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    专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)
    专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)01
    专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)02
    专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)03
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    专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)

    这是一份专题10 阅读回答问题-九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用),共16页。

    When I was little, I used t be afraid f the dark. I always thught that there was a ghst in my clset(壁橱). Huses ften made strange nises at night. Smetimes I culd feel eyes watching me and I was afraid t mve. I thught that if I didn’t mve, “they” wuldn’t get me. Usually when this happened, I wanted t g t the bathrm. S befre ging there I wuld be huddling(缩作一团) under my quilt, trying t build up the curage fr scary night-time trip t the bathrm.
    My fear f the dark left me when I was in my early teens. I had a dream. In my dream, I saw this ghst. He was right in frnt f me. I smehw fund the curage. I was s angry with him that I beat him. This dream was s exciting that I can still remember it. After this dream, my fear f the dark was gne. I’m nt afraid f the dark r anything else anymre.
    Has anyne else had a dream like this that helped him r her?
    1.What did the writer think was in the clset?
    2.Why did the writer nt mve?
    3.Where did the writer usually want t g when he felt eyes watching him and he was afraid t mve?
    4.When did the writer get ver his fear f the dark?
    5.What helped the writer vercme his fear f the dark?
    Yu may have heard f Rbin Li. After all, Rbin Li is cnsidered as “the man wh cmpeted against Ggle and wn”, thanks t his creatin f Baidu, China’s largest search engine in China.
    Brn in 1968, Li was the 4th f 5 children brn t factry wrkers in Yangquan f Shanxi Prvince in China. Back then, Yangquan was an underdevelped city that did nt ffer much t its peple. Like mst f the kids in the neighbrhd, Li spent his childhd in hardships.
    His mther, hwever, encuraged him t stay hpeful fr a better tmrrw. He grew up remembering his mther’s wrds, “If yu want a better life in the future, yu will have t study hard and make sure yu get int the best cllege.”
    Li never frgt his mther’s wrds and studied hard. He cleared the entrance f Peking University and cmpleted Bachelr f Science Degree in library infrmatin management. He later cmpleted a pstgraduate (研究生) curse fr cmputer science with a Master’s Degree at the University f Buffal, the State University f New Yrk.
    In 1999, Li and his wife Melissa went fr an activity at Stanfrd University. After that Melissa asked her husband that she wuld like t see him as a funder (创始人) f an Internet cmpany. Bearing a dream f changing peple’s life with science and technlgy and encuraged by Melissa, Rbin Li returned t China and funded Baidu at the end f 1999. After years f effrts, Baidu has becme the mst ppular Chinese website in China, the largest Chinese search engine and the largest Chinese website.
    Therefre, it is truly said that behind every successful man there stands a wman. Fr Rbin, there stand tw behind him.
    6.Hw abut Rbin’s life in his childhd?
    7.Where did Rbin get his Master’s Degree?
    8.What did Rbin’s wife want him t d?
    9.When did Rbin Li fund Baidu?
    10.Wh played an imprtant rle in Rbin Li’s life?
    During the Jin Dynasty(265—420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was intelligent and lved reading. He grew up in a pr family and culdn’t affrd lamp il t study at night.
    One night, he saw fireflies(萤火虫)utside his huse and came up with an idea. He caught sme fireflies in a clth bag and hung the bag up as a lamp. It was said that he spent all f his summer nights reading like this.
    Anther child named Sun Kang wh lived during the same perid als lved reading. One night during winter, Sun used up all f his lamp il and culdn’t study at night. When he suddenly wke up at midnight, he saw the snw reflecting the mnlight utside his huse. His first thught was “Oh, I can use the reflected light t read!” He tk ut his bks and read, even thugh he was freezing cld.
    Bth f the tw kids later became successful gvernment fficials. Peple were tuched by their hardwrking spirit and their stries inspired the Chinese idim “nangyingyingxue(囊萤映雪)”, r “t read by the light f bagged fireflies r the reflected light f snw”.
