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    1. 本试卷考试时间为120分钟, 满分150分。
    2. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    3. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d this winter hliday?
    A. Travel abrad.B. G ver lessns.C. Stay with friends.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why can the wman sing well?
    A. She learned singing by herself.
    B. She used t be a music teacher.
    C. She gt sme training as a student.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des Mm think f the paper?
    A. It’s wnderful.B. It’s terrible.C. It’s just s s.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw des the by prbably feel?
    A. Wrried.B. Cheated.C. Excited.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On campus.B. In a hspital.C. In a plice statin.
    第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What makes the man upset?
    A. Whether t change his jb.
    B. Hw t ask fr a pay raise.
    C. What t d with challenges.
    7. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Bss and emplyee.C. Mther and sn.
    8. What was the traffic like this mrning?
    A. Heavy.B. Light.C. Nrmal.
    9. Why des the wman take public transprtatin?
    A. It’s safer.B. It’s quicker.C. It’s always n time.
    10. Hw des the man g t wrk?
    A. By car.B. By mtrbike.C. By subway.
    11. What des the wman d with her naughty children in public?
    A. She punishes them hard.
    B. She gives them what they want.
    C. She takes them t a quiet place.
    12. Why des the wman chse t wait fr her kids t calm dwn?
    A. It will save mney fr the future.
    B. It will shape children’s behavir.
    C. It will give her mre pwer ver them.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is careless abut her children.
    B. She is wrried abut her children.
    C. She is gd at dealing with her children.
    14. Why des the wman suggest taking dwn the tree?
    A. It cvers a large area.
    B. It stands there t lng.
    C. It makes the rm messy.
    15. Hw des the man feel abut getting rid f the tree?
    A. It’s a pity.B. It’s a must.C. It’s a wise idea.
    16. What did the speakers d this Christmas?
    A. They went t church.
    B. They visited sme relatives.
    C. They enjyed a family gathering.
    17. What made peple curius?
    A. Why Dctr Barry lived as a man.
    B. Why Dctr Barry died suddenly.
    C. Why Dctr Barry had a lng life.
    18. Why did Dctr Barry g t Edinburgh?
    A. T earn a living.B. T learn medicine.C. T buy her uncle.
    19. When did Dctr Barry jin the army?
    A. 1813.B. 1810.C. 1809.
    20. What is Dr. Barry’s greatest cntributin?
    A. Saving many patients’ lives.
    B. Getting mre peple trained.
    C. Imprving the medical system.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Libraries are the temple fr bk lvers, the main surce f knwledge and wisdm. Here are the biggest libraries in the wrld.
    The Library f Cngress
    The Library f Cngress in the US is the biggest library in the wrld, whse cllectins are frm all arund the wrld. The library has a cllectin f 32 millin catalged bks. It receives 22,000 cpies per day frm the publicatin prduced in the US. Sme f the majr wrks stred in the library are Rugh Draft f the Declaratin f Independence, the wrld’s mst famus architectural designs and s n.
    The British Library
    The British Library is the natinal library f the United Kingdm. It is the secnd biggest library in the wrld. It hlds 150 millin items frm different cuntries. It receives 8,000 cpies per day frm the publicatin prduced in the United Kingdm and Ireland. Its cllectin includes 14 millin bks. Every year ver 3 millin items are added t the library. The majr highlights f the library cllectin are Diamnd Sutra and Alice’s Adventures under Grund.
    Library and Archives (档案馆) Canada (LAC)
    Canada has the third biggest library in the wrld. The library hlds 20 millin bks, 24 millin phtgraphs and a lt f digital wrks. Its cllectin includes The Prclamatin f the Canadian Cnstitutin Act, the British Nrth America Act and many mre precius wrks.
    The New Yrk Public Library (NYPL)
    It is the furth largest library in the wrld. It is the public library having 87 branches. The library has a cllectin f 53 millin items. It als has fur research libraries which are pen t the general public. Yu can ask and discver abut anything n the fficial website f NYPL.
    21. Which f the fllwing wrks is stred in the Library f Cngress?
    A. The British Nrth America Act.
    B. Alice’s Adventures under Grund.
    C. Rugh Draft f the Declaratin f Independence.
    D. The Prclamatin f the Canadian Cnstitutin Act.
    22. Hw many new items des the British Library receive every year?
    A. Abut 22,000.B. Mre than 8,000.
    C. Abut 14 millin.D. Mre than 3 millin.
    23. Which library wns an fficial website where yu can search fr all infrmatin?
    A. Library and Archives Canada.B. The Library f Cngress.
    C The New Yrk Public Library.D. The British Library.
    When I first met Gerge, I was in my early 30s. My children were just entering schl life, allwing me t escape frm endless husewrk. At 65 Gerge had recently left wrk and was seeking a rewarding hbby fr his glden years. Fr bth f us, we lved painting and we met at a lcal TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was t last fr 25 years — until the day he died.
    Gerge was an energetic man wh lived life t the full. He lved his family, his friends, and was lyal and utspken. As the nly male in a painting class full f wmen, Gerge quite enjyed it. He ruled the rst (栖息处) and we were his hens. He lked after all his hens.
    He tk t painting with passin and devtin. He carefully hused his expensive painting tls in a bx — a red metal tl bx — built t bear hard kncks. Nt fancy, but smth and shiny and very red.
    In 2004, I learned that he was very ill and went t visit him. “He’s very cnfused and may nt recgnize yu,” Penny, his daughter, warned. But as I bent ver, Gerge pened his eyes. “Betty!” he said, and with surprising strength, held my hand. “I’ve always been hping t leave my bx t yu. I’m afraid I can’t paint anymre, and yu have the best talent and are mst likely t use it,” he said. With tears in my eyes, I accepted the gift. He died tw days later.
    Tday I still use much f his equipment kept in the bx. The bx is still in gd shape, very red. The riginal shp sticker is still firmly in place althugh the price has wrn ff. But that’s all right because t my mind sme things, like friendship, are beynd price.
    24. Why did Gerge g t painting class?
    A He wanted t please his children.B. He wanted t enjy schl life again.
    C. He wanted t make new friends.D. He wanted t develp a wrthwhile hbby.
    25. What’s the authr’s purpse f writing the text?
    A. T intrduce a ppular hbby.B. T describe a precius friendship.
    C. T remember a red tl bx.D. T appreciate her friend’s help.
    26. Which wrd can describe Gerge accrding t the text?
    A. Hnest.B. Brave.C. Caring.D. Lucky.
    27. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. The tl bx is well kept by the authr.
    B. Gerge tk the red tl bx back in the end.
    C. Gerge was shy and didn’t talk much in the class.
    D. The authr thught their painting class was bring.
    Until nw the usual way we identify dgs is with micr-chipping (微芯片). But a cmpany frm Suth Krea has develped an app, PetNw. On this phne, I’ve gt the new app, which is nw using the dg’s nse print t identify a dg, just like yu can use a fingerprint with a human t make identificatin.
    “Nw shw me yur nse, buddy.” I take pictures f the dg’s nse. “Then wh is the dg? Is it Emma, Lenard, Karl, r Ethan?”
    The app analyses the data in the clud and tells me that this is Emma. It’s shwing me that Emma’s been reprted as missing and where she was reprted missing. I can share my lcatin with the wner, s they can be reunited.
