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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18C. £9.15.
    1. Hw many bks has Fina received?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.
    2. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Waiting fr smene.B. Having a rest.C. Climbing up a hill.
    3. Why was Carl at the hspital?
    A. He was meeting a dctr.
    B. He was visiting his daughter.
    C. He was lking after his wife.
    4. What is the prblem with the man?
    A. He can’t see the sign clearly.
    B. He has n ticket fr the mvie.
    C. He has parked in a wrng place.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A piece f news.B. A terrible accident.C. The weather f Paris.
    6. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Schlmates.B. Teacher and student.C. Mther and sn.
    7. What des the wman say abut Ms. Patty?
    A. She is respnsible.B. She is strict.C. She is humrus.
    8. Which family hliday prgramme des the man recmmend?
    A. The ne n the 18th.B. The ne n the 19th.C. The ne n the 20th.
    9. Where will the wman prbably g?
    A. France.B. Spain.C. Greece.
    10. What did Susan d right befre the cnversatin?
    A. She visited her brther.B. She called Jhn Reeves.C. She tured the cmpany.
    11. What des Susan think f the cmpany?
    A. It’s famus.B. It’s crwded.C. It’s big.
    12. Wh is Michael?
    A. Jhn’s bss.B. Susan’s brther.C. Tara’s husband.
    13. What did the man lse?
    ·A. His credit card.B. His phne.C. His driving license.
    14. Why des the wman agree t the man’s request?
    A. He reserves the htel in cash.
    B. He shws the wman his ID card.
    C. He prvides tw frms f identificatin.
    15. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Lk fr his passprt.
    B. Put away his credit card.
    C. Reprt the situatin t the bank.
    16. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a bank.B. In a htel.C. At a plice statin.
    17. When will the event be held?
    A. Frm January 10th t February 12th.
    B. Frm January 12th t February 10th.
    C. Frm January 12th t February 12th.
    18. Hw much shuld a cuple with a child f 8 pay fr their entrance?
    A. $10.B. $20.C. $30.
    19. Which event is new this year?
    A. A flwer shw.B. A fancy dress exhibitin.C. An ice sculpture exhibitin.
    20. Where will the fd shps be?
    A. Next t the entrance.B. In the center f the site.C. Beside the amusement rides.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Mexic has mre than just beaches. Several Mexican cities have been recgnized as frming part f the heritage f humanity and are cnsidered t be f utstanding universal value.
    Oaxaca and the nearby archaelgical site Mnte Alban have bth been recgnized by UNESCO. Oaxaca, the capital city f the state f the same name, was funded in 1529 and ffers a gd example f previus Spanish twn planning. Oaxaca is cnsidered ne f Mexic’s best fdie destinatins. Learn what fds and drinks yu shuld try in Oaxaca.
    As a silver mining twn in the past, Guanajuat seems special. The winding streets and small squares give it a mre friendly feel than sme f the ther cities. This is a student twn with a vibrant culture and an imprtant cultural festival—the Internatinal Cervantin Festival which is held every Octber.
    Puebla is ne f Mexic’s large cities, but its histrical center can easily be explred n ft. It has sme special histrical structures such as the 16th-century cathedral and sme ther fine buildings with walls cvered in tiles.
    Mrelia, the capital f the state f Michacán, was riginally called Valladlid, but its name was changed in hnr f independence her Jsé María Mrels y Pavón. The Muse del Dulce is a stp yu shuldn’t miss in Mrelia. Visits t nearby Patzcuar r the reserves are als recmmended n a trip t Mrelia.
    21. What are visitrs recmmended t d in Oaxaca?
    A. Walk n a beach.B. Enjy lcal cuisine.
    C. Visit a student twn.D. Jin a cultural festival
    22. What des Puebla feature?
    A. Reserves.B. Architecture.C. Silver mining.D. Fds and drinks.
    23. Which place’s name is related t a her?
    A. Oaxaca.B. Guanajuat.C. Puebla.D. Mrelia.
    When my wife and I didn’t wrk lng, ur budget was tight. We tried t save as much mney as pssible s we culd affrd verspend ccasinally. At the same time, we benefited a lt frm the kindness f lcal stre wners.
