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    Cricket Children’s Magazine Ages 0 —3 years∨Ages 4 — 6 years∨Ages 6 — 9 years∨Ages 9 — 14 years
    Challenge curius yung minds frm 9 t 14 with Cricket Media’s Cllectin f magazines. Whether yur child is a prmising pet r a future engineer, these award-winning publicatins are made fr yur kids.
    CRICKET® Magazine
    CRICKET Magazine, ur flagship publicatin, is the wrld leader in prviding the highest-quality fictin and nnfictin t children frm 9 t 14. Since its premiere in 1973, CRICKET has delighted and entertained generatins f kids with cntemprary stries and classic literature frm the wrld’s best writers.
    COBBLESTONE knws histry desn’t have t be dull and dry. Filled with fascinating true stries f American histry, every page is a living, breathing guide t hw Americans lived frm the 1600s t tday. It takes kids n a jurney thrugh histry while exciting their imaginatins and bringing the past t life!
    FACESTTM Magazine
    FACES magazine takes yung readers arund the wrld and back t learn abut imprtant inventins and ideas frm ther cultures. Frm cmmn custms t rules f the rad, games t husing FACES uses breathtaking phtgraphy and authentic lcal vices t bring the entire wrld right t yur kids.
    MUSE® Magazine
    MUSE magazine is the arts and science magazine fr kids frm 9 t 14 wh want t knw hw t keep rbts frm taking ver the wrld r whether animals can think, accmpanied by high-quality illustratin and phtgraphy. Explre the wrld in a fun (and funny!) way with MUSE.
    1.In which magazine will yung readers prbably read fun-filled histry stries?
    A. CRICKET® Magazine.B. COBBLESTONETM Magazine.
    C. FACESTM Magazine.D. MUSE® Magazine.
    2.What d FACESTM Magazine and MUSER® Magazine have in cmmn?
    A. They prvide high-quality fictins.
    B. They cver life in freign cuntries.
    C. They are vividly illustrated with phts.
    D. They are packed with authentic lcal vices.
    3.What is the text?
    A. A science blg.B. A literature magazine.
    C. An encyclpedia entry.D. A website advertisement.
    Ernest Hemingway, the Nbel Prize-winning American writer, first visited Pamplna during the traditinal festival 100 years ag. The festival started mre than seven hundred years ag. Fr nine days, peple cme t the nrthern Spanish city fr bull running, bullfighting and partying.
    The festival affected Hemingway s deeply that he returned eight times. Here is a descriptin f what happens at the start f the bull running: A rcket wuld be lit. And the bulls wuld charge ut f the gate. At that mment, a crwd f runners wearing white clthes and red scarves wuld start t run. They wuld lk back, mve and dance t avid being injured by the charging bull’s hrns. Onlkers wuld cheer them n frm balcnies abve.
    In 1926, Hemingway wrte his first bk, The Sun Als Rises. He wrte abut his experiences in Pamplna and established himself as the vice f what became knwn as the Lst Generatin. “I can’t stand it t think my life is ging s fast and I’m nt really living it,” says ne character in the bk. “Nbdy ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters,” is the answer.
    Bill Hillman is a 41-year-ld prfessr frm Chicag. He first read the bk at cllege. When he turned t the last page, he learnt tw things: He wanted t becme a writer, and he wuld run in frnt f Pamplna’s bulls smeday. His first running f the bulls was in 2005 and he has been running ever since. He has been wunded twice, but that has nt lessened his interest.
    Last year, 1.7 millin peple came t the festival. Pamplna native Miguel has written abut the festival’s links t Hemingway. He believes the writer’s influence n its ppularity has been as large as peple say. Besides, he thinks that Pamplna is still using Hemingway t gain attentin. “We made him int an icn,” he said.
    4.What is the main attractin f the festival in Pamplna?
    A. Hemingway’s influence.B. Running bulls.
    C. The lng histry f the twn.D. The beautiful scenery there.
    5.Why des the authr qute Hemingway’s wrds in paragraph 2?
    A. T shw the writer’s talent fr language.
    B. T shw the ppularity f the festival.
    C. T shw the details f the festival.
    D. T shw the writer’s persnal experience.
    6.Which wrd can best describe Bill Hillman ?
    A. Strng-willed.B. Stubbrn.C. Adventurus.D. Desperate.
    7.What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Peple take an active part in bull fighting.
    B. Ernest Hemingway is an icn in a famus city.
    C. The festival in Pamplna is still as ppular as befre.
    D. Ernest Hemingway has an influence n Pamplna’s festival.
    Gldfish may seem like simple creatures swimming in a glass tank, but they pssess a rather cmplicated navigatin system, as discvered by researchers at the University f Oxfrd Led by Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux, the study aims t shed light n ur understanding f hw fish, and ptentially humans, estimate distances using what culd be described as an internal GPS.
    Writing in the jurnal Prceedings f the Ryal Sciety B, Sibeaux and clleagues reprt hw they created a tank in their experiment with 2cm-wide black and white vertical stripes (条纹) n the walls, cnnected by similar stripes acrss the flr. The team trained nine gldfish t swim a set distance f 70cm and then return t their starting pint when waved at. The experiment aimed t investigate hw the fish wuld estimate this distance withut any gestures, under different patterns.
