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    这是一份2022-2023学年北京市朝阳区高三(上)期末英语试卷(含答案解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了  A等内容,欢迎下载使用。


        Early in my teaching career, I heard countless make-believe stories for unfinished homework. Then I grew less trusting and quitted   (1)   any excuse. When the students at my new school didn't finish homework, I never asked why. Instead, I just sighed loudly and recorded a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the   (2)   I thought I wanted.
        One day, Anthony approached me. "Could I talk to you?" he asked   (3)  . "I know you said no excuse, but I don't want you to think I'm   (4)   because I often come without my homework." He then looked up at me for the first time. "It's just that...my dad moved out, and my mom works at night, so I have to look after my little brothers. Often, they cry a lot, and it's hard for me to   (5)  ..."
        I was about to ask why he didn't tell me earlier when I suddenly realized why. So I changed the   (6)  . "Would it help if you stayed after school and worked on it before you go home?"
        He nodded hard.
        Anthony became the first student in my after-school study session. Several days later, Terrell joined him, followed by Sandy and Randy. Before long, I had a room full of students. Their stories were not amusing, but all very   (7)  :
    •The power company   (8)   our lights because we couldn't pay the bill.
    •My dad says schoolwork is just a waste of time.
    •We don't have any paper in the house.
        I thus discovered not all kids come from families that are   (9)  . Not all kids have a quiet bedroom with a desk and study light. Some don't even have home. Most importantly, I learned that "I'll listen"   (10)   better than "No excuse!"
    1.  A. inventing B. finding C. accepting D. offering
    2.  A. reputation B. benefit C. experience D. praise
    3.  A. loudly B. shyly C. curiously D. eagerly
    4.  A. poor B. mean C. lazy D. weak
    5.  A. behave B. concentrate C. struggle D. compete
    6.  A. question B. tune C. process D. thought
    7.  A. complex B. moving C. cool D. real
    8.  A. broke down B. put out C. cut off D. shut out
    9.  A. disciplined B. peaceful C. traditional D. supportive
    10.  A. works B. feels C. understands D. controls
    11. A    Edward O. Wilson, the "modern-day Charles Darwin", damaged his right eye when he   (1)   (catch) a fish in the river near his home at seven. The poor eyesight only allowed him to observe small   (2)   (creature) like ants. Interested in the selflessness of ants, which would sacrifice themselves for their colony (群体), Wilson developed a theory,   (3)   (confirm) the existence of altruistic (利他的) behavior in a wide range of species. It made him influential as both a close observer and a pioneering theorist.
        Research on the relationship between gratitude (感恩) and physical health is still exploring. The evidence of existing studies   (4)   (suggest) that there may be a connection. It appears that more grateful people report sleeping better and feeling   (5)   (healthy). Besides, gratitude may lead people to engage in behaviors that help keep them healthy, like not smoking. Now researchers still need to make it clear   (6)   gratitude is so good for our health.
        On October 12th, Shenzhou-14 crew members gave a live class to the students on Earth. During the class, the crew showed the students a science glove-box,   (7)   the plants experiments are performed. Then, the astronauts had real-time interactions with students   (8)   video calls and they answered students' questions like "What kinds of plants   (9)   (bring) to space in future spaceflights?" At the end of the class, the crew said, "We expect you guys   (10)   (build) our space home better in the future."
        With many Chicken Soup for the Soul books in development, we are always looking for new talent. So whether you are a regular contributor or new to our family, please share your stories with us.
        Here is the recipe for submission.
        Story Guidelines
    •Tell a heartwarming story about something that has happened to you or someone you know.
    •The story should start "in the action" and draw in the reader. Do not start your story with an introduction about what you are going to say.
    •Don't try fancy moves with tenses. Writing in the present tense about something that happened in the past rarely works.
    •Keep your story within 1200 words. Tighten!
        Tips about submitting
        The only way to submit your stories is to do it on our website. A message, "Thank you! Your information has been received," is the only confirmation of your submission. There is no email from us. If you have any problems, please write to: 
        There are many topics in each of our books. If you have a story that you think fits two of the topics, you may submit it to both. Also, there is no limit to the number of stories you may submit for each book.
        After publication
        If your story is selected to be published, you will be asked to sign our standard permission release agreement. This means that you maintain ownership of your story but you give us the rights to publish it and use it again in any future book or our other products.