    In the past, peple had a harder time studying than we d nw. They had t cpy bks by hand because bks were valuable back then. Fr pr families, paper and writing brushes were t expensive t affrd. Students even had t travel ver muntains and rivers in rder t find a gd teacher. Hwever, these difficult situatins did nt stp yung minds frm pursuing(追求)knwledge.
    11.What did Che Yin enjy ding when he was a kid?
    12.Hw culd Che Yin read during summer nights even thugh he culdn’t affrd lamp il?
    13.When did Sun Kang live?
    14.Did Che and Sun achieve success when they grew up?
    15.What have yu learned frm Che Yin’s and Sun Kang’s stries?
    D yu ften put ff ding smething that yu shuld be ding? It’s a bad habit called prcrastinatin(拖延症). Mst f the tasks that yu prcrastinate n aren’t actually difficult t d—yu have the skills t cmplete them—yu just dn’t want t start them fr ne reasn r anther.
    2-Minute Rule is a methd f dealing with the prblem and the gal is t make it easier fr yu t get, started n the things yu shuld be ding. It includes tw parts. Part One cmes frm David Allen’s bk, Getting Things Dne. It’s surprising hw many things we put ff that we culd get dne in tw minutes r less, fr example, taking ut the litter, cleaning up yur desk and sending an email. If a task takes less than tw minutes t cmplete, then fllw the rule and d it right nw.
    Can all f yur gals be achieved in less than tw minutes? Of curse nt. But, every gal can be started in 2 minutes r less. And that’s the purpse behind the rule’s secnd part. Once yu start ding smething, it’s easier t cntinue ding it. The mst imprtant part f any new habit is getting started—nt just the first time, but each time. I lve the 2-Minute Rule because it accepts the idea that all gd things happen nce yu get started.
    Want t becme a better writer? Just write ne sentence(2-Minute Rule), and yu’ll be likely t find yurself writing fr an hur.
    Want t make reading a habit? Just read the first page f a new bk(2-Minute Rule), and befre yu knw it, yu’ve read the first ten pages.
    Use next 120 secnds t get ne thing dne. G!
    16.What can 2-Minute Rule help us t d?(N mre than 10 wrds)
    17.What des the writer think is the mst imprtant part f a new habit?(N mre than 10 wrds)
    18.Can all f yur gals be achieved in less than tw minutes?
    19.What d the tw examples at the end f the passage try t tell us?(N mre than 10 wrds)
    20.What have yu learned frm the passage?(N mre than 20 wrds)
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the creatrs f Ggle, want t change yur wrld. Their gal is t make a search engine that always gives yu the right infrmatin. “It’s a huge gal, Page says, and it’s a lng way ff.” But Page and Brin are ready fr it.
    “Imagine if yu had a librarian wh had the knwledge f Ggle but culd als answer immediately with that knwledge,” says Page. “That wuld really change the wrld.”
    Bth Page and Brin cme frm math and cmputer science backgrunds. Page’s father and mther were bth cmputer scientists. S Page’s lve fr cmputers started early. He remembers surprising his teachers when he turned in a typed hmewrk paper in primary schl.
    Brin’s father was a math teacher and Brin’s parents mved t the U.S. frm Russia in 1979. Brin says they mved t the U.S. t have mre chances. Judging frm their sn’s success, their mve certainly was a great decisin!
    Page and Brin were students at Stanfrd University when they first had the idea f creating their nw-famus Ggle search engine. They began the prject in Page’s drm rm(宿舍). Brin says he knew Ggle wuld be great when he fund that he used it all the time.
    After cllecting mney frm friends and family, they put Ggle n the market in 1998. At first, they did 10,000 searches daily. Tday they d ver 200 millin searches—mre than 50 percent f all Internet searches.
    Bth men have surprisingly simple lifestyles. They dn’t live in large huses r wn expensive cars. Page and Brin als wrk very hard. They say that setting up a restaurant at their cmpany was ne f their best ideas. Why? Because they wrk such lng hurs that they end up eating mst f their meals there! Page and Brin strngly believe that search engines can greatly imprve peple’s lives.
