏了,并且他们一无所有。
    Withut knwledge, we may be cmpletely destryed by the danger.【2015江西阅读】没有知识我们也许被危险毁掉了
    destructin [dɪˈstrʌkʃn] n. 破坏,毁灭
    On a mre glbal level, the destructin f the rainfrest threatens human life.【2015陕西阅读】就全球而言,雨林的破坏会威胁人类的生命。
    detail [ˈdi:teɪl] n. 细节
    I’d eagerly wait fr the phne t ring and then tell her every detail f my day.【2014天津完形】我会热切地等待她的电话然后告诉她这一天的所有细节。
    短语:in detail 详细地
    Jim’s search fr his family was described in detail.【2013江苏阅读】文章详细地描述了吉姆对家庭的寻找。
    detailed [ˈdi:teɪld] adj. 详细的
    detailed accunts f daily activities.【2013湖北阅读】日常活动的详细描述。
    detect [dɪˈtekt] v. 发现,察觉
    The prblem is t difficult fr researchers t detect.【2014北京阅读】研究者很难发现这个问题。
    含有“发现”之意的词:discver v. 发现;spt v. 发现;ntice v. 注意到
    detect的名词形式: detective [dɪˈtektɪv] n. 侦探
    determine [dɪˈtɜːmɪn] v. 查明;决定 .
    Cmputer and vide systems culd be used by prfessinal dg trainers t determine the md f dgs that they were required t apprach.【2012福建阅读】专业的狗狗训练师可以用电脑和视频系统去查明他们被要求去接近的狗的情绪。
    Our feelings f well-being at any mment are determined t a certain degree by genes.【2012湖北阅读】
    用法:determine t d 决定做某事
    I merely determined t make a list f all the bks I had ever read.【2012四川阅读】我仅仅决心列一个我以前读过的书的清单。
    determined [dɪˈtɜːmɪnd]adj. 有决心的;坚决的,坚定的
    He was determined that nne f his children wuld be denied an educatin.【2015 福建阅读】他决心不让他的任何一个孩子被剥夺受教育。
    Dr. Minr is brave and determined.【2012山东阅读】Minr医生是勇敢并且坚定的。
    determinatin [dɪtɜːmɪˈneɪʃən] n. 决心;毅力
    My father taught me mre abut curage and determinatin than all the wrds he used thse 30-plus years ag.【2014福建阅读】与他30多年来所说的所有的话相比,我的爸爸更多教了我勇气和毅力。
    I was trn between the desire t help them and change their lives, and the determinatin nt t repeat their mistakes.【2015陕西阅读】我感到非常痛苦:一方面我渴望帮助他们并改善他们的生活,另一方面我又决心不再重复他们所犯的错误。
    develp [dɪˈveləp] v. 发展;研发;形成;产生;患(病);阐述(观点);冲洗(照片)
    China will get much-needed resurces and develp its western regins.【2015江苏阅读】中国将会得到急需的资源然后发展西部地区。
    Many peple use nline maps develped by Ggle.【2015重庆阅读】许多人用由谷歌研发的网络地图。
    He develped a lve fr the utdrs and went t Nepal t climb muntains.【2013浙江阅读】他对户外运动产生了爱意并且前往尼泊尔去爬山。
    In 1997 I was fund t have develped diabetes.【2014重庆阅读】在1997年我被发现患上了糖尿病。
    She develped pictures in dark labs.【2014浙江阅读】她在黑暗的实验室里面冲洗照片。
    The third paragraph is develped mainly by prviding different examples.【2014重庆阅读】第三段主要通过提供不同的例子阐述的。
    develp的名词形式:develpment [dɪˈveləpmənt] n. 发展;开发
    develp的形容词形式:develped; develping
    develped [dɪˈveləpt] adj. 发达的;成熟的,先进的
    develped cuntries 发达国家
    The baby mnkey is much mre develped at birth than the human baby.【2013浙江阅读】在出生时,小猴子比婴儿更成熟。
    develping [dɪˈveləpɪŋ] adj. 发展中的 develping cuntries 发展中国家
    devte [dɪˈvəʊt] v. 投入,致力
    用法:devte A t B 将A投入于B
    Fitzgerald began t devte mre time t his writing.【2015福建阅读】Fitzgerald开始更多地将时间投入于写作。
    Fr ten years Nyad devted herself t becming ne f the wrld’s best lng-distance swimmers.【2012天津写作】10年来,Nyad致力于成为世界上最好的长距离游泳运动员。
    be devted t (ding) 致力于,投入到
    My life had been s much devted t wrk fr s lng, and I felt grateful that my sns were happy t welcme me int their wrld.【2014四川完形】我的生活曾今很长一段时间内都致力于工作,我很感激孩子们现在欢迎我进入他们的世界。
    devte neself t (ding) sth 致力于,投入到
    Later in math class, Jenna devted herself t figuring ut the prblems that had given her s much truble. 【2013天津完形】在之后的数学课上,Jenna致力于解决给她带来许多麻烦的问题。
    devtin [dɪˈvəʊʃn] n. 奉献,挚爱
    Peters died in 1984, and a ten-ft wden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memry f its builder and his devtin t the prject.【2012山东阅读】皮特死于1984年,一个10尺搞的木质松树雕像被放在桥的附近以纪念其建造者和其对这个项目的奉献。
    devted [dɪˈvəʊtid] adj. 挚爱的;忠实的
    Cinderella’s tw stepsisters fllwed her, pretending t be devted t her s that they culd enjy the king’s riches.【2014福建阅读】灰姑娘继母的女儿跟着她,假装爱她的目的是为了能够享受国王的富有。
    Perhaps the UNO culd set up a bdy f devted men and wmen in every cuntry wh can speedily distribute aid t victims f flds and earthquakes.【2013江西阅读】也许UNO可以在每一个国家设立一个有忠实的人组成的机构,他们可以迅速地将援助分配给洪水和地震的受害者。
    diagram [ˈdaɪəɡræm] n. 图表,图样
    dial [ˈdaɪl] vt. 拨(电话号码)
    dialgue [ˈdaɪəlɔɡ] n. 对话
    diamnd [ˈdaɪəmənd] n. 钻石
    diary [ˈdaɪərɪ] n. 日记
    dictatin [dɪkˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 听写
    dictinary [ˈdɪkʃənərɪ] n. 词典,字典
    diet [ˈdaɪət] n. 饮食;节食 v. 节食
    Diet fds can indirectly harm ur bdies because cnsuming them means we are preventing ur bdies frm having basic nutrients.【2013北京阅读】节食产品会间接地伤害我们的绳梯,因为食用它们意味着阻止我们的身体获得基本的营养物质。
    Humans generally diet t imprve health r increase attractiveness.【2014湖南阅读】人们节食总体上是为了改善健康或增加吸引力。
    Such a diet is based primarily n grain prducts, fruits, and vegetables, with mderate amunts f meat and dairy prducts.【2013上海阅读】这样的饮食主要基于粗粮产品、水果、蔬菜以及适量的肉类和奶制品。
    用法:g/be n a diet 节食
    She seemed t be n a diet.【高考真句】她似乎在节食。
    different [ˈdɪfrənt] adj. 不同的
    用法:be different frm 与……不同
    Scientists think the first interactins humans had with hrses were far different frm thse tday.【2013北京阅读】科学家们认为最初人与马的互动不同与今天人与马的互动。
    be different in 在……方面不同
    Althugh all kites have a similar structure, they are widely different in size and shape.【2012安徽阅读】尽管所有的风筝都有相似的结构,但是它们在尺寸和形状上有很大的不同。
    difference [ˈdɪfrəns] n. 差异,差别
    This difference may explain why men are mre likely t suffer frm stress-related disrders.【2012上海阅读】这个差异也许解释了为什么男人更有可能遭受与压力相关的疾病。
    用法:make a/the difference (t) (对……)有影响,有作用
    We try t create wrk experience pprtunities that will really make a difference t ur yuth.【2013福建阅读】我们努力创造一些提供工作经验的机会,这些机会对我们的青年人会产生很大的影响。
