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    Etiquette Fr Teens Aged 13—18
    Prvide yur teen with that "edge" that will help them succeed in life and make fr successful adulthd!
    Tday's teens are n lnger having face-t-face interactins with thers.Presented with an unfamiliar scial situatin,they may feel uncmfrtable and chse t avid scializing.Our tw-day wrkshp will give them a slid fundatin f manners as well as help prepare yur teen fr the many new scial and business situatins in adult life.The fllwing tpics will be cvered.
    Day One
    Prper Intrductins-Handshakes &;Eye Cntact—Bdy Language—The Art Of Small Talk—Hw T Speak In The Right Tne With Clarity—Leadership—Qualities—Hw T Make A Psitive First Impressin
    Be The Perfect Guest—Invitatins &;Thank—Yu Ntes—Scial Netwrking Dating Etiquette—Cmmn Curtesies In Public Places
    Day Tw
    Table Skills &;Dining Manners—The Infrmal/Frmal Place Setting—American/Cntinental Dining—Prper Use Of Dining Utensils Eating Varius Fds-Seating A Lady At The Table—Tipping Guidelines
    Interviewing Tips Fr Cllege &;Jb Interviews—Dressing The Part—Be A Gd Listener—Interview Fllw-Up Calls &;Thank-Yu Ntes-Grming Skin Care—The Graduatin Celebratin
    Fee:$ 285.00,including snacks,the certificate,and wrkbks$
    Date:Jan.5 & 6
    Time:8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.
    Registratin clses at:11:59
    Invite a friend t apply fr the wrkshp and yu can receive a 10.00 credit tward yur curse fee.If yu are interested in jining the tw-day wrkshp,fill ut ur applicatin frm nline.
    1.What is the purpse f the tw-day wrkshp? ______
    A. T prepare teens t be successful in adult life.
    B. T present sme unfamiliar situatins t teens
    C. T prvide teens with tips abut future business.
    D. T encurage teens t interact with ther peple.
    2.What will teens learn n Day Tw? ______
    A. Hw t be a leader.B. Hw t behave at table.
    C. Hw t impress thers.D. Hw t talk with smene.
    3.Where is the text prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.
    C. A critical essay.D. An advertisement.
    A furth-grade star athlete has made headlines fr keeping up with high schlers.Hwever,it's nt fr the hnr.The selfless student is a guide runner fr a blind autistic (患自闭症的) teen wh needs a helping hand n the crss-cuntry track.
    Rebel Hays,11,f Fayetteville,Arkansas,stepped up as a guide runner fr a ninth-grader,Paul Sct,when West Frk High Schl put ut a call fr vlunteers.Paul,their student,wanted t cmpete.
    As they ran tgether,the pair became gd friends. "Paul and Rebel's stry is s much mre than running," said Rebel's mther,Lu Ann. "Paul desn't have many friends,s Rebel desn't just guide him a traces.They als spend time tgether," she said,telling jkes. "Paul is grateful fr his yung guide's directin." "Rebel directs me whether there's a ditch (沟)r there are hills,wh encurages me t run faster." Paul said.
    In hnr f their partnership,West Frk High Schl wrte a pst n Facebk.Psting n Oct.6,2021,after a 5 K race at Chile Pepper where the bys achieved a persnal recrd f 21 minutes,schl representatives explained, "Rebel Hays has been helping Paul all seasn lng.He is a prmising runner,but mre imprtantly,he has a huge heart!Thank yu,Rebel!Thank yu a lt!"
    Accrding t Mile Split Arkansas,Paul said that his gal this year was t break 21 minutes;hwever,they missed it at Chile Pepper but achieved it at Yan Buren Pinter Classic,finishing with a time f 20:59:44.With the help and directin frm Rebel,Paul finished 59th ut f 135 runners in the 3 A bys race at the state Meet in Ht Springs in early Nvember.Paul still has ne mre year f eligibility (资格) fr crss-cuntry and has nw set a new gal f under 20 minutes.
