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    这是一份辽宁省葫芦岛市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题(无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了本考试分设试卷和答题纸, Why des Mr, What is Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What is the man ding?
    A. Having a meal. B. Taking the rder. C. Lking at the menu.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the playgrund. B. In the classrm. C. In the hspital.
    3. What des the man ask Mary t d?
    A. Pass him a pen.B. Buy sme fruits. C. Pick up his clthes.
    4. Where is the wman heading?
    A. A museum.B. A park. C. A supermarket.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. What t wear fr a party.
    B. Where t g shpping.
    C. Hw t prepare fr a party.
    6. Why des Mr. Yang have a talk with Rse?
    A. Fr her jb prmtin.
    B. Fr her wrk perfrmance.
    C. Fr her daughter’s illness.
    7. What is Mr. Yang like?
    A. Cnsiderate. B. Humrus.C. Enthusiastic.
    听第7段材料,回答第8 至 10题。
    8. What is Stella ding?
    A. Ding a phne interview.B. Chairing a meeting.C. Taking a test.
    9. What is Nick’s majr?
    A. French. B. Ecnmics. C. Spanish.
    10. When will Nick get t the cmpany tmrrw?
    A. At 3: 00 pm. B. At 4: 00 pm. C. At 5: 00 pm.
    听第8段材料,回答第11 至 14题。
    11. When did Tny start learning painting seriusly?
    A. At the age f 7.B. At the age f 10.C. At the age f 16.
    12. Wh discvered Tny’s talent fr painting?
    A. His cusin.B. An art teacher.C. His parents.
    13. What was Tny’s parents’ attitude tward his decisin at first?
    A. Understanding.
    B. Ambiguus(模棱两可的).
    C. Disapprving.
    14. What did Tina d?
    A. She taught Tny t paint.
    B. She bught Tny’s painting.
    C. She painted n the street with Tny.
    15. Why did Mrs. Grant g t San Francisc last week?
    A. T g sightseeing. B. T have a meeting. C. T visit her daughter.
    16. Hw did Mrs. Grant first knw abut the htel?
    A. Frm a mvie.B. Frm a newspaper. C. Frm a TV series.
    17. Hw many nights did Mrs. Grant stay at the htel?
    A. Tw. B. Three.C. Fur.
    18. Why did the speaker becme friends with Lisa?
    A. They had the same dream.
    B. They had the same interest.
    C. They had the same persnality.
    19. What did Lisa d t help the speaker?
    A. She had a talk with their math teacher.
    B. She recmmended a curse t her.
    C. She tutred her in math.
    20. What is the speaker nw?
    A. A middle schl student. B. A high schl student.C. A cllege student.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Living in a drm is definitely ne f the best parts f the cllege experience. Yu finally get yur wn space that yu can decrate hwever yu want. Hwever, it can be pretty hard t decide hw yu want t decrate yur drm rm s that it’s the perfect, cmfrtable, persnalized space. It’s imprtant that yur drm feels like yur hme. The fllwing are sme ideas fr the clest rm n campus.
    Try decrative plants
    With all f yur classes, yu prbably wn’t have time t keep real plants alive, but thankfully yu can get sme realistic-lking greens nline t bring sme grwn-up vibes(气氛)int the space.
    Add fun lights
    Yu can g with the TikTk famus LED strip lights, r g with smething a little sfter, like a sunset lamp.
    Try temprary wallpaper
    This is prbably the easiest way t decrate yur drm rm. Just pick a cute pattern r clr, and then at the end f the year, peel it ff and leave a clean slate fr the next student.
