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    (1) ______ creating things,science create s ideas.
    (1) Having a gd teacher ______ students career paths.
    (2) After a heated discussin,we ______ a new idea fr the art festival.
    (3) The wind blew in frm the desert yesterday.Nw,everything ______ sand.
    (4) Many athletes frm arund the wrld will ______ the upcming Olympics.
    (5) The rescue teams culdn't arrive n time because the car wheels ______ the mud.
    (6) We must ______ t stp the harmful effects f passive smking n peple's health.
    (7) Firefighters culd d dangerus jbs like ______ fires r wrking n high buildings.
    (8) The scientists insisted n carrying ut the experiment ______ all kinds f difficulties.
    (9) If yu dn't knw what yu want,yu might ______ getting smething yu dn't want.
    The Natinal Gallery f Art is a public art museum in Washingtn, cntains a large cllectin f paintings,prints,drawings,phtgraphs,and ther wrks f art.Cme and enjy sme wnderful shws.
    Present Exhibitins
    Ging Thrugh Hell:The Divine Dante
    April 9——July 16,2023
    West Building,Main Flr,Gallery 10——11
    Dante was an Italian pet and writer.His Divine Cmedy has been ne f the mst pwerful wrks in western literature fr ver 700 years.Cme and explre the impacts f this great wrk in the cllectin f sme 20 wrks,including the early prints f Divine Cmedy,drawings n paper frm the 15th t 20th century and mre.
    Drawing in Britain,1700——1900:New Additin s t the Cllectin
    April 2——August 6,2023
    West Building,Grund Flr
    This exhibitin includes abut 80 recently acquired artwrks.Yu can see nt nly traditinal landscape paintings,but als many life-like prtraits (肖像) and paintings f histrical scenes.These pieces are sure t give yu an understanding f British art ver tw centuries.
    Philip Gustn Nw
    March 2——August 27,2023
    East Building,Hall
    Philip Gustn is ne f America's mst influential mdern artists,famus in his time and in urs.Thrugh mre than 150 paintings and drawings,yu can get a sense f the change f his artistic style thrugh the years.His wrks cntinue t raise thughts abut beauty,freedm,and mre.
    Opening Times
    The Natinal Gallery f Art is pen frm 10:00 am t 5:00 pm,including public hlidays.Last admissin is at 4:00 pm,ne hur befre clsing.
    There is n public parking at the Natinal Gallery f Art,but limited parking spaces are set aside fr visitrs with disabilities.Parking is available n surrunding streets and in cmmercial garages.
    If yu have any questins,please call (202)737-4215 rsendusanemailatvisit@nga.gv .
    2.What can yu see in the Natinal Gallery f Art? ______
    A. The 20 wrks f Dance.
    B. Phillip Gustn's wrks f literature.
    C. Newly gained British artwrks.
    D. Landscape paintings f Washingtn,D.C.
    3.The Natinal Gallery f Art ______ .
    A. admits visitrs frm 10:00 am t 4:00 pm
    B. cntains the largest art cllectin in the US
    C. ffers enugh car parking spaces fr visitrs
    D. shws the I7th-century paintings in the East Bailding
    4.What is the purpse f the passage? ______
    A. T spread art knwledge.
    B. T describe wrks f wrld-famus artists.
    C. T intrduce wrldwide wnderful exhibitins.
    D. T give infrmatin abut a public art museum.
    A Huseplant Is Helping Me Survive
    My wife Hannah and I usually dn't keep huseplants.Anything in pts gets either verwatered r underwatered.After my diagnsis (诊断) with brain cancer,I lved the idea f having smething new and green and alive arund us.
    When my friend Mitch gave me what he said was a lucky bamb plant,we placed it in the living rm windw where I spent much f each day.I tld Hannah I wanted t lk after the plant myself.When it didn't immediately turn yellw r brwn r lse all f its leaves,I was pleasantly surprised.
    As a dctr,I was used t being the ne wh prvided care,nt the ne wh received it.Since my diagnsis,it seemed,I had t rely n help frm ther peple.Taking care f the plant gave me the feeling f being happy and satisfied when I felt useless.Watering the plant,as small an act as it was,cnnected me t la central part f my ld identity and taught me I culd still be a caregiver.
    Over the next few mnths,I recvered frm surgery (手术).Even after I returned t wrk,I cntinued t care fr the plant.Sn,it had nearly dubled in height and its leave s were shiny.Bth the tree and I became healthier.
    Then,withut any reasn,it began t shw signs f stress.Its leaves kept brwning and drpping t the flr. "I can't even care fr a simple plant!"I yelled. "If my lucky bamb dies,I might die t!" I culdn't shake the feeling that the plant had becme a symbl(象征) f my health.Nw that the plant was struggling,I grew increasingly depressed and fearful.
    Hwever,recalling what I'd experienced,I learnt that I had wrngly cnnected my care fr the plant——smething ver which I had at least sme cntrl——with my wn survival——smething ver which I had n cntrl.As I realized the fact,my anxiety was actually eased.I searched nline t figure ut hw t take care f my plant.When it was back in the sunny windw,we bth became healthier again.
