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      四川省泸州市泸县一中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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    这是一份四川省泸州市泸县一中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省泸州市泸县一中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题原卷版docx、四川省泸州市泸县一中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题Word版含解析docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第I卷 选择题(100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the next TV prgram?
    A. The news.B. A quiz shw.C. A dcumentary abut animals.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw des the man get t knw the news?
    A. Frm TV.B. Frm the newspaper.C. Frm the Internet.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the wman’s father’s race?
    A. Italian.B. Chinese.C. Suth Krean.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw des the wman practice her English?
    A. By talking t natives.B. By visiting the websites.C. By starting an English crner.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers nw?
    A. In the street.B. In the chemist’s.C. In the turist ffice.
    6. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Cking.B. Wrking.C. Eating.
    7. What was put n the man’s finger?
    A. Cream.B. Bandage.C. Ice.
    8. What des the man invite Grace t d tnight?
    A. Attend a party.B. G t the library.C. G ver the lessns.
    9. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A cming exam.B. Sme new emjis.C. A ppular game.
    10. What is the man ding n his cmputer?
    A. Watching a mvie.B. Listening t a bk.C. Enjying sme music.
    11. Hw ften is the reading psted n the website?
    A. Mnthly.B. Weekly.C. Daily.
    12. What is Daniel Radcliffe?
    A. A directr.B. A writer.C. An actr.
    13. What des the wman plan t d next year?
    A. Get a jb.B. G travelling.C. G t university.
    14. Which cuntry are the speakers in?
    A. Ireland.B. America.C. Britain.
    15. What des the man lve ding?
    A. Repairing cars.B. Studying philsphy.C. Learning anther language.
    16. What d the wman’s last wrds mean?
    A. She wishes the man t g t cllege.
    B. She will help the man get a qualificatin.
    C. She can ask the man t fix her car in the future.
    17. What is the main purpse f the weather warning system?
    A. T warn peple utdrs t get inside.
    B. T let peple test the warning system.
    C. T infrm peple withut radis f danger.
    18. Wh will play the lud nise?
    A. Lcal media.B. Lcal fficials.C. Lcal residents.
    19. Where des the speaker advise peple t g after hearing a warning?
    A. T the park.B. T the public shelter.C. T the inside f a building.
    20. What is the speech mainly abut?
    A. A warning system.B. A weather reprt.C. An accident.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Sites fr free nline educatin enable yu t learn curses in yur cmfrtable place. The curses f these websites are ffered by tp universities. Yu can learn a specific subject withut much investment. These websites ffer many vides, articles, and e-bks t increase yur knwledge.
    Cursera is a free learning platfrm that ffers MOOCs curses frm well-knwn universities. All curses cntain pre-recrded vide lectures that yu can watch when it is cnvenient fr yu. Cursera has prgrams tgether with universities that allw yu t get a master’s degree. Yu can explre varius cllege curses withut any truble.
    CdeHS is a learning site that’s specially designed fr students t learn cmputer science. This website prvides lessn plans where yu can access varius resurces t learn it. The curses are designed in a way that suits yur persnal needs. The vides can be viewed nline as well as ffline.
    Khan Academy
    This site is useful t match yur learning gals. Yu chse this site t persnalize yur learning experience. This free platfrm can be used fr learners and teachers. The resurces f this site are available nline as well as ffline. The cntent f Khan Academy is available in English, French, German, and mre.
    Cnnectins Academy
    Cnnectins Academy is the best nline curse website that helps students t learn frm hme. The curses f this platfrm are designed fr elementary schl and middle schl. The site prvides persnalized learning experiences and enables yu t easily meet teachers and classmates in the virtual classrm.
    21. What's special abut CdeHS?
    A. It satisfies persnalized needs.
    B. It fcuses n a particular subject.
    C. It ffers access t vide resurces.
    D. It serves bth learners and teachers.
    22. Which f the fllwing best suits junir high students?
    A. Cursera.
    B. CdeHS.
    C. Khan Academy.
    D. Cnnectins Academy.
    23. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T recmmend learning sites.
    B. T intrduce varius curses.
    C. T share n-line experiences.
    D. T guide ff-campus students.
    Herb Chasan culd have eased int retirement after spending 18 years teaching math t high schl students. But the ctgenarian culdn’t rest. It wasn’t until eight years ag that he stepped int ne f the city’s prest neighbrhds. He nticed a grup f children wandering nearby with nthing t d. He culdn’t shake the image frm his mind, and it became the driving frce fr Hps and Hmewrk, an after-schl prgram that has prvided activities and tutring fr yuth up t age 14.