    21.What is Ggle?
    22.What made Page’s lve fr cmputers start mre early than ther children?
    23.Why did Brin’s parents decide t mve t the U.S. in 1979?
    24.Where did tw creatrs f Ggle start their prject?
    25.What d yu think is the mst imprtant thing t Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s success?
    When William Erasmus Darvin was brn in December 1839, his father Charles Darwin began t carefully recrd bservatins f his firstbrn in a ntebk. Nw hused at Cambridge University Library, it reads mre like a research paper.
    Tday we knw a gd deal abut Darwin’s theries. We knw far less abut hw his private life—particularly his family—cntributed t his wrk. But his ntebk shws anther side f the funding father f evlutin: Darwin as a family man.
    Darwin’s sn William was brn a year after the scientist first met Lndn Z’s first rangutan(猩猩), Jenny. “The rangutan fr Darwin was like a windw int the rigins f mankind,” says Jhn van Wyhe, directr f Darwin Online.
    At this time, Darwin was already frming ideas abut where humans came frm, but he had never met ne f ur clse ape(猿) relatives t test these theries. His meeting with Jenny helped build up his idea that we shared a cmmn ancestr(祖先) with apes. He was already lking fr a “real relatinship between humans and apes”, says van Wyhe. When he saw Jenny’s facial expressins and nticed her scial behavir, he knew his ideas were right.
    What std ut t him was hw human-like sme f her behavir was, which he wrte abut in a letter t his sister Susan: “The keeper shwed her an apple, but wuld nt give it t her, whereupn she threw herself n her back, kicked and cried, just like a naughty child.”
    When his sn was brn sn after, it meant that he culd see first-hand hw a human child develped, and cnsider the relatinship between humans and animals. “The ntebk shws Darwin as a gd-humured thugh curius father wh is playing with his yung baby like he is anther ape,” says van Wyhe.
    His bservatins abut bth his family and Jenny the ape went n t influence his 1871 bk. The Descen f Man and The Expressin f the Emtins in Man and Animals, published in 1872.
    26.What did Darwin d after his first child was brn?
    27.What idea did Darwin hld befre meeting Jenny?
    28.What did Darwin think f ape, Jenny?
    29.What des the text mainly want t tell us?
    30.What can yu learn frm Darwin?
    D yu knw the 24 slar terms(节气) f China? It starts frm Beginning f Spring and ends with the Greater Cld, mving in cycles. It is still useful tday t guide peple’s lives thrugh special fds, cultural ceremnies and even healthy living tips. Here is an intrductin abut 3 f them.
    Grain Buds(小满)
    It’s the 8th slar term f a year. It begins n May 21 this year, and ends n June 4. It means that the seeds(种子) frm the grain(谷物) are becming full. Summer harvest is abut t begin. A saying abut rain during this time mentins, “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” This is a gd time t enjy fish.
    Frst’s Descent(霜降)
    It’s the 18th slar term f the year, during which time the weather becmes much clder than befre and frst begins t appear. The apple is the mst ppular fruit during Frst’s Descent. There is a saying abut apples’ advantages in China, “Eat an apple after meals, even ld men can be as strng as yung men.”
    Minr Cld(小寒)
    It’s the 23rd ne. It marks the start f the cldest days f the year and peple always start preparing fr New Year. Peple need t eat fd that has mre yang energy t stp cld frm harming their bdies. Anther imprtant traditinal fd fr Minr Cld is Laba prridge(腊八粥).
    31.Hw d the slar terms guide peple’s lives?
    32.Hw many days des “Grain Buds” last this year?
    33.Is fish a special dish fr Frst’s Descent?
    34.What is befre “Greater Cld”?
    35.Why d peple eat fds with mre yang energy?
    As the largest cuntry in the wrld, Russia is a perfect travel place t enjy delicius fd, interesting culture and beautiful buildings. Are yu thinking abut travelling t the cuntry? If s, there is smething yu need t knw befre yu g.