    Over multiple trials, the gldfish averaged a swim distance f 74cm, give r take 17cm, when presented with the vertical 2cm-wide stripes. Hwever, when the stripe pattern was altered t either narrwer vertical stripes, checked patterns, r hrizntal stripes, the fish’s behavir changed significantly. Narrwer vertical stripes led them t verestimating the distance by 36%, while hrizntal stripes resulted in highly incnsistent estimatins.
    Accrding t the researchers, the gldfish appeared t be using an “ptic (光学的) flw mechanism” based n the visual density f their envirnment. They kept track f hw frequently the vertical pattern switched between black and white t estimate hw far they had traveled. The study suggests that different ptic flw mechanisms are used by mammals, including humans, based n angular (有角度的) mtin f visual features. The study implies that the use f visually based distance infrmatin culd have emerged early in the evlutinary timeline.
    “This study is nvel because, despite knwing that fish respnd t gemetric infrmatin regarding directin and distance, we dn’t knw hw they estimate distances,” Prfessr Clin Lever, althugh nt invlved in the study, said, “it’s exciting t explre fish spatial mapping because fish navigatin evlved earlier and better than mst mammals.”
    8.Why did Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux cnduct the study n gldfish?
    A. T test the accuracy f gldfish’s internal GPS.
    B. T create an advanced navigatin system fr humans
    C. T uncver hw an inbuilt GPS helps calculate distances.
    D. T explre the relatinships between gldfish and humans
    9.What can we learn abut the experiment?
    A. Peple gestured the gldfish thrughut the experiment
    B. The tank was decrated with clrful backgrund patterns
    C. Gldfish tended t underestimate distances with hrizntal stripes.
    D. The change in the tank setting led t the gldfish’s incrrect judgment.
    10.It can be cncluded frm the furth paragraph that ____________.
    A. ptic flw mechanism is unique t humans
    B. mammals develped flw mechanism lng befre gldfish
    C. gldfish evaluated the distance with multidimensinal visual infrmatin
    D. visual density f the envirnment strengthened the lcating ability f gldfish
    11.What attitude des Prfessr Clin hld twards the study?
    A. Neutral.B. Ambiguus.C. Disapprving.D. Favrable.
    In ur infrmatin-driven sciety, shaping ur wrldview thrugh the media is similar t frming an pinin abut smene nly based n a picture f their ft. While the media might nt deliberately mislead us, it ften fails t prvide a cmprehensive view f reality.
    Cnsequently, the questin arises: Where, then, shall we get ur infrmatin frm if nt frm the media? Wh can we trust? Hw abut experts — peple wh devte their wrking lives t understanding their chsen slice f the wrld? Hwever, even experts can fall prey t the allure f versimplificatin, leading t the “single perspective instinct” that prevent ur ability t grasp the intricacies f the wrld.
    Simple ideas can be appealing because they ffer a sense f understanding and certainty. And it is easy t take ff dwn a slippery slpe, frm ne attentin-grabbing simple idea t a feeling that this idea beautifully explains, r is the beautiful slutin t, lts f ther things. The wrld becmes simple that way.
    Yet, when we embrace a singular cause fr r a slutin t all prblems, we risk versimplifying cmplex issues. Fr instance, depending the cncept f equality may lead us t view all prblems thrugh the lens f inequality and see resurce distributin as the cure-all medicine, Hwever, such rigidity prevents us frm seeing the multidimensinal nature f challenges and hinders true cmprehensin f reality. This “single perspective instinct” ultimately cluds ur judgment and restricts ur capacity t tackle cmplex issues effectively. Being always in favr f r always against any particular idea makes yu blind t infrmatin that desn’t fit yur perspective. This is usually a bad apprach if yu wuld like t understand reality.
    Instead, cnstantly test yur favrite ideas fr weaknesses. Be humble abut the extent f yur expertise. Be curius abut new infrmatin that desn’t fit, and infrmatin frm ther fields. And rather than talking nly t peple wh agree with yu, r cllecting examples that fit yur ideas, cnsult peple wh cntradict yu, disagree with yu, and put frward different ideas as a great resurce fr understanding the wrld. If this means yu dn’t have time t frm s many pinins, s what?
    Wuldn’t yu rather have few pinins that are right than many that are wrng?
    12.What des the underlined wrd “allure” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Temptatin.B. Traditin.C. Cnvenience.D. Disapprval.
    13.Why are simple ideas appealing accrding t the passage?
    A. They meet peple’s demand fr high efficiency.
    B. They generate a sense f cmplete understanding.
    C. They are raised and supprted by multiple experts.
    D. They reflect the pinins f like-minded individuals.
    14.What will the authr prbably agree with?
    A. Simplifying matters releases energy fr human brains.
    B. Cnstant tests n ur ideas help make up fr ur weakness.
    C. A well-funded pinin cunts mre than many shallw nes.
    D. Peple wh disagree with us ften have cmprehensive views.
    15.Which f the fllwing can be the best title f the passage?
    A. Embracing Disagreement: Refusing Overcmplexity
    B. Enhancing Cmprehensin: Simplifying Infrmatin
    C. Understanding Differences: Establishing Relatinships
    D. Navigating Cmplexity: Challenging Oversimplificatin
    16.In a wrld that ften feels fast-paced and restrained t rutines, the desire fr van (房车) life and mbile living has captured the hearts f many seeking an alternative lifestyle. ①_________ Frm the freedm t explre new hrizns t fstering a minimalist mindset, here are sme captivating advantages f embracing van life.