    4.What did Rebel d as a guide runner t help Paul? ______
    A. He cmpeted with Paul t break recrds.
    B. He inspired Paul t make many headlines.
    C. He directed Paul at different races.
    D. He vlunteered t tell jkes t Paul.
    5.Which f the fllwing best describes Rebel? ______
    A. Creative.B. Cnfident.C. Ambitius.D. Enthusiastic.
    6.Why did West Frk High Schl write a pst n Facebk? ______
    A. T claim Rebel t be prmising.
    B. T express appreciatin t Rebel.
    C. T draw public attentin t Rebel.
    D. T intrduce Rebel's achievements.
    7.What is Paul's plan fr the fllwing year? ______
    A. Taking part in a 5 K race at Chile Pepper.
    B. Directing thers t finish the 3 A bys race.
    C. Breaking the recrd f twenty minutes.
    D. Getting the qualificatin fr crss-cuntry.
    Slving the mystery f the Lch Ness Mnster wuld be cnsidered as a gd deed,right?On that basis,a webcam(网络摄像头) has been setup verlking the lake.Anyne can tune in at any time.If yu see smething suspicius,yu simply click the "snapsht" (快拍) buttn t submit a picture fr further analysis.It is free,easy,and yu can d it fr as little r as lng as yu like,with n lgin r signup required.What yu are ding is micr-vlunteering,which ffers vlunteers a series f easy tasks that can be dne anytime,anywhere,n their wn terms.
    Micr-vlunteering culd invlve anything frm retweeting a message t jining a flash mb(快闪).Vlunteers dn't need t g thrugh an applicatin r training prcess,r t make any nging cmmitment.The vast majrity f micr-vlunteering takes place nline,but it desn't have t.Weeding a garden in a lcal cmmunity center cunts just as much.
    The key benefit f micr-vlunteering is its flexibility.Peple frequently cite their lack f time as the biggest barrier t vlunteering.Fr many,micr-vlunteering remves the need t wrry abut making lng-term cmmitments nce they start vlunteering.It enables peple wh might lse interest in traditinal ways f vlunteering t participate.
    T sme extent,micr-vlunteering is an apprach that aims t help lts f peple cme tgether t make a difference.It culd take a while t see its impacts.Studies,hwever,have shwn that 65 percent f thse wh have micr-vlunteered are still actively ding s ne year later.Even thugh micr-vlunteering cannt replace lng-term cmmitments,it serves as cmplement(补充)t the mre traditinal methds f prmting gd causes.
    8.Why des the authr mentin the Lch Ness Mnster in paragraph 1? ______
    A. T illustrate a famus mnster film.
    B. T intrduce a new way t vlunteer.
    C. T tell mre infrmatin f the mnster.
    D. T ffer readers a series f vlunteer tasks.
    9.What's the advantage f micr-vlunteering? ______
    A. It's available nly nline.B. Vlunteers need receive training.
    C. It's flexible and time-wise.D. It needs lng-term cmmitments.
    10.What can peple expect f micr-vlunteering in the future? ______
    A. It culd take the place f traditinal vlunteering.
    B. It might have a great influence n the wrld at nce.
    C. It can make peple have mre nging cmmitments.
    D. It may ffer mre chances fr peple t make a difference.
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Barriers t prmting gd causes
    B. A wnderful cmplement t vlunteering
    C. Reflectins n traditinal ways f vlunteering
    D. An answer t the mystery f the Lch Ness Mnster
    Hw far back des yur family tree g?A hundred years?A thusand years?What abut 6 t 7 millin years?
    An ancient skull (颅骨) fund in Africa suggests that the human family might be that ld.Discvered in 2001 in the desert f Chad,the skull was nicknamed Tumai by scientists.Tumai is a rare find.The skull is nearly cmplete and it even includes a few teeth.The Tumai skull is estimated t be between 6 and 7 millin years ld.Scientists are debating whether the skull is linked t humans.
    The finding is nt withut cntrversy.Sme scientists think that Tumai is the ldest knwn hminid (人科),r primitive human ancestr,ever fund.Others say Tumai is an ape.Mst hminids that scientists are aware f lived millins f years after Tumai.The mst famus ne is called Lucy.She lived in Ethipia abut 3.5 millin years ag.While Lucy's face lked like the face f a chimpanzee,Tumai's skull has bth human and ape-like features.Because Tumai's skull lks different frm ther hminid skulls,sme scientists think Tumai represents a whle new species.
    Scientists were surprised t find a human-like face n a skull as ld as Tumai's.They thught hminids turned int humans step by step ver time.Scientists marked thse changes n a timeline starting with a chimpanzee-like ancestr and ending with mdern humans.Tumai's human-like face and chimp-sized brain suggest that the develpment f hminids was nt s simple.There may nt be a direct line leading frm Tumai t Lucy t us.Instead,the timeline might be like a tree with lts f branches.Different species in different places culd have evlved human-like features at different times.
    Scientists aren't sure where exactly Tumai belngs n ur family tree.Tumai culd be like a great-great grandfather---r just a distant cusin.Tumai culd als be ne f many types f hminids wh wandered Earth millins f years ag.