        After your story is published, you will receive ten free copies of the book your story appears in. You will be entitled to buy cases of your books at half price. You will also receive our monthly newsletter with advance notice of new books.
    12. What kind of story is likely to be accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul?
    A. A story with an introduction.
    B. A story of one's own experience.
    C. A story with more than 1200 words.
    D. A story written in the present tense.
    13. What can we learn about story submission?
    A. You can submit your stories by email.
    B. A story can just be submitted to one topic.
    C. You can submit many stories to the same book.
    D. An email will be sent for a successful submission.
    14. If your story is published, you will ______.
    A. lose its official ownership
    B. obtain future books in advance
    C. get free cases of your books
    D. approve of its future publication
        As a Ph. D. student in a new country, lockdown and homesickness combined to leave me feeling lonely and desperate to meet people. To find the connections I was missing, I searched for opportunities that would involve teamwork as a volunteer on the Internet. A position matching graduate students with jobs drew my attention. It needed someone who would lead teams of graduate student volunteers to help bring in industry partners, and work with the university administration and student applicants. The chances to interact with all these different groups were appealing. I had no relevant experience and worried a disturbance to my study, but I still decided I might as well go for it and apply.
        The first few weeks in my new role were challenging. Along with my routine study, I was suddenly managing a team of four volunteers and meetings with industry professionals. At first, I was nervous in meetings with them, feeling I wasn't prepared enough. But as I gained experience, the interactions became truly enjoyable and rewarding. Sometimes the conversations went beyond regular business to touch on career paths, personal challenges, and more. I began to enjoy the daily mix of activities.
        I also learned about leadership. At the start, things seemed to go well until one of my team members told me I wasn't including her fully in decision-making. I was upset; didn't she trust my leadership? But after I calmed down, I saw that maybe she had a point. So I began to ask team members to lead some of our meetings and encouraged them to express their views. This new approach allowed us to meet our targets while helping everyone feel more content and connected—as colleagues, but also as friends.
        Beyond building relationships and skills, this experience expanded my horizons about my own professional future. Before I joined, I had only been exposed to academic career paths, and I assumed that was my future. Now I've realized I particularly enjoy feeling part of a team and affecting the lives of others. As I get closer to completing my Ph. D., I'm approaching job searches with a good idea of what I want.
    15. What made the author decide to apply for the volunteer work?
    A. The relevance to her study. B. The longing for a family.
    C. The desire for social contact. D. The previous work experience.
    16. What can we learn about the author's volunteer work?
    A. It drives her away from her study.
    B. It teaches her how to conduct business.
    C. It allows her to adjust her attitude to life and career.
    D. It helps her identify the professional paths.
    17. From the passage, we can learn that the author is ______.
    A. open to new challenges B. proud of academic success
    C. brave to overcome prejudice D. demanding of group members
        Finland was known as a rather quiet country. Since 2008, the Country Brand Delegation (国家品牌代表团) has been looking for a national brand that would make some noise to market the country as a world-famous tourist destination. In 2010, the Delegation issued a "Country Brand Report", which highlighted a host of marketable themes, including Finland's famous educational system. One key theme was brand new: silence. As the report explained, modern society often seems intolerably loud and busy. "Silence is a resource," it said.
        Silence first appeared in scientific research as a control or baseline, against which scientists compare the effects of noise or music. Researchers have mainly studied it by accident, as physician Luciano Bernardi did in his study of the physiological (生理学) effects of music. "We didn't think about the effect of silence," he said. Bernardi observed two dozen test subjects while they listened to six musical tracks. He found that the impacts of music could be read directly in the bloodstream, via changes in blood pressure, carbon dioxide, and circulation in the brain. "During almost all sorts of music, there was a physiological change with a condition of arousal (兴奋)," he explained.
        This effect made sense, given that active listening requires attention. But the more striking finding appeared between musical tracks. Bernardi and his colleagues discovered that randomly added stretches of silence also had a great effect, but in the opposite direction. In fact, two-minute silent pauses proved far more relaxing than either "relaxing" music or a longer silence played before the experiment started. The blank pauses that Bernardi had considered irrelevant, in other words, became the most interesting object of study. Silence seemed to be heightened by contrasts, maybe because it gave test subjects a release from careful attention. "Perhaps the arousal is something that concentrates the mind in one direction, so that when there is nothing more arousing, then you have deeper relaxation," he said.
