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    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析
    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析01
    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析02
    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析03
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    河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析

    这是一份河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末考试 英语 Word版含解析,共36页。试卷主要包含了选择题的作答,非选择题的作答等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the by want his mther t d?
    A. T paint the wall.
    B. T find the clthes fr him.
    C. T hang a painting n the wall.
    2. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. $ 60. B. $30. C. $13.
    3. Where is the man ging after leaving the stre?
    A. T his huse. B. T the airprt. C. T Sally’s huse.
    4. What happened t the man?
    A. He drve hme last night.
    B. He went hme by taxi last night.
    C. He was caught in a heavy rain.
    5. Where culd the speakers prbably be?
    A. At a sprts stre. B. In a gym. C. In the wman’s huse.
    6. Why desn’t the wman take the pink bluse?
    A. Its clr desn’t fit her.
    B. It’s t expensive.
    C. It’s t big.
    7. What clr bluse des the wman take?
    A. Yellw. B. Black. C. Blue.
    8. Hw many bttles f red wine did the man receive?
    A.5,000. B.10,000. C.15,000.
    9. What will the wman d next?
    A. Check with the transprt department.
    B. Organize the new transprt.
    C. Make a phne call.
    10. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A hbby. B. New Year plans. C. Chinese lng histry.
    11. Why des the man want t g t China?
    A. T meet Chinese friends.
    B. T visit turist attractins.
    C T learn its culture and language.
    12. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Find a hbby. B. Meet new peple. C. Take a mdern dance class.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.
    B. Teacher and student.
    C. Custmer and shp assistant.
    14. Where did the man wrk last summer?
    A. In a clthing shp. B. In a she shp. C. In a bkshp.
    15. What can we knw abut the man?
    A. He will buy a car.
    B He made a little mney.
    C. He met many rich peple.
    16. What did the wman think f her summer jb?
    A. Tiring. B. Pleasant. C. Interesting.
    17. Hw many girls are there in the first pht?
    A. Fur. B. Five. C. Six.
    18. What is the children’s attitude t the scre f the ftball game?
    A. They dn’t mind. B. They feel upset. C. They are puzzled.
    19. What are the girls in the secnd pht ding?
    A. Ding sprts. B. Drinking cffee. C. Reading bks.
    20. What benefit des the activity in the secnd pht prvide?
    A. It gives a sense f winning.
    B. It helps kids t imprve physical health.
    C. It ffers a chance t cmmunicate mre.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best f British: Artists’ residences
    Get up clse with the inspiring places Britain’s mst vibrant artists called hme.
    Red Huse, Lndn
    Nthing better represents the cmmitment f William Mrris, the creative genius f interirs (内饰) t beauty than his striking hme in Lndn. Frm delicate patterns n the drs, t the decrated gardens, the Red Huse shws a strng medieval style.
    The Mackintsh Huse, Glasgw
    Lcated n the site f the frmer hme f legendary architect Charles Rennie Mackintsh and his wife, the recnstructed Mackintsh Huse ffers a rare insight int their private lives. Furnished with the cuple’s wn furniture, everything has been cnsidered in rder t recreate the riginal interir as faithfully as pssible.
    Barbara Hepwrth Museum and Sculpture Garden, Crnwall
    Thugh she was brn in Yrkshire, British sculptr (雕塑家) Barbara Hepwrth mved t Crnwall and stayed there fr the rest f her life. She claimed that there was a quality f inspiratin t be drawn frm the Crnish skyline and sea view that she simply culdn’t btain frm the city. It was Hepwrth’s wish that her hme wuld be turned int a museum f her wrk.
    Henry Mre Fundatin, Hertfrdshire
    Sculptr Henry Mre fund his Muse in the beautiful Hertfrdshire village f Perry Green and created many f his mst famus wrks there. Unlike traditinal galleries, visitrs can get clse with these impressive structures. Access t Mre’s hme is thrugh guided turs nly. Visit n a sunny day, take a picnic, and experience the scenic village in persn!
    1. Which residence is influenced by medieval styles?
    A. Red Huse.
    B. The Mackintsh Huse.
    C. Henry Mre Fundatin.
    D. Barbara Hepwrth Museum and Sculpture Garden.
    2. What d we knw abut the Mackintsh Huse?
    A. It is the current residence f Mackintsh.
    B. It is rebuilt t imprve Mackintsh’s life.
    C. It restres the interir design f the Mackintshs’.
    D. It reflects Mackintsh’s faith in riginal furniture design.
    3. What d the last tw residences have in cmmn?
    A. Bth sculptrs take inspiratin frm nature.
    B. Bth sites allw clse cntact with the designers.
    C. Bth residences will be turned int urban museums.
    D. Bth sites allw turs accmpanied by the guide nly.
    He passed away many years ag. Father f the year (年度最佳父亲), my dad was nt. That said, in sme ways, he was a better parent than many dads are tday.
    He lved t attend my hckey (曲棍球) games. He tied my skates fr years when I was yung. But he didn’t g t a single ne f the hundreds f sccer games I played as a kid. I didn’t care. All I wanted frm my parents was a ride t the game. I was there t see my friends, nt perfrm fr Mm and Dad.
    That’s why I dn’t understand helicpter parents, the nes wh suffer frm great guilt and shame if they can’t make every single pian practice r ftball game. Yur kids prbably dn’t care. Let them g and have sme fun. All that matters is that yu drp them ff and pick them up n time. Cnsistency is king.
    Of curse, when kids are really yung, they want t spend time with yu. And they want yu, the parent, t be fcused n spending time with them, nt checking yur phne. “Wherever yu are, be there,” said the great Jim Rhn.
    My dad never had a cell phne. He never used the Internet. I dn’t even think he ever tuched a cmputer. But even if he did have a phne, I can’t imagine him checking when we wuld play catch in the backyard.
    He was present. Every day in the summer, right after lunch, we’d play catch. He’d teach me hw t thrw a curve ball (曲线球). Smetimes he’d pitch t me, and when he’d hit me with a fastball, he’d say, “That’ll tughen yu up.” We’d play until we lst all f the balls in the garden, nt until he was distracted by a cellphne. Jim Rhn wuld have apprved f his presence, althugh perhaps nt his attitude abut fastballs.
    4. What’s the authr’s attitude twards his father?
    A. Ashamed.B. Satisfactry.C. Critical.D. Sympathetic.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “helicpter parents” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The parents wh can fly helicpters.
    B. The parents wh pick up their kids n time.
    C. The parents wh enjy participating in sprts.
    D The parents wh fcus t much n their kids.
    6. Why are the great Jim Rhn’s wrds mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T tell parents t stp using their cell phnes.
    B. T tell parents t keep in tuch with their kids.
    C. T tell parents t value the time with their kids.
    D. T tell parents t fllw their kids wherever they g.
    7. What des the authr intend t tell us in the last tw paragraphs?
    A. His father was lw.B. His father was rude.
    C. His father was energetic.D. His father was present.
    Several years ag, I was at a pre-seasn ftball practice at a high schl where I was wrking with the team n a cncussin (脑震荡) research prject. The players were lined up in tw rws facing each ther and with little mre instructin frm the cach than, “n the whistle, hit the man acrss frm yu”, great cncern rushed thrugh my mind.
    Prfessinal sprts get the lin’s share f attentin, but ver three millin children and teenagers in the United States play the same game. This directly places cncussins as a significant public health cncern fr all.