    21. Why des the authr recmmend realistic-lking greens?
    A. Yu can decrate yur drm hwever yu want.
    B. It is pretty hard t chse a really persnalized plant.
    C. Realistic-lking greens are mre beautiful than real plants.
    D. Students may nt have enugh time t lk after the real plants.
    22. What is an advantage f trying temprary wallpaper?
    A. It is the cutest. B. It is the simplest.
    C. It is the lveliest. D. It is the cleanest.
    23. Hw much d yu pay if yu buy the Rse Flwer Garland and the Sunset Lamp?
    A. $20.B. $22.8. C. $27.2.D. $30.
    Every Saturday night, all thrugh that lazy spring, I used t take a rse t Miss Carline Wellfrd. Every Saturday night, rain r shine, at exactly eight ’clck.
    Miss Carline was abandned by her future husband Jeffrey Pinniman, wh married Christine Marlwe, a yunger and prettier girl. It almst became a scandal(丑闻)in ur twn. Miss Carline culd hear unkind things abut her everywhere she went. Fr six mnths she had shut herself up in her huse and seemed determined t turn herself int an dd ld maid. She lked like a ghst that night when I delivered the first rse. “Hell, Jimmy,” she said listlessly(无精打采地). When I handed her the bx, she lked shcked—“Fr me?”
    Again the next Saturday, at exactly the same time, I fund myself delivering anther rse t Miss Carline. The third time she pened the dr s quickly that I knew she must have been waiting. There was a little clr in her cheeks and her hair n lnger lked s straggly(散乱地).
    The mrning after my furth trip t her huse, Miss Carline played the rgan again in church. She held her head high with the rse pinned t her bluse. Week after week I delivered the rse, and gradually Miss Carline returned her nrmal life.
    When I made my final trip t Miss Carline’s huse, I said, as I handed her the bx, “This is the last time I’ll bring this, Miss Carline.” She hesitated and invited me t cme in and handed me a mdel f a sailing ship, exquisitely(精巧地)carved. She said. “I’d like yu t have it. Yu’ve brught me great happiness, Jimmy—yu and yur rses.”
    Fleeing back t the shp, I lked in the file where Mr. Olsen kept his untidy recrds, and I fund what I was lking fr. “Pinniman,” it said.
    The years went by, and ne day I came again t Olsen’s flwer shp. My ld bss and I talked a while. Out f curisity, I asked, “D’yu suppse that Mrs. Pinniman ever knew her husband was sending flwers t his ld flame?” “Jeffrey Pinniman never even knew abut it.” Mr. Olsen smiled, “It is a lady wh said she wasn’t ging t sit arund watching Miss Carline make a martyr(长期受折磨者)f herself at her expense.”
    24. Wh is the persn that sent the rse?
    A. Miss Carline. B. Mrs. Pinniman.
    C. Mr. Olsen.D. Jeffery Pinniman.
    25. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Deserted by her husband, Carline lived in a mess.
    B. Peple in the twn all shw great sympathy fr Miss Carline.
    C. Jimmy had thught Jeffery Pinniman sent rses t Miss Carline.
    D. Christine put an end t the marriage f Miss Carline and Jeffery Pinniman.
    26. Which f the fllwing can best describe Christine Marlwe?
    A. Kind and cnsiderate.B. Awful and selfish.
    C. Active and helpful. D. Thughtful and patient.
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A Pr Wman.B. A Special Saturday Night.
    C. A rse frm a stranger.D. A rse fr Miss Carline.
    After a busy mrning, lunch can feel like just the pick-me-up yu need—but smetimes the meal that yu thught wuld energize yu is the very thing that makes yu want t nap at yur desk.
    Feeling tired after lunch, r pst-meals in general, is knwn as pstprandial smnlence—r, cllquially, the fd cma.
    Part f this phenmenn is due t basic physilgy(生理学): When humans eat, mst f ur bld ges t the digestive rgans t prcess the fd, said Sandra Aréval, directr f cmmunity health and wellness at Mntefire Nyack Hspital in New Yrk state.
    The tendency t get tired after eating isn’t inherently smething wrng. But there can be additinal factrs that wrsen this natural respnse, making getting thrugh the rest f the wrkday r any activities feel like a slg(一段艰苦的努力). Here’s what t watch ut fr and hw t make adjustments.
