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    The Art f Wearing Wrks f Art
    The Smithsman's Craft2 Wear Shw will be held in Washingtn D.C.'s Natinal Building Museum frm Octber 20 t 22,transfrming the building int a ne-stp shp fr the finest in American cntemprary wearable craft (手工艺) and design
    Nanibaa Beck
    Beck is a jeweler (珠宝师) f Beck Studi At 13 years ld,she became an assistant t her father and learned silversmith shills frm him as well as her mther,wh wrked as a prfessinal jewelry craftsman Beck's ties t the prcess f creating jewelry inspired her t develp a deeper understanding f Native American art.
    Alicia Appletn
    Appletn is a crprate fashin designer and the funder f Amber Pitier inc,a leather accessries (配饰) cmpany funded in 2015 in New Yrk.Appletn attempts t empwer wmen thrugh her jewelry and fashin accessries.
    Hlly Anne Mitchell
    Mitchell is an artist wh will be shwcasing jewelry made frm recycled newspaper at the event.She began explring newspaper as an artistic medium while taking a metalsmithing class at the University f Michigan in 1990.
    Judith Carr
    Bumbershts by Nana,a business that handcrafts wearable art fr babies,will display clthing at Craf2 Wear Funded by artist Judith Carr,Bumbershts by Nana seeks t create high-quality sleeping bags that are parent-friendly and functinal.
    General Admissin
    ﹩17 per persn if purchased befre Octber 17 r ﹩20 after Octber 17,
    ﹩10 per ticket fr grups f 10 r mre,
    ﹩8 per student ticket with Student ID Cards presented at the dr (Students under age 18)
    1.What can be learned abut Beck? ______
    A. She funded Amber Pitier Inc in 2015.
    B. She graduated frm the University f Michigan.
    C. She was well-knwn as a jeweler at a yung age.
    D. She benefited a lt frm her parents daily wrk.
    2.What is a feature f Mitchell's jewelry? ______
    A. It is ec-friendly.B. It empwers wmen.
    C. It helps t prmte sleep.D. It stresses Native American art.
    3.Hw much shuld a grup f 6 adults pay if they buy tickets n Octber 15? ______
    A. ﹩48.B. ﹩60.C. ﹩102.D. ﹩120.
    The day I first came acrss a harp (竖琴) is a memry stred by all my senses.In cntrast t the vivid clr in which I recall this first encunter,I still remember my parents faces turning pale when I annunced "I'm ging t play the harp!" My parents' faces reflected then financial fears.But they still rented me a little harp and hired a man t teach me.
    I felt cmplete every time I played the harp.Then smething happened:sheet music.Suddenly I had t learn this freign language in rder t cntinue t play.What was nce an effrtless pleasure turned int a cnstant struggle.My dyslexic (诵读困难的) brain fed n the beauty f the music but fught with the way it was taught.I sn fund myself stuck in a lve-hate relatinship.
    Fr my 16th birthday,my parents used their savings t buy me a harp,in the hpe that it might settle my relatinship with it.But in the weeks that fllwed the harp explded.
    The remains f the harp sat at the bttm f ur stairs fr several weeks.Eventually,my father and I built a fire t burn it.It felt strange t burn smething that nce represented s much,and we bth sat there staring in silence.My father said "I knw yu find it hard t read music.But have yu ever thught abut just playing?" What he said changed everything fr me, "Yeah,but I dn't have a harp anymre."
    Tw weeks later,an ld and small harp turned up.I threw away all my music bks and started playing by ear and frm the heart.All the passin came back.Music is s much mre than dts (小圆点) n a page.If yu feel it and are excited by it,stick t it.Had I let traditinal music teaching techniques put me ff playing the harp,I wuld have lst a part f myself.
