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    Heritage Open Days 2023
    CITYWIDESep 8th-17th,2023FreeFamily Friendly
    Heritage Open Days is an annual celebratin f England's architecture and culture that gives peple access t histrical buildings that either are nt rdinarily pen t the public r require an entrance fee.It als cnsists f architectural and cultural events and activities.
    The histry f Heritage Open Days can actually date back t 1994 when England jined Eurpean Heritage Days Cmmunity alng with sme ther cuntries,but the first-ever Heritage Open Days was nt held until September 2018.Heritage Open Days d nt cver the entire UK;it nly perates in England except fr Lndn.
    Every year,the dates f visit are annunced and new activities and events are planned.Althugh the dates differ frm year t year,the hliday usually lasts fr 10 days in September.This year,it is held frm September 8th t 17th.
    1.What can peple d during Heritage Open Days? ______
    A. Visit histrical buildings fr free.
    B. Learn mre abut Eurpean Heritage Days.
    C. Participate in family events.
    D. Vlunteer fr architectural museums.
    2.What d we knw abut Heritage Open Days? ______
    A. It was first held in 1994.
    B. It is celebrated acrss the UK.
    C. Its dates rarely change each year.
    D. Its prgramme is different annually.
    3.What des the authr intend t intrduce in the last part? ______
    A. Why t participate in the celebratin.
    B. Where t vlunteer fr the celebratin.
    C. Hw t celebrate the festival.
    D. What t enjy during the festival.
    Hw imprtant has Internet becme in ur lives?The Pew Research Center cnducted a survey t celebrate the Web's 25th birthday.The researchers were greatly heartened by what they fund.
    "In 2006,nly 14 percent f American adults used Internet.Tday,it's 87 percent," said Lee Rainie,the directr f the Pew Research Center's Internet Prject. "It is what has impressed us the mst."
    The survey als shwed that 70 percent f the Internet users have been treated kindly r generusly nline,while 25 percent f respndents said they have been treated unkindly.Mre than half—56 percent—f users said they've seen an nline cmmunity cme tgether t help smene slve a prblem.25 percent said they've left an nline grup because members were t unpleasant.
    When Pew asked questins abut whether being nline has enriched peple's relatinships—r nt—the results were very psitive:67 percent f Internet users said their nline cmmunicatin with family and friends has generally strengthened thse relatinships.Only 18 percent said it has generally weakened thse relatinships.
    Accrding t the survey,53 percent f Internet users said Internet has becme the hardest tech tl t give up.It is 15 percent higher than the result f a similar survey cnducted in 2006.In fact,mre peple said they wuld have a harder time stpping using Internet than giving up TV. (These days,s much great televisin streams acrss the Internet that it makes sense.)
    "In ur survey,we have fund that the Web makes a few peple very unhappy.There's strng evidence pinting t the fact that Internet users tend t cmpare their daily lives with the 'highlight mments' f their friends' lives," said Lee Rainie. "It's really silly."
    4.Which is the mst impressive result f the latest survey? ______
    A. Users' dependence n Internet.
    B. The fast grwth f Internet users.
    C. The kindness f nline cmmunities.
    D. The strengthened family relatinships.
    5.Hw many participants fund it the hardest t give up Internet in 2006? ______
    A. 15%.B. 38%.C. 53%.D. 68%.
    6.What message des Lee Rainie seem t cnvey in the last paragraph? ______
    A. Online depressin cannt be avided.
    B. Dn't shw ff in nline cmmunities.
    C. Dn't make unnecessary cmparisn.
    D. Cpy yur friends' wnderful lifestyles.
    7.Hw d the researchers feel abut the results f the survey? ______
    A. OptimisticB. WrriedC. UncncernedD. Dubtful
    A grwing demand fr turtles(乌龟)as pets in the United States,Asia,and Eurpe has led t a rise in paching.Paching means t catch r kill an animal illegally.Wildlife trade experts believe the rise in paching is adding t the wrldwide drp in rare freshwater turtles.Such cncerns have led t prpsals t increase prtectin fr freshwater turtles.
    Mre than 180 natins have gathered this week in Panama as part f the Cnventin n Internatinal Trade in Endangered Species f Wild Fauna and Flra,r CITES.
