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    Based n 2023’s new bk releases, we have a feeling that we’ll be reading all year lng. Belw, we re highlighting just a few f the new bks cming ut in 2023 that yu may want t check ut.
    The Peple Wh Reprt Mre Stress
    By Alejandr Valer
    Alejandr’s first nvel The Twn f Babyln came ut in 2022, and this frthcming shrt stry cllectin, full f memrable persnalities, explres similar themes: cmmunity, relatinships, mdern incredible life, racism and parenthd.
    When Trying t Return Hme
    By Jennifer Maritza McCauley
    Spanning (跨越) between Puert Ric, Pittsburgh, Luisiana and Miami, this shrt stry cllectin explres the cmplexities f belnging and the true meaning f hme. Each individual stry and the themes mentined are written thrugh the Black American and Afr-Latin experiences.
    The Last Tale f the Flwer Bride
    By Rshani Chkshi
    Rshani Chkshi’s first surprising nvel fr adults is a fairy tale-filled stry abut marriage and the secrets cuples keep frm each ther. That, and an enchanted (施过魔法的) huse ff the cast f Washingtn and htel frtune.
    I Have Sme Questins fr Yu
    By Rebecca Makkai
    Imagine if yur life was the stuff f a true crime dcumentary. Bdie Kane has tried t mve n past the 1995 murder f her barding schl rmmate. When she returns t the barding schl as an adult, Bdie realizes there are still mysteries abut hw the case was wrapped up and justice was served.
    1.What d we knw abut The Peple Wh Reprt Mre Stress?
    A. It’s the secnd expensive f the fur.
    B. It’s Alejandr Valer’s first nvel.
    C. It cnsists f sme shrt stries.
    D. It deals with several different themes.
    2.What is special abut When Trying t Return Hme?
    A. It explres cmmunity, relatinships and s n.
    B. It tells the true meaning f hme by experiences.
    C. It tells an enchanted huse ff the cast f Washingtn.
    D. It describes hw a Black American returns t his hme.
    3.Which f the fllwing bks best suits a detective stry lver?
    A. The Peple Wh Reprt Mre Stress
    B. When Trying t Return Hme
    C. The Last Tale f the Flwer Bride
    D. I Have Sme Questins fr Yu
    As funder f the Glbal Water Plicy Prject and lead expert fr Natinal Gegraphic’s Freshwater Initiative, Sandra’s gal is t prmte the cnservatin and sustainable use f the Earth’s freshwater resurces.
    Sandra says she grew up in New Yrk as a Lng Island beach kid. She was always a ware f the “cmfrt, peace, and balance” ffered by the natural wrld, especially the envirnments f wetlands and rivers. Befre starting wrk n a prject, Sandra cnsiders an area’s “gegraphy f water”: the amunt f water in the area’s basin, the ppulatin, and the agricultural use f water. The gegraphy f water helps Sandra determine an area’s water stress. Water stress is the situatin where a cmmunity is using mre water than nature made available.
    Sandra first became aware f the cncept f water stress after reading Swedish hydrlgist Malin Falkenmark’s bk Water fr a Starving Wrld. This grundbreaking wrk linked water use, fd and ppulatin. As Sandra began t understand water stress, she realized it affects everything, frm a cmmunity’s develpment t its plitical security. “S many great civilizatins develped alngside rivers and lakes,” she says, pinting t the ancient civilizatins f Ur (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), Egypt (which develped n the Nile), and the Indus River Valley.
    Tday, Sandra pints ut, mre than 200 rivers are shared between tw r mre natins. Dams and ther river management techniques implemented (实施) by natins upstream have a huge impact n natins dwnstream. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers have their surces in Turkey, fr example, but their basins are in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. River management frm Turkey wuld impact the freshwater available t these cuntries fr drinking, hygiene (卫生), industry, and transprtatin.
    Water management has becme part f many natins’ freign plicy. Sandra pints t the Mekng River Cmmissin. The headwaters f the Mekng River are in China, althugh the basin is nearly 800,000 square kilmeters and includes the natins f Myanmar, Cambdia, Las, Thailand, and Vietnam. Many gvernments are members f the Mekng River Cmmissin, which prmtes sustainable develpment f the water supply.
