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    专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)
    专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)01
    专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)02
    专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)03
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    专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用)

    这是一份专题04 阅读理解之说明文九年级英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(全国通用),共16页。试卷主要包含了B.Paragraph 4等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________
    ①Height is just ne f the thusands f features yur genes (基因) decide. In fact, because yu have tw parents, yur genes prvide yu a height that usually lands smewhere between the height f each parent. If bth yur parents are tall, then mst prbably yu will be tall t, but if yu have questins abut hw tall yu’re ging t be, ask yur dctr if he r she can help yu find it ut.
    ②But genes dn’t decide everything. Fr example, eating an unhealthy diet can stp yu frm grwing t yur full ptential(潜力). Getting plenty f sleep and enugh exercise will help yu grw t the expected height.
    ③N dubt(怀疑) yu’re wndering hw fast yu shuld grw. Itdepends. There’s n perfect r right answer. Generally speaking, kids grw abut 6 centimeters a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty (青春期) (when yur bdy starts changing and becming mre grwn up).
    ④Yur dctr can knw yur grwth these years. Tw centimeters here and 2 inches there are nt as imprtant as the height yu’re at nw, hw yu’ve been grwing up t this pint, and what ther changes yur bdy may be ging thrugh.
    ⑤Dn’t be scared if yu seem t have grwn a lt in a very shrt time. Everyne has a grwth spurt (高峰) during puberty. The age fr starting puberty is abut 10 years ld fr girls and abut 11 years ld fr bys. But it can be earlier r later—between 7 and 13 fr girls and 9 and 15 fr bys. Yu’ll usually begin t ntice that yu’re grwing faster abut a year r s after yur bdy starts t shw the first changes f puberty.
    1.Which ne decides yur height accrding t Paragraph①?
    A.Yur genes.B.Yur mther.C.Yur father.D.Yur dctr.
    2.Hw can yu grw t yur expected height?
    A.Stay up late ften.B.Eat mre meat and less vegetables.
    C.Depend n yur genes.D.Have enugh sleep and exercise.
    3.What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph③refer t(指的是)?
    A.Hw tall yu will grw.B.Hw fast yu shuld grw.
    C.When yu may grw tall.D.When yur puberty will start.
    4.What’s the main idea f Paragraph⑤?
    A.Smene will be scared if he grws a lt suddenly.B.Bys’ puberty starts earlier than girls’.
    C.The puberty can be earlier r later.D.Everyne has his wn grwth spurt at puberty.
    5.What can be inferred (推断) frm the passage?
    A.Nt nly genes but als lifestyles can influence the height.B.Yur dctr can cntrl yur grwth.
    C.Yu must be tall if ne f yur parents is tall.D.Few peple can get their expected height.
    Surprisingly, the dates and ways f the celebratin f Father’s Day are nt the same everywhere.
    Father’s Day is celebrated t thank fathers and express gratitude (感激) fr their lve. In Canada, it is celebrated n the third Sunday in June. Peple wear rses t express thanks and lve fr their fathers. This is als a time fr a family reunin (团聚) , because children ften stay away frm their family and this is a gd time fr them t get tgether with their fathers and ther lved nes. But in Australia, it is celebrated n the first Sunday in September. The day is celebrated nly in families. A rich breakfast fr families is a gd way t celebrate Father’s Day. In Thailand, Father’s Day falls n December 5 every year. All the peple have a ne-day hliday. Yu can see many peple are in yellw and the streets are decrated in yellw because Father’s Day is als the King’s birthday.
    Sme clubs, schls and cultural scieties in the United Kingdm and Ireland, Australia, Suth Africa rganize Father’s Day parties t prvide peple an pprtunity t celebrate the day t shw the imprtance f father’s rle in the family and the sciety.
    6.Peple have Father’s Day because they want t ________.
    A.have a get-tgetherB.shw thanks t their fathers
    C.send gifts t their fathersD.have a family party
    7.The Canadians celebrate Father’s Day by ________.