    Hwever, fr decades, cncussin has been cnsidered a temprary injury with n lng-term cnsequences. Many athletes will d just abut anything t stay n the field and “play thrugh the pain” as a sign f tughness. In 2005, with the release f the brain tissue pathlgy (病理学) reprt f Mike Webster a, a retired Natinal Ftball League player, ur thinking n cncussin began t shift. Since then, public attentin has fcused n this link between brain injury and blws t the head. As ur understanding f cncussin prgressed t understanding its significance as an injury, s t did the develpment f player equipment.
    In the early 1900s ftball was played withut helmets (头盔), but severe injuries, like skull fractures, led t the ccasinal use f leather helmets in the 1920s.The first facemask entered the game in the 1950s. Mdern helmets use advanced shell materials, have mveable panels t absrb frces, and multi-layered padding that respnds t different impacts. Cmpanies will cntinue t imprve helmets as new materials becme available, guided by the newest science.
    Sprts are an imprtant part f a sciety’s culture and they give millins f children much-needed exercise. Yet, participatin in any sprt carries injury risk, and cncussin will always be part f that. As thse children becme adults and make sprt their hbby r even career, ensuring them play safely at all levels is essential.
    8. What made the authr feel cncerned?
    A. The cach’s in experience.
    B. The physical cnflicts amng the players.
    C. Unawareness f the ptential injuries.
    D. Unpredictable utcme f the prject.
    9. What did athletes use t d when meeting with sprts-related cncussin?
    A. They tended t ignre it.
    B. They felt scared abut it.
    C. They quit playing immediately.
    D. They refused medical assistance.
    10. What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut cncerning the helmet?
    A. Its gradual imprvement.
    B. Its widespread influence.
    C. The discvery f its new materials.
    D. The difficulty f its mass prductin.
    11. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Exercise is vital fr children.
    B. Sprts safety can’t be veremphasized.
    C. N participatin in sprts is withut injuries.
    D. Cncussin is the mst cmmn injury in sprts.
    What d Harry Ptter, Katniss Everdeen, and Frd all have in cmmn with the heres f ancient myths? Jseph Campbell studied myths frm all ver the wrld and published a bk called “The Her with a Thusand Faces”, retelling dzens f stries and explaining hw each represents the mn-myth, r Her’s Jurney. S, what is the “her’s jurney”?
    He thinks f it as a cycle in his bk. The jurney begins with the her receiving a mysterius message an invitatin, r a challenge. After crssing the threshld frm his safe hme t adventure, with sme help prbably frm smene lder, wiser, ur her slves a riddle, slays a mnster, escapes frm a trap. The her’s darkest hur then cmes, when he faces death and pssibly even dies, nly t be rebrn. As a result, the her claims sme treasure, special recgnitin, r pwer, which can vary between stries. After all that adventure, the her returns t his rdinary wrld, but upgrades t a new level. Nthing is quite the same nce yu are a her.
    The Her’s Jurney myth exists in all human cultures and keeps getting updated, because we humans reflect n ur wrld thrugh symblic stries f ur wn lives. Yu leave yur cmfrt zne, have an experience that transfrms yu? and then yu recver and d it again. Yu dn’t literally slay dragns r fight Vldemrt, but yu face prblems just as scary. Jseph Campbell said, “In the cave yu fear t enter lies the treasure yu seek.”
    What is the symblic cave then yu fear t enter? Auditins fr the schl play? Baseball tryuts? The paper due?
    Watch fr this frmula in bks, mvies, and TV shws yu cme acrss. Yu will certainly see it again. Als be sensitive t it in yur wn life. Listen fr yur call t adventure. Accept the challenge. Cnquer yur fear and claim the treasure yu seek. And then, d it all ver again.
    12. What is the crrect rder f the fllwing stages f the “Her’s jurney”?
    ①Return t the rdinary wrld but utgrw his ld life.
    ②Receive the call t adventure and assistance frm a wiser.
    ③Set ut n the adventure and g thrugh a series f tugh trials.
    ④Face the life-r-death crisis and be rebrn with sme special pwer.
    A. ①②③④B. ②④①③C. ②③④①D. ③②④①
    13. Why is Her’s Jurney myth s ppular?
    A. Because it’s a way t reflect n ur wrld.
    B. Because it’s a way t learn abut the past.
    C. Because these stries are always being updated.
    D. Because these stries are part f human culture.
    14. Which f the fllwing may the authr disagree with?
    A. We all need a “cave” t hide in face f danger.
    B. Our cmfrt zne will hinder ur develpment.
    C. Difficulties we face tend t be treasures in life.
    D. We shuld vercme ur fears faced with danger.
    15. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Her with a Thusand Faces.B. The Her’s Jurney.
    C. Hw t Cnquer Yur Fear.D. Be Yur Own Her.
    The Benefits f After-schl Activities
    Yur kid is asking fr pian lessns, jining a sccer team r taking ballet classes, but yu’re nt s sure that yur mney will be well spent. ___16___ , read these next benefits f participating in hbbies utside the hme. It might just cnvince yu t bk the first class.
    Build cnfidence thrugh creative hbbies
    Frm arts and pem writing t music and crafts, there are lts f creative after-schl activities available ut there fr kids f all ages. Nt nly d these classes stimulate yur little ne’s imaginatin, but they als encurage curisity. ___17___ . Interacting with thers, sharing, cperating and slving cnflicts are all added bnuses and they are all extremely helpful tls in building self-cnfidence.
    These days, the fast-paced wrld we live in causes stress t us all, including children — and prviding fun envirnments and spaces where they can feel safe and creative is an excellent idea t help yur child reduce the stress.___19___ . Yu have t aim t eliminate the stressrs in yur child’s life, regardless f the type f stress yur child is dealing with, be it the case f shyness, scial anxiety r pressure frm schl r hme life.
    Gain physical and psychlgical strength with sprts
    Aviding childhd besity has becme a real issue in a wrld where kids spend mre and mre time indrs, glued t screens. But if yur child shws any interest in a sprt (even if just by watching it n their iPad), grab the pprtunity and intrduce after-schl activities that fcus n said physical activity. In these activities, yur kids can als learn imprtant lessns like respecting thers and teamwrk. ___20___ .
    A. Reduce stress with after-schl activities
    B. Bst children’s enthusiasm and participatin in class
    C. When yur kids spend 80 percent f their hurs at schl
    D. Besides, they make yur child mre cnfident in the prcess
    E. If yu can’t decide abut sending yur kids t after-schl activities
    F. Chsing activities that dn’t put extra pressure n yur kids is als essential
    G. Mst imprtantly, yur children can develp their mental strength while ding sprts
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I grew up n a university campus in eastern Nigeria.I was a(n) ____21____reader, and what I read were British and American children’s bks.I began t write when I was seven.I wrte exactly the kinds f stries I was reading: All my ____22____ were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snw. They ate apples, and they talked a lt abut the ____23____,hw lvely it was that the sun had ____24____.
    What this demnstrates is hw ____25____we can be influenced by what we read, particularly as children. Because all I had read were freign bks, I had becme ____26____ that bks had t have ____27____ in them and had t be abut things with which I culd nt persnally identify.
    Things ____28____ when I discvered African bks. There weren’t many f them available, and they weren’t quite as easy t ____29____ as the freign bks.
    But _____30_____ writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye I went thrugh a mental _____31_____in my view f literature.I _____32_____ that peple like me, girls with skin the clr f chclate,culd als _____33_____ in literature. I started t write abut things I recgnized. What the _____34_____ f African writers did fr me was this: It saved me frm having a _____35_____ stry f what bks are.