    When it cmes t why yu feel verly tired after eating, a cmmn cause is cnsuming meals that are heavy in terms f quantity r quality. Nt eating breakfast can lead t verindulging later in the day if excessive(过度的)hunger makes cntrlling yur appetite difficult, Aréval said.
    Smetimes, hwever, the makeup f certain fds can cntribute t tiredness. Fats are the hardest nutrient t digest because their mlecules are much larger than thse f prtein r carbs, said Julie Stefanski, a spkespersn fr the Academy f Nutritin and Dietetics. If yu had a meal high in fat—such as fried fds r pizza—that culd make yu feel tired. Meals high in added sugar r refined r highly prcessed carbhydrates can have the same effect.
    The fiber in s-called whle fds like crns slws the absrptin f sugar int the bdy, which means they dn’t cause bld sugar r insulin spikes and instead give yu mre stable, lasting energy, said Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic.
    “A five-minute walk r smething helps t imprve circulatin and alertness(机敏), as well,” Aréval said.
    28. What can we knw frm the third paragraph?
    A. Bld is bad fr the digestive rgans.
    B. Bld has varieties f tasks t carry ut.
    C. Eating habits have a great effect n health.
    D. Eating t much can burden the digestive rgans.
    29. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “verindulging”?
    A. Over-cnsuming. B. Overweight. C. Felling sleepy. D. Lacking energy.
    30. What is suggested by Kristin Kirkpatrick?
    A. Sugar cake.B. Pizza. C. Fried egg.D. Crn.
    31. Why des the authr write the passage?
    A. T present a new study.B. T clarify a cncept.
    C. T prvide sme guidance.D. T shw a scial phenmenn.
    A furth clr might be added t traffic lights t better realize the ptential f self-driving vehicles, as stated in a recent paper by researchers at Nrth Carlina State University in the US.
    Autnmus(自动的)vehicles can d mre than just drive—they are able t sense their surrundings and uplad infrmatin. A shared netwrk gives rders t stp at a crssing based n traffic cnditins.
    The added white lights wuld be used t signal t human drivers that autnmus vehicles are managing the upcming traffic flw intelligently. Drivers dn’t have t check the traditinal lights if the white ne is n. “The white lights will tell human drivers t simply fllw the car in frnt f them,” ne f the study authrs Ali Hajbabaie tld the university’s website.
    Simulated(模拟的)mdels shwed that autnmus vehicles were able t imprve traffic flw n their wn. Intrducing the white light als has a psitive effect n reducing fuel cnsumptin. The higher the percentage f autnmus vehicles at a crssing, the faster the traffic mves, reducing abut 40 t 99 percent f the ttal delay time.
    What kind f infrastructure(基础设施)is needed as self-driving technlgy thrives? In an interview with China Surveying and Mapping magazine, Liu Jingnan at the Chinese Academy f Engineering shared his answers.
    T begin with, the vehicle’s netwrk that cllects data abut the envirnment and shares the data with ther vehicles needs t be intelligent. High-precisin(高精度)maps are needed fr autnmus vehicles t plan rutes in detail. They can prvide bth updated infrmatin n traditinal maps and real-time changes, such as accidents.
    Fr example, when driving arund a curve(弯道), the navigatin(导航)system in the vehicle needs t calculate the safe speed based n the map’s infrmatin. And if the area is fggy, the netwrk has t alarm the ther cars t slw dwn.
    Other elements n the rad need t be upgraded t. Fr example, rad markings shuld be precise and readable fr machines. Sensrs shuld be built n sidewalks and rads t allw vehicles t predict ptentially dangerus situatins.
