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    1. What des the man want t d?
    A. Reserve a cheap htel.
    B. G t Mexic n business.
    C. Relax and enjy himself.
    2. What will the wman get?
    A. Carpet cleaner. B. A paper twel. C. A glass f wine.
    3. Wh is the wman?
    A. She’s a teacher. B. She’s a student. C. She’s an assistant.
    4. Where are the speakers headed?
    A. T a swimming pl. B. T the beach. C. T a restaurant.
    5. Why is the museum f great significance?
    A. It’s a museum fr ld art.
    B. It will be built n a small island.
    C. It’s the first f its kind in Indnesia.
    6. Hw much des an entrance ticket cst?
    A. Tw dllars. B. Five dllars. C. Seven dllars.
    7. Hw des the wman pay?
    A. In cash. B. By cheque. C. By credit card.
    听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。更多课件教案等优质滋元可 家 威杏 MXSJ663 8. Where did the tmat sauce cme frm?
    A. A lcal farm.
    B. A stre nly five miles away.
    C. The man’s wn tmates
    9. What des the wman think f cking?
    A. She enjy s it.
    B. It makes her feel creative.
    C. She desn’t have the patience fr it.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Interviewer and interviewee.
    B Husband and wife.
    C. Neighbrs.
    11. Where did the man g t cllege?
    A. In Washingtn. B. In Texas. C. In Nebraska.
    12. What is the wman’s jb?
    A. She is a cmputer prgrammer.
    B. She is a banker.
    C. She is an artist.
    13. What did Fitbit say abut the recent study?
    A. It was false. B. It hurt their business. C. They had n cmment.
    14. When des the man use his Fitbit?
    A. Only when he’s exercising.
    B. During the daytime.
    C. All the time.
    15. What des the man think f his Fitbit?
    A. It’s smetimes uncmfrtable t wear.
    B. It’s f gd value.
    C. It’s f little use.
    16. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Interested. B. Bred. C. Upset.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. A search engine.
    B. A language prgram.
    C. A free lessn website fr teachers.
    18. Hw many peple use Duling currently?
    A. Over ne hundred millin.
    B. A few hundred thusand.
    C. Several thusand.
    19. Where is Luis vn Ahn frm?
    A. Switzerland. B. Guatemala. C. Csta Rica.
    20. Hw was Duling riginally funded?
    A. By big websites. B. By an actr. C. By schl.
    阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Earliest Recrd
    The earliest written evidence f a sccer-like game cmes frm China. During the secnd and third centuries B.C., Chinese sldiers tk part in an activity that invlved kicking a ball int a small net. Histrians think the game was a skill-building exercise fr the sldiers.
    Years f Develpment
    In ancient Greece and Rme, teams f up t 27 players played a sccer-type game. In Britain hundreds f years later, during the thirteenth century A.D., whle villages played against each ther. With hundreds f peple playing, these games were bth lng and rugh. Kicking, punching, and biting were cmmn and allwed.
    In 1331, English King Edward II passed a law in an attempt t put a stp t the ppular but vilent game. The king f Sctland spke against the game a hundred years later. Queen Elizabeth I, during the late 1500s, passed a law that called fr a week f jail fr anyne caught playing “ftball”, r sccer, as we call it. But the game culd nt be stpped.
    The Mdern Game Emerges
    Tw hundred and fifty years later, peple in Britain were still playing a game we wuld recgnize as sccer. A well-knwn English cllege Etn develped a set f rules in 1815. A number f ther clleges sn agreed t use the same rules, and thse schls played against each ther. Finally, 50 years later, a frmal assciatin was frmed t versee the playing f the game and its rules. In 1869, a rule against handling the ball with the hands transfrmed the game int the sprt f sccer that is wildly ppular all arund the wrld.
    1. What d histrians think that sccer might have started ut as?
    A. A leisure activity.B. A plitical issue.
    C. A skill-building activity.D. A military strategy.
    2. Accrding t the text, which emperr was nt against sccer?
    A. English King Edward III.B. The king f Sctland.
    C. Queen Elizabeth I.D. The Rman Emperr.
    3. What was the authr’s purpse fr writing this article?
    A. T share and reflect n playing sccer.B. T advcate the exercise f sccer.
    C. T intrduce the histry f sccer.D. T suggest new ways f playing sccer.
    【答案】1. C 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据Earliest Recrd中的“Histrians think the game was a skill-building exercise fr the sldiers. (历史学家认为,这种游戏是士兵们锻炼技能的一种锻炼。)”可知,历史学家认为足球的起源是一种技能培养活动。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Years f Develpment中的“In ancient Greece and Rme, teams f up t 27 players played a sccer-type game. (在古希腊和罗马,最多27人组成的球队进行一种类似足球的比赛。)”和“In1331, English King Edward II passed a law in an attempt t put a stp t the ppular but vilent game. The king f Sctland spke against the game a hundred years later. Queen Elizabeth I, during the late1500s, passed a law that called fr a week f jail fr anyne caught playing “ftball”, r sccer, as we call it.( 1331年,英国国王爱德华二世通过了一项法律,试图制止这种流行但暴力的游戏。一百年后,苏格兰国王公开反对这项运动。在16世纪晚期,伊丽莎白女王一世通过了一项法律,规定任何被抓到玩“足球”或我们称之为“足球”的人将被监禁一周。)”可知,罗马皇帝不反对足球。故选D。
    Jnathan the trtise, the wrld’s ldest land animal, turned 190 ver the weekend n the island f St. Helena, where he enjyed a “cake” f seasnal fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, including carrts carved int the number “190”.