    12.What can be inferred abut the skull fund in Africa? ______
    A. It is cnnected with humans.
    B. It was named after a scientist.
    C. It may be the ldest chimpanzee.
    D. It is almst cmplete and unusual.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "cntrversy" in paragraph 3 mean? ______
    A. Prmtin.B. Cperatin.C. Argument.D. Prspect.
    14.Hw culd hminids evlve int humans accrding t scientists? ______
    A. They evlved in varius ways.
    B. They develped like a tree with branches.
    C. They fllwed a direct line frm Lucy t us.
    D. They had similar features in different places.
    15.What is the main idea f the text? ______
    A. Tumai is prbably the primitive human ancestr.
    B. A skull has an ape-like face and a human-like brain.
    C. Hw des Tumai skull fit int the human family tree?
    D. Hw did a species evlve human-like features ver time?
    Waking up is hard at the best f times,but n dark winter mrnings it's especially tugh.Fllw the fllwing advice t make the winter wakeup a little mre bearable.
    Wake up naturally
    Admittedly,this might be tugh fr cmmuters(通勤人员),but fr thse wh wrk frm hme r wh are retired,it is a different stry.(1) ______ A 2022 survey f ver 1,000 emplyees by sleep health website Each Night fund that peple wh wke up naturally felt fully awake mre quickly than their cunterparts wh used an alarm.They were als mre likely t have a psitive utlk.
    ( 2) ______
    Crtisl(皮质醇)—yur bdy's main stress hrmne-levels are higher when yu wake up,giving us a natural energy bst.Save the caffeine kick until after yur mrning walk yu're mre likely t need it.
    See the light
    Dn't be tempted t lie in bed in the mrning,but get ut f the huse and int the sunlight as sn as pssible after waking up.(3) ______ The fresh air,physical exercise and the md bst yu get frm nature will enhance yur sense f wellbeing.
    Get mving—but gently
    ( 4) ______ It is because ur bdy stiffens up as we sleep.Then a few stretches matter after waking.Mve fr 30 minutes first t get bld flwing rund yur bdy and yur muscles stretching safely.
    Have a cld shwer
    It's widely believed that d using yurself with chilly water n a chilly day might nt be that appealing,but it culd really liven yu up in the mrning.Let it run cld fr a minute and then take the rest f yur shwer at yur usual tasty temperature,r start warm and turn the water t cld at the end.Many peple think it's simply crazy t d this.(5) ______
    A.Delay yur cffee.
    B.Quit cffee and wrkut.
    C.They may have difficulty waking up naturally.
    D.Retiring the alarm clck helps make a better start t the day.
    E.Lsening up in the mrning helps get yu ready fr the day ahead.
    F.This will help yu feel alert during the day and prmte sleepiness at bedtime.
    G.In all hnesty,yu have t put sme effrt int yur mrning prep,but it's wrth it.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    It was hard nt t ntice the 8-year-ld by acrss the street wh strmed in and ut f his wn huse.He did it s ften that a neighbr,William Dunn,(1) ______ what was ging n in his life.S Dunn asked him.
    "He tld me that he didn't have a father," says Dunn,nw 58, "and I(2) ______ there might be smething I culd d fr him."
    That smething was fishing,a (3) ______ Dunn's father had shared with him. "Fishing always brught me peace and taught me hw t be (4) ______ .When yu're n the water,yu can frget abut yur prblems and just (5) ______ the mment," Dunn,wh has three children f his wn,gt(6) ______ frm the by's mther t take him fishing.
    One Saturday afternn n the water led t anther,and sn he was teaching ther kids in their (7) ______ hw t rig a line,hld a ple,and reel in a big catch.That was 16 years ag.
    Since then,Dunn has taken grups f kids ut almst every weekend t fish.Mst didn't have father (8) ______ in their lives and had never fished befre.Sme were adpted kids wh had(9) ______ frm ne hme t the next.
    "They'd been thrugh a lt,and they'd seen a lt,and their lives were (10) ______ ," Dunn says. "But when they were fishing,all f that (11) ______ .They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends ut n the (12) ______ .I knew I was n t smething."
    In the beginning,Dunn—"Big Will" t the kids—spent a gd chunk f his (13) ______ frm his jb renting bats fr the kids.Then,in 2018,he(14) ______ the nnprfit Take a Kid Fishing Inc.He and a small grup f vlunteers have intrduced mre than 2,500 kids—mst withut fathers arund—t the inner (15) ______ fund n the water and the excitement f catching a fish.