    Nw,whenever I lk at the plant,I wuld think f Mitch and the ther peple wh have cared fr and supprted me.
    5.The authr decided t keep the bamb because ______ .
    A. he lved t keep huseplants
    B. he believed it helped t clean the air
    C. he thught it was a gd way t get relaxed
    D. he wanted t be surrunded by smething cheerful
    6.Hw did the authr feel abut lking after the bamb at first? ______
    A. It made him feel hpeless.
    B. It put an end t his suffering.
    C. It gave him a sense f achievement.
    D. It reminded him f his pr health cnditin.
    7.Why did the authr becme fearful when the bamb shwed signs f stress? ______
    A. Because he culdn't bear failures.
    B. Because he didn't knw why it was dying.
    C. Because he didn't want t disappint Mitch.
    D. Because he related his wn health t the plant's.
    8.Hw did the authr finally relieve his tensin? ______
    A. By believing in his recvery in the end.
    B. By accepting things beynd his cntrl.
    C. By thinking f thse wh supprted him.
    D. By searching fr plant knwledge nline.
    Episdic memry (情景记忆) allws humans t revisit past persnal experiences in their minds,and it was nce thught t be a special skill f humans.Althugh there are still arguments abut the extent f this type f memry in nn-human animals,scientists have prved that creatures like rats and dgs can pass tests that are develped t assess episdic memry ver the past tw decades. " Curiusly,there is a lack f research investigating dlphins' episdic memry," University f Cambridge cgnitive (认知的) scientist James Davies says.Therefre,this surprising fact encurages him t fill this gap.
    The team used "where" and "wh" questins in their research,each n a different test.Each dlphin was first trained t retrieve a ball frm the water,and then trained t get a ball by appraching a persn hlding it in frnt f them while ignring an empty-handed persn standing at a different spt.During this training,the lcatins were randmized (使随机化) and the persn hlding the ball differed each time,s that thse details were irrelevant t learning the retrieving behavir.Then,fr the tests,the dlphins were asked t retrieve the ball as they had learned t d,but after 10 minutes,smething changed—— this time,the ball culdn't be seen,as it was nw behind ne f the tw peple's backs.In the"where" tests,the ball was hidden in the same spt as in the training,but bth peple had been changed ,while in the "wh"tests,the lcatins f the peple changed but the ball remained with the persn wh'd had it previusly.
    Eight dlphins went thrugh each f the tw tests,separated by at least 48 hurs.All the dlphins gt it right in chsing the crrect spt n the" where" experiments,and seven achieved success n the "wh"experiments.
    Kelly Jaakkla,a psychlgist,says that based n the incgnitive skills,dlphins are a gd candidate fr having episdic-like memry,and this study ges really far in shwing that.She als says, "The mre we lk fr such capabilities in nn-human animals,the mre species we'll likely find them in."She adds, "An exciting questin is therefre 'Where d we draw that line?Which animals d have it,which animals dn't,and what srt f cgnitive r neurlgical r scial characteristics d thse animals share? ' That's ging t be the fun part f the game,"
    9.What des the underlined wrd" retrieve" in Paragraph 2 prbably mean? ______
    A. Fetch.B. Mve.C. Thrw.D. Play.
    10.What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut? ______
    A. The lcatins f the peple invlved in the tests.
    B. The memry tasks that dlphins need t perfrm.
    C. The ability f dlphins t cmmunicate with humans.
    D. The dlphins' characteristics related t their memry prcessing.
    11.What can be inferred frm the passage? ______
    A. Dlphins pass the tests as a result f training.
    B. It is very likely that dlphins are affected by peple during the tests.
    C. Scientists will prbably find episdic memry in all nn-human animals.
    D. The influence f dlphins' familiarity with a lcatin r a persn is avided.
    12.Which wuld be the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. Dlphins Are the Mst Intelligent Animals
    B. Dlphins May Remember Persnal Experiences
    C. Episdic Memry Is Imprtant fr Humans and Animals
    D. A Scientific Methd Is Used t Study Dlphins' Memry
    After years f blue-cllar(蓝领) jbs being replaced by machines,advanced chatbts are nw breathing dwn white cllars.Generative AI tls,such as ChatGPT,have made impressive prgress in generating human-sunding language and understanding cntext.S much s that humans are n match fr them in sme tasks.Up t 300 millin full-time jbs culd be lst arund the wrld,which is as much as 18% f the glbal wrkfrce.
    A recent study by OpenAI,the creatr f ChatGPT,lked at the ptential fr autmatin acrss 1,016 jbs.Humans and AI separately rated hw well sftware pwered by large-language mdels,which are trained n a sea f infrmatin frm the Internet and then reacted quickly t specific functins,culd perfrm 19,000 tasks invlved in the jbs.If the sftware was cnsidered able t reduce the time it takes humans t cmplete the task by at least half,withut a drp in quality,the task was cnsidered ready fr AI replacement.Fr ther tasks,the cmpany imagined additinal sftware that culd be added t the mdel,such as cmputer tls that can autmatically pull fresh data frm the Internet.They fund that 80% f Americans culd have at least 10% f their wrk tasks dne by advanced AI tls.The figure rises t 50% f tasks fr arund 19% f wrkers.