    4.What did water mean t Sandra as a child?
    A. It represented a kind f spirit.B. It caused stress t her life.
    C. It brught many bstacles t her.D. It ffered a way fr transprtatin.
    5.What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A. Water stress was perfectly settled.
    B. Water cntributed much t the wrld culture.
    C. Water had n impact n the steadiness f a natin.
    D. Water crisis was recgnized befre Malin’s bk.
    6.What inspiratin can we get frm the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
    A. Upstream cuntries have pririties.B. Every cuntry has its plicy fr rivers.
    C. Rivers acrss cuntries are decreasing.D. Surce gvernance f rivers is critical.
    7.What’s the purpse f the authr taking the Mekng River as an example?
    A. T shw its imprtance t the lcals.B. T emphasize its great vlume f flw.
    C. T shw the pwer f cperatin.D. T tell its challenges t related natins.
    Inspired by the effrtless way humans handle bjects withut seeing them, a team led by engineers at the University f Califrnia San Dieg has develped a new apprach that enables a rbtic hand t rtate (旋转) bjects alne thrugh tuch, withut relying n visin.
    Using their technique, the researchers built a rbtic hand that can smthly rtate a wide variety f bjects, such as small tys, cans, and even fruits and vegetables, withut damaging them. The rbtic hand perfrmed these tasks using nly infrmatin based n tuch. The wrk culd aid in the develpment f rbts that can manipulate bjects in the dark. T build their system, the researchers attached 16 tuch sensrs t the palm (掌心) and fingers f a fur-fingered rbtic hand. Each sensr csts abut $12 and serves a simple functin: detect whether an bject is tuching it r nt.
    What makes this apprach unique is that it relies n many lw-cst tuch sensrs that use simple, binary (二进制的) signals — tuch r n tuch — t perfrm rbtic in-hand rtatin. These sensrs are spread ver a large area f the rbtic hand. This cntrasts with a variety f ther appraches that rely n a few high-cst tuch sensrs attached t a small area f the rbtic hand,primarily at the fingertips.
    The researchers then tested their system n the real-life rbtic hand with bjects that the system has nt yet encuntered. The rbtic hand was able t rtate a variety f bjects withut lsing its hld. The bjects included a tmat,pepper,a can f peanut butter and a ty rubber duck,which was the mst challenging bject due t its shape.
    Wang and his team are nw wrking n extending their apprach t mre cmplex peratin tasks. They are currently develping techniques t enable rbtic hands t thrw and catch, fr example. “If we can give rbts this skill, that will pen the dr t the kinds f tasks they can perfrm,” said Wang.
    8.What des the underlined wrd “manipulate” prbably mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Remve.B. Cntrl.C. Recgnize.D. Distribute.
    9.What d we knw abut the tuch sensrs f the rbtic hand?
    A. They are quite expensive.B. They are mainly in the fingertips.
    C. They perfrm cmplex tasks.D. They cver mst f its area.
    10.What d the researchers’ tests n the rbtic hand fcus n?
    A. Hw well they can functin.B. Hw fast they can perfrm tasks.
    C. Hw accurate they will be.D. Hw intelligent they becme.
    11.What des Wang think f their current wrk n the rbtic hand?
    A. Challenging.B. Prmising.C. Efficient.D. Eventful.
    Russia is launching a new mdule (舱) fr the Internatinal Space Statin(ISS), after mre than a decade f delays. The Nauka mdule is set t lift ff frm Baiknur Csmdrme in Kazakhstan n tp f a Prtn-M rcket at arund 15:00 GMT tday, alng with a new rbtic arm fr the statin created by the Eurpean Space Agency.
    The ISS is cmpsed f mdules and equipment frm different space agencies including Eurpe, Japan and Canada, but the majr part f the statin is cmpsed f tw main sectins, a Russian part and a US part. At 13 meters lng and weighing mre than 20 tnnes, Nauka, als called the Multipurpse Labratry Mdule, will be amng the largest in Russia’s half.