    Jnathan was brught t St.Helena frm the Seychelles in 1882 as a gift. Accrding t Guinness Wrld Recrds, Jnathan surpassed the previus recrd hlder, Tu’i Malila, wh lived in the 1770s until 1965and culd be even lder. He arrived in St.Helena as a fully mature trtise, meaning he was at least 50 in 1882.
    “The vet is still feeding him by hand nce a week t bst his calries, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as he is blind and has n sense f smell. His hearing thugh is excellent and he lves the cmpany f humans, and respnds well t his vet Je Hllins’ vice as he assciates him with a feast, Guinness Wrld Recrds said.
    “The trtise enjys the sun but n very ht days takes t the shade. On mild days, he will sunbathe his lng neck and legs stretched fully ut f his shell t absrb heat and transfer it t his cre,” accrding t Hllins. When it’s cld, Jnathan has been knwn t “dig himself int leaf mld r grass cuttings and remain there all day.”
    In mst cases, the lifespan f a trtise r turtle depends n the species and level f care they receive. They generally live much lnger in captivity than in the wild, because in the wild, they must find their wn fd in additin t evading predatrs while nt getting medical treatment. Larger turtle and trtise species als tend t live lnger than their smaller cunterparts. Fr mre infrmatin abut animal recrd hlders, click here.
    4. When might Jnathan be brn?
    A. In 1882.B. In 1770.C. In 1965.D. In 1832.
    5. Which f the fllwing statement is TRUE accrding t the text?
    A. Jnathan had a birthday cake made f fruits, meat, and vegetables.
    B. Jnathan was brn and raised n the island f St. Helena.
    C. Jnathan is the Guinness Wrld hlder f the ldest land animal.
    D. Jnathan is a very ld but healthy trtise with full senses.
    6. Which is nt a reasn why a trtise in the wild has a relatively shrter lifespan?
    A. Species differences.B. Fd shrtage.
    C. Lack f medical treatment.D. Animal enemies.
    7. Where can we prbably find this article?
    A. In a science fictin.B. On a news website.
    C. In a travel brchure.D. In a bilgy textbk.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Jnathan the trtise, the wrld’s ldest land animal, turned 190 ver the weekend n the island f St. Helena, where he enjyed a ‘cake’ f seasnal fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, including carrts carved int the number ‘190’. (上周末,世界上最长寿的陆生动物乔纳森在圣赫勒拿岛度过了190岁的生日,他在岛上享用了一个由时令水果、绿叶蔬菜和蔬菜组成的‘蛋糕’,其中包括刻着190字样的胡萝卜)”,以及第二段最后一句“He arrived in St.Helena as a fully mature trtise, meaning he was at least 50 in 1882. (他到达圣赫勒拿时已经是一只完全成熟的乌龟,这意味着他在1882年至少有50岁。)”可知,Jnathan可能出生于1832年。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据根据第一段“Jnathan the trtise, the wrld’s ldest land animal, turned 190 ver the weekend n the island f St. Helena, where he enjyed a ‘cake’ f seasnal fruits, leafy greens and vegetables, including carrts carved int the number ‘190’. (上周末,世界上最长寿的陆生动物乔纳森在圣赫勒拿岛度过了190岁的生日,他在岛上享用了一个由时令水果、绿叶蔬菜和蔬菜组成的‘蛋糕’,其中包括刻着190字样的胡萝卜)”可知,Jnathan是世界上最长寿的陆生动物。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“In mst cases, the lifespan f a trtise r turtle depends n the species and level f care they receive. They generally live much lnger in captivity than in the wild, because in the wild, they must find their wn fd in additin t evading predatrs while nt getting medical treatment. Larger turtle and trtise species als tend t live lnger than their smaller cunterparts. (在大多数情况下,乌龟的寿命取决于它们所受到的照料的种类和水平。它们在圈养环境下的寿命通常比在野外要长得多,因为在野外,除了躲避捕食者,它们还必须自己寻找食物,而且得不到医疗。体型较大的海龟和陆龟也往往比体型较小的同类活得更长。)”可知,野生乌龟寿命相对较短,是因为有捕食者,还存在食物短缺,以及医疗短缺,故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Fr mre infrmatin abut animal recrd hlders, click here. (有关动物纪录保持者的更多信息,请点击这里。)”可知,本文应该在网站上。故选B项。
    A walk arund the wrkplace is als a trip back in time. The ffice is where clleagues meet, wrk and bnd. But it is als a time capsule, a place where the traces f histric patterns f wrking are visible everywhere. The pandemic has heightened this sense f ffice as a dig site fr crprate archaelgists.