    Tara Easter,a dctral student,studies the trade.She lked at turtle trade data frm the and Wildlife Service.She fund that the business exprt trade fr mud turtles in the United States increased frm 1,844 in 1999 t nearly 40,000 in 2017 and that the trade in musk turtles increased frm 8,254 in 1999 t mre than 281,000 in 2016.
    The United States and several Latin American cuntries have suggested stpping r limiting the trade in mre than 20 turtle species.In their CITES prpsal,the cuntries included data frm Mexic that fund nearly 20,000 were cnfiscated frm 2010 t 2022.T cnfiscate means t take smething away frm smene t carry ut laws r rules.
    The illegal trade has als led gvernments t suggest listing fr the first time 42 turtle species under CITES,including Nrth American musk turtles.A listing means traders will need permits t sell them internatinally.
    Matthew Strickler is with the f the Interir.He is heading the American grup at the CITES meeting in Panama.He called the pssible listings and increased prtectin fr Nrth American turtles"really,really imprtant".
    "We've seen this pattern f turtles being depleted in ne place,and then pachers and traders mving t anther place,"Strickler said."Sutheast Asia was depleted.They mved t Africa.Nw,we see them mving t the Americas."
    8.What is the real cause f the drp in the turtle ppulatin? ______
    A. Hunting them fr their medical value.
    B. The pllutin f freshwater.
    C. Humans' keeping them as pets.
    D. Their hmes being destryed.
    9.What d we knw frm Tara Easter's study? ______
    A. Turtle trade grew rapidly.
    B. Turtles were well prtected.
    C. Turtles grw mre and mre ppular.
    D. Mud turtles were liked better than musk turtles.
    10.What des listing sme species under CITES mean? ______
    A. Allwing selling them freely.
    B. Limiting the trade in them internatinally.
    C. Hunting them by law.
    D. Canceling internatinal wildlife trade.
    11.What des the underlined wrd"depleted"in the last paragraph prbably mean? ______
    A. Fed.B. Reduced.C. Jined.D. Prtected.
    The American space agency NASA says a spacecraft has entered the sun's utermst atmsphere fr the first time.Scientists annunced that Parker Slar Prbe traveled thrugh the slar atmsphere's uter edge,knwn as the crna (日冕).They described the entry as a successful tuch n the sun.
    Unlike Earth,the sun des nt have a slid surface.Instead,it is a superheated ball f material held tgether by gravity and magnetic (磁的) frces.The temperature f the crna is s high that the sun's gravity cannt hld n t it and sme slar material escapes frm it and ges int space,which causes the slar wind.The slar wind is the flw f charged pieces,knwn as plasma.
    Parker Slar Prbe was launched in 2018 which mainly studied the slar wind.The sun is actually a magnetic variable star with slar activity happening nearly peridically.Scientists said being able t study the slar wind and the crna clse up culd help them better understand "the way the activity causes changes t the planet we live n".
    "We can actually see the spacecraft flying thrugh the crnal structure during a ttal slar eclipse (日全食)," Nur Rauafi,the prject scientist,said,adding that it tk them a few mnths t examine infrmatin frm the spacecraft and t cnfirm the result and that the evidence used included data n magnetic fields and the slar wind,as well as images.Scientists reprted Parker Slar Prbe successfully went in and ut f the crna at least three times.
    The Parker team said early data als suggested the spacecraft may have entered the crna during its ninth clse apprach in August,but a further study is needed t make a cnfirmatin.The spacecraft is expected t keep getting clser t the sun and diving deeper int the crna until its final rbit,planned fr 2025.
    12.What d we knw abut the slar wind frm the text? ______
    A. It affects the crna's temperature.
    B. It functins as the surface f the sun.
    C. It is caused by magnetic frces.
    D. It cmes frm the sun's uter atmsphere.
    13.Why did NASA launch Parker Slar Prbe? ______
    A. T find ut why slar activity happens.
    B. T knw hw slar activity influences Earth.
    C. T get mre evidence f the slar wind.
    D. T take measures t cntrl the slar wind.
    14.What are the scientists' attitude t their findings? ______
    A. Cnfused.B. Dubtful.C. Cautius.D. Favrable.
    15.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Spacecraft Tuches the Sun fr the First Time
    B. Parker Uncvers the Secrets f the Slar Wind
    C. NASA Brught New Discveries abut the Sun
    D. Parker Is Designed t Reach the Sun in 2025
    We ften try t save mney fr a variety f different reasns. (1) ______ Learning hw t save is imprtant,but a recent study shwed that ver half f all 22~29-year-lds living in the UK have n savings at all.Did they max ut n t many things,r are there ther factrs?And hw can we becme better savers?