    differ [ˈdɪfə] v. 不同
    用法:differ in 在……方面不同;
    Leaves are fund n all kinds f trees, but they differ greatly in size and shape.【2012上海】所有种类的树都有叶子,但是他们在大小和形状上有很大不同
    differ frm 与……不同
    Hw d adlescent peer grups differ frm childhd peer grups? 【2012上海阅读】成年组同龄人与儿童组同龄人是怎样不一样的。
    difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt] adj. 困难的,不容易的;(人)不宜相处的
    Yu may think that sailing is a difficult sprt, but it is really nt hard t learn it.【2012全国二阅读】你也许认为帆船运动是一项不容易的运动,但是学这项运动真的不难。
    They als say it is difficult t knw if students are learning well.【2015辽宁阅读】他们也说很难知道学生是否学的好
    Hw des a difficult persn knw that yu’re listening and understanding?【2015安徽任务型读写】一个难以相处的人怎样知道你在倾听并且了解他们
    difficulty [ˈdɪfɪkəltɪ] n. 困难
    用法:have difficulty (in) ding sth 做……有困难
    Apparently, I had difficulty adapting myself t life in the city, let alne finding a jb t my delight.【2014上海阅读】明显我很难适应城市生活,更不用说找一个令我高兴的工作。
    dig [dɪɡ] v.挖;挖掘
    digest [daɪˈdʒest] n. v. 消化,理解
    In his pinin, reading means taking in the infrmatin, digesting it and incrprating it int neself just as ne digests a sandwich and makes it a part f himself.【2015湖北阅读】根据他的观点,阅读意味着吸收信息、理解信息以及并入信息就像一个人消化了一个三明治并使其成为他自己的一部分。
    digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtl] adj. 数字的,数码的 digital technlgy 数码科技
    dignity [ˈdɪɡnɪtɪ] n. 尊严,自尊
    Sme parents frgt their duty and their dignity.【2015浙江阅读】一些父母忘记了他们的职责和尊严。
    dilemma [dɪˈlemə] n. 进退两难的境地
    On-line vting becmes increasingly ppular, and many cmpetitins get peple invlved in it. It is beneficial t sme peple, while it puts thers int a dilemma ver whether t vte r nt.【2016江苏书面表达】
    dinner [ˈdɪnə] n. 正餐,晚餐
    dinsaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔː] n. 恐龙
    dixide [daɪˈɔksaɪd] n.二氧化物
    carbn dixide 二氧化碳
    dip [dɪp] vt. 浸,蘸
    diplma [dɪˈpləʊmə] n.文凭
    direct [dɪˈrekt] v. 指导;命令;把(某物)对准……; adj. 直接的
    The United Natins Organizatin(UNO) culd undertake t direct the distributin f aid. 【2013江西阅读】
    Giving direct help by giving materials may be effective in the shrt run and must cntinue t be given in the event f emergencies. 【2013江西阅读】通过给物质这种直接的帮助也许在短期是有效的,并且在紧急情况发生的时候还得给。
    prfessr Andreas Bernard directed all his attentin t this experience, studying the rigins f elevatr and its relatinship t humankind.【2014湖北阅读】Andreas Bernard将他所有的注意力对准了这项实践,研究电梯的起源以及它与人类的关系。
    direct的名词形式:directin; directr
    directin [dɪˈrekʃən] n. 方向,指导
    Yu must g first in ne directin and then in anther.【2012全国二阅读】你必须先朝一个方向走然后再朝另一个方向。
    Why men refuse t ask fr directins?【2013陕西阅读】为什么男人拒绝指导?
    短语:in the directin f…朝….方向;under sb’s directin 在……指导下
    directr [dɪˈrektə] n. 导演;主任(因为direct做动词有指导的意思,所以我们可以把directr理解为“官”)
    dirty [ˈdɜːtɪ] adj. 脏的 dirty的名词形式:dirt [dɜːt] n. 污物;脏物
    disabled [dɪsˈeɪbəld] adj. 残疾的
    This special schl accepts all disabled students, regardless f educatinal level and backgrund.【2014江苏】这个特殊学校接受所有残疾学生,不管他们的教育背景和水平怎样
    disability [dɪsəˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 残疾
    A German study suggests that peple wh were t ptimistic abut their future actually faced greater risk f disability r death within 10 years.【2013湖北阅读】德国一项研究表明那些对未来过于乐观的人实际上在10年内面对更大死亡或残疾的风险。
    disadvantage [dɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ] n. 不利条件;缺点;劣势
    The advantages f new technlgy utweigh its disadvantages.【2016北京阅读】新技术的优点大于缺点。
    disagree [dɪsəˈɡriː] v. 不同意;不一致
    用法:disagree with不同意……;与……不一致
    I disagree with this view.【2012北京阅读】 我不同意这个观点。
    disagree的名词形式:disagreement [dɪsəˈɡriːmənt] 不同意;不一致
    disagree的反义词:agree v. 同意,一致
    disappear [dɪsəˈpɪə] v. 消失
    The next mrning their happiness disappeared.【2015北京完形】第二天,他们的快乐消失了
    disappear的名词形式:disappearance 消失
    disappear的反义词:appear v. 出现
    disappint [dɪsəˈpɔɪnt] v. 使…..失望
    There are plenty f well-qualified candidates, s it is nt wrng t reject smene wh might disappint my custmers.【2012陕西阅读】有许多非常合格的候选人,所以拒绝那些可能让我失望的顾客是没有错的
    disappint的形容词形式:disappinted; disappinting
    disappinted [dɪsəˈpɔɪntid] adj. 失望的
    These jbs didn’t pay well, and the peple felt lnely and disappinted with their new life in the city.【2013安徽阅读】这些工作的工资不高,人们感到孤独并且对城市里的新生活非常失望。
    disappinting [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ] adj. 令人失望的
    disappinting news 令人失望的消息
    disappintment [dɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt] n. 失望
    If services d nt reach the high level prmised, disappintment will be the result.【2015浙江阅读】
    用法:t ne’s disappintment 令某人失望的是
    Susan was expecting her favrite singers, but t her disappintment, nne appeared.【2013全国一阅读】
    disaster [dɪˈzɑːstə] n. 灾难
    It is reprted that many a new huse is being built at present in the disaster area.【2015陕西】据报道现在许多新房屋建立在灾区
    同义词: catastrphe [kəˈtæstrəfɪ] n. 灾难
    discunt [ˈdɪskaʊnt] n. 折扣
    During 10 days yu can enjy a half price discunt and a free delivery.【2013北京阅读】在这10天内你可以享受半价折扣和免邮费。
    用法:at a discunt 以折扣价
    discurage [dɪˈskʌrɪdʒ] 使灰心;阻止,防止
    I knew that nthing wuld ever discurage him; he wuld never give up wanting t be a directr.【2015湖南】我知道任何事情都无法阻止他,他从不放弃想成为一名导演。
    D nt let any failures discurage yu, fr yu can never tell hw clse yu may be t victry.【2013湖南阅读】不要让失败让你灰心,因为你从不知道你与胜利有多近。
    用法:discurage sb frm ding sth阻止某人做某事
    Lucy wants t see if African hneybees might discurage elephants frm eating crps.【2014安徽阅读】
    discver [dɪˈskʌvə] v. 发现;了解到