    21.A. wnderedB. imaginedC. claimedD. witnessed
    22.A. hesitatedB. rememberedC. realizedD. researched
    23.A. jbB. passinC. cultureD. challenge
    24.A. reasnableB. energeticC. cnsiderateD. patient
    25.A. recmmendB. appreciateC. analyseD. ignre
    26.A. instructinB. permissinC. explanatinD. preparatin
    27.A. neighbrhdB. familyC. schlD. grup
    28.A. pininsB. stylesC. figuresD. dreams
    29.A. arguedB. wrkedC. escapedD. mved
    30.A. difficultB. inspiringC. familiarD. funny
    31.A. gave ffB. ended upC. faded awayD. fllwed in
    32.A. riskB. pictureC. trainingD. bat
    33.A. mmentB. discveryC. paycheckD. wisdm
    34.A. fundedB. changedC. bughtD. filmed
    35.A. wrryB. peaceC. srrwD. hnr
    36.The recrd f the(1) ______ (tall) tree in Asia has been refreshed this week,as a team f Chinese researchers annunced (2) ______ (recent) that they discvered a giant cypress(柏树)measuring 102.3 meters in Tibet.
    The recrd-breaking high tree,called Cupressus trulsa(西藏柏木),(3) ______ (find) at the natinal nature reserve f the Yarlung Zangb Grand Canyn in Bme cunty,Nyingchi city,during a scientific investigatin led by Peking University in May.
    ( 4) ______ (use) drnes and laser radar t map the lcal cypress aggregatin area,the team members cnfirmed the(5) ______ (present) f the 102.3-meter tree.Besides,they detected a large number f trees ver 85 meters high,including 25 ver 90 meters.The findings have als cntributed(6) ______ the regin having the highest density f giant trees in China and Asia after precisin measurement,said Ren Yu,(7) ______ is a team member frm Peking University.
    Mainly distributed in sutheastern Tibet,Cupressus,trulsa has a narrw distributin area and(8) ______ small ppulatin.Therefre,it has been listed (9) ______ a natinal first-class prtected plant.
    The previus China tree height recrd(10) ______ (hld) was an evergreen fir(常绿冷杉) measured at 83.4 meters by scientists in Tibet last year.
    37.假定你是李华,你校将在下周末举办Live a Green Life英语演讲比赛。请写封邮件邀请外教Smith来担任评委,内容包括:
    Dear Smith,
    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    Teaching is a cnstant prcess f upgrade,where every mment yu learn new things,nt nly as a teacher,but als as a human being.
    At the start f my career,I believe I shuld cme acrss t my students as a "n-nnsense" type f persn.My entire fcus was twards maintaining classrm discipline (纪律) .It was tugh.Mst f my Indian students were frm a rural backgrund.They wuld intentinally use vcabulary that sunded Greek t me.They did all in their pwer t make me feel like a fish ut f water.
    My last lecture ended at 3:30 in the afternn.Sme f the students apprached me begging t let them leave 15 minutes early as they had a bus t catch.My permissin resulted in a stir and restlessness as half f the class std up t leave.They all had buses t catch!Unable t distinguish between the genuine nes and thse faking it,I put a ban n anybdy leaving befre time.
    One evening,I sptted three bys frm my last class at the bus stp.I called ut, "Yu cnstantly blame me fr nt allwing yu t leave early because yu have a bus t catch and here yu are still hanging arund at 5 pm!" One f the bys replied respectfully and humbly, "Madam,the bus leaves at 3:30.If we leave the class at 3:15,we are able t make it.In case we miss it,the next bus t ur village cmes after tw hurs.Nw we are waiting fr it.At this hur,the bus will be verladed and we will nt even get a Seat."
    I invited them t get int my car.