    When my wife was expecting ur child, she develped a craving fr a lcal Chinese restaurant’s versin f tai dp vy, a mixture f meat, shrimp and vegetables. Even thugh they rarely saw us, the wners remembered us. One evening, I rdered tai dp vy. They enthusiastically treated me and said, “There is sme fried rice fr yur wife. Have a healthy baby.” The bag was bviusly heavier than nrmal. When I gt hme, there was nt nly fried rice but als tw rders f tai dp vy.
    That was many years ag. But thse small kindnesses frm lcals made a difference. Custmers were seen as mre than a surce f prfit. We were members f the cmmunity that lcal businesses served.
    The genersity I experienced years ag hasn’t disappeared. I witnessed it recently at my lcal farmers’ market. A family was debating whether t add anther vegetable t the rder. The farmer served them and said, “Srry, I frgt. I have s many vegetables this year. Buy tw, and yu’ll get anther fr free. Pick ut any ne yu like.” I thught the farmer was being mrally flexible: n prices n the prduce, but everything is fairly priced. Fairness is in the sense that care and kindness are parts f the merchant-client relatinship.
    The kindness f merchants is a sign f smething deeper: We are all making ur shared way tgether. Fr my part, I will cntinue t supprt farmers’ markets and family-run restaurants. I am happy t make a fair ffer.
    24. What des the underlined wrd “craving” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Habit.B. Prpsal.C. Desire.D. Technique.
    25. Why des the authr mentin the experience f buying tai dp vy?
    A. T praise Chinese meals.B. T prve lve fr his wife.
    C. T shw human gdness.D. T express his thanks t the wners.
    26. What is the authr’s attitude t the farmer in paragraph 4?
    A. Appreciative.B. Ambiguus.C. Critical.D. Cautius.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Small businesses, big kindnessesB. Tasty tai dp vy, deep lve
    C. Lw prices, fair businessD. Tight budget, happy life
    Dandelin (蒲公英) seeds are sme f the best flyers in nature, catching the wind and spreading as far as 100 kilmeters. Each dandelin seed is tied by a thin tube t arund 100 hairs, which frm the parachute-like (类似降落伞的) structure. When seeds break free frm the flwer head, these hairs catch the wind and carry their seeds. This hairy parachute clses when the air is humid (潮湿的), which ften means the wind is weak. In drier and windier cnditins, dandelins widen their parachutes t better catch the wind s the seeds can fly freely.
    Hwever, in the past, nbdy knew hw they sense and respnd t their envirnment s effectively.
    Nw researchers have uncvered the secret “thinking” behind dandelins’ spreading seeds. Their wrk, published in Nature Cmmunicatins, fund the seed-carrying parachutes pen and clse using smething like actuatrs — devices that change signals int mvement — withut using active input f energy. The center f the parachutes senses the humidity f their immediate envirnment by absrbing water mlecules (分子) frm the air. Respnding t these humidity signals, they either pen their parachutes and fly away, r clse their parachutes and stay put.
    Study authr Dr. Nami Nakayama f the Department f Biengineering wh led the wrk said that their findings reveal hw the dandelin ensures the survival f its species by making perhaps the mst imprtant decisin in a plant’s life — t stay r g t seek a better habitat.
    “Understanding hw dandelins wrk is fascinating because the dandelin is the fundatin f ecsystems. It feeds insects and birds,” Nakayama says. “S, the envirnmental sensitivity f their flight is an imprtant tpic fr us t understand hw nature will change in future climates.”
    28. What can be learned frm paragraph 1?
    A. Dandelin seeds have a tube-like design.
    B. A dandelin flwer cnsists f 100 hairs.
    C. Dandelin seeds begin t grw in dry weather.
    D. The dandelin parachute clses n wet mrnings.
    29. What d researchers find abut the dandelin?
    A. Its hairs catch the wind easily.
    B. The middle f its parachute measures humidity.
    C. Its actuatr needs extra energy t functin well.
    D. The shape f its actuatr was changed by the wind.
    30. Why d they study hw dandelins wrk accrding t Nakayama?
    A. T feed mre insects and birds.
    B. T better learn abut climate change.
    C. T change dandelins’ living envirnment.
    D. T further explain their rle in ecsystems.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Why dandelin seeds “prefer” the wind.