    Unlike a micr-chip, which culd be cut ut f a stlen dg, yu can’t really remve a dg’s nse withut spiling the dg. And by using the phne’s camera t scan, anyne in thery can check a stray dg withut any specialist equipment.
    Recently, I’ve spken t PetNw t find ut why they’d settled n nse prints fr dg recgnitin. There may be paws r ears, but sme dgs really hate shwing up, sharing their paws r their ears. Nse is actually expsed all the time. And after a dg becme six mnths ld the nse print stays there their entire life, s we believe that it is the best part fr identificatin.
    PetNw hpes its app will becme mandatry in Suth Krea t help reduce the number f dgs that are abandned by pet wners. T d that they will need the supprt f gvernment and a huge marketing push, s that everybdy including peple wh dn’t wn a dg must install the app and knw hw t use it.
    28. Which can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Dgs’ prints are very similar.
    B. Micr-chipping a dg is ut f date.
    C The app requires specialist equipment.
    D. The app can map ut a lst dg’s riginal place.
    29. Why did PetNw settle n nse prints fr dg recgnitin?
    A. Because a micr-chip can be cut ut.
    B. Because sme dgs hate shwing up.
    C. Because their nse is easy t be phtgraphed.
    D. Because their nse print never changes since they were brn.
    30. Which f the wrd best explains the underlined wrd “mandatry” in the last paragraph?
    A. Safe.B. Required.
    C Prfessinal.D. Easy.
    31. What’s the best title f the passage?
    A. Taking Pictures fr Dg’s NseB. PetNw Saves Abandned Dgs
    C. Nse Print Technlgy n the WayD. PetNw Identifies Dgs with Nse Print
    Harvard researchers have created a tugh, lw-cst, bidegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard uter shells. The material’s inventrs say it has a number f pssible uses and smeday culd prvide a mre envirnmentally friendly alternative t plastic. The material, made frm shrimp (虾) shells and prteins prduced frm silk, is called “shrilk”. It is thin, clear, flexible and strng.
    A majr benefit f the material is its bidegradability. Plastic’s tughness and flexibility represented a revlutin in materials science during the 1950s and 1960s. Decades later, hwever, plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questins abut hw apprpriate it is fr ne-time prducts such as plastic bags, r shrt-lived cnsumer gds, used in the hme fr a few years and then thrwn int a landfill where they will stay fr centuries. What is the pint f making smething that lasts 1,000 years?
    Shrilk nt nly will degrade in a landfill, but its basic cmpnents are used as fertilizer (肥料), and s will enrich the sil.
    Shrilk has great ptential, the inventrs said. Materials frm which it is made are plentiful in nature, fund in everything ranging frm shrimp shells, insect bdies t living plants. That makes shrilk lw cst, and its mass prductin pssible if it is used fr prducts demanding a lt f material.
    Wrk n shrilk is cntinuing in the lab. The inventrs said the material becmes flexible when wet, s they’re explring ways t use it in wet envirnments. They’re als develping simpler prductin prcesses, which culd be used fr nn-medical prducts, like fr cmputer cases and ther prducts inside the hme. They’re even explring cmbining it with ther materials, like carbn fibers, t give it new prperties.
    32. Paragraph 1 f the passage is mainly abut shrilk’s ________.
    A. remarkable designB. majr featuresC. interesting nameD. smart inventrs
    33. What has becme a cncern abut plastic?
    A. Using it prperly.B. Prducing it cheaply.
    C. Develping its prperties quickly.D. Evaluating its cntributins fairly.
    34. Accrding t the inventrs, shrilk has great ptential partly because ________.
    A. it can help plastic last lngerB. it can be fund in living things
    C. its mass prductin has been realizedD. its raw materials are abundant in nature
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Recent Prgress in Envirnmental PrtectinB. Benefits f Insects in Scientific Research
    C. A Pssible Alternative t PlasticD. The Harm f One-time Prducts
    Hw t Chse Extracurricular Activities
    Frm sprts t clubs t utside rganizatins, there are many activities t take part in utside the classrm. ____36____ Frtunately, it becmes quite easy nce yu figure ut what yu enjy ding in general. With a little mre careful thught, yu can als chse an activity that interests yu.
    Think abut yur interests and knw yur advantages. Befre yu start cnsidering specific(具体的)activities, take a step back. Think abut what excites yu and find yur passins(热情). ____37____ Nw that yu have a better idea f what yu like t d in general, decide n thse that yu are gd at. Ask yurself what skills they shw. Then find activities that require the same nes. Make sure that yu will enjy yurself by chsing an activity that lets yu shine.
    ____38____ In additin t yur interests and advantages, knw what yu wuld like t imprve abut yurself. Use activities as a way t make yurself better. Find ut new challenges, withut the added stress f having t earn gd grades at them. Yu can use activities t develp general skills that yu may nt have.
    Find ut what activities are available(可用的)and lk int each ne. ____39____ If the website seems incmplete, talk with yur teacher r parents. Als lk fr calendar details, such as start-and-end dates, plus event schedules, t make sure it wn’t get in the way f anything else ging n in yur life. Once yu have a list f activities that match yur interests, d a little research. ____40____
    A. Think abut skills yu want t develp.
    B. This can make chsing ne a little difficult.
    C. Use yur freshman year t explre yur chices.
    D. In this way, yu will have a better idea f what t expect.
    E. Als make sure that their culture is a gd match fr yur wn persnality.
    F. Use thse t decide n activities that will keep yu interested fr a lng time.
    G. Search yur schl’s website fr a cmplete list f all the activities it prvides.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Smetimes yu may find that yu are nt happy in yur life. Mst f the time yu have t ____41____ this kind f unhappy life, since it is really hard t make ____42____ and mve n t a new business. My father, ____43____ , was quite a different example. Frm him I learned a great lessn n the value f ding ne’s ____44____ .
    My father gt int the insurance (保险) industry when he was very yung. He was very ____45____ . Sn he became ne f the first independent insurance salesmen in ur state. Hwever, he decided t ____46____ his successful career. The reasn is that he liked t d smething ____47____ , smething that tested his strength and ability, ____48____ in a way that is interesting. After leaving the insurance cmpany, he wrked in scial media and then in IT industry, which really ____49____ him. Of curse he wasn’t successful in everything he _____50_____ but he tld me _____51_____ that he did smething he liked.
    Leaving ne’s _____52_____ life is nt easy. I’ve learned this frm my father, and I can say whether the _____53_____ is gd r bad, it is wrth ding ne’s favurite. When we d smething we _____54_____ , it gives us extra mtivatin (动机) t meet ur _____55_____ .
