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    The Chinatwn Strytelling Centre (CSC) is hme t Canada's first lasting exhibit (展览) space.Explre the histry f Vancuver's Chinatwn thrugh the events filled with stries frm the peple wh lived,wrked and played there.
    Upcming Events:
    Teacher's Tur f the CSC Vancuver's Chinatwn
    Lking fr sme new field trip ideas fr yur students?Jin us fr a ne-hur explratin f ur "tuchable teaching cllectin".Learn abut the diverse experiences f the Chinese Canadian cmmunity and hw we're using these stries in ur schl prgrams.Participants have the pprtunity t win a free schl trip!
    A Passin fr Music in Chinatwn
    Jin Henry Yung and "The Chinese Sinatra" Gary Lee fr a delightful July afternn f strytelling and music.Hear their charming stries.Twards the end f their talks,Henry and Gary will als be giving shrt live perfrmances.
    A Special Preview
    Jin us fr a lively evening f strytelling with dance artists Andrea Nann and Sarah Chase.Andrea will share a part f their new wrk,Firehrse and Shadw.It cntains elements f dance,shadw puppetry (皮影戏),phtgraphy,and stry-telling t explre female figures with a fcus n the yin and yang elements.
    Chinatwn Stries (Off-site)
    Dr.April Liu,Manager at CSC,will lead a strytelling meeting using phtgraphs and artifacts (手工艺品) frm the CSC cllectin.Thrugh stries and cnversatin,we'll explre hw each bject carries indicatins f memry,music,and language t reflect Chinatwn's unique histry and heritage.The activity will be held in December in Vancuver Public Library.
    1.What can peple d in A Passin fr Music? ______
    A. Get a free schl trip.B. Hear charming stries.
    C. Enjy perfrmances n air.D. Seek inspiratin f field trip.
    2.Which f the fllwing will be held utside Chinatwn? ______
    A. Teacher's Tur.B. A Passin fr Music.
    C. Chinatwn Stries.D. Firehrse and Shadw.
    3.What is the CSC's aim t hld these events? ______
    A. T advertise turism in China.
    B. T entertain lcals wh live in Vancuver.
    C. T attract teachers and students t have a schl trip.
    D. T let mre peple learn the histry f Vancuver's Chinatwn.
    Schl bus drivers have t keep the kids safe n their way t and frm schl.But ne driver,Patricia Reitz,ges way abve and beynd.She has made it her missin t give each child a handmade hat t keep them warm in the winter.
    Miss Patty—the name students,teachers and parents call her—has given away mre than 7,000 hats in the nearly three decades she wrked fr the Clarence Central Schl District in New Yrk,reprted WGRZ.
    "She cares abut her students," third grade teacher Debrah Bswrth tld WGRZ. "Any student that has been n Miss Patty's bus gets a hat,and they als get a friend.Miss Patty is ne f the favrites."
    This traditin began when Reitz tk up crcheting(针织).She wuld wrk n items while she waited fr students t get n the bus after schl.One by gt n the bus,and he asked what she was ding.He said wearing a hat wuld be great ging dwn ski slpes(斜坡).S Reitz asked him what clr he liked. "That started everything," said Reitz.And it snwballed frm there.
    Reitz specializes in Santa hats,but she will make ther hats t.The hats are tw clrs that the students chse and always have tw tassels(流苏).Reitz buys all needed fr the hats but she als receives gift cards frm families especially arund Christmas.This is a gift that cmes frm the heart.Despite the amunt f wrk invlved,Reitz has n intentin f stpping.In fact,she has already began wrking n next year's hats. "I'm ging t d it until I can't d it anymre," she said.
    While ther schl bus drivers will purchase hats and glves fr their charges,a hmemade gift made with lve brings warmth even during the cldest winter days.
