北师大版高中英语必修第二册UNIT6 Section F课时学案含答案
这是一份北师大版高中英语必修第二册UNIT6 Section F课时学案含答案,共11页。
Section F 单元语法专项——“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句(一) “介词+which/whom”的用法我们知道,关系代词在定语从句中可以作宾语,包括及物动词的宾语和介词的宾语。关系代词作介词宾语时,介词通常放在定语从句的末尾。但在很多情况下,需要把介词放在关系代词的前面。这就是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。具体使用什么介词,可能与先行词的固定搭配有关,可能与定语从句中动词的要求有关,可能与定语从句中形容词的搭配有关。还有一种可能,就是与定语从句所要表达的具体意思有关。关系副词when,where,why引导定语从句时,关系副词也可用“介词+关系代词”代替。在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用which或whom,不可用that或who。先行词指物时用which,先行词指人时用whom。“介词+which/whom”是定语从句中常见的语言现象,也是同学们不易掌握的一个语法项目,问题的关键是这个“介词”较难确定。但它是有规律可循的,有以下几种情况:1.“介词+which”可以替代关系副词when,where,why(1)替代whenI'll never forget the day on__which(=when) my son was born.我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。(on依据on the day确定)The year in__which(=when) the earthquake happened was 2008.发生地震的那年是2008年。(in依据in the year确定)(2)替代whereThis is the farm on__which(=where) I used to work.这就是我过去工作过的农场。(on依据on the farm确定)He forgot the exact place in__which(=where) he had hidden the jewellery.他忘记了埋藏珠宝的确切地点。(in依据in the exact place确定)(3)替代whyI'd like you to explain the reason for__which(=why) you refused my offer of help.我想让你解释一下你拒绝我帮助的原因。(for依据for the reason确定)2.依据与先行词的固定搭配确定使用什么介词I'll never forget the time during__which I was with my friends in the country.我永远不会忘记和朋友们一起在乡村度过的时光。(during依据during the time确定)I will offer you a better way in__which you can do the job.我要给你提供一个可以做这项工作更好的办法。(in依据in a better way确定)3.依据定语从句中动词或形容词的搭配来确定介词She bought several dresses, on__which she spent all her money.她买了几件连衣裙,这些连衣裙花光了她所有的钱。(on依据spend...on确定)It is the grammar rules of__which I am not sure.我没有把握的就是语法规则。(of依据be sure of确定)4.根据定语从句所表达的具体意思来确定介词Can you see the river across__which there is a bridge?你能看见上面有座桥的那条河吗?He is swimming in the river, on__which there is a boat.他正在那条河里游泳,河面上有一只小船。This is the river in__which__I used to swim.这就是我过去常在里面游泳的那条河。此外,除了“介词+ which”以外,如果定语从句的先行词是“人”,也可以用“介词+whom”引导定语从句。例如:Mary is the girl for__whom I bought this gift.玛丽就是那个我为其买此礼物的女孩。(for依据bought this gift for确定)There should be someone to__whom you can turn for advice.应该有你可以征求意见的人。(to依据turn to someone for advice确定)She began to love the young man with__whom she had worked for so long.她开始爱上和她一起工作了这么久的那个年轻人。(with依据worked with the young man确定)5.“介词+关系代词”的其他表达法(1)如果在whom和which之前用of表示所属关系(即of whom,of which表示所属关系),这时名词需要特指,应加定冠词,该名词放在of whom,of which之前或之后均可。I'd like a room the__window__of__which looks out over the sea.I'd like a room of__which__the__window looks out over the sea.因为whose也表示所属关系,所以可以转换为:I'd like a room whose__window looks out over the sea.(2)在whom和which之前用of,还可以表示部分与整体的关系。这时,表示“部分”的数词或代词,放在of whom,of which之前或之后均可。She has three daughters, one__of__whom is a doctor.She has three daughters, all__of__whom are beautiful.还可以说:She has three daughters, of__whom__one is a doctor.She has three daughters, of__whom__all are beautiful.特别提示有些“动词+介词”短语被视为一个固定的词组,不可分割。这时不能把介词置于关系代词前,如listen to, look at, look for, look after, care for, hear from, send for。This is the right book for which I'm looking.(误)This is the right book( which) I'm looking for.(正)记忆口诀定语从句真奇妙,关系代(副)词来引导,定语从句分两种,是否限定看逗号。which指物who指人,地点where时间when,that人或物均可,why之前是reason。从句当中作宾语,whom可以代替who,为了句子更简练,关系代词可省去。关系若是表所属,whose用法不可无。除此之外还有啥?whom,which加of。(二) 特殊结构的定语从句有一些其他形式的定语从句在实际运用过程中,具有较强的灵活性,因此其结构也较为复杂,现将常见的特殊结构的定语从句归纳分析如下:1.