    32. What is the purpse f adding a white light t traffic lights?
    A. T signal t self-driving cars when t stp.
    B. T help driverless cars assess traffic cnditins.
    C. T signal t human drivers t pass the cars ahead.
    D. T tell human drivers t g after the cars in frnt.
    33. Accrding t the passage, what effect wuld the intrductin f self-driving cars bring abut?
    A. Increased rad safety.B. Less time stuck in traffic.
    C. Reduced fuel efficiency. D. Unpredictable traffic patterns.
    34. What is a functin f high-precisin maps in self-driving technlgy?
    A. T prvide real-time weather updates.
    B. T plan rutes fr autnmus vehicles.
    C. T calculate a safe speed fr vehicles.
    D. T ffer real-time data n rad cnditins.
    35. What des the authr intend t prve in the secnd -t-last paragraph?
    A. The advantages f autnmus vehicles.
    B. The rle f the navigatin system in self-driving cars.
    C. The applicatin f the infrastructure in self-driving cars.
    D. The efficiency f self-driving cars handling emergencies.
    The best way t learn new skills has been widely debated. In 2008, Malclm Gladwell published Outliers, which intrduced the s-called “10,000 hurs rule” that states it takes 10,000 hurs t becme an expert in a subject. 36 Let’s break dwn what this invlves.
    Yu’re willing t learn frm peple yu dn’t like.
    We tend t get annyed with peple wh dn’t share ur view f the wrld. 37 That’s exactly why they ffer pprtunities t learn. Yu dn’t need t buy int smene’s values abut the wrld t learn frm them and they can ffer a new perspective.
    Sticking t ne cmfrtable mde f learning is a bad idea. Master learners are willing t learn frm lts f surces, including the fllwing: dry technical bks r manuals, YuTube r Instagram, calling r visiting peple they dn’t knw, searching the internet and thrugh friendships and scial relatinships.
    Yu can reflect n yur wrk and think utside the bx.
    Master learners dn’t just becme gd in their field. They think abut what they learn in ways that aren’t fcused n ne tpic. 39 They allw their minds t mve in creative ways and cnnect seemingly diverse cncepts and tls that ther peple dn’t cnnect.
    Yu apprach learning with yur learning bjectives in mind.
    I lve learning abut ther peple’s learning prcesses. I nce watched a vide made by a medical student wh stpped ging t lectures. She recgnized that the lectures weren’t as efficient r effective as reading her wn bks.
    Master learners dn’t fllw smene else’s learning plan. Fr example, they dn’t use ne language learning app fr hundreds f lessns withut explring ther ptin. 40
    A. Yu’re willing t try ut different thinking styles.
    B. Yu’re ready t learn thrugh different mdes and channels.
    C. Peple wh are different frm us will tend t apprach prblems differently.
    D. But frm a psychlgical perspective, what makes smene a master learner?
    E. They develp their wn learning plan based n their specific learning bjectives.
    F. The smartest and mst creative peple dn’t rely slely n fcus t get things dne.
    G. T add t ur learning, we need t be willing t learn frm peple wh we dn’t persnally like.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Peter lved his wife Marin, lved adventure, and lved his camper van(野营车)called Schen. The pair made numerus unfrgettable rad trips in Schen. But after Marin died, the 41 Schen had fewer and fewer utings. With Schen’s adventuring days seemingly ver, Peter decided t put it up fr 42 .
    Elise and her husband, Dmenic, had always dreamed f wning their wn “happiness bus” and travelling in a camper van. One day, Elise 43 the sales infrmatin n Schen and the cuple instantly decided t take a lk. Elise fell in lve with Schen 44 , but Peter asked fr $39,000, well utside their 45 .
    Feeling extremely disappinted, the cuple left “We were 46 t have met Peter,” said Elise with a smile. “We shared with him ur stry and dream f wning a van like that.”
    A few days later, Peter called t invite them back fr a secnd lk. 47 , the yung cuple came again, but withut much 48 Peter said he had s far received tw ffers fr Schen, and bth met his asking price. But they were frm 49 , which wuld likely mean the van’s 50 gathering dust in a garage r display. Peter asked hw much the cuple wuld be able t 51 . Dmenic tld him the mst they culd spend was arund half f what he was 52 . Peter, hlding back tears himself, tld them he wuld 53 their ffer nly if they prmised t have adventures with Schen.