    Liberatin frm Materialism
    The cnfined space f a van encurages a minimalist lifestyle, where experiences are valued ver pssessins. ②_________ With minimal mnthly expenses, such as parking fees and fuel csts, van dwellers can allcate resurces t experiences rather than high rent r huse payments. This mbile living is supprted by the degrwth mvement, which believes that ecnmies shuld fcus n securing the minimal basic needs instead f cnsumptin and cnsumerism.
    Explratin and Flexibility
    The ability t fllw adventure wherever it takes yu is ne f the mst amazing aspects f living in a van. Yu can chse t wake up at dawn ver the cean ne day and find yurself in a frested muntainside the next. Living in a van frequently invlves being clse t the utdrs surrunded by the beauty f nature. ③_________
    Minimal Eclgical Ftprint
    ④_________ They adpt slar panels and efficient water systems , further minimizing their impact n the envirnment. Peple wh chse t live in mbile hmes believe that eventually, glbal warming and extreme weather might bring an end t sedentary (定居的) living patterns.
    Thrugh the pen rad, the beauty f nature, and the friendship f fellw adventurers, van life presents a unique avenue fr enriching the human experience. ⑤_________
    A. It’s thrilling t travel the wrld.
    B. Many van lifers tend t g green.
    C. Living in a van can ften be mre cst-effective.
    D. They’ll find a sense f freedm f cnstant explratin.
    E. The natural wrld becmes an essential part f yur daily life
    F. Better yet, it ffers a way t recnnect with the essence f living.
    G. The cncept f van life ffers benefits beynd just a change f scenery.
    A little girl was enjying the beautiful garden in her hme. Her father had a gd cllectin f rare and prized plants, which he 1 with great care.
    The girl was 2 by a plant full f delicate flwers. She apprached it and admired its striking beauty. Suddenly she 3 that the plant was in a pile f filth (污秽). She culd nt tlerate the 4 f dirt with such fantastic flwers.
    She wrked ut a plan t clean the plant. She 5 the plant with all her might frm the dirt and washed its 6 in running tap water till all traces f dirt were washed away. She then placed the plant n a clean stne and went away, prud that she had dne a great 7 .
    Later the little daughter ran ver, fllwed by her father, t 8 her achievement. “I have cleaned it, Daddy,” she reprted 9 .
    T spt the uprted plant, which had lain 10 in the baking sun, the father shwed her hw her treatment had nearly killed the plant and tld her that the filthy sil was the best 11 t grw that plant. Hearing that, the girl felt guilty that the plant had suffered by her cleaning.
    A great gardener mixes 12 sil fr each plant. 13 , Gd prvides each f us with the best 14 required fr ptimum (最佳) spiritual grwth. But it may appear t be 15 and we may even cmplain t Gd abut ur difficulty.
    17.A. attended tB. brught upC. weeded utD. fed n
    18.A. caughtB. attractedC. attackedD. shcked
    19.A. recalledB. ntedC. recgnizedD. cncluded
    20.A. ifrmatinB. presentatinC. presenceD. cmpsitin
    21.A. heldB. pickedC. pulledD. remved
    22.A. flwersB. branchesC. leavesD. rts
    23.A. deedB. dealC. peratinD. prject
    24.A. cnfirmB. exhibitC. evaluateD. celebrate
    25.A. inncentlyB. distantlyC. decisivelyD. thughtlessly
    26.A. burningB. bathingC. breathingD. dying
    27.A. shelterB. medicineC. mediumD. venue
    28.A. rightB. sameC. dirtyD. lse
    29.A. MreverB. LikewiseC. RatherD. Nevertheless
    30.A. envirnmentB. mdeC. neighbrhdD. pprtunity
    31.A. invisibleB. disrganizedC. imprperD. unpleasant
    32.The Cultural Landscape f Old Tea Frests f the Jingmai Muntain in Pu’er gained the Wrld Heritage Site status at the 45th sessin f the Wrld Heritage Cmmittee, ①_________ (becme) the first Wrld Heritage Site related t tea.
    The②_________ (new) named heritage site, lcated in Lancang Lahu autnmus cunty in Pu’er, Yunnan Prvince, ③_________ (cnsist) f five large-scale, well-preserved ld tea frests, three prtective barrier frests ④_________nine ancient villages in the ld tea frests.
    The cmmittee said the cultural landscape is an utstanding example f a sustainable land-use system ⑤_________ (base) n the cmbinatin f hrizntal and vertical land-use patterns. “This land-use system permits the use f natural resurces in the typically⑥_________ (muntain) envirnment f Jingmai Muntain and represents ⑦_________ exceptinal example f a human interactin by Blang and Dai peples with a challenging envirnment.”
    Chen Yahua, directr f Peking University’s Wrld Heritage Research Center, said the tea grwing technique n the Jingmai Muntain is quite unique, particularly these years ⑧_________ large-scale terraced (阶梯状) tea plantatins play a dminant rle in the wrld. It represents the eclgical ethics (伦理) and ⑨_________ (wise) that can inspire sustainable develpment in the wrld tday.