    This autmatin shuld nt be feared.It culd free wrkers frm repeated tasks,cntributing t greater prductivity.A study published n April 5 suggests that generative AI culd bring abut sweeping changes t the glbal ecnmy.As these tls culd drive a 7% increase in glbal GDP and lift prductivity by 1.5 percentage pints ver a 10-year perid.
    But studies like this may verstate the ptential fr autmatin,ignring sme tacit skills(隐性技能) in prfessins they knw less abut.Human qualities imprtant fr sme jbs,such as empathy r charisma (感召力),will be verlked.And nt all tasks capable f being carried ut by AI shuld be:a man in lve shuld feel it a shame fr using it t write a lve letter t his belved girlfriend hwever tuching and sincere it may sund.
    Many businesses are als nt willing t accept AI.And thse wh have already accepted it are at the risk f practical and legal (法律的) cnfusin.When chatbts d nt knw what t say,they ften talk nnsense.The"creative" utput they prduce is based n a mixture f data surced frm the Internet,raising issues arund accuracy,privacy and intellectual prperty (知识产权).
    While much is unknwn abut hw generative AI will influence the wrld ecnmy and sciety,and it will take time t play ut,there are clear signs that the effects culd be prfund.But in the real wrld,AI tls will still need handlers.That may even end up creating new jbs.
    13.What is the functin f Paragraph 1? ______
    A. T shw the ppularity f AI tls.
    B. T give examples f using generative AI tls.
    C. T draw readers' attentin t the pssible threat f AI.
    D. T cmpare the impacts f AI n blue and white cllars.
    14.Accrding t the study by OpenAI,AI can replace humans when ______ .
    A. it can perfrm certain creative tasks
    B. autmatin is pwered by large-language mdels
    C. it develps imprtant human qualities like empathy
    D. Al tls imprve prductivity withut damaging quality
    15.The authr wuld prbably agree that ______ .
    A. AI tls may help increase emplyment
    B. AI will eventually take ver human jbs
    C. AI and autmatin d mre harm than gd
    D. human qualities are nt necessary fr autmatin
    Nichlas Epley,a behaviural scientist,and I cnducted a series f studies and cncluded that kind act s as simple as buying a cup f cffee fr smene can prmte a persn's happiness.Everyday life affrds many pprtunities fr such actins,yet peple d nt always catch them. (1) ______
    We firstly studied acts f kindness dne fr familiar peple such as friends,classmates r family. (2) ______ Fr instance,in ne experiment,peple wrte ntes t friends and family "just because".In anther,they gave cupcakes away t wrkmates.Acrss these experiments,we asked bth the persn perfrming a kind act and the ne receiving it t fill ut questinnaires (问卷).
    Acrss ur studies,several strng patterns appeared.Fr ne,bth perfrmers and receivers f the acts f kindness were in mre psitive mds than nrmal after these kind acts.(3) ______ The receivers felt significantly better than the kind actrs expected.The receivers als reliably rated these acts as"bigger"than the peple perfrming them did.
    ( 4) ______ In ne experiment,participants at an ice-skating rink (溜冰场) in a public park gave away ht chclate t peple they didn't knw n a cld winter day.Again,the experience was mre psitive than the perfrmers expected fr the receivers.Althugh the peple giving ut the ht chclate saw the act as relatively small,it really mattered t the receivers.
    These findings suggest that what might seem small when we are deciding whether r nt t d smething nice fr smene else culd matter a great deal t the persn we d it fr.These warm acts can imprve ur wn emtinal health and brighten the day f anther persn.(5) ______
    A.S why nt chse kindness when we can?
    B.Fr anther,it was clear that perfrmers undervalued their impacts.
    C.Frm ne situatin t the next,the specific acts f kindness differed.
    D.We fund that participants didn't realize their psitive impacts n strangers as well.
    E.Our research als revealed ne reasn why peple may nt realize their actins' impacts.
    F.We cmpared the perfrmers' expectatin f the receivers' mds with their actual experiences.
    G.It is because peple perfrming kind acts undervalue hw much receivers value their behaviur.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    After six mnths f dating,my partner Gabe and I were taking ur first rad trip.Bth f us were adventurus,and we culdn't wait t g(1) ______ and explring.
    At arund 5:30 pm,we were (2) ______ n a muntain rad named Crwsnest Highway.We didn't knw the recent flding in the area.When texting my mm,I happened t lk up frm my(3) ______ and saw a wave f mud (泥浆) and a huge tree cming dwn the muntain,right in frnt f ur car.Gab e tried t stp,but it was t (4) ______ .The mudslide sent ur car falling nearly 300 meters dwn a rck y cliff (悬崖) and ur car landed n its side amng sme trees.
    I didn't knw hw lng we were uncnscius (昏迷的).Nt (5) ______ , we were injured seriusly.Suffering the huge pain,we bth managed t mve ut f the(6) ______ car.Then,we sat n a rck and cnsidered ur chices.We culdn't get a(7) ______ n ur cell phnes,s all we culd d was shut fr help.Luckily,smene (8) ______ .Fur passers-by sptted us and called 911.When medical wrkers gt t ur side,they laded us int separate emergency vehicles.I was in the hspital fr ten days while they kept Gab e fr six weeks.I was tld I wuld nt walk as a nrmal persn fr the rest f my life and Gab e lst (9) ______ in his left eye.
