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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures当堂达标检测题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures当堂达标检测题,共12页。试卷主要包含了单句填空,短语填空,完成句子等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.Last spring, I was (frtune) t be chsen t participate in an exchange study prgramme.
    2.The (diverse) f culture is nt surprising when yu knw the histry f Califrnia.
    3.It is likely Native Americans were living in Califrnia fifteen thusand years ag.
    4.The library attracts (thusand) f schlars and researchers.
    5.Making Chinese dishes (see) as especially trublesme nw.
    6.The man (live) in the small village is a writer.
    7.N ne knws (exact) when this imprtant discvery was made.
    8.Since bth husband and wife were busy (d) business, they did nt have time t educate their children.
    9.I lived in yu call “Ancient Greece” and I used t write abut the Olympic Games.
    10.I'm nt making it up. The character exists real life.
    1. (至少) thirty times Bbby had attempted t climb the big snwy muntain, but he had never reached the tp.
    2.Less than 5 per cent f elephants (死于) cancer, and researchers may have finally figured ut why.
    3.Yur glves shuld (由……制造) leather fr they feel sft and smth.
    4.Bth the starting pint and final gal f the human prgress cause (在于) the all-rund develpment f man.
    5.This garden has the best cllectin f native plants. (另外), it cntains numerus trees and flwers frm verseas.
    6.Zhejiang (作为……而出名) the land f tea f ur cuntry.
    1.Yu need mney and time; , yu need diligence.
    2.Any painting by Van Ggh . (frtune)
    3.Sme peple are happy t , but I'm nt ne f them. (mix)
    4.Wh were the first Eurpeans t arrive in ? (宾语从句)
    5.The WHO believes that bird flu will spread t human beings in the next few years. (likely)
    答案:一 2.diversity 3.that 4.thusands 5.is seen 6.living 7.exactly 8.ding 9.what 10.in
    二 least 2.die frm/f 3. be made f 4.lie in 5.In additin 6.is knwn as
    三 additin 2.is wrth a frtune 3.mix business with/and pleasure 4.what is nw the United States
    5.it is likely that
    培优层级2 ——多维训练提能
    Fr many Chinese cnsumers, a satisfying breakfast is ne that includes either ht prridge r steamed buns (馒头). Cld sandwiches, which are ppular with Westerners, are prbably ne f the last ptins n their minds. But that is nt t say that cnsumers, especially thse in an internatinal city like Shanghai, wuld avid everything cnsidered Western fr breakfast. Fr instance, cffee, which has steadily grwn in ppularity in the cuntry, is ne drink that many cannt d withut tday.
    T satisfy this grwing demand fr breakfast sets that cmbine elements frm the East and the West, fd cmpanies have been rlling ut (推出) a hst f new fferings t attract the custmer. One example is Shanghai Qia Cffee, launched by lcal time-hnred fd cmpany Qiajiashan at the end f 2019. Apart frm its traditinal dim sum (点心), the stre als sells varius types f cffee.
    Accrding t Shen Yan, deputy manager f Qiajiashan, the mst ppular breakfast set nw is the steamed vegetable bun paired with black cffee. “The calries that ne gets frm a meal cnsisting f Chinese dim sum and cffee are less than thse f a Western breakfast. Since a steamed bun has nearly 200 calries and a cup f black cffee barely has any calries, this cmbinatin can be cnsidered healthy and delicius,” said Shen.
    Even the smaller shppers in the fd scene are jumping n the East-West breakfast trend. Western fd cmpanies, t, have been rlling ut Chinese breakfast ptins. “Cnsumers and even cultural heritage will als benefit frm the increased cmpetitin. If nt fr the current trend which has revived interest in certain traditinal dim sum, these fds culd sn be lst t histry,” Shen said.
    1.What can we learn abut breakfast in Shanghai in Paragraph 1?
    A.Cffee is a must fr many peple.
    B.Cld sandwiches are a ppular chice.
    C.Peple avid western fd fr breakfast.
    D.Peple prefer prridge and steamed buns.
    2.Why des the set f the steamed vegetable bun with black cffee sell well?
    A.Because it’s traditinal.
    B.Because it’s tasty and healthy.
    C.Because it’s newly created.