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第三行的Tday's teens are n lnger having face-t-face interactins with thers.Presented with an unfamiliar scial situatin,they may feel uncmfrtable and chse t avid scializing.Our tw-day wrkshp will give them a slid fundatin f manners as well as help prepare yur teen fr the many new scial and business situatins in adult life(如今的青少年不再与他人面对面交流。面对陌生的社交环境,他们可能会感到不舒服,并选择避免社交。我们为期两天的研讨会将为他们奠定坚实的礼貌基础,并帮助您的青少年为成年生活中的许多新的社交和商业环境做好准备),可知为期两天的研讨会的主要目的是鼓励青少年与他人互动。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Day Tw部分的Dining Manners(餐桌礼仪)可知,青少年在第二天会学到餐桌礼仪。故选B。
    (3)文章出处题。通读全文,可知本文介绍了一个培养13至18岁青少年礼仪的研讨会;特别是根据最后一段的Invite a friend t apply fr the wrkshp and yu can receive a $10.00 credit tward yur curse fee.If yu are interested in jining the tw-day wrkshp,fill ut ur applicatin frm nline(邀请朋友申请研讨会,您可以获得10.00美元的课程费积分。如果您有兴趣参加为期两天的研讨会,请在线填写我们的申请表),可知本文取自一则广告。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段The selfless student is a guide runner fr a blind autistic (患自闭的) teen wh needs a helping hand n the crss-cuntry track.(这位无私的学生是一名盲人、自闭症青少年的导跑员,这位青少年在越野赛道上需要帮助)和第三段Paul desn't have many friends,s Rebel desn't just guide him at races.(保罗的朋友不多,所以瑞贝尔不仅在比赛中指导他)可知,瑞贝尔作为一名导跑员,帮助指导保罗参加不同的比赛,故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第三段Paul desn't have many friends,s Rebel desn't just guide him a traces.They als spend time tgether(保罗的朋友不多,所以Rebel不仅在比赛中指导他,他们还一起度过时光,)可知,Rebel对保罗提供热情的帮助,说明他是热情的人,故选D。
    (3)推理判断题,根据文章倒数第二段In hnr f their partnership,West Frk High Schl wrte a pst n Facebk.(为了纪念他们的合作关系,西福克高中在Facebk上发表了一篇帖子)和Rebel Hays has been helping Paul all seasn lng.He is a prmising runner,but even mre imprtantly,he has a huge heart!Thank yu,Rebel!Thank yu a lt!(整季,Rebel Hays一直在助保罗。他是一名有前途的跑步运动员,但更重要的是,他有一颗巨大的心!谢谢你,Rebel!非常感谢你!)可知,西福克高中在脸书上写了一篇帖子为了向Rebel表示感谢,故选B。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Paul still has ne mre year f eligibility (资格) fr crss-cuntry and has nw set a new gal f under 20 minutes.(保罗还有一年的越野资格,现在他设定了20分钟以内的新目标。)可知,保罗来年的目标是打破20分钟,故选C。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一自然段Slving the mystery f the Lch Ness Mnster wuld be cnsidered as a gd deed,right?On that basis,a webcam(网络摄像头) has been setup verlking the lake …What yu are ding is micr-vlunteering(解开尼斯湖水怪之谜会被认为是一件好事,对吧?在此基础上,安装了一个可以俯瞰湖面的网络摄像头……你正在做的是微志愿服务,)可知,作者在第一段提到尼斯湖水怪是为了引出微志愿服务这种新的志愿服务方式。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三自然段The key benefit f micr-vlunteering is its flexibility.Peple frequently cite their lack f time as the biggest barrier t vlunteering.Fr many,micr-vlunteering remves the need t wrry abut making lng-term cmmitments nce they start vlunteering. (微志愿服务的主要好处是其灵活性。人们经常说他们没有时间是志愿服务的最大障碍。对许多人来说,微型志愿服务消除了他们开始志愿服务后对做出长期承诺的担忧。)可知,微志愿服务的优势是它具有灵活性和时间优势。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段T sme extent,micr-vlunteering is an apprach that aims t help lts f peple cme tgether t make a difference…Even thugh micr-vlunteering cannt replace lng-term cmmitments,it serves as cmplement(补充)t the mre traditinal methds f prmting gd causes. (在某种程度上,微志愿服务是一种旨在帮助许多人团结起来有所作为的方法……尽管微志愿服务不能取代长期承诺,但它是对促进公益事业的更传统方法的补充。)可知,未来微志愿服务可能为人们提供更多有所作为的机会。说明人们期待未来的微志愿服务可以为人们提供更多的机会,让他们有所作为。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一自然段What yu are ding is micr-vlunteering,which ffers vlunteers a series f easy tasks that can be dne anytime,anywhere,n their wn terms. (你正在做的是微志愿服务,它为志愿者提供了一系列简单的任务,可以随时随地按照自己的意愿完成。)