    41. A. endB. cnsiderC. shareD. cntinue
    42. A. changesB. decisinsC. excusesD. chices
    43. A. stillB. hweverC. generallyD. naturally
    44. A. favuriteB. bestC. extraD. part
    45. A. helplessB. inexperiencedC. cnfidentD. successful
    46. A. restartB. advanceC. leaveD. questin
    47. A. suitableB. meaningfulC. similarD. challenging
    48. A. bviuslyB. especiallyC. usuallyD. prbably
    49. A. failedB. discuragedC. cnfusedD. attracted
    50. A. triedB. rememberedC. expectedD. prepared
    51. A. fr freeB. fr certainC. fr gdD. fr real
    52. A. sadB. painfulC. cmfrtableD. adventurus
    53. A. reasnB. resultC. truthD. idea
    54. A. dubtB. regretC. lveD. hate
    55. A. galsB. needsC. imaginatinD. standards
    In 2015, a reprter frm Jiangsu Prvince went t Australia and sme ther____56____ ( cuntry ) with his father fr a 3-mnth trip. His father spent mst f his life ____57____ ( wrk ) in the field. The sn started the ____58____ ( amaze) trips with his father arund the wrld because his father had cancer---a serius illness.
    The reprter wanted____59____ ( take ) his father t travel, hping that his father can find his yunger self in his last days. They____60____ (travel) mre than 13, 000 kilmeters and tk ver 110,000 pictures n their trips t different cuntries. The new experience made a deep ____61____ (impress) n them.Well, a miracle happened during the “rebirth” trips. ____62____their surprise, his father gt better frm illness and became mre pen-hearted. He even taught himself t play ____63____vilin, and then ____64____ ( gradual )he played it very well, ____65____encuraged him a lt.
    Time carved (雕刻) the ld man’s face but yuth still flwed in his bld. Later, he even expected anther trip t Africa.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66. 假如你是高一学生李华,你校英语阅读社 (English Reading Club)正在招募(recruit) 新成员,你非常渴望加入。请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 加入英语阅读社的原因;
    3. 希望获准。
    Dear Sir/ Madam,
    My name is Li Hua, a freshman in ur schl.
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,割据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Surprise!” was the first thing I heard when I pened the dr. My family and friends were all smiling at me. There were clrful ballns all ver the huse, a big pster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY'', and f curse a cake with 12 candles. It was a wnderful feeling. I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might pssibly get the thing I wanted mst.
    I saw my mm and dad cming twards me with a small bx which seemed t be a birthday present. When I pened the bx, I culdn't believe my eyes. I had really gtten a mbile phne! Thrwing myself int their arms, I let ut a cry f jy, “Thank yu! I lve yu guys!”
    “Yu're welcme. We knew this was ging t make yu happy but we didn't nly get yu this because yu turned twelve, but als because yu are ding well in schl. We expect yu t keep getting gd grades."
    “Of curse I will." I said cnfidently.
    As sn as I gt t schl the next mrning, I was shwing ff my phne and asking everyne fr their number. It was cl hw I gt s many cntacts n the first day.
    It felt like I didn't even exist in that class anymre. I wuldn't pay much attentin t the teachers because I was t busy n my phne. Hwever, I didn't get caught using it.
    I am pretty sure that the teacher did ntice that I stpped paying attentin t her because a week later we tk a test and I failed. What was wrse, my mm had t sign the test.
    It was hard t shw my mm the test. She was used t seeing A's and B's n my tests. Finally, I shwed it t her, and she culdn't believe it. She was angry but mst f all, she was disappinted.
    Paragraph 1:
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure, my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne.
    Paragraph 2:
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng.
    2023~2024 学年度第一学期期末考试
    1. 本试卷考试时间为120分钟, 满分150分。
    2. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    3. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在本试卷上无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
    第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d this winter hliday?
    A. Travel abrad.B. G ver lessns.C. Stay with friends.
    【原文】W: What d yu usually d during the winter hliday?
    M: I ften travel arund with my friends. But this year I must spend the time reviewing the lessns.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why can the wman sing well?
    A. She learned singing by herself.
    B. She used t be a music teacher.
    C. She gt sme training as a student.
    【原文】M: I never knew yu had such a lvely vice. Yu are like a prfessinal singer.
    W: Thanks. I wuldn’t say I’m prfessinal, but I did receive sme training at schl. My music teacher used t be a prfessinal singer.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des Mm think f the paper?
    A. It’s wnderful.B. It’s terrible.C. It’s just s s.
    【原文】M: Mm, I just finished my paper. Can yu check it befre I hand it in?
    W: Sure, let’s take a lk. Sweetie, it’s amazing.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw des the by prbably feel?
    A. Wrried.B. Cheated.C. Excited.
    【原文】W: Have yu finished the physics hmewrk? I didn’t finish it until 11 p.m. last night.
    M: What? I didn’t even knw we had hmewrk! I’m ging t be in a lt f truble.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On campus.B. In a hspital.C. In a plice statin.
    【详解】W: D yu have a registratin card, sir?
    M: Yes. Here yu are.
    W: Please register yur infrmatin here and pay fr it. And I’ll make a medical recrd fr yu.
    第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What makes the man upset?
    A. Whether t change his jb.
    B. Hw t ask fr a pay raise.
    C. What t d with challenges.
    7. What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Bss and emplyee.C. Mther and sn.
    【答案】6. A 7. C
    【原文】W: Yu seemed t be upset tday. Yur father is a little wrried abut yu.
    M: Yu see, I’ve been ffered a new jb. I can’t decide whether t take it.
    W: Oh, that’s easy. If it’s better than the present ne, g fr it.
    M: But the bss and peple arund here are very nice and the wrk is challenging
    W: What abut the salary?
    M: They say I will get a big sum.
    W: Have yu discussed it with yur wife?
    M: Yes, she left it t me.
    W: As I say it, the wrk is well wrth a try. After all, yu can get a higher salary.
    M: I have t think abut it.
    8. What was the traffic like this mrning?
    A Heavy.B. Light.C. Nrmal.
    9. Why des the wman take public transprtatin?
    A. It’s safer.B. It’s quicker.C. It’s always n time.
    10. Hw des the man g t wrk?
    A. By car.B. By mtrbike.C. By subway.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. B
    【原文】W: Gd mrning, Paul!
    M: Gd mrning. Yu are s early tday.
    W: Yes, there was much less traffic tday, s I made it t the ffice earlier.
    M: I see. Hw lng des it take yu t reach the ffice every day?
    W: Well, abut an hur r s.
    M: Ww, that’s quite a lng jurney. D yu drive a car?
    W: N. I take public transprtatin. It’s safer.
    M: Yu are right! But I get up a little late. That gives me n ther chice but t travel by mtrcycle.
    11. What des the wman d with her naughty children in public?
    A. She punishes them hard.
    B. She gives them what they want.
    C. She takes them t a quiet place.
    12. Why des the wman chse t wait fr her kids t calm dwn?
    A. It will save mney fr the future.
    B. It will shape children’s behavir.
    C. It will give her mre pwer ver them.
    13. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is careless abut her children.
    B. She is wrried abut her children.
    C. She is gd at dealing with her children.
    【答案】11. C 12. B 13. C
    【原文】M: Are yur children ever naughty in public?
    W: Yes, they are. But I dn’t punish them in public. If my children are crying because they want a ty frm the stre, I will take them smewhere quiet until they are calm.
    M: S yu wuldn’t give them what they want?
    W: N. If they knw they can get whatever they want by crying, they’ll just get wrse and wrse.
    M: Oh, I see. But dn’t yu think yu’ll lse mre time t wait fr them t calm dwn?
    W: Yeah. But I think it’s wrth it because my children will be better behaved in the future.