    D yu knw the wrld’s lngest passenger carrying railway line is in Russia? The Trans-Siberian Railway (西伯利亚大铁路) runs frm Mscw (莫斯科) t Vladivstk(海参崴), a ttal f ver 9289 kilmeters. If yu want t travel arund Russia by train in a pretty relaxing way, it makes it easy t d s.
    If yu are smene that lves literature (文学), yu prbably knw that Russia is hme t sme f the best and mst famus writers, such as Le Tlsty and Alexander Pushkin. Many great writers have a museum specially built fr them. Mst can be fund in Mscw. Whether yu’re a fan f their wrks r yu dn’t knw wh they’re, yu can learn smething new abut them and Russian literature by visiting their museums.
    Anther ne f the mst surprising facts abut Russia is that it has 12 active vlcanes (活火山). If yu lve nature yu shuld visit Kamchatka, ne f the mst visited amng them. Besides the active vlcan this area has ver 1,000 different kinds f plants. It’s als hme t brwn bears, sheep and wlves.
    What’s mre, flk dancing is an imprtant part f Russian histry and culture. One f the mst famus Russian dances is Khrvd. With peple mving arund in a circle hand in hand, they enjy themselves in the dancing. Russians perfrm flk dances at festivals. If yu get the chance t travel t Russia, be sure t attend a Russian flk-dance perfrmance t learn mre abut the culture and traditins f Russia.
    36.Why is Russia a perfect place t travel?
    37.Is it difficult fr visitrs t enjy the train ride arund Russia?
    38.T knw mre abut Le Tlsty, where can a literature lver g in Mscw?
    39.What is Kamchatka?
    40.Hw d Russian peple perfrm Khrvd?
    On Oct 23, 2021, 49-year-ld Wang Yng was handing ut leaflets(宣传单) n Nanbin Rad in Chngqing. Wang Yng wrks in a pet hspital. He was wearing a cartn bear csturme(服装) at that time, and the leaflets were abut his pet hspital.
    Suddenly, Wang Yng saw a middle-aged man fall dwn. The man had a cardiac arrest(心脏骤停). Wang called 120, tk ff his csturme and perfrmed CPR right away. Luckily, the man was awake tw minutes later.
    “I must save him,” said Wang. “The best time t save a cardiac-arrest patient is within fur minutes.” Hw did he knw that?
    In 2019, a famus actr died suddenly because f cardiac arrest while he was wrking. Wang watched the news n his phne and he was wrried abut his mther. She has a heart cnditin. He decided t learn t save peple wh have a cardiac arrest. And he became a Red Crss vlunteer later. “As a Red Crss vlunteer, I just did what I shuld d. I advise mre peple t learn t perfrm CPR,” Wang said.
    41.Where des Wang Yng wrk?
    42.What was Wang Yng ding when the man fell dwn?
    43.Wh saved the man?
    44.Why was Wang Yng wrried abut his mther?
    45.What did Wang Yng advise peple t d?
    Marc Pl was brn in Italy in 1254. When he was 17, he travelled acrss Eurpe and Asia alng the Silk Rad with his father, wh wanted t d trade with the Chinese. Finally they arrived in Beijing. They were guests at the Emperr’s Palace. Althugh Marc was yung, he was very clever and culd speak fur languages. The Emperr was impressed by him and they became friends. He asked Marc t serve in his curt and sent him t d many imprtant tasks acrss the cuntry.
    Marc was amazed by hw beautiful and pwerful China was. He was impressed by Beijing and the Emperr’s Palace, especially the Summer Palace which he described as “The greatest palace that ever was ... The walls were cvered in gld and silver and the hall was s large that it culd easily seat 6,000 peple fr dinner”.
    There were inventins and develpments in China which culdn’t be fund in Eurpe at that time. Marc was surprised t see Chinese peple using paper mney in the markets. In Eurpe, peple paid fr gds with gld r silver! He was als puzzled by the black stnes peple used t burn t prduce heat. The black stnes were cal, but Marc had never seen cal befre!