    4.What was the authr's parents' reactin t her decisin? ______
    A. They were excited and hpeful abut it.
    B. They purchased her a harp immediately.
    C. They shwed cncern but agreed t it.
    D. They hesitated ver it fr a lng time.
    5.What did the authr find ut abut sheet music? ______
    A. It tk away her enjyment f playing the harp.
    B. It was beneficial t freign language learning.
    C. It led t her encuntering difficulty in reading.
    D. It was an effective way f appreciating music.
    6.Hw did the authr feel when the harp was burnt? ______
    A. Astnished.B. Srrwful.C. Frightened.D. disappinted.
    7.What lessn did the authr's experience give her? ______
    A. Hard wrk pays ff.
    B. Strike while the irn is ht.
    C. The simplest way is the best way.
    D. Never give up n what yu really want t d.
    Spiders dn't have ears like we d,and many have pr eyesight.But they can sense vibratins (振动).Instead f eardrums that turn sund wave pressure int signals fr ur brains,spiders hear using tiny,sensitive hairs that mve in respnse t sunds.
    Previusly,researchers had measured hw a single thin piece f spider silk mved in respnse t sunds in the air.They fund that the web silk itself is really gd at detecting sunds.In a new study,Rn Miles frm Binghamtn University and his c-authrs prvided the first evidence that spiders can pick up sunds in anther way thrugh their webs.
    T study hearing in animals,researchers placed rb-weaving spiders,which are knwn t make large,wheel-shaped rb webs,in a specially designed quiet rm.They tracked hw the spiders reacted t different sunds played n a ludspeaker Depending n hw lud the sund was,spiders stretched,turned r raised their frelegs.Researchers nticed that the spiders turned their bdies tward the sund,suggesting they knew where the nise riginated.
    The ability t use a web like a giant extended ear culd help spiders detect prey (猎物).If an insect is flying nearby,fr instance, "That's ging t cause the web t vibrate because f the sund," Miles said "That kind f gets the spider's attentin."
    Spiders might even use their webs t tune in t a variety f sunds "We suspect that the spider is actually able t srt f adjust the tensin in the web in rder t pick up certain frequencies," Miles said.
    Mst micrphnes tday wrk by sensing pressure and turning it int an electrnic signal.But in the natural wrld, "spiders aren't sensing pressure." Miles said "Mst animals dn't hear that way,they sense the mtin f the air" Future micrphnes,like thse used in hearing aids,culd be designed with this in mind.
    8.What did the new study find? ______
    A. Spiders d nt have eardrums.
    B. Spiders indeed have pr eyesight.
    C. Spiders rely n sensitive hairs t hear.
    D. Spiders can use their webs t detect sunds.
    9.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut? ______
    A. Hw the study affected spiders.
    B. Hw the study was cnducted.
    C. Hw lud the sund was in the study.
    D. Hw spiders made the web in the study.
    10.Hw might the spider identify different sunds accrding t Miles? ______
    A. By shifting its psitin n the web.
    B. By sensing different levels f pressure.
    C. By changing the tensin f its silk.
    D. By making full use f different parts f its bdy.
    11.What is the significance f the discvery? ______
    A. It culd help imprve micrphnes.
    B. It culd bring attentin t spider web-making.
    C. It culd highlight the rle f electrnic technlgy.
    D. It culd heighten public awareness f insect prtectin.
    During the summer f 2021,Beverly Wax,an administrative assistant fr a nnprfit,had an experience that filled her with awe.Wax's central air cnditining had brken dwn in the heat wave.She'd mentined t her sn that she was having truble finding smene t cme fix it quickly.He shwed up with a new unit as a surprise.As she watched him sweat and struggle while pulling the unit up the stairs and fixing it in her bedrm.Wax felt a wave f appreciatin.
    Awe is that feeling we get when smething is s vast it stps us in ut tracks.Often,it challenges r expands ur thinking.Research shws that awe experiences decrease stress and anxiety and increase verall satisfactin in life,accrding t Dacher Keltner,a prfessr f psychlgy.Mst f us assciate awe with smething rare and beautiful nature,music r a spiritual experience.But peple can trigger awe t,and nt just public heres.Research shws that we can be awed by ut nearest and dearest.Psychlgists call this interpersnal awe.