    M: What if yu’re n an airplane?
    W: I’ll try t plan ahead and I need t prepare lts f snacks and fun things. Maybe they just feel bred and want t play but they can’t.
    M: S it’s better t prevent bad behavir by making sure the kids dn’t get bred. Well, yu’re really a gd parent.
    W: Oh, I’m trying t be ne.
    14. Why des the wman suggest taking dwn the tree?
    A. It cvers a large area.
    B. It stands there t lng.
    C. It makes the rm messy.
    15. Hw des the man feel abut getting rid f the tree?
    A. It’s a pity.B. It’s a must.C. It’s a wise idea.
    16. What did the speakers d this Christmas?
    A. They went t church.
    B. They visited sme relatives.
    C. They enjyed a family gathering.
    【答案】14. C 15. A 16. C
    【原文】W: Ok, hney, time t take dwn the Christmas tree.
    M: D we have t? It really lks nice in that crner.
    W: Cme n! The tree is falling apart, and it’s messing up the rm.
    M: But it makes the place feel s much like Christmas. I’d really hate t take it dwn.
    W: But Christmas was tw weeks ag! It’s been there nly because we’ve been t busy t get rid f it.
    M: I knw, but it seems like such a shame t have t take it away.
    W: Dn’t yu see the cat keeps playing with the lwer branches?
    M: I knw, I knw. But it reminds me f the great Christmas we just had. All f us were here — my parents, yur parents, the kids, and the cusins. The fd was gd, and everybdy gt what they wanted.
    W: Ok, I’ll make a deal with yu. We’ll leave it up until Sunday. OK?
    M: Fine.
    17. What made peple curius?
    A. Why Dctr Barry lived as a man.
    B. Why Dctr Barry died suddenly.
    C. Why Dctr Barry had a lng life.
    18. Why did Dctr Barry g t Edinburgh?
    A. T earn a living.B. T learn medicine.C. T buy her uncle.
    19. When did Dctr Barry jin the army?
    A. 1813.B. 1810.C. 1809.
    20. What is Dr. Barry’s greatest cntributin?
    A. Saving many patients’ lives.
    B. Getting mre peple trained.
    C. Imprving the medical system.
    【答案】17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C
    【原文】It was July the 25th, 1865. Dctr James Barry was dead. But when the peple prepared his bdy, they were shcked t discver Dctr Barry was NOT a man but a wman. Why she lived as the ppsite sex fr mre than 50 years made peple curius.
    Dr. James Barry was actually brn Margaret Bulkley arund 1789, at a time when wmen were blcked frm mst frmal educatin. Margaret was an excellent student and wuld becme a dctr. Her uncle, James Barry, was impressed by yung Margaret, knwing her intelligence culd take her far. He helped Margaret t pursue an educatin. In 1806, her uncle, James Barry, died. In 1809, she, taking her uncle’s name, went t Edinburgh t study medicine. Fur years later, Barry began his medical career in the British Army and became ne f the best dctrs there. His greatest cntributin was that he used his pwer t better the medical system. He made new rules s that nly trained peple culd give ut medicines t patients t make sure they gt the right treatment.
    第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Libraries are the temple fr bk lvers, the main surce f knwledge and wisdm. Here are the biggest libraries in the wrld.
    The Library f Cngress
    The Library f Cngress in the US is the biggest library in the wrld, whse cllectins are frm all arund the wrld. The library has a cllectin f 32 millin catalged bks. It receives 22,000 cpies per day frm the publicatin prduced in the US. Sme f the majr wrks stred in the library are Rugh Draft f the Declaratin f Independence, the wrld’s mst famus architectural designs and s n.
    The British Library
    The British Library is the natinal library f the United Kingdm. It is the secnd biggest library in the wrld. It hlds 150 millin items frm different cuntries. It receives 8,000 cpies per day frm the publicatin prduced in the United Kingdm and Ireland. Its cllectin includes 14 millin bks. Every year ver 3 millin items are added t the library. The majr highlights f the library cllectin are Diamnd Sutra and Alice’s Adventures under Grund.
    Library and Archives (档案馆) Canada (LAC)
    Canada has the third biggest library in the wrld. The library hlds 20 millin bks, 24 millin phtgraphs and a lt f digital wrks. Its cllectin includes The Prclamatin f the Canadian Cnstitutin Act, the British Nrth America Act and many mre precius wrks.
    The New Yrk Public Library (NYPL)
    It is the furth largest library in the wrld. It is the public library having 87 branches. The library has a cllectin f 53 millin items. It als has fur research libraries which are pen t the general public. Yu can ask and discver abut anything n the fficial website f NYPL.
    21. Which f the fllwing wrks is stred in the Library f Cngress?
    A. The British Nrth America Act.
    B. Alice’s Adventures under Grund.
    C. Rugh Draft f the Declaratin f Independence.
    D. The Prclamatin f the Canadian Cnstitutin Act.
    22. Hw many new items des the British Library receive every year?
    A. Abut 22,000.B. Mre than 8,000.
    C. Abut 14 millin.D. Mre than 3 millin.
    23. Which library wns an fficial website where yu can search fr all infrmatin?
    A. Library and Archives Canada.B. The Library f Cngress.
    C. The New Yrk Public Library.D. The British Library.
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Sme f the majr wrks stred in the library are Rugh Draft f the Declaratin f Independence, the wrld’s mst famus architectural designs and s n.(图书馆收藏的主要作品有《独立宣言》草稿、世界上最著名的建筑设计等)”可知,《独立宣言》草稿被保存在国会图书馆。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据The British Library部分中“Every year ver 3 millin items are added t the library.(每年有300多万件图书被添加到图书馆)”可知,大英图书馆每年接收超过300万新物品。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Yu can ask and discver abut anything n the fficial website f NYPL.(你可以在纽约公共图书馆的官方网站上询问和发现任何事情)”可知,The New Yrk Public Library有一个官方网站,你可以在那里搜索到所有的信息。故选C。
    When I first met Gerge, I was in my early 30s. My children were just entering schl life, allwing me t escape frm endless husewrk. At 65 Gerge had recently left wrk and was seeking a rewarding hbby fr his glden years. Fr bth f us, we lved painting and we met at a lcal TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was t last fr 25 years — until the day he died.
    Gerge was an energetic man wh lived life t the full. He lved his family, his friends, and was lyal and utspken. As the nly male in a painting class full f wmen, Gerge quite enjyed it. He ruled the rst (栖息处) and we were his hens. He lked after all his hens.
    He tk t painting with passin and devtin. He carefully hused his expensive painting tls in a bx — a red metal tl bx — built t bear hard kncks. Nt fancy, but smth and shiny and very red.
    In 2004, I learned that he was very ill and went t visit him. “He’s very cnfused and may nt recgnize yu,” Penny, his daughter, warned. But as I bent ver, Gerge pened his eyes. “Betty!” he said, and with surprising strength, held my hand. “I’ve always been hping t leave my bx t yu. I’m afraid I can’t paint anymre, and yu have the best talent and are mst likely t use it,” he said. With tears in my eyes, I accepted the gift. He died tw days later.
    Tday I still use much f his equipment kept in the bx. The bx is still in gd shape, very red. The riginal shp sticker is still firmly in place althugh the price has wrn ff. But that’s all right because t my mind sme things, like friendship, are beynd price.