    Befre all this happened,we were happy-g-lucky peple.Strangely enugh,the accident has made us even mre (10) ______ .Despite the injuries we suffered,we're thankful that we're still alive.The experience als made us clser.A year after the accident,we even drve back t the Crwsnest Highway as a newly married cuple.
    21.A. batingB. cyclingC. runningD. hiking
    22.A. drivingB. jggingC. walkingD. riding
    23.A. bkB. phneC. carD. cmputer
    24.A. earlyB. lngC. lateD. heavy
    25.A. exactlyB. clearlyC. necessarilyD. surprisingly
    26.A. crashedB. usedC. repairedD. parked
    27.A. wrdB. pictureC. signalD. message
    28.A. hesitatedB. respndedC. prmisedD. refused
    29.A. tuchB. smellC. sightD. hearing
    30.A. carefulB. disappintedC. puzzledD. psitive
    31.The girl came int the huse , ______ (carry) a lt f bks.
    32.We managed ______ (vercme) the difficulties in learning English.
    33.China's Shaanxi Histry Museum is well wrth ______ (visit).
    34.It is imprtant t avid ______ (waste) time and make gd use f every minute.
    35.______ (see) frm the tp f the hill,yur village lks quite beautiful.
    36.I culd get yu a jb here if that's ______ yu want.
    is a senir prfessr ______ views are widely respected.
    38.There are many reasns ______ English is s widely used arund the wrld.
    39.This small muntain village is a beautiful place ______ I spent my childhd.
    40.May 30,2023 is a memrable day, ______ the Shenzhu XVI manned spaceship wa launched successfully.
    41.Why Learning a New Language Is Gd fr the Whle Family
    Ever thught f making language learning part f yur family's activities?Learning a new language tgether can have unexpected emtinal benefits fr the whle family.
    Cmbining family time with language learning time is a great way fr mre quality time.Learning a new language as a family can be a fun grup activity.Everyne lves a game night r mvie night.Yu can play games like Bing,using vcabulary frm the target language.Or maybe yu have a particular vacatin destinatin yu lve where anther language is widely spken——learning that language tgether culd make yur next vacatin even mre enjyable.They're a fun way t break up the daily rutine (常规) and recnnect with thse yu lve.
    Language is all abut cmmunicatin and cnnectin.Learning a new language brings family members clser because they talk t each ther all the time when learning.All yu have t d is change t yur new language and practice with yur family members whenever yu want——n classrm needed.Telling family stries with what yu have recently learned is a gd place t start,which culd inspire questins and additinal cnversatins,and even create a familect——secret wrds and phrases shared nly amng the members f yur family.
    If yur family is big n gardening,make labels(标签) tgether fr yur plants and tls.Making fun labels in yur target language tgether can als help yu cnnect with lved family members.It pens up mre pprtunities like family cntests.Yu culd surprise each ther with ntes n pillws,bathrm mirrrs,inside dresser drawers——any place yur family will find them.Using these wrds later recalls these family memries.
    Each family is really its wn little unique scial wrld,and that wrld is being built thrugh language.The pwer f language learning lies in its ability t draw peple tgether.
    (1) Accrding t the passage,what is a great way t have mre quality time with yur family? ______
    (2) Why des studying a new language bring family members clser? ______
    (3) Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement,then underline it and explain why.
    ≥Making fun labels tgether fr garden plants and tls in yur target language can help yu win family cntests. ______
    (4) Apart frm what is mentined in the passage,what ther benefit(s) d yu think learning new language can bring t yu?( In abut 40 wrds) ______