    First,put a stp t thse impulse buys (冲动购物) . (2) ______ Impulse buys are dne in the heat f the mment and withut thught fr what it's csting yu.Encuraging yurself t questin yur purchase befre yu buy allws yu t prcess what yu are ding.
    ( 3) ______ Withdraw cash befre yu g t a restaurant r shpping and set a fixed budget yu must stick t.Als,any change that cmes frm yur transactins when yu're using cash can be put in jar and depsited int yur accunt.
    Finally,be disciplined. (4) ______ It's abut sticking t it,t.Yu shuldn't be dipping int yur savings every time yu feel like it.Setting up a standing rder frm yur current accunt int yur savings the mment yu receive yur salary will ensure yu keep up the habit.Successful savers stick t their plans and watch the mney pile up.
    Just as the ld saying ges: "A penny saved is a penny earned." (5) ______
    A.It might be t save up fr a new cmputer r put mney aside int a rainy-day fund.
    B.Ask abut discunts and pay in cash.
    C.It's nt just abut creating that budget.
    D.Smetimes,saving mney can be difficult.
    E.Anther way is t use cash rather than card.
    F.Ask yurself if yu really need t buy smething.
    G.These are sme f the actins we can take t help us all becme better savers.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Last year,I was assigned t wrk at an ffice near my mther's huse. (1) ______ ,I stayed with her fr a mnth.During that time,I(2) ______ her ut with the husewrk and cntributed t the grceries (日用品).
    After less than a week,I started t(3) ______ the grceries were running ut pretty quickly.Cnfused,I began bserving my mther's daily rutine fr tw weeks.T my(4) ______ ,I fund that she wuld pack a paper bag full f canned gds and headed ut every mrning at abut nine.She tk the fd t the slums (贫民窟) and distributed it t street(5) ______ .
    I asked arund and(6) ______ my mm was ppular in the area.The kids lked up t her as if she were their wn mther.Then it hit me—why didn't she want t tell me abut what she'd been ding?Was she(7) ______ that I wuld stp buying the grceries if I knew the truth?
    When she gt hme,I tld her abut my discvery and befre she culd react,I gave her a big hug and tld her she didn't need t keep it a (8) ______ frm me.She tld me that (9) ______ f the children lived with an ld lady in a shelter while thers(10) ______ n the streets.Fr years,my mm has been helping ut by (11) ______ them whatever fd she culd spare.I was s mved by hw(12) ______ she was.She used what was meant fr her t help thers in need.And I was s (13) ______ f her.
    I(14) ______ t buy grceries fr my mm.But nw,I always add a(n)( 15) ______ bag fr her ther children.
    21.A. HweverB. BesidesC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    22.A. checkedB. helpedC. recgnisedD. applied
    23.A. ignreB. understandC. cmplainD. ntice
    24.A. delightB. reliefC. surpriseD. regret
    25.A. childrenB. driversC. teachersD. artists
    26.A. made sureB. let utC. pinted utD. fund ut
    27.A. angryB. hpelessC. wrriedD. annyed
    28.A. secretB. tpicC. giftD. reminder
    29.A. fewB. allC. anyD. sme
    30.A. stdB. studiedC. sleptD. played
    31.A. givingB. cllectingC. receivingD. selling
    32.A. curiusB. strictC. carefulD. kind
    33.A. tiredB. anxiusC. scaredD. prud
    34.A. refuseB. lngC. cntinueD. agree
    35.A. smallB. extraC. beautifulD. empty
    Musical instruments in China were traditinally classified (分类)int eight grups,accrding t the materials (1) ______ were used t create them. (2) ______ eight material grups were metal,stne,silk,bamb,gurd,clay,skin and wd.
    Bamb instruments (3) ______ ( main) refer t wdwind (木管乐器) such as Sheng,Dizi and Xia.Zhng,Lu and B are gd (4) ______ ( example) f metal instruments.Silk instruments are mstly stringed instruments since silk is the material t string the instrument.A seven-stringed instrument,called Gugin,is ne f the (5) ______ ( early) stringed instruments in China.Tday,it (6) ______ ( remain) quite ppular.Here's an example f a famus Guqin master,Prf.Li Xiangting,( 7) ______ ( perfrm) a classical wrk Flwing Water n Guqin.Instruments,which might seem part (8) ______ the same family in the Western traditin,have different classificatins in the Chinese traditin.Fr example,a percussin (打击)instrument made with skin,like Dagu (a large drum played with sticks) is in ne grup,while Fu (clay pt hit with a single stick) is in anther.