    A.wearing rsesB.dressing nicely
    C.sending fathers many giftsD.wrking harder
    8.What des the passage mainly tell us?
    A.The Australians celebrate Father’s Day in the mrning.
    B.Hw the Canadians celebrate Father’s Day.
    C.Why peple in Thailand celebrate Father’s Day n December 5.
    D.Peple celebrate Father’s Day in different ways and n different dates.
    Small talk like “What d yu have there? Ice cream?” r “The weather tday is beautiful, isn’t it?” is nt meaningful t sme peple. But scientist believe that it is mre useful than it may appear t be in fact.
    A study by the University f Chicag fund that peple wh talked t strangers enjyed a better ride than thse wh sat in silence r kept playing with their phnes.
    In the study, scientists asked peple at Chicag train statins t start t talk with ther travelers. Mst f them refused t d s at first because they didn’t think they culd get a friendly answer. But the result was ppsite(相反的). Mst strangers were happy t talk with thers.
    “Peple are scial animals,” Nichlas Epley, ne f the scientists said. “It turned ut that they als wanted t knw thers.”
    Besides making yu happy, chatting with strangers can als help yu feel cnnected(有联系的)with yur envirnment. Sme students fund that when peple ften smiled at, made eye cntact(交流)with and talked with ther peple at public places, there was a better chance that they wuld have a sense f belnging(归属感)instead f felling lnely.
    And if yu are used t talking with strangers, yu can try t talk with peple abut smething different. A study shwed that having a deep and meaningful talk gave yu mre happiness than small talk.
    9.What can we knw frm the result f the study by the University f Chicag?
    A.All peple are plite t strangers.
    B.Talking with ther peple is gd fr peple.
    C.Peple like t shw their gd side t strangers.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “them” refer t in the passage?
    B.Peple at Chicag train statins
    C.Students at the University f Chicag.
    11.Which paragraph talks abut the advantages f small talk?
    A.Paragraph 3.B.Paragraph 4.C.Paragraph 5.
    12.Hw can peple get mre happiness frm small talk?
    A.By starting with easy tpics.
    B.By chsing a pleasant envirnment befre talking.
    C.By turning the small talk int a deep and meaningful talk.
    13.What des the passage mainly tell us?
    A.Small talk can be very useful.
    B.Hw t start small talk in ur daily life.
    C.The difference between small talk and deep talks.
    In many cuntries, gvernments advise peple t buy electric(电动的)car and tell them that driving an electric car is gd fr the envirnment. But is it true?
    The University f Minnesta recently studied the waste frm different cars. The scientists fund that smetimes, electric cars are mre harmful than petrl(汽油)cars.
    Surprising? Well, please pay attentin t the wrd “smetimes”. Electric cars shuld be clean. The prblem lies in the pwer that is used t charge(使充电)them. If the pwer cmes frm wind r slar energy(太阳能), electric cars will cause little pllutin. Hwever, if the pwer cmes frm cal, they will be very harmful. Accrding t the study, pllutin caused by these cars kills abut 3,000 peple a year. Pllutin caused by petrl cars leads t abut 880 deaths a year.
    In fact, yu can believe salespeple’s wrds when they say electric cars are clean. Hwever, they are right nly when the pwer used t charge their cars is als clean.
    S hw clean electric cars are depends n where peple drive them. In France, mre than half f the pwer cmes frm nuclear statins(核电站). Driving electric cars is gd fr the envirnment. In sme ther cunties, hwever, pwer still mainly cmes frm cal. India, fr example, depends n cal fr 61% f its pwer. Only 2% f its pwer cmes frm nuclear energy. In cuntries like India, electric cars are nt clean at all! They shuld prepare clean pwer fr their electric cars.
    14.Why d gvernments advise peple t buy electric cars accrding t the first paragraph?
    A.T have a ppular car.
    B.T save lts f mney.
    C.T prtect the envirnment.
    15.Which is a disadvantage(劣势)f electric cars that get pwer frm cal?
    A.They use mre cal t get pwer.
    B.They need tw mre drivers during the trip.