    The lcal gvernment f Pu’er and the Yunnan prvincial authrities have released three laws and seven regulatins fcusing ⑩_________ the prtectin f the cultural landscape resurces.
    33.Over 3,000 lives were (claim) in the 1960 San Francisc earthquake and the series f fires that ccurred after it.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    34.All the (legal) cnstructed buildings must be pulled dwn. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    35.D yu think museums shuld charge fr (admit)? (所给词的适当形式填空)
    36.Cnvey my (cngratulate) t her. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    37.She fund herself (stick) at hme with nly her cmputer t keep her cmpany. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Last year at Christmas time, my wife, three children and I were n ur way frm Paris t Nice.Smehw everything went wrng. Our htels were “turist traps” and ur rented car brke dwn. On Christmas Eve, when we checked int a dirty htel in Nice, there was n Christmas spirit in ur hearts.
    It was raining and cld when we went ut t eat.We fund a small restaurant prly decrated fr the hliday.Only five tables in the restaurant were taken.There were tw German cuples, tw French families, and an American sailr, by himself. They were eating in stny silence except the sailr.He was writing a letter, and a half­smile lighted his face. In the crner a pian player was listlessly (无精打采地) playing Christmas music.
    All f us were interrupted by an ld French flwer wman thrugh the frnt dr. She had a wrn vercat and her ld shes were wet.Carrying her basket f flwers, she went frm ne table t anther. N ne bught any. Exhausted and frustrated, she sat dwn at a table.
    The sailr finished his meal and gt up t leave. Putting n his cat, he walked ver t the flwer wman's table.
    “Merry Christmas, ” he said, smiling and picking ut a handful f flwers.“Hw much are they?”
    “Tw francs, Sir.”
    The sailr put a twenty franc nte in the wman's hand.
    “I dn't have change, Sir, ” she said. “I'll get sme frm the waiter.”
    “N, ma'am, ” said the sailr, leaning ver and kissing the ancient cheek.“This is my Christmas present fr yu.”
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Then the sailr headed fr ur table with the flwers in his hand.
    The pian player came alive and pleasant music filled the whle rm.
    1.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据“COBBLESTONETM Magazine”部分的“Filled with fascinating true stries f American histry, every page is a living, breathing guide t hw Americans lived frm the 1600s t tday. It takes kids n a jurney thrugh histry while exciting their imaginatins and bringing the past t life!(每一页都充满了引人入胜的美国历史真实故事,是美国人从17世纪到今天生活的生动指南。它带孩子们踏上历史之旅,同时激发他们的想象力,让过去鲜活起来!)”可知,小读者可能会在COBBLESTONETM Magazine杂志上阅读充满乐趣的历史故事,故选B项。
    2.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据“FACESTTM Magazine”部分的“Frm cmmn custms t rules f the rad, games t husing FACES uses breathtaking phtgraphy and authentic lcal vices t bring the entire wrld right t yur kids.(从常见的习俗到道路规则,从游戏到住房,FACES使用令人惊叹的摄影和真实的当地声音,将整个世界带给你的孩子。)”以及“MUSE® Magazine”部分的“MUSE magazine is the arts and science magazine fr kids frm 9 t 14 wh want t knw hw t keep rbts frm taking ver the wrld r whether animals can think, accmpanied by high-quality illustratin and phtgraphy(MUSE杂志是一本艺术和科学杂志,面向9-14岁的孩子,他们想知道如何阻止机器人占领世界,或者动物是否会思考,并配以高质量的插图和摄影)”可知,两者的共同之处是它们用照片生动地展示,故选C项。
    3.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Challenge curius yung minds frm 9 t 14 with Cricket Media’s Cllectin f magazines. Whether yur child is a prmising pet r a future engineer, these award-winning publicatins are made fr yur kids(从9岁到14岁,用Cricket Media的杂志集挑战好奇的年轻人。无论您的孩子是一位有前途的诗人还是未来的工程师,这些获奖出版物都是为您的孩子制作的)”以及“COBBLESTONETM Magazine”、“FACESTTM Magazine”、“MUSE® Magazine”可知,本文是一则广告。根据第二段以及每段下面的“ADD TO CART(加入购物车)”可知本文来自网站,故选D项。
    4.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“Fr nine days, peple cme t the nrthern Spanish city fr bull running, bullfighting and partying.(在为期九天的时间里,人们来到这个西班牙北部城市参加奔牛、斗牛和派对)”以及第二段的“Here is a descriptin f what happens at the start f the bull running: A rcket wuld be lit. And the bulls wuld charge ut f the gate.(下面是对奔牛开始时发生的事情的描述:火箭会被点燃,公牛会冲出大门)”可知,奔牛节是西班牙潘普洛纳的传统节日,每年吸引游客,其主要特色是奔牛。故选B项。