    4.What did Patricia Reitz d fr the students? ______
    A. She gives away hats t students n her bus fr free.
    B. She made hats fr students in exchange fr gifts.
    C. She gives away hats t students with lw charges.
    D. She made crcheting items n schl bus
    5.What d students get alng with a hat frm Miss Patty? ______
    A. The way t make friends.
    B. The chance t help thers.
    C. Lve and warmth in cld winter.
    D. A different experience n schl bus.
    6.Which f the fllwing can best describe Miss Patty? ______
    A. Generus and absent-minded.B. Addicted and energetic.
    C. Calm and warm-hearted.D. Lving and determined.
    7.What can we learn frm Paragraph 5? ______
    A. Students have n chice f the hats.
    B. Making the hats demands great effrts.
    C. The hats are f the same clr and style.
    D. Reitz has n intentin f cntinuing the traditin.
    Fr centuries,peple thught that fish did nt feel pain r emtins.Nw research has shwn that fish nt nly have feelings but can als sense thers' mds.
    When a human understands and shares the feelings f anther persn,this is called empathy (共情).Scientists have fund that a chemical in the brain called xytcin (催产素) is invlved in ur ability t cnnect with thers.
    A team f researchers tested zebra fish with a series f experiments.First,they placed the fish in tw separate cntainers and gave ne grup a material that caused them t act fearful—either freezing r swimming irregularly.Even thugh the fish in the nearby cntainer had nt tuched the material,they als began t freeze in fear. "They respnd t ther individuals being frightened…just like us," said Ibukun,a c-authr f the study.The scientists tried the experiment again with the changed fish whse brains wuld nt prduce xytcin.These fish were much less likely t act anxius when they saw ther fish shwing fear.If researchers gave them an injectin (注射) f xytcin,their ability t empathize returned.
    Finally,researchers played vides f fearful fish n ne side f the cntainer and relaxed fish n the ther side.Nrmal fish mved clser t the side that shwed the fearful fish,which might have been an attempt t cmfrt them.The changed fish did nt mve tward either side.
    Lking at the nrmal fish's brains,researchers saw activity in an area similar t the ne humans and ther mammals (哺乳动物) use when empathizing with thers.This culd mean that the ability t have empathy develped mre than 350 millin years ag,when fish and mammals shared a cmmn ancestr.
    8.Hw many experiments did the researchers d? ______
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.D. Fur.
    9.Hw did the researchers get the result f the experiments? ______
    A. By mdeling.B. By cmparisn.
    C. By describing.D. By investigatin.
    10.Which f the fllwing is crrect accrding t the passage? ______
    A. Fish and humans use the same brain area when empathizing.
    B. Fish always ignre thers' emtins.
    C. It wasn't lng befre fish had empathy.
    D. Oxytcin plays a key rle in empathy.
    11.What is the purpse f the research? ______
    A. T test whether fish and mammals share a cmmn ancestr.
    B. T test whether fish have the ability t empathize.
    C. T test whether fish can cmfrt ther fish.
    D. T test whether fish can prduce xytcin.

    5 Ways Yur Child Builds Imprtant Life Skills thrugh Play
    Every parent wants their children t develp well.Smetimes it seems that a child's game is empty entertainment and (1) ______ .Hwever,fr a child,play is the main way f cmmunicating with the wrld,mastering new knwledge and skills.The game perfrms several functins.
    Educatin and develpment.
    Thrugh the game,the child learns new skills and develps speech,thinking and lgic(逻辑),attentin and ther mental functins.Outdr games prmte physical develpment and strengthen the health f the child. (2) ______ Thus,games cntribute t the cgnitive and physical develpment f the child.
    ( 3) ______
    Thrugh the game,the child explres the wrld arund him and makes his little discveries.Thrugh games a child learns the laws f physics,the diversity f animals,plants,prfessins,etc.
    Way f cmmunicatin.
    ( 4) ______ :jys,anxieties,fears,hpes,expectatins.Often,thrugh the game,the child tells parents smething imprtant abut himself and learns smething imprtant abut his parents.
    Develpment f scial skills and familiarity with scial rles.
    In games,children learn t fllw the rules,cntrl their behavir,develp cmmunicatin skills with peers and adults.In games,children learn different scial rles:parents,friends,teachers,dctrs,kings and presidents.
    Expressin f feelings and learning t manage emtins.
    Often the game becmes a way fr the child t deal with their difficult experiences t express their feelings f fear,anger,sadness,shame.If a child is afraid f the dark,he can play a game in which he puts his tys in dark places,and then cmfrts them and says that it is nt scary:( 5) ______ .