    The mst bvius bject is the landline phne(固定电话), a reminder f the days when mbility meant being able t stand up and keep talking. Lng after peple have junked them in their persnal lives - less than 15% f Americans aged between 25 and 34 had ne at hme in the secnd half f 2021- landline phnes survive in ffices.
    There might be gd reasns fr its persistence: they ffer a mre secure and stable cnnectin than mbile phnes, and n ne wrries that they are abut t run ut f battery. In practice, the habit f using them was definitely lst during the pandemic. Nw they sit n desk after desk, rws f buttns unpressed, ring tnes unheard.
    Landline phnes were already well n their way ut befre cvid-19 struck. Whitebard charts have suffered a swifter reverse. These bjects signal a particular type f pain- peple physically crwded tgether int a rm while a manager sketches a graph with a marker pen and pints meaningfully t the tp-right-hand crner, giving requirements never t be satisfied. This manager is still making graphs but is nw much mre likely t use a PwerPint. The crwd is still being trtured but is nw much mre likely t be watching n the screen. The ffice still has whitebards, but they are left in crners and the charts n them are slwly yellwing.
    Real archaelgists need tls and time t d their painstaking wrk: brushes, shvels and picks. Crprate archaelgy is easier: yu just need eyes and a memry f hw things used t be. But yu als need t be quick as mre and mre wrk places are revamped fr the pst-pandemic era. Nw its time t take a careful lk arund the ffice: yu may see smething that will sn seem utdated.
    8. Why des the authr refer t the ffice as a time capsule?
    A. Yu can travel back in time in the ffice.
    B. Yu can dig ut what has been buried fr years in the ffice.
    C. Yu can easily find sme ld-fashined practices in the ffice.
    D. Yu can wrk with archaelgists t study the histry in the ffice.
    9. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 3 and 4?
    A. Whitebard charts went useless due t new technlgies.
    B. Mre emplyees prefer nline meetings t physical gatherings.
    C. Landline phnes still exist in ffices because they dn’t need batteries.
    D. Many emplyees shw a negative attitude t sme rutine wrk in cmpanies.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “revamped” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Transfrmed.B. Abandned.
    C. Discvered.D. Reserved.
    11. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Impact f Pandemic n WrkplaceB. The Archaelgy f the Office
    C. Why Landline Phnes Went Outdated?D. The Histry f Old-fashined Objects
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“But it is als a time capsule, a place where the traces f histric patterns f wrking are visible everywhere.(但它也是一个时间胶囊,一个随处可见历史工作模式痕迹的地方。)”可知,作者认为办公室是一个时间胶囊是因为在办公室可以看到一些过时的办公模式。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“These bjects signal a particular type f pain- peple physically crwded tgether int a rm while a manager sketches a graph with a marker pen and pints meaningfully t the tp-right-hand crner, giving requirements never t be satisfied. This manager is still making graphs but is nw much mre likely t use a PwerPint. The crwd is still being trtured but is nw much mre likely t be watching n the screen. The ffice still has whitebards, but they are left in crners and the charts n them are slwly yellwing.(这些物品标志着一种特殊类型的痛苦——人们挤在一个房间里,经理用记号笔勾勒出一张图表,意味深长地指向右上角,提出永远无法满足的要求。这位经理仍在制作图表,但现在更有可能使用PwerPint。人们仍在遭受折磨,但现在更有可能在屏幕上观看。办公室里还有白板,但都放在角落里了,上面的图表也慢慢变黄了。)”可推断,很多员工对于公司的一些日常事务很厌恶,故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词前一句“But yu als need t be quick(但你也需要迅速行动)”可知,作者认为读者也应该迅速行动,由此可以判断,越来越多的工作场所也有了变化。选项A“Transfrmed. (转变)”;选项B“Abandned. (放弃)”;选项C“Discvered. (发现)”;选项D“Reserved. (保留、预定)”。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“The ffice is where clleagues meet, wrk and bnd. But it is als a time capsule, a place where the traces f histric patterns f wrking are visible everywhere. The pandemic has heightened this sense f ffice as a dig site fr crprate archaelgists. (办公室是同事们见面、工作和交流的地方。但它也是一个时间胶囊,一个随处可见历史工作模式痕迹的地方。新冠疫情加剧了这种办公室作为企业考古学家挖掘场所的感觉。)”以及下文内容“The mst bvius bject is the landline phne(固定电话), a reminder f the days when mbility meant being able t stand up and keep talking. (最明显的目标是固定电话,它提醒着人们,移动意味着能够站起来继续说话。)”、“Whitebard charts have suffered a swifter reverse. (白板图表遭遇了更快的逆转。)”可知,文章主要讲述了办公室经历了巨大的变化,让企业家们仿佛在考古。所以“The Archaelgy f the Office(办公室考古)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选B。
    It is easy t be dubtful abut annuncements f drugs that claim t slw the prgress f Alzheimers, the mst cmmn frm f dementia (痴呆). A new drug called Lecanemab, hwever, may be the real deal. Results f a clinical trial, cnducted by its makers, Eisai, f Tky, and Bigen, f Cambridge Massachusetts, have just been annunced in the New England Jurnal f Medicine(Nvember; 2022). After18 mnths, it had slwed the prgress f symptms by a quarter.