    5.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“The festival affected Hemingway s deeply that he returned eight times. Here is a descriptin f what happens at the start f the bull running: A rcket wuld be lit. And the bulls wuld charge ut f the gate. At that mment, a crwd f runners wearing white clthes and red scarves wuld start t run. They wuld lk back, mve and dance t avid being injured by the charging bull’s hrns. Onlkers wuld cheer them n frm balcnies abve.(这个节日深深地影响了海明威,他去了八次。下面是对奔牛开始时发生的事情的描述:火箭会被点燃,公牛会冲出大门。在那一刻,一群穿着白色衣服,戴着红色围巾的跑步者开始跑步。他们会回头看,移动和跳舞,以避免被冲过来的牛角伤害。旁观者会在上面的阳台上为他们加油)”可知,文章引用海明威描述奔牛节的原话,目的是阐述奔牛节的细节。故选C项。
    6.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的“His first running f the bulls was in 2005 and he has been running ever since. He has been wunded twice, but that has nt lessened his interest.(他第一次公牛赛跑是在2005年,从那以后他一直在跑。他受过两次伤,但这并没有减少他的兴趣)”可知,比尔·希尔曼深受海明威的影响,他最终也去参加奔牛节了并且矢志不渝地坚持下来了。由此可以说明他是一个意志坚定的人。故选A项。
    7.答案: D
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Pamplna native Miguel has written abut the festival’s links t Hemingway. He believes the writer’s influence n its ppularity has been as large as peple say. Besides, he thinks that Pamplna is still using Hemingway t gain attentin.(潘普洛纳本地人米格尔写过关于这个节日与海明威的联系。他认为,这位作家对其受欢迎程度的影响正如人们所说的那样大。此外,他认为潘普洛纳仍在利用海明威来吸引人们的注意)”以及美国作家海明威曾多次去西班牙潘普洛纳参加奔牛节,他在《太阳照样升起》一书中讲述了奔牛节的事情。本文主要讲述了他对奔牛节的影响。比较选项可知,D项“欧内斯特·海明威对潘普洛纳的节日产生了影响”最能概括本文的大意。故选D。
    8.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Gldfish may seem like simple creatures swimming in a glass tank, but they pssess a rather cmplicated navigatin system, as discvered by researchers at the University f Oxfrd Led by Dr. Adelaide Sibeaux, the study aims t shed light n ur understanding f hw fish, and ptentially humans, estimate distances using what culd be described as an internal GPS.(金鱼可能看起来像在玻璃鱼缸里游泳的简单生物,但它们拥有相当复杂的导航系统,正如牛津大学Adelaide Sibeaux博士领导的研究人员所发现的那样,这项研究旨在阐明我们对鱼类以及潜在的人类如何利用一种可以被称为内部GPS的东西来估计距离的理解)”可知,Adelaide Sibeaux对金鱼进行这项研究是为了揭示内置GPS如何帮助计算距离。故选C项。
    9.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“Over multiple trials, the gldfish averaged a swim distance f 74cm, give r take 17cm, when presented with the vertical 2cm-wide stripes. Hwever, when the stripe pattern was altered t either narrwer vertical stripes, checked patterns, r hrizntal stripes, the fish’s behavir changed significantly. Narrwer vertical stripes led them t verestimating the distance by 36%, while hrizntal stripes resulted in highly incnsistent estimatins.(在多次试验中,当看到垂直的2厘米宽的条纹时,金鱼的平均游泳距离为74厘米,误差为17厘米。然而,当条纹图案被改变为较窄的垂直条纹、格子图案或水平条纹时,鱼的行为发生了显著变化。较窄的垂直条纹导致他们高估了36%的距离,而水平条纹导致高度不一致的估计)”可知,鱼缸设置的改变导致了金鱼的错误判断。故选D项。
    10.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Accrding t the researchers, the gldfish appeared t be using an “ptic (光学的) flw mechanism” based n the visual density f their envirnment. They kept track f hw frequently the vertical pattern switched between black and white t estimate hw far they had traveled. The study suggests that different ptic flw mechanisms are used by mammals, including humans, based n angular (有角度的) mtin f visual features. The study implies that the use f visually based distance infrmatin culd have emerged early in the evlutinary timeline.(根据研究人员的说法,金鱼似乎使用了一种基于环境视觉密度的“光流机制”。他们记录了垂直图案在黑色和白色之间切换的频率,以估计它们走了多远。这项研究表明,包括人类在内的哺乳动物基于视觉特征的角度运动使用了不同的光流机制。这项研究表明,视觉距离信息的使用可能在进化的早期就出现了)”可知,本段可得出结论,金鱼使用多维视觉信息来评估距离。故选C项。
    11.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段““This study is nvel because, despite knwing that fish respnd t gemetric infrmatin regarding directin and distance, we dn’t knw hw they estimate distances,” Prfessr Clin Lever, althugh nt invlved in the study, said, “it’s exciting t explre fish spatial mapping because fish navigatin evlved earlier and better than mst mammals.”(“这项研究是新颖的,因为尽管我们知道鱼类对方向和距离的几何信息有反应,但我们不知道它们是如何估计距离的,”科林·利弗教授说,尽管他没有参与这项研究,“探索鱼类的空间映射是令人兴奋的,因为鱼类的导航进化得比大多数哺乳动物更早,也更好。”)”可知,科林教授认为这项研究是令人兴奋的,所以是赞许的。故选D项。