    After launch, Nauka will take eight days t reach the ISS. Once attached, it will act as a new centre fr the Russian part f the statin. “It’s a science labratry, and it als prvides a lt f imprtant service systems,” says Anatly Zak, editr f a website. Planned research includes bilgical and materials science experiments. “It’s a step in making the Russian part mre independent (frm the US part).” This includes a new tilet inside the mdule and sleeping rms fr the crew.
    The launch f Nauka has been a lng time cming, with cnstructin f the mdule beginning in the 1990s. Technical and supply issues since then, such as the lss f cmpnents frm Ukraine fllwing the Russian annexatin (兼并) f Crimea in 2014, have seen develpment stumble (蹒跚而行). “It’s much mre cmplex than anything the Russian space prgramme has tried t build in the last few years,” says Zak. Russia’s last mdule — Rassvet — was carried t the ISS by a US spacecraft in 2010.
    12.What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A. The size f the ISS.B. The majr part f the ISS.
    C. The frmatin f the ISS.D. Sme infrmatin abut Nauka.
    13.What can we say abut Nauka?
    A. It will rely n the US sectin.B. It is a cmprehensive mdule.
    C. It serves as a supprting mdule.D. It will make the Russian part dependent.
    14.Which f the fllwing best describes Nauka?
    A. Eventful.B. Pleasant.C. Dangerus.D. Cstly.
    15.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Ways f space explratin.B. Meaning f Nauka t ISS.
    C. Great functins f a launch.D. Launch f a new mdule.
    16.All relatinships require wrk, thugh it may nt always feel like wrk. ① _________ Prfessinal relatinships require wrk t. Here are sme tips t imprve yur relatinships and get alng better with thers in bth yur persnal and yur prfessinal lives.
    Listen t thers. The mst imprtant skill in cmmunicatin is the ability t listen t thers. Rather than ding all the talking, take time t stp and hear what thers have t say. ② _________
    Be plite and psitive. When yu are the ne speaking, d it in a way that cnsiders thers’ feelings and leaves a psitive impact. Think abut what yu want t say befre yu say it. ③ _________If yu’re respnding t smene, say smething psitive if yu agree and ffer an encuraging wrd. Ding this early in yur relatinship sets a healthy example fr future interactins.
    Be hnest and sincere. Anther cmmunicatin skill is t make sure yu speak with hnesty and sincerity. ④ _________When we trust peple, we knw that “they say what they mean, and they mean what they say. ”
    ⑤ _________Listen with respect fr ther peple’s experiences. Lk fr chances t listen t them, even if yu disagree with what they are saying. Be pen t changing yur mind r understanding things in a different way. Yu may als want t ask fr and receive feedback n yur wn business. A different view prvides yu with the chance t grw and learn.
    A. Keep an pen mind.
    B. Lk fr cmmn grund.
    C. Avid interrupting ther peple.
    D. Ask questins that help yu understand them mre deeply.
    E. Dn’t be afraid t aplgize if yu say smething unintended.
    F. Yu will build relatinships with thers when yu tell them the truth.
    G. That culd mean calling a friend, r getting tgether with yur family fr the hlidays.
    Jim Quick grew up n a farm in Orchard Hill, Gergia. There he learned hw 1 bees are t the fd we eat. When he was 11, his grandfather asked him t start a beehive t keep the 2 grwing strng.
    “Frty-tw years later, and I’m still 3 ,”Quick said in a recent interview. Befre his retirement, the master beekeeper taught entmlgy (the study f insects) at the University f Gergia in Athens.
    Quick is still learning abut bees n the farm where he grew up. But he is wrried: The bee 4 is in danger. Nearly 40% f beehives in the United States were 5 in 2021 alne. This 6 Quick and ther scientists because bees are essential t fd 7 .They pllinate (授粉) flwering crps and plants, 8 the prductin f seeds and fruits.
    The declining bee ppulatin can be 9 by several factrs, including parasites (寄生物) that kill r weaken the hives. Habitat lss, 10 , and climate change are als t blame. Pesticides get int the nectar (花蜜) f plants, which is essential t a bee’s 11 . Pisnus substances in the nectar harm the bees’ memry.
    Scientists are searching fr 12 t help the bee ppulatin. But Quick already has a(n) 13 .“Set up a beehive at schl,” he said, “and learn mre abut pllinatrs.” Kids aren’t t yung t 14 . After all, just at the age f 11 Quick 15 his first beehive. “We culd grw mre bees,” he said, “if we had mre peple t d it.”