    After 17 years f service t the Emperr, Marc returned t Italy. He was then a very wealthy man. A writer wrte dwn all the stries that Marc had tld him in a bk called The Travels f Marc Pl, which became ne f the best-selling bks in Eurpe.
    Althugh peple enjyed reading the bk, many f them thught that Marc’s stries abut China were t fantastic t be true. But Marc always std by his tales. Just befre he died, aged 70, Marc was asked the questin, “Was it all true?” And this was his answer, “I have nly tld a half f what I saw!”
    46.Why did Marc Pl and his father travel t China?
    47.What des Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    48.Marc Pl saw that there were inventins and develpments in China which culdn’t be fund in Eurpe at that time. Give TWO examples.
    49.Was Marc Pl the writer f the bk The Travels f Marc Pl?
    50.What des the last sentence “I have nly tld a half f what I saw!” mean?
    1.He always thught that there was a ghst in his clset. 2.Because he culd feel eyes watching him. 3.He wanted t g t the bathrm. 4.When he was in his early teens. 5.A dream.
    1.根据第一段“I always thught that there was a ghst in my clset”可知,他一直以为他的壁橱里有个鬼。故填He always thught that there was a ghst in his clset.
    2.根据第一段“Smetimes I culd feel eyes watching me and I was afraid t mve.”可知,有时他会感觉到眼睛在注视着他,所以害怕不敢动。故填Because he culd feel eyes watching him.
    3.根据第一段“Usually when this happened, I wanted t g t the bathrm.”可知,通常当发生这种情况时,他想去洗手间。故填He wanted t g t the bathrm.
    4.根据第二段“My fear f the dark left me when I was in my early teens.”可知,在他十几岁的时候,他对黑暗的恐惧就离开了他。故填When he was in his early teens.
    5.根据第二段“After this dream, my fear f the dark was gne.”可知,经过这个梦,他对黑暗的恐惧消失了。故填A dream.
    6.He spent his childhd in hardships./Hard./Difficult. 7.At the University f Buffal, the State University f New Yrk. 8.T fund an Internet cmpany. 9.At the end f 1999. 10.His mther and his wife.
    6.根据“Like mst f the kids in the neighbrhd, Li spent his childhd in hardships.”可知,李的童年是在艰辛中度过的。故填He spent his childhd in hardships./Hard./Difficult.
    7.根据“He later cmpleted a pstgraduate (研究生) curse fr cmputer science with a Master’s Degree at the University f Buffal, the State University f New Yrk.”可知,他在纽约州立大学布法罗大学获得了硕士学位。故填At the University f Buffal, the State University f New Yrk.
    8.根据“After that Melissa asked her husband that she wuld like t see him as a funder (创始人) f an Internet cmpany.”可知,成立一家互联网公司。故填T fund an Internet cmpany.
    9.根据“Rbin Li returned t China and funded Baidu at the end f 1999.”可知,李彦宏于1999年底回到中国,创立了百度。故填At the end f 1999.
    10.根据“His mther, hwever, encuraged him t stay hpeful fr a better tmrrw.”及“Bearing a dream f changing peple’s life with science and technlgy and encuraged by Melissa, Rbin Li returned t China and funded Baidu at the end f 1999.”可知,李彦宏在他的母亲和妻子的鼓励下做出了今天的一番成绩。故填His mther and his wife.
    11.He enjyed/lved reading. 12.He caught sme fireflies in a clth bag and hung the bag up as a lamp. 13.During the Jin Dynasty. 14.Yes. 15.Where there is will, there is a way./Nbdy is t pr t study hard./We shuld wrk hard t pursue knwledge.(言之有理即可)
    11.根据“During the Jin Dynasty(265—420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was intelligent and lved reading”可知车胤小时候喜欢读书,故填He enjyed/lved reading.