    12.答案: A
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句“leading t the “single perspective instinct” that prevent ur ability t grasp the intricacies f the wrld.”(导致“单一视角本能”,使我们无法把握世界的复杂性)可知,专家受到过度简化的allure,也会导致单一视觉,不能掌握世界的复杂性,因此推断此处表示受到了过度简化的诱惑,allure在这里指的是“诱惑”。故选A项。
    13.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Simple ideas can be appealing because they ffer a sense f understanding and certainty.”(简单的想法可能很有吸引力,因为它们提供了一种理解感和确定性。)可知,简单的想法具有吸引力是因为它们产生一种完全理解的感觉。故选B项。
    14.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段“Instead, cnstantly test yur favrite ideas fr weaknesses. Be humble abut the extent f yur expertise. Be curius abut new infrmatin that desn’t fit, and infrmatin frm ther fields. And rather than talking nly t peple wh agree with yu, r cllecting examples that fit yur ideas, cnsult peple wh cntradict yu, disagree with yu, and put frward different ideas as a great resurce fr understanding the wrld.”(相反,要不断测试你最喜欢的想法的弱点。对自己的专业知识要谦虚。对不合适的新信息和来自其他领域的信息保持好奇。而不是只与那些同意你的人交谈,或者收集符合你想法的例子,咨询那些反驳你、不同意你的人,并提出不同想法的人,作为理解世界的重要资源。)可推断,作者认为要不断测试自己的想法,对其他领域要保持好奇,还要与那些持有与自己不同观点的人交流,接受不同的观点,这样才能对问题有全面的了解和认识。因此推断作者认为理由充分的观点比肤浅的观点更有价值。故选C项。
    15.答案: D
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“In ur infrmatin-driven sciety, shaping ur wrldview thrugh the media is similar t frming an pinin abut smene nly based n a picture f their ft. While the media might nt deliberately mislead us, it ften fails t prvide a cmprehensive view f reality.”(在我们这个信息驱动的社会中,通过媒体塑造我们的世界观就像仅仅根据一个人的脚的照片来形成对他们的看法一样,虽然媒体可能不是故意误导我们,但它经常无法提供全面的现实视角。)及第二段最后一句“Hwever, even experts can fall prey t the allure f versimplificatin, leading t the “single perspective instinct” that prevent ur ability t grasp the intricacies f the wrld.”(然而,即使是专家也会受到过度简化的诱惑,导致“单一视角本能”,阻碍我们掌握世界的复杂性)及第五段最后一句“And rather than talking nly t peple wh agree with yu, r cllecting examples that fit yur ideas, cnsult peple wh cntradict yu, disagree with yu, and put frward different ideas as a great resurce fr understanding the wrld.”(而不是只与那些同意你的人交谈,或者收集符合你想法的例子,咨询那些反驳你、不同意你的人,并提出不同想法的人,作为理解世界的重要资源。)以及全文内容可知,本文作者主要提出“单一视角本能”最终会影响我们的判断力,限制我们有效解决复杂问题的能力,我们应该接受不同的观点,作为理解世界的重要资源。因此D项“驾驭复杂性:挑战过度简化”为最佳标题。故选D项。
    解析:①根据下文“Frm the freedm t explre new hrizns t fstering a minimalist mindset, here are sme captivating advantages f embracing van life.(从探索新视野的自由到培养极简主义的心态,这是一些拥抱房车生活的迷人优势)”可知,拥有房车的好处不仅仅是可以开着它们去旅行欣赏沿途的风景。G项“The cncept f van life ffers benefits beynd just a change f scenery.(房车生活的概念提供的好处不仅仅是改变风景)”符合题意,引出下文。故选G。
    ②根据下文“With minimal mnthly expenses, such as parking fees and fuel csts, van dwellers can allcate resurces t experiences rather than high rent r huse payments. (由于每月的停车费和燃油费等开支很少,住房车的人可以将资源分配到体验上,而不是支付高昂的租金或住房费用)”可知,住房车更划算,可以节省不少开支用于体验。C项“Living in a van can ften be mre cst-effective.(住在房车里通常更划算)”符合题意,开启下文。故选C。
    ③空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“Yu can chse t wake up at dawn ver the cean ne day and find yurself in a frested muntainside the next. Living in a van frequently invlves being clse t the utdrs surrunded by the beauty f nature.(你可以选择在某天的黎明在大海上醒来,第二天发现自己在森林茂密的山腰上。住在一辆房车里,经常可以接近户外,被大自然的美景所包围)”可知,每天在大自然中醒来,被自然的美景所包围,那么大自然便成了你日常生活的一部分。E项“The natural wrld becmes an essential part f yur daily life(自然世界成为你日常生活中必不可少的一部分)”符合题意,nature和natural是关键词。故选E。
    ④根据小标题“Minimal Eclgical Ftprint(最小生态足迹)”推知,空处内容应与环保相关,结合下文“They adpt slar panels and efficient water systems , further minimizing their impact n the envirnment.(他们采用太阳能电池板和高效的供水系统,进一步减少对环境的影响)”中的they推知,空处提到的应是住房车的人都很环保。B项“Many van lifers tend t g green.(许多在房车里生活的人倾向于环保)”符合题意。故选B。
    ⑤空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“Thrugh the pen rad, the beauty f nature, and the friendship f fellw adventurers, van life presents a unique avenue fr enriching the human experience. (通过开阔的道路,大自然的美丽,以及冒险者的友谊,房车生活为丰富人类体验提供了一条独特的途径)”推知,空处继续陈述这种生活带来的好处。F项“Better yet, it ffers a way t recnnect with the essence f living.(更好的是,它提供了一种与生活本质重新联系的方式)”符合语境。故选F。