    D.Because it cntains mre vegetables.
    3.What can be inferred frm Shen’s wrds in the last paragraph?
    A.Western fd cmpanies dislike East-West breakfast.
    B.Big cmpanies have the ability t seize the market share.
    C.The cmpetitin fr breakfast sets is f n benefit t cnsumers.
    D.Sme traditinal fds may disappear withut the cmbinatin trend.
    4.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.Chinese cnsumers shw mre interest in western fd.
    B.Western breakfast is warmly welcmed by Shanghai peple.
    C.The Chinese-Western breakfast set is becming a hit in Shanghai.
    D.Shanghai Qia Cffee has wn great success fr its breakfast sets.
    Tips f Effective Tea Drinking
    Drinking tea has becme an imprtant part f tea lvers’ daily life. ____5____ It refreshes the mind, clears heat within the human bdy and helps peple lse weight. As yu add a cup f tea t yur daily rutine, please check the fllwing tips which help yu enjy yur tea experience t the fullest.
    Avid Drinking Extremely Ht Tea. We ften put tea in high-temperature water.____6____Sme studies have fund that drinking tea ver 69℃ will cause damage t yur stmach. 60 ℃ is the mst preferred temperature which is agreed by lts f schlars and tea lvers.
    Keep Yur Tea Light. ____7____ It can easily cause headaches and insmnia(失眠)as well as stmach prblems, s be sure nt t add t many tea leaves r brew(煮) it t lng r in t ht f water, s that it will nt be ver-brewed.
    Drink Tea in Between Meals. D nt drink tea sn after r befre meals. If yu drink t much tea befre a meal, it will nt nly cause the fd t feel tasteless, but will als prevent the absrptin f prtein in the bdy. ____8____ S, it is suggested that the best time t drink tea is between meals.
    ____9____ Tea cntains large amunt f Tannin, which will react with certain elements in the medicine, thus reduce medical effects. Therefre, it’s better t wait at least an hur after taking the drugs befre drinking tea.
    A.D Nt Drink with Medicatin.
    B.It ffers numerus health benefits.
    C.The same rule applies t drinking tea after a meal.
    D.It’s better t wait at least a half mnth befre drinking.
    E.Hwever, extremely ht water will hurt yur thrat and stmach.
    F.But drinking tea in imprper ways can bring negative effects n health.
    G.Taking yur tea t strng will make the tea cntain t much caffeinecaffeine.
    Prcessed fds like chips, sda and frzen pizzas are full f salt, sugar and fat. Nw scientists are trying t understand if there is smething else abut such fds that may be bad fr humans. Scientists have already linked lw-cst, ____10____ fds t rising besity rates arund the wrld. Three recent studies ffer mre ____11____ int hw ur increasingly industrialized fd supply may be affecting ur health.
    What des prcessed fd mean?
    The researchers created a system that ____12____ fds int fur grups. The system says highly prcessed fds are made ____13____ f industrialized materials and additives. Sdas, packed ckies, instant ndles and chicken nugget are sme examples f highly prcessed fds. But als included are prducts that can ____14____ healthy, such as mrning cereals, energy bars and sme kinds f ygurt.
    What’s wrng with prcessed fds?
    Researchers at the Natinal Institutes f Health cnducted a fur-week study invlving 20 peple. They fund that peple eat abut 500 mre calries a day when ____15____ mstly prcessed fds. That is cmpared with when the ____16____ subjects were given less prcessed fds. The researchers permitted the 20 participants t eat as much r as little as they wanted. They were taken t a medical center s their health and behavir culd be ____17____.
    In anther study, researchers in France fund peple wh ate mre prcessed fds were mre likely t have heart disease. ____18____, a similar study in Spain linked eating mre prcessed fds t a higher risk f death in general.
    What is it abut prcessed fds?
    When given less prcessed fds, peple in the study ____19____ mre f a hrmne that cntrls hunger, and less f a hrmne that causes hunger. The reasn fr the ____20____ is nt clear. The scientists als fund that peple ate prcessed fds mre quickly.