    42.假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,你校将要举办主题为"变废为宝"的手工作品展。请用英文给英国交换生 Jim写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    提示词:手工作品展 handicrafts exhibitin
    (1)词数 100 左右;
    Dear Jim,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    1.【答案】【小题1】In additin t
    【小题2】makes a difference t
    【小题3】came up with
    【小题4】is cvered with
    【小题5】take part in
    【小题6】were stuck in
    【小题7】take actin
    【小题8】putting ut
    【小题9】in spite f
    【解析】(1)考查介词短语。句意:除了创造事物,科学还创造思想。根据句意可知表示"除了",用介词短语in additin t,首字母大写,故填In additin t。
    (2)考查动词短语。句意:有一个好老师会改变学生的职业道路。根据句意可知表示"改变;影响",用动词短语make a difference t,说明事实用一般现在时,动名词Having a gd teacher作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填makes a difference t。
    (3)考查动词短语。句意:经过热烈的讨论,我们想出了一个举办艺术节的新主意。根据句意可知表示"想出",用动词短语cme up with,说明过去的事,用一般过去时,故填came up with。
    (4)考查动词短语。句意:昨天沙漠刮起了风。现在到处都是沙子。根据句意可知表示"被覆盖",用动词短语be cvered with,和Nw一致,用一般现在时,和主语everything一致,be动词用is,故填is cvered with。
    (5)考查动词短语。句意:来自世界各地的许多运动员将参加即将到来的奥运会。根据句意可知表示"参加",用动词短语take part in,will后用动词原形,故填take part in。
    (6)考查动词短语。句意:由于车轮陷在泥里,救援队没能及时赶到。根据句意可知表示"陷在里",用动词短语be stuck in,前后时态一致,用一般过去时;和主语the car wheels一致,be动词用were,故填were stuck in。
    (7)考查动词短语。句意:我们必须采取行动制止被动吸烟对人们健康的有害影响。根据句意可知表示"采取行动",用动词短语take actin,must后用动词原形,故填take actin。
    (8)考查动词短语。句意:消防员能够从事危险的工作,比如灭火或在高层建筑上作业。根据句意可知表示"扑灭",用动词短语put ut,介词like后用动名词,故填putting ut。
    (9)考查介词短语。句意:尽管有种种困难,科学家们还是坚持进行实验。根据句意可知表示"尽管",用介词短语in spite f,故填in spite f。
    (10)考查动词短语。句意:如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终可能会得到一些你不想要的东西。根据句意可知表示"最终",用动词短语end up,might后用动词原形,故填end up。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据West Building,Grund Flr部分下面This exhibitin includes abut 80 recently acquired artwrks. (这次展览包括近期获得的大约80件艺术品。)和These pieces are sure t give yu an understanding f British art ver tw centuries.(这些作品一定会让你对两个世纪以来的英国艺术有所了解。)可知,在国家美术馆你能看到新获得的英国艺术品。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Opening Times部分下面的The Natinal Gallery f Art is pen frm 10:00 am t 5:00 pm,including public hlidays.Last admissin is at 4:00 pm,ne hur befre clsing.(国家美术馆开放时间为上午10:00至下午5:00,包括公众假期。最后一次入场时间是下午四点,离关门还有一个小时。)可知,国家美术馆上午10:00至下午4:00接纳访客,故选A。
    (3)目的意图题。通读全文,尤其是第一段The Natinal Gallery f Art is a public art museum in Washingtn, cntains a large cllectin f paintings,prints,drawings,phtgraphs,and ther wrks f art.Cme and enjy sme wnderful shws.(国家美术馆是华盛顿特区的一个公共艺术博物馆。它收藏了大量的绘画、版画、素描、照片和其他艺术作品。来欣赏一些精彩的表演吧。)可知,文章主要介绍了国家美术馆的相关信息。由此可推知,文章的目的是提供国家美术馆的相关信息。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第一段After my diagnsis (诊断) with brain cancer,I lved the idea f having smething new and green and alive arund us.(在我被诊断出患有脑癌后,我喜欢在我们周围有一些新的、绿色的、有生命的东西的想法。)和第二段 When my friend Mitch gave me what he said was a lucky bamb plant,we placed it in the living rm windw where I spent much f each day.(当我的朋友米奇送给我一棵他说是幸运的竹子时,我们把它放在起居室的窗户上,我每天大部分时间都呆在那里。)可知作者决定保留竹子,因为他想被快乐的东西包围。故选D。
    (2)观点态度题。根据文章第三段Taking care f the plant gave me the feeling f being happy and satisfied when I felt useless(当我觉得自己一无是处时,照顾这株植物给了我快乐和满足的感觉)可知作者觉得照看竹缸首先给了他一种成就感。A.It made him feel hpeless.这让他感到绝望;B.It put an end t his suffering.这结束了他的痛苦;C.It gave him a sense f achievement.这给了他一种成就感;D.It reminded him f his pr health cnditin.这让他想起了自己糟糕的健康状况。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章倒数第三段Then,withut any reasn,it began t shw signs f stress.Its leaves kept brwning and drpping t the flr. "I can't even care fr a simple plant!"I yelled. "If my lucky bamb dies,I might die t!" I culdn't shake the feeling that the plant had becme a symbl(象征) f my health(然后,没有任何原因,它开始显示出压力的迹象。它的叶子不停地变褐并掉落到地板上。"我连一株简单的植物都照顾不了!"我大叫。"如果我的幸运竹死了,我可能也会死!"我无法摆脱这种感觉,这种植物已经成为我健康的象征)可知当竹子表现出压力的迹象时,作者变得害怕起来,因为他把自己的健康与植物的健康联系在一起。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章第二段 Hwever,recalling what I'd experienced,I learnt that I had wrngly cnnected my care fr the plant——smething ver which I had at least sme cntrl——with my wn survival——smething ver which I had n cntrl.As I realized the fact,my anxiety was actually eased(然而,回想起我的经历,我意识到我错误地把我对植物的关心——这是我至少可以控制的事情---和我自己的生存---这是我无法控制的事情联系起来了。当我意识到这个事实时,我的焦虑实际上减轻了)可知作者最终通过接受他无法控制的事情来缓解他的紧张。故选B。