嵌入式定语从句He is the only person that we expect will__win.他是唯一我们希望会获胜的人。She had a book which she believed was__bought__by__her__father__at__a__dear__price.她有一本书,她相信是父亲花了大价钱买来送她的。“嵌入式”,相当于在定语从句前加了一个“主谓句”(位置在关系词之后)。例句中,that will win作了we expect的宾语。which was bought by her father at a dear price作了she believed的宾语。“嵌入式”实际就是在一个定语从句前,又加了一个插入成分,让定语从句作其宾语。常见的嵌入语有I think/believe/guess/expect以及I am sure,they say等。2.并列式定语从句Paris is a good place where__art__is__so__popular and which__many__people__appreciate.巴黎是一个艺术非常受欢迎的好地方,也是许多人赞赏的好地方。I find it hard to leave the land where__I__have__lived__for__30__years and where__there__are__sweet__memories__of__my__childhood.我发现很难离开这片土地,我在这里生活了30年,而且在这里有我美好的童年记忆。“并列式”,是两个或两个以上的定语从句并列,中间由and或or连接,共同修饰一个先行词的结构。相互之间不包含、不修饰、不重叠。3.双重式定语从句Is there anything you'd__like that you don't see on the shelves?有没有你想要的,在货架上没有看到的东西?I like the tie you__wear which your sister gave you as a birthday gift.我喜欢你佩戴的你姐姐作为生日礼物送给你的那条领带。These are things we're__doing that don't make sense.这些是我们正在做的但没有意义的事情。其特点是:(1)一个先行词首先被一个限定性定语从句所修饰,来表示一个特定的意思。然后,这个“先行词+限定性定语从句”再被另外一个限定性定语从句所修饰。(2)这两个限定性定语从句是处在不同层次上的,并不像并列式定语从句那样是同一个先行词后面带有两个并列的定语从句,因而不能用连词and,but,or等来连接它们。4.省略式定语从句在含将来意义的定语从句中,我们可以省略主语和谓语的一部分(主要是情态动词和助动词),而代之以“介词+关系代词+不定式”的形式,叫作省略式定语从句。I have saved a sum of money with__which__to__buy a new car for myself我已经攒了一笔钱,要用这些钱为自己买一辆新汽车。本句的完整形式:I have saved a sum of money with____which__I'd__like__to__buy a new car for myself.I was trying to find a place in__which__to__lay the new piano.我在试图找一个能放这架新钢琴的地方。本句的完整形式:I was trying to find a place in__which__I__could__lay the new piano.特别提示在这类句子里,主句的主语必须与不定式的逻辑主语一致,否则不可改为省略式定语从句。试比较:I was trying to find a place in which to live.我在设法找一个我可以住的地方。I was trying to find a place in which my younger brother could live.我在设法找一个我弟弟可以住的地方。5.分隔式定语从句定语从句一般紧跟在被它修饰的先行词之后,但有时候它和先行词之间插入其他成分,使得它与先行词分隔开来,这种定语从句叫作分隔式定语从句。一般说来,定语从句被分隔开来大致有以下三种情况:(1)先行词与定语从句被一个状语分隔。There are quite a few students in our school who__like__this______athlete__very__much.我们学校有不少学生非常喜欢这位运动员。The film brought the hours back to me when__I__was__taken__good____care__of__in__that__faraway__village.这部电影使我回想起我在那个遥远的村庄受到良好照顾的那些时光。(2)先行词与定语从句被另一个定语分隔。My grandpa has a picture by a famous painter which__was__sent__to__him__for__his__birthday.我爷爷有一幅出自著名画家的画,它是被作为他的生日礼物寄来的。After graduation she reached a point in her career where__she__had__to__decide__what__to__do.毕业后,她在职业生涯中到了一个必须决定做什么的时刻。(3)先行词与定语从句被谓语分隔。此时,先行词通常是句子的主语,因定语从句较长,主句谓语较短,为使句子结构平衡,常将定语从句移至谓语之后。The professor entered the hall who__had__just__presented__several__lectures.刚刚做完几场演讲的教授进了大厅。(三) 定语从句表达状语从句的意义How can anyone hope to be a qualified teacher, who doesn't know what the students are thinking and demanding?一个人如果不知道学生在想什么、需要什么,怎么能指望自己成为一名合格的教师呢?在学习非限制性定语从句时,我们提到定语从句有时候可以按照并列句理解,还可以按照状语从句理解。这要求我们准确判断定语从句和主句之间的关系,并充分考虑汉语的表达习惯,做到翻译通顺流畅。就本句而言,尽管句中没有if,但定语从句确实表达了条件句的意义,所以才按照条件状语从句翻译。从结构上看,它是某个先行词的定语从句;但从意义上看,它实际上修饰主句谓语或整个主句,起到了状语从句的作用。所以,为了理解方便,我们称之为“定语从句的形式,状语从句的意义”。这样的表达在英语中是很常见的。1.定语从句的形式,条件状语从句的意义The same thing, which__happened__twenty__years__ago,__would lead to disaster. (=The same thing would lead to disaster if it happened twenty years ago.)同样一件事情,如果发生在20年前,将会导致灾难。2.定语从句的形式,原因状语从句的意义He is a kind man, who__is__always__ready__to__help__others. (=He is a kind man because he is always ready to help others.)他是一个好人,因为他总是乐于助人。3.