    Kevin Hall is ne f the researchers wh led the study. He tld the AP that prcessed fds are sfter and easier t chew and swallw. Hall nted the surce f nutrients might ____21____. Fr example, fiber frm whle fruits and vegetables may be better fr making peple feel ____22____ than fiber added t packed fds such as energy bars and ygurt.
    What shuld yu eat?
    Aviding prcessed fds can be hard, ____23____ fr peple with limited time and mney. Prcessed fds can als take many frms. In additin, cmpanies cntinually ____24____ prducts t make them seem healthier. The newest studies may prvide mre reasns t avid prcessed fds. But, they als call attentin t the difficulty f cming up with ways t d that.
    21.A.strike a balanceB.run a riskC.pse a threatD.make a difference
    1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Fr instance, cffee, which has steadily grwn in ppularity in the cuntry, is ne drink that many cannt d withut tday.(例如,咖啡在这个国家越来越受欢迎,如今很多人都离不开它。)”可知,在第一段中我们可以得知,在上海咖啡是许多人的必需品。故选A。
    2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Accrding t Shen Yan, deputy manager f Qiajiashan, the mst ppular breakfast set nw is the steamed vegetable bun paired with black cffee. “The calries that ne gets frm a meal cnsisting f Chinese dim sum and cffee are less than thse f a Western breakfast. Since a steamed bun has nearly 200 calries and a cup f black cffee barely has any calries, this cmbinatin can be cnsidered healthy and delicius,” said Shen.(Qiajiashan 副经理沈燕表示,目前最受欢迎的早餐套餐是配黑咖啡的包子。“人们从中式点心和咖啡中获得的卡路里比西式早餐要少。因为一个馒头含有近200卡路里,而一杯黑咖啡几乎没有任何卡路里,所以这种组合可以被认为是健康和美味的。”)”可知,黑咖啡包子套餐卖得好是因为它既美味又健康,故选B。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中““Cnsumers and even cultural heritage will als benefit frm the increased cmpetitin. If nt fr the current trend which has revived interest in certain traditinal dim sum, these fds culd sn be lst t histry,” Shen said.(沈说,“消费者乃至文化遗产也将受益于竞争的加剧。如果不是当前的趋势重新唤起了人们对某些传统点心的兴趣,这些食品可能很快就会消失在历史中。”)”可推知,如果没有套餐组合的出现,一些传统食品可能会消失,故选D。
    4.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段中“T satisfy this grwing demand fr breakfast sets that cmbine elements frm the East and the West, fd cmpanies have been rlling ut (推出) a hst f new fferings t attract the custmer.(为了满足日益增长的对融合了东西方元素的早餐套餐的需求,食品公司已经推出了一系列新产品来吸引顾客。)”并结合文章其它内容可推断,文章主要说明了如今在上海东西方元素相结合的早餐受到人们的欢迎,并举例进行了说明。故选C。
    5.B 6.E 7.G 8.C 9.A
    5.根据上文“Drinking tea has becme an imprtant part f tea lvers’ daily life. (喝茶已经成为茶爱好者日常生活的重要组成部分。)”以及后文“It refreshes the mind, clears heat within the human bdy and helps peple lse weight. (它能提神醒脑,清除人体内的热量,帮助人们减肥。)”谈到的喝茶具体的好处可知,空格处应承上启下。B项“It ffers numerus health benefits. (它提供了许多健康益处。)”承上启下,符合语境。故选B。
    6.根据本段主旨句“Avid Drinking Extremely Ht Tea. (避免喝滚烫的茶。)”可知,本段主要讲要避免喝滚烫的茶。根据上文“We ften put tea in high-temperature water. (我们经常把茶放在高温水中。)”可知,空格处应转折,引出喝滚烫的茶不好。E项“Hwever, extremely ht water will hurt yur thrat and stmach. (然而,热水会伤害你的喉咙和胃。)”符合语境。故选E。