        This finding is reinforced by neurological (神经系统的) research. Relevant research shows when our brains rest quietly, they integrate external and internal information into "a conscious (意识的) workspace". Freedom from noise and goal-directed tasks, it appears, unites the quiet without and within, allowing our conscious workspace to do its thing to discover where we fit in.
        Noora Vikman, a consultant on silence for Finland's marketers, knows silence well. Living in a remote and quiet place in Finland, she discovers thoughts and feelings that aren't detectable in her busy daily life. "If you want to know yourself, you have to be with yourself, and discuss with yourself, and be able to talk with yourself."
    18. Why does the author mention the Country Brand Report in Paragraph 1?
    A. To present how Finland viewed silence.
    B. To highlight the need of noise in Finland.
    C. To explain why Finland issued the brands.
    D. To indicate the authority of the Delegation.
    19. What can be inferred about Luciano Bernardi's discovery?
    A. It challenged the calming effect of music.
    B. It emphasized the role of silence between sounds.
    C. It illustrated the loss of attentiveness after silence.
    D. It stated brains' information processing in the quiet.
    20. As for Noora Vikman's attitude to silence, the author is ______.
    A. doubtful B. supportive C. disapproving D. unconcerned
    21. Which would be the best title for the passage?
    A. Silence: A Limited Resource. B. Silence: A Misunderstood Tool.
    C. Silence: The Unexpected Power. D. Silence: The Value by Contrasts.
        A few years ago, the City Council of Monza, Italy, barred pet owners from keeping goldfish in curved fishbowls. The sponsors of the measure explained that it is cruel to keep a fish in such a bowl because the curved sides give the fish a distorted view of reality. Aside from the measure's significance to the poor goldfish, the story raises an interesting philosophical question: How do we know that the reality we perceive is true?
        Physicists are finding themselves in a similar trouble to the goldfish's. For decades they have been pursuing an ultimate theory of everything—one complete and consistent set of fundamental laws of nature that explain every aspect of reality. It now appears that this pursuit may generate not a single theory but a family of interconnected theories, each describing its own version of reality, as if it viewed the universe through its own fishbowl. This concept may be difficult for many people to accept. Most people believe that there is an objective reality out there and that our senses and our science directly convey (传达) information about the material world. In philosophy, that belief is called realism.
        In physics, realism is becoming difficult to defend. Instead, the idea of alternative realities is a mainstay of today's popular culture. For example, in the science-fiction film The Matrix the human race is unknowingly living in a simulated (模拟的) virtual reality created by intelligent computers. How do we know we are not just computer-generated characters living in a Matrix-like world? If—like us—the beings in the simulated world could not observe their universe from the outside, they would have no reason to doubt their own pictures of reality.
        Similarly, the goldfish's view is not the same as ours from outside their curved bowl. For instance, because light bends as it travels from air to water, a freely moving object that we would observe to move in a straight line would be observed by the goldfish to move along a curved path. The goldfish could form scientific laws from their frame (框架) of reference that would always hold true and that would enable them to make predictions about the future motion of objects outside the bowl. If the goldfish formed such a theory, we would have to admit the goldfish's view as a reasonable picture of reality.
        The goldfish example shows that the same physical situation can be modeled in different ways, each employing different fundamental elements and concepts. It might be that to describe the universe we have to employ different theories in different situations. It is not the physicist's traditional expectation for a theory of nature, nor does it correspond to our everyday idea of reality. But it might be the way of the universe.
    22. What does the underlined word "distorted" in Paragraph most probably mean?
    A. Original. B. Accurate. C. Distant. D. False.
    23. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A. The need for a complete theory.
    B. The lasting conflict in physics.
    C. The existence of the material world.
    D. The conventional insight of reality.
    24. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. Nature's mysteries are best left undiscovered.
    B. An external world is independent of the observers.
    C. People's theories are influenced by their viewpoints.
    D. It is essential to figure out which picture of reality is better.
    25. According to the passage, the author may agree that ______.
    A. various interpretations of the universe are welcomed
    B. physicists have a favorite candidate for the final theory
    C. multiple realities can be pieced together to show the real world
    D. there is still possibility to unify different theories into a single one
        An apology can achieve great things for both the givers and the receivers although nobody likes to admit that they were wrong.