    A.Knwledge f the wrld.
    B.Discveries and reflectin.
    C.in this way the child deals with his fear.
    D.Als,many games develp creativity and imaginatin.
    E.it wuld be better t replace it with smething mre useful.
    F.there are many nline stres that ffer quality educatinal tys.
    G.A game fr a child is als a way t cmmunicate their experiences t an adult.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    As a child,Rbin Stevens lved reading murder mystery stries.She (1) ______ herself in the wrlds f fictinal detectives(侦探) like Hercule Pirt,Sherlck Hlmes and Miss Marple.These childhd heres nw (2) ______ her wn detective stries and mst recently the first in her new (3) ______ f bks was called The Ministry f Unladylike Activity.
    This series is set in the Secnd Wrld War (1939—45)and tells the stry f May Wng,( 4) ______ ,with her friend Eric,wants t be a spy(间谍).They (5) ______ a case at the mysterius Elysium Hall.Stevens tells The Week Junir that all her characters are (6) ______ "parts f myself,parts f friends and sme histrical characters wh I (7) ______ ."
    Stevens tries t write 2,000 wrds every day when she's first (8) ______ a stry. "It's cmplicated(复杂的) and I think, 'This is (9) ______ ,I can't write'," she says,but then she ges back,checks and (10) ______ a few pages at a time and (11) ______ the stry cmes tgether.She says her snack f chice is jelly beans,t keep her brain (12) ______ .
    "If yu want t write,yu have t (13) ______ ," she says,r at least,( 14) ______ stries frm bks,TV r films.Althugh writing can be hard and (15) ______ ,if yu give a few minutes t it every day,week r mnth,yu will imprve.Remember t have fun with a stry,Stevens says, "and if yu're nt having fun,write smething else."
    21.A. frcedB. limitedC. permittedD. absrbed
    22.A. ensureB. inspireC. reflectD. describe
    23.A. pileB. planC. seriesD. album
    24.A. whB. thatC. whenD. which
    25.A. defendB. uncverC. identifyD. investigate
    26.A. jined tB. prvided withC. separated intD. made up f
    27.A. defineB. admireC. ignreD. memrize
    28.A. wrking nB. handing nC. impacting nD. lking n
    29.A. hrribleB. puzzlingC. embarrassingD. fascinating
    30.A. clicksB. replansC. rewritesD. illustrates
    31.A. abslutelyB. immediatelyC. graduallyD. unusually
    32.A. alarmedB. energeticC. effectiveD. depressed
    33.A. tryB. readC. checkD. cpy
    34.A. stir upB. take utC. figure utD. take in
    35.A. annyingB. flexibleC. fictinalD. risky
    The wner f a small stre in Changchun is Zhang Jindng,a third-generatin inheritr f the art f making(1) ______ (traditin) Chinese mud men.
    Zhang first(2) ______ (get) t knw abut creating mud men when he was in primary schl.At that time,he used t imitate his(3) ______ (parent) mud figures and learned sme drawing skills as well.
    He devted himself t creating mud men with lcal features in NE China after his(4) ______ (retire).He bases them n histry bks and has drawn many thers t making vivid mud figures.Zhang has als made sme interesting mud pieces illustrating yung peple's lives in mdern times,such as girls(5) ______ (take) selfies.
    N clr is used in Zhang's mud men. "My mud figures are made with rugh mud which shws(6) ______ idea f prtecting the eclgy(生态)," Zhang said.
    Zhang has tw daughters,bth f whm are masters in making mud figures,(7) ______ their wrk is even better than Zhang's.
    Mud figurine Zhang(泥人张) refers t a mud-men maker(8) ______ family name was "Zhang" abut 180 years ag.Zhang(9) ______ (inspire) by many art frms—peras,paintings and wd blck drawings—and his striking mud men were ppular amng peple.Later,all such craftsmanship was named(10) ______ Master Zhang.
    (1)集合时间、地点(8:00 a.m.,校门口);
    Michelle and I had been best friends since the furth grade.She was a beautiful girl inside and ut,ne f the kindest I'd ever met.We were like paper and glue—cmpletely inseparable.