    B. Hw dandelins “tell” us their destinatins.
    C. Hw dandelins “decide” t spread their seeds.
    D. Why dandelin seeds “create” parachute-like structures.
    Raising livestck (牲畜) is a big part f the carbn emissin frm agriculture. But it is hard t change peple’s habits and get them t give up their hamburgers, especially since mre than ne-third f Americans eat fast fd every day. We previusly called fr carbn labels n everything frm buildings t burgers. Nw, a new study frm the Jhns Hpkins Blmberg Schl f Public Health fund that labels n fast fd affected peple’s chices.
    The study said shifting current dietary patterns t mre sustainable diets with less red meat culd reduce fd-related greenhuse gas emissins by 55% and have health benefits.
    The 5,000 participants in the study were shwn fake menus. One grup gt menus with high climate impact labels n red meat items and anther had lw climate impact labels n fish r plant-based burgers. Bth menus were effective in reducing the rders fr red meat. But interestingly, the high-impact labels were far mre effective, with 23% f the participants chsing a mre envirnmentally sustainable selectin, while menus listing lw-impact chices encuraged nly 10% participants t change.
    “We fund that labeling red meat items with high-climate impact labels was mre effective in increasing sustainable selectins than labeling nn-red meat items with lw-climate impact labels,” wrte the authrs f the study.
    Lead authr, Julia Wlfsn, said, “These results suggest that menu labeling, particularly labels warning that an item has high climate impact, can be an effective strategy fr encuraging mre sustainable fd chices in a fast fd setting.”
    The study pints ut negative labels might be unppular: “It is unlikely that the industry wuld vluntarily adpt a negative label apprach; such an apprach needs t be carried ut via law. Hwever, high climate impact labels may easily be adpted in settings like universities and hspitals.”
    They have a pint that this label is aggressively negative, mre like a cigarette warning than a fd label. In the study, the authrs nte that future research shuld test mre label designs using qualitative and quantitative research n hw peple understand different climate impact labels.
    32. What is paragraph 1 mainly abut?
    A. The backgrund f the new study.
    B. The influence f the carbn emissin.
    C. The request f giving up carbn labels.
    D. The difficulty in changing peple’s habits.
    33. Hw did the grups respnd t the menus?
    A. They liked them very much.
    B. They stuck t their preferences.
    C. Sme f them stpped eating fast fd.
    D. Sme f them changed their fd chices.
    34. What can we learn abut carrying ut the apprach frm the text?
    A. It will be banned by law.B. It will prduce bad results.
    C. It will face sme resistance.D. It will be accepted by all industries.
    35. What des the authr mainly want t cnvey in the text?
    A. Fast fd has a negative effect n climate.
    B. Raising livestck surely causes carbn emissin.
    C. Researchers care t much abut climate impact.
    D. Labels n fast fd can help prtect the envirnment.
    Back pain can make it difficult fr yu t functin in daily life. T be exact, it can affect hw yu mve, feel and think, leaving yu n chice but t take sme kind f actin. 36 .
    Mve mre
    Regular mvement helps keep yur bdy flexible and pain-free, especially fr yur back muscles. 37 , set a timer t remind yu t get up and mve every hur. Adding abut 10 minutes f activity t yur day imprves yur verall health and increases yur length f life.
    Switch sides
    Using yur dminant side t much can lead t muscle imbalances and mre back pain and injuries. 38 , like pening drs r carrying bags, which can cause yu t lean t ne side. Remember t switch sides when carrying things, try using yur nn-dminant hand and change where yu sit n the cuch t prevent this.
    Crrect imbalances
    39 , yu shuld als be aware f and crrect imbalances in mvements meant t be symmetrical (对称的). These include walking, running, cycling, swimming and the like. Yur bdy is designed t perfrm these activities in a balanced and alternating pattern.