    The trial invlved 1795 participants wh were in the early stages f the illness. Half received the drug. The thers, a placeb(安慰剂). It shwed tw things. One was the mdest but measurable slwing f prgressin. The ther was that an explanatin f Alzheimers called the Amylid Hypthesis(淀粉样蛋白假说) seems crrect.
    Amylid is a prtein which accumulates in parts f the brains f thse with Alzheimers, which is an established sign f the illness. Lecanemab, cntaining a special antibdy, is fund t be able t attach itself t amylid and then attracts immune-system cells t clear the prtein away (and measurably did s in thse receiving the drug).That suggests amylid des indeed directly create prblems assciated with dementia and that Lecanemab can slw dwn the develpment f the disease.
    This is a small first step. Sme experts questin whether the test used t shw an imprvement in symptms is clinically meaningful because amylid can be detected nly with the help f a piece f expensive equipment, which is nt smething that can easily be turned int a rutine prgram. Mrever, Lecanemab als caused swelling and bleeding f the brain in a number f participants. Nw that the new drug has been shwn t wrk, it can be fllwed up with further tests. Hpe fr mre gd news sn.
    12. What can be learned frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. The public shws cnfidence in new drugs fr Alzheimers.
    B. All participants didn’t receive the new drug.
    C. The new drug had an bvius effect n the participants.
    D. It tk 18 mnths t make the new drug.
    13. The authr explains the effectiveness f the new drug by _______.
    A. illustrating hw the drug interacts with amylid in bdy
    B. describing hw immune-system wrks in detail
    C. making cmparisns between tw grups f participants
    D. quting the cmments f ther scientists
    14. Which f the fllwing is a drawback f the new drug?
    A. It can’t be accessed easily in daily treatment.
    B. It can cause sme side-effects.
    C. It csts t much fr rdinary families.
    D. It needs t be further tested befre its launch.
    15. What des the authr think f Lecanemab?
    A. Reliable.B. Grundbreaking
    C. PrmisingD. Risky.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The trial invlved 1795 participants wh were in the early stages f the illness. Half received the drug The thers, a placeb. It shwed tw things. One was the mdest but measurable slwing f prgressin. The ther was that an explanatin f Alzheimers called the Amylid Hypthesis seems crrect.”(该试验涉及1795名处于疾病早期阶段的参与者。一半人服用药物,另一半人服用安慰剂。这说明了两件事。其中之一是缓慢但可测量的进展。另一个是对阿尔茨海默症的一种解释叫做淀粉样蛋白假说似乎是正确的。)可知,我们可以从前两段中了解到并非所有参与者都服用了这种新药。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Amylid is a prtein which accumulates in parts f the brains f thse with Alzheimers, which is an established sign f the illness. Lecanemab, cntaining a special antibdy, is fund t be able t attach itself t amylid and then attracts immune-system cells t clear the prtein away (and measurably did s in thse receiving the drug). That suggests amylid des indeed directly create prblems assciated with dementia and that Lecanemab can slw dwn the develpment f the disease.”(淀粉样蛋白是阿尔茨海默氏症患者大脑中积聚一种蛋白质,这是该疾病的一个明确迹象。Lecanemab含有一种特殊的抗体,被发现能够附着在淀粉样蛋白上,然后吸引免疫系统细胞将蛋白质清除掉(在接受该药物的患者中确实如此)。这表明淀粉样蛋白确实会直接导致与痴呆症相关的问题,而Lecanemab可以减缓疾病的发展。)可知,作者通过说明药物与体内淀粉样蛋白的相互作用来说明新药的有效性。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Mrever, Lecanemab als caused swelling and bleeding f the brain in a number f participants.”(此外,Lecanemab还导致一些参与者大脑肿胀和出血。)可知,它会引起一些副作用是新药的缺点。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Nw that the new drug has been shwn t wrk, it can be fllwed up with further tests. Hpe fr mre gd news sn.”(既然这种新药已被证明有效,就可以进行进一步的试验了。希望很快会有更多的好消息。)可推知,作者认为Lecanemab是有希望的。故选C项。
    Tips fr nline learning
    Online learning has the same basic elements as face-t-face leaning. The majr difference is that instructin is delivered nline. Many f the strategies fr effective face-t-face learning als apply t nline learning. ___16___Here are sme strategies we recmmend.