    21. A. earlyB. aimlessC. carefulD. pr
    22. A. instructrsB. neighbrsC. friendsD. characters
    23. A. snwB. fruitsC. cuisineD. weather
    24. A. disappearedB. setC. cme utD. gne dwn
    25. A. brieflyB. regularlyC. scarcelyD. easily
    26. A. cnvincedB. puzzledC. cncernedD. satisfied
    27. A. heresB. freignersC. AfricansD. children
    28. A. remainedB. changedC. wrsenedD. wrked
    29. A. readB. understandC. findD. keep
    30. A. in spite fB. n behalf fC. because fD. instead f
    31. A. cnfusinB. shiftC. blckD. activity
    32. A. realizedB. suspectedC. claimedD. frgt
    33. A. takeB. existC. believeD. majr
    34. A. discveryB. ppularityC. imaginatinD. analysis
    35. A. classicB. remarkableC. whleD. single
    Last Friday,____36____exhibitin f artifacts (古器物) assciated with Spring Festival traditins and ____37____ (ceremny) f the Qing ryal family frm the Palace Museum’s cllectins____38____(pen) in the Maca Special Administrative Regin (SAR).
    ____39____(name) “Auspicius Beginning: Spring Festival Traditins in the Frbidden City,” the exhibitin features ver 100 ____40____(value) items f utensils, paintings, clthing and musical instrument t display traditinal Spring Festival rituals____41____(include) family reunins, tea feasts, as well as recreatinal activities such as ice-skating games, firewrks and Chinese peras.
    Leng Wai Man, directr f the Cultural Affairs Bureau f the Maca SAR gvernment, said she hped the audience can____42____(deep) understand traditinal Chinese culture.
    A large number f visitrs____43____(pay) a visit t the exhibitin s far,____44____demnstrates lcal peple’s enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture. There is n dubt_____45_____mre and mre peple will lve Chinese culture in the future.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack听说中国正在实行“双减”政策,来信询问新政策下中国的中学生们应如何规划自己的学习和课余生活。请根据以下要点给他回信。
    1. 你的个人建议;
    2. 你对该政策的感想。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. “双减”政策:the plicy f “duble-lightening the burden”
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Settle dwn!” Mr. Taylr was trying t calm the bys with a lud vice. The mment they entered the gym and saw the climbing walls twering ver them, the bys gt excited and started making nises. But Stevie was an exceptin, wh was standing aside lking at his thin arms silently. Stevie didn’t like climbing. It wasn’t his thing. Getting alng with peple wasn’t his thing, either. He just felt nbdy liked r trusted him at schl.
    Then came the cach, wh taught the bys sme basic skills. He said everyne shuld have a climbing partner and shwed them hw t belay (保护) their partner. “If yu are a climber, trust yur belayer and challenge yurself. Belayers, please remember that yur partner’s life depends n yu.”
    The mment he finished, the bys culdn’t wait t match themselves with a partner except Stevie, wh was left alne wandering arund the gym. Nticing his embarrassment, Mr. Taylr raised his vice and said, “I need smene I can really trust t team up with!” He lked arund. Then his gaze fell upn Stevie. “Hw abut yu, Stevie? Wuld yu like t be my belayer?” “Me?” Stevie widened his eyes, surprised t hear Mr. Taylr even say his name. He had thught he was invisible. “I guess,” Stevie managed a weak smile.
    Nervus as he was, he plucked up curage. “It desn’t matter wh gets t the tp first. It’s abut giving it a g.” Hearing Mr. Taylr’s wrds, Stevie gritted (咬紧牙关) his teeth and mved up slwly, his face pressed against the rugh surface. “Dne it!” Stevie finally called frm the tp with excitement. Then Mr. Taylr started t let him dwn thrugh a perfect cntrl f the rpe.“Well dne,” said Mr. Taylr when Stevie landed n the flr.
    Nw it’s Stevie’s turn t cntrl the rpe. Bearing in mind his respnsibility Stevie carefully watched as Mr. Taylr climbed up, pulling in the rpe hand ver hand. He felt his heart racing wildly. Finally, Mr. Taylr arrived at the tp. “Ready t let me dwn nw?” said Mr. Taylr. “Okay,” Stevie tk a deep breath, his palms sweating uncntrllably.
    1. 续写词数应150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    As Stevie lsened the grip, the rpe slipped thrugh his hand much faster than expected.
    Suddenly, the bys burst int wild applause and yelled encuragement at them.
    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2023-2024 学年高三上学期期末考试
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the by want his mther t d?
    A. T paint the wall.
    B. T find the clthes fr him.
    C. T hang a painting n the wall.
    2. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. $ 60. B. $30. C. $13.
    3. Where is the man ging after leaving the stre?
    A. T his huse. B. T the airprt. C. T Sally’s huse.
    4. What happened t the man?
    A. He drve hme last night.
    B. He went hme by taxi last night.
    C. He was caught in a heavy rain.
    5. Where culd the speakers prbably be?
    A. At a sprts stre. B. In a gym. C. In the wman’s huse.
    6. Why desn’t the wman take the pink bluse?
    A. Its clr desn’t fit her.
    B. It’s t expensive.
    C It’s t big.
    7. What clr bluse des the wman take?
    A. Yellw. B. Black. C. Blue.
    8. Hw many bttles f red wine did the man receive?
    A.5,000. B.10,000. C.15,000.
    9. What will the wman d next?
    A. Check with the transprt department.
    B Organize the new transprt.
    C. Make a phne call.
    10. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A hbby. B. New Year plans. C. Chinese lng histry.
    11. Why des the man want t g t China?
    A. T meet Chinese friends.
    B. T visit turist attractins.
    C. T learn its culture and language.
    12. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Find a hbby. B. Meet new peple. C. Take a mdern dance class.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates.
    B. Teacher and student.
    C. Custmer and shp assistant.
    14. Where did the man wrk last summer?
    A. In a clthing shp. B. In a she shp. C. In a bkshp.
    15. What can we knw abut the man?
    A. He will buy a car.
    B He made a little mney.
    C. He met many rich peple.
    16. What did the wman think f her summer jb?
    A. Tiring. B. Pleasant. C. Interesting.
    17. Hw many girls are there in the first pht?
    A. Fur. B. Five. C. Six.
    18. What is the children’s attitude t the scre f the ftball game?
    A. They dn’t mind. B. They feel upset. C. They are puzzled.
    19. What are the girls in the secnd pht ding?
    A. Ding sprts. B. Drinking cffee. C. Reading bks.
    20. What benefit des the activity in the secnd pht prvide?
    A. It gives a sense f winning.
    B. It helps kids t imprve physical health.
    C. It ffers a chance t cmmunicate mre.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best f British: Artists’ residences
    Get up clse with the inspiring places Britain’s mst vibrant artists called hme.
    Red Huse, Lndn
    Nthing better represents the cmmitment f William Mrris, the creative genius f interirs (内饰) t beauty than his striking hme in Lndn. Frm delicate patterns n the drs, t the decrated gardens, the Red Huse shws a strng medieval style.
    The Mackintsh Huse, Glasgw
    Lcated n the site f the frmer hme f legendary architect Charles Rennie Mackintsh and his wife, the recnstructed Mackintsh Huse ffers a rare insight int their private lives. Furnished with the cuple’s wn furniture, everything has been cnsidered in rder t recreate the riginal interir as faithfully as pssible.
    Barbara Hepwrth Museum and Sculpture Garden, Crnwall
    Thugh she was brn in Yrkshire, British sculptr (雕塑家) Barbara Hepwrth mved t Crnwall and stayed there fr the rest f her life. She claimed that there was a quality f inspiratin t be drawn frm the Crnish skyline and sea view that she simply culdn’t btain frm the city. It was Hepwrth’s wish that her hme wuld be turned int a museum f her wrk.