    The mst imprtant skill fr children t learn is t discver things n their wn.【2012浙江阅读】
    Yu’ll discver what interests yu by taking curses in many subjects.【2014四川阅读】通过学习多门课程你将了解到什么使你感兴趣。
    discvery [dɪˈskʌvərɪ] n. 发现
    Accrding t Jack and her clleagues, the discvery shws that human cmmunicatin f emtin is mre cmplex than previusly believed.【2015湖南阅读】根据杰克和他的同事,这项发现表明人类感情交流比以前认为的要复杂。
    discriminatin [dɪskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] n. 歧视
    Sex discriminatin still exists nwadays.【2013福建阅读】性别歧视在今天仍然存在。
    discuss [dɪsˈkʌs] v. 讨论;阐述
    It may discuss a sensitive tpic.【2015浙江阅读】它有可能阐述一个敏感话题。
    用法:discuss with sb (abut) sth与某人就某事进行讨论
    When writing an essay r carrying ut prject wrk, yu can ften discuss with yur tutr abut the title and tpic.【2006福建阅读】当你写文章或实施项目的时候你可以和你的导师就标题和话题进行讨论。
    discuss sth with sb与某人谈论某事
    My parents are happy t discuss things with me and willing t listen t me.【2012北京阅读】我的父母乐于和我讨论事情并且愿意倾听。
    discuss的名词形式:discussin [dɪsˈkʌʃn] n. 讨论
    disease [dɪˈziːz] n. 疾病
    We knw very little abut these new diseases.【2014全国一阅读】关于这些新疾病我们所知甚少。
    disgusting [dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ] adj. 恶心的
    Upsetting peple with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.【2013安徽阅读】用未署名的信息让人们不开心是残忍与恶心的。
    dish [dɪʃ] n. 盘子;一道菜
    The fd especially appeals t health-cnscius eaters because each dish is very healthy.【2015湖南阅读】
    dislike [dɪsˈlaɪk] v. 不喜欢,厌恶
    They dislike living with their parents.【2012北京阅读】他们不喜欢和他们的父母住一起
    dismiss [dɪsˈmɪs] v. 解雇,开除;拒绝考虑,否定
    After everything I'd dne fr the cmpany, they dismissed me by text!【2013上海阅读】在我为公司付出一切后他们竟然通过短信的方式解雇我
    A spkesman fr the health supplement industry has argued that ther research shws that Vitamin C supplements help prevent heart disease, but we can dismiss this evidence as it is frm a biased surce. 【2013上海阅读】保健产业的发言人争辩到:维他命C补品会组织心脏疾病;但是我们可以拒绝考虑这一证据因为其偏见的来源
    disbey [dɪsəˈbeɪ] vt. 不服从
    They disbeyed the laws f business physics.【2015四川阅读】他们违背了商业的物理法则。
    distance [ˈdɪstəns] n. 距离;远处;疏远
    Riding hrses allwed peple t travel far greater distances in much less time.【2013北京阅读】
    The tw ther rich men saw this frm a distance and cmmented with each ther hw the third rich man lacked sympathy.【2015陕西完形】其他两个富人从远方看到了这一幕,评论到第三位商人是多么没有同情心
    I saw a car in the distance and jumped up as I recgnized the car.【2015浙江阅读】我看到了一辆车在远处,当我认出这辆车的时候我跳了起来。
    There was still a distance between me and father.【高考真句】我和爸爸仍然有点疏远。
    distance的形容词形式:distant [ˈdɪstənt]远的
    distinctin [dɪˈstɪŋkʃn] n. 差别,不同;卓越,优秀
    It was nce cmmn t regard Britain as a sciety with class distinctin.【2015广东阅读】我们曾今吧英国看作一个有阶级差别的社会。
    It wuldn’t have t be a big talent, just enugh s that she might gain sme sense f distinctin.【2014上海阅读】她不必有一个特别大的才能,管够就行;这样它就可以获得一种优秀的感觉。
    distinctin 的形容词形式:distinct
    distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt] adj. 不同的
    When I first came t America, I nticed that a public building had tw different signs and they had distinct functins.【2015广东完形】当我第一次来美国的时候我看到一个公共建筑有两个不同的记号并且它们都有不同的功能。
    distinguish [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ] v.区别;辨别
    Distinguish between research reprts and public health advice.【2014北京阅读】将研究报告和公共健康报告区分开来。
    By the time we are adults, we have the ability t distinguish arund 100,000 faces.【2013上海阅读】
    distinguished [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃd]adj. 卓越的,杰出的
    The Twn Hall built in the 1800s was the mst distinguished building at that time.【2012上海】
    distribute [dɪˈstrɪbjuːt] v. 分配,分发;提供,配送
    Even mre extrardinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed.【2014山东阅读】更加不凡的是Hatcher夫妇将他们的土地给分了。
    Since the rganizatin started, Kids members have distributed and planted ver 1 millin trees! 【2013山东阅读】 自从该组织成立以来,Kids 成员配送并且种植了100多万棵树。
    同义词:allcate v. 分配
    district [ˈdɪstrɪkt] n. 区
    disturb [dɪˈstɜːb] v. 打扰;影响,干扰
    Neighbrs shuld d all they can t avid disturbing ther peple.【2014湖南完形】邻居们应该做他们所能做的以免打扰邻居。
    They disturb the eclgical balance in the wilderness.【2015江苏阅读】他们干扰了荒野的生态平衡。
    disturb的形容词形式:disturbing 令人不安的
    dive [daɪv] v. 跳水,潜水
    diverse [daɪˈvɜːs] adj. 各种各样的
    English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, which uses it differently.【2014天津】英语是由各种文化共同使用的语言,他们使用的方式有点不一样。
    diverse的同义词:varius adj. 各种各样的
    diversity [daɪˈvɜ:səti] n. 多样性
    They play a critical rle in creating the diversity f species in this area.【2015湖南阅读】他们在创造该领域物种多样性方面扮演着极其重要的角色。
    diversity的同义词:variety n. 多样性
    divide [dɪˈvaɪd] v. 分;分成;使产生分歧;(最根本的意思是“分”)
    The library is divided int different znes.【2013天津阅读】图书馆被分成不同的区域。
    It makes a jb easier t divide the grup task amng all grup members.【2013江苏任务型读写】
    When it was first perfrmed, critics were divided ver the music.【2013山东任务型读写】当这首音乐第一次被演奏的时候,评论家对此是有分歧的
    divide的名词形式:divisin [dɪˈvɪʒn]分;分歧
    divrce [dɪˈvɔːs] n. 离婚 v. 与……离婚
    He married five times and divrced five times.【2013山东阅读】他结了5次婚离了5次婚
    dizzy [ˈdɪzɪ] adj. 头晕目眩的
    I felt a little dizzy.【2015山东完形】我有点头晕目眩。
    dctr [ˈdɔktə] n. 医生;博士
    dcument [ˈdɔkjʊmənt] n. 文件
    dcumentary [ˌdɒkjuˈmentri] n. 纪录片
    dg [dɔɡ] n. 狗
    dll [dɔl]n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃
    dllar [dɔl] n. 元
    dnate [dəʊˈneɪt] v. 捐赠,捐献
    The retired man dnated mst f his savings t the schl damaged by the earthquake in Yushu.【2015江苏】那位退休人员将其大多数存款捐赠给了玉树中被地震毁坏的学校。
    Many peple have dnated that type f bld; hwever, the bld bank needs mre.【2012北京】