        An apology is crucial to our physical health. When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. This act feels like a weight on us has been lifted.   (1)   Research showed that heart rate, sweat levels and facial tension decreased in victims of wrongs even when they simply imagined receiving an apology.
        Apologizing affects us not just physically, but also mentally.   (2)   When presented with an apology, the victims may view us as imperfect human beings and find it easier to give forgiveness. In a powerful piece in Psychology Today, writer Beverly Engel described how a simple "I'm sorry" from her mother, after being estranged from each other for three years, made her relieved emotionally. But let's be real, apologizing can be difficult.
          (3)   We should recognize our action did hurt someone even if our intention may not have been so. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future.   (4)   Of course, the most effective apologies often bring a cost to our dignity, since we have to admit that we are wrong in front of others or many people.   (5)   As is known, it is one of the most positive actions we can take when we do something wrong—for ourselves, the others, and the relationship. So, go ahead, apologize a little more often for the things worth apologizing for.
    ​​​​​​​A. There are agreed-upon ways to express our apology to others.
    B. It's a way of showing the price we paid for the wronged action.
    C. A good apology affects the health of those on the receiving end, too.
    D. But this can often be minor compared to the benefits of a proper apology.
    E. This means we should take the blame and not try to justify it or explain it away.
    F. Apologize for what you did rather than what other people might have thought about it.
    G. It has the ability to disarm others of their anger and to prevent further misunderstandings.
    26.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    27.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    28.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    29.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    30.  A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
    31.     Building relationships and working successfully with different cultural backgrounds can seem like a major challenge. But you can enjoy the rewards, while keeping dissatisfaction to a minimum. The key to making them work is cultural competence. Essentially, cultural competence is defined as the ability to understand and interact effectively with people from different cultures.
        Cultural competence is critical for everyone in today's modern world. Living and working in a culturally diverse environment sometimes comes with differences of opinion and tension. People with strong cultural competence can resolve these issues creatively, even if a solution seems impossible at first. What's more, thinking and caring about others with different experiences can bring out a sense of understanding. This helps to build trust between each other.
        Cultural competence can be improved through training, education, and experience. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cultural competence.
        Assess yourself
        The starting point is to understand your own cultural values and world view. Assess the current level of cultural competence in yourself and identify the knowledge, skills and resources that you want to acquire. This can give you an idea of your strengths and weaknesses in the area so that you can improve yourself in future.
        Practice good manners
        No matter whom you are dealing with, make sure that you are respecting others' backgrounds, boundaries and customs. Pay close attention to your communication and make sure that you're speaking to others in a kind and polite way.
        Ask questions
        When you don't understand something or want to know why someone has behaved in a certain way, simply ask. Asking questions stops you making unnecessary assumptions, and shows the questions you did not understand to them.
        Keep in mind that developing cultural competence is not a one-shot enterprise. It takes time and practice. Whether you are in a classroom or on campus, cultural competence plays an important role in your daily environment. Recognizing and dealing with cultural differences will create a happier setting for everyone.
    (1) What is cultural competence according to the passage?
    (2) Why is cultural competence important for people in intercultural environment?
    (3) Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
    To improve our cultural competence, we should not only understand our strengths and weaknesses in this area, but also ask questions when we don't understand others' behaviors, even if we may speak in an impolite way.
    (4) Apart from the tips mentioned in the passage, what other way(s) can you think of to develop your cultural competence? (In about 40 words)
    32. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你班交换生Jim打算利用寒假在家锻炼身体,发来邮件向你咨询。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
    (1) 词数100左右;
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

    1. 句意:然后我变得不那么信任了,不再接受任何借口。A.inventing发明;B.finding发现;C.accepting接受;D.offering提供。根据上文I heard countless make-believe stories for unfinished homework.可知,作者不再接受任何借口。故选C。
    2. 句意:我很快就获得了我认为我想要的声誉。A.reputation名声,名誉;B.benefit益处,好处;C.experience经历,经验;D.praise表扬。根据上文Instead, I just sighed loudly and recorded a zero in the grade book.可知,学生不完成作业的情况有所改善,作者得到了自己想要的“好老师”的声誉。故选A。
    3. 句意:“我能和你谈谈吗?”他害羞地问。A.loudly大声地;B.shyly害羞地;C.curiously好奇地;D.eagerly迫切地。根据下文because I often come without my homework可知,男孩常常没有完成作业,因此和老师说话时应该是害羞地询问。故选B。
    4. 句意:“我知道你说没有借口,但我不想让你认为我很懒,因为我经常不带作业来。”A.poor贫穷的,可怜的;B.mean吝啬的;C.lazy懒惰的;D.weak虚弱的,差的。根据 because I often come without my homework.可知,男孩不希望作者因为他常常不做作业就认为他懒惰。故选C。
    5. 句意:“只是……我爸爸搬出去了,我妈妈晚上工作,所以我必须照顾我的小弟弟。他们经常哭,我很难集中注意力……”A.behave举止;B.concentrate集中注意力;C.struggle挣扎;D.compete竞争。根据Often, they cry a lot可知,弟弟们的哭声让男孩很难集中注意力。故选B。
    6. 句意:所以我改变了问题。A.question问题;B.tune曲调;C.process进程,过程;D.thought想法。根据上文I was about to ask why he didn't tell me earlier when I suddenly realized why.和下文"Would it help if you stayed after school and worked on it before you go home?"