以及最后一段Even thugh micr-vlunteering cannt replace lng-term cmmitments,it serves as cmplement(补充)t the mre traditinal methds f prmting gd causes. (尽管微志愿服务不能取代长期承诺,但它是对促进公益事业的更传统方法的补充。)可知,本文主要介绍了微志愿服务这种新型的志愿服务方式,它是传统志愿服务的补充,具有灵活性和时间优势。B项"A wnderful cmplement t vlunteering (志愿服务的绝佳补充)"最能概括本文主旨。A.Barriers t prmting gd causes促进公益事业的障碍;B.A wnderful cmplement t vlunteering志愿服务的绝佳补充;C.Reflectins n traditinal ways f vlunteering对传统志愿服务方式的反思;D.An answer t the mystery f the Lch Ness Mnster尼斯湖水怪之谜的答案。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段Tumai is a rare find.The skull is nearly cmplete and it even includes a few teeth.The Tumai skull is estimated t be between 6 and 7 millin years ld.Scientists are debating whether the skull is linked t humans. (Tumai是一个罕见的发现。头骨几乎完整;它甚至包括几颗牙齿。据估计,Tumai头骨的历史在600万到700万年之间。科学家们正在争论这个头骨是否与人类有关。)可知,在非洲发现的Tumai头骨几乎是完整的,而且极不寻常。故选D。
    (2)词句猜测题。根据第三段Sme scientists think that Tumai is the ldest knwn hminid (人科),r primitive human ancestr,ever fund.Others say Tumai is an ape.(一些科学家认为,Tumai是迄今为止发现的已知最古老的原始人或原始人类祖先。也有人说图迈是一只猿猴。)可知,这一发现并不是没有"争议",是对划线词所在句The finding is nt withut cntrversy. (这一发现并非没有___。)的说明,cntrversy与argument同义,意为"争议"。A.Prmtin推广;B.Cperatin合作;C.Argument争议;D.Prspect前景。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段They thught hminids turned int humans step by step vertime.Scientists marked thse changes n a timeline starting with a chimpanzee-like ancestr and ending with mdern humans.(他们认为原始人随着时间的推移一步步变成了人类。科学家们在一个时间轴上标记了这些变化,从类似黑猩猩的祖先开始,到现代人类结束。)可知,科学家认为人类进化是线性的,是按照从类人猿露西到我们现代人这样一条线进化的。故选C。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据第一段Hw far back des yur family tree g?A hundred years?A thusand years?What abut 6 t 7 millin years?(你的族谱可以追溯到多久以前?一百年?一千年?那六七百万年呢?)第二段An ancient skull (颅骨) fund in Africa suggests that the human family might be that ld.Discvered in 2001 in the desert f Chad,the skull was nicknamed Tumai by scientists.(在非洲发现的一个古老头骨表明,人类家族可能有那么古老。该头骨于2001年在乍得的沙漠中被发现,科学家们给它起了个绰号叫Tumai。)以及最后一段中"Tumai culd be like a great-great grandfather r just a distant cusin.Tumai culd als be ne f many types f hminids wh wandered Earth millins f years ag.(Tumai可能是一位曾曾祖父,也可能只是一位远房表亲。图迈也可能是数百万年前在地球上漫游的多种原始人之一。)可知,本文主要介绍了科学家在乍得沙漠中发现的远古的人类祖先Tumai,故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据上文Admittedly,this might be tugh fr cmmuters(通勤人员),but fr thse wh wrk frm hme r wh are retired,it is a different stry.(诚然,这对通勤者来说可能很艰难,但对于那些在家工作或退休的人来说,情况就不同了。)可知,下文介绍的情况与通勤者的做法相反。根据本段小标题Wake up naturally (自然醒来),可知,本段主要介绍要自然醒。D项"取消闹钟有助于更好地开始新的一天。"符合语境,故选D项。
    (2)段落标题题。空格处为本段主旨句。根据下文Save the caffeine kick until after yur mrning walk yu're mre likely t need it.(把咖啡因的摄入留到早上散步后你更需要的时候。)可知,本段主要介绍要推迟咖啡因的摄入。A项"推迟喝咖啡。"能概括本段主旨,故选A项。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文Dn't be tempted t lie in bed in the mrning,but get ut f the huse and int the sunlight as sn as pssible after waking up.(早上不要躺在床上,而是在醒来后尽快走出家门,沐浴在阳光下。)可知,上文介绍早上起床后要尽快走出家门,沐浴在阳光下。F项"这将帮助你在白天保持清醒,并促进睡前困倦。"补充说明这一做法的好处,故选F项。
    (4)推理判断题。根据本段小标题Get mving—but gently(起床---但是要轻柔)可知,本段主要建议要轻柔地运动。根据下文It is because ur bdy stiffens up as we sleep.Then a few stretches matter after waking. (这是因为我们睡觉时身体变硬了。醒来后会有几次拉伸。)可知,上下文是因果关系。E项"早上放松有助于为新的一天做好准备。"符合语境,故选E项。