    24. Why did Gerge g t painting class?
    A. He wanted t please his children.B. He wanted t enjy schl life again.
    C. He wanted t make new friends.D. He wanted t develp a wrthwhile hbby.
    25. What’s the authr’s purpse f writing the text?
    A. T intrduce a ppular hbby.B. T describe a precius friendship.
    C. T remember a red tl bx.D. T appreciate her friend’s help.
    26. Which wrd can describe Gerge accrding t the text?
    A. Hnest.B. Brave.C. Caring.D. Lucky.
    27. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. The tl bx is well kept by the authr.
    B. Gerge tk the red tl bx back in the end.
    C. Gerge was shy and didn’t talk much in the class.
    D. The authr thught their painting class was bring.
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“At 65 Gerge had recently left wrk and was seeking a rewarding hbby fr his glden years.(65岁的Gerge刚刚离开工作岗位,正在为自己的晚年寻找一个有意义的爱好)”可知,Gerge学习绘画是为了培养一个值得的爱好。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“Thus began a friendship that was t last fr 25 years — until the day he died.(从此开始了一段持续了25年的友谊——直到他去世的那一天)”可知,文章主要讲述了作者与Gerge相识相知的过程,是对已经逝Gerge的追忆。故本文目的是描述一位珍贵的朋友,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“As the nly male in a painting class full f wmen, Gerge quite enjyed it. He ruled the rst (栖息处) and we were his hens. He lked after all his hens.(在一个满是女性的绘画班,Gerge是唯一的男性,他很喜欢。他当家作主,我们是他的‘母鸡’。他照顾所有的‘母鸡们’)”可知,Gerge在绘画班上照顾着每一个学员,他是一个体贴人的朋友,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Tday I still use much f his equipment kept in the bx. The bx is still in gd shape, very red. The riginal shp sticker is still firmly in place althugh the price has wrn ff.(今天我还在用他保存在盒子里的很多设备。盒子的形状还很好,很红。原来的商店标签仍然牢固地贴在那里,尽管价格已经磨掉了)”可知,时至今日,作者仍然把Gerge的盒子保存得很好。故选A。
    Until nw the usual way we identify dgs is with micr-chipping (微芯片). But a cmpany frm Suth Krea has develped an app, PetNw. On this phne, I’ve gt the new app, which is nw using the dg’s nse print t identify a dg, just like yu can use a fingerprint with a human t make identificatin.
    “Nw shw me yur nse, buddy.” I take pictures f the dg’s nse. “Then wh is the dg? Is it Emma, Lenard, Karl, r Ethan?”
    The app analyses the data in the clud and tells me that this is Emma. It’s shwing me that Emma’s been reprted as missing and where she was reprted missing. I can share my lcatin with the wner, s they can be reunited.
    Unlike a micr-chip, which culd be cut ut f a stlen dg, yu can’t really remve a dg’s nse withut spiling the dg. And by using the phne’s camera t scan, anyne in thery can check a stray dg withut any specialist equipment.
    Recently, I’ve spken t PetNw t find ut why they’d settled n nse prints fr dg recgnitin. There may be paws r ears, but sme dgs really hate shwing up, sharing their paws r their ears. Nse is actually expsed all the time. And after a dg becme six mnths ld the nse print stays there their entire life, s we believe that it is the best part fr identificatin.
    PetNw hpes its app will becme mandatry in Suth Krea t help reduce the number f dgs that are abandned by pet wners. T d that they will need the supprt f gvernment and a huge marketing push, s that everybdy including peple wh dn’t wn a dg must install the app and knw hw t use it.
    28. Which can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Dgs’ prints are very similar.
    B. Micr-chipping a dg is ut f date.
    C. The app requires specialist equipment.
    D. The app can map ut a lst dg’s riginal place.
    29. Why did PetNw settle n nse prints fr dg recgnitin?
    A. Because a micr-chip can be cut ut.
    B. Because sme dgs hate shwing up.
    C. Because their nse is easy t be phtgraphed.
    D. Because their nse print never changes since they were brn.
    30. Which f the wrd best explains the underlined wrd “mandatry” in the last paragraph?
    A. Safe.B. Required.
    C. Prfessinal.D. Easy.
    31. What’s the best title f the passage?
    A. Taking Pictures fr Dg’s NseB. PetNw Saves Abandned Dgs
    C. Nse Print Technlgy n the WayD. PetNw Identifies Dgs with Nse Print
    【答案】28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“It’s shwing me that Emma’s been reprted as missing and where she was reprted missing.(它显示Emma被报失踪以及她失踪的地点)”可推知,应用程序PetNw可以标记出已丢失小狗的原始位置。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“There may be paws r ears, but sme dgs really hate shwing up, sharing their paws r their ears. Nse is actually expsed all the time.(可能有爪子或耳朵,但有些狗真的很讨厌出现,分享它们的爪子或耳朵。鼻子实际上是一直暴露在外面的)”可知,PetNw选定鼻纹进行识别,是因为狗的鼻子一直暴露在外,更容易被拍摄。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据最后一段“PetNw hpes its app will becme mandatry in Suth Krea t help reduce the number f dgs that are abandned by pet wners. T d that they will need the supprt f gvernment and a huge marketing push, s that everybdy including peple wh dn’t wn a dg must install the app and knw hw t use it.(PetNw希望其应用程序在韩国成为mandatry,以帮助减少宠物主人遗弃的狗的数量。要做到这一点,他们需要政府的支持和巨大的市场推广,这样每个人,包括没有养狗的人,都必须安装该应用程序并知道如何使用它)”可知,PetNw希望其应用程序得到政府的支持和巨大的市场推广,每个人都必须安装这款应用程序,程序才会变成强制性的。由此推知,划线单词表示“强制性的”,与required同义。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段“On this phne, I’ve gt the new app, which is nw using the dg’s nse print t identify a dg, just like yu can use a fingerprint with a human t make identificatin.(在这部手机上,我安装了一个新的应用程序,它现在使用狗的鼻印来识别狗,就像你可以用人的指纹来识别一样)”可知,本文主要介绍了应用程序PetNw,它可以通过狗的鼻纹对狗进行识别。由此可知,D项“PetNw用鼻纹识别狗”为最佳标题。故选D。
    Harvard researchers have created a tugh, lw-cst, bidegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard uter shells. The material’s inventrs say it has a number f pssible uses and smeday culd prvide a mre envirnmentally friendly alternative t plastic. The material, made frm shrimp (虾) shells and prteins prduced frm silk, is called “shrilk”. It is thin, clear, flexible and strng.
    A majr benefit f the material is its bidegradability. Plastic’s tughness and flexibility represented a revlutin in materials science during the 1950s and 1960s. Decades later, hwever, plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questins abut hw apprpriate it is fr ne-time prducts such as plastic bags, r shrt-lived cnsumer gds, used in the hme fr a few years and then thrwn int a landfill where they will stay fr centuries. What is the pint f making smething that lasts 1,000 years?
    Shrilk nt nly will degrade in a landfill, but its basic cmpnents are used as fertilizer (肥料), and s will enrich the sil.