    7. 句意:她们的故事不再令人发笑,所有的都非常真实。A.complex复杂的;B.moving令人感动的;C.cool酷的,凉爽的;D.real真的。呼应上文I heard countless make-believe stories for unfinished homework可知,现在孩子们没有完成作业的原因都是真实的。故选D。
    8. 句意:因为我们付不起账单,电力公司把我们的灯关掉了。A.broke down出故障;B.put out熄灭;C.cut off切断;D.shut out把……关在门外。根据because we couldn't pay the bill可知,因为付不起电费,所以电力公司切断电源,即关了灯。故选C。
    9. 句意:因此,我发现并非所有的孩子都来自可以给与他们帮助的家庭。A.disciplined遵守纪律的;B.peaceful和平的;C.traditional传统的;D.supportive给与帮助的,支持的。根据下文Not all kids have a quiet bedroom with a desk and study light. Some don't even have home.可知,并非所有的孩子都来自可以给他们的学习提供帮助的家庭。故选D。
    10. 句意:最重要的是,我学会了“我会倾听”比“没有借口”更有效!A.works工作,起作用,凑效;B.feels感觉;C.understands理解;D.controls控制。根据上文可知,作者规定学生不能为没有完成作业找借口,后来通过倾听,孩子们告诉了作者真实的原因,而不再是乱编的谎话。由此可知,作者认为“我会倾听”比“没有借口”更有效。故选A。

    9.will be brought
    10.to build
    【解析】1.句意:七岁时在家附近的河里抓鱼时,右眼受损。分析句子可知,此处为时间状语从句的谓语部分,根据at seven可知,从句谓语动词应使用一般过去时。故填caught。
    7.句意:在课堂上,工作人员向学生们展示了一个科学手套箱,在那里进行植物实验。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是a science glove-box,从句缺少地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
    8.句意:然后,宇航员通过视频通话与学生进行实时互动,并回答学生的问题,如“未来的太空飞行将把什么样的植物带到太空?”及结合句意和句子结构可知,此处填介词through“通过”,through video calls“通过视频电话”。故填through。
    9.句意同上。此处在从句中作谓语,根据in future spaceflights可知,此处描述将来发生的事情,主语plants和bring之间为被动关系,故用一般将来时的被动语态。故填will be brought。
    10.句意:在课程结束时,神舟全体人员说:“我们希望你们将来能把我们的太空家园建得更好。”期待某人做某事expect sb. to do sth.,为固定短语,此处不定式作宾补。故填to build。

    1. 根据Story Guidelines部分中的Tell a heartwarming story about something that has happened to you or someone you know.(讲述一个发生在你或你认识的人身上的感人故事。)可知,关于自己和朋友的故事更有可能被《心灵鸡汤》接受。故选B。
    2. 根据Tips about submitting部分中的Also, there is no limit to the number of stories you may submit for each book.(此外,你可以为每本书提交的故事数量没有限制。)可知,你可以递交许多故事给同一本书。故选C。
    3. 根据After publication部分中的If your story is selected to be published...it and use it again in any future book or our other products.( 如果您的故事被选中发表,您将被要求签署我们的标准许可发布协议。这意味着你保留你的故事的所有权,但你给了我们出版它的权利,并在未来的任何书籍或我们的其他产品中再次使用它。)可知,当你同意出版你的故事后,你也就同意了你的故事未来被出版。故选D。

    1. 由文章第一段中的As a Ph. D. student in a new country...I searched for opportunities that would involve teamwork as a volunteer on the Internet.(在异国他乡攻读博士,疫情封控和思乡之情使我感觉非常孤独,迫切想要和人们取得联系。为了找寻我缺失的联系,我在网上寻找可以作为志愿者参与团队合作的机会。)可知,疫情封控和身处异乡使得作者与社会脱节,他为了重新与社会获得联系,他决定申请志愿者工作。故选C。