    Often,this interpersnal awe is a respnse t life's big,sweeping changes,such as witnessing a baby's first steps.Fr Lynn Heady,a retired educatr,it's watching a friend fight cancer and still relish (享受) life.But interpersnal awe happens in smaller mments,t.Jhn Bargh,a psychlgist,said he was truly awestruck by his then-5-year-ld daughter while dining with her in a McDnald's.When she heard anther child crying acrss the restaurant,she grabbed the ty frm her Happy Meal,walked ver t the by and handed it t him.
    Unfrtunately,we can't make smene else behave in a way that's awesme.But we can prime urselves t ntice it when they d-and take steps t bst the emtin's psitive effects.
    12.Why did Wax feel grateful t her sn? ______
    A. He cntacted a wrker in time.
    B. He vlunteered fr the nnprfit.
    C. He repaired her ld air cnditiner quickly.
    D. He fixed a new all cnditiner despite the heat.
    13.Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrld "trigger" in paragraph 2? ______
    A. Express.B. Prduce.C. Perceive.D. Enhance.
    14.Hw is the paragraph 3 mainly develped? ______
    A. By describing a prcess.B. By analyzing causes.
    C. By using illustratins.D. D By presenting findings.
    15.What is the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Behave in an awesme way
    B. Find awe in everyday life
    C. Des awe expand ur thinking?
    D. D awe experiences bst happiness?
    Creativity is all abut finding new ways f slving prblems and appraching situatins.If yu've ever wanted t bst yur creativity,these tips can help.
    Cmmit yurself t creativity
    The first step t increasing creativity is t devte yurself t develping yur creative abilities.D nt put ff yur effrts (1) ______ .Fr example,if yu are interested in painting,schedule time regularly t learn and practice yur skills.
    Becme an expert
    ( 2) ______ .By having a rich understanding f the tpic,yu will be better able t think f nvel r innvative slutins t prblems.
    Explre multiple slutins
    The next time yu apprach a prblem,try lking fr a variety f slutins.Instead f simply ging with the first idea yu have,take the time t think f ther pssible ways t apprach the situatin (3) ______ .
    Take risks
    When it cmes t building yur creative skills,yu must be willing t take risks t advance yur abilities (4) ______ ,yu will still be bsting yur creative talents and building skills that will serve yu well in the future.Fr example,sharing yur wrk in a creative writing curse might feel intimidating (令人生畏的),but the critique (批评) yu receive frm classmates and teachers can be invaluable.
    ( 5) ______
    Never expect creativity t just happen.Lk fr new surces f inspiratin that will give yu fresh ideas and mtivate yu t generate unique answers t questins.Read a bk,visit a museum,listen t yur favrite music r engage in a lively debate with a friend.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    One Christmas Eve,ur birder friend called us with a request. "D yu have rm in yur car fr a (n)( 1) ______ snwy wl (雪鸮)?The hspital in Saskatn will take it.It just needs a (2) ______ there." My family culdn't have been mre (3) ______ .A snwy wl?Of curse!Isn't Christmas abut giving a hand t thse (4) ______ ?
    He drpped ff the bird in a cardbard bx and (5) ______ the bx with a piece f clth.After my husband gathered ur children arund,we (6) ______ .A few minutes later,ur three-year-ld daughter (7) ______ in the back seat.Our tw sns,8 and 11,played tgether,(8) ______ my husband drve and I,in the frnt,was bathed in Christmas peace.
    Once r twice,ur ldest sn (9) ______ this scene and said, "Dad,the wl's sticking its head ut". "Dn't(10) ______ ." my husband replied "It'll be fine." Nt far frm Saskatn,my daughter in the back wke up crying I (11) ______ and picked her up (12) ______ ,my sn shuted, "Dad,the wl's ut!" I was (13) ______ t hear that and saw the wl kncking n the windw with its head,in a desperate struggle fr (14) ______ .
    I bent ver my daughter t (15) ______ her as my husband pulled ff the rad.T ur (16) ______ ,the bird stpped struggling fr sme reasn.My husband tk the (17) ______ t return the bird t its bx then,he sat in the back seat t take care f the bx.I tk the (18) ______ as ur car was running tward the hspital.It was (19) ______ fr us t get there safe and sund.What a (n)( 20) ______ Christmas!