    12.根据“He caught sme fireflies in a clth bag and hung the bag up as a lamp. It was said that he spent all f his summer nights reading like this.”可知他用布袋捉了几只萤火虫,把布袋当灯挂了起来。故填He caught sme fireflies in a clth bag and hung the bag up as a lamp.
    13.根据“Anther child named Sun Kang wh lived during the same perid”以及“During the Jin Dynasty(265—420), there was a child named Che Yin.”可知孙康和车胤都是晋朝时期人物,故填During the Jin Dynasty.
    14.根据“Bth f the tw kids later became successful gvernment fficials.”可知两个孩子长大后都很成功,故填Yes.
    15.开放性作答,结合文章,言之有理即可。参考答案为Where there is will, there is a way./Nbdy is t pr t study hard./We shuld wrk hard t pursue knwledge.
    16.T deal with prcrastinatin. 17.Getting started. 18.N(, they can’t)./Of curse nt.
    19.Just use 2-Minute Rule at nce.
    20.I’ve learned hw t deal with prcrastinatin.
    16.根据“It’s a bad habit called prcrastinatin(拖延症).”及“2-Minute Rule is a methd f dealing with the prblem and the gal is t make it easier fr yu t get, started n the things yu shuld be ding.”可知,2分钟规则是帮助我们解决拖延症这个问题。故填T deal with prcrastinatin.。
    17.根据“The mst imprtant part f any new habit is getting started”可知,作者认为新习惯最重要的部分是开始。故填Getting started.
    18.根据“Can all f yur gals be achieved in less than tw minutes? Of curse nt.”可知,你所有的目标都能在两分钟之内实现吗?当然不是。此处作否定回答。故填N(, they can’t)./Of curse nt.
    19.根据最后两段及“Use next 120 secnds t get ne thing dne. G!”可知,作者举例是想要告诉我们立即使用2分钟规则。故填Just use 2-Minute Rule at nce.
    20.开放性试题,言之有理即可,参考答案为:I’ve learned hw t deal with prcrastinatin.
    21.A search engine. 22.Page’s father and mther were bth cmputer scientists. 23.Because they wanted t have mre chances. 24.In Page’s drm rm. 25.Hard wrk./They wrk lng hurs./They are hard-wrking peple.
    【导语】本文是一篇人物故事,主要介绍了谷歌创始人Larry Page和Sergey Brin的故事。他们两个人来自相同的背景,抱有相同的理念,都认为互联网会改变人们的生活。他们经过长期的不懈努力,在Page的宿舍创建了搜索引擎——谷歌。
    21.根据“Their gal is t make a search engine that always gives yu the right infrmatin.”以及前文中提到他们两个人是Ggle的创始人,可以得知Ggle是一个搜索引擎。故填A search engine.
    22.根据“Page’s father and mther were bth cmputer scientists. S Page’s lve fr cmputers started early.”Page的父亲和母亲都是计算机科学家。所以Page对电脑的热爱很早就开始了。可知是他的父母都是计算机科学家让他对电脑的热爱比其他孩子开始的早。故填Page’s father and mther were bth cmputer scientists.
    23.根据“Brin says they mved t the U.S. t have mre chances”Brin说他们搬到美国是为了有更多的机会。可知是想要有更多的机会,才搬去的美国。故填Because they wanted t have mre chances.
    24.根据“They began the prject in Page’s drm rm(宿舍).”可知,他们在Page的宿舍里开始他们的项目,即开发Ggle。故填In Page’s drm rm.
    25.结合上文他们想利用搜索引擎来改变世界,说明他们对计算机非常热爱并感兴趣;根据文章的最后一段“Page and Brin als wrk very hard.”以及下文所述,他们每天工作的时间很长,大部分时间他们都在公司的饭店里吃饭可知,他们工作非常勤奋、努力。这些都是他们能够获得成功的理由。故填Hard wrk./They wrk lng hurs./They are hard-wrking peple.