    Mdern Chinese rchestras (9) ______ ( rganize) alng the same lines as Western rchestras in terms f grup and seating arrangements f the instruments.The difference lies in the instruments being played.S a Chinese rchestra has a wdwind and strings sectin,( 10) ______ yu'll hardly find bes(双簧管) r vilins.
    37.假设你是李华,你收到了美国朋友 Peter的邮件,在邮件中他提到对你的家乡很感兴趣。请你给他写一封邮件向他介绍你的家乡。内容要点:
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    Lily lved schl. Hwever, there was ne class Lily wrried abut mre than any ther-art. She didn't knw why she just wasn't any gd at drawing painting, r cutting.
    Ms. Clay, the art teacher, std at frnt f the rm. "Class, next Friday ur schl is ging t have an art cmpetitin," she annunced. Ms. Clay was a great teacher,and Lily liked her a lt. But this annuncement made Lily nervus. "Everyne in the schl will create a piece f artwrk t shw in the library. Yu can use the different types f artwrk we have been studying." Ms. Clay was quite excited when she spke while Lily fund herself sinking lwer in her chair.
    Lily had the whle weekend t wrk n her prject,but she culd nt think f anything t d. On Mnday, Lily felt frightened, s after schl Lily asked Ms. Clay if she culd write an art paper instead f ding an art prject.
    "I understand this prject scared yu,Lily," Ms. Clay said. "Just remember,yu can create any kind f art yu want." Ms. Clay smiled at her. "Art is a persn's way f expressing his r her feelings - it isn't always painting, drawing, r cutting. I knw yu will think f smething very creative, and I can't wait t see it."
    When Lily arrived hme,she tk ut a piece f paper and a pencil. She remembered Ms. Clay's wrds. "Art is a persn's way f expressing his r her feelings." Lily wrte the wrd "terrified" n her paper. She crumpled (揉皱)the paper and threw it t the side f her desk.
    Then Lily stared at the crumpled ball. Suddenly an idea struck her.
    Paragraph 1:
    Why nt create smething ut f crumpled paper?____________.
    Paragraph 2:
    On Friday,Lily carefully carried her prject int the library.____________.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文中的Free和第一段中的gives peple access t histrical buildings(让人们可以接近历史建筑)可知,在遗产开放日,人们可以免费参观历史建筑。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据DATE部分中的Every year,the dates f visit are annunced and new activities and events are planned.(每年都会公布参观日期,并计划新的活动和事件。)可知,每年遗产开放日的活动安排都不一样。故选D。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一部分中的表格内容Visit a Heritage Open Days site:Take advantage f these days and visit sme f the many histrical landmarks that are part f Heritage Open Days.Yu can als participate in the different events and activities that are rganized fr visitrs.(参观遗产开放日地点:利用这些日子,参观一些历史地标,这些都是遗产开放日的一部分。您还可以参加为游客组织的各种事件和活动。)、Vlunteer:If yu are in the visit area,vlunteer fr Heritage Open Days.Yu culd dnate time,mney,r effrt t the festivities and becme a part f the celebratin in a new and mre meaningful way.(志愿者:如果你在参观区,为文物开放日做志愿者。你可以为庆祝活动贡献时间、金钱或精力,以一种新的、更有意义的方式成为庆祝活动的一部分。)可知,本部分主要介绍了几种庆祝方式。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段"In 2006,nly 14 percent f American adults used Internet.Tday,it's 87 percent," said Lee Rainie,the directr f the Pew Research Center's Internet Prject. "It is what has impressed us the mst."