定语从句的形式,让步状语从句的意义Mr Smith insisted on building another house which__he__had__no__use__for. (=Mr Smith insisted on building another house though he had no use for it.)史密斯先生坚持再盖一幢房子,尽管他无此需要。4.定语从句的形式,目的状语从句的意义He wishes to write an article that__will__attract__public__attention__to__the__matter. (=He wishes to write an article so that it will attract public attention to the matter.)他想写篇文章,以引起公众对此事的关注。5.定语从句的形式,结果状语从句的意义My car broke down halfway, which__caused__me__to__come__late. (=My car broke down halfway so that it caused me to come late.)我的汽车在半路上出了故障,结果我来晚了。6.定语从句的形式,时间状语从句的意义。I saw Mr Wang who__was__wandering__on__the__street. (=I saw Mr Wang when he was wandering on the street.)王先生在街上闲逛的时候,我看到了他。[即学即练]Ⅰ.用适当的关系代词或关系副词完成句子1.A novelist is a person ________ writes novels, while a journalist is a person ________ job is to collect and cover news.2.Someone's reputation is the opinion ________ people have about how good they are.3.Those ________ have gained fame become wellknown.4.Someone ________ has a passion for something is interested in it and likes it very much.5.A situation ________ is regarded as a nightmare is very frightening and unpleasant.6.Martin Luther King gave a famous and inspiring speech ________ started with the words “I have a dream”.7.“What a shame!” is an expression ________ you use to express your regret.8.A country ________ gains independence has its own government and is not ruled by any other country.9.A biography of someone is an account of his life, ________ is written by someone else.10.He is regarded as a superhero ________ everyone should learn from.11.A committee is a group of people ________ meet to make decisions or plans for other people.12.The honour is a special award ________ is given to someone, usually because they are greatly respected.13.They want to establish a committee or a special academy ________ job is to give recognition to new drugs.14.Mosquitos are small flying insects ________ bite people and animals in order to suck their blood.15.We should focus on making efficient use of the limited resources ________ we have.16.A career is the job ________ someone does for a long period of his life.17.Someone ________ is female is a woman or a girl.18.An award is a prize ________ is given to someone for doing something well or making remarkable achievements.19.A person ________ is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and creatively.20.People ________ fight for justice of mankind should be respected and admired.21.An admirable person is someone ________ deserves to be respected and admired.22.Those ________ have made achievements in their careers are worthy of respect.23.All ________ he has in mind is how to gain fame, ________ is quite wrong.24.They eventually came across a promising chemical, ________ was likely to be an effective cure for the disease.25.A fireman is a person, usually a man, ________ job is to put out fires.Ⅱ.