    21.A. maleB. injuredC. singleD. healthy
    22.A. rideB. hmeC. friendD. ticket
    23.A. cnfusedB. relaxedC. wrriedD. excited
    24.A. in debtB. in peaceC. in needD. in shape
    25.A. washedB. cveredC. checkedD. marked
    26.A. tk ffB. gave upC. set ffD. shwed up
    27.A. fell asleepB. passed byC. settled dwnD. came alive
    28.A. thughB. becauseC. untilD. while
    29.A. ignredB. interruptedC. rememberedD. witnessed
    30.A. talkB. refuseC. tuchD. panic
    31.A. turned arundB. ran awayC. std upD. drpped in
    32.A. FinallyB. GenerallyC. SuddenlyD. Gradually
    33.A. happyB. shckedC. quietD. discuraged
    34.A. justiceB. hnurC. warmthD. freedm
    35.A. prtectB. stpC. warnD. bserve
    36.A. srrwB. embarrassmentC. reliefD. amusement
    37.A. trubleB. pprtunityC. messageD. challenge
    38.A. wheelB. carC. testD. risk
    39.A. necessaryB. impssibleC. frtunateD. interesting
    40.A. imprtantB. disappintingC. difficultD. unfrgettable
    In recent years,many Chinese museums have pened nline stres t sell cultural and creative prducts.Amng them,the Palace Museum stands (1) ______ Cllectively mre than 500 Palace Museum prducts are available fr purchase nline.
    Accrding t the Vice President f the Palace Museum,sales f the museum's cultural and creative prducts (2) ______ ( ttal) 1 billin yuan last year.The museum has develped nearly 10,000 different cultural and creative prducts either (3) ______ ( independent),thrugh IP authrizatin,r in (4) ______ ( cperate) with ther cmpanies,with partners such as LKK,( 5) ______ creative design cmpany,having designed ver 800 categries f prducts acrss 17 themes fr the Palace Museum.
    Amng the Palace Museum's mst ppular cultural and creative prducts (6) ______ ( be) sticky tape inspired by beautiful (7) ______ ( pattern) frm ancient bwls,plates r clthes.Many custmers have used the tape t custmize the casing f (8) ______ ( persn) items,with the psting f finished gds (9) ______ ( becme) a ppular trend nline.
    "When develping cultural and creative prducts,we study peple's daily needs (10) ______ that ur prducts perfrm sme srt f functin.We hpe users use ur prducts t spread ur culture," the Vice President said.
    42.假定英语课老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ^),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。
    (2)只允许修改10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。
    I've been passinate abut being a cmpetitively swimmer ever since that I was a small child.My dad used t take me t the lcal swimming pl every Saturday's fr swimming lessns.While the ther kids was mving arund nisily in the water,I used every secnd f that time t practice my strkes (泳姿).Sn,I started entering race,and even thugh I didn't win them all,I kept imprve my time.By time I was 14,I was the faster swimmer at my schl.Nw my burning ambitin is t swim t my cuntry.With practice and determinatin.I believe I can made great prgress as a swimmer beynd my wildest dreams.