    17.A. vitalB. friendlyC. addictedD. sensitive
    18.A. beesB. bushesC. crpsD. rts
    19.A. tryingB. wrkingC. learningD. teaching
    20.A. grwthB. migratinC. diversityD. ppulatin
    21.A. lstB. mvedC. cllectedD. discvered
    22.A. disappintsB. cncernsC. shcksD. challenges
    23.A. safetyB. strageC. flavrD. prductin
    24.A. relying nB. resulting inC. speeding upD. cntrlling ver
    25.A. causedB. identifiedC. wrsenedD. limited
    26.A. enemiesB. disastersC. diseasesD. chemicals
    27.A. sizeB. lifeC. dietD. memry
    28.A. cluesB. slutinsC. vlunteersD. dnatins
    29.A. jbB. ideaC. chiceD. schedule
    30.A. helpB. rememberC. decideD. cmmunicate
    31.A. decratedB. designedC. startedD. bught
    32.Falling arund December 22nd, the winter slstice (冬至) is ne f the traditinal Chinese festivals ① _________ als ne f the 24 slar terms (节气).
    The winter slstice festival riginated frm the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD) and ② _________ (develp) well in the Tang and Sng dynasties (618-1279). Peple in the ld times attached great ③ _________ (imprtant) t the festival. In the Han Dynasty, the festival was regarded as the Winter Festival and peple had ne day ff fr the hliday. Officials rganized the ceremnies ④ _________ (celebrate) the day and peple visited each ther with delicius fd.
    Traditins and custms fr the day vary ⑤ _________ different areas f China. In the nrthern part f China, peple usually eat dumplings, and muttn t celebrate the day. In the suthern part, tang yuan and ndles are the festival fd. The dumpling is the⑥ _________ (essence) fd fr peple in nrthern China. After the winter slstice, it will becme clder and clder. By eating dumplings, peple think they can avid ⑦ _________ (they) ears frm being frzen as the dumplings lk like peple’s ear.
    Tangyuan, ⑧ _________ is ppular in suthern China, is a kind f glutinus rice (糯米) ball with different fillings. It can ⑨ _________ (bil) r fried. Peple think after ⑩ _________ (eat) it, they will age ne. Peple als use it t present t relatives and friends.
    33.假定你是李华,你的留学生好友Peter在你市举办的“中国传统文化知识竞赛(Chinese Traditinal Culture Cntest)”中获得外国选手组一等奖。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    The wind hwled (呼啸) with the terrible strm at night. The stars were stuck t the black sheet f the sky. The next mrning, when I wke up, the winter’s icy wind caused me t shake
    My friends and I agreed t take up the skiing cntest. I tk a seat near the heater, warming my hand and trying t calm myself befre the skiing cntest. I was encuraging myself by shuting, “I can win this cntest. ”As sn as I reached the white muntain tp, I began wearing my safety guards fr the climb dwn. We rhythmically recited “Ready-set-g” and the race began. At every mment my speed started t increase. Finally, winning was nly ne step away. As a wise man had nce said, “With a determined heart, a muse can als lift an elephant. S willpwer and curage can help cnquer (战胜) a hard task. ” My hpe helped me t cnquer this challenging race. I was n tp f the wrld by winning the skiing cntest. Skiing has nw becme my hbby.
    The next mrning, it was snwing heavily. Watching this wnderful sight alng with tasting the delicius ht chclate, we friends were planning t g fr an vernight climb t the tp f the muntain. We came ut f the htel rm and stepped int the deep snw which buried half ur legs int the sft snwy grund. The best mment till nw was lking up at the grand muntain. Als the view was clear. I was eager t start my climb. We climbed twards the tp and all f a sudden I lst my balance and fell frm the muntain. Frtunately I did nt end up giving up my life but gt a severe fracture (骨折) n my leg.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    This put me int cmplete disappintment in the first few days f my recvery.
    One fine evening, I saw a jyful hawker (饲鹰者) with a disabled eagle.