    (5)联系上文题。设空处在段尾。根据上文Many peple think it's simply crazy t d this. (很多人认为这样做简直太疯狂了。)可知,上文讲到很多人认为洗冷水澡很疯狂,下文应转折,这样做是值得的。G项"老实说,你必须在早上的准备工作中付出一些努力,但这是值得的。"承接上文,符合语境,故选G项。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.wndered想知道;B.imagined想象;C.claimed声称;D.witnessed目睹。句意:他经常这样做,以至于邻居威廉•邓恩想知道他生活中发生了什么。根据下文"S Dunn asked him."可知,邓恩想知道男孩生活中发生了什么。故选A。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.hesitated犹豫;B.remembered记得;C.realized意识到;D.researched研究。句意:现年58岁的邓恩说:"他告诉我,他没有父亲,我意识到我可能会为他做点什么。"根据下文"That smething was fishing,a(3)Dunn's father had shared with him."可知,当得知这个男孩没有爸爸时,邓恩意识到可能会为他做点什么。故选C。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.jb工作;B.passin热情;C.culture文化;D.challenge挑战。句意:邓恩的父亲曾和他分享过钓鱼的热情。根据下文"Fishing always brught me peace and taught me hw t be(4).When yu're n the water,yu can frget abut yur prblems and just(5)the mment."(钓鱼总是给我带来平静,教会我如何保持耐心。"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻)可知,钓鱼是邓恩热爱做的事情。故选B。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.reasnable合理的;B.energetic精力充沛的;C.cnsiderate体贴的;D.patient耐心的。句意:钓鱼总是给我带来平静,教会我如何保持耐心。根据上文"Fishing always brught me peace"以及常识可知,钓鱼给他带来平静,教会他如何保持耐心。故选D。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.recmmend推荐,建议;B.appreciate欣赏,感激;C.analyse分析;D.ignre忽视。句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。根据上文"yu can frget abut yur prblems"可知,钓鱼时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只专注于此刻,感激此刻。故选B。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.instructin指示;B.permissin允许;C.explanatin解释;D.preparatin准备。句意:"当你在水上时,你可以忘记自己的问题,只感激这一刻,"邓恩有三个孩子,他得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。根据下文"frm the by's mther t take him fishing"可知,邓恩得到了男孩母亲的许可,带他去钓鱼。故选B。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.neighbrhd街区;B.family家庭;C.schl学校;D.grup小组。句意:很快,他就开始教附近的其他孩子如何系好绳子,拿着杆子,然后把钓到的大鱼卷起来。根据下文"Since then,Dunn has taken grups f kids ut almst every weekend t fish."可知,他教的是附近的孩子。故选A。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.pinins看法;B.styles风格;C.figures人物,形象;D.dreams梦想。句意:大多数人的生活中没有父亲的形象,以前也从未钓鱼。根据下文"He and a small grup f vlunteers have intrduced mre than 2,500 kids—mst withut fathers arund"可知,这些孩子中大多数缺乏父亲的角色。故选C。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.argued争论;B.wrked工作;C.escaped逃避;D.mved移动,搬家。句意:有些是被收养的孩子,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。根据句中"adpted kids"和"frm ne hme t the next"可知,他们从一个家搬到了另一个家。故选D。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.difficult困难的;B.inspiring鼓舞人心的;C.familiar熟悉的;D.funny有趣的。句意:邓恩说:"他们经历了很多,看到了很多,他们的生活很艰难。"根据上文"They'd been thrugh a lt,and they'd seen a lt"可知,他们的生活很艰难。故选A。
    (11)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.gave ff发出;B.ended up结束;C.faded away消失;D.fllwed in跟进。句意:但当他们钓鱼时,所有这些都消失了。根据下文"They'd be laughing and smiling and making new friends ut n the(12)."以及句中转折连词but可知,但当孩子们钓鱼时,心里的不安都消失了。故选C。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.risk风险;B.picture图片;C.training训练;D.bat船。句意:他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。根据下文"spent a gd chunk f his(13)frm his jb renting bats fr the kids"可知,他们会在船上大笑、微笑,结交新朋友。bat是原词复现。故选D。
    (13)考查名词及语境理解。A.mment时刻;B.discvery发现;C.paycheck工资,薪金;D.wisdm智慧。句意:一开始,被孩子们的称为"Big Will"的邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。根据空后"frm his jb"可知,邓恩花了工作中的很大一部分薪水为孩子们租船。故选C。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.funded建立;B.changed改变;C.bught买;D.filmed拍摄。句意:然后,在2018年,他成立了非营利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。根据下文"the nnprfit Take a Kid Fishing Inc"以及常识可知,他建立了这个组织。故选A。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.wrry担忧;B.peace平静;C.srrw痛苦;D.hnr荣耀。句意:他和一小群志愿者介绍了2500多个孩子,其中大多数没有父亲陪伴,让他们感受到水面上的内心平静和捕鱼的兴奋。根据上文"Fishing always brught me peace and taught me hw t be(4)."可知,钓鱼让他们感受到内心的平静。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了威廉•邓恩教附近的没有父亲的孩子钓鱼,以此让他们找回内心的平静。他还成立了非盈利公司Take a Kid Fishing Inc.。