    Henry Mre Fundatin, Hertfrdshire
    Sculptr Henry Mre fund his Muse in the beautiful Hertfrdshire village f Perry Green and created many f his mst famus wrks there. Unlike traditinal galleries, visitrs can get clse with these impressive structures. Access t Mre’s hme is thrugh guided turs nly. Visit n a sunny day, take a picnic, and experience the scenic village in persn!
    1. Which residence is influenced by medieval styles?
    A. Red Huse.
    B. The Mackintsh Huse.
    C. Henry Mre Fundatin.
    D. Barbara Hepwrth Museum and Sculpture Garden.
    2. What d we knw abut the Mackintsh Huse?
    A. It is the current residence f Mackintsh.
    B. It is rebuilt t imprve Mackintsh’s life.
    C. It restres the interir design f the Mackintshs’.
    D. It reflects Mackintsh’s faith in riginal furniture design.
    3. What d the last tw residences have in cmmn?
    A. Bth sculptrs take inspiratin frm nature.
    B. Bth sites allw clse cntact with the designers.
    C. Bth residences will be turned int urban museums.
    D. Bth sites allw turs accmpanied by the guide nly.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据第一个小标题第二句“Frm delicate patterns n the drs, t the decrated gardens, the Red Huse shws a strng medieval style.(从门上精致的图案,到装饰精美的花园,红房子显示出强烈的中世纪风格。)”可知,Red Huse具有强烈的中世纪风格,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二个小标题最后一句“Furnished with the cuple’s wn furniture, everything has been cnsidered in rder t recreate the riginal interir as faithfully as pssible.(配备有这对夫妇自己的家具,一切都被考虑到,以尽可能忠实地再现原来的室内。)”可知,The Mackintsh Huse忠实地重建了Mackintsh住所的家居内饰,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三个小标题第二句“She claimed that there was a quality f inspiratin t be drawn frm the Crnish skyline and sea view that she simply culdn’t btain frm the city.(她声称从康沃尔的天际线和海景中可以获得一种灵感,这是她从城市中无法获得的。)”以及第四个小标题第一句“Sculptr Henry Mre fund his Muse in the beautiful Hertfrdshire village f Perry Green and created many f his mst famus wrks there.(雕塑家Henry Mre在美丽的Perry Green的 Hertfrdshire村找到了他的缪斯,并在那里创作了许多最著名的作品。)”可知,两位雕塑家都从自然中汲取了灵感。故选A。
    He passed away many years ag. Father f the year (年度最佳父亲), my dad was nt. That said, in sme ways, he was a better parent than many dads are tday.
    He lved t attend my hckey (曲棍球) games. He tied my skates fr years when I was yung. But he didn’t g t a single ne f the hundreds f sccer games I played as a kid. I didn’t care. All I wanted frm my parents was a ride t the game. I was there t see my friends, nt perfrm fr Mm and Dad.
    That’s why I dn’t understand helicpter parents, the nes wh suffer frm great guilt and shame if they can’t make every single pian practice r ftball game. Yur kids prbably dn’t care. Let them g and have sme fun. All that matters is that yu drp them ff and pick them up n time. Cnsistency is king.
    Of curse, when kids are really yung, they want t spend time with yu. And they want yu, the parent, t be fcused n spending time with them, nt checking yur phne. “Wherever yu are, be there,” said the great Jim Rhn.
    My dad never had a cell phne. He never used the Internet. I dn’t even think he ever tuched a cmputer. But even if he did have a phne, I can’t imagine him checking when we wuld play catch in the backyard.
    He was present. Every day in the summer, right after lunch, we’d play catch. He’d teach me hw t thrw a curve ball (曲线球). Smetimes he’d pitch t me, and when he’d hit me with a fastball, he’d say, “That’ll tughen yu up.” We’d play until we lst all f the balls in the garden, nt until he was distracted by a cellphne. Jim Rhn wuld have apprved f his presence, althugh perhaps nt his attitude abut fastballs.
    4. What’s the authr’s attitude twards his father?
    A. Ashamed.B. Satisfactry.C. Critical.D. Sympathetic.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “helicpter parents” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The parents wh can fly helicpters.
    B. The parents wh pick up their kids n time.
    C. The parents wh enjy participating in sprts.
    D. The parents wh fcus t much n their kids.
    6. Why are the great Jim Rhn’s wrds mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T tell parents t stp using their cell phnes.
    B T tell parents t keep in tuch with their kids.
    C. T tell parents t value the time with their kids.
    D. T tell parents t fllw their kids wherever they g.
    7. What des the authr intend t tell us in the last tw paragraphs?
    A. His father was lw.B. His father was rude.
    C. His father was energetic.D. His father was present.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“he was a better parent than many dads are tday.(他是一个比今天许多父亲更好的父亲)”可推知,作者对自己的父亲感到满意。故选B项。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词helicpter parents后定语从句“the nes wh suffer frm great guilt and shame if they can’t make every single pian practice r ftball game.(那些因为不能参加每一次钢琴练习或足球比赛而感到非常内疚和羞耻的父母)”可推知,helicpter parents是指那些过于关注孩子的父母。故选D项。
    推理判断题。第四段“Of curse, when kids are really yung, they want t spend time with yu. And they want yu, the parent, t be fcused n spending time with them, nt checking yur phne. ‘Wherever yu are, be there,’ said the great Jim Rhn.(当然,当孩子还很小的时候,他们想和你在一起。他们希望作为父母的你能花时间和他们在一起,而不是看你的手机。伟大的吉姆·罗恩说:‘无论你在哪里,都要真正在那里。’)”中提出孩子小时候需要父母真正的陪伴,而不是在一旁玩手机。最后引用吉姆·罗恩的话也是强调要真正的陪伴孩子,要珍惜和孩子在一起的时间。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“But even if he did have a phne, I can’t imagine him checking when we wuld play catch in the backyard.(但即使他有手机,我想象不出当我们在后院玩接球游戏时,他会查看手机)”和最后一段中“He was present. Every day in the summer, right after lunch, we’d play catch. He’d teach me hw t thrw a curve ball (曲线球). Smetimes he’d pitch t me, and when he’d hit me with a fastball, he’d say, “That’ll tughen yu up.” We’d play until we lst all f the balls in the garden, nt until he was distracted by a cellphne. Jim Rhn wuld have apprved f his presence, althugh perhaps nt his attitude abut fastballs.(他在场。夏天的每一天,午饭后,我们都会玩接球游戏。他会教我怎么扔弧线球。有时他会向我投球,当他用快速球击中我时,他会说:“这会让你变得更坚强。”我们会一直玩到花园里所有的球都丢了,而不直到他被手机分散了注意力。会尽管吉姆·罗恩对他对快球的态度可能会有不同看法,但会赞成他的“在场”)”可推知,在最后两段,作者讲述了与父亲一起玩接球游戏,是想告诉我们“父亲真的在场”。故选D项。
    Several years ag, I was at a pre-seasn ftball practice at a high schl where I was wrking with the team n a cncussin (脑震荡) research prject. The players were lined up in tw rws facing each ther and with little mre instructin frm the cach than, “n the whistle, hit the man acrss frm yu”, great cncern rushed thrugh my mind.
    Prfessinal sprts get the lin’s share f attentin, but ver three millin children and teenagers in the United States play the same game. This directly places cncussins as a significant public health cncern fr all.
    Hwever, fr decades, cncussin has been cnsidered a temprary injury with n lng-term cnsequences. Many athletes will d just abut anything t stay n the field and “play thrugh the pain” as a sign f tughness. In 2005, with the release f the brain tissue pathlgy (病理学) reprt f Mike Webster a, a retired Natinal Ftball League player, ur thinking n cncussin began t shift. Since then, public attentin has fcused n this link between brain injury and blws t the head. As ur understanding f cncussin prgressed t understanding its significance as an injury, s t did the develpment f player equipment.