("2006年,只有14%的美国成年人使用互联网。今天,这个数字是87%,"皮尤研究中心互联网项目主任李•水烟凉说。"这是给我们印象最深的。")及对比其他各项指标数值可知,互联网用户数量的爆炸式增长给研究人员留下了最深刻的印象。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第五段Accrding t the survey,53 percent f Internet users said Internet has becme the hardest tech tl t give up.It is 15 percent higher than the result f a similar survey cnducted in2006.(调查显示,53%的互联网用户表示,互联网已成为最难放弃的科技工具。这比2006年进行的一项类似调查的结果高出15%。)可知,38%受访者认为2006年最难戒掉互联网。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段 "In ur survey,we have fund that the Web makes a few peple very unhappy.There's strng evidence pinting t the fact that Internet users tend t cmpare their daily lives with the 'highlight mments' f their friends' lives," said Lee Rainie. "It's really silly."("在我们的调查中,我们发现网络让一些人非常不开心。李•水烟凉说:"有强有力的证据表明,互联网用户倾向于将自己的日常生活与朋友生活中的'精彩瞬间'进行比较真的很傻。")可知,Lee Rainie是在提醒网民不要进行错误的攀比。故选C。
    (4)观点态度题。通读全文,尤其是第一段The Pew Research Center cnducted a survey t celebrate the Web's 25th birthday.The researchers were greatly heartened by what they fund.(皮尤研究中心为庆祝网络诞生25周年进行了一项调查。研究人员对他们的发现感到非常振奋。)可推断,研究人员对互联网的普及持乐观态度。A.Optimistic乐观的;B.Wrried担心的;C.Uncncerned不关心的;D.Dubtful怀疑的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段A grwing demand fr turtles(乌龟)as pets in the United States,Asia,and Eurpe has led t a rise in paching.Paching means t catch r kill an animal illegally.Wildlife trade experts believe the rise in paching is adding t the wrldwide drp in rare freshwater turtles.(美国、亚洲和欧洲对海龟作为宠物的需求日益增长,导致了偷猎行为的增加。偷猎意味着非法捕获或杀害动物。野生动物贸易专家认为,偷猎行为的增多加剧了世界范围内稀有淡水龟的减少。)可知龟数量下降的真正原因是人类把它们当作宠物饲养。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段Tara Easter,a dctral student,studies the trade.She lked at turtle trade data frm the and Wildlife Service.She fund that the business exprt trade fr mud turtles in the United States increased frm 1,844 in 1999 t nearly 40,000 in 2017 and that the trade in musk turtles increased frm 8,254 in 1999 t mre than 281,000 in 2016.(博士生塔拉•伊斯特(Tara Easter)研究了海龟贸易。她查看了美国鱼类和野生动物管理局( and Wildlife Service)的海龟贸易数据。她发现,美国泥龟的商业出口贸易从1999年的1844只增加到2017年的近40000只,麝香龟的贸易从1999的8254只增加至2016年的281000多只。)可知从塔拉•复活节的研究中我们知道海龟越来越受欢迎。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段The illegal trade has als led gvernments t suggest listing fr the first time 42 turtle species under CITES,including Nrth American musk turtles.A listing means traders will need permits t sell them internatinally.(非法贸易还导致各国政府首次建议将包括北美麝香龟在内的42种海龟列入《濒危物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)。列入名单意味着贸易商需要许可证才能在国际上出售。)可知将某些物种列入CITES意味着限制国际贸易。故选B。
    (4)词义猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子 "We've seen this pattern f turtles being depleted in ne place,and then pachers and traders mving t anther place,"Strickler said."Sutheast Asia was depleted.(斯特里克勒说:"我们已经看到了这种模式,在一个地方海龟数量减少,然后偷猎者和商人转移到另一个地方。""东南亚的能源消耗殆尽。)可知划线词意思是"减少"。A.Fed.喂养;B.Reduced.减少;C.Jined.连接;D.Prtected.保护。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段的The American space agency NASA says a spacecraft has entered the sun's utermst atmsphere fr the first time.Scientists annunced that Parker Slar Prbe traveled thrugh the slar atmsphere's uter edge,knwn as the crna (日冕).