    Mst mental stress is caused by fcusing n the past r future, and actively being mindful f the present mment reduces stress. Stay active, and stp thinking abut the past r wrrying abut the future. Ding mindfulness practices and having breathing breaks int yur rutine can be effective in reducing back pain.
    A. Live fr tday
    B. Remember the past
    C. If yu sit fr a lng time
    D. Think abut yur everyday activities
    E. Just as yu switch sides t balance yur bdy
    F. Because it is time t let such imbalances cntinue
    G. Read n fr the fllwing everyday fixes t relieve the pain
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Jack met Hugh and his three yung sns while visiting a park. Jack 41 that the family, especially the kids, were struggling in the 42 heat f summer. He knew he had t 43 because temperatures cntinued t trend upwards. Staying utside fr lng culd be dangerus.
    Jack 44 them and asked what was the matter. He fund ut that the family had been 45 fr seven mnths and were living in the van (厢式送货车). Hugh, three kids’ father, had n 46 r scial security and spent the day begging n the streets. His three yung sns had never been t the 47 and just played utside the van in the heat because Hugh culdn’t pay fr the tuitin fee.
    The kindness f Jack 48 all that. Jack and his friend immediately set up a GFundMe campaign t 49 the family. Their 50 have generated arund 4,500 dnatins amunting t their $25,000 target. The mney raised wuld be 51 used t give Hugh and his family mst basic and urgent needs, including 52 an apartment, buying fd, clthing and ther 53 fr the whle family.
    Hugh was extremely 54 . He said. “I will tell my 55 that it cmes back t them if they d gd. I’ll tell them t think gd and try t d gd in return.”
    41. A. demandedB. guessedC. bservedD. hped
    42. A. bearableB. extremeC. usualD. warm
    43. A. step inB. set tC. cme utD. get up
    44. A. impressedB. remindedC. cnvincedD. apprached
    45. A. carelessB. selflessC. hmelessD. hpeless
    46. A. familyB. mneyC. identityD. educatin
    47. A. htelB. hspitalC. cttageD. schl
    48. A. changedB. explredC. rganizedD. revised
    49. A. mveB. accuseC. knwD. assist
    50. A. cntentsB. debatesC. effrtsD. cnditins
    51. A. cmpletelyB. temprarilyC. falselyD. slightly
    52. A. decratingB. findingC. designingD. building
    53. A. pwersB. applicatinsC. challengesD. supplies
    54. A. gratefulB. uniqueC. kindD. capable
    55. A. cmpaninsB. friendsC. kidsD. fans
    An exhibitin 56 (feature) traditinal cstumes f China’s Mia ethnic grup and a shw with mdels wearing Mia embridery clthing kicked ff n Sunday in Milan, the fashin capital f Italy. The event ffered the audience an pprtunity 57 (appreciate) the craftsmanship f Mia embriderers at clse quarters.
    “Fashin first f all is culture,” Raffaela Gdi, frm the audience, tld Xinhua. “This fashin shw we just saw is an example f 58 is culture, art and fashin tgether.”
    The Mia ethnic grup residing 59 (large) in suthwest China’s Guizhu Prvince has a ppulatin f 4.3 millin and mre than 100 60 (branch). Mia peple use needles and threads t embrider patterns representing nature and the ethnic grup’s histry n their cstumes. Due t its 61 (art) charm, techniques and rich culture, Mia embridery has been recgnized as a natinal-level intangible cultural heritage.
    Shi Chuanying, an embriderer frm Taijiang Cunty f Guizhu Prvince, 62 (bring) her wrks t the exhibitin in Milan. “Mia embridery’s presence at Milan Fashin Week will be 63 great significance t us, and I believe the embridery will be appreciated n a glbal stage,” said Shi. As an experienced embriderer, she has led mre than 300 lcal embriders t make Mia embridery prducts 64 (exprt) t France and Italy.
    Lng Yuming, directr f the Guizhu Intangible Cultural Heritage Prtectin Center, said the event is 65 gd way t present traditinal Chinese culture and accelerate the industrializatin, internatinalizatin and branding f Mia embridery.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 询问他的近况;
    2. 提醒他注意保暖;
    3. 给出预防感冒的建议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Back t First Grade
    “Criss Crss Applesauce!” The teacher’s vice bunced ff the walls f the first-grade rm. Immediately, the six-year-lds ran t the reading rug (毯子) and tk their seats with their legs crssed. I lked at the students and gave them a thumbs-up.