    Nw Schen is n glrius adventures smewhere, helping Elise and Dmenic create wnderful family 54 .
    “Peter is definitely a her fr us,” says Elise “Finding Schen and making that 55 t Peter had ttally changed ur life.”
    41. A. neatly-decratedB. well-travelledC. much-anticipatedD. well-recgnized
    42. A. exchangeB. rentC. dnatinD. sale
    43. A. came acrssB. put upC. laid aside D. tk ff
    44. A. lng befreB. fr the mmentC. at first sight D. at the interval
    45. A. salaryB. earnings C. scheduleD. budget
    46. A. gratefulB. regretfulC. skillfulD. frgetful
    47. A. Frightened B. DiscuragedC. AttractedD. Satisfied
    48. A. determinatin B. hesitatin C. intentinD. expectatin
    49. A. cllectrs B. traders C. painters D. drivers
    50. A. publicly B. hardlyC. simply D. unbelievably
    51. A. receive B. purchase C. present D. affrd
    52. A. askingB. planning C. imaging D. arguing
    53. A. assessB. attach C. acceptD. arrange
    54. A. incidentsB. memries C. affairs D. gatherings
    55. A. stry B. memryC. callD. prmise
    A new chain f cffee shps has sprung up in the city f Wuxi, East China’s Jiangsu prvince, themed n the ancient Huishan clay figurine(泥人)culture—with a few mdern adaptatins. The Nanimm Cafe chain has expanded 56 (rapid)since May last year and nw has 11 57 (branch)in peratin. The cffee shps display 58 range f figurines and related creative cultural prducts. In additin 59 drinking cffee, visitrs can chse whether 60 (have)a g at making clay sculptures n site.
    Huishan clay figurines are made frm the black clay fund at the ft f Huishan Muntain in Wuxi. They are said t have a 61 (recrd)histry f mre than 400 years And they 62 (list)amng the first batch(批)f China’s natinal intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)in 2006. In Wuxi dialect, Huishan clay figurines are prnunced nanimm. The tw mst famus 63 (traditin)figurines are A Fu and A Xi, meaning “gd frtune” and “jy”, and the factry has designed and prduced several new figurines, such as Nani and Mm, 64 are mre mdern and attractive t yung cnsumers There are als several cute and clrful characters, 65 (carry)different types f fd fr which Wuxi is famus: spare ribs(排骨), peaches and steamed buns.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Many years ag, I lived in a densely ppulated ld cmmunity in Nrthern Califrnia. There was a little girl named Grace that made me have a deeper understanding f the pwer f dreams.
    I used t watch her frm my kitchen windw, wh seemed s small as she muscled her way thrugh the crwd f bys n the playgrund. The schl was acrss the street frm ur hme and I wuld ften watch the kids as they played during break. A sea f children, and yet t me, she std ut frm them all.
    I remember the first day I saw her playing basketball. I watched in wnder as she ran circles arund the ther kids. She managed t sht jump shts just ver their heads and int the net. The bys always tried t stp her but n ne culd.
    I began t ntice her at ther times, basketball in hand, playing alne. She wuld practice dribbling and shting ver and ver again, smetimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practiced s much. She lked directly int my eyes and said withut a mment f hesitatin “I want t g t cllege. The nly way I can g is t get a schlarship. I like basketball. I decided that if I were gd enugh, I wuld get a schlarship. I am ging t play cllege basketball. I want t be the best. My Daddy tld me if the dream is big enugh, the facts dn’t cunt.” Then she smiled and ran twards the curt t restart the rutine I had seen ver and ver again.
    Well, she was determined. I watched her thrugh thse junir high years and int high schl. Every week, she led her team t victry.
    Miracliy Artificial Rse Flwer Garland
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    One day in her senir year, I saw her sitting in the grass, head buried in her arms.
    She lifted her head frm her hands and tld me that her father said thse caches were wrng.

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