    Since 2012, Hps and Hmewrk has helped mre than 300 children wh therwise wuld have gne hme t empty huses r ramed the streets until their parents gt ff wrk. Thanks t Mr. Chasan and dedicated staff and vlunteers, the children instead have spent industrius afternns making crafts, playing basketball, learning vilin and yga, gardening, and basking in the attentin f a small army f tutrs. “Our gal is t help these kids break the cycle f pverty and jail t have a gd jb, t be a success,” says Mr. Chasan.
    Within a few mnths, he secured $81,000 in twn funding t start the prgram. It takes $170,000 annually t run the center. Hps and Hmewrk has encuraged peple frm different parts f the cmmunity t vlunteer during the after-schl sessins because they can tell the children “smeday yu may be ding that jb, we lve t have rle mdels cme in.”
    The prgram ges beynd helping children. Mst f the staff members are bilingual, which enables them t serve the largely Spanish-speaking cmmunity. “My English is nt gd,” says Keila Cupid, a parent wh lives clse t the center. But the mther f 11-year-ld Cupid is clear in expressing her gratitude fr Hps and Hmewrk: “It’s a safe space fr my daughter when I am away t my English class.”
    24. What mtivatin made Chasan decide n Hps and Hmewrk?
    A. Hmeless neighbrhd kids.B. Parents being engaging in wrk.
    C. The vlunteers in the cmmunity.D. Children aimlessly walking arund.
    25. What activity is available in Hps and Hmewrk?
    A. Making crafts.B. Baking fd.C. Learning Spanish.D. Ding extra hmewrk.
    26. Which statement des Chasan agree with?
    A. Mre mney shuld g t charity.
    B. Mre peple shuld jin in vluntary wrk.
    C. Mre cmmunity centers shuld be built.
    D. Mre after-schl activities shuld be cnsidered.
    27. Frm the passage, we can infer________.
    A. starting an rganizatin is tughB. Keila Cupid is studying Spanish
    C. parents can benefit frm the prgramD. the cmmunity kids must have a successful career
    My name is Matthew. I'm nt smene wh has many secrets,because I'm a terrible liar. But there is ne huge secret that I kept fr years- -I failed my driving test. I had never failed a test befre, and had never even cme clse. Driving made me anxius , but my parents tld me I had t. They signed me up fr driving lessns. I had gtten a perfect scre fr my written permit exam , but getting behind the wheel was a different stry.
    But when Octber 30th rlled arund ,my pride set in. I wanted t be like everyne else at my schl , shwing ff the brand new license they'd gtten. Lking back n that special day,I can't remember if I was nervus. What I d remember is starting the test , pausing at a stp sign after a few secnds , and being asked by the instructr t pull ver. I had received an aut-fail since my pause was indeed a pause and nt a real stp. I wasn't upset that I was leaving withut a license, but I was scared everyne wuld knw that I had failed. S when I gt t class, I tld everyne I didn't want t take the test n my birthday.
    One Friday a mnth later, I went t the test spt again and passed. Later that night I drve fr the first time by myself, which brught t me an amazing feeling I've never experienced——but sill, I culdn't imagine ever telling anyne the truth. S I didn't. It wasn't until midway thrugh cllege that I came clean. It turned ut plenty f my cllege friends had failed t! And I gathered enugh curage t speak the fact ut. Yes ,I had als failed.
    Nw I realize failure and imperfectin are tw things everyne has t experience , withut which ne culdn't make a true man.
    28. What can we learn abut Matthew?
    A. He was a slw learner f driving.B. He relied heavily n his parents.
    C. He was afraid f taking exams.D. He was bred with telling lies.
    29. Why did the instructr ask Matthew t pull ver?
    A. T put an end t his lest.B. T check his parking skills.
    C. T give him a secnd chance,D. T shw him a better way f driving.
    30. W hat made Matthew feel extremely wrried after his first attempt?
    A. Failing t get a driving license.B. Missing his birthday celebratin.
    C. Making his parents disappinted.D. Lsing face befre his classmates.
    31. W hat did Matthew learn frm his wn experience?
    A. Hnesty is the best plicy.B. Failure is a way t grw up.
    C. Truth stands the test f time.D. Imperfectin is anther frm f perfectin.
    A Dutch city will becme the first in the wrld t ban meat advertisements frm public spaces in an effrt t reduce cnsumptin and greenhuse gas emissins.The ban als cvers hliday flights, fssil fuels and cars that run n fssil fuels.The ban is delayed until 2024 due t existing cntracts with cmpanies that sell the prducts.