    dnate的名词形式:dnatin 捐献,捐赠
    dr [dɔː] n. 门
    drmitry [ˈdɔːmɪtərɪ] n. 学生宿舍(缩写式drm)
    dt [dɔt] n. 点
    duble [ˈdʌbl] adj. 双的,两倍的;n. 双 v. 加倍
    But the findings further suggest that stress may bring abut a duble effect.【2012北京阅读】但是这些研究进一步表明压力会带来双重影响。
    And at Farringdn, a duble rm cst just £62.95.【2013湖南阅读】在Farringdn,一个单人房的费用为62.95磅。
    The wrld ppulatin has dubled in the past thirty years, frm three t six billin.【2015浙江阅读】在过去的30年里世界人口翻倍了,由30亿变为60亿。
    dubt [daʊt] v. n. 怀疑;不相信
    Tny said he culd fix my bicycle, but I really dubt it.【2012辽宁】托尼说他能修好我的自行车但是我不相信。
    But nw schlars dubt that Franklin was nt nly rbbed f her life by disease but rbbed f credit by her cmpetitrs.【2014浙江阅读】现在学者怀疑富兰克林不仅被疾病剥夺了生命还被竞争者剥夺了荣誉
    用法:there is n dubt that 毫无疑问
    Despite such a big difference in attitudes twards what ne eats, there is n dubt that peple in the west regard the Chinese fd as smething special.【2012湖北】尽管对于我们吃什么方面的态度有很大差异,毫无疑问西方人认为中国的食物是特殊的。
    n dubt 无疑
    N dubt he wnders whether he wasn't happier in his village wrking his wn land.【2013江西阅读】
    be in dubt 不确定,无把握
    Their acceptance f the cntract is still in dubt.【高考真句】他们是否接受那合同还不确定。
    design [dɪˈzaɪn] n.& vt. n. 设计, 策划 图案, 图样, 样式
    【真句】Yu might als design an adventure challenge t train yung vlunteers.【2019北京】你也可以设计一个冒险挑战来训练年轻的志愿者。
    dwnlad ['daunləud] n. v. 下载
    dwnstairs [ˈdaʊntaʊn] adv.到楼下,在楼下
    The huse is still as I walk dwnstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully.【2015四川阅读】
    反义词:upstairs adv.到楼上,在楼上
    dwntwn [ˈdaʊntaʊn] adj. 市中心的; adv.往市中心
    My uncle’s huse in the dwntwn area is much smaller than urs, but it is twice as expensive.【2014四川】我叔叔位于市区的房子比我们的房子小很多,但是价钱确实我们的两倍。
    After dinner we walked int dwntwn Nancy.2014全国一阅读】晚饭之后我去了市区的Nancy,
    dwnward [ˈdaʊnwəd] adv. 向下
    dzen [ˈdʌzn] n. 一打;
    Frm the water n the grund, it seemed that he had already finished washing and cleaning abut a dzen r mre cars.【2012江西完形】从地上的水可以看出他似乎已经洗了一打或更多的车。
    短语:dzens f 许多
    Dzens f ther families were tuched by the Hatches’ genersity.【2014山东阅读】
    draft [dræft] n. 草稿,草案;v. 起草
    Finally, my thanks g t my tutr, wh has ffered a lt f suggestins and cmments n my paper and plished every page f my draft.【2012湖北】最后,我要感谢我的导师,他给我的论文提供了很多建议和评论并且对草稿的每一页都进行了打磨。
    Andersn started drafting ut slutins.【2015江苏阅读】安德森开始起草解决方案。
    drag [dræɡ] v. 拖,拉,拽
    Secnds later, she watched the train drag her car almst a kilmeter.【2015浙江阅读】几秒钟后,她看到火车把她的车拖了几乎一公里。
    draw [drɔː] v. 画;取(钱);吸引;轻拉;拿出; n. 抽奖,抽签;平局
    they want kids t learn t draw by cpying classical paintings.【2014广东阅读】他们希望孩子通过描绘经典绘画来学习画画。
    He said he wuld draw three names ut f a hat; thse students wuld g with him t Ls Angeles t get the award.【2012福建阅读】他说他会从帽子里面拿出三个名字;这些人将和他去洛杉矶领奖。
    Yu can draw yur mney frm cash machines cnveniently.【2013福建阅读】你可以从取款机中方便的取钱。
    After tang dancers frm Argentina arrived in Eurpe, they began t draw the interest f the public.【2013安徽阅读】在探戈舞者从阿根廷抵达欧洲后,他们开始吸引公众的兴趣。
    Seeing Grandma was sleepy, he drew the curtains and turned the TV dwn.【2015上海】
    He entered the lucky draw t win a digital camera.【2013四川阅读】参加幸运抽签赢了数码相机。
    The match ended in a draw 2-2.【高考真句】比赛以2比2打成平局结束。
    短语: draw inferences abut 推断
    But in many instances we als draw inferences abut wh we are by bserving ur wn behavir.【2014重庆阅读】但是在很多情况下我们可以推断出我们是谁从观察我们自己的行为。
    draw attentin 吸引注意力
    Unfrtunately, her wrks did nt draw much attentin in the 1930s and1940s.【2012安徽阅读】
    draw t a clse/an end 结束
    As the meal drew t a clse she asked hw lng I wuld be in Orland.【2014安徽完形】当快吃完饭的时候她问我会在奥兰多待多长时间。
    draw cnclusin (frm) 从……当中得出结论
    What cnclusin culd be drawn frm the passage?【2012天津阅读】从文章当中得出什么结论?
    draw做动词时的名词形式为drawing [ˈdrɔːɪŋ] n. 图画,绘画
    drawback [ˈdrɔːbæk] n. 缺点,不利因素
    What sme peple regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many thers.【2015北京】一些人当作是缺点的东西在别人看来却是优点。
    同义词:shrtcming n. 缺点;disadvantage n. 缺点,不利因素;weakness n. 缺点
    反义词:strength n. 优点;advantage n. 优点,有利因素;plus n. 优点
    drawer [ˈdrɔːə] n. 抽屉
    dream [driːm] n. 梦想;梦;v. 梦想
    His biggest dream is t see every crner f the wrld befre he retires. ([阅读]2012浙江 他最大的梦想就是环游世界。
    I had a interesting dream last night.改错]2012浙江 我昨晚做了一个有趣的梦。
    用法: dream f/abut (ding) sth 梦想
    He dreamed f having a better life.【2015辽宁阅读】他梦想有一个更好的生活。
    dress [dres] n. 连衣裙(C);衣服(U) v. 给某人穿衣服
    I bught a dress fr nly 10 dllars in a sale; it was a real bargain.【2013山东】
    Anxiusly, she tk the dress ut f the package and tried it n, nly t find it didn’t fit.【2014天津】
    l had been able t dress myself fr recess(课间休息), but tday I wuld need sme help.【2014江苏阅读】
    短语:dress up装扮,打扮;
    Let her daughter dress up like her friends.【2013上海阅读】让女儿打扮地和她的朋友们一样。
    drill [drɪl] n. v. 练习,训练
    Hwever, players culd mre effectively imprve their backhand perfrmance by practicing drills that might be cnsidered less enjyable.【2015上海阅读】然而通过练习那些被认为不怎么舒服的训练,球员可以更加有效地改善他们反手练习的表现
    短语:drill sth int sb 向某人灌输某事
    The dangers f the prblem have been drilled int us by public-health campaigns since 2001.【2013湖北阅读】自从2001年以来公共健康运动就在向我们灌输该问题的危险性。
    drink [drɪŋk] v. 喝;喝酒 n.喝;饮料
    The medicine wrks mre effectively if yu drink sme ht water after taking it.【2014浙江】
    If yu dn't like the drink yu rdered, just leave it and try a different ne.【2015全国二】
    短语:g fr a drink 喝一杯
    Shall we g fr a drink at ne ’clck this afternn? (2013陕西 下午一点钟去喝一杯怎样?