    【小题3】was fund
    【解析】(1)考查形容词最高级。句意:本周,亚洲最高树的记录被刷新,一个中国研究小组最近宣布,他们在西藏发现了一棵高达102.3米的巨型柏树。根据句意以及空前定冠词the可知,此处为形容词最高级形式the tallest"最高的"。故填tallest。
    (3)考查动词时态和语态及主谓一致。句意:今年5月,北京大学领导的一项科学调查发现了这棵破纪录的大树,名为"西藏柏木",它是在林齐市贝姆县雅鲁藏布大峡谷国家级自然保护区发现的。分析句子可知,此处为谓语动词,主语The recrd-breaking high tree和动词find为被动关系,因陈述过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时的被动语态结构,主语The recrd-breaking high tree是单数,be动词用was。故填was fund。
    (4)考查现在分词。句意:利用无人机和激光雷达绘制当地柏树聚集区域的地图,团队成员确认了这棵102.3米高的树的存在。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,use和逻辑主语the team members为主动关系,用现在分词短语作状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填Using。
    (6)考查介词。句意:来自北京大学的团队成员任宇说,经过精确测量,这些发现也有助于该地区拥有中国和亚洲最高密度的参天大树。cntribute t"有助于",是动词短语。故填t。
    (7)考查定语从句。句意:来自北京大学的团队成员任宇说,经过精确测量,这些发现也有助于该地区拥有中国和亚洲最高密度的参天大树。先行词Ren Yu在非限制性定语从句中作主语,指人,用关系代词wh引导从句。故填wh。
    (8)考查不定冠词。句意:柏树主要分布在西藏东南部,分布面积窄,种群数量少。根据句意以及空后small ppulatin为单数意义名词可知,此处为表示泛指"一个小的数量"为泛指概念,结合small为首音节辅音单词,所以为不定冠词a的填入,和and连接的a narrw distributin保持并列结构。故填a。
    (9)考查介词。句意:因此,它已被列为国家一级保护植物。be listed as"被列入",是动词短语。故填as。
    (10)考查可数名词单数。句意:之前的中国树木高度纪录保持者是一棵常绿冷杉,去年由西藏科学家测量出83.4米高。根据句意可知,此处为名词hlder"持有者,占有者"构成recrd hlder"纪录保持者",根据句中was要用单数形式。故填hlder。
    37.【答案】Dear Smith,
    I'm Li Hua,chairman f the Students' Unin.I'm writing t invite yu t be a judge at ur English speech cntest.(发出邀请)
    The English speech cntest entitled "Live a Green Life" is aimed t raise students' awareness f prtecting the envirnment. 【高分句型一】It will be held at 8:00 am n next Sunday in the lecture hall in ur schl.As yu are an expert in spken English,it is imprtant fr yu t give us sme advice n grading standards.(介绍活动(时间、地点等))
    It wuld be ur great hnr if yu culd accept ur invitatin and get yur time spared. 【高分句型二】Lking frward t yur timely reply.(寻求建议)
    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:The English speech cntest entitled "Live a Green Life" is aimed t raise students' awareness f prtecting the envirnment .
    分析:这句话使用了过去分词短语entitled "Live a Green Life"作定语。
    高分句型二:It wuld be ur great hnr if yu culd accept ur invitatin and get yur time spared.
    38.【答案】I invited them t get int my car.I drve them hme silently.I was full f remrse.The next day,I asked all the students wh had a bus t catch t write an applicatin,get it signed and leave whenever they wanted,withut seeking my permissin.【高分句型一】I learnt the first lessn f my life as a teacher---learn t empathize with yur students,fr they wuld learn better frm yu when they respect yu than when they fear yu.【高分句型二】
    高分句型一:The next day,I asked all the students wh had a bus t catch t write an applicatin,get it signed and leave whenever they wanted,withut seeking my permissin.
    高分句型二:I learnt the first lessn f my life as a teacher — learn t empathize with yur students,fr they wuld learn better frm yu when they respect yu than when they fear yu.

    2022-2023学年山东省德州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山东省德州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年山东省东营市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山东省东营市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年山东省济南市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山东省济南市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,单词拼写-单句,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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