    Haarlem, which lies t the west f Amsterdam and has a ppulatin f abut 160,000,will bring the ban int effect frm 2024 after meat was added t a list f prducts deemed t cntribute t the climate crisis. Advertisements will nt be allwed n Haarlem’s buses, shelters and screens in public spaces, prmpting cmplaints frm the meat sectr that the gvernment is “ging t far in telling peple what’s best fr them”.
    Recent studies suggest glbal fd prductin is respnsible fr ne-third f all planet-heating emissins,with the use f animals fr meat accunting fr twice the pllutin f prducing plant-based fds. Frests that absrb carbn dixide are cut dwn fr the fd f animals while fertilisers used fr grwing their feed are rich in nitrgen(氮),which can cntribute t air pllutin,water pllutin and climate change. Livestck als prduces large quantities f methane(甲烷),a pwerful greenhuse gas.
    Zlggy Klazes,a cuncillr frm the GrenLinks party, said she had nt knwn the city wuld be the wrld’s first t enfrce such a plicy when she prpsed it. She tld the Haarlem105 radi channel:“We are nt abut what peple are baking and rasting in their wn kitchen;if peple want t cntinue eating meat, it’s fine. We can’t tell peple there’s a climate crisis and meanwhile,encurage them t buy prducts that are part f the cause. Of curse, there are a lt f peple wh find the decisin shcking and unreasnable,but there are als a lt f peple wh think it’s fine.”
    32. What des the meat sectr think f the ban?
    A. Disapprving.
    B. Neutral.
    C. Indifferent.
    D. Psitive.
    33. What d recent studies shw?
    A. Nitrgen is harmful t the envirnment.
    B. Methane mainly cmes frm livestck.
    C. Meat cnsumptin causes mre pllutin.
    D. Peple cut dwn trees fr human habitatin.
    34. What message d Ziggy Klazes’s wrds cnvey?
    A. She is the first t ban meat advertisement.
    B She is in favr f banning meat advertising.
    C. She emphasizes the advantage f eating meat.
    D. She cares abut what peple ck in the kitchen
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Fssil fuels are banned in Dutch city.
    B. Dutch city decreases meat prductin.
    C. Dutch city bans meat advertisements in public.
    D. Greenhuse gas emissins are limited in Dutch city.
    As Dr. Srini Pillay states in her new bk, the brain des its best wrk when it’s allwed t mve between fcus and unfcus. ____36____.
    ◇Engage in psitive cnstructive daydreaming.
    Schedule int every wrkday sme breaks frm fcusing. ____37____. Maybe an imaginary frest r a warm, sandy beach. Ding this several times a day can ffer yu fresh ideas.
    ◇Blck interruptins befre diving int deep wrk.
    Our days are filled with distractins. T help, turn ff text messaging and scial media ntificatins. ____38____, ur brains get a chance t cmplete full sentences f thught.
    ◇Make friends with yur bdy clck.
    Are yu sharp and quick in mind in the mrning? Or is night persn mre yur style? Either way wrks as lng as yu schedule yur mst imprtant prjects during yur brain’s perids f peak perfrmance. Try t reserve yur best brain time fr the big stuff.
    This is fun and can help us think f new slutins t prblems. Allwing yur mind time t play is a way t wrk better.
    ◇Keep away frm digital devices.
    Taking a digital sabbath — intentinally setting aside time t rest frm yur screens and all their interruptins — ffers an imprtant benefit. ____40____, and it als helps us t “reset and think abut what’s really imprtant”.
    A. Fcus yur mind
    B When they are shut ff
    C. Try travelling with yur mind t smeplace enjyable
    D. It reminds us there’s a wrld utside ur screens
    E. Here are several tips t help yu find yur flw
    F. Try new hbbies
    G. Digital devices can greatly imprve ur wrking efficiency
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    A family in England rescued a baby hare and nw receives daily visits frm her after releasing her back int the wild. At the beginning f the lckdwn, Natasha and her family ___41___ a baby hare in their garden. Having ___42___ seen an adult hare that had died a day befre, the ___43___ realized it was an rphan (孤儿).
    Natasha ___44___ t take her t an animal rescue, ___45___ was unable due t the pandemic (疫情). Instead, they had t take care f the hare at their ___46___. The family named her Clver, and ___47___ her fr eight weeks befre ___48___ her int fields nearby. But tw mnths n, Clver ften cmes int the family’s garden, and even takes ___49___t break int the huse.