    C.They cause mre peple t die than petrl cars.
    16.What is the main idea f the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Nwadays electric cars are nt always clean.
    B.The pwer f mst cars in France cmes frm nuclear statins.
    C.Salespeple advise mre peple t buy electric cars.
    17.What is the main purpse f the text?
    A.T tell us petrl cars are very harmful t the envirnment.
    B.T explain why slar energy has a great advantage ver cal.
    C.T tell us what kind f electric cars are friendly t the envirnment.
    18.Where can yu mst prbably find the text?
    A.In a strybk.B.In a science newspaper.C.On a ntice bard.
    We all have t ask fr favrs smetimes. But it can be a difficult thing t d—even when yu ask a gd friend. S hw can yu ask fr a favr and be sure t get a psitive respnse (正面回应)? Here are sme suggestins.
    ______ When yu ask smene fr a favr, yu’re really asking the persn t g ut f his r her way t help yu. Shw the persn that yu understand he r she is ding smething especially nice fr yu. If peple think yu’re friendly, they’re mre likely (可能的) t want t help. Thank them sincerely (真诚地) when they help yu. And, f curse, a smile ges a lng way.
    Chse yur wrds carefully. Hw d peple respnd t requests like this ne: “Hey, Mike, lend me yur car!”? They prbably refuse. Hw can yu avid this prblem? Chse yur wrds carefully! Fr example, say, “Mike, wuld yu mind ding me a favr?” Mike will prbably respnd like this: “Maybe. What d yu need?” Nw yu have his attentin and can explain the situatin. Peple are mre likely t agree t help yu when they knw the whle stry.
    Shw yur respect (尊重). If smene agrees t d yu a favr, allw the persn t chse when he r she helps yu. Be respectful f the ther persn’s time, and try nt t ask fr t much. If smene refuses yur request, yu shuld accept the answer plitely. Dn’t make a habit f asking fr favrs, and always make sure yu’re ready t d smene a favr in return.
    19.The writer starts the passage by ______.
    A.telling striesB.cmparing numbers
    C.intrducing a prblemD.giving an example
    20.Which f the fllwing sentences can be best put in “______”?
    A.Be a nice persn.B.Never stp smiling, even when yu’re sad.
    C.Try t understand yurself well.D.Say thanks when smene helps yu.
    21.What des the wrd “avid” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
    22.Thrugh the last paragraph, the writer wants t tell us that ne shuld ______.
    A.have a gd habitB.refuse thers plitely
    C.be respectful f thersD.be hnest t thers
    23.The writer wrte the passage t ______.
    A.ask fr helpB.give suggestinsC.describe a situatinD.make a special reprt
    What d yu usually d in yur spare time? Chatting nline is nw a natinal pastime(消遣)in China, especially amng the pst-90s and pst-00s generatin. T sme peple, hwever, nline chats can seem like a kind f plite cnversatin. Yet hidden rules d exist(存在), as lng as yu take the time t lk fr them.
    Get t the Pint
    When sending a friend request, include yur real name and any ther identifying(身份辨别)infrmatin. Remember, everybdy’s time is valuable. If there’s smething yu want, cut right t the chase. Never send an “Are yu there?” withut any fllw-up messages. The quicker that yu get t the pint, the mre likely the ther persn is t reply.
    Send the Right Things
    Please send texts, nt vice messages. It might be easier fr yu t speak than type, but what abut the persn n the ther end? They may be unable t listen t a 59-secnd message right nw. Als, never send infrmatin by vice message—it is hard t nte dwn. Emjis(表情符号)and GIFs can save the day when yu find yurself in an embarrassing cnversatin, r wrds fail yu.
    Try t Understand
    Yu can always judge a persn’s md by their text messages. If the persn yu’re talking t says “Gd night” r “I’m ging t take a shwer”, that’s prbably nt what they’re actually ging t d. It is just an excuse t stp talking t yu. If smene waits fr lnger than three secnds befre saying “Yes”, they prbably really mean “N”. If yu receive these emjis frm friends wh are lder, read them literally(照字面地)(such as a smile r a wave). Fr the pst-90s and pst-00s generatin, hwever, they culd be speechlessness(无语).