    It was in the eighth grade that things slwly started t change between Michelle and me.I became a scial butterfly,flying arund t different grups f friends,discussing the httest gssip (八卦).Althugh I made many new friends that year,I still lved Michelle and wanted her t hang ut with my new,fairly large scial grup.I tried t drag her alng t my scial gatherings, .but I sn nticed the disapprving (不赞成的) lks and whispers abut Michelle—a clear message that she was nt cl enugh t hang ut with us.
    One night,ne f my new friends,Jamie,came ver after schl.I was excited that she wanted t cme ver t my huse and spend time with me.After a cuple f hurs f laughing and having a great time,Michelle's name came up in ur cnversatin.Slwly,a mischievus (恶意的) smile frmed n Jamie's face.Jamie rdered that I tell Michelle that Jamie was my best friend then.Afraid that my new friends wuld dislike me if I refused,just like they did t Michelle,I picked up the phne,dialed Michelle's number and said it ut t her withut hesitatin.She was mre sad,heartbrken and angry than I'd expected,and as I listened t her cry ver the phne,I remembered hw clse we used t be.At that mment,I realized hw much I treasured her friendship,and hw cruel my actins were.Needing t think abut what I had just dne,I gt ff the phne.
    I sn called Michelle back and tld her the truth and I was deeply srry that I ever decided t betray (背叛) her.I was srry fr nt being there fr her in the last few mnths,and I was srry fr letting my friends pressure me int situatins like these.I wanted t be her best friend again.
    But she was nt as frgiving as I had hped.
    A week later,Michelle asked fr leave because she was ill.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据A Passin fr Music in Chinatwn部分Jin Henry Yung and "The Chinese Sinatra" Gary Lee fr a delightful July afternn f strytelling and music.Hear their charming stries.(七月下午,Henry Yung将与"中国的辛纳"Gary Lee一起享受讲故事和音乐的乐趣。倾听他们迷人的故事)可知,人们可以在A Passin fr Music这里,听让人着迷的故事。A.Get a free schl trip.享受免费的学校旅行;B.Hear charming stries.听迷人的故事;C.Enjy perfrmances n air.享受现场表演;D.Seek inspiratin f field trip.从实地考察中寻找灵感。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Chinatwn Stries (Off-site)(唐人街故事(场外))可知,Chinatwn Stries将在唐人街外面举行。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第一段中The Chinatwn Strytelling Centre (CSC) is hme t Canada's first lasting exhibit (展览) space.Explre the histry f Vancuver's Chinatwn thrugh the events filled with stries frm the peple wh lived,wrked and played there.(唐人街故事中心(CSC)是加拿大第一个持久展览空间的所在地。通过在温哥华唐人街生活、工作和玩耍的人们的故事,探索温哥华唐人街的历史)可推知,唐人街故事中心(CSC)的目的是让更多的人了解温哥华唐人街的历史。故选D。