    43.你校在世界湿地日(Wrld Wetlands Day)请湿地保护专家做了一场专题讲座。请给校英文报写篇报道介绍这次活动,内容包括:
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Nanibaa Beck"部分中At 13 years ld,she became an assistant t her father and learned silversmith shills frm him as well as her mther,wh wrked as a prfessinal jewelry craftsman Beck's ties t the prcess f creating jewelry inspired her t develp a deeper understanding f Native American art.(13岁时,她成为父亲的助手,并向父亲和作为专业珠宝工匠的母亲学习银匠技巧。Beck与珠宝创作过程的联系激发了她对美洲原住民艺术的更深层次的理解。)可知,Beck从她父母的日常工作中获益很多。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Hlly Anne Mitchell部分中Mitchell is an artist wh will be shwcasing jewelry made frm recycled newspaper at the event. (米切尔是一位艺术家,他将在活动中展示用回收报纸制作的珠宝。)可知,利用回收报纸制作是环保的。故选A。
    (3)数字计算题。根据General Admissin部分中﹩17 per persn if purchased befre Octber 17 (如果在10月17日之前购买,每人17美元)所以,10月15日买的票同样是每人17美元,6个人是102美元。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中"I still remember my parents faces turning pale when I annunced "I'm ging t play the harp!" My parents' faces reflected then financial fears.But they still rented me a little harp and hired a man t teach me."(我还记得当我宣布"我要弹竖琴!"时,父母的脸色变得苍白。我父母的脸上反映出当时对经济状况的担忧。但他们还是给我租了一把小竖琴,雇了一个人教我。)可知,对于我要学竖琴的决定,父母脸上的表情表明了他们的担忧,但还是答应我学琴。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段中Then smething happened:sheet music.Suddenly I had t learn this freign language in rder t cntinue t play.What was nce an effrtless pleasure turned int a cnstant struggle. (然后发生了一件事:乐谱。突然间,为了能继续弹竖琴,我不得不学习这门"外语"。曾经毫不费力的快乐变成了不断的挣扎。)可知,学习乐谱带走了作者曾经习惯弹奏竖琴的快乐。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中It felt strange t burn smething that nce represented s much,and we bth sat there staring in silence."(烧掉曾经如此重要的东西,感觉很奇怪,我们俩坐在那里,沉默地凝视着。)可知,对于当时烧掉曾经重要的东西,作者是难过的。A.Astnished惊讶的;B.Srrwful悲伤的;C.Frightened害怕的;D.disappinted失望的。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段中If yu feel it and are excited by it,stick t it.Had I let traditinal music teaching techniques put me ff playing the harp,I wuld have lst a part f myself.(如果你对它有感觉并且很兴奋,那就坚持下去。如果我让传统的音乐教学方法阻止我弹竖琴,我就会失去一部分的自己。)可知,一旦你对喜欢的事情有热情,那么就坚持下去。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段中In a new study,Rn Miles frm Binghamtn University and his c-authrs prvided the first evidence that spiders can pick up sunds in anther way thrugh their webs.(在一项新的研究中,宾厄姆顿大学的Rn Miles和他的合著者提供了第一个证据,证明蜘蛛可以通过蛛网以另一种方式获取声音。)可知,在新的研究中,研究者证实蜘蛛可以通过网接收到声音。故选D。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段中的T study hearing in animals,researchers placed rb-weaving spiders,which are knwn t make large,wheel-shaped rb webs,in a specially designed quiet rm.(为了研究动物的听力,研究人员在一个特别设计的安静的房间里放置了圆形编织的蜘蛛,这种蜘蛛会织成巨大的、轮状的球形网。)可知,本段主要讲述的是如何进行研究的。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Spiders might even use their webs t tune in t a variety f sunds "We suspect that the spider is actually able t srt f adjust the tensin in the web in rder t pick up certain frequencies," Miles said.(蜘蛛甚至可以利用它们的网来收听各种各样的声音。Miles说:"我们怀疑蜘蛛实际上能够某种程度上调节网的张力,以接收特定的频率。"。)可知,蜘蛛是通过改变网的张力来识别声音的。