    In the early 1900s ftball was played withut helmets (头盔), but severe injuries, like skull fractures, led t the ccasinal use f leather helmets in the 1920s.The first facemask entered the game in the 1950s. Mdern helmets use advanced shell materials, have mveable panels t absrb frces, and multi-layered padding that respnds t different impacts. Cmpanies will cntinue t imprve helmets as new materials becme available, guided by the newest science.
    Sprts are an imprtant part f a sciety’s culture and they give millins f children much-needed exercise. Yet, participatin in any sprt carries injury risk, and cncussin will always be part f that. As thse children becme adults and make sprt their hbby r even career, ensuring them play safely at all levels is essential.
    8. What made the authr feel cncerned?
    A. The cach’s in experience.
    B. The physical cnflicts amng the players.
    C. Unawareness f the ptential injuries.
    D. Unpredictable utcme f the prject.
    9. What did athletes use t d when meeting with sprts-related cncussin?
    A. They tended t ignre it.
    B. They felt scared abut it.
    C. They quit playing immediately.
    D. They refused medical assistance.
    10. What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut cncerning the helmet?
    A. Its gradual imprvement.
    B. Its widespread influence.
    C. The discvery f its new materials.
    D. The difficulty f its mass prductin.
    11. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Exercise is vital fr children.
    B. Sprts safety can’t be veremphasized.
    C. N participatin in sprts is withut injuries.
    D. Cncussin is the mst cmmn injury in sprts.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段句子“Several years ag, I was at a pre-seasn ftball practice at a high schl where I was wrking with the team n a cncussin research prject. The players were lined up in tw rws facing each ther and with little mre instructin frm the cach than, “n the whistle, hit the man acrss frm yu”, great cncern rushed thrugh my mind.(几年前,我在一所高中参加季前足球训练,当时我正与球队一起进行脑震荡研究项目。球员们面对面排成两排,在教练的指导下,‘哨声一响起,就打你对面的那个人’,我的脑海里闪过极大的担忧)”可知,作者当时正与球队一起进行脑震荡研究项目,而教练命令队员去打对面的人,由此可推论出,作者一定是担心教练没有意识到其中潜在的伤害。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Hwever, fr decades, cncussin has been cnsidered a temprary injury with n lng-term cnsequences. Many athletes will d just abut anything t stay n the field and ‘play thrugh the pain’ as a sign f tughness.(然而,几十年来,脑震荡一直被认为是一种暂时的伤害,没有长期后果。许多运动员会尽一切努力留在赛场上,‘带伤比赛’,以此作为坚韧的象征)”可知,运动员在遇到与运动相关的脑震荡时往往会忽视它。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段的内容“In the early 1900s ftball was played withut helmets (头盔), but severe injuries, like skull fractures, led t the ccasinal use f leather helmets in the 1920s.The first facemask entered the game in the 1950s. Mdern helmets use advanced shell materials, have mveable panels t absrb frces, and multi-layered padding that respnds t different impacts. Cmpanies will cntinue t imprve helmets as new materials becme available, guided by the newest science.(在20世纪初,足球是不戴头盔的,但20世纪20年代,颅骨骨折等严重损伤导致偶尔使用皮头盔。20世纪50年代,第一个面罩进入了比赛。现代头盔使用先进的外壳材料,有可移动的面板来吸收力,还有多层衬垫来应对不同的冲击。随着新材料的出现,公司将在最新科学的指导下继续改进头盔)”可知,该段主要是说运动员所戴头盔的改进与变化。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章的最后两句“Yet, participatin in any sprt carries injury risk, and cncussin will always be part f that. As thse children becme adults and make sprt their hbby r even career, ensuring them play safely at all levels is essential.(然而,参加任何运动都有受伤的风险,脑震荡永远是其中的一部分。随着这些孩子长大成人,把运动作为他们的爱好甚至职业,确保他们在各个层面上的运动安全至关重要)”可以推论出,运动安全怎么强调都不为过。故选B项。
    What d Harry Ptter, Katniss Everdeen, and Frd all have in cmmn with the heres f ancient myths? Jseph Campbell studied myths frm all ver the wrld and published a bk called “The Her with a Thusand Faces”, retelling dzens f stries and explaining hw each represents the mn-myth, r Her’s Jurney. S, what is the “her’s jurney”?
    He thinks f it as a cycle in his bk. The jurney begins with the her receiving a mysterius message, an invitatin, r a challenge. After crssing the threshld frm his safe hme t adventure, with sme help prbably frm smene lder, wiser, ur her slves a riddle, slays a mnster, escapes frm a trap. The her’s darkest hur then cmes, when he faces death and pssibly even dies, nly t be rebrn. As a result, the her claims sme treasure, special recgnitin, r pwer, which can vary between stries. After all that adventure, the her returns t his rdinary wrld, but upgrades t a new level. Nthing is quite the same nce yu are a her.
    The Her’s Jurney myth exists in all human cultures and keeps getting updated, because we humans reflect n ur wrld thrugh symblic stries f ur wn lives. Yu leave yur cmfrt zne, have an experience that transfrms yu? and then yu recver and d it again. Yu dn’t literally slay dragns r fight Vldemrt, but yu face prblems just as scary. Jseph Campbell said, “In the cave yu fear t enter lies the treasure yu seek.”
    What is the symblic cave then yu fear t enter? Auditins fr the schl play? Baseball tryuts? The paper due?
    Watch fr this frmula in bks, mvies, and TV shws yu cme acrss. Yu will certainly see it again. Als be sensitive t it in yur wn life. Listen fr yur call t adventure. Accept the challenge. Cnquer yur fear and claim the treasure yu seek. And then, d it all ver again.
    12. What is the crrect rder f the fllwing stages f the “Her’s jurney”?
    ①Return t the rdinary wrld but utgrw his ld life.
    ②Receive the call t adventure and assistance frm a wiser.
    ③Set ut n the adventure and g thrugh a series f tugh trials.
    ④Face the life-r-death crisis and be rebrn with sme special pwer.
    A. ①②③④B. ②④①③C. ②③④①D. ③②④①
    13. Why is Her’s Jurney myth s ppular?
    A. Because it’s a way t reflect n ur wrld.
    B. Because it’s a way t learn abut the past.
    C. Because these stries are always being updated.
    D. Because these stries are part f human culture.
    14. Which f the fllwing may the authr disagree with?
    A. We all need a “cave” t hide in face f danger.
    B. Our cmfrt zne will hinder ur develpment.
    C. Difficulties we face tend t be treasures in life.
    D. We shuld vercme ur fears faced with danger.
    15. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Her with a Thusand Faces.B. The Her’s Jurney.