    解析:细节理解题。根据The Peple Wh Reprt Mre Stress部分的“Alejandr’s first nvel The Twn f Babyln came ut in 2022,and this frthcming shrt stry cllectin (亚历杭德罗的第一部小说《巴比伦城》于2022年出版,这本即将出版的短篇故事集)”可知,这本书是短篇故事集。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。从When Trying t Return Hme部分中的“this shrt stry cllectin explres the cmplexities f belnging and the true meaning f hme. Each individual stry and the themes mentined are written thrugh the Black American and Afr-Latin experiences. (这本短篇小说集探讨了归属的复杂性和家的真正意义。每个人的故事和提到的主题都是通过美国黑人和非裔拉丁美洲人的经历写成的)”可知,此书通过主人公的经历告诉我们家的意义。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。从最后一段“Bdie Kane has tried t mve n past the 1995 murder f her barding schl rmmate. When she returns t the barding schl as an adult, Bdie realizes there are still mysteries abut hw the case was wrapped up and justice was served. (博迪·凯恩试图忘掉1995年她寄宿学校室友被谋杀的事。当她成年后回到寄宿学校时,博迪意识到案件是如何结束的,正义是如何得到伸张的,这仍然是一个谜)”可知,I Have Sme Questins fr Yu是一本侦探小说,适合侦探故事爱好者。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。由文章第二段中“She was always a ware f the “cmfrt, peace, and balance” ffered by the natural wrld, especially the envirnments f wetlands and rivers.(她一直关注大自然,尤其是湿地和河流环境所提供的“舒适、和平与平衡”)”可推知,水对于孩子时的Sandra来说代表着一种精神。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。由文章第三段中““S many great civilizatins develped alngside rivers and lakes,” she says, pinting t the ancient civilizatins f Ur (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), Egypt (which develped n the Nile), and the Indus River Valley. (“许多伟大的文明都是沿着河流和湖泊发展起来的,”她说,她指的是乌尔(底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之间)、埃及(尼罗河上发展起来的)和印度河流域的古代文明)”可知,水在世界文明中起到重要作用。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由文章第四段中“Dams and ther river management techniques implemented (实施) by natins upstream have a huge impact n natins dwnstream. (上游国家实施的水坝和其他河流管理技术对下游国家产生了巨大影响)”可推知,上游国家对河流的管理非常重要。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。作者在最后一段讲述了湄公河的情况。由文章最后一句“Many gvernments are members f the Mekng River Cmmissin, which prmtes sustainable develpment f the water supply. (许多政府都是湄公河委员会的成员,该委员会旨在促进水资源供应的可持续发展)”可知,合作治理在提升水供应的可持续发展中发挥了重大作用。由此推知,作者以湄公河为例的目的是展示合作的力量。故选C项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据划线词上文“Using their technique, the researchers built a rbtic hand that can smthly rtate a wide variety f bjects, such as small tys, cans, and even fruits and vegetables, withut damaging them. The rbtic hand perfrmed these tasks using nly infrmatin based n tuch.(利用他们的技术,研究人员制造了一只机器人手,它可以平滑地旋转各种各样的物体,比如小玩具、罐头,甚至水果和蔬菜,而不会损坏它们。机器人手仅使用基于触摸的信息来执行这些任务)”可知,机器人手可以基于触摸来旋转各种物体,由此可推测,划线词所在句意为“这项工作可能有助于开发能够在黑暗中操纵物体的机器人”。这跟第一段“Inspired by the effrtless way humans handle bjects withut seeing them, a team led by engineers at the University f Califrnia San Dieg has develped a new apprach that enables a rbtic hand t rtate (旋转) bjects alne thrugh tuch, withut relying n visin.(受人类不用看就能轻松处理物体的启发,加州大学圣地亚哥分校的工程师领导的一个团队开发了一种新方法,使机器人手可以通过触摸单独旋转物体,而不依赖于视觉)”意思相符。因此,此处manipulate表示“操控;控制”之意。