    26.He recrded bservatins f his firstbrn in a ntebk. 27.He was already frming ideas abut where humans came frm. 28.She lks like a naughty child. 29.Darwin’s bservatins f his firstbrn cntributed t his wrks. 30.He is persistent and insistent n science, serius and respnsible fr science.
    26.根据“When William Erasmus Darvin was brn in December 1839, his father Charles Darwin began t carefully recrd bservatins f his firstbrn in a ntebk.”可知,达尔文在第一个孩子出生后开始在笔记本上仔细记录对长子的观察。故答案为He recrded bservatins f his firstbrn in a ntebk.
    27.根据“At this time, Darwin was already frming ideas abut where humans came frm, but he had never met ne f ur clse ape(猿) relatives t test these theries.”可知,达尔文在见到珍妮之前已经形成了关于人类从何而来的想法。故答案为He was already frming ideas abut where humans came frm.
    28.根据“The keeper shwed her an apple, but wuld nt give it t her, whereupn she threw herself n her back, kicked and cried, just like a naughty child.”并结合语境可知,得不到苹果就趴在地上哭闹的行为像一个淘气的孩子。故答案为She lks like a naughty child.
    29.根据“When William Erasmus Darvin was brn in December 1839, his father Charles Darwin began t carefully recrd bservatins f his firstbrn in a ntebk. Nw hused at Cambridge University Library, it reads mre like a research paper.
    ”可知,本文主要想告诉我们达尔文通过记录对长子的观察写出著作。故答案为Darwin’s bservatins f his firstbrn cntributed t his wrks。
    30.个人观点题,答案不唯一。根据“His bservatins abut bth his family and Jenny the ape went n t influence his 1871 bk. The Descen f Man and The Expressin f the Emtins in Man and Animals, published in 1872.”并结合原文第一段提到长子1839年出生,可知经过长达30多年的记录观察,达尔文完成了伟大的著作。由此我们从达尔文身上学到了他对科学的执着和坚持,对科学的认真和负责。故答案为He is persistent and insistent n science, serius and respnsible fr science.
    31.By special fds, cultural ceremnies and even healthy living tips. 32.15 days. 33.N, it isn’t. 34.Minr Cld. 35.T stp cld frm harming their bdies.
    31.根据“It is still useful tday t guide peple’s lives thrugh special fds, cultural ceremnies and even healthy living tips.”可知是通过特殊的食物、文化仪式甚至健康的生活技巧来指导人们的生活。故填By special fds, cultural ceremnies and even healthy living tips.
    32.根据“It begins n May 21 this year, and ends n June 4.”(今年5月21日开始,6月4日结束)可知小满持续15天。故填15 days.
    33.根据“The apple is the mst ppular fruit during Frst’s Descent”可知鱼并不是霜降节的特色菜。故填N, it isn’t.
    34.根据“D yu knw the 24 slar terms(节气) f China? It starts frm Beginning f Spring and ends with the Greater Cld, mving in cycles.”以及Minr Cld(小寒)中的“It’s the 23rd ne.”可知大寒之前是小寒。故填Minr Cld.
    35.根据“Peple need t eat fd that has mre yang energy t stp cld frm harming their bdies.”可知是为了阻止寒冷伤害他们的身体。故填T stp cld frm harming their bdies.
    36.Because Russia is a perfect travel place t enjy delicius fd, interesting culture and beautiful buildings. 37.N. 38.By visiting their museums. 39.Kamchatka has the active vlcan, ver 1,000 different kinds f plants and als hme t brwn bears, sheep and wlves. 40.With peple mving arund in a circle hand in hand.
    36.根据“As the largest cuntry in the wrld, Russia is a perfect travel place t enjy delicius fd, interesting culture and beautiful buildings.”可知,作为世界上最大的国家,俄罗斯是一个享受美食、有趣文化和美丽建筑的完美旅游之地。故填Because Russia is a perfect travel place t enjy delicius fd, interesting culture and beautiful buildings.