    24.What may the underlined sentence mean?
    A.Send yur real name withut any fllw-up messages.
    B.Tell thers what yu want withut any ther useless messages.
    C.Send a friend request withut any ther identifying infrmatin.
    D.Greet thers plitely by sending an “Are yu there?” with emjis.
    25.What des the wrd “it” refer t in Paragraph 3?
    A.persnal infrmatinB.vice messageC.emjiD.GIF
    26.Wh will send yu a wave t say gdbye accrding t the passage?
    A.The pst-80s generatin.B.The pst-90s generatin.
    C.The pst-2000s generatin.D.The pst-2010s generatin.
    27.What is the writer’s pinin abut chatting nline?
    A.The ways yu use t chat are the same as yur parents.
    B.Using t many emjis while chatting will anny thers.
    C.Vice messages make it easier fr thers t understand yu.
    D.Yur text messages n the phne will shw what yu’re feeling.
    28.What is the best title f the passage?
    A.Hidden rules in chatting nlineB.Gd ways f sending right things
    C.Understand thers thrugh the messagesD.Chatting nline in yur spare time
    Secnd nly t water, tea is ne f the mst ppular drinks in the wrld. Whether yu like ht tea, icy tea r tea with milk, there’s a lt t lve abut tea. But hw much d yu knw abut it? Let’s test if yu are a real tea lver.
    Althugh there are thusands f different kinds f tea, they all cme frm ne plant-- Camellia sinensis(野茶树) living in East Asia. The differences cme frm where the plants are grwn and hw their leaves are treated after being picked. In different ways, peple may make plant leaves int green tea r black tea.
    Tea came t England frm China in the seventeenth century, but it was s cstly that nly rich peple culd affrd it. It wasn’t until the first tea shp pened in 1717 that cmmn peple gt clse t the drink. By the middle f the eighteenth century, almst everyne in England has been drinking tea.
    In the 1700s, many cmmn English peple didn’t have the better tea sets that richer peple used. Their thinner cups ften brke when biling tea was inside. Adding milk first helped t cl the tea s that the cups culdn’t get brken s easily.
    While tea lvers keep talking abut hw t make a great cup, there’s nly ne rule. The perfect cup f tea is the ne that tastes best t yu. N matter hw yu like it, just enjy it!
    29.What des the underlined wrd “cstly” mean in Chinese?
    30.________, tea became widely ppular in England.
    A.In the fifteenth centuryB.In the sixteenth century
    C.In the seventeenth centuryD.In the eighteenth century
    31.Peple started adding milk t tea in rder t ________.
    A.make it taste betterB.prtect their cups
    C.make it cl enugh t drinkD.make it healthier
    32.What is the best title fr the passage?
    A.Hw was tea invented?
    B.Let’s learn sme facts abut tea.
    C.Differences between tea in China and that in the UK.
    D.Why is tea the mst ppular drink in the wrld?
    33.We can read the passage in ________ clumn(专栏) f a newspaper.
    Chinese Teachers’ Day is a festival celebrating the ver 2,000-year traditin f respecting teachers and educatin in China.
    The histry f Teachers’ Day dates back t the Han Dynasty. Accrding t recrd, during the Han and Jin Dynasties, n August 27 f the lunar calendar each year, the birthday f Cnfucius(孔子), the emperr wuld g t the Cnfucius Temple and wrship(敬拜) the great teacher, and wuld als invite ryal teachers t dinner. And n that day, teachers enjyed a day’s vacatin and were given dried meat as gifts. Besides, best teachers wh were chsen frm the whle cuntry wuld be given 500 liang silver cins each as prizes. In the Qing Dynasty, well perfrming teachers wuld be given fficial titles r prmted t higher psitins.
    Nrmally, in ancient time, there was n fixed tuitin fee(学费); the parents paid with mney r fd.