    7.根据本段主旨句“Keep Yur Tea Light. (保持茶的清淡。)”可知,本段主要讲要保持茶的清淡。根据下文“It can easily cause headaches and insmnia(失眠)as well as stmach prblems…(它很容易引起头痛和失眠(失眠)还有胃部问题……)”可知,空处应出现It的指代对象。G项“Taking yur tea t strng will make the tea cntain t much caffeine. (喝太浓的茶会使茶中含有太多咖啡因。)”中Taking yur tea t strng为下文It的指代对象,且与主旨句中的Light意思相对,符合语境。故选G。
    8.根据本段主旨句“Drink Tea in Between Meals. (餐间喝茶。)”可知,本段主要讲述要在餐间喝茶。根据下文“S, it is suggested that the best time t drink tea is between meals. (因此,建议喝茶的最佳时间是两餐之间。)”可知,空格处与下文构成因果关系。上文“If yu drink t much tea befre a meal, it will nt nly cause the fd t feel tasteless, but will als prevent the absrptin f prtein in the bdy. (如果你在饭前喝了太多的茶,不仅会使食物感觉无味,还会阻止体内蛋白质的吸收。)”讲到在餐前喝茶。C项“The same rule applies t drinking tea after a meal. (同样的规则也适用于饭后喝茶。)”承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
    9.空格处为本段主旨句。根据下文“Therefre, it’s better t wait at least an hur after taking the drugs befre drinking tea. (因此,最好在服药后至少等一个小时再喝茶。)”可知,本段主要讲述不要将茶与药物一起饮用。A项“D Nt Drink with Medicatin. (不要与药物一起饮用。)”最能概括本段主旨。故选A。
    10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.A 24.D
    10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:科学家已经将低成本的包装食品与全球肥胖率上升联系起来。A. rganic 有机的;B. delicius 美味的;C. packaged 包装的;D. priceless 无价的。根据第一段首句的“Prcessed fds”可知,这里指的是加工食品;结合第二段“Sdas, packed ckies, instant ndles and chicken nugget are sme examples f highly prcessed fds.”可知,包装饼干也是一种加工食品,所以这里指低成本的包装食品。故选C。
    11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最近的三项研究为我们日益工业化的食品供应如何影响我们的健康提供了更多的见解。A. inquiries 调查、询问;B. insights 洞悉、了解;C. explratins 探索;D. assessments 评价、评估。根据下文中的黑体句“What des prcessed fd mean?”“What’s wrng with prcessed fds?”“What is it abut prcessed fds?”“What shuld yu eat?”可知,这些都是对加工食品特点的具体说明,帮助我们更好地了解加工食品对人们身体健康的影响,以及我们应该如何应对,所以这三项研究为此提供了更多便于了解的信息和见解。故选B。
    12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究人员创建了一个系统,将食物分为四类。A. distinguishes 区分、辨别;B. defines 给……下定义;C. classifies 把……分类;D. maintains 维持、保持。根据句中“fur grups”可知,系统把食品分成了四组类别。故选C。
    13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:该体系表示,高度加工的食品大多由工业化材料和添加剂制成。A. specially 特别地、专门地;B. mstly 主要地、大多;C. natually 自然地;D. technically 技术上。根据第一段提到的“ hw ur increasingly industrialized fd supply may be affecting ur health.”可知,加工食品也是工业化食品;结合第二段“Sdas, packed ckies, instant ndles and chicken nugget are sme examples f highly prcessed fds.”及常识可知,例子中所提到的高度加工的食品大多都是由工业化材料和添加剂制成。故选B。
    14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但也包括一些看起来健康的产品,如早餐麦片、能量棒和某些酸奶。A. remain 保持;B. feel 感觉;C. becme 变成;D. appear 出现、显现、看起来。根据句中“ such as mrning cereals, energy bars and sme kinds f ygurt.”并结合常识可知,早餐麦片、能量棒和某些酸奶在日常生活中都被人们视为健康食品;由句中“But”可知,本句与上一句为转折关系,说明这些食品在人们看来是健康的。故选D。
    15.考查动词的过去分词词义辨析。句意:他们发现,当人们每天主要以加工食品为食物时,会多摄入约500卡路里。A. cnsumed 被消费、被消耗;B. frced 被迫使、被逼迫;C. deprived 被剥夺;D. fed 被喂养,被提供食物。根据下一句“were given less prcessed fds.”(被提供较少的加工食品)可知,本句应该是指被提供多的加工食品。故选D。