    2. 由文章第四段中的Before I joined, I had only been exposed to academic career paths, and I assumed that was my future. Now I've realized I particularly enjoy feeling part of a team and affecting the lives of others.(在我加入之前,我只接触过学术职业道路,并认为那就是我的未来。现在我意识到我特别喜欢成为团队的一员,并影响他人的生活。)可知,作者做了这份工作后,对待生活和职业的态度发生很大的变化,变得更加积极,更加开放。故选C。
    3. 由文章第一段中的I had no relevant experience and worried a disturbance to my study, but I still decided I might as well go for it and apply.(我没有相关的经验,也担心会干扰自己的学习,但我还是决定去试一下。)可知,说明作者没有害怕未知的工作,勇于尝试新鲜事物,乐于学习,证明作者是一个勇于接受挑战的人。故选A。

    1. 根据第一段内容(芬兰是一个相当安静的国家。自2008年以来,国家品牌代表团一直在寻找一个能够制造一些噪音的国家品牌,以将该国作为世界著名的旅游目的地。2010年,代表团发布了一份“国家品牌报告”,其中突出了一系列适销对路的主题,包括芬兰著名的教育体系。一个关键主题是全新的:安静。正如报告所解释的那样,现代社会似乎常常显得异常嘈杂和忙碌。它说:“安静是一种资源。”)可知,其中提到的关键主题为“安静”,是为该段的主旨句提供论据,突出“安静”是芬兰的主题之一,因此它的作用是通过权威发布而展示芬兰如何看待安静。故选A。
    2. 由本文第三段中的Silence seemed to be heightened by contrasts...so that when there is nothing more arousing, then you have deeper relaxation," he said.(沉默似乎在对比中得到了加强,也许是因为它让测试对象从仔细的关注中得到了释放。他说:“也许这种觉醒是一种将思想集中在一个方向上的东西,所以当没有更多的觉醒时,你会有更深的放松。”)可知,他的发现强调了沉默在声音之间的作用。故选B。

    3. 根据最后一段中作者引用Noora Vikman的话If you want to know yourself, you have to be with yourself, and discuss with yourself, and be able to talk with yourself.(如果你想了解自己,你必须和自己在一起,和自己讨论,并且能够和自己交谈。)可知,Noora Vikman通过住在一个偏僻安静的地方亲身感受到了安静独处才能认识自己,找到自己,这是与作者上一段的论述Freedom from noise and goal-directed tasks, it appears, unites the quiet without and within, allowing our conscious workspace to do its thing to discover where we fit in.(似乎,远离噪音和目标导向的任务,将内外的宁静结合在一起,让我们有意识的工作空间去发现我们适合的地方。)相一致。由此可推知,对于Noora Vikman对安静的态度,作者是支持赞同的。故选B。
    4. 通读文章内容可知,文章首段末尾通过引述的方法揭示了文章的主旨,As the report explained, modern society often seems intolerably loud and busy. "Silence is a resource," it said.(正如报告所解释的那样,现代社会往往显得吵闹和忙碌得令人难以忍受。“沉默是一种资源,”它说。)可知,文章主要围绕“沉默是一种资源”这一话题进行讲述,并在后文段落通过介绍相关研究及真人实例的感受强调了安静的强大力量。所以C选项(沉默:有限的资源。)作为题目最合适。故选C。

    1. 由文章第一段中的The sponsors of the measure explained that it is cruel to keep a fish in such a bowl because the curved sides give the fish a distorted view of reality.(这项措施的发起人解释说,把鱼养在这样的鱼缸里是残忍的,因为弯曲的侧面会让鱼对现实有一种distorted看法。)可知,发起人认为弯曲的侧面会让鱼对现实产生错误的观点,因而把鱼养在这样的鱼缸里是残忍的,所以划线词distorted意思是“错误的”。故选D。
    2. 根据第二段内容(物理学家们发现自己陷入了与金鱼相似的困境。几十年来,他们一直在追求一种万能的终极理论——一套完整而一致的基本自然法则,可以解释现实的方方面面。现在看来,这种追求可能产生的不是单一的理论,而是一系列相互关联的理论,每个理论都描述了自己的现实版本,就像从自己的鱼缸里看宇宙一样。很多人可能很难接受这个概念。大多数人相信存在客观现实,我们的感官和科学直接传达了物质世界的信息。在哲学中,这种信念被称为现实主义。)可知,本段主要讲述了人们对现实的传统见解。故选D。