    Create space t learn. Invest smetime t understand yur needs and preferences as a leaner, and what an effective study envirnment lks like fr yu. Fr example, yu might need a quiet place t study r yu might need t listen t classical music. Cnsider what equipment yu might need. Wherever yu study, try t minimize distractins. ___17___
    Manage yur time effectively. Spend sme time getting familiar with yur nline curses, understanding what is expected f yu, mapping ut key due dates, and planning study time.___18___Research shws that learners gain mre infrmatin if they spread their study ver multiple days r sessins. Make sure yur rutine wrks with yur ther cmmitments s yu’re mre likely t stick t it.
    ___19___Just as with face-t-face learning, mental energy cunts: take time t reflect n whether yu have understd the materials, try t remember and srt the infrmatin yu have learned t aid memry test yur understanding, mix different cncepts and skills int the same study sessin t build cnnectins and fluencies, ask questins, participate in class discussins, and try teaching cncepts t thers.
    Ask fr assistance! In an nline leaning envirnment, yu may need t ask lts f questins and take wnership ver shaping the leaning experience s that it meets yur needs.___20___
    Finally, if yu’re facing specific challenges such as illness, mental health, accessibility, balancing childcare respnsibilities, etc., it’s imprtant fr yu t reach ut t yur instructrs r the relevant student supprt services fr discussin and creative prblem-slving.
    A. Regularly reflect n the curse materials.
    B. Actively engage with what yu have learnt.
    C. A cnsistent rutine will help yu stay n track.
    D. Hwever, nline learning may require sme additinal skills t be successful.
    E. At the end f the week, reflect n hw yu did, and adjust yur rutine as required.
    F. This might mean asking yur instructrs r peers fr help, r attending study grups.
    G. Wrk with yur rmmates r family t create bundaries s yu can stay fcused.
    【答案】16. D 17. G 18. C 19. B 20. F
    根据空前“Many f the strategies fr effective face-t-face learning als apply t nline learning. (许多有效的面对面学习策略也适用于在线学习。)”以及空后“Here are sme strategies we recmmend. (这是我们推荐的一些策略。)”可知,作者认为面对面学习的策略也适用于在线学习,但是下文还是推荐了一些在线学习策略,由此判断,空处应略有转折。选项D“Hwever, nline learning may require sme additinal skills t be successful. (然而,在线学习可能需要一些额外的技能才能成功。)”承上启下,符合上下文内容。故选D。
    根据段首两句“Create space t learn. Invest smetime t understand yur needs and preferences as a leaner, and what an effective study envirnment lks like fr yu. (创造学习空间。花点时间来了解自己作为一个学习者的需求和喜好,以及一个有效的学习环境对你来说是什么样的。)”可知,本段主要介绍的策略是要创造适合自己的学习空间。选项G“Wrk with yur rmmates r family t create bundaries s yu can stay fcused. (和你的室友或家人一起划定界限,这样你就可以集中注意力。)”与上文内容一致,也是建议读者要和室友、家人一起创建良好学习空间。故选G。
    根据下文“Research shws that learners gain mre infrmatin if they spread their study ver multiple days r sessins. Make sure yur rutine wrks with yur ther cmmitments s yu’re mre likely t stick t it.(研究表明,如果学习者把他们学习分散在几天或几节课上,他们会获得更多的信息。确保你的日常工作与你的其他保证相一致,这样你就更有可能坚持下去。)”可知,下文提到了如何才能坚持自己的学习计划。选项C“A cnsistent rutine will help yu stay n track.(有规律的作息能帮你坚持下去。)”与下文内容一致。故选C。
    空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Just as with face-t-face learning, mental energy cunts: take time t reflect n whether yu have understd the materials, try t remember and srt the infrmatin yu have learned t aid memry test yur understanding, mix different cncepts and skills int the same study sessin t build cnnectins and fluencies, ask questins, participate in class discussins, and try teaching cncepts t thers. (就像面对面学习一样,精神能量也很重要:花时间反思你是否理解了材料,试着记住和分类你学过的信息来帮助记忆,测试你的理解,将不同的概念和技能混合到同一个学习过程中来建立联系,使之流畅,提出问题,参与课堂讨论,并尝试向他人教授概念。)”可知,本段主要建议读者对自己所学的知识要学会运用。选项B“Actively engage with what yu have learnt.(积极运用所学知识。)”与下文内容一致。故选B。
    根据上文“Ask fr assistance! In an nline learning envirnment, yu may need t ask lts f questins and take wnership ver shaping the learning experience s that it meets yur needs.(寻求帮助!在在线学习的环境中,你可能需要问很多问题,并掌握塑造学习体验的主导权,以满足你的需求。)”可知,本段主要建议读者要学会求助。选项F“This might mean asking yur instructrs r peers fr help, r attending study grups.(这可能意味着向你的导师或同学寻求帮助,或参加学习小组。)”与上文内容一致,也是建议读者要学会求助。故选F。
    Misty Cpeland spends mst days twisting, spinning and ___21___. She practices and ___22___ the graceful mvements f her art. When she isn’t perfrming she is practicing. When she isn’t practicing, she is stretching. She takes classes almst every day. She takes care f her bdy s she desn’t ___23___ it when she ges t wrk in a ballet theatre.