    In private schls, teachers wuld receive mney r gifts frm the hst family at certain festivals r at the beginning and end f each term. The festivals in which teachers received gifts were different in different areas, while the mst valued nes were the Dragn Bat Festival, Mid-autumn Festival and Chinese New Year, as well as Cnfucius’ birthday and the private teacher’s birthday.
    Amng all the gift-giving festivals, the first meeting gift was a must. There was a traditin that when students met their teachers fr the first time, they needed t kwtw(磕头) t Cnfucius’ picture and then t their private teachers, befre giving their teachers a “gift”.
    34.Wh is the great teacher f China?
    A.Cnfucius.B.The emperr.C.The ryal teacher.D.Private schl teacher.
    35.Which f the fllwing is nt true accrding t the passage?
    A.On Cnfucius’ birthday, teachers wuld have a day ff.
    B.At that time, fd culd be used as tuitin.
    C.In ancient times, it’s nt necessary t prepare gifts when students met their teachers fr the first time.
    D.The histry f Teachers’ Day starts frm the Han Dynasty.
    36.The underlined wrd “prmted” might mean ________ in Chinese.
    37.What wuld private schl teachers receive at certain festival?
    A.Mney.B.Gifts.C.Bth A r B.D.Nthing.
    38.What’s the best title f the passage?
    A.Hw t Respect Teachers.B.The Greatest Teacher in China.
    C.Teachers’ Day in Ancient China.D.Tuitin Fee in Han Dynasty.
    As space(太空)science develps, man has learned mre and mre abut space. Space is nt nly amazing but als dangerus. While wrking in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.
    Scientists have fund ut that the radiatin(辐射)is the greatest danger t spacemen in space. When spacemen are wrking in space, they are in danger f the radiatin frm the sun and ther stars, which is bad fr their health. The harm(伤害)f the radiatin wn’t be fund until their children even grandchildren are brn. Sme special medicine may wrk a little, but n really effective(有效的)medicine has been fund s far.
    Space rubbish is als thught t be a great danger t spacemen. It’s reprted that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. Abut 30% f these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish(垃圾). An explsin(爆炸)in space in 1999 made a clud f 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size. A small piece f these even kncked a spaceship windw and caused sme damage(损坏). Scientists are watching and reprting any pssible danger all the time. They are wrking t deal with space rubbish.
    Althugh space is really dangerus, it interests many peple n the earth. In the near future, it may becme pssible fr peple t spend a few days in a space htel. We may even chse t leave the earth and live in space in a few years. S we shuld d smething t help imprve the space envirnment.
    39.Scientists have fund ut that ________ is the greatest danger t spacemen in space.
    40.Space junk and radiatin in space are dangerus t ________.
    A.spacemen wrking in spaceB.peple nly n the earth
    C.all the peple except childrenD.ld peple n the earth
    41.The underlined wrd “fragments” means “________”.
    42.Which f the fllwing abut the passage is TRUE?
    A.Radiatin in space cmes frm the sun and ther stars.
    B.Every ne f us can make a trip t space nw.
    C.Scientists have fund ut ways t slve all prblems in space.
    D.Peple are afraid t travel in space because it’s t dangerus.
    43.The best title fr the passage is ________.
    A.Space RadiatinB.Space DangerC.Space RubbishD.Space Travel
    Can yu speak mre than ne language? Being able t cmm great way t make friends and feel mre cnfident.
    Language is the way we cmmunicate with each ther. It includes speaking, writing and using hand and face mvements, knwn as sign language. The UN celebrates six f the wrld’s mst widely used languages every year. French language day, n 20 March, Chinese, n 20 April, and Russian, n 6 June, are gd pprtunities t try learning a new language.
    Speaking anther language helps yu talk t peple yu may nt understand. Havana, wh is aged 12, says speaking Hungarian as well as English means she can talk t her relatives in Hungary. This makes her feel clser t her cusins because they’re able t share their interests. Learning anther language can als increase yur cnfidence. Fr example, by being able t chat t lcal peple when yu travel. Studies shw that being able t speak tw languages als exercises the brain and makes yu better atcncentrating n mre than ne thing at a time.