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Miles said "Mst animals dn't hear that way,they sense the mtin f the air" Future micrphnes,like thse used in hearing aids,culd be designed with this in mind.( Miles说:"大多数动物不是这样听的,它们感觉空气的运动。"未来的麦克风,就像那些用于助听器的麦克风,可以考虑到这一点来设计。)可知,这项研究的意义是可以帮助改进麦克风。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中Wax's central air cnditining had brken dwn in the heat wave.She'd mentined t her sn that she was having truble finding smene t cme fix it quickly.He shwed up with a new unit as a surprise.As she watched him sweat and struggle while pulling the unit up the stairs and fixing it in her bedrm.Wax felt a wave f appreciatin.(Wax的中央空调在热浪中坏了。她跟儿子提过,她找不到人来快速修理它。他出人意料地带来了一套新装备。她看着他吃力地把设备拉上楼梯,在卧室里安装。瓦克斯感到一阵感激。)可知,Wax感激的是,尽管天气很热,她的儿子安装了一套新空调设备。故选D。
    (2)词句猜测题。根据第二段Mst f us assciate awe with smething rare and beautiful nature,music r a spiritual experience.But peple can trigger awe t,and nt just public heres.(我们大多数人将敬畏与一些罕见而美丽的自然、音乐或精神体验联系在一起。但人们也会引发敬畏,而不仅仅是公众英雄。)可知,划线词此处的含义为"产生",A.Express表达;B.Prduce生产;C.Perceive感知;D.Enhance增强。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段Often,this interpersnal awe is a respnse t life's big,sweeping changes,such as witnessing a baby's first steps.Fr Lynn Heady,a retired educatr,it's watching a friend fight cancer and still relish (享受) life.But interpersnal awe happens in smaller mments,t.Jhn Bargh,a psychlgist,said he was truly awestruck by his then-5-year-ld daughter while dining with her in a McDnald's.When she heard anther child crying acrss the restaurant,she grabbed the ty frm her Happy Meal,walked ver t the by and handed it t him.(通常,这种人与人之间的敬畏是对生活中巨大而彻底的变化的反应,比如目睹婴儿迈出第一步。对退休教育工作者林恩•海迪来说,这就是看着朋友与癌症抗争,仍然享受生活。但人与人之间的敬畏也发生在更小的时刻。心理学家约翰•巴格(Jhn Bargh)说,当他和当时5岁的女儿在麦当劳吃饭时,他真的被她吓到了。当她听到餐厅对面另一个孩子在哭时,她从她的开心乐园餐中抓起玩具,走到男孩面前递给他。)可知,本段通过引用Lynn Heady和Jhn Bargh的事例,说明人与人之间的敬畏是人们对生活中巨大而彻底的变化的反应,也是在很小的时刻就可以发生。故选C。
    (4)标题判断题。通读全文,文章在第一段中讲述了Wax对儿子在热天的时候给自己带来新的空调而感到敬畏,第二段讲述了敬畏感是什么以及它出现的原因,第三段以例证方式讲述了敬畏感的发生动机。可知,本文主要讲述了敬畏感在生活中是无处不在,人们可以在任何生活场景中发现它。所以文章标题可以为Find awe in everyday life"敬畏感无处不在",选项B符合题意,故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据后句Fr example,if yu are interested in painting,schedule time regularly t learn and practice yur skills(例如,如果你对绘画感兴趣,定期安排时间学习和练习你的技能),可知表示"设定目标,寻求他人的帮助,每天留出时间来发展自己的技能"的选项F符合语境,前后构成例证关系,后句举例说明定期安排时间学习和练习你的技能,故选F。
    (2)推理判断题。根据主题句Becme an expert(成为一名专家),可知表示"培养创造力的最好方法之一是成为这方面的专家"的选项E可以承接主题,介绍成为专家是培养创造力的最好方法之一,故选E。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句Instead f simply ging with the first idea yu have,take the time t think f ther pssible ways t apprach the situatin(与其简单地按照你的第一个想法去做,不如花时间想想其他可能的方法来处理这种情况),可知表示"这个简单的活动是培养解决问题和创造性思维能力的好方法"的选项G可以承接前文,介绍花时间想想其他可能的方法是培养解决问题和创造性思维能力的好方法,故选G。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句When it cmes t building yur creative skills,yu must be willing t take risks t advance yur abilities(当谈到培养你的创造性技能时,你必须愿意冒风险来提高你的能力);以及后半句yu will still be bsting yur creative talents and building skills that will serve yu well in the future(你仍然会提高你的创造力和培养技能,这将在未来对你很有帮助),可知表示"尽管你的努力不一定每次都能成功"的选项C可以承接前文愿意冒风险来提高你的能力的话题,和后半句构成转折关系,故选C。