(美国宇航局称一艘宇宙飞船首次进入太阳最外层大气层。科学家们宣布,帕克太阳探测器穿过了太阳大气的外缘,也就是日冕。)和第二段的The temperature f the crna is s high that the sun's gravity cannt hld n t it and sme slar material escapes frm it and ges int space,which causes the slar wind.(日冕的温度很高,太阳的引力无法抓住它,一些太阳物质从日冕逃逸到太空中,这就造成了太阳风。)可知,一些太阳物质会从日冕中逃出,进入太空形成太阳风,而日冕指太阳大气的最外层,由此可知,太阳风来自太阳大气的外层。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段的Parker Slar Prbe was launched in 2018 which mainly studied the slar wind.The sun is actually a magnetic variable star with slar activity happening nearly peridically.Scientists said being able t study the slar wind and the crna clse up culd help them better understand "the way the activity causes changes t the planet we live n"(帕克太阳探测器于2018年发射,主要研究太阳风。太阳实际上是一颗磁变星,太阳活动几乎周期性地发生。科学家们表示,能够近距离研究太阳风和日冕,可以帮助他们更好地理解"太阳风活动对我们生活的星球造成的变化方式"。)可知,"帕克太阳探测器"主要研究太阳风,以帮助科学家更好地了解太阳活动如何影响我们的地球。故选B。
    (3)观点态度题。根据第四段的it tk them a few mnths t examine infrmatin frm the spacecraft and t cnfirm the result and that the evidence used included data n magnetic fields and the slar wind,as well as images(他们花了几个月的时间来检查来自航天器的信息,并确认结果,所用的证据包括磁场和太阳风的数据,以及图像)和第五段的but a further study is needed t make a cnfirmatin(但还需要进一步的研究来证实)可知,科学家们花费数月时间检查来自航天器的信息并确认结果,并且认为需要开展新研究以确认"帕克太阳探测器"在8月份是否进入日冕。由此可推断出科学家们对他们的发现的态度是谨慎的。A.Cnfused.困惑的;B.Dubtful.怀疑的;C.Cautius.谨慎的;D.Favrable.支持的。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是根据第一段The American space agency NASA says a spacecraft has entered the sun's utermst atmsphere fr the first time.Scientists annunced that Parker Slar Prbe traveled thrugh the slar atmsphere's uter edge,knwn as the crna (日冕).They described the entry as a successful tuch n the sun.(美国宇航局称一艘宇宙飞船首次进入太阳最外层大气层。科学家们宣布,帕克太阳探测器穿过了太阳大气的外缘,也就是日冕。他们称这次进入是一次成功的太阳之旅。)可知,本文主要介绍了美国国家航空航天局的"帕克太阳探测器"首次近距离接近太阳,故A项"Spacecraft Tuches the Sun fr the First Time(宇宙飞船首次接触太阳)"作标题最佳。A.Spacecraft Tuches the Sun fr the First Time宇宙飞船首次接触太阳;B.Parker Uncvers the Secrets f the Slar Wind帕克揭开太阳风的秘密;C.NASA Brught New Discveries abut the Sun美国宇航局带来了关于太阳的新发现;D.Parker Is Designed t Reach the Sun in 2025帕克计划在2025年到达太阳。故选A。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文We ften try t save mney fr a variety f different reasns.(我们经常出于各种不同的原因试图存钱。)可知,空格处应该对这些原因进行陈述,A选项"它可能是为了攒钱买一台新电脑,或者把钱存起来作为应急基金。"列举了存钱的原因,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选A。
    (2)语境衔接题。根据上文First,put a stp t thse impulse buys (冲动购物).(首先,停止冲动购买。)及下文Impulse buys are dne in the heat f the mment and withut thught fr what it's csting yu.Encuraging yurself t questin yur purchase befre yu buy allws yu t prcess what yu are ding.(冲动购物是在一时冲动下完成的,没有考虑到你会付出什么代价。鼓励自己在购买之前质疑自己的购买行为,可以让你对自己正在做的事情进行处理。)可知,F选项"问问自己是否真的需要买东西。"是对自己的购买行为的一种质疑,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
    (3)标题归纳题。根据下文Withdraw cash befre yu g t a restaurant r shpping and set a fixed budget yu must stick t.Als,any change that cmes frm yur transactins when yu're using cash can be put in jar and depsited int yur accunt.(在你去餐馆或购物之前提取现金,并设定一个你必须坚持的固定预算。此外,当你使用现金时,交易产生的任何变化都可以放在罐子里存入你的账户。)可知,本段主要讲的是要用现金,E选项"另一种方法是使用现金而不是信用卡。"说明要用现金,概括了本段内容,可作为主题句,故选E。