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“These sensrs are spread ver a large area f the rbtic hand.(这些传感器分布在机器人手的大部分区域)”可知,这些传感器分布在机器人手的大部分区域。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。从倒数第二段“The researchers then tested their system n the real-life rbtic hand with bjects that the system has nt yet encuntered. The rbtic hand was able t rtate a variety f bjects withut lsing its hld. The bjects included a tmat, pepper, a can f peanut butter and a ty rubber duck, which was the mst challenging bject due t its shape.(然后,研究人员在现实生活中的机器人手上用一些该系统还没有遇到过的物体测试。机器人手能够旋转各种物体而不会失去控制。这些物品包括一个西红柿、胡椒、一罐花生酱和一个玩具橡皮鸭,由于它的形状,橡皮鸭是最具挑战性的物品)”可知,研究者让机器人手抓一些物品,故推测研究者主要专注于测试它的性能。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“‘If we can give rbts this skill, that will pen the dr t the kinds f tasks they can perfrm,’ said Wang.(‘如果我们能赋予机器人这种技能,那将为它们完成各种任务打开大门。’Wang说)”可知,Wang认为目前的研究是有前途的。故选B。
    解析:段落大意题。根据第二段中的“The ISS is cmpsed f mdules and equipment frm different space agencies including Eurpe, Japan and Canada, but the majr part f the statin is cmpsed f tw main sectins, a Russian part and a US part.(国际空间站由来自欧洲、日本和加拿大等不同航天机构的太空舱和设备组成,但空间站的主要部分由两个主要部分组成,一个是俄罗斯部分,另一个是美国部分。)”可知,本段主要介绍了国际空间站的组成情况。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“‘It’s a science labratry, and it als prvides a lt f imprtant service systems,’ says Anatly Zak, editr f a website.(“这是一个科学实验室,它还提供了许多重要的服务系统,”一家网站的编辑Anatly Zak说。)”可知,Nauka集科研与服务为一体,由此可推测出,这是一个综合性太空舱。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The launch f Nauka has been a lng time cming, with cnstructin f the mdule beginning in the 1990s. Technical and supply issues since then, such as the lss f cmpnents frm Ukraine fllwing the Russian annexatin (兼并) f Crimea in 2014, have seen develpment stumble (蹒跚而行). (Nauka的开始已经有很长一段时间了,太空舱建设始于20世纪90年代。自那以后,技术和供应问题,如2014年俄罗斯吞并克里米亚后乌克兰部件的损失,导致发展受挫。)”可知,Nauka太空舱的建设始于20世纪90年代,但它经历了许多问题,导致发展受挫,由此可推测出,Nauka历经变故,eventful意为“多变故的”。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇新闻报道,根据第一段首句“Russia is launching a new mdule(舱) fr the Internatinal Space Statin(ISS), after mre than a decade f delays.(经过十多年的拖延,俄罗斯正在为国际空间站发射一个新的太空舱。)”可知,本文主要讲述了俄罗斯把一个新的太空舱发射到国际空间站。故选D。
    解析:①根据空前的“All relatinships require wrk, thugh it may nt always feel like wrk.(所有的关系都需要努力,尽管它可能并不总是感觉像工作)”可知,所有的关系都需要经营,本空要说跟“怎样经营”有关的话题,故G选项“That culd mean calling a friend, r getting tgether with yur family fr the hlidays.(这可能意味着给朋友打电话,或者和家人一起度假)”能承接上文,符合题意。G项的That指代前文中的wrk,符合语境。故选G。
    ②本段的主旨句是“Listen t thers. (倾听他人)”和上文“The mst imprtant skill in cmmunicatin is the ability t listen t thers. Rather than ding all the talking, take time t stp and hear what thers have t say.(沟通中最重要的技能是倾听他人的能力。与其一直说话,不如花点时间停下来听听别人要说什么)”可知,本空要说跟“倾听他人”有关的话题,故C选项“Avid interrupting ther peple. (避免打断他人)”总结上文,指出要避免打断别人的话。故选C。
    ③本段的主旨句是“Be plite and psitive.(礼貌和积极)”可知,本空要说跟“礼貌和积极”有关的话题,故E选项“Dn’t be afraid t aplgize if yu say smething unintended.(如果你说了一些不经意的话,不要害怕道歉)”能承接上文,符合题意。而E项的aplgize正是plite and psitive的体现。故选E。