    C. Hw t Cnquer Yur Fear.D. Be Yur Own Her.
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. A 15. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The jurney begins with the her receiving a mysterius message, an invitatin, r a challenge. After crssing the threshld frm his safe hme t adventure, with sme help prbably frm smene lder, wiser, ur her slves a riddle, slays a mnster, escapes frm a trap. The her’s darkest hur then cmes, when he faces death and pssibly even dies, nly t be rebrn. As a result, the her claims sme treasure, special recgnitin, r pwer, which can vary between stries. After all that adventure, the her returns t his rdinary wrld, but upgrades t a new level. (旅程开始于英雄收到一个神秘的信息,一个邀请,或一个挑战。英雄步出平凡安稳的家门,展开冒险。在一些年长、聪明的人的帮助下,他解开了一个谜语,杀死了一个怪物,从陷阱中逃脱。然后,英雄最黑暗的时刻到来了,他面临死亡,甚至为了能够重生,必须先死过一次。结果,英雄获得了一些宝藏、特别的认可或力量,这些在不同的故事中有所不同。在所有的冒险之后,英雄回到了他的平凡世界,但他再也不是昔日吴下阿蒙。)”可知,英雄从智者那里接受冒险和帮助的召唤而踏上冒险之旅,经历一系列艰难的考验,面对生死危机,获得重生;最后,回到平凡的世界,超越过去的自己,提升到新的水平。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The Her’s Jurney myth exists in all human cultures and keeps getting updated because we humans reflect n ur wrld thrugh symblic stries f ur wn lives. (英雄之旅存在于所有的文化中,并且不断地推陈出新。因为我们人类通过自身生活中极具象征性的故事,反映出所处的世界。)”可知,英雄之旅的神话如此流行是因为它是反思我们的世界的一种方式。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段“Yu dn’t literally slay dragns r fight Vldemrt, but yu face prblems just as scary. Jseph Campbell said, “In the cave yu fear t enter lies the treasure yu seek.”(你不需要真正地屠龙或对抗伏地魔,但你面临的问题同样可怕。约瑟夫·坎贝尔说过:“在你害怕进入的洞穴里,藏着你所寻找的宝藏”)”以及文章倒数第二段“What is the symblic cave then yu fear t enter? Auditins fr the schl play? Baseball tryuts? The paper due?(你害怕进入的象征性洞穴是什么?学校戏剧的试镜?棒球选拔赛? 到期的论文?)”可知,在你害怕进入的洞穴里,藏着你所寻找的宝藏,由此推知,作者认为“洞穴”是好的,只有进入这些你害怕进入的洞穴才能找到寻找中的宝藏。A项:We all need a “cave” t hide in face f danger(面对困难时,我们都需要一个“洞穴”来躲藏)与作者表述不符。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“Yu will certainly see it again. Als be sensitive t it in yur wn life. Listen fr yur call t adventure. Accept the challenge. Cnquer yur fear and claim the treasure yu seek. And then, d it all ver again(你一定会再看到它。在你自己的生活中也要对它保持敏感。倾听冒险的召唤。接受挑战。征服你的恐惧,得到你想要的宝藏。然后,再来一遍)”可知,文章倡导去冒险,接受挑战。征服恐惧。D项:Be Yur Own Her(做自己的英雄)合乎题意。故选D。
    The Benefits f After-schl Activities
    Yur kid is asking fr pian lessns, jining a sccer team r taking ballet classes, but yu’re nt s sure that yur mney will be well spent. ___16___ , read these next benefits f participating in hbbies utside the hme. It might just cnvince yu t bk the first class.
    Build cnfidence thrugh creative hbbies
    Frm arts and pem writing t music and crafts, there are lts f creative after-schl activities available ut there fr kids f all ages. Nt nly d these classes stimulate yur little ne’s imaginatin, but they als encurage curisity. ___17___ . Interacting with thers, sharing, cperating and slving cnflicts are all added bnuses and they are all extremely helpful tls in building self-cnfidence.
    These days, the fast-paced wrld we live in causes stress t us all, including children — and prviding fun envirnments and spaces where they can feel safe and creative is an excellent idea t help yur child reduce the stress.___19___ . Yu have t aim t eliminate the stressrs in yur child’s life, regardless f the type f stress yur child is dealing with, be it the case f shyness, scial anxiety r pressure frm schl r hme life.
    Gain physical and psychlgical strength with sprts
    Aviding childhd besity has becme a real issue in a wrld where kids spend mre and mre time indrs, glued t screens. But if yur child shws any interest in a sprt (even if just by watching it n their iPad), grab the pprtunity and intrduce after-schl activities that fcus n said physical activity. In these activities, yur kids can als learn imprtant lessns like respecting thers and teamwrk. ___20___ .
    A. Reduce stress with after-schl activities
    B. Bst children’s enthusiasm and participatin in class
    C. When yur kids spend 80 percent f their hurs at schl
    D. Besides, they make yur child mre cnfident in the prcess
    E. If yu can’t decide abut sending yur kids t after-schl activities
    F. Chsing activities that dn’t put extra pressure n yur kids is als essential
    G. Mst imprtantly, yur children can develp their mental strength while ding sprts
    【答案】16. E 17. D 18. A 19. F 20. G
    根据空前“Yur kid is asking fr pian lessns, jining a sccer team r taking ballet classes, but yu’re nt s sure that yur mney will be well spent.(你的孩子要求上钢琴课,参加足球队或上芭蕾舞课,但你不确定你的钱是否花得值。)”可知,作者是在引出课外活动这一主题。而根据空后的逗号,以及主句“read these next benefits f participating in hbbies utside the hme. (下面是参加课外活动的好处)”可知,空处为从句。选项E“If yu can’t decide abut sending yur kids t after-schl activities(如果你不能决定是否送你的孩子去参加课外活动)”形式上为状语从句,内容上与空后的“参加户外活动的好处”保持一致。故选E。
    根据上文“Frm arts and pem writing t music and crafts, there are lts f creative after-schl activities available ut there fr kids f all ages. Nt nly d these classes stimulate yur little ne’s imaginatin, but they als encurage curisity.(从艺术和诗歌写作到音乐和手工艺,有很多创造性的课外活动可供所有年龄段的孩子们选择。这些课程不仅能激发孩子的想象力,还能激发他们的好奇心)”以及下文“Interacting with thers, sharing, cperating and slving cnflicts are all added bnuses and they are all extremely helpful tls in building self-cnfidence.(与他人互动、分享、合作和解决冲突都是额外的奖励,它们都是建立自信的非常有用的工具)”可知,上下文讲述的都是创造性爱好给孩子带来的好处。选项D“Besides, they make yur child mre cnfident in the prcess(此外,他们会让你的孩子在这个过程中更自信)”讲述的是创造性爱好让孩子有自信心,内容上与下文保持一致,故选D。
    空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“These days, the fast-paced wrld we live in causes stress t us all, including children — and prviding fun envirnments and spaces where they can feel safe and creative is an excellent idea t help yur child reduce the stress. (如今,我们生活的快节奏的世界给我们所有人带来了压力,包括孩子们——提供有趣的环境和空间,让他们感到安全和有创造力,这是一个帮助你的孩子减轻压力的好主意)”可知,课外活动可以帮助孩子减压。选项A“Reduce stress with after-schl activities(通过课外活动减轻压力)”与下文内容一致。故选A。
    根据下文“Yu have t aim t eliminate the stressrs in yur child’s life, regardless f the type f stress yur child is dealing with, be it the case f shyness, scial anxiety r pressure frm schl r hme life.(你必须致力于消除孩子生活中的压力源,不管你的孩子正在处理的是哪种类型的压力,无论是害羞、社交焦虑还是来自学校或家庭生活的压力)”可知,下文指的是要消除孩子生活中的压力源。选项F“Chsing activities that dn’t put extra pressure n yur kids is als essential(选择不会给孩子带来额外压力的活动也很重要)”与下文内容一致,建议家长不要选择会给孩子带来压力的课外活动。故选F。
    根据空前内容“Aviding childhd besity has becme a real issue in a wrld where kids spend mre and mre time indrs, glued t screens. But if yur child shws any interest in a sprt (even if just by watching it n their iPad), grab the pprtunity and intrduce after-schl activities that fcus n said physical activity. In these activities, yur kids can als learn imprtant lessns like respecting thers and teamwrk.(在一个孩子们花越来越多的时间呆在室内、盯着屏幕的世界里,避免儿童肥胖已经成为一个真正的问题。但是,如果你的孩子对某项运动表现出任何兴趣(即使只是在iPad上看),抓住机会,向他们介绍一些以上述体育活动为重点的课外活动。在这些活动中,你的孩子也可以学到重要的课程,如尊重他人和团队合作)”可知,空前讲述的是运动可以帮助孩子学会尊重他人和团队合作。选项G“Mst imprtantly, yur children can develp their mental strength while ding sprts(最重要的是,你的孩子可以在运动中发展他们的智力)”与上文内容一致,介绍的是运动还可以发展孩子的智力。故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I grew up n a university campus in eastern Nigeria.I was a(n) ____21____reader, and what I read were British and American children’s bks.I began t write when I was seven.I wrte exactly the kinds f stries I was reading: All my ____22____ were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snw. They ate apples, and they talked a lt abut the ____23____,hw lvely it was that the sun had ____24____.