    (4)语境衔接题。根据上文Finally,be disciplined.(最后,要自律。)及下文It's abut sticking t it,t.(这也是关于坚持的问题。)可知,C选项"这不仅仅是关于创造预算的问题。"中的It's nt just abut和空后的It's abut相一致,说明了这不仅是关于创造预算,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上文Just as the ld saying ges: "A penny saved is a penny earned."(正如那句老话:"省一分钱就是赚一分钱。")可知,空格处总结全文,说明这些方法会给我们带来什么好处,G选项"这些都是我们可以采取的一些帮助我们成为更好的储蓄者的行动。"说明了这些行动可以帮助我们成为更好的储蓄者,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查副词及语境理解。A.Hwever然而;B.Besides此外;C.Therefre因此;D.Otherwise否则。句意:因此,我和她一起住了一个月。根据上文"Last year,I was assigned t wrk at an ffice near my mther's huse."可知,作者被分配到了自己家附近的一间办公室工作,所以自然和母亲一起待在一起。故选C。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.checked检查;B.helped帮助;C.recgnised识别;D.applied应用。句意:在那段时间里,我帮她做家务,帮她买东西。根据下文"with the husewrk and cntributed t the grceries"可知,作者帮妈妈做家务,买东西。故选B。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.ignre忽略;B.understand理解;C.cmplain抱怨;D.ntice注意到。句意:不到一周后,我开始注意到日用品很快就用完了。根据空后的"the grceries were running ut pretty quickly"可知,日用品很快就用完了,这是作者发现的事实,因此空格处是"注意到"。故选D。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.delight高兴;B.relief宽慰;C.surprise惊讶;D.regret后悔。句意:令我惊讶的是,我发现她每天早上九点左右都会打包一个装满罐头食品的纸袋出门。根据空后"I fund that she wuld pack a paper bag full f canned gds and headed ut every mrning at abut nine"可知,作者的妈妈每天早上九点左右都会打包一个装满罐头食品的纸袋出门,这让作者惊讶,故选C。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.children儿童;B.drivers司机;C.teachers老师;D.artists艺术家。句意:她把食物带到贫民窟,分发给街头儿童。根据下文"The kids lked up t her as if she were their wn mther"可知,母亲把食物分给贫民窟的孩子们。故选A。
    (6)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.made sure确保;B.let ut发出;C.pinted ut指出;D.fund ut发现。句意:我四处打听,发现我妈妈在这个地区很受欢迎。根据上文"I asked arund"和空后的"my mm was ppular in the area"可知,作者打听完了发现作者的妈妈在这个地区很受欢迎,故选D。
    (7)考查形容词及语境理解。A.angry愤怒的;B.hpeless无望的;C.wrried担心的;D.annyed生气的。句意:如果我知道真相,她担心我会停止购买食品杂货?根据空后"I wuld stp buying the grceries if I knew the truth"可知,作者认为妈妈不告诉他的原因是她担心作者知道后会停止给她买食品杂货,故选C。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.secret秘密;B.tpic话题;C.gift礼物;D.reminder提醒。句意:当她回到家时,我告诉了她我的发现,在她做出反应之前,我给了她一个大大的拥抱,并告诉她她不需要对我保密。根据上文"didn't she want t tell me abut what she'd been ding"可知,作者的妈妈没有告诉作者自己所做的事情,而现在作者发现了,所以告诉妈妈不需要对作者保密。故选A。
    (9)考查代词及语境理解。A.few少数;B.all全部;C.any任何;D.sme一些。句意:她告诉我,一些孩子和一位老太太住在收容所里,而另一些孩子则睡在街上。根据下文的"f the children lived with an ld lady in a shelter while thers"和"n the streets"可知,一些孩子住在收养所里,而另外一些孩子睡在街上。为常用搭配,意为"一些……另外一些……"。故选D。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.std站立;B.studied学习;C.slept睡眠;D.played播放。句意:她告诉我,一些孩子和一位老太太住在收容所里,而另一些孩子则睡在街上。根据上文"lived with an ld lady in a shelter while thers"可知,此处是在说孩子们在哪里住,一些孩子住在收养所里,而另外一些孩子睡在街上。故选C。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.giving给;B.cllecting收集;C.receiving接受;D.selling卖。句意:多年来,我妈妈一直在帮助他们,给他们她能腾出的一切食物。根据上文"She tk the fd t the slums (贫民窟) and distributed it t street(5)"可知,作者的妈妈一直把食物给孩子们。故选A。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.curius好奇的;B.strict严格的;C.careful仔细的;D.kind善良的。句意:我被她的善良感动了。根据上文"She tk the fd t the slums (贫民窟) and distributed it t street(5)"可知,作者的妈妈一直把食物分给孩子们,所以作者认为他的妈妈是善良的。故选D。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.tired累的;B.anxius焦虑的;C.scared害怕的;D.prud骄傲的。句意:我为她感到骄傲。根据上文"She used what was meant fr her t help thers in need"可知,作者的妈妈帮助有需要的人,所以作者为他妈妈所做的事情感到骄傲。故选D。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.refuse拒绝;B.lng渴望;C.cntinue继续;D.agree同意。句意:我继续给妈妈食品杂货。根据上文"I was s mved by hw(12)she was.She used what was meant fr her t help thers in need.And I was s (13)f her."可知,作者被妈妈感动,也为妈妈感到骄傲,所以作者继续给妈妈买食品杂货。故选C。