    3. 根据第二段中的It now appears that this pursuit may generate not a single theory but a family of interconnected theories, each describing its own version of reality, as if it viewed the universe through its own fishbowl.(现在看来,这种追求可能产生的不是单一的理论,而是一系列相互关联的理论,每个理论都描述了自己的现实版本,就像从自己的鱼缸里看宇宙一样。)和第三段中的If—like us—the beings in the simulated world could not observe their universe from the outside, they would have no reason to doubt their own pictures of reality.(如果模拟世界中的生物像我们一样不能从外部观察它们的宇宙,它们就没有理由怀疑自己对现实的想象。)可知,人们视角和观点不同,会有着不同的理论。故选C。
    4. 根据最后一段中的It might be that to describe the universe we have to employ different theories in different situations.(也许为了描述宇宙,我们必须在不同的情况下运用不同的理论。)和But it might be the way of the universe.(但这可能就是宇宙的规律。)可知,作者认为人们可以用多种理论描述宇宙,可得出作者也许会许赞同“欢迎对宇宙的不同解释”这个观点。故选A。

    1. 根据上文When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. This act feels like a weight on us has been lifted.(当我们承认自己是做错事的人,并向别人表达我们的内疚时,我们就会从不舒服的状态中解脱出来。这一举动让我们感觉卸下了负担。)和下文Research showed that heart rate, sweat levels and facial tension decreased in victims of wrongs even when they simply imagined receiving an apology.(研究表明,即使只是想象得到道歉,被伤害者的心率、排汗量和面部紧张程度也会降低。)可知,道歉不仅让做错事的一方感觉卸下负担,也对收到道歉的人有好处。故C项(一个好的道歉也会影响收到道歉的人的健康。)符合语境。故选C。
    2. 根据本段主旨句Apologizing affects us not just physically, but also mentally.(道歉不仅会影响我们的身体,还会影响我们的精神。)推知,空处应陈述道歉在精神方面给人们带来的好处。G项(它有能力消除别人的愤怒,防止进一步的误解。)符合语境,anger属于精神范畴。故选G。
    3. 根据下文We should recognize our action did hurt someone even if our intention may not have been so. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future. (我们应该认识到我们的行为确实伤害了某人,即使我们的意图可能并非如此。与其为我们所做的事找借口,不如试着承担责任,承诺采取行动,这样我们以后就不会再犯同样的行为了。)可知,认识到自己确实伤害某人,与其找借口不如主动承担责任,承诺以后绝不再犯。结合常识可知,上述道歉的方法是大家公认的方法。故A项(我们向他人表达歉意的方式已经达成一致。)符合语境,下文具体陈述这些一致的方法是什么。故选A。
    4. 根据上文Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future.(与其为我们所做的事找借口,不如试着承担责任,承诺采取行动,这样我们以后就不会再犯同样的行为了。)可知,这样做意味着我们应该承担责任,不再辩解。E项(这意味着我们应该承担责任,而不是试图为其辩护或解释。)符合语境,是对上文的进一步解释。故选E。
    5. 根据上文Of course, the most effective apologies often bring a cost to our dignity, since we have to admit that we are wrong in front of others or many people.(当然,最有效的道歉往往会给我们的尊严带来代价,因为我们不得不在别人或很多人面前承认自己错了。)可知,最有效的道歉方式往往有失尊严。根据下文As is known, ...apologize a little more often for the things worth apologizing for.(众所周知,当我们为自己、他人和关系做错事时,这是我们可以采取的最积极的行动之一。)可知,做错了事,就应该道歉,这是可以采取的最积极的行动之一。由此可知,和道歉带来的好处相比,尊严受到一点伤害是可以接受的。D项(但与一个恰当的道歉所带来的好处相比,这往往是微不足道的。)符合语境。故选D。

    It is the ability to understand and interact effectively with people from different cultures.