    解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她的父亲收藏了大量稀有珍贵的植物,并精心照料。A. attended t照料;B. brught up抚养;C. weeded ut清除;D. fed n喂养。由上文“Her father had a gd cllectin f rare and prized plants”可知,女孩的父亲收藏了大量稀有珍贵的植物,这说明他很喜欢这些植物,所以会精心照料这些植物,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:女孩被一株开满娇嫩花朵的植物所吸引。A. caught抓住;B. attracted吸引;C. attacked攻击;D. shcked使震惊。由下文“She apprached it and admired its striking beauty.”可知,女孩走近一株开满娇嫩花朵,欣赏它的美丽,这说明女孩被这一株开满娇嫩花朵所吸引,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然她注意到那棵植物在一堆污物中。A. recalled回想;B. nted注意;C. recgnized识别;D. cncluded总结。下文“that the plant was in a pile f filth (污秽)”和上文提到女孩正在欣赏一株开满娇嫩花朵的植物,这时她突然注意到那棵植物在一堆污物中,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她无法忍受如此美妙的花朵上有泥土的存在。A. ifrmatin信息;B. presentatin仪式,报告;C. presence出席,存在;D. cmpsitin作曲。由上文“the plant was in a pile f filth”提到的这株植物生长在一堆污物中可知,这个花朵上存有泥土,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她用尽全力把植物从泥土中拔出来,用流动的自来水冲洗它的根部,直到所有污垢都被冲走。A. held举办;B. picked挑选;C. pulled拉,拔;D. remved移除。由下文“plant with all her might frm the dirt”和上文提到的“She wrked ut a plan t clean the plant.”女孩要清洗这株植物可知,她先将这株植物从泥土中拔出来,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:她用尽全力把植物从泥土中拔出来,用流动的自来水冲洗它的根部,直到所有污垢都被冲走。A. flwers花朵;B. branches树枝;C. leaves叶子;D. rts根。由下文“T spt the uprted plant, which had lain ________ in the baking sun, the father shwed her hw her treatment had nearly killed the plant and tld her that the filthy sil was the best ________t grw that plant.”提到的女孩的父亲告诉女孩污秽的土壤是植物生长的最佳环境,由此可知,女孩应该是把根部的泥土冲洗干净了,这导致了植物的死亡,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她把植物放在一块干净的石头上,然后离开,她为自己做了一件伟大的事而感到自豪。A. deed行为;B. deal交易;C. peratin手术;D. prject项目。由上文“She ________ the plant with all her might frm the dirt and washed its________ in running tap water till all traces f dirt were washed away.”可知,此处指女孩将这株植物拔起来冲洗它根部的这种行为,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来小女儿将父亲喊过来,向他展示她的成就。A. cnfirm确认;B. exhibit展示;C. evaluate评估;D. celebrate庆祝。由下文““I have cleaned it, Daddy,””可知,小女孩告诉父亲自己将这株植物清洗干净了,这是在向她父亲展示她的成果,故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我已经把它清理干净了,爸爸。”她天真地报告道。A. inncently无罪地;天真地;B. distantly遥远地;C. decisively果断地;D. thughtlessly草率地。由上文““I have cleaned it, Daddy,””和上文提到小女孩将父亲喊过来,向他展示她清洗这株植物根部的成果可知,女孩很天真地以为自己做了一件好事,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了让她了解那棵在烈日下垂死的被连根拔起的植物,父亲向她展示了她对待这款植物的方式几乎杀死了这棵植物,并告诉她污秽的土壤是生长该植物的最佳环境。A. burning燃烧;B. bathing洗澡;C. breathing呼吸;D. dying死亡。由下文“Hearing that, the girl felt guilty that the plant had suffered by her cleaning.”可知,这株植物死掉了,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了让她了解那棵在烈日下垂死的被连根拔起的植物,父亲向她展示了她对待这款植物的方式几乎杀死了这棵植物,并告诉她污秽的土壤是生长该植物的最佳环境。A. shelter避难所;B. medicine药;C. medium媒体,环境;D. venue地点。由上文“the filthy sil was the best”和常识可知,污秽的土壤对植物成长有利,即污秽的土壤是生长该植物的最佳环境。故选C。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:伟大的园丁会为每种植物混合合适的土壤。A. right正确的,合适的;B. same同样的;C. dirty脏的;D. lse松的。由下文“Gd prvides each f us with the best”和常识可知,好的园丁应该会为每种植物混合合适的土壤。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:同样,上帝为我们每个人提供了精神成长所需的最佳环境。A. Mrever此外;B. Likewise同样地;C. Rather而不是;D. Nevertheless然而。下文“Gd prvides each f us with the best _________ required fr ptimum (最佳) spiritual grwth.”和上文“A great gardener mixes ________sil fr each plant.”表示相似的情况,应用likewise,表示“同样地”,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:同样,上帝为我们每个人提供了精神成长所需的最佳环境。A. envirnment环境;B. mde模式;C. neighbrhd邻居;D. pprtunity机会。上文“the filthy sil was the best________ t grw that plant.”提到污秽的土壤是生长植物的最佳环境,结合上文提到好的园丁应该会为每种植物混合合适的土壤可知,好的园丁应该会为每种植物混合适合的土壤,即为它们提供所需的生长环境,同样,上帝为我们每个人提供了精神成长所需的最佳环境,故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这可能看起来不愉快,我们甚至可能向上帝抱怨我们的困难。A. invisible看不见的;B. disrganized没有秩序的;C. imprper不合适的;D. unpleasant令人不快的。由下文“we may even cmplain t Gd abut ur difficulty.”和上文提到的上帝我们每个人提供了精神成长所需的最佳环境,就像植物生长所需要的污秽一样,由此可知,我们的精神成长也需要一些困难,这可能看起来不愉快,但是会对我们的成长有好处,故选D。
    解析:①考查现在分词。句意:周日,在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会第45届会议上,普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观被列为世界遗产,成为中国的第57个世界遗产。该句的谓语是gained,空处应用非谓语动词,动词becme与其逻辑主语The Cultural Landscape f Old Tea Frests f the Jingmai Muntain in Pu’er之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作状语。故填becming。