用“介词+关系代词”填空1.John invites about 40 people to his wedding, most ________________ are family members.2.The children, all ________________ had played the whole day, were worn out.3.The newlybuilt cafe, the walls ________________ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.4.She brought it with her three friends, none ________________ I had ever met before.5.The man took out a gold watch, the hands ________________ were made of small diamonds.6.He is a learned man, ________________ I've learned a lot about space science.7.China has many islands, the largest ______________ is Taiwan Island.8.The school has 3,500 students, ________________ around two thirds are girls.9.The old man has two daughters, ________________ one is a nurse in our neighbourhood.10.In our class there are 46 students, half ________________ wear glasses.11.Give me a piece of paper ________________ I can write the phone number.12.The boy built a telescope ________________ he could study the sky.13.Eric received training in computers for one year, ________________ he found a job in a big company.14.Here are the table tennis players, some ________________ are from our school.15.The tool ________________ he is working is called an engine.16.Have you ever read the book ________________ there are many pictures?17.The man ________________ he had a talk yesterday is a doctor.18.The library ________________ we often borrow books is very large.19.The gentleman ________________ you spoke just now is our headmaster.20.This is the new bicycle ________________ I spend five hundred dollars.Section F 单元语法专项——“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句即学即练Ⅰ.用适当的关系代词或关系副词完成句子1.who/that; whose 2.that/which 3.who 4.who5.that/which 6.that/which 7.that/which 8.that/which9.which 10.who/whom/that 11.who 12.that/which13.whose 14.that/which 15.that/which 16.that/which 17.who 18.that/which 19.who 20.who 21.who22.who 23.that; which 24.which 25.whoseⅡ.用“介词+关系代词”填空1.of whom 2.of whom 3.of which 4.of whom 5.of which 6.from whom 7.of which 8.of whom 9.of whom10.of whom 11.on which 12.through which 13.after which 14.of whom 15.with which 16.in which 17.with whom 18.from which 19.to/with whom 20.on which
Section F 单元语法专项——“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句(一) “介词+which/whom”的用法我们知道,关系代词在定语从句中可以作宾语,包括及物动词的宾语和介词的宾语。关系代词作介词宾语时,介词通常放在定语从句的末尾。但在很多情况下,需要把介词放在关系代词的前面。这就是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。具体使用什么介词,可能与先行词的固定搭配有关,可能与定语从句中动词的要求有关,可能与定语从句中形容词的搭配有关。还有一种可能,就是与定语从句所要表达的具体意思有关。关系副词when,where,why引导定语从句时,关系副词也可用“介词+关系代词”代替。在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用which或whom,不可用that或who。先行词指物时用which,先行词指人时用whom。“介词+which/whom”是定语从句中常见的语言现象,也是同学们不易掌握的一个语法项目,问题的关键是这个“介词”较难确定。但它是有规律可循的,有以下几种情况:1.“介词+which”可以替代关系副词when,where,why(1)替代whenI'll never forget the day on__which(=when) my son was born.我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。(on依据on the day确定)The year in__which(=when) the earthquake happened was 2008.发生地震的那年是2008年。(in依据in the year确定)(2)替代whereThis is the farm on__which(=where) I used to work.这就是我过去工作过的农场。(on依据on the farm确定)He forgot the exact place in__which(=where) he had hidden the jewellery.他忘记了埋藏珠宝的确切地点。(in依据in the exact place确定)(3)替代whyI'd like you to explain the reason for__which(=why) you refused my offer of help.我想让你解释一下你拒绝我帮助的原因。(for依据for the reason确定)2.依据与先行词的固定搭配确定使用什么介词I'll never forget the time during__which I was with my friends in the country.我永远不会忘记和朋友们一起在乡村度过的时光。(during依据during the time确定)I will offer you a better way in__which you can do the job.我要给你提供一个可以做这项工作更好的办法。(in依据in a better way确定)3.依据定语从句中动词或形容词的搭配来确定介词She bought several dresses, on__which she spent all her money.她买了几件连衣裙,这些连衣裙花光了她所有的钱。(on依据spend...on确定)It is the grammar rules of__which I am not sure.我没有把握的就是语法规则。(of依据be sure of确定)4.