    Because people can resolve issues creatively and build trust between each other.
    To improve our cultural competence, we should not only understand our strengths and weaknesses in this area, but also ask questions when we don't understand others' behaviors, even if we may speak in an impolite way.
    Because according to the passage, we have to make sure that we're speaking to others in a kind and polite way.
    To develop cultural competence, we should learn about different cultures by reading relevant books and searching for information online to equip ourselves with knowledge. It is advisable to join an intercultural communication workshop to interact with people from diverse backgrounds to improve our intercultural communication skills.
    【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍是什么是“文化能力”,它的重要性,以及提高这种能力的方法。
    根据第一段中的Essentially, cultural competence is defined as the ability to understand and interact effectively with people from different cultures.(从本质上讲,文化能力被定义为理解来自不同文化的人并与之有效互动的能力。)可知,文化能力是理解来自不同文化的人并与之有效互动的能力。故填It is the ability to understand and interact effectively with people from different cultures.。
    2. 根据第二段中的People with strong cultural competence can resolve these issues creatively, ...This helps to build trust between each other.(具有强大文化能力的人可以创造性地解决这些问题,即使一开始似乎不可能解决。更重要的是,思考和关心有不同经历的人可以带来一种理解感。这有助于在彼此之间建立信任。)可知,在跨文化环境中文化能力对人们来说很重要是因为有了它人们可以创造性地解决问题,并建立彼此之间的信任。故填Because people can resolve issues creatively and build trust between each other.
    3. 根据Assess yourself部分中的This can give you an idea of your strengths and weaknesses in the area so that you can improve yourself in future.(这可以让你对自己在该领域的优势和劣势有一个大致的了解,这样你就可以在未来提高自己。)和Practice good manners部分中的Pay close attention to your communication and make sure that you're speaking to others in a kind and polite way.(密切关注你的交流,确保你以一种友好和礼貌的方式与他人交谈。)可知,为了提高我们的文化能力,我们应该了解我们在这方面的优势和劣势,当我们不理解他人的行为时,我们应该礼貌地提出问题。因此错误部分是“even if we may speak in an impolite way”,根据原文可知,我们应该确保以友好和礼貌的方式与他人交流。故填To improve our cultural competence, we should not only understand our strengths and weaknesses in this area, but also ask questions when we don't understand others' behaviors, even if we may speak in an impolite way. 
    ​​​​​​​Because according to the passage, we have to make sure that we're speaking to others in a kind and polite way.
    4. 结合文章可知,为了培养文化能力,我们应该通过阅读相关书籍和在线搜索信息来了解不同的文化,从而获得知识。建议参加跨文化交流研讨会,与来自不同背景的人互动,以提高我们的跨文化交流技能。故填To develop cultural competence, we should learn about different cultures by reading relevant books and searching for information online to equip ourselves with knowledge. It is advisable to join an intercultural communication workshop to interact with people from diverse backgrounds to improve our intercultural communication skills.

    32.【答案】Dear Jim,
        ①Knowing that you plan to exercise at home during the winter vacation, I'm writing to recommend an APP called Keep. First of all, it will provide you with courses suitable for you according to your needs. More importantly, it will urge users to complete daily exercise tasks and allow users to share their exercise status.
        Besides, I'd like to give you some advice on how to exercise. ②You can fit exercise into our busy schedule, making it a part of your daily routine. You can also do some indoor sports, such as sit-ups and push-ups. But you should be careful not to exercise too much.
        I hope my advice can help you.
    Li Hua
    ②provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物

    ①Knowing that you plan to exercise at home during the winter vacation, I'm writing to recommend an APP called Keep.(动词的-ing形式作状语,that引导的宾语从句)
    ②You can fit exercise into our busy schedule, making it a part of your daily routine.(动词的-ing形式作状语)

    ①take...into consideration/account考虑……
    ②enjoy increasingly high popularity越来越受欢迎
    ③have a good taste of好好体验
    ①I'm more than glad/pleased/delighted to learn that..., and I'd like to offer my recommendation.(得知……,我想向您提议。)
    ②I recommend it mainly for the following two reasons.(我推荐它主要有以下两个原因。)


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