    Shrilk has great ptential, the inventrs said. Materials frm which it is made are plentiful in nature, fund in everything ranging frm shrimp shells, insect bdies t living plants. That makes shrilk lw cst, and its mass prductin pssible if it is used fr prducts demanding a lt f material.
    Wrk n shrilk is cntinuing in the lab. The inventrs said the material becmes flexible when wet, s they’re explring ways t use it in wet envirnments. They’re als develping simpler prductin prcesses, which culd be used fr nn-medical prducts, like fr cmputer cases and ther prducts inside the hme. They’re even explring cmbining it with ther materials, like carbn fibers, t give it new prperties.
    32. Paragraph 1 f the passage is mainly abut shrilk’s ________.
    A. remarkable designB. majr featuresC. interesting nameD. smart inventrs
    33. What has becme a cncern abut plastic?
    A. Using it prperly.B. Prducing it cheaply.
    C. Develping its prperties quickly.D. Evaluating its cntributins fairly.
    34. Accrding t the inventrs, shrilk has great ptential partly because ________.
    A. it can help plastic last lngerB. it can be fund in living things
    C. its mass prductin has been realizedD. its raw materials are abundant in nature
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Recent Prgress in Envirnmental PrtectinB. Benefits f Insects in Scientific Research
    C. A Pssible Alternative t PlasticD. The Harm f One-time Prducts
    【答案】32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Harvard researchers have created a tugh, lw-cst, bidegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard uter shells. (哈佛大学的研究人员以昆虫坚硬的外壳为灵感,创造了一种坚韧、低成本、可生物降解的材料。)”以及“It is thin, clear, flexible and strng. (它薄、清晰、柔韧、结实)”可知本段主要讲的是“虾丝”的特征,故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Decades later, hwever, plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questins abut hw apprpriate it is fr ne-time prducts such as plastic bags, r shrt-lived cnsumer gds, used in the hme fr a few years and then thrwn int a landfill where they will stay fr centuries. ( 然而,几十年后,塑料的耐用性引发了人们的疑问,即塑料袋或短命消费品等一次性产品在家中使用几年,然后被扔进垃圾填埋场,在那里它们将停留几个世纪。)”可知,塑料的合理使用问题引起了人们的关注,故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Shrilk has great ptential, the inventrs said. Materials frm which it is made are plentiful in nature, fund in everything ranging frm shrimp shells, insect bdies t living plants. (发明者们说,虾丝具有巨大的潜力。制作它的材料在自然界中非常丰富,从虾壳、昆虫身体到活植物,无所不包。)”可知虾丝具有巨大的潜力是因为它的原材料在自然界中非常丰富,故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Harvard researchers have created a tugh, lw-cst, bidegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard uter shells. (哈佛大学的研究人员以昆虫坚硬的外壳为灵感,创造了一种坚韧、低成本、可生物降解的材料。)”、第二段“A majr benefit f the material is its bidegradability. (该材料的一个主要优点是其生物降解性。)”、第二段“Decades later, hwever, plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questins abut hw apprpriate it is fr ne-time prducts such as plastic bags, r shrt-lived cnsumer gds, used in the hme fr a few years and then thrwn int a landfill where they will stay fr centuries. ( 然而,几十年后,塑料的耐用性引发了人们的疑问,即塑料袋或短命消费品等一次性产品在家中使用几年,然后被扔进垃圾填埋场,在那里它们将停留几个世纪。)”以及第四段“Shrilk has great ptential, the inventrs said. Materials frm which it is made are plentiful in nature, fund in everything ranging frm shrimp shells, insect bdies t living plants. (发明者们说,虾丝具有巨大的潜力。制作它的材料在自然界中非常丰富,从虾壳、昆虫身体到活植物,无所不包。)”可知本文主要讲的是哈佛大学的研究人员创造了一种可生物降解的材料,这种材料有优于塑料的特性,是塑料的可能的替代品,故选C项。
    Hw t Chse Extracurricular Activities
    Frm sprts t clubs t utside rganizatins, there are many activities t take part in utside the classrm. ____36____ Frtunately, it becmes quite easy nce yu figure ut what yu enjy ding in general. With a little mre careful thught, yu can als chse an activity that interests yu.
    Think abut yur interests and knw yur advantages. Befre yu start cnsidering specific(具体的)activities, take a step back. Think abut what excites yu and find yur passins(热情). ____37____ Nw that yu have a better idea f what yu like t d in general, decide n thse that yu are gd at. Ask yurself what skills they shw. Then find activities that require the same nes. Make sure that yu will enjy yurself by chsing an activity that lets yu shine.
    ____38____ In additin t yur interests and advantages, knw what yu wuld like t imprve abut yurself. Use activities as a way t make yurself better. Find ut new challenges, withut the added stress f having t earn gd grades at them. Yu can use activities t develp general skills that yu may nt have.
    Find ut what activities are available(可用的)and lk int each ne. ____39____ If the website seems incmplete, talk with yur teacher r parents. Als lk fr calendar details, such as start-and-end dates, plus event schedules, t make sure it wn’t get in the way f anything else ging n in yur life. Once yu have a list f activities that match yur interests, d a little research. ____40____