    ④本段的主旨句是“Be hnest and sincere.(诚实和真诚)”可知,本空要说跟“诚实和真诚”有关的话题,故F选项“Yu will build relatinships with thers when yu tell them the truth.(当你告诉别人真相时,你会与他们建立关系)”能承接上文,符合题意。而F项的tell them the truth就是Be hnest and sincere的体现。故选F。
    ⑤从本段的“Be pen t changing yur mind r understanding things.(对改变你的想法或理解事物持开放态度)”可知,要保持开放的心态,故A选项“Keep an pen mind. (保持开放的心态)”能概括段落主旨,符合题意。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那里,他了解到蜜蜂对我们食物的重要性。A. vital至关重要的;B. friendly友好的;C. addicted沉迷的;D. sensitive敏感的。由下文“because bees are essential t fd”可知,蜜蜂对我们的食物至关重要,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他11岁的时候,他的祖父让他建一个蜂箱来维持庄稼的生长。A. bees蜂蜜;B. bushes灌木丛;C. crps庄稼;D. rts根部。蜜蜂对我们的食物至关重要,由此可推断出,建一个蜂箱是用来维持庄稼的生长,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:Quick在最近一次采访中说:“42年过去了,我仍然在学习。”A. trying尝试;B. wrking工作;C. learning学习;D. teaching教。由下文“Quick is still learning abut bees n the farm where he grew up.”可知,Quick仍然在学习,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是他很担心:蜜蜂种群正处于危险之中。A. grwth成长;B. migratin迁徙;C. diversity多样性;D. ppulatin人口;种群;族群。由下文“in danger”可知,蜜蜂种群正处于危险之中,故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:仅在2021年,美国就有近40%的蜂箱损失。A. lst丢失;被损坏;B. mved移动;C. cllected收集;D. discvered发现。蜜蜂种群正处于危险之中,由此可知,此处指仅在2021年美国就有近40%的蜂箱损失,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这引起了Quick和其他科学家的担忧,因为蜜蜂对食物生产至关重要。A. disappints使失望;B. cncerns关心;使担忧;C. shcks震惊;D. challenges挑战。仅在2021年,美国就有近40%的蜂箱损失,这引起了Quick和其他科学家的担忧,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这引起了Quick和其他科学家的担忧,因为蜜蜂对食物生产至关重要。A. safety安全;B. strage储存;C. flavr风味;D. prductin生产。蜜蜂对食物生产至关重要,故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:它们为开花的作物和植物授粉,从而产生种子和果实。A. relying n依靠;B. resulting in导致;C. speeding up加速;D. cntrlling ver控制。由上文“They pllinate (授粉) flwering crps and plants”和下文“the prductin f seeds and fruits.”可知,蜜蜂为开花的作物和植物授粉,从而产生种子和果实,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:蜜蜂数量的减少可以由几个因素造成,包括杀死或削弱蜂巢的寄生虫。A. caused引起;造成;B. identified认出;C. wrsened变坏;D. limited限制。由下文“by several factrs”可知,蜜蜂数量的减少可以由几个因素造成,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:栖息地丧失、化学物质和气候变化也是罪魁祸首。A. enemies敌人;B. disasters灾难;C. diseases疾病;D. chemicals化学品。由下文“Pesticides”可知,化学物质也是导致蜜蜂数量减少的原因,故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:农药进入植物的花蜜中,花蜜对蜜蜂的饮食至关重要。A. size尺寸;B. life生活;C. diet饮食;D. memry记忆。由上文“Pesticides get int the nectar (花蜜) f plants, which is essential t a bee’s”可知,蜜蜂吃花蜜,所以当农药进入植物的花蜜中,会对蜜蜂的饮食造成危害,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:科学家们正在寻找帮助蜜蜂繁殖的办法。A. clues线索;B. slutins解决方法;C. vlunteers志愿者;D. dnatins捐赠物。由下文“t help the bee ppulatin.”可知,科学家们正在寻找帮助蜜蜂繁殖的办法,故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:但Quick已经有了一个想法。A. jb工作;B. idea主意;想法;C. chice选择;D. schedule计划表。由下文““Set up a beehive at schl,” he said, “and learn mre abut pllinatrs.””可知,Quick已经有了一个想法——在学校里建一个蜂巢,让学生学习更多关于授粉者的知识。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子们还没小到不能帮忙的地步。A. help帮助;B. remember记住;C. decide决定;D. cmmunicate交流。由上文“Set up a beehive at schl,” he said, “and learn mre abut pllinatrs.”可知,在学校里建一个蜂巢,让学生学习更多关于授粉者的知识,这能让孩子们对蜜蜂的繁殖有所帮助,故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,Quick仅仅11岁就开始了他的第一个蜂箱。A. decrated装修;B. designed设计;C. started开始;D. bught买。由第一段做“When he was 11, his grandfather asked him t start a beehive”可知,Quick仅仅11岁就开始了他的第一个蜂箱,故选C。