    drunken [ˈdrʌŋkən] adj. 喝醉了的(必须位于名词前)
    He smiled plitely as Mary aplgized fr her drunken friends.【2012山东】
    drunken [ˈdrʌŋk] adj. 喝醉了的(不能用于名词前)
    drive [draɪv] v.驾驶,开车送(某人);推动;驱使;迫使,逼迫
    Twenty years ag, I drve a taxi fr a living.【2013北京阅读】20年钱我靠开出租车为生。
    I tld yur friend hw t get t the htel, but perhaps I might have driven her there.【2012陕西】
    Decisins t spend are als driven by ideas f quality which can influence the demand fr almst all gds, 【2012重庆阅读】花费的决定也受到质量观点的推动,质量的观点会影响对几乎所有产品的需要。
    Players n a sprts team may feel driven t play harder in rder t help the team win.【2014江苏阅读】
    Her antics helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things.【2014重庆阅读】
    drive的名词形式:driver 司机
    drp [drɔp] v. 丢,扔;掉下;下降,减少;停止,放弃;送某人/某物到某处(等于drp ff)n. 滴;下降
    I stpped and drpped all the cins int his hat, and he smiled at me.【2015陕西完形】我停下来把所有的硬币扔进他的帽子里面,他朝我笑了笑。
    Their incmes drpped.【2014山东阅读】他们的收入减少了
    She wuld pen a bk, pretending t read, with tears drp ping n the pen page.【2014北京完形】她会打开书假装阅读,此时眼泪掉在打开的书上。
    I agree t his suggestin n the cnditin that he drps all charges.【2015辽宁】我同意他的建议条件是他放弃所有的指控。
    Half an hur later, Lucy still culdn’t get a taxi where the bus had drpped her.【2014重庆】
    If it had rained even a drp, things wuld be much better nw!【2015北京】如果哪怕下一滴雨,现在的情况也会更好。
    drp by 顺便拜访
    I just drpped by t see hw yu were ding.【高考真句】我只是顺便拜访看你过得怎样。
    drp ff 打盹;把某人/某物送到某处
    Please drp me ff at the library.【2015安徽】请把我送到图书馆。
    drp ut 辍学;退出
    She had t drp ut f cllege.【高考真句】他不得不从大学辍学。
    drp in 拜访
    Yu may drp in r just give me a call.【2006安徽】你可以拜访我也可以给我打电话。
    drwn [draʊn] v. 淹死;
    a drwning man 快要淹死的人.
    drug [drʌɡ] n. 药;毒品
    If these drugs shuld fail, nbdy knws what wuld cme next.【2012广东阅读】如果这些药物都不起作用没有人知道后果将会怎样。
    The misuse f medicatins may be the mst cmmn frm f drug abuse amng the elderly.【2015上海阅读】滥用药物也许是在老人中最常见的嗜毒形式
    drum [drʌm] n. 鼓
    dry [draɪ] adj.干的;干燥的;干旱的 v. (使)变干;把……弄干
    He asked his girlfriend fr his dry clthes.【2015陕西阅读】他向他的女朋友要他的干衣服。
    Tree leaves fall during this dry seasn and new leaves grw when the wet seasn begins.【2012辽宁阅读】 树叶在干燥的季节会落下并且在潮湿的季节长出新叶。
    In the dry regins f Prtugal and Spain, glf is ften held respnsible fr serius water shrtage in sme lcal areas.【2014重庆阅读】在葡萄牙和西班牙的干旱地区,高尔夫要对一些地区的水资源的严重短缺负责。
    The prfessr entered the lecture hall, placed upn his desk a large jar filled with dried beans.【2015全国一完形】教授走近演讲厅,将装满干豆子的罐子放在桌上。
    duck [dʌk] n. 鸭
    due [duː] adj. 预定;适当的;到期的
    The paper is due next mnth, and I am wrking seven days a week, ften lng int the night.【2014浙江阅读】考试下个月到期,我每天工作到深夜。
    N matter hw rdinary a jb is, it plays a part in sciety and therefre deserves ur due respect.【2013广东】不管一份工作多么普通,它都在社会中扮演重要角色并且因此值得我们适当的尊重
    She is due t cmplete her study and graduate later this year.【2013天津阅读】
    短语:due t 由于
    The twn was cut ff frm the rest f the wrld due t heavy snw.【2016北京完形】由于大学,小城和外面的世界失去了联系。
    dull [dʌl] adj. 枯燥的,无聊的;(人)愚笨的
    This dull task brught me such pain.【2015陕西完形】这个无聊的任务给我带来很多痛苦。
    As yu climb, yu hear the dull sunds f eruptins high abve.【2013重庆阅读】当你爬山的时候你会听到
    Her dull and indifferent husband replied that he had nt heard abut it.【2013福建阅读】他那愚蠢而又冷漠的丈夫说他并没有听到这件事情。
    dumpling [ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 饺子
    dusk [dʌsk] n. 黄昏
    dust [dʌst] n. 灰尘 其形容词形式:dusty [ˈdʌstɪ] adj.尘土多的
    dustbin [ˈdʌstbɪn] n. 垃圾箱
    duty [ˈduːtɪ] n. 责任,义务
    It has been my duty t help my mm take care f my brthers and sisters.【2014广东阅读】帮助妈妈照顾弟弟妹妹是我的责任。
    短语:n/ff duty 值班/下班
    He knew a rescue team was n 24-hur duty at the Amherst Fire Department.【2013湖北阅读】他知道一个救援团队在Amherst Fire Department24小时值班。
    dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk] adj. 精力充沛的;动态的
    English is a dynamic language.【高考真句】英语是一个动态的语言。
    Well-knwn children’s play experts frm Shanghai lead this dynamic yuth grup.【2014江西阅读】来自上海的儿童话剧专家将会带领这一精力充沛的年轻团队。
    Dynasty [ˈdɪnəstɪ] n.王朝,朝代
    1. declare v. 公布;宣布;宣告
    (1) When they asked him fr his pinin, he declared strngly ____________the plicy.他们向他征求意见时,他声明强烈反对这项政策。
    (2) The mment the 29th Olympic Games ______ pen, the whle wrld cheered.
    A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. were declared
    (3) The gvernment has declared war _____ illiteracy.
    A. at B. fr C. n D. t
    2. defend v. 防御;保卫;辩解
    (1) I have t say _________ her defense that she knew nthing abut it befrehand.我得为她说句话,她事先并不知道此事。
    (2) American peple are wndering whether the newly-elected president and his administratin will keep the natin safe and defend it _____ any terrrist attack in the future.
    A. t B. n C. against D. with
    (3) It is said that the murderer has emplyed a famus lawyer t ______ him.
    A. prtect B. prtect fr C. defend D. defend fr
    3. delight n. 高兴;愉快;乐事v. 使高兴;使愉快
    (1) The by ________ great _________ pulling the cat’s tail.那男孩以拽猫的尾巴为乐。
    (2) ______ t have a picnic here!
    A. What great delight B. Hw great delight
    C. What a great delight D. Hw a great delight
    (3) ______, they fund that he was gradually recvering.