    【解析】(1)猜测词句题。根据文章第二段The team used "where" and "wh" questins in their research,each n a different test.Each dlphin was first trained t retrieve a ball frm the water,and then trained t get a ball by appraching a persn hlding it in frnt f them while ignring an empty-handed persn standing at a different spt.(该小组在他们的研究中使用了"在哪里"和"是谁"的问题,每一个都在不同的测试中。每只海豚首先被训练从水中取回一个球,然后被训练通过接近一个在它们面前拿着球的人而忽略一个站在不同位置的空手的人来得到球。)可知retrieve的意思是"取回"。A.Fetch.取回;B.Mve.移动;C.Thrw.扔;D.Play.玩。故选A。
    (2)段落大意题。根据文章第二段During this training,the lcatins were randmized (使随机化) and the persn hlding the ball differed each time,s that thse details were irrelevant t learning the retrieving behavir.(在这次训练中,地点是随机的,每次拿球的人都不一样,所以这些细节与学习捡球行为无关。)可知第二段主要就是了海豚需要完成的记忆任务。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段All the dlphins gt it right in chsing the crrect spt n the" where" experiments,and seven achieved success n the "wh"experiments.(在"在哪里"的实验中,所有的海豚都选择了正确的地点,而在"是谁"的实验中,有七只成功了。)和最后一段Kelly Jaakkla,a psychlgist,says that based n the incgnitive skills,dlphins are a gd candidate fr having episdic-like memry,and this study ges really far in shwing that(心理学家Kelly Jaakkla说,基于无认知能力,海豚是拥有情景式记忆的很好的候选者,这项研究在展示这一点上走得很远)可知避免了海豚对一个地点或一个人的熟悉程度的影响。故选D。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章第一段Episdic memry (情景记忆) allws humans t revisit past persnal experiences in their minds,and it was nce thught t be a special skill f humans.Althugh there are still arguments abut the extent f this type f memry in nn-human animals,scientists have prved that creatures like rats and dgs can pass tests that are develped t assess episdic memry ver the past tw decades. " Curiusly,there is a lack f research investigating dlphins' episdic memry," University f Cambridge cgnitive (认知的) scientist James Davies says.Therefre,this surprising fact encurages him t fill this gap.(情节记忆允许人类在脑海中重温过去的个人经历,它曾被认为是人类的一项特殊技能。尽管对于这种类型的记忆在非人类动物中的程度仍有争议,但科学家已经证明,像老鼠和狗这样的动物可以通过过去二十年来开发的评估情景记忆的测试。"奇怪的是,缺乏对海豚情景记忆的研究,"剑桥大学认知科学家詹姆斯•戴维斯说。因此,这个令人惊讶的事实鼓励他去填补这个空白。)可知本文主要讲述了关于海豚的情景记忆的研究。因此本文的最佳标题是B.Dlphins May Remember Persnal Experiences(海豚可能记得个人经历)。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段After years f blue-cllar(蓝领)jbs being replaced by machines,advanced chatbts are nw breathing dwn white cllars.Generative Al tls,such as ChatGPT,have made impressive prgress in generating human-sunding language and understanding cntext.S much s that humans are n match fr them in sme tasks.Up t 300 millin full-time jbs culd be lst arund the wrld,which is as much as 18% f the glbal wrkfrce.(在多年的蓝领工作被机器取代之后,先进的聊天机器人现在正在吸引白领的注意力。生成式人工智能工具,如 ChatGPT,在生成听起来像人的语言和理解上下文方面取得了令人印象深刻的进展。以至于人类在某些任务中无法与之匹敌。全世界可能会有多达3亿个全职工作岗位流失,相当于全球劳动力总数的18%。)可推知,第一段提醒读者注意人工智能的潜在威胁。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段中If the sftware was cnsidered able t reduce the time it takes humans t cmplete the task by at least half,withut a drp in quality,the task was cnsidered ready fr AI replacement.(如果该软件被认为能够将人类完成任务的时间至少减少一半,而且质量没有下降,那么该任务被认为已经可以用人工智能替代。)可知,根据OpenAI的研究,当人工智能工具在不损害质量且提高生产力时,人工智能可以取代人类,故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据最后一段中But in the real wrld,AI tls will still need handlers.That may even end up creating new jbs.(但在现实世界中,人工智能工具仍然需要处理程序。这甚至可能最终创造新的就业机会。)可知,作者可能会同意人工智能工具可能有助于增加就业,故选A。
    本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了生成式人工智能工具,如 ChatGPT,在生成听起来像人的语言和理解上下文方面取得了令人印象深刻的进展。以至于人类在某些任务中无法与之匹敌。全世界可能会有多达3亿个全职工作岗位流失,相当于全球劳动力总数的18%。但是我们不应该害怕这种自动化。因为它可以使工人从重复的任务中解放出来,从而提高生产力。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Everyday life affrds many pprtunities fr such actins,yet peple d nt always catch them(日常生活为这种行为提供了很多机会,但人们并不总是能抓住它们),可知表示"这是因为做出善意的行为的人们低估了接受者对他们行为的重视程度"的选项G可以和前文构成因果关系,因为做出善意的行为的人们低估了接受者对他们行为的重视程度,所以人们并不总是能抓住做出善意的行为的机会,故选G。