    ③考查动词。句意同上。分析句子,设空处使用动词作谓语,根据句意以及文章主要内容可知,句子表述客观事实,故使用一般现在时。cnsist f意为“包含,包括”,句子的主语the newly named heritage site为第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数形式。故填cnsists。
    ④考查连词。句意同2小题。分析句子,设空处使用连词将three prtective barrier frests和 nine ancient villages进行连接,此处表示并列关系。故填and。
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。句意:该委员会表示,文化景观是基于水平和垂直土地利用模式相结合的可持续土地利用系统的杰出典范。分析句子,句中is为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓语动词。land-use system与base之间是被动关系。故使用过去分词作后置定语。故填based。
    ⑧考查定语从句。句意:北京大学世界遗产研究中心主任陈耀华表示,景迈山的茶叶种植技术非常独特,特别是近年来,这里的大型梯田茶园在世界上占据主导地位。分析句子,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为these years,引导词在从句中作时间状语,应用冠词副词when引导从句。故填when。
    ⑩考查介词。句意:普洱当地政府和云南省有关部门发布了三部法律和七部法规,重点保护文化景观资源。句中fcus n为固定短语,意为“集中于”。故填n。
    33.答案: claimed
    解析:考查动词时态语态。句意:1960年的旧金山地震和随后发生的一系列火灾夺去了3000多人的生命。主语Over 3,000 lives和claim为被动关系,需用被动语态,结合“were”可知,此处为一般过去时的被动语态,空处需填过去分词claimed。故填claimed。
    34.答案: illegally
    35.答案: admissin
    36.答案: cngratulatins
    37.答案: stuck
    解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:她发现自己被困在家里,只有电脑陪伴她。此处是find+宾语+宾语补足语结构,宾语herself和动词stick(困住)是被动关系,be stuck at固定搭配,意为“被困在”,应用过去分词作宾语补足语,故填stuck。
    38.答案: The presence f AI, such as ChatGPT, has wn the favr f the wrld, becming the httest tpic nwadays. In the face f artificial intelligence, what skills shuld we high schl students develp?
    It is a must t give pririty t independent learning, withut which we wuld be easily replaced in the future since the updating f knwledge is getting increasingly fast. Plus, innvatin ability is what we can’t affrd t ignre. It will definitely make a big difference t the develpment f ur sciety since mst repetitive and inefficient jbs will give way t artificial intelligence and rbts.
    In brief, it is inevitable t wrk with artificial intelligence. Only thrugh independence learning and innvatin ability can we becme mre cmpetitive.
    解析:1. 词汇积累
    此外:plus→what’s mre
    简而言之:in brief→in shrt
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:In brief, it is inevitable t wrk with artificial intelligence.
    拓展句:In brief, it is inevitable that we shuld wrk with artificial intelligence.
    【高分句型1】It is a must t give pririty t independent learning, withut which we wuld be easily replaced in the future since the updating f knwledge is getting increasingly fast. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句以及since引导的状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Only thrugh independence learning and innvatin ability can we becme mre cmpetitive. (运用了nly+状语置于句首引起的部分倒装句)
    39.答案:Then the sailr headed fr ur table with the flwers in his hand. He picked ut a red flwer and placed it n ur table. “Merry Christmas!” he greeted us in a cheerful vice. Befre we culd say “Thank yu”, he went t ther tables. In an instant, everyne in the rm was presented with flwers, including the waiter and the pian player. In the bright light, the flwers were glwing in full blm. These magical flwers melted ur frustrated hearts and blew away all the unpleasant mds.
    The pian player came alive and pleasant music filled the whle rm. A festival atmsphere drwned all f us. We merrily danced t the jyful music, singing, laughing and wishing each ther gd luck.The ld flwer wman als jined us, unable t cnceal her excitement and gratitude. The spirit f Christmas came back t us again. It brught all f us tgether in this small restaurant n a freign land. All this was due t a yung American sailr, wh, thrugh his kindness and genersity, brightened ur paths.
    赠送:present/give away
    回归:cme back/g back/return
    令人愉快的:pleasant /pleasing
    沮丧:frustrated /upset
    【高分句型1】Befre we culd say “Thank yu”, he went t ther tables. (运用了befre引导时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】All this was due t a yung American sailr, wh, thrugh his kindness and genersity, brightened ur paths. (运用了wh引导非限制性定语从句)

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