    Alex Rawlings is a language teacher and writer wh speaks mre than 15 languages. He finds it’s easier t learn wrds that he can see r hear, rather than frm a list. Rawlings suggests writing dwn reasns why yu want t learn the language and keep reminding yurself f them. “I’ve met lts f friends thrugh my languages,” says Rawlings. “The mre yu learn the easier it gets.”
    44.Peple celebrate Chinese language day n ________.
    A.20 MarchB.20 AprilC.6 JuneD.12 Octber
    45.Accrding t Havana, speaking Hungarian well ________.
    A.help her makes mre friendsB.makes her feel mre cnfident
    C.makes her feel clser t her cusinsD.exercises her brain and makes her smarter
    46.The underlined wrd “cncentrating” in this passage can be replaced by ________.
    A.dependingB.catchingC.keeping yur mindD.keeping an eye
    47.Yu can learn frm the passage that ________.
    A.the UN celebrates sign language n 6 June
    B.French is ne f the wrld’s mst widely used languages
    C.it’s easier t learn wrds frm a list rather than seeing and hearing
    D.the mre friends yu make, the easier it gets t learn anther language
    48.This passage tells us ________.
    A.why learning a language is gd fr usB.sme tips fr learning anther language
    C.what the six fficial languages f the UN areD.hw language helps t cmmunicate with thers
    1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A
    1.细节理解题。根据“Height is just ne f the thusands f features yur genes (基因) decide.”可知,身高只是基因决定的数千个特征之一,故选A。
    2.细节理解题。根据“Getting plenty f sleep and enugh exercise will help yu grw t the expected height.”可知,充足的睡眠和足够的锻炼可以帮助你达到预期的身高,故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据“N dubt(怀疑) yu’re wndering hw fast yu shuld grw. It depends.”可知,应该长的有多快这个事情视情况而定,所以It指代“Hw fast yu shuld grw”,故选B。
    4.主旨大意题。根据“Everyne has a grwth spurt (高峰) during puberty.”可知,本段主要讲述了每个人都有青春期生长突增,所以在很短的时间内成长了很多,不要害怕,故选D。
    5.推理判断题。根据“But genes dn’t decide everything. Fr example, eating an unhealthy diet can stp yu frm grwing t yur full ptential(潜力). Getting plenty f sleep and enugh exercise will help yu grw t the expected height.”可知,不仅基因,生活方式也会影响身高,故选A。
    6.B 7.A 8.D
    6.细节理解题。根据“Father’s Day is celebrated t thank fathers and express gratitude (感激) fr their lve”可知,人们过父亲节是因为他们想感谢他们的父亲。故选B。
    7.细节理解题。根据“In Canada, it is celebrated n the third Sunday in June. Peple wear rses t express thanks and lve fr their fathers.”可知,在加拿大,人们佩戴玫瑰来表达对父亲的感谢和爱。故选A。
    8.主旨大意题。根据“Surprisingly, the dates and ways f the celebratin f Father’s Day are nt the same everywhere.”和全文可知,文章主要讲述了世界不同国家庆祝父亲节的不同时间和方式。故选D。
    9.B 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.A
    9.细节理解题。根据“A study by the University f Chicag fund that peple wh talked t strangers enjyed a better ride than thse wh sat in silence r kept playing with their phnes.”可知,与他人交谈对人们有好处。故选B。
    10.词义猜测题。根据“In the study, scientists asked peple at Chicag train statins t start t talk with ther travelers. Mst f them refused t d s at first because they didn’t think they culd get a friendly answer.”可知,在这项研究中,科学家要求芝加哥火车站的人们开始与其他旅客交谈。因此“them”指代的是“芝加哥火车站的人们”。故选B。