    Just six weeks ag, I had been the envy f my classmates. Fr my mentring (导师) prject. I had been assigned t first grade. Everyne figured that wrking with little kids wuld be less challenging than wrking with the lder elementary students.
    “Yu’re s lucky, Chle,” said my best friend Maneya. “I have t wrk with furth graders. Ugh!”
    “I knw! It’ll be like having a cuple f hurs ff frm schl each week!” I said.
    But I sn learned that helping teach first grade was n vacatin at all. I was assigned fur students: Sara, Allie, Fernand and Camern. Sara cried every mrning. Allie cntinually wiped her hands n the back f my shirt. Fernand refused t speak. Camern didn’t want t participate in anything.
    “I think first grade has changed a lt frm when we were first graders,” I tld Maneya. Maneya smiled at me, and secretly I thught she was thanking her lucky stars that she was wrking with furth graders. Her students cmpleted their exercises withut cmplaining. It sunded like a great classrm t spend time in.
    Twice a week, I wrked with my grup. Mst days I returned t my wn campus really tired. Once, my teacher asked me why I was wearing a paper crwn. I had cmpletely frgtten that I had been filling in fr Camern. wh had decided he n lnger wanted t be the king in the grup’s rehearsal (排练) f their perfrmance “King fr a Day”.
    Maneya cmfrted me as I tld stry after stry abut first grade. But as the weeks went n, I began t ntice I wasn’t the ne wh was cmplaining anymre. I had figured ut hw things wrked in the first grade, and Maneya was the ne wh started t cmplain. Her experiences with furth graders began t dull in cmparisn with my adventures with the six year lds.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    1~5 ACBCA 6~10 ACABC 11~15 CBACC 16~20 BABCA
    21~23 BBD 24~27 CCAA 28~31 DBBC 32~35 ADCD 36~40 GCDEA
    41~45 CBADC 46~50 BDADC 51~55 ABDAC
    56. featuring 57. t appreciate 58. what 59. largely 60. branches
    61. artistic 62. brught 63. f 64. exprted 65. a
    One pssible versin:
    Dear David,
    I hpe this email can find yu well. It’s been getting clder lately, and sme students here have caught a cld. I want t knw hw yu’re ding and whether yu have made prgress in studying Chinese.
    Please make sure t dress warmly, especially when yu g utside. Layering up and wearing a scarf can help keep yu czy. Als, dn’t frget t get enugh rest. T prevent catching a cld, wash yur hands frequently, and avid clse cntact with anyne wh seems unwell. Eating a balanced diet with plenty f fruits and vegetables can als bst yur immune system. Take care and stay healthy!
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Nw the mentring prject was abut t finish, and verall, things had changed fr the better. T my great delight, Sara still cried, but much less frequently than befre. Alice stpped annying me and n lnger wiped her hands n my shirt. As fr Fernand, he became quite talkative. Last but nt least, Camern decided t play the rle f king in the grup perfrmance. In the fllwing days, I assigned each grup member a different rle in the rehearsal and impressed n them the imprtance f teamwrk. It was a great relief that they enjyed the perfrmance s much and played t the best f their ability.
    Finally, the perfrmance day came. While waiting fr their turn t perfrm n the stage, there was a wrried lk n each member’s face. In rder t ease their cncern, I asked them t sing a sng and they ndded in agreement. Half an hur slipped by and finally it was ur team’s turn t perfrm. As I was watching them walking nt the stage, my heart was pumping with excitement mixed with expectatin. I wasn’t let dwn as I had expected. They delivered such a flawless perfrmance. Especially Camern, his stage presence left me an unfrgettable impressin. After the perfrmance, I cngratulated and hugged each f them as I knew it was bund t be a success due t their hard wrk and great enthusiasm.Dear David,
    Li Hua
    Nw the mentring prject was abut t finish, and verall, things had changed fr the better.
    Finally, the perfrmance day came.

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