    32.答案:①and②develped③imprtance④t celebrate⑤in⑥essential⑦their⑧which⑨be biled⑩eating
    解析:①考查连词。句意:冬至大约在12月22日,是中国的传统节日之一,也是24节气之一。ne f the traditinal Chinese festivals和als ne f the 24 slar terms是并列关系,所以用并列连词and。故填and。
    ②考查时态。句意:冬至节日起源于汉代(公元前202年-公元220年),在唐宋时期(618-1279年)发展得很好。所填词作谓语,根据时间状语 in the Tang and Sng dynasties判断,用一般过去时。故填develped。
    ④考查非谓语动词。句意:官员们组织仪式来庆祝这一天,人们用美味的食物互相拜访。所填词作目的状语,用动词不定式。故填t celebrate。
    ⑤考查介词。句意:这一天的传统和习俗在中国不同地区各不相同。vary in sth.为固定搭配,意为“在某方面不同”。故填in。
    ⑧考查定语从句。句意:汤圆是一种有不同馅料的糯米团,在中国南方很受欢迎。所填词引导非限制性定语从句,指代tang yuan,在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    ⑨考查语态。句意:它可以煮也可以炸。it指代tang yuan,与 bil之间为被动关系,且情态动词后接动词原形。故填be biled。
    33.答案:Dear Peter,
    Learning yur winning the first prize in the Chinese Traditinal Culture Cntest rganized by ur city, I’m writing t extend my sincere cngratulatins t yu.
    It came as n surprise, fr yu are keenly interested in Chinese culture and have been cntinuusly explring it. Nt nly did yu refer t abundant resurces, but als yu cnsulted many lcals and prfessinals, which equips yu with a cmprehensive knwledge and gd cmmand f Chinese culture.
    Cngratulate yu n yur success again and I hpe yu can devte yurself t spreading the Chinese culture and make it mre accessible t peple arund the wrld.
    Li Hua
    赢得:win→bear ff
    精通:gd cmmand f→prficiency in
    致力于:devte neself t→ cmmit neself t
    原句:Learning yur winning the first prize in the Chinese Traditinal Culture Cntest rganized by ur city, I’m writing t extend my sincere cngratulatins t yu.
    拓展句:Because I have Learned yur winning the first prize in the Chinese Traditinal Culture Cntest rganized by ur city, I’m writing t extend my sincere cngratulatins t yu.
    This put me int cmplete disappintment in the first few days f my recvery. Being frtunate t live all my life arund snw and the traditin f skiing with my friends had always made me feel happy! My heart sank n learning that I wuld be unable t walk like befre. T my hrrr, the fur walls f my rm gt me angry ver the brken leg. My friends had always knwn me as a happy persn full f jkes. But this accident changed me. Discuragement ran thrugh my whle bdy, enugh t get me in a black md!
    One fine evening, I saw a jyful hawker (饲鹰者) with a disabled eagle. My eyes stayed pen in amazement, n knwing the eagle was brn with a disability. A strng feeling ran acrss my bdy n witnessing him yet wrking with ease t earn his livelihd. The rain f inspiratin washed the despair in me and gave my life a new visin — “Yu shuld shine brighter each day and let the failures get away.” I swre t myself t be back in the game n thse sft snwy muntains. The fighter in me was nw alive.
    ①充满:be full f/ be filled with
    ②改变:change/ alter
    ③穿过某人的身体:run acrss ne’s bdy/get thrugh ne’s bdy
    ①恐惧:hrrr/ fear

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