    这篇短文主要介绍了加拿大唐人街讲故事中心(CSC)作为加拿大第一个长期展览空间的情况。通过充满故事的活动,探索温哥华唐人街的历史,这些故事来自在那里生活、工作和娱乐的人们。接下来的活动包括教师参观CSC温哥华唐人街,一个关于多元化的华裔社区经历以及如何在学校项目中使用这些故事的探索活动;在唐人街享受音乐的激情,与Henry Yung和"中国弗兰克•辛纳屈"Gary Lee共度一个愉快的七月下午,听他们迷人的故事,他们还将进行短暂的现场表演;以及与舞蹈艺术家Andrea Nann和Sarah Chase一起的特别预览,Andrea将分享他们的新作品"Firehrse and Shadw"的一部分,其中包含舞蹈、影子木偶、摄影和讲故事等元素,探索女性形象,重点关注阴阳元素。此外,还有一个由CSC经理Dr.April Liu主持的讲故事会,使用CSC收藏的照片和文物,通过故事和对话,探索每个物品如何反映唐人街独特的历史和文化遗产。这个活动将于十二月在温哥华公共图书馆举行。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Miss Patty—the name students,teachers and parents call her—has given away mre than 7,000 hats in the nearly three decades she wrked fr the Clarence Central Schl District in New Yrk,reprted WGRZ.(据WGRZ报道,Patty小姐---学生、老师和家长都叫她这个名字---在纽约克拉伦斯中央学区工作的近三十年里,已经送出了7 000多顶帽子)"和第三段中的"Any student that has been n Miss Patty's bus gets a hat,and they als get a friend.Miss Patty is ne f the favrites.(任何坐过Patty小姐的校车的学生都会得到一顶帽子,他们还会得到一个朋友。帕蒂小姐是最受欢迎的朋友之一。)可知,Patricia Reitz为自己校车上的学生们免费送帽子。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据最后一段While ther schl bus drivers will purchase hats and glves fr their charges,a hmemade gift made with lve brings warmth even during the cldest winter days.(虽然其他校车司机会免费购买帽子和手套,但用爱制作的自制礼物即使在最冷的冬天也能带来温暖。)可推知,学生从Patty小姐那里得到帽子的同时,不仅能够用帽子在冬天保暖,也得到了来自Patty小姐的关爱。A.The way t make friends交朋友的方式;B.The chance t help thers帮助他人的机会;C.Lve and warmth in cld winter在寒冷的冬天的爱和温暖;D.A different experience n schl bus在校车上的不同体验。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段中'She cares abut her students,' third grade teacher Debrah Bswrth tld WGRZ.('她关心她的学生,'三年级老师Debrah Bswrth告诉WGRZ。)可知,Patty小姐关心乘坐自己校车的学生,由此可推测出,她是一个充满爱的人。根据第五段中'I'm ging t d it until I can't d it anymre,' she said.(她说:'我会一直做下去,直到我再也做不了为止。')可知,她会一直为学生制作帽子,直到自己再也做不了为止,由此可推测出,她是一个有决心的人。A.Generus and absent-minded慷慨且心不在焉的;B.Addicted and energetic上瘾,精力充沛的;C.Calm and warm-hearted冷静而热心的;D.Lving and determined充满爱心和决心的。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据第五段中Despite the amunt f wrk invlved,Reitz has n intentin f stpping.(尽管涉及大量的工作,但Reitz并没有停止的打算。)可知,制作帽子涉及大量的工作,也就是需要付出许多努力。A.Students have n chice f the hats学生们别无选择;B.Making the hats demands great effrts.制作帽子需要付出很大的努力;C.The hats are f the same clr and style这些帽子的颜色和样式都一样;D.Reitz has n intentin f cntinuing the traditin雷茨无意延续这一传统。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文。校车司机Patricia Reitz为坐车的每个孩子针织帽子,这种用爱制作的帽子在寒冷的冬天为孩子们带来了温暖。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段First,they placed the fish in tw separate cntainers and gave ne grup a material that caused them t act fearful—either freezing r swimming irregularly. (首先,他们把鱼放在两个不同的容器里,给一组鱼一种能让它们表现出恐惧的物质——要么冻住,要么不规律地游动);The scientists tried the experiment again with the changed fish whse brains wuld nt prduce xytcin. (科学家们再次对那些大脑不能产生催产素的鱼进行了实验。)和第四段Finally,researchers played vides f fearful fish n ne side f the cntainer and relaxed fish n the ther side. (最后,研究人员播放了容器一侧恐惧的鱼和另一侧放松的鱼的视频。)可知,研究者进行了三次实验,故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据最后一段Lking at the nrmal fish's brains,researchers saw activity in an area similar t the ne humans and ther mammals (哺乳动物) use when empathizing with thers. (通过观察正常鱼类的大脑,研究人员发现其大脑活动区域类似于人类和其他哺乳动物与他人产生同理心时所使用的区域。)可知,研究者通过将鱼类大脑和人类以及其他哺乳动物的大脑进行比较得出实验结果,故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第二段Scientists have fund that a chemical in the brain called xytcin (催产素) is invlved in ur ability t cnnect with thers.(科学家发现大脑中一种叫做催产素的化学物质与我们与他人联系的能力有关。)和第三段中If researchers gave them an injectin (注射) f xytcin,their ability t empathize returned.(如果研究人员给他们注射催产素,他们的移情能力就会恢复。)可推知,催产素在移情作用中起着关键作用。故选D。