    (2)推理判断题。根据后句Fr instance,in ne experiment,peple wrte ntes t friends and family "just because".In anther,they gave cupcakes away t wrkmates(例如,在一项实验中,人们给朋友和家人写纸条只是因为他们是自己的朋友和家人。在另一项试验中,他们把纸杯蛋糕送给同事),可知表示"具体的善举因情况而异"的选项C可以和后句构成例证关系,后句举例说明具体的善举因情况而异,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句Fr ne,bth perfrmers and receivers f the acts f kindness were in mre psitive mds than nrmal after these kind acts(一方面,善意行为的执行者和接受者在这些善意行为后的情绪都比正常人更积极),可知表示"另一方面,表现者显然低估了他们的影响力"的选项B可以和前文构成并列关系,Fr anther表示"一方面另一方面",故选B。
    (4)主题判断题。根据后句In ne experiment,participants at an ice-skating rink (溜冰场) in a public park gave away ht chclate t peple they didn't knw n a cld winter day.Again,the experience was mre psitive than the perfrmers expected fr the receivers.Althugh the peple giving ut the ht chclate saw the act as relatively small,it really mattered t the receivers(在一个实验中,在一个寒冷的冬日的一个公共公园里,溜冰场上的参与者把热巧克力送给了他们不认识的人。同样,这种体验比表演者对接受者的预期更积极。尽管分发热巧克力的人认为这种行为相对较小,但这对接受者来说真的很重要),可知表示"我们发现,参与者也没有意识到他们对陌生人的积极影响"的选项D可以作为本段的主题,后句通过例子证明参与者也没有意识到他们对陌生人的积极影响,故选D。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句These warm acts can imprve ur wn emtinal health and brighten the day f anther persn(这些温暖的行为可以改善我们自己的情绪健康,让他人的一天变得明亮),可知表示"既然可以,为什么不选择善良呢"的选项A可以承接前文,构成让步关系,既然温暖的行为可以改善我们自己的情绪健康,让他人的一天变得明亮,我们不选择善良呢?故选A。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.bating划船;B.cycling骑自行车;C.running跑步;D.hiking远足。句意:约会六个月后,我和我的伴侣盖比开始了我们的第一次公路旅行。我们俩都喜欢冒险,迫不及待地想去远足和探险。根据前文"my partner Gabe and I were taking ur first rad trip"可知,作者迫不及待地想去远足和探险。故选D。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.driving驾驶;B.jgging慢跑;C.walking步行;D.riding骑行。句意:下午5点30分左右,我们行驶在一条名为"皇冠公路"的山路上。根据后文"right in frnt f ur car."可知,作者开车行驶在一条名为"皇冠公路"的山路上。故选A。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.bk书;B.phne电话;C.car汽车;D.cmputer计算机。句意:当我给妈妈发短信的时候,我碰巧从手机上抬起头来,看到一股泥浆和一棵大树从山上滚下来,就在我们的车前面。根据前文"texting my mm"可知,当作者给妈妈发短信的时候,碰巧从手机上抬起头来,看到一股泥浆和一棵大树从山上滚下来。故选B。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.early早的;B.lng长的;C.late晚的;D.heavy重的。句意:盖比试图阻止,但已经太晚了。根据后文"The mudslide sent ur car falling nearly 300 meters dwn a rcky cliff(悬崖)and ur car landed n its side amng sme trees."可知,已经太晚了。故选C。
    (5)考查副词及语境理解。A.exactly确切地;B.clearly清楚地;C.necessarily必要地;D.surprisingly令人惊讶地。句意:毫不奇怪,我们受了重伤。根据前文"I didn't knw hw lng we were uncnscius"可知,不足为奇地是,作者和伴侣受了重伤。故选D。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.crashed撞车;B.used使用;C.repaired修理;D.parked停车。句意:忍受着巨大的痛苦,我们俩都设法从撞坏的车里爬了出来。根据前文"The mudslide sent ur car falling nearly 300 meters dwn a rcky cliff(悬崖)and ur car landed n its side amng sme trees."可知,泥石流已经把作者的车从近300米高的悬崖上摔了下来,故车应该是被撞坏的。故选A。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.wrd词;B.picture图片;C.signal信号;D.message信息。句意:我们的手机收不到信号,所以我们所能做的就是大声呼救。根据后文"s all we culd d was shut fr help"可知,因为手机没信号,所以只能大声呼救。故选C。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.hesitated犹豫;B.respnded回应;C.prmised承诺;D.refused拒绝。句意:幸运的是,有人回应了。根据前文"We culdn't get a(7)n ur cell phnes,s all we culd d was shut fr help."可知,作者和伴侣大声求救,幸运的是,有人回应了。故选B。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.tuch触觉;B.smell嗅觉;C.sight视觉;D.hearing听力。句意:我被告知,在我的余生中,我将无法像正常人一样走路,盖比的左眼也失明了。根据下文"in his left eye"可知,盖比的左眼也失明了。故选C。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.careful小心的;B.disappinted失望的;C.puzzled困惑的;D.psitive积极的。句意:奇怪的是,这次事故反而使我们更加乐观了。根据后文"Despite the injuries we suffered,we're thankful that we're still alive.The experience als made us clser."可知,事故让他们变得更积极乐观了。故选D。
    【解析】carry"携带,拿",动词,分析可知,此处应用非谓语动词作伴随状语,动词carry与其逻辑主语the girl之间为主谓关系,故此处应使用现在分词作状语。
    32.【答案】t vercme
    【解析】vercme"克服",动词,根据句意表示"设法做成某事",应用manage t d sth.,即此处应用动词不定式作宾语。
    故填:t vercme。
    【解析】visit"参观",动词,be wrth ding sth"值得做某事"。
    【解析】waste"浪费",动词,根据句意表示"避免做某事",应用avid ding sth,即此处应用动名词作宾语。
    【解析】答案是Seen.本题考查语境中选用所给词的恰当形式;题干中需要分词做状语,see和句子主语yur village之间是被动关系,需要过去分词,故答案是Seen.