    A. T their much delight B. T much delight
    C. T much their delight D. Much t their delight
    4. deliver v. 递送;传送;发表;宣布;接生
    (1) She _______________ a healthy baby.她生下了一个健康的婴儿。
    (2) Heads frm Asia and Eurpe attended the cnference and President Hu _____ a speech n the first day.
    A. stated B. issued C. addressed D. delivered
    (3) Advertising is distinguished frm ther frms f cmmunicatin in that the advertiser pays fr the message _______.
    A. t deliver B. delivered C. t be delivered D. delivering
    5. demand n. 求;所需之物 v. 要求
    (1) Medical wrkers are _________________(急需) in that area.
    (2) The bss demanded that Mary ______ the wrk within a week.
    A. finished B. wuld finish C. had finished D. finish
    (3) He _____ the persn referred t be put imprisn.
    A. said B. demanded C. agreed D. thught
    6. deserve v. 值得;应得
    (1) If yu d wrng, yu deserve ___________________________(punish).
    (2) I wrk hard and I think I deserve ______.
    A. t be well paid B. t pay well C. being well paid D. well paying
    (3) After five hurs n yur feet, yu ______ a break.
    A. cnserve B. deserve C. bserve D. reserve
    7. design v. 设计;构思;计划n. 设计;布局;图样
    (1) D yu think the traffic accident was caused by accident r ________________ (故意)?
    (2) The huses ______ fr the refugees in the earthquake have already been cmpleted.
    A. designed B. designing C. t design D. having designed
    (3) The newly-published bk, mainly ______ use in cllege, is a best-seller this year.
    A. designed fr B. designed t C. designing fr D. designing t
    8. desire n. 愿望;欲望 v. 渴望;期望
    (1) He has a desire that his bks __________________ (reach) as many as pssible.
    (2) The ld wman _____ her sns and daughters ______ and see her frm time t time.
    A. suggested; t cme B. hped; t cme
    C. desired; cming D. desired; t cme
    (3) It is _____ that interest rates shuld be reduced.
    A. desiring B. desire C. desirable D. t desire
    9. destry v. 摧毁;毁灭
    (1) The _______ (injure) hrse had t be destryed.
    (2) The yung husband left her, _____ her life and all her hpes.
    A. destryed B. t destry C. destrying D. t damage
    (3) The precius manuscripts were hpelessly _____ by lng expsure in the cld, damp cellar.
    A. damaged B. destryed C. harmed D. ruined
    10. determine v. 决定,决心;确定
    (1) We shuld carry ut the plan with _____________ (determine).
    (2) ______ t give up smking, he threw away his _____ cigarettes.
    A. Determined; remaining B. Determined; remaining
    C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining
    (3) He was determined that his children _____ t the best schl available.
    A. shuld g B. went C. ught t g D. wuld g
    11. devte v. 致力;献身;专心
    (1) Li Lei is my ①_________ (devte) friend. After he graduated frm a university in 1980, he went t wrk in Tibet. Since then he ② _________________ (致力于) imprving the educatin f the lcal peple. He ③_______ (花费) a lt f time t raising mney t build mre schls. Smetimes he himself devtes sme f his time t ④____ (teach) in a schl. His ⑤_____ (devte) t his wrk tuched the peple deeply. They all think highly f my friend.
    ④teaching ⑤ devtin
    (2) My mther used t ______ her teaching when she was yung.
    A. devting t B. devte t C. be devted t D. being devted t
    (3) —Yur sister nearly _____ all her spare time t her study during the three years.
    —That’s right, r she ______ the first place in her schl in the Cllege Entrance Examinatin.
    A. devted; wuldn’t have taken B. spent; wuldn’t have taken
    C. hadn’t devted; hadn’t taken D. hadn’t spent; culdn’t take
    (4)The time he has devted in the past 10 years the disabled is nw cnsidered f great value.
    A.t help;being B.t helping;t be
    C.t help;t be D.helping;being
    (5)Mr.Read made up his mind t devte all he had t sme schls fr pr children.
    A.set up B.have set up
    C.setting up D.having set up
    12. differ v. 相异;有区别
    (1) They are sisters but they are different (differ) frm each ther in their habits and they als differ frm each ther in many ways. But that desn’t make any difference (differ).
    (2) Leaves are fund n all kinds f trees, but they differ greatly ______ size and shape.
    A. n B. frm C. by D. in
    (3) There is a difference _____ ten degrees ______ temperature _____ the day and the night.
    A. f; f; between B. f; in; between
    C. frm; t; between D. between; f; between
    13. dismiss v. 摒弃;对……不屑一顾;解雇;免职;解散
    (1) He dismissed her ________ his mind.他挥去了对她的思念。
    (2) She claims she was unfairly dismissed _____ her pst.
    A. f B. ut C. frm D. in
    14. distinguish v. 区分;辨别;成为……的特征;使具有……的特色
    (1) The man distinguished _________ (he) by his wisdm.
    (2) The twins are s alike that n ne can distinguish ne _______ the ther.这对孪生儿长得像,没有人能分辨得出哪个是哪个。
    (3) Clr blind peple ften find it difficult t _____ between blue and green.
    A. separate B. distinguish C. cmpare D. cntrast
    (4) At what age are children able t distinguish ______ right and wrng?
    A. amng B. during C. with D. between
    15. distribute v. 分发;分配
    (1) Please distribute these pictures __________ the children.请把这些图片分给孩子们。
    (2) A much better way must be fund t achieve an equal _____ f the resurces.
    A. distributin B. cntributin C. catalgue D. separatin
    (3) The Red Crss has started _____ fd and blankets t villages in the fld area.
    A. distributing B. dividing C. dismissing D. exprting
    16. due a. 预定;预期;到期
    (1) Any mney that is __________(欠) yu will be paid befre the end f the mnth.
    (2) The meeting is due _____________ (start) at three.
    (3) 145 peple were missing ______ the crash f the French Airbus.
    A. in spite f B. alng with C. due t D. rather than
    (4) —Did yu lk up the time f trains t Shanghai?
    —Yes, the early train is _____ t leave at 5:30 am.
    A. likely B. abut C. pssible D. due
    (5) It is reprted that the accident careless driving,s a lt f mney be paid by the driver.
    A.was due t;was due t B.due t;was due t
    C.is due t;was due t D.is due t;due t
    (6)Our delay was heavy traffic.
    A.due t B.we t
    C.thanks t D.accrding t
    17. damage v. 损害;伤害;破坏 n. 损坏;破坏
    (1) The earthquake ______________(对……损坏) prperty estimated at $6 millin.
    (2) Children wh are ver-prtected by their parents may becme ______.
    A. hurt B. damaged C. spiled D. harmed
    (3) After the cllisin, he examined the cnsiderable ______ t his car.
    A. ruin B. destructin C. damage D. injury
    18. debate n. 辩论;争论v. 讨论;辩论
    (1) A: The mtin being discussed was put t a vte.
    B: The mtin ______________was put t a vte.
    (2) They had a fierce ______ as t whether their cmpany shuld restre the trade relatinship which was brken years ag.
    (3) She debated _______ withut saying anything but decided against it.
    A. t leave B. left C. leaves D. leaving
    19. decline n. 减少;下降 v. 减少;下降;谢绝
    (1) The minister declined ___________(cmment) n the rumrs.
    (2) Thankfully, this is a disease that is nw _________ the decline.令人欣慰的是,这是一种现在越来越少的疾病。
    ( 3) In additin t the rising birthrate and immigratin, the _____ death rate cntributed t the ppulatin grwth.