    (4)目的意图题。根据第一段Nw research has shwn that fish nt nly have feelings but can als sense thers' mds.(现在研究表明,鱼不仅有感情,而且能感知他人的情绪。)和第二段When a human understands and shares the feelings f anther persn,this is called empathy (共情). (当一个人理解并分享另一个人的感受时,这就是所谓的同理心。)可推知,该研究的目的是为了测试鱼类是否有共情。A.T test whether fish and mammals share a cmmn ancestr.为了测试鱼类和哺乳动物是否有共同的祖先;B.T test whether fish have the ability t empathize.测试鱼是否有移情能力;C.T test whether fish can cmfrt ther fish.测试一条鱼是否能安慰其他鱼;D.T test whether fish can prduce xytcin.测试鱼是否能产生催产素。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Smetimes it seems that a child's game is empty entertainment(有时,孩子的游戏似乎是空洞的娱乐),可知E项"最好用更有用的东西来代替它"可以承接前句,介绍用有用的东西代替无用的游戏,故选E。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句Outdr games prmte physical develpment and strengthen the health f the child(户外游戏促进身体发育,增强儿童健康);以及后句Thus,games cntribute t the cgnitive and physical develpment f the child(因此,游戏有助于孩子的认知和身体发展),可知D项"此外,许多游戏都能培养创造力和想象力"可以承接前句,讲述了户外游戏对孩子身体上的好处,和后句构成因果关系,故选D。
    (3)主题判断题。根据后文Thrugh the game,the child explres the wrld arund him and makes his little discveries.Thrugh games a child learns the laws f physics,the diversity f animals,plants,prfessins,etc(通过游戏,孩子探索周围的世界,并做出自己的小发现。通过游戏,孩子学习物理定律,动物、植物、职业等的多样性),可知A项"关于世界的知识"能概括本段的内容---孩子通过游戏可以学到关于世界的知识,故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。根据小标题Way f cmmunicatin(沟通的方式);以及后文Often,thrugh the game,the child tells parents smething imprtant abut himself and learns smething imprtant abut his parents(通常,通过游戏,孩子告诉父母一些关于他自己的重要信息,并了解一些关于他父母的重要信息),可知G项"儿童游戏也是向成年人传达他们体验的一种方式"符合语境,讲述游戏是父母和孩子沟通的手段,故选G。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句If a child is afraid f the dark,he can play a game in which he puts his tys in dark places,and then cmfrts them and says that it is nt scary(如果孩子害怕黑暗,他可以玩一个游戏,在游戏中他把玩具放在黑暗的地方,然后安慰他们,说这并不可怕),可知C项"这样孩子就可以处理他的恐惧"可以承接前句,讲述了孩子可以通过游戏将自己的害怕表现出来并学着克服害怕,故选C。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.frced强迫;B.limited限制;C.permitted允许;D.absrbed使全神贯注。句意:她沉浸在虚构侦探的世界里,比如赫尔克里•波洛、夏洛克•福尔摩斯和马普尔小姐。根据前一句"As a child,Rbin Stevens lved reading murder mystery stries.(从小Rbin Stevens就喜欢读谋杀悬疑小说)"可知,Rbin Stevens喜欢读谋杀悬疑小说,所以她沉浸在虚构侦探的世界中。故选D。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.ensure确保;B.inspire赋予灵感;C.reflect反映;D.describe描写。句意:这些儿时的英雄现在给她自己的侦探故事提供灵感,最近她的新书系列中的第一本名叫The Ministry f Unladylike Activity。根据空后her wn detective stries并结合她喜欢读侦探小说可知,儿时她读过的小说人物为她写自己的侦探故事提供了灵感。故选B。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.pile摞,堆;B.plan计划;C.series系列;D.album唱片。句意:这些儿时的英雄现在给她自己的侦探故事提供灵感,最近她的新书系列中的第一本名叫The Ministry f Unladylike Activity。根据第二段中的"This series"可知,这里是series的原词复现。故选C。