    What this demnstrates is hw ____25____we can be influenced by what we read, particularly as children. Because all I had read were freign bks, I had becme ____26____ that bks had t have ____27____ in them and had t be abut things with which I culd nt persnally identify.
    Things ____28____ when I discvered African bks. There weren’t many f them available, and they weren’t quite as easy t ____29____ as the freign bks.
    But _____30_____ writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye I went thrugh a mental _____31_____in my view f literature.I _____32_____ that peple like me, girls with skin the clr f chclate,culd als _____33_____ in literature. I started t write abut things I recgnized. What the _____34_____ f African writers did fr me was this: It saved me frm having a _____35_____ stry f what bks are.
    21. A. earlyB. aimlessC. carefulD. pr
    22. A. instructrsB. neighbrsC. friendsD. characters
    23. A. snwB. fruitsC. cuisineD. weather
    24. A. disappearedB. setC. cme utD. gne dwn
    25. A. brieflyB. regularlyC. scarcelyD. easily
    26. A. cnvincedB. puzzledC. cncernedD. satisfied
    27. A. heresB. freignersC. AfricansD. children
    28. A. remainedB. changedC. wrsenedD. wrked
    29. A. readB. understandC. findD. keep
    30 A. in spite fB. n behalf fC. because fD. instead f
    31. A. cnfusinB. shiftC. blckD. activity
    32. A. realizedB. suspectedC. claimedD. frgt
    33. A. takeB. existC. believeD. majr
    34. A. discveryB. ppularityC. imaginatinD. analysis
    35. A. classicB. remarkableC. whleD. single
    【答案】21. A 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很早(小)的时候就开始阅读了,我读的是英国和美国的儿童书籍。A. early早的;B. aimless没有目标的;C. careful小心的,仔细的;D. pr贫穷的。根据“I began t write when I was seven.”可知,作者很早就开始阅读书籍了。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我写的正是我正在读的那种故事:我所有的角色都是白人和蓝眼睛。A. instructrs指导员;B. neighbrs邻居;C. friends朋友;D. characters性格,角色。根据“I wrte exactly the kinds f stries”可知,此处指作者书中的角色。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们吃着苹果,谈论着天气,说太阳出来了是多么美好。A. snw雪花;B. fruits水果;C. cuisine烹饪,菜肴;D. weather天气。根据“hw lvely it was that the sun had ____4____”可知,他们谈论天气。故选D。
    考查动词(短语)词义辨析。句意同上。A. disappeared消失;B. set设置;C. cme ut出来;D. gne dwn下降。根据“hw lvely it was”和“the sun”可知,太阳出来了。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:这表明我们很容易受到我们所读到的东西的影响,尤其是作为孩子。A. briefly简短地;B. regularly有规律地;C. scarcely几乎不;D. easily容易地。根据上文“.I wrte exactly the kinds f stries I was reading: All my ____2____ were white and blue-eyed.”可知,我们很容易受到我们所读到的东西的影响。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为我读过的都是外国书,所以我开始相信,书里必须有外国人,必须是我个人无法认同的东西。A. cnvinced确信的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. cncerned担心的;D. satisfied满意的。根据“hw ____5____we can be influenced by what we read”可知,因为收到读过的书的影响,作者开始相信,书里必须有外国人。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. heres英雄;B. freigners外国人;C. Africans非洲人;D. children孩子。根据“Because all I had read were freign bks”可知,此处指书里必须有外国人。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我发现非洲书籍时,一切都变了。A. remained停留,剩余;B. changed改变;C. wrsened恶化;D. wrked工作。根据上文“had t be abut things with which I culd nt persnally identify.”和下文“I started t write abut things I recgnized.”可知,读到非洲书籍以后,作者的认知发生了变化。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些书的数量不多,而且不像外国书那么容易找到。A. read阅读;B. understand理解;C. find找到;D. keep保持。根据“There weren’t many f them available”可知,因为非洲书籍不多,所以不容易找到。故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:但是因为像奇努阿·阿奇贝和卡马拉·雷这样的作家,我对文学的看法发生了心理上的转变。A. in spite f尽管;B. n behalf f代表;C. because f因为;D. instead f代替,而不是。根据“I went thrugh a mental ____11____in my view f literature.”可知,作者对文学的看法发生变化,是因为自己像奇努阿·阿奇贝和卡马拉·雷这样的作家(同是黑皮肤的非洲人)。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. cnfusin困惑;B. shift转移,转变;C. blck障碍,街区;D. activity活动。根据“Things ____8____ when I discvered African bks.”可知,非洲书籍的发现,让作者对文学的看法发生了心理上的转变。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我意识到,像我这样有着巧克力色皮肤的女孩,也可以存在于文学作品中。A. realized意识到;B. suspected怀疑;C. claimed声称;D. frgt忘记。根据“I went thrugh a mental ____11____in my view f literature.”可知,作者意识到有着巧克力色皮肤的女孩,也可以存在于文学作品中。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. take带走;B. exist存在;C. believe相信;D. majr主修。根据“that peple like me, girls with skin the clr f chclate”可知,作者意识到非洲女孩也可以出现在书籍中。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:非洲作家的发现对我的影响是这样的:它让我不再对书是什么有一个单一的认识。A. discvery发现;B. ppularity流行;C. imaginatin想象力;D. analysis分析。根据“writers like Chinua Achebe and Camara Laye”可知,此处表示非洲作家的发现。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. classic经典的;B. remarkable显著的;C. whle整个的;D. single单一的。根据“All my ____2____ were white and blue-eyed.”可知,受到非洲书籍的影响,作者故事中的角色不再单一的只是白种人。故选D。
    Last Friday,____36____exhibitin f artifacts (古器物) assciated with Spring Festival traditins and ____37____ (ceremny) f the Qing ryal family frm the Palace Museum’s cllectins____38____(pen) in the Maca Special Administrative Regin (SAR).
    ____39____(name) “Auspicius Beginning: Spring Festival Traditins in the Frbidden City,” the exhibitin features ver 100 ____40____(value) items f utensils, paintings, clthing and musical instrument t display traditinal Spring Festival rituals____41____(include) family reunins, tea feasts, as well as recreatinal activities such as ice-skating games, firewrks and Chinese peras.
    Leng Wai Man, directr f the Cultural Affairs Bureau f the Maca SAR gvernment, said she hped the audience can____42____(deep) understand traditinal Chinese culture.
    A large number f visitrs____43____(pay) a visit t the exhibitin s far,____44____demnstrates lcal peple’s enthusiasm fr traditinal Chinese culture. There is n dubt_____45_____mre and mre peple will lve Chinese culture in the future.