根据定语从句所表达的具体意思来确定介词Can you see the river across__which there is a bridge?你能看见上面有座桥的那条河吗?He is swimming in the river, on__which there is a boat.他正在那条河里游泳,河面上有一只小船。This is the river in__which__I used to swim.这就是我过去常在里面游泳的那条河。此外,除了“介词+ which”以外,如果定语从句的先行词是“人”,也可以用“介词+whom”引导定语从句。例如:Mary is the girl for__whom I bought this gift.玛丽就是那个我为其买此礼物的女孩。(for依据bought this gift for确定)There should be someone to__whom you can turn for advice.应该有你可以征求意见的人。(to依据turn to someone for advice确定)She began to love the young man with__whom she had worked for so long.她开始爱上和她一起工作了这么久的那个年轻人。(with依据worked with the young man确定)5.“介词+关系代词”的其他表达法(1)如果在whom和which之前用of表示所属关系(即of whom,of which表示所属关系),这时名词需要特指,应加定冠词,该名词放在of whom,of which之前或之后均可。I'd like a room the__window__of__which looks out over the sea.I'd like a room of__which__the__window looks out over the sea.因为whose也表示所属关系,所以可以转换为:I'd like a room whose__window looks out over the sea.(2)在whom和which之前用of,还可以表示部分与整体的关系。这时,表示“部分”的数词或代词,放在of whom,of which之前或之后均可。She has three daughters, one__of__whom is a doctor.She has three daughters, all__of__whom are beautiful.还可以说:She has three daughters, of__whom__one is a doctor.She has three daughters, of__whom__all are beautiful.特别提示有些“动词+介词”短语被视为一个固定的词组,不可分割。这时不能把介词置于关系代词前,如listen to, look at, look for, look after, care for, hear from, send for。This is the right book for which I'm looking.(误)This is the right book( which) I'm looking for.(正)记忆口诀定语从句真奇妙,关系代(副)词来引导,定语从句分两种,是否限定看逗号。which指物who指人,地点where时间when,that人或物均可,why之前是reason。从句当中作宾语,whom可以代替who,为了句子更简练,关系代词可省去。关系若是表所属,whose用法不可无。除此之外还有啥?whom,which加of。(二) 特殊结构的定语从句有一些其他形式的定语从句在实际运用过程中,具有较强的灵活性,因此其结构也较为复杂,现将常见的特殊结构的定语从句归纳分析如下:1.嵌入式定语从句He is the only person that we expect will__win.他是唯一我们希望会获胜的人。She had a book which she believed was__bought__by__her__father__at__a__dear__price.她有一本书,她相信是父亲花了大价钱买来送她的。“嵌入式”,相当于在定语从句前加了一个“主谓句”(位置在关系词之后)。例句中,that will win作了we expect的宾语。which was bought by her father at a dear price作了she believed的宾语。“嵌入式”实际就是在一个定语从句前,又加了一个插入成分,让定语从句作其宾语。常见的嵌入语有I think/believe/guess/expect以及I am sure,they say等。2.并列式定语从句Paris is a good place where__art__is__so__popular and which__many__people__appreciate.巴黎是一个艺术非常受欢迎的好地方,也是许多人赞赏的好地方。I find it hard to leave the land where__I__have__lived__for__30__years and where__there__are__sweet__memories__of__my__childhood.我发现很难离开这片土地,我在这里生活了30年,而且在这里有我美好的童年记忆。“并列式”,是两个或两个以上的定语从句并列,中间由and或or连接,共同修饰一个先行词的结构。相互之间不包含、不修饰、不重叠。3.双重式定语从句Is there anything you'd__like that you don't see on the shelves?有没有你想要的,在货架上没有看到的东西?I like the tie you__wear which your sister gave you as a birthday gift.我喜欢你佩戴的你姐姐作为生日礼物送给你的那条领带。These are things we're__doing that don't make sense.这些是我们正在做的但没有意义的事情。其特点是:(1)一个先行词首先被一个限定性定语从句所修饰,来表示一个特定的意思。然后,这个“先行词+限定性定语从句”再被另外一个限定性定语从句所修饰。(2)这两个限定性定语从句是处在不同层次上的,并不像并列式定语从句那样是同一个先行词后面带有两个并列的定语从句,因而不能用连词and,but,or等来连接它们。4.省略式定语从句在含将来意义的定语从句中,我们可以省略主语和谓语的一部分(主要是情态动词和助动词),而代之以“介词+关系代词+不定式”的形式,叫作省略式定语从句。I have saved a sum of money with__which__to__buy a new car for myself我已经攒了一笔钱,要用这些钱为自己买一辆新汽车。本句的完整形式:I have saved a sum of money with____which__I'd__like__to__buy a new car for myself.I was trying to find a place in__which__to__lay the new piano.我在试图找一个能放这架新钢琴的地方。本句的完整形式:I was trying to find a place in__which__I__could__lay the new piano.特别提示在这类句子里,主句的主语必须与不定式的逻辑主语一致,否则不可改为省略式定语从句。试比较:I was trying to find a place in which to live.我在设法找一个我可以住的地方。