    【小题9】are rganized
    (5)考查形容词最高级。句意:七弦乐器,被称为古琴,是中国最早的弦乐器之一。ne f the+形容词最高级+名词复数,为固定句型,意为"最……的之一",空格处应填形容词最高级。故填earliest。
    (8)考查介词。句意:在西方传统中,乐器似乎是同一家族的一部分,但在中国传统中却有不同的分类。part f为固定短语,意为"……的部分"。故填f。
    (9)考查时态和被动语态。句意:现代中国管弦乐队的组织方式与西方管弦乐队相同,在乐队和座位安排方面都是如此。空格处作谓语,本句陈述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语rchestras和动词rganize之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是复数。故填are rganized。
    37.【答案】Dear Peter,
    I'm very glad t have received yur email.Nw I'd like t tell yu smething abut my hmetwn.(点明主题)
    My hmetwn,Fuzhu,is a very beautiful place with a lng histry.It lies in the eastern cast f Fujian Prvince.Great changes have taken place in recent years.Many new factries,huses,rads and bridges have been built,which shws that my hmetwn is develping rapidly.【高分句型一】(近几年发生的变化) Besides,there are many famus places f interest,which attract many turists frm all ver the wrld.【高分句型二】(介绍家乡的旅游胜地)
    I sincerely hpe yu can cme here fr yur winter vacatin.(邀请他寒假来游玩)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Many new factries,huses,rads and bridges have been built,which shws that my hmetwn is develping rapidly.
    高分句型二:Besides,there are many famus places f interest,which attract many turists frm all ver the wrld.
    38.【答案】Why nt create smething ut f crumpled paper? The crumpled paper reminded her f a snwball Lily didn't have t draw r paint r even cut. 【高分句型一】Lily made many paper balls, glued them all tgether, and placed them n a big piece f hard paper t frm a snwman. The snwman wre a hat made f black paper and a scarf made f red paper. Her finished prject was really wnderful.(莉莉用皱巴巴的纸制作了一个雪人)
    On Friday, Lily carefully carried her prject int the library. She nticed the smile and the nds frm teachers and ther students as she put her wrk n a table. 【高分句型二】Ms. Clay walked ver t Lily. "Yu have created a creative piece f artwrk. I am s prud f yu!" Ms. Clay said. Lily was prud f herself t. Her pride grew when Ms. Clay placed a first-place star n her artwrk. "Maybe I am a gd artist after all," Lily thught.(莉莉的作品得到了克莱女士的认可和表扬)
    【高分句型一】The crumpled paper reminded her f a snwball Lily didn't have t draw r paint r even cut.
    分析:remind sb f sth提醒某人某事,固定搭配。
    【高分句型二】 She nticed the smile and the nds frm teachers and ther students as she put her wrk n a table.
    通读所提供文章内容,根据故事发展线索,构思续写内容,使用一些合适的词汇、短语和句型,注意使用一些亮点词汇和高级句型,最后完成续写文章。☆Visit a Heritage Open Days site:Take advantage f these days and visit sme f the many histrical landmarks that are part f Heritage Open Days.Yu can als participate in the different events and activities that are rganized fr visitrs.
    ☆Vlunteer:If yu are in the visit area,vlunteer fr Heritage Open Days.Yu culd dnate time,mney,r effrt t the festivities and becme a part f the celebratin in a new and mre meaningful way.
    ☆Learn mre:If yu are nt in England r unable t participate,take this chance t learn abut the histry and culture f England and hw Heritage Open Days came int being.

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