    11.细节理解题。根据“Besides making yu happy, chatting with strangers can als help yu feel cnnected(有联系的)with yur envirnment. Sme students fund that when peple ften smiled at, made eye cntact(交流)with and talked with ther peple at public places, there was a better chance that they wuld have a sense f belnging(归属感)instead f felling lnely.”可知,本段讲述了闲聊的好处。故选C。
    12.细节理解题。根据“A study shwed that having a deep and meaningful talk gave yu mre happiness than small talk.”可知,把闲聊变成深刻而有意义的谈话。故选C。
    13.推理判断题。根据“And if yu are used t talking with strangers, yu can try t talk with peple abut smething different. A study shwed that having a deep and meaningful talk gave yu mre happiness than small talk.”以及结合全文可知,本文主要告诉了我们闲聊是很有用的。故选A。
    14.C 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B
    14.细节理解题。根据“In many cuntries, gvernments advise peple t buy electric(电动的)car and tell them that driving an electric car is gd fr the envirnment.”可知,是为了保护环境。故选C。
    15.细节理解题。根据“Accrding t the study, pllutin caused by these cars kills abut 3,000 peple a year. Pllutin caused by petrl cars leads t abut 880 deaths a year.”可知,它们造成的死亡人数比汽油车还多。故选C。
    16.主旨大意题。根据“In fact, yu can believe salespeple’s wrds when they say electric cars are clean. Hwever, they are right nly when the pwer used t charge their cars is als clean.”可知,现在的电动车并不总是干净的。故选A。
    17.推理判断题。根据“S hw clean electric cars are depends n where peple drive them.”以及结合全文可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是来告诉我们什么样的电动车对环境友好。故选C。
    19.C 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.B
    19.细节理解题。根据“We all have t ask fr favrs smetimes. But it can be a difficult thing t d—even when yu ask a gd friend. S hw can yu ask fr a favr and be sure t get a psitive respnse (正面回应)?”可知,作者引出了一个问题开始本文。故选C。
    20.推理判断题。根据“If peple think yu’re friendly, they’re mre likely (可能的) t want t help. Thank them sincerely (真诚地) when they help yu. And, f curse, a smile ges a lng way.”可知,当人们认为你很友好时,他们更有可能帮助你,并且你要微笑,并真诚地感谢他们。推断出本段是做一个好人。故选A。
    21.词义猜测题。根据“They prbably refuse.”和“Nw yu have his attentin and can explain the situatin. Peple are mre likely t agree t help yu when they knw the whle stry.”可知,他们可能拒绝,后文讲述怎样避免这个问题。“avid”表达“避免”。故选C。
    22.段落大意题。根据“If smene agrees t d yu a favr, allw the persn t chse when he r she helps yu. Be respectful f the ther persn’s time, smene a favr in return.” 可知,作者告诉读者不管他/她是否给你帮助,都要尊重他人。作者想要告诉我们要尊重他人。故选C。
    24.B 25.B 26.A 27.D 28.A
    24.词句猜测题。根据划线句后两句“Never send an ‘Are yu there?’ withut any fllw-up messages. The quicker that yu get t the pint, the mre likely the ther persn is t reply.”可知,下文提到,不要在没有任何后续信息的情况下发送“你在吗?”你越快说到重点,对方就越有可能回复你。结合选项推断,划线句应表示“告诉别人你想要什么,不要发任何无用的信息”。故选B。
    25.词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句中“never send infrmatin by vice message”可知,it指代句中提到的“vice message”,表示“语音信息”。故选B。
    26.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段倒数第二句“If yu receive these emjis frm friends wh are lder, read them literally(照字面地)(such as a smile r a wave).”可知,根据这篇文章,年长的朋友会给你发挥手表情说再见,A项“80后的一代”符合题意。故选A。