I was trying to find a place in which my younger brother could live.我在设法找一个我弟弟可以住的地方。5.分隔式定语从句定语从句一般紧跟在被它修饰的先行词之后,但有时候它和先行词之间插入其他成分,使得它与先行词分隔开来,这种定语从句叫作分隔式定语从句。一般说来,定语从句被分隔开来大致有以下三种情况:(1)先行词与定语从句被一个状语分隔。There are quite a few students in our school who__like__this______athlete__very__much.我们学校有不少学生非常喜欢这位运动员。The film brought the hours back to me when__I__was__taken__good____care__of__in__that__faraway__village.这部电影使我回想起我在那个遥远的村庄受到良好照顾的那些时光。(2)先行词与定语从句被另一个定语分隔。My grandpa has a picture by a famous painter which__was__sent__to__him__for__his__birthday.我爷爷有一幅出自著名画家的画,它是被作为他的生日礼物寄来的。After graduation she reached a point in her career where__she__had__to__decide__what__to__do.毕业后,她在职业生涯中到了一个必须决定做什么的时刻。(3)先行词与定语从句被谓语分隔。此时,先行词通常是句子的主语,因定语从句较长,主句谓语较短,为使句子结构平衡,常将定语从句移至谓语之后。The professor entered the hall who__had__just__presented__several__lectures.刚刚做完几场演讲的教授进了大厅。(三) 定语从句表达状语从句的意义How can anyone hope to be a qualified teacher, who doesn't know what the students are thinking and demanding?一个人如果不知道学生在想什么、需要什么,怎么能指望自己成为一名合格的教师呢?在学习非限制性定语从句时,我们提到定语从句有时候可以按照并列句理解,还可以按照状语从句理解。这要求我们准确判断定语从句和主句之间的关系,并充分考虑汉语的表达习惯,做到翻译通顺流畅。就本句而言,尽管句中没有if,但定语从句确实表达了条件句的意义,所以才按照条件状语从句翻译。从结构上看,它是某个先行词的定语从句;但从意义上看,它实际上修饰主句谓语或整个主句,起到了状语从句的作用。所以,为了理解方便,我们称之为“定语从句的形式,状语从句的意义”。这样的表达在英语中是很常见的。1.定语从句的形式,条件状语从句的意义The same thing, which__happened__twenty__years__ago,__would lead to disaster. (=The same thing would lead to disaster if it happened twenty years ago.)同样一件事情,如果发生在20年前,将会导致灾难。2.定语从句的形式,原因状语从句的意义He is a kind man, who__is__always__ready__to__help__others. (=He is a kind man because he is always ready to help others.)他是一个好人,因为他总是乐于助人。3.定语从句的形式,让步状语从句的意义Mr Smith insisted on building another house which__he__had__no__use__for. (=Mr Smith insisted on building another house though he had no use for it.)史密斯先生坚持再盖一幢房子,尽管他无此需要。4.定语从句的形式,目的状语从句的意义He wishes to write an article that__will__attract__public__attention__to__the__matter. (=He wishes to write an article so that it will attract public attention to the matter.)他想写篇文章,以引起公众对此事的关注。5.定语从句的形式,结果状语从句的意义My car broke down halfway, which__caused__me__to__come__late. (=My car broke down halfway so that it caused me to come late.)我的汽车在半路上出了故障,结果我来晚了。6.定语从句的形式,时间状语从句的意义。I saw Mr Wang who__was__wandering__on__the__street. (=I saw Mr Wang when he was wandering on the street.)王先生在街上闲逛的时候,我看到了他。[即学即练]Ⅰ.用适当的关系代词或关系副词完成句子1.A novelist is a person ________ writes novels, while a journalist is a person ________ job is to collect and cover news.2.Someone's reputation is the opinion ________ people have about how good they are.3.Those ________ have gained fame become wellknown.4.Someone ________ has a passion for something is interested in it and likes it very much.5.A situation ________ is regarded as a nightmare is very frightening and unpleasant.6.Martin Luther King gave a famous and inspiring speech ________ started with the words “I have a dream”.7.