    A. Think abut skills yu want t develp.
    B. This can make chsing ne a little difficult.
    C. Use yur freshman year t explre yur chices.
    D. In this way, yu will have a better idea f what t expect.
    E. Als make sure that their culture is a gd match fr yur wn persnality.
    F. Use thse t decide n activities that will keep yu interested fr a lng time.
    G. Search yur schl’s website fr a cmplete list f all the activities it prvides.
    【答案】36. B 37. F 38. A 39. G 40. D
    上文“Frm sprts t clubs t utside rganizatins, there are many activities t take part in utside the classrm.(从运动到俱乐部再到校外组织,有很多课外活动可以参加。)”提到了有很多的课外活动可以参加;下文“Frtunately, it becmes quite easy nce yu figure ut what yu enjy ding in general.(幸运的是,一旦你知道你喜欢做什么,这就变得很容易了。)”提到了一旦知道自己喜欢做什么,就变得很容易。由此可知,设空处所填句意与下文存在转折关系。B项“This can make chsing ne a little difficult.(这要让你选择一个可能会有点困难。)”中的this与上文对应,而difficult则与下文的easy对应。故选B项。
    段首主旨句“Think abut yur interests and knw yur advantages.(想想你的兴趣,了解你的优势。)”提到了要想想自己的兴趣,了解自己的优势;上文“Befre yu start cnsidering specific(具体的)activities, take a step back. Think abut what excites yu and find yur passins(热情).(在你开始考虑具体的活动之前,先退一步。想想什么能让你兴奋,找到你的激情所在。)”提到了在考虑具体活动前,先想想什么能让自己兴奋,找到自己的激情所在;下文“Nw that yu have a better idea f what yu like t d in general, decide n thse that yu are gd at.(既然你对自己喜欢做什么有了更好的了解,那就选择你擅长的吧。)”提到了对自己喜欢做的事有更好的了解后,就开始选择自己擅长的。由此可推知,设空处应是与思考自己感兴趣的活动有关。F项“Use thse t decide n activities that will keep yu interested fr a lng time.(利用这些信息来决定哪些活动能让你长期感兴趣。)”与本段主旨相符,选项中的thse与上文的“Think abut what excites yu and find yur passins.(想想什么能让你兴奋,找到你的激情所在。)”对应。故选F项。
    设空处位于句首,为本段主旨句。下文“In additin t yur interests and advantages, knw what yu wuld like t imprve abut yurself.(除了你的兴趣和优势之外,你也要知道你想要提升自己的哪些方面。)”提到了除自己的兴趣和优势之外,也要知道自己想要提升的东西。由此可知,本段主要与“提升自我”相关。A项“Think abut skills yu want t develp.(想想你想要培养的技能。)”与本段主旨相符。故选A项。
    段首句“Find ut what activities are available(可用的)and lk int each ne.(找出哪些活动是可用的,并一一研究。)”提到了要找出可用的活动,并一一研究;下文“If the website seems incmplete, talk with yur teacher r parents.(如果网站看起来不完整,和你的老师或父母谈谈。)”提到了如果网站看起来不完整,可以和老师或父母谈谈。由此可知,设空处是在建议去网站看看。G项“Search yur schl’s website fr a cmplete list f all the activities it prvides.(在你学校的网站上搜索它提供的所有活动的完整列表。)”中的schl’s website与下文的the website对应。故选G项。
    设空处位于段末,上文“Once yu have a list f activities that match yur interests, d a little research.(一旦你有了一个符合你兴趣的活动清单,做一些调查。)”提到了一旦有了自己的兴趣活动清单,可以做一些调查。由此可推知,设空处可能在谈这一建议的好处。D项“In this way, yu will have a better idea f what t expect.(这样,你就能更好地知道接下来该期待些什么。)”中的in this way与上文d a little research对应。故选D项。
    第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Smetimes yu may find that yu are nt happy in yur life. Mst f the time yu have t ____41____ this kind f unhappy life, since it is really hard t make ____42____ and mve n t a new business. My father, ____43____ , was quite a different example. Frm him I learned a great lessn n the value f ding ne’s ____44____ .
    My father gt int the insurance (保险) industry when he was very yung. He was very ____45____ . Sn he became ne f the first independent insurance salesmen in ur state. Hwever, he decided t ____46____ his successful career. The reasn is that he liked t d smething ____47____ , smething that tested his strength and ability, ____48____ in a way that is interesting. After leaving the insurance cmpany, he wrked in scial media and then in IT industry, which really ____49____ him. Of curse he wasn’t successful in everything he _____50_____ but he tld me _____51_____ that he did smething he liked.
    Leaving ne’s _____52_____ life is nt easy. I’ve learned this frm my father, and I can say whether the _____53_____ is gd r bad, it is wrth ding ne’s favurite. When we d smething we _____54_____ , it gives us extra mtivatin (动机) t meet ur _____55_____ .
    41. A. endB. cnsiderC. shareD. cntinue
    42. A. changesB. decisinsC. excusesD. chices
    43. A. stillB. hweverC. generallyD. naturally
    44. A. favuriteB. bestC. extraD. part
    45. A. helplessB. inexperiencedC. cnfidentD. successful
    46. A. restartB. advanceC. leaveD. questin
    47. A. suitableB. meaningfulC. similarD. challenging
    48. A. bviuslyB. especiallyC. usuallyD. prbably
    49. A. failedB. discuragedC. cnfusedD. attracted
    50. A. triedB. rememberedC. expectedD. prepared
    51. A. fr freeB. fr certainC. fr gdD. fr real
    52. A. sadB. painfulC. cmfrtableD. adventurus
    53. A. reasnB. resultC. truthD. idea
    54. A. dubtB. regretC. lveD. hate
    55. A. galsB. needsC. imaginatinD. standards
    【答案】41. D 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. A
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:大多数时候,你不得不继续这种不快乐的生活,因为很难做出改变并开始新的事业。A. end结束;B. cnsider考虑,认为;C. share分享;D. cntinue继续。根据下文“since it is really hard t make”推知,有时尽管生活不幸福,但不得不继续这样的生活。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. changes改变;B. decisins决定;C. excuses借口;D. chices选择。与下文作者爸爸的经历形成对比,此处是指很多时候人们都认为做出改变并开始新的事业很难。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是我的爸爸是一个非常不一样的例子。A. still仍然;B. hwever然而;C. generally大体上;D. naturally自然而然。结合句意,此处和上文为转折关系,用hwever符合语境。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:从他身上,我学到了做自己喜欢的事的价值。A. favurite最爱的人/物;B. best最好事物;C. extra额外的事物;D. part部分。根据下文“The reasn is that he liked t d smething”推知,作者从爸爸的身上学到了做喜欢的事的价值。且下文的“it is wrth ding ne’s favurite.”也是提示。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他非常成功。A. helpless无助;B. inexperienced没有经验的;C. cnfident自信的;D. successful成功的。根据下文“Sn he became ne f the first independent insurance salesmen in ur state”可知,作者的爸爸事业上很成功。且下文的“his successful career”也是提示。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,他决定离开自己成功的职业。A. restart重新开始,重启;B. advance前进;C. leave离开,留下;D. questin质问。根据表示转折意义的hwever可知,虽然他的事业很成功,但他选择离开。且下文的“After leaving the insurance cmpany”也是提示。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:原因是他喜欢做有挑战性的、可以测试他的力量和能力的、特别是那些有趣的事情。A. suitable适合的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. similar相似的;D. challenging具有挑战性的。根据下文“smething that tested his strength and ability”推知,作者的爸爸喜欢做具有挑战性的事情。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. bviusly明显地;B. especially尤其,特别是;C. usually通常;D. prbably可能。结合语境,此处表示强调,指作者的爸爸喜欢做的事情要有挑战性、可以测试他的力量和能力,但重要是要有趣,也呼应了上文“Frm him I learned a great lessn n the value f ding ne’s ____4____ . ”故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:离开保险公司后,他在社交媒体和IT行业工作,这确实吸引了他。A. failed失败;B. discuraged使丧气;C. cnfused使困惑;D. attracted吸引。结合上文内容可知,作者的爸爸选择离开保险行业去从事自己喜欢的事情,由此推知,社交媒体和IT行业是吸引他的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,他尝试的所有事情并非都成功,但他肯定地告诉我他做了自己喜欢的事情。A. tried尝试;B. remembered记得;C. expected期待,预料;D. prepared准备。结合上文从事保险业和“After leaving the insurance cmpany, he wrked in scial media and then in IT industry”可知,作者的爸爸尝试了几个行业。故选A。
    考查短语辨析。句意同上。A. fr free免费的;B. fr certain确定地;C. fr gd永远;D. fr real认真地。根据“he did smething he liked”可知,虽然不是事事都成功,但爸爸十分肯定地告诉作者他做了自己喜欢的事情。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:离开一个人舒适的生活是不容易的。A. sad伤心的;B. painful痛苦的;C. cmfrtable舒适的;D. adventurus冒险的。根据上文“He was very ____5____ . Sn he became ne f the first independent insurance salesmen in ur state.”推知,作者从爸爸的经历得出离开自己舒适的生活是不容易的。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我从父亲那里学到了这一点,我可以说,无论结果是好是坏,都值得去做自己喜欢的事。A. reasn原因;B. result结果;C. truth真相;D. idea主意。根据上文“Of curse he wasn’t successful in everything he ____10____”可知,此处是指做自己喜欢的事的结果。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们做我们喜欢的事情时,它给了我们实现目标的额外动力。A. dubt怀疑;B. regret后悔,遗憾;C. lve爱,喜欢;D. hate讨厌。根据上文“he did smething he liked.”可知,此处是指做自己喜欢的事情。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. gals目标;B. needs需要;C. imaginatin想象;D. standards标准。结合常识可知,做自己喜欢的事情有助于实现目标,即这样给我们实现目标额外的动力。故选A。
    In 2015, a reprter frm Jiangsu Prvince went t Australia and sme ther____56____ ( cuntry ) with his father fr a 3-mnth trip. His father spent mst f his life ____57____ ( wrk ) in the field. The sn started the ____58____ ( amaze) trips with his father arund the wrld because his father had cancer---a serius illness.