    【答案】36. an 37. ceremnies
    38. pened 39. Named
    40. valuable
    41. including
    42. deeply 43. have paid
    44. which 45. that
    考查动词时态。句意:上周五,故宫博物院藏品中与春节传统和清朝皇室仪式相关的文物展览在澳门特别行政区开幕。分析句子可知,pen(开始营业,开幕)是句中谓语动词,与主语(an) exhibitin之间是主动关系,句中有时间状语Last Friday,应使用一般过去时态。故填pened。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:。分析句子可知,name( 命名,给……取名)是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语the exhibitin之间是被动关系,且“命名”这一动作已经完成,所以应用过去分词,表示被动和完成;句首单词首字母大写。故填Named。
    考查动词时态。句意:到目前为止,已有大量参观者参观了该展览,这体现了当地人民对中国传统文化的热情。分析句子可知,(pay) a visit(参观)是句中谓语,与主语A large number f visitrs之间是主动关系,句中有时间状语s far,应使用现在完成时态,“A large number f+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词使用复数形式。综上,谓语应用现在完成的主动语态,复数形式。故填have paid。
    考查名词性从句。句意:毫无疑问,将来会有越来越多的人喜欢中国文化。There is n dubt that...是固定句型,意为“毫无疑问,……”,其中that引导同位语从名。故填that。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack听说中国正在实行“双减”政策,来信询问新政策下中国的中学生们应如何规划自己的学习和课余生活。请根据以下要点给他回信。
    1. 你的个人建议;
    2. 你对该政策的感想。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. “双减”政策:the plicy f “duble-lightening the burden”
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jack,
    I’ m writing t share with yu hw t plan ur study and after-schl life under the plicy f “duble-lightening the burden”.
    Firstly, make full use f the time at schl. Cncentrating n ur lessns and slving all the prblems in time can help us better manage ur time. Secndly, finish hmewrk effectively, which helps us develp the ability f being attentive. Lastly, take up sme healthy and meaningful hbbies t enrich ur after-schl life and gain sme useful life skills.
    Hpefully, the plicy will relieve ur study pressure, helping us grw up healthily and happily.
    Li Hua
    充分利用:make full use f→ make the mst f
    集中注意力于:cncentrate n→ fcus n
    开始做:take up→ start t engage in
    压力:pressure→ stress
    原句:Cncentrating n ur lessns and slving all the prblems in time can help us better manage ur time.
    拓展句:If we Cncentrate n ur lessns and slve all the prblems in time, it can help us better manage ur time.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Secndly, finish hmewrk effectively, which helps us develp the ability f being attentive.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句。)
    【高分句型2】Hpefully, the plicy will relieve ur study pressure, helping us grw up healthily and happily.(运用了非谓语动词中现在分词作伴随状语。)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Settle dwn!” Mr. Taylr was trying t calm the bys with a lud vice. The mment they entered the gym and saw the climbing walls twering ver them, the bys gt excited and started making nises. But Stevie was an exceptin, wh was standing aside lking at his thin arms silently. Stevie didn’t like climbing. It wasn’t his thing. Getting alng with peple wasn’t his thing, either. He just felt nbdy liked r trusted him at schl.
    Then came the cach, wh taught the bys sme basic skills. He said everyne shuld have a climbing partner and shwed them hw t belay (保护) their partner. “If yu are a climber, trust yur belayer and challenge yurself. Belayers, please remember that yur partner’s life depends n yu.”
    The mment he finished, the bys culdn’t wait t match themselves with a partner except Stevie, wh was left alne wandering arund the gym. Nticing his embarrassment, Mr. Taylr raised his vice and said, “I need smene I can really trust t team up with!” He lked arund. Then his gaze fell upn Stevie. “Hw abut yu, Stevie? Wuld yu like t be my belayer?” “Me?” Stevie widened his eyes, surprised t hear Mr. Taylr even say his name. He had thught he was invisible. “I guess,” Stevie managed a weak smile.
    Nervus as he was, he plucked up curage. “It desn’t matter wh gets t the tp first. It’s abut giving it a g.” Hearing Mr. Taylr’s wrds, Stevie gritted (咬紧牙关) his teeth and mved up slwly, his face pressed against the rugh surface. “Dne it!” Stevie finally called frm the tp with excitement. Then Mr. Taylr started t let him dwn thrugh a perfect cntrl f the rpe.“Well dne,” said Mr. Taylr when Stevie landed n the flr.
    Nw it’s Stevie’s turn t cntrl the rpe. Bearing in mind his respnsibility, Stevie carefully watched as Mr. Taylr climbed up, pulling in the rpe hand ver hand. He felt his heart racing wildly. Finally, Mr. Taylr arrived at the tp. “Ready t let me dwn nw?” said Mr. Taylr. “Okay,” Stevie tk a deep breath, his palms sweating uncntrllably.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    As Stevie lsened the grip, the rpe slipped thrugh his hand much faster than expected.
    Suddenly, the bys burst int wild applause and yelled encuragement at them.
    As Stevie lsened the grip, the rpe slipped thrugh his hand much faster than expected. Suddenly, Mr. Taylr drpped like a stne. Stevie let ut a little scream. The picture f Mr. Taylr hitting the grund flashed ver his mind. He quickly gripped the rpe, bringing Mr. Taylr t a sudden stp. Regretful and cautius, Stevie lked up and saw Mr. Taylr wearing a smile and encuraging him with an inspiring gesture, which made him less nervus. Then he restarted lsening the grip slwly. Finally, Mr. Taylr drpped smthly dwn t the bttm and signaled t Stevie with a thumb up. “Yu made it!”
    Suddenly, the bys burst int wild applause and yelled encuragement at them. When Mr. Taylr stepped frward and gave Stevie a big hug, a ripple f excitement and pride ran thrugh him. Frm that day n, Stevie pened his heart t the peple arund him. He made new friends at schl. He even fell in lve with climbing where he was regarded as a trustwrthy teammate. Grateful t Mr. Taylr, he knew deep dwn in his heart that it was his teacher’s trust that allwed him t embrace his new self and thers.
    【导语】本篇书面表达是读后续写。本篇文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了在攀岩馆里,孩子们被要求自行配对练习,而不善交际的男孩Stevie显得格格不入、尴尬地在场馆晃荡。Mr. Taylr察觉到了这一切,就巧妙地邀请Stevie与他搭档。第一轮,Taylr完美地帮助他爬到顶端并回到地面。第二轮,轮到Stevie帮助Mr. Taylr了,Stevie因为紧张握不紧绳子,Taylr有摔下来的危险,在Taylr的信任与鼓励下,Stevie设法控制住了绳子使教练安全着陆。这件事也让Stevie有了很大的改变,他学会了信任与挑战自我,真正实现自我突破。
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:在鼓励与信任下设法控制住绳索——Taylr安全着陆——感到兴奋自豪——实现自我突破——感激鼓励与信任
    3. 词汇激活:
    ①抓住绳索:grip the rpe/keep a tight grip n the rpe
    ③拥抱:give sb a big hug/hug sb
    ①兴奋、自豪:a ripple f excitement and pride run thrugh sb/sb feel excited and prud
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Regretful and cautius, Stevie lked up and saw Mr. Taylr wearing a smile and encuraging him with an inspiring gesture, which made him less nervus. (运用which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】When Mr. Taylr stepped frward and gave Stevie a big hug, a ripple f excitement and pride ran thrugh him. (运用when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型3】Grateful t Mr. Taylr, he knew deep dwn in his heart that it was his teacher’s trust that allwed him t embrace his new self and thers. (运用that引导的宾语从句和强调句型)

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