“What a shame!” is an expression ________ you use to express your regret.8.A country ________ gains independence has its own government and is not ruled by any other country.9.A biography of someone is an account of his life, ________ is written by someone else.10.He is regarded as a superhero ________ everyone should learn from.11.A committee is a group of people ________ meet to make decisions or plans for other people.12.The honour is a special award ________ is given to someone, usually because they are greatly respected.13.They want to establish a committee or a special academy ________ job is to give recognition to new drugs.14.Mosquitos are small flying insects ________ bite people and animals in order to suck their blood.15.We should focus on making efficient use of the limited resources ________ we have.16.A career is the job ________ someone does for a long period of his life.17.Someone ________ is female is a woman or a girl.18.An award is a prize ________ is given to someone for doing something well or making remarkable achievements.19.A person ________ is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and creatively.20.People ________ fight for justice of mankind should be respected and admired.21.An admirable person is someone ________ deserves to be respected and admired.22.Those ________ have made achievements in their careers are worthy of respect.23.All ________ he has in mind is how to gain fame, ________ is quite wrong.24.They eventually came across a promising chemical, ________ was likely to be an effective cure for the disease.25.A fireman is a person, usually a man, ________ job is to put out fires.Ⅱ.用“介词+关系代词”填空1.John invites about 40 people to his wedding, most ________________ are family members.2.The children, all ________________ had played the whole day, were worn out.3.The newlybuilt cafe, the walls ________________ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.4.She brought it with her three friends, none ________________ I had ever met before.5.The man took out a gold watch, the hands ________________ were made of small diamonds.6.He is a learned man, ________________ I've learned a lot about space science.7.China has many islands, the largest ______________ is Taiwan Island.8.The school has 3,500 students, ________________ around two thirds are girls.9.The old man has two daughters, ________________ one is a nurse in our neighbourhood.10.In our class there are 46 students, half ________________ wear glasses.11.Give me a piece of paper ________________ I can write the phone number.12.The boy built a telescope ________________ he could study the sky.13.Eric received training in computers for one year, ________________ he found a job in a big company.14.Here are the table tennis players, some ________________ are from our school.15.The tool ________________ he is working is called an engine.16.Have you ever read the book ________________ there are many pictures?17.The man ________________ he had a talk yesterday is a doctor.18.The library ________________ we often borrow books is very large.19.The gentleman ________________ you spoke just now is our headmaster.20.This is the new bicycle ________________ I spend five hundred dollars.Section F 单元语法专项——“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句即学即练Ⅰ.用适当的关系代词或关系副词完成句子1.who/that; whose 2.that/which 3.who 4.who5.that/which 6.that/which 7.that/which 8.that/which9.which 10.who/whom/that 11.who 12.that/which13.whose 14.that/which 15.that/which 16.that/which 17.who 18.that/which 19.who 20.who 21.who22.who 23.that; which 24.which 25.whoseⅡ.用“介词+关系代词”填空1.of whom 2.of whom 3.of which 4.of whom 5.of which 6.from whom 7.of which 8.of whom 9.of whom10.of whom 11.on which 12.through which 13.after which 14.of whom 15.with which 16.in which 17.with whom 18.from which 19.to/with whom 20.on which