    The reprter wanted____59____ ( take ) his father t travel, hping that his father can find his yunger self in his last days. They____60____ (travel) mre than 13, 000 kilmeters and tk ver 110,000 pictures n their trips t different cuntries. The new experience made a deep ____61____ (impress) n them.Well, a miracle happened during the “rebirth” trips. ____62____their surprise, his father gt better frm illness and became mre pen-hearted. He even taught himself t play ____63____vilin, and then ____64____ ( gradual )he played it very well, ____65____encuraged him a lt.
    Time carved (雕刻) the ld man’s face but yuth still flwed in his bld. Later, he even expected anther trip t Africa.
    【答案】56. cuntries
    57. wrking
    58. amazing
    59. t take
    60. travelled
    61. impressin
    62. T 63. the
    64. gradually
    65. which
    考查名词的数。句意:2015年,一位来自江苏省的记者与父亲一起前往澳大利亚和其他国家进行了为期3个月的旅行。分析句子结构和意思可知,空格前面有ther 修饰,后面用复数形式。故填cuntries。
    考查固定搭配。句意:他的父亲一生大部分时间都在田里工作。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定搭配spend...(in) ding sth.,意为“在做某事上花费”。故填wrking。
    考查不定式。句意:记者想带他的父亲去旅行,希望他的父亲能在生命的最后几天找到年轻的自己。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词短语want t d sth.,意为“想要做某事”,不定式作宾语。故填t take。
    考查固定短语。句意:令他们惊讶的是,他的父亲病好了,变得更加开明了。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查固定短语t ne’s surprise,意为“令某人惊讶的是”。故填T。
    考查冠词。句意:他甚至自学了演奏小提琴,然后渐渐地,他演奏得很好,这给了他很多鼓励。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里需要定冠词the,放在表示乐器的名词前面。play the vilin,意为“拉小提琴”。故填the。
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66. 假如你是高一学生李华,你校英语阅读社 (English Reading Club)正在招募(recruit) 新成员,你非常渴望加入。请你用英语写一封申请信,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 加入英语阅读社的原因;
    3. 希望获准。
    Dear Sir/ Madam,
    My name is Li Hua, a freshman in ur schl.
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Sir/ Madam,
    I’m Li Hua, a freshman in ur schl. Learning the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing t apply t be ne f them.
    Reading classics can nt nly give me a deep insight int histry and culture, but braden my hrizns. The club, therefre, becmes what I’m eager t jin. Fr ne thing, challenging t read bks in the riginal will definitely imprve my English level. Fr anther, I can make mre like-minded friends, participate in its activities and cntribute my ideas. Understanding the respnsibilities that cme with membership, I assure yu f my cmmitment and active participatin.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd cnsider my applicatin. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生对于你校英语阅读社 (English Reading Club)正在招募(recruit) 新成员这一情况,你非常渴望加入,用英语写一封申请信。
    拓宽:braden→ widen
    渴望做某事:be eager t d→ desire t d
    提高,增强:imprve→ enhance
    参加:participate in→ taking part in
    原句:Learning the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing t apply t be ne f them.
    拓展句:Because I learn the English Reading Club is recruiting new members, I am writing t apply t be ne f them.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Understanding the respnsibilities that cme with membership, I assure yu f my cmmitment and active participatin.(运用了that引导定语从句和现在分词形式作状语。)
    【高分句型2】I wuld appreciate it if yu culd cnsider my applicatin.(运用了连词if引导的条件状语从句。)
    67. 阅读下面材料,割据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Surprise!” was the first thing I heard when I pened the dr. My family and friends were all smiling at me. There were clrful ballns all ver the huse, a big pster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY'', and f curse a cake with 12 candles. It was a wnderful feeling. I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might pssibly get the thing I wanted mst.
    I saw my mm and dad cming twards me with a small bx which seemed t be a birthday present. When I pened the bx, I culdn't believe my eyes. I had really gtten a mbile phne! Thrwing myself int their arms, I let ut a cry f jy, “Thank yu! I lve yu guys!”
    “Yu're welcme. We knew this was ging t make yu happy but we didn't nly get yu this because yu turned twelve, but als because yu are ding well in schl. We expect yu t keep getting gd grades."
    “Of curse I will" I said cnfidently.
    As sn as I gt t schl the next mrning, I was shwing ff my phne and asking everyne fr their number. It was cl hw I gt s many cntacts n the first day.
    It felt like I didn't even exist in that class anymre. I wuldn't pay much attentin t the teachers because I was t busy n my phne. Hwever, I didn't get caught using it.
    I am pretty sure that the teacher did ntice that I stpped paying attentin t her because a week later we tk a test and I failed. What was wrse, my mm had t sign the test.
    It was hard t shw my mm the test. She was used t seeing A's and B's n my tests. Finally, I shwed it t her, and she culdn't believe it. She was angry but mst f all, she was disappinted.
    Paragraph 1:
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure, my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne.
    Paragraph 2:
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng.
    Realizing the reasn fr my failure, my parents started t dislike the fact that I had a phne. They said they had nticed that I never paid attentin t them. It was like I had my wn little wrld. S they thught we didn't cmmunicate as much with my phne. They regretted having given me a phne, which made me ignre the family and study.
    Then I started t wnder if I was wrng. A week later I tried ging a whle day withut a phne and it didn’t g that badly. I had s much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and paying attentin t them. Frm that day, I had a different pinin twards phnes. Phnes really take yu away frm the rest f the wrld. I' m nt saying that phnes are bad and nt t use them, but yu d have t spare sme time t spend with yur family and nt get stuck with yur phne all day.
    ①. 关注:pay attentin t/fcus n sth./be cncerned abut
    ②. 交流:cmmunicate with sb./chat with sb./exchange ideas with
    ③. 改变:change ne's mind/have a different pinin twards
    ①. 抱怨:cmplain/say sth. angrily/make a cmplaint
    ②. 抱歉:feel srry/regret/feel aplgetic
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. They said they had nticed that I never paid attentin t them. (省略that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. They regretted having given me a phne, which made me ignre the family and study.(关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3]. I had s much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and paying attentin t them.(because引导的原因状语从句)

    辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份辽宁省丹东市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    辽宁省大连市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份辽宁省大连市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。

    辽宁省锦州市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份辽宁省锦州市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附答案),共7页。






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