    (4)考查连词及语境理解。A.wh关系代词,先行词是人;B.that关系代词,先行词是人或物;C.when关系副词;D.which关系代词,先行词是事物。句意:本系列以第二次世界大战(1939—45)为背景,讲述了May Wng的故事,她和朋友Eric想成为一名间谍。分析句子结构,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词May Wng,指人,且在从句中作主语,所以应用wh引导。故选A。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.defend捍卫,为……辩护;B.uncver发现,揭露;C.identify确认,认出;D.investigate调查。句意:他们在神秘的爱丽舍宫大厅调查一起案件。根据空后的"a case at the mysterius Elysium Hall"并结合有关侦探的工作常识可知,他们是在调查一起案件。故选D。
    (6)考查动词短语及语境理解。A. (be) jined t与……连接;B. (be) prvided with被提供;C. (be) separated int被分成;D. (be) made up f由……组成。句意:Stevens告诉《少年周刊》,她所有的人物都是由"我的一部分、朋友的一部分和我钦佩的一些历史人物"组成的。根据空后的"parts f myself,parts f friends and sme histrical characters"可知,这里是说Stevens故事中的人物是由自己的一部分、朋友的一部分和一些历史人物组成的。故选D。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.define定义;B.admire钦佩;C.ignre忽视;D.memrize记忆。句意:Stevens告诉《少年周刊》,她所有的人物都是由"我的一部分、朋友的一部分和我钦佩的一些历史人物"组成的。根据空前的"sme histrical characters"可知,她选用了一些自己钦佩的历史人物。故选B。
    (8)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.wrking n致力于,从事;B.handing n把某事物交给或留给(某人)使用(或处理);C.impacting n对……有影响;D.lking n旁观。句意:Stevens第一次写故事时,每天都要写2 000字。根据空后的"a stry"可知,这里是说她第一次写一个故事,即从事写这个故事的工作。故选A。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.hrrible恐怖的;B.puzzling令人费解的;C.embarrassing令人尴尬的;D.fascinating迷人的。句意:"这很复杂,于是我想,'这太令人费解了,我不会写',"她说,但随后她返回去、检查和每次重写几页,于是故事逐渐地融合在一起。根据前面的"It's cmplicated(复杂的)"可知,她觉得故事非常复杂,令人费解,所以认为自己写不下去了。故选B。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.clicks点击;B.replans重新计划;C.rewrites重写;D.illustrates加插图于。句意:"这很复杂,于是我想,'这太令人费解了,我不会写',"她说,但随后她返回去、检查和每次重写几页,于是故事逐渐地融合在一起。根据空前的"ges back,checks"可知,她返回故事前面检查,遇到不合适的地方就一次重写几页。故选C。
    (11)考查副词及语境理解。A.abslutely绝对地;B.immediately立即;C.gradually逐渐地;D.unusually不寻常地。句意:"这很复杂,于是我想,'这太令人费解了,我不会写',"她说,但随后她返回去、检查和每次重写几页,于是故事逐渐地融合在一起。根据前面的"a few pages at a time"可知,她每次重写几页,慢慢地故事就融合在一起了。故选C。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.alarmed害怕;B.energetic精力充沛的,充满活力的;C.effective有效的;D.depressed抑郁的。句意:她说她选择的零食是果冻豆,以保持大脑活力。根据空前的"her snack f chice is jelly beans,t keep her brain"结合她写侦探小说的事实可知,她吃果冻豆零食以让自己的头脑保持活力。故选B。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.try尝试;B.read阅读;C.check检查;D.cpy仿写,模仿。句意:"如果你想写作,你必须模仿,"她说,或者至少要吸收书、电视或电影中的故事。根据后面的"at least,(14)stries frm bks,TV r films"可知,这里是说要写作就得会模仿。故选D。
    (14)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.stir up激励,鼓动;B.take ut拿出来;C.figure ut弄清楚;D.take in吸收,理解。句意:"如果你想写作,你必须模仿,"她说,或者至少要吸收书、电视或电影中的故事。根据空后的"stries frm bks,TV r films"可知,这里是说要吸收书、电视或电影中的故事。故选D。
    本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Rbin Stevens的小说系列的灵感来源,以及她写小说的过程和建议。
    【小题9】was inspired
    【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:长春一家小店的老板是中国传统泥人制作技艺的第三代传承人张金东。分析可知,空处应用形容词traditinal"传统的"作定语,修饰名词短语Chinese mud men。故填traditinal。
    (2)考查动词的时态。句意:张在小学时第一次了解泥人的创作。分析可知,所填词为主句的谓语动词,根据时间状语从句when he was in primary schl可知,句子是在叙述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填gt。
    (3)考查名词所有格。句意:那时,他经常模仿父母的泥人,还学会了一些绘画技巧。根据句意可知,此处表示"他父母捏的泥人",故应用parents的名词所有格parents'作定语,修饰名词短语mud figures。故填parents'。
    (7)考查连词。句意:张有两个女儿,都是制作泥塑的大师,而且她们的作品比张还要好。分析句子结构可知,此处应用连词连接两个分句,结合句意可知,Zhang has tw daughters和their wrk is even better than Zhang's之间是并列关系,故应用and连接。故填and。