    “I treat my bdy with the respect that any musician wuld t their ___24___.” says Misty. “I lve my bdy,” she adds.
    Was she ___25___ cnfident? Actually, she was a ___26___ girl and avided the sptlight. But Misty lved music and mvement. When she was thirteen, Misty’s teacher suggested she ___27___ a free ballet class at the Bys&Girls Club. Fr tw weeks, Misty sat n the gym bench watching the class, afraid t ___28___. Finally, she gave it a ___29___. At first, she felt ____30____in the class. She didn’t knw anything abut ballet, and she was ____31____ than mst f the students. Over time, ____32____, she began t enjy the lessns. She discvered that her bdy — especially her lng legs and flexible muscles — was just ____33____ fr ballet. After the class seasn ended, Misty received a schlarship t a nearby dance studi. Mst ballerinas (女舞者) start their training much yunger than thirteen. But Misty’s natural abilities and hard wrk made her imprve quickly.
    Over the next five years, ballet was Misty’s ____34____. She practiced, perfrmed, cmpeted and attended ballet prgrams. “Perfrming was my favurite part because I felt ____35____ and pen nstage,” she says. “Fr the first time in my life, I felt like I belnged.”
    21 A. wanderingB. leapingC. exercisingD. dancing
    22. A. perfectsB. cnquersC. examinesD. describes
    23. A. hurtB. injureC. spilD. abuse
    24. A. appearanceB. viceC. techniquesD. instruments
    25. A. fundB. madeC. brnD. trained
    26. A. humbleB. quietC. cautiusD. shy
    27. A. attendB. registerC. learnD. watch
    28. A. stand upB. catch upC. cut inD. jin in
    29. A. restB. chanceC. tryD. thught
    30. A. ut f placeB. ut f rderC. ut f mindD. ut f cntrl
    31. A. yungerB. lderC. tallerD. shrter
    32. A. meanwhileB. hweverC. mreverD. thus
    33. A. readyB. gdC. rightD. qualified
    34. A. lifeB. majrC. prspectD. stage
    35 A. imprvedB. calmC. freeD. secure
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Misty Cpeland的芭蕾舞团梦之旅,除了天赋以外,她的刻苦努力也是成功的一个重要因素之一。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Misty Cpeland大部分时间都在扭动、旋转和跳跃。A. wandering流浪;B. leaping跳跃;C. exercising锻炼;D. dancing跳舞。根据下文“She takes care f her bdy s she desn’t ___3___ it when she ges t wrk in a ballet theatre.”可知,Misty Cpeland在努力练习舞蹈,此处指扭动、旋转和跳跃。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她练习和完善她的艺术优美的动作。A. perfects完善;B. cnquers征服;C. examines检查;D. describes描述。根据下文“When she isn’t perfrming she is practicing. When she isn’t practicing, she is stretching. She takes classes almst every day.”及常识可知,Misty Cpeland不断地练习,是为了完善自己的舞蹈动作。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她很注意自己的身体,以免在去芭蕾舞剧院工作时伤害到自己的身体。A. hurt伤害;B. injure使受伤;C. spil破坏;D. abuse滥用。根据上文“She takes care f her bdy”可知,她很注意自己的身体,是为了避免伤害到自己的身体。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我对待我的身体就像任何音乐家对待他们的乐器一样。”Misty说。A. appearance外观;B. vice声音;C. techniques技术;D. instruments乐器。根据上文“musician”可知,此处指音乐家们的乐器。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她天生自信吗?A. fund发现;B. made制造;C. brn出生;D. trained培训。根据下文“Actually, she was a ___6___ girl and avided the sptlight.”可知,此处在问她天生就自信吗。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,她是一个害羞的女孩,回避聚光灯。A. humble谦逊的;B. quiet安静的;C. cautius谨慎的;D. shy害羞的。根据下文“avided the sptlight”可知,事实上,她是一个害羞的女孩。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:13岁时,Misty的老师建议她参加男孩女孩俱乐部的免费芭蕾课。A. attend参加;B. register登记;C. learn学习;D. watch观看。根据下文“a free ballet class at the Bys&Girls Club”可知,此处指参加课程。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:整整两个星期,Misty都坐在体育馆的长凳上看这门课,不敢加入其中。A. stand up起立;B. catch up追赶; C. cut in切入;D. jin in加入。根据上文“Fr tw weeks, Misty sat n the gym bench watching the class”可知,Misty仅仅是观看,不敢加入其中。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,她试了一下。A. rest休息;B. chance机会;C. try尝试;D. thught思想。根据上文“Fr tw weeks, Misty sat n the gym bench watching the class”和下文“At first, she felt ___10___in the class.”