    ____50____ she came thrugh the back dr int the huse and the family didn’t ____51____ her at all. She went upstairs and lked int the ____52____ n their wardrbe just like Natasha ften stands there lking at herself — it was like she’d turned up t ____53____ hw much she had grwn. The little bunny then happily hpped arund the lunge (起居室). When she saw Natasha, she stretched her legs t ____54____ her excitedly. And things were always very much n her terms — if she didn’t want yu t tuch her, that was it, but if she ____55____ having a little hug she’d ____56____ and jump up and sit n yur ____57____. Obviusly, she likes Natasha and her family very much. It seems that she ____58____ the rm t be her hme. After the family released Clver twards the back f their garden, they ____59____ they might see her again nce r twice. But t their surprise she cmes back n a ____60____ basis pretty much t cme and say hi.
    41. A. killedB. fundC. hidD. cured
    42. A. suddenlyB. immediatelyC. previuslyD. eventually
    43. A. familyB. cleanerC. gardenerD. farmer
    44. A. failedB. refusedC. fferedD. tried
    45. A. andB. butC. rD. s
    46 A. classrmB. fieldC. streD. hme
    47. A. cared frB. checked nC. searched frD. perated n
    48. A. drivingB. trappingC. releasingD. abandning
    49. A. effectB. chargeC. adventuresD. measurements
    50. A. CuriuslyB. QuietlyC. SeriuslyD. Sadly
    51. A. nticeB. greetC. welcmeD. recgnize
    52. A. bxB. drC. drawerD. mirrr
    53. A. checkB. recrdC. shwD. imagine
    54. A. kickB. hugC. pushD. cpy
    55. A. avidedB. mindedC. hatedD. fancied
    56. A. leaveB. cmeC. stpD. rise
    57. A. lapB. shulderC. headD. back
    58. A. permitsB. cnsidersC. advisesD. refuses
    59 A. realizedB. understdC. thughtD. prmised
    60. A. weeklyB. yearlyC. mnthlyD. daily
    第II卷 非选择题(50分)
    Whenever she saw me drawing my mther wuld tell me t stp. “Yu’ll be nthing but a pr artist,” she’d say. Living a pr ___61___ tugh life, she wanted me t get a “real jb”. But I was ___62___ (ambitin) t be a real artist and kept practicing.
    At the age f fifteen, I ___63___ (select) t paint a mural in the curtyard. The instructr was Arlan Huan, ___64___ real, devted artist. Mst imprtantly, he was the first artist wh believed in me.
    Arlan brught us t his studi in SH, ___65___(teach) us abut visual strytelling, hw t use symblism and express a feeling, despite cmplicated cncepts. He praised my painting and encuraged me t mve n. Eventually I earned a ___66___ (schlar) t the Schl f Visual Arts. ___67___, that didn’t delight her. Even after I gt my degree, she culdn’t see the value, and ___68___ (beg) me t apply fr a jb at the pst ffice.
    It was Arlan ___69___ attended my graduatin and cngratulated me. T my credit, the US Pstal Service selected me t paint a series f stamps fr the lunar New Year. _____70_____ Arlan’s guidance. I culdn’t have made it.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Dear Diana,
    As fr the truble yu mentined it in yur e-mail, I ttally understand yu. When I did gd n my first math test, I tld my parents abut it, but they didn’t praise me, which made me feeling sad. Therefre, I tried t understand them. I knw they lve me. They want t strict with me and help me becme better.
    Nt nly can praise helps yu becme mre cnfident, but it will encurage yu t wrk harder t. I think yu culd sit dwn r talk with yur parents. In the same time, always ding yur best because yu are the best!
    Hpe my advices will be beneficial t yu.
    Liu Jiawei
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 假定你是李华,上周日你不慎在操场丢失一个书包,里面有学生证、钱包等物品。你校外教 Mr. Smith 捡到后上交给学校。请你用英语给他写一封感谢信,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 描述事情经过;
    3. 再次表达感谢。
    1. 词数 80 左右
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    四川省泸州市泸县五中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省泸州市泸县五中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省泸州市泸县五中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题含听力原卷版docx、四川省泸州市泸县五中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题含听力Word版含解析docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省泸州市泸县四中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省泸州市泸县四中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省泸州市泸县四中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题原卷版docx、四川省泸州市泸县四中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题Word版含解析docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省泸州市泸县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省泸州市泸县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),共26页。试卷主要包含了 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上, What makes Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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