    【解析】根据句意,横线处应是what,句中want缺少宾语,用what作其宾语,同时引导表语从句,相当于the thing that/which。
    41.【答案】【小题1】Learning a new language tgether.
    【小题2】Because they talk t each ther all the time when learning.
    【小题3】Making fun labels tgether fr garden plants and tls in yur target language can help yu win family cntests.It can help yu cnnect with lved family members.
    【小题4】(1)Learning a new language can prmte better cmmunicatin.I can cmmunicate with a wider range f peple,bth in my persnal and prfessinal life.Als,it increases cultural awareness since learning a new language expses me t new cultures and ways f thinking,helping me understand different perspectives.(2)Learning a new language enhances jb pprtunities.It can be a valuable asset in the jb market,especially in industries that require cmmunicatin with peple frm different cuntries.By acquiring a new language,I will have mre pprtunities t advance r shift my career.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中Learning a new language tgether can have unexpected emtinal benefits fr the whle family.(一起学习一门新的语言可以给整个家庭带来意想不到的情感收益。)可知,和家人一起学习一门新的语言是与家人共度更多美好时光的好方法,故填Learning a new language tgether.
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段中Learning a new language brings family members clser because they talk t each ther all the time when learning.(学习一门新的语言可以使家庭成员之间更加亲密,因为他们在学习的过程中一直在交谈。)可知,学习一门新语言会让家庭成员更加亲密是因为他们在学习的时候总是互相交谈。故填Because they talk t each ther all the time when learning.
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段中Making fun labels in yur target language tgether can als help yu cnnect with lved family members.(一起用你的目标语言制作有趣的标签也可以帮助你与你所爱的家庭成员建立联系。)可知,一起用你的目标语言制作有趣的标签也可以帮助你与你所爱的家庭成员建立联系,而非帮助你赢得家庭竞赛。所以该陈述Making fun labels tgether fr garden plants and tls in yur target language can help yu win family cntests.中win family cntests是错误的,故填Making fun labels tgether fr garden plants and tls in yur target language can help yu win family cntests.It can help yu cnnect with lved family members.
    (4)开放题。题目问"除了文章中提到的,你认为学习新语言还能给你带来什么好处?可知,学习一门新语言可以促进更好的交流。我可以和更多的人交流,无论是在我的个人生活还是职业生涯中。另外,学习一门新的语言可以让我接触到新的文化和思维方式,帮助我理解不同的观点,从而提高我的文化意识。答案也可为:学习一门新语言可增加就业机会。在就业市场,尤其是那些需要与来自不同国家的人沟通的行业,它可能是一项宝贵的资产。通过学习一门新的语言,我将有更多的机会来提升或改变我的职业生涯。故填(1)Learning a new language can prmte better cmmunicatin.I can cmmunicate with a wider range f peple,bth in my persnal and prfessinal life.Als,it increases cultural awareness since learning a new language expses me t new cultures and ways f thinking,helping me understand different perspectives.(2)Learning a new language enhances jb pprtunities.It can be a valuable asset in the jb market,especially in industries that require cmmunicatin with peple frm different cuntries.By acquiring a new language,I will have mre pprtunities t advance r shift my career.
    42.【答案】Dear Jim,
    Hw's it ging?Our schl will hld a handicrafts exhibitin t encurage us t change trash int treasure.【高分句型一】I'm writing t invite yu t participate in it.(写信目的)
    In an effrt t prmte green lifestyle,we are asked t turn used items int all-new,functinal nes and submit them by July 16.Fr example,we can give a secnd life t dispsable chpsticks by transfrming them int hme decratins.The mst creative designs will be n shw in the lecture hall frm July 19 t 23.(介绍该活动)
    I knw yu are an envirnmental activist.【高分句型二】Wuld yu like t jin us?I'm sure with ur effrts,we can d ur part t raise peple's awareness f living a green life.(邀请他参加)
    Lking frward t yur reply.(盼望)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Our schl will hld a handicrafts exhibitin t encurage us t change trash int treasure.
    分析:这句话使用了不定式t encurage us t change trash int treasure作目的状语。
    高分句型二:I knw yu are an envirnmental activist.
    这是一篇提纲类作文,需要写的内容已经给出,但是写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文,一定要谈谈自己的看法。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。同时注意要求的字数,不要太多也不要太少。cme up with put ut take part in take actin make a difference t
    be cvered with end up be stuck in in spite f in additin t

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    2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西玉林市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年广西河池市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年广西河池市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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