    A. declining B. adding C. descending D. increasing
    ( 4) Last year, the crime rate in Chicag has sharply ______.
    A. declined B. lessened C. slipped D. supplied
    20. dare v. 敢于;胆敢
    (1) ___________(我敢说) yu knw abut it already.
    (2) I wnder hw he ______ that t the teacher.
    A. dare t say B. dare saying C. nt dare say D. dared say
    (3) My little sn _____ ut alne at night.
    A. dares nt g B. dares nt t g C. dare nt t g D. desn’t dare t g
    21. directin n. 方向;方位;管理;指导;说明;操作指南
    (1) The plane flew ________________(朝……方向) Beijing.
    (2) —Hw can I take this medicine, sir?
    —Just fllw the ______ n the bttle?
    A. infrmatin B. advices C. directins D. explanatins
    (3) ______, I had n difficulty in finding the famus actr’s huse.
    A. Directing by Jack B. I was directed by Jack
    C. With Jack directing me D. Jack directed me
    22. discunt n. 折扣 v. 打折扣;认为……不重要,低估
    (1) All tickets are nw available ________________(打折).
    (2) They sell the sweater _____ a discunt f 30 percent.
    A. n B. fr C. at D. with
    (3) Air Canada are currently ffering a 10% discunt _____ selected airfares.
    A. at B. f C. fr D. n
    23. discurage v. 阻止;劝阻;使灰心;使泄气
    (1) We discuraged him ____________ giving up the jb.我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。
    (2) High interest rates _____ peple frm brrwing mney.
    A. discurage B. distract C. disturb D. interrupt
    (3) His parents _____ him frm jining the air frce.
    A. encuraged B. discuraged C. ppsed D. advised
    24. dnate v. 捐赠,赠送;捐献
    (1) We are cllecting _______(dnate) fr the relief fund.
    (2) All ________ (dnate) bld is tested fr HIV and ther infectins.
    (3) The centre was bught with mney ______ by frmer Beatle, Gerge Harrisn.
    A. dnating B. dnated C. t dnate D. having dnated
    (4) He dnated thusands f punds _____ charity.
    A. fr B. in C. at D. t
    25. dubt n. 疑惑;疑问;不相信 v. 不肯定;怀疑
    (1) There is n dubt ________ he will cme.
    (2) I’m still dubtful ___________ I shuld accept the jb.
    (3) Yu may have yu wn decisin n this matter, and I have little dubt ______ yu’ll succeed.
    A. if B. whether C. that D. what
    (4) She _____ that it was a trick t get her invlved in the matter, fr she knew them t well.
    A. dubted B. suspected C. cnvinced D. cnsidered
    26. dzen num. (一)打;十二个
    (1) They arrived ___________(大批).
    (2) Mr. Smith _____ me t buy several _____ eggs fr the dinner party.
    A. asked; dzen B. suggested; dzens f
    C. had; dzen D. persuaded; dzens
    (3) —There are _____ such bks here.
    —I nly need _____ these bks n this shelf.
    A. eight dzens; ne dzen B. eight dzens f; ne dzen f
    C. eight dzen; ne dzen D. dzens f; ne dzen f
    27. decrease n. 减少;降低 v. 减少;降低
    (1) The ppulatin f this area has decreased __________ 10 millin ______ 9 millin (从……减少到……) in the last three years. That is t say, the ppulatin has decreased ________ (减少了) 10%, and the number f the peple will be _____________(在减少) in the future.
    (2) The number f vilent crimes is ______ the decrease.
    A. n B. in C. at D. t
    (3) This species f bird is decreasing _____ numbers every year.
    A. at B. n C. in D. fr
    28. delay n. 延迟;延误 v. 延迟; 延期
    (1) He delayed __________(tell) her the news, waiting fr the right mment.
    (2) —Why were yu late fr such an imprtant cncert?
    —The plane arrived at the airprt after a _____ f three hurs.
    A. delay B. rest C. tur D. request
    (3) Michael has delayed ______ the bike t me till tday.
    A. returning B. t return C. t have returned D. being returned
    29. disappint v. 使失望
    (1) 用disappint的适当形式填空
    Tday, I went dwntwn with several f my gd friends. Hwever, the weather was really ①disappinting because it was raining. I tld my friends that we wuldn’t be ②disappinted. Arriving at a park, we were ③disappinted t find it was nt pen tday. Then we left the park t a nearby restaurant fr lunch. T ur ④disappintment, the restaurant was clsed, t. We had n chice but t g hme in ⑤disappintment. What a ⑥disappinting uting it was!
    (2) What he has dne is really ______. Nw his parents are _____ him.
    A. disappinting; disappinted at B. disappinting; disappinted abut
    C. disappinting; disappinted with D. disappinted; disappinting by
    (3) The little girl, _____ at the examinatin results, std there withut saying a wrd.
    A. disappinting B. disappinted C. disappint D. disappintment
    30. distance n. 距离;间距;遥远
    (1) I saw sme smke _________(在远处).
    ( 2) My parents live ________ walking distance f me.我父母住在我家附近。
    (3) The faces f fur famus American presidents n Munt Rushmre can be seen frm a _____ f 60 miles.
    A. length B. distance C. way D. space
    (4) It is said that the muntain is mre beautiful _____.
    A. in the distance B. in a distance C. at the distance D. within a distance
    31. date n. 日期;日子;约会 v. 与某人约会;注明日期
    ( 1) The letter __________ (date) 23 February.
    (2) The traditinal friendship between ur tw peples _____ ancient times.
    A. is dated back t B. dates at C. dates back t D. is dated frm
    (3) Please put a date _____ the letter.
    A. n B. at C. t D. in
    32. despite prep. 即使;尽管
    (1) He still lves her, despite the fact _______ she left him.
    ( 2) ______ the traffic jam, he arrived here n time.
    A. In spite B. Despite C. Despite f D. In despite f
    ( 3)—Did yu finish yur wrk last year?
    —Unfrtunately nt, despite _____ it.
    A. my hping f finishing B. I hped t finish
    C. my hpe f finishing D. I hped f finishing
    33. develp v. 成长,发展;开发,研制;冲洗(胶卷);出现(问题)
    (1) China is a ________ (develp) cuntry while America is a _________ cuntry (develp).
    ( 2) With the __________ (develp) f agriculture and industry, we are living a better life.
    (3) Hand in hand with reading, he has _____ the habit f making ntes.
    A. caused B. develped C. created D. brught
    (4) The place has ______ frm a fishing prt int a turist centre.
    A. increased B. discvered C. develped D. imprved
    34. diet n. 日常饮食;规定饮食v. 节食
    ( 1)The dctr put him ______ a diet after peratin.手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。
    (2) —Wuld yu like sme mre chicken?
    —N, thanks. I am ______ a diet and I ‘m trying t _____ weight.
    A. n; lse B. n; put n C. in; have D. in; lse
    ( 3) N sugar in my cffee, please. I ______.
    A. have dieted B. am dieting C. dieted D. had dieted
    35. disturb v. 打扰;干扰;妨碍
    (1) It’s very __________ (disturb) that there has been an increase in crime in the last six mnths.
    (2) —Why didn’t they keep in tuch with each ther in thse years?
    —The reasn was that they _____ the cmmunicatin between each ther.
    A. destryed B. interrupted C. kept D. disturbed
    (3) Hwever, at times this balance in nature is ______, resulting in a number f pssibly unseen effects.
    A. trubled B. puzzled C. disturbed D. mixed
    36. deal n. 大量;协议;交易
    (1) Deal with a man ________ he deals with yu. 以其人之道还治其人之身。
    ( 2) She is used ______ the matters that I dn’t knw ______.