可知,最后,她试了一下。故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:一开始,她觉得在班里格格不入。A. ut f place格格不入;B. ut f rder发生故障;C. ut f mind心不在焉;D. ut f cntrl失控。根据下文“She didn’t knw anything abut ballet”可知,她对芭蕾一无所知,所以感到格格不入。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她对芭蕾一无所知,而且她比大多数学生都大。A. yunger更年轻的;B. lder年龄更大的;C. taller更高的;D. shrter更短的。根据下文“Mst ballerinas (女舞者) start their training much yunger than thirteen.”可知,大多数芭蕾舞演员在13岁之前就开始训练了,她13岁才参加训练,所以她比大多数学生都大。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,随着时间的推移,她开始喜欢上这些课程了。A. meanwhile同时;B. hwever然而;C. mrever此外;D. thus因此。根据上文“At first, she felt ___10___in the class. She didn’t knw anything abut ballet”及下文“she began t enjy the lessns”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,应用转折副词。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她发现她的身体——尤其是她的长腿和灵活的肌肉——正好适合跳芭蕾。A. ready准备就绪的;B. gd好的;C. right合适的;D. qualified合格的。根据下文“especially her lng legs and flexible muscles”及“After the class seasn ended, Misty received a schlarship t a nearby dance studi.”可知,她发现她的身体正好适合跳芭蕾。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的五年里,芭蕾是Misty的生活。A. life生活;B. majr专业;C. prspect前景;D. stage阶段。根据下文“She practiced, perfrmed, cmpeted and attended ballet prgrams.”及“Fr the first time in my life, I felt like I belnged.”可知,此处指芭蕾已成为Misty的生活。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“表演是我最喜欢的部分,因为我在台上感到自由和开放,”她说。A. imprved改进过的;B. calm平静的;C. free自由的;D. secure安全的。根据下文“Fr the first time in my life, I felt like I belnged.”可知,她在台上感到自由和开放。故选C。
    The artists f Dafen can paint like Van Ggh
    The village f Dafen was nce thught ____36____ (prduce) the mst il paintings in the wrld every year. ____37____ (recgnize) as the “wrld’s art factry”, Dafen impressed visitrs with its many wrkshps, in which painters created mck masterpieces by Van Ggh, Mnet and Warhl. But the village was always seen mre as a prductin line ____38____ a place f culture. Tday the future f Dafen may depend n ____39____ it is able t earn respect f the art wrld.
    Things started t change fr Dafen in 2008, ____40____ the glbal financial crisis cut dwn verseas rders. With mre demand ____41____ (cme) frm dmestic market, artists began painting different subjects. New custmers preferred Chinese styles, says ____42____ painter in Dafen. He learnt the art f Shan Shui which invlves representing natural landscapes. In sme ways Dafen reflected the brader ecnmy. As exprts start t decline as a share f GDP, dmestic ____43____ (cnsume) plays a larger rle in driving grwth.
    China is the wrld’s secnd-largest art market. ____44____ it is nt clear where Dafen fits in. Li Jinghu, an artist frm nearby Dngguan, ften visits the village hping t discver new talent. But lcals say the demand fr their paintings ____45____ (decline) in the past tw pandemic-struck years. “Mst peple wuld prbably be surprised that Dafen still exists. It des and it will,”says Lisa Mvius, a writer in Shanghai wh cvers art.
    【答案】36. t prduce
    37. Recgnized
    38. than 39. whether
    40. when 41. cming
    42. a 43. cnsumptin
    44. But 45. has declined
    考查不定式。句意:大芬村曾被认为是世界上每年生产油画最多的村庄。分析句子可知,此处是固定搭配be thught t d sth.,意为“被认为做某事”。故填t prduce。
    考查名词。句意:随着出口占GDP的比重开始下降,国内消费在推动经济增长方面发挥着更大的作用。分析句子可知,形容词dmestic (国内的)后接名词,不可数名词cnsumptin作主语。故填cnsumptin。
    考查动词时态。句意:但当地人表示,在过去疫情肆虐的两年里,对他们画作的需求有所下降。分析句子可知,根据时间状语in the past tw pandemic-struck years (在过去疫情肆虐的两年里),谓语动词decline应使用现在完成时,主语the demand fr their paintings抽象概念,谓语单数形式。故填has declined。
    46. 假设你是李华,本周末你校将要举办以“乡土中国(Rural China)”为主题的摄影展,请你写一封邮件给交换生James,邀请他来参观这次展览,内容包括:
    1. 展览的时间和地点;2. 展览的内容和意义。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    【答案】Dear James,
    News cmes that a phtgraphy exhibitin n “Rural China” is scheduled fr this weekend in students’ center. I’m writing t invite yu t visit it.