    27.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句“Yu can always judge a persn’s md by their text messages.”可知,作者认为,你的手机短信会显示你的感受。故选D。
    28.最佳标题题。根据文章第一段最后一句“Yet hidden rules d exist(存在), as lng as yu take the time t lk fr them.”和后文内容可知,本文主要介绍了几个网上聊天的隐藏规则。故选A。
    29.C 30.D 31.B 32.B 33.A
    29.词义猜测题。根据后文“that nly rich peple culd affrd it”可知,只有有钱人才能买得起茶,由此推测此处表示“它太贵了”,cstly意为“昂贵的”。故选C。
    30.细节理解题。根据第三段“Tea came t England frm ... everyne in England has been drinking tea.”可知,茶在17世纪从中国传入英国,起初茶很贵,只有富人才能买得起,直到1717年第一家茶馆开业,普通老百姓才开始接触这种饮料。而到了18世纪中叶,几乎每个英国人都在喝茶,茶在英国广受欢迎。备选项中只有D项“18世纪”符合逻辑。故选D。
    31.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Adding milk first hped t cl the tea s that the cups culdn’t get brken s easily.”可知,加入牛奶有助于冷却茶,这样杯子就不会那么容易破碎。故选B。
    33.推理判断题。根据“Secnd nly t water, tea is ne f the mst ppular drinks in the wrld.”及文章可知,本文主要是介绍茶,与食品及饮品有关,故选A。
    34.A 35.C 36.B 37.C 38.C
    34.细节理解题。根据“during the Han and Jin Dynasties, n August 27 f the lunar calendar each year, the birthday f Cnfucius(孔子), the emperr wuld g t the Cnfucius Temple and wrship(敬拜) the great teacher”可知,孔子是中国伟大的教师。故选A。
    35.细节理解题。根据“Amng all the gift-giving festivals, the first meeting gift was a must.”可知,在古代,当学生初次拜见老师时,拜师礼是必不可少的。故选C。
    36.词句猜测题。根据“In the Qing Dynasty, well perfrming teachers wuld be given fficial titles r prmted t higher psitins.”可知,在清朝,表现良好的教师会晋升到更高的职位,故划线部分单词意为“晋升”。故选B。
    37.细节理解题。根据“In private schls, teachers wuld receive mney r gifts frm the hst family at certain festivals r at the beginning and end f each term.”可知,私立学校的老师在特定的节日会收到金钱或礼物。故选C。
    38.最佳标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了中国古时候的教师节及人们尊敬老师的礼节,故“Teachers’ Day in Ancient China.”可作为文章标题。故选C。
    39.C 40.A 41.A 42.A 43.B
    39.细节理解题。根据“Scientists have fund ut that radiatin is the greatest danger t spacemen in space.”可知,科学家们已经发现,在太空中辐射对宇航员的危害最大。故选C。
    40.细节理解题。根据“Scientists have fund ut that the radiatin is the greatest danger t spacemen in space.”和“Space rubbish is als thught t be a great danger t spacemen.”可知,太空垃圾和辐射对在太空中工作的人危险。故选A。
    41.词句猜测题。根据“An explsin in 1996 made a clud f 30000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size”可知,1996年的一次爆炸形成了由3万块碎片组成的云团,每个碎片的大小至少为4毫米,此处fragments的意思是“碎片”。故选A。
    42.细节理解题。根据“they are in danger f radiatin frm the sun and ther stars, which is bad fr their health.”可知,辐射来自太阳和其他恒星。故选A。
    44.B 45.C 46.C 47.D 48.A
    44.细节理解题。根据“French language day, n 20 March, Chinese, n 20 April, and Russian, n 6 June, are gd pprtunities t try learning a new language.”可知,4月20日是汉语日,故选B。
    45.细节理解题。根据“This makes her feel clser t her cusins because they’re able t share their interests. ”可知,这让她觉得与表亲们更亲近,因为他们能够分享自己的兴趣,故选C。
    46.词义猜测题。根据“mre than ne thing at a time.”可知,会说两种语言能够更好地同时专注于多件事,因此“cncentrating”意为“keeping yur mind”,故选C。
    47.细节理解题。根据“‘I’ve met lts f friends thrugh my languages,’ says Rawlings. ‘The mre yu learn the easier it gets.’”可知,学习另外一门语言能够结交朋友,你学得越多,就越容易。故选D。
    48.主旨大意题。根据“Being able t cmmunicate with peple in anther language is a great way t make friends and feel mre cnfident.”可知,本文主要讲述了学习多种语言的好处,故选A。

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