    16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与之相比,同样的实验对象被提供较少加工的食物。A. same 相同的;B. nrmal 正常的;C. different 不同的;D. alternative 备选的、可替代的。根据第三段“ cnducted a fur-week study invlving 20 peple. ”可知,参加实验的研究对象共二十人;根据下文中“The researchers permitted the 20 participants t eat as much r as little as they wanted. ”可知,还是这二十个人被提供了较少加工的食物,说明参加实验的是同一波人。故选A。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们被带到医疗中心,这样他们的健康和行为就可以被追踪。A. explained 解释、说明;B. tracked 跟踪、追踪;C. cured 治愈;D. verlked 俯瞰、忽视。根据前文“Researchers at the Natinal Institutes f Health cnducted a fur-week study invlving 20 peple. ”可知,研究者们用了二十个人来进行实验研究,所以需要对这些人的行为和健康情况进行跟踪记录。故选B。
    18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,西班牙的一项类似研究表明,通常食用的加工食品越多,死亡的风险就会越高。A. Meanwhile 同时;B. Hwever 然而;C. Hence 因此、之后;D. Otherwise 否则。 根据上一句“researchers in France fund peple wh ate mre prcessed fds were mre likely t have heart disease. ”(法国研究人员发现,吃更多加工食品的人更容易患心脏病。)可知,法国研究人员的发现与西班牙的研究结果是类似的,二者属于并列关系,所以“Meanwhile”符合语境。故选A。
    19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究中,当人们吃较少加工的食物时,他们会产生更多控制饥饿感的荷尔蒙。A. cllected 收集、搜集;B. prduced 生产、产生;C. absrbed 吸收;D. relieved 缓解、减轻。根据常识可知,荷尔蒙是由人体内产生的一种物质。故选B。
    20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种反应的原因尚不清楚。A. hunger 饥饿;B. prcedure 步骤、手序;C. reactin 反应、回应;D. feedback 反馈。根据上一句“When given less prcessed fds, peple in the study prduced mre f a hrmne that cntrls hunger, and less f a hrmne that causes hunger.”可知,人们会产生相应的荷尔蒙是对于吃较少加工食品的一种反应。故选C。
    21.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Hall指出,营养物质的来源可能会有影响。A. strike a balance 结账、公平处理;B. run a risk 冒险;C. pse a threat 构成威胁;D. make a difference 有影响、有关系。根据下一句“Fr example, fiber frm whle fruits and vegetables may be better fr making peple feel 13 than fiber added t packed fds such as energy bars and ygurt.”可知,所举例子说明了来自完整的水果和蔬菜中的纤维要比能量棒等加工食品中的更让人有饱腹感,即指营养物质的来源是有一定影响的。故选D。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:例如,整个水果和蔬菜中的纤维可能比能量棒和酸奶等包装食品中的纤维更能让人有饱腹感。A. full 满的、饱的;B. cntent 满足的、满意的;C. starving 饥饿的;D. excited 激动的。根据前文“When given less prcessed fds, peple in the study prduced mre f a hrmne that cntrls hunger, and less f a hrmne that causes hunger. ”可知,人们食用较少的加工食品时会产生更多的控制饥饿的荷尔蒙,即让人产生饱腹感的荷尔蒙;上一句“Hall nted the surce f nutrients might make a difference. ”提到了营养物的来源可能会有一定影响;所以结合常识,这里是应该是指来自于完整水果蔬菜中的纤维比加工食品中的更让人有饱腹感。故选A。
    23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:避开加工食品可能很难,尤其是对时间和金钱有限的人来说。A. especially 尤其、特别;B. generally 通常、一般;C. specially 特别地、专门地;D. reasnably 合理地。根据本句句意并结合常识可知,在现实生活中,想要完全避开加工食品基本上是不可能的,尤其是那些时间和金钱都有限的人,他们会经常选择吃一些半成品、方便面之类的加工食品来节约时间和成本。所以这里特别强调这一部分人,用“especially”符合语意。故选A。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,公司不断地调整产品,使它们看起来更健康。A. restructure 重组;B. rearrange 重新整理、重排;C. redecrate 重新装饰;D. reengineer 调整、重新设计。根据句中“t make them seem healthier”可知,公司为了使产品看起来更加健康,应该是不断地改进和调整产品的设计,所以“reengineer”较为合理。故选D。

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