    37.根据“If yu want t travel arund Russia by train in a pretty relaxing way, it makes it easy t d s.”可知,如果你想以一种非常放松的方式坐火车环游俄罗斯,这很容易做到。此处作否定回答。故填N.
    38.根据“Whether yu’re a fan f their wrks r yu dn’t knw wh they’re, yu can learn smething new abut them and Russian literature by visiting their museums.”可知,一个文学爱好者如果想要更多地了解列夫•托尔斯泰,在莫斯科可以去参观他们的博物馆。故填By visiting their museums.
    39.根据“Besides the active vlcan this area has ver 1,000 different kinds f plants. It’s als hme t brwn bears, sheep and wlves.”可知,Kamchatka有活火山,还有1000多种植物,这里也是棕熊、绵羊和狼的家园。故填Kamchatka has the active vlcan, ver 1,000 different kinds f plants and als hme t brwn bears, sheep and wlves.
    40.根据“With peple mving arund in a circle hand in hand, they enjy themselves in the dancing.”可知,俄罗斯人手拉手围成一个圈,尽情地跳舞来表演Khrvd。故填With peple mving arund in a circle hand in hand.
    41.He wrks in a pet hspital. 42.Wearing a cartn bear csturme. 43.Wang Yng. 44.His mther has a heart cnditin. 45.T learn t perfrm CPR.
    41.根据“Wang Yng wrks in a pet hspital.”可知,王勇在一家宠物医院工作。故填He wrks in a pet hspital.
    42.根据“He was wearing a cartn bear csturme(服装) at that time, and the leaflets were abut his pet hspital.”和“Suddenly, Wang Yng saw a middle-aged man fall dwn.”可知,当时王勇穿着卡通熊的服装,故填Wearing a cartn bear csturme.
    43.根据“Wang called 120, tk ff his csturme and perfrmed CPR right away.”可知,王勇救了那个人,故填Wang Yng.
    44.根据“Wang watched the news n his phne and he was wrried abut his mther. She has a heart cnditin.”可知,王勇很担心自己的母亲,因为她有心脏病。故填His mther has a heart cnditin.
    45.根据“I advise mre peple t learn t perfrm CPR”可知,王勇建议更多的人学习实施心肺复苏,故填T learn t perfrm CPR.
    46.T d trade with the Chinese. 47.Marc was amazed by hw beautiful and pwerful China was. 48.① Paper mney. ②Cal. 49.N, he wasn’t/N. 50.It was all true. What I have seen in China is mre fantastic than what is written in this bk.
    46.根据“When he was 17, he travelled acrss Eurpe and Asia alng the Silk Rad with his father, wh wanted t d trade with the Chinese.”可知马可·波罗和他的父亲到中国旅行的目的是想要和中国人做贸易。故填T d trade with Chinese.
    47.根据“Marc was amazed by hw beautiful and pwerful China was.”可知第二段主要告诉我们马可·波罗对中国的美丽和强大感到惊讶,故填Marc was amazed by hw beautiful and pwerful China was.
    48.根据“Marc was surprised t see Chinese peple using paper mney in the markets. In Eurpe, peple paid fr gds with gld r silver!”和“He was als puzzled by the black stnes peple used t burn t prduce heat. The black stnes were cal, but Marc had never seen cal befre!”可知马可·波罗在中国看到的,那时欧洲还没有的东西有纸币和煤。故填①Paper mney. ②Cal.
    49.根据“A writer wrte dwn all the stries that Marc had tld him in a bk called The Travels f Marc Pl, which became ne f the best-selling bks in Eurpe.”可知有一位作家把马可·波罗告诉他的故事写成《马可·波罗游记》,但是作者不是马可·波罗,故此处用否定回答。故填N, he wasn’t/N.
    50.主观发挥题,言之有理即可。最后一句告诉大家,马可·波罗的关于中国的故事是真实的,而他亲眼看到的中国景象比书里所描述的更奇异。故填It was all true. What I have seen in China is mre fantastic than what is written in this bk.

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