    (5)主题判断题。根据后句Never expect creativity t just happen .Lk fr new surces f inspiratin that will give yu fresh ideas and mtivate yu t generate unique answers t questins(永远不要指望创造力会自动发生。寻找给你新的想法,激励你对问题做出独特的回答的新灵感的来源),可知表示"寻找灵感"的选项A可以作为本段的主题,建议寻找灵感,故选A。
    【解析】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.male男性的;B.injured受伤的;C.single单一的;D.healthy健康的。根据后文"The hspital in Saskatn will take it.(萨斯卡通的医院会接受它的)"可知,雪鸮要去医院,说明受伤了。故选B。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.ride搭车;B.hme家;C.friend朋友;D.ticket车票。根据上文"D yu have rm in yur car fr"可知,朋友想让这只鸟搭便车,故选A。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cnfused困惑的;B.relaxed放松的;C.wrried担心的;D.excited激动的。根据后文"A snwy wl?Of curse!(一只雪白的雪鸮?当然!)"可知,家人很爽快地答应了让雪鸮搭便车,说明家人非常兴奋。故选D。
    (4)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.in debt欠债;B.in peace和平地;C.in need需要;D.in shape在外形上;处于良好状况。根据上文"Isn't Christmas abut giving a hand t thse"指圣诞节的意义就是帮助需要帮助的人,故选C。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.washed洗涤;B.cvered覆盖;C.checked检查;D.marked标记。根据后文"the bx with a piece f clth"指用布覆盖住盒子,固定搭配,意为"用……覆盖……"。故选B。
    (6)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.tk ff起飞;B.gave up放弃;C.set ff出发;D.shwed up出现。上文提到让鸟搭便车,所以他们把孩子们叫到一起后就出发了。故选C。
    (7)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.fell asleep睡着;B.passed by路过;C.settled dwn定居;D.came alive焕发生机。根据后文"my daughter in the back wke up crying"可知,女儿在睡觉。故选A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.ignred忽视;B.interrupted打扰;C.remembered记得;D.witnessed目击。根据上文"Our tw sns,8 and 11,played tgether,while my husband drve and I,in the frnt,was bathed in Christmas peace.(我们的两个儿子,一个8岁,一个11岁,在一起玩耍,我丈夫开车,我坐在前面,沉浸在圣诞节的宁静中)"可知,车里本来很宁静,直到大儿子打断了这一幕。故选B。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.talk谈话;B.refuse拒绝;C.tuch触动;D.panic恐慌。根据后文"It'll be fine."可知,丈夫安慰儿子不要慌。故选D。
    (11)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.turned arund转身;B.ran away逃跑;C.std up站起来;D.drpped in顺便拜访。根据上文"my daughter in the back wke up crying I"可知,女儿在后面哭着醒来,作者于是转身把她抱起来。故选A。
    (12)考查副词及语境理解。A.Finally最后;B.Generally通常;C.Suddenly突然;D.Gradually逐渐地。根据后文"my sn shuted, "Dad,the wl's ut!""可知,有了突发情况,所以儿子突然喊道,故选C。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.happy快乐的;B.shcked震惊的;C.quiet安静的;D.discuraged沮丧的。根据后文"t hear that and saw the wl kncking n the windw with its head"可知,雪鸮突然跑出来了,作者应该是感到震惊。故选B。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.justice公平;B.hnur荣誉;C.warmth温暖;D.freedm自由。根据上文"the wl kncking n the windw with its head,in a desperate struggle fr"可知,雪鸮敲窗户是想获得自由,故选D。
    (16)考查名词及语境理解。A.srrw悲伤;B.embarrassment尴尬;C.relief宽慰;D.amusement开心。根据后文"the bird stpped struggling fr sme reasn"可知,雪鸮停止了挣扎,让作者他们松了口气,故选C。
    (18)考查名词及语境理解。A.wheel轮子;B.car汽车;C.test测试;D.risk风险。根据后文"as ur car was running tward the hspital"指作者在开车,应用take the wheel表示"负责驾驶"。故选A。