    A. t dealing with; what t d with them B. t dealing with; hw t deal with
    C. t d with; what t d with D. t d with; hw t deal with them
    ( 3) Many clleges have taken measures t ______ the cheating f students in exams.
    A. wrk ut B. find ut C. deal with D. g with
    37. deny v. 否认;否定;拒绝承认
    (1) He denies _________(attempt) t murder his wife.
    (2) American wmen were ______ the right t vte until 1920 after many years f hard struggle.
    A. ignred B. neglected C. refused D. denied
    (3) The plice accused him f setting fire t the building but he denied ______ in the area n the night f the fire.
    A. t be B. t have been C. having been D. be
    38. divide v. 开;分散
    (1) The whle wrld is divided ___________ five cntinents.整个世界分成五大洲。
    (2) We _____ the jb _____ five parts, and each man did ne part.
    A. divided; int B. separated; int C. divided; frm D. separated; frm
    (3) Asia is separated _____ Africa _____ the Sues Canal.
    A. with; in B. frm; by C. t; with D. frm; in
    (1) Between the tw buildings _____________________. 两座楼之间有一棵高大的树。
    (2)________________ the crwd ne by ne.人们一个一个地离去了。
    (3)_________________ Mr.Brwn. 布朗先生来了。
    (3)Here cmes
    (4)When I gt hme last night,I was frightened t find that in frnt f my dr .
    A.was seated a large dg
    B.sat a large dg
    C.a large dg was seated
    D.did a large dg sit
    (5)Fr a mment nthing happened.Then all shuting tgether.
    A.vices had cme B.came vices
    C.vices wuld cme D.did vices cme
    (1)Mike ___________ (确实喜欢) playing ftball.
    (2) __________ (务必来) and see us sme day.
    (3)In my pinin,what Yi Jianlian gd t Milwaukee Bucks(雄鹿队) in the NBA.
    A.did d des B.did des d
    C.des did d D.d d did
    (4)Cars mved very slwly in the 1930s,but they faster than in the 1920s.
    A.were mving B.did mve
    C.had mved D.wuld mve
    41.die ut灭绝;逐渐消失
    (1)This kind f bird _________________(正濒临灭绝).
    (2)After Lmbrg,the envirnmental mvement will begin ____________ (变弱).
    (3)Many f the earth’s plants and animals have already and several ther species are endangered.
    A.died away B.died ut
    C.died ff D.died up
    (4)If we dn’t take steps, the Tibetan antelpes and pandas will sme day like dinsaurs, which is quite terrible.
    A.die ut B.die away
    C.die dwn D.die ff
    42.draw upn/n利用,凭借;依赖
    (1) If yu want t buy smething,yu’d better ________(草拟) a shpping list.
    (2)Hward develped his design in the 1880s and 1890s,_________ (draw) n ideas that were ppular at the time.
    (3)In rder t be a gd writer,yu have t yur imaginatin and life experience.
    A.draw up B.draw upn
    C.draw in D.draw fr
    (4) upn his wn effrts,he succeeded in getting the jb in that cmpany in the end.
    A.Drawn B.Drawing
    C.T draw D.Draw
    43.draw/catch/attract ne’s attentin吸引某人的注意力
    (1) I used t hate being called upn in class mainly because I didn’t like attentin ________(draw) t myself.
    (2)We must draw ur attentin the fact that the yung dn’t lk t the ld nwadays.
    A.t;up B.n;dwn
    C.n;upn D.t;dwn
    (3)Jhnsn suggested the prblem wrth paying attentin at the meeting.
    A.t be discussed B.t been discussed
    C.being discussed D.shuld be discussed
    44.depend n视……而定;取决于;依赖于;依靠
    (1) We’ll decide whether t hld the sprts meet depending (depend) n the weather.
    (2) —Shall we g uting tmrrw?
    (3)—Hw lng are yu staying?
    —I dn’t knw. .
    A.That’s OK B.Never mind
    C.It depends D.It desn’t matter
    (4)Sme laid­ff wrkers delightedly tk up the wrk t patients in hspitals.
    A.take n B.lk n
    C.depend n D.wait n
    45.date back t=date frm追溯到;始于(无被动语态,作谓语时常用一般现在时)
    (1) This is an ld building dating (date) back t the 16th century.
    (2)The ld stne bridge,which dates (date) frm the Qing Dynasty,is still in use tday.
    (3)The mdel is the newest and mst up t date (最新的).
    (4)The traditinal friendship between ur tw peples ancient times.
    A.is dated back t B.dates at
    C.dates back t D.is dated frm
    (5)The scientist discvered a dinsaur fssil frm 4,000 years ag.
    A.dates B.date
    C.dated D.dating
    46.dry up(河流、井等)干涸
    (1)All the plants are dying fr water as the earth seems as as a bne.
    A.ht B.warm
    C.severe D.dry
    (3)The ht sun is the grund,and the crps can’t grw.
    A.drying ut B.drying ff
    C.drying up D.as dry as a bne
    47.differ frm和……不同,不同于……
    (1)They are sisters but they are ①different frm (不同) each ther in their habits and they als ②differ frm (不同) each ther in many ways.But that ③desn’t make any difference (不受影响).
    (2)She always differs me hw t spend the vacatin.(2011·马鞍山模拟)
    A.n;with B.with;n
    C.at;with D.frm;in
    (3)Grades wuld frm ne r tw,fr utstanding r excellent,t six r seven,fr pr r very pr.
    A.suffer B.differ C.cme D.range
    48. 保卫……免受……
    (1)Here we are well defended _________ a surprise attack.
    (2) Hundreds f peple gave their lives __________ (保护,辩护) freedm.
    (3)The frtress (堡垒) is by its cannn, by its walls and guarded by sentries (哨兵).
    (4)Many peple lst their lives the benefit f ur cuntry.
    A.in defence B.in charge f
    C.defend f D.in defence f
    49.drp ut退出,不再参加;掉队;放弃;离去
    (1)I thught I’d drp __________(拜访) yu while I was passing.
    (2) Dn’t drp _________ (掉队) the thers n the trail in case yu get lst.
    (2)I drpped in her n my way hme.
    A.at B.fr C.n D.t
    (3)Attendances at ftball matches have since the cming f televisin.
    A.drpped in B.drpped back
    C.drpped ff D.drpped ut
    50. dress up盛装;打扮
    (1) 用含dress的短语完成下列小片段
    Wmen’s Day was cming.Anne decided t dress up fr it,but she didn’t knw what t dress up in.Finally,she was dressed in red.She even dressed up as a rich businesswman. Dressed in red,Anne did lk mre beautiful than befre.
    (2) in her best clthes,the girl tried t make herself at the party.
    A.Dressed;nticed B.Dressing;t be nticed
    C.Get dressed;nticed D.Dressing;nticing
    51. 独立主格结构
    (1)___________________ (slve),the quality has been imprved.
    (2) ______________,they all went hme. 会议一结束,他们就都回家了。
    (3)The by went t the classrm,_________________________ (手里拿着书).
    (4)_________________,he didn’t knw what t say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好。
    (2) The meeting ver
    (3) bk in hand (a bk in his hand/with a bk in his hand
    (4)The girl staring at him
    (5)The cuntry has already sent up three unmanned spacecrafts,the mst recent at the end f last March.
    A.has been launched B.having been launched
    C.being launched D.t be launched
    (6)The general situatin in Libya,the visitrs frm ther parts f the wrld will nt dare t visit it.
    A.t be disappinted B.disappinting
    C.being disappinted D.t disappint

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