    (8)考查定语从句关系词。句意:泥人张是指大约180年前,一位姓"张"的泥人制作者。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为a mud-men maker,指人,与空后的family name之间是所属关系,故应用关系代词whse引导,关系词在句中作定语。故填whse。
    (9)考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:张受戏曲、绘画、木版画等多种艺术形式的启发,其引人注目的泥人形象深受人们欢迎。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,根据并列句中的were可知,句子是在陈述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,主语Zhang和inspire之间是动宾关系,故应用一般过去时的被动语态,且主语Zhang为单数,be动词应用单数形式was。故填was inspired。
    37.【答案】NOTICEIn rder t make students better learn abut Chinese culture,ur schl will rganize a trip t Dai Temple this Saturday.Everyne is t take part in this activity.We will gather at the schl gate at 8:00 day and g tgether by bus.(集合时间、地点)At abut 9:30 a.m.,we will arrive at the destinatin.Then a guide will lead us arund,giving us detailed intrductins abut each spt.【高分句型一】The visit shuld be ver at 12:00,after which we will return hme by bus.【高分句型二】Please take sme water and an umbrella with yu,and keep quiet during the visit.(浏览安排及要求)
    Li Hua, Mnitr f the internatinal class
    【解析】高分句型一:Then a guide will lead us arund,giving us detailed intrductins abut each spt.
    分析:本句运用了现在分词短语giving us detailed intrductins abut each spt作伴随状语。
    高分句型二:The visit shuld be ver at 12:00,after which we will return hme by bus.
    38.【答案】But she was nt as frgiving as I had hped.The next day,I fund her and said srry t her in persn. "I shuld nt have said these wrds as Jamie tld me.I am really srry.Can we be gd friends again?" I asked sincerely. "N,yu are nt my friend again.It is Jamie wh is yur best friend.G t play with her,yur best friend!!" She said angrily and then left,leaving me there all alne.【高分句型一】I knew I really hurt her this time.What shuld I d t make her frgive me?In the next few days,she didn't talk t me any mre.I felt s sad.(作者向米歇尔道歉,但是米歇尔很生气,没有原谅作者。)
    A week later,Michelle asked fr leave because she was ill.Knwing that,I was very wrried.Shuld I g t see her?But what if she didn't see me?I was trubled by these questins and didn't knw what t d.But I knew I was very wrried abut her.S after the inner struggle,I finally gathered my curage t see her.When I arrived her hme,she was surprised t see me.Nervusly,I came near her and asked, "Are yu all right?" "Fine," she said sftly, "I am srry fr treating yu like that.Can we be gd friends again!" "Of curse,it is I wh shuld say srry.【高分句型二】Yu are always my best friend." I said.Then,we bth smiled.(作者很担心米歇尔,于是去她家看她。最终作者和米歇尔和好。)
    高分句型一 She said angrily and then left,leaving me there all alne.
    分析:句中使用了现在分词短语leaving me there all alne作状语。
    高分句型二 Of curse,it is I wh shuld say srry.
    分析:句中使用了强调句"It is +强调部分+wh+其他"。

    2022-2023学年山东省东营市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山东省东营市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    2022-2023学年山东省菏泽市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年山东省菏泽市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,单词拼写-单句,句子翻译,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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