    (19)考查形容词及语境理解。A.necessary必要的;B.impssible不可能的;C.frtunate幸运的;D.interesting有趣的。根据后文"fr us t get there safe and sund"可知,载着雪鸮能安然无恙地到达那里真是幸运。故选C。
    【解析】(1)考查固定短语。句意:其中,故宫博物院脱颖而出。分析句意再根据空格前的stands可知,此处用固定短语stand ut表示"突出、脱颖而出"。故填ut。
    (2)考动词的时态。句意:据故宫博物院副院长介绍,去年故宫文化创意产品的销售总额为10亿元。分析句式结构可知,空格处是谓语动词的位置,再根据last year可知,本句的时态应该用一般过去时,所以谓语动词用动词的过去式形式。故填ttaled/ttalled。
    (4)考查名词的固定搭配。句意:故宫博物院通过IP授权或与其他公司合作,独立开发了近10000种不同的文化创意产品,与创意设计公司LKK等合作伙伴合作,为故宫博物院设计了17个主题的800多个类别的产品。分析句式结构可知,空格处应该用名词作介词in的宾语构成固定搭配in cperatin with表示"与……合作"。故填cperatin。
    (10)考查固定短语。句意:在开发文创产品时,我们研究人们的日常需求,以便我们的产品发挥某种功能。分析句意再根据空格后的that可知,此处用固定短语s that表示"以便、为了",引导目的状语从句,故填s。
    42.【答案】I've been passinate abut being a cmpetitively swimmer ever since that I was a small child.My dad used t take me t the lcal swimming pl every Saturday's fr swimming lessns.While the ther kids was mving arund nisily in the water,I used every secnd f that time t practice my strkes (泳姿).Sn,I started entering race,and even thugh I didn't win them all,I kept imprve my time.By∧ time I was 14,I was the faster swimmer at my schl.Nw my burning ambitin is t swim t my cuntry.With practice and determinatin.I believe I can made great prgress as a swimmer beynd my wildest dreams.
    2.考查状语从句连接词。句意:我从小就热衷于成为一名竞技游泳运动员。分析句子结构可知,此处为ever since引导的时间状语从句,that多余。故去掉that。
    4.考查时态及主谓一致。句意:当其他孩子在水里吵闹地游动时,我利用这段时间的每一秒来练习泳姿。结合上下文可知,此处是在叙述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,主语the ther kids是复数,be动词应用were。故was改为were。
    6.考查动名词。句意:很快,我开始参加比赛,尽管我没有赢得所有的比赛,但我一直在提高我的成绩。根据句意可知,此处表示"一直保持做某事",应用keep ding sth。故imprve改为imprving。
    7.考查固定短语。句意:到我14岁的时候,我是学校里游得最快的。by the time"到……时候",固定搭配。故By后加the。
    8.考查形容词的最高级。句意:到我14岁的时候,我是学校里游得最快的。根据句意及后文范围at my schl可知,此处应用形容词fast的最高级fastest表示"最快的"。故faster改为fastest。
    43.【答案】On Wrld Wetland Day,an expert was invited t deliver a special lecture n wetland prtectin at ur schl.All the teachers and students were present.(参加人员)
    Firstly,the expert explained t us the imprtance f wetlands and the prtectin f them.Then,he ffered us sme advice n hw t prtect wetlands.【高分句型一】Finally,he answered the questins raised by sme students.(活动过程)
    The event turned ut t be a great success.Nt nly has it enriched ur schl life,but it has als made us have a better understanding f wetlands and wetland prtectin.【高分句型二】(活动反响)
    【解析】高分句型一:Then,he ffered us sme advice n hw t prtect wetlands.
    高分句型二:Nt nly has it enriched ur schl life,but it has als made us have a better understanding f wetlands and wetland prtectin.
    分析:本句运用了nt nly位于句首的部分倒装。
    提纲作文在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型。A.Lk fr inspiratin
    B.Brainstrm new ideas
    C.Althugh yur effrts may nt lead t success every time
    D.Since ne way t sle prblems is by learning frm creative peple
    E.One f the best ways t develp creativity is t becme an expert n this area
    F.Set gals,enlist the help f thers,and put aside time each day t develp yur skills
    G.This simple activity is a great way t build prblem-slving and creative thinking skills

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