    As is advertised, there will be mre than 150 exhibits, mst f which recrd and present the unique charm f the landscape as well as traditins in the cuntryside. Thus, the exhibitin serves as a platfrm, especially fr smene s fnd f Chinese culture like yu, t learn mre abut the village life and flk culture in China.
    This is abslutely a great pprtunity yu can’t miss. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本文是应用文。假设你是李华,本周末你校将要举办以“乡土中国(Rural China)”为主题的摄影展,请你写一封邮件给交换生James,邀请他来参观这次展览,内容包括:1. 展览的时间和地点;2. 展览的内容和意义。
    参观:visit→pay a visit t
    原句:Thus, the exhibitin serves as a platfrm, especially fr smene s fnd f Chinese culture like yu, t learn mre abut the village life and flk culture in China.
    拓展句:Thus, the exhibitin serves as a platfrm, especially fr smene wh is s fnd f Chinese culture like yu, t learn mre abut the village life and flk culture in China.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】News cmes that a phtgraphy exhibitin n “Rural China” is scheduled fr this weekend in students’ center. (运用了that引导的同位语从句)
    【高分句型2】As is advertised, there will be mre than 150 exhibits, mst f which recrd and present the unique charm f the landscape as well as traditins in the cuntryside.(运用了as引导的定语从句和介词+关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    April Fls’ Day
    Nat wke early and jumped ut f bed. Tday was the best day f the year fr him. Nat lved t play tricks, and tday was April Fls’ Day.
    Sme f Nat’s tricks were big hits. Last year, he shrt-sheeted his sister’s bed. She culdn’t understand what was ging n and started t think that her legs must have grwn much lnger during the day. When she realized what had happened, she laughed her head ff.
    Sme f Nat’s tricks were nt s successful. Mm didn’t think finding a furry ty muse in the fridge was humrus at all. After she calmed dwn a bit, she said, “That’s it! There’s a ban n Nat tricks fr tw weeks.”
    Nat was als the class clwn. He was always making jkes in class. He liked it when he made the ther kids laugh. Since it was April Fls’ Day, he felt like he had t cme up with smething really gd t prvide his classmates with sme really gd entertainment.
    Fr that, Nat thught lng and hard befre he came up with his brilliant idea. He bught tw ty frgs which were made ut f green plastic and lked very realistic. Nat knew just the trick he wuld play n his classmates.
    Nat arrived at schl early. T succeed in his plan, he needed t get int the classrm befre anyne else. Nat’s class had a rainfrest terrarium (饲养皿). It had plants, insects, and three frgs in it. Nat’s idea was t pretend that the frgs had escaped. He knew that Ms. Lpez, his teacher, wasn’t afraid f frgs but several f his classmates, including himself, were.
    Nat slipped int the classrm. Gd! There was nbdy here. He put ne f the ty frgs n the flr, near the terrarium and the ther n his friend Stacey’s desk. Nat knew that Stacey really didn’t nt like frgs. Als, she played a great trick n him last April Fls’ Day. T make his trick mre cnvincing, Nat pushed the lid f the terrarium pen. Then he rushed ff t mrning gathering.
    When the students gt back t class, n ne nticed the ty frgs at first.
    Nat realized that he had pened the lid f the terrarium.
    【答案】ne pssible versin
    When the students gt back t class, n ne nticed the frgs at first. Then Stacey, wh finally nticed the frg, screamed and pinted at her desk. The whle class explded. A cuple f ther kids leapt ut f their seats and shrieked while the rest were laughing and banging their desks. Nat was feeling very pleased with himself. His trick was definitely a success. But he knew he had t hide his glee. He pretended that he was wrking and reached ut fr a piece f paper. It was then that smething cld and wet slithered past his fingers. It was a frg-a real ne!
    Nat realized that he had pened the terrarium. Suddenly, there came a lud crak frm under his chair. Nat almst jumped ut f his skin with fright. Nw he became the laughingstck f the class. What scared him even mre was the nly persn wh remained serius-Ms. Lpez. She calmly walked dwn the aisle, scped up the frg and put it back int the terrarium. Then she came t Nat’s side, seemingly waiting fr his cnfessin. Nat felt his face burning and aplgized t Ms Lpez. He als prmised t be cnsiderate frm then n.
    ②.大叫:scream/ shut
    ③.知道:knw/be aware f
    ①.满意的:pleased / satisfied
    ②.喜悦:glee / pleasure/jy
    [高分句型1]. Then Stacey, wh finally nticed the frg, screamed and pinted at her desk.(运用了关系代词wh引导的非限制性定语从句。)
    [高分句型2]. He pretended that he was wrking and reached ut fr a piece f paper.(运用了that引导的宾语从句。)
    [高分句型3]. What scared him even mre was the nly persn wh remained serius-Ms. Lpez.(运用了连接代词what引导的主语从句和关系代词wh引导的限制性定语从句。)
    听力答案:1—5 CBABC 6—10 BACCC 11—15 ABACB 16—20 ABABA

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